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September 20, 2023 103 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Have you ever been You ever beento a point where you're like, I
am so lost, I'm gonna haveto just get some sticks, build a
lean to and start over here.All right, maybe you haven't been that
lost, but there was a momentyesterday. I gotta tell you. I
I don't often get to all ofthe little parts of our listening area.

I shouldn't say little. Obviously,we cover between the Try and the Triangle
a big chunk of space. Butyesterday I was running around. I was
doing I had some various client meetings. Right. So, one's in North
Hills, that's pretty easy, it'spretty near the station. One's up on
ligand Mill as you're headed up towardswake Forest, and the other one is

off of Calvin Jones. Okay,And I have to admit it's been a
while since I've been that far northin the in the area of wake Forest,
other than on just you know,Highway one going places. So I
go to this, I go tothis meeting whatever, and I'm like,
I want some lunch, and Iremember there's a little there's a deli up

in Youngsville, and I'm far enoughnorth and I remember that the last I
ate a sandwich there one time itwas pretty good, and so I was
going to go up to that deli, and so I put it in the
old you know, it's got NaviGeishen in there, clicking in the navigation,
and rather than running me all theway up to one, it starts
turning me northward through these neighborhoods.And I know about traditions and all that

area up there. I was inthere for like fifteen minutes before I ever
hit anything that didn't look like oneof the homes and the traditions thing,
and it was like this old,historical little neighborhood jammed in the middle there,
and then it's just more of thatbuild out ross. I swear that
area north of you is bigger thanany city in Wyoming. I told you,

I hate to say, it toldyou so, what it told you
so? And like it's it's massiveconstruction and apartment companies everywhere. Yeah,
they're still building away many every likethree blocks there's a construction crew doing something.
Even on Liggoland Mill, they're wideningit over there. Yeah. The
wake forest you knew even like fiveyears ago, doesn't exist anymore. It
is nothing. It's not there.I like The only time I ever really

get that far north over there islike we had it, They'll be like
a meat there's like a media golfthing that happens. It has a Hasten
tree, Hassan tree or whatever.But that's not even over there. That's
kind of you know, that's westof there. And I just go up
Highway one for that. That's easyenough. But that explains why Capital and
then Highway one North is such anightmare at at around five o'clock, just

brutal. And then when I dogo up to wake Forest or like,
you don't live that far north,so I'm you know, I'm basically concentrated
into the downtown area of wake Forest. If I if I, for whatever
reason, was to go near whereyou are, I did not swing by
to see the monstrosity blodding out yourson though, because I was kind of
over on the other side. ButI was curious, son. They're really

nice. They're starting really low twoin the four hundreds, so that's great
for four hundred thousand. Yeah,you can look at your back patio and
see my property. So right,with the Henge, I hate you all
so much. With the hene Henge. Did do you want to Henge View
or a road view. I wouldthink, I think you think you want

the Henge View until there's some weirdceremony going on over there, and it's
just like you can't blot it out. But yeah, man, oh,
I had no idea what was goingon up there. Raleigh never made sense
to me in where they do chooseto build out and where they don't even

going back, you know, adecade or something to go. And they
got they got a couple of thingsworking out working against them to try to
get an even spacing of everything,right, because you have the state park
going up Glenwood there, and soyou have this huge slice of what you
would call the pie where you can'tbuild anything. And then if you go
south of town like five minutes,all that land is owned by NC State

for their agricultural stuff, so it'snot developable. Although that's a problem.
I wonder if they're gonna run likein Minneapolis, they ran into that with
the University of Minnesota, and thestate came in and found new land for
him and kind of forced their handto sell their agg property, which turned
into some southern suburbs there. Butbut yeah, and then for whatever reason,

Nightdale doesn't seem as expansive as itcould be for the distance. But
no, you're getting all the houses. Man. Did you drive further down
Calvin Jones to where like PDQ wasor is? On the way back?
I cut by there, but Iknow where it is. I've been over
there. Did they Did you seeall that construction? Like I was so
overwhelmed with construction. I don't knowif it stood out initially, is it
really? Oh? Yeah, you'dnotice, okay now, because I was

coming west on Calvin Jones from youknow, over on the Rollsville side,
and I turned right up into Traditionsand then that was it. Yeah,
I remember how they used to belike PDQ in the ale House. Yeah,
and then a little and they hadlike there's a haircut place there too,
Lady James. Yeah, it's expandeda bit, a little bit,
just a little like they added anotheroutbuilding maybe at Applebee's or something a little

more than the okay too. SoI just have no reason to drive up
there. But I had only crap. I had no idea. And it's
not just there. There's a coupleof parts of Greensboro that are that.
Every time I go and do avisit over there. It's just crazy,
man. But that wake forth,they're gonna have to do something because by

the time I ended up heading downbecause I stopped and saw a buddy when
I was up there. So bythe time I'm headed south on one back
into Raleigh, there is it's right, it's you know, it's around four
thirty and it looks like it's justa parking lot headed north. So holy
cal all right, anyway, sorry, I know for a lot of you,

you're like, we live up there, we know, yeah, but
you have a four hundred thousand dollarsapartment overlooking Ross's Henge. I bet you
don't, dude, you got areally red knock up your yard, remember
that guy who had the house andKerry. I've already started. I've already
started because before you know, Itry to at least sort of maintain it.

Right right now, I'm like,screw you people. You gotta get
a burn barrel out here. Yeah, right, you know it's gonna make
a ford of tires a tire fords. Oh tire fords are good, yeah,
and you can then burn those.It's at certain points, oh well
you have to. Yeah, peoplelove that. Why would you have the
tires if you're not going to burnthem. So if if everybody got a

busted car, you could have likeI'd take several yeah no, and you
stack them right yeah yeah, yeahyeah, I'd be amazing. And that's
where you get the tires. Rightnext to the hinge in my backyard will
be the car hinge. Oh wow, that's like the biggest ball of twine.
Tourists will want to come see that. It's like the Boone, big
beer, big beer boon, exceptthis will be real exactly. No.

Yeah, oh that's on record.That's on record. I mean I'm saying
the car hinge wouldn't be real.Oh oh, because he because you need
to get you know, like youneed to get like the paperwork and all
that sort of. I'm not onefor paperwork, dude. If it's a
good Redneck yard, you don't needpaperwork. Isn't that why you'd never really

technically run for sheriff because paperwork?Yeah, because this country wasn't built on
paperwork, not at all. Isn'tfounded on paperwork. And we're in sheer
will and determination as Hayes for sheerand throwing and throwing off throwing an overthrowing
George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, andAbraham. Correct, we don't know which
Abraham, but one of them.My goal is, seriously, I want
to make my yard. So whensomebody moves in or like they're taking a

tour of these four hundred thousand dollarsmonstrosity apartments that destroyed my neighborhood in my
block, to go out there andbe like, oh, this is so
nice, and then they look atthe back wind and they go nope.
You know, they'd be like they'dbe like illegal immigrants coming in and now
refusing to go to La telling nahMan, we want Martha's vineyard, dude.

The high cost of living, coupledwith criminal criminal activity concerns, has
for the first time knocked the LosAngeles area off of the preferred resettlement locations
of illegal immigrants coming into the UnitedStates. You're coming from. Cut your

head off of Mexico, right,Sanda Capitano, which you know what that
sounds like a wonderful Mexican vacation destination, Sanda Capitano. Ross, you guys
want to go into Sanda Capitano.I'll get you guys some tickets. Everybody
goes to Cancun. It's way toobusy. So people are leaving Mexico from

you know, Sanda Capitano and comingup to America and they're like, I
don't want to live in La.It's too dangerous. Craziness. Man.
Among the destinations most requested if ifgiven a choice seen it do still include

California's Central Valley, Washington, andNevada due to the cost of living.
Uh, the you know, Iguess, the lesser crime rates and the
availability of agricultural work. But LosAngeles proper, not so much. They've

seen at forty five percent decrease inthe number of folks who are arriving who
want anything to do with greater La, dude, And they probably have relatives
in many cases, right, andthey still don't want to go there,
just you know, just out ofsheer, you know, the volume of

others who have come come here acrossthe border just being really located in that
area. All told, border patrolcontinues to arrest a total of one hundred
and seventy seven thousand said migrants permonth at the Mexican border, of which
the majority are then resettled awaiting courtdates. Now, if you go to

other countries. You mentioned Martha's Vineyard. There's really the only group that really
wants anything to do with the greaterNortheast there is Venezuelan migrants, because there
is a big Venezuelan population in theNew York area. Let's see, and
uh, Dominican immigrants. So thoughthe majority though Miami remains number one for

most immigrants not coming not coming froma fixed continental country, but rather any
of the island nations. Well,Venezuelan is a fit. Well, I
guess technically they already said New Yorkthere, so yeah, there you go.
They didn't want anything to do withthat, all right. Coming up
on the show, the greatest selfowned via journalist I've seen in a long

time. So let me give youthat. Let me give you the background
real quick. So this journalist iswanting to test the discrimination that may be
happening to people who are immigrating fromcountries that would have unusual names where the
government is rejecting them even you know, because they're super bigots and they just

don't understand. Right, However,will they will still limit names for you
know, you can't like name yourkid Hitler in some instances, right,
And so what does she do.So this genius reporter from ABC decides when
her baby's born, she's going togive him a wildly offensive name I guess

in the eye of the beholder,and she wanted to see if it would
get through because it wasn't a youknow, a Muslim name, which is
I think the crux of what she'strying to prove, so that she can
go why would you allow this?But then you wouldn't allow this traditional Muslim
name just because you didn't understand it, because you're a bunch of bigots.
The problem was they didn't reject thename. So her kid is now this

name? What is that name?I will tell you when we return on
the case O Day radio program,keeping you connected. This is ninety four
five WPTI in the Triad and oneO six one FM Talk in the Triangle.

