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April 3, 2024 97 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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This. I can't I'm telling youman. And it's again it's not the
personal I just for whatever reason Inever got into the books or whatever.
But JK. Ralling is now oneof the most entertaining people, I swear,
and not because of the Harry PotterFor those of you who love it,
that's great. I just again,whatever I missed, I missed the

boat. But from like a mysteryand intrigue standpoint, nah, this is
fascinating, dude. What's going onhere? And if you don't know,
uh a U from a tactical standpointyesterday and by the way, I think
it's one hundred tactical right, becausesome people are like, you're giving her

too much credit. No, Idon't think so. I think that this
woman, I don't know if she'sif she's promised more Harry Potter stuff or
something else. Like, I don'tknow what she does with her day all
day. Not that she has toreally do anything, right, she could
she pretty much ride this one out. But I think I think she enjoys

going back and forth with the Britishgovernment over there. So for those of
you who don't know, yesterday,the UK's like, you know, we're
already crazy enough on this stuff,and we did put a dude in jail
over a pug. You know,we need we need a new law where

you know, if you say something, then you know, off to the
off to the tower with you,or wherever they put you here. Maybe
that's that cave with the rabbit.I don't I don't know. And it
went into effect yesterday. And sothe first thing she did was challenged this

bad boy, and it created ascenario. And what was interesting is I
was looking at analysis not just byI don't know, some Fox News pundit,
some Daily Wire writer, any ofthe rest, right, because I
know where that's gonna go. Butthe analysis that I most identified with was

analysis that was being done by somebodywho is obviously opposed to JK. Rowling's
line of thinking, although it doesn'tsound as militant as most of the crazies
out there, but rather somebody whojust realizes this is a dumb battle and
it's not going to go well forhis cause and the politicians who would,

I guess purportedly be on half onbehalf of his cause. So I did
retweet that with great interest yesterday.But the gist of it is the new
Hate Crime Act took place, tookeffect yesterday, and the law creates a
new crime for are you ready forthis stirring up hatred? Stirring up hatred?

All right? So are we nowin an era where we have we're
gonna get into a series of crimesover quote stirring up stuff? Because if
that's the case now granted this isin the UK, but you know,
this makes it over here? Howmany different versions of these stirring it up

crime crime? Which is sounds likea very clinical measurement tool. There By
the way, what is stirring up? It's really really kind of vague.
And that was to the advantage ofwhat was going on yesterday and how officials
chose to respond to this because they'rewards, what does stirn it up mean?

My buddy, his wife likes tostir up gossip? Should he expect
that he's going to be talking toher through glass and bars one day?
I don't. I don't know,because remember whenever you see this stuff,
but Canada, of the UK orothers, you have insufferable MSNBC hosts.

You know, oh this is sogreat, Look what they're doing over there,
and really, what what this takingeffect this week following the trans day
of his none of this is noneof this is not timed together. A

lot of times when people but saidso you understand why the law was put
into effect, the awe or respondedalmost immediately, and she made some posts
and based on the discussion of thelaw, people's understanding of it, even

if again stern up stirn up,that could be anything, you know,
some government Jack Boots says it is. Really she made a series of posts
and once again talked about standing upfor biological women's right in spaces and refusing
to refer to trans identifying men aswomen that easily should be in violation.

Based on the discussion of the lawand the vagary of the description of the
crime, and it forced it forcedone of two perceived outcomes or some some
middling ground, and apparently they're chosenoption three, because option number one was

go and arrest her, and shesaid, yeah, let's do this,
arrest me if you want. Andofficials had to make a decision, Okay,
do you arrest a person with Idon't know how much money she has,
but she's not kind of rich.Does she have a billion? I

know that they were, Yeah,I was gonna kind of lead it up
to like if we got the yodler, the yodler'd be moving the rest of
the show. Does she have it? They think she's got a billion dollars?
Okay, they don't think she knows. I mean they know she's the
most when it comes to authors thathave made the most money, she's like,
I think the second biggest in history. Okay. Well, and and

and that's here's why that's interesting too, because I remember seeing arts where they
were kind of giving her the Trumptreatment, like she's not really as rich
as she says, like she may, she only has like seven hundred millions.
I'm like, do you okay,all right, fine, do you
want that person to be who youmake an example of what the law first?

Right? The person that can actuallygo to court and defend themselves?
Right, Who might you know who'sgoing to have arguably a larger war chest?
Right? Because and and uh,it doesn't look like she's got a
lot to do. And that's nota knock on her. She's earned it.
Now she just sits back and collectsmoney. And so so she's got

all day she'd bored, So youprosecute her and likely because the British justice
justice system is still classist. Iknow you're shocked to learn that from a
nation who too has a ceremonial monarch, but also the House of Common,

the House of Lords. Right,it's still it's still ingreded in there.
So if you got a bunch ofmoney, chances are you could you could
render you could render useless this lawimmediately or toothless. And an option number
two is you don't do anything.And if you don't do anything, whoever

the next person is, or Iguess the first person who gets charged under
this law, they send these seriesof tweets out that she said and said,
you know, this was said byso and so on this day the
law taken effect, and this iswhat my client's being charged with. And

yet you're not doing anything, andand at that point you also potentially render
this law useless and worthless. Sohere's the well, let me do this.
So everyone was waiting to see,excuse me, if they were gonna
come up to Scotland, Right,she lives in Scotland and uh and uh

you know, uh do the purpwalk with her? Or if they were
just gonna ignore it, and uh, they have commented on it. I
will tell you what their decision is. I still think it pushes us in
this direction. And uh it's it'sdamn interesting to watch. Uh. Plus

we Gotta, we Gotta. Ican't remember if I told you the head
I know I didn't get to thestory yesterday. Just just wait for this
from Axios, uh you and andget ready maybe get a Hallmark card or
something, but get ready to hearthe behind the scenes of what Beyonce has
been up to. And maybe you'regoing to send it a little thank you

card. Okay, look, yoube the judge. We'll figure out all
of this coming up cac O Dayradio program. Oh man, all right,
so again this is Yeah, itfalls under across the pond news.
So generally my interest level is notexactly high unless it's just so really dumb.

But yeah, I was watching thisyesterday because I wanted to know.
I wanted to know where it's going. After the new UK Hate Crime Act,
which created a new series of crimesfor quote, stirring up hatred was

immediately tested and it was tested bysomebody who's has access to good lawyers,
one JK Rowling. Who is soyou Dick? To first. She's the
richest author. Yeah, she wasnumber two behind James Patterson, but she's
now number one with just over billion. And what I was interested in yesterday
when I first read about this wasI wonder if JK. Rowling makes more

money than like Scotland's GDP. Shedoes not. Their GDP is like two
hundred billion, and I was shocked. Oh yeah, I was shocked because
they got you know, uh uhhagis and like train spotting, DVDs kilts
that. No, they have abunch of pharmaceuticals out there. Edinburgh and

Scotland's interesting because it's it's it's inIreland's the same way where it's like,
oh, it's just you know,you're like, oh, it's eleventh century
feudal lord time, right all cobblestone, Yeah, right next to the astrozenica
plant, so especially around Cork.Cork's got to town. She lives in
Edinburgh, right, that's and andlike she's from Scotland. So that's why

Hogwarts is in Scotland. So that'swhere you go to walk into the brick
wall thing, right, that's that'sin London. That takes that goes from
London to Scotland. Yeah, becauseHarry Potter is from London. Well don't
they have well where does the traincome out at the other end? Don't
they have somewhere in the Scottish Highlands? Right? So don't you also then

have to walk through things to thenget back on the train. Well,
I thought you were specifically talking aboutthe one that Harry gets on. I'm
sure that I just drunks the sameway, you know, like if I
go to a different if I goto different subway stations in New York,
they look pretty much the same,right turnstiles trains violent homeless people that if

you touch them you get arrested,even if they're threatening to murder everybody that
right now, I mean, thisis this is the King's crossing there.
So I mean take what you're imaginingand just have like, you know,
T twenty or thirty overweight. Bobby'sgoing, ohait, like that's what.
No, no, no, that'snormal. It's about slid Man. Yeah
no, no, no, that'sthat's pretty much how it is. Okay,

all right, So yeah, she'sgot a billion some dollars. So
the question was do they want tohave this fight with her? After she
put out a series of tweets thatwere unambiguously according to the folks who literally
crafted the law and were arguing forit, it is unambiguous that her tweets,

and specifically the refusal to refer toa trans identifying man as a woman
and to speak against the inclusion ofbiological men who identify as women being in
biological women's spaces, those were twovery distinct violations based on the the words

of the lawmakers who wanted this.So she tweets it, and now they
gotta they gotta either fight with abillionaire author or not enforce it and have
whoever they do choose to enforce itwho doesn't have a billion dollars to essentially
have already made defense. So whatwas the response going to be, Well,

they're good with it. I thinkthis. I think they think this
is a middle ground. But inreality, I think this feeds into box
number two. So yeah, officials, let's see here. Officials have decided
that they do not feel that thosewords, which again were given as unambiguous

examples of violations of this based onthe stirring up of hatred. Uh now,
those those are not the words.Sorry. Yeah, a Scottish policet
say that the tweets are not consideredcriminal under the new law. No,
would they feel the same way ifthe person is sending out the tweets was
like a middle aged, overweight cistmale, be different, right, Yeah,

