All Episodes

July 29, 2022 31 mins

CompassCare CEO Rev. Jim Hardin, is here to talk about his center’s reopening following the arson committed by Jane’s Revenge against his group and location.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
And if you want a little by come along. If
the technical definition is two quarters of contraction, you're saying
that's not a recession. That take No, that's not the
technical definition. In terms of the technical definition, it's not
a recession. The technical definition considers a much broader spectrum
of data points. What is exactly the White Houses definition

of a recession? Again, we don't, We don't define. I'm
not going to define it from here. I don't think
we're going to God will not think recession. Freedom is
back in style. Welcome to the revolution. Yeah, where I'm
coming to y'all? Sent saying you a council. New Sean

Hannity Show or Behind the scenes information on breaking news
and more bold inspired solutions for America. This is a
special edition of The Sean Hannity Show America Trap Behind
Enemy Lines, Day number three forty eight. Coming up next

our final News round Up and Information Overload hour Right
News Roundup, Information Overload Hour eight hundred and ninety four one, Shawn,
if you want to be a part of the program.
We've talked a lot about what's going on in the
country in terms of crime and murder and mayhem. And
I know the Democrats think there was only one riot

in the country. And you know between the summer of
twenty twenty in January sixth, no, there were five hundred
and seventy four riots. In the summer twenty twenty, we
had dozens of Americans die. They're dead, killed, just like
you know, Horace Lorenzo Anderson Junior. Remember that. Remember I
had his father on the TV show crying his eyes out.
He lost his son, his namesake, and so many others.

That was in the Chop Chaz Summer of Love, Autonomous zone,
spaghetti potluck, dinner zone as they called it. And it's
so sad. We have police precincts burned to the ground.
And then we have a now vice president than candidate
candidate for vice president, Kamala Harris. They're not going to stop.
They shouldn't stop. Take note be where they're not going

to stop. We're not going to stop. It's going to
continue even after the election. Then tweeting out a bail fund,
so the writers get out billions in property damage, ricks, bricks, rocks, bottles,
molotov cocktails, and over two thousand injured police officers, no investigation.

Then we have this more recent phenomenon. We have the
assassination plot as you know, of Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh.
Now we got more details on this. It's interesting. Democrats,
you know, and another power grab have introduced a bill
to enact term limits for Supreme Court justices. Anyway, the
search warrant application shows a very chilling online postings of

this Kavanaugh assassination suspect, and apparently he meticulously planned and
alleged the plot. Even reached out for advice from an
internet form, and the FBI search warrant obtained by Fox
News Digital showed that various search terms were related to
the attack, including how to be stealthy assassin skills, most

effective place to stab someone. In the weeks leading up
to the planned attack. I'm going to stop Roe v.
Wade from being over turned he set. You know, after
the Road decision, we had over fifty nine specific instances
where pregnancy centers, some that are pro life, but you're
not allowed to advocate a position that you believe that

abortion's wrong. What follow your conscience, follow your religious beliefs.
Apparently not. We've had instance after instance of these crisis
pregnancy centers that were hit, churches that were you know,
Molotov cocktails, thrown into places. On June seventh, the Buffalo
medical office of the pro life pregnancy center Compass Care,

was firebomb the radical abortion terrorist group Jamee's Revenge took responsibility.
No arrests were made, you know. Fifty two days later,
the facility is now finally reopening to patients and they're
holding a grand reopening conference on August the first. Anyway,
joining us now as Compass Care CEO, Reverend Jim Harden

is with us. First, I'm very very sorry what happened
to your facility. Were people hurt? Well, thank you, Sean,
I really appreciate that tenority with you. Thankfully, no one
was hurt. It happened in the dead of night. You
should go our cowards and their bullies, and that's what
they do. They gave us thirty days to shut down

