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April 4, 2024 95 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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K co O Day radio program,and holy cow, you know, on
the grand scheme of inaccurate got youjournalism, this is uh, this is
a doozy and it is shockingly stillup the there's a piece the what is

this the Palm Beach Post, andeditorial writer for the for the Palm Beach
Post had himself a He had himselfa gotcha. So if you don't know
what they're currently roasting DeSantis over isuh the it's not just a santist but

basically, in the state of Florida, lawmakers and the governor put together what
is referred to as the State ofFlorida Immigration Healthcare Dashboard. All right,
so you know they they love them. They love some dashboards up in government.

By the way, this idiot's nameis Frank Sarabino Palm Beach Post.
This is an opinion column. Iwould just point this out. This is
an editorial column. However, evenwhen you're doing an editorial column, and
arguably more importantly so, when you'redoing a an opinion column and you are

one team to present facts to yourreaders, in this case Palm Beach Post,
you want to do so in away that convinces them of what your
position is. That's how these that'show the editorial stuff works. So you
know they they're editorial writer. Sarabino, he's got he's got some thoughts,

and his thoughts just happen to coincidewith many of the legacy media in Florida.
And that is the dashboard, which, by the way, here's what
it does. The dashboard, whichwas put into place last year, collects
information and it is a mandatory report. Right, So I guess if you

want a beef that government has requiredadditional compliance time on the part of healthcare
providers in Florida, that's fine.That's not what's being argued here. The
reason that they're gathering data in mandatoryreporting is when you get up at the

federal level, while there had beensome actual sampling and reporting going on,
as you can imagine imagine under theBiden administration, if you can't gather the
data to show that it's going on, is it ever really happening? Is
an attitude, and we saw itwith the revamp of the FBI criminal reporting

numbers. Remember we talked about this, the updated FBI crime statistics, where
all of a sudden, in thisiteration, they stopped breaking stuff down by
certain demographics, so there's charts youcan't look at. Many of those charts
were charts that people would post onlinewhen they were having discussion about crime,
and if you posted any you wereimmediately labeled super bigot. Even though they

were the FBI numbers. They clearedit out. They cleared it up this
time, and the numbers are alot harder to grasp well when it comes
to providing healthcare in this case,specifically healthcare that is provided to somebody who
is who has entered the country anddoes not have a legal immigration status in

this country, so you're talking aboutillegal immigrants, you are talking about those
within the quote quote asylum program tocatch and released, and basically Florida healthcare
providers using this dashboard would upload datato the Agency for Healthcare Administration in Florida
and it would allow a county bycounty map that showed the total number of

hospital admissions, emergency room visits,and the total cost associated with undocumented residents.
The stated purpose was to provide actualdata which had been missing that allows
individuals in Florida to evaluate whether they'recomfortable with how this issue is being handled

and lo and behold, the numberscame out and for the first year in
existence, the state of Florida andthis is not in debate. This is
what they're reporting. You can questiontheir methodology. Spent five hundred and sixty
six million dollars just in the stateof Florida for uncompensated hospital business. Now

doesn't mean the State of Florida recompensethese healthcare providers. These are a standard
accounting byline for healthcare providers and thatis undocked or uncompensated hospital visits. Right,
So if somebody who's here illegally,doesn't have status, goes into the
er, gets treatment and you know, they don't have a Social Security number

to track them with any of therest uh those those costs, while they
may not be reimbursed by the government, some are the healthcare provider will have
to write them off. And thatis that is something that happens in our
healthcare system a lot. But whenyou write something like that off or if
you eat the costs, as youand I both know because we understand how

businesses work, somebody else is payingfor that. And the likelihood is if
you look at various studies, notjust studies done by Florida universities under DeSantis,
but specifically pretty much anyone who's everlooked at this, it unquestionably is
a cost that is then bore bypeople who are pain or their insurance is

pain. So you know, knowingwhat that is is probably pretty good.
So when that number came out,it was kind of shocking, even in
Florida, which is one of thehigher population states, knowing that five hundred
and sixty six million in hospital costsare going to have to be absorbed in

some way, shape or form,either through tax write offs into the federal
system or the state system, orthe costs that are bore by Floridians going
and getting healthcare. That number ofblew people away. So that's how we
get to damage control. So thePalm Beach Post and editorial Frank Serebino wrote

this, DeSantis blames undocumented immigrants forhealthcare costs, but his supporters cost Florida
more, all right. So thesub headline the cost of the uncompensated hospital
visits put it five hundred and sixtysix million statewide by the agency is actually
less than the five hundred and seventyseven million the taxpayers paid to create and

this is how he describes it,the anti immigrant online dashboard. So I
want you to think about what Ijust said. According to Sarabino, e,
the cost that was borre by taxpayersto create this online dashboard ran five

hundred and seventy seven million, andthe dashboard only showed only five hundred sixty
six million in uncompensated hospital visits.So who's who's really screwing over the state
of Florida? Is the point ofthis? Because they hate the Santas all
right? So those are the numbers. There is a problem. There is

a problem. Ross. Do youthink maybe you're picking up on what the
problem might be that it costs fivehundred and seventy seven million to create an
online dashboard just so you could showfive hundred and sixty six million in uncompensated
hospital spending. What may have whatmay in rushing to get his peace out,
which again is still up. Whatdo you think, mister Sarabino,

a decades long newspaper man who hasa severe case of teds, Well,
what do you think Maybe it shouldbe a fact check there? Oh,
okay, Ross doesn't have a degreein economics. Would you say, let's
say you needed an online dashboard,all right, So basically one of any
one of our online tools, likethe podcast tool or something, or you

know, one of the others thatwe use. And I told you that
that software costs five hundred and seventyseven million, wouldn't you be like,
what are we doing? Why wouldyou spend that much? Did the Obamacare
website cost that much? Yeah?I mean, I'm sure it did.
But well, Frank Serrebino missed adecimal point on the cost to taxpayers.

In his fervor to show that DeSantisis wasting a lot more money just so
he can demonize people, Serrebino misread. I don't know, it's weird how
these mistakes happen seemingly in one direction. So yeah, So the problem with

that is is the new dashboard didn'tcost that much money. It didn't even
cost close. In fact, hewas only off by a factor of a
hundred percent. I want to repeatthis. He was only off by a

factor of about one hundred times.Excuse me, not one hundred percent,
one hundred times. See, itturns out the cost of the dashboard was
five thousand dollars. But what oh, Now you've got a degree in economics,
huh yeah. And then even ifyou factor in and this is how

they got to the five seventy sevenbecause it's five K to create the dashboard,
there's five K for outside out ofits hosting services or what. And
then there is four hundred and sixtyseven thousand dollars that is the cost that
was utilized for data collection on thepart of the state. So these are

our people work within the Florida HealthDepartment whose job it is to maintain this
dashboard. You've got a team there. And so they added five thousand plus
five thousand to five hundred and sixtyseven thousand, which which which got five
hundred and seventy seven thousand dollars forthis thing, and instead of five hundred

and seventy seven thousand, this moronwrote an op ed piece claiming that DeSantis
and his administration spent five hundred andseventy seven million dollars. I'm shocked as
someone like this would be wrong aboutthe facts, or are you? Are
you? Yeah? I mean it'syeah, five hundred and sixty seven thousand,
And you know what, I like, to some extent if you told

me that a government entity spent fiveseventy seven on the dashboard. I might
believe you after the all of theObamacare website debacle and all of that,
but I yeah, i'd probably scratchmy head. He thought this guy thought
he had such an exclusive. Theyhe was going to show that, yes,
yes, five hundred and sixty sixmillion may have not been paid to

healthcare providers will now be passed onto you by the state spent more than
that. Except they didn't. Theydidn't not even close, not even remotely
close. And it was too goodto check. And the piece remains on.
There's no correction, nothing. I'mlooking at it right now. It's

just up there, and it's beenup there all night, and I don't
know. We'll see, we'll seeif they pull the whole story or if
they just they just to fix atthe very bottom of a quick little whoopsie.
Yeah, that's how I started midmorning. But you should too,
all right, six twenty coming upon the show. Well, i'll tell
you what. I'll give you arundown in a moment. Hang on,

fraudile at tax returns, you identitytheft increased by thirty percent and twenty twenty
three. If you're in a buyingthis tax season Lifelik can help their US
based restoration. All Right, justretweeted a little summary of what I was
just telling you about from was ita g Hamilton tweet? I think does
a pretty good job of the rundown. But yeah, so I there.

