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April 1, 2024 95 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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It's a Monday, fun day,so you know that that That's the thing.
I'm trying to think if there wasanything anything happening yesterday, anything going
on any we grab the uh sorry, it's a Monday. Let me grab

the big old stack of super importantstuff that happened yesterday. Let's see here,
I'll owe you that trans Day ofVisibility? Ross. Did you know
that it was the trans Day ofVisibility yesterday? Really from a news perspective,
the only game in town? Sooh no, I'm sorry, wait,

hold on, hold on, nowthat is that's awful of me.
Let me apologize right now. I'mjust looking here. There was something out
Ross. Do you know what theother thing going on yesterday was other than
trans Day of Visibility? Uh?If you just had a guestmate, I
mean yeah, I mean I could, okay, and what would that be?

I would say it was Easter CaesarChavez Day. Yes, oh okkay,
yeah right now, so you gotit, nailed it, Nancy Pelosi
wishing everyone a happy Caesar Chavez Day. You know, I remember I remember
learning about Caesar Chavez, especially assomebody who continued educational pursuits after high school

in the state of California where hehe he operated and I'm I'm not going
to get into, yeah, thetotality of Chavez, but he was a
labor organizer. I'm not gonna getinto the whole commy you know kind of
stuff that people throw out there.But he was very protective of his members.

In fact, one of the thingsthat that Caesar Chavez was known for
is as a labor organizer, goingand finding agricultural pursuits that had went gone
past Chavez, his labor union andor in early organizing basically his peeps,

and attempted to undercut their demands forwages by illegal immigrants. Right, because
remember you're going through an era thatled up through brucero programs, which I
think today most people don't know whatthey were. But they were large scale,
managed programs where people could come hereand work. And yes, versions

of them exist today, but notto the extent that they did. And
it was managed. But it wasalso managed in part because Chavez and some
of his interests they wanted to beable to maintain for the purpose of setting
wages for their members prices. Sowhen scabs in this case, who happened
to be illegal immigrants right, whichare a bit of a hot button topic

would come in, Uh, Chavezand his people allegedly, and it is
in the softest use of that wordbecause uh, just google for five minutes.
Uh, they would go and havethem beat to with an inch of
their life. So it would deincentivize people who were willing to undercut due

to their illegal status here. Soyeah, so those so that and then
that, and then what were yourob? Sorry? Ross, were you
getting ready to say something about it? Sorry? You just put me to
sleep? There, you put meback to sleep. It's history and people
need to learn. So so itwas a day of history that is true

historically, Yes, yeah, absolutely, get it in and it's ober.
This is what dreams are made of. And all the wisely runs with a
final four for NC State. It'sthe echoes of nineteen eighty three. I
don't think I knew. I don'tthink anyone in my phone yesterday. I

don't think anyone I knew was soberat all at at any point. And
and even if they're just high onthe moment, Okay, so yeah,
crazy man, n C State.And then and what was oh, yeah,

easter, I know it's I know, it's apparently it's you know,
it's new, or it's it's nothip or whatever. But yeah, that
was that was that another thing yesterday. So look, uh, we'll get

into all of that. Guys.There there, there's there's there's crazy for
Miles on all of this, anduh, the way that the White House
handle it, brands were handling it, you can't deny that. Yesterday,
even if you're not a big collegeRoss Ross watched some of it, and

he's just you're not a college basketballguy. I've never heard you talk about
college basketball ever. Ever. Ever, that's not a knock, it's just
that's just not your thing. No, I'm not a big college sports fan.
However, when I do choose ateam. When I moved here in
two thousand and six, I wastold I had to choose a team,
and I was like, gets pointthe gun at you and I was like
you and C seems weird because Iwasn't born here like Duke. Was like,

it's I don't have the credit scorefor Duke. That's they would kick
him. It's not gonna happen.I went with underdog in C State.
I am a I if I haveto choose one, I'm an NC State
fan. Plus, I have somany friends around the office here that are
NC State fans. I would saymajority around this this building and this floor
are NC State fans. Yes,that would be that would be fair.

And then I well, so withNC State too. I when I moved
here, I like to tailgate,so I had I was in a Viking
season ticket group, and so froma tailgating perspective, it was very appealing
that doctor Campbell is he is heand he's and like all of his buddies
because they were all in the samefrat at NC State. They are all

you know, they all had abig season ticket thing, and I kind
of got I got enveloped into theuh, the NC State season ticket tailgate
pandemonium. So you know, eventhough I didn't have like an allegiance from
going there or any of the rest, it was easily the most accessible.
But if you move somewhere, liketo a new area, and there's like

a you know, a big sportscommunity like there is here in the Triangle
right right, and you have tochoose the team, it's weird, like
you have to go with the underdog, right Well, it's weird to move
to a place and be like I'msuddenly a Duke fan or you and Sea
fan. I don't know you everseen these guys. They're like, let's
say that they're let's say that forthe better part of a decade and a
half, they're all in on adynasty level NFL team right where it's like

really easy if you didn't have ateam to jump in there and you'd probably
get a ring and then literally you'rewilling to change allegiances within a moment to
the entire other division and nowhere nearyou and with a straight face, like
could you imagine that? Personally?Surely I couldnt. Okay, all right,

yeah, yeah, yeah, that'sthat would be I you know,
I'm sorry I even brought that upon today, which is just which is
just a crazy day, man,just to create is bonkers. You get
the men and the women from NCState there going final four. The women
have done it more recently, Ithink what late nineties, But I know

that I know the math didn't mathon it, but and I think the
I think perhaps the uh, theselection committee, this is this is on
them. How do you not puthow do you not guarantee in the world
to fix it? That Houston,who's the number one seed ends up playing
NC State again? How do howdo you not do that? How do

you not look at eighty three andgo, you know, we can we
we can math this out. Imean, nobody expected, obviously States to
be here, but like, canyou imagine the just the level of insanity
that would be achieved? Uh,you know with the possibility that, like

you gotta guaranteed is what I'm sittingthere saying, So here's what you missed
an opportunity. But you know,you can still rectify this based on the
storyline, you know how sometimes thestorylines are just too good to uh uh
you know, allow fate to workout, and so uh right, that's

where the speculation comes through. Thatit's all like scripted, right yeah,
yeah, yeah. That big guyfor State is an absolute legend. That
duds amazing. Yeah, Like see, you know, because I am following
along on X on Twitter, whatever, and I'm like, look at that
dude. It's a machine. It'sa beast. Oh man, this is
gonna be this is gonna be crazy. It is gonna it's gonna be absolutely

insane. I gotta tell you.I obviously wasn't here for for eighty three,
but like I said, with withwith Campbell and his buddies. You
know, I I fell into thisgroup of guys that are he's probably one
of the younger ones, right,and then guys and these are all you
know, long time Raleigh natives,uh and got They're all like they're not

necessarily all state fans, but likethey live for the lore, the local
lore. And I have had opportunitydoing this to at some point through you
know, some charity golf stuff thatwe've done, and and arrive other things.
And I I'm not not bragging here, but I got somebody over at

NC State who I've him and hiswife I've met become friends with, and
and he kind of keeps me upin the loop. He's he's one of
the muckey. He MUCKs over there, and like I find myself, even
though I didn't go to the schoolany of the rest of it, like
really excited. Really, I've gotto seem because I'm watching, you know

how it is where you're like watchI don't have kids, but like watching
your kids be really happy or watchingyour friends all be really excited has me
pumped completely. Okay, all right, I sent so many texts out Jason
Cordel right used to work on thisshow. Oh y yeah, one of
my first friends when I moved here. I've known him since two thousand and
six. He did Overnight since youand O five sent him a big congratulations

yesterday. Ivan, who was anintern here in the show member, I
was at his wedding a few yearsago. He went to n C State.
Carrie, who was another great internhere for me, also went to
n C State. Happy for allof them. So Purdue, NC State,
Alabama, Yukon, we're gonna dothis thing. But again, even
if Houston had moved because Dukes whobeat Houston, I guess if you're not

really painted so you know, bestcase scenario, State would have played them
obviously in the last round when theydefeated Duke, so it didn't allow for
the natural progression of a rematch.But hey, other than that, I
think people are banging away. Butagain, that's great. I guess for

people interested in agricultural immigrant politics inCalifornias, these are Chavez stuff is great.
But yeah, yeah, some peoplefelt there was there was a little
bit missing from you know, somepoliticians, some organizations and everything, and

well, I guess we'll lay itout for you. So all of that
is fair game. You just wantto call in and wax poetic about that
time State one and then the dumbstuff you and your friends went out and
didn't celebrate it. We'll take thosecalls right because it's Monday. Whatever.
We appreciate the assists, so contemplatethat will take a break, be right

back Cacoday Radio program. So yeah, we just it's just it's crazy town,
man, absolute crazy town. Andagain, I have for years lived
vicariously through many of the people I'vegotten to know who are well one,
they're you know, native North Carolinians, Triangle, Tryad and points in between.

