All Episodes

November 1, 2024 29 mins

Sean reviews the major conflicts around the world and talks about what it takes to send soldiers into battle.  Liberals are talking about sending troops in to save Ukraine or bring peace to the Middle East.  President Trump wants to tame the message... he's not afraid to fight but we shouldn't be clamoring for one!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Thank you, Scott Channon, Thanks to all of you for
being with us. Right down our toll free telephone number
if you want to be a part of the program,
it's eight hundred and ninety four one Sean if you'd
like to join us. Four days until well the polling
places in the country close, the vote counting begins, and
a president elect will emerge. Four days If there's voting

going on in America, that means it's election day in America.
If you'd like information on your state, your commonwealth about
registering and some states allow even on election diace day
of registration, many do not. Many that time has come
and gone. That's why we've been telling you for a
long time. But if you'd like to find out when
early voting starts and stops, I believe it stops in

Georgia today. And they've had pretty high turnout in Georgia,
especially in some of the more red counties in Georgia,
which is good, has been a higher turnout than expected,
higher than the rest of the state, even in the
hardest hit areas in North Carolina they got hammered by
Hurricane Helene. Pretty unbelievable. And here's where we are as

a country. We you know, this is the biggest choice
election in our lifetime. I believe it's an inflection point
for the country. I believe that that in the sense
elections have consequences, and I want to thank those of
you that have taken the time to go out and
vote early. I know it's not for many of us

the system that we want. I don't think it's the
best system. I think we should make election day at
national holiday. I think we should have paper ballots. I
think we should, you know, have same day voting, not
voting in perpetuity. I think we need proof of citizenship,
voter i D signature verification, caine of custody, controls, updated

voter rolls, partisan observers watching the voting all day and
every precinct in the country, and the and the vote
counting all night, and then decide the winner. Like a
lot of countries in Europe have decided to go back
to the good old system that works. Kamala Harris even
once said that that paper vala Vladimir Putin can't hack them.

She said it herself. We've played it many times.

Speaker 2 (02:18):
We are talking to them about the fact that it
is probably best that you do not have your election
system connected to the Internet, because that will create greater vulnerabilities.
And then look at where we are now in this
year of our lower twenty eighteen. We're talking about paper ballots,
but that actually might be one of the smartest systems,
going back to, you know, a day when we could

have something tangible that we can hold onto because Russia
cannot hack a piece of paper like they can a
computer system connected to the internet.

Speaker 1 (02:48):
Shocking for ones. I agree with Kamala Harris. We have
the media trying to make something out of absolutely nothing
comments that Donald Trump made and he was talking about
Liz Cheney and and and it's so it is such
a smear and such a slander and such desperation. I mean,

if nazi and fascist and racist and sexist, you know,
if that doesn't work, if you surrogates, you know, going
out there saying you, I know the economy is better
under Donald Trump, but I still want you to vote
for Kamalo Lake and Riley would probably be alive today,
except you know, we haven't inventing these illegal immigrants. I'm like, hello,

not exactly helpful. Gretchen Whitmer, who was out there, uh,
mocking Christians and Catholics and Communion. Yeah, that didn't work
too good either, calling people garbage like Joe Biden called
Trump supporters garbage. Well, it was a funny moment on
Fox and Friends at at one of the diner segments
that they do, where everybody started chanting, we are garbage.

Speaker 3 (03:55):
Listen, we could say I know someone in South Carolina
that sent me a picture of them dressed up yesterday.
And it's the safety that pushing the green what we
call it, Herbie Kirby the green and now we need
to add.

Speaker 4 (04:09):
A name tag that says.

Speaker 3 (04:10):
Hello, my name is.

Speaker 1 (04:12):
And by the way, they're chanting, we are trash. That's
the first time in America.

Speaker 4 (04:16):
I've never that would not be replicated.

Speaker 1 (04:18):
Though we are trash, I'm sorry not we are guard
we are trash. We are we are irredeemable, deplorables, bitter
Americans clinging to our God, our guns, our Bibles are religion,
and we're garbage and we're trash. And if you're an
African American male, h quote the Brothers as Barack Obama

refers to you, you know you're you're probably sexist and
misogynist or Stacy Abrams calls African American men. Yeah, there's
racism there and sexism on their part because I guess
they're not getting the numbers that they want in early
voting and they're nervous about it. And so that's why
this this ridiculous, you know, smear from last night is

just typical the media desperately wanting to distract away from
the garbage comments. And all Donald Trump was saying is
and it's very simple. You know, he was with Tucker
Carlson at an event last night and she's talking about
Liz Cheney, and he said, she is a radical war hawk.