No, That's why I think theychose box number two really, because
people are going, oh, youknow they're in the middle. No they're
not. They literally just said no, it's not a crime. And these
were the specific examples given when thewhen this whole thing was being put together.
So this is not a good fewweeks for Planet Fitness. Man,

did you see the late Have youguys seen the latest? All? Right?
This one. Frankly, I thinkif this was the only one going
on and not everything that transpired withthe the woman walking into the woman's locker
room and there is somebody who isfull shaving their beard, which again I'm

not Jim bro but I've never everbeen in a gym setting where somebody uses
and I'm not saying it doesn't happen, but where I see people shaving.
But you know, I know withPlanet Fitness all, every one of those
weirdos on the internet who lives intheir converted car right where they're like I

bought an eighty seven Hyundai Accent andand then you and then it's all been
like renovated inside and you know,now there's a Murphy bed and a full
kitchen. Slightly exaggerating every time I'vewatched one of those videos out of morbid
curiosity. They all have memberships tolike not just Planet Fitness, but to

some gym, and then that's theirshower though, I guess, and that's
I mean, I've seen it tonsof times where people are shipping. I
mean I go at like two thirtythree in the morning and there's yeah,
there's a few guys that I know, Like I don't know them by name,
but I know them, like,and I see them at the gym
all the time. And they comeinto the gym in the morning around uh
while I'm leaving, so around fouro'clock in the morning, and they'll bring

like their their suit over their shoulder, like the suit they're gonna wear for
the day, and they bring thatinto the locker room and they put it
in there when they're done, likeI've seen them before, like they'll be
shaving and getting ready for work.Okay, this is why, this is
why I'm asking, So, yeah, it's not uncommon, okay, all
right, Well maybe it's more uncommonin the ladies' locker room. Yeah,
I would think so. Yeah,I don't think you'd be doing your legs,

but I don't I've never been inthere, so who knows. Maybe
that's all they're doing is shaving theirlegs. And I know, idea,
why not? Maybe did Maybe thelocker room is is one hundred times better
than the than the one you have. I think the Planet Fitness stuff is
a bunch of a bunch of nonsense. Now. I think what you see
about this latest video is because thelast one with the shaving person viral and

they're like, well now we're gonnawe're gonna jump on the Planet Fitness heat
train. Yes, I think itis all right, and and and and
and do you agree with me withthis latest one? If this was the
only thing, I don't think itwould be Planet Fitness who like people just
be like, what what the hellis? I think it's somebody trying to
get clicks, Okay, And andthat was all right, so we're on
the samee. You and I areon the same page. Because that was

gonna be my suggestion. However,I saw this story now in Daily Caller
Daily, So at some point ifyou look at those you're you're gonna see
this. So a couple, Idon't know if anybody is uh the everyone's
identifying biological sex here for the purposeof this, I guess if if that's
concerning that being said, a coupleis accused of fetish behavior, you know,

how to describe this. Basically,it's one of those dominatrix situations,
but in a gym setting. Soa video that was filmed inside of the
and this is in the weight room, not the locker room, so this
in you know, we're in theeverybody area. But the video posted shows

the couple, in this case aman on his knees bowing down to a
woman in workout clothes while she yellshey, b word switch meaning you know,
swap out weight straps for her soand he replies, yes, goddess,
thank you. It's also stupid,changes changes her ankle straps and other

stuff out. Yeah, yeah,yeah, you know, here's like arguably
it's but it's weird as hell.I think if you're just sitting there on
the machine. But they, likeI said, they're jumping on the Planet
Fitness hate train, which apparently ispopular now. Like I have listen at
home. I have a got fromthe old Junified Morning Show back in the
day, the panda head, andit brought the panda head or you know
Lincoln because he loves pandas and thathe thought when I walked in, we're

in the panda head. He laughed, and I did it for the laughs.
If I were to take tomorrow whenI go to the gym, uh,
if I were to take the pandahead and start working out doing I'm
doing pull and pull downs with thepanda head in my head, and then
make a video of it and thenlike post and be like can you believe
the very proliferation workout. It's avery common at Planet Fitness. It is.

It is, And I just happento bring the panda head in,
make a video myself, and thenpost it. And now I'm acting like
it's a thing. You know whatI mean? Can't she aren't you not
allowed to wear hats or something?You can wear hats? Okay, Well,
there's one gym I saw where they'relike, oh, you can't have
hats. It's very obvious from yourcomments in the gym that you you are
a big gym guy. Yes,well no, no, no no.
And I read hats and shoving.Yeah yeah. Look at you, mister

swoll over here, I'm so dumb. Yeah yeah yeah, and and and
you you intimated at it. AndI want to be very clear, I
believe what you believe. I thinkI I think that they knew it exactly
what they were doing. I'm onteam do not film at the gym periods.
Yeah, yeah, we've had thisdiscussion. Period Just don't do it.
It's just so stupid. And also, don't dress like a whore at

the gym. And that goes fordudes, and that goes for women,
and that goes for dudes. Thatidentifies women, and women identify as dudes,
it goes as datam's and zer.Just don't dress as a whore.
I put some clothes on and don'tfilm yourself, because it's why. And
then you film yourself and then somebodywalks in the frame, not knowing that

you're filming, and you're like,how dare you getting away in my camp?
Why are you filming yourself? Whywe hadn't you see other people?
Stand Another one last week, thiswoman who is she's filming this dude who
who she claims is taking trying totake photos of her, and is very
clear in the video he's doing thething where you simultaneously hit the up volume
and power button on an iPhone,which roster you have an iPhone? What

happens if you hit the power andthen the up volume button on it flashes
right, well, but it doestake a photo kind of of your screen,
right, and it's very instead I'msaying, yeah, yeah, it's
very clear what's going on. Andbasically she posted this video of this dude
and it's you can clearly see him, and you know he's a monster.

He's taking pictures all this stuff.And some guy who's served in the Marines,
I think with this guy saw itand contacted him and he and his
wife, by the way, whohe was taking the screenshot of of something
because she's she did the thing wherehey, you're out, here's nine thousand
things I need from you. Andhe's so he kind of he's screenshoted so

he could format it into something.He's explaining this and he's doing none of
these things. Yet she rose andto the credit I guess of the gym
because she's accusing him of a crime, and so the gym has exc took
her. She's not allowed back afterit came to light. But it but

it was on there, you know, it was out there for a couple
of weeks, and of course,the the folks who were trying to figure
out who this guy is at thesame time he's finding out he's on video,
they find out him, and ofcourse that you know, they're gonna
dox him. He's a monster.All this, that dude's probably gonna get
paid. Man Like, she straightup slandered this dude. So yeah,

you know, late latest video Isaw it was stop up posting and videoing
at the gym. It was awoman filming herself, so the camera was
in front of her and she wasbenching. She's doing a bench press and
it's obvious from what she's about tolift that it looks like it's a ridiculous
amount of weight. And there's aguy over to the left behind her staring
at her. And at first thevideo was framed as in, look at

this pervert staring at this woman doinga bench press. But the guy,
I don't want to be clear,she doesn't have anybody spotting her right,
correct, You know the video I'mtalking about, Yes, I do.
Yeah, So the guy is staringat her because she's a perv's it would
appear stands. Yeah, oh mygod, she's about to lift a ridiculous
amount of weight. A. Iwant to see if she can do this,
because it'll be amazing and be Ifshe doesn't, I'm going to save

her life. Well guess what it'soption B, because she goes to lift
the weight and it just falls onher chest and the dude gets up,
rushes and saves her life, butjust helps her lift it up and put
it back on the rack. Soso you can sleep with her, probably
right. Disgusting they all want thing. Yeah, you have to imply all
of these things. Yeah. Yeah. The version of the other version of
that video, though it was onea while ago, is where she's like,