Got a big contingent out of Graham, which is an interesting cast of
characters. And you know, butyou know, these are the these are
the these are the folks that havebeen here and seen it all. When
in North Carolina, so many folksare not from here, and uh,
that's just how it is. Andthat's and and that's why, that's why

people's interest and allegiances run the gamut. But like the old Raleigh crowd,
the guys who would always forget abouthow they tell me over at five points,
that pistol Pete that's where they goplay and watch him and like the
old story, that's good stuff,man, and the legend of the you
know that the that one time thatteam in the eighties from NC State beat

that other team with two Hall ofFamers eventual Hall of Famers on it and
the the thirty and thirty special,And just having met most of the players
who are still with us over theyears at various events that we've done,
and you realize that like their lifetransition into being the living memorial for this

thing that happened, and uh,obviously it has, it has dominated their
identity and uh, it's it's crazyto watch some of these guys who you
know, just they'll show up forsomething and there might be if you go,
like I've been to a couple ofcelebrity golf tournaments like the well the
Valvano stuff, right and over theyears and you know, you had Tory

Holt there in his prime all thisand they're still gravitating over towards the uh,
the you know, the guys fromthe national championship team, which is
cool. Bit so I look,I'm I'm I'm glad. People are pumped,
and I hope even those although I'mnot going to tell you how to
root for your teams, but eventhose of you who are a little disappointed
that UNC is out or Duke's out, or wake Forest wasn't in or what

you know, whatever it was,you know, it's a little bit of
pride at least in Uh, screwscrew everybody else. Right, let's let's
as North Carolina. Let's let's gopick them apart. Man Yukon, I
mean, what even is that?All right, let's go ahead and get
into this, dude. So yesterday, yes, all of the things that

I told you, and obviously Idid it in an order which one of
you did not pick up on.And now you're all mad at me,
as though I'm sitting there implying thatEaster is the least among the things.
No, No, that was mepointing out that the priority for reporting and

for politicians politicking. Yesterday that wasseemed to be the afterthought. So again,
try to follow along or get anothercup of coffee, Okay, whatever,
dude, but you know, tryto pick up on what we're putting
down. All right, good,okay. So, and even that,

even they even the Easter part,even though politicians didn't want to get into
it. And the White House,well, they did send something later in
the day. It looked like alittle congratuatory look like one of those motivational
things that women love to post onthe on Facebook, right, and they're
not really saying anything. It's alittle card. It's like I am my
own person, all right, Soa little Easter message from the White House.

But it didn't kick off with that. It kicked off with you got
the trans day of visibility, whichobviously we just stick it here because I'm
not making this up. Because theactivists who pushed for it didn't want it
too close to all of the otherdays. They wanted to space it out,

which is which is a fun whichis a fun thought process. Right,
You need a day of visibility,but you have to find a place
to schedule it because you have toomany other days and months a full month,

but two technically, So that's youknow how sometimes we say first world
problem in the sense of holiday,that sounds like a first world problem.
We have so many possible days ordays that already are kind of, at
least in part or totally about us. So this other day we want to

create to add on, We're havingscheduling trouble, right, and so it's
just going to have to land here, which based on you know, is
in this window where from a calendarperspective, every now and then it's also
going to happen to coincide with awith Easter, and you know that happens

sometimes when you have movable holidays andunmovable holidays or days. We recognize nothing
you can do about that, exceptwhen you're when you're putting one together,
you can be like, huh,is this a possibility? And if it
is a possibility, how's it gonnawork out? And how it worked out
was, you know, corporations doingthe corporation thing, all of them sending

out stuff and then a bunch ofthem not sending out anything about Easter,
and people go, well, yeah, you know it's because the Easter has
been around for so long. Andthen they get into the uh either yesterday
either Everyone was trying to tell youin this in this discussion that there's two
tactics. One all the Easter peopleare bigots anyway, so screw them,

or the flip side of up toit, including the White House, is
all of a sudden they're religious folksand they want to remind you that they've
been they've they've all you know,they've been so religious all of their life
that they're here to tell you thatJesus was, he was, this was

this was his idea, right,and then he saw a lot of those
posts on there. And you know, here's the thing. I'm like,
I'm sitting there watching these pro thesegods of protesters go in and decide that
they were going to take over Easterservice at you know, Catholic cathedrals,

And I'm like, is there anyscenario on the flip side where this works
out in any way positive, wherethey're where folks are not charged with a
hate crime. I mean, really, let's just let's be honest here.

I hate crime if if if organizerswith a with a quasi connection to either
Judaism or Christianity were to go inand be like, I like glue themselves
to the kabo. Okay, right, that's so that's the the thing,

the rock, the stone, thelittle I'm not doing justice the full description,
but you've seen the pictures of Meccawhere they're all running around and and
that, you know, do yourthing. But you know, I want
to make a point about this thing, and I don't like. I don't
like the fact that part of theMuslims world's countries, spearheaded by Iran,

are now throwing support for uh,you know what you saw with the Hamas
attacks. So I'm gonna go gluemyself through. How do you think that
goes? How do you think herein the US if you were to seek
out a mosque and decide that onone of the you know, the most
holy days of the Islamic calendar,you were going to go in and use

that as an opportunity for your thing. I don't think it would end well
if you went to a synagogue todo that. I don't think that it
would end well if it was Iwonder if it was the same group going
to a synagogue rather than a Christianchurch, which you'll notice they chose the
one and not the other. Broughtthat out there for you. I feel

like this might have been viewed differentlyand not as empowering as some people were
making it out to be. Andyou know, they're just trying to church.
And then I sit there and Isee people go, well, look
it's a Catholic church, and theyget everything because the thing with the thing,
and I'm like, I look,don't get me wrong, is somebody

who has raised catholic all of thatbusiness was that's awful, absolutely awful,
And I got my I got myown issues all that stuff. But I
also recognize that whether it is Catholicism, Judaism, Islam, or you know,
pick your religion, it has beenaround for more than five minutes.

There's all sorts of stuff that ifwe want to get into a what about
this history battle, we can.So I try to look at it through
the lens of what what are peoplewho proclaim to be members of the faith
doing, whatever the faith is today? How do they live their life?
What's the example that they set?And even if the best that they can
give you is just you know,I'm gonna do my thing and everybody else

everybody else is wrong, but I'mgonna do my thing and and just my
thing, and that's like, that'sall. That's all that I really ask
of people. Just don't be abe very careful high word this, don't
be a okay, how hard isthat is that? Don't I just if

if people ask me what's your what'syour political philosophy? Then because I you
know, I'm not. I'm not. I'm independent in the registration. But
also I I feel like I justI loathed so many across the spectrum that
there's a certain level of independence whichI'm just like, it's you know,
it's pretty easy. Leave me aloneand don't be a right. That's that's

my political philosophy. And that goesto individuals, governments, right, just
don't we don't need more and andand yet they're trying to have Easter service
at Saint Patrick's Cathedral. And nowI will say that, and I didn't

I get to get a look atthe cholera on the one But I like
the church, the church folks,and I'm assuming one of them is I
just wanted the priests there, justpriest either. They did a good job
of kind of like putting a moveon these idiots. So in the video,

basically they decided to get up inthe middle of Catholic Mass at one
of the highest profile cathedrals in theworld within the faith of Catholicism, and
jump up with their stupid little signsand form a human wall so you couldn't
actually see the priest who was,you know, going through the Actually I
think it was it was the cardinalmight have been giving mass there but but

yeah, and then but you're stilldealing with weak sauce little moon bats.
So you know, a couple Catholicpriests were able to essentially kind of battle
five of them in a tug ofwar, so like not bringing your not
bringing your best. They're protesters,but they weren't quite as lethargic based on

what I'm assuming is malnourishment as thesome of the environmental moon back folks,
which you can kind of knock overwith a feather. So there, you
know, there's a little pushy chovy. But I mean, in what scenario
does that play out in in inopposite lands? Right? What? What

what happens if protesters and and thereis there is undeniably a religious component within
this thing that is being protested,whether do they deny it or not.
But what is it that? Whatis it you think happens if what do

you think happens if a Christian organizationor Christian protesters who identifi as that but
say that they are protesting in supportof Israel walk in and take over services
at you know, pick your highprofile mosque of choice, and then you

tell me what media stories you're wakingup with this morning, because this morning
was crickets crickets baby on this particularissue, other than a passing mention,
protesters did this thing and then moreof an argument for whatever their position is.
And people see through that. Peoplesee through that, and it has

what the heck is going on here? All right? Sorry? Things being
a jerk? All right, peoplesee through it, and you know,
hopefully in spite of all that insanity, we're able to celebrate what they wanted
yesterday, get together with friends,family, loved ones, people within the

religion, whatever it is, andnot have to deal with you know,
the Uh yeah, so I hopethat for you. But yeah, some
of this stuff is just really frustrating, all right? Coming up? Yeah,
coming up? We got oh,we gotta we got Lizzo news.

