Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Now this morning show in Boston.
Speaker 2 (00:02):
Billy and Lisa in the morning.
Speaker 3 (00:04):
It's just a great start.
Speaker 2 (00:05):
To my day on kids Runaway.
Speaker 4 (00:08):
Well, good morning, everybody. Welcome into the Billy and Lisa
Morning Show. It's a Thursday morning and Billy here, Lisa here,
justin here. Riley is over there in the commands. Oh,
there's Whinny.
Speaker 1 (00:19):
Hi, welcome home, Thank you.
Speaker 4 (00:22):
How are you feeling all right?
Speaker 5 (00:23):
I'm okay, yeah. Yeah, it's not a bug. It's it's
just internal. It's like I'm not gonna getting ready sick.
I just don't feel good, okay, Yeah, but I'm fine, okay, okay, all.
Speaker 6 (00:31):
Right, internal Yeah, is it fixable?
Speaker 5 (00:35):
Yeah, I know, it's just fine. Fine, Yeah, I'll be fine.
But I'm not gonna get anybody anything.
Speaker 4 (00:40):
Okay, don't worry.
Speaker 1 (00:41):
Bill. I heard you were talking smack yesterday.
Speaker 4 (00:43):
I was not talking.
Speaker 1 (00:44):
I was listening. But people tell me these things.
Speaker 2 (00:47):
He always talks and smack and then.
Speaker 5 (00:49):
It runs away exactly because you knew I wasn't listening yesterday.
Speaker 6 (00:52):
We just we just you know, we just suggested if
you need to take the week, take the week.
Speaker 5 (00:56):
I was almost I almost didn't come in today, but
Nurciona's coming in.
Speaker 1 (00:59):
I wanted to see or so.
Speaker 4 (01:01):
Or you didn't come in for us the show you
came in for n I took everything so pure. Yeah,
I really didn't care about coming in for you guys.
Speaker 1 (01:10):
Close to calling out again. Maybe you'll call it tomorrow.
Speaker 4 (01:13):
Well, what time is the nurse coming in?
Speaker 7 (01:15):
Speaker 4 (01:16):
Well yeah, sure will be my children. Yeah, so that
doesn't help us. Well, welcome in, Thank you, good to
street back. You look good kid. So I got to
acknowledge two of my three sons because Chris Costa's birthday
was yesterday, and uh, Dylan Costa's birthday is tomorrow.
Speaker 6 (01:37):
Speaker 4 (01:38):
And then Alex is December two.
Speaker 6 (01:40):
Speaker 1 (01:41):
This goes back to the fact he only had sex
in February.
Speaker 2 (01:44):
Yeah, there was a big month.
Speaker 4 (01:45):
Yeah, smoking hot in February.
Speaker 6 (01:48):
How old are they all going to be?
Speaker 4 (01:49):
Bill twenty seven today? I'm sorry, Oh, maybe he's twenty nine.
At this point. It doesn't need you know how old
they are?
Speaker 1 (01:57):
Do you know how Chris has turned?
Speaker 4 (01:59):
I boo leave. Chris turned thirty six, he asked me.
I didn't ask you. I said, I believe he.
Speaker 1 (02:05):
Do you know what Dylan's turning? Tomorrow?
Speaker 4 (02:08):
I think thirty two, thirty one, thirty one, thirty one?
Speaker 6 (02:11):
Why do we know your kids ages? And you don't?
Speaker 4 (02:14):
You know why because you like to talk smack right,
you like to make fun of me. You want to
assume that I don't know, and in fact I'm testing you. Guys,
I knew all along. And how how six and thirty one?
Speaker 1 (02:27):
How that's going to be in a few weeks?
Speaker 4 (02:30):
Whoa, you just threw me a cur he's.
Speaker 7 (02:33):
In between thirty six and thirty one.
Speaker 4 (02:35):
Somewhere in between. I think thirty three? Yes, yeah, oh
yah see I had them all boy. It's a busy
week birthdays. Yeah, oh catching.
Speaker 1 (02:47):
Saying when are you giving your grown kids?
Speaker 4 (02:51):
You know kids? All kids ever want is cash. I
think that's what everybody wants.
Speaker 2 (02:58):
Very true.
Speaker 4 (02:58):
That could fix every but the stress around the holiday
is what you're coming up. Just to know that, you know,
you stress out about what to get. You know, you
want to find that perfect gift. I don't care who
it is you're buying for. All they want is money.
Speaker 5 (03:15):
My eight year old niece asked her money for Christmas
this year. I was like, oh my god, what happened
to a barbie?
Speaker 4 (03:20):
Speaker 1 (03:20):
You can't have money, and I was like, Okay, I
don't want to give it to her. It seems so cheap.
Speaker 4 (03:24):
If you were to look anybody in the face and
ask them, hey, would you rather have me go out
and get you a gift or you just want money? They,
if they were being honest, it'd say, I'll take the money.
Speaker 7 (03:33):
Right unless it's something like really thoughtful, like over the top.
Speaker 2 (03:37):
Money's the best thing.
Speaker 4 (03:38):
Yeah, yeah, money is. Yeah. I don't think anything is
that good over the top. You know, you'd rather use
the money to buy yourself something you actually want. You know.
You know what I love about my wife? Regardless of
what I buy, it's going back. She returns everything I buy.
Speaker 2 (04:00):
Do you just give her money and gift cards?
Speaker 8 (04:02):
Now? Now?
Speaker 4 (04:02):
I just give her gift cards and cash? Okay, cash
is king in the house.
Speaker 6 (04:06):
That's that's interesting to me because I feel like you
have you have some qualities that are feminine ish, so
I feel like you would be a great gift buyer.
Speaker 4 (04:17):
Okay, I have feminine qualities. You're the one in the
ice bats and getting boattox and shaving your skin.
Speaker 7 (04:25):
You okay, you've gotten botox, You've gotten filler. He's just
saying you like shopping.
Speaker 6 (04:29):
You like shopping, that's what I mean.