All right, welcome back into sixtwenty five. So journalists kursed in
Drysdale decided to test the policies ofthe folks who handle I guess the birth
birth registry. Just to be clear, this is this is Australia. So

ABC is the Australian Broadcasting Company,which is kind of like their PBS.
Okay, they're public right, soanyway, so she works for the one
of the news programs there. Shedecides she's going to test this because there's
been concerns that when they do enforcethe restriction where they're able to. The
way it works is you submit yourbaby name and you can submit an alternative

with it. If they reject theone and then reject the alternative, they
will literally name your baby for you. And the problem is is she suspects
that there's some bigotry of foot becauseif you're a white Australian and you want
to name your kids something crazy,they'll let it go with a few exceptions.

But if you are somebody from afour in country and the name is
is highly unusual but would still bewithin I guess the normal range from that
other country, that people are discriminatingagainst those those immigrants. So she tries

to pick a name, thinking,okay, well they'll have to reject this,
but maybe they won't, and sheI guess she never thought about what
would happen if they didn't and theydidn't. So, following the birth of
her third son, as part ofthis story endeavor, she submitted and was

approved for the child's new name thechild's name methn Fhetamine rules. Your kid
now your kid's day met the pettaberules. Lady, it's your kid's your
own kid. Make up a fakekid, right, do your little undercover

thing? You named your actual kidmeth then fetamine rules. What are you
gonna do now, little methy?I mean, do you come up with
a nickname? And what if hegets famous? What if he could play

cricket or wicket or what you knowwhatever. It's one of the stupid games
that don't understand where they're like,oh, we're gonna have a match or
a test and it's gonna last threedays, and for three days on the
TV it's met. Then fetamine rules. Up to tossa googly ball or one
oh six one FM Talk and ninetyfour five w PTI, two stations driving

the best in talk. This isCasey O Day and Carolina's Morning News.
All right, welcome back, sixthirty five. You're on the case Day
Radio program. Good on the organizersof the Raleigh Christmas Parade, by the
way, pushing back on this insanityfrom the city. So if you remember,

it was the end of last weekthe city decided, Hey, you
know what, you don't need aChristmas parade, screw you. We'll do
holiday activities. Yeah, yeah,no, we know we issued other parade
things, and other parades have happenedsince the tragedy that happened last Christmas parade.
And then we're gonna kind of intimatethat maybe the parents didn't want it,

so they look like the bad guyshere and it's just garbage, just
garbage, people shifting the blame toeveryone but themselves. You made a decision,
stick with it. Well then theysaid, hey, well all right,
maybe we'll let you do it becausepeople were outraged, rightfully so,
but you can't have any motorized anything. And initially I think the Merchant Association

was gonna agree to that, butlike we said on the radiot, don't
give these people an out for theirpoor decisions. Make them suffocate or suffer
the consequences of their actions. Don'tagree to this. Well, thank god
somebody listened, because the Greater RallyMerchant Association has presented a new pushback proposal
that would allow this and with alist of safety regulations, which, by

the way, is what the familyof the little girl who was killed asked
for and specifically said they didn't wantthe parade canceled. You can't do a
parade without some motorized something. Yougotta pull, you gotta pull, you
gotta have floats, you need tobe able to transport. You know it
was there was a situation. Iwon't give you all the details on it,

but if if the person wants tohave invited her to come on and
talk about it. Or you havethese kids who are literally dealing with horrible
circumstances, whether it's physical disabilities,developmental disabilities, their parents. They're what
who get to ride in the paradeand it's the greatest thing that's happened to

them that year, a year fullof horribleness, and the city of Raleigh
doesn't want to let them have thatopportunity. Some of these kids can't walk
and by if they had a motorizedwheelchair, that would be a violation of
the stupid thing that they're proposing.And they're gonna get tut now. I'm

sorry, you can't do the paradethis year. You can't for a moment
in all of the crap that you'redealing with, be the center of attention
kind of and and throw candy orwave to people. Or realize your Christmas
dreams because we're sitting here and playinggames. Don't let these people off the

hook for a moment. Let themexplain to some kid whose parents are dead
why he can't go in the Christmasparade this year? Okay, and film
it and put it online. Putit online of the mayor of Raleigh telling
some kids who's known nothing but tragedyand heartache this year and perhaps maybe even

for the totality of his life,that he can't he can't do the Christmas
parade because he's not physically able tosit there and strut down the parade route.
Make him tell him to their face, bring him over to the city
council meeting. Let them scurry intothe back room like a bunch of cowards.

I'm just so sick of this thatwe're having to sit here and negotiate
this out. Sorry, just veryjust bothered me immensely this morning. All
right, let me grab a callhere, Chris, Chris, what's up.
It's a good morning. Thanks fortaking my calls early. I just
wanted to say, you guys almostnailed it again. There's a place in

Cali called San Juan Capistrano, sothey could put the Decapistrano there. I
am aware that I was inspired bySan Juan Capistrano, which, by the
way, they have a bunch ofbirds that come to the Spanish mission there
and it's kind of a big deal, which is why people. Yeah,
but yeah, san Juan de Capitanois not I did not booger hole it

again, I want to. Ijust wanted to throw that out there on
it. But yeah, you know, and that that Raleigh Mare's too busy
drinking with Beth Woods to make anygood decisions. So you know, this
is an easy this is an easyone to let it. Look, Chris,
Christmas season is about is about thingslike peace and love and joy and

even forgiveness. Obviously, would youconsider what the season is about from a
religious standpoint and what that brought about, you know what I'm saying, So
I hear you. Thanks for thecall the Americans say. Look, I
misread the room. I thought Iwas trying to do something to save you
know, this, this family fromhaving to sit there and see the parade

advertisements and perhaps the parade on TVor hear about it and and relive the
tragedy that they themselves are dealing with. But maybe I should have reached out,
And yes, I agree with thefamily that we can do things to
make this a safer environment. Letme get with the organizers of the parade
and explain what it is that youthink we should be doing. We've we've

already enacted these and other parade permittingsthat we've done this year, and this
is how we're going to do it, and every it's going to be a
great parade. You say that Ican't sit here and yell at you on
the radio. I got I got, I got nothing. I got nothing
to chew on at that point,and neither will anybody else, and you'll

look like a decent human being.But instead, no, you're like death.
Screw them kids. You know it'sthat Michael Jordan meme. You don't
know what I'm talking about where itjust says, f them kids. What
a perfect meme use possibility right here? This is it. Yes, I'm

aware of the Shriners, but youknow what, I'm gonna hang my hat
on kids because I don't know ifyou know there's kids, they're big fans
of Christmas. I wish, Iwish to this day I could carry the
same level of excitement for Christmas thatI did when I was eight? Can
you imagine? Can you? Canyou imagine how if you as an adult

And I know there's some of youthat go a little Clark Griswold crazy over
this, but admittedly it's still notlike when you were eight, is it?
That's that's what's soll of you,all of your kids. You want
to get older faster. There's reasonone thousand and six sucks. Okay,
you gotta have a job and takecare of yourself, but read the reason
one thousand and six. Christmas willnever feel like it feels for you right

now, never gonna feel the same. So I just caught ross. Do
you think you think you could ever? And maybe it's maybe because you have
a kid, you get a littlemore, a bigger slice of it than
I do. But and I alsohave a kid who's always kind of gonna
sort of be like a kid insome respects because of his special needs and

autism. So like Lincoln is insixth grade, however, in a lot
of respects, he's still like,you know, a younger kid, right
right, So I mean we haven'thad you know, yeah, yeah,
yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. It's still very magical for him,
but it's still I'm not gonna takethat away from him. I'm not a
monster, you insane, but free. I'm not like the mayor here,

you know, to the woman withthe cauldron. Yeah, yeah, I'm
not a grinch. I don't havethat. It's not you know, I'm
not a horrible person, is whatI'm saying. I make jokes about like
gill netting your kids and transporting themunder for twenty five dollars ransoms and all
that, and get off my Ican't imagine sitting there and doing that to
a kid. I don't want totell a kid no, unless they're being

a brat, then I'll tell himno. But like, if I don't
want some kid is just like,oh, I'm just gonna be amazing.
I don't want to be that guy. I couldn't be that guy. Just
imagine, though, Imagine you arethe mayor. You're in that position,
and it comes across your desk caseshould we cancel the Christmas parade? You
stamp? Yes, yes, whatkind of a dark, empty soul do

you have? Well I would blameit on you, of course, because
you want to shift the blame.I'd be like, I want to I
blame it on the family who hadthe tragedy. Yeah yeah, yeah,
oh really, Okay, that's good. That sounds like a good scapegoat there,
and what you should definitely do.How about your blame it on your
staff? Oh? Anybody but myself? Right, Yeah, I'm a racy,

dark you know, sould narcissist.I have no you know, I
have no soul. It's ye void. Oh wow, that's the next time.
I definitely the next time I'm inthe ballot booth, you know,
and about to pull that lever.What I would think about is which one
of these candidates did not cancel theChristmas parade? Yeah? What? Who
did crush us six year old?It should have never been like, it

should have never happened. You needto apologize and you need to be like,
my bad, we're gonna have it, and it's such a bad move,
But it is unless there's no responsibilitythat that's carried with you forward for
it. If you think you're untouchable, right, So yeah, it's a

good point. If you think you'reuntouchable, that's why you do stuff like
this. He came out and you'relike, listen, I worship the dark
Lord and we're not gonna have Christmas. Yes, it's not gonna do it,
but we can if you want,we can all meet down at front
of city Hall and we can.You know, we're black robes as you
do in front of my cauldron,and we can do that because we worship
the dark Lord. Uh huh huh. It's bad news for that goat.

