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April 11, 2024 93 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Casey O Day Radio program creeping creepingin towards the end of the week.
But first you got to put upwith the is gonna be good napping weather
today? If it doesn't knock yourpower out, well I guess you can
still nap through that. But yeah, we got depending on where you are,
little spurts of not so great weather. Ray stage it will be here

coming up a little later on toguide us through that. All right,
So we got lots to get throughthe this morning. We have we have
vaccine waters insanity, we have shejack in sanity again. Oh hold on,

hold on, not trying to hitthe button, trying to move the
audio cut? All right, that'smy bad. All right's gonna have to
clean that up. Sorry, dude. So we'll get to that. Of
course, Stephen Kent, he'll joinus in our number three get into it
is some nerd stuff. I guessthere's I want to talk about the new

video game adaptions because I saw peoplethat were I have not seen this.
I guess it's on Prime Video,so I don't know. But now there's
the Fallout series, what was thewhat's the other series that ross you've been
watching? I'm trying to remember whatit is or am I am? I

mixing it up here hanging out.Well, well, look we're gonna get
into it with Steven Kent because thereare look, Hollywood's pulling off a lot
of video games, and I don'tI think that's a fascinating discussion and something
that has been both a curse usuallya curse, but also a benefit in
my young life compared to me inmy four early forties. But still,

you know, we were the eraof video games, of the video game
generation, so since like day one, I know, people argue and they're
like, uh, yeah, wellthose are home consoles and you know,
going back and pack it, gotit, got it, okay, whatever.
But the fact is it has beenabsolutely cringe worthy so many times in

my life where some some video gamethey've parlayed into a either a movie or
a TV show and it didn't gowell. And there's some there's some there's
some classic examples out there. Tryingto think of the first video game movie
that really captured my attention, Ithink I know which one. It is.

The first video game movie that capturedmy attention as a kid, right
because I'm a kid and I wasreally excited about. It was the the
very same movie that made everybody thinkthey needed a Nintendo glove, which was
absolutely worthless. Have any of youever tried to play a game with that

Nintendo glove? No? No,he didn't have one, but my rich
buddy did. And I remember thinking, wow, this thing's a piece of
crap. But was the the Wizard? I think was the was the name?
Right? The Wizard? And uh, basically some kid really good at
video games Nintendo? And well it'sbeen so long, I don't remember the

plot. That's a good movie,right, No, no, no,
no, the glove was the glove? You know? The glove was trash
and garbage. Yeah, but man, when you saw that movie, you
wanted one, didn't you. Sure? Yeah yeah, and you put that
thing on your leg. This islike, yeah, yeah, all right,
So so the gloves sucked. Butthe movie, the movie When You're

a Kid is about a kid who'sreally good at doing something you really love
and he's having a battle through togo and prove that he's the best in
the world. And wasn't it renowhere they held it? Looking back at
that movie? But first I wasa giant commercial for Super Mario Brothers three
that was the first time a lotof us saw that game, and it
like, yeah, pumped us upto get that game, and then the
game ended up being like amazing,legendary. Yes, but the kid also

in that movie is clearly autistic,but we did not know that back in
the day. Really, you goback and watch that movie. The kid
is autistic. But they and theydid the movie without ever saying a one
thousand percent. We watched that movierecently, we're like, that kid is
so it's a it's a movie aboutautistic child who's really good at video games.
Yeah, I mean that sounds likesomething they'd put on TV today.
It does, unapologize and then they'dmake him a doctor or whatever that does

that show still on? What isthe show I'm thinking of the Good Doctor,
Good Doctor? Yeah, I neverreally watched, which is weird because,
like they he presents autism as ifhe he he moves like he's and
he talks like he's C three poRight, you go, and now that
they've said that, go and watchthe show just for a little bit and
watch the show, not the movie, right, the show. Watch the

way he moves, his mannerism isthe way he is C three po That's
how he interprets autism, and it'svery strange. I had, I had
no idea, okay, all right, and then now I'm gonna have to
rewatch that. I wonder where Icould even watch that. It's called The
Wizard, right. Uh, let'ssee here, I'm gonna look at my

little thing here. You know.It's really defeating today is when you want
to watch a movie and then likeyou check the nine services that you actually
pay for and it's not on there. Okay, weren't something like weird movie
you seeing the long time and theywant to charge you twenty dollars for it?
Like there were? Oh yeah,like you'll earnest me. Yeah yeah,
yeah, here it is, yeah, from nineteen eighty nine. Uh

is it streaming anywhere? No?No, it's not streaming. All right.
What do you think that movie coststo buy? Uh? Fifteen bucks?
You're exactly right, fifteen dollars.You know what. I don't want
to see it that bad? Sorry, exactly. The biggest video game movie
disappointment the first time I was eversitting in a movie theater, I was

like clearly disappointed. It never happenedbefore, but going to the movies is
like Magic was the original Super MarioBrothers movie. Sitting in the theater and
trying to watch that, Yeah,what is this piece of garbage? Yeah?
I knew. I agree it wasn'tgood, but I'm trying to think
of all of the super did youknow you're sitting that was the first one
that I can remember. Yeah,oh okay, yeah, no, no,

no, that's fair because there's beena lot of Stemen piles over the
years. But you like the newHalo series and I but I guess the
new Fallout series. Everyone is like, this is amazing. I was,
yeah, it looks so good andlooking forward to it, but then IGN
rated it a nine, so nowI'm not so sure. Oh no,
gave me a little pause. Okay, all right, well, prap,

I didn't know that the best showever. You're like, oh boo,
and it's on Prime, so ifyou know I do have that one.
I'm like, oh, I'm gonnabe able to watch this now. I
wait until all the episodes come out, but like me happy, I'm like,
ah, you have to fall Out. And you have to understand.
I'm not a player of either game, nor you. I don't think you
played Fallout either. I mean,you know, I know, it's one

of my favorite series. Oh,if you like the Fallout, it's Halo.
You never played, right, Halodidn't play. So I went into
that clean like clean slate, andI enjoyed it because I know nothing about
the lore. But fans of thegame series hate the show because there has
nothing to do with it. Theycan change the story. Good. That
doesn't bother me because I have noBA but Fallout, all right, So
that's a higher bar. That's gonnabe a higher bar in your pit completely.

Yeah, okay, I stream Falloutall the time. I love it.
I don't know it. I'm assumingit's you know, apocalyp is it
A is it? I don't knowwhat the Yeah, yeah, it's uh
okay. So it's like nineteen imaginelike if the timeline of America instead of
imagine if we completely embraced nuclear technologyand the the progress. Yeah, pretty

much, we become the Jetsons.But but in this timeline there's also a
big, huge nuclear war and alot of civilization go into the vaults to
uh, you know, try tosurvive, and then later on they come
out of the vaults and then theyyou know, they try to prosper So
fall Out, you know, prettystandard thing there, and all of a
sudden everyone's super Warrior, right,there are super mutants. Yeah, yeah,

but there's also a Borderlands, uhmovie coming out. They have enough
guns for that. I don't know, man, because you need like a
bajillion gazillion guns for that. Yeah, is that a dude? John Rambo
like a you know, a littlecameo. I mean the trailer. We
saw the trail. We took aLincoln for his birthday, his twelfth birthday,
We to him to go see aKung Fu Panda four and that was

one of the previous and he knowsBorderlands. He was like, oh,
this looks great. It looks good, but who knows. All right,
well, this is this is We'llget into this with Steven Kent coming up
a little later. But first wehave we have of justice. We gotta
get some we gotta get we gottaget our justice on as what I don't

know, kind of feels like withinthe media feels a lot like we're trying
to do another George Floyd thing hereagain, and I don't know if this
story holds up to that. Soyou have a you have a a dude
in the car, he gets stopby police. According to the reports,

he is a He is not tobe in possession of a weapon based on
some some you know, some otherinteractions with our legal system. We give
you the CNN version. This isin Tennessee. Tennessee State Senator uh State
Center London Lamar says, quote,she feels like a slave sometimes in the

state. Oh yes, all right, so that's quite the setup. Obviously,
this is their own very activist electedofficial in Tennessee. Also, she
referred to no, I'm sorry,her cohort, Senator Charlene Oliver, has
literally called for riots in the past, and in this instance is intimating that

again, all of these things wouldbe the key focus of any story for
if it was Republicans saying this stuff. Referring to a bill known as the
Jim Crow Bill, which is whatthey referred to it, that was put
in by Senator Brett Taylor and quoteall of his confederates. So again I'm

coming through the lens of his politicalopponents. Now what is the bill?
So the bill orders police to ignorebasically what the Memphis City Council has been
doing. Memphis is an absolute shootinggallery, absolute shooting gallery. In Memphis,

the city council voted to order policeto no longer pull over motorists for
routine traffic violations. Expired registration,you know how your lights aren't working,
you know all all of these thingsthat for forever have been part of it,
and yes, don't get me wrong, have also been used by police,
arguably to you know, camel's noseunder the tent in some situations,

but you know, like unintended.I'll give you an example. So they
go and they pull over a carthat's speeding at three in the morning.
And you know, you see thesestories where they do that and then all
of a sudden everything goes sideways becausesomebody's got a warrant or they're speeding inexplicably
with nine pounds of drugs in thecar. You see these crazy stories.

