All Episodes

May 20, 2024 37 mins
Bill Maher nails the Harrison Butker situation. Ryan agrees with what Maher had to say about Butker's comments. 

Donald Trump reacts to another week of testimony at the NY courthouse.
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Six thirty k haw Ryan schuling backwith you, is that during this Trump
trial, it means that here weare, it's three oh six for us,
but it's five o'clock on the Eastcoast, which means court just got
out and Donald Trump will be emergingfrom the courtroom in that parking garage where
he's been giving these impromptu kind ofpress addresses. And when he does do

that, we'll come back to itat whatever point that is when we can
in the programming. Send your textalong five seven seven three nine, start
those Ryan, if you would please. This one says the pearl can't hurt
any more Colorado sports until football startsagain. It might even turn the Rockies
to winning. The Rockies in manyways have nowhere to go but up.

So that's a good way to lookat it. And I thank you for
that, Texter, because you're right. Alexis says, if you're going to
get oysters, have you tried BlueIsland Oyster Bar in Loane Tree. I'm
not a fan, but several peoplewho love oysters highly recommend it. Jazz
have you been there? I have? That is one of my favorite spots
actually to get oysters. Okay,all right, get me a little detail,

a little scouting report. They justthey got a wide variety of them,
and they also have some days whereyou can get oysters cheaper than some
other places. I think it's Realesdaynights. I'd have to look at it,
but yeah, they have some nightswhere they're cheaper. You know,
you buy so many oysters, it'sa certain price, big favor at some
point. I know you're busy backthere, if you could look that up
for me and send me the link. I'm interested because my sister and I

were just talking during the break overa Facebook messenger and she says, I
got to get another pearls equally sizedand then we could make she'll make ear
rings maybe out of them, andthen you know there might be wait man
cook them with gas there a littlebit. But in case you're just tuning
in, Yeah, first time inmy life, I'm forty nine going on
fifty. I've ordered a raw oystersin a halfshell a lot, following in

my dad's footsteps. We love seafood. He and I never have I ever
though, ordered oysters and bit downinto one of them and wow, it
was that and I spit it outand it's honest to God, it's the
size of a large bebe. It'sa pearl. It's the makings of a
pearl. Had that oyster been allowedto live, it might have manufactured that

pearl into something beautiful. But asit is, it's quite small, and
that oyster never got a chance.That's why I love when I go to
Florida ordering stone crab, because thatis a unique, reliable resource. What
they do is they harvest the stonecrab. It's true story, not like
true story. Like it's true storya Joe Biden's style, which means it's
not a true story. They harvestthe stone crab, and it's got to

be in season, so not duringthe warm weather months during the summer,
you can't get them down there.It's got to be during the cold weather
months. They remove a claw andthey throw the stone crab back into the
ocean and it it grows the clawback and you don't have to kill it.
So you're sitting there even if you'relike a vegetarian, because that's the
ocean. You don't want to hurtanimals. And I get it. I

respect people that are like, yeah, I think you can dig in to
a stone crab, clowng and go. The animal is still alive, so
you know, is it really hurtingany You're not. I mean it's without
a claw for a while. Itcan survive though with just the one claw.
So if you got other oyster destinationsthat you enjoy and you want to

pass along and share for not justme, but the listeners like Alexais did
please do so and Jazz, you'llbe doing that. You really, this
is right up your outch on BlueIsland Oyster Bar and Lone Tree. Yep,
it's right up your alley. There'salso one in Cherry Creek as well,
by the way. Okay, twolocations Happy Hour oysters and clams from
two dollars and twenty five little neckclams. We're looking at that. That's

the fly little neck Okay, allright, Well, you know I like
the variety that Jeff talked about andI'm very intrigued. Now I'll explore it.
I'll give you a full scouting report. I'll give you my honest assessment
of it. You know, Italk about this. I have Courtney O
Dalin and she's a food critic andwe've been talking about doing a regular segment
with her, or maybe she andI go exploring to some local outfits,
and I want to help local businessesas I am able and give it.