James Revenge, and of course we didn't, and they took responsibility.
Two days after the fire in catastrophic damage, their signature
of graffiti scrawl was in the side of our buildings
and Jane was here. And then two days later they said, yeah,
that's that was us. We did that. And furthermore, if
you don't shut down the next time, it's not going
to be so easily cleaning up as fire and graffiti.
It's the open season, they said. Pregnancy centers. We're peaceful

pro life precenters. What we can't believe the way we
want to believe and behave the way that that's consistent
with our beliefs. We believe everyone is equally valuable and
deserving a blessing and protection because are made in the
image of God, both mother and child. And so we
provide ethical medical care and comprehensive community support for her
for free. And yet somehow that's a threat to the

abortion vie. Well, let me let me go through the
services that you offer. You have a deeply held religious belief,
your conscience guide you. You are pro life. You believe
that life begins at conception. Is that a fair characterization?
Very fair? Okay, So you set up a crisis pregnancy
center to help young women that come to your center

that are in a situation where they had an unplanned pregnancy. Correct, correct, Okay,
And I'm sure these girls are stressed out, they're distraught
often times. Oh yeah, they're worried, they're concerned. Maybe they're
very young. I'm sure you have kids, very young going
in there occasionally, maybe regularly. Regularly, when a woman faces
on time pregnancy, she says, I'm stuck, I'm trapped. I've

got no other choice. I need to have an abortion.
It doesn't sound like choice to me. It doesn't sound
like empowerment to me. So walk me through what your
group does. What do you do? Yeah, somebody comes in
and says they're in that situation and they sit down
with you, sit down with other counselors. What do you
tell them? What do you talk about? Well, first of all,
we give her health assessment baseline ob care okay, and

we determine if she's actually got a viable pregnancy. It's
possible to not have a viable pregnacy and yet have
a positive home pregnacy test, So that's good news for
a lot of women who think they might be pregnant
and don't want to be. The second so we do
ultra sound scanned to determine if she's got a viable pregnacy.
Then we determine exactly how far along share she is
with that oulder sound scan um and that that helps

her understand what type of abortion procedures the abortionist would
give her, and that that helps us educate her about
the risks and side effects as well as the cost
associated with all those those abortion uh you know options
that she's going to be given. And then third, we
give her information about STD testing and treatment, and we
actually give her STD testing and treatment because she values

her reproctile. She wants to be pregnant, but just not
now or not in this way or whatever, and so
we we we help her with that, and then we
go through options consultation with her. We give her uh
we give her personalized uh you know, support throughout the community.
Anything that's driving her to get the abortion, anything that's
a concern of hers. We can address those concerns either

in house with mothercare teams or by connecting her with
resources outside in the community to give her a vision
of her future after having had a child. You know,
and you're doing all of this. Now, where do you
get the money to support such an extensive program such
as this. Well, unsurprisingly, we don't get any money from
the fate or federal government, and we never have we

get all of the money. I mean, you don't get
money like Planned Parenthood founded by Margaret Sanger, a person
that was deeply rooted in eugenics and other controversial views.
Not a not a dime. That's that's interesting that the
government would support such a thing. But we get all
the money for providing for these women for you know,

for private donations and churches, and it's you know, it's
it's significant. It's a major investment. This is a commitment
of the people of God at work, and they would
not have us homeless in Buffalo when we were a
fire bomb. We've got offices in Buffalo, Rochester, in Albany.
We've also served helped six hundred and fifty other prim
centers all across the country improved their services. They're using

our strategies and our materials, and we're going to give
them a twenty first century tools. We're giving them the
twenty first century tools to reach the services women these
or they travel because the abortion industry changed overnight on
June twenty four. It's an amazing time. So you do
these wonderful things and people have an opportunity. Nobody has
to go into your center, but people come to your
center and you offer them help, you offer them medical care,

you offer them you know, I'm sure you probably have
gone way above and beyond in cases where a girl
might be, I don't know, abandoned and on her own,
and she doesn't know what to do, doesn't have a
place to stay, a place to go. I'm assuming you
probably have stepped up in situations like that and found
a solution for girls. Is that true? We do that

every day. There isn't a day that goes by that
we don't do that, Sehn. In fact, there are stories
and patients love us. They love us so much that
they want that. They were happy to have us take
their pictures and do interviews with them and put put
on videos and put put it out publicly. They are
so grateful. Almost everybody that I know that says that
their pro choice, they're in the category of abortion. Yeah,

they've believe it should be legal, but very rare and
also very early. You don't wait until you have a
fully formed child. Now, I know you disagree with that.
I'm just giving you their point of view. Sure, sure,
but there are others that believe. You know this idiot
north of them, the former look governor of the Commonwealth
of Virginia. Well, first the baby's going to be born.

