All Episodes

November 28, 2024 32 mins

Best of Hannity
Amanda, caller with terminal illness and an amazing heartwarming attitude.  Plus Dr. Drew Pinsky!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Well, well, come in.

Speaker 2 (00:02):
Your get to saying you a conscious un will all
be entire and if you want a little banging a.

Speaker 3 (00:16):
Yuni, I come along.

Speaker 4 (00:18):
We will work with the incoming administration whenever and wherever
possible in order to solve problems, but strongly disagree and
push back against the extremism.

Speaker 5 (00:28):
The facts are that people have lost trust in legacy media.

Speaker 1 (00:34):
That's not me saying that. That's a demonstrable fact. And
this is making everyone's head explode right now. We're all
watching it in real time and I'm sure I'll have
a lot more opinions on that.

Speaker 5 (00:43):
Trado is back in style, welcome to the revolution.

Speaker 3 (00:49):
Coming to your site, don't the way I.

Speaker 1 (00:54):
Gets and saying you a conscious.

Speaker 5 (00:56):
Sun shown the show more I'm the scenes, information on
freaking news and more bold inspired.

Speaker 6 (01:07):
Solutions for America.

Speaker 5 (01:09):
Stay right here for our final news roundup and information overload.

Speaker 1 (01:13):
My news roundup, Information overload, hour toll free. Let me
give you our number. It's eight hundred and nine foot
one Sean. If you want to be a part of
the program, Oh, I'm not sure what I'm going to do.
I mean you now have a huffing and post article
saying I am canceling Christmas and Thanksgiving with my Trump
voting family Sunny Houston. It is a moral issue. I'm

not having Thanksgiving with my Trump voting family. The left
is collectively losing their minds. If I'm invited over a
friend's house and they have different political points of view,
I really don't give an adam shift. They're entitled in
a pre country to have different views than I have.
And if you don't want to talk politics with me, fine,
I talk enough politics. I'll take some time off. But

the left is not taking this loss well at all.
You got some really extreme measures going on out there.
Liberal women now embracing something called what is the four
B movement. They are swearing off physical romantic relationships with men.
They're talking about divorcing their husband husbands, stockpiling abortion pills,

vowing never to have children. Now they're wearing blue bracelets
and shaving their heads to signal to each other that
they are liberal. They're asking men to do the same
to say they're supportive of women. And you know, the
medium mob is getting in on the action by playing
to the worst fears of their audiences. And the Washington

Post offering a guide on how Americans complete other countries,
the co hosts of the views saying, yes, it's okay
to boycott Thanksgiving gatherings with Trump supporters, and that was said,
and they go even further. I mean, now we have
Eva Longoria is escaping Trump's dystopia, apparently admitting that she

and her family have fled the US, leaving homelessness and
high taxes in California behind for a brighter life in
Mexico and Spain. And she says, I'm one of the
privilege that can get out of this. Anyway, I don't
have the pedigree, the background, the knowledge to give you

the best advice. We may have a doctor Hannity segment well,
where I will offer you advice on how to deal
with your crazy liberal relatives over Thanksgiving. And it's not
going to include throwing a turkey leg where, you know,
having a mashed potato fight at the table. But anyway,
our friend doctor Drew Pinsky is with us. He was
on TV with us the other night, and he's far

more equipped to give advice on this than I am. Sir,
how are you well.

Speaker 3 (03:54):
Doctor Hannity. You've seemed very interested in these cases.

Speaker 1 (03:57):
They too, I do is it nuts.

Speaker 3 (04:01):
Well, I'm not sure that's a clinical term, but okay,
so yeah, there are two things afoot here and some
of part of this you and I talked about on
television of that night, which is that there is a
it's mass illusion. There's been a delusion that has gripped
this country. It's mass formation. It's well described. It's one
of the consequences of narcissism. And there's no doubt there's
been a narcissistic shift in this country. And as I

told you, I'm just glad to see them wearing blue
bracelets and taking the blue palacemen off their face, the
mask that was the blue signal of participation in the cult.
Now it's a blue bracelet. Fantastic, But it's still the
same phenomenon, which is this mass formation, this mob formation
that narcissists tend to do, and what's on full display

and what you were reading about just there in terms
of people not coming to dinner with their family A
I have two reactions. One is, isn't that what cults do.
They divide families and separate them and pull them away
so they can continue to brainwash. That's the significant of
the blue bracelest now is I'm a participant in the
mass propaganda brainwashing that is underway. Number one. Then number

two is the other thing that's in full display when
you look at these videos of these unfortunate women freaking
out what you call doctor Hannity nuts. That is narcissistic
and borderline rage that is on full display. And it's interesting.
I was up at British Columbia a couple months ago

and Victoria, British Columbia is one of the wokest places
on earth, and the first thing I noticed was people
are sacridic nice. They're so nice, but you scratch under
the surface, the tiniest bit and you get seething rage.
And that has been what has been keeping us all
hostage for the last four years.