God, get away from me,and then like I can't remember exactly
shit what lift she was doing,but it didn't. It started not going
well, and so you see herpanicking looking around for somebody to help her,
and eventually she has to do thatthing where he kind of like,
uh like wave your hands around frantically. Well, though it was a combination
of that and the limbo bar rightwhere she's just trying to worm out under

this thing. It's like, well, which one do you want? I
mean, it's your choice. Yeah, no, I haven't seen I haven't
seen the new so that's a Ithought you were referencing now, But just
stop filming. One of the reasonsI love going to the gym early in
the morning before the show. Itputs me in a great mood right for
the rest of the day. Itgives me energy. But also I can
avoid all the people because I've beento the gym during the day when the

influencers are there, and there's nothingworse than trying to waiting for a machine
and influencers on. I told youabout that one video of the person was
making a while ago where she keptfilming herself over and over and over again,
trying to get the right take.She wasn't live obviously, she was
recording herself and she would do shewould hit record and then she would do
like a bicep curl and she'd go, oh, feel the burn. And
she did this over and over again. It's like, shut up, stop

filming yourself. It's only going tolend the problems. It's only going to
create drama. There's no reason todo it. So the couple, the
woman who then has her I haveto finish this. Sorry, now who
now has her I guess slave changeout her equipment, then performs or exercises

while the man lies face down onthe floor and when I say face down,
I mean literally he has his facestraight flat on the floor. She
then commands him to switch again.He complies, and then he is sitting
there and he opens his mouth andshe spits into his mouth as a thank

you. I mean that has tobe violating gym policy. I know it's
the no judgment for you know,the judgment for your Yeah, I mean
why you first? Some people arejudging these people, this couple. It's
cross are they? You wouldn't be, But I mean that sounds like it's
a violation of all the Yeah.I know, again, I don't know.
I don't know. I didn't wantto bring the pan ahead of the

gym. Now I want to bringthe pand ahead with a head? Is
it? Can you believe? Isit a slutty pan to head? No,
it's a regular pand ahead. Idon't think it's slutty. Well,
I think I subjected anything that canbe I guess right right, yeah,
all right, well, I meanif you do it, the problem is
is now you the problem is isif you did that, you would have

to film, and you're out.You know, you're against film. I
am, but I would like tofilm it, just a post it to
see if they picked up steam.And then it's suddenly a big trending thing.
And the Furries have an infiltrated planetfitness. It's like headlined in the
Blaze or Daily Wire. Yeah theyhave. So where do they fit?
Where does this fit in? Soyou got pizza Monday? Right, bagel

Tuesday? Pizza Monday isn't a thinganymore? Oh it's not okay? So
again, you know I'm working offan old cheat sheet. Here is bagel
Tuesday still a thing? I thinkall the food things are done. What
about spitting your mouth Sundays? Thatis still a thing. It's okay?
And then proviny videos about it?Yeah, this is Friday. So they

just they got their days mixed up, all right? So there you go.
Just everything gets more and more stupid. I now my question is,
and I have not seen an answered, do they have Do they have an
only fans, or does she becausethat's the next level here, right.
I mean, you know, I'mnot a betting man. I know you
are. Yes, would you wouldyou be willing to bet that they do

have an only fans because I am, I'm on team she does or they
do? Probably she does has ahas an only fans And this is probably
going well for just mcguess. Youcould be the judge eight eight eight nine
three four seven eight seven four.All right, coming up on Oh we
got we got the Lieutenant governor today, all right, looking at my calendar

here, that'll be at eight ohfive. And that's good because we got
all sorts of shenanigans to get intoon the governmental level, plus what the
folks over at US Citizen Citizenship andImmigration are filling their days with, because
you know, pretty much it's veryboring office at the governmental level right now.

Nothing much going on, so youknow, busy work. But we'll
fill you in coming up. CaseO Day radio program. You had something
that was losing that was falling outof orbit. Right, they're like a
Chinese satellite or you know, whateverit is is going to be re entering
the atmosphere and there's a you know, it probably will burn up mostly,

but if it doesn't, or ifsignificant enough pieces remain, you know,
until you get really until you're watchingit actually make the fall. They don't
even really try to guess where it'sgoing to land, other than to say
it's probably gonna hit water, whichis you know, one of those no
blank sure locked moments, because yeah, that's the majority of the Earth.

So but apparently a two nearly threeton pallette of nickel hydrogen batteries which was
jettison from the space station, whichI I that's you know, the amount

of crap that's floating. You know, that's that continues to be in the
upper atmosphere and then you know intointo I don't call it deep space,
but but you know, basically it'snot going anywhere, and then occasionally it
does kind of, you know,go into Nature's incinerator. Is pretty wild.
Have you've ever seen a map ofit? But it's probably not helpful

that you're just shoving your garbage pallettesout into the void. So that's all
I'm saying. And sure enough,the palette, which was expected to remain
in orbit for two to four years, they shoved it out the door in
twenty twenty one did re enter theatmosphere a month ago and believe it or

not, actually hit a dude's house. And oh that's why I remember that
we did this recently because Ross washaving work done in his house on the
same day they said a satellite mightcome through, and then Ross was concerned,
of course it would hit his housebecause he just got a new roof
for gutters or something like kim orwhat it was, or all of the

things. But if you had toguess where some dude's house got smoked by
these batteries, thankfully he didn't.Where. Do you think it would happen
Florida? Of course, right?Yeah, absolutely Naples. To be exact,
a man said that a metal canisters, which he didn't initially know what

they were, tore through his roofin Naples. Alejandro Oterra shared pictures of
a metal cylinder, several of whichhad ripped through the roof of his home.
And I mean when I say,I mean literally it went through the
roof. It then went through thefloor of the second floor, and then

went through the floor of the firstfloor, coming to rest in the crawl
space underneath his home. So justin case you're wondering velocity there. The
object, which each individual object weighsabout two pounds, was eventually identified by
NASA as the cylinders in which thebatteries are so and then they came and

got well, hold on, holdon, yeah, once again, here
we go. Why are you givingthis back? That's yours? Bro.
You know there's there. There isopportunity, even in a very evolving career
path, throughout the course of mycareer, in it. But I love
it. That being said, Ifeel like it would be a whole lot
easier if I want fat stacks tojust get in on the government study grants

just live off that large esse.All right, this one's the dudes,
So hang on, be sitting downplease, and especially if you're a pet
person, this is gonna be veryimportant for you. A new study,
Uh, all right, who's scammingthe taxpayers on? This? Is it?

Late Leola? We'll hang on,we'll get to it anyway. A
new study says that dogs can associatewords with things. Let me let me
repeat that. Could you know whatyou're saying saying? Casey? I think

I just you I heard you saythis, but that that would not be
possible. So Uh, could youcould you tell me again what the study
concluded? Yes, I will.The study concluded that dogs can associate words
with things. Okay, so whatis that again? Blown away this morning?

Probably unable to you know, keepgoing with your morning routine. So
uh, let me armue with theinfo. So, according to the study,
a dog might be able to understandthat some words refer to objects or
actions important to the dog's life ina in a way that is quote similar

to humans. Yes, a studyof canine brain waves found that our four
legged companions might be able to recognizewords that prompt actions and not just words
that are you know, simple commandslike sit and murder him but in German,

but rather things that you didn't setout necessarily to teach your dog that
their brains are able to then associatelike And it's probably by the way,
I suspect this is probably going toset some of your dogs off this morning.
And I apologize, but let merun a test. You ready,

ball, where's the ball? Ball? Ball? Ball? Ball? If
that's my buddy's dog, it's youcan't do it inside. If you do
it inside, you have the Tasmaniandevil appear. It's a Vslaw. But
I enjoy doing it because his hiswife's like, why did you? Why
are you stirring up the dog.It's a hunting dog, by the way,

first of all, but and itloves and it's not actually a ball.
It's like one of those This islike an old nerve football that looks
like a bird. Obviously it's atraining device, but man, you launched
those words. That dog is onand like, David didn't teach a ball,
but he did kind of right becausethe dog gets really excited because that's

its jam and it's the irony isif he saw as a pointer. So
some would tell him that that's probablynot a good thing for him to do,
but hey, he does it whatever, And I'm sure that I just
set one of your dogs off whereI could find, probably within ten words
something that they'd lose their minds.Now they do say, obviously, different
breeds react, but react differently,but may still be able to associate words.

So by studying the brain waves,they found that even dogs who wouldn't
flip out when you'd say that maybe processing something where they understand what it
is but aren't going to react toit. And it's just it's breed and
individual dog based. So you know, I guess what that mean is some
of your dogs are cats, becauseI'm assuming cats their brain waves may pop.

But the conclusion you come to isthey don't care. But yes,
yes, somebody decided that we neededa whole study so that dog owners would
know that your dog may understand someof the words you're saying in very basic
ways. What did this cost us? What did this cost? Oh,

they don't have a price on this, bad boy, I'm sure it was.
I'm sure it was. No,I'm sure it was six figures or
better. How are we still todetermine it? Anyone who's ever owned a
dog, there's a reason that youwill literally spell words in front of a
dog in the same way that youwill do it in front of a toddler.

