All Episodes

November 18, 2024 21 mins

Today On With Mario Lopez – Actor Damian Lewis zooms in to talk new movie The Radleys, Billions, Homeland, & more! Plus, Mario vs Courtney in a Holiday Music inspired Fake Debate, a One Hit Wonders controversy, problematic ellipsis use, celeb names we say wrong, & more!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Please, You're on with Mario Lopez.

Speaker 2 (00:03):
Finally Friday, Mario Courtney Lopez back behind the mics and
end in the week right, one of my favorite actors
from Homeland in Billions, Damian Lewis, is going to be
zooming in later.

Speaker 3 (00:12):
Plus we'll go head to head in a fake debate.
Catch you up on some buzz and more so turn
the music up. You're on with Mario and Courtney Lopez.

Speaker 4 (00:21):
So Mario, Courtney Lopez and Fraser, what were you just saying?

Speaker 5 (00:24):
So when I work out in the mornings, I've been
going through all these like Apple playlists that they put
together and someone are like rock hits from nineteen seventy three,
like by year, or it's one hit Wonders by decade,
which I just started, And the one that I listened
to this morning was one hit Wonders of the nineties. Okay,
but I think there's a problem with this list and
that the first four artists, which is where I stopped,

I don't believe or one hit Wonders. You tell me
if you think they are Okay. The first one was
Vanilla Ice. Well, I an Ice Ice Baby obviously as
a song. No, it's a huge monster hit, monster hit.
Did he have sort of like a someone baby hit?
He might have had a baby hit. He was on
the teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles two soundtrack with Go Ninja Go.

Speaker 4 (01:06):
Yes, but that wasn't on the charts. That's okay.

Speaker 5 (01:08):
There was one more.

Speaker 4 (01:11):
Play that funky music he cover, but.

Speaker 2 (01:12):
That was just that a cover or actually ice Ice
Baby was also David Bowie. But yeah, I still think
because his monster hit was just that's so big he's
thought of.

Speaker 5 (01:23):
Okay, all right, so that one questionable. The second one
MC Hammer.

Speaker 2 (01:27):
No, No, he's got a lot of hits, a lot
of hits. Pumps in a bump pumps, No he's got
and no, no, no he's this No, no, mc Hammer, No.

Speaker 4 (01:38):
This list is very questionable.

Speaker 5 (01:39):
The third on the lit was Hanson, which I thought like, okay, maybe,
but then Kyle reminded me, no, they had another hit.

Speaker 1 (01:46):
What was it?

Speaker 2 (01:48):
Yes, yes, but again they had such a big monster
hit it's almost overshadowed.

Speaker 5 (01:54):
And that's the thing I was.

Speaker 2 (01:54):
Okay, the thing about Hammer going back the criteria was,
but going back with Hammer, there's not one hit that
oh you just think of Hammer because of this one
song he's got a bunch of songs.

Speaker 4 (02:04):
Yeah, don't hurt him, have her. There's five. There's a
bunch of songs. Yeah, that's a weird time. And then
the fourth one.

Speaker 5 (02:09):
The fourth one was the Cranberry's which they had Linger
and Zombie at least. So there's two.

Speaker 2 (02:12):
No, those are two. That's not a one hit. Dang
this this is hard course together. But they don't know
music no more.

Speaker 6 (02:19):
Mario Lopez on the way, Oh, Mario Courtney Lopez, quick
reminder to watch me this weekend host Miss Universe on NBC,
Telemundo or Roku.

Speaker 4 (02:29):
We are going to be going.

Speaker 2 (02:30):
Live from Mexico City, and uh, we'll see who the
big winner will be.

Speaker 4 (02:37):
You can root for your favorite country.

Speaker 5 (02:41):
They're looting for anyone in the universe, competing, anyone in
the universe competing, So good.

Speaker 2 (02:45):
Luck, Mario Courtney Lopez. Here was some quick buzz for you,
Oscar and anyone are. Kathy Bates is making retirement plans.