Speaker 1 (05:52):
You know, there's another part of this that I call
just in doctrination. I mean Kamala Harris herself, when she
gave her closing speech in Washington at the Ellipse, she
said that to old people scaring them that Donald Trump
will take away their Social Security and their Medicare, that's
not true. When he was president, he actually increased benefits.

He has sworn over and over he will not do
that she said to women that Donald Trump will sign
a national abortion band. He has pledged over and over
not to do that. She said that he will limit
access to contraception. He has promised over and over that
he would never do that. I don't even think it
really came up to be honest, But he has no

intention of doing that. I know him as well as anybody.
They said that he would limit IVF treatment when he
kept saying over and over again the opposite is true.
And yet people hear these lies. To what extent do
people believe them? When you hear it over and over again,
and when you're indoctrinated into believing that a group of

people conservatives and I wouldn't be part of any movement
that was racist. I wouldn't be part of any movement
that supported fascism or Nazism. You know, if you're being
told this over and over again, why people that a'll
have high positions like the vice president that want to
be president? I mean, doesn't lend credibility to the big lie?

Speaker 3 (07:16):
Of course it does, and I think one of the
great there were several great favors that COVID did for us,
and one is to lay bare the propagandistic use of fear,
and how how unethical and I would dare say illegal.
The use of propaganda is against the people, and fear
has been their major source of satisfaction. And this is

all fear porn. It's fear mongering. It is disgusting, and
we can now we see you, We see you when
you do it. One of the great examples of that
bubble bursting is President Biden welcoming Hitler to the White
House with smiles and gratitude. Thank you.

Speaker 1 (07:58):
But by the way, how funny was that? I mean,
you know, all of a sudden, Hitler's he's Hittler one
day and he's at the White House and their best
buddies the next day. You can't make that up.

Speaker 3 (08:07):
I think, though, Sean, we should ask them to keep
it coming, keep it coming, give so the ones that
are still in the delusion can continue to live, suck
at the blood, at the at the teeth of this
supply of fear until they too have the delusion burst.
It must burst for them. When I was going to

go on TV the other night with you, in preparation,
I looked at some articles on fear porn, on abortion,
women afraid to get pregnant because in my state, which
has restrictions on abortion, they will let me die. They
would let me die if I had a serious illness
as opposed to go through with the abortion. Kaiser Family
Foundation themselves is on the record saying that the number

of states making exception for abortion when the women's life
is in danger is one hundred percent. So all this
fear mongering about abortion and IVF and oral contraceptive pills
is misogyny. It's misogyny, it's disgusting, and it needs to
be called out.

Speaker 1 (09:13):
Look at a deep red state like Ohio. Right, they
brought the issue before the people of Ohio, the issue
of abortion, and they voted for very liberal views on abortion. Yeah,
in the state, in the very red state of Ohio.
What does it say to you when people like and
I would argue, legacy media is dead after this election

because nine years of propaganda, misinformation, you know, slander, smears, merchant,
you name it against Donald Trump. They have thrown everything
they got to this guy. And yet it's every major newspaper,
every network, every liberal cable channel is never stopping twenty
four to seven, every single second hour minute of every
twenty four hour day, and then you have, you know,

celebrity endorsements, and you have the likes Julia Roberts saying
to married women, your husband doesn't need to know, honey,
did your vote the right way? Yes? I did. Dear
your voter secret You don't have to tell your husband.
You can lie to your husband. And then George Clooney
is saying, you can act like a bro. Hey, bro, yeah,
I'm voting for Trump. They don't have to know that

you're secretly voting for Kamala. Okay, what kind of marriage
is that? What kind of friendship is that? If you
can't be real with your friends or your spouse.

Speaker 3 (10:27):
First of all, that's domestic abuse they're describing. And as
a mandated reporter, I guess I better get to work
reporting all the domestic abuse that they're number one, number two.
You like this analogy that my friend, our mutual friend,
Adam Crola came up with in Really by the way.