I know that's I should have probablyled with that. I'm sure people are
are on the edge of their seatwanting to know what Lizzo had just said
and has said. And the themoonbat freak out over ozempig No, no,
not the drug. Just wait forit. We'll get to it here

on the cac O Day radio program. I did he make it to the
locker room before he started posting stuffyesterday. I'm talking about DJ Burns,
who I don't know if you knowthis. He's the big guy Ross referenced
last last hour for NCIS State.So I wanted to look this up because
he scored twenty nine points yesterday againstDuke. Yeah, so he averaged eighteen

point three points. I understand thatthat's pretty good. That's my understanding of
that that if you everage eighteen pointthree points, that's pretty good. And
obviously I bet he's so po.He didn't get the thirty, but still
an amazing performance. And it's againstDuke, right, so it's against it's

against a rival that did has notminded trash talking in the past, and
that's good. I love the trashtalk component of all of this. And
like he started, he started justtrolling Duke on social media. He's posting

couple videos he posted almost immediately.It's just him just dropping shots and knocking
dudes, and and he's throwing itup there and you know, making making
a little comments, posting some videos, and you know, the Duke fans
are going back and forth with him, and that's great. I love that

component's line. You know, aslong as you keep it on just the
edge of civilized. I'm here forall that stuff. But well, let
me say this, and Russ andI are talking about this off the air,
some of you Duke fans, it'snot the refs. When you lose

by twelve to a team that isa three or three and a half point
underdog in a game that sees thehigh score being in the mid seventies,
right, that is not akin toI don't know. That's what I was
reading online on X A lot ofpeople were saying the end of this typical
Duke, Duke get in the shortend of the stick and it's against Duke,
and they you know, nothing evergoes Duke's way. And I mean,

this is just this is what we'veseen decade after decade from Duke.
Is this unfairness? Well, theynever win, and well how many times?
How many times? Right? Okay? But also how many times has
Duke been trying to play a basketballgame and one of their players like,
let me just let me just randomlypick a couple Laightner and Allen over the

years, right, Christian Ladner graysdown and they're just trying to, you
know, move and then one ofthe other team's players will lay under their
foot. Have you ever seen thisross where the other player will like they'll
see, I've seen it. It'sit's really the same get under their foot.
And then the poor duke players like, you know, oh why they're
being like, you know, scoldedfor stepping on that dude because it seemed

unsportsman like. And what they didn'tsee is the soccer flop where they got
up under the foot there at theend. It reminded me of you this
like in football, would like,you know, the Chiefs to lose,
and you have these fans and I'mnot saying all of them, but there's
a group of fans at social mediaand every really in every fan base where
you're like, oh, so unfair. Everything's always used to you've read
the chid Patrick mahomes and never getsthe calls and everything's against the Chiefs and

the refs the Chiefs. Really,Is that what it is? Yeah,
because some people would say that itwasn't always the Chiefs, but there always
is that team right where clearly thealmost the way in which calls are handed
out or is kind of predicated onhow that team was treated that week.

So it doesn't look suss right,and for a long time is the Patriots,
but it's clearly the chiefs now.But that's not to say that,
you know, they don't have goodplayers, and it's not to say that
that necessarily in any way, shapeor form, has been the has always
been the difference between them winning orlosing. But there's times you could argue

it has what a day, whata weekend, what a what? Just
just craziness that has descended on NorthCarolina. And now it will push forward,
albeit a week from now to theFinal four with NC State an eleven
seed there and I had to beatDuke yesterday to secure that position. The

trash hockey is legendary, the it'sit's all the best parts of North Carolina
sports, right. I obviously Iknow that we have professional teams and we
have seen we have seen success.I wasn't here when the Hurricanes won,
but I understand that some folks hadsome fun around the city, around the

state, as you do. Butyou know, from a collegiate standpoint,
obviously, if you want to gothrough championships across various sports, the state
of North Carolina has got a crapton. They are the they are the
perceived three year letterman can't turn doorknobs. Some of you will get that that

being said, when NC State wins, because it's only happened that one time,
it becomes this thing of legend.And understandably so the uphill battle that
NC State has when you're trying toconvince a kid to come play. Who's

the top tier basketball prospect and youwant him to come to the triangle,
let alone North Carolina, but tothe triangle where you got Duke and UNC
right there, like two cobble togetherteams, requires them to put together teams
that don't look like the other twoin the sense where you've got you know,

you got one or two of thoseguys that they were talking about since
he was in eighth grade, andand you go out and get it.
And I will I will commend bothof those programs, although they have high
expectations. I really wondered, howwith with the with the coaching transitions there

right where you're taking you know,UNC, who had back to back legendary
coaches, Duke who had UH,you know, the unspellable, the the
uh, the unassuming but highly effectiveuh Shruzhevsky and and I think people when

they were looking at replacing the coachesthere. You know, if you looked
at the short list, the shortlists were a bunch of names you knew
as a passive fan of the sport. And instead they they they went,
they went into their own rosters andand brought these these two guys forward.
I think I think they're going tobe just fine. If if you want

my so analysis right, I'm notyour super duper expert on all this stuff,
but I think both teams have transitionedfine. And I just pointed out
Duke's recruiting class for twenty twenty five, oh my gosh, and they just
got another a few months ago.I remember reading about yet another you know,
top tier crazy. They're going toturn into Alabama where they got third

stringers that would be starting at otherbasically any other school. They're going to
be fine. UNC is gonna befine. These coaches, while they may
not have been well known outside ofACC sports and having to step into those
big shoes, I think that theuniversity's made the right decision. So I,

for one, welcome this. AndWake Forest has a history as well.
They're not necessarily in the cycle wherethey want to be right now.
But you know, there's a there'sa lot to get really excited about.
So yeah, let's go ahead andsee this thing through. And uh,
you know, even if it's notyour team of choice in North Carolina,

uh it, it'll be fun towatch. Uh be fun to watch people
everybody, everybody lose their damn mindsif it happens, I'm here for it,
and I shouldn't be here for itin the sense that when when sports
gets big, big, big,big big, I got to make sure
that we keep you here because peoplemay tend to gravitate over to you know,

uh sitting there and uh just focusingon sports. So that's why we
we we mix it in. Wegot some other stuff. We're going to
solve a mystery here in a moment, and I love every minute of it.
So anyway, eight eight eight ninethree four seven eight seven four.
I wonder if any of the guysfrom the tail Gig, I suspect they're

all hungover and not going to worktoday, but it probably not hungover yet.
That will be coming because people weregetting down. Speaking of like quasi
sports, Rossie brought up the KansasCity Chiefs there. How do you think
the league's gonna handle of the RashieRice thing. And if you guys don't
know what this is. So Ricewas the his second round Chiefs took him

second round anyway, Yeah, yeah, second round and wide receiver came in.
You know, wasn't he wasn't themost touted of the drafted receivers from
the last draft, but he hekind of became a fan favorite, started
putting up some numbers, got gothigh profile. Man, he excelled,

and over the weekend a video emerged, and holy crap on this thing.
Man. In the video you seea what appears to be a street street
race going on and it it itdoesn't go well, all right, So

in the video, police, thisis in Dallas where it happened, not
Kansas City because Rice is from Dallas. So in the video you see a
a Corvette racing a Lamborghini. Nowthis is I want to be clear here.
This is not the your guys' charitablelambo, right, the Hay's for
sheriff Lambo for the children. No, it's not okay, I want well,