How you can't amend an article thatis totally predicated on this this cost that
has people in Florida up in armsand likely will be impactful on the elections.
Uh, this idiot over at PalmBeach Post can't abide by that.
So it is the number being sohigh so as to show wasteful intent by

desantists. That is the point ofthis article. And the whole thing's predicated
on not just a dude who missedtwo decimal points where you know, maybe
he would come back and he'd belike, well, the numbers had omitted
the period and that typo blah blahblah is what caused it. No,
you missed it by three zeros.It doesn't make any sense unless it was

too good to And by the way, the story was published on April second,
because for a moment I'm like,maybe this is a no, No,
it's it's it wasn't it was.It was the second and it was
up all day yesterday and it's stillup now. AnyWho, All right,

coming up on the show. Itis Thursday, So Stephen Kent, our
official NERD correspondent, he'll be withus at plenty of stuff to get into.
Also, dude, I don't knowthat I feel bad for Sodamayore,
but you can tell that what happenedwith RBG is going to weigh heavily in

the minds of senators for a verylong time. Right, I'm talking the
narrative where everybody and their mother waslike, you know, Bader Ginsburg probably
probably should be retired. And rememberthere was a portion of time, and
I mean time when the court wasin session where nobody saw Ginsburg for quite

a while. Do you remember thattime? You remember that era, that
window of about a month where they'relike, she's working from home and her
clerks are the only ones who talkedto her, and you know, the
internet, they're like, people aregoing, well is she or are we
doing a weekend at Bernie's thing here? All right? Like I said,

I retweeted, I think what isa pretty good summary of the what the
hell are they thinking? Over atthe Palm Beach Post. Well, I
know what they're thinking. They're thinking, you know, get them, but
just absolute journalistic malpractice, claiming thata dashboard which gathered data from all the

healthcare providers in Florida showing an unreimbursedexpenditure five hundred and sixty six million dollars
that no doubt would be at leastin part passed on to people wanting medical
care in Florida. The dashboard,the data entry widget. So we're clear,

what we're talking about called a websiteis not even is not wholly accurate.
It is a data collection portal,and it does have associated costs.
You got to have people to collatethe data, report it, put it
in report form, make policy recommendations, all the stuff that goes along with
it. And in the gotcha moment, the reporter claimed that it costs five

hundred and seventy seven million for thedatabase, but it didn't. It cost
five thousand dollars. It costs fivethousand additional for I guess hosting just it's
a coalition of services, so maybehosting in printer inc I don't know.
And five hundred and six these sixthousand dollars for the actual folks that are

in charge of utilizing that information forall the things I just mentioned. By
government standards, it's you know,being around a half million dollars, that's
not gonna bat an eye. Butthis guy moved to decimal point three times
to create the senatorial and it isstrikingly bad. So I retweeted that also

another day and other this we havea police shooting. It's pretty I just
had Ross watch it too. It'spretty intense. You you have the officers
responded for what would you say thatis ross a mental health crisis considering what

we're talking about, something affecting thebrain. Yeah, I see mental health
crisis. You see this, Thisofficer roll up, the suspect is is
right there, is fairly aggressive,and what does she do. She takes
out her service weapon and puts acouple in them. I mean, the

suspect reminded me of Tony Montan atthe end of Scarface. Ah. Yeah,
yeah, I think that's where likenothing can take him down. Yeah,
well that's the thing, right becauseand then if you're an officer and
you're dealing with somebody who you've utilized. In this case, she used her
firearm. Did you ross. Didshe even try a taser? I didn't
see in the video. Looks likeshe straight for the and I don't know

if she doesn't look like she's tryingto shoot the legs either. No,
she was. She was going forthe head. And then and then at
which point the suspect pops up comesafter her again, but it puts a
couple more into him at like pointblank range. Yeah, I mean,
right, well, look, youknow they talk about closing distance a right.
You ever seen that demo where somebodyhas a knife and there I can't

remember that, it's like twenty somefeet or whatever. And then they do
what exercise where the person with theknife comes at the officer and you know,
once you get within that whatever thatdistance twenty one feet, it really
is not in the officer's favor becausethat before they can get their weapon out,
get it aimed properly, they maybeovertook. So yeah, I think

the proximity had some to do withit. And then after putting two more
in the suspect, the suspect upback at it again, and now the
officer is you can tell in herbrain it's click with her that something may
write here, and she she lookslike she saw a spider, and I

said, people are hacking on her. But I gotta be honest, like,
nothing there seems like what you wouldexpect is going to happen. So
to say that you would be ableto deal with it, like you're an
old Clint Eastwood character, maybe Idon't know. Every time that dude got
back up, it looked disconcerting,so I want to check that out.
Also, it's a raccoon with matewith probably rabies, so but that would

be mental health, right, becausethe rabies affects the brain. So I'm
just trying to figure out if Iif I could get a spot on the
writing at the Palm Beach Post.And I feel like my representation is exactly
what they'd be looking for to demonizethis this officer. Yeah, that thing
like if I don't know which PD, but it might be the Raccoon City

PD can and considering it's a raccoon, all it all fits. So that's
that's a reference to zombie movies,folks. And I think it fits the
bill all right. Eight eight eightnine three four seven eight seven four.
It is a crazy video. Yeah, I don't know if it's fair.

Also, and I'm not sure howthey tell them to do it. It
was my understanding and correct me ifit's old wivestale stuff. I was told
that if we ever, because wehad a coyote one time that was like
it was like way too friendly.Wasn't the word. It was just way
too cut. It had all thehallmarks of rabies. It turns out it

didn't have rabies, but it didhave It wasn't encephalize. I can't remember
what it was. It was somethingthat I antelope used to get and somehow
the cowdi had it, so itwas similar. But I remember being told
one time that if if we're dealingwith a rabbit animal that you shouldn't shoot
it in the head. You should, you know, center mass that thing,

obviously, but doing part to thefact that they want to then dig
through the brain. But I mightwell, if I shoot it in the
head, you're gonna have a loteasier time to getting to it. So
I don't know if that was true. I don't know what they tell officers
to do. But about the timeyou've got you know, five forty five
rounds into a raccoon and the thing'sstill coming at you, I'm gonna be

I'm going to start to get uncomfortablewith the situation. Yeah, it looked
like she put two to the chestsand one of the head. Absolutely,
she might be a hitter for theRussian mob. I don't know, but
you can check that out eight eighteight nine three four seven eight seven four.
And then if you really want towork for the Palm Beach Post,
you then take that story and youjuxtapose it with Donald Trump calling all immigrants

animals, which of course is adrastic misrepresentation which requires very creative editing of
a statement he made. I'll letyou listen to it. Tell me if
you could pick out who he's talkingabout, twenty two year old nursing student
in Georgia who was barbarically murdered byan illegal alien animal. The Democrats said,

please don't call them animals. They'rehumans. I said, no,
they're not yumans, they're not yemans, they're animals. And Nancy Pelosi told
me that, she said, pleasedon't use the word animals, sir,
when you're talking about these people.I said, I'll use the word animal
because that's what they are, allright. So if you are most of
the media, obviously what he wasreferring to is probably not just illegal immigrants,

but all immigrants, just calling himanimals as he does. Just like
remember that he did with that Sheriff'sgroup when they were explicitly talking about MS
thirteen in that scenario, and inthis case, he literally started off with
the the death of the college students. So yeah, yeah, so if
you're gonna hopefully misrepresent that as asfolks were doing and running a shorter video,

shorter clip than even that, Ithink you can tie these two things
together. But hey, yeah,you be the judge. Okay, all
right, six forty three. Speakingof being the judge, you know I
have I have a suspicion that haslong lingered based on just a lot of

coincidences. I've talked about this offthe air. We are Ross, We're
still convinced that the Glenn Beck Showsteals stuff from us? Right, uh
completely, yes, yeah, yeah, yeah right. It's like like eerie.
Now is this slightly tongue cheet,yes, okay, but dispair with
me. No, I'm being serious. Is a thief. There's a lot

of times where I feel like Rossand I have appealed the onion on a
story in a somewhat unique way right, Like you're not hearing analysis like that
on mostalk radio. And then allof a sudden it's the uh, it's
the hot take on the next hourof Beck Right, so we may like,
ah, they're listening, bro,they're listening. There they gotta be,

Because did I not create an entirescenario on Tuesday show where to console
you for not getting jury duty?We were going to allow you to adjudicate,
uh, you know, various disagreementsbecause you've got a powdered wig and
you wanted to justice. Did Inot say we could do like judge Judge

Hayes. And then I'm the dudein the pot because I remember saying,
Hey, I would love to dothat, but I'm just too busy.
I understand, I'm just way toobusy. Yeah, no, no,
no, And then, uh,what happened yesterday? What do we find
out? Daily Wires stole our stuff? Man, Daily Wires stole our bit.

Everybody's stealing from this show. Justjust want everyone out there to know,
this is why you've made such agood decision decisions starting your mornings with
us. Daily Wire announces a newseries that will star Matt Walsh as a
judge, so you know, basicallyin the format of a reality courtroom.

