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April 10, 2024 96 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Just waiting for something to load.Something I just laid eyes upon this morning,
and I gotta tell you, Igot some questions, and I think
that's how we're going to kick offthe show today. Wait, what is
this? All right? Why don'tyou have so and so? You know

what, don't worry about it.Don't worry about it at all. Sorry
to send somebody finally sent an answerto but I thought was a very important
question that they needed an answer towithin, like you know, before close
a business. And then I seethat they're writing me at three in the
morning. All right, very good. So how many of you are into

cars? How many of you arereally into cars? Maybe you had,
maybe you were for part of yourlife, maybe you were less. So
I got a bunch of friends thatare like super into cars. And that's
cool, man, that's a greatpassion. I was. I was more

so into it when I was likewhen I was a kid, when I
was in high school. But Ithink you needed a hobby. And also
back when I was in high school, it was really crazy. So you
could you could without being a mastermechanic with you know, one hundred thousand
and tech year, you could workon your vehicle and when I say work

on it, I mean I wasa high school kid and we swapped transmissions
out. We took you know,three fifties, it was Chevy's primarily three
fifties, and we could take themapart, put them back together, and
they'd run reasonably and gone are thosedays. So I think to some extent
I felt a little out of love, which is interesting because obviously I didn't

have access to, you know,a full time job income, so we
kind of had to make do andgo to mister rs and you know,
which was a rocking yard where youcould buy parts and put together some Frankenstein's
of vehicles. But we had somefun ones. Well, we did My
Buddy Boone Roads truck was great.We I took an old It was me

and a couple buddies. We gotan old Ford F one one hundred.
Do you remember when the body andthe cab didn't have a separator, so
this is that this back in thesixties, and we put we got a
hold of a four to twenty ninepolice interceptor that we put in there,
and that was a badass truck.All of this is to say there was

a period of my life when Iwas really into vehicles, And nowadays I
have some friends that are like reallyreally really really into vehicles and like try
like they have some favorites. Man. And the reason I'm laying this out
for you this morning is not becauseI wanted to in any way, shape
or form brag. I'm not amaster mechanic or somebody. I'm just I

was just a boored kid who waslike, hey, what if we put
this ridiculous engine in this light bodypickup truck and even have to customize a
Ford nine inch onto the truck tobasically keep because the other one blew out?
Like I was super into all thatstuff, And I never had sex

with the car, okay, orthe truck in this instance, Like you
hear me talk about it, I'mreally excited. I missed that truck.
That thing was going to kill me. And in fact, the dude I
sold it to, I think hewrecked it in like six months, but
I never hooked up with it.And this is an important distinction that I

didn't know I was going to haveto make Kinston, North Carolina. An
elderly woman. There are so manyquestions here. An elderly woman says a
man has been using her car andto hook up with for three years.

Okay, Kinston, we're all gonnalearn a new word. You ready for
this? Kinston police on Monday arrestedWalter McCrae for activity related to mechanophilia.
That's a thing. Raise your handif you had ever heard the term mechanophilia,

right, there's a there's a there'sa clinical term for this. And
I don't just mean some of youwho are like way too into your car,
Like, yeah, how many ofyou have shoes off rule in your
house? You ever met somebody whohas a shoes off rule in a car?
I have? He really liked thatcar, just fine, it's his

car. Never for a moment assumedthat I might walk in on him and
uh his scat packed dodge and uhsee him getting intimate. This is a
whole new thing for me. Maybethere's just nothing to do in Kinston,
which I know is not true.They had the rest, they got the

great restaurant down there. Yeah,I got the the the the little tourist
trap thing going on there, butit's nice. The eighty two year old
victim tells w I a t N. She doesn't know McCrae and says her
car has also been used as anouthouse because I guess the car is uh,

you know, is into some weirdstuff, probably had daddy issue,
I don't know, don't know.But also three years. I then the
number is important here, three years. Three years knowing that while you're sitting
in your house, some lunatic isshowing up and hooking up with your buick

or whatever. And I know that, I know it says here that it's
a you know, it's an elderlywoman, and I don't know what kind
of support her family she has aroundher. But three years quote, I
thought something was happening from under thehood of my car, because whenever he

would come up here, he woulduse the hood to relieve himself, or
at least that's what she thought.In fact, it would run all down,
and I thought it was something withthe car. So I took the

car to the shop multiple times.Ooh, how'd you like to be that
mechanic finally figuring out what it is? How'd you like to be that mechanic
who's had this sweet little old ladycome in three times. You're like,
ma'am, there's nothing wrong with yourcar. After you put your grubbies all
over. It probably did that thingthat guys do where you open the hood

of a vehicle and you put yourhand up on the top of the hood.
You're kind of leaning over giving yourdiagnosis. Well, it was then,
according to rest warrants, that theydetermined that you know, what might
be up, and eventually they putcameras out to try to catch what was

happening. Initially they did catch onevideo where they realized the dude was literally
hooking up with the vehicle and thenfor the finale would then get up on
top of the hood and yeah,but she said to man also noticed her
cans, but by then it wastoo late. Police say that they came

they on Monday, took the youknow, the recordings, and there you
go. They got pictures in video. He's facing five stocking and five or
five felony stocking counts, five countsof damage to property three years, three

years when you know your creepy neighborscoming by and have it again. I
don't know what kind of support shehad around here, but also I hate
that this is a clinical thing,mechanoffhilia, and that I know that now
do you know what is tragically missing? From this story, I think you

can probably figure it out. What'sshe driving? She got like a Bugatti
or what? All right, Ross, end times every bod he's gone,
right, you're you're basically that dudein the Twilight Zone episode with the now
you got time to read we talkedabout the other day, But you crave
a relationship? Is there a particularmake or model that maybe you're looking into?

And these since you're the only personleft the Lambeau for the kids,
it's for the kids, man,I don't well, I guess all the
kids are gone in this scenario.So all right, Ross is going Lambeau,
but he doesn't say what this woman'sdriving, and I have some questions.
But also three years, three yearspeking peeking out your you know,

your lace curtains there watching you know, Wheel of Fortune or I'm sorry,
I'm not trying to generalize people whoare in their eighties, but there is
a lot of Wheel of Fortune watching. We have the numbers right, and
you're just trying to you know,you're just trying to figure out why Bill
from Pittsburgh's an idiot who doesn't understandthat that's a you know, the phrase

from a TV show what a moreon? And while you're concerning yourself with
that idiot, you look out yourwindow and there's your neighbor doing only fans
with your car. What the hellis going on in Kinston? All right?
Eight eight eight nine three four seveneight seven four yep, with all

the stuff going on in all theworld and all the news, that's the
one that I got sent eight copiesof. And so many of you are
fascinated as well, but not ina good way, in a why do
I have to know that mcan affiliais a thing? And do you have
to be a mechanic? I guessnot. Doesn't say he is, so
I think maybe even that term wouldbe mildly misleading. All right, coming

up on the show, let's seehere, all right, So we are
we are dangerously close to getting intoidiocracy. Maybe not to the full extent
with Brondo and everything, but it'slike every day we're like, what can
we do to be less intellectually taxingon people? Oh? Hey, I

know the irony here is it's actuallya brilliant marketing thing. So I'll explain
what's up there. We'll speculate onwhat's up with Roy Cooper and the Prime
Minister of Japan. They got athing this week. I have some thoughts.
Now what is this hold on?You know, there are days I

love listening to the show first singingthe morning. There are days I regret
listening. Can you guess what thismorning is? I would think that this
is a good day. You know, that's not a situation most people have
to deal with, at least thatI know of. I mean, yeah,
you get down around Myrtle Beach.There's a guy who will keep hooking
up with your horse, even aftergoing to jail a few times. Same

horse loves that horse. But that'sMyrtle. But you know, you don't.
You don't expect this. You don'tthink you're a hot new you know,
insert whatever. You know. Youdon't go out and be like,
ah, I got me on,look at this. I finally I finally
decided to embrace my my rich ahole and uh look I got an M

five. And then every morning youcome out, you're like, is that
pollen on the hood? Oh that'sanother thing. That's another thing. How
would you know right now? Butif we're getting you know, we're getting
technical. Remember that site in SouthCarolina, that candidate who thought that the
KKK was putting stuff on her carand it turned out to be Polland oh

yeah, I remember that lifelong residentof South just across the border in South
Carolina. She knows it's polland sheknows what happens, and yet you know
it was some sort of hate crime. Well, I present to you,
ma'am, this, this is theactual version of that. So you chicken
little when and this woman is justliving in hell for three U three.

Well, also, what if youneed to run an errand what if she
got a doctor's appointment and you goout and you're like, car's not ready
anyway? Eight eight eight nine threefour seven eight seven four. Holy cow,
that's a story this morning. Sothere you go. You're very welcome.