By the way, vote for me. Yeah, bring your own chicken talents.
Oh yeah, absolutely. One thingI'm not for is government subsidized chicken
talents. No, no, thisis why you're allowed to have chickens.
You rale and raise chickens and citylimits. You notice she didn't want to
go along with that. So Ican have roosters in my neighborhood. That's
fine on a Saturday morning and theone time I get to sleep in everyone's
good with that. Just awful,just so awful. So off. You

know what we need? You knowwhat we need. We need the Disney
Bear. We need the Disney Bear. Drop it off at city Hall.
Let us bring about his Disney magic. Do you guys know about the Disney
Bear? Apparently talking he must betalking about you're talking about Disney talking about
frontier Land in the jamboree, thebear jamboree thing. No, I'm not,

but maybe that's he was going.I don't know, I don't know.
If you don't know about the DisneyBear, will tell you about the
Disney Bear. Okay, And areyou a journalist who I've made fun of
here on the radio. You couldget paid and I'll have to be the
one. Well, we'll all bedoing the pay in Oh yeah, wait
for this coming up case O Dayradio program show. After the show is

on the iHeart radio app. Searchcase O Day for the podcast on the
iHeart Radio app. I'm gonna readI'm gonna read something to you because this
was publicly posted, so this isthis is something I can share with you.
And this was a This was aperson who works with these special special
special needs kids, but I meankids who are who need all of the

help that they can get. Whowas communicating to the parade organizers who wrote
to tell the story of one ofthe kids, who was a little boy
who lost both of his parents intwenty nineteen twenty excuse me twenty twenty and
as a result changed he had lostall hope, all joy and stopped speaking.

He struggled at school. However,he was asked to participate in the
twenty twenty one Christmas parade. WouldI guess I'd have to be twenty twenty
two, right, Well, anyway, he was asked to participate in the
Christmas parade as a member of ourschool. So I'm assuming this is a
special school. I wonder if it'sFrankie Lemon or one of those. But

but anyway, and was who gotto ride on the float and this child
who had not spoke in a yearcame alive, smiled for the first time
in the year, and spoke forthe first time as he was aboard,
waving to the crowd, finding fora moment happiness, life and joy.

The magic of riding on that floatthat day and the crowd waving gave he
and his grandmother, who now raiseshim hope. The only thing that got
him through it was knowing that onceagain he'd get to ride on that same
float during the parade. But noparade. I mean, I believe it.

A lot of these kids, right, like the world is so chaotic,
they look forward to these traditions andlike these rituals because it's some semblance
of normality or yah didn't look forwardto. So I completely believe that.
And but no, and I said, some people that wrote me, they
said that they actually reached out tothe Mayor's I didn't even get an answer.
She gotta do is you gotta showup at one of her campaign events.

In fact, I have a Ihave a list here of the campaign
events. This Saturday, she'll beat Ben and Jerry's in North Hill slapping
cones out of hands. That's agood one. Should go up to that
one. If you can't make that. Next week she'll be at Frankie's Fun
Park throwing the master power switch tothe off position. It's like a ribbon
cutting but different. So that's athing. And then if you can't,

the following week and you'll find herat the bouncy place. What is that
monkey Joe's stealing all the springs ofthe trampolines and deflating the inflatable stuff.
So that should be a longer eventbecause there's a lot of them there.
And then maybe just look, youknow, maybe just you know, say
something to her at one of thosefine campaign events or an opportunity. Ross

you were saying, there's an opportunity. She may swing by your house right,
that's what I was hearing. Yeah, you know, because you hear
these tragic stories of like people,you know, they being attacked by dogs
and stuff, what kind of dogs, like pitpoles and stuff like that.
Poles. Here's is fine. Yeah, there's no half measures here. They
need to get rid of all thedogs. Yeah, that's a good story.
Son happen again. So the mayoris gonna be showing up at your

door for the big euthanization. Yeah, but but she's not going to do
it herself. Yeah, so she'sgonna have you do it old yellow style
to make sure, you know,because we can't endanger the children. Right.
So the the end, So thebig dog puppy purge is I think
what they're calling it, where theyshow up at your house and at the

barrel of a gun. As governmentdoes usually accomplish anything, they force you
to euthanize your own dog for thechildren, for the kids, for the
safety, you know, I understand. So, uh, you know,
don't miss any of those scooter orwhat's up? Yeah, so that was
a very touching writer man. Yeah, but uh yeah, I've got it,

got a solution. So we'll getall the welders and fabricators out there
and we change to flow pulled byhorse and then uh just don't clean up
after the horses and uh leave forthe city. Well yeah, or the
sometimes they have the little clowns onscooters. But you can't have scooters,

I don't. Yeah, or youcan have you can have the kids or
someone else volume and haven't dressed.Uh got and chogas? But what are
the other people that didn't watch?Was back then? Where just a cloth?
Okay? I think they were pancilstsir. Yeah, oh yeah.
It was just like, wasn't it. Yeah, loincloths? Yes, yes,

yes, yes, there's some loincloths or something like that. All
right, all right, well we'lllook into it. Thank you for the
Calder scooter ross. Did you seethis puppy Apparently the puppy perch such a
such a success. The kitten callingsthis weekend, same deal. I mean,
you can't trust those things when yousleep, except they just show up

with burr lap sacks and and it'soff to the nearest creek. So for
the kids. All right, sevenh seven, Good morning. It is

the case O Day Radio program.Glad to have you a long phone number
eight eight eight nine three four seveneight seven four. So we've been losing
our minds this morning over this sinceand I'm sorry, I don't have kids.
And even when the parade's going on, I'm like, there's a mild

like, ah, I have towait through all this to get over to
get my bloody marry and watch footballwhat's going on. But I don't care
who you are, man, Idon't care who you are. And just
because you can remember how ampty werewhen you were a kid, even if

you had a really rough go ofit, and maybe Christmas wasn't what it
was or whatever holiday did you youassociate with with with happiness and gathering together
with family and food and and allof that, that level of excitement.
I'm a little depressed knowing I maynever achieve it again as an adult,
But I wouldn't rob anyone of thatexcitement, you know what I'm saying.

And I can get it. Ican understand it. As so as we
sit here and there is this,you know, the city realizes they screwed
up. The mayor realizes she lookslike a giant grinch ogre, and she
wants to do this like you know, because she's some magnanimous creature, emphasis
on creature and no, no,the parade organizers need to be like,

no, we're not playing this game. You put out permit it's not like
you stopped all parades. You putout permits, you let people use floats.
When I got well, I gottaread the story as some kid who
literally went mute and lost all hopedue to a tragedy that struck and took
both his parents from him, whoonly was able to turn it around,

even if just for a little bit, by being able to participate in this
event that the majority of people want. And you want to negotiate that away,
screw you. We're not gonna doit. And the Merchant's Association shouldn't
agree to this madness either. Ifit means there is no parade, let
the blame of that fall squarely onthe shoulders of the people who made that

decision. Let them take the rapfor it, Do not give them an
out. It sounds like from whatI what I've seen and the people I've
talked to behind the scenes, thatthe group that puts this parade on and
I don't speak for them, butit's my understanding that the safety measures that

the family of this girl who losther life last year, are asking for
this family that was in a wayshouldered with the blame even you know,
within the court of public opinion forthe idea that the parade could be canceled
because nobody wanted to own their owntheir own decisions. If if there is

a group, if there is alist of safety concerns that they have,
and this group that puts the paradeon is willing to abide and address those,
then everyone should be good to go. And it's my understanding that they
are. Again I don't speak forhim, and maybe I'm missing something here,
but at the very least they've agreedto the majority of them by this

proposal that they've put back. Whyare we having this conversation because a certain
person's ego won't allow them to letthis go for imagine being the people the
person rooting for the wet bandits.Okay, that's who you are. You're

that You're that person that rooted whenthe Grinch took all the presence. Good,
good glad he got him. Awful, just awful. Jamal, Hello,
you know what, Casey, Goodmorning, Casey, good morning.

You know what, Casey, I'ma hole in this man, we don't
know how much kids. We don'tcelebrate Christmas. However, there ben not
be a June teenth parade, andevery better not be a gay parade.
If those citizens in Raleigh, ifthose Christmas in Raleigh do not go down
there and make their presence and voiceher and get a lawyer and say you're

better than I had at nasty waggonyJune tenth parade, and you're better than
I had at perverted gay parade,because we will suit you for discrimination.
And you know what, if I'msick and tired of our representatives, don't
step in and start doing something.We don't want this antim and we let

even manage your government. This iswhen we need to have our people.
I let the state and say,you know what, we need anti political
discrimination because what this is? Thiswoman I'm running on diversity inclusion. Well,
how come you've in order to bediverse and inclusive, you got to
outlaw those things that Americans have celebratedfor years for diversity of inclusion. If

that's diversity inclusion, keep it.We don't wanted. So do they think
wait, wait, wait, doyou think that they think that it's nothing
but white people go to that parade. Because I've been down to that parade.
It's I'm almost it ain't all whitepeople. I don't know. I
don't know if they're familiar. IfJamal, there's many, Jamal, I
know you and your family don't.But I have to think the majority of

black citizens to celebrate Christmas in thecity of Raleigh. Yes, But you
know what, Casey, the problemis, and I've said this for years,
my community don't step up and speakout unless white liberals to give them
the a ok to speak out againstit. Because every Christian a matter of

fact, why won't they hook someother that big fat Ryan Jerry Carrol when
it's so called preacher William Bob.He can pull the fluke, he can
pull eight of them. Do youwant a big old Oregon trail wagon yoke
on him? I mean, whatdo you add you can't even here?
Well, you know, pull himone of them more harnesses. They used

