All Episodes

June 22, 2021 • 86 mins

Good morning and welcome to the ride! Big Dog can't help himself but sing and talk about The O'Jays. The Chief Love Officer explains why two wrongs don't make a right. Macy Gray is back with some truth and Steve said that she is 100% correct. Many Georgia voters are in danger of losing their ability to vote. Ben Simmons free throw ability and more is being questioned by many. $upreme Court came through in a BIG way for collegiate athlete$! Grandpa gettin' his ass whooped! Marvin Gaye now has his own street in Detroit. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve can't help but talk about the voting issues in GA.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all
don't know y'all have a suit on the down, giving
them like the million buck things in it to be

true good together for to please I don't join joining me.

You gotta use that turn you're going to you, you

gotta turn to turn them out. Turn. You got to
turn them out to turn the water the water go.

Come come on your baby, uh I share will a
good mart and everybody you are listening to the boss,
come on, give me now want and only Steve Harvey
got a radio show. Man, oh man, oh man? How
good is God to me? And part of the mission

and the reason that I have a radio show is
to become a share of more and more of a
share of you know. I used to hear my mother
say it to me all the time. But God blesses
you to become a blessing. And I think the more
you understand that about yourself, I think the more blessings
will flow your way. I think that once you understand

the principle, that you know it. But it's kind of
tied together with some other scriptures, and I'm not too
knowledgeable about them, of course, as usual, but I do
know what I've heard you know, and you know if
you look at something simple as do unto others as
you would have them do unto you, wouldn't you want

somebody to help you if you needed help. I just
know how to get it down there to where I've
been able to understand it. If there's a scripture similar
that it says do unto others as you would have
them do unto you, or if that's you know in
a prayer, would not you want somebody to help you

if you needed help? You've heard you reap what you sow.
Do you understand that if you so discord, that discord
is gonna come your way. That if you hate, hate
gonna come your way. If you blog nothing but negative

comments about people, your life will be filled with negativity.
If all you do is talk about people, then guess
what somebody got to turn that gun around and talk
about you. See, it just stands to reasons. So what
I've learned in my life and through all the trials
and tribulations that I've had, is to take those lessons

and share them with people in case you ain't heard
it from somebody else. See sometimes and the reason it
seems like I'm redundant at times, is what I am
is because I'm always trying to find a different way
to say the same thing. Because it's a funny thing. Man,
You got to hear it a certain way for it
to click with you. How many times have I heard

a saying and then I heard it a different way
that it clicked with me? You know, I've heard of
this saying right here, remember this now, everybody's not happy
for you. We've all heard that, right, everybody's not happy
for you. Well, that's very simple that I don't need

no explanation. That simply means of all the people you
know or do not know, when something happens to you
and you se celebrating it, everybody's not going to join
in on the celebration. That's all that is. But then
you take it one step further. My father used to
say something to me all the time. He says, son,
everybody come with you, can't go with you. I didn't

get that when I was fifteen. Everybody come with you
can't go with you. He said, you're gonna lose some
of these friends you got along the way. But I
don't care where you get in life. No this right here.
Everybody can't go with you. If you are constantly trying
to improve yourself, you constantly have to take assessment of
the people around you. Because if you are going to

continue to go and continue to grow, then guess what
you got to have people that's on the goal and
willing to grow, or else, guess what you're gonna learn
the valuable lesson. You know, the late boxing promoter Butch Lewis.
I was talking with Butch Lewis one time, and man
with a good brother man, he say, every successful man

doing what I call he got rope work to do.
He got rope work to do. He got to put
in work on rope. And I'm sitting there listening to
Butch Lewis and all the money he had made and
all the people's lives he had changed, and all of
the moves he was making, and his incredible skills as
a negotiator on behalf of some very very wealthy people.

He was just an amazing man with no education. But
he read everything. He butch Lewis read all that, all
the papers, all the periodicals. That brother knew everything. He said,
you got to put in rope. And I was sitting
there listening. He said, here is the analogy, little brother.
He said, you are on rope. There's a thick rope.

You have on no shirt, you have on some tattered clothes.
You have on no shoes. Your shorts is cut off
just below the knee, and they tattered, and you got
dirt on you and you're sweating. There's this huge, huge
raw rope over your shoulder that's burn marks on all
of your shoulder. Connected to that rope is a wagon.

That wagon has all your weight on it, all your responsibilities,
all the people you're responsible for, all your children, your wife,
your family members, your employees, your coworkers, your friends. They
all on that wagon. Man, they're just sitting there. He's saying,
what you gotta do is you gotta pull that wagon

up the heel. Now. The only thing with it is,
can't nobody help you pull your wagon. You pull your
wagon alone. He saying, Now, what you can do along
the way of pulling your wagon, as you can find
yourself a good wife, a good woman. He's saying that
what that woman does is she get down off the wagon.
She fan you while you pull it. She put water

on you while you pull it. She put stuff in
your mouth while you pull it. She kicked rocks out
the way while you pull it. But she but she
pull it for you. But she is equally as important
as you are on the all of the rope. He said,
you hear me clearly now, young soldier, He said, nah,
got this hell, He says, people on your wagon that
you're responsible for. But you want the people on your

wagon to help you get your wagon to the top.
So what you hope is that they got their foot
hanging over the side pushing, They got one leg over
the back, or maybe both legs over the back pushing.
They got they might have their butt on the wagon,
but they push you with both legs. They're back facing
your back, maybe some of them facing you when one

of them got left leg hanging over trying to push.
And you hope that all the people on the wagon
you pulling is back there at least trying to help
the wagon get to the top of the hill. Here
goes your problem. Though everybody ain't pushing, Everybody ain't pucking,
ain't baybody ain't pulling, Everybody ain't kicking rocks out the way.
You got some people on your wagon that's just laying

on the wagon drinking lemonade, looking at you, talking about
how long it's taking you to get your wagon up
to the looking at you, telling my whitest wagons so slow.
Then when you start picking up picking up speed, they
want you to pull harder, you to pull faster, you
to pull mole. Then they want you to throw what
you then earned on the way up the hill backed

on the wagon so they can have MO. But guess what,
they ain't helping you get more. But they got a
sense of entitlement that since you got mold, they should
have MO. Everybody come with you can't go with you.
Sometimes you gotta kick the people off the wagon that
ain't pushing and pull it and say, hey man, I'm sorry.
I thought I could do this with you, and I

thought you was going with me. But it's clear to
me you ain't nothing but dead weight. And it ain't
my responsibility to carry dead weight anymore. I have carried
you as long as I have to carry you. You
are no longer my responsibility. I'm responsible for my family,
my wife, my children. I'm not responsible for you. You
got to get off my wagon because I'm a man

on rope. I'm on a mission, baby, I'm pulling. You're
listening stry morning show ladies and gentlemen, prepare yourselves for
the enlightenment, the entertainment value, all the this Morning Show brings.
We're gonna give it to you. In the words of
the Old Jays, got to give the people, give people

what they want. Also in the words of the Old
jas Why for the love of money, cash money, dollar bills,
y'alls in the same group, in the words of o Jays,
Why because you've got your hooks in me. Yeah. The

reason you have your hooks in me is because I'm
aware by the same group a song called they smile
in your face, but all the time they're trying to
take your place. The back stabbles, back stables. I keep

getting all these visits from my friends. Yeah, oh are
They came to my home again and again and again.
Somebody's out it's too late. Then I'm calling my fellows.