Speaker 1 (10:46):
He's funny as hell. I really like Corolla. I never
you know, I've gotten to know him a little bit
because he's come on the show. I know he's a
good friend of yours. We like him. He's very funny.

Speaker 3 (10:56):
We'll come on together. We remember he and I used
to be a team. We still do podcast together. But
he's during a podcast he said to me, he goes,
you know, this is all I said. I told him,
as this old tiny stuff trotting out the celebrities that
you used to have cultural sway in the eighties and nineties.
Young people don't even know who they are. And he goes, yeah,
it's like they had a magic wand they used to
be able to waive in us, except they're waving it

and the batteries have worn out. They saving it and
nothing happened.

Speaker 1 (11:21):
I wish I had thought of that. That's a great line.

Speaker 3 (11:23):
It's a great line.

Speaker 1 (11:24):
Oh, it's so true. And none of them had any impact.
I mean, think of this, ABC, NBC, CBS, Washington Post,
New York Times, USA Today, MSDNC, Fake New CNN, and
and a billion dollars in negative ads full of lies.
None of it mattered. It still was a landslide.

Speaker 3 (11:43):
Well, and you asked, you know what about the red
state of Ohio with it with its sort of mixed
response with voting, which is it's it's genius, it's glorious,
it's the will of the people in restricting government. But
that's what I hear loud. Our government was not to talk.
Was not put in place the constitution to teach the

governing official how to govern. It was to restrict them
from being involved in our life. And it is now
getting rolled back, and it is glorious. And part of
that is in the state of Ohio. Don't be so
much on my daughter when she needs an abortion. I
want some limitations on how much you can say about that. Good.
And they voted for Donald Trump. Also good.

Speaker 1 (12:25):
All right, quick break right back more with doctor Drew
Pinsk on the other side. We'll also hit the phones.
Eight hundred and ninety four one, Shawn is odd number.
As we continue, right, we continue, Now, how do we
deal with the four B movement? Women shaving their heads,
women now valuing never to have sex or divorcing their husbands,
and they are stockpiling abortion pills because of the election

of Donald Trump, and they're saying, don't have Thanksgiving or
Christmas with your conservative family members. You know, I love freedom.
I believe in freedom, you know. And if Kamala was elected,
she would take as much money as she could possibly
get our hands on, even taxing unrealized capital gains. Explain,
explain how that math works. That's insane. Well, but also

tell you what car to have in your driveway, what
kind of washer and dryer you can have, what kind
of refrigerator you can have. I'm like, will you please
leave me the hell alone? Just get out of my life.
That's right, Just leave me alone. Let me keep as
much money as possible. I'll pay my fair share of taxes.
I don't want to be giving you sixty three percents
out of every dollar I make and be lectured that

I'm not paying my fair share. And then you come
back for more bites of the apple every you know,
whether I take a risk and invest it, you want
to bite, and if I drop dead, you take fifty
percent more.

Speaker 3 (13:41):
It's even Mark Cuban had to disavow that piece of policy. Yeah,
you know I even existed. But let's be let's be
clear that our federal government was supposed to be involved
in defense and interstate commerce, and that's about it. The
fact that they're up in our lives all the time
is astonishing and it's ending. However, they're going to apparently

a written article today where they're gonna send us Kamala
Harris back to California's run for governor. Please help us
with that one, Seohn, we need help.

Speaker 1 (14:10):
I can't help you. You already have Gavin, and I
stay in touch with Gavin, but he doesn't listen to me. Ever,
he never listens to me. He's gonna have a special
session to trump proof California, which is madness too. All Right,
So let's say you're in a marriage, or you have
a girlfriend and she's part of this four be movement
shaving her head. Now, we never to have sex, so
we're promising to divorce you. Yes, you have any advice

for these guys. I have my advice, but it's probably
not I'm trying to be a good Christian, but it's
probably not the most Christian advice that I would normally give.

Speaker 3 (14:42):
Yes, I would be emphatically. These are sad symptoms. These
people are in serious trouble. They are expressing a narcissistic meltdown.
And because there's delusionality and they're thinking, it will not
respond to reason. That's the nature of delusions. They are

fixed and you must deal it with firm consistent not aggressive,
but firmness and consistency and empathy. And if you can
have a show of force, like say, at the Thanksgiving
table there are three or four people can go hey, stop,
stop stop talking about this. They need containment from outside
because they are not containing internally. They're not regulating and

they are not well the Golden rule.

