Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:01):
This is Big Boys Neighborhood Full show episode podcast, Big
Boy Neighborhood.
Speaker 2 (00:06):
Annie is up in here? What up, Honnie? Answer?
Speaker 3 (00:11):
Speaker 4 (00:11):
Cardigi made a confession and she said she will never
ever do this again.
Speaker 5 (00:16):
Never ever drink again. I will never pray for me. Wait,
I'm still drunk. I would never drink again.
Speaker 6 (00:37):
I remember windows used to be private moments. Oh my gosh.
Speaker 4 (00:43):
She was celebrating her thirty second birthday. Shout out to
all the levers out there. But while she had posted
this video on her life, people went back and posted
all the videos of her taking a Hennessy to the head.
Speaker 2 (00:58):
Is that from the birthday night?
Speaker 7 (01:00):
Speaker 5 (01:01):
Here ever drinking? Drink again?
Speaker 6 (01:10):
I'm mad at it.
Speaker 2 (01:11):
You know she was that you knew because you went
on social media.
Speaker 4 (01:15):
Exactly and she's doing exactly what we all do. Big
I've gotten up in the morning before we to hangover.
I'm like, I'm never doing this again. I swear to God,
just please make me feel better.
Speaker 6 (01:22):
Right now, I eat bad. I'm like, so never again, man,
never again. Monday, I'm starting to.
Speaker 3 (01:32):
Speaker 2 (01:32):
Son, Wait where we're going?
Speaker 3 (01:34):
Speaker 8 (01:34):
Speaker 4 (01:35):
And think That's why I love Cardi B. She's so
relatable and she doesn't hide it. And honestly, she looked
like a mess when she went on her Instagram live.
Her hair was everywhere, looked like she didn't even take
her makeup off, which all girls know. That's a no no.
That means you're drunk, you're tore.
Speaker 6 (01:46):
Up, it's all bad.
Speaker 4 (01:48):
I love that she's admitting that she's never ever doing.
Speaker 6 (01:50):
It again, right, Yeah, but people say that all the time.
I never drink again or think about it. You just
had a baby, so it was her birthday. Baby finally
get a chance to drink again. Yeah, man, Yeah, and
you know, of course, carrying a baby, you know you
got to you gotta shut it down, exactly.
Speaker 4 (02:06):
She was so deprived all those months.
Speaker 6 (02:08):
Speaker 4 (02:08):
We also asked this question on social media, and it
turns out a lot of people have like a lot
of crazy stories about being drunk.
Speaker 6 (02:14):
When somebody actually answered many answers. Our neighbors have been
drunk before already. I'll stick around, y'all radios, big boy neighbors.
Speaker 8 (02:22):
But you knew this is big Boy on demand, Big
Boy neighborhood.
Speaker 6 (02:27):
Honnie is up in here, whatever, Honnie Monny. We were
speaking on Cardi b beinging for her birthday thirty second birthday, man,
and she did one of those videos after you drink where.
Speaker 5 (02:36):
Never ever drink again, I would never pray for me.
Speaker 2 (02:41):
People never heard that before.
Speaker 6 (02:42):
You know what I'm saying.
Speaker 2 (02:43):
No one has ever.
Speaker 6 (02:44):
Said that, so big.
Speaker 4 (02:45):
We asked our neighbors too, like when was that time
you got really drunk? And this is what Angelo.
Speaker 7 (02:49):
Said, a big boys ancelot.
Speaker 9 (02:51):
The last time I remember, I was over in Vegas
and was prepping up for my bachelor party. So it
was me and my two brothers were in the hotel,
were taking here shots and we started doing push ups,
so that's elevating everything.
Speaker 7 (03:03):
And we go on ready for a night in the town.
Speaker 9 (03:07):
We're up in the escalator and I just throw up
and run straight into a wall and I think I
had signs of a concussion.
Speaker 7 (03:14):
So they called it.
Speaker 9 (03:15):
DMT, asking if I wanted to get in the ambulance,
and I'm like, no, we're good, We're all right, We'll
just have home.
Speaker 7 (03:20):
We just sleep it off or whatever.
Speaker 9 (03:22):
And next thing I remember is I'm just eating McDonald's
right on the floor of the strip of Las Vegas. Yeah,
that's a crazy one, I know.
Speaker 6 (03:30):
Hey, man, he got a very warped night for his
bachelor party. Sound like he didn't make it, but it
must have went somewhere if he was on the floor.
Eat McDonald That is so scary to me. Yeah, no
tailing what happened. No tailing what happened, bro.
Speaker 4 (03:42):
And then we had Carlos also. You know, he told
us what happened, but then he gave some advice for
what you should do.
Speaker 10 (03:48):
Hello, good morning, big boy and big boys neighborhood. My
name is Carlos, And uh, what happened when I drink
too much is I woke up super hung over the
next morning.
Speaker 6 (03:58):
But I got a cure for the hango over.
Speaker 10 (04:00):
Go get some Mexican food and get the spiciest hot
sauce they have and dump it all on your food,
and I guarantee that you will think me later the
hangover will be gone automatically.
Speaker 6 (04:13):
Thank you, guys. I love you guys. Keep doing your thing.
Speaker 2 (04:16):
Does that work?
Speaker 6 (04:17):
Jesus? Does that work? The hot spicy Yeah, for a
little bit.
Speaker 3 (04:21):
You can.
Speaker 6 (04:23):
Set it out say you'll thank him later, man, But
if you later on that, I don't know what thanks
you'll get.
Speaker 11 (04:30):
Speaker 6 (04:31):
Regretting it.
Speaker 2 (04:31):
It's like you're replacing one with the other.
Speaker 6 (04:33):
You know how you hear these prescription of a way
to be, Like you trying to get rid of one
thing and they give you seven other things that you
gotta worry about.
Speaker 2 (04:41):
Yeah, yeah, that's not like that.
Speaker 6 (04:43):
The one that I never understood it was my uncle
will be like, we called it drink more.
Speaker 2 (04:47):
Yeah, and I'm like, that's called alcoholism.
Speaker 6 (04:50):
That's what it's all. That's what it's called. Don't you
do the more? So everybody got a cure, everybody got
a remedy. I only got drunk once in my life,
and I use what everybody else did. I got my
new though. I did everything, bring it all. Yeah, it
was bad, y'all. Sticking around, y'all. Radios Big Boys Neighborhood.
Speaker 1 (05:07):
You're checking out another full show episode a Big Boy's
Neighborhood on demand.
Speaker 6 (05:13):
Big Boy Neighborhood has supported us up in here, man.
And hey, Sue's you know, hey, she never did radio
like as a gig. And that's why I'm telling her
sometime like, Hey, Sue's save it for the air, you
know what I'm saying, Save this for the air. But
he was talking about like his family and technology, bro,
And there's so many people. That's just like your family,
though I don't know why they're so afraid. My mom
is like freaking out. She's watching these in the news.
She's like, don't don't say anything because I won't. They
can hear you, Alexa, she's me, she's noisy. And then
she's like, we're watching the news and she was watching that,
uh Tesla is coming out with these robots, which I
was like that, this is cool, you know, we're moving on.
And then she's.
Speaker 2 (05:51):
Freaking out because they got to take our jobs.
Speaker 6 (05:54):
I'm like, all of a sudden, it all about the rights,
like we need our rights, we need our rights.
Speaker 2 (05:58):
We're here verse hey man.
Speaker 6 (05:59):
But when you look at that, if you're not someone
that's text savvy, then that is a situation, right, the
robo taxis and everything. Man. My mom is like watching
eye robot and she feels like the gonna attack us.
You got to wake up. And my dad too. My
dad too, He's like, they're gonna they're coming for us.
Cool and terminator, terminator, man, let me tell you they
may not be too far off. What I don't know, dude,
something like that, Hey, dude, but let me tell you, man,
Like my wife had had a Tesla, right, uh huh,
and as long as she had a tesla that she
never did that automatic dry.
Speaker 2 (06:33):
Oh man, I don't trust it. I could never do that.
Speaker 6 (06:37):
Speaker 12 (06:38):
I was in the car with one of my buddies
who had that and that option, and I'm like, bro,
put your hand on the street.
Speaker 6 (06:42):
Yeah. Man, I was rolling on the freeway. And it's
probably freak your parents out too. Man, I was rolling
on the freeway and somebody was rolling next to me
and they were knocked out. Oh that's a scary. Look.
Speaker 3 (06:53):
Speaker 6 (06:53):
Man, my dad is afraid of everything. He didn't even
put his email on the phone because he's like, no, no, no,
they're trying to they're trying to take my life. I
don't know. I'm like, they're relaxed, U or your family members?
Are they on like Facebook and stuff like that. I
don't know what's happened. That's what happened. They don't even
trust normal like Facebook. A man, even What's App? I
haven't figured that out yet. How can what's app be free? Yeah?
Speaker 12 (07:15):
Well it's the only apption where you send something and
like it's encryptos.
Speaker 6 (07:18):
You can't like nobody can really.
Speaker 4 (07:20):
Don't, So they can have lost it recently and then
they backtracked or something that. Oh not everything is that?
Speaker 6 (07:25):
The My thing is, man, I come from like home phones,
cell phones? Is that when people just get like calling
cards and call back? How do you have an app
where these calls are free? Exactly?
Speaker 2 (07:39):
That's I can't figure that out yet.
Speaker 13 (07:40):
Speaker 6 (07:40):
Yeah, my dad is very sneak. He doesn't trust anything
that the government.
Speaker 3 (07:43):
I don't know.
Speaker 6 (07:43):
I don't trust them. You can't trust it.
Speaker 2 (07:45):
You don't know who they are. I'm like, but yeah,
you came here illegally.
Speaker 6 (07:49):
How that makes sense? Make it makes sense? But he
owned something.
Speaker 2 (07:52):
But y'all stick around, y'all. Radios Big Boys.
Speaker 1 (07:55):
Big Boys Neighborhood on demand, Full show episodes posted daily.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel big Boy TV for more.
Check out Radio big Boy dot com.
Speaker 6 (08:06):
Phone Tap on the t's right here, Big Boy Neighborhood
to make it all. Hello, Hey, Hello, ask.
Speaker 14 (08:30):
Me to I'm not here right now.
Speaker 6 (08:33):
Can I take a message. This is Luther Loufe from
Luther Star Child Productions, and I was just calling to
go over a couple of things with him for the
documentary for the shoot for What Shoot? Are you one
of the residents there I live. Are you familiar with
American horror stories? Yeah, we're not horror stories, we're American
horrible stories.
Speaker 15 (08:49):
What happened here that you think you're going to be filming?
Speaker 6 (08:52):
You know four people were actually slaughtered at that residence?
Speaker 13 (08:55):
Speaker 3 (08:56):
Speaker 15 (08:57):
Could they disclose that to me before I move in here?
Speaker 16 (09:00):
Like that's kind of messed up?
Speaker 6 (09:01):
Well, you know, I'm not on the least, but from
what I know with all of thesive research that we've
done here on American Horrible Stories, is that the restaurant
down the street, you know, the soup kitchen down the street.
Rumor has it that the bodies were sold there down
at the restaurant and they were turned into soup. So
that's just what I'm here. That's another day. Go to
your hall of records and.
Speaker 1 (09:23):
Just checking another full show episode.
Speaker 6 (09:27):
Do the documentary because I also want to have your story.
Speaker 15 (09:31):
I don't know about this.
Speaker 6 (09:33):
Who's in and room sea or something like that? Area CE.
You're in Area C, because that's what Darius was beheaded at.
Speaker 15 (09:40):
I gotta get onto the phone right now.
Speaker 6 (09:41):
I need it. If you can where and just show
us where the kitchen is at because I know that
the actual the knives and right now, why are you
so upset? Hunt?
Speaker 2 (09:51):
Please please, we're doing American Horrible that you.
Speaker 15 (09:54):
Called me today and I need to start packing myself
out of my dog is there.
Speaker 6 (09:57):
You must have some kind of psychic ability, because I
gotta go alrighty well, I'll see you tomorrow night when
we're here to shoot American Horrible Stories, Stories, stories, stories, stories, stories,
story Stories Stories It Mickey Fiki makes DJ quest is
up in here? What I'm questified? What's good? Maintain and
doing a damn thing? And once again that's what we
got coming up in the Mickey Ficky is my brethren
check it out Big I got that doja category of hills.
Also got Glorilla tg IF coming up in the ninety
two minute commercial Free Mickey Ficky minus All.
Speaker 2 (10:27):
Right, Mickey Fiky mikes DJ quest up in here.
Speaker 1 (10:29):
Big Boys Neighborhood Bit The Boys Neighborhood on demand.
Speaker 8 (10:33):
For more, subscribe to our YouTube channel, big Boy TV,
and check out Radio big Boy dot Com Big Boy Neighborhood.
Speaker 6 (10:40):
Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood.
Speaker 2 (10:41):
Louis g is up in here. What I blued all.
Speaker 6 (10:43):
Talk about from the neighborhood Nicki minaj Man. She wrapped up.
She said the same thing about us. I'm gonna Mickey
really likes anymore true doc.
Speaker 12 (10:53):
But you know, she just wrapped up her Peak Friday tour,
which was went worldwide technically broke Oh yeah everywhere with
ther Bro we saw months ago.
Speaker 6 (11:01):
Man, That's why when they say she did it finale,
I was like, damn she she did a hell of
a run.
Speaker 12 (11:05):
Yeah, she she did a queen spot and the best
thing about it is that she brought out none other
than fifty seven.
Speaker 3 (11:15):
I hear it, queen.
Speaker 6 (11:25):
Ay man, he can perform this. Butever, Yeah, when we
saw him come out with fessl Blum, when I brought
him out in Las Vegas, I'm sorry the weather were
like fifties.
Speaker 7 (11:36):
She was like, for what?
Speaker 6 (11:37):
And then when he brought him out Doug.
Speaker 12 (11:38):
He's been doing a lot of like appearances, like, yeah,
he's the artist that a lot of people go to,
like come through to my show.
Speaker 6 (11:43):
Yeah. Man, it's like there's a few that you would use. Yeah,
and best of Pluma oh snep doll. You know what
I'm saying, that's one that you use and also fifty
when when you hear this, yeah, a man. He killed that,
So shout out to Nicki minaj Man and sixty Ray
came out as well.
Speaker 3 (11:58):
Speaker 4 (12:00):
She also brought skill baby out.
Speaker 2 (12:01):
Yeah, man, I ain't mad at her man and she
closed that out at home.
Speaker 6 (12:04):
Speaker 12 (12:05):
Did you see how she brought her husband up on
stage at one of the concerts and gave him a
lap dance? Oh no, he was just chilling there, And
I'm just like, there's a lot of booty right now.
If he used to it yet, yeah, right, want my
wife for twenty years And I'm like, whoa.
Speaker 6 (12:20):
Yeah, he can't be used to it, you can. Was
just looking at her for a second. I was like, damn, bro,
you gotta pick o. You got kid booty in front?
Man some more facial expression or up. That's one of
them things when you stand up, you gotta put a
towel inn you gotta pull your shugar down. He stayed
a while.
Speaker 2 (12:38):
Yeah, she go back into another song.
Speaker 6 (12:40):
You're still sitting there, like, man, I can't stand up
recording right now. You know what I'm saying. My jeans
are two inches off my shoes right there. Believe that.
Shout OUTSCSS Tourteine to.
Speaker 2 (12:51):
Hang out with us. In the neighborhood, Big Boy's neighborhood.
Speaker 1 (12:54):
This is Big Boy's neighborhood on demand, Big Boy neighborhood.
Speaker 2 (12:57):
Hayesus is up in here, hatesus?
Speaker 3 (12:59):
How did your.
Speaker 6 (13:01):
A year and ten months?
Speaker 13 (13:02):
Speaker 6 (13:02):
Man, yeah, you're about to have a two year old?
Two year old? Man, I'm excited to amen. Yeah.
Speaker 2 (13:08):
People say terrible too. Yeah, man, you gonna be terrible ones.
Speaker 6 (13:11):
Dude, I can't handle the man. Hey man, what kind
of pops are you though? Are you like very hands of?
Do you change diapers? Yeah? You sleeve change diapers all that. Man,
I just noticed that. It's like, I think I might
be a different dad than how my dad was more
hands on. Definitely what I'm wondering you're afraid of. It's like,
when it comes to the situation where I have to
protect them, Am I going to be a tough dad?
Am I gonna be a tad who's more responsible? Just
walk away? Learn how to walk away. I feel like
walking away makes me weak. You're talking about like if
someone was messing with your son in the playground and
somebody says something like, you know, you like it's best
to walk away.
Speaker 2 (13:49):
That shows maturity, and I think it's weak. That show
was punk in my house, right, doesn't it.
Speaker 3 (13:54):
Speaker 2 (13:54):
Man, my girl tells me, like, you better not fight
in front of our time.
Speaker 6 (13:57):
Better do you walk away? You know how to be
an adult to take him up? And she walk away
because I'm telling you, hey, Susan, I was waiting on
like a or something like that. Uh huh, like at
a restaurant or something. That's why when kids are out,
kids are kids, right, you know what I'm saying. And
I thought somebody my son went to. Then I went
to the table and I took that dude's hard in
front of his wife. Wow, because she did it. I'm
not gonna argue with her. You're gonna yeah, yeah, control
yeah right. I feel like I wanted. I don't know
if I wanted, but I would be like that because
I also want my son to know I got some hands.
Yeah yeah, yeah man. And I'm telling you it's totally
different when you when you when you when you have
your kids out there, right, yeah man, that's what I'm thinking. Yeah,
I don't know. I mean, I also know I'm not
your dad. My dad, he didn't he was just he
was waiting for someone to say something and he was.
They weren't even talking about us. He just wanted to
fight somebody that it's a mirror. You're drunk, that's a mirror.
But no, it's totally different, bro. Yeah, like when you
have your own kids, that's why I respect other people.
Somebody's kid is crying on the plane or whatever. Yeah,
I know how it is. Kids are gonna be kids exactly.
Just I think was so hypocritical for my dad that, like,
you would get upset when somebody will say something like, oh,
tell that dumb kid, and he'll be like, hey, don't
talk to my son like that. But then he said
worse things to me. Maybe maybe at homes leave with
them that y'all stick around, y'all Radio Big Boy.
Speaker 1 (15:29):
Neighborhood Big Boys Neighborhood on demand, full show episodes posted daily.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel big Boy TV for more.
Check out Radio Big Boy dot Com, Big Boy Neighborhood.
Speaker 6 (15:41):
Louieg is up in here. What up, Low Dog. Let's
talk about food, bro man, my favorite subject. Yeah, man,
So check us out. Dorito's for the first time ever,
is going to open up a restaurant at Crypto dot
Com Arena in Los Angeles. It's called Dorito's after Dark,
and it's gonna have a lot of specialty foods that
combines Dorito's and stuff like that. One of the things
they're gonna have is a Doritle's Flaming Hot Lemon late
Night Rita, so it's a twist on the classic Margharita's
written with Doritle's flaming hot li mo on. This is
total la total hot Cheeto. Girls are gonna be all
over this place anything that has spicy Dorito's, spicy hot
Cheeto anything. Do you do anything hot Cheetos that had
hot Cheetos on it? It was cool, but yeah, man,
I don't do hot Cheetos out the bag anyway though,
Oh yeah dog. So they're also going to offer a
thing called Spicy Sweet Chili Ramen Rito, so it's gonna
be a burrito. It's Asian and text mex cuisine with
grilled chicken and ramen noodles wrapped in a flowered tortilla
with the side of Doritos flaming hot Alioli. Ay man,
why bro, this is insane. It's like a stoner's dream
right here. You don't be sick one of them burritos
Brito top five hundred pound. Yeah, you know what I'm saying.
I would take a bite of that, right, Hey man,
what is this at the bottom? It got cut off,
but it says Dorito's not too cheese something. But it
looked like got ice cream here. Yeah, it's it's called
the nacho Cheese Texas style loaded nachos. It's brisket, barbecue,
sauce and dorito cheese.