Well, this went in a differentdirection, and from CNN, this is
how the story is set up.How did a traffic stop for not wearing
a seatbelt end with ninety six gunshots, an injured officer and a dead twenty
six year old some say, andby some he means the video of from

six different angles from the officers thatyou can watch some say it was because
Dexter Reid fired at officers first.Some believe the stop never should have happened,
all right, so we're turning intothis the great civil rights thing.
And then they get mom out therefor a press conference and she's losing her

mind. By the way, hereshe is it just bought his new car
three days before that. He wasjust riding them around in his car.
He's a mom, right, andI killed him? And then she literally
falls back like a Chappelle skin.And again, my thing is not I
tried to beef with the family members. Her kid could have absolutely been a

staying on the criminal justice system,but she's it's still her son. So
all right, So that that's wherewe are. However, if you're gonna
run that clip, and you area news reporter and that's what you're attempting
to do to report news, youmight provide some context, like what happened
during the traffic stop? Right becausethis is her narrative right here. In

fact, let me let's let's plugher narrative into the is that does that
sound like what happened? Okay?All right, see you heard mom's explanation,
because she obviously was not there.But uh knows everything that happened,
and according to her, the wholeincident kind of went like this, running

along the autimally with the AI recreationmachine is amazing in here, by the
way, that is really good.We got new AI text. So all
right. The problem is, that'snot what happened according to the videos,

according to any of the reports.Even if you want to throw the reports
out because you're like, oh,it's all biased, that's not what happened,
not according to anything we can seeor any of the witness statements.
What happened is a little different.So they pull him over and it turned
into a situation where dudes, herolls the window down, becomes hostile with

police. He's not happy, buthe's also he's within the realm of just
somebody who's just really po They gotpulled over. The problem is that he
had a firearm allegedly, and byallegedly, I mean you can see it
throughout, and he's not allowed topossess a firearm, and you generally don't
want to brandish one when the policeare pulling you. Well maybe I don't

know. I'm not the traffic stopexpert. Ross if he get pulled over.
What would you say, should wouldbe a best practice that you should
do. I would roll down yourwindow, immediately, stare the cop in
the eyes, and say, amI being detained? All right? Well,
he didn't do any of those.In fact, while he did roll
down the window, he then startedto roll it up, and he started
moving stuff around in there. Andas soon as that's what you're doing,

officers got questions. So, followingyour scenario, he did do step one.
Then he started rolling it up.Next step to alleviate the situation,
so everyone goes home? Is whatyou draw a glock from your waistband?
Right? I always say that wouldbe a bad idea, Probably shoot a
what if you're like Old West,quick with it? I would say,

babe, they'll be impressed. Notgonna end Well, I would say that
if I had like a top tenlist of things not to do, it
would be a younger one on thelist. Don't do that, don't immediately
grab a firearm in your waistband,and and and then all right, so
Ross is like so, and thenyou shoot at him eleven times? Right
too? Like help the officers tradebecause those are things that happened. Unlike

Mom's version here so uh, anyway, just expect that to turn into a
whole thing. And the thing wepredicted is turning into a thing up in
Baltimore. I knew it was.I knew it would do it. You
knew it would. And we'll sharethat with you coming up case O Day
radio program. Yeah yeah, yeahat the old Planet Fitness. I know
I don't want to be doing anotherPlanet Fitness story either, but here we

be. Although I will take issuewith some quotes in this bad boy Okay,
so check this out. Christopher Miller, aged thirty eight, was arrested
after going into the women's locker roomat the Gastonia Planet Fitness on South New

Hope. Bro. This happened lastweek. Now we're getting more. Now
we're getting the details and the initialappearance. So Planet Fitness, obviously you're
aware they have a policy you canuse the no judgment based on what you
identify as and that's the locker roomyou can use. However, the evil,
horrible, bigoted women at this PlanetFitness they were not having this,

you know, in their evil bigotry. And also the part where, according
to police, the dude who's gothe looks like a scuzzy homeless, dreadlock,
younger dude who probably went to toomany music festivals his thirties slipped away,
he accomplished nothing. That's just thevibe I get. But according to
women at the Planet Fitness, thedude was in the women's locker room.

He was buck naked man, andhe was not only naked, but he
was trying to coerce women into rubbingsome lotion on him and maybe helping him
in the shower. When initially approached, the man said he identifies as a
woman and wouldn't leave, and thenagain started just walking around the locker room

everything out, trying to find somebodyto rub lotion on him. Here's what
I think is rich. By theway, Clark Simon, the former president
of Charlotte Pride, said Planet Fitness'spolicy is a big fan. Clark's a
big fan. However, Clark addedthat there's no excuse for someone who's not
transgender to violate the space. Allright, who the hell are you,

Clark? Who are you to sitthere and tell this person that they're not
transgender? I'm serious. Every timesomebody's tried to be like, all right,
so what actually constitutes that? Andyou have a whole swath argument of
people saying, you know, chromosomewill make up is a pretty good place
to start. And then the activistswill run out and they'll be like,

you know, but there's people whohave contaminated chromosomes so they have this Kleinfelter
syndrome. And and you're like,okay, yeah, but not twenty five
percent of gen z and polling.What are you talking about. So for
this guy to go, oh no, this is not this is not a
trans he met the equivalent standard thatyou have asked for and you have advocated

for, which is simply telling youthat he identifies as a woman. And
it is this disconnect And anytime Isee these stories where they're like, oh,
well that person that wasn't a realtransgender person, and it's like,
all right, well what is.Well, you're a bigot for asking because
it's in the you know, it'show a person feels, so you can't

put standards on it. It's like, well, you just use some imaginary
standards to try to make it looklike this person is not what they say
they are. And I'm just askingwhat are those standards? Who knows,
maybe we agree with those standards Miller'sin charge or in jail, among charges,

there was a miner in the lockerroom, so that's the toothy one.
They'll try to get them with.Let's see here. Oh. They
also put this line up and theysay that there's no indication that Miller self
reported before the incident. Specifically,there's no indication that Miller contacted an employee

prior and said, hey, justso you know, I am a transwoman
and before entering the locker room,which is wildly disingenuous because under Planet Fitness's
policy, there is no requirement forthat. Read the policy. They don't
have to go and explain themselves tosomebody. And that's intentional, right,

because if they did, if theyhad to pass some sort of test,
this Clark Simon idiot and his crewwould be out there. How dare you
force somebody to explain something like thisto you? If they say it,
that's good enough. And now inretrospect they're like, well obviously he wasn't.
I mean, all this could beavoided if people just when they went
to the gym they were like,I am and I have like the discipline

and the dedication not to go tothe bathroom like I don't understand these people
that go to the gym and they'relike, I'm gonna I have to go
number one. I have to gonumber two. I have it, Listen,
I have the discipline and the focuswhere I have. I don't think
I've gone number two in like twoyears, just out of sheer determination and
grit. And you go to thegym. Yeah, these people go to

the gym and they're like, Ihave to the bathroom, man, come
on, come on, what Yeah, so that's the problem, that's the
problem. Yeah, you're not focusingon Yeah, that's a good point.
You know, if you just don'tgo in the locker room, right,
you know, when you're walking aroundnaked by himself right, right, exactly
as we all know when you walkinto Planet Fitness, right, you have
to you have the check in boothon your left, right right, where

you can you know, check in, use your black card or buy a
beverage or whatever or going or whateverit is. And then you have the
little cubby lockers you can use onyour left which have like a little uh
locking mechanism on it. Don't evenneed to bring your own lock And that's
where I put my keys in mywallet and my maybe my jacket. You
put it up there. I don'teven have time to focus on the bathroom.

You kidding me? People are lazy, You ross blazy people who I
eat twenty eggs every morning and Igo straight to the gym and I hold
it like a man. Well,thank god. Can you imagine what twenty
eggs post worked out would do toa locker room? Dude? Even know
what that place looks like. Youknow, you'd be the guy in the
story, not for showing your jumpto a kid, but for you know,

terrorism charge. That's just when tostart the day. Twenty eggs then
did an hour of cardio, andthen he used the bathroom, and oh
my god, we had to havethese people complaining about the locker room or
the bathroom. You're weak, youneed to get swollen, Just go outside.
Or are you ready for this?Get the wide mouth gatorade bottle when
you're on the machine. What right, right? Be right? You don't

have time. This is a greatidea, dude. And if somebody's like,
oh, oh my gosh, theguy's got his junk out on the
elliptical, the question for that othergym goer would be like, why are
you staring at his junk. Youpurv Yeah, focus on your routine.
Man, Oh that's why you're fat. He is day twenty eggs. You
keep this up, He's gonna goover to your house and use your bathroom.