Speaker 1 (04:30):
Yeah, he's not a good gift giver. He's really not what.
Speaker 6 (04:34):
Okay, Oh well wait, be careful coat.
Speaker 5 (04:38):
You're great with cash, like you like you always give
us cash and us when.
Speaker 4 (04:42):
If I ever bought you a bad gift.
Speaker 5 (04:44):
Because you only give cash because you never know what
you know, I'm a bad gift because you never know
what to get me. It's why you give me cash.
But I'll take the cash.
Speaker 4 (04:51):
Okay, how did we get By the way, this would
be a good topic for some morning on the show.
All right, I'll write that for a gift or cash.
That's a good talk coming up in the Hallida that
has come up? Okay, it's the billion least the Morning Show.
It's a Thursday edition. We missed something big yesterday. It
was Stranger Things Day. Yes, who knew? Yep?
Speaker 2 (05:09):
November six Yeah it was the day. Yeah, it was.
Speaker 6 (05:13):
It was a big It was the day Will Buyers
disappeared in the show in the first season. Yeah, number sixth,
So that's known as a Stranger Things Day. Okay, And
it released the trailer for the a teaser for the
next season.
Speaker 2 (05:22):
The final You don't understand. I can't wait for this.
Speaker 7 (05:25):
They're not saying what month in twenty twenty five it's
coming out.
Speaker 2 (05:29):
I was scouring.
Speaker 4 (05:30):
I think summer, you think I think? So Okay, Well,
we're going to break it down in the entertainment, which
is coming up Stranger Things. A lot of people really
should I watch that? Least?
Speaker 7 (05:40):
You know, it's kind of sci fi ish and you're
really not into that.
Speaker 6 (05:44):
Kids? You know, kids, I love But I'm watching it
right now again with my son. Wow season three, we
love it.
Speaker 2 (05:51):
I'm going to rewatch season four to get ready.
Speaker 4 (05:54):
And Celtics lost to the Warriors last night. There were
a lot of booze in the TD guarden. We'll tell
you why coming up next.
Speaker 7 (06:00):
Then by from the Planet's Fitness Kiss one Owait Studios.
We we're back with a Villy and Lisa in the
morning on Kiss one O eight.
Speaker 9 (06:09):
Now the entertainment updates with a Billy Constaff.
Speaker 4 (06:13):
Hey, guys, welcome back. First things first, we do have
jingle Ball Jackpot on the tens this morning seven ten, eight, ten,
and nine ten. Celtics lost to Golden State last night
one eighteen one twelve. Tatum had thirty two points on
the night Derek White had twenty six. The Warriors got
the win. Coach Steve Kirk got the booze. Celtics fans
reminded how he snubbed Jalen Brown for the Olympic team,
how he benched Jason Tatum. Yeah, there was a boo
fast night.
Speaker 10 (06:41):
Right books of the Golden State Warriors.
Speaker 4 (06:46):
It's Steve Burr. Oh holy man. Well, I got boots
so hard that the lights went out.
Speaker 6 (06:55):
That's the first I got the power.
Speaker 4 (06:59):
Yeah, Celt's gonna play the nets right here in Boston
tomorrow night. Seltzer now seven and two on the season.
We've got football tonight the Bengals and the Ravens the
Thursday night football game. In case you missed it. Travis
and Jason Kelcey on the podcast yesterday talked about that
incident at the Penn State game recently where Jason got
into it with a heckler who was trash talking Travis.
And here's the comment.
Speaker 11 (07:24):
You owning it and you speaking about it shows how
sincere you are to a lot of people in this world,
and shows that, especially what you said on Monday night,
that you don't choose hate you that's just not who
you are.
Speaker 6 (07:36):
I love you, brother.
Speaker 4 (07:37):
Yeah that was well said when he said I don't
want to return hate with hate anyway.
Speaker 12 (07:42):
That was that.
Speaker 4 (07:43):
Yesterday, and Ariana Grande went on Bowen Yang's podcast suggesting
she might move away from being a pop star and
focus more on live theater.
Speaker 13 (07:52):
I'm always gonna make music. I'm always gonna go on stage.
I'm always going to do pop stuff. I pinky promise,
But I don't think doing it at the rate that
I've been doing it for the past ten years is
where I see the next ten years. I think I
love acting, I love musical theater.
Speaker 2 (08:08):
She's really good at it too.
Speaker 4 (08:10):
Oh yeah, and don't Forget Wicked comes out November twenty second,
and the Bruno Mars song with Rose that collaboration is
climbing the charts fast. It's called apt which is a
Korean drinking game, and Rose explains it.
Speaker 12 (08:25):
Literally, this song is so I was like I could
drink legally, and it's literally a game that even like
I would play with like my members. It's like a
game where everybody has to stack their hands in the
middle and whoever gets the number on the top takes
a shot.
Speaker 2 (08:43):
That sounds interesting.
Speaker 6 (08:44):
We get. I get more requests for APT through the
talk back, Yeah, Mike than any other song. Their non
stop all day long. Really we have request, request, request.
Speaker 4 (08:53):
Let's give him a taste right now. It's a nice
so crazy you got it?
Speaker 8 (08:58):
Speaker 4 (08:59):
It's just me me? Oh yeah, it's a jam for sure,
so many?
Speaker 3 (09:09):
Can you please play APT by Rose Bruno Mars thank you?
Speaker 4 (09:13):
I love that Rose? Is she from Black Pink as
she is? Yeah? Didn't we have them at a kiss
concert or something?
Speaker 7 (09:20):
Speaker 4 (09:21):
Did I dream that?
Speaker 1 (09:22):
Another Korean girl band I forget their name.
Speaker 4 (09:24):
Yeah, Kid Learoy is coming in for the sold out
jingle Ball sixty minutes. Australia did a profile on that.
Kid LARROI is from Australia. His mother is featured in
the sixty minutes piece and she says Justin Bieber was
a really really and is a really big influence on Kid.
Speaker 14 (09:46):
Lro Justin has been an incredible support and gardens He's
nurtured Chiltern. I can only say incredible things.