Speaker 5 (05:25):
She's a radical warhawk. Let's put her with a rifle
standing there with nine barrel shooting at her. Okay, let's
see how she feels about it. You know, when the
guns are trained on her face. You know, they're all warhawks.
When they're sitting in Washington in a nice building saying, oh,
g you will, let's send let's send ten thousand troops
right into the mouth of the enemy.

Speaker 1 (05:47):
You see how out of context it was taken, and
you know, and and the headlines it's just so disgusting,
you know, from the the same newspaper in New York
the Daily News, which is crash in and of itself.
But you know, the day after the Madison Square Garden event,
racist rally. No, it wasn't a racist rally, you know.

Now it's frum threatens ex Representative Liz Cheney with the
execution by firing squad. No he didn't. And the reality
is is that somebody like Liz Cheney, her dad, you
know what we used to call or what we're called
neo cons Now I did support, and I regret a
lot of the support that I gave because it was

it was so poorly fought in hindsight that these wars
we lost nearly seven thousand. You know, American are Americans
are national treasure. You know all these people in Washington,
they're so haphazard. You know, they sit in the luxury
of their air conditioned offices and yeah, we've got to

send our troops into whatever zone. And America's treasure goes
out and fights these wars. Then they become politically untenable
and then they say, oh, no mind, and they don't
know how to fight and win wars. Donald Trump, he
took out the caliphe took out Solomoni, and he did
it and people barely were paying attention to it. It's

pretty unbelievable. But they want to ratchet up. You know,
Liz Cheney's been wanting to ratchet up America's involvement in Ukraine.
It's probably as unwinnable. It's at this point. Donald Trump,
I think, will probably come to some type of agreement
settlement if he's elected. Our father, the foremost proponent of
the Iraq War. You know, thousands of our troops died,

how many thousands came back injured. They weren't given up
armored humvyes. In the beginning, we had these kids going
door to door, knocking on doors in Iraq. We can
never do this again to America's treasure. And Trump's point
was very clear. You know, if Liz Cheney wants more
and more war, let her go. Let's let her go

to the front lines and fight it. But I'm telling
you right now, you know, thank god military technology has advanced,
we don't ever have to and should never ever have
to do this. Vietnam a raft Afghanistan. There would disasters
withdrawal in Afghanistan. And by the way, if they want
to play this game, okay, I can play the game too. Well,

let's issue a press release accusing Joe Biden of ordering
Donald Trump's assassination because he actually told reporters three days
before Trump was shot at Butler in Butler, Pennsylvania, that
it's time to put Donald Trump in the bullseye. Now
we don't have tape of it, is behind closed doors,
but he was asked about it, and he did admit
that he said it. Listen on a.

Speaker 4 (08:37):
Call a week ago, he said it's time to put
Trump in the bullseye. There's some dispute about the context,
but I think you appreciate.

Speaker 1 (08:45):
I didn't say crosshairs.

Speaker 4 (08:46):
I'm talking them focus on Look, the truth of the
matter was, but I guess I was talking about it
as the time was there's very little focus on Trump's. Yeah,
the term as bullseye. It was a mistake to use
where I did. I didn't say crosshairs, I bulls. I
mean focus on him, focus on what he's doing, Focus

on as far as policies, focus on.

Speaker 1 (09:12):
These same people in this corrupt media just outright lie,
you know. And he added as a reason, it's just
he is who she is. He is a radical warhawk,
and sitting in a Washington in a nice building. Oh gee,
let's let's send ten thousand troops into the mouth of

the enemy. Not a good idea. And the media, of course,
the same people that never asked about her radical Green
New Deal ninety three trillion dollars eliminating the filibuster to
do it, that she co sponsored with Bernie Sanders, government
health care for all, she co sponsors with Bernie Sanders,
the elimination of private health insurance, and the process. You know,

you want to talk about encouraging violence, Well, how about
how about Kamala Harris tweeting out a bail fund after
four days after a Minneapolis police precinct this burned to
the ground, and then not only tweeting out the bail
fund to release the rioters, but then going on CBS
and saying the rioters aren't going to stop, the rioters