They showed look shaved there. It is amazing the number
of things that dance around in my head. Yeah, and
I don't even want them to. Good morning, Shirley Strowd,
Good morning Steve Harvey, Happy Tuesday, Colin for Rell, never

mad at singing the Ojay's what's going on? Good morning
the man who knows nothing about what I just said.
Not a thing, not a thing. I know. I thought
he was to get stabbed in the back hoop. We'll
do that to you. J I was like pranks, Nephew

Times top top top Old James morning, hang hark Is
that song older than me? Evidently? Junior hold forty two?
See which one? Backstabbers? Uh? Forty two years old? Backstabbs? Nah? Really,

let's shack stabs June. We was here for understand that, Yeah,
Junior j I was here for the internet. Yeah, Backstabbers
was released seventy two. Junior song older than men? No, boy,

yeah it's not Joe sometimes. Yeah, it's gonna be a
great day to day. I'll feel pretty good, great on
the radio. Yellmen. I just feel more and more blessed
every day I wake up. I just feel better about
so beautiful God, A mighty thank you. Amen to that again.

All right, well, listen, coming up in thirty two minutes
after the hour, it is time to ask the CLO
Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey in the building right after this.
You're listening, all right, guys, Time now to ask the CLO.
This one is from Lucresia in Birmingham. Lucretia writes, I'm

a twenty eight year old engaged woman and my fiance
cheated on me several times before we got engaged. I
got tired of him cheating on me and I started
cheating back, but it's with someone that's close to him.
Before we get married. I think I need to come
clean about who I messed with. I kind of want
him to be hurt like he hurt me. If I

tell him, he may call our wedding off. Should I
get revenge and tell him or take the secret to
my grave? I don't think. I don't think y'all need
to get married. I really don't, because what's y'all's ambition?
You want to hurt him? Yeah, so you can tell him,
but then you don't want him to call off the marriage.

So you want to be married for what Jesus wants
a wedding? You know, y'all that ain't y'all? This is doomed. Yeah, yeah,
where you start this? This is y'all operating on no trust.
Y'all ain't trying to do better by each other. Y'all
ain't trying to get right y'all ain't trying to safeguard
each other's feelings right now? You want to Staying him

on the makes you think you need to open up
about this. So my suggestion after listening to this is,
y'all don't need to be married at all. You really don't.
Y'all need to go through something else. Why don't y'all
go to camp? They're doing something else. They don't for
something else. Yeah, y'all, you got back at him, y'all,

y'all ain't trying to do it. Yeah, he cheated and
cheat and then they got engaged. Then she cheated on him.
Two wrongs don't make around exactly exactly, all right? Moving on,
Kolbe and Michigan says, I'm a thirty seven year old
professional man, and I'm in a social group that my
parents belonged to for many years. After my dad passed,

rumors started swirling about my mom having an affair with
a wealthy member of the group. Then I heard his
wife is involved. Two like a three way love affair
type of thing. My mother has a brand new Mercedes
SUV and I never questioned it because she got a
nice insurance settlement from my dad's death. Rumors are that

this guy bought it. Do I confront my mom with
these rumors? You're gonna confront your mom about what? Why
are you in the same social group your mama? That's
the first question. I mean that part. First of all,
it's unimportant. It's very, very unimportant. And first of all,

wherever you heard this from, you have to whoever brings
you this information. You have to try to figure out
what they motivation is. Why ain't nobody just inadvertently said
this to you. Somebody bought this to you. You ain't
heard this. They knew you was around and they talked
about it. So now, really, man, and I don't know

what social group you in that your mama in. I'm
still trying to figure that one out. Man, I didn't
do it. I didn't do nothing with my mama. What
social group is me? And and women? You give me
you got Eastern Stalls and Masons, But what social group is? Yeah,
but they're not considered a social group. They they're on

a whole other level than that. So I don't know
what social group he talking about. I don't get that
man social group, So he shouldn't confronts no social club
like Ryland social club. Yeah, see, I've never heard. Maybe
I'm thinking I'm not sure that that could be true.

We never had that there'd be some old ass Jack
and Jia. Can they be old? What if you find
out what what you're gonna confront for? Right? Why need
that alone? Man? And first of all, ain't your business?

And secondly, ain't got nothing to do with you nothing?
All right? You know I really lost your father. Don't
get stupid now, all right? Moving on, Sachata and Tampa says,
I'm a thirty nine year old single woman and I'm
with a man that I love, but little things about
him annoy me. He's a finn man and he wears

big clothes to camouflage how small he is, but it
makes him look worse. His hair is thinning at the
top and he won't cut it, so you can see
right through his little afro. The most annoying thing is
that he uses the bathroom immediately after we eat, and
he's left me at the table for as long as

thirty minutes before in a restaurant. He's forty eight, So
do you think I can get him to change? Now?
First of all, let's go just bad food. He regular
and he emergency regular. Yeah, you know I'm gonna make

it to the house. No, I mean I'm at a
public rep You gotta get a little bit better grip
on yourself. That the bigg ass clothes and little ass
about it. I don't know what the till you could
buy him the right side clothes. Now he gonnaad to
get a hair cut. So you just because you said
you can see right through his little affrow, everything about

this man little I think he didn't got on your nerves.
Just what I sound like. She's with the man that
she loves. Yeah, you could love love now, but but
based on this letter, this fitting way out because you
you finding it's too much stuff you don't like. He

too damn much. He got these bigger as clothes on.
He looked and he got little affro and its ending
at the top. You're looking down on anybody do this.
He's right desert God, I'll be right back all right.
Moving on Turquoise And I heard radio app listener says,

I'm thirty four and my boyfriend is thirty two. He
scrolls on Instagram all day long, and he posts a
lot of pictures of himself. I post pictures too, but
he never seems to notice mine. He likes other women's
posts and will put the fire emoji under a picture
if he really likes it. I have told him that
is disrespectful, but he doesn't understand. I know it's petty

to break up over this. So what can I do
to get through to him? Well, how would he like
it if you put the five emojis under Nien's pictures?
Sometimes you got to let a person put the shoe
on the other foot, and you got to help. Sometimes
you got to slip it on that phone. See how
he liked that. If you don't want to break up
over then just let him see how it feel and

then maybe he'll stop. If not, after that, and and
I don't know what to tell, Thank you Selo. Coming
up next, it is a nephew would run that prank
back right after this. You're listening to this Stave Harvey
Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour,
Miss Anna is standing by with Today's national news and
then entertainment news. We are all just loving, I mean

really loving, track star Shakery Richardson and singer Macy Gray
says it's time to change the American flag. What we'll
talk about all of these stories at the time of
the hour. But right now the nephew is here with
today's run that prank back. What you got for us, nap?

Oh yeah, you know what. I'm about to be stupid.
That's all I like to say. Workman's comp. Workman's comp.
That's the name of it. Work wiscom this this, this, this,
watch this row with me, watch its workman's comp. Let's go. Yeah, hello, hello,

I'm trying to reach your vincent. Please. Who's calling? My
name is uh Ed from the human resources? Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, definitely,
what's up? What's up? Well? Ben? One of the first
of all check on you. We know you're got injured
here at the job. How are you doing so far? Yeah? Man,
I'm I'm making it. Man, you know, everything's cool and uh,

you know, I don't know how long. The therapy is
going pretty good though, but I'm not right. I'm okay.
Therapy is going pretty well. Yeah, it's they say. I'm
doing all right. The pain level is about maybe a
fix still, but it's getting done though. Okay. Listen, have
you been getting your your check on time here? Yeah,
I've been getting the man and I appreciate it, but

it really helps, man, because you know, I ain't able
to work right now. They said it's gonna be a
little while. So I appreciate that. Y'all the one defending
the check, yes, sir, yes, sir. We all wanted to
getting the checks out and wanted to make sure that
that's definitely getting there. So you're yeah, yeah, it's good,
it's all good, man. I appreciate it. I appreciate it. Okay,
let me we've got a bit of a problem that

we wanted to check out. Now. You haven't been doing
any any stringuous? Uh no, no, no, no, I ain't been.
I ain't I ain't been working at all, man. I
just you know, I've just been taking it either. I
can't do nothing really right now. And they told me
not to do nothing, all right, and then you do
know the rules or that you're not supposed to do
anything to jeopardize your back, correct, Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm straight.