Speaker 2 (17:08):
Yeah. Yeah, that sounds like some Textas stuff.
Speaker 12 (17:13):
Yeah, that's the nacho cheese crunch Astick vanilla cone combines
vanilla ice cream, chocolate, brito chip crunchers.
Speaker 6 (17:20):
They got bro sushi, some of these things. I'm like,
all right, dog, are we going over the top? Bro,
It's just exactly gonna be packed. I hate when you
see these things on there. Like the other day, Bro, I.
Speaker 2 (17:31):
Saw social media wonder.
Speaker 6 (17:33):
Yeah, the other day I saw a Mexican restaurant offer
a thorta with five tacos inside the thorta. Who on top? Bro?
I would try that burrito that people make. I'm like,
I'll eat that. That's gross, Brit. That frustrates a lot
of like, like you know what I mean, a lot
of like yeah, like I know that Mexican man said
that frustrate, that's what it is with five tacos in Yeah,
why why.
Speaker 12 (18:10):
The things we don't mean before? But yeah, there's so
many other things out there that's like for what man,
But we'll get into it, man.
Speaker 6 (18:17):
Yeah, Yeah, it's gotta be some things that you feel like, Man,
we don't need this, No, we don't need this. So
we're asked that what is that one food that nobody
asked for? All around, and there's a lot of fusions
going on to yeah, with social media you see and
stuff like, man, y'all just throwing things together now, Yeah,
y'all stick around, y'all.
Speaker 1 (18:35):
Radios Big Boy, Big Boys Neighborhood on demand, Full show
episodes posted daily. Subscribe to our YouTube channel big Boy Tv.
Speaker 8 (18:44):
For more. Check out Radio Big Boy dot Com.
Speaker 6 (18:47):
Big Boy Neighborhood.
Speaker 2 (18:48):
Louisgi is up in here.
Speaker 6 (18:49):
Man. Luigi was talking about how Crypto dot com arena
they're gonna have this like Doritos after dark restaurants drum
and yeah, where it's like so many things Doritos spicy
sweet chili chicken bites read. So Louis is highly upset,
and then Louis speaking about how it is this spot
that got a with five tackles in it. And he
was saying, that's just like disrespectful. Yeah, big time, as
long as that's not Mexican fools.
Speaker 3 (19:14):
That real man.
Speaker 6 (19:16):
So we were just asking in the neighborhood, what is
that food that no one asked for?
Speaker 12 (19:20):
Oh my gosh, when I put it on social media,
so many people hit me back with their own versions.
Speaker 17 (19:23):
But this is Julio from La Honestly, bro, like the
food that nobody really asked for, and I know everybody
canal with me.
Speaker 6 (19:31):
It's Arby's.
Speaker 17 (19:31):
I've never heard anybody the specific topic was like, you know,
different types of foods with like being mixed together. But
in all in all reality, who asked for arby I've
never heard anybody say this little Arby's.
Speaker 6 (19:43):
Bro, how is Arbi still in business?
Speaker 4 (19:45):
Speaker 6 (19:46):
Let me tell you, bro, Let me tell you. I
love it that dude said we were asking for a food.
My man ain't a restaurant, because I'm gonna tell you,
in my years on Earth, I've never had any of
the homies or somebody say, man, let's stop at Arty's.
Speaker 2 (20:03):
You never hear somebody say, man, I'm making them Rby's run.
Speaker 6 (20:07):
Even even Postmates and Grub, but they won't even go
to Arst. Man, there's an Arby's by my kids school
closed down. It looked like them buildings downtown with all
the graffiti on it. Yeah, that's all that's on there now.
Speaker 4 (20:21):
They closed the one by me and put a pizza
spot down Arby's.
Speaker 6 (20:24):
My man said that four Arby's brood, you eat Arby's, haysus.
Speaker 2 (20:29):
Of course not.
Speaker 6 (20:32):
I want to try. He started to eat Arby's like
stopping on their way home, right, Yeah, but they never
missed it. You know what, it takes a cafeteria food. Really,
I love cabeterial food. I don't miss the cafeteria food. Yeah, man,
oh man, listen to Brian here, and.
Speaker 3 (20:46):
What's up, Louis.
Speaker 18 (20:47):
My name is Brian. I'm from Santa Anna. And the
food that I think that you know, just doesn't cut it.
Trying to put it all together is the so called
po pots on his own thoughts are amazing, But once
you start putting them together, I just don't know if
it just comes out to be the same thing. Just
let it be one for one one of the other.
Speaker 6 (21:10):
Hey man, I'm glad, I'm glad he didn't sillable break
that down. I'm glad he said, you imagine to people
all together, poo taco. We got excited for a second
of those things too. But you good, and that sounds
pretty good. Actually think that I would try, Yeah, I
would try to believe that. Y'all stick around y'all radios
Big Boy Neighborhood. Adies, you're find a big boy from
Big Boys Neighborhood on iHeart Radio. We have the most
fun on your radio. Susp is up in here. Hey,
having a kid, you realize a lot of things, like
I know certain things that he's gonna do that I
can't do, like my girl, especially because she was raised
a certain way, like she got to experience like sleepovers,
because we didn't get sleepovers. I had to explain to
my dad what a sleepover was. He couldn't understand the
concept and the way I was saying, Hey, it's Chad's birthday,
can I sleep with chat tonight? Because you want to
sleep with with who? I mean, like its birthday to
sleep over him? And I want to sleep with them too,
And I don't know how. I'm like no, It's like
there's gonna be twelve of us twelve boys. Oh this
guy Hi, the culcumbers bringing, but that doesn't happen. He's
getting funny ideas. This guy I don't know. Thank you
for listening. It is upon a Big Boy Big Boy's Neighborhood.
You can catch more of us right here on iHeartRadio
Big Boys Neighborhood. Luig is up in here what I'm
loot all dog.
Speaker 12 (22:41):
So there was a question on social media that has
like eight thousand responses.
Speaker 6 (22:44):
Bro, and I'm seeing that. I'm like, okay, And the
question is how do you know that you're attractive? Whatever
put this up must be a tracking somebody tell us, Yeah, Doug,
So I'm ringing in the comments. There's so many comments, right,
but a lot of them are like some very obvious
ones like you get compliments a lot, you get a
lot of free stuff. Yeah, you know what I mean.
They know that's because I get complimented, I get free stuff.
But it's definitely about because I'm attracted. Gotcha, you know
what I'm saying. But I'm like, I think it's obvious
that you know you're attractive, Bro, Like, what do you
mean like this? It must be an attractive person who
put this question up, thinking that they're not attractive, but
like you unattractive? You know that? Yeah, you know what
I'm saying. You would not be putting that question up.
Yeah you know that, you know, yeah, dog, like you
know obviously you see these chicks at the at the
clubs and everything like that, Like you know.
Speaker 2 (23:31):
What they those are attracted. They know they know they
give you the look.
Speaker 6 (23:34):
They're always playing with their hair, They're looking around like
you know, like come on and the.
Speaker 2 (23:38):
Other ones has busted.
Speaker 6 (23:39):
They know too.
Speaker 2 (23:40):
Yeah, yeah, you know what You're going to stand right
here line.
Speaker 6 (23:44):
Yeah, but how do you know that you're attracted? Like
you know what I mean? Like it's anybody we can
talk to. Let me tell you. I used to do
you think you attractive? Heyesus to a certain I know
where I'm attractive at. You know what I mean, I
can pull something, you know what I mean. You gotta yeah,
you gotta know, man, I know where I'm attracted at.
Speaker 3 (24:05):
You know what I mean.
Speaker 6 (24:06):
I know I'm attractive at a funeral, like if I'm
standing somebody's in the casket. I'm like, you know what
I mean. I can be attractive at a bar, like
around two A m was walking out. Man, what about you, Honnie?
When do you know you're attractive?
Speaker 4 (24:21):
I got a cool personality.
Speaker 6 (24:23):
You're attractive, honey, especially when you when when you dress
up like different times we're out over the weekend and
I was like, oh, I likely looked like a like
a little yeah, more more confused. Somebody you said, what
do you look like a horror?
Speaker 13 (24:48):
Speaker 6 (24:50):
No, I was like, I was like, no, you just
look different when you dress up. Yeah, as supposed to.
Speaker 2 (24:55):
You know what you look like right now?
Speaker 6 (24:58):
You know what I'm saying.
Speaker 14 (25:00):
Speaker 6 (25:00):
I mean, you know when the show is Harry, you
get that lead excited, you know, but still you got
the mystery continues.
Speaker 2 (25:08):
Just stick are on your radio, Big Boy Neighborhood said.
Speaker 1 (25:11):
Growing up Big Boys Neighborhood on demand, Full show episodes
posted daily. Subscribe to our YouTube channel, big Boy Tv
for more. Check out Radio big Boy dot com.
Speaker 6 (25:24):
Big Boy Neighborhood. All right, now Annie is up in here?
What up, Honie? Oh? Nothing?
Speaker 2 (25:28):
Honest to what you got?
Speaker 3 (25:29):
My love?
Speaker 4 (25:30):
I'm upset.
Speaker 6 (25:30):
I don't.
Speaker 4 (25:32):
I just don't like when people talk badly about j
Cole or criticize him, and Joe Budden is criticizing his
new song for Antonio.
Speaker 7 (25:38):
What do you mean you finally free?
Speaker 19 (25:41):
That dismisses all accountability from the part that he has
played and the Big Three debacles.
Speaker 7 (25:47):
I agree with what do you mean you finally free?
Speaker 19 (25:50):
As if you never wanted parts of the Big Three
conversation that is a loller of crowd.
Speaker 20 (25:55):
He could have wanted parts of that, and the saw
where was going and said I don't want to deal
with by.
Speaker 19 (26:03):
Pop back up and say if I would have, I
could have.
Speaker 7 (26:06):
But then I would have lost. No, not that president
got it?
Speaker 6 (26:11):
Speaker 21 (26:15):
Yeah, he's right, bro, that's that's the line that I
wasn't a bad thing though, No, no, not at all.
Speaker 6 (26:20):
Of course, you want to be a part of the
Big Three until you don't want to be a part
of one hundred.
Speaker 21 (26:23):
Percent and Hip Hop. I feel like it's always been competitive.
It's always been like who's the best MC, who's the
best rapper?
Speaker 6 (26:29):
Speaker 21 (26:29):
And j Cole's up there, And so for him to
come back after bowing out and then just say something like,
you know, I wouldn't have lost the battle, and but
he used that to rhyme with I would have lost
a bro, But still like, we don't know if you
would have lost the battle because you about out what
if it was.
Speaker 6 (26:45):
I wouldn't have lost the battle. Maybe I would have
lost the war. I lost the bro you know what
I'm saying. Like, my thing is this man when he
said that he was out right, it was about his spirituality,
his peace.
Speaker 2 (26:57):
You know.
Speaker 6 (26:57):
That's why as soon as he said it, I understood it,
and I think you guys did too, until he probably
came with his port Antonio also like kind of poking
back at it, you know what I'm saying. But I
understood why he why he came out, and lyrically he
could have been in that yeah, one hundred percent.
Speaker 4 (27:11):
You know I don't like that.
Speaker 6 (27:13):
And he got out and I'm just saying he got
out early and saw something that was coming, just the
same way I was talking to Hayes Suits yesterday. Right.
I know, Hayes Sus has a comedian. There's comedy beef.
But you you choose not to address it, you know
what I'm saying. And you've probably said something and didn't
double and triple down on it the same way. It's
something that you won't address and you're like, you know what,
I'd rather have my piece or I'm not going to
climb off of my throne to go down and have this. Yeah,
but I could be where it's at.
Speaker 21 (27:42):
I think also, like for me, if I was in
a situation like that, whether it's like you're not like
I'm not going, but it's it's like DJB for something
I'm not if I bow out of something, I'm not
gonna go back and be like I would have I could.
Speaker 6 (27:52):
You don't know what I'm saying. You know what I'm saying,
because I've seen what that was about. The goal they
wanted plood, they wanted to make their pockets growth a man,
and that's people. You know what I'm saying, Like, why
do I have to sacrifice me for you? You know
what I'm saying. Oh, he ducked out. He did this Like, no, man,
I ducked out for me. I didn't stay in for you.
I think that's where Cole was at.
Speaker 4 (28:17):
I'm with you.
Speaker 6 (28:18):
You know what I'm saying. Let's get this kind of
d yeah, yeah, yeah, Oh normally he'll win anyway. I'll
stick around, y'all. Radios Big Boys Neighborhood.
Speaker 1 (28:27):
You're checking out another full show episode podcast of Big
Boys Neighborhood.
Speaker 6 (28:33):
Big Boy neighborhood. Alrighty now, Hey Sue, suppovidu is up
in here man? And hey, Sue said, he's getting the
same thing at the house that I've been giving him
in here, Like, man, man, get married.
Speaker 22 (28:43):
You know.
Speaker 2 (28:44):
So I'm gonna stop asking you that question, Yeah, because.
Speaker 6 (28:47):
I'm getting to say the energy at home too. When
are you gonna get married?
Speaker 5 (28:50):
Speaker 6 (28:51):
Has time? You guys have a kid? I mean, come on,
the God is watching? Sound like that?
Speaker 2 (28:57):
Hey, dude, God is watching a.
Speaker 6 (28:58):
Lot god right, And I just noticed that, like, at
least for me, like Latino parents are like La households,
Like there's certain like levels or certain things that they
see in you that makes you qualify to get married.
Like there's certain things like like the women get it
the most right once they don't know how to cook
and clean.
Speaker 2 (29:18):
Guy, she can get married.
Speaker 6 (29:21):
You have that thing where your mom will watch your girl,
like did she make you a plate? Or did she
do this? Oh? Yeah, I've got all the times she's
like I look at you, Yeah, I get married. Look
at she loves you. She really loves you, Like she
just gave me a napkin relaxed and it's cereal? Is
your mom like your girl, like the mother your child,
and yes, but there there are different that they're different though,
Like my girl does not cook. She's not cook but
she how do you feel about that? She's definitely like
oh okay, but I mean it's very easy, it's very
but also she works a lot, like my mom never
really worked like that. She works a lot. So I'm like,
all right, so and you know, there's certain things that
I'm like, I don't put pressure on her to know
that because I'm like, I'll cook. I like, right, yeah,
to me, it's all good, Like I don't really, but
I feel like I don't know if girls are doing
that nowadays, Like I don't know if that's still a thing.
Is it's still a thing that girls need to learn
how to cook and clean for the man and our
guys looking for that because I'm I'm not we're all
like noticing, like they're not really like it's it's different times. Yeah, yeah,
it is right because a lot of my homies are
like with their girls and I'm noticing the cooking now
and I'm like, wait, what what do we've what happened?
But down now it's a problem. If you complain that's
the thing now what you mean? Like, okay, so like
for example, yeah, my mom or for example, yeah, you know,
my mom's seen some of my axes, like damn, they
don't know how to cook or I've never seen her
cook a full meal or whatnot? Right, and then it's
now it's like if you do approach your girl and
like your cook, like why should I have to cook?
Speaker 23 (30:45):
Speaker 6 (30:45):
Yeah, yeah you have to cook for like I work.
I'm just like, oh damn, all right, Well I didn't
know it's gonna get this crazy. I was gonna get attacked. Yeah,
but you know how to pick up a night. Now
it's a problem, complain about it. But yeah, I don't
how to defend them. Those are tough right back.
Speaker 2 (31:02):
Hey man, so are you gonna get married this year?
Speaker 6 (31:05):
Well? Can sweating? Yeah, we're doing next year, twenty twenty five,
all the way live. Believe that y'all. Stick around y'all radios,
Hey suits, let me let me know. So I only
got one to see I need to get out, all right,
I'll let you know, y'all stick around your radios.
Speaker 8 (31:20):
Big Boy neighbor Big Boys Neighborhood on Demand.
Speaker 1 (31:23):
For more, subscribe to our YouTube channel, Big Boy TV
and check out radio big Boy dot Com, Big Boy Neighborhood.
Speaker 6 (31:30):
Let's gonna get into your phone tap on the teams
right here, Big Boys Neighborhood.
Speaker 3 (31:42):
To make it all stick like got got.
Speaker 6 (31:54):
Hello? Who this? If this is your first time getting
live on air with us, you gotta do the key code, coordinate.
Speaker 15 (32:00):
Okay, what do I do?
Speaker 6 (32:01):
Okay? Down?
Speaker 2 (32:02):
Nine two three? Are you there with kids? Right now?
Speaker 24 (32:08):
My friends with me?
Speaker 6 (32:09):
Spell this out and repeat the letter after you do
these P h oh.
Speaker 7 (32:16):
Eight N E T.
Speaker 6 (32:21):
A P. We need months of the year real quick.
Speaker 15 (32:26):
January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December.
Speaker 6 (32:33):
Six plus six equals twelve, twelve plus twelve equals twenty
four pushes in six one zero seven, one zero eight,
one zero nine one zero And do you know what
that is?
Speaker 2 (32:55):
Speaker 6 (32:55):
Sixteen, seventeen, eighteen and nine ten you get No, you
just got phone tapped on the tens.
Speaker 2 (33:06):
You best believe it ain't that what your son in
the background.
Speaker 11 (33:09):
Yeah, you have a five year old, a three year
old and a one year old.
Speaker 23 (33:14):
Speaker 6 (33:14):
Tell all the kids and shut their answers up when
we're talking on the phone.
Speaker 11 (33:17):
Oh my god, I love you.
Speaker 6 (33:19):
You just don't know how much.
Speaker 23 (33:20):
I love you.
Speaker 6 (33:20):
I love you.
Speaker 15 (33:22):
Speaker 6 (33:23):
Mickey Fiky Mikes it is going down. DJ Quest is
up in here. What I'm QUESTI five?
Speaker 2 (33:26):
What's good?
Speaker 6 (33:27):
Big Maintaining my brother? What we got coming up in
to Mickey Ficky Mix quests check it out?
Speaker 21 (33:30):
Bigg got that Scissor Kill Bill also got twenty one
Savage Red Room coming up in the ninety two minute
commercial Free Mickey Fiky.
Speaker 6 (33:36):
Good, Mickey Fiky Mix, DJ Quest is up in here.
Big Boys Neighborhood.
Speaker 8 (33:40):
This is Big Boy on Demand.
Speaker 6 (33:43):
Big Boy Neighborhood.
Speaker 2 (33:44):
Lug is up in here.
Speaker 6 (33:45):
What I blued all set Your calendar is October thirty
first on Prime. We are going to get the Megan D.
Stallion documentary in her word. You know it is in
her words, in her own words, in her words, in
her words title yeah Dog.
Speaker 12 (33:57):
So they say it's gonna explore like her journey obviously,
from like growing up to fame, to the struggles to everything.
She got a story that I can't wait to see,
Like her story because everyone has told her story and
especially in the last few years, you know what I'm saying.
Speaker 6 (34:11):
So that that's the part of the documentary I want
to see as well. And plus I'm a documentary I
love documentary.
Speaker 12 (34:16):
Yeah, doct The main thing that I think everybody wants
to hear about and more is about the whole Tory
Lane situation.
Speaker 6 (34:21):
Even though she already spoke about it.
Speaker 16 (34:22):
The argument in the car is getting worse, and I
don't want to be in this car no more, like
because I see it's getting crazy. So I get off
the car and it's like everything happens so fast and
all I hear is is mass screaming. Is he said
dance he starts shooting. Man, I'm just like, oh my.
Speaker 6 (34:41):
God, man, if she is in an interview, what's the
texture it's going to be in her documentary. Yes, that's
what I want to hear.
Speaker 12 (34:49):
Yeah, I want to hear more inform of that specific
moment of what happened in that situation, you know what
I mean, because like she says, it happened in a
blurring and she had a chance to speak about it.
Speaker 6 (34:58):
But like, I want to hear everything.
Speaker 2 (35:00):
And Louis, everybody had an opinion.