shouldn't stop, and we're not going to stop supporting them.
He's never been called that once this entire campaign, about
any of this. But this is the state of you know,
politics in America today. Look, we have and I can
give you all the polling data, all the anecdotal information,
all the early voting data that that you would want

to hear but it doesn't matter at this point because
I don't want any of it to impact your decision,
your vote this election season. But I will tell you this,
on paper, this is the closest election on paper that
we've ever seen in our lifetime. We've just come off
two presidential elections that are extremely tight. And what I'm

saying to everybody, and what I'm trying to convey to everybody,
is a sense of urgency because we have these two
very different competing visions for the country. Kamala's radicalism, Tamala's
you know, no fracking, no drilling, new green Deal, defund dismantle,
no bail laws, decriminalize illegal immigration, pre housing, food, healthcare, education,

free college, legal driver's licenses, amnesty, open borders. This vision
of the world that wants to pressure Israel not to
battle radical Islamic terrorism, which by the way, she doesn't
want you to use the term, ever, is this vision
of hers mandatory gun buybacks. It is as radical and extreme,

and they've never wanted to focus on it. Donald Trump
is mean and he's bad, and so they have not
been doing as well as they can and they just
they have now just settled on fascist. They have settled
on Nazi, they have settled on racist. They have purposely
taken him out of context, and they have said the

most vile, hateful things of anybody. And on top of it,
we're all garbage, irredeemable, deplorable, bitter Americans clinging to our God, guns, Bibles, religion,
and garbage. That's who we are. And Mark Cuban, you know,
saying the former President Trump is never around strong, intelligent women.

That's all I see around him his campaign. You know,
Kelly an Conway was the first woman to ever successfully
run a presidential campaign. I was in twenty sixteen. The
person in charge of the twenty twenty four campaign is
a woman by the name of Susie Wiles. A woman,
Linda McMahon is in charge of transition issues. Laura Trump

is the head of the RNC. You know, what are
you say about people like Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Kayleie Mcaneney,
all these people that had top positions in working for
Donald Trump. It's just one big lie. And but we're
at the point in time where none of this should
matter to you. Are you better off than you were

four years ago? Are the borders more safe and secure? No,
are you cities and towns more safe and secure?

Speaker 4 (13:25):

Speaker 1 (13:26):
How's the fund dismantled, nobeil laws work out? How's the
economy doing when you go into your local grocery store,
when you go into any store, everything you buy, every
store you go to costs more? Harris Biden inflation that
they deny, just like they denied the They kept saying
the border was secure. They lied, just like they're lying
about Donald Trump will take away We'll have a national

abortion band and Donald Trump will limit access to contraception
and it'll stop IVF. They just flat out our line
because they can't run on this question. Are you better
off than you wore four years ago? You like paying
a buck buck fifty more gallon for gasoline? Oprah Kamala Harris,
good luck with that. You think the world is more
safe and secure, because I don't. I don't think it's

ever been this bad. When we come back Monday, it'll
be election Eve. There'll be a lot of opportunities to
talk about this, but there'll be about one hundred million
more Americans voting. This election in no way has been decided.
If you're in Georgia, North Carolina, if you're in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Arizona, Nevada.

Assume your one vote will decide the election. I hope
you have that level of urgency. Let's take a little
trip down memory lane, shall we. Let's play some of
the more incendiary comments, the violent rhetoric montage Kamala Harrison Company,
And just to remind you as they lecture you about language,

never mind the fascist, the Nazi, the garbage, the racist,
the misogyny, you know all the other names that been
calling people. That man cannot see public office again. He
is not only unfit, he is destructive to our democracy. Uh.
And he has to be Uh. He has to be eliminated.

Speaker 3 (15:14):
The donor class can't just sit back on the sidelines
and say, oh, well, don't worry, this will all work
itself out. They're still going to have to go out
and put a bullet in Donald Trump.

Speaker 1 (15:22):
And that's a fact. Yes, I have.

Speaker 5 (15:25):
Thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House.

Speaker 1 (15:29):
When was the last time an actor assassinated the president?
For a clarify, I'm not an actor. I lie for
a living. How it's been a while. Maybe it's time.
Dare he say the things he does? Of course, I
want to punch him in the face.