And I don't know, maybe somebody'sreally into cars. You're like,
nas is normal, this is thisis not a new thing. Then you
can you can expound upon that.So we'll get into it. Happy Wednesday.
More to come, cac O DayRadio program. CaCO Day Radio program

where you know we're staying on topof what's going on in Kingston. Very
important. We have a few listenersdown that away signal reaches, So glad
you're along and glad you don't owna Burgundy two thousand and night Toyota Avalon.
Apparently one of your neighbors has somethoughts. I'll tell you who doesn't

have any thoughts. Although I can'tdecide. Oh you know what, Actually,
I'm gonna full circle this story withthe other story. But I was
just gonna I was just gonna,don let's figure out which of these two
women is the dumbest. And it'sgonna be between Sonny houstin from the View
and everybody's favorite soon to be formerHouston area lawmaker Sheila Jackson Lee she Jack

as you know her here on theshow. Who I mean, we have
a classic she jack library here inthe in the Computator and in fact,
let me let me just play yousome of the hits. How's that because
there's there's lots to choose from,and and holy crap, are they amazing?

Like let's see here do do Dodo? Do? You know?
The short and the sweet ones?I am outraged? All right, A
little voice inflection there kind of makesit funny, but that's that's not fair
that you know she's outraged. She'soutraged. Come on, Casey, all
right, Well, let's talk aboutI don't know her superhero origin story,

shall we? And it's a doozy. Maybe he is no better than the
immigrant that came in shackles like myself. I'm sorry the what think they can't?
Okay, all right, I didn'trealize that was the thing. Or
how about during a committee hearing.How about during a committee hearing the correction

that she issues when literally they're justtalking about what is a huge problem,
uh, all the way up theeastern seaboard, parts of Alaska too,
and that is the decimation of ourfisheries industry. And you know that is

that is a a political football man, whether it's going back under Barack Obama
where they're created. We're creating thelargest national park and it just happens to
be this giant swath of ocean thatwe tried to regulate. You not able
to fish, but now if wedo this, then you can't. And
she offered this corrections. Yeah,it's not oystermen, it's oyster persons.

Okay. And then my personal favorite, and for any of you Vietnam War
era vets, you'll appreciate this.Today we have two Vietnams side by side,
North and South exchanging and working.We may not agree with all that
North Vietnam is doing, but theyare living in peace. And my favorite

one, but he doesn't have audio. My favorite Shila Jackson Lee dumb moment
story is when and you remember sheshe repped Houston or reps Houston and Houston
has uh the uh you know,the space NASA control center, right,
So they had her down there andthey were showing her this is this,

this is how the story was reported. So she and there's members of the
media there, there's a bunch ofmuckety much from NASA. I'm sure there's
some other lawmakers and uh, they'rethey're walking her through, giving her the
big VIP tour and they are showingher the command center for the Mars Rover,
which you know, it's pretty cool, right, Hey, you want

to drive the Mars rover. Who'sturning that down? Oh my gosh.
If you're the dude, that dudefrom the Kingston story, I I don't
even want to think what you wantto do with the Mars rovers, sir.
But anyway back to this, andso they were I don't know if
they offered a let her like doit, you know, punch a button

like a kid or something or what. But she had asked whether the rover
it was if they could drive therover to the Armstrong flag? Do you
want to drive the Mars rover tothe flag that was planted by Neil Armstrong?

BI is the mathmath? I knowit's early, but one's the moon,
one's the uh yeah. And bythe way, as we'll come to
find out in this segment, theNeil Armstrong thing that's that may all be
b us. We'll wait for that, all right. So that's Sheila Jackson
Lee. She's she's got some oldiesbut some goodies, and she's gonna be

one of our contestants on who's abigger idiot? And then the other one
will be Sunny haustin from the view. And that audio cuts the deuce and
I, you know, I gotthis other story about how scrabble is making
scrabbles issuing an idiot version? Didyou know this? And I was I
was getting ready to go on thisrant about how stupid this is, and

I will explain why. But nowI realize why. I guess they're gonna
Mattel's gonna lean into the the moronsbecause there's more of them than I ever
realized, just saying something. Allright, So all in due time on
that. Let's get into the SheilaJackson audio. And here we are,

we're talking talk about the moon,baby, speaking of the moon, speaking
of the moon. Well, ifyou're Hank Johnson, you're probably feeling good.
You're not in on this. SoSheila Jackson lee is she's is this
a high school? Don't even knowwho what she's speaking at, just because

she's on like a running track orwhatever, I guess she's she's speaking at
a high school. Yeah, herewe goes this was part of the eclipse
being part. I couldn't decide ifit was a high school or middle school.
So it was a high school,all right. And so she is
shaping young minds. Talking. Thetopic is the celestial bodies. Please,

if you would, sitting member ofCongress, tell us more just provide unique
light and energy the sun so thatyou have the energy of the moon at
night. Yeah. And sometimes you'veheard the word full moon. Sometimes you
need to take the opportunity just tocome out and see a full moon.
Is that complete rounded circle that hasmade up mostly of gases? Web sir?

What and that's why the question.The question is why or how could
we as humans live on the moon. Well, okay, I'm sorry,
and I will I will replay thisthing in its entirety. So a A
A an inquiring young mind asked asitting member of Congress, who is there
speaking to him? That's you know, it's pretty exciting when you're in a

high school. I guess. Yeah, so you realize a bunch of dirtbaks
we've elected into Washington and so youI don't know that to the test scores
at this school, but I gottathink most of the kids now realize that
this is a moron. You've broughta moron. All right, tell us
more about our gases moon, whichI guess debunks the Armstrong flag, because

how you're going to get a flagthe standing gas right, jet fuel won't
met still beams, and you can'tplan a flag on a gas celestial body.
There you go. I'm an Internetconspiracy theorist. I'm sorry. Let's
get back to this cringey moment.Provide unique light and energy so that you

have the energy of the moon atnight, and sometimes you've heard the word
full moon. Sometimes you need totake the opportunity just to come out and
see a full moon? Is thatcomplete rounded circle which is made up more
see of gases. And that's whythe question, the question is why or
how could we as humans live onthe moon. Are the gases such that

we could do that? The Sunis a mighty powerful heat and it's almost
impossible to go near the sun.The moon is more manageable. How would
the moon be more manageable if it'smade of gas? That's it? Which,
by the way, the sun isyou know, I didn't make your

gases argument, but the moon.Ye. Are people that summertimes go out
and look at the full moon andthey become wolves and we call these people
were wolves. Amer concerned about them, but they're not wearing anything. The
sun is so hot. We cannotgo on the sun. We cannot go
on the sun, even even inthe dead of winter because it's still hot.

People vote for this, ye,people have voted for her numerous times.
How is this even possible? Likeeight or nine times? Right?
More than that, I don't Maybeyou just don't want the stupidity to end.
Look, maybe you know the districtshe sits in. It's it's it's
a you know, it's a heavyd district. So maybe they just assumed,

hey, you know what, uh, let's just let's just do it
for the for the lolls, right, which is kind of like the partially
the Jesse vent turevo. Maybe peoplewatch this stuff and they're like, how
could we not have this woman sittingaround like she's you know, like like
she's smarter than us, explaining aboutthe moon being made of gases, which,

by the way, gas cheese.That's some science I'm I'm willing to
invest in, all right, Sothat's pretty dumb, right, And on
a normal day, on a normalday, I think that would be the
dumbest piece of audio we have ona normal day. But today's not a
normal day. It's a competitive day. So here we go Gladiator number two

into the arena. Sunny Houstin Hostinhowever, you say her name from the
view who took a trend we sawyesterday and you know where you had like
NBC New York like does the earthquakerelated to climate change? Right? Took
that stupidity and went, you knowwhat, I'm doubling down. You know,
no, I'm tripling down on this. So here we go. Here

is Sonny Houstin who is in realtime being fact checked even with its if
it's just their eyes by all therest of these idiots at the table and
not coming out on top, pleasegive us your hot take and listen to
Whoopee trying to talk about anything butthis. I mean, I have to

say, Karen Depice are one,oh my God, for makeup artists.
When the earthquake was happening, sheput her coat on and she was like,
Jesus has come. I'm now,I'm I'm out, I'm leaving.
We've got a solar eclipse, We'vegot random the hallway there are here.
And then also I learned that thecicadas are coming. Cicadas cicadas the first
time in No No, and bythe way they're they're trying to do it

from an affection standpoint, but they'reclearly they're clearly a they're clearly mocking this
woman, or at least they're mockingpeople who believe what this woman believes.
Right with their makeup artists, Iknow, slightly tongue in cheek, but
I think if they were in aroom just the you know, just like
two of them, and they youheard what they really thought of it,

it wouldn't be very pleasant. Sounderstand them thinking that their makeup artist is
a misinformed idiot. Okay, andlet's continue. Two different Well, this
is what I read, two differenttimes, different kinds of different times.
Times are coming for the first timein many many years, every seventeen years

has happened. Well that's not whatI read. But maybe you know,
maybe you know better. They're literallythe brudes. Do you know what their
names are? Numbers? Their namesare numbers that are the number of years
that they just stayed in the ground. But she read something in a way

say all those all those things together, what maybe lead one to believe that,
you know, either climate change existsor something is more's quite not at
the mercy of climate change, it'snot found. Then think that it happens
in the eclipse. They've known aboutthe eclipse coming because eclipses happened, and

they actually can say when these thingsare going to happen. So all these
folks who are saying, you know, it's a sign from God. God
doesn't give you warning, all right, So and again they're they're hung up
on the God part of this.Your co host just said, or just
explain that she thinks that the followingthings are the result of climate change.