Speaker 4 (02:53):
Oh, she says.

Speaker 2 (02:53):
The reboot of Matt Locke is going to be her
last gig and then she's gonna hang up that series.

Speaker 4 (02:58):
By the way.

Speaker 2 (02:58):
Premiere September twenty second on c Yes in Paramount Plus
she's sweet.

Speaker 3 (03:02):
I remember she came and spoke at my college.

Speaker 4 (03:04):
Wow, she's a very good actress. And I wonder why
she wants to make that announcement. Okay, you know what
good for her?

Speaker 3 (03:11):
I'm maybe thinking of someone else.

Speaker 4 (03:15):
Debates. Oh god, Imber Kathy Bates is no misery?

Speaker 2 (03:21):
Oh my gosh, y'all, Mario Courtney Lopez.

Speaker 4 (03:27):
Time for a fake debate where the topics are made
up on the spot, but the passion is real. All right,
Who's pro and con?

Speaker 5 (03:34):
I've been out of the country, so who was pro
or con?

Speaker 7 (03:36):

Speaker 5 (03:36):
What do you want to be? Courtney con?

Speaker 7 (03:38):
All right?

Speaker 5 (03:39):
You will be pro? Mario. Your topic today, which you
will have fifteen seconds to make your case since second
robuttal afterwards is Christmas music.

Speaker 4 (03:46):
I am pro Christmas.

Speaker 7 (03:47):
You are.

Speaker 2 (03:48):
Nothing makes you feel warmer inside, happier and in just
better spirits than Christmas music. It is taking over the
airwaves and stations flop their formats to play nothing but
Christmas music because it just makes this time of the
year that much better.

Speaker 4 (04:04):
Thank you. This is Lopez.

Speaker 3 (04:06):
You know, I feel like Christmas music is kind of
like sugar. Once you hear it, it puts you on
that high. But as soon as Christmas is over, everyone's depressed.
In January, we're all pale. Wow, we eat, we don't go.
We think we're going to go to the gym, and
we don't. It just it puts us up really high
spirits and then takes us down.

Speaker 2 (04:25):
Mister Lobe, is your rebuttal well, you know who the
grinches at Costco does.

Speaker 4 (04:29):
That is absolutely not right.

Speaker 2 (04:31):
Nothing is better And it's scientifically proven that when you
hear Mariah Carey come time, you just get in a
better mood.

Speaker 4 (04:40):
This is Lopez.

Speaker 3 (04:41):
I think that it should just be banned in areas
where public people are.

Speaker 5 (04:48):
Wow on Twitter.

Speaker 8 (04:52):
Let us know what you think on Twitter and on
with Mario. Howadays from the entire on with Mario, fam
fest and fun.

Speaker 2 (05:00):
Coming up Mario Lopez, he was some quick buzz for you.
Miley Cyrus being sued over her mega hit Flowers.

Speaker 4 (05:07):
It's been all over social media.

Speaker 2 (05:08):
The company that owns the Bruno Mars song When I
Was Your Man says Miley copied some of their property
when she wrote the track. Bruno himself isn't part of
the suit. Is believe that Miley was definitely inspired by
the Bruno song, but the two tracks don't seem to
have many obvious similarities. The song's been out for I
feel a couple.

Speaker 5 (05:27):
Of years now, Flowers at least been on our countdown
for like a year.

Speaker 4 (05:30):
And a half.

Speaker 2 (05:30):
Yeah, and it hasn't left the countdown so interesting that
they're hitting it with a.

Speaker 4 (05:34):
Suit now, Mario Courtney Lopez, here is some quick buzz
for you.

Speaker 2 (05:38):
Daniel d lewis returning to acting after he announced his retirement.
It's for a movie called Anemone, which is going to
be directed by his son Rone.

Speaker 3 (05:48):
Well, maybe that's why he came back out of retirement.