Uh, if you don't know howthose things work, the judge, whoever
the judge is, uh, isa licensed arbiter, right, and so
when you speed read the stuff atthe end, that's that's how So anyone
could be a judge who can uhyou know, get past a short arbitration
certification training. So immediately on theheels of us wanting to do this,

now they're going to do their ownand the photo there at the least of
him. Yes, for the promomaterial, there's no powdered wig. None
did well are trying, no,they're trying not to get caught, right,
Like if they're like, oh,if we don't have a powdered wig,
if it's him behind the bench witha powdered wig and an iron mask
to put on someone up in thebeast, it's very obvious they start from

us, Yeah, we go tocourt and we're rich, you know right
away. But no, they hadjust enough differences so they could, I
guess, have plausible deniability. SoI did see that. I don't know,
it'll be interesting. Me and MattWalsh don't necessarily align on everything.
I think that, and it isfine. I don't got a beef with

the dude, but I think he'sjust he's a I have a I go
a little more libertarian on stuff thansome of the stuff he does. But
that's fine. I'll watch him yellat people. He's generally he's generally pretty
good at it. So but youknow, I would like a little uh

residuals. That's all I'm saying.So think it over all, right,
six forty six? Hang on,I got it? So why don't you
just give him back? Dude?We let you borrow our guy as friends
do friends. Vikings fans and Bill'sfans with you know which I'm happy to

jump on that as my AFC team. I like, I've said the same
thing. I've said the same thinglike if it comes to NFC, I'm
a Vikings fan if I have tochoose a NFC team, And so what
do we do? We're like,Hey, you guys wants to fond Diggs
and you're like, yeah, let'shave him. And uh, yesterday when
you were done with him instead ofletting him come back to Minnesota, where

I mean, do you really wanthim back? Though? You guys are
like, dah, We're gonna givehim the Texans or whatever your trade was.
I remember I did see that theDolphins fans were thinking they were gonna
get him yesterday and their souls werecrushed. But also his reason for leaving
Minnesota was there were too many goodreceivers there, right. You had you

had Digs, obviously, but youhad Adam Thielen, and then you had
Joe Jefferson coming in and he justhe wasn't getting the time. And I
have a feeling it's the similar thing. Who's the top target is Knox?
I'm trying to think who your toptarget is? Shakiir Is is Shakiro Okay,
because listen, Diggs did not havea great season last year. For

the first half of the season whenthe Bills went five and five, Diggs
was doing great. For the secondhalf of the season when the Bills went
six and one, Diggs had onegame over sixty five yards and one touchdown.
But are they putting two or threeguys on him another play they were
double team in him? Yeah,yeah, for sure. But then he
disappears in the playoffs and like theone thing he's known for in the playoffs,

this past year was the fumble thathe gave up that was return for
a touchdown, and then there wasa big wide open sixty five. They
would have gone ahead and won thatgame against the Chiefs, and then ball
went right through his hands. Yeah, I don't know that you can shot.
You're not shouldering the entirety of it. Because there was also some issues
with some calls in that game.Some would argue, but yeah, no
he didn't. He didn't look realgood. But he's been good for so

long. I mean he has.But you get to that point, man,
and it seems to be around likethat. Not everybody, but they
seemed around that thirty year age markwhere it's like the drop off does become
significant. I would say yesterday ofthe news when they were letting him go,
I would say, a that doesn'thappen without Josh Allen's Josh Allen Green
letting that his approval. That doesnot happen. And I think there was

so much drama in Minnesota fans,to their credit, warrened Bills fans that
this would happen in the locker room. And there's been a lot of drama
behind this with Stephan Diggs, everyother few weeks. It seems like the
rumor is he wants out, he'snot happy. You have him blowing up
on Josh Allen the sideliner in thesnow game, and it's just I have
feeling Josh Allen was like, enough, we need to move on, and

that I mean it was it wasclear that all that stuff festered for months
with Minnesota, so people were notsurprised when they're like, all right,
you don't want to be here,let's let's do this. But that now,
the Texans are kind of built.Oh dude, they are. Yeah,
if Stroud is If Stroud is goodand you know he looks like he's
not going to be bad, yougot now, you got digs, you

got Dell, Tank Dell, yougot who's the other receiver or that running
back there? Or is Dell therunning I can't my brain's hut. But
like, their offenses look a prettyand they have a good line too.
I have faith in Brandon Bean andit's like, you know, cliche and
the me in the process, butI believe that they have something in the
works, and I in the draft. They're obviously I believe going to go

for a younger wide receiver. Andwhen you look at the Bills what they've
done in the off season, it'sbeen they've got a lot, They've gotten
rid of a lot of older guys, and they're going younger and faster.
I'm excited to see that. There'salso the only way you can win right
now with the with the structuring ofstuff. If you've got a if you
have a quarterback that's not under arookie contract, your entire other the way
you staff your team has to changejust because of the hits and this this

is similar to win in my opinion, when Tyreek Hill left the Chiefs and
Patrick Mahomes to go down to Miami, right and people are like, oh,
well, Patrick Mahomes is done.Well, Patrick Mahomes is Patrick Mahomes,
and the Bills so have Josh Allen. So I think the Bills are
going to be fine. I wasseeing yesterday the Vegas odds of them winning
the Super Bowl. They're third nowthey're still number one for winning the division.

So they didn't drop off at allwhen it comes to Vegas odds.
If you put any stuff, yeah, yeah, yeah, I took your
but I you know, Carolina wastwenty five thousand plus their twenty five hundred
excuse me, plus twenty five hundred. So I mean, yeah, the
bills are fine, but you're notgonna make much money there. That's why
I put it all on Carolina thisyear. I mean that payout is going
to be amazing, all right.So yeah, so Digs is off right

and Ross thinks forty chess is afoot. So I just I just have faith
and I believe that. I'm Ifeel like Michael Jackson eating the popcorn like
that. Hey man, I waswrong. I was gonna have I will.
I will admit that I was wronglast year when we took that receiver.
I you know, I didn't.I didn't think he was gonna be

he was taken in the first round. Everyone said he was second round at
best. And I was wrong,and I and that's a good time to
be wrong. So we'll see howit can hear me out, Okay,
justin Jefferson's the bills. You knowwhat, I can't dream, right,
No, you don't have to dream. I think that there's a scenario where

our front office does that because theyhate the fans, which is where I'm
at caz O Day Radio program andcoming up in one hour we'll chat with
Stephen Kent. We're gonna talk amusementparks and the Disney saga rolls on.
Also we'll talk little entertainment that's notwholly Disney related, Like I honestly if

you saw the New Roadhouse, becauseI watched The New Roadhouse the other day
and I I still don't know howI feel about it. And look,
I'll be the first one to behyper critical I think on a lot of
productions. But also I think thatI'm able to recognize why a movie is

being redone, and that's going toinform a lot of how I may feel
about it. Right, Because chancesare the only reason you're redoing a movie
is you just want to get itready for a modern audience. Right,
You're like, so take any likewhat if Tony Montana was gay or trans
right, and you're like, allright, we're gonna redo Scarface. That's

what people are not responding well to. But there are many times where you
could do an updated version of amovie. You could do an expansion of
it. Ross just saw you justsaw the new Ghostbusters right last week or
whatever the newest of the new Iguess you had the one with the key.
You know, we enjoyed the kids. This is the one past that

you went all right, so yeah, good right. And we also recognized
that the the women's the women Ghostbustersthing was dog crap, and of course
they would tell, well you thinkthat because it's women. No, no,
no, no. It was likethere was a lot going on now
that was that was a matter ofthere's a difference in tone and delivery,

and they were yes, And Iliked I liked the people who were in
that movie generally, right, likeMelissae McCarthy. I'm fine with her.
Again, I think the Sean Spicerthings. Senl is one of my favorite,
beloved Kristin Wig and I felt likethey took the Ghostbusters, which are
like smart funny, if that makessense, and they turned it into like
zany wacky funny. And part ofit had to do with what was the

thing there was, like there wasno script, right, weren't they improving?
Most of those scenes was the DNSAnd that's not surprising to hear,
oh, drink of water here,maybe it's a ghost. I don't know
anyway, So that didn't work,and it didn't work for a lot of
reasons. One coming out and knowingthat you're going to have a crap product,

so you you go on the offenseif you're like, just so you
know when you see this, ifyou don't like it, you hate women
right well, and it's like,well, one, you're poisoning the well
there. But two Also, Ithink people felt a lot of disrespect when
you got some of the original actorsback but then made them play other parts.

