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April 17, 2024 94 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Happy Wednesday, everybody coming up onthe show. We're all right, don't
cancel Mark, though, we'll keepthat in. I've told you how I
feel about these shows where you putall the work together right coming. You

know, you're doing a very earlymorning show, so the work has done
the majority of it the evening beforeand after you do all that work,
something happens, a news story presents, and it's all for not and then
like you just spend the whole showdoing it. And I understand that generally,
you know you're talking about a bigger, big time story there, but

still I don't I like to havethe show content dictated to me and in
such a refined manner. Unfortunately,that's where we find ourselves today. So
dude, I'm telling you man,it's just like you get up, you

think things are gonna be one way, and instead it is wildly different.
Okay, where the heck? Okay, we'll have to do the elephant story
too, so so yeah, wellthat's just dumb. What the heck did

I just do with the damn Oh? Here it is all right, Ross,
I'm sending this to you, buddy, Text it over to Ross,
and then what I need you todo because there's context missing in this story.
I just send it over to you. This is you know, this
will be like d Day. I'mjust I'm trying to I'm trying to figure

out the level of importance. Thisis from the Hill with a big breaking
story yesterday. So everyone's speculating whatit was. I think what you need
to do is probably get that overto the company's lip reading specialists. We're
a big company, very important,big support staff. So and see what

it was. Are you ready forthe headline? Ross? Have you received
it? I texted it to you, just a photo there of it.
All right, I'm gonna read that. Do you want to read the headline
or do you work on getting ittranslated? What he's saying to his lawyer.
All right, so this is thefrom the Hill. This is the
headline. And remember yesterday Trump incourt watching people who video themselves at Biden

yay Biden rally getting for the forthe most part through the first hurdle of
jury selection. At some point,Trump turned to his attorney and this is
from the Hill quote. Trump justlooked at something on a cell phone before
handing it to his attorney. Duringhis hush money trial, that's the story.

That's the story, that was itsown independent story. Trump looked at
something on his cell phone, handedit to his lawyer. That's it,
And we need to get to thebottom of what it was. Was it
the jury's jury members social media post? Was it? David goes to the

dentist. Maybe he's watching that weirdwind up that the Yankees Nester Cortes has
and trying to decide if they shouldmake it illegal because he's beating too many
people with it. Maybe he's weighingin on that. I don't know which.
By the way, that dude's notnew How is that only a problem

this year? Anyway? Maybe he'slooking at the probably five million or so.
I think Kaylin Clark's going to makethat whole thing yesterday. What what
a time suck that was. Althoughwe do have a little bit of an
update because I think people were notbeing honest arbiters. But luckily The Hill

was there to write an entire featurestory about how Trump glanced at something on
a cell phone and then handed itto his attorney. So big time breaking
news right there. And I saw, by the way, I saw somebody
comment on this, and because thenthey're actually trying to take this thing seriously,

which is just the dumbest thing ever. And they're like, you know,
it's disrespectful when you're trying. It'slike, is it? And then
they said, and I quote,that's why you've never seen Biden staring at
his cell phone. That's that couldbe a reason. Person on Twitter who
goes by I can't read that.Okay, anyway, he's got a fun

handle. That is one possibility.The other possibility is, can Joe Biden
use a cell phone? I mean, yeah, I admittedly I don't know
if I've ever seen him with acell phone. But what a dumb comparison

to make, right, because nowI'm wondering if he knows how to use
a cell phone, or they givehim one of those fake ones that you
give little kids so they stop breakingyours, right, buy it at Target.
It makes noises, but he doesn'tdo anything. I think kids are
too smart for that now because theywant the screen time. But we will.

We're going to be getting to thebottom of what exactly was on that
cell phone, So stay tuned forthe breaking news, or if you want
to speculate, you can, oh, you know what, maybe he was
watching that video of the drivers whohad enough and have finally just ganged together
to drag these moonbat protesters out ofthe street. It did very well.

I tweeted it out yesterday. Ithink we got like one hundred some likes
on it. Maybe the President sawit. I don't know, but I
do know that the Hill was Johnnyon the spot and able to catch this
very very important breaking development this morning, and we're able to bring it to
you. So there you go eighteight eight nine three four seven eight seven

four the phone number Lieutenant Governor MarkRobinson. I guess goubernatorial candidate Mark Robinson.
He'll be joining us at eight ohfive today. We can maybe maybe
he has some insight. You know, he gets FaceTime with Trump, so
maybe, I don't know. We'lltry to solve this mystery though. Okay,

all right, very good, anduh yeah, we got to get
into what happened. I saw ourbuddy Pete Calender was all over this story
out of Davidson County, and Idefinitely need to I'm curious what the Lieutenant
governor is doing about this. Soif you don't know the story in Davidson

County, a sixteen year old studentis it's a vocabulary assignment and there's words,
and I'm not trying to be disrespectfulhere. The the premise of the

story is the student was given vocabularywords to use in a writing assignment and
one of the words was alien.And he when the teacher said that,
he you know. He Then whenshe said you have any questions, he
said, yes, do you meanalien in like space alien? Or do

you mean alien like illegal alien?And he's suspended for three days now?
He asked that, Now did hedo it in a what's the the British?
In a cheeky way? Maybe?I don't know. Look, is

there is there sarcasm and sparm thatpermeates it, smarm that permeates uh you
know a teenage what? Yes?I was one. The difference is I
didn't grow out of it. Butregardless of whether he did, because I
saw some people saying, well,you know, he meant it sarcastically.
That's what you're missing. Maybe.But also it doesn't matter. You was

suspended a kid for three days forusing that term, not directed in anybody
that would be that would be importantcontext. Okay, if he if he
had a Hispanic classmate and he's runningaround calling him illegal alien. Then yeah,
I think that constitutes bullying, eventhough the phrase in and of itself

is a phrase that is within ourlaws, consisting of words that are within
our laws. I believe the statementthat the student's family made said, Look,
it's a word I can go getout of the dictionary. Right.
The term being a suspend for threedays, when not directed at anybody,

is wholly unacceptable. And as youcan imagine, Mom's not pleased. And
also, and the point that theybring up is, now he's got this
suspension on his record, and essentiallyhis record shows that he would suspended for

racism. What do you think thatdoes in today's modern university admissions process.
It can't be helpful when you gota ninety percent chance you're gonna be you're
gonna be running into some sort ofmoonbat buzzsaw throughout your collegiate environment, because

you know that's the breakdown when youlook at the donor stuff. Having something
like that on your quote unquote permanentrecord, I know that's that's this is
why it's unacceptable. And I sawthat Pete interviewed the mom yesterday, So
I'll give you the rest of thestory today. We'll talk about it,
and then tomorrow when we chat withexcuse me Friday, when we chat with

Pete, that will be definitely interesting. Okay, wow, that was fast.
Okay, here we go. Allright, So I had Ross and
the Trump looked at some I'm onhis phone and then showed it to his
lawyer video because I want to knowwhat the lip reads. So this is

from a right. Russ just sentthis back to me. This is from
our company lip Reader. All right, hold on one, it's the part
in bold. Okay, all right, all right, so here we go.
Here's the official transcript. Hey,barrister, barrister, look at this.