Right, how many of you?How many of you are guilty of
spelling the word vet? Uh?That's just a thing. And why it's
the reason it's a thing is becauseeveryone under the on the planet has already
arrived at the conclusion that this studysays that they they may have proven to

be a thing, but further studywill be needed. Let's see the study
which you analyzed. I guess eighteendifferent breeds. It doesn't say fully what
all of them are, uh,proved evidence that you need in each instance.
While they can activate a memory ofan object when they hear certain words,

different breeds and different dogs obviously reactdifferently. So I'm sure I changed
your whole world perspective this morning.All right, we grab a cult,
Jake, what's up? Hey?I got a parallel to the to the
dog. The dog understanding word.Uh. They also understand pan signal and

body gesture. This is true.You get in off progrants. Yeah,
and uh and noises too, right, why you know? Not just words?
But how many? How many ofyou? What is the what is
the land speed record? When yourdog hears that familiar sound of the bag
rustling where the food's about to comeout? Right? What about a squeaker?

Yeah? Oh yeah, yeah,yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm
just this is just like this,what what a license to print money?
And it's my money? So butoh, by the way, dogs have
eyes and ears, well not allof them. Sure, we had a
dog who used to have a earon one side and doesn't because it got
into it with what we think wasbobcat. So well, they're meant to.

Yeah, well he did, hedid, he did initially, but
he was also the same dumbass whotried to eat a porcupine on multiple occasions.
So I don't know, maybe thefield, yeah, I guess all
right, thanks thanks for the callers, sir. Are they our porcupines tasty?
Uh? Man, this is sodumb ed. What's up, hey,

Casey, good morning. I probablywould have loved to have taken that
six figures for the study, man, because the I would have had it
done in five minutes. Because Iused to have a Labrador retriev and uh,
you know, as bubbly as theyare, you know that people may
think they're dumb. That's more theirdisposition than their intellect. But probably the
smartest dog I had ever had.And uh, you were talking about spelling

words in front of the dogs likethat didn't even work with him. You
had to find I couldn't even sayf O O D or you know,
e A T or you know,like spelling it in front of him.
When it came to food, ofcourse, I used to have to say
things like I have to provide themwith their evening nutrients, sore or a
whole sentence. Oh yeah, yeah, I must provide them with their daily

calorie cow, you know. Andthat's not even talking to him. That
would be like saying it to mywife or something. You know, we
had thought you were have been donein five minutes. We had a pair
of labradors at one point, anduh, I do remember that one of
them, which sadly was my favoritedog, and uh, you know,

she got distemper. I was,I was tore up as a kid man.
But I remember that you couldn't.You couldn't if you grabbed your keys.
You couldn't let your keys make noise, because if you did, if
you did, if the two werelaying on the floor of the living room
looking as though they were dead,and you jingle the key, the moment
you turn around, they're not thereanymore. They are now in the back

of the door. They're inactly becausethey could. They could. Literally we
had a door that they could popto get out on the back, so
they would do that, run allthe way around the house, and then
they would be in the back ofthe truck. They're like, we're going
for a ride right way before waybefore you got there, that's for sure.
Oh yeah, And if you werejust going to that seton out of
the vehicle. The look on theirfaces was like you just you were you,

You had disowned, and you weretraitorous. So uh yeah, you
couldn't shake that. That's dog's everin my opinion, though, right right,
Well might as well get paid forcoming to that conclusion, sir,
all right, thanks for the callthere. All right, real quick,
James, what's up? Yeah,while we're talking dog stories, let me

tell you how smart the breed,the border Collie breed is. I've owned
several throughout the years. The veryfirst colleague my family owned. Yeah,
okay, the very first border Colliewe ever owned came to us as an
adult. We're watching TV one eveningand on the TV show doorbell Ring.
So the dog gets up, runsover the door. It starts barking.

But this house that never had adoorbell. So he remembered that from his
wherever he came from and knew whatthe doorbell was, woke up out of
his sleep and runs over the door, starts barking, even though this house
had never had a doorbell. So, uh, how many videos have you
seen if somebody's like maybe the dogran away? Was with the new owner

for ten years and then you knowsome news story where the old owner found
him and that dog ten years downthe road runs up and it's like,
hey, heybody, good to seeyou, right, Hey, what's up
man? Yeah? We we tryto find his owner. We did everything
we could do, but he diedon the farm with this great dog.
A couple of good videos on YouTubewith Neil de grass Tyson with a forget

the border collie's name, but thisdog has a It has over a thousand
stuff animals and his owner has aname for every one of them. And
anyway, what a stupid study man? Good gosh. Yeah, well look,
I thought maybe I'm the one andthanks for the call there, sir.
Maybe I'm the one who just thinksthis is inherently known and nobody knows.

So I just wanted to bring itto you. But I feel like
you all knew, and they're probablysad that you missed out on your payment.
All right, seven eighteen hang onCaCO Denny radio program. All right,
so we were clowning on this thisbreaking news study story thing. Dogs,
according to researchers, might be ableto associate words with objects, actions,

and or various things important in theirlife. Yep. Yeah, that's
how that works. And we cansit here all morning given examples, but
I just I want to know howyou get a check for this stuff.
So let me elaborate real quick.Then I'm gonna grab on one more phone
call before we hit a few otherthings. Not only if you jingle,

if you jangled keys, would youknow those two idiots jump up and immediately
get in the back of the truck. But if you walked out that door
closest to where the where you wouldpark, which is kind of the side
door back with the woodstack and allthat, so it's kind of it's like

a side back door. If youwalked out that door, they were equally
under the assumption that it was gofor a ride time, And but you
could fool them walking out the frontdoor, which sounds weird, but that's
what That's not where the vehicles were, but it would be the door that
you'd walk out to go over tothe barn and stuff, and sometimes they'd

be interested, but sometimes they wouldjust continue to be comatose. So that
was fair. So if you wantedto get out of there without have in
the hassle or try basically, thehassle was then you got to unload them,
right, all right, gotta comeout, gotta come out. And
then all of a sudden they can'thear crap, so you would literally go
out the door, and before it, you would literally be forced to walk
all the way around your house,your own house, just so you could

get out of there. Dogs arefunny, man. But now we got
Now we got science, all right, real quick, James, what's up?
Hello, James? Hey, thisis a tony. Okay, no,
no problem, sir, go rightahead. Hey have you got me?

I got you, sir? Ohokay, Yeah. I want to
see a study done that would showwhere this money came from, which covement
to pay for us, which shutof Congress means were politicians voted for this
crap? And then maybe we thestudy could prove that we've got politicians that's
stupid of the doe. Well,I don't know that we need a study

for that, sir, but I'mwilling to get paid for that. You
know. I saw a number yesterday. Here we go. The FEDS lost
or wasted two hundred and fifty sixbillion tax dollars last year. That according
to new reporting from UH who putthe RYL Atkinson to the big piece on
this. So when you're talking twohundred and thirty six billions, sir,

I have a feeling you're gonna bewaiting around a while if we're gonna just
start adjudicating based on dollar amounts.But I'm with you, Hey, I
gotta go. My dog has gotmy keys and my LUTs for prayer for
me to go to work, tellingme I gotta go to work. I
gotta go. Great, real,you gotta bring you in a beer clue
hopefully Russia. No, no,he' non alcoholic. You know. I

love I love guy, and thanksfor the call. I love dudes whose
dogs like, oh, let mesee this thing he does. And then
he goes and gets he's able toget a beer out of the cooler,
and I'm like, I've seen thistrick, but it never gets old.
Show me again. This is fromSlate. The author is a woman by
the name of the Stelle of rashSmiths and Estelle. If every day there's

a new at the by the endof the day, there's at least one
person who I had I have cometo the conclusion is the worst person I've
encountered that day. I know that'sa little negative. But you got to
understand that I spend literally hours andhours of my day just fishing through,

you know, contentious news stories andreading social media reactions and you know,
really trying to craft what is ashow you want to listen to, but
also one that we want to do, and so inevitably you're going to run
and a lot of times it's thesame person, you know, Like,
you know, if I had topick who for that day most annoyed me,

you know, there's a good chanceit might be Nancy Pelosi, right,
if there's a contentious thing going on, or Jean Pierre if people are
trying to ask base questions and getbasic answers. But I think as Stelle,
I think she wins today, andI think you'll agree. Okay,
here we go. This is theheadline. The tricks I use to move

to the front of the line,Yes, I cut lines. Don't hate
me, join me? All right, Artie, how are you feeling about
this person? Because now the wholearticle is on the premise of I can't
stand her. I hate this womanalready. Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah,
Oh you haven't even dude, youhaven't heard the ego trip that we're
about to go on. All right, so already, right is the reasoning

is there? Recently? I'm aquadriplegic and I'm in a wheelchair, and
I, you know, I Ihave a intense fear of social interaction,
and I also have an anxiety disorder? Is or is she just like uppitty
and she thinks she belongs to thefront of the line that one? Okay,
so I hate her. Yeah,Now she's not at Disney with rented
kids right over that, that horrible, soulless scam with no all right,