I'm straid. I ain't been doing nothing, man. Okay, well,
let me let me say this to you. We do
have some uh surveillance cameras that are showing us that
you've you've been doing some stringuous I ain't even been
going nowhere come about surveillance cameras, I don't aint how
they go nowhere. Well, No, the stringuous work that you're
doing is actually at home. We at home, I'll be inside.

I don't I don't do nothing outside. I don't wa
I don't even Bobby cue man, what you know? What
you're talking about? String is? Okay? Have you uh, vincent?
Have you have you been having Have you been having
sex at home? What's the kind of question? Who is this?
If this is a supervisor or something we're kind of
Let me talk to the supervitor. I ain't know your damn.

I'm with human resources. I don't know. All right, man,
excuse me, dog, but I don't mean disrespect you that
because you're paying me, you know, looking out for me.
I mean you can call me and and and just
say any common like that. Man about have you been
having a kind of call you? Do you having sex
at home? Say that? Ain't none of your business. I

don't have Have I been having sex or not? In wait,
what kind of man? Let me talk to who your supervisor? Man, sir,
I'm the supervisor here to hear your web bros with
my attention, and we actually have you on surveillance. You've
been you've been having sex? Now you can don't know?
I know not you know cambers in my house? I
know that much. And and who are to r like

that anyhow? Surveyor for me? You're not supposed to be
having sex if your back is hurting, okay, you you
have a man, you've been you've been not having no
damn camera? And my what's you thought about? Uh? Have
you've been servatas for me and having think that's a
damn lie? Sir? What's your name? What? What? What's your name? Man?
I d sir? And who ad because I'm look, I'm

trying to be nice, but you pissing me off and
this and her sir, sir, here it is and you
find out, I'm gonna I'm giving you a warning, no,
but I don't need them. I'm giving me your warning.
You let me find a damn camera my house? Telling
me I can't hand no sex and all that I aspects.
If you're that is strenuous work and you're putting it
on your back and we're paying you, we're paying you

damn about what you caning me and what you ain't
paying me. You're gonna call my damn phone. Tell me
coming about you got some nameans cameras in my house?
That's okay? Well, sir, sir, been sit. Let me say
this to you. No, you don't need you don't need
to say nothing to me, but but your last name
and then your supervis the name that was my name

is okay, and you don't need to worry who the
supervisor is. You need to make sure that there's no
more sex going on until your back is healed. Look,
you're gonna have to cuss you out and hang up
on your man. I don't have time for this, man jah,
because y'all stop what y'all do, because y'all doing some people.
Y'all think y'all can ill do illegal and talk to
people crazy man, when y'all was coming them. I don't

appreciate that at all. Man, this is I don't know
who y'all think. Y'all hears down there. Y'all just do
something for them. I think y'all can just call them
and say anything. Man. I don't like that, and I
ain't trying to be disrespectful, but you've got me heated
right now, man, But then it's better not be. No
cameras in my house. Did you understand that I'm gonna

tell you once and one time, oldies, no more sex
what you put your talking about? I'm sorry, man, because
I'll tell you one damn thing. You think you're giving
up some money? Now, I'm gonna see y'all ill catch
a camera up in my house and you ain't gonna
how to never pay uh pay me no more? You
gonna pay me one big checked I'm shooting out of y'all. Then,

now you understand that I understand I need I need
you to understand one more thing? Are you listening to me? Man?
You go ahead, Man, I'm y'all got me easy, man?
And then after this, don't even call me no more
cutting in beca. This ridiculous, Okay. Are you familiar with Leonard? Man?
Familiar with what? Litter? Do you know? Literal? You coworker Letard? Yeah?
What about him? Literally got me the prank phone call you.

This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harping Mardan Show, Philson,
But you been playing man out of here? Man, y'all
about to have me the O lord talk about my
check and man, Man, what's up? Man? This is y'all?
Have me going out. Man, y'all have me heated. Man,

I'm gonna well, I'm gonna kick killing. It's not gonna
be calling that he on the phone. Man, he ain't
on the phone. Man. Oh, I'm sweating like it. Oh
so I'm still so. I'm still getting my damn check that.
That's what that beans y'all had be heated by. I thought,
what's up? Man? Nice and here from y'all. Man, y'all
got me though, Man, y'all got me. I got one

more question, man, what is the baddest and I mean
the baddest radio show in the land of course, no doubt. Man,
if the Steve Harvey Morning Show always will be especially
y'all don got me like this here? He didn't prank.

I'm like a pranker. Prank. I'm like a prank. Yeah,
that's crazy. Yeah, we got we got Sabaylan's cameras. That's
all I'm setting you know about. You're not supposed to
you having sex if you hurt you back, Okay, Wow,
And I know I know it, not be knowing in

my clouse right neph. Yeah, what's your gouty much? I'll
tell y'all on the next prank stick around for the
next Frank, I'll be back about our Yeah, another stupid
you don't there's no need for the announcement we already
know coming up at the top of the hour, entertainment

and national news. Right after this, you're listening to morning show.
Well still trending. Black girl Magic news from the Track
and Field World, Dallas's own Chicarry Richardson rocking her won
the one hundred meters and secured her spot on the
USA Olympic track team. Congratulations to her, Yes, yes, take

a listen to her post race interview. So a major
state in terms of time. But what do you want
the world to know about what you just did in
the semifinal run? I just want the worlds to day
I'm that girl step on the track. I'm gonna try
to do what it is that me coach, my support
team believe I can do, and the and the talent

that God blass me to hell to do. Every time
I step gonna check. I'm never gonna take an opportunity
to perform for Jay and they love love with this girl.
I'm just rooting for blazing fast man. Yes she is.
She Moments after crossing the line, she carry ran up

to the stands, did you guys see this to embrace
her grandmother. I mean, she gave her the biggest hug.
She said, my grandmother is my heart, My grandmother is
my superwoman. She carry also revealed that she just lost
her biological mom last week, so she was running with
all this on her, you know, and she still won
and made it on the Olympic team. So congratulations. Yeah,

you were saying she crossed the line. Yeah, she pointed
every the time. You were saying her hair color means something, Carla. Yeah,
she said that her friend picked out the color orange,
and I think she said it dangerous. She changes her
hair color a lot. Yeah, so for orange, great pig.
It worked, giving you that blow Joe vibe, you know,

with her nails and that. Yeah, she was beautiful. Yeah,
she carry richardson all right. And other entertainment news, Macy
Gray says she thinks the American flag needs an update,
and in our bed for a market Watch, she writes
that for June teenth, the flag needs a change, especially
after the Capitol rioters hijacked its meaning on January sixth.