So Bill Murray isn't his character inthat one, but you know that
has progressed, and in the newone they do honor the legacy of the
characters. I remember they were interviewingthey even tried debate who we just talked
about this off the year the otherday, who's the who's the black Ghostbuster?
I can't remember the actor Winston whenI know it was that dad,

I can't remember the actor's name.But anyway, they were interviewing that guy,
and they were and they were thereporter was straight picking a fight.
He's like, so, how didyou feel finding out that is the fourth
Ghostbuster and the only Ghostbuster of colorthat you were making considerably less than you
know, Ackroyd and Murray in themovie. And he's like, he just

looks at him like because they're Ackroydand Murray and also they had like producer
writer credits, they got paid forit. That's a that's Ernie Hudson.
Ernie Hudson. Yeah, and he'sjust looking at him like what there's no
fight here, right like because thatwas Bill Murray in the early eighties and
Dan, yes, yes, Igive you a hint. The h what's

it? What is? What isit? Arguably the bigger name in that
movie aside those two was who's thenerve? Why am I? Rick moranis?
Rick branis who? Let you know, Rick Moranas is an amazing story
when you look at why he leftwhere like where he just there's a big
arc there when it comes to hiscomedy. It's sort of like when you

learn how Bob Sagett really was beforeFull House, right, You're like,
oh my god, this Bob Sagetsack. Rick moranis was very sort of
cutting edge like that too, butyou start thinking of him as the nerdy
character all the time, and you'reright. And then he left the movies
because his wife got sick and passedaway and he wanted to take care of
his children. And it's yeah,very noble and then I think what the

thing they got him out for waswhat a mint mobile commercial? Right?
And I think because him and theDeadpool actor, like, I think they
both have some financial thing in that. But yeah, but Rick moranis was
Arguably he was you could say hewas probably what the third biggest name in
that movie at the time, right, because he had done a little shop

and and he didn't make close towhat mariinnat Croid did. But yeah,
so you tell you that Ernie Hudson'slooking at him like, what what does
it mean? You also at SigourneyWeaver? Right, Oh that's right.
I'm sorry, Yes, Sigourney Weaver. Uh, well, yes, I
guess we're gonna go. You havea lot of big names in that film,
and it's not surprising that Ernie Hudson, not because of racism but just
because of name recognition, wasn't deadas much. Yeah, in the recent

film though, when we saw afew weeks ago, he has a big
I mean, he's a major,big part of this movie. What's good?
That's you know? He also,uh, what was what else did
you say? I try to rememberthe other thing he said in the interview.
He's just basically he was just like, this is amazing. I just
you know, I'm a Ghostbuster andI'll always be a Ghostbuster. So next

question. So kudos to him forthe answer. But now I'm glad this
they gave him an expanded part there. I don't even know what the premise
of it is, right, I'massuming the kids leave the cornfield and the
head of the city. Yeah itdoes. It takes place in the city
yet, and there's a lot ofgood cameos in it. All right,
cool, I'm looking forward to that, so like it can be done and
then with the Roadhouse like but thedifference to with this Ghostbusters film. It

was a good story. It hadgood writing, like it felt like an
old Ghostbusters movie. I mean,we really so weird. It's from the
money. It looks like that's workedout for them. But with the revenue
they're making off of it, man, I wonder if the other studios might
wish to emulate this model. Goodwriting, not a bunch of identity politics

and characters that people actually care about. Now that you mentioned it, I
can't think of I'm sure it wasthere and just I didn't notice it,
but there wasn't like any over knockingyou over the head politics in it or
woke stuff. There really wasn't notnot that immediately comes to mind. Somebody,

I did see somebody write something aboutone of I don't I don't know
any of the protagonists, so orthe antagonist. Excuse me, I don't
even know who the bad he isin that. But somebody was saying something.
But I mean because I didn't care, but because there's people where it's
sort of like you have race hustlersand now you have these like well custlers
who are always looking for something toattack or say it is is woken you
should boycott it or this. Soif you're going to reach I'm sure you

could say, well, the femaleyoung female Ghostbusters, this is a woman's
empowerment movement. Well nah, Ireally. I mean she's the daughter of
the one Ghostbuster who has passed away, so I mean she has there's a
purpose for her being there. Yes, And she's not a perfect Mary Sue
character. She makes a big mistakein this movie and she redeems herself.
So that's a that's fine, that'sa new thing. There's a hero's journey

there, which is missing in alot of these films. In these days.
It's like you're just the perfect characterand you have no flaws, and
I think it was great for you. And it's that that's not relatable.
People can't relate to that. Ican relate to that. That's pretty much
how I'm always right. Yeah,I started doing radio when I was two.
I didn't have a first word.I had a first fifteen minute opening
segment commentary. It's just a funfact there. So yeah, we'll get

into you know, we're just talkingabout the the the grievance mongers, the
the wold custlers. I gotta findthis. I just I was looking for
it the break. Maybe it's onCollege Fix. I was scrolling Twitter yesterday
and there was this this dude,who's where And he looks like he's just
trying to walk through this area oncampus, and he's wearing a shirt that

says USA two undefeated, two timeWorld War Champion, Right, you've probably
seen that before. And this thismoonbat student just she starts losing it on
this dude. She's very She's justlike and she's going, did we did
we? Yeah? We did?Wait? Wait wait that we came out

of the war as a superpower.So yeah, there's a reason we really
win too. He did, though, why the dollar is the dollar today?
I feel like if he didn't win, right, if the only said
one, I don't know if he'sdone the German marketing weapons of mass destruction
on the on the world. Ithink it was her point, the rosses
of the opinion. We did winand we are undefeated in World Wars.
So wow. I mean, there'ssome people to say you might have gotten

some help from Britain or Canada orAustralia or whatever. I mean, and
that's your opinion. Well, that'strue, that's you know, right,
you know, if you're or eventhe dare you say, the Soviet Union
at the time. Yeah, apparentlythey lost a few people. I don't
know. I think there's yeah,there was, there was there was one
or two. In fact, let'sget the Palm Beach Post editorial to estimate

how many they lost. Yeah,yeah, but did we You didn't answer
the question, but I did answer, did we really win? It's apparently
open for interpretation. A loon manjust triggered by his shirt and the dude
is clearly in the in the video, and I will find I'm gonna find
this damn thing in the video.It's it's not one of these where he's

you know, he's over. He'slike, ah, the moon bats are
on the quad. Let me getshirts that will trigger them and then just
stroll around with your chest puffed outtrying to walk across like he's got stuck.
And he looks like he's in ahurry too. I mean, it's
a meme shirt. Like it's becomea mean three year letterman uses it all
the time, right, he usedto trigger people, dumb people. Well,
it works like a charm. Apparentlydid we win? Did we?

Yes? Yeah? We uh,we just looked it up. Apparently we
did all right, seven seven sevenseven seventeen. I yes, sidetrack by
all that stupidity. China's really upset, speaking of global issues, but they're
they're mad at the Netflix. Yeah, you know what I gotta I'm here

for it, China. Netflix.It's the whole Godzilla meme. Right,
let them fight, right, I'mhere for this, but I'm gonna have
to back Netflix here because it's theChinese government. And two, this isn't
new stuff that the this new seriesis about. It is creepy though,

if you've never heard about him,what do you think of the Marxist cultural
revolution. I think what most peoplein vision is the the struggle session.
That famous photo where you have thethe landlords or these uh yeah landlords who
were standing up there like their Abugrab prisoners with the sign around their neck
while everyone screams at him like that. That was very real. But also

what was very real is genocide anduh and with genocide, the you know,
basically the large, large scale starvingand decimation of huge lots of population
for these big projects, the purgingof any politics or thoughts that may go

up against uh Mao and his team. The atrocities were numerous, and one
that I think a lot of peopledon't know about is the the Gwanjee uh
the Gwanji cannibal stuff. And ifyou don't know about this, I'll fill

you in because you know, welearned stuff and we'll do it next.
Hang on, this is pretty darkwhat I'm about to tell you, but
I think it's necessary, especially becauseof the kicking and screaming on the part
of China. So the folks overat Netflix have a new a new offering.
It's called Three Body Problem and itis loosely based on an individual set

of incidents within a larger problem thatgripped China during the Cultural Revolution, specifically
in Wufusheng and the Guanshi province.Right. So this is I'm not sure
where the percentage of the population is, but within the individual provinces and then

the counties within them, local CommunistParty leaders pretty much had free reign as
long as they were out there,you know, purging dissidence, and they
could do it through re education,or they could do it in the way
that they chose to, mostly bymurdering them or starving them to death.
And as a result, the CulturalRevolution killed tens of millions, five to

seven million, I think, justin Guangxi, right and along the Yellow
River. So and that doesn't evenaccount for all of the deaths following that
when they started changing fundamentally damming andchanging so many parts of the river,
and they would just be like,oh, yeah, this town of people
who are agricultural subsistence farmers, Yeah, this is going to be a lake

now, bye bye. So inthis case they cover one of the darker
aspects of it, and that wasthe records, which are as far as
I know, not disputed and acrossmany political ideologies not disputed, and even
researchers in China have spoke to thisbefore, but because it's the focus of

this doc documentary, and it detailsthe roughly one hundred to one hundred and
fifty thousand people who were purged justin this area. And when I say
purged, I mean they were boiled, they were let's see here, disemboweling,
live burial, and the list wenton, and they had a couple

unique little twists like if you werea student in you know, whatever level
of school and your teacher is deviatingfrom you know, Mao's thinking, you
were encouraged to execute the teacher.And it took place. It took place

on multiple occasions, including in nineteensixty eight when middle school students were who
were not happy with the instruction bytheir teacher as it deviated from the stand
under communist rhetoric, reportedly beat theirteacher to death, drug her body outside

to the flat stones of the QuanRiver, and then Communist Party officials who
were they were stationed in schools,so they were there forced another teacher who
had the students had said was friendswith the teacher who they had just beaten
to death. Remember, these aremiddle school students. The party officials forced
the other teacher to remove her friend'sheart and liver, at which point they

headed back to the school, wherethey barbecued and consumed the organs. Because
part of the ideology there was thetotal domination of your ideological opponents, which
required this. The majority of theone hundred and fifty thousand who were said
to be killed were landowners as wellas the intellectual class, teachers and whatnot.