Look at the big beautiful Hayes forsheriff Twitch channel. It's entertainment Bigley.
Really that's from the lip Reader.I mean, to be fair,
I didn't even get the lip Readervideo. I just assume that's what he
said. It was very in thevideo. Yeah, yeah, okay,
I was. The speed was throwingme off. So you think the logical

Oukham's razor ramone on. This isduring the wad eir portion of his trial,
whether trying to get the least Moonbattiegroup of moonbats together that the president
the former president interrupted his lawyer toshow her a twitch. I mean,
to be fair, it makes meuncomfortable because I'm not one for self promotion,

I understood, So for him toput me in the spotlight, I'm
not sure how I feel about that. So it's his fault for putting you
in the I mean, I'm notguilty, No, no, no,
no, well, I mean maybeif you were in Manhattan, because you
don't really have to have done anything. I don't know if you know how
it works up there these days.But yeah, okay, all right,
so maybe that I made a secondopinion. All right, So yeah,

lots to get to. Also,is Kyle okay? I guess yeah,
he probably is. I saw therewas a stabbing at his favorite Walmart.
I was talking to him yesterday aboutthis too when I saw the story,
because he always goes to the Walmarton Newburn Avenue, and I'm like,

really, how's that work out foryou? And they had himself a little
incident, little incident yesterday, andthen apparently they had another one. He
was telling me about that. Ididn't know about that. I have questions,
So get to that. John Couger'son the show Blair Witch Project in
the news. This is kind ofcrazy some of the stats in here.
We'll talk about that, and thisis something I can get behind. Hang

on, we'll be back like this. The thing up Manhattan is gonna be
what it's gonna be. If youif you remember the top charge, the
felony, the felony charges were notbrought by Bragg. That was remember,
that was the whole thing. Whenthey finally saw it, then they realized
that you're dealing with you know,just not to say you're not dealing with
trouble, but it's it's already shaky, the whole thing shaky from from the

word go. And yesterday you sawit demonstrate standard of Yeah, these social
media posts which clearly are speaking tothe individual on trial, unless you literally,
I guess, unless you literally wrotelock him up, then good to

go, or the defense will haveto purge it. And you know this
is a defense trying to see thejury in New York City for a former
Republican president. You can have asmany strikes as you want. I still
suspect that if you were to geteveryone to be honest, that jury is

going to have a left bend toit. So but you know the other
woman say, ah, I thoughtit was I saw what it was going
on. I just I filmed it. I thought it was something else entirely
because I didn't use my eyes,So prepare yourself for that, and I

actually saw there was. One ofthe lawyers on MSNBC was like people,
a juror a bias is not necessarilyderived from one having an opinion over a
story, but rather how they expressthe opinion or what they feel should be
done if it is in fact withinthe balands of the law. Well,

I mean, technically, locking somebodyup could be within the bounds of the
laws. So that's a complete BSthing you just made up, sir,
Like that doesn't hold any water.And then the judge the standard for the
jury he chose not to throw offwas I looked her in the eye and

she should be good to go.That's not how it works. Right.
Let's say that I'm on trial.Okay, I don't know what I did.
I'm sure it was horrible. Anyway, I'm on trial and Ross's in
the jury pool because you know hewants to be in the jury, right,
And let's say that Ross had aseries of tweets telling everyone that I'm

a gin, okay, an Asiandemon. We're just putting this out there
in the weirdest way possible because hethen because he's telling everyone that I'm this
evil entity, but because he isnot telling them what things should be done

to defeat me. I know thisis an out there analogy, but I'm
just trying to make it make sense. The fact remains that Ross would have
Ross is a juror has demonstrated havinga pretty low opinion of me. He's
trying to tell the world that I'ma demon from Asia. Okay, so

it doesn't matter whether he prescribes ifI should be burned at the steak or
not. It's also dumb. Bythe way, I'm not a gin,
so I don't believe what you read. Okay, all right, very good
craziness. I mean a little mentalbreak, dude. You guys see what
happened in Montana yesterday. No,not more Californians moving there, although I'm
sure that happened. Butte Montana youmay know it is, but when you

were eight and you thought that wasfunny, and it was funny even when
you And by the way, ButteMontana is probably is the largest Butte city.
But there are multiple other buttes.There's Square Butte, there's Round Butte,
there's Tall Butte. So buttes arevery popular out there. But this

is the og butte. This wasthe wild West mining town of Butte,
Montana. Not my favorite town inMontana, but it is. You know,
I get into some bigger scenery there. When all of a sudden,
people just trying to go about theirbusiness on the main street see a circus

elephants breaming down the street at them, just running rough shod throughout the streets,
then exploring, ignoring people. Policeare scrambling to stop traffic because it's
a circus elephant and it's in Butte, Montana, and the trainer from what
was the name of the circus,Jordan World Circus is chasing after this damn

thing. In fact, uh,we're gonna tweet the video out, but
check it. Here's a here's alittle snippet prod. Only in Butte,
the circus elephant got loose. Whereare you going? Where are you going?
For it? And he's all right, all right, So they're they're

yucking it up. I don't knowabout that. Only in Butte, Like
this is a constant problem over inIndia and then it stomps on people.
So like, I feel like yourexperience is going to be a little more
positive. But what killed me isand it's not this video. It was
the one that was I saw inthe news yesterday and I was trying to
find. Now. I hate whenyou see something on the news and then

you literally go to the news websiteand you click on like three different raps
of where they've done this story,but it's not the one you've seen.
So I could not find the themost western thing that I've seen in a
long time. Uh, it tookplace, and I was dying laughing at
this thing yesterday. So if youwatch the video, you'll see that.

You know, it's a bunch ofcutshots of this elephant just kind of exploring.
Butte goes over by the casino ora by the truck stop. People
are just watching it, and there'sa one of the vehicles that stopped because
the police had literally stopped people fromproceeding down the street. You see the
people out of their cars like takingpictures, right obviously, but in one

you see this this old boy pureranch. Look to him, he's driving
a ranch truck. And for thoseof you who don't know. When you
drive a ranch truck around, youhave your you know, you have the
back. Most of us will havethe back gunrack, headache rack as well

on the vehicle and inside behind thegun rack is where I used to stick
lariots lasso's, and you'd have acouple there and then your gun's over because
there's a little hook on some ofthem. So he just get him right
on there. And I see thisdude, he's got door open, he's
staring at this thing, and hereaches in and he pulls his his lassu

from behind his gun rack and looksat it for a second, and that
kind of throws it on the seat. That dude wanted to rope the elephant,
and I was like, oh,yes, please, please, please,
please please please rope that bastard.And then he didn't, so I
was I was a little bummed bythat, but the story was rather amusing

to me. And you know,at that point, and you gotta find
something you can't just rope it anddrag it. This is the mistake that
people make if you're gonna rope somethingthat uh, you know, has the
potential to really really give you atug of war, like if I was
if I was gonna put a ropeon one of the BLM horses that we'd

buy. You know, these arewild mustangs. You you wanna, you
wanna throw that rope, get it, get it set, but also like
be near a fence post and thenquickly, you know, put it around
there or put it on your saddlehorn. But for an elephant, I
don't know that any of that matters. I don't know if any of that
matters. Buy it. We justwe'd rolle bison if they get out,

but they were they'd like walk withyou. They were pretty docile. So
elephant, that's probably you're gonna You'redefinitely gonna want your your odds stiff rope
there, so check that out.Also, if it was lucky, it's
not how it's spring hunting season actually, yeah, that goes through the end

of April. So I don't knowif elephants are one of the spring species
up in Montana. It's been awhile, all right, eight eight eight
nine three four seven eight seven fourall right, we got to get to
go to get to whatever Joe Bidenwas doing. Yes, oh, maybe
that's what Trump was with. MaybeJoe maybe Trump on his phone was watching

the video of Joe Biden's screaming andfarting on stage yesterday. Don't know,
but we'll share that with you andmuch more coming up. It is the
CaCO Day radio program. So here'swhat the airport looks like. And I'm
like, that's say a reservoir.And then all of a sudden, you
see like like walking through the water, like you know, you're you're way

steep down at down at Curry Beachor something, and it's like it's an
Emirates seven six seven. It's like, oh my gosh, what happened?
Dubai received over a year's worth ofrainfall in one day. Now. To
be fair, the average annual rainfallin Dubai is five inches, but in

five inches and actually rot you saidit's Russa was over six, so I
think it's over six now. It'scrazy. But what's even crazier is everybody
who decided that they were going torun with this story on their moonback Climate
change globe, global climate warming change, a crusade who didn't stop for a
moment to actually read anything about what'shappening over there. So I don't know,

you you've probably noticed that in theMiddle East, places like Dubai and
a handful of others, they havemore money than brains. And so that's
that's why you Yeah, hey,let's build islands that looks like the world
that will only be occupied about fivepercent. Hey, let's build what do
they let's build? What was thecrazy, the crazy, crazy thing they

were building. I want to say, was the whole racetrack thing. And
then and then there's the whole fifteenminute uh fifteen minute city And I watched
a YouTube video with like the ohand you know that sphere in Las Vegas,
that giant monstrosity which I saw this, I thought this was amusing.