So what would I even start?Just I want you to pay special attention
to the opinion that this woman hasof herself as it pertains to you.
All right, And even though it'snot in the order that she wrote it,

let me let me explain where herher journey started. So she she
talks about back in didn't say whatyear, but when the year her daughter
was born. Okay, So sheand her husband, her husband's driving and
they are doing the you know,the crazy drive to the hospital because here

we go, it's baby time,right, And unfortunately they were presented with
traffic, specifically an exit lane thatwas backed up nearly a mile. Where
do they live. I don't know, it's New York, New York.
It looks like all right. Soan exit there was backed up nearly a
mile. She said, she turnedto her husband in that way that women

who are now in labor do withquote excitement, and yelled cut the line,
at which point he cut right infront of a swath of cars,
drove down the breakdown lane of theramp. And she noticed that even though
she was literally in labor, hedidn't really incur like retaliatory Hanks, which

is odd to me if they arein New York. But whatever, and
that's when she said a light bulbwent off. And so she talks about
how she cuts in lines and theways that she does it. She says
she I'm happy to use my profession, and then gave a gave an example
where she was at an event wherea woman who she had known in her

media career wrote a book. Okay, wrote a book, that woman Suzanne
Summers. Obviously you know who thatis through his company, and she said
that she was in Vegas there wasthis event Suzanne Summers, this book was
out and the line to see herwas a lengthy one. And so she

said at that point This is anexample of where I my use my job
to cut in line, she said. She walked to the front of the
line and explained to the woman whowas next, Hey, I need to
talk to Suzanne. I used tobe the editor in chief of a magazine
she was in. It'll just takea minute, and she said. The

woman grimace but acquiesced, and shepointed out that the science behind it is
had she tried to like cut inthe middle of the line, that's where
you're gonna get pushed back. Bygoing to the front where the person you
are cutting can still see their youknow, the their goal, their mission.
They're more willing to look aside,even if they're irritated. And then

she gets into all of these differentthings. But here's the ego side of
this. Now, the justification.All right, so what do you think
her justification is? And she getstons of examples of how she cuts in
lines and why she doesn't care.But it's the justification that you're waiting for.
Guess Guess what her Guess what herjustification for doing this is She's important

and time spent standing in line istime away from her really really important activist
journalist work. So Therefore, sheis justified because she is a person who
I'd never heard of but apparently writesfor Slate. This is like the joke

that I'm always saying that, likeDice, she gets special treatment because in
the media. Yes, Like I'lljust randomly bring it up, be like,
oh, it's different for me becauseI'm in the media. She's actually
living this, yes, yes,and they're writing writing a how to about
it. Okay, I got aquestion, what, how do you know
what anyone in that line has going? You have no idea what anyone in

that like because she you you,you you think so little of these peasants
that are in your way around you, that woman who didn't want to pick
a fight with you over it.And I would point out that there's I
I have. I have several theories, right, So because she's offering a

theory, she's her theory is thatthe woman was pacified knowing that she was
going to get her book signed becauseshe was still second in line. Whereas
but the other thing is I haveto wonder if sometimes people don't say stuff
because there's a racial component. Youget what I'm putting down here. I

think that people, especially if they'rein a public area, and even if
they perceive that it may they maybe justified if they are dealing with somebody
who openly appears to tick a diversitybox. I as some people, I
think don't want to get into it. See it isn't even aware that was

a component or part of the story. Yes, yes, that is.
That is so you think that theremight be some merit to my theory,
Yes, right, because all ittakes is fifteen seconds of you, even
if you're not, even if youare wholly justified. And but if something
is said that is now, lookyou're dropping in bomb stuff like that's not

going to go well for you.And frankly, at that point, if
you're screaming that in public, that'son you. But also occasionally, sometimes
the reason for the approach or thereason that a disagreement has happened that narrative
is based on whoever gets the narrativeout first, and is not always accurate.

So I think some people might sitthere and go not, yeah,
I'm just it's not worth it.I don't want to get into it,
and I don't know that that's whatit's at play here. But I don't
think she knows either based on whatit is. But she doesn't care,
and that's the important thing. Shedoesn't care because she's come to the conclusion
that her time spending in line ismuch more valuable than others time spending in

line, and therefore suck it up. So yeah, I don't look.
I don't know how somebody is goingto top her for the person I hate
the most this morning. But goodluck on that raced agic He's not even
close to the top of that list. He brings his weather because this woman

from Slay wrote an article entire thetricks I used to cut to the front
of the line. Don't hate me. And so she literally this is her
thing. So she'll go to aline and she's she has come to the
conclusion, because she's an important mucketymuck writer, that her time is more
valuable and so she's figured out sheliterally has a scientific process for determining how

to cut in line. Now shesays, it doesn't always work and we'll
backfire, And she points out shewanted to take her child to a meetup
for moms with kids. I thinkit was one of those gyms where you
know they have all the trampolines.Yeah, here it is, and she
said that she was so busy doingher important job that she did not meet

the sign up requirement. So butquote, my daughter wanted to go to
Jimbree, That's what it was,Jimberee, And so she said, I
just decided to show up anyway,even though the sign up was based on
how many people could occupy the facility, and uh just said, hey,
I was coming here, my daughterwanted to go. I'm very busy.

But she said that the moms wereWe're not having any of it, and
immediately reacted. She was booted outand people made snide comments. So yeah,
yeah, it's just like she's like, no, I'd cut any line.
Oh I hate this woman. Well, isn't that the same as like

stealing your parents' handicap sticker and thetag and parking at the privilege not the
privilege parking, but the handicap parking. Don't want to in the A hole
move category? Sure, just wantto make this is like Ray trying to
get to the front of the beerline and being like, I'm a very
important weather guy. Get out ofmy exactly. That's exactly how it is.

So yeah, yeah, we didthat. Unfortunately did that at Disney.
We used my mom being in aone those little cat child yeah,
which is a thing we didn't dothat. Yeah, good because then you
would be also on the straight toHell express right right now. That's see
there anyway for other reasons. Butthe rain now has got some people driving

a little slow. And that's alleast now, heading in through Franklin Warren
Counties and ending here through even easternWake County. The steadiest rain as you
go east and getting into places likeMartin and out into Edgecombe Northampton Counties and
heading east out toward the Outer Bank. So we're just about done. There's
still may be a leftover shower withthunderstorm with the actual front coming through today,

but I think most of it's done. Mid seventies. Big changes coming
though through tonight will take off abouttwenty from what your temperature is this morning,
so quick look at the Karth thermometersubtract twenty should be somewhere in the
forties with the gusty breeze tomorrow morning. Yeah, that's what it's going to
be. Maybe a shower tomorrow withthe cloud sun mixed. Much cooler,
low sixties thirties for Friday morning,mid upper thirties and then low sixties in

the afternoon it's still quite breezy,and then midnupper thirties over the weekend for
lows, with highs in the midupper sixties. Back to seventy by Monday,
with sunshine. And don't ask mewhat percentage of the eclipse that we're
going to see, but we'll havea mostly sunny sky, so we will
see. Whatever that percentage is.I don't think it's very high, but
at least we'll see some dimming ofthe sun as we go through Monday.

Don't say dimming of the sun.I told you everyone thinks we're about to
die, so well maybe we will. All right, stay tuned. It's
all right, Thank you, sir, appreciate it. Okay, all right,
there you go, Race Agic fromthe Weather Channel seven forty eight.
Hang on, everybody, I cutin line. It's awesome, and I
mostly I just tell them how importantI am, and that seems to work.

I mentioned that I feel that theremight be other components too, to
the individual decisions by people not tochallenge her. And I think that,
at least because I don't know what'sgoing through that willan's brain in line.
But if I could stereotype for amoment, I have a feeling that a
book line at a at a Vegashealth event, like New Age Health event,

which is where this was, Ihave to feel that the line to
get Susan Summers to sign your bookis pretty caucasiony and like if I just
had to guess. So I haveto wonder if because I don't know the
woman that she cut in front of. But I don't think you can look

at that situation and not at leastthrow out the possibility that people. I
think people are more hesitant even ifthey feel that they're in the right to
get into a public disagreement with somebody, especially if it's somebody because you know,
our society now just trains everybody's brainsto recognize who is taking more diverse

boxes, and people just got Look, I'm I don't I don't want I
don't want this turning into a thingwhere I'm having to explain an eleven second
video on the internet. Right,you don't want to become you to become
a meme. Right, you're you'rea middle aged or you're a boomer,
and yeah, you want to beline career. You're a boomer, white
woman. And suddenly this militant woman'sup in your face whatever, screaming that

she's a part of the media andshe deserves to cut the line. And
you're like, oh my god,please don't ruin my life. Just go
yes, yes, yes, it'sscience though. Yeah. So it's interesting
that she wrote this whole tips thing, but yet there seems to be this
one big component that brings success forher. Okay, in fact, this

is a great segue. I Ihave decided that, you know, they're
always the management around here is alwaystrying to get us to expand multi media.
You know, you're not just radio, your podcast, all of that
there, right, absolutely, soRoss, I'm launching a new financial literacy
course. Oh I can't wait.What is it? Well, it's targeted

at people who want to buy homes, and as you know right now,
buying a home is it is crazy. So how do you make it work
where you still want to be ableto build equity? So that's it,
and it's it's a two step process. All right, what are the steps?
Can you give that out of there? Giving this away for free?