Speaker 4 (09:57):
Yeah, I don't forget those two had that song stay together.
Speaker 1 (10:00):
They got.
Speaker 5 (10:06):
Nobody has as good as you.
Speaker 4 (10:10):
That's another jam.
Speaker 2 (10:12):
It is such a jam. Yeah, you know it leaves
you wanting more. It's like a two minute song and
you're like.
Speaker 4 (10:18):
You want more, I want more. Let's give it the
word again, let's go stay they got.
Speaker 9 (10:28):
Nobody has as good as you.
Speaker 4 (10:31):
There you go. Okay. So police in Argentina are now
investigating a Liam Payne's friend and two hotel workers. Their
homes were rated this week. Their cell phones were seized,
with the reports suggesting his friend may have sold him
the drugs, those crazy drugs. And the reports also say
this morning that Liam Payne's body is going to be
flown this week from Argentina back to the UK and
before the end of the week we may have something
in terms of funeral plans.
Speaker 6 (11:03):
What a tragedy, they are saying. The funeral is going
to be massive. Yeah, a lot of people.
Speaker 4 (11:09):
And Shaboozi is teasing a new song. It's called good News.
We got a clip now. It's a follow up to
a bar song. Isn't it the same exact rhythm as.
Speaker 1 (11:33):
A bar song?
Speaker 2 (11:34):
Speaker 6 (11:35):
Well, I mean a bar song works, right, it's one
of the it's probably one of the top songs of
the year. Yeah, you know, why not follow it up
with something similar? It works? Keep going.
Speaker 4 (11:46):
I don't know if that has the same ring to
me as a bar song.
Speaker 6 (11:49):
That's a little bit of a different song.
Speaker 4 (11:51):
Yeah, you know what. Bar song is a massive song,
massive hit. And the final season of Stranger Things will
be out next year. We don't when, right, we.
Speaker 7 (12:01):
Don't know what month. It's twenty twenty five, but yeah,
I literally can't wait for this. They're taking us to
the fall of nineteen eighty seven. That was the teaser yesterday.
Speaker 6 (12:14):
I'm rewatching it all with my son, he's seven, and
it's just amazing to see every season the production getting
better and better and better.
Speaker 7 (12:22):
They ended up making like mini movies at the time
Season four started.
Speaker 6 (12:26):
So four they split up. They didn't release all the episodes.
They split it. They'll probably do the same for the
final season. I think, split them up. But it's gonna
be great when I'm watching it with Abel, my son.
You know Steve Joe Carey's from newbury Port. Oh yeah,
and so I sold my to Able because he doesn't
care where I work. He really doesn't, you know, I'm
just dad, But I go I know him, and he
goes you met him and I showed him the picture.
Oh yeah, cool dad, moment. Wow, cool dad. Moment.
Speaker 4 (12:53):
Yeah, he came in here.
Speaker 2 (12:54):
Yeah, real nice and his song was amazing. We left
his song.
Speaker 7 (12:58):
They do feature old school radio station in season five
w s q K.
Speaker 4 (13:06):
Yes, Now, Stranger Things Day was yesterday? Were you supposed
to do anything as a fan of the show.
Speaker 6 (13:14):
Like as in, what the day that in the first season,
that's the day that Will Buyers got abducted November six. Yeah,
they just recognized the day as that.
Speaker 4 (13:23):
Oh okay. They did release all the titles of the
episodes for the new season, and they will be The Crawl,
the Vanishing Off, the Turnbow Trap, you guys know what
I'm talking about, The Right Side Up, Sorcerer, Shock Jock,
Escape from Commazots, the Bridge, and yeah, the Right Side
Up will be the finale. That's it.
Speaker 6 (13:47):
Yeah, the big one is the vanishing of because they're
not saying it doesn't finish it. It's the vanishing of
Dot Dot Dot.
Speaker 7 (13:53):
You don't know who they're talking about. First episode is
they finishing right, But they're saying it's one of the
the sister Now oh yeah, but like David Harbor said
that they when the cast when they were filming the
final one, the Right Side Up, that it was literally
like they were all in tears over the writing of
this episode.
Speaker 2 (14:13):
How good it's going to be.
Speaker 6 (14:14):
Don't forget Joe Carey also is his stage name is
Joe dj oh And he had a big song. It
was earlier this year a lot. Yeah, and we played it,
remember He's good a message when we started playing it.
Speaker 13 (14:25):
It's crazy that the song's on the radio at all,
but specifically on Kiss Finoid is crazy.
Speaker 4 (14:31):
Well, that's pretty cool. I forgot about that.
Speaker 6 (14:33):
We dedicated the song the first time we played it
one of the first times, to his father because his
parents still live here. Uh huh. So it was just
a really, really great moment.
Speaker 4 (14:41):
So last night was another episode of The Golden Bachelorette,
So Lisa did anything worthwhile happen or.
Speaker 7 (14:47):
Twenty two of the guys that were sent home were
back and they were just sort of sharing their love
of each other. And Mark, who's Kelsey's dad, He was
a fan favorite. He's not you know, he obviously wasn't picked,
but he sent this really nice note to Jonathan when
he left. It was just I think people were feeling
really down yesterday. A lot of people, so I know
on social a lot of people loved seeing like the
bromances that happened on this season.
Speaker 4 (15:11):
Hasn't that been a criticism of this season, that the
men are falling into love with each other instead of
the woman.
Speaker 2 (15:17):
I wouldn't.
Speaker 7 (15:18):
I wouldn't say it's a criticism because that's a good thing, right.
Speaker 4 (15:21):
That's they cry, guys, they do.
Speaker 2 (15:24):
But that's nice.
Speaker 7 (15:24):
That's nice that they have relationships and they've developed relationships
like that later in life. But yeah, there hasn't been
a lot of like drama, no juice, no, not like
the Gary season with Teresa.
Speaker 4 (15:35):
Speaker 2 (15:35):
I mean that was like off.
Speaker 4 (15:37):
The off the charts, So not enough happened for us
to have Riley saying.