Oh man, all right, lookat that. Well we solve that
problem right away, all right?Eight eight eight nine three four seven eight
seven before everything's so dumb. Butmy question stands, right, if your
lifetime has spent advocating for a policywhere nobody ever has to prove or explain
anything on this on this topic,and anyone who questions it is a bigot,
you can't then decide that they didn'tmeet the cut when asking what the

cut is could get you essentially canceled. So Ross, take Ross's advice,
hold it cowards, all right?Eight eight eight nine three four seven eight
seven four. Hypothetically, I havea question. What if one of you,
or me, for that matter,showed up at the local city council

meeting and during public input session heldaloft a weapon or an object that was
to be weaponized, and threatened themayor with striking her with it if she
doesn't acquiesce to a demand. Howdo you think that that would fly,

or walking into congressional hearing, orwalking into a county commissioner's meeting or school
board meeting. Right if you rolledup in there and made a threatening statement
with the object you were threatening thiselected official with. I feel like,
can you imagine the news story,especially if it's some like woke mayor and

some guy in a maga hat likethere would be the only story see the
fascist or doing what the fascists aredoing? Do you know that happened yesterday?
Kind of? And it happened inNorth Carolina, that's the thing in
and it involved a mayor, themayor of Raleigh in this case, Mary

Anne Baldwin, vape enthusiast and aparade hater. Right, So let's take
that scenario, with all of theinsanity over the Christmas preate. Let's say
that one of the organizers from theChristmas preade showed up and threatened the mayor
with an object, threatening to quotestrike her with it based on not doing

this thing that they wanted them to. You know, basically, hey,
if you don't do this, thisis something that could happen to you.
I'll explain how she worded it.The angry Leprechaun in question, but the
reaction on the part of law enforcementcity, I didn't the f is going

on. I can't think of ascenario where anyone listening to this show could
pull that stunt. But it happened, and we'll give you the details next
here on the CaCO Day Radio program. As you know, there's been a
bunch of Gaza activists who've been showingup and taking over anything and everything because
we've created this permissive environment where whateveryour cause is, you can ruin everybody

else's day if you don't feel thatthey're acquiescing to you. So that's great.
So anyway, this nutjob angry Leprechaunor something, I don't know.
She's wearing like the Palestinian pullover withthe bright red hair, so I'm just
very confused. But anyway, theindividual whose name we don't have, I'm

sure somebody knows who she is,obviously, But during the public input session,
the speaker who identified herself as Catherine, held up a shoe. Now,
for those of you who are oldenough to remember the George Bush incident,
right where George Bush was? Wherewas he was he in Dubai or

Cutter somewhere in the Middle East,I don't remember. And he's holding that
press conference and a dude, who, by the way, was on a
press pass. The dude showed upabout you know, middle second or third
question stood up and you can seeBush immediately realize he's about to get a

shoe thrown at him, and hedoes the duck and cover and everyone's seen
the video, and at the timepeople were celebrating, but they also talked
about how there is that is aninsult. That is an insult within certain
segments of the Middle East. Right, Showing somebody the bottom of your shoe
and throwing it at him is justthe worst. So this activist gets up,

identifies or identifies herself as Catherine andholds the shoe up. That's not
a good start. And frankly,I again, I feel like if it
was somebody who politically was not youknow, mostly all there with the mayor
and they held up a shoe ina threatening manner. And why do I

say it's a threatening manner because shethen uttered the words quote Mary Anne Baldwin.
If I can keep from throwing theshoe at you, you can keep
off your phone while listening to yourconstituents talk. People are trying to get
you to hear them, and theyhave heard you for months and months.
They even voted on a resolution.They even voted on a resolution to not

go forward with the Gaza piece thingthat you're asking for, which, well,
I don't understand how that would work. Again, the City of Raleigh
doesn't have anything with it. Thisis about demanding allegiance and fealty to whatever
their position is. But that andhere is, by the way, here
is the audio you ready, Maryand Baldwin. If I can keep from

throwing the shoe at you, youcan keep from off your phone while listening
to your constituents talk. Please,Your people are trying to get you to
hear them. Now, let mesay this. I share this woman's frustration,
even if I think she's a lunatic, who, by the way,
has gotten more attention and even avote from somebody who has no There's nothing

they can do about this, right. This is about forcing people to tell
you that you're awesome and you havegood ideas. That being said, I
share her frustration and have been inmany council, county board school board meetings
having covered that for years. Backin the day, where during public input
session you'll see council members sitting there, jacket around in their fact clearly not

paying attention. And I always foundthat. I always found that very frustrating
and rude. So I'm with youon that. However, I can't think
of a scenario where somebody who mightbe ideologically opposed to the direction of the
city council rolls in makes that statementholding the item. They're saying that it's
so glad I'm not throwing this,because if I was throwing this, this

is what suck for you. Andit walks out of the meeting and nothing
happen. Weapons that's insane. Theyyou know, they arrested a dad who
showed up at a school board meetingbecause his kid was raped and the superintendent
wanted to lie and say he wasn'tand that turned into such a big case
they had to literally purge the prosecutor. Do I think she was gonna throw

the shoot? Probably not. ButI also, you know, I've been
watching the uh you know, thelunatics driving up and down, having many
gaza parades with their vehicles covered inflags, doing sixty. And I got
killed at the roundabout at NC Statedriving back from a delicious steak dinner,
kind of sneaking back through there,and thank god the uber stopped at the

roundabout because they want flying through thedamn thing. I haven't called somebody I
know on the police force. He'slike, yeah, that's the thing that
keeps happening. How do you goin and do this and not catch a
charge or something. It's mind bogglingto me. But you know what,

these are the pigeons you want tokeep throwing grain at Mare. This is
welcome, This is you get everythingthat you signed up for. So you
might want to hit that vight pena few times and you know, sink
into oblivion. I guess too.I get over it. Baldwin did release
the statement saying last night's gesture,oh we're calling it a gesture, violated

the rules of decorum and was inappropriate. This is why we have police inside
the chambers to manage these situations andminimize disruptions. Again, somebody threatened to
throw a shoe at you if youdidn't do exactly what they wanted. Inspired
by Ross's policy of thee at thegym of You're only a psychopath would use
the bathroom there, so hold anend coward. I feel like that's a

good policy. Now, this isprobably gonna irritate some of you, but
I don't care because I'm right.Two of the golfers at the Master,
Scottie Scheffler, who is I believemathematically one of the favorites, if not
the favorite to win it. Idon't know what the numbers sit at today.
Let's see Scotti Scheffler, and andby the way, Scheffler's won the

Masters before too. By the way, so he is a past champion,
Scheffler. And what is the otherguy's name, Burns? Yeah, all
right, So why am I announcingwhat's up with these two? So both
of them have wives that are pregnant, are not only pregnant, but are

expecting and feasibly are due within thenext week to two weeks, so end
of the week, maybe next week. So look, the probability that their
wives go into labor during the Mastersprobably on the lower side. But you'd

ever know, especially out there andyou know, watching watching your husband's play.
And I told you, man,it's one of the one of the
craziest kept secrets that the this wasat the PGA Championship is when you had
the press credential and you could moveeverywhere. What I found was fascinating was

they have a rooftop like at theclubhouse for the club I was at,
which is in Minnesota, or theyheld a PGA championship. The roof of
the clubhouse is a big outdoor barrestaurant, and that wasn't open to the
general public. It was for formedia people to get food, but also

for all the wags as they callthem, the wives and girlfriends. And
I remember going up there and hittingthe media catering thing and I look over
and look, these guys do okay, right, so you got you know,
you got nothing but smoke. Showwives sitting right, mostly not the
girlfriends, because the girlfriends will stillfollow their men around on the course.