Yeah? All right, I thinklook still by the program. But here
we go. Step one, berich and then step two pay cash for
that. Okay, well I'll lookinto that. No, you're right,
because like she's writing this book orwhatever, this article about how to skip
the line, and her main hintis be a member of the media or
at least say you are right andsell it. I guess like I've had

this before on Twitch, where I'vehad people start can the average viewer call
on Twitch is like one, oneor two, and you'd like to hit
a certain number to grow to geta filly you right, And people are
like, well, how do Ican you give me any I'm starting to
stream because you get affiliated fast bright, I'm sorry to stream. Can you
help me out? How do Ido it? What are your what are
your hints? Are suggestions? AndI said, I can't help you because

my biggest hint would be have aradio show for twenty plus years. Yeah,
that's and it's very easy, man, It's so simple. Yeah,
it's like having a trust fund formy thing. Right. Yeah. Eight
oh so well, creeping up oneight oh seven now CaCO Day radio program.
It is Wednesday, hour number threeand since it's the first Wednesday of

the month, Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinsonjoins us. Good morning, sir,
How you doing? See how youdoing? It's been a little while,
been a little while. Uh.Now we're on the we're on the back
side of the primary. You are, you're going to be the guy on
the Republican side of things, soI can kind of mix and match where

our discussions are. So let mestart there. How you feel in uh,
post primary and now now into thismess we call the general Well,
feeling great? See feeling great.We had an outstanding win we got you
know, we were getting pretty prettypretty roundly attacked by our Republican opponents.

They spent a ton of money.We didn't hardly spend any money. We
just kept hitting the road and thevoter showed up and spoke out, and
we were able to pull that primaryvictory out in handy fashion. And now,
like I said, we're all tothe general election, and we have
plenty of momentum going in case that. The night we won and and in

the nights following, we got phonecalls and pledges of support from folks not
just all across North Carolina, butall across the country. Governors from all
across the country cheering us, allpledging their support for us, so we're
in very good shape. Why now, Yeah, and luckily now you won't
have to deal with any more attackads. So well, that's that's just

that's just the beginning, all right. Yeah, So did some of the
some of the folks who obviously,look, it's a primary I understand people
are going to come out and they'rethey're they're going to argue we you know,
we interviewed your opponents on here,you know, and a lot of
them. The thing was they hadvery different vision than you or some of

the other folks running. But none. There is not gonna be any crossover
with Josh Stein that I can thinkof, unless you know of an issue
where you two greatly agree. Soit's it's gonna be all all fist fight
from here on out. What kindof discussions that I guess you can tell
us a little like I'm assuming thatthere's discussion about h Trump coming and you

guys doing a doing a rally ofsome sort, because is that something we
might see in the near future orwhat's what's that look like. I'm I'm
sure it will be President Trump andmyself, you know, and all of
us. We all understand that theroads in the White House goes directly through
North Carolina. North Carolina is ahuge battle rond, a huge battleground state,

and so I'm sure President Trump willinvest some of his time here with
us. He's endorsed uff, heendorsed me in the primary and so and
I of course came out and endorsedhim very early, and so I'm pretty
sure we'll be seeing him on thestage here before long. All right,
Well, we'll continue to cover thataspect of it. But you know,

up until then, whether you're eithera governor or not going to be governor,
you're still a lieutenant governor. Andthat means work. And there's a
story I saw that I know youhave to be interested in, and that
is the idea that the University ofNorth Carolina. This is from wil a
well connected member of the board oftrustees. So he expects the university system

to be forced to scrap some ofits diversity, equity and inclusion policies,
mirroring what you saw basically down inthe state of Florida, where they've done
a lot of stuff. All right, yeah, obviously I suspect you're probably
a fan of this, But tellme more from what you understand I mean,
what are they looking at. Well, you know, we're trying to

do all that we can to removethese agendas from from the from the classroom,
whether it be K through twelve orwhether it be higher ends. What
we need to get back to caseis, we need to get back to
what we're what we're actually our goalis in education, and what our goal
is in education is excellent. That'sour goal. Our goal is to teach
our young people what they need tosucceed, to allow them to use their

talents, whatever those talents may be, to succeed, not just in the
classroom, but in life. Andlike I tell everybody, university like the
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, I'm sure there are folks on that
campus tout in d diversity, ethletinclusion in every part of the school casey
except one except one, and that'sin athletics. In athletics, in athletics,

from the basketball court, on thefootball field, on the baseball diamond,
it's all about who's the best.We don't care what the team looks
like, we don't care if theyall look exactly the same. We just
want folks to go out there andbe excellent. To go out there and
win. If we can do thaton the baseball diamond and the football field
and the basketball court, then don'tdone. We ought to be doing it

in the classroom and let folks competewith their talent and let you know,
let the outcome be what it may. I'm bounding the termine to make sure
that that happens here in North Carolina. I tell everybody when it comes to
DEI, I have my own versionof DEI. My version is not diversity,
equity and inclusion. My version isdiscipline, excellence, and intelligence.

And that's what we need to bringback to our institutions across the board,
whether it be government institution, educationinstitutions, or the private sector. You
know. The irony, of courseof all of this is there were two
There's two stories here over the lastfew weeks. One the students are very
upset over the the interim head overthere, interim chancellor, because he worked

for the McCrory administration. He waswhat budget director or something for about five
minutes. And the richest line Isaw mark was one of the students saying
that there's no room on college campusesfor political bias, and which is a
kick in the head Man because theyalso had a story out where they tracked

political donations by major universities and thenby left versus right or both right,
and the University of North Carolina registeredninety nine folks ninety nine educational instructors who
did donate. How many of thoseninety nine do you think donated to Republicans
versus Democrats? I'd say very few. Yeah, yeah, that would be

zero, mark, that would beninety nine. Nothing. That's so like
just removing the DEI director and someof that, like that still doesn't get
to the root of the issue thatI think some people are pushing back on.
So it's gonna take you, youwould agree, it's going to take
more than that. But also there'sI had liberal professors that I thought were

really good teachers, but it wasvery clear with ideologically they but they never
they never made me or any otherstudent feel that we couldn't have our own
opinions. So that's not what I'mtalking about. But you know what I'm
talking about that, Casey, isthe problem. The problem is not having
a professor who has who and here'sto leftist ideology or right wing ideology.

The problem is when you create asystem that number one pushes one side or
the other completely out of the conversation, or number two creates an environment where
it gives the professor the ability tobe able to push kidle her opinions onto
the students. That's what needs tocome We in people having their own opinions.

It's fine, I myself would loveat some point to be a history
professor. I am a stalk conservative, But when I walk into that classroom,
tasy, I'm not walking into thatclassroom as a conservative. I'm walking
into that classroom as a teacher,a person who is there to bring information
to students so that they can makeup their own minds, give them the

tools they need, let them maketheir decisions with absolutely no sway left or
right. That's the environment that weneed to create. We have not kept
that environment safe on our college campuses, and we've allowed those folks who do
here the left wing ideology to numberone push the right wing folks out of
the conversation. The number two continueto push the left wing of gender further

and further. Are you trolling yourpolitical opponents? Because I got to tell
you, Mark, when you justsaid you want to be a history professor,
I had to imagined like three peoplehaving aneurysms in the newsroom of the
paper. Right listen. Well,I started to welcome their uh consternation over

that. But I wholeheartly intend intendto do that at some point in my
life. That's what I went toschool for. That's where I went to
university four to study history. Historyhas been a passion of mine. And
uh again, at some point Iwould love to do that, and the
folks want to and that would makepeople's hands explode? Will so be it?
Yeah? I just I just itjust popped in there. Uh,

let's on the university front. Buton on a little lighter note. This
NC State thing got both the menand the women, right final four and
uh, you you know, eventhough you're you know, you're a you're
a triad guy at heart and throughoutyour life. But you know, Raleigh's
sports identity. Some of it's theHurricanes, but it's it's it's State's improbable

run, which uh you know ithas it dominates And now we're you have
these comparisons and everything going on.This is great. Have you had a
chance to uh go down, Idon't know, I know that you have
to be careful and who you rootfor. But now the choice is made
for you. Like, how excitedare you over this? I'm very excited.