Speaker 1 (15:30):
You know, we could get rid of every HR department
if you know, I know you can't mention the God part.
Love God with all your heart, mind, body and soul,
and your neighbor as yourself, and treat others the way
you want to be treated. You can have one page
and there's your entire HR manual and everything every every
worker in your company needs to know, and you can
get rid of that whole department. Drew Pinski, great advice.

I appreciate it. Send our best to your friend Adam
and come back off and we appreciate it.

Speaker 3 (16:00):
Thank you.

Speaker 1 (16:01):
Oh and by the way, don't throw turkey legs at
the Thanksgiving day table, okay, do not. Eight hundred Shawn
our number if you want to be a part of
the program, right twenty five now till the top of
the hour. Eight hundred Shawn is a number if you
want to be a part of the program. If you
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Now we told you the story of a FEMA and
how they fired this woman, Marnie Washington, because she told

employees to skip homes. I'm reading from the New York
coast ravaged by Hurricane Milton that were flying Trump flags,
and it was presented as an isolated case. Now we
have a whistleblower, a former employee that has told The
New York Post that this has been happening for years,
with FEMA allegedly telling workers to prioritize the the marginalized

over Trump voters. They actually put it in writing, and
I'm not making it up. Bead workers told to implement
the best practices. Not one goes anywhere alone, avoid holmes
advertising Trump practice de escalation and preventative measures, blah blah blah,
notes Trump signed no contact per leadership. I mean, it's

it's pretty unbelievable, but all of which it is true.
And you know we all watched in horror after Hurricane Helene,
you know, devastated Florida and Georgia and South Carolina, Tennessee
and particularly in the northeastern part of North Carolina, and

for days and days, for almost a week, the Harris
Biden administration and FEMA were nowhere to be found, and
people had no communications. And Donald Trump got involved very early,
and he'd got in touch with his friend Elon Musk,
and God bless Elon Musk. He sent over Starlink communication
so that people in these remote areas would then be

able to have communication restored with the rest of the world.
Thank God. They needed it desperately, and he did it
so quickly, it was pretty amazing. And if it weren't
for Samaritan's Purse, if it weren't for churches, if it
weren't for neighbor helping neighbor, if it weren't for an
organization like Operation Hilo, which we've discussed in this on

this program before, you know, probably the death toll would
have been a lot higher and people that were in
need never would have gotten the help that they deserve.
I mean, we spent two hundred billion dollars help in
Ukraine and we can't help, but fellow Americans after what
was a predictable natural disaster, there's no excuse for us anyway.

Eric Robinson and Natasha Rodriguez of Operation Here or we're
back with us and they're still on the ground. There's
still helping people that have been bravely affected by Hurricane Helena. Helene,
and thank you both for joining us. Eric, what's got
an update from you? What's going on since we last spoke,

wellshan ye.

Speaker 7 (20:29):
We appreciate you having us back on and helping to
continue to get this story out. We were running helicopter
missions providing had out of Hickory a few weeks. Once
that happened, once the need for helicopter operations ceased, we
and the roads opened up, we've pivoted. There were so

many people left homeless, and when I stay homeless, I
mean they were living in tents, cars. One man was
even living in a cave. So we've phibited started using
our resources and our connections to start providing temporary shelters
campers to those that have been displaced due to the flooding,
the mud slides, just and there were even tornadoes. So

that's kind of what we've been up to since we
last spoke again, we're now providing temporary shelter to at
least get people out of the cold. We've been the
Lord has blessed us with great weather up to this point,
but typically in the mountains right now, that weather is
really bad. It's usually below freezing. That's about to happen,

and we still have you know, we still have a
lot of people that we need to get out of
the cold. But that's what we've been doing. That's what
we've been plugging away at.

Speaker 1 (21:43):
And my understanding is, and I'll bring Natasha in here,
is that your organization is now working on helping people
not only get shelter and food and Thanksgiving meals on
the table, and maybe our audience can sponsor a family,
which would be pretty cool to do, but also with
Christmas coming, I'm sure these families can't afford a lot

of presence, if any at all for their kids at
this point. Natasha, what's the what's that operation about?

Speaker 8 (22:10):
So we've got two massive toy drops, toys drives that
are happening that we have partnered with some people in
the local area to get toys up there to these families.
We are super excited about this. So we're going to
provide Christmas for everyone that is just so heartbroken up
there right now. So that is what we're doing coming up.
We've got Thanksgiving that's getting ready to happen at the

West Yanty Fire Department. We are super excited just to
gather this community back together, show them some much needed
love and just community and just talk and just fellowship
with them.

