All Episodes

May 16, 2024 38 mins
Candidate for CO-4 Lauren Boebert on Donald Trump's trial as she was in NY earlier today.

 Trump speaks from the NY courthouse again and again discusses why he shouldn't be in court.
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Episode Transcript

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The radical left wants President Trump tosimply go away. And if President Trump
just went away, this would allgo away as well. They do not
want him to be in this race. They know that he is the number
one candidate for president of the UnitedStates for the twenty twenty four election,
and they are doing everything that theycan to interfere in yet another election.

Well, I got news for theradical left and the weaponized DOJ. President
Trump is not going anywhere. He'scoming back for another four years, and
we are not going anywhere either.We are here to stand with him as
he stands up for you, theAmerican people. He has laid everything on

the line to defend our great nation, and I am so grateful for him.
Representative Lauren Bobert, of course fromthe third congressional district now running in
the fourth live outside of the Manhattancourtroom earlier today giving her remarks, and
she's absolutely right. I've said itmany times. If Donald Trump had stayed

in mar A Lago and just playedgolf for the rest of his life,
none of these charges would have beenbrought against him. There's your motive,
there's your reasoning, and she joinsus live now here on six point thirty
k how Representative Lauren Bolbert. Welcomeback, Brian. It's so great to
be on with you today, andit was great to stand with President Trump
in New York today as well withmy colleagues from the House Freedom Cost We

went there. We volunteered our timeand to sit in the courtroom with him
where a corrupt judge has put agag order on President Trump and will not
allow him to discuss the details ofthis trial. They will not allow media
in the courtroom while the trial isgoing on. Even a lot of the

evidence that is being presented to thejurors is not allowed to be seen by
the members in the courtroom who areobserving. And this entire thing is so
corrupt and it's such a sham.And to see that firsthand, I wanted
to be able to communicate that toColorado and to the rest of the American

people, that this is lawfare,that this is political persecution, and it
is yet again election interference. MichaelCohen, the cross examination of him by
the Trump attorneys done for the day. That's why Lauren's able to join us
right now or resume Monday. I'mlooking on Fox News at this moment nine
thirty am Eastern. That'll be seventhirty am here in the Mountain time zone,

Lauren, I want to dig downa little bit deeper about what it
was like to see this all unfoldfirsthand. I was following kind of bits
and pieces. There were bits ofevidence that Trump's attorneys wanted to enter in
text messages from Michael Cohen to adetective that Judge Mershan shot down, what
did you notice in person that youwould not have been able to witness outside

of the court. Well with thetext messages that you were referring to,
Ryan, First, they were presentedwith unredacted text messages, and the Michael
Cohen's council approached the bench and demandedthat a retracted version of those text messages

be entered into the record. Andonce those redacted messages were part of the
evidence, then it was no longerit was no longer something that was in
context when just reading the text,because the majority of Michael Cohen's text messages

to a detective were redacted. Andso this is something where they're again taking
evidence and not allowing that to bepresented as part of the case. And
Ryan, here's the biggest kicker ofthis. We don't know what the crime
is that President Trump is being chargedwith. How many days have they been
in court now, and not oncehas anyone shown or even hinted at or

accused President Trump Trump of being ofhaving a crime. And so this is
one of the biggest pieces of this. It shows that this is more just
a political witch hunt that we've seenfor the past few years. And as
I said in my opening statements tothe press, if President Trump just went

away, all of this would goaway. They are trying to find everything
that they can to paint him asa criminal. And watching Michael Cohen on
the stage and seeing the reaction fromthe jurors in the room, he has
no credibility. Even the jurors arelooking at him like, why is this
their star witness, their key witness. Why is this man here? He

is a convicted felon. He haslied before Congress, he has lied before
edges in the past. He hasgone to prison for his corrupt behavior and
for his lives, for his perjury. And this their star witness that they
have in this case to prove whatcrime. I don't know. Representative Lauren

Bobert joining us, Lauren, whereare you right now. So Ryan,
right now, I am almost backto Washington, d C. We still
have some work to do in atthe Capitol today and tomorrow. Tonight,
the House Oversight Committee will be havinga markup on the of holding Attorney General