Soicatas that we've never seen before apparentlyor you know once like, uh we
have we have seen we haven't seenthem since they fell from the sky in
Egypt. That's true. Yeah,maybe you read something more than I did.
I'm not sure. You probably readsomething I didn't read. But also

yeah, well if you if youread something well and I kind of walked
over what piece a little comment inthere? Did you catch that? I
know you gought it because oh no, it's such a great moment. Yeah,
because you know, Sunny Hosting goes, well, maybe you've read something
I ever read, and he goes, well, yeah kind of yeah,
and in a way, so uhso, uh Sicata's climate change. Just

I don't want to make sure Ihave this clear. Socicata's climate change,
earthquakes, climate change? And howdoes she also not know? Can you
imagine the amount of which cred thatthis woman would think you're capable of if
you literally just plotted out and predictedeclipses like I believe that we'll have another

one in five years in May,And she's like, ah, you're a
you know, it's probably try toburn you at the stake, not realizing
you know, we got math here. So in one diatribe of a minute,
she chalks eclipses, earthquakes and scatasas she calls them up to up
to climate change. How do youpick a winner here? I mean,

you're a special kind of stupid ifyou've lost to Wiopi Goldberg and Joy Bahar.
Yeah. But Sheila Jackson Lee,though it's tough, all right,
Hey, all right, you wantto make it tougher, Sheila Jackson Lee,
and thank you for reminding me ofthis. One of her congressional assignments
for the majority of her congressional careerwas a ranking member on the House Committee

of Science, Space and Technology.She's the highest ranking Democrat on Science,
Space and Technology. And she thinksthe moon is made of gas. I
saw some people think she's like,oh, well she was. Yeah.

They were trying to explain away whatshe told the kids, and it's like,
it's just not happening. But itis damn entertaining. The problem is
it's real and not a far superiorversion of basically what they're just saying.
Should I rub pig's blood around thedoor if it's lamb's blood sir, obviously

you don't love your kids if you'renot getting this right. So at least
the oldest all right, six pointfifty hang on CODA radio program a Wednesday
edition where we're having an idiot offtoday. So that's fun. No,
you don't have to be dumb toparticipate. You just have to be equally
as amused you encounter it, likewhen a decades long member of Congress wants

to tell you about how the moon'smostly gas or or already on the flip
side, a TV host wants totell you that cicadas, eclipses, and
earthquakes are climate change connected. It'sreally hard to pick a winner, and
I'm going to make it even morecomplex here in a moment, but let
me grab a call real quick.Sarah, thanks for hanging on. What's

up? Hi? So I wantedto comment on the moron that was talking
about the moon, all right?That would be the congresswoman talking about the
book. Yes, yes, yes, yes, So I couldn't help.
But think of Bobby Bouche's mom whenyou were telling that whole segment. I
think Bobby Bouchet's mom had some goodadvice. I don't feel that this woman

dies. She just loved her soright, this this woman is Yeah,
so like I can forgive the oneand to be fair, that girl,
that girl did look like trouble,right, you would agree, true?
True, yeah very much? Allright? Yeah yeah, so all right,
thanks for to call there, Sarah. Yeah, I can't. I

can't. That's not fair. Rossyou think that's fair throwing Bobby Bouchet's poor
loving mother in with this this idiot. I mean, I gotta give it
to Sarah. It's hilarious. Yeah, eclipses other devil, Bobby Bouchet it
right, But Sakata is a JohnSaccatta Cicada. Sakata is there all the
devil Bobby love it. Yeah,but like you could, you could scientifically
explain why eclipses are not climate changerelated the devil thing. That's an open

ended question, you know what I'msaying, Right, that depends on your
faith. But no, that isa is a good comparison. Uh and
you know what, I'm gonna throwone other in here. This is so
bad. I just retweeted this.Did you see the photograph that the US
Navy's Uh I guess it was underin Instagram? Yeah, so the US

Navy just they just posted a picturetrying to look for rank in this photo?
Is that the CEO? That isthe CEO of the ship. So
they posted a photo and even ifyou're not a gun guy, you're gonna
figure this out in two seconds.They posted a photo of uh, you

know, one of their one oftheir ship captains. He is on deck
and he's got himself a he's gothimself a rifle, right, and it's
that he's firing the rounds and youcan actually see the shell casings ejecting into
the air above it, and he'skind of firing out. I don't know

if he's firing it at a aSomali pirates, Iranian Iranian Iranian, a
hole or a sea turtle, sayhear pop kidding? All right, maybe
the sea turtle should have been tryingto eat those straws. I don't know
the problem is, and I haveI have an abundant amount of questions.

One the way that he's holding thatweapon. I do like the hand on
his shoulder for support kind of comingin from off there. And two that
scopes backwards. Yeah, he wasfiring at the eclipse revers it so we
didn't burn out his eyes you knowwhat. Now, I feel like the

dumb one not knowing that. Right, So if you backwards mount your scope
and then you can look at theeclipse and it won't be a problem.
Is that Is that your advice fromdoctor Hayes this morning? Because I feel
like that's not good advice. Ifeel like that's still gonna be a problem.
But you're the highest ranking officer onthis ship and you are like you

ever looked into a scope backwards ora scope or something, maybe if you've
never shot a gun. You're putbinoculars backwards. Everyone knows what happens.
You immediately know, and then theyput it out as some sort of like,
I guess, in a recruitment effort, like hey, look how cool
this is. You can stand onthe deck and shoot at the eclipse with
him. We're surrounded by stupid.So now the scrabble thing it makes sense.

I wonder how many eyeballs went onthat because you think, oh,
this guy took the picture, hejust loaded the instant. No no,
no, no, no, no, that's not how government bureaucracy works.
That photo. The number of eyeballsit had to be on that thing before
it got posted and nobody went,wait, what's how what that looks dumb?

Let's take another never cross anyone's mind. And that guy's in charge of
where they're going, what they're youknow, not running into I'm sure,
I'm sure he's a fine dude andprobably didn't want to do the photo the
photo shoot anyway, and he's walkeddown, so we handed them the rifle.
He popped off a few rounds,walked off, probably didn't even glance

down the scope. But still,come on, because now you're like,
that's the guy driving the boat duewhen you're making the Marines that you're driving
around nervous. Come on, man. So I retweeted that at Casey on
the radio, all right, ohwe gotta all right, so Wesley wants
to cast a vote on our stupidoff. Yes, Wesley, what's up?

Hey? How you doing today?Casey? I mean, we're a
nation being run by idiots. Butother than that, sir, go ahead.
Absolutely, the fact that the thatthe view is still on the air
with with people like this, thatI think that they have important information to
give to anyone is beyond me.And I just wanted to say that when

she broke in and said God givenyou warning. He's given us the warning
right now. They're the warning,do not listen to these people, turn
away from that crap and search forthe truth. I mean, yeah,
well, don't listen to them fortruth, sir, but feel free to
listen to him in the same wayyou'd stare at a car wreck on the
way to work this morning. Sooh absolutely, I'm driving the beltline right

now, and I'm just hoping thatmaybe one of these scruble will take me
out so I don't have to hearthis crap anymore. Yeah, well,
come on, sir, don't takebecause I feel you're telling people to turn
the show off, and now Ihave to let you go, So all
right, don't do that. They'lllisten. Wesley's Wesley's a new contestant and
our dumb off because he just toldyou to turn the show off. And
you should never do that. Whatyou should do is rush out to get

the new scrabble scrabble again. Scrabbleis a game that is inherently waited,
already waited already in that way.It's it's it's a perfectly adaptable game.
Your five year olds, they maynot want to because they're five, but

feasibly they can have a functional,weighted game of scrabble with each other in
the same way that two English professorsover at NC State could, right,
because it's not about it's not aboutthe totality of possibilities. It's in the
in the sense that you know,some super hard word, may you may

just be able to spin it intoexistence or roll some dice. That's not
how scrabble works. You get theletters and then whatever you bring to the
party, brain wise, spelling wise, that's what you're expected to use.
And then the other person can callyou on it and you can't check.
And you know how scrabble works.It ain't broken, but apparently it is.
And I think that this is Mattelsitting there going how do we sell

to idiots? And people went,well, let's make a game that is
for idiots, and then the idiotswill want to play it. So that's
what they're doing. For the firsttime. It's seventy five years. Mattel
will be making major changes, offeringa version of Scrabble that they tout as

a no more scoring gameplay option.We'll now wait a second, you don't
have to score. Now, there'snot the score police don't show up.
If you just want to casually playthrough the letters and have a little time
with you know, whoever you're playingwith, that's fine, you can do
that. The new double sided versionof the game will include one side with

the original game for those who youknow want to play scrabble, and on
the other side will be a lesscompetitive version that they say will appeal to
gen z gamers. How insulting foryou. The flip side called Scrabble Together
will include helper cards. Come on, what is a helper card? Car?