Give you our scouting report Wine bythe Glass. Okay, now we know,
now we know why you're interested init. There we go, Why
know you and Pelosi? Hand inhand? Arm in arm uh. Following
up on a couple of stories thatwe ended the week with last week,
and first, I guess, howdo you see her name Hoda Cutby right

on the Today Show? Is thatright along with Jenna Bush whatever married name
is. I gotta say it likeher father j There you go, Jenna
Bush Hagar. She looks a lotlike W two, doesn't she much more
so than her sister, her twinsister Barbara. Yeah. And they're twins
and they look nh Yeah, they'refraternal twins exactly. It's very Barbara looks

a little more like her mom,I guess. But I look at Jenna,
I'm like, that's W's daughter.Anyway, they got pretty heated about
the whole Harrison Bucker thing. NowI don't agree with everything Harrison said or
how he said it, but NBCToday had a package about this and a

very unlikely supporter of Harrison, Butkerstepped up and this is an important person.
This morning, the fallout over KansasCity Chiefs kicker Harrison Bucker's graduation speech
growing from the NFL to a founderof Benedictine College, the school where he
gave the address. More people nowspeaking out after Bucker's firebrand speech encouraging women
to become what he says is oneof the most important roles homemaker. Some

of you may go on to leadsuccessful careers in the world, but I
would venture to guess that the majorityof you are most excited about your marriage
and the children you will bring intothis world. The NFL has said Bucker
doesn't represent its views, and theChiefs have not commented, But overnight Tavia
Hunt, the wife of Chiefs chairmanand CEO Clark Hunt, writing affirming motherhood

and praising your wife as well ashighlighting the sacrifice and dedication it takes to
be a mother is not bigoted,but others associated with the game have expressed
outrage at Bucker's comments, including thewife of a fellow NFL player, my
life didn't start when I married myhusband, and a former Chiefs cheerleader.
When you said stay in your layingten plus times bra take your own advice.

The Los Angeles Chargers, taking theopportunity to mock Bucker in its schedule,
released video showing the player in akitchen in a simulated video. While
for the Catholic community, the debateis real. Some support a Catholic man
encouraging Catholic beliefs to Catholic students isa breath of fresh air, but his
words rubbed some Catholic students the wrongway. Mary Aker graduated from Benedictine College

in twenty nineteen. What offended youabout his remarks? It's disheartening and all
of that was boiled down to Ibet you're most excited to go out and
start a family, and now anorganization that co founded Benedictine College, writing
the sisters of Mount Saint Scholastica donot believe the comments represent the Catholic Benedictine

Liberal Arts College that are founders envisionedin the speech. Bucker also railing against
abortion, IVF, surrogacy, andLGBTQ plus rights, not the deadly sins
sort of pride that has an entiremonth dedicated to it. Some in the
LGBTQ plus community saying his comments don'treflect everyone in the Catholic Church. I

know from my personal experience growing upin the Catholic Church that I was very
loved on and affirmed as a transperson. Liz tell us about the city of
Kansas City, it's involved. Yeah, that's right, Savannah. As the
commencement speech was picking up heat,the official X account for Kansas City posted
a reminder that Bucker actually lives outsidethe area. They specifically mentioned the city

he lives in. It was quicklydeleted. The mayor of Kansas City apologizing
for that message, saying it wasquote clearly inappropriate for a public account.
The Missouri Attorney General, though,is now calling it docsing and vowing to
hold the city accountable. So that'sLiz Krutz NBC Today. You heard her
reporting to Savannah Guthrie that Tavia Hunt, the wife of the chief CEO,

responded in support of Harrison. Butkerand my whole thing is he has a
right to his opinion. He spokeit at a private gathering, a commencement
for Catholic students. They could takeit or leave it. They don't have
to hold on to it. Likewhat he says individually is gospel. It's
his opinion. If I had tocause a ruckus every time in this business

and in academia where I have workedand studied, had to sit through some
liberal bull crap, you know,it's just you take it and you just
move on with it with your lives. And Bill Mars made a very important
point I want to build on injust a second. But here's what happens
when the local news tries to reporton it. And we're talking Market two
here Los Angeles, Kelly, ABCseven, you grew up with that channel,