Then we'll make the baby comfortable, and then the mother
will have a conversation with the doctor about whether the
baby lives. I mean or having an abortion, you know,
eight and a half months into pregnancy, when that child
is completely viable outside of a mother's womb. I cannot
understand that evil. I can understand the nuance. Like you

might disagree with me, I make exceptions for rape, incest
to the mother's life. I don't know if you disagree
with me. I would assume you do. Yeah, sure I do.
But that's okay. So here's the thing I would this
is this is a tragedy. And the reason why it's
the tragedy is because of what the Supreme Court said,
and they clarified it for us in nineteen seventy three,
Supreme Court asked an eerie question, and that was does

the word person apply to the unborn? And their answer
in nineteen seventy three was, the word person does not
apply to the unborn. So when Dobbs came out and
reversed the Road decision, they said that the Road decision
was egregiously wrong, specifically on that point of personshood, because
as soon as we start parsing out who qualifies as
a person under the law and who does not, who
qualifies a free fifths of a man who qualifies as

a whole man who qualified. I said, listen, I will
concede that my exceptions are intellectually inconsistent your your opinion
is more pure. The only reason I allow for the
exception is whether it's rape, incest, or the mother's life. Well,
in the mother's life, that's a different case. But raper incest,

there was no choice at all. And this was a
violent act perpetrated on an innocent person. Yeah, and so,
and I put that in a very different category of
somebody that decides that they're going to engage in adult
behavior and don't make adult decisions to prevent it from happening.
Because we know how to prevent pregnancy whatever. And I

don't know if you talk about it much, but you
know what, it's just a reality. Yeah, it is obvious
to know how to prevent prevent pregnancy. And I would
say that the important, important, important thing for us to
know right now is what do we what do we
do with for children that are alive, what do we
do with the children that are conceived? I believe, along

with a country of other people, of other people, thousands,
tens of thousands of millions of people that God is
the author of life. He's the one that intervened and
started that life. And it's our job not to determine
who lives and who dies, but how to protect those lives.
And that's the government's primary job. Again, if if the
government misses this point, think they missed the point of government.
If their job to protect all people equally without qualification.

Otherwise we our justice system is just a moras, it's
a sham, it's a you know, something to control the
population with by a handful of people. No. I think, listen,
what you're doing is honorable. What you're doing is obviously
you're calling in life, and I admire you for it.
I admire all the people that donate to you. Um.

I think helping these young girls out is no greater,
greater work that you can be involved in. I'm grateful
for the work that you do, and I'm saddened that
you and your group had to go through this, and
sadly too you're facing even more threats and I'm just
speaking from my own experience. You cannot have enough security,

you just can't. And um, I hope you're you're as
part of your rebuilding you've taken all the measures necessary
that they can't pull this again. We have taken There's
so many security things I didn't even know about, and
they're they're definitely. Oh I know about them all because
I have them all at my place. Trust me, I

probably have. I can probably give you a tural on
everything you got. Oh, maybe maybe I should take that
editorial because it is absolutely astounding. What what kind of
security we need in addition to armed guards and perimeter
et cetera. But I'm sorry about that. It shouldn't be
in America today though. No. But these these these politicians,
pro abortion politicians in charge of the Democratic Party, they're
emboldening the violence, and they're the ones that need to

come out and and and criminalize it and stop it
and basically arrest people. We're we are literally at war.
They've they've they've essentially said we're going to attack you,
just like James. You know the model of James revenge.
The pro abortion terrorist group have attacked us. Yeah, if
abortion isn't safe, then neither are you. And it seems
like what these pro abortion politicians are telling us too.

If abortion isn't safe preacy center, then neither are you.
So we're getting attacked by by New York State Governor
HOCl She's she's signed a bill to to investigate us
instead of the arsonists. But we're getting attacked by New
York State Attorney General Letician James demanding that Google wipe
us off the mass so women can't find us. We're
getting attacked by Joe Biden demanding that Atturning General Merrick

Garland invest to get the quote unquote fraudulent practices of
pracy centers. I mean, who's who's coming in to fraud here?
The abortionists are are giving away these chemicals. What are
selling chemical abortions which are more dangerous than surgical abortions.
And they're saying that, I don't know, whatever happened to
freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of conscience. I

thought liberals believes in all that. Clearly they don't. We're
going to continue to fall. If you run into any problems,
please always feel free. These microphones are open to you anytime.
God bless you in what you're doing. Our hearts go
out to these young girls there. I'm sure that's a
very difficult hard time in their lives, and people that
lift them up like you are are truly angels, and

God bless your work. And I appreciate people people in
this world like you for doing what you're doing. And
we don't agree completely. No, No, you're no, you're more
intellectually honest. I will acknowledge if I believe life begins
at conception and I make those exceptions, it's it's less
intellectually consistent in your position. I am acknowledging that anyway.