Speaker 6 (35:02):
Everybody had everybody had an opinion, man, and then you
got to think and I'm hope hopefully in the documentary too,
she speak on even her peers. Yeah, you know, some
of her musical peers had certain things to say, like
even with fifty fifty he was very vocal about her
getting shot, and then when he came into the neighborhood
he apologized to her public. You know what I'm saying.
But yeah, I can't wait to see that documentary.
Speaker 12 (35:23):
I also can't wait to see like the behind the
scenes from like her tour shows.
Speaker 6 (35:27):
You want to see her behind, say the scenes. You
want to see me talking about behind. I want to
see it behind.
Speaker 12 (35:35):
Yeah, behind the dressing room, behind there.
Speaker 6 (35:38):
You go, behind the gym. I want to see all
those behind the scenes from making this with the serious thing.
Oh my god, I can't wait to get to the parts.
I really want to see it.
Speaker 12 (35:49):
You know the one time we saw, dude, we saw
her at one of our festivals one time when when
she came out, Dude, I'm sitting there just watching her
walk on stage, and I'm like, they're all like sitting low,
oh dog, And she was when I tell you, bro,
I was in a different world, I remember, But she.
Speaker 2 (36:02):
Almost hit idea in her face. Was man, the future
behind you.
Speaker 6 (36:08):
Remember all right, Megan this out here Man documentary First Halloween.
Speaker 2 (36:14):
Y'all stick around, y'all radios.
Speaker 6 (36:15):
Big Boys Neighborhood Got so called up in Louis being
apartment of Riot Man, Big Boys neighbor.
Speaker 1 (36:21):
Big Boys Neighborhood on demand, Full show episodes posted daily.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel, big Boy TV for more.
Check out Radio big Boy dot com, Big Boy Neighborhood.
Speaker 2 (36:34):
Alright, now, hey, sup suppovid us up in here man?
Speaker 6 (36:36):
You're just kind of speaking on what are the factors
that makes people attractive? Easyr beautiful face, big booze, big
button there is, but no now now what makes me
fall in love is different?
Speaker 3 (36:48):
Right right?
Speaker 6 (36:48):
I gotta get to know you'd be nice?
Speaker 3 (36:50):
Are you in love now?
Speaker 4 (36:51):
Speaker 6 (36:51):
Of course I'm in love. You didn't know that, But
it all depends on what age you're at too. In
your twenties right, all physical? Care less about what your
goals are, if you have any goals. I'm just like, yeah,
it's all physical and thirties you kind of can have
now have a conversation with a girl. You feel like
you're just like but you definitely came out you said
face boobs and what then? But then but yeah, you
just asked me what's attractive? That's attractive, that is attractive?
I'm sorry. All that extra stuff is just you know,
a guy trying to make you feel like he's a
nice guy.
Speaker 4 (37:24):
Her face doesn't matter.
Speaker 6 (37:28):
D you say face yeah, but you know right right
right right? You know, doesn't listen. That doesn't matter either.
Speaker 2 (37:37):
The price.
Speaker 6 (37:37):
Yeah, man, you literally said face twice, right, and then
I repeated face yeah.
Speaker 2 (37:44):
But you know in these she came back. You know
what I'm saying, huh yeah.
Speaker 4 (37:47):
So that's pretty much everything except to personality.
Speaker 6 (37:50):
That's That's what I'm saying. We're talking about. I'm tripping.
I'm tripping right, tripping. Let me stop here because I
did ask you, right? Was he my bad so much? Big?
I thought I was hearing something. I was like, why
is there my god? Is her name hay suits as well?
Turn to talk? Yeah, to talk later. I was saying, big, man,
you know I'm talking about maybe double D's he you
know what I'm saying, yeah, man, now, but you know,
but that's honest now like he was playing. That's honesty though,
like attractive boom off the back? What about you losing
attractive like you said that I'm a breast guy, so
brash the number one thing. Face, but you know what
I mean, Like you can't, he said, faces cool you
ever grew up with and be like man like her?
Faces told her body banged one hundred for what I'm saying.
I don't want to be hypocrit and say that, you
know what I mean, Like whatever, Amen, I wonder if
any of us ever been there, like girl, just come
with me his friend, you know, and if we're just
sitting there funny, Yeah, you don't have to do nothing
with him. That's like, well, hen friend looked like and
then they showed him. He like, m, you gotta do
some concy. You owe me one girl got a good personality.
Just stick around, y'all. Radio is big Boy, na.
Speaker 8 (39:10):
This is big Boy on Demand, Big.
Speaker 6 (39:12):
Boy Neighborhood Lose.
Speaker 12 (39:13):
He's up in here with a blot dog Man rapper
Joe Budden Bro. He got some words for j Cole.
Speaker 6 (39:17):
You know.
Speaker 12 (39:18):
J Cole dropped port Antonio and he had a lot
to explain about why he kind of pulled the plug
on everything and how he got off the beef in
the battle. Still messes with Drake because he helped him
out a lot, But Joe Budden right off the bat said, like, dude,
we're in a competitive rap space.
Speaker 7 (39:31):
We're not on that side. Before that side was really
a thing.
Speaker 19 (39:35):
Those other two in the Big three wanted to kill
each other and fight for number one, and you presented
yourself as someone that wanted to do the.
Speaker 6 (39:43):
Same so you could still rap great.
Speaker 7 (39:46):
This is incredible rapping.
Speaker 19 (39:47):
But also to be number one, you gotta maybe take
somebody head off or do something that is not gonna
feel the greatest. It gotta be a competitive thing, says
Joe Budden.
Speaker 6 (39:57):
Yeah, and you know he has presented himself as wanting
to be one of those top three because these are
just a few songs that he's kind of said that
my bullet some load on my clips. I'm writing them names, I'm.
Speaker 17 (40:07):
Making the list, I checking it twice, and I'm getting
them hit.
Speaker 3 (40:10):
I reloaded the clips.
Speaker 25 (40:11):
Then I hit more rappers with that Chelsta just and
I'm picking up the black Oh God, the best repper
alive head shot now going as the best rappers to die,
and I live here at the top right now, I'm
home alone with colleague cop.
Speaker 6 (40:24):
I keep the shiny cot yeah. But Joe Budden also says, like,
you come out on Port Antonio and said that you're
free now because you didn't join the whole beef battle.
Speaker 7 (40:32):
What do you mean you finally free?
Speaker 19 (40:34):
As if you never wanted parts of the Big Three conversations.
Speaker 6 (40:38):
That is a loader of crap.
Speaker 7 (40:41):
Just hold up and tell me it's raining.
Speaker 19 (40:44):
He could have wanted parts of that and then saw
where was going and said I don't want to deal
with boy, Go shit your ass over there with Sunshine
and sent and the rest of the people that changed
their MINDO pop back up and say if I would have,
I could have, but then I would have lost.
Speaker 7 (41:00):
No, not over that President.
Speaker 19 (41:04):
I hate this hip hop off call him what it is,
these hip hops feeling.
Speaker 2 (41:09):
Like a lot to say that. Yeah, man, damn hey man.
Speaker 6 (41:15):
But that that once again, that's somebody calling somebody into
something that don't want to be a part of it,
you know what I'm saying. Like when when he gracefully
bowed out and he bowed out early, you know what
I'm saying, He bowed out early. Man, It wasn't like
at the end and there was a not like us
and he was like, you know, he bowed out early.
He was even that Dreamville and he said, you know what,
this is messing with my peace, messing with my spirituality,
you know what I'm saying, Like it eraised ten years
of peace. So you I, I can't go at him
and say, oh, you should have stayed in it. Lyrically
yeah as well lyrically lyrically Yeah, he's up.
Speaker 2 (41:49):
For that battle.
Speaker 6 (41:50):
And I think Quest also had a problem with it
because the same way Joe Budden, in the same way
that Hey Susan saying, is that he was like, yeah,
but if I was in it, I would have you
know what I'm saying, play would have could have? Yeah,
should have. Yeah, that's why he shouldn't have said anything.
Speaker 21 (42:05):
Really, that's what you feel. Yeah, because he's about bro.
I think he is top three. I think he's top two,
to be honest, Like, I didn't think he was gonna
be third place in this, but he about out. So
I come back and been like, I would have done that,
you know what.
Speaker 6 (42:19):
You know what I'm saying, I think you'd taken one
piece that he said over a three and a half
minute song.
Speaker 2 (42:23):
No, No, that was very that was very decent.
Speaker 6 (42:26):
You know what I'm saying. Careful with his words.
Speaker 21 (42:28):
He said, he meant it right right trying to say
and then he came back after everything was already done,
after you know you four year dropped after you.
Speaker 6 (42:35):
Know what I'm saying, right, all right, we'll come back
to it. We'll come back to it talking to some
of our neighbors as well, because quest is hot over there. Yeah, yeah, man,
All right, y'all stick around y'all radios Big Boy Neighborhood.
And then he goes into this.
Speaker 1 (42:49):
Wow, Big Boys Neighborhood on demand.
Speaker 8 (42:54):
Full show episodes posted daily.
Speaker 1 (42:57):
Subscribe to our YouTube channel, big Boy TV for more.
Check out Radio big Boy dot com.
Speaker 6 (43:03):
At that time for your nine tennis to win phone
tap and this is right here is store costume returns.
Yeah man, we're right here in Halloween man, and maybe
you can figure out if you do need to return something.
Speaker 2 (43:13):
Take notes when it comes to this phone tap right here.
Speaker 6 (43:15):
It's going to get into your nine tennis to win
phone tap Big Boy in.
Speaker 26 (43:18):
The neighborhood to make it at.
Speaker 6 (43:29):
Got Hi, How you doing there, sir? I came in
three days ago and I picked up the thor and
the accessories there, the avenger stuff. Now, were you the
person that helped me out.
Speaker 27 (43:49):
I was.
Speaker 6 (43:49):
I was the tall black guy, short light skinned afro ballhead. Yeah,
and I just wanted to speak with someone about actually
returning this store outfit this halloween costume. Yeah, because I
was getting into an actual Halloween costume contest. Once I
got into the Halloween contest, I didn't win. There was
a guy dressed up like a French fried at once.
Speaker 28 (44:09):
I understand he didn't win, mate, But there's nothing I
can do.
Speaker 29 (44:12):
You purchased the costume, you wore the costume. Ye had
a great time in the costumes.
Speaker 6 (44:16):
I had a great time until they announced the winner.
Speaker 29 (44:18):
We don't do refunds, and there's nothing wrong with the costume.
Speaker 6 (44:20):
Well, no, sir, I don't have any extra money that
I could just throw around on thor costumes. No one
needs the costume exactly.
Speaker 2 (44:27):
Okay, so I'll just come down and talk with you.
Speaker 3 (44:30):
Why not?
Speaker 6 (44:31):
Is it too busy today?
Speaker 15 (44:32):
I refused to give you a refund.
Speaker 6 (44:33):
Now that you guys got my money, Now you acting funny.
I don't understand I didn't win the contest. I'm gonna
let you go, mate, This is luthor. I don't know
if I was hung up on or if the phone disconnected.
I was coming about the thorer costume.
Speaker 28 (44:48):
Just because you didn't win the costume contest. That's not
our problem.
Speaker 6 (44:51):
So it's not your problem that I spent two hundred
and seventeen dollars on a costume.
Speaker 28 (44:56):
No not, I just want to I do want to
thank you, though, because this is the funniest thing I've
heard all se This is good.
Speaker 6 (45:00):
I don't know exactly why you're being so rude.
Speaker 28 (45:02):
Sir, because this is comical. So I'm doing it because
everybody in the store is laughing at you.
Speaker 6 (45:06):
I have rent this due today.
Speaker 28 (45:08):
Not my problem?
Speaker 6 (45:08):
Why is that not your problem? When you guys are
the ones who sold it to me. I'm just gonna
come down there and you'll give me my refund.
Speaker 28 (45:15):
We won't be giving you a refund, but we can
talk about it if you really feel adam and about
coming down here.
Speaker 6 (45:19):
Alrighty well me huh all in my son, Hey man,
my man said the whole story, listened to you, and
we're laughing at you. Low low key bully, right there, man,
low key bully.
Speaker 2 (45:33):
Do you make you figure?
Speaker 6 (45:34):
Makes its going down? DJ quests up in here? Whatever questified?
What's good? Big maintaining doing the damn thing man, where
you watch the Dodger game a yesterday my crib? Yeah, man,
hey dude, do you ever trip off of that when
a game starts like at one o'clock?
Speaker 2 (45:46):
How many people are at Dodger Stadium?
Speaker 6 (45:48):
Yeah? Yeah, I went to one opening day and you
know they do it early. Yeah. It trips me out.
Speaker 21 (45:53):
How many people just show up, like damn, everybody call
out of work?
Speaker 6 (45:55):
Yeah, man, you know what I'm saying. I was like, yeah,
there's times dud when I was looking at that and
I was like, where do all these people work at?
They're even watching it as they're working too, And I
guess you can. I ain't mad at it, and I'm
glad that. Have you ever been just on the freeway
at a certain time because we can get out a
little earlier, you know what I'm saying. And you look like,
where's everybody going at two o'clock?
Speaker 4 (46:17):
Speaker 30 (46:17):
Speaker 6 (46:18):
Math traffic? Where? Yeah?
Speaker 2 (46:19):
Where's the usual? Always traffic?
Speaker 3 (46:21):
Man? Yeah.
Speaker 2 (46:22):
But what we got coming up in the Mickey Ficky
mixed quest.
Speaker 6 (46:24):
Check it out.
Speaker 21 (46:24):
Bigger got that scissor kill Bill also got Kendrick lamartin
like us coming up in the Mickey Ficky.
Speaker 6 (46:29):
Mix, Man, you know how we got through game one? Right?
And remember I was saying, I got this Dodger outfit
that I want to wear. Yeah, I wore it yesterday, right,
And I don't feel like enough people saw me in.
Speaker 2 (46:40):
I didn't tell my wife.
Speaker 6 (46:40):
I was like, damn baby, I said, I didn't go anywhere.
You weren't dodgered out though. Man, look like you were
warming up to play. I'm like, you didn't even take
a picture of it for social I kept going into
it the video and I was looking for people saying, man,
nice hoodie or not? That was a nice fit. Going
to my berner again and now people don't see if
they like, man you have even if they didn't see it,
they can be like, oh that was the film what
we got.
Speaker 21 (47:14):
Coming up in the Mickeyisquest to check it out? Big
got that says to kill Bill also got Kendrick lam
not like us. Coming up in the Mickey Fiky minus
Big Boys Neighborhood.
Speaker 1 (47:22):
You're checking out another full show episode a Big Boy's
Neighborhood on demand.
Speaker 6 (47:27):
Big Boy Neighborhood. Luis g is up in here, Ludo,
I got some advice for his sus Bro, just listen
to what I'm living. A little advice is gonna give
me getting all the pressure at home to get married. Right,
here's the key, Bro, Just extended as long as possible,
don't get married, and eventually your parents would just give
up and be like, I give up. What's you think
that your parents are right now at this point. Yeah,
they don't give a damn whether I get married or not.
Bro not cleaning his room, you know what? Hilding everything
under the man, what are you talking about?
Speaker 3 (48:02):
How long you been?
Speaker 6 (48:03):
How long you been with Myra eight years? Eight years?
Speaker 2 (48:06):
And how long you've been with your girl five years?
Speaker 6 (48:08):
Five years? I mean, what are you talking about? And
how did y'all a year and four months? And how
does your little one a year and ten before me?
So you have kids earlier, you should have got married before.
I don't know, man, but I'm telling you, just prolong
it as long as possibly eventually your parents woul get tired.
Speaker 2 (48:26):
Can I ask you both the questions?
Speaker 6 (48:28):
Yeah, go for it? Why not?
Speaker 2 (48:30):
I'll be honest, honest right now?
Speaker 6 (48:33):
Why you co create but you won't marry because it's
a business And to me, like the business, it's like
to me, I look at marriage is like a business,
and I'm like, no, it's all like it does. It
feels like things get complicated when when if something does
go south, And I'm always like going south, you're not
looking at beauty the way it be, the way that
the world runs down a little world. I'm a little
nervous about how things can shift and change and like
pushing media can like manipula. Always have to be a
parent to your child. That's always going to be. Yeah,
but you won't marry the person I don't know. To me,
it's like we will look at the financial stuff differently, Well,
look at it like it. Things a get messy. So
we're like, so you're already looking at failure. No, I'm
not looking for you see, I'm not looking at it
like failure. You see, I'm not looking at like that.
I'm looking at it. I'm looking at it as like man, yeah,
go ahead, keep I'm looking at it.
Speaker 2 (49:26):
Like I'm protecting myself.
Speaker 6 (49:29):
Yeah. And then like she is as well. So we're
just like we don't have the kid first, because the
kid is completely different than the marriage. Yes, so we create,
but you can't find a way to stay. So business,
keep you from because it's like, I don't want nothing
from you, don't want nothing from me. So why we
were why are we gonna make these complicated when you
get married. When you get married, these get complicated, the
government just gets involved in and then for somebody. Yeah,
I'm just saying it is so we both agree. If
we both they're like, you know what, they're sneaking for
a lot of people.
Speaker 11 (50:02):
Speaker 12 (50:02):
Yeah, I also think it takes a long time to
really know somebody knows somebody because that's just how many
people marry early.
Speaker 6 (50:06):
And then even you've been admired for eight years. Bro,
you have a son, so figure her out.
Speaker 2 (50:17):
I'm still trying to say, I don't know her favorite color.
Speaker 6 (50:19):
Yeah, we all got we all got homies like that.
You are my homies like that? What are you driving, y'all?
Stick around y'all radio Big Boy Neighborhood, Aho eighties. You're
pinying a big boy from Big Boys Neighborhood on iHeart Radio.
There's another in case you missed the moment with us.
He's sup suppose of the newest addition to the neighborhood.
Hey man, how are you a pops relationship? How easy
of you? Right now? With the specials and the road.
Speaker 7 (50:50):
I hope it.
Speaker 6 (50:50):
He's proud and there's still something that he's like, I
have to open up her fluffy. And I remember I
was there and he complained about I was there. We
got to see it. There was a big stadium like
right there, Phoenix, and I was so I was waiting
for that moment to be like, man, he was just
like they didn't even get us free soudas. You got
it for free to show what's freaking yeah. Man, he
got to be fluffy. He's like, they ain't better. They
can't even give us a soda and you get you
get free soda, and then I'll be proud. Thank you
for listening. It is you pout a big boy Big
Boy's neighborhood. You could catch more of us right here
on iHeartRadio, Big Boy Neighborhood.
Speaker 2 (51:28):
Annie is up in here. What up, Honie big Oh?
Speaker 6 (51:31):
Speaker 3 (51:32):
What you got?
Speaker 4 (51:32):
I love when people are honest about how they ended
up where they ended up with their body. Like sometimes
you see people online they'll be like, oh, I got
this booty because I did squad they.
Speaker 6 (51:40):
Made in the gym, And I'm like, man, your doctor
must be named Jim Doctor Jim right, because.
Speaker 4 (51:45):
Then he sad like this expectation of like, why can't
I do that? But then you have people like fat
Joe who lost over two hundred pounds and he admitted
exactly how he got it big and it was thanks
to ozemp It.
Speaker 2 (51:57):
Go ahead, Joe.
Speaker 4 (51:59):
He actually said that. You know, so he's been diabetic
since he was a teen, he said, but he's been
using this shot. And basically what was zempic does is
like it suppresses your appetite. So if you want to eat, yeah.
Speaker 2 (52:12):
You got to put it in your arm or your thigh.
Speaker 6 (52:15):
Speaker 7 (52:15):
Speaker 6 (52:15):
You know why I say it in the arm because
I was recently just talking to somebody and they say
if they did ozempic, and they did, like, I just
get a shot in my Like, so I don't know
where it goes.
Speaker 4 (52:24):
Oh it's a shot. I just didn't know how people do.
Speaker 2 (52:26):
I don't know where it is.
Speaker 6 (52:27):
I'm probably just talking out the side of my nig,
you know.