right I did. Indeed? Allright, well, I'm only gonna
play the first part of this becausethe local news is going to hell in
a handbasket, and I'll explain whyjust from the beginning of this. I
won't even get that far into it. Super Bowl Champion Chiefs kicker Harrison butt
Ger get getting some backlash after hiscommencement speech at a Catholic university. It's

for comments he made about gay rights, abortion, and the rule of women
in society. ABC's Stephanie Ramos hasthe story. He kicked the longest field
gold in Super Bowl history. Rightthere. Okay, three things stand out
to me, Kelly, did youpick up on every one of them.
I'm going to have you guess thatwere erroneous and what we just heard?

Three things. Now, I knowI've worked in the business, so my
ears a little bit finely tuned toit. I'll go in order. Okay,
I'll break this down. Here's thisone Super Bowl Champion Chiefs kicker Harrison
butt Ger. It's not butt Gerr. Yes, it's by Kerr. Both
Jose and I commented on that.So move all right. These other ones

maybe not as clear, but we'regoing to continue getting some backlash after his
commencement speech at a Catholic university.It's for comments he made about gay rights,
abortion, and the rule of womenin society. Did he talk about
abortion? Listen to that one moretime at a Catholic university. It's for
comments he made about gay rights,abortion and the rule of women in society.

It's supposed to be the role ofwomen in society. He read the
rule of women in society, whichtakes us back to Anchorman and the legend
of ron Burgundy and the lesson ofron Burgundy. Oh you're going to kick
my dog. That's going to doit for all of us. Here at
Channel four, news. You stayclassy, San Diego. I'm Ron Burgundy

who typed the question mark on theteleprompter for the last time. Anything you
put on that prompter, Burgundy willread. So this male anchor, he
doesn't even stop all there. Ihate to say, this is a radio
guy, know how it sounds likeI'm radio guy ripping on TV guy and
I got a face for radio blahblah blah. But truly you're a TV

guy and it's on the prompter,and you can go in one of two
directions. The rule of women insociety or the role of women in society.
First of all, did you prereadthe script? You're supposed to do
that. I've done it. I'vebeen a TV anchor. He just flew
right through that as if it madesense to him that we would talk about

at freak University. It's for commentshe made about gay rights, abortion and
the rule of women in society.Rule, they're rule, They're conquering rule
in society, these women, don'tyou know. And then there was this
Kelly. This is the one thatI thought would have pissed you off the
most, and you didn't catch it. You didn't catch it the first time
at least here we go story.Okay, the longest field gold in super

Bowl history? What's a field gold? Thank you the law this field gold?
He struck gold, don't you know, like the end of the Rainbowl?
Oh, I mean Lucky Charms fieldgold, Kelly, So what did
I play here? This is ABCseven Los Angeles, KBC Baby Market two.

We got three different people making obviousmistakes. Harrison, but Ger,
yeah, whatever that means. Therule of women in society and the longest
field gold in Super Bowl history.That was all within fifteen seconds of the
presentation of this package. I don'tthink the kicker actually talked about abortion.

That's just beside the point. I'mpicking up on the transgressions from a broadcasting
standpoint of these phony TV types.But here's Bill Maher and his take largely
mirror's mine. I've gotten a sense, and I did long ago, that
Bill Maher and I are like mirrorimages of one the like I would be
the center right version of whatever heis, but he's center left left version

kind of being honest in his assessmentof things and not necessarily towing the typical
line on the left. He said, some of you talking to this,
the women here, some of youmay go on to lead successful careers in
the world. Okay, that seemsfairly like modern But I would venture to
guess that the majority of you aremost excited about your marriage and the children

you will bring into this world.I don't see what the big crime is.
I really don't. And I thinkthis is part of the problem people
have with the left, is thatlots of people in this country are like
this, Like he's saying, someof you may go on to lead successful
careers, but a lot of youare excited about this other way that everybody
used to be and now can't thatjust be a choice too? And I