What could you put on a cardthat is not literally just the answers,
but it would have to be customizedbased on the letters you have in
your in your collection. There,So, what does the helper card do?
Is it just like a written versionof like the celebrity Jeopardy things where
they're you know, tribec or Iguess Will Ferrell's like, just make a

sound, just make a sack,because it feels like that. The scoring
system will be simpler, it'll bequicker to play and allow people to play
in teams. All right, herewe go, Giles Brandreth. This dude's
British all day, Giles Brandreth.Anyway, let's see, he says,

scrabble found the younger people, specificallygen Z don't like the competitive nature of
scrabble. That's because we're breeding competitionout of everybody. Everybody gets a trophy.
Let's not keep score. Yeah youdid well, but this person didn't.
And even though it was a fairthing and we used to know how

to deal with us, you shouldapologize. Of course, they don't want
anything to do with scrabble with competitivescorekeeping. Uh. And use the word
diversity in here somewhere, hold on, I scrabbled together continues to celebrate the

wonder of words, but thanks toexciting new, cooperative and dynamic. So
that's what that's what this is about. They've realized, or at least they're
they're convinced that a there is awhole swath of people that unless there's five
of them working together, can't spella word. Naysayers on social media started

referring to it as scrabble for snowflakes. It woke scrabble, Yeah yeah,
because it kind of sounds like that. And you referred to it as quote
a more inclusive version. That's theword they use. Inclusive. You know,
like people are sitting down to scrabbleright now, they get out the
rules and they're like, oh,I'm sorry, John, you can't play

with us, says right here,it says no black people. No,
it doesn't. It's scrabble. Youcan. There's not an inclusivity issue.
The only people who could feel isthough, if you get the Scrabble out
that it's not inclusive, are nativeRussian speakers or any of the Asian languages
that utilize their own alphabets, rightbecause you are restricted to you know,

the standard twenty six letter alphabet.There's no cyrillic in there. But I
but you know they have versions.They have a Russian version of this.
Uh, what is the Chinese version? Well, they probably use the simplified
alphabet because if not, the boxwould be that it looks like a car
would be in it. Oh,that's interesting. So the release of the

new Scrabble will take place strictly inEurope at first, because Mattel actually licenses
the Scrabble Branda Hasbro, and Hasbrowants to see how Mittel's release goes there.
New research found that almost half ofScrabble players have attempted to make up

a new word to try to wina game. Yeah, that's but that's
part of the game, right Again, you don't have to change anything here.
But I think they realize, Hey, if we're going to do a
version for stupid people, but willmake it sound like it's fun and not
wildly insulting on how much we're dumbingit down, then the stupid people will

come because haha, they're stupid.In fact, Sheila Jackson Lee just bought
three copies, so there you go. It worked. Yeah, John,
what's up? I do them?You know everyone's getting dumbers, so I
feel better. Everyone's getting stupid aroundme. Well, I have to take

a sense with something. You guysare being disingenuous about the wonderful, intelligent,
audible Shoela Jackson Lee. Okay,she said you can go close to
the moon. You go close tothe moon. What's the part she left
out is it has to be atnighttime, and if you go during the
winter time, the nights are longer. She can spend more time there.
I mean, I think that hercar ally g and buzz Alder and I

think they laid that out for us. Sir, Well, you do have
a point, But she was talkingabout going at nighttime just remember allocating where
all of the tech money went forspace travel. Anyway, go ahead,
I was saying. On another note, a dad joke for you about the
Moon. Do you hear about therestaurant on the Moon? Is it?

Okay? No? No, Ididn't go ahead, all right, great
restaurant in horrible atmosphere, dad jokefor you. Well, how does the
how does how are they able tobuild a restaurant on gas? Or?
Hey, are you in the constructionindustry? Are you an't? Don't tell

anybody, it's the secret. Okay, all right, get out here,
sir. That's I mean, that'swhat I'd be wondering. I guess maybe
you get whatever they were using onthe ad of the Avatar movies to make
the islands float. Yeah, spaceyou can do that. You just grab
onto this stuff, all right.So Sheila Jactually Sunny Austin. We got

the videos at Casey on the Radio. If you go to Casey on the
Radio dot com, aget the shoejack video embedded on the website, but
also we've tweeted out links and thenyou can see the naval officer with the
radical issue the scope. How doesthe scope even end up on backwards on
a on a service weapon in amilitary setting, or is that that's is

that some prank? Is that someyou know, behind the scenes military prank
where you jack with another guy's rifleand make sure you use the term rifle
because that is for shooting and notgun, which is for fun, as
I think that many of you haveprobably learned. So there you go.

I'll put all three of those folksin. You can figure out who the
I give. Again, I'm gonnagive the Navy guy the fact the benefit
of the doubt that he walked upto do a photo op he didn't want
to do. Somebody handed him arifle. He went blam blam. They
got the photo and then he walkedoff, you know, to do ship
captain stuff. But still not agood look man, all right? Seven

to twenty three? Hang on,dude, this is just this is so
uncomfortable. Man, all right,but we have to give it a mention.
So Ben affleck Mary do j lo. I guess again, any who

was hold on, I go figureout which grandfather it is, if it's
his dad, or here we go. So it was, oh, okay,
so it was service for Jennifer Garner'sfather, his ex Okay, all
right, all right, So anyway, this is Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck,

you know, their middle child.Obviously they're no longer together. He's
with j Lo. I don't getit. I think Garner's better, but
whatever. The fifteen year old,their middle child, was at the funeral
with the family for the late WilliamGarner, Jennifer Garner's father, and as

part of the service, stepped forwardat fifteen to address those in attendance,
which you know, for a fifteenyear old, so I'd be pretty daunting,
especially in that scenario. Let's see, the fifteen year old, known
as Sarah Fina Rose, took theopportunity not to talk about her grandfather who

had passed away, which brought aboutthis memorial service, but rather to use
the opportunity to come out as transgenderat the funeral during their portion of the
eulogy. Hi, my name isFinn Affleck, the teen said, after

stepping up to the lectern at theservice, Finn talked about how they are
transgender now identify as I believe theythem. Again, this is a eulogy
with a bunch of people in aservice, many of them emotionally taxed,

to say the very least, justtrying to make the best of the situation,
which in the long run, youknow, you can find cathartic,
but at the time as an emotionalroller coaster. And Affleck even went so
far as to pull Bible verses insupport of the New Life decision, including

the beginning to read a Bible verse. Better is a little with righteousness than
a large income with injustice? Andyeah, who does this? There's two
things that I will never understand.One people go to a funeral and turn

it into a not a funeral,right, so it can be like this,
which I just can't wrap my headaround. It could be like we
talked about the Paul well stone thatsaid the former senator in Minnesota, or
the funeral that was you know,given free airtime on all the TV networks,
turned into a Democrat rally. Right, But like that, even that's

more understanding to me because those peopleare just slugs and they can't help it.
This is a fifteen year old whostepped forward to tell everyone their their
news. And then the other oneis people who go to other people's weddings
to announce their own. I've neveractually seen it, but you know,

I see it show up on socialmedia, so I know it's happening.
Also, Jennifer Lopez, one ofLopez's twins I believe is transgender. So
already the percentage of transgender kids inthat household, is it like twenty five
percent or something. That's amazing.And in fact, if you go into

West Hollywood, all of these starskids go, it's like a third of
the a third of the schools orLGBT. So that's weird. Huh weird
how that all masks together in thatarea. But holy crap, man,
how do you decide that that.I guess you do it because you're fifteen,

and when you're fifteen, ever,whatever you're dealing with, whatever your
thing is, is the most importantthing in the world. I was a
fifteen year old. I know howthe brain works. But even then,
I can't imagine hijacking a loved one'sfuneral for my own thing, like do
it at the mixer after or something. But ah, just gross, man,