I appreciate you. Yeah, I'm grateful that you're willing to
talk about it. It's what needs to happen. Appreciate you
being with us, sir god Bush you if you're ready
to get out of the media spin room, You've come
to the right place is the Sean Hannity Show. You know,

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When fake news gives you lies, Hannity supplies the truth,
Sean Hannity is on right now twenty five to the

top of the hour. Officially, yes, we are in a recession,
and officially your President Joe Biden got owned sadly pathetically
by the China, by the Chinese president. President She. It's
so disgusting, it really is. And you know what, I
just keep going back to, what does what does China
have on Hunter and the Biden family syndicate? What does

Russia have on Biden and the Biden family syndicate? What
do they have one Hunter? You know? Apparently President She
using his leverage to embarrass, humiliate Biden during this two
hour phone call, repeatedly threatening the US and in the
face of President She's firm words on Taiwan, Biden affirmed
the US does not back Taiwan independence. Not only did

she again lay down China's red lines as it relates
to Taiwan, but the Chinese leader then stressed Beijing vehemently
opposes the intervention of other powers. According to the quotes
of China state media, and from Beijing's point of view, well,
she was putting Biden on notice over all these recent
US maneuvers, saying, in essence, I'm in charge now not you. Now,

I had a lot of sources when Donald Trump was president,
a lot more than I have now, and I could
tell you with one hundred percent certainty that that was
not the way Donald Trump dealt with President She and
it was not the way dealt with the Taliban, and
it was not the way dealt with Putin at all.
Eight hundred oh one other thing now I forgot. The

other big story of the day is, yeah, we're in
the middle of a recession. You know this. It'll Peter
Doocey just own the White House Press Secretary m Karine
Jean Pierre yesterday in this exchange about changing the definition
of a recession, because now we got the news today
it's official. We're in a recession. And why is it
the White House officials are trying to redefine recession. No,

we're not redefining recession. We all understand a recession to
be two consecutive quarters of negative GDP growth in a row.
And then you have White House officials come up here
to say, no, else, that's not what a recession is.
It's something else. How is that not redefining recession because
that's not the definition. That is not the definitive piece
said in two thousand and eight. Of course, economists heavy

technical definition, which is of a recession, which is two
consecutive quarters of negative growth. I can tell you this said,
two negative quarters of GDP growth is not the technical
definition of a recession. It is not. It is not,
it is not. Yes, it is checkmate, Doocey. Doocey was

right anyway, eight hundred handful one. Shawn, if you want
to be a part of the program a net North Carolina,
how are you glad you called? Hey Son, Thank you
for taking my call. Listen, I was going to ask
you about Garland and dining Trump. I was going to
ask you about a climate emergency that Biden might declare,

but you put him harden On in It broke my heart.
I have a avoitioned at the h ten years old.
If I'm sixty years old, and I will never ever,
ever be the same until the day I thought I

can ask for forgiveness. That's the guilt will never go away.
Never let me. Let me talk to you about this
and that. And I know this is a very personal conversation,
and obviously this you know it's not personal anymore. This
is out there for every woman and every girl to know.

It's a confession that I have never declared, and I
want to do this today on the radio because there
is nothing more important than your soul and your spirits
and your hope and your salvation with God. And if
you have all of those things and you still do

an abortion, you will lose all of those things. You
may gain forgiveness, but you will not have the hope,
you will not have the joy. Your life and your
being will be like a big bag of sand. You
will never succeed, you will never get past it. That's

the reality of having an abortion. Well, man, let me
let me ask you a couple of questions here, because
there's not a single person listening to this program if
they're honest, and I'll start with myself, that in the
course of their lives has not done things that they
regret and regret deeply and regret profoundly. I'm a Christian.