It's just interesting. But man,they're just sitting there talking about which color
maserati they're getting, showing off theirjewelry and stuff like, which is fine
whatever. I don't care if everybody'shappy. Everybody's happy. But the last
thing they're talking about is golf,which I found interesting. And now these
two women, the wives of thesetwo golfers, they stand in a position

where both of their husbands have saidthat if they go into labor. They're
withdrawing from the tournament, and they'regonna go be by their side, which
Scotti Scheffler is one of the favoritesto win, and he's won before,
and I can't imagine that scenario.Now, there was a golfer who was

winning the Canadian Open and I can'tremember his name. I remember it was
a big story because his wife didgo into labor and he left and possibly
was foregoing like two million dollars doingit, which is I was gonna be
ironic down the road when she's likeonce you know, maybe money gets a

little tight or whatever, and she'slike, ah, I want to buy
this thing, It's like, well, remember that time we said no to
two million dollars? Yeah? ThatSo here's the unpopular opinion. Why should
they leave? Like the Masters isa known other than the the reschedule they

did during the peak of COVID.If you remember they moved the Masters,
it was at a very weird time. The Masters is always now or within
a week of now. This isnot a new thing. Why don't you
hold it or better yet, whydon't you time it out? Can't you
math this thing out? Don't peopledo I don't, you know, I

don't know if everyone does this,but I know a family member who they
were very intentional about when they wantwanted to have the baby, but that
was more for some weird family traditionthing. But they almost hit it on
the head, So I don't know. Also, I think they both already
have kids, so like, youknow, not at first rodeo, it's

going to be wild. Let's see, I think it's going to be pretty
wild, said Shuffler. I don'tthink it's a hit either of us quite
yet, but it's an exciting timefor us as a family. What do
you do if you're leading the masters? What if you're Scheffler and you're going
into the weekend, you're leading theMasters and then I don't know, you
tea off on Saturday and you're feelinggood, maybe even you know, capture

a couple of strokes in the firstfew holes, and then you get the
call. Do you just walk outof there? You have the opportunity to
be recognized as the greatest of thething that you do for a period after
this. And also if you dowalk away, I know Scheffler's got a

jacket already, But if you're Burns, you walk away, you never get
the jacket. Now you're gonna bepaying full price for olive Garden for the
rest of your life. Is thatfair to you, the wife or the
baby. I don't think so.What do you think would happen though,
this is the thought exercise. Whatdo you think would happen even if everyone
in the family was fine with it? Right, Scheffler's wife or Burns's wife's

like, Now I got my familyaround me. I want you to win
this tournament. Bear down, Imean mentally it may not be easy.
And the golfer doesn't withdraw. Ithink people are probably gonna say some not
nice things to say the very least. Let's see. Yeah, here we

go and they get they get intoother incident. Oh, they start talking
about the Phill incident. Well thatwas interesting because that happened here so back
in the day in the final roundof the Masters in nineteen ninety nine,
it was Phil Mickelson's who was seeingcarrying. This was at pine This wasn't

the Masters at Pinehurst? Why didthey write this story in correct? What
was it in ninety nine? Wasat the Open? The champion? I
can't remember anyway, Michelson ended upgetting second place behind Payne Stewart, and
then his wife went in the nextday. But he was carrying a beeper
around and everyone's like, why areyou carrying a beeper? Are you a
drug dealer? What are you doing? This is like my wife might go
into labor. So yeah, Isay, stick it out. What is

the what is the purse for theMasters? It's not a little bit of
money? What is this? Maybeshe didn't map it out. Well,
she already got him locked down.I understand that, you know, you
want to get a baby in themix. There little insurance policy. But

anyway, all right, so that'sthe thing. Just thought i'd bring up
to speed on it. All right, coming up on the show at the
time, well, at the timethe Masters was supposed to start. Now
it's going to be delayed at leastan hour. Steven kentill join us.
We've got a few things to getin with him. Also, oh man,
where do I start today? MaxineWaters or Sheila Jackson Lee. But

we talked about she jack quite abit yesterday, obviously with her very very
intelligent recitation of the moon provide uniquelight and energy so that you have the
energy of the moon at night.And sometimes you've heard the word full moon.

Sometimes you need to take the opportunityjust to come out and see a
full moon? Is that complete roundedcircle which is made up mostly of gases?
All Right, so this idiot,well she has responded, we'll have
the latest from her and her buddy, Maxine Waters. The lunacy and hypocrisy

of these people people get up intoWashington, and it's not just too democratic
Congress women, but just like thegas lighting and stuff that elected officials up
there will say. The difference isone side tends to get pushedback and fact
checked, whereas the other one isjust gonna sit there say whatever they want
and largely not be challenged on it. Well, you see why when you're

used to that. Both of thesewomen have an absolute meltdown over people challenging
what they said, or calling themout on it, or even politely suggesting
that they disagree with them. We'llgive you the she Jack update and delve
into the Maxine Waters hypocrisy. Willdo it next. Hang On, I
had some questions about the whole moonwas made of mostly gas thing, describing

people criticizing her as quote and specificallyRepublicans and their quote lust for stupidity for
pointing out no, that's not true. During the event, Jackson Lee,
as you heard, told students Iwas talking about the sun and the moon.
And you know we played the audioobviously there before the break she's talking

about the moon being although she didcome down on the side that the moon
would be easier to build homesteads onthan the sun, which is probably true,
so good on her. But yeah, Jackson Lee claimed that she had
been referring to the sun at thetime and not the moon. Obviously I

misspoke and meant to say the sun. No, no, you didn't.
And I was willing to say,okay, well this is what she said
she means and then go back andlisten to the audio. This isn't where
it's one conflated word or not.She's drawing distinctions again. Here's the audio.

Bad unique light and energy, sothat you have the energy of the
moon at night, and sometimes theword full moon sometimes you need to take
the opportunity just to come out andsee a full moon. Is that complete
rounded circle which is made up mostlyof gases. And that's why the question,

the question is why how could weas humans live on the moon are
the Does that sell that she's confused? She's talking about the moon on one
side, moon on the other side, and using a continued description in the
middle, which is where she's receivingthe criticism. Nobody believes you. Right,
No, she didn't like flub aword. Her whole whole premise is

wrong. Then the whole forty twoseconds is based on rognet. Right.
If she's saying that she is shesaying we could live on the sun,
then it was that her point.No, shelbed the word if she meant
the sun, but her whole premiseswe can live there. What is she
talking about at night and in thewinter. Yes, we covered, didn't
we. I think we explained thisyesterday right with the alig audio. No,

she screwed up. She's an idiot. She thought. You know,
she's dumb. You're not a smartwoman, but neither is Maxine Waters.
Let's go back to right after Trumpwas elected, where we first learned that
Maxine Waters has probably never put fuelin her vehicle and this famous comment,

Let's make sure we show up whereverwe have to show up, and if
you see anybody from that cabinet ina restaurant in a department store at a
gasold station. You get out andyou call it a guy, and you
just back on them and you tellthem they're not welcome anymore anywhere. And

obviously this was during that period oftime where everyone within the you know,
you had all these incidents where restaurants, including what was the famous one in
Roanoke or Richmond or near there whothrew the now governor of Arkansas out right,
and you had all this lunacy,and people were warning, they're like,
you know, you're ramp this upto the point where rather than recognizing

debating and you know, potentially overcomingif your idea is better your political opponents,
you want them purge from society andphysically so in some instance. So
she's calling for mobs to get intheir face, and she wasn't the only
one. The problem is that occasionallypeople are going to take your advice,
ma'am, and if they have aproblem with something you're proposing, they may

come up and tell you. Arguablythey did so in a much more respectful
manner than she was advocating. Butshe absolutely can't deal with it. Here
is Waters crying the blues yesterday asa member of Congress with people you know
who evidently had a racist attitude,and recently one even confronted me in a

restaurant. And they don't say racistthings, but what they say is they
don't like something I say it.They don't lack a position that I took.
But you know that you know ifyou were not black, you would
not be approached that they probably wouldnot right. They don't think twice about
doing it. They think that theycan get away with doing it with you

and that you're all right. Andthat's on I don't know, some stupid
podcast with a bunch of other manysmungers there. I've called in a couple
of times. We don't agree ona lot, but I think we can
both agree that whether it be mixingWaters, Joe Biden, Donald Trump,
Mitch McConnell, we have got toget these people that are seventy plus years
old out of Congress and out ofour government. We mean, I mean,

forget lunatics out even if they're notseventy sir, so can we I'll
make you know yours and then alsoyou know a little bit of mine,
so well, I'll go so further. Even if you're saying, oh that
they just regardless, someone who isseventy plus years old in a government is
not voting for the interests of someonewho is twenty years old. And I

don't care how you spin it,there's no way that they have what's in
mind for those people in the nextfifty years of their life at horrors think
watching them do tech hearings is someof the most embarrassing stuff see. But
let me let me push back onone thing. I don't know that Congress's
obligation needs to primarily lie in whatis best for twenty year olds. I

don't think so either. But Idon't think a seventy year old has the
conditioning to be prepared for what's inthe next fifty to seventy years of our
country. They're working on, whetherit be their retirement, their pensions,
those things are what's in the formof their mind, and their experiences in

life are going to change how theysee things, where as a twenty thirty
forty year old coming through the worldright now had a totally different experience than
them. All I'm saying is youhave maximums making the comments she does.
Joe Biden, Donald Trump, theyall are saying crazy things. Mitch McConnell
is freezing on camera, and it'sjust degrading how people see our Congress in

general. Well, it is.It is easy. It is easy to
do an SNL thing if you wantedto, with the cast of characters there.
But I also don't necessarily I understandthat people's experience is going to be
different. I don't know how oldare you, Casey, If you don't
mind me, I'm old all right. Even though we are seven years apart.