As part of the stuff that itrolls on throughout the day, it also
has climate change awareness messaging on abuilding that's entirely electric. I don't mean
it runs on I mean the wholedamn thing is one big electric screen and

you're you that's the size of youknow, city hall, and and that's
how you're scolding people. It's sodumb. But not to be outmatched,
Dubai wants to build one that's muchbigger. But one of the other things
that they do is they cloud seedand they're not very good. I mean
they're good at it, but they'renot very good at it in the sense

that Dubai has been doing this rampantlyand they're they're not really able to get
the results as accurate as they wantas they want, And Dubai readily admitted
that cloud seeding, uh the utilizationof chemicals to sprayd into clouds great rain
likely likely was the contributing factor tothe the that chunk of rainfall, which

is crazy that they'd even admit it, but so look at the videos.
Bonkers. But as soon as yousee Al gorestic his face in there,
understand the context. Also, maybemaybe we should cloud seed if we can't
figure out whether it's gonna give usa nice mist or devastate our infrastructure.

At that point, you stop sprayingcrap into clouds right after, like all
your cars flow, all your bugattisfloated away. Yeah, you know we're
supercars per capita. How well youthink that doesn't six inches of rain?
Yes? What were you? Theyjust haven't done it right yet. They
just gotta keep going for it.Real cloud seeding hasn't happened yet. You

think that's the case, Yes,keep doing it. You're the cloud seed
guy, right, try to befeeling great, like I did a great
job. Do you You don't thinkhe got some into the palace. How's
that going? Well? No,I think he got some into the palace.
But yeah, yeah, did wesee him leaving? But I mean
he's gonna be like, yeah,he's like, did you guys ask for

me to make your rain? Theymade it rain. Yeah, but then
all their you know, their orderboats floated away or god knows whatever they
have over there, right, likeit devastated. Then it devastated all of
these the trillion dollars worth of stuff. Like we didn't even know the damage
there because they don't look they don't. It's like when it rains, and

you ever been in Texas when youget a heavy rain, or anywhere in
the kind of in the south southwesternUnited States, because when you drive around
during the day and there's no rain, you're just kind of staring left,
staring right, looking at stuff andand you see that, you know,
you see what you think, areoh, look at that old river that
dried up. But the reality isthose are channels for moving water on the
off chance it appears, and whenit appears because it's so the ground just

doesn't soak it up, so itgets channeled and you in a minute,
in a minute, you can havethis dry creek bed that is a absolutely
pounding river. And that's not tosay that we don't get that here in
North Carolina Cape Fear River during thehurricane a few years ago south of Fayetteville,
there was bonkers. But like,even just medium rain and in very

dry areas can create some very dangerousflooding situations. People get killed out in
Utah, Waomi, Montana, placeslike that where you have some of the
drier canyons and they're hiking up them, and like people die every year because
all of a sudden it's raining inthe distance and their brain doesn't go,
hm, well, I wonder ifthat mile it's dry here, that probably

won't affect me. Utah, there'sa couple famous canyons that the ones in
Zion that they literally will shut offif there's even rain in the forecast.
You can't go there because you walkup and it's just cliffs on both sides
and it's maybe the width of yourcar and it's beautiful, but minor rain

and a wall of water's coming atyou. So if you Dubai and you
don't have the infrastructure to move thatwater, why are you shoving crap into
clouds? That's my question. Buildsome build some drainage, and then you
know, do whatever you want.Man is crazy, God elephants running wild.

Dubai is literally trying to natural disasteritself out of existence. There's another
day here on the planet earth.Man. All right, Oh oh,
NBC had a big they got abig Twitter piece. I gotta tell you
about big Twitter piece. I gotto tell you about, which we'll get

to. But first this one personin custody, the other in the hospital
after a stabbing at the walmart onNewbern. This is around three point fifteen
in the afternoon. The investigation slowtraffic nearby, closed off the parking lot
of the store. So it happened, it looks like it happened in the
park line. There's not a tonof information here. I guess on the

I guess the one upside is atleast then you didn't have to go in.
I'm just I'm just trying to findanything positive in this. It's it's
not a good you know, it'snot a happy story. It is a
national crawfish Day and cheese ball day. You put cheese with shellfish? Who

coordinates this stuff? Sorry, justhappy to be glancing at my little email
I get every morning with birthdays andfun events in this day and the history
that kind of stuff. By theway, if you if you do want
to from a historical perspective, jumpin the not so wayback machine. It
was this week in twenty twenty whentwenty two million Americans had it had been

one month since, you know,fifteen days to slow the spread, and
we got into it. And inthis the one month anniversary listed twenty two
million Americans who had lost their jobsover the course of four weeks. And
I don't and I don't mean andthat is not people who were paused.

That number is people who lost theiremployment as part of the reporting the businesses
were doing. So there you go. Also just to just so you know
that this day historically sucks, althoughnot as much as the thing that's happening
in three days. I know,stoners get all excited, but also like

April twentieth is got some unfortunate historicalthings, not the least of which is
the whole Hitler birthday thing. Butlet's see here, sir on, sir
on kill Bobby Kennedy. He's convictedof killing Kennedy. Oh oh, absolute

vodka. That's probably helped a fewof you along. Sorry, oh yeah,
and then Ben Franklin passed away.Sorry. I don't normally read these
unless there's something really interesting in there. But what was more interesting was watching
Joe Biden take the stage yesterday.I know there's video floating around with like,

is he farting? What I say, I'm whatever, that's all I
want to know what the hell isany But now I guess maybe it doesn't
matter. Is anybody ever gonna callhim on the That Atlantic article just to
show you the value that a biasmedia can provide when they're kind of working

hand in hand with one of thepolitical party. That story from the Atlantic,
where that was poorly sourced and hadopposition from every single individual. Now,
granted, there were individuals that largelyworked in the administration, had worked

in it, or were friends withpeople within the administration, and that's fine,
you can take that into account.But that Atlantic article asserting that Donald
Trump referred to people who signed upfor the military as losers, right suckers
and losers and then when people pushedback on that, and literally everyone who
was in the vicinity at the timeit was reportedly uttered said no, including

not just the people you know thathad fealty to Trump, but also people
who were military people not under Trumpnecessarily. We're talking about retired guys who
I feel like, if you servedin combat for this country and the commander

in chief said that it said inyour earshot that your service was the result
of you being a sucker and loser, I don't care how much you like
the guy walking into the room.I feel like you may take offense at
that and wouldn't be so quick todismiss it again, even if you like

the guy walking into that room.If they said that you're a sucker and
a loser and you're sitting there,you know, in proximity to a battlefield
where a bunch of people that youknew never made it off the beach and
they and that level of disrespect andinsult was uttered, Give me a break.

And then there's the part where hedidn't go to the and then he
didn't go to the thing, theevent over at the cemetery. If anybody's
if you guys have ever been overto France, there's about twenty. I
mean there's the main deal, butthere's like twenty different things over memorials,
exhibits, you know. Different countrieshave their own little setup, a reminder
that it wasn't just US troops andBritish troops, Canadian troops. They have

a thing over there in Normandy.I mean, it's it's it's cool if
you're into history. It's it's emotionalstanding. I'm telling you what standing standing
in the two positions. Standing onthe hill, there's a little hillside thing
you can walk down where they havethe pill boxes there, you know,
where the Germans were strafing our dudes, and you can't understand how horrible the

least worst option was, which wasthe taking of these beaches with the fake
out over Calais. It's the leastworst option. And when you're looking down
from that position, that the thatthe German soldiers had onto that beach,
I don't know how anyone made itup. It's crazy. And then you

can go down they still have someof the metal you know, like the
big metal X looking things literally downin the water, and you can then
go down there and stare up atthat raised cliff and you know there's only
one or two ways that you probablyfeasibly could start moving up there, so
you know that those are gonna beheavily targeted. And I can't imagine being

an eighteen year old, nineteen yearold kid on a boat flying for the
shore knowing that at the moment youget there, that door's coming down and
you need to hustle because they're goingto start shooting into it. And meanwhile,
even before you get there, peoplearound you are getting killed because of

that elevated position. They're able toshoot down into the landing craft where rounds
are coming in. They're ricocheting,people are losing their crap. People are
jumping out of the boat early onlyto find themselves drowning under the weight of
their own equipment because they didn't getinto shallow enough water. And that's what
you have to take. It's it. It will I don't say it will

change your mind. It will giveyou a profound new outlook on the sheer
insanity, but the necessary insanity thatwas the D Day invasion. Okay,
let me say that. That beingsaid, Donald Trump not going to one
of those things because there was acrap ton of rain and he was doing

three other things that day. That'sthe narrative there, and yet Joe Biden
runs around like a lunatic, screamingthis easily debunkable thing. And yet if
the media will never call you onit, it turns into the good people
on both sides hoax. And that'sjust forever in there. It's just part
of the lexicon. And then whenyou realize that the good people on both