I was raised Catholic, I went to Catholic schools twelve years.
I believe, I love the Mass. I think the Mass
is beautiful. I left the Catholic Church because of their
institutional corruption. And I'm not against people at a Catholic
I made my own personal decision. But I'm kind of
sort of like a I would say non denominational Christian.
I like Christian contemporary music. I love the service, I

love the mass. I go to different churches, and I
learned in each church I go to. Let me ask
you this question, are you a Christian? Do you have
a faith? What is your religious faith? If any, I'm
very glad you asked that question. I was born and
raised with a mother pray for my soul before I
ever entered into school, the school program as a child,

knowing about socialism and knowing that God was protecting my soul.
But the very day that I found out that I
was pregnant, I did not think about God. I did
not think about my soul. I did not think about
anything but a boarding that baby. And then after it

was set and done, do you think I asked the
Lord for forgiveness? Then now I had to wait until
it weighed on me so badly all of these years
before I even went back to God. It was thirty
five years before I went back to God. Thirty five

years that I never became successful. I never gained a husband,
and I never gained any children. And I would have
been a good mother, I would have been a good wife.
I would have been good at something, But I did
not get to find that out because of the guilt
and the torments Satan took me through. Even after all

of that, and God knows that I am. I am forgiven,
and everyone that here's this knows that God will forgive me.
But the person that can't forgive me is me. And
for the girls out there and for the mothers out there,
it does not matter whether you're fourteen, or whether you're

twenty seven, or whether you're thirty five, it's the same.
You are killing and life, and I killed the life.
How am I supposed to atone to God for those
kinds of sins? You can't. All right, let me jump
in a little bit, and I'm hearing you very loud
and clear. I'm listening very closely to everything that you're saying.

Now that you've been a Christian, I guess ten years.
I'm doing the math in my head. You are fourteen
years old when this happened. You're You're a kid, And
I'm not making an excuse. Is I'm saying you were
a kid and you made a decision and your conscience
has convicted you, and it's very very clear you regret
it deeply. You know. The word repentance comes from the Latin.

I learned this in Catholics when I went to a
seminary in high school. And means to change one's heart.
Your heart's been changed on this issue if you read
the Bible. I don't want to get too religious here,
but this is the moment where I got to talk
about my faith a little bit and the story of
remember the woman that was about to be stoned to

death for adultery, and then Jesus comes on the scene
and says, ye he wiout sin, you cast the first stone.
And then he started writing in the sand the sins
of the people that will hold in the rocks because
he knew everything. Here was the son of God. You know,
Jesus on the cross. What did he say this day
you will be with me in paradise to the guy

that said I deserve to be here. You don't deserve
this I do. What did he say? You know to
all of us? You know, you know, forgive them Father,
and we're all responsible for putting him on that cross.
If you watch the passion of the Christ, I look
at it and I'm like, that's he's there because of me,

because of my family's in life. But here's here's the
message that I want to give to you. If you
believe that Jesus forgave that woman and came to forgive
all of our sins, then why if he has offered
that to you and you believe that, why don't you

take the gifts that none of us deserve and embrace
it and appreciate the gift. And the last thing I
would say is, you know, the Lord's Prayer says forgive
us as we forgive others, and maybe it's time for
you to forgive yourself as part of others for your

own for giveness. But this is a magic kidding the
other girls out there, Seane, they need to know that
forgiveness is available, but they don't need to go into
abortion knowing that forgiveness is available. I've interviewed many women
that have been through what you've been through and feel
exactly like you do. This is an undiscussed topic, but

I'm just saying for your personal peace of mind, and
I know your conscience has convicted you, but there comes
a point where you have to accept God's grace you
know everyone, I think there's this misperception about what it
is to be a Christian and oh, these these sanctimonious
Christians want to tell us how to live. Actually, it's
just the opposite Christians. You know, I'm the center Christian guy.

I'm the one that did all this bad stuff when
I was young, and I regret a lot of it.
And you know, the whole point is that we want
to be better people, and we're asking God to change
our heart and to help us become this piples of
Christ if you will and live that life. Look, I'm
so far away from that that I can't. I really
am not even equipped to say all these things to you.

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It's the letter T, the number two, the letter T
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T dot org for the Tunnel to Towers Foundation. All right,

that's going to wrap things up for today. Yes, we
are in a full blown recession, well of complete analysis
every angle imaginable. Also, China's threat to Joe Biden from
earlier today, We'll get into that. Larry Cudlow, Horaldo Kelly
and Conway, Matt Gates, Charlie hurt Leo two point zero, Terrell,
Greg Jarrett, and much more. Nineties turned Hannity, Fox News

see it tonight, back here tomorrow. Thank you for making
this show, Possi Ball

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