to pull the music of the God, old good music and pull. They
don't think if you hang a carrotout on a stick in front of him,
he's gonna pull crap. You knowwhat I'm saying. Oh No,
you need a whole buffet line youneed because he's a buffet slayer, golden
korad he walking golden Kay start crying, You'll put your whole buffet line in
front of him and be like thereyou go. He'll pull there, He'll

pull every fruit. But Casey,I'm just saying this. The Christmas is
the Christmas and Wiley. You knowall these churches that have a pride Polly
they said, the pride you knowflag, We're inclusive. Where are they
you all talk about they talk aboutthey're so inclusive, but everything that quote
unquote patriarchal, traditional Christian stuff theyattacked. This woman needs to be sued

and I mean sued. And andif they try to have a gay trife
parade or June tweenth parade, thatbe not be one float, that ben
not be one vehicle. And ifthey haven't turn aloud and see her again,
because it has to stop the peoplein Riley. You know what,

everybody didn't vote for this nutcase's diversityqueen. Nobody, everybody didn't vote for
her. But you know what,just because you didn't vote for her don't
mean you have to be under therule of her diversity, which is at
diversity inclusive, which discriminatory towards Christiansand conservatives rules you can push back against

her, and I'm pretty sure it'sso it's a law Jan Roley that wants
this type of it exposure so hecan see her so so conservative to start
coming up even if he's not orshe couldn't hear you not, they at
least get some you know, conservativesand Christians that comes to head with ties
of it. The people have tostand up. Why why tell me right

now? Why is it so easyto call in right out in the station?
Where? What are the people rightnow? In a while? It's
who are sick? Man? What? Letslin just calling me in right now
saying, hey, Ksey, thisis a district. I don't know,
I don't know what power they wouldnecessarily have. I guess is perhaps the
reason. And they probably don't wantto call in because I'm gonna ask them

why they gave all of the thingsthat they wanted away and they're still going
to expand Medicaid. That's that's whatthey need to be answering for today.
But that's another story entirely. Allright, Jamal, thanks for the call
this morning. Okay, all right, Yeah, all right, yeah,
yeah, they don't. They don'twant me to ask that. We will
have a lieutenant governor at eight ohfive though, right, I know it's

not under his purview, but I'llbe curious his thoughts on this. Oh
look at that. She just addedtwo more h two more campaign events coming
up. One the removal of allthe t ball ts. Yeah, I
get rid of them. You know, kids swinging bats very dangerous. And
uh, the outlawn of pools.No more pools for you know, sometimes

kids drowned ross. Have you heardthis? So you've heard these right,
It is a tragedy. So weneed to protect them at all costs.
Yeah, so we'll uh and andthen we'll put sand in there like they
did in California during COVID with theskate parks, so there's no skaters that
use the drained pools for for thekids. So I don't think sand is

a good enough deterrent because kids couldbe like I could build a sandcastle.
Can we fill the pools like broccolior Brussels sprouts or something I was gonna
go with fire. Okay, thatseems like that could possibly be No,
wait, kids might make smores.Well, I mean that. But that's

diabetes. I'm sorry. I mean, these are all horrible things that could,
that could. I'm sorry, that'swhat diabetes. Thank you diabetes.
Yeah, uh, dude, Ithought we had it in the system.
I think I spelled it as theway he says. Oh, I'll never

be able to find the E tus diabetes. Well, now we're gonna
find it. Yeah, I wantit. Hold on, Oh great,
it's not even diabetes. First diet. Oh you found it? Okay,
good, how's it spelled. It'sactually spelled diabetes. Oh why didn't it

come up. I'm out on computers, all whacked out. Your blood sugar
is probably low, man, Ineed a s'more. Well, I'll go
to the ice cream knocking event andthen i'll catch one just for it hits
the ground. We'll use that.But a kid won't beating it, so
it'll be fine. No, thekids, they're too busy running from the
Disney Bears. Yes. Apparently,nearly half of Disney World was forced to

close down after park goers reported ablack bear near the Big Thunder railroad.
Well, it seems logical for abear to be in I'm assuming the railroads
kind of themed over like mountain railroads. You would expect to see a bear
there. This was in frontier Land. Of course, there's gonna be bears

in frontier Land. Yeah, bigThunder railroad. It's like a whole like
mining theme. Oh yeah, that'sBear Central man. So wait, so
they go all authentic and then thecowards shut the park down. They didn't
even shut the park down when thegator was eating kids. It's probably super
confusing at first when you see thebear because you're like, oh my god,
it's like a Disney animatronic didn't realizeit's like not singing about like necessities

and stuff, and wait, assiesjust the bear ones okay, all right,
not a greedy magic bear. Soit's not a matt So if it
was a magic bear, everything befine. But since it's not a magic
bear, right, Like that bearis not wearing a half shirt. What
a dangerous bear? What if itfigured out that if it did, it

could catch more kids? Right?Abolical evil bear? But right they So
you got a gatorade a kid andthey just like, please don't picnic so
close to the water's edge. Theydidn't shut did they shut the park down?
I don't think they shut the parkdown when the gatorade the kid,
right, because weren't they all peoplewere upset because they didn't or excuse me,

I'm sorry, did I imply thata gatorade a kid? What actually
happened? It's a horrible smelting exit, that's right, Yes, silly me,
silly me, spreading false tails there, right. They tried to play
at all, They tried to hushthat. Remember, isn't it wait,

wait, isn't part of Disney justall animals anyway, that's like a separate
park and it's like super far awayfrom the Magic Kingdom. And but yes,
you do have Animal Kingdom, whichis animals. Wait is that its
own ticket? Yeah, it's aseparate park. No, come on,
it's an extra hundred bucks dude perperson for to go where the animals are.
Yeah, so that's what Disney,that's what this is about. It's

a profit motive. These people didn'thave an animal park ticket, but we're
getting to see animals, and Disneycould not abide by that because they couldn't
then grease you for another hundred dollarsto go to the other place. Yeah,
you've got a ticket for Epcot,a ticket for Animal Kingdom. Magic
Kingdom and Hollywood Studios or whatever theycall it now, or you could buy

the Macdaddy package that's like super expensiveto go to all four parks throughout the
day. There's four different tickets.Yeah, it's Disney World. That's why
they call it Disney World. It'slike different parks right out. Like you
can't walk to them. You haveto like get back in the parking lot
then you have to you know that. But how long does that take?
Drive? Or you can take thetram or whatever. It takes a long

time. Man, It's it's along day. Is that there is that
the people mover does? It goesto the different people mover is only around
Magic Kingdom. Man, you needto educate yourself. I can't. There's
bears and gaters, man. I'dtell you the first time we took Lincoln
down there to Florida, I'd neverbeen there. Mark he'd been there.

Yea. I was blown away becauseI thought I knew what I was going
to. I had no idea.I'm like, this is insane. You
know who probably put the bear inthere? Come on, I mean,
give us stick a bear into themiddle of all those children. Would probably
guess Grinch, baldwinness, whatever.Yea. If I'd guess she's like,

Ah, these kids look like they'rehaving fun. What can I do to
get the park shut down? Backin the day, on the evil tier
list, I would have probably putlike Tom Tillis there first. Yeah,
dynamic has changed, the power rankinghas changed. Really, see what you
want about Tillis. He didn't cancelthe Christmas parade because he's not a moron?

Debatable? Yeah, well but heno. Could you realize he wouldn't
do it? But not because it'sthe wrong thing to do, right,
but because he realizes there might besome impact in his electability. Yeah.
He read that a chapter in Macavelli'sThe Prince, which is near the back.
It's called it don't cancel the ChristmasParade? You Yeah, even if
it dude, if that former Italianthief Paula he was a politician, right,

if he knew not to cancel theChristmas parade? What are you all
doing? Oh man? All right? Diabodical, magical bears and bad decisions.
More of that coming up. Hangon, This is one O six
one FM Talk in the Triangle,and here's Talk WPTI in the Triad all

right, welcome back, seven thirtysix. You're on the CaCO Day radio
program. You ready to take atrip, a trip down south. Let's
do this. Florida men, Floridamen. Something in the water, the

air or scent that makes you doall that crazy crap. It's like the
state is one being done ass trap. Nowhere else has the Florida man.
It is all almost like as theweird Factor climbs that you'll find out it
happened in Florida every time. Floridamen, Florida man. If anyone can

cheer me, if you know youcan, does mind like get crazy?
But of course, but it's notas bad crap crazy as yours. Nowhere
else are you find him. They'reso used to it they don't mind him.
Poray for Florida women this time aroundus. So here we go to.
Florida women were arrested for drunkenly tossinga baby back and forth over a

volleyball net quote like a toy,in one incident, actually flipping the baby.
Other patrons attempted to get them tostop for obvious reasons, at which

point they told the other patrons thatthey were going to quote fight them apparently
there may have been spent. Nowis that less homoerotic than top gun beach
volleyball? Right, Steve? Imean if you had to, if you

had because at least with a baby, it means somebody reproduced. The way
Iceman is spinning that baby. It'shard to do with the baby, is
it? If you tried, Ihaven't, No, I can't pull it
off. Look at those poses fromslider there. I think. I think
the real downfall is obviously these arehorrible people, but two one of the

women is on crutches. You knowhow hard it is to play beach baby
volleyball crutches keeping your balance like that. Yeah, so they're going to prison,
right, yeah? I hope.So sounds like the baby was injured,
not because they spiked it or anything, but because you know, there's
a lot of force obviously when you'retossing a baby, which they say,

which was described as traveling four feetin the air. I know it doesn't
sound like a lot, but thinkabout it. If you're six foot tall
two basically two thirds of you,that's a big distance. What is it?
How tall is a baby? Afoot and a half? I say,
like it? It depends on obviouslyhow old the baby is like a

football to a volleyball to a watermelon. Yeah, so I hope they're going
to jail. A waitress who wasrecording the incident, approached Lafoy, Brianna
Lafoy, nineteen, who then triedto hit her, and then Lafoy allegedly

flipped the baby upside down grabbed himby his ankles. What is he gonna
use She's gonna use the baby asa weapon. I have to assume these
women didn't want the baby and thiswas an effort to get the baby taken
away from them, which thankfully wasaccomplished. When please watch the video recorded

by the witness, they saw Nouelthe other woman, Sierra Nouelle twenty,
sitting on the ground while Lafoy wasstanding up, swinging the baby at the
waitress like a nun chuck and atone point struck the woman with the baby.