Speaker 4 (15:52):
Fresh always asked, you don't my worsh Hore debated him, No,
I wish we're in high school. I could take it
behind the gym.

Speaker 5 (15:59):
That's what I wish, And with this kind of inspiration,
I will go and take Trump out tonight.

Speaker 1 (16:05):
You've quoted General Millie calling Donald Trump a fascist, You
yourself have not used that word to describe him. Let
me ask you tonight, do you think Donald Trump is
a fascist?

Speaker 4 (16:14):

Speaker 1 (16:14):
I do, Yes, I do.

Speaker 6 (16:16):
If you had to be stuck at an elevator with
either President Trump, Mike Penser, Jeff's sessions, who would it be?

Speaker 1 (16:23):
Does one of us have.

Speaker 2 (16:24):
To come out alive. They're not going to stop before
election day in November, and they're not going to stop
after election day, and that should be everyone should take
note of that on both levels. That is, they're not
going to let up, and they should not. Trump is
a threat to our democracy and he only fights for himself.

Speaker 6 (16:45):
Not you.

Speaker 2 (16:46):
They said, well, do you think Trump is responsible for
what happened? I said, well, look, I mean, obviously he
didn't pull the trigger, but he's certainly been tweeting out
the ammunition.

Speaker 1 (16:57):
Wow. Pretty unbelievable. Now, the strategy. Obviously, they're struggling with
African American men and they feel that they need massive
numbers and increase in turning out the women's vote. So
what do they do. They send out Barack Obama, who

lectures quote his words the Brothers about being sexist and misogynists.
Not exactly sure that that's the best strategy. Then they
sent out Stacy Abrams and she is insulting African American
men by calling them racist and sexist. And they're just
lying about pretty much everything. This is their final strategy,

and they go to their Hollywood elitist jackass friends like
Julia Roberts and what's the other one, George Clooney. George
Clooney is probably the biggest jackass of them all. And anyway,
and in the Julia Roberts ad, he's literally telling women
that you can vote for a komloge and it could

just lie to your husband. You don't have to tell
your don't just don't tell them, just you know, did
you vote, honey, Oh yeah I voted, Yeah, I voted
for Trump. But don't worry, and you can really secretly
vote for Kamala.

Speaker 6 (18:13):
Listen, your card, Honey, in the one place in America
where women still have a right to choose, you can
vote any way you want and no one will.

Speaker 4 (18:27):
Ever know.

Speaker 1 (18:31):
Did you make your right choice?

Speaker 3 (18:32):
Share it in, honey.

Speaker 6 (18:33):
Remember what happens in the booth stays in the booth.
Vote Harris Well, vote coming good is responsible for the
contents of this ad.

Speaker 1 (18:42):
It is so it is so pathetic. Is that the
message we really want to send women? Light to your husband?
Because if we're going to go back to Mark Cuban's comments,
strong intelligent women are just going to straight up tell
any man in their life who they're voting for. And
by the way, is no guy that I know that
would want it any other way. It's pretty unbelievable. But

of course Donald Trump is never around strong intelligent women.
He's a piece of garbage, and his voters are garbage.
We're all trash. Then you have this jackass George Clooney.
I can't stand George Clooney's such a phony. I guarantee you.
When the story is told. The New York Times piece
to basically have a silent coup was put together by Obama,

n Schumer and Pelosi, and Pelosi did pull out the
twenty fifth Amendment card to Joe Biden, basically threatening him
to get out of the race with the plan that
Kamalo would take over. And then in comes George Clooney
with an editorial I believe in the New York Times.
You think he wrote it on his own or did

his friend and he is friends with Barack Obama urge
him to do so? Would I would, I'd I'd bet
the store that it was the latter, No doubt about it.
He has an ad to target men to vote for
Kamala Harris and Tim Walls. Tim Walls has been trying

to show his manly nurse. He can't even load his
own shotgun. I'm a hunter. I'm a shooter going pheasant hunting.
Uh and I have friends of mine that are hunters.
I've never been a hunter. I just don't have I
don't know. I eat meat all the time, That's all.
I eat meat and eggs and hot dogs from Chicago

when I'm there. We have Mike the Cop, the biggest
food he ever visiting us today. He got us the
best hot dogs I've ever had in my life. Actually
owns two stores in Indiana where he sells hot dogs.