I don't think I don't think there'sanybody who doesn't know that I'm an
NC State fan. You know,I did not grow up watching college sports.
I kind of became. I becameenamored with the tar Heels because my
wife, she went to school there. But since my tenure as Lieutenant governor,
the NC State has been very goodto me. They have been very

good about inviting me to their campus. Casey, you may find us a
shop, but some of the otheruniversities have not. And NC State's graciousness
towards me and openness towards me hashas caused me to be a Wolfpack fan,
probably now for life. And I'mjust as pleased as I can be

to see this team excel the waythey're excelling. I'm telling you, it
does my heart good to see thembecause and the group of guys that's doing
it seemed to be such great youngmen, and so we're just rooting them
all all the way. You know, nothing against any other teams North CAROLNTA
teams, but NC State has reallyfound a special place in my heart because

they have been so gracious to me. Yeah, yeah, it's this is
uh, I don't know if Ihad a sober friend on Sunday when I
was texting, it's like, Iknow, it's just like it's just they're
in pure party mode. So thatis that is great? All right,
real quick, we're chatting with LieutenantGovernor Mark Robinson there, I have this,

all right, So this is fromAxios, And for those who don't
know Axios, there is actually theyalso have statewide the kind of like Apple
out of state are. They havelocal offices throughout North Carolina. So I
thought this was interesting because it's actuallyone of the local right, but it's
a national one. And this Iguess since you and Trump are aligned,

they mean you as well. IfDonald Trump returns to the White House,
close allies are said to want todramatically change the government's interpretation of Civil Rights
era laws to focus on anti whiteracism rather than the discrimination against people of
color. All Right, I gota question here because the way that that

is written, it leads me tothe conclusion that those who are opposed to
Trump or this author don't currently feelthat Civil Rights era laws also protect people
from anti white racism. And Iguess I'm confused because I thought the Civil
rights laws were to protect against racismwherever it may be. And now,

okay, so what do you got? What do you evil people plotting?
That's so scared, this delicate snowflakemark. Okay, See, that is
exactly you getting to nail on thehands whits. Laws were passed for this
purpose, purpose to make sure thatno matter where folks are, wherever they're
standing, no matter what they looklike, the law is clear, you

cannot discriminate against people based on theircolor. It does not say anything about
what that color is. You cannotdiscriminate against people based on their color.
And when you have folks who wantto take these these laws and subvert them
by making rulings or decisions based onfolks who may not be the color of

who may not be black, you'redoing the exact opposite of the law.
The solution here is clear, justfollow the law, and that's all we
want. We want the law tobe followed no matter who is standing in
front of you, whether they're white, whether they're black, whether they're Asian,

whether there Latino. It doesn't matter. Follow the law and do not
discriminate against someone based on their coloror their ethnicity ethnicity. That is the
law. It doesn't say anything aboutthe persons about white or black. It
just says, you know, weare to treat everybody equally. And unfortunately,
right now we've seen examples of thatwhere that hasn't happened. A great

example University of Chapel Hill with thesethe Chinese students and Asian students. We
can't take any more because you maketwo good grades. So we're gonna have
to limit the amount of you allthat can get into our university. Uh
that that can't happen, Tason,We can't, We can't. America doesn't
operate that way. And I'm sorry, and I'm someone I'm correcting you,

but only sarcastically. But it doesthe example that you gave. While there
has been litigation having to do withaffirmative action, obviously with North Carolina uh
up in the Supreme Court, thereare examples every day that I run across
Mark where it's like such and suchis all right. We're having a new
manager's recruiting process at x y Zbusiness, but only minority candidates could apply.

This is stuff that we see everyday and people scream and go,
look, how is this not aviolation of labor law? And yet I
don't see stories where there's accountability forthis except in very large scale, very
litigious, very public cases. Mostof this day to day stuff with businesses
just gets ignored. So why wouldyou follow the law if nobody's holding you

accountable? Exactly You're exactly right,And that's exactly what we need to do.
We need to start making sure thatwe put judges on the bench and
we need to start putting the rightpeople in a place to hold people accountable
for not following the law, notfalling along with di standards, not falling,
along with some type of some typeof agenda. Follow the law and

the law is clear on this issue. And that's why so again so important
to have the right leadership and thetalk and then have all those folks underneath
in places such as our court systemand then our legislature that are going to
make sure that the rules are followedand that the law is followed, because

when you don't follow the law casesit may work for a little while,
but eventually it's just like a puttingbad gasleen in a high end tar.
Eventually it's going to catch up withyou. And I would admit that if
we continue to do these things inthis nation, it might work for a
little while, but eventually the machineryis going to start to fall apart less
than a minute Monday, there isa eclipse. If you go online,

conspiracy theories runneth over. Do youmore? Do you? Are you more
interested in the theory that it's theend times rapture or that it's the killer
planet Nabouru coming to crush us.Where's the Lieutenant Governor's stand in thirty seconds?
You know, I'm pretty sure that'ssomewhere back in the nineteen forties,

the cataclysm of World War two,with all the terrible things that happened.
I'm pretty sure there were folks backthen and that thought that there were those
were the end times. You know, My Bible tells me that no man
knows the day and the time,and we don't know to day and the
time. And as far as I'mconcerned, this the whole eclipse thing,
it's just a natural philosophy, naturallyoccurring phenomenon, and and it'll occur,

and it'll pass and then mar so, sorry, I'm out of time,
but I thank you and we'll beback. Hang on Ross mark him down
for Team Nabouru. So but hehad to choose one or the others,
so he kind of sounded like hedoesn't buy either. But that's fine.
I'm asking everybody that question this week. So that's how that goes. All
right, are you all ready tosay thank you? You know? Yeah,

Look, we had a lot ofstories this morning where your natural reaction
is right, you know, cutin line, lady. Two hundred and
thirty six billion, and your money, the government, federal governmental level is
lost, not wasted, necessarily,just lost, not where it is.
Whoops. Ugh. But it's notall negative, no, no, no,

This in the New York Post,of all places, how Beyonce revived
a dying genre with her instantly timelesscountry album Cowboy Carter. Now here's the
deal. And I want to bevery clear, I don't have beef with
Beyonce. I know a lot ofpeople if it's not that genre, if

it's not their genre, I thinkit really wound up over this stuff.
Beyonce wants to make country music,she wants to make gospel, she wants
to do pop right, I don'tcare. She if she can learn to
play the bagpipes and wants to apoka album, I don't care, go
ahead and do it. And mymusical taste is I know it's a it's

pass to say it's eclectic, butit is. And it's a lot of
it has to do with being inradio and working in radio stations where you're
board off, you're behind because you'redoing the night shift, right, and
uh, you just start looking atyou looking through some of the albums,
some of the different stuff. Thegold discs. Uh, the we used

to we used to get a discevery week of you know, the the
ads and and they were these whitethey were a CD right white discs.
And then it had you know,like the twenty ads or recurrens that were
going back into rotation, and youknow, we had them going back forever.
And when I first started radio,I'm working that, you know,

that evening shift on AM radio station. And to say that it expanded my
music knowledge would be an understatement becausejust like what am I doing? I
need something to do, So that'swhat you do. With that being said,
I also don't care if an artistwants to do another thing, right,
Ray Charles did a country album thatworked out. Okay, so I'm

all about this. However, here'swhere I take a little bit of I
think or I think we need topause. Okay, here's the here's from
the story. Country music has beenon life support. With trailblazers like Johnny
Cash, Whynette and Pride Gone,We're left with Walker Hayes and his hod

awful Applebee's jingle You're not It's notjust him. Maren Morris, Cassidy Pope
led Nashville all right. Well again, you know the the the popification of
some female country artists and a coupleof males, but I tend to see
more on the female side. That'snot new. Even all time greats Looretta

Lynn and Alan Jackson declared the genredead and gone. All right, I
don't know that. I believe that. The reason I don't believe that is
because I'm a numbers guy and wework. I don't know if you know
this. We do talk, butwe also in what we have stations that
do play this music. And withoutgetting into all the details, country is

a format that has been that hasfared far better than other musical formats.
And I don't know where it standsnow, but I remember reading last year
and seeing within some of the discussionsthat that we have, you know,
with our general all call meetings,that listenership definitely, definitely in many of

the markets, including this one,is actually up or was last year,
more people sampling that genre. Now, if you mean from I don't like
any of the new artists, thenthat's fine. You can have that discussion.
But writing this whole thing that beyondsay just saved country music? After