Oh my god, Oh my god. You want to know the nate,
You want to know the name ofthe business where this happened, because
it's a bar slash recreationable cannabis,recreational cannabis spot known as Crazy John's Recreational
Cannabis and bar. Oh. Well, and I appreciate businesses that are like

name like that, because at leastyou know what you're getting yourself in.
You know what it is. Youbrought a baby to that though, right,
doesn't that sound like a place whereyou wouldn't bring a baby? Well,
unless you know you're looking forward toprison, I guess. The story
security also captured much of the incident. Owner Sean Knapp, who wasn't president

at the time, said he foundthe footage quote incredibly disturbing. I think
so. And while the baby didsustain some injuries include I think the baby
may have broken his arm. There'snot enough prison for these two, He
said. He's glad this situation didn'tturn out worse, as even after the

waitress was initially assaulted with the baby, other bystanders had stepped in. Good
Police also added to both Nuel andLafoux, who are under twenty one,
were drunk at the time. Thebaby transferred to a local hospital for medical
treatment. The affid excuse me,the affid David doesn't reveal who the baby

belonged to. Oh my god.One of the women, the twenty year
old mother whose mother was with them. So the mother of the twenty year
old is with these two who areplaying baby beach volleyball and weaponize the baby
and didn't step in, and Iswear it says the Department of Children and

Family Services, who currently has takencustody of the baby, is evaluating the
background of Nowell's mother, who againwas there to see if she can take
custody of the child. So I'massuming it is the twenty year old's baby.
Why do I have a feeling thereason the twenty year old thinks this
is okay is because mom thought itwas okay twenty years ago. It's wrong

with people. Man Elon Musk saidMonday during an interview he may move to
require all users to pay a monthlyfee to use Twitter excuse me, x
whatever during a live stream event withIsraeli Prime Minister Benjamin net and Yahoo must

describe it as a way to notonly boost revenue, but more specifically target
armies of bots. I mean,he is right in that if every account
did have a fee associated with it, running these big bot farms all of
a sudden would not be advantageous.However, large scale social media company anytime

they You remember that scam that usedto go around that Facebook's going to start
charging if you don't do stuff,and people would send that around and pass
it and like twenty people send itto us on the show, and it's
like it's not true. Because peoplejust couldn't fathom the idea that there would
be they would require payment for oneof the big, high profile social media

outlets. They couldn't fathom it,even in Congress. Remember the congressional testimony
of Mark Zuckerberg where the one idiotsenators so they could push they could posh
for free, how do you makemoney? And Zuckerberg had to go,
we sell ads. But the ideathat you'd have one of the big ones

require a subscription fee. Now granted, there is obviously a subscription option for
Twitter, which in and of itselfbecame some sort of weird argument with memes.
This idiot paid for Twitter blue Weplayed for a check mark. But
a lot of that was bore outof people who thought they were entitled to
check marks. They couldn't fathom othershaving it. But do you think that

twitters would be do you think Twitterwould be what it is? I mean,
I understand the bots are a thing, but the tool that it is
if everyone had to pay for theiraccount, I mean, obviously there'd be
a bunch of people who would canceltheir accounts. I mean, that's clear,
right. I mean, I thinkit might be good because then you
don't have to worry about the poresbeing on there and you'd be in trolled

and having to associate with the pores. Check well. I mean, obviously
I'm not going to have like thelow tier version because they say there's gonna
be like a premium version, whichI have, and then like a like
a like a low tier like apoverty like so it's like you're not as
poverty as not having, but you'restill kind of poor. So I mean,
if you're complaining about and imagine howmuch would it be, like like

a buck a month. I don'tknow. I admittedly even you know,
even at a buck, I thinkthat that solves your troll problem or your
bought problem. For the most part, I still think there'd be people that
would because there's different ways that peopleuse fake accounts to manipulate it, like
the fake account armies that they useto shame businesses and pretend there's more of

them for cancel culture purposes. Istill think that there'd be there's enough political
money thrown in that direction that theyyou know, they he might continue to
engage, but you know those buyten thousand followers. Can you imagine what
this would do to some accounts bythe way, where you're like, how
does that person have three interactions ontheir tweet? But fifty thousand followers?

Right, you've seen those accounts,and I think those accounts all of a
sudden would have a lot less followers. But that manipulation happens everywhere. I
think that happens on Twitch, right, people have faith like they'll have like
two thousand followers, Yet if theydo a live stream, that's different.

So what people do on twitches theypay for the viewers. That's what I
mean. You you'll see somebody andit's like you know, they have like
a hundred somebody people watching the stream, and then you go there, but
then know what's chatting? And noone is talking because those people and you
don't you don't pay, Like whenyou pay for that, it's like one
and done. I think, solike you that's what I've like, you

pay for it. Yeah, andthen it's like you'll have a hundred people
which have never had in your inyour chat room watching no one's talking because
they're all paid for it. Inthe next stream, it goes back to
your base. Well, maybe they'renot talking because some have moderators. There
are such monsters that if you sayanything, they'll just time you out.

Well, I think you just haveto, you know, be able to
read the room. And I thinkit comes down to you if you're if
you're a person like that, thenit's going to be just blocked. Yeah,
it probably comes down to your personality. You probably should do some self
reflection there, see how you're treatingpeople. I would imagine you think that's
hypothetical, right, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, that's what we're
going for. Hypothetical, right there. Huh, all right, well,

what do you know? Seven fortyseven ray Yo Fantasy football stage? It
joining us who's well, who's thetomorrow game? I don't have it in
front of me. I forgot who'sthe tomorrow Guiana, We're either really awful
or really good? Yeah, wedon't. We don't know yet. Well,

Barkeley won't play. I think that'sthat's right. Week the week,
No, I didn't have My wifedid, She was like, who do
I play this week? Barkeley's gota huge We don't play Keeler. Jared
Allen Jared Allen, I told hernumber sixty nine for the Vikings play.
And we'll see if there's any impacts, not tomorrow, but for the weekend

for any college football, high schoolfootball on Friday night Saturday. With this
coastal thing going and then further upthe coast, I think a lot of
the moisture is gonna be read alongimmediate coast for the weekend. Now,
this is probably not going to betropical. They're thinking non tropical right now.
This area of low pressure's forecast todevelop, but it could even spread

some rainfall into the triangle and thetry it. The rain chances lesson as
you go toward the west, butbeautiful until then. Uh yeah, I
know there's some cloud and a littlefog around this morning and some partial sun
today, but still eighty or justa tonight tomorrow, cloudy, still at
our above eighteen. That rain chancecomes in Friday afternoon from the east,
going to get a little breezy too, and as I said, triangling out

near the coast, better chances ofrain into Friday night, maybe Saturday into
Saturday morning. We'll have to seecertainly the coast rain and more wind,
more chewing up of the coastline,and coastal flooding. Whether it gets a
name or not, we're going tohave a storm on the coast. So
I'm trying to get one of thoselast kind of beach weekends in where maybe
you just want to go to thebeach, maybe not get in the water.

I'm not going to be pretty.I think Sunday is a chance all
the rain will be done. Soit's a little iffy right now. I
think we'll have a better kind offorecast for Friday, Friday afternoon and Saturday
as we talk tomorrow. But rightnow, a couple of pretty decent days
coming up here over the next coupleof days. And you know, as
I said, it's gonna be questionableto where the rain and where the rain

is. It is not as wego through the latter part of the week,
we can't you know why we can'tget in the water? Right?
No, all these these jerks decidedto save that stupid mako shark. Did
you see that? Oh yeah,don't you got a giant mako shark that
has willingly beached itself on that Floridabeach. Right, so it can't eat
anybody unless you get right up onit. And these a holes go over

and like, let's get it backin the ocean so it can eat the
kids, and and they do.And so now we got a big old
Mako's probably pretty hungry from struggling whilebeing beached. Sure, just swimming around
looking for Johnny. Yeah, andhe's a pretty good size too. So
anyway, all right, sorry,don't go in the water. Thanks,
man, appreciate it. Yeah,did you see that? Did you see

these idiots? Homer, their wivessitting around watching this too dangerous? Don't
be doing that. She's already she'slike, what was our life insurance policy?
Let him? No, Oh,it's not dead. It's thrashing around
trying to bite people. Oh,they got it. Now it's gonna eat

you stupids. All right, we'llbe back Smart talk all DAYPTI in the
Triad and one six one FM Talkin the Triangle. No, I'm not
sure. I'm not sure how thatwould work. I'm assuming that what are

they called big wheels, right,or the things that the motorized kids like
Jeep runs on the battery. It'sa big wheel right, maybe it's something
else. I think he had bigwheels and power wheels, power wheels,
well, whatever it is. Everyyear for the Christmas parade, I get
one of those and then I juggleChristmas babies, right, they're in little

like Santa's Elf outfits, and thenjust drive that depth and we're gonna have
to take that yeah, and putsome jingle bells behind it. Yeah.
Oh that would be an easy mix, man, it would be yeah.
Back, do we have jingle Imix it right here? Do we have
any jingle bells? See if wehave jingle bells, and then put it
on one of the pot three spots, I'll mix on the floor. I'm

you know, at the end ofthe day, I just say, don't
call me a DJ because we're talkhosts, but we're also DJ's or any
Christmas music. Really, that's justthat's just a bed. Maybe some Trans
Siberian. Do we have any TransSiberian in the music category? We got
to the problem is you search inthe library jingle bells, jingle and you

get like five thousand different cups.No, that's right because all the jingles
and stuff. All right, holdon, I'll just got to search by
artiste artiste. Oh, now it'sgonna take an hour to load because we
got way too much music in there. Can we search it on sound Plus?
Do we know that's an inside joke. Don't worry about that. Lieutenant