Speaker 3 (20:47):
I'm trying to get him to talk, but he won't.

Speaker 1 (20:49):
Talk Chicago, Chicago, Chicago Hunters.

Speaker 3 (20:55):
So tell me how he was breaking him something good.
When you guys were going around the DNC.

Speaker 1 (20:59):
And like, I don't I don't eat you know, I
don't like to eat a lot of carbs. But he
brought in a deep dish pizza and I looked at it.
I'm like, well, Chicago's known for it. And all I
care about when I'm on the road is not the work.
I just care about what I'm going to eat. And
Mike being the biggest foodie guy I've ever known, well.

Speaker 3 (21:20):
He had to elaborate on that boss because he just
for the audience, just to kind of picture what we're
talking about. This is a six foot six, thirty year veteran.

Speaker 1 (21:27):
Oh no, former cops. Oh yeah, he's kick ass, drives
like a maniac, which I love because he gets where
you need to go. And we were having a hard
time getting to the DNC a couple of nights. It
was taking really long time, and he's like real racing
around the crowd on other side of the street. You know,
it was crazy. But more importantly, he would, you know,

always get us the best food, and he sent me home.
He gave me a gift, a box of Chicago hot
dogs and two packs of hot dog buns. And then
you put the relish on it and the mustard on it,
and then the pickle on it, and the onion's on it,
and it's like it's so much better than a new
Yuakat dog. And it's it's got that great snap to it,
which really I love. It's got to have natural casing

or it's not a real hot dog. Anyway, back to
George Clooney, and so they're trying to target men, and
they're insulting African American men, calling them racist and sexist
and getting lectures. You know, they out comes Barack Obama
from his you know, mega mansion and math has vineyard,
and you know, he's screaming into the microphone. He's acting,

and the same with Michelle Obama, the exact opposite of
the way they ran their own campaign, because they're just
full of vitriol and anger and anyway, so they get
their good buddy George Clooney, Trust me, this guy's no
John Wayne. Listen, come on, boys, let's make America great.
Carry no, boys, it's your turn. Buddy, before you cast

your vote in this election, think about how it'll impact
the people you care about the most.

Speaker 4 (23:07):
Remember, you can vote any way you want and no
one will ever know.

Speaker 1 (23:12):
Do your patriotic duty.

Speaker 2 (23:14):
You better than bred.

Speaker 6 (23:15):
What happens in the booth stays in the booth.

Speaker 1 (23:18):
Vote Harris Walls pay.

Speaker 3 (23:19):
For if I vote?

Speaker 1 (23:20):
Coming good? Now. The erotic part of this is then
there's another ad that's being running predominantly minority neighborhoods that
is saying, we all know whether you vote or not,
we're gonna know with you know, a subtle threat behind it.
You know what it's. It's okay, you can vote for Kamala.
Just do it, Just do it secretly. You don't have

to tell you buddies that you're you're you're a Kamalas
supporter and a Walls supporter. Who is it that said?
You know? Walls is like a man's man. I'm like, okay,
if that's it, I'm like, who was?

Speaker 2 (23:55):

Speaker 1 (23:56):
Was AOC? What did she say?

Speaker 5 (23:57):
You know?

Speaker 1 (23:58):
So this guy's playing Madden and I she's gonna pull
a really great Uh.

Speaker 3 (24:04):
Wait wait wait did you see Tommy Tubberville today? Do
you see what he said to him. So mister Muppett says,
it's in the final quarter, and he goes, true coaches
say the fourth quarter. But all right, sure, Walls, whatever
you say.

Speaker 2 (24:16):
He's so full.

Speaker 1 (24:18):
He wasn't a coach. He was a volunteer assistant coach.
He was not the coach. And you don't claim me,
you know, you a championship if you're an assistant coach.
The coach gets credit for that.

Speaker 3 (24:29):
Mike says he was the water boy.

Speaker 1 (24:34):
Mike has a great, wicked sense of humor. Uh, he's funny.
Uh anyways, Uh so you know that's pretty much the
state of the campaign.

