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April 2, 2024 43 mins

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Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
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Speaker 3 (00:58):
Welcome back.

Speaker 4 (00:58):
I remember two take you shorts radio here at the
KS Bar and Grill by the way. They just gave
me their making the Master's food for Masters Week with
like the egg salad and the pimento cheese. That egg
salad they got the exact recipe from the Masters.

Speaker 3 (01:13):
It's really really good.

Speaker 4 (01:15):
Like I'm like, I'm not a huge pimento cheese guy,
but that egg salad, good job I do.

Speaker 3 (01:20):
Does Masters just give out the recipe? Oh no, Monique
said she for finding him. Nick Minngione is on the phone.

Speaker 4 (01:27):
UK baseball coach and maybe the manager of the hottest
team in the SEC.

Speaker 3 (01:35):
Nick, It's great to have you on. I've been following.

Speaker 4 (01:38):
I have at least followed online every game you've had
this year, and I've probably watched parts of fifteen. I've
watched more bait UK baseball this year than I ever have.
And I'm excited about your group. I'm sure you are
as well.

Speaker 5 (01:53):
We are.

Speaker 6 (01:54):
We're excited you're falling along man, Like, Hey, we're all
about setting records, and that is a Matt Jones record
right there. So for this early in the season, we're
thankful for you and everybody else, So thank you.

Speaker 4 (02:05):
What so, Like you tell people just you know, this
is the natural kind of inclination sometimes for UK fans
is when it moves on from basketball. They they sort
of come in and your team. You know, I just
look at names I recognize and there's a couple, but
then there's also a lot of new guys.

Speaker 3 (02:22):
Tell people about your.

Speaker 6 (02:23):
Group, Well, we number one, we have a team. You know,
I always say the strength of our team is our team,
and you just watch our guys play. We have an
unbelievable dugout. They have so much fun, Matt like they're competing,
they're getting after it. But we do have a good
mix of guys that were in our program from a

year ago. So when you think about last year and
the US hosting the regional and winning our second every
regional championship, and a lot of people that can hear
my voice right now, we're at that game and if
they weren't, they were watching it and it was awesome.
So we had that special you we were two wins
from Omaha, end up losing to the eventual national champion
in LSU. And we have a lot of those guys back,

so they've kind of you know, tasted it and smelt
it and saw what it's supposed to look like. And
then we were able to add some really good players
on top of that, whether it through high school recruits
and the transfer portal. So we've gotten to a spot
where we're in a really good place again and guys
are playing great.

Speaker 4 (03:23):
So you started the SEC, you're now eight and one,
swept Georgia, swept Old Miss. I mean, like to the
in Georgia since they've played you has been been really good.
You've kind of were the one blemish on their SEC
season so far. You gotta be excited about how you
all jumped off in conference play so far.

Speaker 6 (03:43):
Yeah, it's been awesome, Matt. And you know it's one
of those things you know this, I mean, the SEC
has played for the national championship in baseball fourteen out
of the last fifteen years. Let that say again, that is.

Speaker 3 (03:58):
The ft' It's crazy.

Speaker 6 (04:01):
It's crazy. It's crazy. So you know, at any point
in time, you know, it can swing in it either way.
But yeah, we're just thankful the guys that played great
Georgia when we faced them, they only had one loss
in the whole year. So to beat them there was
I think seventeen and one, and then to beat them
all three games and then Ole Miss. We just went
down there and slept them at their place for the
first time in school history. It's never been done.

Speaker 7 (04:22):
And so yeah.

Speaker 6 (04:24):
It's it's been good and exciting and still a lot
of games to go though, but.

Speaker 4 (04:28):
So far, he's being humble. They just swept All Miss.
I watched a little bit all those games. The place
was packed, it was loud, like they were ready to go,
and you all just silenced them. Two of the games
were blowouts. Nick, You I mean, like you, I know
you're confident, but you couldn't have necessarily seen that coming.

Speaker 6 (04:47):
Well, our guys, you know what they've been able to do, Matt,
And this is like, I don't know, yeah, I missed
my motivational Mondays, but you know, trying to get our
guys to just understand that when you just focused on
what you're trying to do and your energy is not
on what other people are doing which you can't control,
it is such like a freeing, nice place to be, right, Like,

we didn't have to worry about all the crowds and
what Ole Miss was doing and everybody else. When they
put their focus on what they're trying to do and
what we're trying to execute, well, then it doesn't matter
what else is going on. Around you. You're just so
locked in on you and you're not focused on all
the other things that don't matter. And number one, you
can't control, So like, let's focus and put our attention

on that. And as a result, the guys were comfortable.
They were just like, Coach, this was awesome. Like we
made this feel like our home dugout. The dugout felt
just like it was at home on the road, and
I'm like, that's how it's supposed to be good. Let's
keep doing that. That's working well.

Speaker 4 (05:45):
You will be at home this week. Let me ask you,
like a philosophy question. I don't know that I've ever
asked you an X and O baseball question, but I
you know, I I like a lot of people who
are sort of casual baseball fans, you know, red Moneyball,
watched it and I thought, then read about this revolution
about how fielding doesn't matter and you just hit and
you don't worry about stealing bases, et cetera.

Speaker 3 (06:07):
You early on in the last two or.

Speaker 4 (06:09):
Three years, really took a different view, kind of against
the mainstream of you were gonna run, you were gonna budge,
you were gonna do all these things that analytics were
telling you not to do, And now I'm watching in.

Speaker 3 (06:21):
Major League Baseball.