Speaker 7 (15:42):
No, I just yeah, he's waiting for next week. The
finale is next week with with Guy and Shock.
Speaker 6 (15:47):
I know people tune in to hear Riley Donovan's take
on it, but if there's nothing juicy, then it's just
it was just mentell.
Speaker 2 (15:53):
Hell, there really wasn't much going on.
Speaker 1 (15:54):
There wasn't much to tell.
Speaker 5 (15:55):
It's not as juicy as the younger generations because they're
all just like it's it's more Karri it's nice, it's nice.
Speaker 11 (16:02):
Speaker 1 (16:02):
The only thing really was.
Speaker 5 (16:03):
That they were like chanting for Charles to the new
Bachelor at Bachelor Like. The audience was Charles, you should
be a new Bachelor, which I think you should too.
Speaker 1 (16:11):
He'd be so cute.
Speaker 4 (16:13):
I just love that. It's not enough juice for Riley. Yeah,
I know what I'll be in next week when it's
all over, I'll be here to recap.
Speaker 6 (16:25):
He likes the drama.
Speaker 4 (16:27):
Hey, we brought to you by the ninety nine Restaurant.
You can cozy up to irresistible new fall flavors at
the ninety nine Restaurant, like the freshly baked Homestyle chicken
pot pie packed with chicken top with a buttery, flaky crust,
or the creamy short rib mac and cheese. You got
to love the nines And there you go.
Speaker 1 (16:43):
What's up man, I'm here to requests a song? So
can you please play? Apt by Romans and Rose.
Speaker 2 (16:54):
Thank you from the Planet Fitness Kiss one of my studios.
Speaker 9 (16:58):
We're back with a Billy and Lisa in the Morning on.
Speaker 4 (17:03):
Hey everybody, Good morning and a happy Thursday to you.
Speaker 1 (17:05):
Speaker 4 (17:06):
What's the weather going to be like today? It was
nice yesterday, It's not going.
Speaker 2 (17:08):
To be as warm.
Speaker 7 (17:09):
I think we hit eighty degrees yesterday, which was crazy.
It's going to be in the upper sixties today. Mix
of sun and clouds.
Speaker 4 (17:16):
Okay. And if you're just wreaking up, Celtics lost to
the Warriors in the Garden last night and justin we
got some talkbacks.
Speaker 6 (17:23):
Let's go, oh, hold on, Mike, Well, there is a
glitch in the system.
Speaker 4 (17:30):
Speaker 6 (17:31):
You know what to the jackpot. The glitch will fix itself.
Will be good.
Speaker 4 (17:34):
There we go, call it twenty five six, one seven eight.
We've got a pair of tickets for the sold out
jingle Ball and you will need a code word, and
the code word is can.
Speaker 6 (17:47):
I give it this time?
Speaker 4 (17:48):
Speaker 6 (17:48):
Glitch, It's I'll fix now, Billy. I was listening to
the rewind this morning, and I can't believe that you
have the same kind of desire for my practices I do.
I must have like sixty or seventy nutcrackers, all different colors,
different sizes.
Speaker 10 (18:06):
Okay, one of like four them I have are like
three feet high, act like regular size nutcrackers.
Speaker 15 (18:16):
Speaker 4 (18:16):
Watson Scott from North Carolina, Scott, Okay, to hear Scott
tell me, it sounds like some sort of an illness
like it's some weird it's yeah, well we.
Speaker 6 (18:27):
Talked about it yesterday. Billy said he used to have
a whole nut nutcracker. No I have, you still have?
Speaker 4 (18:32):
Oh we put them up every Christmas. Yeah, yeah, that's
part of our decorations. We've got like twenty twenty five
of them. And you're shaming Scott beautiful nutcrackers everything from
carollers to yeah.
Speaker 2 (18:43):
You guys, captain, you guys should share pictures.
Speaker 6 (18:47):
You should you know, No, seriously, no, Lisa, we get
requests for more behind the scenes of Bill's life more
than anything because only post is the TV show stuff.
Speaker 4 (18:56):
Well, the nutcrackers are a big deal for Christmas. Decorator
is like we have to line them up in a
certain way, and you know, you put certain groups. You know,
you have certain nutcrackers that create friendly they're all standing
around talking to each other, and then you have the
carrollers in the background, and that's another nutcrackers. You know,
over the years. Now you know, because I'm a boater,
she'll get me the boat captain nutcracker and the fishermen nutcracker.
Speaker 2 (19:23):
Can I ask you a question about the nutcracker?
Speaker 7 (19:24):
Do you actually ever use them to crack nuts.
Speaker 4 (19:28):
Nothing I know of the Nutcracker.
Speaker 2 (19:31):
Well, then what's the purpose of them?
Speaker 4 (19:33):
They're decorative? Okay, they're real people.
Speaker 6 (19:35):
You know that. Every time he walks in and he
fixes each one if one's out of place.
Speaker 2 (19:41):
Oh yeah, now I know what I'm going to get you.
Speaker 4 (19:43):
And they're off for the Honday over a closet and
there's the light coming up, so the light from inside
the closet kind of creates an ambiyonce for the neighborhood
at Nutcracker. For Christmas.
Speaker 6 (19:56):
We were talking about that earlier about gift giving. Do
you give gifts? Do you give cash? You know that's
always a big thing, Hi guys.
Speaker 15 (20:03):
So for the gift giving, a couple of years ago,
I started keeping a running list in my phone with
people's names.
Speaker 16 (20:11):
And throughout the year, if they ever.
Speaker 15 (20:15):
Like mentioned something or anything like that, then I put
it in my notesapp and then I just have like
an entire list built out for everyone of gift ideas.
Speaker 2 (20:26):
Yeah, tell you cash to keep a running list.
Speaker 6 (20:29):
Cash is king. I struggle with gift giving. You know,
legendary story. One year for Christmas, I was going to
get Lisa some skims right like Lingerie because they were
hard to get.