But there you go, all right? Eight eight eight nine three four
seven eight seven four dude, Speakingof some political nimrods, Things going well
within our various divisions of government,including at the Department of Interior, who
arguably has a lot going on asthe Biden administration. One of the things

they immediately did is basically undoe theTrump administration from I don't know, listening
to the people who live in theseareas. Let me tell you, let
me tell you the greatest, mygreatest beef. And you can localize this
beef as well. But this ismy version of it, right because you
can localize this as a lifelong residentof Derrick County with a bunch of people

who never go to the beach tellingyou what to do. All right,
they can be frustrated to understand it. But let me tell you when you
live out west, especially when youlive out out west in the open,
the wide open areas lands that inmany cases it is the very families that
continue to work it today, likemy family who can trace their lineage back

to the settlement of you know,the wild West man and the utilization of
those lands which initially there was therewas rules and people homesteaded accordingly, and
then the federal government came in andbasically took a bunch of it back.
Later after the human shields that wereWestern settlers in that area did all the

heavy lifting of essentially, you know, putting together, putting together these huge
swaths of land and limiting the native'sinfluence over it. That's what they used
homesteaders for. Case you're wondering alongthe trails, the Bozeman, the Oregon

and you know many others probably neverheard of. That was the reasoning there.
That's why they built these forts.Okay, and ever since then,
listening to bureaucrats in Washington come outand go, I think this fifty thousand
acres that we just want the wejust don't like drilling, so we're gonna
make it undrillable. We're gonna makethis a protected park. And then everybody

who lives in that area is like, dude, because this is in Utah
we're talking about with barriers. Ifyou go to Utah, Southern Utah has
nine National parks or monuments, Ibelieve it's nine. No, it's nine.
With this, they had eight,and there's some of the most amazing
things you'll ever see. If you'dnever if you ever go anywhere, even

being a Wyoming guide, I wantyou to go to Yellowstone. But if
that, if you have the time, you should do Yellowstone. You should
do Glacier to Yellowstone to Bryce Canyon. So that'll get you Montana, Wyoming,
Idaho, and Utah, excuse me, perfectly doable, and you can
go. You can make the GrandCanyon the final thing. And then along
that way, along that route yougot you know, you go to Mount

Rushwarts along the way, Grand Tetonsare on the way. You got options.
Obviously Utah has got many men theother options. Go do that.
But the big open areas in themiddle where mostly it's cows, and then
mostly it's not cows, just wideopen space. That's not what that is.
That's not what you need to beout there protecting. So as the

Biden administration is working on re implementingthe thing the Obama administration did that nobody
in the area wanted, and theTrump administration did undo for a little while,
that's not seemingly the core focus overat the Department of Interior, and
in fact, a leaked video ofone of their gatherings is it's a doozy

man. It is an absolute dude. And by the way, there will
even be tears, emotional tears.So coming up here in just a few
we will listen in as part ofthe Department of Interiors ALLY Awards. Yes,

the federal agency has their her ownALLY Awards. These are awards for
diversity, equity and inclusion items.So it's the WOKE awards put on by
the Department of the Interior. Andjust wait for it, man, it's
it's coming up. But first racestage A key's here, Hello, and

he's gonna make it yeal with alittle rain. But yeah, not for
long. So no in and out. One batch she's coming through. Just
getting ready. If you're not init yet, Winston Salem, you will
be in the next hour, Greensboro. Then across the triangle, I've got
this one round of shower start tocome in this afternoon. I might see
some thunderstorms. We're gonna do thislike in batches or in rounds. We

get this kind of little main smallpiece to come out ahead of the main
line most of the afternoon. We'veactually end up more spotty than anything else.
And then as we head through theovernight hours tonight and then through tomorrow
morning, another batch of rain andthunderstorms to come on, and there could
be some strong storms in some spots. Looks like the worst of it's going
to be about ten Tomorrow morning untilearly afternoon and then tapering off a little

bit, just isolated showers and uttershowers, So a little unsettled over the
next couple of days. Today's highslikely in the mid upper seventies, Tomorrow
in the low seventies. It'll bea little breezy, even outside of thunderstorms.
That's will continue into Thursday night,but the sun's going to be back,
and I think I started mentioning thisyesterday. Once we get into Friday,

although a little breezy, it's goingto be sunny in near seventy,
then a long run of sunshine thatwill likely take us through Saturday, Sunday
Monday, maybe even longer with awarm up Saturday load to mid seventies,
could crack eighty maybe the low eightiesSunday load of mid eighties on Monday,
so starting to get into the multipleday in a row thing of eighty plus
degree temperatures right into maybe even Tuesdayof next week. So I had at

least plan on some wet weather todaytonight and on into tomorrow and Tomorrow night,
most of it coming tomorrow and tomorrownight, and then some great weather.
The payoff is going to be fantastic. Now for Augusta, the update
from where we were yesterday does notlook like we're gonna have all day rain.
However, thank you. The lineof showers and the heaviest rain and

thunderstorms goes through and by you know, eight or nine o'clock most of it's
done and just some spotty showers thundershowers for the rest of the day.
So maybe a little delay and gettingstarted, but I think for the most
part, once you get through tomorrowmorning, things improving and some beautiful weather
for Augusta for the rest of theweekend. What do you think Tiger's chances

are. I saw that Zero wrotea whole piece and they're like, get
over it, and I'm like,I don't know. I used to think
that, and then what he wonwith like four years ago. Nah,
Dad, it's over. Yeah hedid. But I I think it's a
technical course. Man, it's notyou know, this isn't bad age,
right, Yeah, I don't doI think he makes the cut. I

would bet that he probably does,but I mean, I don't think he's
gonna win, So I don't know. I'm just that So I'm asking because
they the New York Post thing,I read this morning. They were just
a brutal on the guy, andI'm like, were they? Yeah,
I don't know. Somebody showed updrunk and won the open, So all

right that ended? Why right?Yeah? Yeah? I love that guy,
all right. And I also lovethe memes for the you know,
there's that there's that Tiger, andthere's that's that picture, the famous photo
of Tiger Woods on the putting greenwith John Daly and Tiger's dressed in his
like country club best and Daily's wearingthose the really loud shirts and pants,

smoking a cigar. He can tellhe's probably a little lit. And they
had it, said m C Stateand Duke going back to the that game
a few weeks ago, and Ithought, no, that's that's perfect.
I'll let you guess who NC Stateis. All right, thank you,
Tiger hater, get out of here, all right, all right, there
you go. All right, SoI did the big setup up on the
Department of Interior, and trust me, the payoff is so worth it.

And it's coming up next. Hangon, here we go into diversity,
equity and inclusion on your dime.Now, look, don't get me wrong,
when you're talking about a big entitywhether it's a corporate entity or you
know, the Department of Interior orthe IRS or you know, pick your
government entity. You know you're goingto have and I don't begrudge this.

You're going to have the corporate atmospherestuff that goes with it, right,
So you know there's going to betimes when there's events where people are paying
attention to work per se, they'redoing training, or they're having fun.
You know, it's the end ofthe year. Whatever, that's fine,
I got it. That being said, this I the waste of time here

is truly amazing. And what's importantto know is the ALLY Awards, which
is the Federal Agencies Diversity, Equityand Inclusion annual award show. They actually
do it virtually, so it's ateams meeting, which I don't know why,
but that's somehow that sounds more horribleif you think about it. And

I got to tell you, Iwas thinking to my mind, do I
want to do a two hour longdiversity award show with my coworkers on a
zoom meeting or let's see a twohour raw, raw meeting about where we're
headed this year and then it's allabout everyone else, but not you,

all right, So on the grandscale of teams meetings that you don't want
to go to, on a scaleof one to ten, one being I'll
set my video to off, butmy avatar will be there and I'll just
be in the vicinity so I cankind of hear what's going on too.
I'd rather go feet burst into awood chipper. Where does a two hour

mandatory diversity Awards show zoom meeting factorin? Because, damn ross you going
to this team's meeting. I knowhow I was looking forward to it,
but I looked at my calendar.I'm busy. I'm just too You're too
busy for the mandatory two hour diversityAwards show. It's it's upsetting because what

is it? Mandatory two hour diversity? I trained, It's my passion and
I was ready for Yeah, thisis the awards right that I would have
won. I'm sorry, I can'tmake it. Well, it's because you're
not a poet, and I kidyou not. So the event opens up
with one of the employees who dida video video themselves doing a poem.