I don't want anything being tied backto you. And you guys are
still on the fundraising side, Sowill you street race NFL players in your
Lambeau once it's acquired by the charity. Am I in the record here?
Well, I think people want toknow what you're going to do with it.
Like I said, we're only tryingto get the lambo. So in
case when I'm driving around the rarechance a child might see it on the

side of the road, it will. It'll bring them joy and they'll realize
my dreams. Can my dreams cametrue and it's so there. So I'm
not going to use it for streetracing. I'm going to use it to
inspire the children. And you getto work, can pick up groceries and
let everything else. You use yourcar? Can I borrow it because I
would like to use it for oneother thing. But it's not street racing.
But it is also to attract peoplewho may see it, but not

kids. Will it will it inspirewho you're talking I'd inspire them to come
have a drink with I will loanthe Lambau for the children to you.
Sure, yeah, yeah, andthe love that I love kids too or
something I don't know, right,yeah, So win win, win,
win win. But anyway, inthis case, it was not the Lambeau
for the kids. Uh it wasanother Lambeau, the Corvette who was registered

to wide receiver Rashie Rice. Iagain, they're trying to put all put
everything together because the street race turnsinto a street wreck. In fact,
the crash, which actually involved atotal of six cars but obviously it didn't
seem to kill anybody, ended andimmediately the A team jumped out. And

here's what I mean by that.This group of dudes got out of these
cars, and not only are theyfleeing and getting the hell out of there,
but they are armed to the teeth, which I don't know that it
is inherently illegal. It is Texas. I don't know if anybody in there

is not allowed to have firearms orwhatever. They're perfectly within their rights.
And I got to be honest withyou, if I wrecked my car and
was going to have to leave itafter an accident, even if it was
to you know, go off theroad to find somebody to be able to,
you know, help call the police. Because I know my phone was

trashed and I had firearms sitting inthere, and the car was to the
point where anyone could get in there. I might too take those with me.
But they had a lot a lotin there because they jump out looking
like they're ready to get Ben Lauden. They got bags which beard have long

guns they have they're openly carrying ashotgun. I don't know what always there.
So as you can imagine, peoplegot some questions, how will the
NFL deal with it? I don'tknow. I mean, I mean I
have an unbiased opinion on this.Now, Okay, all right, so
yes this is good because I youknow, I probably have some biases here
and I have unbus you do not, so uh Already when it comes to

this these situations, right, doyou ever have like a big ant problem?
Right? What you have to do? You have to go after the
queen? Right? And then theidea I actually did this was a problem
I did have, and we theyhad that guy came in and actually had
to steal the thing right down.It was so crazy. When it comes
to this team in Kansas City,there seems to be one commonality here.
Right. You have Jackson Mahomes who'slike assaulting women in bars. You let

you have Patrick Mahomes's dad who's justhad this what like third d w I
or whatever. He's just trying togo watch this kid play and then you
have this wide receiver causing is dramaon the streets of Kansas City. I
would say the one Dallas, Dallas, wherever, doesn't matter. I would
say, the one thing in commonwould be Patrick Mahomes. I say,

I thought you're gonna go Taylor Swift. We went in a different direction.
No, I say, for thefor the betterment of the league and for
the safety of the children, weneed just to see how this plays out.
Because the one thing in common isPatrick Mahomes. He's the one factor,
right. I say, band PatrickMahomes for a season or two.
I'm not saying a lifetime bands.You just want to test, yeah,

right, for science and see ifthe drama stops. If the drama stops,
the problem was Patrick Mahomes, Right, So you're not worried about any
of the cause. It's like whenyou know people would It's like when you
do one of those ex Twitter circlesand it shows like everybody you have in
common and who who you community atthe center of the circle is Patrick Mahomes

unbiased opinion. I have not Ihave nothing to gain from this banhand the
right from the a FC East.You can't even transferm if you want to
ban them from the AFC, Yes, and then just see how it plays
out. But conflict there, Okay, I'm not I didn't say that.

I said some would say, andthey're probably Chiefs fans, So I mean,
what do you want? Like youcan't trust those guys? So yeah,
all right, so Ross look atthat. Ross has a ready made
solution. Should the NFL uh wantto get in on this? And I
to be honest, though, itis gonna be interesting to see how because
of the here's the price. Thisis the problem with this, and and

I think it needs to be said, if they purely only react from for
the firearm reason, that's not agood enough reason. If because like like
I said, everyone who got outof that vehicle, I don't know their
ages. I just see the videoand the pictures. They very well all

could be of legal age and oflegal status, possess as many guns as
they want. And it is thestate of Texas. And they weren't pointing
him at anybody, they weren't menacinganybody. They but they but they were
literally fleeing the scene allegedly, Sothere is that component. But if that
is the sole component. Then you'remissing the point entirely because you're demonizing the

gun in that instance, as crazyas that sounds, and not the circumstances.
So I'll wait and see all thecircumstances. But it also it's a
bit of a deflection to right.And you saw the NBA who went and
went after John Morant, who wasthe Grizzlies player who was in the Strip

club with the pistol. The differenceis with that incident, and then there
was one other with Morant was hewas brandishing it around in a scenario where
he couldn't legally possess it, andfrankly, it was that it hurts the
image of responsible gun owners. Butin this case you could make the argument

that the firearms are merely just aside product of it. If in fact,
well if in fact. Again,you got to go through the process,
and there appears to be illegal conductbased on street racing and leaving the
scene of an accident. So we'llwatch how that's worded. Okay, all
right, you guys want to solvethe mystery, because I got I got

to pivot away from sports. Therewas an incident in Tennessee yesterday and it's
I guess investigators are baffled. Idon't know what's going on here. I
got to read you this insane articleover what happened in front of a church
yesterday during yeah Easter Sunday service andthe current detective work going on. So

we'll get into that coming up hereon the CaCO Day Radio program. Good
Morning, we're solving a mystery.No, not why there was a pattern
yesterday of elected officials and companies thatwere seemingly prioritizing the newest of the LGBT

holidays with you know that whole Easterthing that two hundred million Americans in some
way, shape or form said thatthey aligned themselves with. But whatever.
No, No, the mystery iswhat happened in Tennessee that has officials baffled.

Authorities in Tennessee say they're investigating aftera trailer full of Bibles was intentionally
set on fire in front of achurch. Now, based on what I
just told you, and using yourinvestigative prowess honed from years of watching Matt
Locke Law and Order or on PatrolLive Cops, whatever it is is your

spidey sense tingling where you think theremight be a connection here trailer full of
Bibles Easter Sunday, trailer hauled todetached doused and then lit on fire directly
in front of this church. Doyou feel that there might be a connection.

I just want to test for yourinvestigative skills, and if you do,
I don't know, maybe one ofyou should move to this place.
All right, the church's pastor,Greg Locke said in a statement. Oh,
and I just want to be abuntantlyclear off the front here, Like
every single thing similar to this rightwhere there appears to be what normally would

fit the hate crime statutes that youknow are are all the all the rage.
However, it also looks like oneof those things that somehow won't fall
under that. When when it isa situation like that, I will readily
point out that one of the possibilitiesis the juicy smole a route. Okay,