Speaker 4 (05:50):
I'm sure it is, and that's kind of cool. The
two of them wrote it together.

Speaker 2 (05:53):
Daniel announced he was quitting acting back in twenty seventeen
after starring in Phantom Thread, which earned him an Oscar nomination.
Probably the greatest actor of his generation, and that's kind
of cool. He's coming back for a son, So we'll see.

Speaker 3 (06:07):
I think if you're going to retire or retire after
this one, yo.

Speaker 4 (06:11):
Mario Courtney Lopez.

Speaker 2 (06:12):
And we've found some more examples of celebrity names that
apparently we've been pronouncing incorrectly. So Frazer Ony don't you
play the audio for Jake and Maggie Gillenhall's name.

Speaker 4 (06:25):
Yeen Halo, Yeen Hayler, Yillen Hayla. It sounds very Norwegian.
I believe that's the ethnic origin. Uh Yilyen Heila.

Speaker 2 (06:33):
Look, I figured you can do that with yeah, Jake, Jake, Yieleen, Heila,
Jillen Hall very Americanized.

Speaker 4 (06:41):
But I feel like you can do that with every
name like you.

Speaker 2 (06:43):
I would be technically Mario Lopez, right, and you Matsa Matsa.

Speaker 4 (06:49):
So I figured that will be the case. But let's
keep it going. What about Uh, Denzel Washington. Come on,
it's got to be Denzel Washington. Actually it's Denzil and
I'm Denzil JUNR.

Speaker 8 (06:59):
So my mother started calling me Denzel just so you know.

Speaker 4 (07:02):
She'd say Denzel and we both would show up. Denzel,
it's Denzel.

Speaker 3 (07:08):
Yeah, when you're a junior, you both people will turn
around if you have the.

Speaker 4 (07:12):
Same name, right, But it's but it's not Denzel. It
is Denzel. Denzel. Denzel doesn't sound as strong as Denzel Washington.

Speaker 3 (07:19):
You know what, next time you interview these people, you
need to have this.

Speaker 4 (07:22):
I'm gonna hit Jake with and then what's sub Denzil Denzel.
That's fun.

Speaker 2 (07:29):
Okay, what about what about my guy, Willem Dafoe. I'm
sure the Willem is going to be different.

Speaker 4 (07:34):
Right, William Dafoe.

Speaker 2 (07:36):
Come on, they're different, both they're different. And that's not
fair because he actually spells it w I l l
e m.

Speaker 5 (07:44):
That's the Dutch spelling of William. Apparently I did some research.

Speaker 2 (07:48):
He did some research, but then why is he spelling
it that way and then pronouncing Willem more importantly Dafoe.

Speaker 4 (07:54):
Now you're hitting us with Dave fo.

Speaker 5 (07:56):
He's late for that.

Speaker 2 (07:57):
He's Duffu, not Dafoe. Let's take a break because there's
more of these and we'll have to get some more.

Speaker 3 (08:02):
I have to process this.

Speaker 1 (08:05):
More. Mario Lopez coming up, Mario.

Speaker 2 (08:08):
Courtney Lopez, and we were going through these celebrity names
that apparently we've been pronouncing wrong all this time. Jake,
Jill and Hall is really Yellen Hyla, Denzel Washington is
really Denzil hold On, and Willem Dafoe is William Dave Foe,
which is really weird, But there's more. Right, who else

do we have now We've got my boy Killian Murphy
who spells it with a C. So a lot of
people probably think it's silly and Murphy, but I've heard
him say Killian, so I'm assuming it's Killian.

Speaker 5 (08:40):
That's this one we've gotten or you've gotten correct. I
know I've gotten it wrong.

Speaker 4 (08:45):
It's pronounced it is Killian Killian. It is, in fact Killian.
Very Irish name. That's like my name. You don't say Sortney,
right exactly, Cortney, are very good, honey, that's right. That
is a very good point. Courtney's maybe Irish.