Governor Mark Robinson gonna be joining ushere at eight oh five. We got
Christmas and Sandy and we're gonn getinto the budget because apparently now they figured
out they getting they can do abudget and give the Democrats exactly what they
want and get nothing in return.Now that being said, there was a
lot of people who didn't want anythingto do with the casinos anyway. So

yeah, we gotta have transli Beerianin here. Huh ah, Yes,
here we go. Christmas Eves.That's a little slow, a little something
perfect, got it right here,got what I need? Now we're gonna

go mad Russian perfect because you'd haveto be all right, so you think
just Christmas theme it up and everythingwill be fine. Now now it's a
little slow, I need something alittle bad, all right, but it's
it's the it's the right gist.Yeah, you'd watch me juggle babies in

health costumes to this? What didshe? Of course it would, that's
my new hot sigle get me inthe a rotation over on the other station.
We're gonna get paid, all right, Lieutenant Governor joins us. Next,
hang on, all right, Goodmorning everybody. It is eight oh

seven and happy Wednesday to you.Case O Day Radio program phone number eight
eight eight nine three four seven eightseven four. As we cruise into this
hour though, we are going towe're going to be doing our interview that
we do twice monthly with the LieutenantGovernor now, so your calls will be
coming up a little later, butlet's go ahead and dive into it.

Mark Robinson joining us. Good morningto you, sir. How you doing?
Okay? How are you doing?I'm pretty good. I'm very angry
this morning. Have you been followingwhat's going on with the Raleigh Christmas Parade?
Are you on this? I worryabout Oh my good. Let me
just bring you up to speed.So the mayor of Raleigh decided she was
going to cancel this year's Christmas paradeand then replace it with quote holiday activities.

I'll let you imagine what those mightbe, of a progressive nature,
and her reasoning was they wanted todo it to honor the family whose daughter
was tragically killed during last year's paradewhen a truck struck her, and except
the family didn't want the parade canceled, nobody could figure out why she wanted
to steal the joy from the children. And now they're doing this gamesmanship where

they'll give parade, you know,they'll let parades go forward that some would
describe as seemingly progressive parades, butthey didn't want to have a Christmas parade
this year. And some people arereading that as they didn't like the fact
that it's still called a Christmas parade. If he catch my drift, Mark,
I don't understand as a politician.This is what I'm asking you.

How could somebody put something on yourdesk to cancel a Christmas parade and you
not go this is a horrible idea. I'm not saying you would do it,
but like, don't you talk toyour staff about stuff, even just
to make sure you're not having abrain lapse on things like this. I
mean, how do these things moveforward? Man? In casey, we

are living in days of lunacy,absolute lunacy, and so it does not
surprise me that a that an emptyheaded leftist would would would do such a
thing. It doesn't surprise me atall that someone like that would do it,
given the fact that we have politiciansnow that sit in the office and
want to defund the police and wantto remain silent while children are fit pornography

uh in our schools and and andsome of them agree with it. Uh,
it doesn't shock me at all thatthey would do. And I think
that the people need to speak upand speak up vihetmently, and uh if
they say they still can't, they'renot going to have a Christmas parade.
I think the people should come togetherand have their own Christmas parade, uh
despite them. And uh if theywould like to send out some type of

police force or something to to bashthem all up to hear the culture trying
to have a Christmas parade, andso be it. But I think the
people should just step to ignore itand have a Christmas parade anyway. Yeah,
I've heard it's perfectly legal for youand a bunch of life minded folks,
whoever it may be, whatever someone'sgroup is, to literally just a

mass on the streets do whatever youdamn well please, and there's really not
going to be any penalty for it. In fact, the governor may even
come out and walk with you witha with a mask hanging off his ear.
Had you seen this, absolutely?Yeah, that seems to be the
status quot these days. Right,So I think that those folks who want
to have a Christmas parade, theyshould do the exact same thing. Yeah,

well, now it looks like they'regonna They told them they could,
but now they can't have vehicles,which I don't know how you pull floats
with that. But everything's just insane. All right. Let me let me
get over on the political side ofthings. So, the back and forth
and the teeth nashing over what exactlythe budget's gonna look like has been building
up to a crescendo. Yesterday wefound out it looks like this thing's gonna

go forward. It will not includecasinos or video gambling machines. Seems that
they're enough Republicans that were also opposedto it. Many people have criticized the
process leading up to this. Iknow you don't get a vote, right,
you are head of the Senate,but you don't get a vote in
this. Uh. That being said, I'm sure you know you're involved in

some of the conversations that are happeningdown there. What did you think of
the process, the casino ideas andthe video gambling, I mean, what,
what what did you think of that? Before we get to some of
the other stuff. I'm curious youropinion on it. I'm gonna I'm gonna
make it plain about gambling. I'mnot in favorite of gambling. Hell,

if I was counseling the young persontalking to someone and ask me about how
I feel about gambling casinos, Idon't. I don't go in because I
don't. I've been in casinos forother purposes, because I've been in the
facilities there for compasses and things right, and I don't gamble. I don't
play lottery, and I'll advise anybodyelse to do that. I'm not in
favor of of of of that either. That is not the type of industry

that I'd like to see come toNorth Carolina. I'm making that perfectly plaint
is as what I believe. That'snot what I'm in favor of. However,
I do believe, uh cases thatthe folks down in Robinson County,
the Lumby Indians in Lumbian County,in Lumby the Lumby Indian. Lumby Indians
in Robinson County should be able tohave a referendum to put gaming in their

area if they want. The otherthree counties, however, there were a
great number of people who were viehtnablyaggainst it. And despite what anybody may
say, the process as we haveset up work, the people made their
voices heard. I went into thethe appropriate places where I needed to speak
and speak the folks to have myvoice heard and have my opinion put in

with those folks who made these arguments. And we're in the in the halls
of our legislature and we see theresults. The people came out and spoke
and said they did not want thesecasinos, and they made plane and their
representatives heard them, and we're movingforward now with a budget that doesn't that
is not going to include that.At some point, I suppose maybe that

issue may come up again and wecan have that fight again. But it
is over and the budget is nowfree of that, and we're gonna pass
It looks like the budget is gonnapass. The only thing in that budget
that I'm still a little dismayed withthat we have passed is Medicaid expansion.
I'm still not in favor of that. But as I've told people, Medicaid

expansion goes through, and the budgetgoes through, and Medicaid expansion becomes part
of what we're doing here in NorthCarolina, We're just gonna fight like to
make sure we get the absolute bestresults of it. I've talked to a
number of people in the healthcare industry. They have great confidence in that.
I believe we're gonna be able tomake that happen. But I'm glad to

see that the General Assembly has cometogether realize that divorce of the people have
been heard, and they're going topull that out and they're gonna move on.
I understand that that is the opinionof a lot of folks, like,
we're gonna we're gonna figure out howto do this as efficiently as possible.
We're not going to get into thepitfalls and other states have gotten into,
Ohio being a very good example whereit ends up costing a lot more

money. But Ohio set out withthat goal, right, and and other
states have set out with that goal. And the problem is, you know,
Mark, is that once you getsomething going in from a government standpoint,
getting it not going as damn nearand possible. So I think people

see it as a failure to negotiateon the part of Republicans because part of
that was, Okay, we'll dothis, but we expect to get something.
And what happened the governor went outand essentially said, I don't care
what it is you want. Idon't care what it is that you said.
I want what I want, andscrew you on what you want.
Remember he was criticizing the school vouchersand everything. And the reality is,

what did Republicans get. They looklike they negotiate worse than Joe Biden just
did with that Iran deal. Yeahagain, I'm not pleased that you're not
suppose you're talking about Medica expansion here. Yes, yes, I am,
Yes, I'm very I'm still notpleased that we passed Medicaid expansion, casey,

when negotiations that went on behind closeddoors. Unfortunately I was not able
to be a part of those negotiations. But I can't tell you this,
uh, I don't. I don'tlike the fact that we have it.
I don't like the fact that it'shere. And I am praying vehemently that
we don't fall into the pitfalls ofthose the states have as far from what
I understand, our MEDICAI expansion doeshave a provision that what the federal government

goes back on their on their agreementthat we could opt out of the that
we could opt out of it,and that our Medicaid expansion deal was much
different than any of the states Medicaidexpansion deal. Even with that, DSCA
and Casey, I still have avery hard time trust in the federal government

when it comes to this, andmy objection to Medicaid expansion still stands.
But again, if it's gonna behere, we've come to this consensus,
whether it was a bad deal ornot, we're going to do our best
to make sure we can get thebest out of it. I'm really i
you know, and I'm really disappointedthat they didn't include you more. If
that is the case, because thechances are that you are you there's about