She says, like the Confederate flag, it is tattered, dated, divisive,
and incorrect. It no longer represents democracy and freedom. She writes,
if no longer represents all of us, it's not fair
to be forced to honor it. It's time for a
new flag. Among her suggestions, she wants a number of

stars to be increased to include Washington, d C. And
Puerto Rico. Plus she thinks the white stripe should be
off white because of because purity is broken and in pieces.
And she also suggests changing the color of the stars
from something that represents all of us, your skin, your

skin tone and mind. Now that's from Macy Gray. Ain't
nobody finn to do that. But what else we got
to work up? We got a lot to work on. Yeah,
the people change's correct. Yeah, you can't get folks to

change that flag. They fought you to take that Confederate flame. Now,
yeah they held. They're not feeling to add no DC
and no Puerto Rico. They ain't fit to do none
of that. Man, are you listening to what's going on
in this country? They're not all inclusive? She said, the
flag no longer represents that flag ain't ever represented all

of us, So just ain't nothing new. But they're nothing
to change that. What else we need to go do
we need and you know I'm not spending a date
down that trunk march on the flag nights. I don't
need to do warmity stars that all right. See, it's

time to go to headlines. Lazian and gentlemen, miss ann
trip Okay, Steve has spoken, this is a trip with
the news. Tropical Storm Claudette is churning its way out
to the Atlantic Ocean this morning, but it's left thirteen deaths,
eight of them children who would killed when the group
home van that they were in hydroplane into a car
just south of Montgomery, Alabama. Meanwhile, many residents in the

Chicago area are dealing with the aftermath of Sunday nights
destructive tornado in the Windy City. The twister ripped its
way through several heavily populated areas, leaving about one hundred
homes damage and a number of people injured. Other parts
of Midwest were also affected. Good news for college at
the least to US Supreme Court ruled yesterday that the
nc DOUBLEA has been in violation of anti trust law

and its efforts to limit compensation for student athletes. The
NCAA currently limits payments to students to tuition and expenses. However,
the High Court's decision now allows undergrads to receive things
like laptops and paid internships and other forms of non
cash gifts. The High Court did not decide whether athletes
can receive actual salaries, but you know that could be
around the band. That could be coming. Today, the US

Senate takes a trial vote on the new Democrat sponsored
voting rights bill. However, up till now, the GOP has
come out strongly against the measure, which White House Press
Secretary Jensaki says might require a plan B. Where do
we go from there? That is a conversation we're going
to have to have with leaders in Congress, with Democrats,
with a range of members who also want to see

advance as on voting rights, and expect the President will
engage with Senator Schumer and others on the path forward.
Any changes to Senate rules will require the support of
all fifty Democrats, which is not certain since West Virginia's
Joe Mansion has also come out against the new voting
rights bill, claiming that the old one is good, it
just needs a little tweak. Another black child shot to death,
this time a two year old Bryson Christian, who was

killed last Thursday strapped in his car seat in the
back of his family's car in Detroit. His nine year
old brother was also shot but survived. Believe it or not,
less than twelve hours after the vigil was held, a
little Bryson another child, this one eleven years old, shot
on the other side of town. Two days before that,
a thirteen year old was shot while also sitting in

his family's car. That child is still listed in critical condition.
American Airline says is canceling one hundreds, hundreds rather of
its flights over the next several weeks. Doesn't want to,
but it has to to carry a cancel more than
one hundred and twenty flights on Saturday and about two
hundred trips on Sunday. The reason is shorge of pilots
and other employees didn't come back to work yet. And finally,

as the Amazon gazillionaire Jeff Bezos gets ready to soar
into space, there's actually a petition out there to let
him stay there. Thirty three thousand signals to say, don't
let Jeff Bezos return to Earth. Some people, I mean,
now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening
to the Stave Harvey Show. Stay woke, Steve Harvey, Nation

and everyone else please. Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffinsburger
said there are nearly one hundred and two thousand people
who are at risk of having their Georgia voter registrations
canceled a warning before they lose their ability to vote
next month. The mass cancelations, called voter purges by their critics,

target registered voters who moved or didn't participate in elections
for several years. The removals represent one point three percent
of Georgia's seven point eight percent million registered voters. Cancelations
of voter registrations occur every other year, as required by
state law to remove ineligible or infrequent voters from the

state's voter rolls. Even if their registrations are canceled, eligill
voters can reregister to vote in future elections. Okay, you started, yeah,
let's yeah, yeah, we got to pass. Okay, So what
does everybody need to do in Georgia? Check your voting stats. Yeah,

if you've moved, you know you need to reregister. Okay,
you definitely know that. So if you have moved and
you have not changed your address with voter registration, you
need to do that, like immediately get that done. And
if you haven't voted in a while, you need to
make sure that you are registered so you can vote

this time. We need you. We don't need you to
sit this out right, Okay, So here's what I need
to know. Here's the information we need. What's the website
that the people in Georgia can go to to check
their registration when we all vote dot org. That will
tell they can find out if their register. Okay, but

you can also check and see if you curt They
have a question that says, am i am I registered
already or something like that. But yeah, they have those
kinds of questions on there. And when we all vote
dot dot com, dot org, when we all or everybody
in Georgia today check your status. Go to when we

all vote dot org and check your status Georgia. They
are coming for us. They are so pissed off that
warneck and ass off one over over over those two candidates.
They hot about that they're not gonna let that happen again.
So now here they come, and you better know that

we're targeted because we have a higher moving percentage. So
if you've moved, if even if you have a move,
everybody go to When We All Vote dot org and
check your voter registrations status. Find out if you're registered,
if you're unshoo, reregister with your new address. Reregistered. Don't

We're not gonna let them people stop us. No more. Yeah,
don't forget. It's When We All Vote dot Org coming
up in thirty four minutes after the hour is still
trending in sports news, Ben Simmons, Steve and the Philly
seventy Sixers. Junior has Sports talk right after this. You're
listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Junior, HiT's

time for sports talk. What you got all right? Uh
tell me we have to talk about Ben Simmons. Man
in the seventy sixers. Listen. Magic Johnson said that Ben
Simmons could never show his face again in the Sixers
locker room. In case you missed it, you know, because
he missed all these free throws start for the whole series. Hey,

free throws, man, So in case you miss a shack
Ernie Kitty at Charles talked about it as well, So
taking listen, don't take your seven games to realize that.
I don't want to hear that. Man, I'm not going
with that. So what what I'm not? I like what
he said. But if you like, you can't, don't take
seven games for you to know you're not playing right.
Get right? He can't, he can't. You're not getting double team.

Get right. Be aggressive. That's all I want. Just be aggressive.
I don't want to hear all that. Stop that color.
The Atlanta Hawks knocking off the Philadelphia seventy six ers.
One was around and knocks who also struggled at the
free throw line. Right, but dog, but he was aggressive.

But I listen to me, Ben Simmons. They if anybody
that takes seventy three throws gets raided seven out of
anybody since they've been taking this uh taking this count.
Ben Simmons has the worst percentage in the history of
the NBA. Include didn't shock and will Chamber. Wow. But

he a damn guard. Yeah, you're excusable, I mean you,
But here's his real problem. Damn the free throw. He
did not take a field goal attempt in the last
quarter in how many games? Three or four games? That's
that's absurd. He starts, he's mentally where else I don't,

I don't and and and that's exactly why everybody I
said they're gonna have to trade him. Stephen A. Smith
came on and said it. But I said it on
this show, right, He said, Yeah, I said it before
and heard. I didn't need nobody to tell me he's done.
He made no contribution. And you better believe the other
teammates know that he has to get out of that now.

This guy is talented, man, he's really a talented ball player.
But he just signed the Max Steal. He making thirty
million dollars a year playing basketball and you're not shooting
a shot in the four quarter in four games. Yeah, man,
you can throw it to me. And I'm gonna tell
you right now, I can make thirty percent from the
free throw. Yeah, really I can, man, I've I ain't

even gonna lie to you, and I'm sixty four years old.
I can make thirty percent from the free throw. That
ain't hard to do. Well, it's really hard to shoot
thirty percent and your professional. But he got to work
on his game. But but he has to get out
of town because he's mentally not right in Philly, Philly
and never forgive him. Where can he go? A lot

of what you say? What you said? I saw some
of the fans on social media. Oh my goodness, you
come on Philly, come on. Yeah, they don't want that. No, no,

you know. I hope he can correct that though and
come back. He will, he will. He's only twenty four.
He's going to correct. He's a great talent man and
he's a really great guy. But he got to get
out of Philly. But I'm gonna tell you something. There's
a lot of he got out there, Steve, sound like tonight? Yeah, yeah,

wherever he lived. He can't go there because they had
his house already. He's twenty four. But it's a lot
of teams are taking Yeah, there's a lot of teams
take that young guy and give them a veteran in that.
Like they were suggesting he'd go to Portland with c J.