Speaker 3 (08:59):
It is Irish.

Speaker 4 (09:00):
The first thing is all very good. I'm learning today
about my wife.

Speaker 5 (09:02):
That's also the first time you said Courtney without going.

Speaker 2 (09:04):
Carney Barney exactly. Somebody else I like to leave Schreiber
now his first name. I'm I'm sure I'm butchering it.

Speaker 4 (09:13):
What does he say, Hello, I'm Lib Schreiber, Liev. It's
Leev Liev Schreiber, Liev Schreiber.

Speaker 5 (09:20):
Yes, that sounds much like He's been pretty clear about that.
But everyone just messes it up because you.

Speaker 4 (09:24):
Want to say it quick. Yeah, I want to say
it quick.

Speaker 2 (09:26):
So one more Timothy Chalome, are we mispronouncing Chalame because
there's no way we get Timothy wrong.

Speaker 4 (09:32):
It's supposed to be a tim O's doing that. He's
going way too different.

Speaker 5 (09:42):
One and too My name was Timoteo Timoteo. Yeah, we
had to go buy Spanish names.

Speaker 4 (09:46):
From now on. I'm Mario Lopez and you are Courti Matza.

Speaker 3 (09:52):
Are you calling me by my maiden name?

Speaker 4 (09:54):
That's you're not your Courtney Lopez.

Speaker 1 (09:57):
Yes, more Mario Lopez, Mario.

Speaker 4 (10:01):
Courtney Lopez here, let's take it. What's trending on the iHeartRadio.

Speaker 3 (10:04):
At French Fashion Icon, Christian lu Bhutan reveals his favorite
pair footwear. You can search table for two to hear that.

Speaker 4 (10:11):
I would imagine it's one of his right Lowisan.

Speaker 3 (10:14):
Lance Bass tells Christina Applegate how he shows gratitude in
his everyday life. You can check that out by searching
for messy okay. And Max Greenfield told us about his
upcoming show with Kate Hudson. Listen to that by just
searching on with Mario.

Speaker 4 (10:42):
Mario Courtney Lopez.

Speaker 9 (10:43):

Speaker 2 (10:43):
Today's guest one of my favorite actors, Damian Lewis, who
starred in Homeland.

Speaker 3 (10:46):
In Billions, now he's playing a vampire for the new
movie The Radleys will find out all about it after
a few more songs.

Speaker 2 (10:54):
It's up, Bro Mario Lopez joining me now on zoom
from the new movie The Radley's Emmy winning actor, mister Damian.

Speaker 4 (10:59):
Lewis, Welcome to the show. How are you?

Speaker 7 (11:01):
I'm good?

Speaker 9 (11:02):
How are you?

Speaker 4 (11:03):
I am very good?

Speaker 2 (11:04):
And I got to tell you, I'm a big fan
of yours, big fan anything that you appear, and I
make sure to watch.

Speaker 4 (11:12):
Just an excellent actor and just appreciate your work, Sirs.
I wanted to tell you, and I don't say that
too often.

Speaker 9 (11:17):
Thank you.

Speaker 4 (11:19):
There's a great shot to the interview. I was excited
when Arro was gonna interview you, and I don't say
that too often, right guys. I was like, Oh, I
love that guy.

Speaker 2 (11:27):
He's awesome and I'll be checking out this movie. Congrats
on it. Tell us about the Radley's.

Speaker 4 (11:33):
What Is it About.

Speaker 9 (11:35):
Radley's is a comedy vampire movie about a about a
family living a boring, dead end suburban life and.

Speaker 7 (11:49):
You don't really know what's up with these guys. They
all seem very pale, and then you realize that actually
what's happened is something catastrophic happens in about ten or
fifty minutes into the movie, and everybody has to be
told what the big secret is.

Speaker 9 (12:03):
The big secret is is the dad, Peter has.