Speaker 4 (06:22):
All these major league teams are following what you're doing now,
stealing's back in the game, They're doing a lot of
the things. The analytics have almost flipped in a different way,
more towards what you were doing. You seem to me
to be, you know what, the first one at least
I knew kind of heading in that direction. What led
you to to sort of decide that's how you wanted

to play? And does it feel gratifying that a lot
of these major league teams are now following what you're doing?

Speaker 6 (06:49):
Well, Matt, I didn't realize I was.

Speaker 3 (06:52):
I didn't say you were the trend center, but you
were the first one I saw do it.

Speaker 6 (06:55):
Yeah. No, So, Matt, here's what happened. A couple of
years ago. We were one and two two of the
last three years, not counting last year, we were one
and two wins short of the postseason. I mean, we
were right there, We're knocking down a door, and the
Committee's like, yeah, you need one or two more wins. Well,
we just basically decided that, hey, listen, we don't I

understand there's analytics for major League baseball. We don't deal
with major league players. We're dealing with college athletes. They're
eighteen to twenty three, sometimes twenty four years old. And
we just made the commitment that we're going to go
on the attack in every phase of everything we do.
So on the mound, we are attacking the hitters. We're
going to ram the ball in the strike zone and
if our stuff's good enough, we're going to get them out,

and if not, we'll put somebody else in that can
do it, and we're gonna go We're going to have
an attacking style defense, and then offensively, we're going to
try to create pressure and if that means, we're going
to have a whatever it takes type of offense. So
that means if the third basement's back, we're bunting and
we're going to force you to play them in and
we're going to gain a couple steps to our left
and to our right the second command, and then as

soon as we get a gone first, if the pitcher's
break time is not fast enough, we're going for it.
We're stealing, We're going for it, and we're gonna make
you throw us out, and if you do, we'll tip
our cap and we're gonna have this constant pressure on
the opponents. And what we've realized is when you do
that to college age kids, they have a tendency to
not make place that's anty. Listen, yeah.

Speaker 3 (08:23):
On that.

Speaker 4 (08:24):
So it's like college age kids make more mistakes. So
the analytics of the major leagues don't apply to guys
who are nineteen twenty years old.

Speaker 6 (08:34):
You nailed it.

Speaker 3 (08:35):
And you know what college.

Speaker 6 (08:37):
In college, our guys run faster, they run faster home
first time. Sometimes in the big leagues, guys are trying
to play one hundred and sixty two games. They're not
gonna maybe run their fastest home the first time. Right.
So there's been a lot that has gone into it.
But and here's another thing, Matt, there aren't many other
teams that play this way our league. There's not another team.

So every time they're playing us have to play and
prepare for something different, maybe a little bit, I don't know,
in a football terms, maybe how fast Old miss just
runs place like you've better be ready every seven seconds,
like you know, whatever it is, it's maybe some version
of that to where it's just different. And we've been
able to recruit the personnel and Matt getting used to

Kentucky crowd park has gone into this. You know, we
played at Cliffagan Stadium. It was more of an offensive ballpark.
This ballpark is more about run prevention. So we've kind
of shifted and we've gotten the personnel and the right
recruits and people and we've you know, really found our
identity for this ballpark and it's worked well.

Speaker 3 (09:37):
That is awesome, all right, so let's talk about what's
to come.

Speaker 4 (09:40):
The Louisville game today has now been postponed because of
the storms coming through the region. Coach, I got this.
There's this family here, came in from Louisville with two kids,
and I had to announce on the air the game
was postponed. They look sad, so I tried to cheer
them up. They can't hear you talking right now, but
the game is tomorrow at six point thirty. Now, then
you've got Friday, Saturday, Sunday, a big home series against Alabama.

You guys could come out of this series depending on
how it goes, first place solo in the SEC, depending
on how the series goes. I know you're ready to
see a big crowd there at the stadium.

Speaker 6 (10:16):
Yeah, we need it too, Matt. You know, we just
last year and even this year when the weather's been good,
we have just seen us have a legitimate home field advantage.
And you know this. You know, we go on the road.
You just mentioned we were watching our game and it
is packed. We go on the road and there's times eight, ten,

twelve thousand people at the opposing videoms and it affects
the opposing team and we've seen that here. So we
need our fans to come out and support these guys.
I mean they're playing great, They're playing with energy, with edge,
with real toughness, and everybody that can come out will
make a huge difference. As you know.

Speaker 4 (10:56):
I think the game Friday is at six point thirty,
Saturday is it two? Sunday is at noon, and then
tomorrow against Louisville is at six point thirty. I'm hosting
trivia here at the bar. I'm gonna have the game
on here. But if you can't come to the stadium
more here, you got to go to one of them
to watch the game. I'll say, I'll say go to
the stadium first, unless you like trivia, Drewid.

Speaker 8 (11:17):
I'll be at the stadium Matt, I'll be watching the Cats.

Speaker 3 (11:21):
But Nick, I'm I'm really excited.

Speaker 4 (11:23):
Drew and I have talked about getting out there and
I'm gonna come to at least one, maybe a couple
of games this weekend.

Speaker 3 (11:29):
And congrats on uh.

Speaker 4 (11:31):
Really the revitalization of this program in this conference in
good luck you. The schedule, especially the last two or
three weeks, gets a little harder, and I look look
forward to to watching and seeing how your team does well.

Speaker 6 (11:44):
I appreciate you saying that. Man, it's been a lot
that's gone into it. The fans have been amazing, or
administration has been an awesome help.