Speaker 4 (20:39):
You ran that by me and I said, that's a
little creepy. Oh no, you want to buy Lisa skims underwear?
Speaker 12 (20:47):
Speaker 6 (20:47):
I went to Ashley down the hall at Jammine. I
saw her in the hallway and I didn't know anything
about them for sizing. So I said, hey, I got
a question for Christmas for Lisa the skims, I go,
do I go with the small? What you think? And
she looked, what are you some kind of freak?
Speaker 4 (21:03):
Yeah? You came to be next. I couldn't believe it.
I stopped you writing your tracks. No underwear from me?
Speaker 7 (21:11):
Ironic is that I bought Justin and Billy both skims
underwear that well yeah, yeah, but.
Speaker 1 (21:17):
Lisa, it's way less creepy coming from you.
Speaker 6 (21:19):
Yes, it's not as creepy.
Speaker 4 (21:21):
Well no, a woman buying a guy skims underwear isn't
as creepy as a guy buying a woman unless it's
his wife, right.
Speaker 6 (21:28):
You know, looking back, it was a mistake. You know,
I was so excited to get them and get you know,
surprised her because they were sold out.
Speaker 4 (21:35):
They were you know, that would be like I'm getting
producer Riley skims underwear for Christmas. I mean, think about
how creepy you were.
Speaker 7 (21:42):
I know, I know, well I think thanks, you know,
the sentiment was there, I like, you know, your thought behind.
Speaker 6 (21:49):
It, Well, there was a lot of thought. There was
a lot of thought behind it. Part of me wanted
to give them to you and be like, you know,
try him on.
Speaker 1 (21:57):
Can we please move on? Can we please come on?
Can we go to Elizabeth? Okay?
Speaker 5 (22:04):
And I already don't kiel it making it even more wazy.
Speaker 4 (22:10):
Let's go to Elizabeth one please, Elizabeth?
Speaker 17 (22:15):
Yes, Hi, good morning.
Speaker 4 (22:16):
Hi Elizabeth. Let me ask you something hypothetical. Okay, Let's
say you have a male friend at the office, right
and he buys you underwear for Christmas? Isn't that a
little creepy?
Speaker 17 (22:29):
I think that's a little inappropriate.
Speaker 6 (22:31):
Yeah, at least I didn't do it.
Speaker 4 (22:36):
It's so, Elizabeth, you're college twenty five. Do you have
a keyword?
Speaker 16 (22:41):
I do.
Speaker 4 (22:42):
It's gl Glitch is the keyword. And so now you
do have a pair of sold out jingle Ball tickets.
But Lisa, she qualifies for the grand problem.
Speaker 2 (22:50):
And this is huge.
Speaker 7 (22:50):
One hundred and eight thousand dollars could be in your
pocket and four front row tickets to jingle Ball.
Speaker 6 (22:58):
It's okay, Oh there she goes.
Speaker 4 (23:00):
She got.
Speaker 6 (23:03):
Give me the tickets overwhelm all out at eight ten
for the jingle Ball Jackpop. But coming up next, Lisa
has a very interesting list that kind of has us
buzzing a little bit. What are some regrets that you
have when it comes to your career in your relationship?
We have ours. We want to hear yours. That discussion
is coming up next. It's the Billy and Lisa Morning Show,
and it's right here. I kiss one away, Lisa Kiss.
Speaker 1 (23:29):
One O eight.
Speaker 4 (23:29):
Kid Leroy right there. We had a piece in the
Entertainment Report a little bit earlier about kid Leroy being
featured in sixty Minutes Australia. I didn't even know that existed,
but he's featured, and his mom is featured and she
talks about his relationship with Justin Biber. We're going to
do that again in the Entertainment Report coming up this
morning at eight forty. Mark it down. You don't want
to miss it. But okay, leech, we're talking regrets.
Speaker 7 (23:54):
All right, biggest regrets in careers and relationships. Do you
want me to start with my biggest regret and my
relationships over the years, always changing myself for the other person,
never having the confidence to say this is who I
am and this is what I want.
Speaker 2 (24:10):
And now, finally, in.
Speaker 7 (24:12):
My elder years, I have the confidence to say that
there we go. No, but it's so true. When I
was in my twenties, I was always changing myself for
the guy that I was with, thinking that that's what
he wanted, or trying to fit into his life. And
if I could tell my younger self something like be
who you are and be happy with who you are
and confident because it matters, I'm serious, that's.
Speaker 4 (24:37):
A good one and I bet that's a common one too.
Speaker 6 (24:40):
Yeah, And I think it comes with age too, as
you experience, you know, as you get older, a little
bit older, and you go through things, you know, you learn,
and then you become you become more confident.
Speaker 4 (24:49):
Then how about a regret and career?
Speaker 7 (24:51):
Know your value? Yes, no, know your value again, that's
the biggest thing. Anyone listening out there, don't value yourself.
Speaker 4 (25:01):
Should be marched down to the front office.
Speaker 2 (25:10):
These are the biggest things that I've learned.
Speaker 4 (25:13):
Mine, I think is the same for both career and relationship.
And that is uh, never having spoken up enough.
Speaker 1 (25:22):
Oh my god, that's your whole life, right, that's your
whole life.
Speaker 4 (25:25):
Speaker 1 (25:25):
I wish you was.
Speaker 4 (25:26):
It's true in relationships and careers.
Speaker 2 (25:30):
Yeah, stick to you. You hold your ground. Ye.
Speaker 1 (25:33):
Billy is very passive, very just.
Speaker 4 (25:36):
Never speaking up saying responding to something the way I
really want to saying what I really want to say.
I always hold back. Well, you're more of a lover
than a fighter.
Speaker 1 (25:47):
He is.
Speaker 2 (25:48):
That's a good way, but that's how.
Speaker 5 (25:49):
You get walked all over. You don't be a fighter
to speak up for yourself.
Speaker 2 (25:53):
Yeah, you don't want to be a doormat.
Speaker 1 (25:55):
Yeah, Billy says. It says, welcome on Billy's forehead.