Speaker 7 (12:07):
Moved them into this dead end town in order to
stop being vampires, and he and his wife were essentially
in the program, in the vampire Anonymous program.

Speaker 9 (12:18):
And the kids just wake up.

Speaker 7 (12:20):
We go, wait a second, we're vampires. We had no idea,
and then teenagers and then all chaos did all hell
breaks loose for.

Speaker 9 (12:26):
The rest of the movies.

Speaker 7 (12:27):
Uh and uh And that's it.

Speaker 4 (12:31):
That's that's that's the setup. That's the setup for the film.

Speaker 2 (12:34):
The Radley's now in theaters in on demand. Hold on,
I'm gonnake a little bak and I'm gonna come back.

Speaker 1 (12:38):
With Damian Lewis or Mario Lopez.

Speaker 2 (12:41):
Mario Lopez here talking about the new movie The Radleys
with actor Damian Lewis.

Speaker 4 (12:46):
So, is it a comedy horror? How would you describe
the geenre?

Speaker 7 (12:50):
Yeah, you know, it's not a slasher movie.

Speaker 4 (12:52):
It's not it's not a it's not a fright you know,
fright night movie.

Speaker 7 (12:56):
But it's but there is there but but there's there's
there's enough blood in it, and there are some good, darker,
frightening moments, but it's also very funny at times. It
is like a darkly comic twist on the vampire film.
It's also like a love story. There's this really lovely
love story in this family between the mom and the

dad and then the sun and he has a coming
of age sort of love story that's out of the
whole thing. And then he has this big moral dilemma,
which is the big twist right at the end of
the film, which I won't tell you about.

Speaker 4 (13:30):
And so it's kind of all those things.

Speaker 7 (13:32):
It's all those things.

Speaker 4 (13:33):
Congrats on that. I got a lot more I want
to ask, but first to play some more music. Mario
Lopez here with actor Damian Lewis from the new movie
The Radleys.

Speaker 2 (13:42):
And I was a huge fan of Billions, also of Homeland,
both of which when you were no longer in the show,
I can confidently say they fell off again to your
credit of your ability.

Speaker 4 (13:53):
However, there are a few spin offs in the works.

Speaker 2 (13:55):
Potentially they're saying, for Billions, could you see yourself returning
to that world?

Speaker 1 (14:00):

Speaker 7 (14:00):
Say never?

Speaker 4 (14:01):
Okay, okay, uh never say never, you.

Speaker 7 (14:05):
Know, I'm always I'm open to all things.

Speaker 1 (14:08):
You know, the uh, the uh.

Speaker 7 (14:12):
I like the idea of movies of TV shows. I
don't know, do they work, how often do they work.

Speaker 2 (14:19):
I'm trying to think. I'm trying to think of an example.
I didn't love the Sopranos movie. That's the first one
that popped into my head. If it's done well, they're
also going to do a movie what my son told
me too on the Mandalorian, which is a huge shit
when I pretty much.

Speaker 4 (14:37):
That makes sense because that's a whole universe. That's a
whole universe.

Speaker 1 (14:39):
So that.

Speaker 4 (14:42):
I'm trying to leave another example, not one comes to it.
If done right, I believe, I believe it will do. Oh,
they're gonna do it. They're gonna do it.

Speaker 2 (14:48):
They're gonna do I didn't see the down Now people.
They're gonna do Peeky Blinder as a movie. I'm looking
forward to seeing.

Speaker 4 (14:52):
That, right, So that feels like that you'd be good
in that. By the way, you'd be good in that too.

Speaker 2 (14:57):
I'm surprised that that hasn't come across that with Killian
Murphy and Tom Hardy, ooh, that'd be great.

Speaker 4 (15:01):
That'd be solid as I'm doing my cast doing my
casting director right there.

Speaker 7 (15:06):
I'll take your help anywhere and I'll give you, but
you'll get commissioned.