McCallum and Chinning McCallum over to Philly. The dude, they're
trading the heart deep Well, Houston, whatever we can get
right now, some rocket team. I came to work with
him on this aggressive to go to Houston. Nobody you
watched a rocking game. I can't tell you who on

the rock. All right, junior, thank you, coming up next
to the nephew with today's praying phone call. Right after this,
you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at
the top of the hour. Right about four minutes after.
It's my strawberry letter for today, the subject I don't
know my husband at all. Wait till you hear this.

We'll get into it in just a little bit, but
right now, Yeah, the nephew is here with today's praying
phone call. What you got for his neph more stupid? Yeah, yeah,
let me jump on the hire and put a little sprick,
a little stupid on it here for you. Um Um,
I don't let the title just scare you, don't you know?
But he it is. I dropped your wife? What very

be afraid? Be very afraid. What happens sometimes? Okay, I
dropped your wife? All right? I at least I'm calling
and telling you. Okay, I'll give you that. Now, I'm
showing you some love, some critic, I dropped your wife.
Let's let's talk about it. Let's go catch doctor. Hello,
I'm trying to reach Tony. This is Tony, Tony, how

you doing? This? Is nephew Tommy. Hey, neph Tommy, I
can't believe you're calling me over. You sent an email
and to prank your arm. Yes, oh my god, I
sent that like months ago. I didn't think you were
going to call me. Yes, I'm calling you now. Y'all
been married eight years? That's my heart. Okay, let me

ask you something. What makes your husband just go off?
What can I do that? You know that's a button
for him that you don't want to push anything that
has to do with me. Let me tell you he
is crazy about me. If anybody that's with me, if
anybody tries to go off on me, he will lose it. Okay, Okay,
Oh what are we gonna do? What? I'm so excited?

All right? All right, okay, you know what? You know what? Okay?
Check this out? Okay? Can you click over on a
three way? Can you call him? Uh? Okay, I can
hold it from my phone, but you gonna be on
the phone right Yeah. I want I want him to
think that I got your phone. Okay, I'll tell you what.
You just click on, get him on the line. Just
click over to when you click back, you can't say nothing. Now.

You got to be quiet because I'm gonna at the end.
I'm gonna let you talk to him. Okay, okay, hold
on there, I'm here, okaying, all right, you're hitting me
to something. Okay, okay, okay, Hey, what's up? Uh? No?
This this? How you is? This? Is this? Darren? Yeah?

This darrenel was this? Uh? Hey? We got a build
of a situation with with Tony? Man, we got a
situation for are you just my white phone? Who is this? This? Uh? Actually?
Who who is this? We're trying to get? Uh? Tony
actually twisted our ankle, man, so we gotta get her
to emergency room and get her checked out. She twist
her ankle? How had you twisted? Wait? Wait, wait, wait, baca,

who who did you say? Who is this? How did
Tony twist her ankle? Actually? She she she fell? And man,
look look my wife is with her mom right now.
Who who and who are you? How had you twist
her ankle? And why are you calling me? Why isn't
her mother somebody calling me? Who is this? You never
told me her name? Bro? No, I'm a friend. Man.
She didn't fall. I actually dropped her. How you how

did you drop her? What do you mean you dropped her?
We had a couple of drinks at the hotel, man,
and she say, wait, wait, wait hotel there? You mean
the hotel. My wife's supposed to be over her mom's house.
Now you calling me from her phone talking about if
you dropped her y'all at some hotel. Why y'all even
at the hotel? What hell are you talking about a hotel? Bro?
What is my wife? Where's Tony? Why? Well? Why ain't

Tony on the phone? Way, you gotta call you gotta
calm down. No, you calling me from my wife phone?
Tell my she hurt? You dropped her y'all in the hotel.
She's supoped mom's house. Bro, where's my wife? Man? Sees it? Tony?
I got it, I got it. Just hang on so Tony,
I got put on the water on phone. Man. Hey, dude,
just I need you to come down man see him? No, No,

I'm need this, man, I know I'm not. Now you're
talking abou y'all about to go to an emergency room.
You dropped my wife y'all of the hotel. Dog just
putting my on the phone before y'all be in the
emergency room. Hey, man, listen, you gotta calm down. Tony
already embarrassing. Dude, I don't even know who the hell
you are. You still ain't telling me? Man, put Tony
on the phone. I'm gonna listen. Man, you gotta chill out. Man,
I'm just for printing. Okay, Man, I'm a friend. But

get you what. I'll tell you what in the emergency room.
Tell me where y'all at. I come to the hotel.
I get my own white and taking a wherever she
need to know? Tell me where we as soon as
Tony get dressed. Man, I'm gonna get her there. Okay,
as soon as she gets dressed. What do you mean it? Hey? Man?
Real talk? Do where y'all at? Man? Where you putting
Tony on the phone? Man, I'm not putting Tony on YouTube?

Il lad Man? Why are you screaming in hall? And dude?
I swear to God, I swear to God. If I
find out where y'all let, I'm gonna come with her.
It's gonna be once for you at Tony. Hey, Hey, man,
where y'all at? Bro, I'm cool. Where y'all last? Send
me where y'all off? No, No, I'll tell you what, man,
I'm gonna get Tony's ankle taking care of and we'll
get somebody to drop a back off at the house. Okay,
take I'll drop her off at the house. Man. Just

give me where y'all lat. I want to come get
my wife. I want to make sure she get the
treatment that you need. Bro. Getting where y'all at. Don't
go nowhere. I want you to be there when I
come and get it. Don't go no where where y'all at.
I can't do it. I mean we do. It's on
you on the phone. Man, put my wife. I'm not
listening to me talk to my wife. Bro. Hey, man,
it's the reason why I'm calling. Man. She embarrassed about
all of this, and now she gonna be more than embarrassed.

One et Okay, it's who ain't tell ain't gonna need
to be embarrassed. I love him, man, that's my girl. Man.
Let me let me holl at my wife. Bro. Please, no, no, no,
I already no wife, phone bro listen, dude, let me
look real talk. You ain't tell me you want all?
I know it's you calling me. Tell me my choice.
I don't tell with my wife. Let us let me
tell you something. Don't let's say lord that ankle would

him you say it's wrong with my wife? Get your whoops.
I'm telling you one of FUNI on who you are.
I'm say, put my wife on the phone. Man, that's
all because my last time ask you dog, I promise this?
He a man? What but see you do? I rate? Man?
You rate? I put my wife on the phone. Bro.
That's all I'm saying. Are you gotta leave town? That's
what I'm you got to leave town, my man, you

gotta leave town. You want to Tony? Where you want
to talk? Let Tony decide if she want to talk
to you or not. I'm back here. Put here, let
us decide, Tony do you want? Do you want to do?
You want to talk on the phone? Don't even ask?
I ain't man you hey, man, who'll see what Tony
want to do? Tony? Tony on the phone? A man?
Put baby? Put up? Man pull. I don't even know you. Man.

Put on the phone? You you scratch hill me? Your name? Tony?
You want to talk to him? Hey? Yes, you want
to talk to me? Man? I don't even know if
she's asking on jump question? You're the phone? I phone
ben Tony here she is? Man? Yeah, baby, hey baby,
go as baby, who are you with Tony? Any? Looks?
I ain't kill any I don't have time for games
where you ask who you w that's all you gotta

shill me. Hey has calmed down. I got something to you.
Listen to me, baby, you gotta listen to me. Are
you listening? Listen to me real carefully? Okay? Where are
you at? Baby? Are you listening to me? Yes, I'm listening, Babe.
You just got prank nephew tiling. I'm laughing right now.