Speaker 9 (11:52):

Speaker 6 (11:52):
Club Blue Baseball is the one that we're using. It's
been awesome. That's been We've had a tremendous response from that.
Like I said, club Blue Baseball with our NL, it's
been awesome. It's just been everything. The fans, the people, administration,
everyone's been great.

Speaker 4 (12:07):
So yeah, by the way, the number one team in America,
Arkansas is coming in here in three weeks.

Speaker 3 (12:12):
I know coaches don't look ahead of their schedule, and
I have a feeling, I have a feeling that's going
to be a rock and Kentucky proud park here about
get the baby shark ready in.

Speaker 4 (12:21):
About three weeks. Hey, Nick, thank you very much and
good luck on.

Speaker 3 (12:25):
The rest of the season.

Speaker 6 (12:27):
Matt, we got time for a quote, of course.

Speaker 3 (12:29):
Oh yeah, we need a motivation Tuesday quote.

Speaker 6 (12:32):
Go ahead, Hey, have we done that? Thomas Edison?

Speaker 3 (12:35):

Speaker 6 (12:36):
Have I ever told you guys about Thomas Edison and
a young reporter? Do we do this one?

Speaker 3 (12:39):
I don't think, so go for it.

Speaker 7 (12:41):
Hey, Drew.

Speaker 6 (12:43):
What is Thomas Edison known for? Need to make sure
you pay attention in second grade?

Speaker 8 (12:47):
The light bulb?

Speaker 5 (12:48):
Yes, my man.

Speaker 6 (12:49):
So a young reporter once asked Thomas Edison about the
light bulb, and it said he he had asked Thomas
Edison said, how did it feel to fail ten thousand
times before inventing the light bulb? And he said, I
never failed one time. It just happened to be a
ten thousand step process. Oh and that's how I feel

about That's how I feel about a program, Matt, like
it has just been a process to get it to
this spot. And I'm just thankful for all the people
and all the lessons we've learned. So hopefully I can
bless somebody.

Speaker 3 (13:19):
I love it. That's great. Stuff. That's great stuff.

Speaker 6 (13:22):
Thank you.

Speaker 4 (13:22):
I appreciate it. Go cat how about that. See there's
no failure. It's a ten thousand step process.

Speaker 3 (13:29):
I like that.

Speaker 8 (13:30):
I do like that. I'm even more excited about the game.
Still a little bummed I have to wait twenty four
more hours tomorrow. But he got me even more fired
up with all the special things they have going on
over there.

Speaker 3 (13:39):
Yeah, it should be a big weekend.

Speaker 4 (13:40):
Now you'll have a Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, four out
of five games there in Lexington. And when you go
just take cornbread him I mean, I don't know if
you take it inside, take it afterwards, when you take
it before after, because you're gonna be so worked up
for you gonna eat this cookie.

Speaker 3 (13:55):
Tonight and it's gonna get all my sugar going. Ah.
And then I'm gonna go to cornbread him Com.

Speaker 4 (14:01):
The promo code is KSR five and you get by
one get one free to celebrate five years of cornbread Hemp.

Speaker 3 (14:08):
Five years has.

Speaker 4 (14:09):
Been that long, I think it happened. So yes, we
are getting on. I have a story about that. By
the way, cornbreadhimp dot com the uh the promo code
is ks R five check out cornbread hemp and you
can rest relax full spectrum flower only hemp CBD gummies
with cornbread hemp.

Speaker 3 (14:27):
Yesterday, I was.

Speaker 4 (14:28):
At a I was at a store, you know, like
a place to get yourself feeling better, right, like a
like a you know, workout that kind of thing. And
the woman at the front is a young woman and
I said, uh, yeah, do you have something, uh, you know,
for my back? And and and she got She was like,
I was like, you know, as you get and I

was gonna say taller, your back hurts, and I'm like,
as you get, but taller, I'm not getting taller. The
point was, I was just but I said as you get,
you know, your back starts hurting as you get. And
she just looks at me and goes older. And I
was like, well, you don't have to look at me
and say I'm older.

Speaker 3 (15:09):
But she was right. She wasn't wrong. She was not wrong.

Speaker 8 (15:11):
I feel it too.

Speaker 3 (15:12):
We'll take a break. Be right back to Kentucky Sports Radio.
Runner back.

Speaker 4 (15:22):
It is Kentucky Sports Radio here at the KS Bar
and grill eight fi've nine two eight twenty two eighty seven.
Come on out to lunch while the weather is good.
Enjoy yourself here. Last night we had the game on
Little Caitlyn Clark Action. They'll play again on Friday night.
By the way, I don't know if people realize the
women's Final four is Friday night, Men's Saturday, Women's championship Sunday,

men Monday.

Speaker 3 (15:44):
That's the way it goes this year.

Speaker 8 (15:46):
Does he tell me a year for sports? Even though
our cats are done. I didn't even hit me till
you said it out loud that this little game tomorrow
goes right into the Bama games. I'm gonna go see
some of those in baseball. Then we got to keep
up with all the final fours though, too.

Speaker 3 (15:59):
Eighty seven couple up in lines.

Speaker 4 (16:00):
I'd love to get your call, One person writes, Matt,
you can't just skip over no staff changes if that happens.
Drew said he wouldn't consider it a serious year if
it happened.

Speaker 8 (16:12):
No, no, I said, Cal's not a serious coach. Just to
be clear, I want to really well, I mean that's
even more strong. Let me just say, I don't know
how you bring everybody back. If they do it, and
again we'll see, But if they do, I don't know
how you do that.