Speaker 4 (15:09):
So if you just put it out there sounds good.

Speaker 2 (15:12):
Well, why don't we take a moment now to play
some more music. Joan Mario Lopez hanging out with actor
Damien Lewis from.

Speaker 4 (15:19):
The new movie The Radleys. And this is pretty cool.

Speaker 2 (15:21):
We got a record coming out next year. What what
sounds inspired these particular songs?

Speaker 7 (15:27):
Well, I wrote my first album came out last year,
and I suppose that was kind of rootsy roots see
kind of singer songwriter, wrote most of it on an
acoustic guitar. Nice, but it's got a sort of bluesy
jazzy vibe to it as well, a bit of rock
and roll that sounds like I've just covered everything so

hip hop and it's not heavy metal, okay, it instead
of everything in between. And then uh, and then next
next year, the record I've made is is a little
bit more sort of indie rock.

Speaker 4 (16:01):
I guess, in Field, you're gonna be going on tour
doing any shows?

Speaker 7 (16:05):
Yeah, I went on, I went on, I went on
to uh, played twenty twenty five dates just here in
the UK, and I'll go again out again next year.

Speaker 9 (16:15):
Maybe come to America. I hope.

Speaker 7 (16:16):
It's quite difficult now to come to America and tour
and get all the visas into this and then the
other and bring me your band, et cetera, et cetera,
et cetera. So but who knows, You never know what.
We played the Mercury Lounge in New York down on
the Bowery, Fine last year. We had so much fun
doing that.

Speaker 4 (16:33):
So uh yeah, remains me. See, you never know where
are you whereing me from? Where are you based? I'm
in Los Angeles at the moment.

Speaker 9 (16:41):
Okay, good, well I got to get to Los Angeles. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (16:43):
Well, I got one more thing I want to ask you. Well,
we've got to take a break. Got more with Damian
Lewis coming up.

Speaker 1 (16:48):
We're the full.

Speaker 8 (16:49):
Interview now on with Mario dot Com. More Mario Lopez
on the way.

Speaker 4 (16:53):
Mario Lopez here rapping things up with actor Damian Lewis.
Last question. You have a son and a daughter, right
I do? How old and what are they into? Eighteen?
Daughter is eighteen, son is sixteen.

Speaker 7 (17:08):
They're both at school. Just finishing school. What are they into.
They're both really into their music. They're really talented musician.
Oh nice, My daughter is a really talented artist. They're
both good cooks.

Speaker 9 (17:19):
Actually, they like to cook.

Speaker 7 (17:22):
My son is a good sportsman, loves sport. That's it.
That's what they're into.

Speaker 4 (17:27):
That's awesome.

Speaker 2 (17:28):
Well, it was such a pleasure to talk to you today.
I hope I get to see you in person. And
congratulations on everything, sir.

Speaker 4 (17:34):
The Radleys is in theaters right now, Damien, thanks for
hanging out. Thank you, Mario Courtney Lopez.

Speaker 2 (17:42):
Here we're getting the next big rock and roll bio
pick and this has been rumored for like years, but
evidently it's happening, and this time, Shalene Woodley will be
playing sixties rocker Janis Joplin.

Speaker 3 (17:53):
Shalene is also producing the movie. But this isn't the
first time a film about Joplin has been attempted. Past
productions with Amy Adams Chanel and Renee Zellwigger I have tried,
but they never made it to the screen.

Speaker 4 (18:05):
Yeah, those are some big shoes to film. She's pretty
iconic for dying so young. But I'm interested to hear
your story.

Speaker 2 (18:14):
Cebra Almio Courtney Lopez and I have to talk about
this article that I saw and I had to post
it because I literally laughed out aloud because it's me.
It said, gen Z is confused why older generations use
the ominous boomer ellipses insane at best, which is funny
if you don't know what ellipsus is. It is the

little three dots after a sentence, Dot dot.