Speaker 4 (52:29):
But I love the fact that he admitted this because
then again, even in our inn, in the neighborhood, but
in the building, we know people who have done certain
things to lose weight.
Speaker 5 (52:37):
I don't know that they don't want to admit it.
Speaker 6 (52:39):
I never knew that.
Speaker 4 (52:41):
Like I'm at the gym, I'm like, may.
Speaker 2 (52:42):
Not, amen, I don't know who you're you're talking about
here on.
Speaker 6 (52:47):
Like our floor, Yeah, yeah there.
Speaker 4 (52:52):
Or something.
Speaker 6 (52:54):
I never knew that it's got to be.
Speaker 4 (52:56):
Have you ever met someone, because I.
Speaker 6 (52:58):
Have a friend who met a lot of people who doing.
Speaker 4 (53:00):
Like a certain thing, and I'm like, I don't see
a difference in you. So I don't know if this
is actually working for you or.
Speaker 2 (53:04):
Not, like working out and stuff.
Speaker 4 (53:07):
So they're taking a shot of like weight loss pill
and why how are you doing this? Because nothing's changing?
Speaker 6 (53:13):
Man. But even with fat Joe, you know, he said it,
he said it, man, And I think Joe, you know,
I think he looks good. And if he got it
for health reasons, then you know, so be that, you know,
and maybe everybody's not as common. You know, I didn't
know that there was people here. I think it's the quickness,
how fast they lose the weight. And you're just like, WHOA,
what's going on? You start worrying are you sick? Like
they just come And when I got my surgery years ago,
I had a lot of people that was like, man,
it's big sick and dues man. I even had one
person was even telling my cousin like, it's big smoking crack.
Oh my gosh, they don't even drink. You think we'll
just go straight to That's like my family, my family.
If you lose way fast, like no, I just want
to get healthy. You don't know, are you okay that?
But once again, man, Fat Joe, I ain't mad at
you broke yesterday's price two days. Yeah, Man, yesterday's weight
is not today's weight when it comes to Fat Joe
as well.
Speaker 2 (54:07):
Y'all contina hang out with us Big Boys Neighborhood.
Speaker 1 (54:09):
Big Boys Neighborhood on demand, Full show episodes posted daily.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel, big Boy TV.
Speaker 8 (54:17):
For more.
Speaker 1 (54:18):
Check out Radio big Boy dot com Big Boy Neighborhood.
Speaker 6 (54:22):
Alrighty Annie, we were speaking on it man that Fat
Joe had said he's on Ozmpic, you know what I'm saying.
And then there's a lot of people, you know, I
mean to each his own, but there's some people that
don't admit it, you know. And you were saying that
there were some people in the hallway, which I had
no idea.
Speaker 2 (54:37):
I've never had a conversation about this.
Speaker 6 (54:39):
You know what I'm saying. She was saying that there's
people you know in the hallway that's that's losing weight
and you feel, you know, and hey, Sue's feel and
Louis Field and quest Field there on oz all around feel.
Speaker 4 (54:53):
That they're like, oh, no, I go to the gym
two times.
Speaker 2 (54:56):
A day, right, right, I mean you can go to
the gym.
Speaker 6 (54:59):
That don't mean you work it out like this. Times
when I used to be on a trademill for like
forty five minutes when I'm dead. This is years ago,
forty five minutes an hour. But I wouldn't turn it on,
not just be on there like reading, you know what
I'm saying, just just standing on it.
Speaker 2 (55:14):
I had a room that had a lot of junk
in it.
Speaker 6 (55:17):
Watch TV.
Speaker 4 (55:19):
You're standing right.
Speaker 6 (55:20):
Well, we were just talking about that there's a lot
of people that don't tell the truth and it is
what it is.
Speaker 4 (55:25):
Yeah, and like even just people online when we ask them.
This is what Bernie said, who lies?
Speaker 31 (55:28):
Hi, beg This is Bernice. And the way that I
always can tell when someone's lying is when someone's making
too many excuses, like this guy that I'm talking to
right now. He I've been asking him to FaceTime and
he kind of just gives me the run around, like
always excuses.
Speaker 4 (55:43):
It's always like, oh, I.
Speaker 31 (55:44):
Have school or I'm working right now, I'm a little
too busy, and it's like, if you don't want to talk.
Speaker 6 (55:49):
Just say it.
Speaker 31 (55:50):
But he kind of just keeps lying and give me excuses,
and it's just like all right.
Speaker 2 (55:55):
Line called need for somebody from Catfish.
Speaker 6 (55:58):
She knows me the talk because his wife won't let him.
That's the problem. That's real talk. They got crazy.
Speaker 4 (56:07):
I have to call someone out recently on Instagram, like
nicely because I kept asking them. They're like, oh, yeah,
I'm down to do this.
Speaker 6 (56:12):
I'm like, oh cool, you d like, whoa what are
you talking about?
Speaker 4 (56:18):
I just have to make he you don't want to
do it, you don't have.
Speaker 2 (56:21):
To say it.
Speaker 6 (56:24):
Do take your time that too long? Just give it
to somebody on Instagram giving it away.
Speaker 4 (56:32):
I forget it. Forget Jada. This is what Jada said.
Speaker 24 (56:34):
Who's lying my sister when they minute that, she's always
lying because she always says that she wants to be married,
but she's lying and she always wanted to be single.
Speaker 6 (56:44):
Wow. Wow, Alright, y'all stick around, y'all radio, Big Boy Neighborhood.
Speaker 8 (56:53):
This is Big Boy on demand, Big Boy Neighborhood.
Speaker 6 (56:57):
Alrighty now hate sup us up in here, man, This
Halloween traditions, it is going down my brethren, yead man.
I'm interested to see what your traditions are because mine.
When I was growing up, we would always go to
rich neighborhoods to go to the treaty.
Speaker 2 (57:10):
Hey, man, is that like a thing?
Speaker 3 (57:12):
It is?
Speaker 2 (57:12):
My family have a car to go to the rich neighborhood.
Speaker 6 (57:14):
Why'd y'all do it? Man? We just stayed around the area. Yeah,
there was no going to the better neighborhood. Oh yeah,
we never had a family car. Why until I got
a little older, my brother Mouse bought one. But go ahead, Wow,
how dude dumb? We Yeah, well we would go and
we'll just go to rich neighborhoods. And I would always
trip out because I was seeing people from my neighborhood
there too, and I'm like, what are you doing here
from school? Yeah? Yeah man, And I'm like, what do
we all do it? It was like there was no
way that many people lived in that neighborhood.
Speaker 2 (57:41):
Now, man, you know what you was doing. You was
going for the bigger snicker bars.
Speaker 6 (57:45):
Man, you know you got you know how you go
certain plays, they give you the minis or that junk
candy like the Brocks, but they just like nah, went
to band and give you butterscotch, Like.
Speaker 32 (57:53):
What is this?
Speaker 22 (57:54):
Speaker 2 (57:54):
And I wonder how they fell.
Speaker 6 (57:55):
They're like, my goodness, I've never seen this many case here. Man,
what's going on? What is that? But they're taking that?
Hey man, people are hitting to you coming to the neighborhood.
Yeahick said, And then did you have costumes? Costumes? Suits?
We did have costume costumes, but then that then my
my parents found out that the Goodwill had costumes too.
Then it was over there and then they came with
like a smell to them. I'm like, hey man, we
a lot of my trigger treating years, we made costumes.
Speaker 2 (58:23):
Did you'll make Yeah, you know, make costumes.
Speaker 6 (58:25):
You would be like the hobo, you know what I'm saying,
Like you would be a ghost or you throw something
on like something from the house. I was a clown
for a lot of years, and I apologize for that too, man,
you know what I'm saying, Like just beaver tattoo? Yeah,
you know, getting punched and stuffybody victory tea man. We
call it a clown, I would say more of the
neighborhood stuck. Okay, Yeah, for sure, I do my own stuff,
but clown is very that's very at home. Yeah, it
was getting a little Yeah, I tried to be a ghost,
but I had like peace things on the little brother
work out for me, indeed, because your mom wouldn't let
you cut the eyeballs off exactly, banging in and stuff.
Hey man, on nowadays, just my kids, you know, I'm
pretty sure they got a different Yeah, they got kid options. Yeah.
Hell yeah, Like my mom never asked me, what do
you want to be this year? You know what I'm saying,
What do you want to dress up at? Oh no,
they just they already knew they pick for you.
Speaker 2 (59:26):
Are you dressing up as a family this year?
Speaker 6 (59:28):
Yeah, for sure. We're gonna do another family when we
did the family Adams with the little baby. Yeah, but
we're gonna yeah family Adams is yeah, man, Adams family.
You know what I mean. You know what I mean,
But I know what's coming from. There's some costumes that
you do want as a kid that you never got.
The mask with the blood already, y'all stick around your radios,
big Boy.
Speaker 1 (59:51):
You're checking out another full show episode a Big Boys
Neighborhood on demand.
Speaker 6 (59:57):
Big Boy Neighborhood. Let's going to get into your phone,
tap on the He's right here, Big Boy's neighborhood.
Speaker 7 (01:00:09):
To make it all steak like.
Speaker 22 (01:00:21):
Morning shoe.
Speaker 6 (01:00:24):
Hi, may I help you?
Speaker 11 (01:00:25):
Yeah, it's a car from the bank account. You want information, Yeah,
it's the inform for the for the power.
Speaker 22 (01:00:31):
To open an account.
Speaker 11 (01:00:32):
Ya's open for opening account and shack but the nine
manma for the norve.
Speaker 22 (01:00:39):
I'm sorry, sorry, I can't understand.
Speaker 11 (01:00:40):
For the bank account and the trains and the cash
and with the castle.
Speaker 22 (01:00:46):
You want to know how much it is to open
an account and fifty dollars and I don't I don't speak.
Speaker 6 (01:00:53):
Spanish, No, not Spanish, Miami.
Speaker 11 (01:00:56):
Yeah, it's part the finger said on the check in
the time clearing and say brings a casa farro.
Speaker 22 (01:01:06):
If you don't have a driver's license. Yeah, support if.
Speaker 6 (01:01:09):
The case Carol sloop me and the pandro.
Speaker 22 (01:01:13):
I don't understand the more fail. Do you know where
our branch is located?
Speaker 6 (01:01:17):
And yes, it's Gordo.
Speaker 11 (01:01:19):
Whereby my banson and Macy.
Speaker 22 (01:01:25):
I'm sorry, I don't understand. You need to come in
and maybe we can try and help you.
Speaker 6 (01:01:30):
Yes, it's in the open account for me, my wine,
do right everywhere.
Speaker 22 (01:01:40):
You just need to bring everyone in Cerro and one
time in who I speak to Carl. We close at four,
so come in way before four o'clock.
Speaker 6 (01:01:51):
Well twelve, come one o'clock. I'd be there. Okay, they handlong?
Speaker 22 (01:01:57):
How long?
Speaker 3 (01:01:58):
Speaker 22 (01:01:58):
How long is my come in and try and just
come in.
Speaker 6 (01:02:02):
Okay, And I ain't saying mom, I'm right alright you.
Mickey Fik makes DJ questions up in here with questionified
what's good maintaining.
Speaker 21 (01:02:16):
Quest Check it out Big I got that dosy category
of hills, also got the Weekend and Playboy CARDI Timeless
coming up in the ninety two minute commercial Free Mickey
figures Big Boys Neighborhood.
Speaker 1 (01:02:27):
Big Boys Neighborhood on demand, Full show episodes posted daily.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel big Boy TV for more.
Check out Radio big Boy dot com, Big Boy Neighborhood.
Speaker 6 (01:02:39):
Louisgi is up in here talk about yay yay yay yo.
So he was in China and he did a listening
event and he gave us some new music. Actually, bro,
this is Beauty and the Beast. It's been a long
time coming fresh new times. I'm still running. Yay. It's
a few things I'm mover coming, yes, sir, and the checks.
Speaker 33 (01:03:02):
Still they combine it every night and day tracks stay
away to keep my eye yet, so don't tight this fact.
I'm sitting here and trying to redirect um. They combined
every night and day tacks, stay away to.
Speaker 6 (01:03:15):
Keep my eye yet.
Speaker 3 (01:03:16):
So it's.
Speaker 6 (01:03:19):
Still hey man, he's in China now, Yes, Jesus Christ,
he now, du man, he ain't touching American toy on man.
Speaker 12 (01:03:26):
He also announced that he has a new album is
gonna be called Bully Bully and then this is Beauty
and the Beast, So I'm pretty sure it's gonna be
the first single off of that. He just gave us
a preview and I think he actually deleted it. He
put it up on social and then it got deleted.
So whoever caught it and everybody like we caught it obviously, but.
Speaker 6 (01:03:41):
I think it sounds good. YEA waiting for that? Vultures too? Yeah,
he in his bag. It's crazy, man, because he has
spent a lot of time in Japan. Yeah, you know
what I'm saying. And you know he caused or got
cause you know teach, you know, like making sure that
they were straight over there.
Speaker 22 (01:03:56):
Speaker 6 (01:03:56):
Man. But yeah, So now he's in China. Yeah, he's
like a superstar over there Broad Superstore right here.
Speaker 4 (01:04:02):
On his Instagram he said this is life from China.
But right now he updated it in Tokyo. So I
think he's in Tokyo and he just updated and posted on.
Speaker 6 (01:04:08):
His Okay, man, but you know what, that dude moves around.
I remember one time, man, he was like, yeah, big
on Sunday such and such, and I'm like, man, this
dude ain't gonna be here on Sunday.
Speaker 2 (01:04:19):
And then showing up.
Speaker 6 (01:04:20):
He texted me that night he was like, yeah, I'm
here and he built like a whole church and I
was like, man, cause he was like in Paris or
something like that.
Speaker 2 (01:04:27):
He was doing the Sunday services.
Speaker 6 (01:04:28):
Didn't watch your fly out sometime when you were in Yeah, dude,
I was literally at Coachella watching the weekend and he
kept calling me and I'm looking and I'm like, damn that.
Speaker 3 (01:04:36):
Speaker 2 (01:04:37):
You know, I'm sorry about that. Now I'm putting it
out the public.
Speaker 6 (01:04:39):
But I was like, I was.
Speaker 3 (01:04:41):
Like, that's yeah.
Speaker 6 (01:04:42):
So I answer it. And literally I'm way back watching
the weekend like on a riot. He's kind of sitting
down and he was like big and I was like,
I'm like, what's up, Yay or Kanye. He was like, man,
he said, I need you to come to Africa. Like what,
I'm at Coachella. I got a plane just coming over
to Africa. I need you here. I'm like, dude, I
have no bag. I'm trying to say everything. What's that
when you get here?
Speaker 10 (01:05:03):
And I'm like.
Speaker 6 (01:05:03):
Maybe yeh, damn, which I'll stick around.
Speaker 7 (01:05:10):
Speaker 6 (01:05:11):
Radio is Big Boy Nail Big.
Speaker 8 (01:05:12):
Boys Neighborhood on demand.
Speaker 1 (01:05:14):
For more, subscribe to our YouTube channel, big Boy TV
and check out Radio big Boy dot Com Big Boy Neighborhood.
Speaker 2 (01:05:21):
All right now, Luig is up in here with a
loot all.
Speaker 6 (01:05:23):
Yeah. So I saw this story.
Speaker 12 (01:05:24):
I thought it was pretty crazy because sometimes you see
like some like very negative divorce cases, right, And when
I saw Mustard got divorced and everything was finalized, they
put all his business out there, which was I was like, damn,
that's a little.
Speaker 6 (01:05:35):
Dude the same, Yes, that's the fuck here we go.
But it was interesting because they're like, oh, DJ Mustard
gets to hang on to a lot of his assets.
And then when they named everything, I was like, d
that's a lot of stuff you can keep. So what
ended up happening is he gets to keep this twenty
twenty two, Maybox Bands, this twenty eighteen, Lamborghini, twenty twenty two, Escalade,
twenty twenty two, Rolls Royce twenty nineteen Lamborghini. Plus he
gets to keep a mansion and a bunch of other
residential properties in the Los Angeles area.
Speaker 2 (01:06:01):
They've ham Man, yes, Doug, and this is in California.
Speaker 6 (01:06:05):
This is in California. Okay, yo yo. But he does
have to pay twenty four thousand, five hundred per month
for child support payments, which is obviously they have three
children together. But man, when they put out everything that
he got, I was like, what a man?
Speaker 5 (01:06:18):
Speaker 6 (01:06:19):
Yeah, I wonder, I wonder what does she get? Yeah,
you know what I'm saying. I think it was like
over three hundred something k for like the full payout
whatever it's called when you get a divorce settlement, like
a settlement like three fifty or something like that, right,
which I thought it was just kind of I was like, man,
that's kind of seems like a little bit.
Speaker 12 (01:06:36):
But if you're still getting monthly child support, I guess
it right for the babies, they figured it out.
Speaker 6 (01:06:41):
Yeah, maybe she didn't want the cars, Yeah right, Maybe
she was in I'll keep all that, give me the money.
I don't know. I would have just took the cars anyway.
Speaker 3 (01:06:48):
Speaker 6 (01:06:49):
I've seen some.
Speaker 12 (01:06:50):
Ugly divorce cases where it's like they're fighting for this
one thing where it's the dog or oh yeah.
Speaker 6 (01:06:55):
Or beanie babies.
Speaker 5 (01:06:58):
It was.
Speaker 6 (01:06:59):
When the any babies just like he was a little doll,
the little stuff animost and split them. You get this,
you get this, you get this. It was crazy. I
want the blue one. Yeah, exactly that man. Yeah, but
you hear a lot of horror stories, bad bro.
Speaker 12 (01:07:13):
I remember one of my buddies was going through it too,
going through a mad divorce like that, and it got
to the point where he was like, I'm just gonna
give her everything, bro, Like I don't really care, I
just want to start new this fighting.
Speaker 6 (01:07:23):
I just got an answer, man. I didn't have a lot,
you know what I'm saying. You just had a tool set.
Speaker 2 (01:07:33):
All the socking wrenches and everything.
Speaker 6 (01:07:35):
You know, the brands don't match anyway. I couldn't even
find a head piece anywhere. But we're gonna get into
it as well in the neighborhood. Man with some of
our neighbors. It's bad breakup stories. Yeah, they have something.
Speaker 2 (01:07:48):
We all know them.
Speaker 6 (01:07:48):
Just stick around, y'all radios, Big Boy neighbor and I
got your tickets right now. I'm trying to keep the
rhyme going and everything all right now, calling them a
ninety two we got your fright face tickets. We tell
you be in the neighborhood and watch our commercial free
six Flags Magic Mountain fright Fests. We got your tickets
in the neighborhood, calling them at ninety two with the
keyword coasters, calling them in ninety two with the keyword coasters,
because you may aby to get on those the most
bone chilling collection of rides and coasters in the darky
r more so once again calling them a ninety two
keyword coasters. You got yourself a play of tickets.
Speaker 2 (01:08:20):
And six Flags Magic Mountain pipe Fests.
Speaker 6 (01:08:22):
Hit us up eighty six six two four six eight
nine two three, Big Boy Neighborhood.
Speaker 1 (01:08:27):
You're checking out another full show episode a Big Boys
Neighborhood on demand.
Speaker 6 (01:08:32):
Big Boy Neighborhood. Luigi is up in here with a
loot all when it comes to about breakups. Brow, we're just
talking about it with just Mustard and you know that
situation and everything just coming down to like all the
stuff that he was able to keep. And it's crazy, man,
because you hear these divorce stories in these breakup stories, right,
and with divorce it's like you don't even think about
everything that's itemize, yes, all the way down to you know,
I mean you can get as petty as who's going
to keep the dishes?