So I don't know what happened.I don't know the motivation. However,
I'm not going to lock myself intosome of the terminology you're about to
hear, right, I think thatthat has to be the leading theory.
Is there a possibility that somebody fromthe church did it? Yes, because
I'm practical, and I've seen alldifferent variations and iterations, though they don't

tend to always go in this direction. But if you remember, I remember
all do you remember the girl whocarved or she said that she she was
a George W fan, right,and she said that she was assaulted and
somebody carved a W into he wasthere or something, and and what was

it was? It was not justit was something else and the the it
they solved it because I don't havethe story yet. Whatever she carved,
the totality of it, they realizedthat she had obviously done it in a
mirror because it was transposed. Soif I was, let's say that I

was to run into Ross's studio andviolently attack him and carve I don't know
something into his forehead, if hewas to carve the same thing, but
do it in a mirror, obviouslyit would read backwards. And so they're
like, I didn't happen. Sothey look in all instances, across all
political spectrums and motivations. I recognizethat that's a possibility. And if I

can recognize that that's a possibility,just having done this a lot, then
I feel like even the language usedin the reporting. There is a clear
difference, right because if you rememberthe juicy smolet reporting, they had to
include the word a legend in there, but the vibe of it was this

happened, This is the truth.Yeah, we'll do the investigation, but
we're all going to operate as thoughit is one hundred percent true right off
the bat. And you saw everyone, including our vice president, jumping in
on this, even when people weregoing, now, wait a second,
you're telling me. You're telling methat in twenty below weather or whatever it

was, at two am or whateverit was in Chicago, in the douchey
part of Chicago, that a famousHollywood actor was walking with a subway tuna
sandwich when he was randomly happened uponby guys who had a news, some

bleach and an affinity for Maga Countrythat those two met in the night.
I have questions. I'm a littleskeptic, and that's because I have two
brain cells to rub together and Igo, I don't know, man something,
so yes, all that is possibility. However, they're really hedging on

that. Now, this had nothingto do with the church in my mind,
all right. So the Sheriff's officeissued a statement saying they believe the
fire was set intentionally. Okay?Is that because there's video of somebody literally
unhooking a trailer, pouring an acceleranton them and striking or enlightening them with
a lighter. That's some good policework. Loo, it gets better.

Hundreds took to social media to showtheir support for the church that was able
to proceed, obviously because it wasyou know, they didn't light the building.
The pastor said, the evils outthere is fridaening. Thankfully nobody was
harmed. Okay, all right,So she was a W. It was

a B. That's I knew theycarved that's right, because the W wouldn't
transport, So it was a Bcarved into her face, reportedly done by
Barack Obama supporters. And it turnedout she it was backwards, all right,
So that's what it was. Thankyou. Yeah. Sorry, Sometimes
things pop into my head like threeseconds before I want to say them,
which I probably need medication. Allright, So the pastor pastor passed,

we're not gonna let us get itdown, okay. The Sheriff's office said
it's not known at this time ifthis was aimed at the church. It's
not huh, even if it wasthe church doing it, as some people
are alledging right because they're just like, I don't know, I guess they're

trying to pump their numbers up forJesus or whatever. The allegation that in
and of itself would also be ascenario where it's aimed at the church.
So whether it was somebody who's like, you know, screw this church or
you know, screw churches in general, or the church going hey, we're
gonna in all scenarios, Yes,the church is the the the core factor

right where everyone meets kind of likeRoss's theory on Kansas City right with mahomes.
All right, So they say it'snot known if the fire was aimed
at the church, really up pulledthe integrity of the investigation. Other details
can be provided. We assure thecommunity were looking into it, YadA,
YadA, YadA. So they don'tknow if it was aimed at the church,

and then what was the other Theydon't know much, but they're looking
into it. But yeah, no, that's a that's a thing that happened,
and definitely take in a much more, a much softer approach to the
reporting than some of the other allegedhate crimes we've seen over the years,
all right, eight eight eight ninethree four seven eight seven four. Oh

right, let's go to the otherbig man, not the one friends he
state trashing on Duke for the lasttwelve hours, which is funny. But
Ray Stagic, who could have beena contender? How you doing? Man?
Could have been? We're good?How are you? I know,
I'm good, you know, butI'm also not somebody who's just trying to
commute in Dallas. So and uh, that that Rashie Rice thing is crazy.

You know, he's not even onyour team. He's not even on
your team, and he's still reaconavit on the streets of Dallas allegedly.
So well, on the positive side, everybody's drunk still because right, yeah,
man, it was everybody I knowwas really really excited yesterday. So

yeah, Edgar ed congrats to them, maybe both NC state teams men and
women's. So yeah, that's prettyexciting, pretty exciting, weather Man,
not exciting, but warm eight eightiestoday and tomorrow a little bit eighties tomorrow
or the mornings have been pretty warmtoo. I don't know what I've clicked
on the AC clicked on a coupleof times now that we've gotten into the

warmer. Overnight lows, Yeah,I can't take it. It goes below
seventy degrees in my bedroom. Igot to turn it on. But anyway,
a lot of clouds around. There'sa little bit more in the way
of some sun that'll try to getthrough today, especially to the east.
But clouds with some sun's probably gonnawork both today and tomorrow, and then
the chance for showers and thunder showerswill go up Tomorrow night to Wednesday.
Now are touting severe weather central USand just east as we go through the

next forty eight hours, so inOklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri today and overnight
tonight into tomorrow to roll east andthen like central Tennessee, parts of Kentucky,
northern Alabama, maybe North Georgia.But that line of rain and thunderstorm's
coming our way does weekend, Sowe're not expecting severe weather as we go
through Wednesday Wednesday night, but stillshower thunder showers. Upper seventies on Wednesday,

and then much cooler, much coolerThursday and Friday, highs only in
the fifties, the mid number fiftiesto maybe sixty degrees, lots of sunshine
though, so some beautiful weather lateweek, but the loads are gonna sneak
back down into the thirties tryad westand especially into the mountains, maybe some
lower mid thirties late in the weekor the beginning of the weekend, so
we could be back to another frost. And some of the higher elevations too.

Could also see a little bit ofsnow or snow showers later in the
week. So today tomorrow we're probablygonna stay dry. Early tomorrow, evening
into Wednesday, shower thunderstorms scattered around, and then late week looks pretty good
with the chillier weather. Don't putthe heavy jackets away just yet. Oh
no, no, no, nono. If you can get in the
eighties and people are gonna turn seasy, you're not like anymore. So I

know I'm about to click the heaton late in the week. All right,
we'll fix it so and then tryit'll be better, okay, all
right, thank you sir, appreciateit. All right, h there is
a story. There is a storyin Thailand. I was reading over the
weekend, and it's not some weirdstory about sex trafficking or anything. So
that's probably good but it's an interestinglittle composite of what happens when you refuse

to address what's right in front ofyou. So that'll that'll be in the
the the kicker stack, as wesay, coming up and the associate,
we got to talk about this bigAP story this. I saw this,
everybody ran this New York Times,Washington Post, you name it. And
it was a big, big,big investigative report on police tactics. And

let's just say that there's a lotof context that is seemingly left out of
this, and I know you're shockedto hear that, but we'll give you
the low lights, the highlights,all of it coming up on the CaCO
Day Radio. This is this isa thing, a big under or not

undercover, but a big investigative reportthat then popped up all across the nation's
newspapers and TV in which the I'lljust let I want you to listen how
the AP's framing this. And thenI want to start doing some of the
math. And I know it's Mondayand nobody wants to do math, but
it'll be easy math that will providecontext and I think is important here.

So here's the here's the way theseries, which is referred to as lethal
restraint the sub headline. A reportingteam led by the AP investigated police tactics
that aren't supposed to be fatal,like certain physical restraints tasers, and found

that more than one thousand deaths areblamed on this over a decade here in
the US. So to to parsethis, here's what we know they are.
They have pointed to one thousand deathsor excuse me, quote more than

one thousand, so the number couldbe I guess one thousand and one to
one thousand, nine ninety nine.But even within that range, they said
that they found that over one thousanddeaths were to blame for the less sometimes
referred to as less than lethal tactics, which are holds and tasers, things

like that. Okay, so butagain this is over a decade. So
if you if you want to dothe math here, you know, we
had three hundred and thirty million people. This is ten years. So once
you split it down from ten yearsto per year, and then you go
across the population, uh, youknow the size of the population that would

enuh and oh there's another number.You need to know how many arrests in
America happened per year on average,and that numbers around ten million. So
that's one year times ten one hundredmillion arrests, one thousand to one thousand,
nine ninety nine of people who werekilled by less than lethal methods.

But actually, he actually you gottayou gotta tweak that number a little more
because there's a line in the story. Let me read it here, all
right, medical officials cited law enforcementis causing or contributing to only about half
of the deaths. I'm going toread that again. Medical officials when because

it's not just it's not always they'reone hundred percent responsible or this is or
something that like when when something whensomething happens where somebody is killed like this
and they're investigating it, they're goingthrough and they're trying to determine a percentage
of cause or or what's to blame. Because then you which by the way,

is really the same scenario that peoplewere screaming for with the quote COVID
deaths right where you threw that outthe window. And you know, somebody
who was in hospice care happened tohave COVID at the time of their death.
However, was already trending to uh, you know, to die.