And they researchers were able to independentlydocument one hundred and thirty seven people,
though they they're confident in saying thenumber was four hundred and twenty one
who were ritualistically eaten. And infact, it was so common that they
had classism break out right in thiscommunist utopia, as you know, where

everyone is equal, almost everyone isequally worthless, and then the higher ups
do what they want. So theyhad let's see here, all right,
So they had an edict come down, and in it the leaders and party

officials were allowed to feast on theheart and liver, and then they had
a dish where they mixed it withpork sausage. However, ordinary villagers could
face execution if they were to eatthe heart and liver without making it available
to leadership. Villagers were allowed onlyto remove areas of the victim's arms and

thighs for consumption, but could noteat the organs, which were seen as
the I guess the good stuff,and you wonder why somebody ate a pengulin.
So yeah. Following more information comingto light about this period, in
an effort to downplay some of theyou know, the really gruesome stuff,

the Communist Party decided to do itsown investigation, during which they arrived at
the conclusion that only thirty eight peoplewere eaten. Fifteen people were prosecuted and
received essentially fourteen years in prison,but then were let go like a year
later, and any party official orhigher up who was not necessarily a party

member but still part of the programthey received a five to ten percent salary
cut for eating their opponents. Soyeah, so that's what the show's about.
In China's big mad So that's athat's a thing. So so they
murdered. Even under your own admission, you had a party higher ups that

executed uh and then consumed fellow citizens, and you you you gave them a
pay cut. That's crazy. Man. But hey, that's again, this
is why I like history, notbecause everything's good, but because arguably everything's

important. And I want to hearthe We just didn't try it right,
people explain, you know where youjust get up in the middle of the
lecture, right, you don't likewhat's going on in math class today,
and you're just like, you knowwhat, I'm uh, let's just let's
eat the teacher. Then we don'thave to do this. But uh,
you know, good luck convincing folkson that, all right, eight eight
eight nine three four seven eight sevenfour. Seattle with a rather interesting move.

They got a they got an equityproblem. Well they don't really they
they have a moonbat problem. Butwe'll let you know what it is they've
decided to do. And again it'slike Seattle has like an inferiority complex against

San Francisco when it comes to whocan out moon bat the other ones.
And since we're in the Pacific Northwest, what the state of Oregon has done
or I guess undone? And justhow poorly this whole thing was handled with
their Hey, let's make all thedrugs legal is pretty crazy. There's some

stuff I didn't realize that maybe peoplewho don't live in Oregon didn't realize.
But I do want to share thatwith you. But first you want to
share the weather with rage Age becausehe's ready to rock and roll. What's
going on with man? Yeah?How much are you? I don't know.
Ross's team borrowed my wide receiver andthen instead of giving him back,
they gave him to Houston going on. Yeah, I did see that.

Yeah, Stefan DAGs going to Houston. Man, Yeah, that's a little
that was a little unusual. Ididn't think that he would leave, but
uh, well, yeah, hehe went through this whole period with the
Vikings where he was, he was, he was all the time, he
was bitching because yeah, that dude, dude is by polar. The problem

was is he had at that time, he had theling and he had you
know, we had three Pro Bowlreceivers and he wasn't getting the ball.
And then he goes to Buffalo andhe was the man and now and then
he wasn't and now he's upset again. So whatever. But yeah, and
then I'll go to Houston and probablyrepeat the whole thing over. No,

no, no, Now he'll probablywin the Super Bowl because that would be
the most thing ever. Ross hasalready taken this to the darkest logical conclusion
for him. But look, Houston'sgot a good team now. Stroud holds
up man a lot of a lotof players around him. Fourth eighteenth,
three weeks from tonight's the draft.How about that and next week's and we'll

see. Oh that's right, itstarts next week. Updates in the weather,
Yeah, yeah, all right,yeah, what are we dealing with?
Man, If you don't like thecold, breezy weather, you could
turn it off for a couple ofseconds. When we get to the weekend
and early next week, it doesget better. Start to see the clouds

increase from west to east. Stilla few breaks, but they're gonna go
away eventually. There's more sun eastnow of Raleigh, and still some sundown
Fayetteville. But we are seeing eventhe clouds there come in and we might
get a few showers. This supperlevel low to our northwest is just stubborn
and sticking around, and until itkicks out, we'll keep that shower threat.
It's not gonna be a bunch numberstoday, way down only near fifty

tonight in the mid upper thirties anda chance of a few showers, a
passing shower Tomorrow, a lot ofclouds and still a light breeze and cool
again, upper forties to near fifty. And then by the weekend we'll start
slowly getting milder. Thirties again Saturdaymorning, low fifties in the afternoon,
partial sun and then upper fifties onSunday and mostly sunny. Get into the

sixties Monday, sunshine expected for whateverthe percentage we get here the eclipse,
I don't know, sixty or seventyor whatever. Maybe less as you go
toward the trying a little bit moreas you get into the mountains. But
I think the warming trend will continueinto Tuesday, into the mid sixties,
so it'll get better. It'll bea slow process, but no big warm

up. Next couple of days kindof cloudy at times, might be like,
oh was that a shower? Itreally won't be much at all.
All right, Well, we'll complainwhen we get there, So no card,
Thank you much, sir, appreciateit now, Ross, I was
just reading. I was reading thisquote from Brandon Bean who for those you
who knows the GM from the bills. He claims that Josh Allen wasn't told

and found out at the same timeas the general public. Do you believe
that? I don't know. Idon't. I don't think any quarterback who's
the you know, a franchise quarterback, You're you're moving a wide receiver without
talking to him. So, butI don't know. Maybe they're just trying
to in some ways say face.I think you're right though, because that
the wide receiver room is getting biggerand younger. Yeah, and then Diggs

is like, man, I'm out. Yeah, I don't. I don't
know that. I believe that theydid not say anything. But any who,
all right, let me do this. We'll take a break again.
Stephen Kent will join us. Wegot Disney stuff, theme park stuff,
the new Silver Surfer. That's I'msure some people are real, real pumped
for that. We'll get into allof it more coming up here on the

CaCO Day radio program. Oh apparentlyI'm getting ahead of myself. All right,
Chris, what's up? Hey,Hey, Casey, Hey. I
appreciate that you're getting all excited forthe Masters next week, right, but
it's probably not gonna happen because ofthe eclipse and when the polls flip.

It's it's going to freeze everything.And I got you don't play I mean
they play it. You can playa practice round on Monday, but the
tournaments, you know, Thursday,sir, so well there everything will be
dead. But anyway, you're overlookinga bigger event, arguably a bigger event

in WrestleMania forty this weekend in Philadelphia. I mean it's a big event,
don't get me wrong, and allthat. The Masters, bro, come
on, I can't know after whatthey did, What's who's the Chelsea Green.
I'm not up on all my femalewrestlers. Admittedly, sir, after
what happened to Chelsea Green, Idon't know if they're gonna be able to

do it. And for those ofyou who don't, i'll tell you in
a second. All right, Well, look, I'm glad you're excited about
that, sir. And I'm sureRoss will have you know, probably incorporate
some of his stupid walk on musicin the library that he missed labels so
I can't find it and delete it, and then we'll get to the Masters.
Okay, all right, yeah,I will, especially if I find

those beds. Are they the oneslabeled not ww E? Beds. Others
are not all right because it saysnot there. I won't even check that.
Yeah, I was reading this story, this is won't you do here?
So on Monday, of course youhad Monday Night Raw which where were
they at the Barclay Center, soin New York. And one of the

matches was Chelsea Green, who wrestledNatalia. Again I'm not sorry, I'm
just not up on this enough tobut she's described as pretty good and it
was a big match, and nowshe's headed into WrestleMania. So the problem
was she does that and then theyhad them, They had them all up

at one of the I think ofthe Fairmont, which is a nice hotel.
That's where they had the wrestlers.So after the rest after the event,
she heads back. Yeah which fairOh was the Plausa Okay, so
yeah it was the Plaza. Ididn't know which of the Fairmonts. Yeah,
well so the Plaza hotels pretty nice. The problem happened as she returned

from the event, and I guessshe went into the lounge area, at
which point Green says, hotel staffimmediately descended upon her, and at first
she couldn't figure out what was goingon. But eventually, as they informed

her that she was going to haveto leave the premises, she started protesting.
While I'm staying here, and shesays that staff did not believe her,
and eventually one of them commented thatshe could not work the bar,
and she realized they thought she wasa prostitute. That's like going up and

asking a woman with a little bitof a belly when she's due. That's
not gonna end well for you.So yes, the staff of the plaza
thought because of the way I andI don't know exactly how she was dressed.
I did look at a couple photos. I mean, she's in an
visual entertainment medium. She shows offthe goods, you catch them a drift.