Speaker 13 (01:08:57):
Speaker 6 (01:08:58):
Right, you know what I'm saying, Like it it is
really a breakdown. And that's why, Hey, Susan, you're saying
it's a business. Yeah, I want to avoid all that stress. Yeah,
but like now go through everything, take time. But you know,
if you're saying you will walk away from it anyway,
you might as well get married, because you say you're
just gonna walk away from it anyway, You're not going
to fight for it, right right. But then it's like
why did you get all this involved? Why do have
like some type of like.
Speaker 2 (01:09:20):
You just don't want to get married, but you put
it in the whole.
Speaker 6 (01:09:24):
Let's let's take it back to the to the breakups,
bad breakup story, putting it up on social media.
Speaker 12 (01:09:29):
Our girl Courtney had hit us up right, and she
was telling how she was telling me because she said
a very long story. So I'm gonna shot it down
for you summarize. She was with the guy she ended
up co signing for this like really expensive like dodge
rammed truck, right, and then this is what happened when
they broke.
Speaker 13 (01:09:42):
Out after Thanksgiving that year. He was like, all right,
I'm ready to give you the truck back, okay, so
give me the keys, give me the money that you
owe for the month that you didn't pay, give me
the money for the insurance that you didn't pay. And
so he gave me the keys. He didn't give me
no payments, and I ended up having to pay three
grand for the insurance and a bunch of other stuff
that he I guess he didn't pay for that he
had on the truck. I earned a much better relationship,
and I learned my lesson not to ever co sign
for someone who's not your husband or wife.
Speaker 6 (01:10:24):
Damn, I can't imagine man.
Speaker 12 (01:10:27):
Going back and forth, like that's my credit. I already
have a car payment, I have insurance I gotta pay
with and now you're gonna give it and after me
asking you, he could have gave it to her a
lot earlier but ended up just using it without making
the payments.
Speaker 6 (01:10:38):
Man, I'm saying that happened before, terrible. I've seen that
happen before. You got to be extremely careful, man. And
it's crazy because we'll do things in love and then
when I love or whatever it is, go away.
Speaker 2 (01:10:51):
Yeah, man, I'm gonna need that PSA.
Speaker 3 (01:10:54):
What do you mean love?
Speaker 4 (01:10:56):
Speaker 22 (01:10:56):
Speaker 6 (01:10:56):
But if I co sign for you in our agreement
is for you to pay the truck, yeah, and the insurance,
and then when we break up, you just leaving you
let it accumulate.
Speaker 2 (01:11:06):
That's dirty dog business right there.
Speaker 23 (01:11:08):
Speaker 12 (01:11:08):
There's some other Another listener, Jessica, one of our neighbors.
She said that she had to give her money to
her ex for rental to pick up his new girlfriend
at the airport.
Speaker 6 (01:11:17):
No, alrighty whoa for money? Alrighty y'all stick around, y'all
radios Big Boys Neighborhood.
Speaker 8 (01:11:31):
This is Big Boy's Neighborhood on demand.
Speaker 6 (01:11:33):
Big Boys neighborhood. Annie is up in here? What of Honnie?
What a nothing?
Speaker 3 (01:11:38):
What you got?
Speaker 4 (01:11:38):
There's this viral video of Bawo and I'm really curious
to see or hear what you think about this. But
Bawow recently did an interview and the interview went viral
because in the interview he was kind of asked is
he nervous with everything going on about Diddy? Like is
he nervous? And he said he's not, and he kind
of actually misses the Diddy.
Speaker 5 (01:11:53):
Parties meant what weekend?
Speaker 6 (01:11:54):
Like the past two they just didn't feel right because
it was no motion, there was no parties. There was
nowhere to.
Speaker 5 (01:11:58):
Go parties and freakoffs.
Speaker 6 (01:12:02):
Like the parties that we attend, like there's me you,
I s.
Speaker 4 (01:12:12):
The two parties and I've never seen a.
Speaker 6 (01:12:14):
Freak off like and once again I'm separated, right, I'm
talking about him as the artist, the person, right, how
monumental and.
Speaker 5 (01:12:20):
How port he was to the culture, because I said, ja, man.
Speaker 3 (01:12:23):
I'm just there's no parties and you feel it.
Speaker 6 (01:12:25):
It's like a hope And that's roxy d is right. Yes,
Roxy shout out to Roxy as well. And it's crazy
because a lot of people are really trying to distance themselves,
and I understand that. But on the real man, Diddy
threw some great parties. You know what I'm saying. He
threw some great parties, man, And what bow I was
talking about is like a be e T weekend on
an All star weekend. There's a difference between what Diddy's
being called up for now everybody wanted to go to
a ditty party and everybody playing like they didn't go
to a ditty party. There's a difference between what he's
being charged for for freak offs and what an after
party or what a weekend party look like. You know
what I'm saying. And I've been to the parties as
far as like, oh, his fiftieth birthday, all this kind.
Speaker 2 (01:13:03):
I've known Diddy my entire career.
Speaker 6 (01:13:06):
Now the freak offs, that's something totally different, you know
what I'm saying, And I can thank God. Like me,
I'm sitting up here, I am not nervous about nothing
when it comes to a freak off, you know what
I'm saying.
Speaker 2 (01:13:18):
But there's some people that's probably not you know what
it to.
Speaker 4 (01:13:21):
Your point, like, you're so right, I've never been to
a Didy party. But I've always wanted to because they
saw it on social the rock Nation Brudge, I'm like
all that, Yeah, so cool.
Speaker 6 (01:13:27):
And there's various parties like Louie can throw a super
Bowl party that other people can go to, and then
he'll throw a party for Yayil where other people say, oh,
I got kids and I'll come to that party. Yeah,
there's I guess there was level of hell of I
guess I'm sure the party, you know what I'm saying.
But but yeah, and what Bow while saying, was like,
oh he was at the party, Like, yeah, he was
at a party.
Speaker 4 (01:13:48):
Yeah, they're coming out at the parties.
Speaker 6 (01:13:50):
You know what I'm saying.
Speaker 1 (01:13:53):
Is Man Boys Neighborhood on demand. Full show episodes posted daily.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel, big Boy Tv. For more,
check out Radio big boy dot com.
Speaker 6 (01:14:04):
We're going to get into your nine ten listen to
wam phone Tap and your nineteen Listen to win Phone Tap.
Speaker 2 (01:14:08):
Is Halloween versus Christmas.
Speaker 6 (01:14:10):
This is Follalalla Lights Halloween Followlaala Lights.
Speaker 4 (01:14:13):
I love this.
Speaker 6 (01:14:14):
This is right here is like this battle between the Holidays.
This is a mashup that we did with the Angry
Lady from the Haunted House and the angry guy from
Fallalala lights, it's going to get into your nineteen Listen
to wam phone tap right here, big boys neighborhood got okay, attention?
Speaker 29 (01:14:47):
Hello, Yes, this is this is she even know what lights? Lights?
Speaker 6 (01:14:52):
Speaker 29 (01:14:52):
No one's putting no lights on my house?
Speaker 6 (01:14:55):
How there's no haunted house set up there.
Speaker 29 (01:14:57):
I don't care what you are. I'm the owner of this.
Speaker 6 (01:15:00):
I live on the twenty first floor of a high rise.
Speaker 29 (01:15:03):
Give me the number of your company here. No for
what I'll tell your boss how great and professional you were,
and you're super duper.
Speaker 14 (01:15:10):
I never put my name on any list for any
haunted house.
Speaker 29 (01:15:13):
Yeah, I never. I never applied for anything.
Speaker 22 (01:15:16):
Somebody is pulling a prank.
Speaker 29 (01:15:17):
You got kind of ignorant, and now I just want
to know what the company is.
Speaker 6 (01:15:21):
Nobody said anything.
Speaker 29 (01:15:22):
Okay, just give me the number.
Speaker 6 (01:15:23):
I never put my name.
Speaker 14 (01:15:24):
On anything for hosting any type of a haunted.
Speaker 6 (01:15:26):
House a high rise.
Speaker 8 (01:15:29):
Mother, you woke me up.
Speaker 20 (01:15:31):
You're asking about the living a haunted house.
Speaker 29 (01:15:33):
You want to meet me in the street, Meet me
in the street. You got the big muscles over the phone.
I don't know a thing about what you got.
Speaker 7 (01:15:40):
Come see me.
Speaker 29 (01:15:40):
Where do you want to meet at? We'll talk about
your follow all life. I'll show them follow follow all
lights up here? How's that master? Where timon place? Name it?
Speaker 7 (01:15:51):
I live in a high rise.
Speaker 29 (01:15:52):
You mother scourp gutters here a word to me. You
show up at my friend house. You were gonna be sorry?
Why there's somebody else see you that I don't care
bringing on you?
Speaker 16 (01:16:06):
How are you going to be seriously?
Speaker 20 (01:16:08):
Oh you know what?
Speaker 29 (01:16:09):
No, no, no, he said, out of mind. I don't
want it more.
Speaker 6 (01:16:18):
Amen to our production guys. Sketch that put that uh
that phone tap together? Man, he's good now, But I
think sketches on drugs. He's good now man. But yeah, man,
there's there's a difference between being creative and just being
on like some shrooms or something. I don't know, man,
those voices in your head, yeah yeah, yeah. It almost
felt like when I was listening to it, like I
should have dropped like a table acid or something just
listening to it, you know. So, just just for your
one hundred ninety two thousand free gas and everything, I'm
just gonna ask you who won the argument. You gotta
go specific with what somebody said just and I mean,
like that's so easy?
Speaker 22 (01:17:00):
Uh huh?
Speaker 6 (01:17:00):
Who won the argument? Watch somebody call it be.
Speaker 3 (01:17:02):
Like the lady.
Speaker 5 (01:17:04):
The guy.
Speaker 6 (01:17:05):
I'm not confused, right, so call him something. Man. Your
Mickey Ficky mix h is going down. DJ Quest is
up in here with O QUESTI five, what's good big
maintaining doing a damn banging on the game happening home.
I'm hump David, you sir. We got coming up in
the Mickey Ficky Mix Quest check it out.
Speaker 21 (01:17:19):
Bigg got that scissor kill Bill also got Kendrick Lamar
not like us coming up in the Mickey Ficky Mix.
Speaker 6 (01:17:23):
And Dodgers today is at five zero eight. The game
start five oh eight, Yeah, man, cole brew open and
watch the game. Only one in one, one in one, man,
So when let's going to make it happen, Your Mickey
Picky Max h is going down. DJ Quest is up
in here. Big Boys Neighborhood.
Speaker 1 (01:17:40):
Big Boys Neighborhood on demand, Full show episodes posted daily.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel, big Boy TV for more.
Check out Radio big Boy dot com, Big Boy Neighborhood.
Speaker 2 (01:17:52):
Hey Sup, Supper with us up in here?
Speaker 6 (01:17:53):
What I man? You know what I've been noticing about
my parents, especially my dad, right yeah, can you go
with more dads?
Speaker 2 (01:18:02):
This is what I'm talking about, so I know, but
them both, actually them both.
Speaker 22 (01:18:07):
You know.
Speaker 6 (01:18:08):
What I noticed is that my parents, like they asked
for like favors after they just insulted you, like anything
that's normal. They don't give you time to get over it.
Right in, hey, dom, get close the door, stopid and
then can you help me? Please? What you called me
an idiot?
Speaker 3 (01:18:28):
Help me?
Speaker 2 (01:18:28):
Speaker 6 (01:18:28):
I say, help me please?
Speaker 30 (01:18:29):
I love you.
Speaker 6 (01:18:30):
Please. I shut the door and stop and look at
the stop look at your face, and then help me please.
It's like, dude, I don't want to be nowhere near
you right now. Dude, hey man, isn't that the worst?
When I go down and you you do have to
ask for something else right away?
Speaker 3 (01:18:43):
Yeah, man?
Speaker 6 (01:18:44):
Or like yeah, something happens, you break something and then
you get upset. You're like, I was just gonna ask
them for your outside now because it just broke the lamp. Now,
I was gonna let you, but said you broke the lamp,
No one's going outside. It's like, hey man, And it's
the same when you get into it like a disagreement
with your significant there or something like oh yeah, and
then you got to ask him like do you know
what the keys are? Something? You're like, man, you gotta
be cool with them? Yeah, exactly. Or you guys agree
on something on the TV that was funny. Anyway, I
still hate you.
Speaker 2 (01:19:13):
Whatever he's got to actually is wrong.
Speaker 6 (01:19:15):
Yeah. I hated doing that too, Like getting in trouble
and then asking for a favor right after. Always the worst.
My dad be watching TV upset. They're always upset watching TV.
I don't know why. It doesn't mark, dude, it's like
your favorite show, all right, come on, and then you
sit down and try to act like you're watching it
with him, and he can sense it. You're just like
trying to chime in. Yeah, it's just funny, huh. Like, Hey,
whatever it is that you want, it's a no talking
about I just want to watch TV. I love you. No, okay,
don't ask me whatever you want. Hey, man, did you
shot with your parents back in the day? Did you
were you want to? I don't ask for nothing when
you get in here, don't ask for nothing. Don't ask
for nothing. And my dad would alway be like, if
you get lost, then that's it. Figure it out. Oh
my god, we're not going to come back for you.
And that was I was like, dude, that's a lot
to hold in.
Speaker 2 (01:20:07):
Yeah, it would get lost all the time.
Speaker 6 (01:20:09):
Yeah, like I'm six, Yeah exactly.
Speaker 12 (01:20:10):
That's funny mention that because when I was younger, I
remember I was like in line about to pay for
something and I was looking at something that grab something.
I was, mom, buy it, and then the person behind
me offered to buy it for me. My mom was
like no, they hassled.
Speaker 6 (01:20:22):
Oh yeah, they get more embarrassed. I say, you're baking,
you're begging. I don't have money, And I'm like, will
you say you don't have money? Now you see what
you did stick around your radios Big Boy Neighborhood.
Speaker 3 (01:20:35):
Shirley from l A Big Boy, thank you so much
for making us that.
Speaker 6 (01:20:39):
Every morning, Big eighties, you're find a Big Boy from
Big Boys Neighborhood on iHeart Radio. We have the most
fun on your radio. Hey, Sue suppovid the newest addition
to the neighborhood. Do you have superstitions like if your
left hand is itching, money's coming. Yeah, yeah, yeah, they're
always negative. Though I don't know what It is like
you mentioned somebody's names because you're thinking bad things about them.
I was like, alright, remember them, they're thinking bad about you. Yeah,
talking bad about you. Go drink water five times and
split it out like.
Speaker 13 (01:21:16):
Speaker 6 (01:21:16):
Does that work? Yeah? My mom My mom is all
superstitious because she's the queen of that. She's watching YouTube
videos the juices. Let's Googo has a juice that could
cure everything. Me cause this juice, this just can cure everything.
He just said, you know my arm, Then we show
you right, Thank you for listening. It is upind a
big boy, big Boys neighborhood. You can catch more of
us right here on iHeart Radio, Big Boy Neighborhood, Lions
up in here. What up, honey?
Speaker 2 (01:21:45):
Oh nothing?
Speaker 3 (01:21:46):
What you got?
Speaker 4 (01:21:46):
We got a big treat for us Juice world fans
because we got two new songs. And this is on
his i EP. He called the pre Party. It's called Cavalier.
Speaker 6 (01:21:55):
I remember pulling up in the Cavallet, I remember dropping
off the drunk out, did a lot of recording and
there's so much I can't say unreleased, could because you
could find it, but that dude, man, even if you've
seen the documentary, he just freestyle and made music all
the time.
Speaker 4 (01:22:17):
Big, the amount of music that's been dropped, like just
in the past years, I can't imagine what hasn't been
dropped yet or how much has been stored or it's
going to be dropped in future.
Speaker 6 (01:22:25):
And can you imagine, God bless him, man, if he
would have stayed with us, what kind of music and
just what where this guy would be.
Speaker 4 (01:22:32):
Yeah, like anyone who's ever worked with him and been
in the neighborhood, they always say the best things about
him and Big. The second song he dropped is called
both Ways.
Speaker 34 (01:22:41):
That you don't even know the sign to the drug
till I showed your Hey, stretch out the bank, run
on me to get here with a bank, Hey, drive away.
Speaker 6 (01:22:50):
He got crucified today. Hey, don't such a talent man.
Speaker 3 (01:22:54):
He is such a talent man.
Speaker 6 (01:22:56):
And just when he would have freestyle, like even when
he came to the neighborhood, he freest out with us
for us in the neighborhood, and dude had like no
safety net, you know what I'm saying, And he would
he was amazing that I got a full clip of words.
Speaker 34 (01:23:09):
Not afraid of podfit feel like Drake headline started front,
no bottom nagging him in my pocket.
Speaker 6 (01:23:15):
That's a gun or a condom.
Speaker 34 (01:23:17):
Gotta protect myself and I gotta wrap up there in
the condum pull up.
Speaker 6 (01:23:20):
That's okay.
Speaker 34 (01:23:21):
I swear to God, you want no problem? Like Amelia
is something I'm going what's going to enough for goblin?
What's a goblin to a god? And what's a god
without a goddess. I'm talking about my girl and being
humble up the modest, But then again, at the end
of the day, I'm thankful. All my life is but
a journey, and I'm writing out my wish list.
Speaker 6 (01:23:39):
Man live you know what I'm saying, Live in freestyle, man,
And when I say no safety net, he would say
words that I'm like, what's his next word? Because I
freest out and I wrapped and everything. You know what
I'm saying. He wasn't doing any of those you know
me be you know what I'm saying. He's like, yeah,
that dude was a bee, so.
Speaker 4 (01:23:56):
He wasn't speaking of that freestyle. I remember recording in
the neighborhood. He's like, they were on tour together, and
the whole ride on tour, they were going back and
forth just freestyling, he would have stoped.
Speaker 6 (01:24:05):
I can't imagine what Core Day and Juice World sound
like just freestyling together, just because he would just say
they was just rideouts, yea, and the entire ride just freestyle.
Speaker 4 (01:24:14):
It's so cool. And that was just a piece of
him doing that in the neighborhood big because the whole piece.
You know, if you actually go to the lyrics on Genius,
you'll see our freestyle up there, and it's broken down
as the lyrics lyrics because people want that as a song.
You love that, man.
Speaker 6 (01:24:25):
I'm glad. I mean that man, And make my brother
rest in paradise. Y'all continue to hang out with us
in the neighborhood Big Boy's Neighborhood.
Speaker 1 (01:24:32):
Big Boys Neighborhood on demand, Full show episodes posted daily.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel, big Boy TV for more.
Check out Radio big Boy dot com, Big Boy Neighborhood.
Speaker 12 (01:24:44):
Louji is up in here with a lot o friend
of the neighborhood man George Lop. Honestly, Lopez versus Lopez
is such a success, bro. Just watching the fact that
he's working with his daughter.
Speaker 6 (01:24:54):
I'm so glad they got another season.
Speaker 2 (01:24:56):
So awesome dog.
Speaker 6 (01:24:57):
But the one time he was in here, man and
he was talking about dating. You have to listen to
this talk about his daily life right now.
Speaker 2 (01:25:04):
Hey, George, do you still date right now?
Speaker 5 (01:25:06):
Speaker 30 (01:25:07):
Man, No, no, I don't think you know. I'll say this.
It tastes like chicken. I'm gonna be over there with
those dudes. I think I'm out whatever the dating. No,
I mean, listen, listen. I've had a pretty uh, I've
had a pretty good career.
Speaker 6 (01:25:24):
But whoever I meant is trying to change. They're trying
to change me, right, so there'll never be another woman
like just living in the house either. No, I heard that. No,
what about a good one night stand?
Speaker 30 (01:25:37):
No, it's not fun anymore. No, you know what I
think when you you know, you know, it's like, you
know what, man, I wouldn't do that. I'm not gonna
do it. I'm not going to do that to you.
Just let's just say we had fun. Get older, it's
harder to maintain, you know. You know, it's like I
was never good at it the first person.
Speaker 8 (01:26:02):
I know.
Speaker 6 (01:26:02):
If I fired it up again? How old is this
compressor over here?
Speaker 30 (01:26:11):
I'm like, no, because you know what your directions are
directly connected to your mind, and you know at some
point in your head you're like, man, this has been
going on too long, and then.