Just all right, So here isthe I guess the awards host. Now
we would like to share a poementitled I Am diversity story behind this is.
We discovered this several years ago whenwe were designing a interior toast Master
slash diversity change Agent poetry. Okay, I got a question, So wait

a secon. So you're doing atoast how in the wokest of woke eras
that we live in with everybody buttheurd over micro aggressions, could you possibly
put a toast master's roast masters styleformat together in an employee setting? That
sounds like an absolute recipe for disaster. I watched one of the roasts at

a comedy club up in New Yorkthat it sounds in YouTube and like three
of the comics are getting butt hurtbecause they thought that some of the some
of the jokes were problematic, likeif you can't even do that in a
comedy club setting, what are youtalking about? Murham? And that we
were so moved by it. Wesince decided to incorporate that and really resonates

and it echoes a lot of thethemes that we learned about this week.
This is by Charles Benefield. Herewe go, and what you're about to
see is a video of BOEM Investingemployees who participated in a recording and a
recitation of this poem. Please enjoy. Let's recap this show thus far.
Guy likes sexy time with cars.Grabble says people are stupid the view stuff.

The Navy's not the ground fighting forOh it's one guy's got a rifle
backwards her scope. God help us. You have the rifle backwards, and
you like to make frank constructs frankintrucks. This is not a best stuff.
I think it's been a fun show. What are you talking about,
sir? We have even got tothe diversity poem. You get to suffer
through, Wow, a mandatory twohour online woke fest. I'd rather gouge

my left eye out with it.Well why not, both sir? And
he could be like, I havea medical emergency. You could dip out,
all right. So this is runthe Department of the Interior. This
is their online ally awards where everybodygets to spend a couple hours or whatever
I did. I don't know ifit was a couple hours. It was

ninety minutes, but whatever. Listeningto diversity, you know their co workers
get diversity awards, and you know, the funny thing is, and I've
seen we did a story for gosh, one of the one of the investment
banks up in New York, Ican't remember which one it is. And
they had they have DEI Awards too, which is this is the thing.

These ALLY awards are a thing thathappens in some corporate settings, government settings.
They're not new. And they hadlike all the people who had won
the award up there and no,but there's no white people. And it's
like, well, that's weird.These are your ALLY awards, i e.
Your diversity awards and awards, andthere's no diversity among the award winners.

That's so strange. But here Idon't know what the full tally was.
But if if if this was inthe the opening portion of the award
show, I don't know how thehell I'd make the rest of it.
All right, let's go ahead withour diversity poem from the people are supposed

to basically make sure you're not gettinggored by buffalo and screwing ranch grazing permits
that are over one hundred years old. That's literally something we went through.
So with that in mind, let'sget to it. Go right ahead.
I am diversity, please. Ididn't add this music. By the way,
they video recorded this, so thisis part of the presentation. I

am diversity, Please include me.I'm present in every place you go,
depending on your lens, I'm friendor foe. I'm forced to do a
coug with like the winds of change, I move, I'm swift. I'm
present with two or more together.If I embraced, I can make the
good even better. I'm not limitedto age, gender, or race.

I'm invisible at times, and yetall over the place exclude me due to
a lot of knowledge. Welcome melike the recruit fresh out of college.
Let me take my seat at thetable, even though I may be differently
able, My experience, my postureto a count to me can help add
value for your company. None aboutme improve my underrepresentation, and I can.

By the way, we'll continue,Are you guys feeling more diverse and
welcoming, intolerant and open or areyou starting to understand what a giant waste
of time this is? And forsome reason, I'm getting the same.
I'm having the same emotional reaction thatI did watching all of those Hollywood idiots
sing imagine from their luxury supermansions,and I don't know why that is.

I guess it must be my lens. As the one guy said, provide
a competitive edge to your entire nation. I exclude no one. I am
strengthened by all. My name isdiversity, and yes I stand tall.
You me and keep what if youdon't? What if you're short? You
see how inherently undiverse it is foryou to always stand tall? What about

the short kings or whatever the termis the kids use See you're inherently not
being diverse. You're busted. Yourwhole poem is bs in the mix together.
There's no problem that we can't fixon your What if I told you?
We're not even halfway through this,and it feels like this has been
two segments. That's help points throughinnovation and to many, I reflect hope

and inspiration. Your lives and companieswill continue to change. Thus the need
for diversity and the inclusion will alsoremain. Do all that you can to
truly embrace me an experience life fullnesstotally. I'm the thought working behind the
and familiar face. I'm the ingenuitythat helps your team within the race.

I'm the solution that came from anodd question that was asked. I stand
out in the you know what I'mgoing to I'm gonna cut you off the
hook for the last thirty seconds becauseI feel like half our audiences in their
garage with the vehicle on. AndI get it. What I don't get

is how this is a poem.If it is, it's a really bad
poem. Are you listening to it? And by the way, before you
come at me like what do youknow about poetry? I will have you
know that my English, my firstEnglish elective class in college was poetry,
not because I wanted to take poetry, but because with the way my schedule

worked and the way that I youknow, they test you in on which
class or which section of classes youshould be at. My options were Shakespeare
and poetry, and they were rightacross the hall from each other. And
I initially signed up for Shakespeare,and then I noticed in the poetry room
it's like forty girls and like threedudes. So I took poetry. Those

girls are angsty, tell you that, but whatever, And you know,
did a whole thing on Robert Browningand ed Grallan Poe and all of that.
So that's great. So yes,I feel qualified to sit here and
go not only is this a wasteof everybody's time, but it's not good.
It's not even like there's movies outthere that are really good that obviously

I've woke messaging in it, andthen you tend to overlook it because you
like to it's a great movie.You ain't got none of that going for
you here, sorry, all right? Eight eight eight nine three four seven
eight seven four. So that wasthe first thing I said. I was
going to tell you. Now onto Joe Biden, who had a bold

claim yesterday while giving a speech.Here we go, I, like an
awful lot of people in this audiencehad was the first in my family to
go to college and watch my dadstruggle to help me get there, and
what okay, And look, I'veheard people you know that that storyline,
that narrative. There's a lot ofinspirational stories over the years that we've talked

about a lot of especially for diversityfolks. One of the favorites of diversity
folks is, hey, let's youknow, this is the first person to
go to college in the family.They're an immigrant family. You know,
one of those narratives right there,And that's fine, and that's a great
accomplishment because it's hard, and it'sharder than ever to go to college,

even though they'll give you one hundredand fifty thousand dollars loan for a career
that pays thirty thousand a year.But you know, justifying that and being
able to actually do that is justnot a reality for a lot of people,
and for some people it's not areality they want as they've decided that,
you know, on the job training, apprenticeship or a technical schooling may

be more lucrative and based on whatit costs to get a skilled handyman to
your house right now, they're probablynot wrong. Crazy, that's if you
get him to show up. Ohso why is that a problem. Well,
let's let's debunk Joe Biden with Idon't know, Joe Biden, my

grandfather finniggers granpould really be proud ofme right now. No, I'm not
joking. He would father. He'san All American football player, John and
Santa Clara. Yeah, so,just for those who don't know, what
do you say all American football playerand then you know, you say at
a particular university. Some people seethat as your grandfather went to college.

Yes, yes. He literally hastalked about his grandfather going to college on
numerous occasions, and then as partof this speech talks about how he's the
first in his family to go tocollege. Every day is an absolute adventure.
Tell you what, man? Allright, So what's our governor Bruin
with the VITE or the the MPor the PM excuse me from from Japan.

Well, there's a lot of speculation. I think we have some insight
info though, I'll share with younext. Hang on, we were talking
about the Masters here and Tiger Woods, just because New York Posts was just
like they were all up ontom likewhat are you doing, dude, And
I would just say, you know, it's the It's Augusta. Don't get

me wrong. There's a couple holeswhere having his old distance is a big
deal, especially as you start climbingthe hill on the back nine there.
You don't realize, by the way, until you're actually at the course,
how steep up that slope is onthe closing holes well down and then up.
I mean, it's a it's alegit valley, and you know,
so having distance to get across andmaintain certain elevation for your proach shot the

couple holes where that's super important.But other than that, man, it's
you carve that course up specially specialwhen you're going through about you know,
hole seven through about thirteen, orespecially in the back time where you're quote
making the turn there through all thepretty flowers are for those casual watchers like

that. Ain't a distance thing.That's about being dialed in. So I
don't know, we'll see Ross.You got a favorite for the Uh,
you got somebody you're rooting for inthe Masters? Yeah, I mean the
same thing on Lee Trevino. Firstof all, no, he's not playing
you know that, right, He'snot in it. And by the way,
Lee Trevino and the Masters have athey got a weird history. The

only reason I know Lee Trevino wasbecause back in the day, I can't
remember if it was something like theNES or the SNS, but it was
like that was the golf game Iplayed. And then Trevino was also in
Happy Gilmour, which, by theway, he like denounced Did you know
that? No, I had noidea, Yeah, he so he did.
If you remember in Happy Gilmour,he only has like one line in

it, but basically he's in everyevery moment where Happy Gilmore Adam Sandler's character
is having a meltdown, there's alwaysa cut shot to Trevino watching him and
shaking his head right, and thenI think he corrects Shooter McGavin. And
so he was in that movie,and you know, his cameo, obviously,

Bob Barker's cameo is the winner asfar as cameos go. But his
beef wasn't that he was mad becausehe doesn't swear, and he said he
was upset because they led him tobelieve that there wouldn't be a lot of
obscenity in the movie. And I'mlike, you're in the scenes where he's
yelling obscenities. What did you thinkthey were gonna fix that in post right?