I love you. Okay, girl? Can you hear your phone home? Cool?
You got me? You got me my wife phone. You
don't call those shots pining U putting my fike phone
the phone. Man, he's like baby, He's like baby, it

was too much husband like that play, too much fat calling.
That's point cars that ain't so good. But but see,
that's what you don't understand. We don't want it to
go good. Bad is good, Tosh fight though, that's what

we want right at the edge. But he's calm. It's
gonna take a lot for you to get him to
go there. So you got some great when you go there?
About his daughter? When you know that push that button? Yeah,
another parent, another parent caller about that. Oh yeah, that'll work.

Oh gosh, let me drop it on y'all. I have
added another show Sunday, Sunday in the middle of the day,
two pm. That's right, Tampa, Florida. The Nephew coming takes
the soul out. But I have added a show on
Sunday at two pm. That's that real Madden Ae time.
That's that just got out of church Town. That's that
we're gonna catch Tommy get home before the sun go

down time. All right, two o'clock at the m prior
the nephew front and center, and it then deliver all right,
all right, coming up next Strawberry letter, the subject I
don't know my husband at all. We'll get right into it.
We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to
the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Time now for today's Strawberry Letter.

And if you need advice on relationships, work, dating, sex, parenting,
and more. Please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve HARVEYFM
dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be
reading your letter live on the air, just like we're
going to read this one right here right now. Buggle up,
hold on tight. We got it for you. Here. It
is the Strawberry letter, Thank you nephew. Subject. I don't

know my husband at all, Dear Stephen Shirley. I am
an older married woman and this is my second marriage.
When I met my husband, he was extremely handsome and generous.
We connected spiritually and he joined my church. We didn't
court for long, and he said he knew I was
his soulmate the minute we meant. I knew things could

be going too fast because I'm his third wife, but
I felt the same connection to him, so I agreed
to marry him. Only five people came to our wedding,
and they were all my family. None of his children
or family members came. My two daughters thought we were
rushing into this since I had only known him for
eight months, and I told him how they felt, and

he snapped back and said, my grown daughters need to
stay out of our business. On our wedding night, we
had sex and it was just okay, So I figured
it would get better with time. It has not, because
we haven't had sex since we got married three months ago.
He does not go to church anymore, and on Sunday
mornings he goes to the casino with his brother. When

I asked him about wasting money, he said he has
extra money because my house is paid for and all
he has to pay is utilities, so it's not a
waste of money. I asked him why we don't have sex,
and he said it's not a woman's place to do
the chasing. So I need to be patient and let
him come on to me. If I ask him anything,

I get that kind of response, and his mouth is
so reckless that I go for days without talking to him.
My daughters do not like him and think I should
get my marriage annulled. I am not ready to give
up on him. On the bright side, he cooks dinner
every day and he keeps the house clean. We live
his roommates, not his husband and wife. What has happened

to the man I'm married? Well, this is him, This
is who you married. This is who you married. You
just weren't with him long enough to get to know him,
to find out this other part. I know, this is
what you signed up for. You say you're not ready
to give up on him, But what are you waiting on?
You say, he talks to you crazy. He goes to

the casino on Sunday loses money after only three months,
he's already given up on you and the marriage. You
get no sex. You're right, and you don't know your
husband at all because you never met him. The guy
you met was a representative who you know, the generous
one going to church with you, you all connected spiritually

and all that. The one who had sex with you
one time, and that was on your wedding night. You
say that was all in the beginning, but and he
was definitely not your soul mate. Okay. I do you
think though, maybe you guys moved too fast because I
think that you were concerned that this was your second marriage.

This is his third marriage. I think you guys moved
too fast. I'm sure this is not what you want
in a husband. Cooking and cleaning those are great qualities,
great qualities to have, but since that's all he does,
it's definitely not enough to sustain a marriage or to
stay in a marriage. He's mean to you, he's selfish

and controlling, and he has no regard for what you need.
It just sounds like he married you. I'm gonna say it,
because your house was paid for and all he had
to pay where you so he got a scott Free financially.
I agree with your daughters who said you should get
your marriage annulled. I think you should get out of
this sham of a marriage just as quickly as you

got in it, because it's gonna keep getting worse, and
you're not having sex anyway, and you know he's not
the man you thought you knew anyway, So why waste
more of your time? Steve, uh, very quick letter to me.
You're an older woman, she's second marriage. You met your husband,

he was extremely handsome and generous. Well, you said he
was extremely handsome and generally so some happen. Something happened
now he now last, Yeah, yeah, he just he was
extremely handsome, y'all, connected spiritually, and he joined your church. Y'all.

We didn't court long because he said he knew I
was just so so made the moment we met. I
knew things was going too fast because I'm his third wife,
but I felt the same connection to him, so I
agreed to marry him. Really, okay, well check this out.
Only five people came now wed, and they were all
my family. None of his children are family members came.

That's cause they knew here we go again. He ain't
worth for damn nowhere. So here we go again. Okay,
so now that's the end of that. You you you
didn't got this wed and five people came, all of
your family. Then your two daughters thought y'all was rushing

into it since you only knew him for eight months.
I told him how they felt. He snapped back and said,
your grown daughters need to stay out of our business. Oh,
he touched you too, so he fast moving. He ain't
handsome no more, and don't ain't nobody his family even

bother to come into the video to the wed and
now he touched it. I don't see nothing good in
this letter at all. On our wed night we had
sex and it was just okay, all right, And then
you figured it would get better with time. It has not,
because we ain't had sex since we got married three

months ago. What and he don't go to church anymore? Well,
he just joined the church to make to make a
good showing. On Sunday morning, he goes to the casino
with his brother. When I asked him about wasting money,
he said, he has extra money because my house is
paid for and all he has to do is pay utility. Wow,

he played you. He straight cold played you. So he
got extra money because his money his money, y'all's money
ain't Charles money. We'll have part two of your response
coming up at twenty three minutes after the were a
subject today, I don't know my husband at all. We'll
get back into it right after this. You're listening, all right,

Come on, Steve, let's recap today's Strawberry letter, the subject
I don't know my husband at all. Well, you don't
because you rushed into it, like your daughters thought you did,
and like you realized you did, and you said you
thought it might be moving fast because this was his
third marriage. He used to be handsome. He ain't no more.

Ain't but five people come to the wed and they
was all your family, his kids, and nobody else showed up.
He didn't even tell nobody. Then you've only known it
for eight months. Ain't nobody come to the wedding because
they knew he wasn't about nothing? Oh? Then you you

told him that your daughters thought they ran into it
too quick. He said they need to mind their own business.
He touches on your wedding night, y'all had sex. He
was jess Okay, So I figured it would get better
with time. Is not because y'all ain't had sex since
we got married three months ago. You might not be
the only one thought it was Jess. Okay, then I

just wanted to throw that out there, but it probably
it got nothing to do with you, though. It looks
like to me, ma'am, you just married the wrong guy.
He does not go to church anymore. That's because he
just joined your church to make it look good. On
Sunday morning, he goes to the casino with his brother.
When I asked him about wasting money, he said, he's
got extra money because my house is paid for and

all he has to do is pay utility. What So
he made this own arrangement himself. So in the eight
months where you didn't get to know him, he found
out everything he needed to know about you, or one
of the things. He found out. Your house is paid
so now, so it's not a waste of money. I

asked him why we don't have sex, and he said
it's not a woman's place to do the chase it.
So I need to be patient and let him come
on to me. Well, it's been ninety days when I
created the ninety day rule, in my book, it wasn't
for people who was married. I don't you know you

can go ahead and has sex now you done. This
ain't the place for the ninety day rules. Okay, step
I got a question. Okay, she says. On the bright side, yeah,
you got it. You gotta get today. Let me just
get every day right here and keep the house clean.
It's kind of a responsive mouthfish, reckless go for days

that I talked to my daughters. Don't like him. I
think I should get my marriage and know Shirley said
you should get it to know. I agree. I'm not
ready to give up on him. Well that's a stupid statement,
because he didn't give up on you. Right on the
bright side, he cooks dinner every day and he keeps
the house clean. So damn what he every day ain't

ain't like he making places for you and the people,
the homeless people in the neighborhood. He eating, he liked cooking,
and he like a clean house. He don't like sex
with you. He don't like going to church. He don't
like talking to you with respect. He don't like your daughters.