Speaker 3 (24:43):

Speaker 1 (24:44):
I have other news to get to here today, and
the actually, I think this is a good point that
my friend Ethan, you know, made, you know, if you
if you think about this, if we're gonna say that
we're Nazis and fascists, et cetera, et cetera, and you know,
just just think about, you know, all of this, and

with this final campaign that they're running and that's calling
people names. I find everything that she's doing and saying
completely uninspiring, robotic. You know, she's gonna represent all Americans
as she goes out there attacking Donald Trump as a
Nazi and a fascist, and his supporters as garbage and

a Nazi Nazi lover's fascist, lovers, racist, sexist. It's a
failing campaign and it's an attempt to try and regain,
you know, some momentum any way they can, and with
the help of the media. That's why they're trying to
totally completely utterly smear and slander, misrepresent everything Donald Trump
was saying, which was very very clear in his statement.

But this is who they are. They lie about everything.
I'm gonna have a list of lies of that Kamala
has told he has increased his violent red. No, he's saying,
these warhawks, if they want to fight wars, let them
go fight them. That is a fair statement. The President,
by the way, was in Dearborn, Michigan. And you know,

I'm going to tell you why. I have a theory
why the Muslim American communities rallying around him. I think
because they want peace. The majority of people that are
not radicalized. I make a distinction between radical Islamic terrorists
and Muslims, and I think that many Muslims see, especially

in the Middle East, that Iran is an existential threat
to the entire region, and I think that's why. But anyway,
Kamala Harris says it must be disqualifying, then she's got
to say that Joe Biden, you know who wanted to
target Donald Trump four days before the Butler incident, that

that's disqualifying and he shouldn't be in office. Do you
see the rank hypocrisy here? But if you know, if
this stays the way it is, I think that I
think things are looking good. But we still have one
hundred million Americans that are going to vote or around
that number, and so between now and next Tuesday, there's

a lot of voting to occur, and I hope people
will think about the borders. They'll think about law and order,
safety security. You have migrants now surging across the border
yet again because they're fearful that Donald Trump is going
to win this race. By the way, another Nevada pole
came out showing Trump leading Harris by six points. This

from Strategic Polling, and you know he has it's fifty
forty four. Laridapole has Trump leading Harris. Yes, in spite
of their attempt to associate him with a stupid comic
that probably never should have been at this that never
should have been at this rally at Madison Square Garden.

I mean John Stewart at least was the only honest
liberal on that one. If you look at Atlas polling,
along with the Falgar and Insider advantage, they have come
out with their final poll in the campaign and it
looked really good for Donald Trump. Up in Arizona, North Carolina, Nevada, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan,

Wisconsin are all very close. Pennsylvania up one point one,
Michigan Trump up one point two, Wisconsin Trump up zero
point three. So these states matter. Is there a hidden
Trump vote? Well, one question Robert Kahali and Matt Towery
keep asking who do you think your neighbors are voting for?

This was now confirmed in research by Redfield and Wilton Strategies,
And I think it's very interesting when they get to
the question. They surveyed fourteen hundred likely voters in twenty
five what they call Boomerang Pivot counties, who do you
think most of you neighbors are to vote for? Well,

that's a question that most people smart postal pollsters believe
expose a hidden Trump vote. But in the general their
Telegraph they're associated with the Telegraph. Right now they have
Trump up by one nationally forty seven six, and you
know it's it's just it's just too close. If you

are in Georgia, if you are in North Carolina, you're
in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Arizona, Nevada, assume your one vote
will be the determining vote will decide this election. That's
what I would strongly recommend. Everybody has that sense of
urgency and all of you that have voted, thank you.

All of you that you know a plan to vote
on election Day. Please make time in your day now,
arrange your schedule

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On Purpose with Jay Shetty

On Purpose with Jay Shetty

I’m Jay Shetty host of On Purpose the worlds #1 Mental Health podcast and I’m so grateful you found us. I started this podcast 5 years ago to invite you into conversations and workshops that are designed to help make you happier, healthier and more healed. I believe that when you (yes you) feel seen, heard and understood you’re able to deal with relationship struggles, work challenges and life’s ups and downs with more ease and grace. I interview experts, celebrities, thought leaders and athletes so that we can grow our mindset, build better habits and uncover a side of them we’ve never seen before. New episodes every Monday and Friday. Your support means the world to me and I don’t take it for granted — click the follow button and leave a review to help us spread the love with On Purpose. I can’t wait for you to listen to your first or 500th episode!

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