sides, this garbage and others arebasically official history, now you start to
question everything you learn in history class. Here he is screaming for so well,
Joe Biden version is screaming for somereason that I don't understand. One

that offends me the most is whyhe refused as present to visit the American
Cemetery outside of Paris. Again,that's the incident I was just referring to.
If you look up the record,he had three different things that he
was doing, and they had therewas bad weather at that event. There

was one other reason too. Ithink they moved one other thing there.
But you know the reality where he'slike, I'm not going to go stare
at their graves. If that neverhappened, that's not even purported to have
happened. But even in the reportingthey explained that at least the reasoning the
White House gave. But anyway,so he's greatly offended by this. Do

tell sir, go right ahead.When he was president, why he said
that those soldiers who gave their lieswere quote because his quote suckers and losers,
suckers and losers, he said it. Who the hell does he think
he is? Who does he thinkhe's These are a hero he sold You're

a hero? All right, letme ask you a question. And by
the way, that's not even howin the story they said. The context
that he was using, he wastalking about military service in general, is
what they accused him of. Soit wasn't it wasn't just the dead soldiers

at the cemetery, though that wasdefinitely part of the you know how the
narrative tended to roll out. Butlet me ask you a question. Joe
Biden. Joe Biden obviously Captain Americasix tours in. I can't remember the
whole story here. You know,he's obviously playing to the audience there,

he's throwing this thing out. Peopleare clapping like seals, although not as
many as I thought, so maybejust maybe they they they aren't one hundred
percent buying it either, But theaudacity of the individual who is standing on
stage, who we now know,we now know this was confirmed. Are

you ready the identity of the suicidebomber who killed the US service members in
Afghanistan during that the withdrawal, whichobviously was just a giant dumpster fire.
The Department been of Defense this weekhas identified the suicide bombing terrorist as Abdul

Rahman al Lagari. Aligari detonated abomb outside of Hamid Karzai International Airport.
Thirteen service members were killed. Obviouslyyou're familiar with that. Which you may
not have been familiar with, though, is how he was able to be

there. Why, Because Abdul Ramanal Lagari had been identified as an ISIS
member going back to twenty sixteen.In fact, let's see here, Yeah,
twenty sixteen under a Sentcom program.I can't remember the name of it

is, but it doesn't matter.Anyway, they have, you know,
essentially, they have a database ofthese guys and then when they do something
and they and they round them up, they'll detain them. And in fact,
we had a detention center at BagramAir for the air base there,
you know, where we left allour stuff for him to use. But
a decision by the Biden administration,as the US personnel were evacuating the base

was made prior this should have beenthe last thing if you were gonna do
it, but prior to the youknow, the end of the withdrawal,
a decision was made to release theISIS prisoners by the White House. And
Lagari was one of those prisoners.And now he's so cheesed that he's been

you know, he was picked upand he's been stewing in this this military
detention center. He then decided,all right, this is about two weeks
later they released him, about twoweeks before the bombing. He said,
all right, I'm gonna be famous. I'm gonna martyr myself. And that's

what he did. So we releasedthe dude. Dude got a vest.
Dude went back and killed thirteen ofour soldiers. I didn't think the Afghan
withdraw could get worse. But that'sthe guy on stage. Using a anonymously
sourced article that the author even saidhe would do a follow up article because

he didn't like people questioning it,and he would, you know, reveal
more and then he just never did, just to show you the level of
honesty you're dealing with there to nowfind out that not only had you botch
the withdraw turnover all of this equipmentand we lost thirteen service members, now

we find out because you let anIsis dude out of prison early too for
whatever reason, that this guy inunder two weeks time is the one who
killed those soldiers. So yeah,I don't feel like you have the moral
high ground here. Just an observationseven twenty one hang on. Coming up

in thirty minutes, Lieutenant Governor MarkRobinson will join us, and we're gonna
get into this suspended team story inDavidson County. Kind of wanted to pair
it because lord knows, that's whatwe're gonna talk about with him to kick
things off. So details on thatin just a moment. A few other
things. This this ac LU story, Uh, this is the New York

Times. I went back and lookedat the original because now we have a
few more details. So the ACLUthey had and they fired an employee and
I'll tell you why they fired herbecause it's nuts, And even the New

York Times is like, I don'tknow about this, but hey, this
is what you get when you decideequality and equity mean the same thing and
you let the dei insanity infest everything. So the employee in question referred to
in the article as missus Oh ohh and that is because she is Korean

or of Korean heritage, I shouldsay. And so she worked for the
ac OU. However, she shewas slapped with accusations of serious mccond misconduct
and eventually fast tracked out of there. So what happened? According to the

article here, Miss Oh alleged thatthere that some of her bosses were creating
an abusive work environment. So shedid, you know, Rather than I
guess screaming out with her bosses,she went to HR and said, hey,

I'm trying to do my job,but I got a couple superiors here
that make it very hard to doit, and I think that they're also
not acting in a legal manner,so please take my complaints. They took
her complaint, and very quickly thetables turned. Let me read from the
article, Miss oh following the complaintwas the one slapped with an accusation of

serious misconduct. The ACLU said hercomplaints about several superiors, all of whom
were black, used racist stereotypes,and then they fired her. Now they
fired her way back in May oftwenty twenty two. But now is when
we're going to court for this.So this is where it gets interesting.

The ACL you acknowledged that miss O, who is again Korean American, never
used any kind of racial slur.Oh wait, wait, you just asserted
that she used racist stereotype. SoI'm confused. ACL you went on to
say that her use of certain phrasesand words demonstrated a pattern of wilful anti

black animis. Okay, uh ross, I'm gonna read that you haven't seen
the story. You tell me ifyou feel like you're at a clan meeting
when I tell you what it is, she said. Okay, so let's
see here. We'll see if thiswarms the racist cackles of your heart or
not. According to court documents,in one instance, she told a black

superior that she was afraid to talkwith him m hm. In another,
she told a manager that their conversationwas quote chastising, and this one right,
this one right here. If theother two didn't convince you, this

one will you ready? It wasalso noted that in one instance, she
used a satirical phrase likening her boss'sbehavior to suffering beatings. And this is
the dishonesty of the New York Times. So when you write that I know

exactly what she said. Do youknow what she said? I know exactly
what she said. It's one ofthe lamest, oldest, meaniest jokes in
the world of employment. And youknow, employees venting their frustrations. But
the way that they worded it,likening her boss's behavior to suffering beatings.

I think the phrase she used,and I'm not one hundred percent, but
I think I'm right, is thebeatings will continue until morale improves. How
many times have you seen that it'sa it's a it's a joke, motivational
poster, it's something that people putin front of the copy. Hell,

you, somebody's probably posted somewhere.You work, you work in an office
building, somebody's got that damn thingsomewhere. But these were considered a super
racist and they let her go.Her lawyer or the lawyer for the aclu

Ken Mark Goolis, said during theproceeding that it was quote irrelevant whether miss
O bore no racist, ill willAll that mattered was that her black colleagues
were offended. That's not a legalstandard. Quote. We're not here to
prove anything other than the impact ofher actions being very real and that she

caused harm. Just crazy And eventhe New York Times doesn't sound convinced,
which then you know it's bad.All right, let me have a call
here, Jamal, what's up?That's why they'd be crap. Black lives
not a crime? Got to go. But you know what case called?
Hold on? Hold on, i'nlet you get to it, dude.