But also, how do you justroll up on and immediately assume that's
a prostitute without doing anything to determinebased on how badly this could go for
you? But apparently that's what happens. Eventually, she says she was able
to explain to him, hey,no, no, no, I'm not

a hooker. I'm a wrestler.Now to say, I will say this,
though, the sheer volume of femalewrestlers who are putting out pretty consistent
porn movies. This is I guessyou had a few of those over the
last a few years. I don'tknow. Maybe somebody got confused with something
they're watching, but that's that's that. I've not seen a response from the

from the PLAUSEA on this. Idon't know. Can you stay there at
that point? Again? Maybe ifyou give you a fat like the Donald
Trump upgrade. Man. Yeah,she said, one night you're you're wrestling
at Barcley Center, having the timeof your life, and then later you're
kicked out of the the plaza andaccused of being an escort because of your

outfit. Yeah, you gotta check. The other thing is too. I
have to assume that the staff atthe hotel knew that it was chock full
of wrestlers, Like they knew therewas gonna be some interesting characters in there.

They just had to because again,it's not like it was just one
room booked. It was basically wherethey put everybody. So there's your lesson
for the day. Don't assume somebody'spregnant or a hooker. Steven Kent joins
us, as per usual, howare you doing this morning, Stephen?
Very good, casey, nice tobe with you. I'm gonna start with

a softball Laura Croft over the Mariobrothers. Are you frigging kidding me?
For those of you who don't know, because I didn't tease this story yesterday
or no two days ago at thebaft does I understand you're dealing with a
British audience. The BAFTA Game Awardsvoted Laura Croft the most iconic video game

character ever, beating out obviously MarioSonic One. So what's up with that?
Because that's dumb? That's interesting.Yeah, I wonder if they surveyed
four thousand gamers worldwide, this waslike a gamer poll that went out online
around the world. Laura Croft comesout on top. To me, that

seems like a very simple matter ofmaybe generational cha. Look, I get
that Mario is classic, but Mariois not as popular as it once was.
There's a lot of competition in thevideo game world these days, and
for people like myself who grew upin the nineties, yeah, Ura Crop
tomb Raider was actually a huge partof the video game experience, right next

to like Crash Bandicoot and Zelda.But I am a little surprised. I
think this might be just a resultof girls being more involved in gaming than
they used to be. That's mythat's my hot take. Maybe. Yeah,
you know, here's the thing though, and I could go, I
think that that is probably I couldget eighty five percent of the way there

where you're at. But you hadthere not been a resurgence of Mario for
you know, each generation has hada Mario resurgence, you know, whether
it's Mario you know, flying witha raccoon tail or Mario driving you know
in a racing iteration like Mario's doneokay for mult for decades, right,

always something new. So that's that'syeah. I mean that that ip,
that ip marches on and they're keepingit fresh. The Mario movie was actually
a huge hit and was considered tobe incredibly funny. Laura Croft that ip
that's been a sleep for a longlong time. Angelina Jolie, I guess

as the as the lead actress inthe movies. Nobody talks about that anymore.
Well, no, the one chicktook over the alex Alicia of Aconder
Alisha of Aconder in twenty eighteen.Yeah, but I don't know, I
wouldn't call that particularly like a hit. Or a real revival of Laura Croft.
I'm surprised as you are. Yeah, by the way, for that

actress. I think her best performancewas it so but that's better know that
one you never seen ex Machiana.You've never seen that movie O x O
x Machina. Yeah, yeah,yeah, I think that's her. I
think that's her break co performance.But actually, so you said you said
Mario should have won. Who wouldbe kind of your your number one pick

as well? Like if you tookMario off, who's your who's your runner
up as the most most iconic?Uh? Yeah, and it's not it's
not the Mario franchise because Mario.To me, that's just a super easy
answer, right you know. Yeah, honestly, here you want me to
give you, like the the theDeep Thinker News panel one right where I'm

just in the pot John Madden,Yeah, you are stirring the pot?
Now? How is that not anacceptable answer? You know, sports games
are incredibly popular, right, andso that's that's not only a name,
that's a figure of people vastly appreciateand understand. You know, pac Man

came in it a number to THIYeah, pac Man, that's another good
thing or master Chief is fine.They got the new have you seen the
new series? Rot I until everything'sout before I binge it. Ross has
been very complimentary on the the Haloand I've never I was never into the
games, but apparently the new TVseries he's given that two thumbs up.

Well, to be fair, I'venever played the games either, so I'm
watching it from the clear clean slatethere. But people that are fans of
the game are not fan of theseries. Oh well, all right,
I like the book people, Soyeah, this is this is kind of
where I think the when people askyou what's your favorite movie, casey,
or they ask you what is thegreatest movie of all time? Those are
two very different questions. You know, you can like garbage movies and actually

it's considered them to be one ofyour favorites, like right, yeah,
right, and it's not. It'snot a piece of cinema necessarily. But
this is the problem with this question. You know, the most iconic video
game character was the question, andso you get characters like Arthur Morgan from
Red Dead Redemption place now umber elevenin this poll. Arthur Morgan is an

incredible character. Red Dead Redemption isa really great games sort of like the
you're mispronouncing his name Arthur Morgan,No Ross, how do you pronounce the
guy the protagonist from Red Dead Redemption? It's dig Bickham's right, So,
like you think that's a good pointthat, yeah, you know, Arthur,

that's prestige gaming. That's like reallyhoiity toydy a MC breaking bad level
television. But for gaming, heis not iconic. He's just a really
great character. Crash Bandicoot and SolidSnake are iconic. They're like coke and
PEPSI uh and so I again,I'm a little surprised that Laura Croft topped
it, but that's fine. Shewas a cool It's a good game,

okay, all right, Well lookand look they're gonna get as much out
of any I P as they can. We've seen Hollywood's uh I would say
ability to do that, but wantto do that? And aren't they like
they're reinventing Loura Like they're going backat it right because where they're debating over
whether her body type needs to change, because of course these are the annoying

debates that we have. But they'renot done. I think they're working on
something right. Oh, I'm surethey are, And definitely, if there's
some sort of Laura Croft revival withinthe fandom going on there, they'll definitely
make a game, and they willalso probably have her wear a hoodie and
sweatpants. I think that when theyrelease the game, we need to have

photos of any of the female devsand then we'll figure out who just made
themselves, because that's the trend thatI tend to notice there. So uh,
all right, let's see here theyslip back. Sorry, realize I
closed the other story. I wasgoing to go to damn it. Okay,
there we go, all right,so let's talk. Let's talk Disney

just a little bit. I knowwe have an updated fully what's going on
down there for a while, Butit's more than It's more than just you
know, debating over Disney having specialprivileges or land use or any of the
rest. You know. Disney isalso and I didn't realize it. I
didn't realize the amount of the parkthat they were essentially shutting down. Now,

the failure that the Star Wars thinghas been, and how they've given
up on seemingly all the properties,and then the question becomes, well,
where do they go now, Andhow does Disney continue to appeal to this
next generation, and how do theydo it in spite of the popularity of
anime, which I admittedly is somethingI and Ross are not. I don't

know much about. I thought itwas called hentai for a while. I've
been corrected. I'm just not intoit. That's another thing about it.
It's all the same, the same. Yeah, this tentacles and weirdly drawn
eyes. Right. So, butI can't deny you can't deny the reality
that anime, especially among the latthe two youngest generations, is seemingly much

more expansive, uh, you know, within them. But that's not Disney's
forte. So let's let's get intothat. How do you adapt and overcome
when Star Wars couldn't money? Justman, So there's a lot there.
We'll start real quick with just DisneyWorld and Star Wars Galaxy's Edge. That
park has not performed like Disney hopedit would. Uh, they are at

least shrinking development and expansion of thatpark. I don't anticipate it being closed
down. Yes, the hotel isdead. The hotel is dead. Massive
advancement. I don't expect Galaxy's Edgeto go anywhere. But this is kind
of a great example of where Disneyhas mismanaged that intellectual property, the fact

that Galaxy's Edge, the Disneyland StarWars park is based in the pretty unpopular
sequel trilogy after Return of the Jediin the timeline, and when you go
to that park you encounter Rey BBeight, Kylo Ren and all of these
new characters instead of Star Wars thatp belove, which would be the Empire

era, you know, Darth Vader, Princess Leah Luke, Skywalker. It's
actually an incredible failure in their thinkingon that park, and the best thing
they could do to save it wouldbe to actually just what you would say
is reskim the park, you know, different characters and just move the park
into a different part of the timeline. But that is not going to save

the core fundamentals of Disney, whichis that a lot of their IP is
considered to be pretty stodgy. Withyoung consumers today who love anime more than
anything, we are way beyond theworld of princesses and fairy tales that Disney
has thrived in for so long,and young people by and large like Japanese

imported anime programming, and we cankind of go into the specifics of what
that is and is not. Butyou know, even compared to the super
Bowl, the super Bowl has nothingon Netflix's average watch viewership with gen Z
subscribers for their anime program and yeah, yeah, just the amount of titles

that they have on there. AndI've seen let's talk a little about what
it is, you know, tosee it as a Japanese kind of graphic
novel comic book, I guess,and you can come if you think that
that's not a fair definition. Butwhat it is or what it isn't And
I've seen a lot of people argue, this is it. It hasn't been
tainted. It hasn't been tainted.And when I say tainted, I mean