Speaker 7 (25:59):
I'm not pilot, but because I do the same thing,
we're very similar.
Speaker 1 (26:05):
Yeah right, you're both passing respectfully.
Speaker 4 (26:08):
Waitty, that is not your problem.
Speaker 1 (26:10):
I no, I'm not. I'm not. Mine would be not
following my intuition.
Speaker 5 (26:15):
I think I've a lot of the times I've let
I've talked myself out of things that I knew to
be true because I either didn't want it to be
reality or someone was telling me He's like, no, no,
that's not like, that's not the case, And I'm like, no,
I know something's off. So when you know something's off,
but you keep talking yourself out of your intuition because
of the result or whatever you're looking for, that's been
my biggest regret.
Speaker 4 (26:39):
Okay, yeah, justin.
Speaker 6 (26:43):
Yeah, I mean my career. I really don't have any
regrets per se. I've only had like two jobs in
my life.
Speaker 4 (26:52):
But you flip burgers at friendlies.
Speaker 6 (26:54):
Flip burgers at friendlies. I did a couple other jobs,
but now I'm pretty pretty good that that way my
for relationships. You know, my wife, we knew each other
when we were very young, but I wasn't confident enough
to kind of pursue it. Yeah, you know, I didn't
believe in myself, so I guess, you know, I wish
I would have done it back then. Luckily we reconnected
years later and I had a little bit more confidence
to do so, so I think mine lines up with
Lisa is a little bit you know, be more confident,
speak up, you know.
Speaker 7 (27:22):
Yeah, do you want to hear what the list says
because it kind of goes into exactly what we're saying.
Speaker 2 (27:29):
Ignoring your own.
Speaker 7 (27:30):
Passions, living someone else's life, never truly knowing yourself constantly
saying yes when you want to say no, and letting
fear make your decisions for you, losing your confidence.
Speaker 2 (27:44):
Not setting boundaries.
Speaker 1 (27:46):
Yeah, boundaries is a big one too.
Speaker 2 (27:47):
Speaker 4 (27:48):
Wow, well I think I have some of all of those.
Speaker 2 (27:52):
I think we all do.
Speaker 6 (27:53):
I think we all do. That's why you know. It's
the popular list.
Speaker 1 (27:56):
You know, torment are and literally says well, I'm on
your forehead.
Speaker 4 (28:04):
Or yes whatever, yeah, anything you want go, okay, okay
to everything anyway. Topic time is coming up. How about
you if you're listening, any regrets relationships, regrets with your career,
your job, your life. I guess is a good topic.
Six eight is the number to call? And how do
they get to you? In the talkbacks? Mike Justice.
Speaker 6 (28:28):
Yeah, if you're streaming us live on the on the
iHeartRadio app, just a little red microphone. Now you tap
that and you can record your message right on your
phone or a com I'll put it right on the radio.
Speaker 4 (28:38):
Topic time is next. What is the topic today? We're
going to be talking.
Speaker 2 (28:44):
Billy and Lisa present Topic time.
Speaker 4 (28:47):
Talk amongst yourselves. Topic time. Okay, the topic of this
morning is regrets, whether it be with your job, your
career or with your relationship currently or past relationship regrets
you might have and uh, six eight is the number
to call. I guess we had a pilot calls and
they dropped Winnie.
Speaker 1 (29:08):
Yeah, I don't know what happened.
Speaker 4 (29:10):
So if you called and you were disconnected, please call back.
There was some sort of a well glitch, A lot
of glitches this morning, justin you have talkbacks. Let's go.
Speaker 18 (29:21):
My biggest career regret is staying in a job that
I was miserable at and just staying there for years
hoping to get a promotion. And years went by and
I was more miserable and miserable, and then when the
time came for the promotion, I didn't get it.
Speaker 2 (29:38):
So all of that for nothing.
Speaker 18 (29:40):
So don't wait on anyone, any job to make you happy.
Speaker 16 (29:44):
You have to find it for yourself.
Speaker 4 (29:47):
Okay, that's a good one.
Speaker 2 (29:49):
Yep, very true.
Speaker 6 (29:51):
I think a lot of people go through that. They
feel stuck or you know, they're promise to promotion, you
know they're going to move forward in their career, and
then it doesn't come, and.
Speaker 4 (29:59):
You wait it out. You probably passed up other opportunities
and now it's just a big regret.
Speaker 6 (30:04):
Yeah, I mean, life's hard. You got to take risks.
Speaker 2 (30:07):
Sometimes, oh there you do.
Speaker 6 (30:08):
Yeah, and sometimes it doesn't work out. So yeah, that's life.
Speaker 9 (30:11):
Good morning everyone, Just listening to what Lisa said to
be yourself in a relationship. Don't change yourself. You all
have to remember you need to be yourself to attract
the right person. If you're not yourself, you're going to
get the wrong partner every single time. Have a good day,
Bye bye.
Speaker 2 (30:31):
It's so true.
Speaker 6 (30:32):
Yeah, she sounded like she's been through it. She probably
has has some experience.
Speaker 4 (30:38):
That was a good one though. At least be yourself
for yourself.
Speaker 6 (30:41):
Let's go tolign one. We have an anonymous.
Speaker 4 (30:43):
Okay, here we go. Good morning, anonymous. Regrets. You've got
a few.
Speaker 17 (30:51):
Plenty, but I think the biggest one would be getting
married so young. I got married at twenty three. I
got my nursing degree at twenty two, and I should
have traveled the world and done visiting nursing and trying
of figured out my life before I decided to join
it with someone else.
Speaker 1 (31:12):
Are you still married?
Speaker 17 (31:14):
We are divorced, but I'm happily married for the last
ten years to my second husband.
Speaker 2 (31:19):
Oh how good for you. That's great.
Speaker 1 (31:21):
God, that's a good one though.
Speaker 2 (31:22):
I agree.
Speaker 1 (31:23):
I agree with you.