Speaker 4 (16:27):
I don't know how you do that. I don't know
how you don't make any change? How How do you
how how can you look at the last three years
and say we don't need to change anything.

Speaker 8 (16:40):
I think I made my point very clear. I didn't
actually say a lot of basketball involved, but my reasonings
the defense has been awful. We just need to say
that out loud. I mean, guys are out of position.
I know they're young, but some of it, I'd say
a lot of it is how they were coached, basic
inbounds plays. It's not just this year. Michigan State was
doing it last year. The last three years have looked bad,

game planning, scouting, the last three years of the NCAA
Tournament have been awful, the last three years of the
SEC tournament been awful. And heck, I thought this was
a make or break year. I guess I'm the only
crazy one who thought that all season. Going in next year,
I cannot believe he would use the exact same formula
on a legacy year. But it ain't my legacy. Hope
Kentucky wins, but I think it'd be crazy to do

the exact same thing again.

Speaker 4 (17:28):
I mean, I just assumed Okay, So let's just go through,
like what what what.

Speaker 3 (17:35):
In the UK basketball program works right now? And what
does it?

Speaker 4 (17:39):
Okay, so here's what I think does work. We still
recruited a very high level. Yes, okay, so recruiting works.
So if you look at the guy that's kind of
in charge of recruiting, it's Orlando to a great extent.

Speaker 3 (17:52):
That's working. I'm fine with him, right.

Speaker 4 (17:55):
I think the offense worked for most of the year
that wash that it was Welsh, so I'm good with him.
I don't really know what Chuck Martin does, but like
I also don't know that he doesn't do anything bad.

Speaker 8 (18:08):
I know he was big with Big z In International.
I don't know what he does data day, but.

Speaker 4 (18:12):
I at least but here's what I know doesn't work.
Our defense doesn't work, and that's chen Coleman's thing. I
also know that the organization of the program is a
was a complete and total disaster, and anyone who tries
to act like they're otherwise is.

Speaker 3 (18:29):
Just fooling themselves.

Speaker 4 (18:30):
Everything behind the scenes has been a disaster from it
like it, from Nile organization to communication with players to
just basic messaging to photo shoots like it's all been
a disaster, and you can't bring back and organize the

same way and expect it to be different. So the
people that are on the back end, that are in
charge of that, I just don't know how you can
just run that. So I don't get it. I just
if that's what they do now, maybe they won't, but
I don't. Every day though they don't make a change.

You have to assume they're not going to make a
change because.

Speaker 8 (19:15):
You're setting yourself farther back.

Speaker 4 (19:17):
Yes, And because like this is the time you go
to the transfer portal, and this is the time. You know,
the longer it goes, the harder it'll be. Assistants are
moving around right like you. You wouldn't get your top choice.

Speaker 8 (19:34):
If it were my job, And I know a lot
of people aren't happy with me. There were whispers of billboards.
I've seen a yard sign. I know people are upset.
I would go, I cannot do the exact same thing.
And I would look at the last year and I
would go, we were one hundred and tenth in defense
at the University of Kentucky. In no season ever should
the University of Kentucky be outside the top one hundred

and anything in basketball, So I would go, where's my defense,
who's in charge to my defense? And scouting? And that's
the first area I need to clean up, which is
why I had my rent recently. That same position also
got here of the Saint Peter's year, so the postseason
ain't working with that formula either, So that's why I
was so passionate about it. But as I keeps saying,
it's not up to me and if he wants to
do that, I think that's just gonna further add to

the concerns people wanting change, not just with the staff
saying we're gonna get more defensive, tougher, older, but what
was said in those interviews recently, it's not really the
words and actions aren't lining up of what's actually being done.

Speaker 4 (20:29):
I found it fascinating when Natos talked about the game
against Clemson and he said that clip was fascinating to me.
He said, we had our analytics people, a third party
analytics people come up to me at halftime and tell
me that our expected point differential is we should be

up eleven.

Speaker 3 (20:51):
Here's what I was thinking to myself. Can you imagine
two things?

Speaker 4 (20:55):
One can you imagine at halftime of a game John
Caliperry listening to a third party analytics company, like, can
you imagine that occurring?

Speaker 3 (21:04):

Speaker 4 (21:05):
No, second, can you imagine John cal Perry using the
phrase expected points differential?

Speaker 8 (21:12):

Speaker 3 (21:14):
No, I just can't. I can't imagine it.

Speaker 4 (21:17):
So when I was listening to that, Nat Oates is
one of the most arrogant people I've ever seen in basketball.
He he was arrogant when he hadn't done anything. But
my view is if this arrogant man, who is as
arrogant as they come, will listen to a third party
analytics service at halftime and then make it changes based

upon it, maybe that's what y'aught to do, right, Like,
maybe you ought to sit and think because what the
expected point differential was. The analytics company was saying, you're
getting the right shots, they're just not going in.

Speaker 8 (21:53):
That was their point. He told them, keep doing what
you're doing, what you're supposed.

Speaker 4 (21:57):
He's like, you're winning by five, but you should be
winning by eleven.

Speaker 3 (22:01):
You're just missing open shots. So keep it going.

Speaker 4 (22:04):
He was like, if you keep The company said, if
you keep doing this in the second half, you'll win,
and they did.

Speaker 3 (22:09):
They pulled away because all the layups they.

Speaker 4 (22:11):
Were missing in the first half, they ended up making
them in the second half. But implicit in that was
this notion of it's not just about what the score is,
it's also about like a numerical do what works. Go
look at and I know people last year, not this
past season, but the year before that were always like, man,

I can't stand you with your shot charts or shot charts.