a fifty percent chance that you couldbe the next governor if you secure the
Republican nomination, and obviously you wantto have a good working relationship with those
at the legislative level. They knowwhere Josh Stein stands. But you know,
why wouldn't Why wouldn't they make moreof an effort to bring Mark Robinson
into the fold since from a pollingstandpoint, you are leading Republican. Well,

you know the way the way it'sstructured, the way my job is
structured. Uh, it doesn't includethe Lieutenant governor in those things. And
we have made an application to tryto stay within the bounds of the job
description that we've had. Uh.And and I'm gonna be completely tandied here.
It's been one of the most difficultparts of my job, understanding what

my role is, Understanding what thejob description is, how it's laid out.
UH, the protocols that exist insideinside the legislature, we've tried to
stick to that, try to avoidconflict as much as possible when I and
when I say conflict, I don'tmean disagreements. But we've not tried to

turn this into some nasty public fightthat's going to divide us and keep us
divided and cause hard feelings blah blahblah all the way down the line.
Uh. It's been a very difficulttype rope to walk, very difficult,
and but I believe that in theend it's gonna playoff Casey. I believe
that in the end it's going topay dividends for us, and that we're

going to be able to do muchmore here in the future, and that
some of the things that we've seenthus far that we've been very disappointed in,
I think we may see a Barderday coming up here soon. Mark.
You can agree disagree with this,that's fine. I'm of the opinion
that when that Phil Berger and TimMoore don't need the governor, and it

doesn't matter whether it's Roy Cooper,it doesn't matter if it's you or somebody
else. I think that from apower play position, those two are the
most powerful people in the state ofNorth Carolina bar none, due to the
override majority that they have, andit really doesn't matter to them who's the
governor because ultimately they're going to ignorewhat that person wants. Anyway. Do

you share those concerns, even eventhough you guys may have ideological agreement and
so on stuff. I don't thinkthey give a flip what the governor wants
because they don't have to. Whatis what is your take on that?
Well, there are a lot ofpeople who believe that a lot of people
who believe that the current structure ofour government needs to needs to uh needs
to be changed. I think thatI have a good enough working relationship with

those individuals, uh, both ofthose individuals. UH that should I you
know, when I should I becomedonor. My wife always tells me when
I become governor. Yeah, influence, She's gonna say that my influence will
matter a great deal uh with withwhat those are in that legislature, because

I've been willing to work hand inhand with those folks. Uh. Even
again, even when we disagree,we have still been willing uh to uh
to try to keep the peace asmuch as possible, even when we disagree,
UH, keep a great deal ofrespect for both individuals and continue to
work with them. And I thinkin the future if speaker more, I'm

not sure he's going to be there. And I believe so. The burger
will be when we need to worktogether on the things that we're going to
that we're going to legislatively. Idon't see a problem there. I don't
see a problem. And if thereis a problem, we will tackle that
problem appropriately when it when it rises. Yeah, And I don't think it's

a you thing. Mark. Ithink it's whoever fills that chair. They're
really in a position where all right, well thanks for weighing in, but
we're gonna do what we're gonna do. I gotta switch gears just real quick.
For the for the second time here, a week ago you had this,
uh, this panic at U NS. And in this case,
a person stroll in allegedly to abagel joint, flashed a handgun and made

threats. This very same individual,nine days prior, at a little store
just down the road, strolled intothat little store with a bat and a
handgun and threatened to murder people inthere, and was almost immediately returned to
the streets. And that oversight andlack of give a crap on the part

of prosecutors over on the Durham Chapelhillside of things apparently was ignored by students
who decided to descend upon the statecapitol and ignoring how do you how do
you talk to somebody and say,look, I understand that you may think
that we need different state laws,but in reality, if your prosecutors would

actually do their job, it likelywould have staved off that event because that
person would have been incarcerated it's asymptom of a larger problem. You know,
people who think they're actually politically engagedand understand what's going on don't even
understand the absolute basics of basics ofall laws cases. They don't understand the

basics of all laws. These constitutionalscholars who argue with police officers on the
side of the road, they don'tunderstand the basics the The police officer is
not the judge, he's not theprosecutor. Here's not the person that you

are to make your argument too.You make your argument in port and people
don't understand that simple premise. Theyargue with a police officer who is simply
writing the citation. He's not convictingyou, he's not taking your money,
is simply writing the citation. Butthis is exactly but the same but the

same thing applies here. These folksdon't understand the legislature already has laws in
place to take care of this individual. It is your district attorney that you
have voted for that is not doingthis. Your protests should be down at
his office, yeah, Well meanwhere your protest? Yeah? And meanwhile,

the problem is they see it isthat Mark Robinson's going to give away
an AR fifteen that has I amthe majority and let it rain written on
it as a fundraiser thing, andlike somehow you're gonna be going and handing
those out to felons on their wayout of prison less than a minute mark.
I mean, people's priorities are whacked, man, they are they are

that. People want to always comeand punish the good guys. They want
to handcuff the police. They wantto disarm the law by the citizens.
But when it comes to punishing thecriminals, we do not do it anymore.
We do not hold the guilty party'sresponsible anymore. We have got to
have DA's in place that have gonnethrow these people in jail and put like

we say in the old days,wrote a book at them as hard as
we can. They don't do itanymore. It's a revolving door of crime.
And now the folks that vote forthese people are out protesting against people
who set the laws to put thesepeople in jails. Put these people in
jail. It's ridiculous. Well andby the way, I need you to
pick my name for the AR fifteen. Okay, alright, so got it?
You got it? At one ofthose all right, Thank you,

sir, appreciate it. Okay,you got it, Thank you and we'll
be back. Hang on everybody yourday Smarter one oh six one FM Talk
and News Talk four five PTI morewith Casey starts now. All right,

good morning. It is eight thirtyseven here on the k c O Day
Radio program phone number eight eight eightnine three four seven eight seven four.
Glad to have you long interview therewith Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson. You want
to weigh in on it. Wecovered all sorts of fun stuff Christmas Parade
and budget and das and aren't expectedto do anything. And then when their

citizens find themselves having a deal withcriminals that think, hey, I could
probably get a bagel up. Greatif I flash a handgun, then they
have to act surprise. We gotthat going for you. You want to
wait end on any of that,Feel free to go ahead and do that
real quick. Want to mention thisdo the Department of Homeland? Are you

sitting down? I'm gonna need youto be sitting at ross? Are you
seated in sey? Your tone?Should I go prone? You might?
Did you see it? By theway, you see those chairs? I
posted on Twitter yesterday? Did youwant one of those for the several What
do you wait hold on when youneed more than one giant massage chair.
I actually hit a button and Alderon'sgone, by the way, So you

gotta be careful in most things.Oh. The Department of Homeland Security announced
yesterday the creation of a Homeland IntelligenceExperts Group. That sounds good, right.
Remember it was a lack of informationsharing around nine to eleven that raised
a lot of concern, So youknow, you Homeland Intelligence Experts Group probably

wants some smart people on that,right. The panel will include private sector
experts who will provide their unique perspectivesof the federal government's intelligence enterprise. That's
great, okay, Like who thefirst two appointees former CIA director John Brennan

and former Director of Natural National IntelligenceJames Clapper. Can we just have everyone
that told us that the Hunter Bidenlaptop was disinformation? Yeah? People on
the K's a big committee. Iremember these two are also driving the whole
Russia collusion hoax. And those areyour first two people, those are the

first. Brennan's running away, hewas all over TV like yuh. The
Krebs, a Manchurian candidate, HunterBiden's They're not that's not real. It's
Rushia collusion. That's your intelligence panel. So it's oxymore on day up in
Washington. Oh, I just kid, I'll look at that all right.

Well, I said, hey,this is what we're talking about. You
want to call in, So wegot Mark Walker just out of disclosure.
Mark is obviously running against Mark Rodinsonand the governor's race. But hey,
anyone who wants to call in iswelcome to call in. But I will
just you know, put that outthere. Mark. How you doing this
morning? I'm doing fine. Casey. I hope you and Rosster hanging in
there. Let me just let meask you this because I know you called
in obviously to talk about casino stuff. It says here my culture. That's

fine. I'd tell you were youwere on intelligence. James Brennan or John
Brennan and James Clapper are the arethe big brains you're bringing in for your
your your committee. There the heck'sgoing on, man. They're the ones
that led the effort of trying tofind all those former intelligence officers that that

simply slammed the hunter by as aRussian hoax. These are the two guys
that led it, and you're gonnaput them on the committee. I mean,
how disingenuous can you beat. They'renot even trying to hide their intentions
anymore, that's the problem. Wait, hold on, hold on. Ross
has just been named to the NationalGuacamole Board. All right, buddy,
Yeah, that's he hates guacamole,so well, he'll have to find time

not baby juggling, uh, tobe able to again. Man, some
lady was horrified. I'm like,ma'am, you're juggling. Machettes would be
a lot more dangerous. Babies aresoft, So I owned her. I'm
sorry to deviate into that, butI'm looking at this like it's it's April
Fools every day around here, allright, So what's what's the casino thing

you wanted to come in on?Yeah. The only thing more observed than
the baby juggling was some of theresponses from the Lieutenant governor. Let me
let me applaud first, these communitieswho dug in, spent their own money
for the last four months and foughtto the end. Even though they were
told that the house always wins,they stuck to it. So the credit

goes to the people in these communitiesthat organize themselves that showed up. We
had nearly eight hundred people, mostin history show up for a county commissioner
meeting. Let me put credit wherecredits due. These people fought tucsonnel and
Mark Robins is not correct. No, the representatives didn't listen to them.
Senator Burger never met with these folks. Mark Robinson never met with these folks.