Seemingly you had people ignoring the firstpart and people found that disingenuous. So
that's why I try to dig intothis stuff. So you're saying the other
half, you do not believe thatthe methodology used or the individuals involved were
contributing factor. Instead, in thosecases, generally, what you're dealing with

are pre existing health conditions, right, which could have been known to law
enforcement, or people who were ona whole bunch of drugs which you know,
you mix, you mix drugs,perhaps a pre existing health condition and
a couple tasers. Ironically, someof the tasers may have been necessary due

to the level of drug intoxication ofthe individual, which was causing them to
act insane and violent. So nowyou've got to remove half and you realize
that the thing they're talking about ispoint zero zero zero zero one percent,

And that's rounding up of all policeinteractions led to this. So much going
on. Obviously, people are stillstill recovering from the excitement, which I
guess rolls on. More so ifyou happened to don red rather than blue,

but NC State and everything over theweekend and the you know, just
Smash and Duke yesterday. But justthe improbability, the insanity, the the
feelings that people who were here forwhat happened in the eighties with Alvano and
Crewe and how that felt. Andthe goliath that was the University of Houston

featuring two eventual NBA Hall of Famers, unquestionable hall of famers like and and
this team of this team of playersthat most, I guess most people outside
of the at least the ACC werenot familiar with going in there and and
winning. And it single handedly inmy interactions with longtime residents and people,

you know, Raleigh locals and thefolks I've gotten to know over the years
playing golf and with certain groups,and and like I've lived vicariously prior to
this, through all of that withthem on numerous occasions, just because it's
shaped the face of sports legend andwar in the city of Raleigh. And

you know, you're already in theTriangle, and you're already in North Carolina
where there was rich history all acrossit. But man, there's so many
feelings that are very similar. It'sinsane. Just the messages and the communications
over the weekend, just talking withpeople during the game yesterday, I could
I had to stop because I foundmyself there were stretches where I wasn't watching

because I was just sending texts andmessages back and forth. And I love
it. It's great. And thenthe trash talk and the you know,
everything that goes along with it wasalmost a nice It was a nice diversion
from this in the I think subconsciouslyin some cases, but very intentional in

others, whole trans Day of Visibilityis going to be on Easter Sunday and
watching all of that horribleness unfold inthe discussion topics on Twitter. Give me
a good old sports rivalry. I'mgoing to turn my attention to that.

And the White House did limp outover the finish line to finally get a
statement in at the end, butnot before seemingly all statements of leftist politicians.
Was trans Day of Visibility stuff lightingup with the governor up in New
York was doing the rainbow lighting onwhat DIAGRAA? And then was one of

the towers in New York. Icouldn't. I don't know if it was
They're at the old World Trade Siteor what or Empire, but I think
there were three things that the governordecided to, you know, make a
big spectacle out of, and notone of the three was about Easter.
And some people were looking at that, maybe even ones who were fine with

that, you know, yesterday beingboth things and realizing that you're kind of
forcing you're forcing a choice on people, and that irritated him. That made
him upset, And I understand that. So yeah, I'd rather concentrate on
that all day versus or concentrated onthe sports all day rather than that insanity

listening to idiots opine, both inperson and in various statements. Joe Biden,
Well, look at look, JoeBiden's not tweeting all that stuff.
He could barely. Did you seethe interview with Colbert? By the way,
I want this to happen so bad. Let me play you a little
chunk of audio here real quick.All right, So this is Joe Biden.
He this is you know, thisis him Stephen Colbert. So it's

not this is not a tough interview. This is the panel stuff from the
fundraiser stuff. And I want youto listen to this exchange that Biden's talking
about with Donald Trump and tell methat when you hear it that you don't
immediately want this to be a thingtelevised for all of us to watch.

Here we go Raleigh, Saginaw,Milwaukee, Phoenix, Vegas, hot Atlanta,
the Philly suburbs, Manchester, Dallas, and Houston. Donald Trump,
as far as we can tell,has just been trying to win a third
championship at his own golf course.My question to you, sir, can
voters trust a presidential candidate who hasnot won a single Trump International Golf Club

trophy at long last? Sir,have you no chips? Well? By
the way, Also, that isStephen Colbert not understanding where the Trump course
in North Carolina is. It isnot in Raleigh. It is a Lake
Norman. Which Ross, you gotthe map in your studio. Is Lake
Norman in Raleigh? All right?Ross is gonna let me check it.

Oh, it's not. But it'snear Raleigh, right, it's right next
to Raleigh. Lake Norman. It'sright next to Raleigh, right and not
I don't know, say, directlynorth of Charlotte. All right? Hold
on, he's looking looking, well, maybe your map's broke, because that
Ross's map says that Lake Norman's justnorth of Charlotte. So but anyway,

digress, let's get to Biden's answer. I'd be happy to play. I
told him this before when he cameinto the Oval, when he was being
before you go sworn in, Isaid, I'll give you three strokes if
you carry your own bag. Allright, then this clap. I have

a lot of questions one even though, remember one of the fun things they
like to do with Trump is they'relike, we got to attack everything.
So then they attacked him for lyingabout his handicap, which, don't get
me wrong, I've played enough golfaround enough people, including you know,
club players, right, not froma good standpoint, but like like where

you have people that play golf andright ahead of some of the club tournaments,
all of a sudden they play alot of really bad rounds of golf
before it, which if you're notinto golf, it will raise your gin,
which is your handicap mechanism g hiN. And when you do that,
then if you go into the tournament, you play your normal golf.

All right. I'm not accusing anyonein particular, but any of you who
have played in those scenarios, like, the suspicions abound and so when Trump
claims, what is he a fivehandicap? Maybe it was less than that.
And then they're like, I playedgolf with him once and I think
he used foot wedge, right thoseokay, whatever, But I've never heard

anything about Biden's golf game. Iknow he was a flanker back back in
the day, but is he alsoa good because even if I think of
five handicaps just juicing his score,I still am not spotting them three strokes.
As an average player, I wouldget decimated, right, my handicap

average there, and it's not apierced there's a mathematical formula. But those
of you in the know will getthis. It hovers around the mid teens.
I've had it drop a little lower. I've had a little higher,
but the thirteen to fifteen is wherethat thing is normally sitting. I'd get
demolished by a five handicap spotting themthree strokes. I mean, yes,

all that aside, I've never playeda round of golf in my entire life.
Right, I tell Roscal about golfstuff. He doesn't know what's I
would be able to beat Joe Bidenin around of golf because that dude is
not making it two holes. He'spassing out by the time he gets to
the second hole, or he's inthe middle of a sand trap thinking he's
in Iraq, telling everybody that hisson also died and my son died in

the sand trap. Is like he'dhave no idea where he was. He'd
be so confused. You see sandtrap in DC. You're not in Iraq,
You're on the second hole, Likehe'd be so confused. Watch it.
I just like I will. Ithappened. If he tried to like
full force a drive, No,like he would, he would lose a
driving competition to the have your Campsif anyone gets that reference and if you

don't, and you watch Caddy Shack, there's this scene with this incredibly elderly
couple that Danny the you know,the I guess the the hero of our
story. Here the caddy is caddyingfor and mister and missus have her camp
and they're a hundred and so whenthey swing, it's done in a comical

fact and the ball doesn't really goanywhere except to the water. And then
there's these great one liners like I'mon fire right love that part, great
part Have Acamp had run circles aroundJoe Biden. I think his arms might
fly off. I can't imagine whatthat looks like. And I'm again never

heard anything about. I want itto happen. Raise your hand if you
want that to happen. And Iwant Jim Nance and all of the I
want the whole Master's crew there forit. I want the top quality production.
I want the you know, themusic, the Masters music that plays
like the bird sound effects in thebackground. Yes, it sounds like there's

actually birds there. Yeah, wellthat's a part of it. It's a
very dangerous anyway. So yes,I want all of these things. I
want Dottie, you know, DottiePepper sitting there, you know, giving
us updates from a whole. Iguess it can't be anything past whole too,
if Ross's prediction holds. But like, this has to happen. Do

you think that dude's making it twoholes? No, he's getting up and
walking to There's no way. NoI think he could. But like carrying
your bag and swinging and playing goLook, I'm not the fittest dude,
and I have you know, I'vewalked. I'll use a push cart if
I walk in those in those scenarios, but I've also carried my bag and

it sucks. It's no fun haulingit around while you're out playing, especially
when we get into you know,some of the weather in North Carolina when
it gets a little hot. Giveme a golf cart and a cooler full
of cold ones. And now we'retalking. But you know, I'll walk
the court, especially if we havecart restrictions, right, and sometimes it's

get a push cart, and yeah, that's a better option. But haul
in your bag and and physically playinggolf, no, I And and frankly,
I don't know how Donald Trump woulddo haul in his bag because you
know, well he's a he's agolf cart dude. But at least he's
a golfer that I know of,So, yeah, make this happen instead

of just seals clapping. Why arewe not making this a thing? If
you're Donald Trump, why do younot go, yeah, let's do this.
Didn't they have a movie with liketwo ex presidents playing golf? Was
was it Ray Romano? Yes?Ray, it was Ray. No,
it was the X it was thatin that case, it was just Ray