Speaker 1 (22:41):
At this time, well, I know, you know what, I'm
sure it means the world to people. Did FEMA ever
get their act together? Natasha? Did they ever? Did they
ever get there? Are they really providing any real help?

Speaker 8 (22:54):
So at this time our personal experiences, we have not
seen any FEMA people while we have been up there.
We know there's a lot of organizations in the area
that is wanting to help and that knows the need
is there. It just seems like they're really uncertain as
to how they need to make that happen.

Speaker 1 (23:12):
My gosh, that's unimaginable to me. Eric, How is that
even possible? And why is that not you know, a
big story and how shocking is this news story that
if you have a Trump sign, they're going to avoid
your house for crying out loud? If I'm the FEMA
director and it and there are fifteen hundred Kamala Harris
signs out there, I'm not going to say, oh, don't

help that family in there and they're hour of need.
That's insane.

Speaker 7 (23:37):
Yeah, I think that's kind of been our frustration. The
news cycle moves on so quickly, and we again, we
greatly appreciate you having us on and getting our story
out and where we can continue to provide help. It
is a little shocking to hear that. I mean, we're
all Americans. When there's a disaster, we don't look at
we don't look at red signs or blue signs when
we're providing help. You know, today we've delivered over one

hundred campers, We've gotten over one hundred families out of
the cold a warm shelter. And there's nowhere on our
application or our vetting process that asked if you're a
Republican or a Democrat. We simply want to love on
and help everybody that we possibly can.

Speaker 1 (24:16):
Well. By the way, is it true that these FEMA
claims have been denied one after another or they're offering
them like these snakes are going in offering them twenty
five hundred dollars for property.

Speaker 7 (24:29):
So our experience is that there have been a lot
of denials from FEMA here. The problem is is that
most of us is flood damage and a lot of
these people didn't have flood insurance, so insurance is not
their insurance claims are being denied. But then on top
of that, for some odd reason, and I can't figure

out why, the FEMA claims are also often being denied.
And this is simply from our experience who we talk
to and who we deal with. We're very strategic with
our camp.

Speaker 1 (25:01):
But of these people's homes have been destroyed.

Speaker 7 (25:04):
Yeah, we're dealing we're dealing with total losses at this point.

Speaker 6 (25:08):
Yes, well, why.

Speaker 1 (25:10):
Would they denied the claims when we're sending two hundred
billion dollars to Ukraine? Can you explain that to me?

Speaker 7 (25:16):
I think that's kind of our frustration. You know, a
lot of times the claims are from what I understand,
are being denied because the sheer volume of water that
went through there got rid of people's land completely stripped
down to bedrock, or the river has claimed their land.
One couple lost eight acres total, so they don't have

a place to build back period, so I think that
factors into it. But I honestly I can't speak intelligently
as to why Teama is denying claims. I just know
it's happening.

Speaker 1 (25:47):
How can people help these families for Thanksgiving and Christmas? Natasha,
please go to.

Speaker 8 (25:53):
Operation Helo dot org. We have a button on there
for you to donate for these family meals. You can
do single or a family mail. We also have an
Amazon wish list to help us supply these campers that
we are giving out for the stuff that these families made,
and a toy wish list on there as well.

Speaker 1 (26:10):
Well. We appreciate all you're doing and I hope people
will put it up on our website as well, a
link if people want at Hannity dot com. Thank you
both for what you're doing, and our prayers remain with
these families. And this is unconscionable. What's going on? Right
back to our busy phones eight hundred and nine four one,
Sean if you want to join us. Amanda in California, Hi, Amanda,

how are you?

Speaker 6 (26:33):

Speaker 3 (26:33):

Speaker 6 (26:34):
It is such an honor to talk to you.

Speaker 1 (26:37):
I am well, the honors all mine.

Speaker 6 (26:39):
I'm living in California, but I'm a Floridian in exile
to California. As I like to say, I'm out here
for medical treatment, and so I'm in the midst of
the la crazy all the time, and I can very much.

Speaker 1 (26:58):
Well, first of all, let me stop you. What is
your medical treatment?