In fact, his response to thepeople is that he's no longer an
activist. That's a quote. Andeven what he said today that his job
description really doesn't include creating conflict.Well, look, your voice is to
go and fight for the people.That's what you should be doing. And
I think that was just problematic anddisingenuous. And I'll also add this,

if your only problem with the budget, if he even knows what's in the
budget, is the medicaid expecsion.How about the MC innovation project. Are
we supposed to be excited that insteadof one point fill four billion dollars of
taxpayers money, it's only half abillion. He needs to be studied.
And the fact that they won't evenlet him in the room to participate as

the president of the Senate tells mea lot. So, yeah, a
little bit on a rent this morning, because those answers to your questions,
very fair questions, were disingenuous atbest, maybe even dishonest at worst.
Okay, but what Yes, aspresident in the Senate, he may be
President of the Senate, but hedoesn't get a vote. And I'm not
wrong in saying that if he getsif whether he's the governor, lieutenant governor,

or you're the governor for that matter, if you get into a room
with the current power structure, withthe override ability of Burger and more,
they have no there's no reason whythey should care if you're on the other
side of an issue that you're onthe other side, if they want to
do something because the math works intheir favor, That's all I was saying.

Yeah, but here's the point,Casey, whether it's Rawley or DC,
you make care, you raise yourvoice. You're in an elected official
position and the people, specifically grassrootsacross this state are counting on you to
speak up. Whether you get topush the button at the vote at the
end of the day is not thepoint here. It's the fact. Are

you going to sit on your handsand do what you're told. There's a
reason that Phil Burger never stood withDan Forest on anything. There's a reason
that Phil Berger never stood at Patmccroy. But he's the first one up
the steps at mister Robinson's campaign announcement. This is why mister Robinson, in
my humble opinion, has not spokenout publicly against any of these issues at

any point for the last five orsix months. You have a job to
speak out, whether you get achance to vote for it or not.
Why don't you Why are you goingto do some baby juggling at the parade
then if you're trying to encourage meto be the one in the barrel there
or what, well, you know, possibly I you know, being an
athlete to a few years ago,I think we could get to a three

babies. You know, it dependson how high to volleyball net is.
You know that that could be aproblematic there. Who just I'll ask you
the same question. I got aroll who sits there and goes, yeah,
yeah, let's cancel that Christmas parade? Like yeah, I would,
I would. Here what you're talkingabout? We always you know, and
as you do, condn't. Thisis a sad situation, for the for

the for the daughter, and sheshould be represented to be able to have
a Christmas parade. The family wantsit, and it's ludicrous to think that
you can just override it or pullthe derminology Christmas out. Let's honor that
family by having a Christmas parade therein Waite County. Let's just not be
brain dead, you know, I'mnot. It's not a high bar mark

that I'm asking for. So it'snot if you have a good day before,
right, thank you, thank youfor that. All right, we're
not asking for we're not asking formuch here. Oh hold on, oh
wow, look at this. Apparentlythe mayor has just had the candy vending
machines removed from the children's cancer boardat the hospital. I mean the preservatives

in those stakes, right, yeah. The one thing you wouldn't want for
these kids deal with that is fortheir teeth to fall out, right or
get a cavity. What is wrongwith people? How is it so easy
to come up with absurd scenarios thatmight not be absurd on their face when
it's the canceling of the Christmas preythat God us here too easy? By

the way, can you score mesome guacamole with your new new position.
You know, I got you allof it. You can have all of
them. Just get it away fromyou. It's your passion. Oh man,
all right, eight forty six raceAgack from the weather Channel. He's
here, Ross's guacamole. That's weird. I don't like it either. What
is wrong with both of you?One for each of you. Yeah,

I just pass it off. Wego to Mexican restaurants and get it on
my plate. Everybody my family lovesit. That's because the rest of your
family's normal. Man. So yes, there's that. All right, give
us your appleather than Yeah. Yeah, it'll get worse before it gets better.
But I think over the next coupleof days, not bad. A
lot of clouds depends on where youare today, but there's some sun mixed
in, so try it and westa little more cloud Then you're starting to

see some breaks in the overcast aroundthe triangle either way, upper seventies,
low eighties. The more sunshine obviously, the warm you'll get. So you'll
probably have the low eighties low eightiesagain tomorrow and then tomorrow night on it
to Friday, especially Friday afternoon,we'll start to see the clouds sticking up.
Low pressure try to develop off thecoast and then might get some rain
in here, low to mid seventies. On Friday, the winds start to
pick up out of the northeast.So timing intensity of rain we'll see looks

like afternoon through Friday night, maybeSaturday. We'll probably have a lot more
on the timing of all that.Might be a tropical system, might just
be a regular low pressure, couldbe non tropical. Either way, impacts
of the coast will be greatest withsome gusty winds, and we may be
dealing with some more beach erosion andmaybe some more minor coastal flooding too.
So any chance is going up actuallyfrom the triangle east, probably sometime on
Friday. All right, appreciate it, Thank you, yep, yep.

And Jeff Bellinger's next hang on keepingyou connected. This is w PTI in
the Triad and one six one FMtalk in the Triangle. All right,

eight fifty three Jeff Bellinger Bloomberg Update. Now, Jeff, I hope that
the stock market is smart enough tofigure out that Don Junior's Twitter account was
hacked, and Don Junior John Senioris not dead. Have you seen this
insanity? I have not so.Donald Donald Trump Junior's Twitter account tweeted out

about forty five minutes ago h quote, I'm sad to announce my father,
Donald Trump has passed away. Andyeah, but they also tweeted out this
just in North Korea is about toget smoked and f Joe Biden stupid A
word N word. So hopefully they'llbe smarter than that, and you know,

make a run on the banks orwhatever. So anyway, I'm sorry
Tory to lead you in with thatinsanity, but it's kind of breaking news.
Anywo. What's going on? Well, today is a decision day for
the Federal Reserve. Economists still thinkthe Fed will leave interest rates unchanged.
Blueberg Intelligence as central bankers will probablyindicate that another rate hike is possible before

the end of the year, butit will be a close call. Since
yesterday morning at this time, twomore big retailers announced their holiday hiring plans.
Amazon dot Com will hire two hundredand fifty thousand seasonal workers, Target
will add one hundred thousand temporary workers, and the Postal Service says it's going
to add about ten thousand holiday workers. Home loan demand the rebounded last week.

Mortgage bankers say total application volume wasup nearly five and a half percent
from the prior week. Elon Muskis con entering putting his ex short messaging
service behind a paywall as a wayto keep bots off the platform previously known
as Twitter. Musk says a modestmonthly subscription fee would make it too expensive

for operators to continue using their botsand the Casey. A new analysis by
the job site Indeed says the happiestworkers in the US are those employed by
Loves travel stops and country stores.Loves as a privately held company. It's
based in Oklahoma City. It scoredthe highest and reviews by employees who rated
their companies on happiness, stress,satisfaction, and purpose. Casey always,

we got one between Raleigh and Greensboro, and that's where I stop generally when
I'm going between the two stations.So I like the Loves, So good
for them. All right, thankyou, all right, Okay, have
a great day. Yeah, thereyou go. Jeff Bellinger, Bloomberg News.
Oh no, Ross, you seethis stock market. All the money's
gone, It's all gone, andit's gone. I love that South park

me, We'll put your money inthe bank. All right, two quick
calls, Corey, You're up first, go add oye. Hey. You
know, at the end of theday in North Carolina, with this expansion,
it just shows that there's really nodifference between Republicans or Democrats. It's
all about expanding the government and increasingpower and control and money. So what's

the point of having a veto proofmajority if the Republicans are just going to
do what the Democrats want? Andon a second note, I'm really disappointed
the Lieutenant governor that a few monthsago you had asked him when this conversation
started about what he thought about theexpansion, and he avoided the question and
basically said that the legislator had togo through the process of deciding what to

do, and now as they decidedwhat they're going to do, of course
he's against it because that's what thebase wants. But then he says it
hands off, I had nothing todo with this, so stop my fault.
Yeah, they're just buying votes.So what's the point of voting for
a Republican if all they want todo is most parties are the exact saying
this is the exact thing. They'reall about powering people. You're right,

you know what, You're right.I should just be in charge, So
I agree, would agree. No, Ross, Ross wants to taze everybody.
He literally said, he's just gonnawalk around taising people. Do you
want to live in that dystopia?I think not right? Twenty four right
the light he stomp it. Allright, thanks Corey for the car there.

It's so horrible, like, yes, even Barry and Baldwin couldn't come
up with the worst slogan. Isaid, you're all gonna pay. I
mean, I've been nothing but honestwith you. I've thought you meant taxes
and we already are. So notaxation is staff. But he's doll That's
a good point, all right,Donna, real quick? What's up?
Good morning, Casey. Yeah,I was just calling to talk about the

hack. We don't know. Imean, that's not prevenan. Yeah,
you know, I mean his opinionabout Joe Biden. You know, whoever
it is. If it's not him, you know, maybe we should hear
him out. No, come on, is North Korea? North Korea is
still there, so I don't thinkit's true. So yeah, and the
reports of Trump seniors death has beengreatly exaggerated. I have a question.

If they figured out somebody the UShacked it, are they going to charge
them with election interference? Yeah?Right, okay, all right. I
mean even though that would literally Iwould fit the literal definition when they went
after other people for remember we gota dude doing jail time because of memes.
Oh yeah, yeah, just sayingall right, all right, day
by bye, yeah, ride theLightning twenty twenty four. Who's voted for

that? It's a new roller coasterwe're setting up and wake forth? Oh
is it okay to further blot outthe sun above your house? But it's
actually gonna be on the other sideof the new condos, So it blots
their son out. Because if youcan't have any son, no one can't
know to light it up. Taserswere very effective. All right, we'll

see you tomorrow.
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