Why don't you embrace this man?You let you know the level of people
that you're able to exert. Whenyou can just walk around and just point
at somebody and go, I don'tlike that and then they're gone, that's
colligili. But Casey, I'm aI'm a I'm a white supremacist. Casey,
I will never like that. Rememberremember when they called in they take
me? You allow that black whiteand premises Jamal to come me, so

of course I will be against Saniti. Go ahead, mister Bigsby, what
did you call him? You knowwhat, Casey? And I'm pretty sure
you're gonna say this is you knowthe tics attack. But you know what,
you just had a woman sentenced toten months in prison for Joe Biden's
daughter's diary for she said Joe Bidenmolested her. President Trump needs to start

saying that right now. Joe Biden'sdaughter wrote that he took naked Let me
say this, Jamal. I wantto see I want to see the news
agency, which I am absolutely positivehad to have. The first thing I
would do is take pictures of everypage of that, knowing that you might

not be able to retain it.You know, the assertion is that those
pages are doctored. I don't knowthat I buy that assertion because it's handwriting,
but I would feel a lot morecomfortable on that allegation because I think
it's a really important, creepy thingif we could physically see those pages.
Do you know what I'm saying?So I just want to put that caveat

in there. But I the factthat it's in handwriting and it appears to
match her others. I don't know, and I don't think people are being
one hundred percent honest, But you'reright. This woman was sentenced to ten
months for acquiring a diary that wasleft so anyway, I'm sorry. Finished,
And also Casey, they have herrecording and hey, I want my

diary back. You didn't know shecalled that. He called the person who
had the dietary. She called himand they recorded her. Okay, well
I don't I'm not following. What'sthe daddy loved you? No? No,
actually Biden called who had trying tofigure out the point that you're making

though, are you? Oh?I'm trying to make the point is Democrats
can sit here and Joe Bidy canget on and start saying these things.
This was outright lives that President Trumpsaid that about our men and women in
World War One, then President Trumpand Republicans in the House and sending me
to play just as dirty and sithere and say, well, mister President,

I then you molested your daughter andgo on and put it out there
because that's her words. My dadtook naked shawls with me that were inappropriate.
I remember being arrested. This isour words. If Ivanka Trump would
have woke something like this, youknow, they would be all over the
news. They would have been pushingin their pushing that pushon. But once

again, when Republicans have dirt justas powerful. The first thing we want
to do, we want that PSIintagrity of the rank democrat level true if
it's not true, like you haveto think this out. Like again,
I don't know that those pages areverified. I haven't seen anything where where

I have comfortable saying that I believethey're one hundred percent true the same you
know, and so like I,you know, why would you? Why
would you when this is a thinkingexercise, just like I thought through that.
Joe Biden like a member of themilitary standing there hearing that and putting
up with it. That's why itdoesn't hold water for me. You want

Republicans before verifying it, to makeit a campaign issue. That's some dangerous
dice there. Man. Well,here's the thing. Always say. If
you got one side putting the flamethrowerto the house, and then the other
side keep trying to put a houseand the house is still collapsing, when
the other side see you got aflamethrower, then they said, hey,
don't you burn that side house.No, they want mutual share it destruction.

That's why nobody fined nuclear missiles becauseof neutral shared destruction. And also
the pages have been verified. Thoseclippings and stuff like that because my little
last year and talked about it.And I'm not going to get into a
date over this for weather already.But I'm telling you satisfaction. I just

okay, does every no no,when you say that, I got it,
Jamal, I got to go tobreak so I'm sorry about that.
But how can everyone has a flamethrowSorry? Actually I hung up on just
a little early ross. Why doeseveryone have a flamethrower but us? Have
you ever wonted I have one?No? No, no, no,
dude, I'm trying to remember whathappened when I said the sword thing.

Oh, man, I wish Ihad a flamethrower. Man, yeah,
yeah, I wouldn't that be coolif we had flamethrowers. I mean we'll
need to right, you know,it's better than a flamethrower to do tell
two gold plated flamethrowers. Well,how about three raced agic weather channel?
You want a gold plated flamethrower,sir, sure, backyard barbecues'll make it

all real quick. Mm hmmo.Thumps and tailgate and yeah, opposing teams
tailgate that runs the bathroom they comeback and other stuff's on fire. I
mean a lot of uses. Soyeah, I could find good use for
that. I absolutely all right,So we'll see if that works. So,
speaking of works, the doppler's working, but it ain't shown much.

Hu, Yeah, not much.Tryad A few showers rolling east. Really
you're getting ready to come to Greensboro. They just passed Hickory. A lot
of this, maybe virga which isprecipt. That's not reaching the ground,
but I think some of it is. But we don't even make a puddle.
You go a couple of time andthe wipers. You're probably out of
it as those showers pass through westeast here this morning. By midday we're

out of the threat. Still warm, we were all above eighty yesterday,
probably low eighties again today and earlytoday. A chance of another round of
showers, maybe a thundershower, smallchance again, we'll still stay mild,
in the little mid sixties. Let'sput that in perspective. The normal high
this time of year is in thelow seventies, so we're well above normal.
Omnio overnight lows, sunny, beautifulday coming up tomorrow with the light

west breeze, middle eighties, maybesome upper eighties around and then another front
will come in as we go throughFriday in the afternoon some showers thunderstorms with
that front at ahead of it.We're still in the low to mid eighties.
We will cool off slowly over theweekend. Saturday looks beautiful, plenty
of sunshine, mid upper seventies withfifties at night, and a chance of
little rain Sunday afternoon with temperatures inthe mid to upper sixties. So we

won't cool down with a little wetweather coming in by the end of the
weekend. But other than that,I think our best chances of any appreciable
rainfall tomorrow afternoon and then maybe againon Sunday afternoon. I'm calling idiot's shut
off the heater for the year timejob. I already did the airs on
here. The sleeping is the thingfor me. It's got to be an

ice box when I sleep. Soall right, man, hey, do
me a favor if you guys canfix it? Why is it you guys?
When you when you get it,you make it rain that you can't?
You can't? Could you finally makeit rain where it matches up with
one of the intermittent settings of mywipers, right because it's always the goldilocks

thing, right, because whatever levelit's raining, there's always one that's too
much and one that's too little.And I don't understand why you guys do
that. So you got a timeto delay, so you put it on
and then right, so dumb,all right? Anyway, all right,
let's get back to trying to drownand we'll talk on the next one.
Okay, Yeah, that story iscrazy. All right, coming up,

we'll have a lieutenant governor on aruling here god, a ruling in Canadia
over government funded I don't want tocall it sex reassignment surgery because it kind
of is, but it kind ofisn't. This story is crazy. Just

wait for it coming up. Idon't try. I don't. I don't
get into conversations about the various politicalads unless prompted to do so, so
normally I leave it alone. Butso Ross has been receiving a few calls.
Explain, Explain to me what thecalls are. Yeah, so we've
had tons of calls in the pastweek of people confused when it comes to

the race between Kelly Daughtry and Breadnought. I called it. This is the
just for everyone's this is a runoffRepublican race for the thirteenth Congressional district.
And yes, all right, sothose two made the cut, so to
speak. So it's between them tosee who will probably be the next member
of Congress because it's a heavy Rdistrict. So anyway, what's the question,

Well, the question is which oneis the Trump candidate, because they
are both claiming to be the Trumpcandidate. They're both claiming to be the
anti Biden, antiliberal and the KellyDoughtry's commercials originally were like, hey,
I am the big Trump supporter.You know, I'm America first, I'm
Maga and you know, bread notand I'm nothing. It's bread not But
when I first heard the commercials,I swear they were saying bread notot so

I call him bread notot Bread.Now you know bread Nott is, you
know, worked for Biden, he'sa liberal, didn't even vote for Trump.
But then Trump came out and hewas like, hey, I'm endorsing
bread notot So. Now breadnought issaying, hey, Kelly dodtry, Kelly
Daughtry's the Biden and the liberal.And people are confused. They have no
idea who the Trump candidate is inthat race. You know, well,

I guess better bread Nott than balloonnut. Actually, no, that I
think about it. But yeah,so that's Look, here's the deal.
So what did Trump actually endorse.I want to say it was about two
weeks ago. Yeah, here wego, April eighth, No, I'm
sorry, April fifth is when theendorsement came down. So yeah, about

two weeks ago. So the commercialsand I don't know if they're running in
on ninety four five, they mayjust be on one o six. But
basically the commercial rouse is referring to, you know, pretty standard I'm the
most conservative. The other person's arhino. However, things got a little
weird because there was some claims beingmade in the commercial. And by the

way, I don't know that thoseare candidates ads or if they're group ads.
I probably should have checked that.But in the claim they the knock
on Brad not was he was aBiden prosecutor. Well, he's a former
prosecutor, did work in the DOJand worked in that capacity at the time

that Biden was president, but alsowhen other people were president. And here's
the thing. I understand the naturalreflex on people work within governmental agencies because
of the swamp stuff. But alsoif if we have such concerns about the
DOJ, but any Republican or Republicanpurporting to be Republican person works there is

then immediately dismissed. That's probably notgood. But then, in what is
kind of unusual, Trump just cameout with that endorsement at a speech earlier
this month, Carolina Journal wrote thisstory and to get picked up nationally.