He doesn't like his family. He don't like his family.
His family don't like him. He don't really want to
be mad. He don't like nobody but the casino and
his brother get he go gambling with. It's just a
lot right now? Man? Oh, why did you tell him

your house was paid for? M wow? So he doesn't
pay utilities, cook and clean. He pimping the game. If
I was you, i'd get your marriage an like your
daughter said, get it an, it don't even count as
a marriage, and walk off and put him out. And

you ain't lost nothing, ain't nothing lost right now? You
ain't that. You ain't ready to give up on it.
You shouldn't be up. I mean he threw, he got out,
rode all over him, and how you gonna see it
is beyond me. I'm out, lady. You gotta take this here.
You could do this by yourself. So you thought you

had a soul mate because he said, I knew you
used my soul mate the moment you matter that. This
is how he treats a soul mate. I want to
be that type soul mate, right man, I'll tell you what.
Don't call me soul mate, call me strange. Right He
just but her daughter's crazy. Man, This dude is a

complete waste of time, lady, come about your bids real
because he used to be handsome I remember, and generous.
Oh yeah, he did jazz enough to get you now,
that's what I'm saying, Representative. Wow, I don't want to

apologize to some lowdown ass dudes out here. Man. That's
but that's why I say, Man, you've got to take
your time to get to know these people instead of
falling in love with they Representative the first thirty days,
you're gonna get the best him he can be if
you just wait, if you'd waited out, you could have
found all this out. He was just because she's an

older woman, you know. Sometimes she she may have gotten
anxious thinking she wasn't gonna find anyone else, you know,
and all that, and you ain't found nobody, right, Yeah, yeah,
So just let him go get that of noment. Like
your daughters say, please get going about your business. Yeah

all right, Steve, thank you. Post your comments on Today's
Strawberry Letter. It's Steve Harvey Femine, Instagram and Facebook. Check
out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand. Coming up with
forty six after the hour, more sports talk with Junior.
What right after this you're listening to the Steve Harvey
Morning Show. All right, guys, Junior is here again with

Sports Talk. Sports is Hot today. Junior. What you got? Well,
first of all, let's give a shout out to these
college players now because they're about to get this money. Money. Yeah,
what the money is that? The Supreme Court rule in
favor of the players. And that's really good because nine
percent the player is never gonna get to go to
the league. So at least you've been playing this one

sports your whole life. At least you get to get
some kind of benefits, some kind of reward. That's that
was me. I mean, just a f the Supreme Court's
rule against NCUBA. That ain't gonna be upset because everybody's
gonna get a check now. Yeah. Yeah, and here're coming
to lateies. Yeah. He just we're doing three meals and

on campus, no more going out to eat. Were doing right,
We're going out there, were actually going out to eat.
No more hot plates, no more hot plates, no more noodles. No. Man,
these boys got checks now, all for them. Good for
them making the universities all that money, yea, all that money,
all them programs, all of them using these kids likeness

and making money off of and just say, hey, we're
gonna get this scholarship, we let you go to class here. Yeah.
Bad coaches get big checks, yeah millions. Yeah, players play
though coaches coach, So that's how they're gonna do that. Also,
I just didn't want to get in this timing man
just him. What you think, bro? Now you got the
Eastern Conference Finals set, and you got the WIST confinin set.

Who do you think would be a better match up
the Suns? I mean, who's gonna win the series out
of the Suns and the Clippers and out of Milwalker
in Atlanta Sons and Milwalker, Sons and Milwaker would be
the That would be a good finals right there. That
sounds a good final. Yes, But I like Atlanta. I
really I like that little boy doing with that good

bad hell. He got that good bad It looked looked good.
Man looked bad at the same time he got that
good bad hell. It's it's different, it is man. But
Atlanta is the Louis rank seed Carler, So you know
they like the fifth seed, fifth seed and they up
in they up in the Eastern Comferm Final. What they
gone because of the house. Yeah, So you know you
got Milwaukee. I think that would be a better But

I'm telling you, man, if the Clippers, if Paul George
keeps showing up every night, it's gonna be hard. Man,
Paul say this. Let me let me say this to
you and caller s ste went to the bathroom. Everybody
that had played funder Rocket it's the man they careers
when they lead, right, everybody, everybody at the man about

yeah at home, just like the Rockets. You know. No,
but Clint Capella is in the Eastern Conference final when
he gave him up. Man, everybody do when I'm gonna
leave Houston. Hey, all right, thank you, Junior. Coming up
at the top of the hour, we'll tell you about
a dad we saw on TikTok who is devastated to

learn his son. Get this guy's is actually his uncle.
We'll talk about it right at what what what? Yeah?
You're listening to all right, you guys, pay attention to
this because this story is crazy. Uh. It can be

painful to find out your son isn't your son, all right,
that can be painful, and because your partner was unfaithful. However,
a man posted on TikTok to explain what happened to him.
The post is a video of him distraught and crying
in it, and he reveals that he found out that

his son is actually his uncle. Did you get that
his son is actually his uncle? So? How did this happen?
How did this happen? What happened? What happened? Well, the
man's grandfather invited him and his girlfriend to stay with him,
and during that time, the man's girlfriend wound up having

an affair with his grandfather. You get it so far? Yeah? Crazy? Right?
All right? That led to the baby boy, which the
man thought was his And it turns out his grandfather
has done stuff like this before, because the man captioned
his TikTok post, can't believe I expected more from a

man that had a whole other family around the corner
from my granny's house. So this grandfather is just that's
his ole. Yeah, he thought it was his son, but
this is really your uncle. Because hey, hey, who are
you talking to? Shut up shooting you? I'm yo, I'm yo,

your grandmother, your girl? All right? So how old is
the baby? Let's read on Tommy. The man says he
still wants to be part of his son slash uncle's life,
but also questions why his grandfather would hurt him this way.
In a different video, he describes how he found out,
saying his girlfriend's phone kept ringing, just pinging, pinging, pingy,

So he checked to see what was going on and
saw the texts were from his grandfather. Then he found
year's worth, year's worth of messages from his granddad, including
pictures and explicit stuff. H yeah, I'm not raising my
uncle at all. Crazy, right, I'm not thinking about my

own but I don't know who this dude is. I
still want to be in my son's life. I don't.
I don't understand. Man doesn't ever say how all the child.
It never said the child was. It's not like it's
an official story. It's on TikTok. So he coasted himself crying,
and you know, all the details you know, weren't revealed.