I had to hear how Taylor Swiftsay football, I just can't man,
right, you're making you're you're creatingthe beef that people then perceptibly have with
these women or others, right becauseI didn't hear Beyonce saying she saved country
music, just that she wanted todo an album, and then she did,

and I saw some people like,dah, she's not a country artist.
And that's where I'm like, Idon't care is the music good or
not? And I don't know,I haven't listened to the album. That
being said, she didn't save countrymusic and Taylor Swift didn't save football,
which that that one I understand less. So can we just just just take
it down one peg? Can weon stuff like this? Oh, the

twenty seven track project, a soulfulcelebration of Southern values and the genres African
American. You know what, I'dprobably like it. I'd probably like it
this if if, if it isa more soulful country album and it's well
done. You know, I'll probablylisten to a couple couple songs on the

iHeart radio app today. But weneed to stop it with articles like this,
because come on, man, that'sI'm trying to remember the last time
they said, you know who,I remember Leam, remember when Leon Rhymes
came out with Blue and I rememberthat whole discussion, But that was they

were talking more about young female artistsand more sounding more like the legendary artist
of yesteryear, right with with hervocal range, the type of songs like
I'm here for discussions like that,and maybe maybe Beyonce drags more people over

to it, and that's a goodthing for everybody. But I'd hold off
on the Superman comparisons. But that'sjust me and maybe I'm wrong. And
you know, if you listen tothe album, you'll find out it's true,
all right, well, then Ilook forward to being wrong if that's
the case, because I enjoy goodmusic. That's just me. Now,

this is unfortunate right here. Ifeel a little bad. Regis and it's
not Regis and Kelly obviously anymore,but Kelly Rippa, And it's Kelly and
Mark. I don't even know howthey titled the show anymore. But Kelly
Rippa and her husband Mark are thehosts of what used to be Regis and

Kathy Lee, except they're on vacationthis week. Okay, So when they're
on vacation, rather than forcing youto listen to America's Morning news, they
just play old old episodes. Andthat's what they did yesterday, and now
they are they're doing some backtracking onTuesday's replay since as the couple is on

vacation this week. One of theepisodes, which was from June of twenty
twenty three, included an interview withI did not click on that picture,
thank you? Including a picture withMary Jay or an interview with Mary J.
Blige. Okay, and during theinterview, they're talking about, you
know, Mary J. Blige,how's she looking, What have you been

up to? You know, it'sall real cookie cutter stuff that you normally
get from this show, and Bligetells Kelly when she brings up a photo
that Kelly referenced to Mary J.Blige where she thought she looked really good,
she said, yeah, I was. I was actually on I was
on a yacht for a week andgot massages and relaxed and thank you,

and Kelly starts begging to be ableto go on the yacht. It's puff
Daddy's yacht. So they ran anepisode yesterday of Kelly Rippa begging Mary J.
Blige to get her an invitation sothat she can hang out on puff
Daddy's yacht during the same week whenall this is going on. Immediately after,

reporters tried to contact producers of theshow and is at ABC. I
think it's ABC, right, Thenetwork, while declining comment, immediately removed
the episode and that segment from theirYouTube lineup where they I guess they post

on the regular there. So they'rejust going to pretend it didn't happen.
But that's wild because it's like Iwould assume at that level, if you're
going to replay an episode, somebodywatches that thing first, right, Apparently
not, so there you go allright, a forty five race staging from
the Weather Channel. Unfortunate timing therefor the folks on the Kelly Show.

Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah,So it's like yeah, all right,
and then tomorrow it's it's a replayof that time we interviewed uh, Harvey
Weinstein. So right, yeah,that's and that's very unfortunate. Yea,
this is so maybe the weather youwould have to go. I tried,
I tried that better, better,improving in terms of the priests, but

forget about the eighties until maybe.But it's also not better if we if
it's still a comfortable temperature and thenthe wind blows nine hundred miles an hour,
so well, yeah, I meanwe're gonna have the wind that'll be
whipping around at times gusting maybe twentythirty miles an hour. This afternoon still
might see a shower, maybe athundershower. The front still to the west

of US. There might be enoughinstability to still touch something off, but
most of the steadiest rain east ofUS now towards the outer Banks. A
mid seventies today, so after themid eighties yesterday, we're cooling off a
little bit, still above average,more cool the come low to mid forties.
Tonight is still quite breezy, socertainly a jacket on Tomorrow morning,
maybe an afternoon shower with a suncloudmixed low sixties and the thirties Friday morning

and Saturday morning and Sunday morning,but the afternoons will be in the low
sixties to the mid sixties by Sunday. Still a little breezy Friday, so
brisk is the word I choose,Casey, But the weekend should be gorgeous,
and Monday we'll be back in theseventies, and I think by eighty
eighty degree is probably by about Tuesday. So the heaviest rain is east of
us now Hea or miss shower thundershowerthis afternoon and then maybe a shower tomorrow.

Otherwise dry, cool, So we'reback to jacket weather, and that
chili weather, especially the next fewmornings, will last probably into the upcoming
weekend, so make sure we're readyfor that. Okay, All right,
Well we'll chat tomorrow, sir,have a go on. Okay, and
Jeff Bellinger plus Florida Man join usnext. Hang on, Jeff Bellinger,
what's going on? Well morning,Casey. Stock market futures pointing lower,

again this morning, we have theDow futures down forty six points. Worries
about inflation and interest rates wait onthe stock market. Yesterday, the major
averages had losses that range from seventens percent to one percent. We just
got new numbers from ADP that indicatethe job market remained solid. Private employers
added one hundred eighty four thousand workersto their payrolls in March. That's more

than economists were anticipating, and mostof the new jobs were in the service
sector. Workers looking toward retirement haveraised their retirement targets their savings targets,
i should say, adult survey byNorthwestern Mutual believe they will need nearly one
and a half million dollars to retirecomfortably. One point forty six million is

the precise number. That's up fromone point twenty seven million a year ago.
But many Americans are willing to putaside their anxiety over meager savings and
high credit card balances. Nearly fourin ten people surveyed by Bank Rates say
they're willing to take on some addeddebt to have some fun this year.
The most popular discrestion stionary expenditures aretravel dining out and live events. Employers

still adjusting their real estate footprints ashybrid work arrangements become more common. The
nation's office vacancy rate hit a recordin the first quarter. According to Moody's,
nearly twenty percent of offices across thecountry were empty at the start of
the year. Amazon dot Com givingup on the concept of stores that have
no cashiers just walk out. Systemsalready in place at the company's Fresh grocery

stores will be removed as the storesare remodeled. New locations will not have
the technology. Amazon plans to relymore heavily on its dash cart that let
shoppers scan items as they go.And a Casey, a couple of tech
giants have to defend themselves in patentsuits. Apple is accused of infringing on
patented technology to power its Serie voiceassistant. A lawsuit charges Google's reverse phone

look up infringes on a patent.Casey, All right, Jeff, appreciate
it and we'll chat tomorrow, sir, sounds good talk to you. Then,
all right, there you go.Jeff Bellinger, Bloomberg News. Yeah,
I got let's fit both. I'mnot going to run the song for
Florida man, because I'm gonna seeif I can get both these stories in

ross. Where do you want tostart? Do you want to start at
a racetrack gas station or a wafflehouse slash tattoo parlor? Well, I'll
look at that. Didn't even pause. All right, here we go.
A Florida man has been arrested ontheft charges for refusing to pay for a

two hundred and fifty dollars waffle housetattoo. The five inch tattoo which is
the logo minus additional color right withthe letters and the squares he got tattooed.
Let's see on his calf. Thetattoo looks good, you know,

colorway coloration and all. Also incapturing the waffle house logo. However,
as the tattoo artist at Ink Godsand Saint Pete, which was adjacent actually
to a waffle house, finished up, it was at that point the defendant
allegedly told him that he only hadsix bucks and he was drunk when he

came in and asked for it.Now he's not drunk and he's not paying
for a tattoo of waffle house onhis calf because it's dumb and he was
drunk and that doesn't work, sothey eventually called police when deputy say that

when he refused all options to satisfyhis debts, including they said, hey,
just set up a payment program,like we don't want to do the
paperwork. He said no. Sohe's standing by the position that nobody would
get a waffle House tattoo, soit proves his drunkenness, so he shouldn't
have to pay for it, andthat's police don't agree. So that's number

one. Now off to it's aracetrack, I thought was speedway a racetrack
gas station where a thirty five yearold woman is Now she's going to be
doing fifteen months in prison. Iremember we mentioned this story, but now
now we know what you get forthis. According to authorities, in late
January, thirty five year old CeliaBarrett entered a racetrack convenience store where she

was a known problem, naked asa jaybird, screaming, intoxicated, trying
to fight both customers and employees,and then she quote pulled a previously unseen
rusty vegetable peeler and used it tothreaten people as well as destroy stuff.

I don't want to know where shehad it, and but when police arrived
at that point, she's a lawyer, I guess, because according to the
report, she began to vigorously havealone time, but not really alone because
you're standing in a gas station andtold the deputies from the Penelas County Sheriff's

Department that quote, they couldn't interveneor touch her while she was engaged in
that activity. So deputies disagreed andtaser beats potato peeler slash speedhand. I

guess. So there you go.
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