And in the story, it talksabout a student in Davidson County. He's
in class. He's sixteen, soI guess what is that se as junior,
sophomore. I don't know. Ican't tell how old kids are anymore.
He's in there and it's an assignmentwhere they're supposed to use vocabulary words,

which, frankly, one of thewords is alien. And I'm kind
of like, why are sixteen yearolds being assigned vocabulary assignments for two soyllables
words? So that's my first question, but whatever, And at which point
the teacher said the word alien,and the student responded, do you mean
like space alien or do you meanlike illegal alien? And by the way,

he said illegal alien, not possessingpapers or something, and that's important
because he and his family have literallylived overseas, so they've had to maintain
visas. But some say he wasasking it to be a smart ass,
and maybe I don't know. Iwas sixteen. I get a little little

cutesy with the teacher. But thereality is when he said it not directed
at anybody except to ask the teacherfor which alien did you mean? It
was enough to receive a three daysuspension and a mark on this young man's
record that he was suspended for beingracist, and that can't serve you well,

especially trying to get into a university. All right, So that is
the story. Let's welcome in theLieutenant Governor Mark Robinson, who joins us
this morning, also gubernatorial candidate.What the hell is going on in Lexington?
How are you doing, Mark?I'm doing just sign casey. I'm
not wholly familiar with that story.I have heard it, I have not

looked into the details of the stories, but it doesn't shock me. It
doesn't shock me at all that somethinglike this would happen. I think it's
it's just a symptom of a sicknessthat seems to be permeated in our society
where these words that they are absolutelynon offensive. The word illegal alien is

non offensive. It fits the descriptionof all types of people around the world
who may be in country and whomay not have taken the appropriate steps to
be in that country legally or maintainedthe status their status legally, And now
all the sudden it's so offensive thatwe can't use the term anymore. Well,
let me be the first one tosay, there are many people who

are in this country right now illegallythat we need to be examining, because
that that entire uh uh, thisentire debacle that we have going on our
border is literally put in our nationin peril. Just the one small example
of the individual that was captured inGates County was on the terraft, was
on the terrorists watched with you.Multiply that by hundreds of thousands possibly across

this nation, of people who arehere for nefarious purposes, who came here
illegally and are now here and maypost danger to this country. Yes,
it's just the symptom of a sicknessact. Like I said, it's called
the big problems in this country.Did you see did you see the the
video yesterday of all of the UH. Now they look to be primarily immigrants
from Africa who had also crossed throughthe southern border. They all happened to

look like military age males too,which is weird. Uh. They basically
had City Hall up in New Yorksurrounded yesterday demanding stuff. Right. And
it's there's between those stories and theVenezuelan dude who was complaining because they were
he was at a shelter and helike he didn't like that people would come

in and make sure he wasn't breakingthe rules. Uh, it's it's it's
just wild the stuff you see upthere. But sometimes we forget that here
in North Carolina, we're struggling witha lot of this, uh, because
you know people, people are comingfrom all over. Do we have a
number that you're that you know of? Because I remember under McCrory, like
the Obama administration wouldn't tell him whenthey bust people here. Do we know?

Do we have an estimate in NorthCarolina about how many people have been
transferred from the border. Yeah,I've heard numbers, but I won't quote
any of them. We don't know. I don't believe I don't believe that
we know you know, my myopponent in the googenlatorial rights shows, Stein
said he doesn't believe there are siteswhere cities here in North Carolina. And
I just can't understand why the worldhe would say that when we have some

of our sheriffs right here in thisstate, and our biggest county is our
largest, most populous counties, whorefuse to cooperate with Ice. They refuse
to cooperate with the federal governors.They try to carry out their mission to
try to keep the American popular safefrom potential from folks who have comeing across
our borders who are potentially dangerous.They refuse to cooperate with those folks.

So how can you say that wedon't have sanctuary cities right in Greensboro,
my hometown. We have a placein Greensboro where folks are be in housed
and from one I understand, theywon't even allow our federal delegation inside of
this place. What's going on isabsolutely insane. And I'm telling you we
need somebody at the helm here inNorth Carolina who's gonna make sure we change

course. And we're not talking aboutlegal immigration. We want folks to come
to America. We want folks tocome in be Americans. We wanted to
find uh to be able to getthat dream of a better life. But
we need to make sure that borderis secure so we are not all out
and dangerous people to cass our borders. We have enemies all across the globe

right now, Casey, who arechomping at the bit to bring this nation
down, and we have a wideopen border. Think about that, Think
about the potential, Think about thinkabout all those weapons that were left in
afghanst down by the bid administration.Think about the wide open border now that
is there's wide open because of theBiden administration, and think about what a

disaster that could be. Well anythose those are going to be the higher
profile things, Mark, and Iagree with you, but I don't want
people to lose sight of because it'snot just folks coming here to commit a
terrorist act that I worry about.It's also folks coming here who have really
no intention to bootstrap it on theirown and uh and it may even be

here for other I guess, lessvisible criminal purposes. Those you just want
to make sure that those are thepeople not coming in. And you know,
frankly, we just we don't reallyhave a filter on that stuff.
And the behavior of the gangs thatare running roughshot over Midtown up in New
York should be a pretty good indicatorto people that not everyone is coming here
with the purest of intentions. That'sthat's you're exactly right, Casey. Again,

it goes back to my statement aboutthe young man in the school being
suspended because he used the praise.It is a symptom of a sickness that
is causing big problems, not justin this state, but across this nation.
We've gotten it all the way downto the granular level. Now you
can't even use the phrase illegal aliens. Not only can we not stop him

at the border now, not onlycan we not demand that they that they
identify themselves when they get here.They are now demanding things that they things
that they have not earned, andyou can't even call them what they are.
Well, and then't know if yousaw the up Yeah, I'm sorry,
did you see the update yesterday?Mark? I wanted to say this

in a question I forgot. Sonow they find out that the reason the
accused killer down in Georgia was releasedfrom the tenth to you know, the
holding center there on the Texas border. Was not for the legally prescribed reason
of him meeting certain criteria and requiringa follow up trial, which is what
they use, but rather for overcrowding. They really and that's not a legally

justifiable reason to turn somebody into theinterior of the US. It was,
you know, it's as simple aspeople weren't doing the paperwork, except now
it's it's going to be magnified becauseof the horrific nature of what he is
accused of. So even the stopgaps they claim are they're they're they're clearly
not following them, they're not.And it all goes back to the head.

It all goes back to the leader, and who is the leader.
The leader is Joe Biden. Itgoes back to the fact that Joe Biden
came here to North Carolina and talkedabout health care. Casey, he talked
about health care. The Northern Republicanled North Carolina legenclag sure pass medicating spanking
in this state to give I thinksix hundred thousand more people health care in

this state. Now, some folkslike that and some folks don't. But
the North Carolina legislature is already tacklingthe issue of health care right here in
this state. We don't need JoeBiden to come here and tell us how
to operate and how to deliver healthcare to our folks. What we need
Joe Biden to do is have hiseye on the ball down on the border,
and he clearly does not. Andjust like the fact that you just

mentioned that you will allow someone thatdangerous to slip through the cracks, it's
all because the leadership is not leadingcorrectly. They're not sitting down the edge
to the people underneath them to strictlyenforce the laws that are on the books
and make sure that the people ofthis country is safe. And again all
goes back to the leadership. Well, frankly, every time he comes here,

I don't even know what the hellhe's talking about. So I tell
myself he's coming for the cookout,which I can respect. I'm pretty sure
that's what it is. Yeah,No, I all love for a cook
out there, So I understand it. You said on the State Board of
Education, Mark, just to clarifyfor folks, they don't know that as
part of the lieutenant governor's job,what are the chances you're willing to get

into this with Lexington. What isthe process because this is beyond insane and
and this student will carry that mark, which again is a suspension and out
of school three day suspension that ispredicated on racism, right, And I
did see that Steve Jarvis is reallykind of spearheading this. Obviously, this

is his history, this is thisis this is one of those things right
now where especially as we're debating differentschooling options, that I think that Republicans
need to be very visible on thisis unacceptable and less there's some context which
I haven't seen, and I haven'tseen it in any stories, even the
stories from outlets that don't you know, would normally be negative. So I

know you're a busy guy. Youknow you're Lieutenant governing, You're trying to
do the full governing thing. ButI really feel like maybe you and Jarvis
and others need to stick your nosein this. Sure when I was made
aware of it, I decided thatthis morning that was going to be one
of the first things that I did. In some of the phone calls that
I made this morning, I wasgoing to try to get a deeper understanding

of action what happened and who wasspearheading trying to find out what happened,
and we will be doing that andif we find the story to be as
simple as it appears, and asyou said, no mitigating circumstances here,
no history from this student of everhaving been quote skirting the edges or pushing

the envelope and whatever you want tocall it. I do feel like we
definitely need to take action because it'stime to put our foot down. O
ca see, it's time to putour foot down. I mean, I'm
my kids way back when they werein high school, had to go to
high school with children young. I'mnot gonna say children, we're adults who
were there. We had ankle monitorsbecause they've been in charge with violent crimes.