Romano and then it was the expresident moved there and was trying to steal
his girl. But no, therewas another one with with two ex presidents
and it was James the dude fromsupport your local gun Fighter, Sports,
your local Sheriff and and and theywould like the Secret Service was cheating,
like kicking balls out, and thenthey it was a rivalry thing, right,

that was done for comedic purposes.This would just be like, this
would be like watching I don't knowan Isis video to some extent, like
I can't even imagine how it wouldgo down. Someone mentioned, yeah,
do that play around a golf thendo a rally and then debate in the
same day. Yeah, no,no, no, no, do that.

But yeah, you call it theMichael Jordan challenge, right, because
for those who don't know one ofthe there's a lot of famous games,
but one of my favorites is Jordanwent and played around of golf. They
had a night game played around ofgolf with some other players. Gambled incessantly
and won, and then one ofthe other guys like, all right,

well, I'm headed over to getready for the game, and Jordan's like,
don't play another and they're drinking andand and then he goes on and
he has one of his best gamesever because somebody on the other team talked
trash and that's what he needed.Right, So thirty six holes, party,
party, party, and then offto dominate in the NBA. That's

amazing. I think it was againstCharles Barkley, right, yeah, Like
that's like that's the gold standard rightthere. You're not gonna see anything close
to that. You're gonna see Idon't know what you're gonna see, but
I want it to happen. Soif we could, let's uh, let's
please make that happen, all right, eight nineteen phone number eight eight eight
nine three four seven eight seven four. So when does greed coupled with activism

run a town into perhaps having tobe abandoned in parts of it? We'll
let you know, uh a cautionarytale out of Thailand, and we'll do
it next on the CaCO Day radioprogram. Hey, you want to know
when things are getting weird? Whenyou're the Biden campaign and you've lost Michael
Rappaport, the actor who has beenone of the most vocal anti Trump moonbats

since the day he came down theescalator, and now he's conflicted. Your
political views have changed immensely. Iwill not vote for Joe Biden. At
this point, when we're doing thisinterview, voting for Trump is on the
table. People are like, whatare you talking about. That's my reality.
I will not support anybody who's antiIsrael. I will not support anybody

that is anti making America safe.That is cool with the facts that I
got to show my ID at leastthree or four times at the airport,
but it takes you two minutes tocross the border. I'm not down with
that. I'm not down with policeofficers and the greatest city on Earth getting
beaten up. You're a legal immigrantand then you have no bill. I'm
not flipping off the flipping off theCaminal. I'm not down with going into

a cost go or a seven elevencleaning out the spot. So any of
these people are not to support it, I'm not voting for them. I'm
not getting caught up or suckered intothese race politics or any of that bullet
anymore. Now, don't get mewrong, this guy's a disingenuous piece of
garbage. If you go back andlook at his stuff, he was very
much into the racial politics. Hewas. He would push things like No,

No, you can't call Trump Hitlerbecause Hitler wasn't as bad as Trump
like that. This is that dude'shistory. But now this, I mean
it's not it's not exactly a traditionalbell Weather, but I feel like maybe
you should pay attention to that.So just something to think about. And

he's not the only one. Ohdamn it, Ross Ross did you see
the Lebron James story over the weekend? The Lebron James story. Oh wait
for that, We'll get to that. Let me grab a call or two,
Marshall, what's up? I wastelling Ross Man he could hit a
putter the entire eighteen holes and stillbeat Joe Biden at golf. I mean

maybe, But then then there's alsothose dudes who will go and hustle golfers
like I got a seven iron anda putter, and then they can like
they can run out and beat mostgolfers. So yeah, yeah, it'd
be but with this less stiff learningcurve. So I'm with you. I
mean, unless he had the wholeWelcome the Mooseport thing going on with the

service guys. Yeah, well ye, who knows, man, they both
got secret service guys, so maybethey both are scratch golfers at the end
though, all right, thanks forthe call, appreciated, Boston, Paul.
Let's talk Biden and golf. What'sgoing on? Hey? Yeah,
at the beginning of that, hemessed it up. He said when he

was swearing Trump in, he wasthe one being sworn in, the dummy,
and and Ross is right. Hecan't make it past the second role
at that that function, that moneyraise of their fundraiser there in New York.
They were risen from the basement onone of those platforms. He couldn't
walk out on the stage. Uh. Well, but the only thing I'll

say is this, I don't knowif he's referencing during his own swearing in
or specifically when Trump is because eventhough you saw the interact with the Obamas
when Trump visited the White House,Joe Biden was there as well. So
alright, maybe that's what he meant. But still, but still I ain't
happy it's not gonna happen. There'sstill no video of him walking off the

stage. It's been looking for her. But the video of them rising up
from a basement on him, Obamaand Clinton, I mean, come on,
the guy can't even walk out onstage. Anymore. Well, I
think that using a reference to ascensionso close to the Easter holiday is probably
something else for people to be madabout. So yeah, yeah, yeah,

all right, Paul, have agood one. We'll go ahead.
So you know, I guess youknow, one one more thing to throw
on the fire there of people's gripes. But whatever, I just don't think
the golf thing goes well for him. But I'm willing to watch like I

will. You can get those thosedockwork orange keep the eye open torture looking
devices so I don't miss a moment. I'd be okay with that. I
want to see it, all right. So I was mentioning the Lebron James
thing over the weekend. I wasreading and it's the it's the whole when
your enemies or you know, whenyour enemies are doing something wrong, you

know, don't stop them kind ofthing. And also the moonbat on move
bat violence we talk about sometimes,which I'm here for that man. So
Lebron James, who obviously is iswilling to dip into the world oh politics,
obviously is he's he's a big leftistideology promoter when he's come out,

although he does seem very capitalistic mindedon his love of China. But whatever
the motivation, eventually that's not sucha good thing. And we've seen iterations
of this. I can't remember theguy's name. I think he left Twitter,
former basket former NBA player podcast orall of that. Remember, So

he was he was a giant moonbat until like they started coming into his
neighborhood during the BLM stuff, andthen all of a sudden he's on Twitter
like police, police, and everyone'sjust mocking him. Right, It's like,
bro, this is what you're allof your Twitter up to this point
has been promoting, and now they'rein your neighborhood and that's rich. So

with Lebron, what you got toknow is he when he went to La
he found a building site that hadanother big, a pretty famous house on
it, and he bought that.He bought that house, tore the house
down and built his own super customMega Match, which, by the way,

that's not my beef. Do whateveryou're gonna do, right, you
got the money, it's your money, you want to do it. I'm
good with that. Probably a lotof people people made a lot of money
doing the work for him. Igot I got no problem there. However,
the problem is the mansion next store. See the mansion next door.
The owner of it has been tryingto sell it for a while. When

you're in the you know, twentyfive to fifty million plus, you know,
mega mansion range, you're not necessarilyflipping those things overnight. So they've
been trying to sell. It's beenon the market for a while, and
nobody's been living in it. Well, some squatters. Because they got this
down to a science, they madea fake lease. This is what they

do. They make a fake lease. And if the holy grail is if
they can use the fake lease toget a driver's license or an ID card
issued with that as the address.And if you're able to do that,
it's really hard to get you toleave. It's already really hard even with

just the fake lease, but ifyou because now the state's recognized it as
your address. And that's what happenedhere, Except it's not like, you
know, a hard working family offour that's skirting the rules because they think
they deserve it and they're not.No, according to his security people and
some statements Lebron's made, the squattersbasically use the house as a prostitution.