Speaker 6 (01:26:26):
I cannot focus just on that. I'm just trying to
get out. George is hilarious. He's like he's done, He's
so done done. Yeah, man, with relationships, I'm going to
be for the rest of his life. Literally, Doug Hey, man,
I was even like, what about just like a one
night stand. You're like, no. He was pretty much saying, man,
I've been in the in the business a lot of time.
He's one of the lot in Mini Party. It's one
of those whatever wherever. Yeah, man, and not tripping if
it does, yeah, exactly, if it doesn't, believe that. You
can find that entire interview and it's extremely funny.
Speaker 8 (01:26:59):
Speaker 2 (01:26:59):
It's right there.
Speaker 6 (01:26:59):
Radio dot COM's right there for Big Boy TV, our
YouTube channel. As you're watching, hit that subscribe button as well.
Once again, shout out to George Lope Page. I'll stick
around your radios. Big Boys Neighborhood.
Speaker 8 (01:27:10):
This is Big Boy's Neighborhood on demand.
Speaker 6 (01:27:13):
Big Boy Neighborhood. Phone tap on. The team's right here,
Big Boy Neighborhood.
Speaker 8 (01:27:24):
To make it all stick like got.
Speaker 3 (01:27:37):
How you doing?
Speaker 6 (01:27:38):
My name is Luther Loofe. I stay in a studio.
I have a studio workspace, a cubicle, and the people
upstairs have a spot called Bell's Balloons. And up there
they do like a lot of work with helium, and
the helium is coming through my fence. And I was
one of there's a way that I can't make a complaint.
This is a place of business and you both rent
from a owner. Yes, we do. I'm wondering if I
could do something for you. Can you give me a
few seconds of your time where I could just go
to this event and in hell and just let me
show you something. Yeah, hello, hello, see can you hear this?
Speaker 22 (01:28:14):
Speaker 6 (01:28:14):
I mean this is the kind of things that I
have to go through right here, Okay, there's a district
office in the area. You can register a informal complaint.
I'm getting tired of being called like the Lucky Charms,
Man Frost, the Lucky Charms, the Magically Delicious. It's hard
when you really try to call somebody. There's been times
when I've even called the authorities and they don't take
me serious, or they'll hear my voice and they'll say Okay,
this guy must be playing, and so I will sit
up and I will play with them. Okay, We're off
to see the Wizard, the wonderful Wizard of Oz and
I don't need this.
Speaker 27 (01:28:49):
If you if you call there or you go in
in person.
Speaker 6 (01:28:53):
What sir, Listen, you sound very relaxed. This just must
be a low tension job for you.
Speaker 27 (01:28:58):
No, I've had a people such as yourself.
Speaker 6 (01:29:01):
Okay, sure, understandable construction job, and a couple.
Speaker 5 (01:29:06):
Of arms from the trucks was driving them crazy.
Speaker 6 (01:29:08):
And so you just hear a lot of these complaints
all day. No, not all day, okay, right, okay, well
I appreciate that, and I'll thank you for your time. Okay,
Oh god, here it comes. Oh here it comes. Excuse me,
Dan do the witch is dead? Which is dead?
Speaker 8 (01:29:24):
All right, have a good one, Okay.
Speaker 6 (01:29:26):
Thank you.
Speaker 2 (01:29:28):
Mickey, it's going down. DJ Quest is up in here.
Speaker 22 (01:29:31):
What up?
Speaker 2 (01:29:31):
Speaker 6 (01:29:32):
What's good?
Speaker 13 (01:29:32):
Speaker 2 (01:29:33):
Let's go Dodgers?
Speaker 6 (01:29:34):
Speaker 2 (01:29:34):
Yes, hey man, it's looking good for the Dodgers right now.
Speaker 3 (01:29:40):
Speaker 2 (01:29:40):
It's a lot of new Dodger gear being sold too.
Speaker 6 (01:29:43):
Yeah, no, come on now. Yeah.
Speaker 21 (01:29:44):
The beautiful thing is is like they can actually keep
their lead. Now, you know what I'm saying. I feel
like the past years it's like they blow their lead
and this out. Yeah yeah, man, hey man, that old
tiny Jesus Christ.
Speaker 6 (01:29:57):
Yeah bro, when he came up, man, and then when
MOOKI Beds came up after So for some reason, Mookie
Bets looks so little, you know what I'm saying. But
it's great momento, man, and I love it. I love
that for Los Angeles too, yeah man. And Dodger's up
to one and I'll take that.
Speaker 35 (01:30:11):
Speaker 6 (01:30:11):
We got kind of Innis quest check it out, big,
I got that Kendrick Lamartina like us.
Speaker 21 (01:30:15):
Also got Jake Colin t Grizzly bl Blow for blow
coming up in the ninety two minute commercial free Mickey Ficky.
Speaker 1 (01:30:20):
Minute Big Boys Neighborhood on demand. Full show episodes posted daily.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel, big Boy TV for more.
Check out Radio big Boy dot com Big Boy Neighborhood.
Speaker 3 (01:30:33):
Lugis up in here.
Speaker 6 (01:30:34):
What I'm loot all? Oh my gosh.
Speaker 12 (01:30:35):
Big news for jay Z and the NFL doc so
their partnership that happened back in twenty nineteen, right when
they partnered up. So jay Z can do a lot
of the entertainment for the NFL, and that has brought
us some of the best halftime super Bowl.
Speaker 6 (01:30:50):
So he got in a long time soon as he
got in twenty twenty Shakira and Jan for Lopez, twenty
twenty one, the weekend twenty twenty two, we remember that man,
that's Doctor Dre, Snoop Dog, fifty cent em and m
Larry J. Blige and also twenty twenty three Rihanna and
the Big News now that they have extended their partnership
for several years. Yeah man, so congratulations. Hey, so twenty
twenty four, what was twenty twenty four?
Speaker 13 (01:31:16):
Speaker 6 (01:31:17):
Speaker 7 (01:31:18):
Speaker 2 (01:31:18):
Usher was twenty Now, how did I forget that?
Speaker 3 (01:31:20):
Speaker 6 (01:31:20):
Twenty twenty four? And for twenty twenty five it's Kendrick Lamar.
Kendrick Lamar. Yeah, man. So it's very great for our
genre on what we do in the neighborhood, but you know,
somewhere else people are really upset.
Speaker 3 (01:31:30):
Oh yeah, dog.
Speaker 6 (01:31:31):
This came actually the surprise for me.
Speaker 34 (01:31:32):
Speaker 6 (01:31:32):
I didn't think this was gonna happen. I thought the
NFL would probably be like, Okay, we did enough with
like the jay Z stuff and some hip hop in
the genre and maybe switch it up now because they
kind of tend to do but now to extend it,
they're happy with it. Bro, I love it Doneah man,
this is great. And you got to think right at
twenty twenty when Shakira and everybody came in. Yeah, twenty
nineteen was Maroon five and remember they brought out Travis
Scott a little bit and big Boy from Outcast. Yes,
justin Timberlake was twenty eighteen. Lady guys, so you know,
Lady got got cold play, you know what I'm saying.
So it was different, Yeah, Doctorcaz, he definitely made a difference,
oh one hundred percent. And even like this is this
is them back in twenty nineteen talking about the partnership.
They started the NFL platform for us, what was excited
for us? The spy changes already happening, and uh, the
NFL has a huge platform.
Speaker 33 (01:32:22):
I don't think either one of us expected that this
relationship wouldn't have its critics, all right.
Speaker 6 (01:32:27):
And they still got critics, you know what I'm saying.
They still got creating hundred percent. They got critics, and
even there it was an uproar winning you know, you
think about New Orleans Man and when they didn't have
Lil Wayne or anybody, you know, just that that that
feel we cash money. Maybe maybe it could have been
MASTERB whatever it is, so but that was like that
was others. That was like you know, people speaking. It
wasn't the NFL, Like the NFL wasn't tripping off of it. Yeah,
but I don't know how many years because there's not
really that many crazy details about it. But the fact
that they're extending this is awesome. Man, that's Mattress money
for jail. Jay's a billionaire, you know what I'm saying.
You're like, man, I don't know, I don't need that.
At one point, are we going to see jay Z
actually do a halftime? Right? Right?
Speaker 2 (01:33:10):
People be mad. He could have ten years of other
people and he put himself in.
Speaker 6 (01:33:13):
I knew it's gonna do this. Yeah, that's exactly why
I did it. But we we're gonna speak to some
of our neighbors as well, man, and for them out.
Speaker 2 (01:33:20):
There, what what do they feel was the best super Bowl?
Speaker 6 (01:33:22):
Is what we're asking. What was the best super Bowl
when it came to the halftime performance? Y'all continue to
hang out.
Speaker 3 (01:33:27):
With us in the neighborhood. Big Boys Neighborhood.
Speaker 1 (01:33:34):
Float just for Steve Sweat, Big Boys Neighborhood on demand,
full show episodes posted daily.
Speaker 8 (01:33:41):
Subscribe to our YouTube channel, big Boy TV. For more.
Check out Radio big Boy dot Com.
Speaker 6 (01:33:47):
Big Boy Neighborhood. Luis g was speaking on it man.
Jay Z and the NFL extended their deal. Yes, we've
had some great Super Bowl halftime performances. You know, there
are some critics out there as well. Totally understood, yep.
But we also went to our neighbors just to kind
of see when we've seen like certain years when jay
Z came in. We saw Shakira and Jennifer Lopez when
he came in at the first year, the weekend. This
is just just the little taste of when jay Z
came Lehanna right there, Doctor Gray, Snoop, Eminem, Mary J.
Blives Hender Tomorrow fifty the weekend, Shakira and Jennifer Lopez.
That's when jay Z came in. It's crazy, yeah, man,
the influence that he had and the entertainers that he
brought into You don't give us some dough. I don't
want to hear it right now, because I do want
to hear from from our neighbors. But do you have
a favorite since jay Z been in a favorite halftime?
You and I think it's very obvy, right you and
you as well? Yeah, yeah man, And then you can
go all the way back to like, you know, people's
when when Prince did Yes, you know what Bruno Mars did,
when Lady God God did it? Whatever made people. We're
asking what is the best super Bowl halftime performed? Let's
go with o'davio.
Speaker 36 (01:35:04):
The best war performance was the twenty twenty two when
the La Rams won the Super Boy in Los Angeles
with Eminem Snoop Kendrick, Lamar.
Speaker 8 (01:35:13):
Mary J.
Speaker 36 (01:35:13):
Blige of fifty cent. That was the greatest ever, ever, ever,
ever performance and it was in La The best part
was that doctor Dre Kendrick. They all brought up the
local spot here in confidence, which always in the neighborhood
that we grew up with.
Speaker 6 (01:35:27):
It's something that hit close to home. That's exactly why
I didn't say anything. That's exactly let's go to Jennifer.
Speaker 14 (01:35:34):
My favorite super Bowl halftime show would be in twenty
twenty when it was Shakira, j Lo J Balvin and
God Bunny. It was just an iconic Super Bowl Show.
It was so entertaining, from the lights, to the dancers,
to their outfits, to the fireworks. Just it was very
well executed. And nothing beats a woman being almost fifty
years old or fifty years old at the time. I
don't even remember sliding down a stripper pool and just
like the energy she brought.
Speaker 5 (01:36:03):
The energy very entertaining.
Speaker 2 (01:36:05):
I still watch it till this day.
Speaker 6 (01:36:06):
Well did it depending on who that fifty year old
woman is that slide it down to. You know what
I'm saying something you be like, man, can you cry
back up? But yeah, that was another exciting year and
that was a very sexy Super Bowl. See when they
did the documentary for that now it exactly tap time,
yeah naptime documentary, and they showed you just how much
work goes into that put together.
Speaker 2 (01:36:24):
That's twelve to fifteen minutes if you're lucky.
Speaker 6 (01:36:27):
Believe that, man. But we'll see what's going down And
don't forget twenty twenty five is going to be Kendrick
Lamar Kat and congratulations to jay Z and the NFL
ended their deal.
Speaker 2 (01:36:36):
Don'll continue to hang out with It's in the neighborhood,
big boys, neighborhood.
Speaker 1 (01:36:39):
Big Boys Neighborhood on demand, Full show episodes posted daily.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel, big Boy Tv.
Speaker 8 (01:36:47):
For more. Check out Radio Bigboy dot com.
Speaker 3 (01:36:50):
The Boy's Neighborhood.
Speaker 2 (01:36:51):
Louis g is up in here with a lot all.
Speaker 12 (01:36:53):
It's still surreal to me that Lebron James is playing
with the Sun Brownie James for the Los Angeles Lakers.
Speaker 6 (01:36:57):
Man, real Talkron, I'm playing with Bronnie James. It's crazy, right,
just see them want together the other day was insane.
Big You got a chance to talk to Lebron James
a while back when he was with Brownnie, and he wonder,
what is it the uh uh the McDonald's all American. Yeah, yeah,
he was going to the McDonald's that Nasmith or whatever
it is or Yes, that was dope. But just hearing
him talk about his son was so dope to me.
Speaker 35 (01:37:22):
I know the hard work that Bronnie puts into his game,
I know how much he loves the game. And you know,
for me, you know, being in the game twenty years ago,
you know, to now seeing my son being in the
game now, it's like a dream come true for him,
you know, and it's I'm just super duper, duper proud
of him and looking forward to it.
Speaker 6 (01:37:37):
What does that feel like as a father, bro, to
know the hard work that you put in and to
see your son really falling so closely in your footstep,
your son's man, you know, it's very like humbling, you know.
Speaker 7 (01:37:49):
Speaker 35 (01:37:49):
I mean, I've never like, you know, told him this
is what they have to do. You know, you don't
have to follow my footsteps. But you know, they've been
around the game their whole lives and it's something that
they love to do. So you know, it makes it
even more enjoyable when you know that this is something
that they love to do. And you know, for me
as a father and Savannah as a mother, you know,
we just just try to give our support.
Speaker 6 (01:38:10):
Well we see that year of Bronnie and lebron playing together,
you think, oh, yeah, it's gonna have you. Yeah, and
it happened and here we are.
Speaker 3 (01:38:18):
And here we are. Amazing? Is that man?
Speaker 6 (01:38:20):
Now you got to do his hold down for Bryce? Yeah,
to get there exactly.
Speaker 12 (01:38:24):
Bronni recently came out and was talking to Men's Health
Bro When he did an interview right and he was
talking about the cardiac arrest that happened at USC, so
scared the hard incident, and he says that, you know,
there was talking about him. He said, as soon as
he mentioned it, like he kind of tensed up a
little bit, dropped like eye contact and started talking about it.
Speaker 6 (01:38:40):
But he said that it felt like it was just
a normal day. He had this Smoothie went to go
to a.
Speaker 12 (01:38:43):
Summer workout on USC campus before school started and the
season kicked off in Ernest, and he said midway through
the drills, he says, he just blacked out and doesn't
remember anything else.
Speaker 2 (01:38:53):
Hey, man, I was scared.
Speaker 6 (01:38:55):
I couldn't imagine getting a phone call and about one
of my keys.
Speaker 2 (01:39:00):
Yeah, you know what I'm saying. I couldn't imagine, man.
Speaker 6 (01:39:02):
And then they have the Starting five which is on Netflix,
and they lebron He addresses that, and you could just
see the pain and also the joy that he that
his son is with him. But oh, man, you could
just see the pain as a father, and you can
see the pain as a mother when it comes to Savannah. Man,
you never want to get those kind of phone calls,
even with me. Man as a dad, and you know
you understand as a dad and everybody that that's parents
in here. Man, Is that you want you? I always heay, God,
just put it all on me, Just put it all
on me. And Lord of Knowles has he been putting
it all on Jesus? Put some one on me, all right? Now,
continue to hang out with us in the neighborhood, Big
Boy's neighborhood.
Speaker 8 (01:39:43):
This is big Boy on demand, Big Boy Neighborhood.
Speaker 3 (01:39:46):
Loig is up in here.
Speaker 6 (01:39:47):
With a bad weekend for the Joker too. It dropped tremendously. Yeah, man,
they said his playing at Target. Now, so's crazy.
Speaker 7 (01:39:58):
Speaker 6 (01:39:58):
You got to figure this movie casts too, dred million budget, right,
one hundred million in marketing, So that's a total of
three hundred million. So the two hundred was just to
shoot and they did one hundred million in mark for
three hundred million in the hole. Yeah, it's an opening
weekend that didn't even hit one hundred million.
Speaker 7 (01:40:12):
Dogs, so they're in the hole.
Speaker 6 (01:40:14):
But the second week and to drop by like eighty percent, dog,
and it only made about eighteen million, not even eight million.
It made seven million in the second week.
Speaker 2 (01:40:23):
That's domestic man, bro a dude, it's not flopping.
Speaker 6 (01:40:27):
It flopped. Yeah, one has flopped, man, the joke's on us.
It is so bad that there's this other horror movie
that came out called The Terrifier three that cost two
million to make.
Speaker 3 (01:40:37):
That season the most.
Speaker 6 (01:40:38):
Famous serial killers is Chap the Ripper and this is
Terrifier three. And I could be wrong, but I don't
even think I've heard of Terrifiers. I remember there they
had three.
Speaker 12 (01:40:49):
Yeah, I remember Terrifier one when it came out because
people were talking about because it went viral because like
people were walking out.
Speaker 6 (01:40:54):
It was so disgusting.
Speaker 7 (01:40:55):
It's a horror movie.
Speaker 12 (01:40:56):
It's supposed to be crazy, right, But I can only
imagine the bad the budget that was for the first one,
because now this one's a two million dollars.
Speaker 2 (01:41:03):
Man, we got two million on this one.
Speaker 6 (01:41:05):
They made eighteen million dollars and thirty installment A man,
you won't get a Joker three, Doug, you would not
get a Joker three. Director got interviewed by TMZ because
it's like, how's the field to beat the Joker? And
he went, ad, we got the one, okay with that?
Speaker 3 (01:41:22):
How crazy is that?
Speaker 6 (01:41:23):
How bad?
Speaker 12 (01:41:23):
And you know I've heard like Joker fans be like, man,
it's not worth it. Bro Joker too, same music, Lady sing.
Speaker 6 (01:41:42):
Something bro. At some point, man, somebody that was either
watching like the dailies or once they put the film together,
somebody was sitting in there in the corporate area saying
this sucks. We probably couldn't say anything, just like, oh man, yeah,
not good man. You know, and you come home from work,
how was it?
Speaker 13 (01:41:59):
Speaker 12 (01:42:00):
No, honey, yeah, even like Jason says, like, you know
how their marketing, but it was one hundred million dollars
They had to overmarket this movie. Yeah, they probably already
knew how bad it was gonna do.
Speaker 6 (01:42:08):
Hey, dude, if they would have gave me ten thousand,
I would have say, man, let's just stop production.
Speaker 2 (01:42:11):
You know what I'm saying, give me ten who's a
consultant on this?
Speaker 6 (01:42:15):
Oh my gosh, but yeah it me and Stevie Wonder
was watching it like what is this? You know what
I'm saying? Too much music? Yeah, yeah, what is this? Man?
We're gonna come back.
Speaker 13 (01:42:26):
Speaker 6 (01:42:26):
Now, the Joker was bad, but we're gonna get into
with our neighbors as well. And in the neighborhood. Man,
the Joker was bad, but you know what's worse than that? Hey, man,
I tried to make a sandwich. You didn't have bread. Oh,
that's worse than that. We got your own mindset together.
You're like, so, Joker's bad, but what's worse than that?
You'll stick around your radio's Big Boys Neighborhood.
Speaker 3 (01:42:49):
Of South Tanto.
Speaker 6 (01:42:50):
We're listening to Big Boy Neighborhood in the morning.
Speaker 22 (01:42:52):
Bo, let's go.
Speaker 1 (01:42:54):
You're checking out another full show episode a Big Boy's
Neighborhood on demand going.