So you have people with ankle monitorsall in the school who've be in
charge with violent crimes. But akid who says the illegal aliens gets three
days. Yeah, it's upside downand back was world cay See, and
we needed to get it right sideup again the school. Now, according
to the story, he didn't sayit directed at somebody like you could make
an argument if he was. Heturned around to a Hispanic kid in class
and was calling him illegal, ailingto be a jerk. Sure right,

I'm with you there, And accordingto the Assistant principled of following the incident,
a student who I guess had heardit complained about it, but again
it wasn't directed at him. Andthat has been the three day actions.
So I'm I'm going to be verycurious to talk to you in a couple
of weeks on this. For sure, Mark, you got it, because

I think this is Yes, thisis a big deal with Yeah, I'm
sorry, we're to fit get tothe bottom of it. Okay, cool,
cool? Let me quick two otherthings. One of the very first
things, and you just mentioned it, that is likely on the agenda for
the short session is the eight countiesmore populous counties where sheriffs ran and one

of the issues was not cooperating withice. They're going to take another run
at this. Previously to been vetoed, but now they have veto proof majority
that would require sheriffs in North Carolinato cooperate where with ICE under certain parameters.
Several of the sheriffs said they don'tcare. They they'll just not do
it. So how do you thinkthis thing plays out? I think I

think you should get passed. Whenthe bill was first written, I be
honest, I kind of walk themon a little. I thought it may
be starting on taking authority away fromsheriff. But you know, ultimately,
what I really thought about is justthe saddest thing about this bill is that
we have to write it fast.The saddest thing about this bill is that
it had to be crafted to tella law enforcement officer to do his durn

job and protect our citizens. Don'tshare need but take a look at the
landscape and understand the landscape they currentlystand on. They are standing on a
landscape that is ripe for terrorists actionin this country by nefarious people who may
be crossing our border illegally, andthey refuse to work with our government to

prevent that. If those terrorist actionshappen in those counties, they can count
that blood on their hands. AndI think the legislature needs to pass that
law and make sure those guys doit. And if they don't do it,
I believe they need to be inpeace and removed from office. It's
time for these folks that are inthese positions to uphold law in order to
do their job and stop being activists. You want to be an activist,
quit, get your Facebook page andget your sign and get on the street.

You want to be a lawman,do your darn job. Yeah,
you don't need a Facebook page.You can just glue piping too, your
arm in block traffic. Mark,it was all the way us over the
weekend. Lots of stuff you cando. And I just it's not like
a broken record. But I wouldremind that, in addition to being released
from the border for non legal purposes, also the individual accused of killing the

student in Georgia, he had beenincarcerated for a couple of days in New
York on a robbery charge and theywere trying to do an ice detainer in
New York wouldn't honor it, sothey let him out. So like we're
ticking all the boxes. Just craziness. Man, All right to me one
other thing for you, Mark,and that is diversity goals and the discussion.

According to w r ALS reporting thatthe UNC Board of Governors will consider
a policy that could mirror the squashingout of DEI policy. We've seen Florida
and Texas do it. I thinkFlorida or Texas just had seventy DEI employees
that are looking for work. Nowdo you think North Carolina is able to

get this done? And how doyou counter that republics are destroying our higher
ed I got about a minute,So it's all yours, sir. I'm
all in favor of getting rid ofgetting rid of this diversity, equity and
inclusion nonsense that's permeated our society,not just our education system. It's permeated
our government. It's permeated big business, It's permeated everything, and it's ruining

institutions across the state, across thisnation. We need to replace this DEI
diversity, equity and inclusion in thisstate. And we need to go back
to what makes things great, whichis the DEI version that I prefer,
which is discipline, excellence, andintelligence. That's what we're afflicasing and that's
what we need to instill. Allright, you and Josh figure out debate

stuff yet or is that still working. I'm open for a debate with y'all.
Steyin anytime. He wants to onthe right in the right format,
and we're I'm pretty sure that's goingto happen. I don't know. I
can't speak for him, but we'recertainly not going to shy away from that
opportunity. Cool, cool, allright, there you go, Lieutenant Governor
Mark Robinson, appreciate it this morning, sir. I'll let you get back
to it. Okay, thank you, all right, so there you go,

good, good, good. I'llbe very interested to hear how that
Davidson County discussion goes. Very interested. We'll be back hang on, Yeah,
I can't wait. I want tosee him with a bullhorn and a
video camera. We're in an illegalalien shirt walking around the high school there
and Davidson. Okay, not reallytoday's today's modern society would probably lose their

damn mind. But what's the nameof that high school? You know what?
And I forget it was Central DavidsonHigh School specifically, which is in
Lexington. I guess if you don'tknow, But yeah, that story is
crazy. And then I kind ofran out of time. I didn't even
get into the Winston Salem students slappingthe teacher multiple times, knocking her glasses

off, the craziness. And ata time when we're sitting here and you
know, a lot more people areengaged in this discussion about school choice,
probably not the right time for probablynot the right time for a bunch of
these crazy incidents to be in thenews cycle. But we'll see where this

goes. And again this is basedoff the reporting here from Carolina Journal.
So you know, I wasn't inthe room. You weren't in the room.
But from how the reporting looks whollywholly unacceptable. And you want more
crazy, let's head north of theborder for a moment. So in Canada,

if you want to go get yourself, you know, the the land
of free healthcare. I'm making airquotes you. If you want to get
yourself a sex change, that's thegovernment will do that for you. Okay.

Specifically, they outline a series ofsurgeries, and you know, the
surgeries have technical names, and ifyou are a male, a biological male
who wants to be a trans woman, the bottom surgeries known as a vagina
plasty. Okay. And so thisis why this turned into a legal thing.

So there's a biological male who wantsto transition but not all the way
to female because they're a little unsureat the moment, and they requested an
alternative, and because it doesn't meetthe legal requirement, this ended up in
the courts arguing whether this was theintent of the law or they would not

be okay, and what's so weirdabout it is and let me read it
Ontario resident who wants both a womanpart and a man part. So we
go sports car for the one.We'll call the other one the garage.
I guess okay, you're with me, all right, truck on he wants

they want both, we want amoorgas board in their pants. Well,
the court is ruled that, infact, the Province of Ontario must pay
for this unique surgery. And thereason it's unique, not to get too
graphic, is the way that theymake the woman part is by is in

part by decimating the male part.You know it normally goes. It's really
if you ever want to research it, you go right ahead, Okay.
So instead this is an alternative,it's two alternative surgeries. So that quote
the options could be left open andthose are not my words. The logic

of the court. The three memberpanel of Ontario's Divisional Court said that this
is a quote logical expansion of thebottom surgery options for people who I as
non binary, and in this case, because the individual doesn't know whether they
identify fully male, or fully femaleand once to protect options for the future.

It is a quote logical expansion ofaccess. Okay, well, then
what's next? What if I wanttwo sports cars? No three? No,
no, no, No, threeis greedy? Three's greedy. Two.
We'll do two, but we'll leavesome space open for you know,

future future buildouts. Or is theross is three greedy? Or should the
three sounds greedy? Doesn't it?Go in and get three of the I
don't want any of the other stuff. I'm fully comfortable with the dude thing.
I just want more options, likeyou know, like let's say you
ever zipped yourself in your fly?Guys, you ever done that? Right?