feel like they feel very put upon, like there's only one way to be
a good person, and that's toget an advanced degree from one of those
ass factories like Harvard. Right,But this is going back to the discussion
I had with you about my mom, and she was coming through, you
know, baby Boomer, the braburning. The feminist movement of the sixties

and seventies. Mary Tyler Moore,her sister, my aunt Lily younger sister
was very big into the whole women'sliberation movement, big fan of Gloria Steinem
you know, Ruth Bader Ginsburg,that whole thing, the second wave feminism,
which is fine. But here's myproblem, and it's along the lines
what Bill Maher said. Those originally, let's say, that are in favor
of abortion claim to be pro choice, but they're not pro choice if your

choice is life, if you wantto keep the baby, they're not really
all about that action. They wantto celebrate the abortion. And that's where
they lost me big time. Andit wasn't just me because I consider myself
pretty moderate on the issue. Butthey celebrate their abortions. They scream their
abortions at these wacky rallies in DC. The other thing that holds true for

feminism was a woman, and she'dhave a choice whether to be in the
workplace and pursue a career and dothat, and that's fine, or whether
that they value staying at home andraising the kids and being a mother and
keeping house and whatever else. Butthat soon became not a preferred choice and
not an acceptable choice. My momcaught all kinds of heat. My mom

was a brilliant woman. I've toldyou this before. She skipped a grade.
Remember, she came to this country. She didn't know English. In
kindergarten, she learned not only English, but Spanish and oh, by the
way, still spoke Serbian. Mymom could have been anything she wanted to
be. She was a great teacher. She taught me when I was a
little guy, Spanish, flash cardsand how to read. Before I could
enter kindergarten, I could read.I was reading at a fifth grade level

in kindergarten. That was my mom. One hundred percent credit to my mom.
If I had been home schooled,which wasn't really a thing back in
nineteen seventy nine when I entered kindergarten, I think I would have been perfectly.
In fact, in some ways,I think I would have been a
lot better off if my mom wasa brilliant mind and teacher. But she

loved the idea of having kids andbeing a mom and she wanted to do
that, and my dad signed offon that. And back then, I
know it's a different time. Hecould earn one salary and they could make
it on that salary. That's verydifferent now, and Kelly and I have
talked about that part of it,and I get that. But if a
woman is able and can choose tostay home and raise kids and be a

mom to the family. You knowhow much better off I was for that
experience than being shipped off the daycare. When I had that individual attention from
my mom, I was lucky.I was so lucky. And you're going
to say, yeah, well you'relucky right that. You know, your
dad could work of one income householdand he grew up in the well.
We weren't like extremely wealthy. Mymom could have pursued a career, dual

income house at that time, wewould have been probably very well off.
But there's value in being a motherand in keeping a house and doing those
sorts of things. And what they'lltry to do instead, these liberals the
left and what Bill Maherin nails itis diminish that and say that that's not
worthy, that's not an acceptable choicefor a woman to make, and that's

hogwash. In my view. Frommy own personal experience, I can say
that I had three siblings. Wewere a household, you know, six
people, two parents, four kids. You know, there's eleven years between
myself and my baby sister, Lizzie, that's who I was messaging about the
pearl. And then there's my brotherand my sister Nate Nanjie in between,
and my mom chose to sacrifice whatshe wanted to do personally for the reward

of being a mother, and shedid her level best at it. And
she was so involved and attentive andeverything that we did and getting us interested
in involved in music. That washer big thing. You know. I
took piano lessons, I took guitarlessons. I played bass in the high
school jazz band. My brother's oneof the best guitarists I know. My

sister Angie took ballet and she wasa finalist in the Rose Queen pageant.
Lizzie played trumpet. All four ofus kids were very much better off for
that individual attention that we got fromour mom. So I'm not gonna sit
here and let liberals slam her orany of you out there who made that
choice when that was your choice tomake. I think Harrison Bucker was right

about that. We'll take this timeout. We'll get to Trump's comments outside
the courtroom when we come back afterthis. Ryan shuling on six thirty km
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Services. And tell them Ryan sentyou Donald Trump outside the Core House in