Drug fueled orgy den like every night, and the party doesn't kick off till
bar close, and so it's notone or two people in there, it's
a hundred. And they don't evenknow how many are actually squatting up in
there. They just know that everynight is studio fifty four on steroids.

And when you have that many peopleblitzed out of their mind doing giant pool
orgies, which his estate looks directlyon, too, gets on his nerve.
Also, they keep coming on hisproperty and they've attempted to take things.
So Lebron is complaining that he's hadto hire a much larger security presence

and now he's so mad he's screamingat the city over it. Why won't
you do anything? Look what's happeningto my property? And I gotta tell
you I laughed a little, justa little chuckle when I read that,
because I'm like, bro, thisis this is, this is what you
want, this is. It maynot be specifically what you said you want,

but it's the logical track on thisthing. So you know, Enjoy
did not shed any tears man,all right? And then this story,
this one right here, all right, how many of you raise your even
I can't see you. Let's doit unless you're driving. Get the hands

on the steering wheel. How manyof you were planning vacation in this year?
We'll limit it to this year toLotbury, Thailand, which is a
big tourist area there in Thailand,or kind of was I'll tell you why?
Probably what maybe half of you?Right? Okay, Well, bad

news. So Lotbury, Thailand isan interesting town and in the sense that
they have embraced the wildlife, andfor them it's monkeys. But there's a
lot of places, like if yougo over to Japan, they have islands
full of cats, which, bythe way, sounds like that sounds like

worse than anything that's popped out theocean in the Godzilla series, an whole
island of cats. No, butthat's the thing, and it's it they
got any They have all a bunchof different islands with just like themed animals.
It's really weird. So Lotbury's thingwas the local monkey population, and

the population became so non fearful ofhumans. They're just hanging around in town.
And at first I guess it's goingfine because people love to come there
and take pictures, and then theyhave vendors that would sell you know,
little bags of fruit and other stuffso that people could feed the monkeys.
Well, you know what happens,More monkeys come and a colony of these

monkeys, a rather large one,began to take over the town. And
instead of just you know, doingmonkey shenanigans and you know, doing cute
little monkey things, so they geta banana handed to them, they realized,
I'm just gonna take that. Whatare they gonna do? And they
started taking it, and then theystarted taking it aggressively, and they started

attacking people, and then they startedin one instance, they took a baby.
They took a whole baby up toa building and threw the baby off.
So there's been some things and that'swhen townsfolk are like, we got
to do something. And initially cityofficials didn't want to push back because this

is a big revenue driver and they'relike, all right, we're going to
figure this out. Well, theythen a second monkey gang moved in.
I wish I was making this upa rival monkey gang, because they looked
at this gang and they're like,hey, look how easy they have it.
And so now you didn't just havethe attacks on people and scaring away
of the tourists. But now youhave a warring bloods crips or you know,

sharks jets, a gang battle that'staking place all day, every day
throughout the town. So city officialssaid we had to do something. Well
that's when the animal rights people camein and initially they were tranking the monkeys
and I guess moving them to afarm up state, well that like Kaibosh.
Because people got outraged. So theycame up with a plan where police

were allowed sling shots to deal withthe roving gangs of violent monkeys, but
they were not allowed to actually hitthe monkeys. They could only use the
sling shot to strike inanimate objects nearthem in an attempt to scare them,
which quickly the monkeys didn't give acrap about. So now they're moving portions

of the citizens away from the mostinfested areas because the argument is the monkeys
were here first. Yeah, they'regetting ready to abandon parts of this city.
Man. Oh and the monkeys havea leader. They literally have their
own dawn. It's just crazy.What is the monkey? The monkey?

Don here we go the troop leader, who officials say is the most aggressive
and seemingly is calling the shots forthe initial gang. I Crow is,
yeah, yeah, he's in charge, man and literally will dole out punishments

to members of his own gang.And initially when they were still is using
sedative. They say that they hithim with three darts and it didn't do
it. So apparently he's got superpowerstoo. So there you go. Look
at that. We went soft onmonkey crime little approach there, and now
your tourist attraction has turned into basicallythe worst parts of the Planet of the

Ape series for the humans. Allright, eight eight eight nine three four
seven eight seven four, I'm sorry, the story is just so crazy.
Raced Agent's got crazy news too.He wants to make an eighty and then
freezing so what he does? Yeah, and we may especially from the Triad
west into the mountains where late weekthere could even be a little snow flying

around. I mean, it's notlike it's all that crazy, especially southern
parts of the Apple Astians this timeof year to get snow. But I
think a lot of people after mideighties today and tomorrow maybe some record warmth
will probably be done with the mentionof any chili weather, but enjoy it.
Two days of the partly sunny sky, and then it's Tomorrow night into
Wednesday cole fur will come in withsome showers, maybe a thunderstorm around.

The guidance now saying severe weather staysto the west of US, but some
thunderstorms even into Wednesday and early Wednesdaynight before the front clears. Wednesday will
back off a little to the midto upper seventies, and then Thursday Friday,
some of us might not get theupper fifties, some sixty are right
around sixty, but sunshine, theovernight loads will be in the thirties to
near forty with you know, Ithink Friday morning and especially Saturday morning and

Sunday morning could have some thirties whichcould be close to freezing there, maybe
some frost so mild to war maybesome record warmth are close to it.
Next couple of days the front comesthrough. It looks like starting late Tuesday
night into Wednesday, we'll have someshowers and thunder showers around, widely scattered
though so not all day rain,and then cooler toward the end of the
week with temperatures going back down belownormal. But it looks like a warm
up as we get it to Sundayand early next week. All right,

thank you, sir, appreciate it. Yeah, all right. Jeff Bellinger's
next hang on half Bellinger back fromhis long weekend. What's up, Jeff,
Well, good morning, case.The S and P five hundred had
its best start to a year sincetwenty nineteen, had gained ten percent in
the first quarter, and the futuresare a little bit higher as we prepared
to start the second quarter of theyear. S and P futures up seven

points. Nasdaq futures are up fortynow. Futures are up just one this
hour. Investors could not react tosome encouraging inflation use on Friday because it
was a market holiday. The FederalReserves preferred gauge of underlying price pressures cooled
some on last month, while householdspending rebounded. Fed chaired Your Own Powell
reiterated Friday that central bankers don't haveto rush to start cutting interest rates.

Home Ownership is a stretch for Americanswith subparwer incomes. In fact, a
new bank rate survey finds a sixfigure income is needed in order to afford
a median priced home in nearly halfof the US states. This report says
it takes a ninety two thousand dollarsannual income to afford a median priced home
in North Carolina. Shortage of airlinepilots to be stabilizing. More than eleven

thousand candidates received certification in the pastyear. Airline industry executives and officials of
the Airline Pilots Association told Travel Pulsethe situation is improving. New cybersecurity issue
has come to light. Casey atand T says personal data on about seventy
three million current and past customers wasposted on the dark web about two weeks

ago. The information includes social securitynumbers. It appears to be from twenty
nineteen or earlier. AT and Tis still investigating the source of the leak.
In the meantime, the company hasreset the passwords for more than seven
and a half million customers and saysit is communicating directly with everyone who is
affected. Casey, Yeah, I'mone of them. And it was a

pain in my butt when they didthat over the weekend. All right,
Jeff, you know on Friday,how dumb I am? I three to
you before Ross could stop me,and then oh so, I hope I
did a good job. Now youwere great. Okay, all right,
we'll have a good rest of yourMonday, sir. Okay, you two
take care. There you go.Jeff Bellinger, Bloomberg News on Good Friday.

I made that mistake. I know, I know, I know,
I know, but that's how itis, dude. I was like,
again, I'm looking at this videothe protesters trying to shut down the worship
the Easter service right with their theirGaza signs, and they're just like,
oh, we're gonna disrupt it.There was I did the story earlier,
but there's one other thought I hadactually over the weekend. I want to

share this. They're all proud thatthey're gonna go, we're gonna go,
We're gonna go stop this and disruptthese people from their worship service, and
they're you know what they're doing.You realize that yesterday's service was people gathering
based on a previous attempt to shutdown their religion right by murdering the head

of it, who then went nah, I think I'm good. Three days
later, like that's what that's whatpeople are getting. So you with your
stupid poster board or your little rolliesign. They're gathered because the one time
they killed the head of their thingand then the dude's like ah, resurrect
wow whatever. So like your thebar is really high. So the video

just brings me amusement.
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