Your high school experience was different frommine. The shows that you watch
were probably different from mine. Therewas a lot that was probably different than
you know, for somebody who graduatedin the mid two thousands versus the end
of the nineties like I did.But our experience is also one where we're
able to if you told me howthings worked at your school and we sat

there over a few beers and justthe shot the bull, there's going to
be a lot of crossover with stuff. And I think even when somebody is
seventy years old and they're looking backto establishing themselves when they were in the
twenties, the intelligent among them arewilling to admit what I'm willing to admit
these kids that are out there,you know, filming tiktoks about how they'll
never afford a house, they havelegitimate beef. Right, Yeah, it's

like they do. And I knowa lot of people who are older who
also recognize that. So, yeah, it's easy to get shoehorned into well
this is the way we did it, So that's the only acceptable way,
and that's the only acceptable answer.But I think good people who genuinely want
to help, even if they're sometimesbeing very self serving, if they're willing

to admit that they don't know itall and and listen to those other experiences,
that's I'm that's usually good enough forme. Even if you get away
from the age stuff. Now you'regetting into some of the physical stuff,
but that's a whole other thing,you know, freezing up or wandering around
like a room or staring at thesun thing. Yeah, one thing,

just on the on the on thehousing court, for instance. I agree
with you that there are people thatrecognize, and they may be sixty seventy
eighty years old, that recognize thatthere is a major problem. The problem
is that even though they recognize that, they still don't understand the hardship because
they they didn't actually go through thatunless they're unless they're dealing with it right

now, because they lost their job, they lost their income, they had
to start back from zero, whicha lot of these people in Congress don't
do that, right, they didn't. But maybe they didn't go through that,
but maybe they went through a bunchof other stuff, you know,
depending on how old they are.We could talk depression, but you don't
have to be that old to rememberwhat things were like in the seventies,
which you and I were not alivefor right exactly, and you're younger than

he, but you know, hearingabout interest rates in the seventies, the
gas lines, all of the economichardships, and really the politics surrounding it.
That is a lived experience that's goingto have some of the hallmarks of
what people are concerned about now.So if that person is able to go,
hey, this is how it was, and here's what we did to
make it not that, then youknow, maybe that's experience it can be

used to try to fix some ofthe problem out there. The problem is
Maxine Waters can and it sounds likeyou agree, she can't tell people to
go do something, and then whenpeople do it to her in a respectful
manner, you know, claim ahate crime. That's we're outside of this.
If you ever want people to tryto understand where you're coming from,

and you shut it down that quicklywith statements from her and then the Shila
Jackson Lee statement, then you know, what's what's the point in Neither of
those women are in their seventies,so they just kind of looked like it.
So that's where I'm at all right, man, thanks for the call.
Appreciating great. Yeah. One ofthe sharpest minds that I've ever that

I've ever known was somebody who Isaw I was at his eightieth birthday party.
He was I'm going to give youhis name. It's pretty well known
dude in and around the Triangle andspent a lot of years as head of
a tech company, the one thatyou've heard of for US and international head.
And I only met him in retirement. And this dude's in his seventies

at the time. Playing golf withhim, getting to know him just around
a group of people, and hebecame my sounding board for any questions that
I had, especially questions when itcame to you know, workplace stuff because
he set such a positive example andimplemented so many policies that people really liked
working for him. And I don'tthink that management like him exists. And

I'm being complimentary because even though hedidn't know what it was like to grow
up in Wyoming, I guess inthe nineties, eighties, nineties, whatever,
there was a lot of invaluable thingsthere. And I think that you
know, imbued and all of thatwas compassion, understanding, and a willingness
to listen to people outside of yourpreconceived notions. I think that's something we

all can strive for. So doI want to do a hard age thing?
No? Do you want to getinto cognitive testing? Maybe? But
I also so think that, likeeverything else, people will find a way
to manipulate that. I mean,think about it. If you decide that
there's cognitive testing and you realize youcan eighty six some of your political opponents,
if you just get the right doctorin there, how would that appear

any different than some of the craftthat we deal with every day. It
wouldn't. And speaking of craft thatwe're dealing with every day, I would
like to introduce the man most responsiblefor ruining my morning raised agent from the
Weather Channel. Oh sorry, dude, I write in fifteen minutes, I
should be turning on a TV inhere and then phoning in the last hour

of the show. But now it'sgoing to be about what an hour,
yeah, at least at least,and it looks like it's going to be
crappy until like two in the afternoon, So who the hell knows? Well,
not as crappy. It looked likeit was going to be worse yesterday
morning, honestly, but right nowany case, anybody's missed the show,
I mean, who could have missedit? Right? This stuff exactly,

the showers and the heavy This trainis pulled away. But they had over
an inch and a half near Augustayesterday, so a chance to dry out.
With a couple hour delay this morning. They're probably still gonna get some
showers, maybe even a thunder showertoday, but I don't think any widespread
rainfall. All that's off to theeast and southeast. As you go on
a line from about let's say Columbia, South Carolina, draw that through Fayetteville

and North Carolina, and south ofthat, that's where the heavier rain is
This morning. Start to see someshowers get into Chatham in southern parts of
Wake County, so that a littlearea rain may clip you. But I
think increasing as we get into theafternoon the scattered showers, even thunderstorms upper
sixties to low seventies. It's gonnabecome quite breezy too today and more showers
than thunder showers tonight, tapering offsometime tomorrow. Midday early afternoon might get

some afternoon sun for some of us, especially from the Triad west Augusty wins.
Tomorrow highs will be in the lowseventies, so we're gonna shut off
the rain around midday early afternoon fromwest to east as we go through tomorrow,
and the weekend is going to begreat with a warming trend. Early
next week is going to beautiful Sunnaynear seventy on Saturday with a gusty breeze,
and then Sunday, Monday and Tuesdaygoing to make a run into the

eighties. Maybe it's warm, especiallyfor the Triangle into the middle eighties with
sunshine by Monday and Tuesday two.So I think the playoffs is going to
be great, and even in Augustaafter today or even this morning, early
afternoon. The weather, it's goingto be great there too. Well fine,
but also this is you know,whenever you have rain incident, there
is a huge differential, especially ifthere's wind associated. Like it's all about

when your tea time is right,you guys go out and it's sloppy and
still windy, and they'll shoot iteven or whatever, and some guy will
do three under this afternoon and sodeal man. Then they say, right,
weather is the great equalizer. SoI'm wondering what the odds of Tiger
making the cut are. You haveto check that out. It could be

my chance. Yeah, gamble incessantly. You got an hour and get your
bed in. All right, thankssir, appreciated. All right, there
you go, race stage crapping myfun Coming up, we'll chat with Steven
Kent are our NERD correspondent. Lotsof we got video game movies, TV
stuff to get into. We gotall sorts of stuff. So that'll be

coming up at eight o five.But before we get there, we're gonna
have to our caller mentioned Trump.Uh, We're gonna have to get into
a little Chick fil A visit.I thought that was funny yesterday and Joe
Biden, Joe Biden, Well hegot he had a microphone again yesterday?

Where was the Arizona And yeah,well we'll get that for you, but
right now we'll take a break.Seven forty eight. Hang on, hey,
Casey, I ot to have arebuttal of what that last caller said.
He bumped in Trump with McConnell,Biden, and Waters, who have
been in Congress for years, andTrump, a businessman, came into the

office had more experience than all ofthem put together. Now, me being
a former businessman business owner, ifI knew then what I knew now,
I would have did a lot ofthings differently. So you can't rump Trump
in with McConnell and always be Yeah. I think that's why a lot of

people lean more cognitive tests if theyfeel this, rather than just age.
But yeah, I mean that's thebest McConnell, uh, Waterers and Biden
never ran anything, don't plan abusiness. So the best people for a
presidency to be a governor or abusiness then because they actually had their you

know, wife on the line basicallyto succeed. Okay, well, yeah,
again it comes down to our Idon't know if you have to have
something official. I think a lotof them. Thanks for the call there,
sir. I think a lot ofthese discussions need to permeate within the

individual right. So formulate a setof standards. And if your set of
standards is you won't vote for somebodyover the age of seventy, then so
be it. Let them call youin agies, just say, look,
you're trying. You don't feel thatonce you're in that age group that you
have enough understanding of the younger generationsbelow you, then fine, people can
go ahead and make that decision.I'm not going to begrudge you, but

yeah, I don't know that I'mcomfortable just with an age thing. I
think you got to go individual.Now. Yesterday Joe Biden was in Arizona
and they described this as a quotebrutal gaff. I'll let you add it,
then weigh it against things. Buthere he is talking about who the
hell knows elect me? I'm inthe twenty twentieth century, twenty first century,

okay, all right, So hestrewed up the twentieth twenty first century.
And I know some people get confusedbecause, like if you say the
twentieth century, but you say thenineteenth nineteen hundreds. You're talking about the
you know the same thing, andyou know, I can a little weird,
but he, you know, hecorrects himself there and moves on.
Here's the thing if all of theBiden gaffs are like that, because I

saw people trying to the problem iswhen you over demonize that, that will
now be the example that people usewhen you're unfairly criticizing. Somebody was saying,
oh, look at that, heimmediately corrected himself, and then they
could find tape. You could probablyfind tape of me saying something and then
immediately corrected myself ten times this morning, because that's how people talk. It

doesn't wash away the other stuff.But when you act like this is akin
to him, you know, sniffinglittle girls while talking about his time as
a flankerback and then once again remindingus of a train trek that he used
to take with a conductor who wasdead well before he was on it.
I don't know that it's useful.It's not even the most infuriating audio or

a little video clip I saw yesterday. When it comes to people talking about
generational stuff, you want something that'llmake you lose your mind. I gotta
find I to find this thing againbecause I was flipping I was flipping through
on the YouTube shorts, which Ihate, and I hate how much of
my YouTube like selection things that theycover up and take space away from me.