Manhattan. Had lengthy comments. We'llgo to those right now. Thank you
very much. So what we saw, that's really incredible. This but I
have to say the right good inmy life retirant and everyone's talking about this
is what we have exacting judge aboy to judge by Democrats, by the

club, and they keep being marringyour this is our fourth week, see
your fifth week. Not campaigning.But you saw what happened, what just
took place in that quarter, andhopefully the emotion if you dismissed this trial
will go through because this trial isa disaster for our country. This is
a disaster for New York State,New York City. To a great Jaracor

says, where is actually this isthe crime. To quote a murmer ofver
line from Shakespeare in Love, Idon't know. It's a mystery. There
is just no crime. And McCarthy, if it's unconstitutes them for Texas to
enforce federal in the Great laws,how is it constitutional for New York to
enforce federal election role. They're goingby federal law. It's never happened,

because where nobody's ever seen anything likethis. This is a witch chilgement.
This is a witch child. Thisis to damage croocket job by the worst
president of the history of country byfar, by far, to damage his
political moment. That's all. Thisis the highly political judge, a totally

conflicted judge, who just did somethingthat nobody's ever seen it, and the
press is not happening. I don'timagine they just got thrown out of the
courthouse. Nobody's ever seen it inBoyd by it. These things are consistent.
Bragg has no authority to enforce electionlaws, and we did nothing wrong
of them. Ted Cruz has saidit's over two hundred years, never once

as a president the United States beenindicted over no crime, no crime.
Mally Henry Way, very smart woman. This is a show trial. There
is no actual crime or evidence.Bally Heavy respected by everybody. By the

way, here's a very liberal gentleman, but a very talented, critically acclaimed
director Oliver Stone. Haven't heard us. They mentioned in a while it's a
new form of warfare. It's calledlawfare, and that's what they're using against
Trump. That's all of a sudden, who I tea is a superliberal,

but even he's talking about most oftimes, you've never had such liberal or
as they say nowadays, aggressive support. Mark living. You're living through what
is not only the worst presidency inAmerican history. That's fighting when it comes
to domestic and foreign affairs, butwhen it comes to our institution, the

rule of law order, which isthe core to this republic, by's dimandly
and he's destroying it. Don't evenknow he's saying. I think it's some
people around his uh desk, thatbeautiful, beautiful resident desk in the old
Office. It's a horrible thing thatthe country has never been in this position.

We're doing battling in so many differentways, and we're falling apart,
and we're not respected in the worldanymore. They're looking at it us,
they're saying, hey, they aredifferent than we are. Banded countries are
saying that, they're saying that theUnited States has no different than we are
Gavid Wax, the Tobals, theLeague severely miscalculated by declaring war on Trump.

I guess he's referring to the factthat the poles are through the room.
But I'm not even talking about that. And the polls are the highest
they have been been Andrew and Cageand Casky, who are terrific lawyers.
As everyone knows. It's passing onfor Judge Misham to dismisit his case Trump's
business records There are there are nothere's no false entry. By the way,

they paid a legal expense and theymarked a legal expense. And I
say it every day. They couldhave said construction. They could have said
this is for construction purposes. Thisis for some other purposes. You're building
a building. They say building expending. They called legal fees, which is
legal expense. They called the legalexpense. They paid a lawyer money legal

expense and then the lawyer's building thoughtsat retainer. It's a becameer. He
calls in the begainer former acting AttorneyGeneral that Winter Care of the Prosecution is
presented. Absolutely no evidence of acrowd. They recaptured the American Spectator.

The people over there, Judge,versions animosity toward Trump and his inability towards
your affair Draub is not lost onthe voters. Never seen anything righting And
this goes all roun ross who areNew York Times. I would defy anyone

to summarize the underlying situation to whichthey President too again today could be sent
to prison for a misdemeanor offense orsmall but there's not even a misdemeanor for
a misdemeanor offense elevated by a secondcrime for which isn't even being charged.
I'm not even being charged for.They didn't know what the judge, they