Speaker 4 (18:37):
I'm that's my go to. I use ellipses all the.

Speaker 5 (18:41):
Time, and what it means is I don't think I'm
a boomer, but I use it a lot too.

Speaker 2 (18:45):
Yeah, I don't think I'm not a boomer either, but
the ellipses means the continuation of a thought.

Speaker 4 (18:49):
It's usually for your interpretation or something intended. So that's
why I like the ellipses.

Speaker 2 (18:54):
It's a little mysterious, But apparently gen Z gets too
stressed out.

Speaker 4 (18:59):
Come on, what are we getting.

Speaker 5 (19:01):
Stressed out by a punctuation mark?

Speaker 1 (19:04):
More Mario Lopez coming up?

Speaker 2 (19:07):
What aut Mario Lopez here? This should be exciting news
for all the nineties Nickelodeon Kids. Paramount is making a
live action Rugrats movie, But there's a little bit of
a twist. All the babies will be CGI generated. It's
kind of like how they made the Sonic the Hedgehog movies.
SNL's Mikey Day is writing the script. The guy behind
Pitch Perfect we'll direct it. So there you go, Mark

Courtney Lopez, here was some quick buzz for you. Taylor
Swift is now taking the cash crown from Rihanna. She's
now the richest female musician ever, with a net worth
of one point six billion or sold out eras to
her has put her over the top.

Speaker 3 (19:41):
Congrats, Rihanna is worth a shabby one point four billion.

Speaker 4 (19:46):
Well I'm too shabby.

Speaker 3 (19:47):
Oh I'm doing sarcastic. But a lot of that has
to do to her beauty line, Fenti Beauty, Whereas Taylor's
money is primarily through music and touring. So although she
has one hundred and twenty five million in real estate.

Speaker 2 (20:00):
So I got asked by NBC to take part in
a documentary that NBC is doing on Taylor Swift. Okay,
so I'm the expert the entertainment, I guess, so Taylor Swift.

Speaker 3 (20:12):
So first I'm hearing this, thank you.

Speaker 4 (20:14):
Yes, I'm going to be doing in a couple of days.

Speaker 2 (20:17):
But I'm I'm I'm obviously gonna speak very, very highly
because because I am a fan, but I was gonna
say honestly, she's like the Princess Diana of America really
in that she's our royalty and everybody likes her.

Speaker 4 (20:30):
She knows how to sort of play the game, take
care of her people. She is a real artist. She
writes her own stuff.

Speaker 2 (20:37):
She's done a great job with her philanthropy and all that,
which obviously just takes her to another great level.

Speaker 3 (20:42):
No, I agree, and she's a great role model, most
importantly for the young Dacy's young girl.

Speaker 2 (20:47):
So yeah, Mark Courtney Lopez, we're gonna give you the
follower before we take off of the weekend.

Speaker 4 (20:53):
It's time for the twee week. What do you got, honey?

Speaker 3 (20:56):
This is from at Jinny Hogan and she said, I
don't understand how spending more than I earn is irresponsible.
I'm giving more than I can take.

Speaker 4 (21:04):
I call that generosity. You know why, you point, Jenny Hoagan,
that's that's great novel. When it comes time to pay
your rent, mortgage company's gonna beg to differ. I'm sure
husband wouldn't be excited about that. Good luck, though, you
do you, Jenny want to be.

Speaker 8 (21:20):
The tweet of the week. The tweet us on with Mario.
Happy Holidays from the entire on with Mario fam. More
festive fun coming up.

Speaker 4 (21:29):
Well that's it for the night and the week.

Speaker 2 (21:31):
Big thanks to Damian Lewis for joining us on myri
dot com. From my full chat with him. More fun
on Monday. Zachary Quinto is going to be.

Speaker 5 (21:38):
Here until then.

Speaker 3 (21:39):
This is Mario and Courtney Lopez saying good night

Speaker 1 (21:43):
With Mario Lopez.
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