You can't turn them off, andthe whole thing is dumb and it
doesn't sound like the people who produceit, or you don't want it.
But you know, YouTube's got tohave their TikTok, which is which is
crazy enough. And I watched somehigh school she's like, looks like late
high school. This girl's who's filminga TikTok and she's talking about music.
Okay, all right, whatever,Except in the video she holds up a

cassette tape and says it says somethingalong the lines of and for our ancestors,
this was how they consumed music inthe nineteen hundreds or late nineteen hundreds,
and she, you know, justheld up so this would be a

representative example of how our forefathers orhow our ancestors concerned. And she's like
sixteen or seventeen, so I'm notgonna I think she said, but she
obviously is, you know, wasnot born anywhere near the y two k
But man, that's a gut punchright there. There's been a bunch of
times where I have to explain toLincoln that, like, you know,
when I was a kid, wedidn't have the Internet, and I feel

so old when I do that.Right right, she's holding up that cassette,
that bell BIV DeVos cassette tape youhave, and she's like like she
just opened or sarcophagus in Egypt orsomething. Then let's get into the all
things with the intersection of entertainment,politics, and insanity. Steven Kent joins

us this morning. Steven, howyou doing today, sir? I'm doing
great, Casey, did hear fromyou? I'm gonna kind of I'm going
to a couple of three different storiestogether. Oh that sounds down there?
All right, all right, sorryyour phone was breaking up there. I'm
gonna kind of I want a couple, like three different stories together. I

I need everyone to shut up.How we're doing things around here, all
of you other countries and European Unionpeople. We can start in the EU
and make our way to Brazil withsome of the Elon mustuff coming. But
I don't need dirt bag EU techpeople coming over here to the US to
tell us that we need to fundamentallychange things, punish Apple and and basically

clamp down on our own citizenry.I find it repulsive and any any politician
who would let these nitwits come in. What is this dirt bag's name?
It was in DC yesterday. Yeah, Well, I want to make sure
I get hurt. Yeah, Iwant to make sure I pronounce her her
name correctly. So it is MARKA. Investiger, the Executive President of the

UN European Commission on the on DigitalTechnology associates like the competition cop over there,
which makes sure in many ways theSTC chair, like Lena Khan in
the United States. Okay, andso there's three things I want to cover,
but let's start with this one.And we've talked about it. They
are if they're big mad at Apple, right, that's fair. They're big

mad at Apple. They feel thatApple, apple bad, all bad.
And for those of you, Iguess if you don't use Apple, you're
not familiar with Apple. Apple famouslywas closed. They have a closed system,
and it was a point of contention. If you read any of the
Steve Jobs biographies or some of thebooks that came out. If you watch

the movie, you'll see that aconstant point of contention between Jobs's vision for
Apple and what you know, everyoneincluding the former PEPSI CEO, were doing.
They battled over this about essentially onlyApple's only going to work with other
Apple stuff. Because as soon asyou put a USB plug into you know,
into an iPhone or a pad oryou create a system which just readily

connects and works with others, youare also now inviting the vulnerabilities of whatever
that secondary system is. So thepolicy at Apple to do this has it's
not an unknown. Now does Appledo things where they change out charging cables
every year? Seemingly unnecessary and itlooks like a big cash grab absolutely,

as they all do. I haveI don't know about you. I have
three different charging of the you know, the Mini USB, the S Square
one, and then the Apple twodifferent versions of the Apple ones. And
that's the reality. And I justkind of have those cables because I'm a
computer nerd guy of friends who comeover maybe need a phone charger. Why
why is Apple a special project andwhy should we listen to this woman?

Well, Vestigger was in the UnitedStates really to tout the European approach to
regulating big tech. They have thisthese two laws, the Digital Services Act
and the Digital Markets Act, whichare essentially going to try and swoop in
and break up these big tech companieslike Amazon, Meta and Apple from offering

the kinds of services that they verymuch do now. So her main issue
with Apple is that she claims youare locked into Apple, and that consumer
choice is harmed by Apple being aclosed system, and that if you get
an iPhone, that you are thensort of like, you know, like
you've taken your first shot of aheroin and you're going to be on this

wild rye that you can't get offof even if you wanted to. It's
a very strange argument because it's essentiallysaying that you are locked in from day
one because you're not going to beable to go back out into the PC
Android system, completely ignoring the factthat if you just don't really like the
Apple experience and the Apple worm whichI very much enjoy, that you just

can't leave. And it's it's avery strange, paternalistic argument. Yeah.
I don't disagree in fact, butthe upside is and nobody's perfect, and
I would argue that Apple posts jobs. The same level of my confidence that
something was just gonna going to workhas dipped. They've had a few misses.

That being said, the fact thatI can walk around my house and
my iPhone, my iPad, andmy two Apple TVs. Literally anything I
want anywhere is a button away insteadof going to Why remember back in the
day, we'd have to wire stuffand I was a big nerd. I
had all the equipment. Remember rememberback in the days when like you had

PCs riddled with viruses that were completelycrippled by malware. But then when you
switch to Apple, you just don'treally have that problem unless you're trying to
kill your computer. The closed ecosystemapproach for consumers like me who are a
little bit of lead if I actuallydon't love tech, I like tech to
be simple, clean and safe sothat I can actually navigate it. I

mean, when I get on aPC, I don't know what the heck
I'm doing, Casey, and sothis computer, this system is for people
like me who like a clean andeasy experience. But they want to break
that up, and I think thereasons go beyond consumer choice. I actually
think the reasons have a lot todo with the national security state, both
in the US and in the EU, where they want to have access and

back doors to all consumers and alltheir citizens. And if you remember,
and I remember the exact case,but there was an individual who was arrested.
It was a terrorism case and Applefamously told me they wouldn't open the
phone. And that turned into athat turned into a whole thing. And
Van Bernardino, he had a SanBernardino shooters and the over in the EU,

they can't fathom something like that.They should be able to get in
and meddle whenever they want. Theseare the same people who like, maybe
we need to regulate influencers, right, So yeah, I mean the European
Union. Yeah, they've got somepretty bizarre policies across the EU. So

in December, the Italian Competition Authority, because they've got some of their own
rules, they tightened down their ruleson influencers and stay in Belgium. Within
the EU are also looking at regulatoryapproaches to being an online influencer, where
you're quite literally going to have togo through sort of like a licensure program
like you would if you're a plumberor a hairdresser. In the United States,

which, by the way, Ialso think those are kind of ridiculous.
But the idea is that influencers havesocial capital and they control the minds
and opinions of a wide variety ofpeople, and therefore the government needs to
come in and protect people from thesedangerous influencers. And they always frame it

in terms of false advertising, snakeoil salesmen stuff. But again, what
I think that they're actually after iswrong. Thinks they're after people who are
perpetuating and spreading wrong opinions that theEuropean Union and their members statement. I
mean, these are the folks thatyou know they send a dude to jail
because his pug did a Hitler trick, right, So you know their standards,

their standards, their standards there areare different, which is fine,
they can have those different standards.I wonder what would happen if the cul
not that it would happen because you'redealing with too many moon bets in Silicon
heyhood. I think if the majorUS tech companies just told these other countries,
look, there are things that arereasonable, but we're not changing everything

we're doing and if you don't likeit, we're not going to do business.
I have to feel, based onthe the way in which other countries
crave Western products, tech and uhentertainment for that matter, I have to
think that that might be effective ingetting these people to shut their face.
Do you think so or not?No, I do think so. I

mean basically the European Union again,these are these are kind of our allies,
right. We are aligned with Europethese days, and we're very much
aligned as sort of a Western blockagainst some rising threats in the East.
And these are our friends. However, they are free riders, very much
in the technology and the innovation thatthe United States exports throughout the world.