Speaker 17 (31:24):
Yeah, yep, you really got to know who you are,
and I think in your twenties it's really the time
to figure that out. Yeah, and if you have somebody
else who's influencing you, it's hard to figure out who
you are while you're trying to help them figure out
who they are.
Speaker 4 (31:40):
M Loo, could you now ten years happily married?
Speaker 17 (31:43):
That's right?
Speaker 6 (31:45):
There you go, actually anonymous?
Speaker 4 (31:47):
You know, I know there was nothing dirty or juicy there. Yeah,
I was hoping for that.
Speaker 6 (31:51):
That's so true, though, right you think back to I
think back to my twenties, I thought totally different. Oh
yeah I do now you know it comes with age.
But yeah, marrying too young?
Speaker 4 (32:00):
Well, Tonight, Romance, Tomorrow, Remorse Forever, Regrets Other was a song, Regrets.
I've got a few.
Speaker 9 (32:14):
Good morning, everybody, it's Lucy. My biggest regret is that,
over the years I have always always thought everyone I
came in contact was a good person.
Speaker 15 (32:25):
I know that sounds harsh, but I feel like everyone's good,
and luckily.
Speaker 9 (32:30):
My husband is there to make sure.
Speaker 8 (32:34):
I realize that something maybe off with that really good person,
and he saved me quite a few times.
Speaker 1 (32:41):
So she's not naive. I guess I'll be here thing
because she thinks everyone is a good person.
Speaker 4 (32:45):
Or sometimes somebody else sees something you're not seeing. Yeah,
but you're free to speak up a lot.
Speaker 6 (32:50):
So it's a good quality to have, yeah, to see
the good in people, but you know, you.
Speaker 2 (32:55):
Don't want to be taken advantage of exactly.
Speaker 16 (32:57):
My biggest regret is not speaking up. I'm one of
those people that I'd rather not ruffle feathers and I'd
rather kind of silently struggle than to cause problems. But
now as I'm getting older and i'm a kindergarten teacher,
I'm learning that sometimes you need to put yourself first
and that's okay. You might hurt somebody, but sometimes you
have to be selfish.
Speaker 3 (33:24):
And it's hard.
Speaker 4 (33:26):
Yeah, she's like me, she's a doormat.
Speaker 6 (33:32):
Yeah, yeah, you know it's you.
Speaker 4 (33:35):
Know, as I sit here, I'm thinking of at least
ten things that I should be speaking up on in
various relationships or places or whatever.
Speaker 6 (33:43):
But yeah, and I know your wife's always like nudging you, like,
always come on, Billy, come on, yeah, speak up.
Speaker 4 (33:51):
We had that conversation recently, is there anything you change
you know about me or whatever? And instantly she said,
you need to speak up more. And when he tells
me all the time, everybody tells me, well, when he
called you a doormat, no, I think Lisa call me
a dormat.
Speaker 7 (34:06):
No, I just said, you never want to be someone's doormat.
It was more of a generalization.
Speaker 2 (34:11):
I wasn't specifically talking about you.
Speaker 5 (34:13):
But Bill's had many instances where he has been many
many I could go down a list if you want, but.
Speaker 4 (34:20):
This isn't about me.
Speaker 3 (34:22):
Hi, guys, good morning. My regret in relationships is wasting
time on people who did not deserve my energy. I
think we're all guilty of that sometimes totally.
Speaker 6 (34:37):
Yeah, you know what you want.
Speaker 2 (34:38):
It's bad bitch energy.
Speaker 6 (34:41):
That's what you want.
Speaker 10 (34:42):
Good morning everybody. It's Brian from Stowton. I don't have
a whole lot of regrets that I can think of.
One of the big ones, though, that does stand in mind,
is that I really wish that I would have had
a kid, a baby. I am forty four. I know
that that's not too old. However, I'm married someone fourteen
years older than me, so that ship has sailed.
Speaker 6 (35:05):
Oh no, definitely has sailed.
Speaker 4 (35:07):
Oh they can adopt, they can adopt.
Speaker 5 (35:09):
But what if she doesn't at fifty eight? What if
she doesn't want to be a comment?
Speaker 17 (35:13):
Speaker 4 (35:14):
Yeah, May's going to live with that regret.
Speaker 6 (35:16):
Yes he will, Yes, he will.
Speaker 8 (35:18):
I worked for a retail store and I went into
the office to clean it up. Now, the office is
where they deposit the money, and I moved a cabinet aside,
and I found a bag of money that had all
dust on it, very old, it looked like. And I
gave it to one of the higher up store managers,
and I got written up for it, even though I
found it. Yep, I should have never even said anything
and just left it there.
Speaker 6 (35:45):
If they write her up, I don't know.
Speaker 4 (35:47):
That's where she did a good thing.
Speaker 6 (35:48):
Yeah, I would have kept the money then, Oh definitely,
I know what I mean. We'll have more on the
regrets in the wrap up at nine to twenty five.
But coming up at eight ten, your next shot at
the jingle ball jackpot. That's a lot of money up
for grabs on the morning.
Speaker 4 (36:04):
You know what happened yesterday and we haven't even mentioned it.
No one's mentioned it. Karen Reid and her lawyers were
back in court yesterday, this time the state's highest court,
because she's still trying to have the charges two of
the three charges dropped, and this has all become very
convoluted because you've got that going on, then you've got
the Sybil trial that the O'Keeffe family is trying to
kick off. And I was wondering yesterday when the story
hit that she was back in the courtroom for the
High Court where all the Karen Reid supporters.
Speaker 1 (36:34):
Well, federal court. Maybe they didn't know where to go
for it.
Speaker 6 (36:37):
There were people out there. I saw it on X
there were people out there. But also there could not
be a decision on this from months. Oh yeah, so
this thing just drags and then the trial got is
going to most likely get postponed to April.
Speaker 4 (36:50):
Right, and that would make it what a year since
the Yeah, almost, that's common in the court system.
Speaker 6 (36:58):
You know, dates get moved back. It's very and they
want to prepare and you know, give the best case possible.
Speaker 4 (37:03):
But if you're Karen Reid, how do you live your life?