Merrick Garland in contip of Congress.So that's where I will be going next,
straight to the House Committee room wherewe can have that dialogue space and
discussion Merrick Garland and contempt. Well, Lauren, it's almost as if you're
my associate producer, because that's exactlywhere I was going to go next with
you. He made some public commentstoday. The top line headline today was

that the DOJ was not going toprovide the audio recordings of the transcripts.
Again word for word, we wouldassume that we've read from Robert Hurd during
the documents investigation of President Biden.But apparently they're so damaging politically to Joe
Biden's prospects that the DOJ is willingto stand in front of the Congress,

the House GOP, of course,of which you are a part, Lauren,
and deny that access. Here washis explanation earlier today for our listeners.
And then I'll have you respond toit. Justice Department is a fundamental
institution of our democracy. People dependon us to ensure that our investigations and
our prosecutions are conducted according to thefacts and the law and without political insis.

We have gone to extraordinary lengths toensure that the committees get to response
to their legitimate requests. But thisis not one to the contrary, this
is one that would harm our abilityin the future to successfully pursue sensitive investigations.

I've got some curse words to respondto that, and it's bs.
I mean, that's what it is. But Lauren, from your perspective,
he's claiming. So the transcripts,the printed transcripts, those are provided we
assume word for word. But theaudio recordings, that's a bridge too far.
What is illegitimate about the House GOPrequesting the audio recordings of those interviews,

Brian, There is nothing out ofthe realm of normal asking for those
audio files to be given to us. We have the transcripts and it should
be word for words, so weneed to be able to have access to
the audio as well. But everythingwith this administration is corrupt and nonsense,

and there are they are continuously coveringup information that exposes their corruption. Now,
Attorney General Merrick Garland has ignored subpoenasfrom the House Majority and he thinks
that he is above the law.So we are going to do our part
and hold him accountable by holding himin contempt of Congress. We have given

him multiple opportunities to appear before theJudiciary and the House Oversight committees, and
he refuses to. There is somuch information that has not been released to
us, and this is very commonwith this weaponized Department of Injustice. Unfortunately,

we've even seen this in January sixthvideos where they are withholding some of
those videos from the public because theysay there are too many federal agents undercover
in the United States Capital at thetime, where other people were inside and
they don't want their identities revealed.Why were there so many undercover agents in

the Capitol building that day and whydid they do anything to stop, you
know, what was going on,especially if it was the insurrection that the
left cries about every single day anddemands attention to. So in every area,
this DOJ has gone through extraordinary lengthsto cover up anything that makes their

administration look bad. And we areworking to expose them at every turn,
even the cases against President Trump,those have all come out of the DJ
and been directed by the DJ togo after President Trump. They are keeping
him off of the campaign trail.They are doing everything they can to interfere

with his life and make this asdifficult as possible. You even have Joe
Biden making jokes about the debate,saying that Trump, I hear that you're
available on Wednesdays. Serene Jean Pierre, the White House Press Secretary, when
asked about the cases going on incourt and the trial that is currently underway,

he specifically said, I cannot talkabout the twenty twenty four election.
Yeah, because this is part oftheir election strategy because they can't do anything
to get inflation under control, securethe southern border in the invasion, stops
the smetanol that's coming into our countryand killing hundreds of Americans each and every
day. They're not doing anything tomake us energy secure like President Trump had

us, and it's the only chancethat they have at winning. In November,
Representative Lauren Bobert joining us in transitfrom Manhattan back to DC, where
she mentions this vote on contempt againstAttorney General Merrick Garland will take place tonight.
I have a question about that.But as looney as his first statement
was about this is an illegitimate requestfor these audio recordings, it gets even

stranger here more from Merrick Garland.A series of unprecedented and frankly unfounded attacks
on the Justice Department. This request, this effort to use contempt as a
method of obtaining our sensitive law enforcementfiles is just the most recent. The
effort to threaten to defund our investigations, and the way in which there are

contributions to an atmosphere that puts ouragents and our prosecutors at risk. These
are wrong. Look, the onlything I can do is continue to do
the right thing. I will protectthis building and its people. Laughable.
But Lauren, to build on yourearlier point, there is more than just
a smoking gun evidence that Letitia James, Fannie Willis, Alvin Bragg, Jack