Speaker 6 (27:03):
So I tell people I'm walking miracle because four years
ago I was given six weeks to live and I
have a really rare terminal illness and I am alive.
In the past four years, I've broken twenty six bones,
I've had subsist all this kind of stuff. One of

the things that I told Linda is that I feel
like you guys are kind of my friends and Uncle Sean,
because I get transfusions multiple times a week and I
schedule it so that I can listen during Hannity, and
so you are such a blessing. And I feel like
I'm still here on this earth to hopefully provide hope

to people. And I'm just so grateful and honored to
talk with you, who provides hope in a different way
and remind people for the expectation that good things can
have then and praise God. A week ago, great things happened,
and we have President Trump back so I'm super pumped
about that.

Speaker 1 (28:08):
Well, I hope people are hearing you, because, first of all,
God bless you. I hope everybody in this audience will
join me in saying prayers for you. It sounds like
you do have an angel on your shoulder if you
were given six weeks and four years later, here you are,
thank God. And you know, people, the people that I

have found in life that are the most interesting are
people like you, because you know, you're literally facing your
mortality every day and you get up and you have
such a cheerful attitude, and we all wonder what we
would do if we were in your situation, and I
guess one day we all will be. And I just,

I just I pray that you know, one day, when
that moment comes for me, I can I can have
the bravery, the courage, the optimism, the hope that you
have because you're an inspiration. And I just pray for
your full complete healing and that my God, you know,
continue to work miracles in your life. I can't imagine
twenty six broken bones. I can't imagine, you know, you know,

facing death every day like that like you're doing. And
all our prayers go out to you well.

Speaker 6 (29:19):
Thank you so much and that means so much to me.
And on that note, as facing mortality, I wanted to
see if you would weigh in and Linda as well.
I said, this is kind of like a bucket list
moment for me of getting to talk to both of you.
But I was given the kind of bucket list as

I've always dreamed of going to the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade,
and Macy's has given me tickets to go this Thanksgiving.
And I would be super excited except for I hear
you guys on a daily weekly basis about how terrible

New York is and and Linda's still there, and she's
you know she was talking about she.

Speaker 1 (30:11):
Now, Well, we can help you out and get you
in a safe hotel and I'm sure you'd be okay.
And do you have anybody that will be going with you?

Speaker 8 (30:20):
My mom?

Speaker 6 (30:21):
My mom's gonna come with me.

Speaker 1 (30:24):
By the way, how old are you? Well?

Speaker 6 (30:26):
There, I'd love to meet you. That's like my biggest.

Speaker 1 (30:29):
Bucket list, but well, you know, we can arrange for
a meeting at a future date. We're going to take
good name and number. Are you okay? You able to
afford to go to a hotel in New York or
are you struggling financially? How are you doing?

Speaker 6 (30:42):
Oh? I mean I that that wasn't the purpose in
my call, so.

Speaker 1 (30:49):
Well, but I'm just asking that's.

Speaker 6 (30:52):
Well, I mean that we were gonna, you know, find
a hotel somewhere, but that's the thing like having to
figure out a hotel where we would have to subway
and things like that.

Speaker 1 (31:02):
So yeah, all right, let me let me work with Linda.
We'll get a hotel for the for the weekend for
you and your mom and uh, well, we'll pick it
up in an area that you can walk. Are you
able to walk?

Speaker 8 (31:13):

Speaker 6 (31:14):
Yes? I was pulled out. Okay, walk again multiple times.
And the whole reason that I'm going there is because
I've started walking ten keys and raising money for a foundation.

Speaker 1 (31:25):
Wow can you walk more than me? All right? Only
because of the constraints of time. Here's what I'm gonna do.
I'm gonna put you on hold. We'll get you a good,
safe hotel as close as we can to where the
parade is, where you can watch it. Why you want
to watch that, I don't know, but if that's on
your bucket list that everyone has their own unique bucket list,
and we'll try to make it that one day that

I'd love to meet you and and your mom and
uh it would be my honor. Okay, we stay on
hold and we'll take care of that for you. All Right.
That's gonna wrap things up for today. Hannity Tonight, nine
Eastern on the Fox News Channel. We are loaded up. Well,
we now have Mike Hookabee as the ambassador to Israel.
What does that mean. We'll check in with Aaron Cohen,

Monica Crowley, we have Leo two point zero, Terrell, Tammy,
Bruce Clay, Travis, Tommy and Laren and Riley Gaines will
talk about how woke impacted this election and much much more.
Set you, DBR Hannity Tonight, nine Eastern on the Fox
News Channel. We'll see you then back here tomorrow. Thank
you for making this show possible.

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