Speaker 3 (22:34):
Go look at Alabama's shot charts again. Shot charted against Clemson.
They took one shot, folks, one shot.

Speaker 4 (22:43):
That was not a three year a lamp one, and
they're in the foal four. Go look at yukon shot chart.
They took a few more long twos, but for the
most part three points in layups. And now I did
not look for Purdue, but I I to assume was
Zach Edie. And no shooters produced the same way. The

only one that might be different is in c State
because they play a different way.

Speaker 8 (23:07):
But and Nato said, he's like people that look at
my box score just say I'm launching threes, but they're
ignoring we're not launching threes. We're taking the most efficient shots,
which is the important one, which is the layups and threes.

Speaker 4 (23:17):
So a five, nine, eight, twenty two eighty seven. We
will take your calls after this. These these cookies are impressive.
I gotta start wearing a hip band more, you know,
just like that'll make me look really cool. We'll take
a break, be right back, CHASZL, welcome back, take you

Sports Radio. Here at Chaos Bar, Matt Jones and Drew
Franklin enjoying ourselves.

Speaker 3 (23:55):
Ryan is in Florida. Shannon is getting ready to visitation.

Speaker 4 (24:00):
For people who wondered, the visitation for his grandma is
tonight and then the funeral is tomorrow. For people who
were asking that it's at a funeral home in Mount Washington.

Speaker 3 (24:12):
But I I'm sorry.

Speaker 4 (24:13):
Off the top of my head, I don't remember which
one it was, but that's where where he is. And
so our prayers are all out to Shannon. I know
he's been you know it has been tough on him.
But he'll be back on the show on Monday. And
I think he's leaving maybe after the funeral and going
and spending a few days with Ryan down in Florida.

Speaker 8 (24:35):
So gotcha, Well, we know he's hurting right now, and
hope you can get on the other side of this,
and just remember all the positive memories because I mean,
as we said yesterday, that relationship they had special.

Speaker 3 (24:44):
Yes, it was.

Speaker 4 (24:45):
Did you see the video of the of the kid
that got blown away on campus?

Speaker 8 (24:50):
That's why I didn't go to class. You know, you
never know when a tornado could just keep you.

Speaker 3 (24:53):
It's an amazing video. It's on my Twitter.

Speaker 4 (24:56):
Guys, kids trying to walk to class and he gets
there's like a wind tunnel right there. Oh yeah, and
he gets caught in the wind tunnel and he ends
up really getting like blown off his feet.

Speaker 8 (25:04):
It was this morning. It's quite a quite a video
over there. But the Patterson wind tunnel. If you've been
on UK's campus, you know, I can get aggressive there
of it. I mean, it's kind of I'm not saying
it's funny. It's a scary video. Once you kind of
I'm assuming he's okay, yeah, once you know he's fine.
But I mean, we certainly don't need students walking around
on campus where they can just be.

Speaker 3 (25:23):
Say, there's a Patterson wind tunnel, what is that?

Speaker 8 (25:25):
There's a well, heck, campus has changed so much I
might date myself naming buildings that have been torn down.
But over there by the Whitehall Classroom building and the
Patterson Office Tower, AUGUSTA Wynn could could lift you up
from time or two. So if there is severe weather,
I bet that is the worst spot to be on campus.

Speaker 3 (25:40):
I see, I didn't know that, not having gone to UK.

Speaker 8 (25:44):
I say all that none of that could exist. But
when I was shaking his head, he says, it's still there.
We go, all right, I haven't been over there in
a while. Well, watch out for the Patterson wind tunnel.
Uh to get going? Who's up next?

Speaker 3 (25:54):
Joe was up next? Shoe go ahead, Joe quickly, Matt.
I was a good time getting kay Brooks when we did.

Speaker 6 (26:01):
With Tennessee's what they're.

Speaker 3 (26:02):
Uh yeah, women's coach, that's right.

Speaker 9 (26:06):
Do you think they stick with a lady?

Speaker 6 (26:08):
You think they'll try a man coach? As far as
their next head coach.

Speaker 3 (26:12):
I mean, I have no idea. I guess they'll probably
get the best coach they can they can get. I
don't know, I mean, the right How am I going
to know that? Like? I mean, they're there.

Speaker 4 (26:22):
They are successful men's women's coaches, and they're successful women's
women's coaches.

Speaker 6 (26:27):
I think they'll go for Louisville's head coach myself, that's
my opinion.

Speaker 3 (26:31):
Well, they might, they might.

Speaker 4 (26:33):
I mean, uh, I get the sense, and I appreciate
the call that Jeff Walls might want sort of a new,
uh new thing. You know, you heard Kenny Brooks say this.
I mean he was at a school that he took
to the Final four and he basically he said this
in his interview with US yesterday. Big difference between the
ACC or Big ten, SEC and everybody else. I mean
there's a big difference money wise, there's a big difference

resource wise. It's about to get even bigger. I mean,
here's the thing people need to understand. Starting next year,
the Big ten in the SEC already get more money.

Speaker 3 (27:04):
From their TV deals than the other conferences by a lot.

Speaker 4 (27:07):
But starting next year the College Football Playoff money by rule,
the Big ten in SEC get double the other conferences.
So the money for the SEC and Big Ten is
about to just be a different It's just a different thing.

Speaker 3 (27:21):
And if you're one of the what.