properties that have been you know,redone to modern audiences every time they've tried
to redo. And I'll give youthe probably the biggest example on Netflix was
what Cowboy Bebop? Right, whichwas an immensely popular anime, and the
way that they decided to kick itoff is they the the woman I can't
remember the actress's name, she filmeda video berating male viewers and over the

fact that her she didn't dress likethe character. It was obviously like in
many anime, it's a character thathas exaggerated features, especially female features,
tight clothing. Uh, It's itwas known, but you could tell that
they made an effort to not justattempt to as closely as possible follow it,
but to outright reject it and thenmake one of these dumb videos like

this, like the Snow White Chick, where you're on camera going, you're
all stupid, you are your abunch of pervs. This is what we're
gonna do. And that thing failedmiserably. So every time they've tried to
screw with the product, people haverebelled. I know that there are some
that are upset. They're saying thatthe translations are having woke stuff put in
there, But ultimately consumers want purityof product there. And if you're Disney

and you monkey with everything, howthe hell do you do that? And
and Disney is way down the rabbithole with monkeying with a lot of different
classic ip whereas anime that's being importedfrom a bra is more reflective of Eastern
values, Japanese traditions and sensibilities.Now you do have some instances, I
forget what the word is called,but when Western developers and managers are tinkering

with the dialogue to adapt to sortof Western sensibilities. But by and large,
anime has been inoculated from the culturewars that we're experiencing in the United
States and the Western world more broadly, and people love it. Gen Z
watch anime more than any other property, and that's why you had Netflix do

this adaptation of that graphic novel onePiece, and One Piece has been incredibly
successful on Netflix. It's very trueto the anime tradition, and that's why
you also have a resurgence of animeeven in other parts of the world.
Saudi Arabia, of all places,is building a Dragon ball Z theme park,

the world's first. It's it's incredible. Currently building everything right now.
Everything's in Saudi Arabia. Cracks thenew race track, they're building a whole
city. They're like, uh,you know, they want an additional you
know, they're working with Turkey tocut an additional Cora Canal, right,
Like, I mean, I believeit. I just got back from Dubai

Casey and Dubai was just kind ofone of the most opulent. It's strange.
Fa Yeah, it's I mean,it's kind of like going like through
the most newly developed communities in Miamiand then dropping them into the desert and
going like this feels like I'm insome sort of fake city. But look,

I think it's pretty cool. DragonBall Z is the most popular anime
product in the United States, andSaudi Arabia is going to have the claim
to the first theme park. Thisis what my generation grew up watching on
Cartoon Network in a series called Tsunami. If you came home home from school
at the middle of the afternoon,around four pm, you got off the
school bus, you went into thehouse, and you watched Dragon ball Z

first thing when you got home fromschool, and that popularity has only continued
to grow since my generation entered thereal world. Now, that's so,
that's straight. Now, hold you, Stephen, this so we're thirty five,
Okay, so you're you're you're youknow, but you're not even ten
years younger than me. I knownothing about Dragon ball Z. And it

shows you how quickly this changes.Right, That's why Ross and I contend
like we're basically the same age.So like there's a lot of overlap on
what we watch. So this iswhy I bring this up, because anime
is is so staunch in not comportingto the the woke stuff and gen Z

can't get enough of it. Whatdoes that say about gen Z? Some
would say that that says something good, like maybe they're sick of this stuff
too. From what I have seen, I can't pull up any specific research
for you right now, but whatI have seen is that they are pretty
exhausted with millennial pearl clutching over politicalcorrectness and free speech issues. Gen Z

does have some very weird left wingquirks gender politics among them, but when
it comes to free speech expression andpolitical correctness, as gen X would also
appreciate as a terminology because that's kindof where this's all started, they're pretty
tired of it all and there isa little bit of a less puritanical attitude

about those things with gen Z andjen Alpha beneath them, and anime appeals
to those things. It's both verymacho and hyper feminine. It's also very
violent, and it's just a coolgraphic style that you don't see in the
Western world very much. My favoriteStar Wars product of the past couple of

years was Star Wars, anime productthat they've put out on Disney LUs called
Star Wars Visions where they had Japanesestorytellers do original, non cannon Star Wars
short stories as as like short films, and it was incredible. And that
was them baiting the anime crowd justa little bit with Star Wars because Star

Wars is a little bit more ofa stodgy old ip that has not thrived
the way that they thought it would. The Stevin Kent, I appreciate it
this morning, and we will.We'll touch base here next week and be
prepared to talk about the Masters,which kicks off Thursday. So and you
be prepared to talk about the nextseason of Dragon ball Z. Deal right,

Yeah, you can tell me whateverit's could be and I'll believe you
and I will never know. Soall right, appreciate appreciate it this morning.
I have a go one man seeyou all right. Yeah, I'm
gonna do my Dragon ball Z research. It'll be a big part of my
weekend. Anyway. Well, we'regoing to take a break and we'll be
back. Hang on. I amso I don't need audio or anything,
but I do want you to watchit because I'm pumped. We're just sitting

here with Steven Kent. Obviously we'regetting into Hollywood stuff and movies and and
man, every time you think throwingthe towel, they're done. What a
shame entertainment mediums going by the waysideover politics and just you know, killing
killing everything. I love. Theythey redeem themselves. So and I just

I just tweeted this out at Caseyon at Casey on the radio. You
want to go watch it. Sothere's a new movie coming out called Bambi
The Reckoning and it's a horror.It's a revenge horror flick by Bambi.
Now in the trailer, uh,there's two dudes in the woods and they
have like a they have like aduck tied to a tree or something.

It's really weird and they're shooting atit. But you know, obviously it's
to show that they're maniacal. They'rehorrible, they're mean. And one of
the guys as the other dude,who's like, you, man, you
ever shot a deer? And thenthere's this real foreboding music and the guy's
like yeah, once, all right, and we all know what's deer obviously
this guy's referring to and they looklike a couple near dwells and then all

of a sudden it cuts to thebiggest, baddest, most rampaging deer you've
ever seen a right, So,and this is from the same folks who
basically their entire movie strategy is towait for ips to fall by the wayside.
And as you know, a bunchdid with Disney, and then you

saw with what was it, oh, Winnie the Pooh, right winning the
Poop, Blood and Honey. Thisis the same outfit. In fact,
the movie is part of a largereffort, a series of movies which I
kids, this is the actual namefor them. It is Bambi. The
Reckoning is the second installment in thePoonaverse. So just you know, like

the Marvel Universe, theres is thePooniverse because they kicked it off with the
slasher Winnie the Pooh, Blood andHoney, and now it's Bamby the Reckoning
and I'm here for it, man. Yeah throw that in there. I
know, Cocaine Bear is its ownthing, but they're they're starting their own.
But yeah, yeah, I'll watchBamby the Reconing. Hell yeah,

And you know what for what isprobably not a big budget the the CGI
with the deer in the trailer.It looks pretty good, so yeah,
sign me up. I oh wait. I do have to warn you though,
and I cannot stress this enough.Do not google Poonaverse movies and blindly

click you catch it when I'm puttingdown, because it's not the first series
of movies that were ref referred toas the Pooniverse series, or search it
on your coworkers computer, so youknow, probably go with Bamby the Reckoning

and then Pooniverse, but not Pooniverseby itself, because holy crap, this
is this is the reality in whichwe live. Yeah, I'll give that
a watch. Absolutely. Hey checkthis out. Oh the meltdown is fantastic.
All right. So Jamal Bowman,you know him as Captain fire Alarm
or excuse me, a guy justtrying to go through the door. Of

course, the accountability there was nextto nothing from a legal perspective. However,
it may not be the same notin Westchester County, so that's where
Bowman's district is. The district issouthern Westchester north northeast Bronx. It is
a decidedly blue district. So what'shappening. Well, even the people in

his own district think he's looney tunes. How do I know? A new
poll shows that the sitting congressman islosing to Democratic primary challenger who's a Westchester
I guess County County executive, Yeah, George Latimer, so also a Democrat,

seemingly from what I've seen, notquite at Jamal Bowman level of insane.
And in the poll, by theway, the primary is on the
sixteenth, so we're not far awaythe New York primary. Currently Latimer leads
Bowman fifty two to thirty five,so he's probably out Man. And what's

rich as I'm seeing people claiming thatthe reason that Bowman's getting purged is not
because he's insane, not because hepulled that fire alarm and then lied about
it and there was really no accountability. Nobody his constituents noticed, and they're
done with this dude. And ofcourse, obviously it's because they're racist,

because, as you know, theBronx in New York, they are not
a fan of black people. Idon't know if you're familiar with the Ross
you're from the state of New York, but you're you're familiar with New York
City, the Bronx, Right,obviously, it's a mecca of evil,
racist, it's a mega country.It is mad. You know, that's
a that's a perfect comparison. Yeah, if you're that's a good point.