And they don't agree with our culture, our commitment to free speech expression,
and our business climate. They liketightly controlled populations and business environments, and
they want the technology, but theywant it packaged for Europeans and sort of
the control freaks that run the EuropeanUnion, the tech overlords, you know,

the tech giants, they kind ofhave to figure out how much do
they really want Europe's money? Dothey really want to be strong and driving
in Europe or do they want tohave products that they believe in and are
excited about. The Steve Jobs ofthe world were pretty pragmatic and tried to
have it both ways. But Ireally believe that, like again, Steve

Jobs, would have wanted to protectthe integrity of his device because he was
something of an artist. The iPhoneand Apple these are pieces of art as
far as these people are concerned,and the European Union doesn't much appreciate our
version of art. Yeah, andI think in an effort to protect it,
but also to be able to provideto these markets because I understand the

financial impact of deciding you're not goingto do business in the EU. It's
the second largest, second or thirdlargest. I'm not sure if China's second,
But it's a decision that companies makewith China too when they ask them
to do things, Like you know, it's funny because the EU is asking
them to do things and kind ofdemanding all of the requirements that China has
if you want to do business,and I think in the long run,

if you say no enough of that, I think that consumers may look to
their government as you're screwing us overhere. Want access to these products and
these services, and maybe it changes, so it's like a long term play.
Meanwhile, that in Brazil. Youhave Elon Muskley tweeted this out last
night. I guess around. Oh, let's see here, that dude never

sleeps anyway, says X just receivedan inquiry from the US House of Representatives
regarding actions taken in Brazil that arein violation of Brazil law. So this
whiny dictator down there in Brazil,and when you look at a number of
political prisoners, I think that's afair assessment of who this is. They're
so mad, they're so mad atElon Musk right now, they implemented a

twenty thousand dollars per day fine andbasically it's because he won't bend the knee
and block all their political opponents forhim. And now members of Congress are
going to get up in this businessbecause, as you know, this administration
has taken, in my opinion,some very significant steps to get Elon Musk
across all the the businesses. Thisis pure politics, and now we may

have our own elected officials going tobat on behalf of Brazil. This is
a nightmare, man, Yeah,it is a nightmare. But what's really
a nightmare for the powerful and thegovernments around the world, And this is
what kind of connects all of thesestories together, which is that technology and
innovation supersedes a lot of the waysin which governments have always run the world.

The idea that the European Union can'tenforce their version of speech laws because
American technology is setting people free onlineto speak their minds in ways they don't
approve of, that can't be allowedto stand down in Brazil. You know,
Lula doesn't like that an American techcompany, an American entrepreneur is going

to be able to allow people tospeak in ways that he doesn't like.
So we kind of have this tensionbetween how can countries figure out how to
have the societies that they want tohave at the very top level versus what
is now possible thanks to technology.And I think that's like a valid question
because if you do, you know, you live in Brazil, maybe you

don't want American tech and you don'twant the twitters of the world in there
kind of changing their culture. Butit tends to be that the people do
the people do, They want tospeak, they want to be heard.
It's the politicians and the political entrenchedclass who don't want that disruption because their
control freaks and fund belief. Whatis What do you think the most utilized

app outside of the US is froma US based tech pook? I think
I guess it's not an app Iwas gonna say, like Fortnite. You
know, I tend to think thatit's it's games, and I tend to
think that it's Nope, it's notwhat. I'll tell you exactly what it
is. And it's an app thatI think most Americans have never used and

probably would never But as soon asyou get into traveling internationally, which I
enjoyed doing obviously, WhatsApp. Ithink if Facebook, if Facebook shut off
WhatsApp worldwide, it would be pandemonium. It is the almost exclusively the preferred
methodology of communication in almost every countryoutside of the US because it just works.

Why yeah, and that's a Facebookthing, right, They own that
in Instagram. And if Zuckerberg hadthe stones to say, look, you
want to keep meddling in our business, we'll turn off the WhatsApp, I
think people would revolt. The problemis it would be in a way handing
things to thug dictators in horrible partsof the world because it is the main

methodology for communication, So in away, it's kind of doing what they
want, but it shows you justhow how much leverage that that, you
know, we feasibly have here.And the last time the EU got something
accomplished, they ruined the browser experiencebecause now every side I go to,
I got to we're going to havea splash window about cookies and if you

wondered why that is, that's anEU requirement and now it just buries everybody
else and we all have to dealwith it. So yeah, it kind
of reminds me of when Lena Connof the FTC was on John Stewart's The
Daily Show last week and she wasbasically but moaning that Facebook was ever allowed
to acquire Instagram and basically merged thetwo things as well as acquire WhatsApp.

But you know, like this issort of an American regulator rooting against the
success of American technology companies. Facebookwas on the road to irrelevance until they
acquired Instagram and their expertise in mobilesocial media on a vertical screen. That
was not what Facebook was good at. And so they acquired that expertise and

then they did the same thing withWhatsApp, and now they have a suite
of really great tools that makes themeta you know, uh, corporation work
that makes it actually relevant and powerful. And they don't like that. They
don't like success in American technology.They want to see these companies fail.
I understand that there are instances inwhich you can acquire companies and then you

become anti competitive. But Facebook didnot acquire necessarily their direct competitors. They
acquired companies that built out their toolsthat they could do mobile, and then
they could do messaging and do itbetter for consumers. And boy, howdy,
consumers enjoy it quite a bit.Unless it's called threads. Then they

don't. But you know, yeah, well that's the big wolves there,
that's crystal PEPSI. Man, wegot we got a story that caused some
moon bats to go uh right,okay, all right, very this is
very sad. Let me get somesad. Perfect again. Explain to me

how these folks are adults and areable to function in societ members of a
regional women's country line dance team.This is so important that you remember the
kind of I'm sorry, hold on, Violet, you have to remember the

kind of music we're talking about.All right, so dance crew, but
in this case, it's competitive linedancers, which if that's your thing,
more power to you. I understandthat it's it's like repopularized or something with
the kids. Can I sound older? Okay? I saw that there's people

are making line dance videos now onsocial media, so whatever that's about.
But if that's what you want todo, go do it. I will
tell you I never understood it.And as you can imagine, growing up
in Wyholming, you know, anytimeyou went to something where there was going
to be dancing. In fact,they had a huge line dance competition as

part of the county Fair every year. But I was never into it.
I'm not really into dance anyway.I can't dance, But like, if
that's what people want to do,more power to them. But in every
instance of every line dance I wentto, I'd say that the room probably
had more potential Trump voters than Bidenvoters. But that may have been the

region I was in, all right, and it clearly wasn't in Seattle.
But over the weekend a big countryline dance event called the Emerald City Hodown
took place, and teams from allover the region flocked to Seattle to take
part and show off their dance andskills. Unfortunately, one of those teams

ran afoul of organizers known as theBorderline Dance Team. They were getting right
to take the stage to demo theirdance when an organizer for the Rain County
Dance Association, which was the oneswho were putting this thing on. And
by the way, that is anassociation that is also has a wing of

LGBTQ plus dance competitions, so theydo line dance, they do even line
dance for LGBTQ, but also differentstyles of dance. They met the team
backstage and said that they were notgoing to be able to go on.
Several witnesses who saw the team walkinto the area before they headed backstage to

get ready, immediately ran to organizerscomplaining about the outfits the team was wearing.
Is it because it was too stereotypicalWestern? No? No, wasn't
that. Was it because somebody hadI don't know, offensive words against one
of the other dance team and that'snot sportsmanship? No, wasn't that.

Unfortunately, the team was told thatthey could not participate because the outfits,
which are coordinated outfits right between allthe team members included red, white,
and blue reminiscent of the American flag. I wouldn't say it's reminiscence. Clearly
looks like the flag, and it'sacross their shirts, so you know,

the women are wearing one, themen are wearing the button down, but
they all look like, you know, they look like American flag shirts.
Mostly. That apparently triggered so manyof the other dancers that the team was
told that they could not participate because, quote, the audience feels triggered and
unsafe based on your outfit choice.Uh CO captain Lindsey Stamp, who spoke

with Jason Rantz, who's a he'sa radio host in Seattle there on our
station, explaining that the costume sparkeda complaint or spark complaints who brought up
Israel's war against Hamas and transgender issues, those old catch alls. At first,

organizers told them, hey, we'lllet you go on stage, but
just know you're going to be booedand yelled at and perhaps people will walk
out. But eventually organizers just said, now we're not going to let you
go up there unless you would agreeto change into street clothes, which several
of the dance team members didn't havebecause you know, this was drivable from

where they lived, and they showedup in their country western outfit and planning
on going home in it. Butno, eventually, eventually, And I'm
looking at the picture here, soon the left you have the women's outfits
and they're you know, they gotthe red, white and blue with the
on the one side and then thestars and the stars and and the blue

on the other I guess the redand white stripes on one the blue on
the other. And you told thisbunch of women, it's primarily women here,
that they couldn't go out with thatshirt on. That is crazy.
So there you go country line dancing, triggering the line dancing enthusiast LGBTQ community.
By the way, I think someof the members of the dance care

are gay too, is what Isaw in one of her other statements.
So there you go, triggered andeventually shut down. That's where we are.
Now let's go on to this.Yesterday we announced and then we speculated
that it might be the Kumate thatthe presence of the Prime Minister of Japan
in North Carolina. A little latertoday he's up in DC right now,

had an event there we'll be makinghis way to North Carolina. They're expected
to make a big announcement about abusiness and expansion of business in part with
the Japanese government here in North Carolina. We didn't know what it was.
Now I guess we do know,and then I think after that event,