But if he said years and years of messages, then
then some time that went back, yeah, you know, then
he could have gotten attached to the little boy. Yeah
you don't love him and all like this, regardless as
to who he is. Yeah, absolutely, how he found out
it was the granddaddy stuff, well he checked, you know, Yeah,

well I guess but it didn't say that. But when
he saw those texts, he knew something was up from
the grandfather year's worth of messages pictures. Have you told
your daddy because that's your daddy. Daddy huh right, right right,
you don't know that could be your mom's dad or
your mom anyway. I'm hoping my granddad ain't. Anyway, my
granddad whoever it is, hoping my granddad ain't. Yeah. The girlfriend, yeah,

she slept with his grandfather. Yeah, but still, I mean,
I'm just saying, I don't know what it was convenient.
I d good you wore so many wheel well you

get so many wheel Now that's heartbreaking. And some of
the comments people were saying that, you know, to the
young man, you didn't deserve that, you know, you know,
if you still want to be in the little boy's
life being mentor to him, you know, yeah, you know
that's that's hard. That's who suffers the little boy because

the man he thought was his father all this time
is his uncle. Is his nephew, right, yeah, it's his nephew.
You just shake your hand when you hear yeah, all right,
all right, we'll have more of a Steve Harvey morning
show coming up at twenty minutes after the hour, right
after this, you're listening to show. Well. Just days after

plans were announced for a Marvin Gay, finally, a Marvin
Gay biopic, a Detroit Street corner has been renamed in
his honor. Variety reports that the mayor and a representative
of the mayor, Brenda Lawrence, and Marvin's brother Antoine Gay,
were among those on hand Saturday when the intersection of

Monica Street and West Outer Drive officially became Marvin Gay Drive.
Of course, Marvin Gay lived in a house on that
corner when he began to work on his landmark album
What's Going On. The album's cover photo was shot in
the residence's back yard. So that good news if you're

for Marvin Gay fans for sure, of which I am one. Um,
that's the album right there, that's my favorite all time,
that song What's going On? I get that movie out?
Are they gonna ever get that movie? I know? And
he was supposed to play it, Jesse from Lawn Order,
law Yeah, Jesse Martin from Lawn Order. He was supposed

to play it years ago, that years, years, years ago. Yeah,
who do you think in playing man? Oh? I know
I know, and I'm sure there's a guy. I'm gonna
show you guys a picture and y'all gonna be like,
that's that. I think the dude in power Omari Hardwick.

I'm not mad. Okay, Okay, don everybody. I'll have more
of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up in thirty
three minutes after the hour you're listening to show well

still trending black girl magic news from the Track and
Field World. Dallas's own should carry richardson rocking her bright
orange hair. Okay, won the one hundred meters and secured
her spot on the USA Olympic track team. Congratulations to her, Yes, yes,
take a listen to her post race interview. So a

major state in terms of time. But what do you
want the world to know about what you just did
in this semifinal run. I just want the world to
know that I'm that girl. Now I'm gonna try to
do what it is that me, my coach, my support
team believe I can do, and the and the talent
that God bless me to hell to do every time

I step on to check. I'm never gonna take an
opportunity to perform for Jake. They love love with this.
I'm just rooting for blazing fast man. Yes she is.
She Moments after crossing the line, she carry ran up
to the stands. Did you guys see this to embrace

her grandmother. I mean, she gave her the biggest hug.
She said, my grandmother is my heart. My grandmother is
my superwoman. She carry also revealed that she just lost
her biological mom last week, so she was running with
all this on her, you know, and she still won
and made it on the Olympic team. So congratulations. Yeah,

did yall and you were the race, did y'all see? Yeah?
I saw it. Yeah, Yeah, she definitely came back, you
were saying across the line she pointed out the time,
Yes she did. I think she did. I saw that.
You were saying, yeah, that was semifinalist. You were saying
her hair color means something, Carla. Yeah, she said that

her friend picked out the color orange, and I think
she said in dangerous or she changes her hair color
a lot, so for orange, great pick. It worked, giving
you that Blowjo vibe, you know, with your nails and that. Yeah,
she was beautiful. Yeah, she carried Richardson all right and
other entertainment news Macy Gray says she thinks the American

flag needs an update, and in our bed for a
market Watch, she writes that for June teenth, the flag
needs a change, especially after the Capitol rioters hijacked its
meaning on January sixth. She says, like the Confederate flag,
it is tattered, dated, divisive, and incorrect. It no longer
represents democracy and freedom. She writes, if no longer represents

all of us, it's not fair to be forced to
honor it. It's time for a new flag. Among her suggestions,
she wants a number of stars to be increased to
include washing to d C and Puerto Rico. Plus she
thinks the white stripes should be off white because America's
purity is broken and in pieces. And she also suggests

changing the color of the stars from something that represents
all of us. Your skin, your skin tone, and mine.
Now that's from Macy Gray. All right, coming up next
to our last break of the day, and Steve will
have some closing remarks. All that's coming up at forty
nine after the hour. Right after this you're listening to

all right, guys, here we are our last break of
the day on this Tuesday. It's been a good day. Yeah,
I'm still reeling from the that story we had earlier
this morning about the uncle and the granddaddy and daddy
and yeah, that was a bit story. I don't care what.

I don't care what you've heard. It's somebody always doing
something crazy, crazy stories in it. Man. Yeah, you know,
truth is stranger than fiction for sure. Oh, because you
can't believe. It's like people ask me all the time.
Do y'all make them start being let us up? We can't.

I mean, we have active imaginations for sure. I like that,
damn man, that I don't have time for this. We
take phone calls though, Steve, I'm going through the exact
same thing. That's what blows. I know, that's your that

happened to me. What y'all took my call? Because I've
got the same thing, lady, Yeah, okay, what strawberry letters
just make you think. Let you know that your life
isn't as bad as you think it is. If it's
really it's really really great, and don't let it bother.

You know, we're talking about all of this stuff that
they're doing in terms of voted reform and not passing
to George Floyd Act and the People's Act. You know,
they just this country is really sick, man, And what's

happening is the minority are trying desperately to control the majority.
And we can't let this happen because it's been going
on far too long. You know, listen that sector of people,
it's a lot of them, but they're not really the

dominant force in this country. They're really not. Man. The
racist people, the people who want to push this, they're
not the dominant. Now they're the most in the Senate,
but and they represent people, and there are people, sadly
who voted for them, but that doesn't represent the bulk

of the country. And what we've got to do is
stop them from doing the things that they're doing in Georgia,
like changing the way you can register. If you haven't
voted in a while, your names are come off the
record books. If you've moved and you haven't reregistered, your
name or come off the voting rights books. We've got
to stop that. We have to go to when we

all vote dot org, when we all vote dot org,
check your voting status. If you've moved, if you haven't moved.
Everybody should go and check their voting status. I need
to check mind because I don't want no okay, dot,
because listen to me, y'all. This mid term election that's
coming up is a big one. It's very, very important

because we can change and shift the power in that
Senate if we go out and did exactly if we
do exactly what we did in the general election, we'll
changed the whole direction in this country. And they know
we can do it, and they're afraid of it. And
that's why they're doing the things that they're doing. And

I'm telling you I firmly believe that's why they gave
up June teenth. This same racist Senate gave up Juneteenth
as a national holiday. Do you know that a racist
person could care less if you have a national holiday
recognizing your birth into freedom two years after the Emancipation Proclamation?

Do you know that they could care less about that?
You have to wonder why they would give us something
so quickly, so free it, and so openly and so willingly. Well,
I'll tell you two reasons. I think. Number one, they've
been fit from it too. They get a day off
with pay what they need, a day off for slavery

fault they was never slaves. And then the other reason
that they so willingly gave us this is because day
in the background doing some stuff. We ain't ask for this.
We ask for voting rights. We ask for you to
stop killing our kids. We ask for us to police
pull us over and treat us with dignity and respect

as tax paying, law abiding citizens. We ask you to
stop shooting us when we have a license to carry.
Stop killing us when we reach for our bag to
show you I d stop killing us because we ran.
You have no right to shoot a man in the
back for running. Running is not a killing offense. Selling

cigarettes is not a killing expense. Walking home from a
store drinking iced tea and Eaton's Kittels is no reason
to die getting pulled over by the police. You shouldn't
have to die for that. Even if you broke a
traffic law, you shouldn't have to die for that. That's

what we ask for. But you turn around, you give
us June teeth. All right, cool, appreciate, But but it's
a trick y'all to me. It's just a it's to
fake out move, it's to get our attention off. We
gave you this, now we're gonna do that. And while
we barbecue, and they backed that barbecue in the I

ass well, I ain't with it, man, I don't win it.
I really don't care that you gave up June teeth.
I don't care. I don't even I don't care. I
want what we asked y'all for. I want what we
got to march for. I want what we're dying for.
Were dying and keep dying from quality for all. Steve

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