hadn't even charged for. You youknow what the crime is. I beat
heavily, but that's what the crimeIsn't pull away from that right now.
But Donald Trump, you could hearhim there with remarks Oliver Stone chiming in,
and I got to say from followinghim recently, he's getting up there
in years. But I wouldn't putOliver Stone on the fire left. I

think he's more of a traditional liberalin the sense that Bill Maher is.
But he's been disavowing a lot thatI've witnessed in interviews that he has done
with elements of the far left,and he did so right there. I
think that's an interesting take that DonaldTrump cited. So we'll keep eyes on
that, ears on that Robert Costello. I think this is brilliant by the
defense calling up former legal counsel atleast an advisory capacity for Michael Cohen,

who said, I'm ready to testifyand I can prove that Michael Cohen is
lying. So once those transcripts comeout and we get eyeballs on that,
Costella might have more to say andmore testimony tomorrow. But this is all
going in one direction and it hasn'tchanged direction over the entire trajectory of this
trial. It is heading toward eithera Trump acquittal, which it should be,
but even in a Manhattan courtroom witha liberal bias jury, I don't

know how they can convict. Itmight be a hung jury, but even
that, at this point I thinkwould be a disappointment in the jury.
This is a clown show. EvenSEE and MSNBC are realizing it. The
witness is completely not credible, MichaelCohen, and that's who they're pinning all
of this on. The hopes anddreams of getting Trump of the wily coyote

finally getting the road runner. They'repinned on, Michael Cohen, that's the
best they could come up with.My goodness. We'll take a break here
so I have more time on theother side, because I do want to
get to this story about a Lakewoodmom, Michelle Chandler, who took down
a peeping tom in a changing roomat Nordstrom's rack in Lakewood. And there's

a detail of this story that reallyhas me concerned, annoyed, a bit
perplexed, and even borderline angry.We'll get to that when we come back.
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brand new video showing a Colorado womantaking down a man she says tried to
record her in a changing room,and the post is now going viral.
Many supporting the Colorado mother for takingmatters into her own hands. Fox Everyone's
brig Nato speaking with her All Newat nine. Michelle Chandler had planned to
do a little Saturday shopping before abig day on Sunday. I just thought,

I'll go find something for Mother's Day. But once she went to try
on something inside a Lakewood department storedressing room, funny thing, I noticed
someone's feet stinks really bad, Shesays, she found out she wasn't the
only one paying attention. As Iwent to take these pants off, I
bent down, and I looked overand I saw men's shoes, socks,

and his phone pointing right at me, the mother of five taking matters into
her own hands, not once,but twice. Just stop making sure the
suspect wasn't going anywhere. I grabbedhim, threw him down on the ground,
put my knee in his back,and held his head down. Chandler
says department associates whom you see insome of these pictures and video, helped

at times restrain the suspect, whomshe says is nineteen, until shopping center
security and then Linkwoid PD arrived.This is why men don't belong in women's
fitting room. She adds recent toughtimes in her life fueled her instantaneous reaction
and response. You need to beheld accountable Michelle Chandler's reaction and response as

a mother and a human being.It's not okay what he did. Reached
out to Lakewood Police. They firstasked for the alleged victim's name and then
also a police report number. Theydid some digging. They simply say,
sadly, this is legit. Okay, it's legit. And there also,
this is the viral video. You'llonly be able to hear the audio,
but I'll be able to describe it. I think based on what she's doing

in it and what came out ofthis is what really alarmed me. Why
do you just stop? Men?Just stop relax. You're not going anywhere.
If you relax, for you,she's gone. We're going to keep
pulling onto you, okay, butif you keep resisting, it's going to

get tighter. In training, it'sgoing to get harder. Okay. A
woman put hunter, but I meana peeping tom in a headloft twenty minutes
until the cops arrived after she caughthim spine on her in the changing room.
This is awesome. There's a lotof people that are going to stop
you, so just relax. Ifeel you tense. Just relax being the

wrong person. This is why mendon't belong in women's spitting rooms. I
could remember more so, God loverthis. Michelle Chandler has the perpetrator alleged