the Prime Minister will dine at theGovernor's mansion and I believe Ashley Christiansen is
cooking form, which if you're familiarwith any of the restaurants seen in Wake
County, that's a good get.I always enjoyed her food, so yeah,
But unfortunately not the Kumata, whichwas one suggest ross you what was
what was your thinking it was?It wasn't Kumata. I can't remember what

it was, but or maybe you'reon team Kumata too. Well, the
fact is it's none of those.Reporting now says that the announcement is expected
to be an expansion of Fujifilms.Dio Synth Biotech Labs is a vaccine lab.
They do a bunch of other stufftoo, but but this is core

focused on vaccine production and it shouldwhen they announce it, if the reporting
is correct, should prove to producesix hundred jobs. It's part of a
billion dollar expansion and the facility,which is not a new facility in people's
minds, but is one that youknow, Fujifilm had already announced expansion,

but this is more. We'll bein Holly Springs. They're building a giant
manufacturing facility there, so this willbe part of that. That's what's expected.
So in case you were wondering,there you go, and those of
you in the Holly Springs area.I guess good news, so you can,
I don't know, get some vaccinejobs or something. All right,

eight eight eight nine three four seveneight seven four we'll chat with Jeff Bellamser
coming up here in just a fewminutes, also before the end of the
show. Good news for spam Man, Good news for spam and Vienna sausages.
This is one of the weirder,weirder reports on what people are buying,

apparently raised age like Vienna sausages,the little cocktail sausages, and spam.
Yeah, big business right now,mostly because people can't afford the other
proteins. But yeah, I sawpeople hating on Vienna sausages. What is
wrong with people? Those are awesome? I know they are that's the best
wrong with spam. I used todude, I would always bring when I

go, when we go camping orsomething, I would always go and I
would buy my own little collective ofVienna sausages, the little cans of Beanie
Weenie and sardines. Oh and youcould be in mustard sauce, tomato sauce,
or just olive oil. And thenI eat those in front of people.
Oh so good, so making somany people so jealous right now,

right well, I'm just saying forall of you. People are like,
I can't afford other proteins. Sonow I'm gonna you know, I'm gonna
buy the sloppy Joe and the andthe the Hormel stuff and the Vienna side.
No stay away from my stuff becauseI'll I'll tell you what if I
show up the grocery store and there'sno Vienna sausages. I mean, I'm
not saying arson, but you neverknow because people can't stand in their damn
lanes. I know. Yeah,come on, stay here. LARTI chef

BOYARTI up significantly. I'm a bigfan of cold beef ferroni out of a
cans, huge spaghettios with meat polls, Libby's corned beef all you can have.
That's not very good. But everythingelse, yeah, everything else is
great. Yeah, I like that. Yeah, not the document stuff.

But anyway, all right, you'reall on notice. So with that mind,
have you screwed me over on theGulf? Further? I haven't even
checked, so I know as ofnow, ten thirty off the number one
t that's the latest, and tenshowers yep, ten third. Hell am
I gonna do for an hour anda half after the show? I don't

know. I've got like three piecesof production, but that's not gonna Yeah.
Well, there's still some showers aroundAugusta right now, even a little
thunder, but the heaviest rain therewas over an inch and a half last
night has moved away and just spottyshowers. Think for the rest of today.
It's gonna beautiful for the rest ofthe week after today, so things

will good. There will be beautifulhere too after today and tonight. The
rain should get out of here tomorrowToday. Occasional showers this morning, may
pick up a little this afternoon,may get some thunder in here also,
but no severe weather expected on eitherside of seventy with some gusty winds,
especially later that could guss thirty fiveto forty miles an hour. A few
showers, thunder showers tonight, anda chance of showers of utter storms continuing

isolated Tomorrow's the upper level low spinsto the west of us, and they'll
kind of be passing through the bequick movers, and by early afternoon we're
probably done with a triangle. Probablyhang on a little bit longer two three
o'clock probably over with, and thento the west of the triad end a
little bit earlier, might get somesun later tomorrow for the commute home,
breezy seventy. Then we kind ofreset, and it's kind of easy for

Saturday and Sunday. Low seventy Saturday, low eighties on Sunday, lots of
sunshine and maybe push in the middleeighties Monday Tuesday, and again we're gonna
have high pressure come in and weare going to be mostly sunny those two
days also, so past tomorrow,we'll get some late sun Tomorrow, Saturday,
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday absolutely beautifulwith a warming trend. Oh okay,

all right, thank you sir,appreciate it. Yep, there you
go. Race stagic. All right, coming up, Jeff Bellinger, and
once again we will put on displayfor the world to see the sheer psychic
power of this show by you know, basically, Ross and I are like
like Uri Geller, but we canbend spoons. Okay, you don't want

to screw with us, and I'llexplain why. Yet another prediction is coming
true. We'll do it next.Hang on, Good morning, Casey.
Just got another inflation report this morning, and it appears to be easing investors'
concerns. The Producer Price Index,which tracks wholesale level price pressures, rose
two tens percent last month, notas much as expected. The core PPI,

which strips out food and energy costs, was also up two tens percent.
That was in line with forecasts.Futures were lower until that report came
out. Right now, the Sand P futures are up four points,
NASDAC futures are up forty five,and the now futures are moving back and
forth across the change level. Rightnow, they're down two. Number of
workers signing up for unemployment benefits fellby eleven thousand to two hundred eleven thousand

last week. Instagram announcing today it'sdeploying technology to crack down on sexting and
to fight sexual extortion. The socialmedia platform says new tools will automatically blurn
nudity and direct messages. It ispart of a larger effort to offer more
protection for young people think twice beforemaking a purchase using a buy now,

pay later plan. Deferred payments havequickly become popular. They have also quickly
led to financial trouble for a lotof consumers. Bankred dot com reports more
than half of the people who haveused the plans have experienced some kind of
problem. Overspending in missed payments common, and a lot of people have fallen
behind on credit card payments. Atleast it happened to the end of last

year. A report from the FederalReserve Bank of Philadelphias as credit card delinquencies
hit a record high in the fourthquarter, nearly three and a half percent
the card balances or at least thirtydays past new and casey. Some top
executives from the technology and finance industrywere among those invited to last night's State

dinner at the White House. Theguest list included Amazon dot Com founder Jeff
Bezos, Apple CEO Tim Cook andMicrosoft President Brad Smith. The event was
held to honor Japanese Prime Minister Kishita. I guess it goes to prove Casey
it's not just radio people that showup when there's free food. No,
No, he's He's going to behere later hanging out with the gov because

Fujifilms is going to announce something andthen they're having a big dinner at the
governor's mansion. So yeah, Ithink they're expanding of vacccene plans in Holiday
Springs, so that but head ofstate visit. That's interesting. Hey,
Real Quick, con Agra and otherfood manufacturers are saying that canned meats are

on fire, and I'm just lookingat the numbers as consumers basically are using
canned meats to fulfill their protess heneeds because of the expense of others.
I'm concerned because I love canned meats. I want to know your favorite?
Is it Vienna Sausages, Chef Boyardi, the Sloppy Joe mix, or Libby's
corn beef or spam? What's Jeff'sfavorite? I guess I'd have to go

with Libby's corn beef, although Ihaven't had it for a very long time.
Okay, yeah, little sausages aregood too, but yeah, all
right, so that's interesting news,but probably not good stuff. All right,
Jeff, thank you very much.Okay, Casey take care. All
right, there you go, JeffEllinger who decided to go with the canned
corn beef. So anyway, althoughlook and then when I say with the

governor, so like, we don'tknow exactly what they're going to announce,
but basically it's not really that secret. But not a Koumite or ross,
what was doing? Panda Express?Not a Panda Express, although we have
a Panda Express literally over on Fallsof News, so you could head over
there if you need your Panda Expressfix. But I was a little a

little taken aback by that. OhI forgot sardines if Jeff likes sardines.
But that is the that's the conventionalwisdom among the various media reports I'm reading
this morning. And finally, onceagain, a prediction we've made. What
you're saying that sounding the Miss Cleomusic sounds like girls gone wild into that
I would say, shut up andlisten, right, you don't know the

lore of the show, but justsaying they don't know the lore of the
show. Also, you don't lookif we have psychic abilities, do you
want to screw with us? Imean, come on, sir, we
might come over to your house andbend all your spoons or maybe make your
goats explode. Would you rather beable to bend spoons or explode? God?

So, when I worked at theMagic Shop as a teenager, yes,
we sold the gimmick that allowed usto bend the spoons. Yeah,
I know how that works. SoI'm going to go with the go explosion.
I feel like you probably wouldn't geta lot of press bookings if you
just ran around kept exploding, especiallyif they were the little baby pass out
goats that are and thinks are adorable. I think you'd pretty quickly be a
monster. But no, this predictionrather was over the Francis Scott key Bridge.

Yeah, and I told you,man, the first thing you want
to do is rename this bastard.And I was a little underestimating it.
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