Speaker 4 (27:24):
Sixteen teams in the SEC, and I guess there'll be
eighteen teams in the Big Ten, if you're one of
those teams, like you're gonna be at a completely. When
it turns to resources, those thirty four teams are gonna
have more than even the acc in Big twelve can have.

Speaker 8 (27:44):
And with Tennessee and their coaching search, now, I mean,
I don't know anything, but just outside looking in, you'd
think Brooks would have been high on their lists. So
Kentucky getting Brooks they did huge. We might not end
up with him go ahead to head with Tennessee.

Speaker 3 (27:58):
If Tennessee had done that earlier, he might be at Tennessee.

Speaker 8 (28:01):
So kudos to Mitch Barnhardt for getting that done as
quickly as he could so no one else could make
Kenny Brooks phone ring over there in Blacksburg.

Speaker 3 (28:07):
That's exactly right. Who's next? Got Bill up? Next? Bill?

Speaker 10 (28:10):
Go ahead, Bill, we'll up guys, you know with with
the higher Kenny Brooks and hearing them on your show.
That guy got me fired up thinking about women's basketball,
the trajectory of that program. And then you've got Mark Stoops,
who's really embraced the transfer port transfer portal, I can't
talk this morning, and and trying to, you know, get

guys over into that program. I just I wish, I really.

Speaker 7 (28:36):
Just wish that if child doesn't do it. I wish
our next coach would have that same entity because I
swear the way I love this football program and what
it all stands for, with the family and all the recruits,
how they talk about Vince Marrow. I just I would
give anything to have the community and the field that
we have for our football program back in basketball, because
I feel like that's to.

Speaker 10 (28:56):
Me as a fan, that's what I'm missing.

Speaker 3 (28:58):
I lost.

Speaker 4 (28:59):
I do think, I do think. I think it's been
lost and I could trace it back. I appreciate the call.
I don't think it's all on cal Don't get me wrong.

Speaker 3 (29:07):
I don't. I think though you go back.

Speaker 4 (29:10):
To two thy ten, twenty eleven, even twenty twelve, you
go back to what that was like as like the
community aspect of it. We got away from that. Now
some of that is natural the growth of the program,
social media, but we got away from it. Camp Out,

I know that's a little thing, but camp Out was awesome.
You could take kids and they could go meet the players,
and the players embraced it and they played basketball with
them and all that stuff like that went away.

Speaker 3 (29:46):
Big Blue Madness is a shell of what it was.
It's a shell.

Speaker 4 (29:50):
It's not even the same thing, Like it's like a
different sporting event. And that could be fixed overnight if
you wanted to fix Big Blue Madness, you could.

Speaker 3 (30:00):
They choose not to. They know it's not good, they
choose not to fix it.

Speaker 4 (30:05):
I give a lot of credit to some of the students,
especially a lot of the students online, because they tried
to get that going again with camp like waiting out
and camping out for the basketball games and all that stuff.
And that was cool, but that used to be the norm,
like they used to be regular and that's kind of
gone away, and like all the things you do to

build community. Look, you know, to get these coaches on
for the most part, like we have to go around
the university like like the reason let me just get
let me just I'm gonna be I'm just being honest.
The reason Mark Stoops, Vince Merrow, Kenny Brooks, even Minji

Own the reason those guys get on is they want
to come on because they want to talk to the
fan base. And they basically tell Jami, we want to
do it like Jmi Hindrance.

Speaker 3 (31:01):
When it comes, in my opinion, to getting to the fans,
I can't let me give you a perfect example.

Speaker 4 (31:05):
I would love to have Mark Stoops would love to
walk in here, sit at this desk and do an
interview with me and then meet all the fans.

Speaker 3 (31:13):
He would love to He is not allowed to do it.
He is not allowed to do it.

Speaker 4 (31:18):
Why he's not allowed to do it because the official
restaurant of.

Speaker 3 (31:22):
UK is a different place. That's absurd. That's absurd.

Speaker 4 (31:27):
Last year, during the NCAA Baseball tournament, I wanted to
take my show to UK, do the show outside of
UK to promote the regional to get fans to come
to the UK baseball game, which was at noon. I
was like, I'll be on from ten to twelve. We'll
tell people to come. They'll then walk into the baseball game.
Jami said, no, you cannot come here. This is our place,

only our shows. And I'm like, you don't even have
a show right now, there's no show on and they're
like sorry no. Nowadays, because of NIL, I can get
these players to come on here.

Speaker 3 (32:04):
But do I go through UK. No. I have to
go through their NIL agent to get them here.

Speaker 4 (32:10):
UK will tell them no, but they're NIL agent will
tell them as part of your NIL deal go on
Matt's show.

Speaker 3 (32:17):
So my point is.

Speaker 4 (32:18):
Just to say everything that keeps people connected to the
to the fans is gone. And the only way coaches
get around it is they just say I'm doing it.
Mark Stoops and Vince just say I'm doing it, and
that's just gonna be the way it is. But yes,
we've gotten away from it, and then some of that

is on Cal. You know, I went back and looked
in twenty twelve, the year we won the National championship,
we had thirty one regular season games. Cal did the
pregame press conference twenty nine of the thirty one games.
You don't how many pregame press conferences he did this
year one one of the thirty one. Now is that

the most important thing in the world. No, But if
you want to hear from your coach and hear what
your coach.

Speaker 3 (33:09):
Has to say, that's important.

Speaker 4 (33:13):
He skipped the postgame radio show nine of the thirty
one games. That's a lot, considering three fourths of his
salary comes from that. So there has to be a
mindset change. Forget about x's and o's. Cow will change
those or not, but there has to be a mindset
change about this being a community.