If you're if you're Juicy Smolet,you justly would not go to the Bronx.
Man. Yeah, that's what.That's why I run Yankee Stadium.
Red hats are so popular. Ohis it? I didn't know, So
next time I'm in New York,I should get a red hat and go
over to the the Yankee Stadium.Oh yeah, oh good, high fives.

Huh? All right, because it'sweird because I just see their hands
in their pockets. I don't knowwhat's going on. So maybe I got
to run up on him, allright. So yeah, he's probably gonna
lose his He's gonna and then Latimerwould obviously probably win. I think the
district's like seventy six percent Democrat orsomething. So interesting. Interesting little follow
up there, and this real quick. Seattle Public Schools say they will shut

down their Gifted and Talented program.Why equity baby, that's right. The
school board has voted to scrap theircap. What they call a highly capable
cohort program, what a stupid name. After let's see, they did that
in twenty twenty. They knocked thatdown and then the schools said, no,

this is dumb. How do wenot have this program? So they
started it again on a more traditionallean. However, they said that they
did not fix the problem by reinitiatingthe program, as the majority of the
vast majority of students who found themselveswho tested in to the program were white
or Asian, and by revamping theprogram over the last four years, they

have not seen any substantial growth inthe percentage of students who were black or
Hispanic, and therefore it fails thedistrict's equity concerns. So they're just going
to shut it down. So it'sdone. Though, So if you're a
parent there and your kid was inthat, then no, yeah, you
can't have people excelling. Man wouldn'twant that, all right? Eight forty

four raced Agic stand why, ohman, everything is dumb. But then
you have a new movie coming out. You're ready, It's called Bambi the
Reckoning. Oh yeah, and Bambiis not pleased with all that, you
know what now with his mom sowell, I love, I love.

There's a couple companies that are lookingat all these ips, like Whitney the
Pooh is the one remember the Bloodand Honey they did last year. It's
the same company, and they're theyare just they're just waiting for IPS to
and then they just make him murderthings. And uh, this is the
layer and it's and it's called theit's the Pooniverse of movies who started with

Winning the Pooh and then the nextBambi, and they get a bunch of
others. But do google Pooniverse movieson its own and click. Okay,
I'm just warning, right, Iwon't do that or do it on al
Rogers computer or something, right,Yeah, probably all right, So what's
up? Yeah? Yeah, Ithink improving pre SIPs just about done with.

But there's an upper level low.And if you didn't know what that
was, just a minute of meteorologyone on one up upper level low was
a cold pocket of air, noteven I'll give you ten seconds. The
cold pocket of air upstairs in theatmosphere, and as it spins around very
slowly, kind of rotates in thesedisturbances. And that's why the clouds are
increasing. That's why we see passingshower for today, and the chili temperatures

with this northwest breeze upper fifties.You might at sixty, especially where you
had some early sunshine in the trianglein points east tonight some clouds mid thirties
to the west, maybe some lowthirties. And actually the winter weather advisories
in Avery County and up into Booneand some of those places where they may
get a couple inches of snow insteadof rain. And then Friday we'll see

some clouds coming again after morning sunshine, mid upper fifties, and then Saturday
and Sunday closer to or above sixtydegrees. I think Sunday we finally get
above sixty with some frost in themorning hours though, so I'm not gonna
say cold weekend, but for thistime of year, a little on the
chili side for the morning hours.I do think as we get in a
Monday and Tuesday, we will seetemperatures back into the seventies. I think

that's pretty close to average. Ithink near seventies the average high. With
the Chanta showers coming back here onWednesday, So grabs heavy your jackets.
You're gonna need them. A coupleof chili days coming up, and even
with the sun out on Saturday andtemperatures close to sixty gonna be breezy too,
So that don't feel a little bitrisk. But for the good the
good news is for the weekend,we don't have any rain to worry about,

but as a cloud to deal withfor the eclipse on Monday, partial
sunshine, So we'll see how thatall works out. I know we only
see a small percentage of it,but still may be able to see something.
Did you see the Airbnb map thatthey put out. I did not,
and it's it's a map of soldout airbnbs and it is it is
the line. It is the linethe US dude, these communities that are

undering from a traffic per sue,it's it's going to be bad, if
that's any indicator. So yeah,if you've been to somebody these places,
like if I've been like Upstate NewYork where I go snowmobiling, like Old
Forge is one of the spot's gonnaget one hundred percent eclips. Yeah,
but you know he's getting You know, the prisoners up there are having a
problem because they can't like they can'ttwo to five is normal yard time,

but they don't have proper lighting,so they're putting the prisoners on lockdown.
So a group of prisoners has suitssaying that they have a religious right to
watch the eclipse. Oh good,lollough, all right, man, appreciate
it having there. You go racedagic. And by the way, I
know what you're thinking. Oh,it must be the guys who think they're
warlocks or whatever. No, no, no, I'll share that with you.

We'll chat with Jeff Bellinger next.Good boarding. Casey stocks were mixed
at the end of a yesterday session, had the Dow down a little bit,
but the Nasdaq and deescentp posts ofsmall games. Remarks by Federal Reserve
Chair Jerome Powell helped to ease someconcerns over high interest rates. Powell said
the Central Bank still expects inflation todecline this year to a level that will

allow for interest rate cuts, buthe also reiterated the Fed does not have
to be in a rush to dothat now. There was a bigger than
expected jump last week and the numberof workers signing up from employment benefits this
report just in the Labor Department countedtwo hundred and twenty one thousand new applications.
That was nine thousand more than theprior week. Stock market futures improved

quite a bit after that report cameout. Right now, the Dow futures
are up one hundred eight points.A lot of homeowners across the country were
no doubt shocked when they saw theirproperty tax bills last year. At Them
reports that taxes registered the biggest jumpin five years. The amount governments collected
was up nearly seven percent. Theaverage tax bill nationwide now tops four thousand

dollars. Apple wanted to bring anelectric car to market. That effort failed,
but the company is still looking tointroduce new products. Apple teams are
looking into whether personal robotics might becomethe next big thing. So to say.
Engineers have been considering a mobile robotand a tabletop device that uses robotics
to move a display. Artificial intelligenceengineers working for Tesla seeing bigger paychecks.

Elon Musk says Tesla has been hikingthe pay in its AI division to encourage
key people to stay. Musk chargesthat Open Ai has been aggressively trying to
attract Tesla engineers, and massive compensationoffers have convinced a few to jump ship
and like this story. Casey Plantershas three job openings. Company famous for

its peanuts and other nut products,now looking for people to drive it's twenty
six foot long nutmobile this summer.The vehicle looks like a giant peanut.
It will be appearing in parades andshowing up at events all across the country.
Casey, It's called the Nutmobile,the Nutmobile. Yeah the record just

see dreg Rice with this and theYasker Meyer Wiener Mobile. Yeah. Well,
I'm just like, so it goesaround as parades, maybe maybe driving,
you know, just visibility within thecommunity and stuff. Maybe giving people
rides. I don't know, ifthere's some woman walking or whatever. I
don't know. I mean, whatall do you do with the Nutmobile?
So both just a purit events,just be there, I guess, mister

peanut, I guess will be apresent as well. So all right,
all right, well appreciate it.Okay, every day it's something new.
Thanks appreciating. Yeah, I mean, because it's not every day is not
a parade. But yeah, youcould probably just non parade days drive around
in the Nutmobile. Maybe, youknow, maybe you're driving down a road

in Florida or whatever. You seesome would be nut consumers, you know,
walking down the street, Maybe seeif they need a ride, maybe
a couple of co eds or whatever, just saying got options, or maybe
I'm misunderstanding what the thing was thereAnyWho not misunderstanding this A lawsuit against the

State of New York's Corrections Department filedafter it was announced a total lockdown at
several of New York's facilities, includingWoodborne Correctional also the one where the dudes,
those two dudes escaped, and oneof the other more famous ones anyway,

so it spread over three facilities.The concern on the part of New
York direction facility officials is that theevent is taking place what is normally a
time where they're out on yard.However, the yard is not in a
position where it can be used atnight. They do not, you know,

they don't let them out there inthe dark, at least in the
full expansive park and obviously not usuallya problem between two and five in the
afternoon, which is yard time.However, if you're in this line of
near total darkness or damn near it, then they don't want them out on
yard immediately six different inmates, shockinglyof a variety of religious backgrounds or non

backgrounds. As you'll hear, allhave professed a deeply held religious belief that
they should be able to watch thesolar eclipse and they have to witness this
as part of their faith. Thisincludes a one Muslim prison or a Baptist
prisoner, a Seventh Day at ventist, two practicers of Santoria, and an
atheist. And now they're tripping allover themselves. So what do you do

here? Probably gonna let them watchit. I just I don't know how
they're gonna do it. But whata Yeah, they got a lot of
time, get a lot of lawsuits. But is it a deeply hell religious
belief? I guess maybe if youthink it's the rapture, which obviously you
know, among a bunch of murdersand rapists at the max security prison up
here, I don't know too manyof them are gonna have to worry about,

you know, a rapture or Idon't know, maybe they turn their
life around, I guess, Butyeah, what an interesting lawsuit there
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