What did you think was gonna happenthere? So that was weird,
But the masters Trevino got butt hurt, like back in the day. Here's
a couple things about Trevino because peopleargue about where he is. He's well,
first of all, he's in hismid eighties, so he ain't playing
tomorrow. But you know, Trevinodidn't initially get to start playing golf Veno

when he was coming out of highschool and into college he joined the Marines.
So arguably a guy who people arguewhether he's in the top ten or
just outside. That's usually the Trevinoargument. He had, you know,
five or six less years. Ithink he did six years in or something.

He had five or six less yearswhere of you know what, it's
kind of peaked time for a lotof golfers, and still managed to win.
See he won two British, twoUS two PGA championships, but never
a Master's And he actually boycotted theMasters because he he felt it was too

stuffy, and I think the firsttime he played, he wasn't a player
in he was in some other wayand they didn't give him a locker because
they have all sorts of weird traditionsand so like he had. He couldn't
get a locker in the main clubhouse. I do remember what it was,
and they made him enter through thekitchen one day, although they dispute that.

And then he said that the Masterswas and so he didn't go for
years and then I eventually he didgo, but he never won a Master's,
never put he won the other three, never got the discount for olive
Garden as they stack around Augusta.We've talked about this before in the show.
You win the green jacket and youput it on and you walk in

like the restaurants around the area.You get like twenty five percent off at
Olive Guard, and you get tenpercent off at Red Lobster, like like
ten fifty percent of Applebee's. Yeah, and they stack. So if you
wear multiple jackets, you like twentyfive foot and you get like a free
meal. So speaking of things thatare you know, part of the lore
and or completely made up, I'lllet you decide. Yeah, so I
guess, uh Lee Trevino on hisdeathbed. We'll be sitting there one day

going how could I have never gottenan Olive Garden discount? So in Ross's
little fantasy here. So but anyway, so that's Trevino in a nutshell.
That's why I picked him. He'sa big marine guy. Do That's what
I said. I'm a big marine. Go yeah, yeah, yeah,
yeah, Okay? That that inthe nessny is thing? What about a
happy Gilmore? Come on, yougot it like that? The shooter and

it Shooter's not playing right, He'snot Shooter, He's not That's not him
he was an actual player, sookay, all right, So yeah,
that's that's what's going on there,and good luck on that. In fact,
I will h I'm gonna give youfive hundred to one odds, so
give me your a hund row andgood luck. All right, Look at

that Ross is Ross is gambling,but not really because Tortino's not playing,
all right, speaking of predicting whatmay happen, So North Carolina Governor Roy
Cooper, he went over to Japanhere what like a month ago or something.

I will always remember it because Iremember he went to Japan and then
Mark Robinson issued a gubernatorial proclamation andeverybody lost their minds. I just laughed.
Whatever, but that visit may havepaid dividends. Japanese Prime Minister Fumio

Kashita will arrive at RDU Airport tomorrow, so that Prime Minister is coming from
Japan to Raleigh same day. Officialsin charge of approving economic consentives for business
recruitment have announced a special meeting.So obviously, you know the expectation is

that some something something they figured itout or put the finishing touches on it,
and some sort of Japanese business expansioninto North Carolina, and they're gonna
sit up there and shake hands andcut ribbons and talk about tens of millions
of dollars of tax abatements. Likelythat existing business you may have to compete

at least for employees with this organization, are still going to be honest if
you had even if you were literallycredited as other fireworks shopper, right,
and you were in Joe Dirt witha non speaking role where they they've panned
past you for three seconds in thebackground. I feel like your entire house

would be a show. I'm notmaking fun of him at all. It's
I think it's a really cool photo. Okay. Ross just texted this to
me, So it's Christian Bale.He looks like he's what fifteen in this
picture or something. I don't evenknow how old he was. He was
into Tiers of the Sun. ButEmpire's Son by Steven and here's the Son's
the Bruce Willis movie nineteen eighty seven. His bedroom in England, Okay,

and he's just he's got he's gota little video game set up there.
He's got his feet kicked up onthe table, latest latest tech for the
day, and in the background isa is an official movie poster of a
movie he's in, which is incredible. Yeah, I mean Live with the
Best Life. Man. They askyou like, hey, what was on
your You know, I could haveseen this before social media, like hey,

what on your your walls, yourbedroom walls? What posters did you
have up? You know? AndI can think of the ones that I
have in my bedroom right now.And like you were to ask him that,
like, hey, hey, Christian, what what posters were up on
your wall back in the eighties andhe'd be like, ah, my movies,
that's amazing. Wait a second,did you just say in your bedroom
wall? No? Do you havemovie posters in your bedroom? Did I?
Yes? I did? Oh?I thought you said? Now,

no, I'm when I was akid. Okay, well the way you
said it, if you go backand listen to it, So what movie
posters do I have now? Nowyou're referring to is when you were a
kid? I thought you were likeI thought your poor wife was coming home,
and you're like, look at anew Deadpool poster I put on the
wall. So all right, Iwas confused there. Yeah, dude,
posters were the bad I remember,because you know, you'd go, Uh,

where we get posters? Is thatthe Walmart and Sheridan. So we'd
go up there and they had anend cap on one of the aisles and
this just isn't a thing anymore andI don't know why. And it was
all the posters, but they werein like a big plastic foot flip book,
right, so they had them alland then you you just flip them
and go through all the different postersand uh until you found one with you

know, the fairy faucet poster orlatest movie poster or whatever it was.
Man, And I was all aboutthe posters. I loved them, but
yeah, none of them I wasin now. I had a Michael Jordan
poster. I had a Lamborghini poster. I had a face off poster which

get a face off. Ye.I had a face off posters pretty amazing,
like from the movie Theater, theone like I got it like off
the wall y. Yeah. Yeah. I had a poster of JFK as
well as Malcolm X and Martin LutherKing together in nineteen sixty eight. That's
a why. That's a so youhad. I was in the politics a

big fan. No, that's amazing. It's just it's what a what a
variety of things in there, Ifeel like, because my I were mostly
just boobs and action movies. Soalthough I did have a Phi crap A
Zappa poster, do you know whatthat is? I was the only Yeah,
I was the only kid who waskind of into Frank Zappa, even
though that was before my time.But the poster said Phi crap A Zappa,

and I thought it was funny,and so I put it up in
there. But I remember having toexplain who that was to everybody forever.
So my favorite poster, though Ididn't mention it, my favorite one was
I had a vintage Eisenhower campaign poster. They said, I like, Ike,
Okay, all right, did youbring all your girlfriends in high school?

Every single one of them? Yeah? Oh did you? Okay?
All right, you're like that.This is my MLK poster. This is
my Ike poster. Oh that's good. So yeah, I was trying to
think of I had any posters thatweren't just no. No, it was
all you know why, because noother posters would last in there. Because
my little brother, he was inthat stage where he's just an a hole,

and he thought it was funny togo in and take him, and
then inevitably the way take him ishe wouldn't pull the pins on the corners
out, so we'd ripped the corner. It was a whole problem, but
we got it rectified and when hewas old enough to be physically reminded not
to do that. So that's howbrothers role. All right, let me

get over to this thing here realquick. By the way, if you
didn't, if you weren't here forthe beginning of the show, you do
not want to miss our last segmentbecause we got a story out of Kinston
that is crazy. Would be thebest way to describe that. We'll get

to that here in right after wechat with Stagic and Jeff Bellinger. All
Right, I'm just making I don'tknow, can I say the list?
As we're talking movies? Can Isay the name of this movie? So
there was a movie that was releasedthree weeks ago into US theaters and they
literally have just pulled it, whichyou know, once you filmed the movie,

you spent that amount of money.You know, this isn't one hundred
billion dollar blockbuster, but they stillspent what like twenty well when you get
marketing, probably thirty five million.They went into the box office made just
two and a half million in itsfirst uh three weeks, and it was
at that point they pulled it outof theaters. And it is a big,

big swing and a miss. Iwonder why people might not have been
going, but I have some theories. The name of the movie is The
American Society of Magical Negroes. I'mprobably canceled, but that's the name of
the movie. But like, inherentlyme going, should I say the name

of that? I can't believe thatthat's good for marketing two with a name
like that. All right, it'sa romantic comedy, is it really?
Because I assumed it was like ablack Hogwarts sort of thing. Yeah,
well, all right, so no, listen to this. All right?