Speaker 6 (37:05):
I know, like, what is she doing?
Speaker 4 (37:07):
I don't know. I'm always wondering, though I mean sold.
Speaker 1 (37:09):
Her house, right, she did, she was moving.
Speaker 5 (37:12):
The thing is, think about people that are behind bars
waiting on trial dates.
Speaker 1 (37:16):
At least she's free.
Speaker 5 (37:17):
Like there's so many people that are probably innocent or
deserve like a deduction in their sentence or whatever, and
they can't afford bail and they're just sitting there. Oh yeah,
like that's crazy. At least she can live most of
her life normal.
Speaker 2 (37:30):
Right, and she's working on her case.
Speaker 5 (37:31):
Yeah, so I guess I don't really feel bad for
her in that sense.
Speaker 1 (37:35):
She can do what she wants right now.
Speaker 6 (37:37):
We did get a report she had, you know, workers
at her house. She had a big industrial dumpster outside.
Speaker 3 (37:43):
Speaker 7 (37:43):
In the Vanity Fair piece it said that she's using
her four to one K money to live.
Speaker 1 (37:47):
Yeah, she's not going to have anything.
Speaker 6 (37:49):
Left after she owes her lawyers five million.
Speaker 4 (37:51):
Yeah. I was going to say in the Vanity Fair piece,
does she owe them five million or she's already paid
them five five million?
Speaker 2 (37:57):
Oh old deferred fees?
Speaker 4 (37:59):
And is there I never heard of a gofund me?
Is there a GoFundMe for her?
Speaker 5 (38:02):
There was some stuff set up, I think between what
she's paid out and between the defense funds. It's been
paid out close to a million dollars. She's already paid,
but her bill was five million.
Speaker 6 (38:13):
There's a Facebook group that's, you know, in support of her,
and they raise money and they have like raffles and
prizes that you can enter for that all goes towards
her legal defense fund.
Speaker 5 (38:22):
You know what's interesting if everyone loves Alan Jackson, but
that man's not doing this out of the goodness of
his heart.
Speaker 1 (38:27):
He's a big buck.
Speaker 4 (38:29):
Because we used to debate that a lot. Is he
doing it pro bono for the attention because a lot
of lawyers will take the high profile case. He's famous
for that. Yeah, but apparently he didn't come cheap.
Speaker 6 (38:39):
But he could wipe it. He could eventually could say
you know, you know what.
Speaker 5 (38:44):
But even her saying like she couldn't feed a McDonald,
she's paying for every meal, for the hotel's day, for
everything for this man.
Speaker 4 (38:52):
And then there's the O'Keefe family who was stuck in
the middle of all this one, you know, seeking justice,
whatever that justice might be.
Speaker 6 (38:59):
Yeah, yeah, and where are the others? Are they still
in They're still in Canton, obviously, Yeah.
Speaker 1 (39:04):
They're still in Canton. They're not going anywhere. I think
one of them moved to Stoton or something. They move
like a town away.
Speaker 4 (39:10):
God and all. What a crazy night that must have been.
Speaker 6 (39:14):
Huh oh. I remember when it happened. I saw it,
and you know, I was like, wow, that's that's crazy.
You know, a police officer lost his life. Never did
I think it would turn into this.
Speaker 1 (39:22):
You know, it's even more crazy.
Speaker 5 (39:23):
If they had just charged her with their like a
dui or like manslaughter, this would not have been the case.
That is, she would have played out or something like that.
It would have been a quick thing. You never would
have even heard about it.
Speaker 1 (39:33):
Speaker 4 (39:34):
Now, Lisa, are we gonna take this pub crawl that
we talk about all the time.
Speaker 2 (39:39):
Or we keep talking about it. We want to go
to all of the places that they went that night.
Speaker 7 (39:44):
Oh yep, all the bars, yep, the waterfall, Billy.
Speaker 5 (39:48):
Lisa and I live like ten minutes from all these places.
So when you want to come down and find us,
we will go with you.
Speaker 7 (39:53):
See, that's the thing, Like, you need to get to
that side of the city. And you always have such
a problem with it, right, I.
Speaker 4 (39:58):
Do too, Yeah, going south?
Speaker 6 (39:59):
Yeah, it's just get anxiety.
Speaker 1 (40:02):
Yeah, Okay, guys at eleven in the morning, you'll be fine.
We'll go for like lunch.
Speaker 4 (40:07):
Well, you know what, we have to book a day
then justin if we go, you go. And that goes
for producer Riley over there too in the command center.
Speaker 6 (40:13):
I don't really spend a lot of time in bars.
It's weird. You go to a bar, you order a water.
Speaker 5 (40:18):
Restaurant, yeah, the restaurant restaurant bars, Yeah, they're open for lunch.
Speaker 4 (40:24):
Why don't we schedule it on a cheat day for you? Okay,
I'm sure all these bars have good burgers, and you know,
they'll always have like fried pickles or something. You can
get it.
Speaker 1 (40:33):
We'll give you a tour, a tour of Canton justice.
Speaker 6 (40:36):
If we went to some of these places now that
we're talking about it publicly, and they all showed up
to confront.
Speaker 4 (40:41):
Us, by the way, that could happen.
Speaker 1 (40:44):
It could Oh my god, it's gonna be meat.
Speaker 4 (40:46):
They could be mad at the way we've covered it,
although we've not taken any sides.
Speaker 6 (40:50):
Oh yeah, I.
Speaker 4 (40:51):
Didn't want to come. Yeah, I get me.
Speaker 5 (41:00):
At least it offending Billy's honor because he can't be
can't talk to.
Speaker 4 (41:04):
The people that are yelling at up to every side
and yeah.
Speaker 7 (41:07):
Yeah, like I'm the food guy.
Speaker 1 (41:12):
I know she did it. There's no way she did it.
He'll be talking to both she did it.
Speaker 4 (41:16):
I'm not even with them. I'm here for dining playbook.
Have you seen my cookbook
Speaker 6 (41:24):
Book on the show.