So like if now that's a problem, but boom back up here you
go. It's like a throwaway gun. But I think three or either I
feel like you got to go withtwo or you gotta go like pin Head
from hell Raiser, but around thewaist, like it always looks like you're
wearing a hoopskirt because and and forthose of you going, you're being a

jerk, and that's not what thisis. No, no, no,
no. You have to understand thatthe basis of the ruling was about the
feelings of the individual and quote thelogical expansion of access, because this would
this would befit people who are stillyet to make up their mind. So,

as a slippery slope guy, ifthis looks like a continued expansion of
access, then tell me why Ican't have to tell me why I can't
have that weird visual with the hellraiser pinhead dude, except not the head
around the waist right. The thirtythree year old was born male, but

identifies as female dominant and does useoccasionally a female name. However, over
the years has transmissioned back and forthto how they identify themselves, and then
they get into a bunch of liketechnical medical stuff. That story's wild,
man, absolutely crazy, all right. A forty two k CODA radio program.

Canada is just Canada is a crazyplace. Man. I used to
just think it was good for fishing, but now it's seemingly always in the
stack. Speaking of idiots in charge, California has partially now passed the Californiaournalism
Preservation Act, which ironically is meantto mirror the very same thing the Canada

passed. Now uh with the Assemblyvoted yes, and now the state Senate's
got to approve it. They're they're, they're, I think they have the
votes there. And the bill,this bill in question, would require large
online platforms to pay a journalism usagefee. So somebody comes out, somebody

goes on Facebook and says, hey, look at this article, and they
post a link to it. Thebill would require Facebook to pay the outlet
for utilizing the news there. AndI understand this has been a kind of
a gray area trying to uh,yeah, copyright law and republishing and stuff.

You know, most of those lawswere we're not around digital mediums.
And also we're not around specifically whereit wasn't the company doing the posting,
but rather individuals on their platforms.So I understand that you may want to
have that conversation that being said,that'd be in said, hold on,

you can't miss no, you knowwhat, I let me let me run
it by the team. Ross oneof our listeners, she wants three boobs,
like the total recall girl. Yeah, your well, you didn't even
think about it. You're just like, yes, how would you find a
bra for that man? That'd beamazing every Halloween for you though, right,

get a you know, I'll geta plunging neckline on that people are
like, wow, your costume isso real. You're like, yeah,
yeah, costume absolutely so more allright, so you got our approval,
go ahead? All right, SoMegan's off to get an extra one attached.
Anyway, back to back to this. So what did Google do?

So again, this thing hasn't passed, so Google, because again, how
politicians can't easily predict how people aregoing to react. Google has responded by
blocking links from California based news outletsfrom appearing in search results. How do

you think those journalism outlets are feeling? Yeah, yeah, they're all they're
super ticked off. And I gottatell you, this is one of those
watch you know, watch people eateat their own right. You got all
these not all of them, butthe vast majority of news outlets in California,
the big legacy ones, they're allin the bag for newsome, they're

always promoting all the Democrats stuff.So the fact that they've literally had this
thing backfire before it's even been signedin the law, and it's it's and
it's and it's going after the meagerrevenue that remains for some of these outlets
who have lost so much over somany years because Google's not going to pay
you for your Hey, here's abear in a you know, here's a

story we did about a bear thatwent into a campground and somebody wants to
repost it because they think it's cuteon social media. Google's not going to
pick up that bill, and theperson posting isn't going to pick up the
bill. So the net result isCalifornia news stations, newspapers, and others.
You're just not going to be inthe search results anymore. And that
means all of the revenue that wouldhave been derived from people clicking through on

Google sitting in North Carolina or Texasor whatever. I just want to see
what the story was. They're notgoing to see your stuff unless they actively
go to your website or they useanother browser. And I suspect the other
browsers are probably gonna follow suit.You played yourself, as they say,
good job, all right. Eightforty six Ray Stage. He's here in

the weather channel. Well what's up, dude, How you doing doing all
right? Doing all right? Gotthis a little batch of rain showers coming
through, which doesn't have me feelinggreat, but uh hey, still it's
a little area of rain might rainfor an hour or so. Yeah,
I saw that. That's bad.Speaking of playing yourself, stop seating clouds.
Okay, guess okay if you seeclouds and oh we want a little

rain, and now it's you know, it's noah, you need Noah there
the airport yeah crazy, I know, I know some crazy stuff there.
So yeah, you know, don'tmess with mother and nature. So let
it rain, right, and theserain showers will come through here this morning
and not yet into the Triangle,but almost Pittsburgh and up towards Rocksboro.
And I guess all the Burroughs Greensboroall seen a little bit of rain.

Not all we have we have well, yeah, just like all the vulls.
Right there's Greenville. You know there'sa lot of villas out there too.
But they're coming through and rains formaybe an hour or two once you
get it, and then it moveseast. But we'll get more, not
this afternoon, as we'll actually seethe clouds hang tough then and rebound hopefully
to the load mid eighties. Itmight stay a little cooler with this,
a little bit of a slower start, and then we'll get another little batch

of showers. Stutter showers in tonightagain a small chance. There's a small
window late tonight around midnight, andthen sunshine will be back tomorrow, and
then Friday we have more showers thanthutter showers. So over the next three
days, Tomorrow is really the bestone. Mid eighties. That chance for
showers and utter showers come in theafternoon Friday, so most of at least
sixty percent of it. Friday's actuallydry through about midday, early to mid

afternoon. That's when the showers thundershowersto come on. In the weekend looks
okay, especially Saturday, great midupper seventies and the better day of the
weekend with sunshine. We got havea little rain by Sunday afternoon and we're
cool off though, you know,the sixties. So I've got this little
airy rain pushing through right now.If you didn't get it yet, it's
on the way, especially around thetriangle. And then another batch coming in
tomorrow afternoon, another batch Sunday afternoon. Any of those times that I didn't

just mention should be mainly dry.Okay. I was just while you were
talking, I was thinking of allthe burrows, and I realized that I'm
like fifteen in and I'm yeah,that's just in this state, right,
yeah, No, Bladenborough might bemy favorite because there's a monster there.
But is there you go? Oakboroughtook at that one too, Which one

Oakburough? I got, Vansborough,Ellenborough, Dillsborough, Carborough, Ashborough,
Pittsburgh, Swansboro, Wilfsborough. Imentioned Dillsborough, Rocksboro, Wadesboro, blah
blah blah, and on baby's Oakborough'sBaborough. I forgot about the borough.
Yeah, all right, there yougo. We gotta I got something to
do today. Yeah, all right, thanks, appreciate it. And Jeff

Bellinger's next hang on, Oh,good morning, casey. Stock market future
is just modestly higher right now.The Dow futures are up thirty four points.
FED Chair Jerome Powell indicated once againthat high interest rates will likely be
around longer than previously expected because ofthe latest inflation readings. Home loan demand
increased last week even as mortgage interestrates rows. Mortgage bankers report total application

volume was up more than three percent. The average interest rate on the thirty
year fixed rate mortgage was up toseven point thirteen percent. Red Lobster needs
some financial breathing. Room, sourcestell Bloomberg the seafood restaurant chain is considering
filing for Chapter eleven bankruptcy so itcan restructure its debt. And Casey,
Amazon Prime is more popular than ever. Consumer Intelligence Research Partners reports Prime membership

increased eight percent in the last yearone hundred and eighty million American shoppers or
members as of last month. Thatmeans about three quarters of the nation's consumers
are Prime subscribers. Casey, andyou get free commercials now with your video
viewing, which is nice. Youdo? All right, thanks, Jeff,
appreciate it, Kate take all right, there you go, Jeff Bellingser,

Bloomberg News. Oh dude, Icannot wait to see how successful this
program is. The mayor of LosAngeles is calling on rich Los Angeles residents
to step up. Karen Bass,the former congresswoman in Lunatic by the Way,

is calling on the quote most fortunatecitizens of the city to partner create
a quote unprecedented partnership to help tacklethe crisis of homelessness as well as the
growing population of migrants who have madetheir way to California. And as as

such, she says, we haveforty thousand homeless people. We have a
crisis with new individuals arriving from theborder. It's now or never that we
step up an attention attempt to tackleit, and the way that she wants
it tackled. She's calling on themost accessful to quote fund housing for the

homeless they want. She's asking richCalifornians to buy houses for homeless people and
for migrants. Okay, look,if you if you got a bunch of
money and you want to go buya house and just be like, hey,
this is for you now. Idon't know if you maintain ownership or

what. There's probably some liability thereif you get some homeless people and they
go in and like somebody go d'son drugs because it's a lot Like I
don't know, but uh, I'mI want to know how many of these
rich Hollywood a holes are going tostart buying up houses for hoboes because I

feel like she's not going to hither goal.
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