So the film, which is aromantic comedy, is here we go.
This is let me read the actualdescription. This is the movie studios one
paragraph to sell the movie, allright. The American Society of Magical Negroes
is a fresh satirical comedy about ayoung man named Aaron who is recruited into

a secret society of magical black peoplewho dedicate their lives to the cause of
utmost importance. Making white people's liveseasier, and then he meets a girl
in hilarity ensues. It's got DavidAllen Greer, Drew tarvar of hinds.

These are all if even if youdon't know the names, you know who
these people all, I promise you. Yeah, I think nobody knew what
the hell it was and they didn'twant to say the name, and you
know maybe and also, what thehell does that mean? A society of
magical black people? Obviously it's sometongue in cheek white privilege story, right,
that sounds like that sounds like whatthey're setting up for. But yeah,

to have to rip it out oftheaters, oh brutal. And of
course the reason that we're hearing fromsome involved with the movie is because you're
all a bunch of big fat racists. So sitting spin on that anyway,
eight forty three raced age. Itis here with your diverse intolerant weather,
and by diverse, I mean somerain and then some not rain, so

right, fire aways, all right, and then leading edge of this one
round of showers pushing through and gettinginto Ashborough, Greensboro and heading east,
so shortly here across the triangle alreadyand the Triad and back toward to places
like Ashville and on your Chattanooga.So we'll deal with these showers here.
As we head on through today,there might be a thundershower mixed in,

and temperatures are gonna be in thelow to mid seventies. If you get
any sunshine at all, which youmay not, you might be a little
warmer, but we still do havethese showers around, mostly cloud You might
get a little break tonight before moreshowers come back tomorrow with thunderstorms midday into
the afternoon. Now that's really themain show tomorrow, with heavier rain and
could be gusty winds. I don'tthink wide spread severe storms midday into Thursday

afternoon, but nonetheless gonna be alittle unsettled right into Thursday night, and
then the sudd will be out andthen we get the other end of the
stick, kind of flipping around.Sunshine, breezy to windy at times on
Friday near seventy loa to mid seventies, and sunny Saturday gonna push it to
the low eighties on Sunday and sunnyearly next week. Looks real nice,
big area of high pressure. Casehe is gonna be in and gonna hang
around for quite a few days witha nice warming trend. We'll get into

Augusta for the Masters tomorrow morning.We'll have some showers, thunder showers May
nine o'clock. Most of the impactfulrain could be over with, so maybe
a little delay on the early teatimes, but you'd be able to get
it going later. And the weekend'sgonna beautiful. Friday, Saturday, Sunday
look excellent, excellent all across theSoutheast, including Augusta for the Masters.

What's your favorite vehicle you've ever owned? Nineteen ninety three F one fifty Xcel
four wheel drive, regular cab longbit. Okay you still have it or
no, I don't, But I'mlooking for one, believe it or not.
It's got to be the same truck. It's got to have a tan
interior. Yeah, yeah, onthat I've been I have. I have
looked for the ninety seven Powerstroke dieselthat I had, and that had the

big, the big old powerstroke enginein it. F two fifty little lift
kid white interior or white exterior,and then had that gray interior. That
was the perfect truck. Man.I love that thing every time I see
one. Now, it's like it'sa collector's item. So I was.
I found one actually, but itwas a Actually today I was looking.

I found a short It was ashort bed. The interior color was right,
but it was a short bed.It was a little dinged up.
But I was like, wow,we are I'm get I'm gonna find it.
I'll find it, all right,very cool man. And then that
will this little discussion will then lendus nicely into the story out of Kinston,
where a dude's been arrested for makinglove to an elderly woman's car for

three years. Oh okay, soyou have some fun with that. He
really likes, you know, twothousand and eight Toyota something or other whatever
that car is, so sure?All right, Corolla, No, it
was Avalon. I think the nicehe's uh, he doesn't date cheap hos
man. Anyway, we got torun, thank you. Yep, Jeff

Bellinger, he's next. Hang on, well, casey, we just got
word that the cost of living madea bigger than expected jump last no,
no, come on, bigger thanexpected. The Consumer Price Index up four
tenths percent in March. The coreCPI, which strips out food and energy
also up four tenths percent. TheCPI was up three and a half percent

year over year. All hotter readingsthan expected, and it looks like a
selloff on Wall Street coming today.S and P futures are down sixty four
points, Nasdaq futures are down twohundred and forty two. Now futures down
four hundred and four. Greg McBrideof bank rate dot Com just emailed kiss
a June interest rate cut goodbye.We also knew this was coming. Speaking

of the cost of things, theprice of Goodiva chocolates will be going up.
Godiva's London based parent company says itis still finalizing pricing, but it
expects hikes in the high single digits. Sky High cocoa prices make these increases
necessary. The cost of coco ismore than double just since the beginning of
the year, and the Postal Serviceis seeking another price increase just four months

after the last one. The agencyasking the Postal Regulatory Commission to approve a
five cent hike in the price ofa stamp that would bring the price to
seventy three cents. Stamp prices werelast hiked in January. Mortgage bankers reported
Today that applications for new home loansfell four point seven percent last week.
The average interest rate on thirty yearfixed rate mortgages crept back above seven percent.

Coca Cola being taken to court overlabels on plastic water bottles that read
one hundred percent recyclable. A proposedclass action filed in a California federal court
charges the recyclability claim is false becausesome components of the bottles, like the
caps and the labels, are notrecyclable. In Casey, a lot of

movie theater landlords around the country arechoosing to lower the rent on theaters rather
than lose the tenants. The WallStreet Journal says empty movie theaters are a
big challenge for commercial property owners.The sloped floors and big windowless rooms are
not suited to other types of businesses, such as stores and restaurants. Casey,
it would be a hilarious place fora bar, though, Yeah,

with a slope, with a slopefloor. I'll just say it, around
one o'clock, it'll be wild inthere all right, real quick. Jeff
mm hmm. Tomorrow, Yes,who's your pick? That's the master's music.
So who do you think is gonnawin? The Masters this year my
favorite time of the year. Honestly, Casey, I don't even know a

player who's in the Masters. Comeon, you can think I got a
golf player that you know, whosename you know. I'll give you a
hint. He's from Florida, he'swon a bunch, he got a car
accident, his wife tried to killhim with a pitching wedge. Oh you're
talking about Tiger Woods. All right, Well he's in it. So now
you know one person. He's init, So I'll let you root for
him. Okay, all right,I'll go in there. You two.

All right, there you go,Jeff Bellinger, big Tiger Tiger Woods.
Stand you guys didn't know that,now you do. Okay, let's start
to the show with this, andwe're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna
stop it. I have I hada bunch of questions. I don't know
that any of them got answered.But I guess if you're you're planning to

go to Kinston soon, or maybeyou're listening from there this morning, glad
to have you watch where you parkhere we go home. A couple of
years ago, when she started noticingfluid underneath her Burgundy, two thousand and
eight, Toyota Avalon. This isa this is an elderly woman. She's
got a two thousand and eight toAvalon and you heard it there. And

for years, she starts, shenoticed something and this thing has been happening.
Here's the thing. Thought something waswrong with her car. Turns out
that Kinston police believed that the fluidwas from this man, fifty two year
old Walter McCrae, who engages inmechinophilia, or a sexual attraction to machines
or vehicles. I thought something washappening from Amadehu of my car, because

whenever he'd come up here, he'durinate all over the hood of the car
and it would run all down.And I thought it was something coming from
und. I took my car tothe shop three times, okay, and
by the way, he didn't justurinate on it and we'll leave it there.
And the reason we know is becauseafter this has been going on for

three years, she finally decided,hey, let's get the cops involved.
And they set up some cameras.I don't if their trail cams or what,
and sure enough, here we go. Ray says that on several occasions.
McCrae also climbed on the hood ofTaylor's car for sexual gratification. Taylor
says this has been going on forthree years and she could never catch him

with her own camera until finally Kinstonpolice were able to with a camera they
set up. They called him oncamera. They came on Monday morning and
they took the films out and theycome back to the door say we got
him this times. They said,we got good films, we got good
pictures, but it it was morethan we really wanted to see. So

yeah, yeah, And frankly,I didn't want to have I don't want
to be armed with the knowledge ofthe the term mechanophilia. I didn't need
to know that there was a thing. And also it sounds like it could
be vehicles, could be any electronicdevice. Does this guy not have appliances?
I have a theory why he wasgoing and hooking up with somebody else's

car or appliance. I think it'slike, do you remember back in the
day when you were shallow and youngand stupid, and maybe you were dating
somebody who, frankly was you know, normally you're scoring like sevens eight and
there are five maybe, And thenyou do that thing where you're like,

you go out on dates and eventhough like you're having a good time,
like you're also the court of publicopinion informs you and she's like, why
do we never meet your friends?Right? I think you know this guy
was into eight Toyota Toyota vehicles Toyotasedans, but he didn't want to have
to explain that to his crew,and so this was his little side thing.

Man, it's a little secret
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