Speaker 6 (01:43:00):
Neighborhood log is up in here, lou dog. We were
speaking on it, man. The Joker too not flopping. The
Joker too has flopped.
Speaker 3 (01:43:06):
Oh flyp bro. Seven million dollars.
Speaker 6 (01:43:08):
Yeah, man, weekend total with marketing and shooting the movie
about three hundred million dollars.
Speaker 2 (01:43:15):
Just in the last weekend they made eight million.
Speaker 3 (01:43:17):
That is whole.
Speaker 2 (01:43:18):
They haven't made one hundred.
Speaker 6 (01:43:19):
Million yet, No, not at all. Yeah, man, that is bad. Bro.
Whoever put in that deal was partly damn Hey, dude,
rotten tomatoes gave what wasn't in the thirties. Yeah, and sometimes,
but you know, writing tomato, man, they understood it. Not
a public is speaking, man. We're just talking about in
the neighborhood. Now, the Joker too, that movie. That's bad
you just in life? You know what I'm saying, that
just playing around with it? Man, what's worse than that?
Speaker 24 (01:43:42):
Speaker 2 (01:43:43):
You know what's worst for that?
Speaker 12 (01:43:44):
Going to a restaurant, putting your food on top of
your car, closing the door and driving knof Oh.
Speaker 6 (01:43:48):
Man, I've had that too. Man left the dude, And
I'm so glad the last time it happened to me.
I'm so glad nobody didn't get a picture of it
because I was licking my food off the road. Yeah,
somebody enjoyed the pizza that fell off my had the
other day. And we're gonna get into our neighbors with that?
Speaker 8 (01:44:07):
Speaker 6 (01:44:07):
And what's worse than Oh yeah, let's go to who
do we have up there? There's Richard? Rich Richard is
also many. Let's go to Richard? All right, what's rich
You know what's worse than that? The person she comes
with is your cousin, her blood cousin, your primo. Man,
he's talking about somebody doing like a double date. I'm
gonna yeah, she got a friend, That's what I said. Bro.
Speaker 12 (01:44:29):
I put it up there and I was like, Hey,
what would be worse than going to like a spending
twenty dollars at a Joker movie and then next thing
you know it, you're Exos City next to you.
Speaker 6 (01:44:36):
Right, like, what would be worse? That was your that
was your that was my post? Did I put up?
Speaker 3 (01:44:40):
Speaker 6 (01:44:41):
We just forgot right and we just played some audio
from nowhere? Yeah okay, Yeah, that was a great setup.
You know that was a beautiful setup by anything.
Speaker 7 (01:44:51):
Do you know what many?
Speaker 6 (01:44:52):
No walk for many? Alrighty? This is that many back?
Speaker 3 (01:44:55):
Speaker 6 (01:44:55):
Isn't that? Okay? What's worse than that?
Speaker 27 (01:44:59):
This man, you want to know, what's worse than that?
Walking in on your dad smashing the life out of
your mom? Raser's style? I'm sorry, son, what did he say?
Speaker 4 (01:45:10):
Roser style? It's a form of porn thingy wait?
Speaker 3 (01:45:14):
What did they call it?
Speaker 6 (01:45:18):
Okay, I talk to you about it. I'll talk you.
Speaker 4 (01:45:26):
Twitter is porn central crossed?
Speaker 3 (01:45:29):
Speaker 5 (01:45:32):
Is going on?
Speaker 2 (01:45:34):
What's worse than that?
Speaker 4 (01:45:35):
Even when you're eating your tacos and your green sauce
and red sauce runs out? Now, I can't finish my taco.
Speaker 6 (01:45:39):
With I weigh over five hundred pounds, man, I put
mud on it. I can't eat a taco without sauce
on it. I'm good to go, y'all, stick around your radios.
Big boy, just real quick man, just real quick to
joker too. Man. We want to send a special or
just really our condolences and rest in peace to that
to that movie all right, moment of silence. Big Boy's Neighborhood, Natalie.
Speaker 32 (01:46:06):
I'm Fromtasadina and I love to wake up listening to
the Big Boy.
Speaker 4 (01:46:09):
I love you, Big Boy.
Speaker 6 (01:46:15):
Eighties You find a Big Boy from Big Boy's Neighborhood
on iHeartRadio. There's another in case you missed the moment
with us. Why did your husband need to be called
at Veronica.
Speaker 8 (01:46:26):
Three years ago?
Speaker 15 (01:46:26):
He cheated on me with this older lady Jo fifty two.
Speaker 31 (01:46:29):
He'll throw me that he's going to leave me for
her sometimes when he gets mad at me, I catch
on watching her Facebook.
Speaker 24 (01:46:36):
Speaker 6 (01:46:37):
He should start looking at somebody's Facebook. Wow.
Speaker 31 (01:46:41):
She's ugly.
Speaker 23 (01:46:42):
Her name is Alejandrakay.
Speaker 6 (01:46:48):
Thank you for listening. Eighties upind a Big Boy, Big
Boy's Neighborhood. You can catch more of us right here
on iHeartRadio.
Speaker 3 (01:46:56):
Speaker 6 (01:46:56):
You know what I've been noticing about my parents, especially
my dad? Shut dude, Yeah you go with more dad stuff.
That is what I'm talking about im but them both,
actually them both.
Speaker 22 (01:47:08):
You know.
Speaker 6 (01:47:09):
What I noticed is that my parents is like they
asked for like favors after they just insulted you, like
anything that's normal.
Speaker 4 (01:47:17):
They don't give me.
Speaker 6 (01:47:17):
Time to get over it, right, Hey, dommy, get to
close the door, stopid and then can you help me? Please?
He called me an idiot?
Speaker 3 (01:47:30):
Help me please?
Speaker 6 (01:47:31):
I say, help me please.
Speaker 4 (01:47:32):
I love you.
Speaker 6 (01:47:32):
Please. I shut the door and stop and look at
the stop look at your face, and then help me please.
It's like, dude, I don't want to be nowhere near
you right now. Dude, Hey man, isn't that the worst?
When I go down and you you do have to
ask for something else right away? Yeah? Man, Like, yeah,
something happens, you break something, and then you get upset.
You're like, I was just gonna ask him for your
outside now because it just broke the lamp. Now, I
wasn't gonna let you, but says you broke the lamp,
No one's going outside, Like, hey man, it's the same
when you get into it, like a disagreement with your
significant other or something like that. Oh yeah, and then
you got to ask him like, do you know what
the keys are? Somebody You're like, man, you gotta be
cool with them? Yeah, exactly know. Or you guys agree
on something on the TV, Like that was funny. Anyway,
I still hate you. Whatever you's got to act like
that is wrong. Yeah. I hated doing that too, Like
getting in trouble and then asking for a favor right
after always the worst. My dad be watching TV upset.
They're always upset watching TV. I don't know why. It's like, dude,
it's like your favorite show, all right, come on, and
then you sit down and try to act like you're
watching it with him, and he can sense it. You're
just like trying to chime in. Yeah, it's just funny.
Speaker 2 (01:48:39):
Huh, Like what hey, whatever it is that you want,
it's a no talking about I.
Speaker 3 (01:48:46):
Just want to watch TV.
Speaker 6 (01:48:48):
Love you, No, okay, don't ask me whatever you want. Hey, man,
did you shot with your parents back in the day?
Did you where you want to?
Speaker 29 (01:49:00):
Speaker 6 (01:49:00):
I don't ask for nothing when you get in here,
don't ask for nothing. Don't ask for nothing. And my
dad would always be like, if you get lost and
that's it, figure it out. Oh my god, we're not
gonna come back for you, and that was I was like, dude,
that's a lot to hold in. Yeah, that would get
lost all the time. Yeah, I'm six, Yeah exactly.
Speaker 12 (01:49:17):
That's funny you mention that because when I was younger,
I remember I was like in line about to pay
for something and I was looking at something. I grab
something I was mom by, and then the person behind
me offered to buy it for me. My mom was
like no, they hassled. Oh yeah, they get more embarrassed.
You say you're begging. You're begging, I don't have money,
And I'm like, will you said you don't have money?
Speaker 2 (01:49:36):
Now you see what you stick around your radios Big
Boy neighbor.
Speaker 1 (01:49:40):
Big Boys Neighborhood on demand full show episodes posted daily.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel big Boy Tv.
Speaker 8 (01:49:47):
For more. Check out Radio big Boy dot com.
Speaker 6 (01:49:50):
Bi up in here what I'm honi? Oh nothing?
Speaker 3 (01:49:55):
What you got?
Speaker 4 (01:49:55):
Big? We got to go to like a very exclusive
ice Cube event where you got to go home.
Speaker 6 (01:50:00):
We threw it. Yes, there's a difference between being invited
and being the host.
Speaker 4 (01:50:06):
It was just such a cool moment too, because you
did a Q and A with him, and then after that,
what I thought was really really dope about ice Cube
is that he took a picture with every single.
Speaker 2 (01:50:14):
Person in that real one in there.
Speaker 6 (01:50:17):
Not only did he take every picture, he signed every
album flat that he gave out bro gave everybody I'm
talking about everybody that was in that line he took
a picture with and had people around him talking to him.
You don't get that from a lot of artists now.
Speaker 4 (01:50:32):
No, no, because you're always scared, like, okay, let me
stand in line, but the artist might go and I
might not get myself.
Speaker 6 (01:50:36):
And we do this this man where we have artists
where they group everybody together and you're in a picture
where people you don't even know if you're lucky enough
to get that.
Speaker 4 (01:50:44):
Yeah no, And so I just respected it so much.
But on top of that, we were also listening to
his album while we were waiting, and then he premiered
the video for his new song called It's My Ego.
Speaker 6 (01:50:52):
I love this right here.
Speaker 7 (01:50:56):
And you're good?
Speaker 20 (01:51:02):
Would a love go, it's a strug go, it's this happiness?
Well hell no, but I'm slapping this in your mouth
though with a West Coast trade Coast is the dolt sitch.
I can't ope a dose? Oh no, a ministervicen Man,
I've been to minister since it's.
Speaker 6 (01:51:21):
My ego right there. Ice Cube new album Man, it's
called Man Down. The video is available right now. I
ain't mad at you, Q.
Speaker 4 (01:51:28):
The video is so good, Like you know what ice
Cube is the director. This man has made so many movies,
so it's really not a surprise how good this is
everything Man? I love and then big dream of Q
and A. What I also thought was really dope is
that ice Cube of course took questions from the fans,
and one question that I heard I was like, damn,
this is really interesting. But it was wats Homie.
Speaker 6 (01:51:45):
He was asking shout out to watch Homi Kwan man
from the city to watch.
Speaker 4 (01:51:49):
He was asking ice Cube like how can he end
up working with ice Cube one day?
Speaker 37 (01:51:52):
It's perfect and if you perfect, I'll always reach out.
But you gotta be patient because he is this. You
can have talent, you could be, but to really win,
I have.
Speaker 6 (01:52:06):
To put you in a perfect at the perfect time.
Speaker 2 (01:52:09):
To blow and then you can go go you know
what I mean.
Speaker 6 (01:52:13):
That's how it happens, hey man, and shout out to
Watsomi Kwan and you know it's crazy. After that man
is Ice Cube's business partner brother Ron br was like, Hey,
what's the comedian at, what's the guy at? Yeah, So
he literally brought Watsomi Kwan over to him, exchange numbers,
talking with Cube and everything, because Watsomi Kwan is a
hell of a talent and he took the opportunity to
stand up and respectfully ask Cube that question in the
Q and A. You know what I'm saying. So it
was just it was just a great night. He shout
out to ice Cube and his entire circle. Man, they
did an amazing job.
Speaker 8 (01:52:43):
They did it.
Speaker 4 (01:52:44):
They gave us cool shirts too, Like everyone got a
cool shirt, everyone got a cool high.
Speaker 2 (01:52:47):
There was listener neighbor driven though.
Speaker 6 (01:52:51):
That's the one thing I want to get across man
is that he spent time with the people that support
him and he gave everybody a moment and they'll remember that.
But he had shout out to ice Cube as well.
Y'all continue to hang out with us in the neighborhood,
Big Boy Neighborhood.
Speaker 1 (01:53:05):
You're checking out another full show episode a Big Boys
Neighborhood on demand, Big Boy Neighborhood.
Speaker 12 (01:53:11):
Luigi is up in here with a loud all we
got some great news for us Tyler the Creator fans. Bro,
he just announced that he's going to release a new
album on October twenty eight, comorrow, and that album is
called Chroma Copeia. And by doing that, he teased us
with the little video and the little music that's called
Saint Chroma.
Speaker 4 (01:53:33):
The Freedom Cut some persons see, come contracious.
Speaker 6 (01:53:45):
A man, that'll probably be the first introduction of Camp Flogga.
He had come out to a large steal. Hey man,
for those that don't know ty Of the Creator, and
we speak about it all the time. Man, that dude
is extremely talented and more talented that people his hit
the fan base we know, Oh yeah, but man, that
dude is a beast and he has a sick following.
Oh it's like a follow completely sold out his festival. Yeah,
and we don't even know who's going to be on there.
Speaker 12 (01:54:11):
So you talking about a following, I come on, man
and talk about just like you know, the album is
October twentieth.
Speaker 6 (01:54:17):
That's so soon. I didn't think it was gonna be
that soon.
Speaker 13 (01:54:19):
Speaker 12 (01:54:19):
Within Clant Floggins the next month, so it's gonna be
setting it up for I'm pretty sure he's gonna do
a lot of the songs for the new album Time Time. Yeah,
that's dope, chroma kope. Yeah, if you watch the video,
the visuals is really cool. It's like and then there's
so much conspiracy theories about.
Speaker 6 (01:54:31):
The video because you know, he's very creative in his brain, right,
He's a lizard, like he said. But yeah, it was
cool because he also wants this album to start like
coming out on Tuesdays as opposed to like the Friday
Drops release Tuesdays.
Speaker 38 (01:54:46):
Man, I think we should put music out again on
Tuesdays instead of Fridays for some reasons. My reasoning is,
I know people think because of the weekend they could
listen to stuff and streams.
Speaker 6 (01:54:56):
Go up, and the streaming people are like, oh, streams
go up on the weekend.
Speaker 38 (01:54:58):
But I think it's a lot of pas listening at
parties or people get the time to go to the gym,
so they're not really listening. And people on the weekends
they want to chill and just hang out, so they're
not really listening. But I think if you put it
out during the week man that commute to work, or
that commute to school or just whatever that is, you
really have those that hour thirty minutes and to really
dive in and really listen, because you know.
Speaker 6 (01:55:21):
Once that's over, you got to get to work da
da da.
Speaker 38 (01:55:23):
And I think when that time is shorter, kind of
like procrastination, you get more done, even with listening. And
to work on an album for so long and put
so much energy to it and for it to be
released at midnight just seems so disrespectful, Like people are
sleep on the East coast for the most part of
people are going to sleep on the West and that's
when you decide to release music. Like I think it
coming out in the morning would just make more sense.
Speaker 2 (01:55:48):
Man, that is very small.
Speaker 3 (01:55:49):
I love it, very amen.
Speaker 6 (01:55:50):
It is basically when he broke down why it should
come out on a Tuesday. Yeah, Tux waiting up, trying
to wait for the drive, You're like, oh yeah, and
even rolling to work. They're rolling in school that man,
that's that's marketing, jenieus. When is the twenty eight days
on Monday? Okay, so ahead, go ahead, And Tyler didn't
created always great to have him in the neighborhood as well. Man,
y'all stick around your radios, big.
Speaker 8 (01:56:10):
Boys, neighbor big boys, Neighborhood on demand. For more, subscribe
to our YouTube channel, Big Boy TV and check out
Radio big Boy dot com.
Speaker 6 (01:56:19):
Big Boys Neighborhood is going to get into your phone,
tap on the teams right here, Big Boys.
Speaker 3 (01:56:23):
Neighborhood to make it all stick like got got.
Speaker 6 (01:56:44):
Hi? How you doing there, sir, It's Luther Loofe. Alrighty.
I was calling to let you know that your vultures
would be out by the end of today, if not
by early tomorrow from Pleasant Vacations.
Speaker 29 (01:56:54):
What are you talking about?
Speaker 6 (01:56:56):
From Pleasant Vacations, You guys had filled out the vulture
I guess in your you want the trip for two
to Waikiki Beach, Hawaii. Yeah, and I just wanted to
call you and let you know. Congratulations to you who's
giving us this free vaga? Okay, what it is is
a promo from Pleasant Vacations. And what it is, it's
a free trip for two Twaikiki. It's Hotel Tikiliki is
six nights, five days. There's vip ss at the lou While.
Speaker 29 (01:57:18):
I've never got anything free in my life though, it'll
be interesting to see what you're talking about.
Speaker 6 (01:57:23):
And this is free as far as the trip for
two to Waikiki. The only thing that you will be
responsible for is the taxes, gratuities, the fuel search charges,
the TSA surcharge. There's a resort fee. There's prepaid food
voultures that's forty four dollars. There's a toe fee. Cabana
usage is one hundred and fourteen dollars a day. There's
a sun tax because I know you guys want some
sun that's thirty one dollars and actually groundwalking fee. So
you figure by the time you add this up by
five days to a trip for two to Waikiki, it
only cost you like a close to four thousand dollars.
Speaker 29 (01:57:52):
I don't owe you a damn thing, mystard, don't don't
come me there.
Speaker 6 (01:57:56):
So, sir, why did you sign up for the trip
for two to Waikiki because you're the grand price up
for a little trip to world y Sir? Why are
you getting so upset I'm calling giving you a free
trip for two. You're not paying for the plane fair,
I'm mister, I am.
Speaker 29 (01:58:07):
Not playing on the blind for something that I don't know.
Speaker 24 (01:58:11):
Speaker 6 (01:58:12):
You need to calm down. You sound like you need
this vacation to the hotel.
Speaker 29 (01:58:15):
T I don't need a vacation when you're trying to
pull something over.
Speaker 6 (01:58:19):
Five days, six nights resort package.
Speaker 29 (01:58:22):
Mister, forget about it. I don't want to go to
a wy We've been over the wy wy.
Speaker 39 (01:58:27):
Speaker 29 (01:58:27):
If you continue to raft for the war, I'm gonna
take leigo action.
Speaker 6 (01:58:31):
After you win, all right, and I'm your letter Real
ninety two three. Li's new hopefully, but I guess you
did fight. Happy Friday to you and yourge ladies and gentlemen.
Eight o'clock hour commercial free doubling up winners when it
comes to bank roll one thousand dollars, that means more
winners in the eight o'clock commercial free hour. To make
sure you continue to hang out. What's in the neighborhood?
DJ questions up in here with question.
Speaker 2 (01:58:53):
Of five what's good.
Speaker 6 (01:58:56):
As well? Friday? You, sir, just believe that tomorrow night
you have lamaraj Marage Nightclub, City of Artizas like her.
There it is man, and once again, man shout out
to the mighty Los Angeles Dodgers. Man, work work, yeah, Man,
and today's game start about two o'clock. Two o'clock Man,
And if you can't make it to the game, which
a lot of us can. You can also hear that
AM five seventy is right there, and you can listen
to the iHeartRadio app as well. You know what I'm saying. Yeah,
and do that fake tug when you got something in
your ear. Yeah, I believe that we got coming up
in the Mickey Ficky MAXs quests. Check it out.
Speaker 21 (01:59:27):
Bigger got that future metro boom and Tyers also got
Glorilla TGIF coming up in the ninety two minute commercial.
Speaker 6 (01:59:33):
Free Mickey Ficky.
Speaker 8 (01:59:34):
This is Big Boys Neighborhood on demand.
Speaker 2 (01:59:36):
Big Boy Neighborhood. Louisg is up in here. What a
friend of the neighborhood? Fluffyed my brother my brother?
Speaker 6 (01:59:42):
Hello, yo, man, I didn't know this about him, but
he doesn't participate in any like comedy roast. O man,
you gotta have different scame for that.
Speaker 2 (01:59:50):
You will not do a comedy roast.