Speaker 3 (33:34):
That's why I loved.

Speaker 4 (33:35):
I'm gonna be honest with youtting. I'm ranting right now.
But when I heard Kenny Brooks yesterday, Kenny Brooks said,
I want to talk to people, and he even said
whether they're criticizing me or not. I found that fascinating.
He doesn't even know what's going on. And he said that,
he said, I want you to come up to me
and Kroger right Well, Col's probably a little too famous

to have everybody come up to him in Kroger. But
there is a sense in which they got to get
back out in the community. They got to get back
out connected because there is a family feel around UK football,
UK baseball, UK gymnastics. Gymnastics is going for the national

championship on Thursday. Women's basketball when we've been good, has
that that'll have all kinds of passion here in a
few months. Once said basketball just got to get back
to that. They got to get back to that, and
they got to stop the see what I did, See
what I did?

Speaker 3 (34:31):
What do you think about that? Oh?

Speaker 4 (34:32):
Did you all come here to see us lose? Like,
get away from that. This is supposed to be a
community and let's get back to that.

Speaker 8 (34:42):
And I know we focus in being CaSR because it's
our show and we're doing it right now. But I'm
the first thing on my checklist. If I were a
coach feeling some heat is I would be on every
radio show. I don't care if it's got twenty listeners
or twenty thousand. I would just want people to hear
me being a part of them, explaining what went wrong
and how it's gonna change moving forward, not just people guessing, well,

is he gonna make a change?

Speaker 3 (35:04):
What does it mean?

Speaker 8 (35:05):
What are we doing in the port?

Speaker 3 (35:06):
No one knows. Let's just be blatant about it. When
I mentioned yesterday should I have the u of L
coach on, you know what happened.

Speaker 4 (35:13):
Within thirty minutes The U of L people reached out
to me and said he'd love to come on. Where
are we? Where the u of L coach would like
to come on? And the UK coach would not.

Speaker 7 (35:25):

Speaker 3 (35:25):
Where are we?

Speaker 8 (35:28):
Just why when people say we are still fans and
would not? You know, we're still positive and it's nothing.

Speaker 4 (35:32):
Who wrote me literally said he'd love to mix it
up with you and talk trash.

Speaker 8 (35:38):
Don't make me start to like it over there now.

Speaker 3 (35:42):
I don't know if I'm gonna do it, but like,
where are we where that's the case.

Speaker 4 (35:49):
And again let's say he's too mad at KSR to
come on. Is he going on any of these other shows?

Speaker 8 (35:57):
He should be on a tour right now, even if
it's not this one. Do something.

Speaker 3 (36:00):
Don't want to come here, there's other ones. Go do
that one right that.

Speaker 4 (36:05):
If you want to throw it in my face, go
on every show but ours, but don't sit there silently.

Speaker 8 (36:09):
And I hit my finger on that and it really
hurt that owl. All right, rick Owl, take a bite
of that cookie to cool off.

Speaker 3 (36:19):
All right.

Speaker 8 (36:20):
You can't have any more pain giving us this spring.
We have enough pay I threw my.

Speaker 3 (36:25):
Hand and that hurt.

Speaker 4 (36:27):
Okay, this may hurt my KSR Bowling League abilities. That
KSR Bowling League starts Wednesday night, the twenty fourth.

Speaker 3 (36:37):
Get your team in. Listen.

Speaker 4 (36:39):
We got a couple teams left. Go to KSR Bowling
dot com. You don't have to be good. As a
matter of fact, the worse you are, the better. We
have a lot of people who've agreed to visit and
come during the year. I can't say the coaches names
because Jami will tell them not to come. But guess what,
we have some coaches that'll come. I think we might
have some former UK players coming as well. It's ks

R Bowling dot Com. Get your team now. It is
a community that enjoys itself. Get your team now at
KSR Bowling dot Com. At the Collins is it no Southland.

Speaker 8 (37:10):
South underrated pizza there by the way, So if you're
on the fence, go just for a weekly pizza from Southland?
Is that good pizza? That's kind of the reason I
love our bowling league. I get excited about bowling pizza.
Bowling Alley's got some special pizza. I don't know pizza.

Speaker 3 (37:23):
I didn't even know, not even though there was bowling pizza.

Speaker 4 (37:27):
They have bowling pizza at the at KSR Bowling dot Com.
We'll take a break, be right back to Kentucky Sports Radio.
Welcome back, Final segment Kentucky Sports Radio. If I'm nine
two eight oh twenty two eighty seven, I wanta.

Speaker 3 (37:46):
A couple quick things.

Speaker 4 (37:47):
First of all, prayers out to the family of Kate Koffling.
She was the UK dance team member who died after
a battle with cancer. She died yesterday four point zero
student identical twin and was on the dance team in
college now and passed away after you know, a terrible

battle with cancer. Everybody I didn't know her, but everybody
around the school that did said she was a wonderful
human being twenty years old. I mean, just an absolute tragedy.
So God bless her, her family, her twin sister. It's awful,
the dance team, but I didn't want to note her passing.

Speaker 3 (38:27):
It's just awful. I don't know what else you say,
but that's terrible.

Speaker 8 (38:30):
So said a lot of You've seen a lot of
the social posts and memories from friends. Obviously very beloved
and was just starting her life. Tragic getting there in
our thoughts and prayers with family and everyone that knew her.

Speaker 4 (38:40):
Life can be unfair, and that's why you take every
moment and enjoyed as best you can, because that's sad
and unfair. On a completely different note, last night, I
decided still like the Reds because they won. It's exciting.