to be a peeping tom with smellyfeet who was trying to record her in
a changing room. She has himin a headlock, and she has pretty
good technique, I might add,how was she able to keep her head
through all of this? Rick Lewisof our sister station one O three point
five the Fox on the FM floor, interviewed her and she was talking about
that where she drew that inspiration.A lot of it was just maintaining calm,

and I know a few of theemployees there the women said, I'm
just amazed at how calm you are. I just have total respect for you.
And you know, it's a funnything because a couple days prior to
it happening, I followed Jocko Willinkon a Instagram, former Navy seal,

and he had just there's a fewthings that he has inspired me just throughout
the years. But he had justposted something that said, you know,
there are going to be times youhave to do it alone. You have
to go it alone. There's goingto be those are the times that make
a difference, and you're going tohave to dig deep into yourself to get
the job done. And if youcan do that, you'll win. And
I just that was so inspiring tome, like two days prior, and

so, yeah, it was atough situation and I was on my own,
but I was not going to beviolated and let someone get away with
it. It keeps sticking in mycraw there that she was going to have
to go it alone, she hadto do this by herself, a middle
aged woman at Nordstrom's rack in Lakewood, not far from here. Many of

you may shop there. Why wasshe alone in this endeavor? Listen to
what she said at the tail endof this interview. I've not been reached
out by Nordstrom. There's human resources. They called their employees off the situation.
A lot of people are thinking there'smen helping, you know, but
they were. They came after Ihad the guy pinned down. They helped

because he was fighting, and thenthey were called off the situation and I
was left alone and there were onlookersthat were male customers that did nothing.
Are you kidding me? Let's bringthis full circle and tie this all up
in a nice bow. What wasHarrison Butker criticized for in his address to

Benedictine College advancing the notion of whattoxic masculinity? What was absent in this
episode at Nordstrum's rack in Lakewood healthy? So called toxic masculinity? Kelly Gucerra,
if this had happened to you,and as she described, dudes,

guys working security at Nordstrom's in thismall, male customers, onlookers just watched
as you tried to put this guya headlock. What would be your reaction?
It's quite unbelievable. I would hopethat the security people would be a
little bit more forthcoming. And youknow why they're not, though, you

know why they're not. They don'twant to get sued. They're gonna get
sued, They're gonna get fired.I don't care. I mean, I
believe Jazzy is with me on this. I'm not claiming to be any kind
of hero. I'm an average build, average height, average strength guy.
But Kelly, what do you thinkI would do in that situation. Oh,
you would be You would definitely confrontthe bat. You would be done.

The guy would be toast. That'sit, and come what may with
the consequences. I'm trying not toswear here, but I am so livid
about this, honestly, Like,yeah, there's a degree, and this
goes to the whole thing of menand women are different, and the average
man is a lot stronger than theaverage woman. And you're sitting there,
you wimp, you coward, watchingthis poor woman. Michelle Chandler put this

guy in a headlo. We don'tknow if he's armed or what the hell's
going on with this guy exactly,and you're gonna let her fend for herself.
Come on, man, this isn'tjust white night stuff either. This
is common sense. No, itis definitely common sense. JAZZI would have
done the same thing. My husbandwould have done the same thing. You
would. You and I have beenout a lot now. Had Jazzy and
I both been there, oh,we would have bum rushed the guy.

Yes, just pummeled him. Hehad it coming. Yeah. I just
for all you Texters, we're runningout of time here, but I want
to start with this tomorrow five seven, seven thirty nine, start your text,
Ryan Jazz, Can you believe this? Man? Just want to get
your quick take on it. Ican't believe it. I definitely would have
would have helped her out, youknow, if I saw something like that
going on, for sure. Buthere's the thing. It's like we just

talked about toxic masculinity, men afraidto be men. Now, I'm not
making excuses for these guys. Notin the least. You should do your
duty. I think as a goodcitizen, a good Samaritan in spite of
whatever is coming on the other side. Because the alternative would have been she
could have gotten shank in that situation. That's not going to happen, not
on my watch. And it goesto my theory once again, it's very

controversial. This world needs a littlemore toxic masculinity, agreed, not less.
Dan Kaplis is next, he's veryhealthily masculine. On six point thirty kh
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