Speaker 23 (01:59:52):
I don't like comedy. Well, I love watching comedy roast,
but I know I'm such an easy target and I
don't like talking trash about people.
Speaker 6 (01:59:58):
Oh so, I mean it's there's two things in there
that I'm not you know what I'm saying, Like everybody
don't have to as far as like I have to
get on that and do a comedy ros.
Speaker 3 (02:00:07):
You know what I'm saying.
Speaker 6 (02:00:08):
I'm okay, and my thing is this, dude, I can
do phone tabs. I could sit here and clown, but
I can't sit down and have somebody like, yeah, big boy.
Speaker 39 (02:00:17):
I remember when he was big, before he started smoking crack,
Oh big boy. I couldn't sit there and just take
get thank you guys off for coming down and talking
all day.
Speaker 23 (02:00:34):
So some people are built for that. Some people have
a thick skin and they can handle bad. You know,
people make get fun of them. But I like when
Carrot Top did it, Carrot Top was so offended.
Speaker 6 (02:00:42):
Speaker 23 (02:00:43):
I mean he he totally stayed away from Comedy Central
for a while. Oh really yeah, but they were attacking him,
and I'm like, I felt for the guy. I'm like,
I don't want to a position where people are dogging
me that bad.
Speaker 6 (02:00:52):
And then even if you're just they're doing the roast.
If you're just up to roast somebody else, they get
you on that too. You know, you can be there
roasting somebody else. Yeah, like, where does this come from?
And you gotta say that like it's cool like shake hands.
You know what I'm saying, We're okay, Yeah, yeah, We're cool.
Speaker 2 (02:01:12):
That's definitely some parking lot of ass woomen right there.
Speaker 6 (02:01:14):
Hey man, they wanted to do like a comedy roast
for like my thirty year and I was like, I
don't do that. You know what I'm saying, Like, I
don't do that, man, like I would take it personal,
you know, like and when he said carrot top and
pulled him away. Just if y'all don't know carrot top,
google him. And when you see what carrot top when
you see him, he should have never said yes to
it to a roast. He's a walking target, bro, man,
he is a walking sitting, lying down, running yeah, tarty.
Yeah he I ain't gonna even I'm not gonna even
double roasting. But you can find that entire interview man
in so many interviews with Gatwick Glass Fluffy right there.
It's at Radio big boy dot com. As you're watching
our YouTube channel, Big Boy TV, hit that subscribe and
as well, you're continuing to hang out with us in
the neighborhood Big Boys.
Speaker 1 (02:02:03):
Neighborhood, Big Boys Neighborhood on demand full show episodes posted daily.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel, big Boy TV. For more,
check out Radio big boy dot com.
Speaker 6 (02:02:14):
Big Boy Neighborhood.
Speaker 2 (02:02:15):
Alrighty, now Annie is up in here? Whatever, Honie? Oh nothing?
Speaker 6 (02:02:19):
What you got new music music from hell? My gosh, Annie?
Speaker 12 (02:02:24):
When I told you the albumast is gonna be dope,
it is dope, dog, It's here for me, dude, just
just eighteen.
Speaker 4 (02:02:34):
It's crazy and Louie had been talking about this album
for so long and big. One of the songs that
everyone has been like talking about online is one that
features Drake and j Op from It's called Modo Capone.
Speaker 6 (02:03:03):
One throws Drake in there, man, hey man, you know
what I love about Tina.
Speaker 2 (02:03:10):
He's just eighteen and he sound drunk.
Speaker 23 (02:03:12):
Speaker 6 (02:03:14):
He know how to put it.
Speaker 2 (02:03:15):
He know how to put his voice already in that
you know corridos way.
Speaker 6 (02:03:19):
You know what I'm saying. He's sting here already tossed back.
Yeah man.
Speaker 4 (02:03:23):
And then it was really cool, like we got to
actually see him at the Canalo fight and I saw
everybody just going crazy when they saw him past fight.
He was seventeen at that time too. But then you
have Jop who also came in on the song.
Speaker 6 (02:03:45):
Hey man, you give me j Op and you give
me Drake on my first single. As far as for
my album, I'm going out and I'm buying things that
I can't afford at the moment.
Speaker 3 (02:03:58):
All I gotta do.
Speaker 2 (02:03:59):
They were like, sir, your credit score or surgery? Can't
you pay?
Speaker 6 (02:04:01):
And I'm just showing the credits and they'd be like, okay, yeah, great,
big go grab what you need.
Speaker 29 (02:04:05):
Speaker 4 (02:04:05):
I like to have him in such an epic thing,
and especially like after a beat like this where everyone's
waiting for Drake to drop something new, to say something
like to have him on that. And Drake's been teasing
this for a while too, like about him and Chino
posting it on. It looks like they have a bunch
of videos that are on.
Speaker 2 (02:04:19):
You had a lot of like, oh man, Drake, but man, Noah,
bro that's a great move man.
Speaker 4 (02:04:23):
That's one thing I love about him so much. He's
so versatile. Whatever artist you put in with it could
be Island music, it could be Spanish music. It could
be probably Korean too.
Speaker 6 (02:04:31):
I want to hear that. You want to hear that
all right now? Maybe in the studio, Yeah right. I
love how you're just Korean too. Yeah, and saying, I'm
just wondering what that one popped in because I was
thinking already. I'll stick around y'all.
Speaker 1 (02:04:44):
Radios Big Boy Neighborhood, Big Boys Neighborhood on demand, full
show episodes posted daily. Subscribe to our YouTube channel Big
Boy TV for more. Check out Radio big Boy dot com.
Speaker 6 (02:04:56):
That's going to make it happen for your nineteen listen
to win a phone to have Halloween time.
Speaker 2 (02:04:59):
Is here and shout out to the hypnotists.
Speaker 6 (02:05:02):
Man God by the name of Tom Silver, he would
come and do our show in the neighborhood, the hypnotists.
This is where I called Tom Silver, the hypnotists, to
tell him that I need to be hypnotized because Halloween
is going down, man, and they're booking me to go
through these scary haunted houses like these mazes, and I'm
extremely scared and how do you bring that fear out
of me? It's going to get into your nineteen listen
to win phone cap right here, Big Boy Neighborhood.
Speaker 7 (02:05:33):
To make it all got got.
Speaker 6 (02:05:36):
You, Tom Silver, Yo, what's happening. I've never been hypnotized before.
With Halloween coming, there's a lot of great Halloween like
haunted houses. Right, And I don't know if I had
a chance to talk to you about this, but I
am deathly afraid of haunted houses. I tremmor, I can't swallow,
I start sweating. I try to go with my son,
and it got to a point where I just ended
up telling my wife to go in there. And I
turned around and man, I ran for almost three blocks
before I even realized that I had left my family there.
Speaker 22 (02:06:13):
Speaker 6 (02:06:14):
Is there any way you can hypnotize me to help
me get through these haunted houses?
Speaker 29 (02:06:19):
Speaker 22 (02:06:20):
Man, I can remove the panic emotion.
Speaker 6 (02:06:21):
Like when I was seven years of age, we had
went to a haunted house and it scared me so
much I defecated on myself. I tell myself, Tom, it
scared you know something like that happen and again. So
what I would need you to do, Tom, is put
it on and take it off as soon as I
can come out. Boom be wake up. You know what
I'm saying. Just wake me up. Don't leave me just
floating off there.
Speaker 8 (02:06:41):
You'll still be knowing what you're doing.
Speaker 22 (02:06:43):
What is it?
Speaker 6 (02:06:44):
Between now and Halloween? Seventeen appearances? Seventeen appearances, but one
night I have three and that's the night that I'm
just deathly afraid of.
Speaker 29 (02:06:52):
What if we did some regular hypnotherapy.
Speaker 6 (02:06:55):
I don't want somebody to accidentally say the word then
I just you know what I'm saying.
Speaker 29 (02:07:00):
Right Let me tell you I'm scheduled to fly to
Holland to teach him courses.
Speaker 6 (02:07:03):
Can you cancel Holland?
Speaker 22 (02:07:04):
Speaker 8 (02:07:05):
Man, let me see?
Speaker 6 (02:07:07):
Can you cancel Holland for me? Can you check into that?
Come on? Because I really need you here, bro, And
I know you can hear how scared I am. Right now,
I'll send.
Speaker 29 (02:07:15):
This lady in Holland an email.
Speaker 6 (02:07:17):
All right, and you know you just helped me right now. Also, Tom,
you ever heard a segment I do call phone taps?
Oh Tom, can you put me to sleep right now?
A man? Let me tell you I never believed in him,
like I was skeptic going hypnosis. You know what I'm saying.
Speaker 2 (02:07:39):
Cause you watch these shows and you'll see people.
Speaker 6 (02:07:41):
And I'm like, oh, they probably took them to the
back and told them, hey play along with us until
I met Tom Silver. And when I met him and
I saw what he was doing to like the neighborhood,
like the crew, I forever him. You know, and they
still got because we had another one that came in
and I could tell that he didn't really put people
under you know what I'm saying, But that dude Tom
silver Man, the things that he did with the neighborhood, Sean, Juan,
DJ Ray, like, they didn't have that in them to
try to pull something off. And I know them. That's
like if you if someone came to you Annie and
you you know, Lou, I would be like, dude, I
believe it like I saw it.
Speaker 4 (02:08:16):
Man, I wish I don't want to be afraid of
dogs anymore.
Speaker 6 (02:08:18):
He took away the fear of roller coasters. He took
that away from Tattoo. Yeah, Tattoo had a fear of
roller coasters and flying and he took that away from them.
Speaker 4 (02:08:27):
That sounds crazy, like unbelievable to me.
Speaker 6 (02:08:29):
Why yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah. You like, But what
we gotta do.
Speaker 2 (02:08:32):
We gotta do dog no therapy for you, doo. We
got to bring a gang of dogs around you.
Speaker 6 (02:08:36):
They got a nibble on your feet, all righty Now
the Mickey Picky Mix shit is going down. DJ Quest
is up in here, what questify? What's good? Big? Ain't
telling my brother happy Friday till you once again, Friday
to you. I will take that what we got coming
to pit the Mickey Fix my brethren and.
Speaker 21 (02:08:50):
Check it out Bigger got that Kendrick with Maruphoria also
got Gunna one of one coming up in the Mickey
fifty Mix and Lamarage Tomorrow Night, Tomorrow Night, Lamarage City
of Arties just like through there it is right there.
Speaker 3 (02:08:59):
A Big Boy Niggle.
Speaker 1 (02:09:00):
Big Boys Neighborhood on demand, full show episodes posted daily.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel big Boy TV for more.
Check out Radio Bigboy dot Com.
Speaker 6 (02:09:11):
Big Boy Neighborhood. Luisi is up in here.
Speaker 12 (02:09:13):
What a Moodoh man, We're all gonna love this, bro,
because we've all of us subscribed to something some way, somehow.
Speaker 6 (02:09:19):
Yeah, that's true, and it's always so easy to do it.
But it's always so hard to just cancel out that
cancelation and unsubscribe.
Speaker 22 (02:09:26):
Speaker 6 (02:09:26):
It is brued.
Speaker 3 (02:09:27):
Speaker 6 (02:09:27):
Yeah, can be annoying sometimes where you just give up
and you're like, all right, I guess I'll go another month, yeah,
manhes or you forget you.
Speaker 2 (02:09:34):
Yeah, or you get the automatic renals Doug.
Speaker 6 (02:09:37):
Yeah, it's bad, bro, but there's some good news. Out there.
The Federal Trade Commission just said.
Speaker 8 (02:09:41):
This Federal Trade Commission just pasted a rule.
Speaker 38 (02:09:43):
It's called the click to Cancel rule, and it says
if customers decide to enroll in a subscription online or
through an app.
Speaker 31 (02:09:49):
In one step, they should be able to cancel that
way too. The changes are said to take effect in
April of twenty twenty five.
Speaker 6 (02:09:55):
Man, they need to do that right now, twenty twenty four. Yeah,
by April. By April, we'll be another fifty hundred do
I mean? Man, companies are gonna hit us with subscriptions
bro a bro offers and everything right now. You know
what happens a lot, Man, when you get that seven
day trial they want you to forget. Oh yeah, there's sometimes, man,
when I'll get like a seven day trial, I'll use it.
Speaker 2 (02:10:17):
Then I'll go right out and I'll cancel it.
Speaker 12 (02:10:18):
Yes, you know, it's ridiculous and it's crazy now because
you see how all these like a subscription services are
kind of grouping together. Right, So like, for example, like
I have Amazon Prime or something, right, but inside of
Amazon Prime, you can also like subscribe to Stars, and
inside Stars, you can also subscribe to like oh yeah,
this Horror Network and inside that one you can and
I'm just like subscribing for like these trial day services
and then forget next thing.
Speaker 29 (02:10:42):
You know it.
Speaker 6 (02:10:42):
It's like three different subscriptions for just one thing. And
I'm like, yeah, I got something in Amazon for like
grubo or something, some kind of thing that they got together.
Speaker 2 (02:10:51):
Yeah, but it's the worst.
Speaker 6 (02:10:52):
It is the worst, man.
Speaker 2 (02:10:53):
And then there's sometimes when you're trying to click.
Speaker 6 (02:10:54):
Out of something and then they'll go, you put your
email in yeah, and then they'll you know, then you
I'm not done.
Speaker 2 (02:11:00):
Then they'll ask are you sure, and I'm like, yes,
I'm sure.
Speaker 6 (02:11:03):
Then yeah, Then I take you to another page of
why and then I take you to another page of
you know what about it if they gave you a discount,
and I'm just like, dude, I'm out of here, yes, Doug.
Speaker 12 (02:11:12):
There's so many like even for the I remember the
other day I was looking after my write your app right,
and I was like, damn, I go like really good deals,
rather give me discounts for it. And then eventually it
came in and it was like, oh, your annual subscription
to lifts whatever la la la la is gonna take
effect on this date, and I'm like.
Speaker 6 (02:11:27):
I've been paying for something extra. I'll lit you know
what you gotta do. You you don't have this on
your iPhone, but even in your iPhone, when you go
to your your profile and just look at your active
subscriptions and it'll tell you when your subscriptions are over
going to renew. And that's when I go in and
I just start and you know you could you can
cancel a subscription, but it'll hold until the end.
Speaker 12 (02:11:47):
Yeah, yeah, but it's ridiculous so many of them, Like
you could do it on your Google account, there's subscriptions there.
I know you can also do it on your PayPal account.
There's subscriptions like dude, a man, I love when you
get out and they say, sorry, we're going to miss you.
Speaker 6 (02:11:59):
Shit your ass man, but we're gonna speak on a
man consumer to cancel that just that subscription that click
to cancel. Man, if you were in a position, what
would you cancel? I'm not just talking about like you know,
streaming services. You know what I'm saying, what would you cancel?
Would you cancel TikTok which you cancel people doing these dances,
which you cancel eleven ninety nine per pound. When you
want to go get like a salad, whatever it may be,
What would you cancel that toxic friend? Hit us up
and we're going to speak about it in the neighborhood
as well on a social media side and talk to
some of our neighbors as well. You talk, continue to
hang out with us in the neighborhood, Big Boys Neighborhood.
Speaker 1 (02:12:34):
You're checking out another full show episode podcast of Big
Boys Neighborhood, Big Boy Neighborhood.
Speaker 6 (02:12:40):
Luig is up in here, man and we were talking
about how the FTC, the Federal Trade Commission, how they
put a new rule together called the click to Cancel. Yes,
and this is very much needed. It doesn't start to April.
They should have had this years ago April twenty twenty five.
Where when you go to subscribe to something, it's easy.
When you go to cancel, it's ridiculously difficult. We were
just talking about if there was something in your life
that you wanted to click to cancel, what would it be?
Speaker 12 (02:13:06):
Can I just start off with one thing I wouldn't
want to cancel this restaurant that is selling a torta
with docos inside of it?
Speaker 6 (02:13:12):
Ray, Why would you want to or do Why would
I want to try that?
Speaker 24 (02:13:16):
I want to.
Speaker 6 (02:13:17):
I mean I would go in and try it, then
I'll sign the petition. I'm gonna way out or or
hit the cancel. Let me try it, Just let me
try it, gotcha, man. But we did ask our neighbors
out there, and we get some good responses. Listen to Lupe.
Speaker 32 (02:13:30):
Something that I would want to cancel for me, it
would be the use of AI, just because I know
that eventually it's going to.
Speaker 5 (02:13:38):
Take away jobs from people that are.
Speaker 32 (02:13:41):
Not as tech savvy and different things in like the
workplaces are gonna get taken over by AI eventually. So
that's something that I would definitely want to cancel.
Speaker 6 (02:13:51):
That's true. But if you see it coming, we gotta
pivot too. We gotta make some kind of pivot, man,
and some people can't. Yeah, but AI is going to
take over a lot, man. Yeah, Doug, we got already
see it.
Speaker 30 (02:14:02):
Speaker 6 (02:14:02):
The one thing I saw too, Yeah, I always had
like robots on ports, like in big big ports where
like uh, a lot of people were hired to do
those jobs and they may a lot of it used
to be hands on assembly line. Yeah, you know what
I'm saying, man's on assembly lines and you don't see
that anymore.
Speaker 3 (02:14:20):
Speaker 6 (02:14:20):
Yeah, man, our neighbor.
Speaker 3 (02:14:21):
Raoul right here.
Speaker 30 (02:14:23):
Speaker 6 (02:14:23):
They need to cancel all these streamers.
Speaker 5 (02:14:25):
Bro streets, freaking dorks.
Speaker 7 (02:14:28):
Make all his money and they just freaking annoying.
Speaker 13 (02:14:30):
Just like that.
Speaker 27 (02:14:31):
One guy was named Jack Daughtry crashed McClaren because you're streaming,
didn't know what's going.
Speaker 6 (02:14:37):
On, Dougherty. Yeah, but you know what, he shouldn't know
his name. Yeah, you know what I'm saying, he shouldn't
know his name. He said, cancel all the streams speed, Yeah,
entertainment would be gone. Hell yeah, it would be. The
lot of you were canceled about three hundred million dollars.
Just if you say four or five names, cancel all
the streamers. It's just something that's just too ridiculous.
Speaker 13 (02:14:59):
Speaker 6 (02:14:59):
Like, if I don't want to be a part of
your stream, then I don't like the streamers that go
up and just do certain things to you in public.
Speaker 13 (02:15:07):
Speaker 6 (02:15:07):
You know, if you're guys out and you're doing certain
things and you missed the beast or whatever it is,
and you got funny, Speed is funny and you just
having fun.
Speaker 2 (02:15:14):
But the people that just come up and make you
a part of their videos.
Speaker 6 (02:15:17):
Not at all. Man. This was with Christina real quick.
Speaker 24 (02:15:20):
Hey, So if I was to cancel something, I'll say
I'll cancel my cardinal payment. Why because that money can
be used for going out or having fun or sit
it for something other than just paying for the car.
Speaker 6 (02:15:33):
Yeah, different priorities, you know what I'm saying. Just get there, y'all,
stick around, y'all. Radios, Big Boys Neighborhooddies. You're finding a
big boy from Big Boys Neighborhood on iHeart Radio. We
have the most fun on your radio.
Speaker 4 (02:15:50):
We were asking how did you spy on your mate?
Speaker 6 (02:15:52):
And just listen to this.
Speaker 15 (02:15:53):
For the record, he and I are no longer together,
but I knew he was a big flirt. He always
had like a that I like where he would always
look to the side check out girls. Whenever he could
get upset at me, he would go to the club.
So I needed proof. I had subscribe to this spywear stuff.
So I subscribed for six months and pretty much the
features are you can read the text, you can go
on the Instagram, you can see what websites they search,
you can see their phone record, and best of all,
you can see their location.
Speaker 6 (02:16:23):
Wow, thank you for listening. It is you find a
big Big Boys neighborhood. You can catch more of us
right here on iHeartRadio.
Speaker 8 (02:16:33):
Big Boy has left the building.