There's two to one, or excuse me, two to two.
They go into the tenth load the bases. Little Spencer
Steer with his little head hits a home run.

Speaker 8 (39:09):
Little Baby's peachers deer.

Speaker 4 (39:12):
I don't know, by the way, nobody understands why Drew
and I are saying that. I know it sounds weird.
There's a long story.

Speaker 3 (39:18):
It'll be stupider if I tell you what the story is,
so don't worry about it. But we call him pitchers deer.

Speaker 4 (39:23):
He hits a Grand Slam and they win the game.
And now they're three and one, and I'm back on board.

Speaker 8 (39:30):
I mean, even the biggest Red fan in the world
might not have seen three and one. Even with the
competition you started with were taking. Are you dreaming big
dreams World Series?

Speaker 4 (39:38):
The problem is there's there's only fourteen You remember we
talked about the bat first team to lose, right or
the last team to lose. There's four teams left. Two
of them are in our division. The Pirates are five,
and oh how are the Pirates five?

Speaker 3 (39:50):
And oh? That's cheating the that's it's cheating.

Speaker 4 (39:55):
The Brewers are four and oh the Yankees are five
and oh and Detroit. So who I would have thought those
would have been the teams? The Brewers, the Tigers, the
Pirates and the Yankees are the four teams?

Speaker 8 (40:08):
And did I see you got a little TBS game tonight?

Speaker 3 (40:11):
Like yeah, you're playing.

Speaker 8 (40:14):
You know, the Braves beat up on the Phillies for you,
So you got you got a team. I think you
could get a little more agains go.

Speaker 3 (40:20):
I think it might be supposed to rain there tonight
so that that game might get canceled.

Speaker 8 (40:24):
But I've already watched more baseball this season than I've
probably watched ever before, Like August, usually August i'll lock in,
but I'm really enjoying.

Speaker 4 (40:33):
I watched a ton last year, but this is the
most I've watched besides last year.

Speaker 3 (40:37):
So I congrats to little Spencers Steer. Who's up next? Gary?
Up next? Gary? Go ahead? Gary?

Speaker 9 (40:44):
Hey, Yeah, I've been trying to get ahold of you
guys for several months. I've been trying to find some
schedule where you had the OBW wrestling.

Speaker 4 (40:53):
So normally it's every Thursday night in Louisville. We're gonna
be if you're talking, where are you talking about? Where
would you like to see it? Because we travel around.

Speaker 9 (41:03):
I live in Paducah, but you know I do travel.

Speaker 4 (41:06):
So every we actually have one tonight because it's WrestleMania weekend,
they're taping the show tonight, So tonight at seven o'clock.

Speaker 3 (41:14):
They have it.

Speaker 4 (41:14):
Otherwise, the most consistent is every Thursday night at Historic
Davis Arena at seven o'clock.

Speaker 3 (41:20):
You have it.

Speaker 4 (41:21):
We're gonna be going to Bowling Green I think in
may or June and Paduca. I knows a little far,
but well, i'll let you know if we had that direction. O.
My son, Oh, Nashville, April twenty six we're in Nashville.

Speaker 5 (41:35):

Speaker 9 (41:37):
My son and I when I were raising him up,
we all went to the local wrastling in is in
the area when I lived in Lexington. Well, now he's
got a son now and he wants to go see it,
so I should go see it now.

Speaker 4 (41:48):
April twenty sixth Then Nashville would be good because we're
doing some NWA people are there with us.

Speaker 3 (41:54):
It's like kind of a co thing, so you should
go to that one.

Speaker 9 (41:57):
Okay, Well, I appreciate your help.

Speaker 3 (41:59):
Thank you. Who next? Got dug up? Next? Doug? Go ahead, Doug.

Speaker 5 (42:05):
Yeah, I just wondered if you knew the information in
the background on the Wayne County coach.

Speaker 4 (42:11):
He was, Yeah, we heard the story about the wife
and the superintendent.

Speaker 3 (42:16):
Yeah, we've talked about that.

Speaker 5 (42:18):
No, no, no, I'm talking about his background. He he
was a All state player at loan.

Speaker 3 (42:22):
Jack, Yes, and then played at Tennessee.

Speaker 5 (42:25):
Oh okay, I didn't know he knew that. Did you know?
He had a first cousin that was the first Parade
All American at Kentucky.

Speaker 3 (42:32):
Who's that.

Speaker 5 (42:35):
Slusher? Trying to think of his first name, but he
was a slusher. His first cousin played long jack. He
actually scored eighty points against Pinebale one night.

Speaker 4 (42:47):
See, there you go. We mentioned loan Jack the other day.
Bobby slus Bobby Slusher. I appreciate the call lot of
slushers there in Bell County.

Speaker 3 (42:54):
Did you know that, Drew?

Speaker 4 (42:56):

Speaker 8 (42:56):
But I used Google to help my man out there,
so we get.

Speaker 4 (42:58):
Yeah, Bobby, well getting your lone jack heroes of the past.

Speaker 8 (43:02):
We'll make sure we had it right.

Speaker 3 (43:03):
That's what you do.

Speaker 4 (43:04):
Thanks all the folks. We're here today. We will be back, well,
actually we will not. We will be in Louisville tomorrow.
My trivia is tomorrow night. Say a prayer tonight before
you go to bed for the young woman on the
dance team and Shannon's grandma.

Speaker 3 (43:18):
We'll talk to you later. This has been Kentucky Sports
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