Smith. They've all worked in coordinationand incahoots with Merrick Garland, the Biden
DOJ the Biden White House itself.They've targeted Catholic churches, trying to infiltrate
them, looking for anti American behaviorwithin those you mentioned the January sixth prosecutions,
I can't think of one major headlinewhere they have gone after a political

movement that's left of center. Butthere's all kinds of targeted political prosecutions from
this DOJ against all different aspects ofthose who are right of center politically.
What is he talking about when he'ssaying that the lives of those in the
DOJ are being put at risk becauseof your attacks on them. Well,

first of all, Ryan, Iwould counter that and say the lives of
American citizens are being put at riskby their political persecution. I mean,
we literally have January sixth prisoners,political prisoners who have taken their own lives,
Those who are even accused of crimesand are facing courtates have taken their

own lives because of the stress thathas been put on them. And look
at the moms and dads who werecalled domestic caraists, look at those,
as you mentioned in the in theCatholic faith who who are targeted by this.
I'm writing with Anna Paulina Luna,and we have your sweet little baby
boy with us, So just aside note, that's that's the baby.
I didn't have a baby. Mygrandson's not with me in DC. So

happy, you know, you're talkingabout the trial. He's given his own
commentary. But with all of this, you know, they're saying that we're
putting agents and prosecutors at risk withan effort to threaten and defund their investigations.
Well, first of all, wehave the power of the purse.
If you are not following the Constitutionand acting according accordingly and and abiding by

abiding by the separation of powers,then yeah, we're going to defund you.
We should not be funding a federalagency that is weaponized against the American
people. That is the power thatwe have, and unfortunately, we have
funded them at every turn in thisCongress. And it's something that I thought,
uh fought again and we even arebuilding them a brand new FBI headquarters.

And what he's talking about being unprecedentedand unfounded. With the comments made
about this Department of Justice, wellI would say the same about the American
citizens who have been persecuted by thisweaponized agency. Representative Lauren Bobert joining us
along with Representative Anna Paulina Luna fromthe Tampa Saint Pete area where my buddy

Hutch lives. That's his representative inthe same vehicle with her going from Manhattan
to Washington. Big vote tonight,Lauren. We know the majority has narrowed
in part because of the race thatyou're in the fourth congressional district. With
ken Buck abandoning his constituents. Howimportant is this vote tonight? Will there
be any Republicans peeling off? Doyou think you're going to get the votes

you need to hold Merret Garland andthe DOJ and contempt? And second part
to that question, how important isthat that Greg Lopez win that special election
runoff against Tricia Calvarese. Yes.Frian, Well, this is the first
part of our voting on holding MerrickGarland in contempt. It will just be
a vote coming out of the HouseOversight Committee. And I do believe that

this will pass out of committee andthen later it will come to the House
floor. And I think that wedo have a mass compelling evidence of a
Merrick Garland avoiding and ignoring the subpoenasand believing that he is above the law
to hold him in contempt even withoutDemocrat support. But you know, with

ken Buck abandoning constituents and literally leavingthem taxed without representation, I do believe
that it is so important that weget Greg Lopez elected in this special election
on June twenty fifth to be thecongressman for the remainder of the one hundred

and eighteenth Congress. This is soimportant. I have had Greg Lopez out
to Washington, d C. Sureintroducing him to how Spreedham COCCUS members and
leadership members and in the House Majorityand making sure that he kind of knows
his way around and knows what toexpect when he gets here. And I
think that that has given him anew perspective even on the campaign trail,

on what life's really going to belike once he gets to Washington, DC,
and how he will be able toeffectively represent Colorado's fourth district for the
short few months that he will bein office. And then I think with
Uster, I think we lost herand that's okay. We got enough out

of her there. I think wegot a couple of minutes. Kelly,
if you could briefly try to reconnect. I did have one more question I
wanted to as a representative Lauren Bobert, who you heard right there and what
she's talking about with Greg Lopez isthe special election that's coming up, and
it is side by side with theprimary election, which Lauren is a part
of, and there are many Republicancandidates in that primary, including Deborah Flora

Sonnenberg, Richard Holtorf, Mike Linch, Peter You. This is a wide
open primary. And Tricia Calvaresei,the Democrat nominee in the special election,
is also in the primary. Soon the Democrat side, she's got two
races to be concerned about, andwith Lauren, she is just focused on
that one primary for the long termto replace ken Buck. So it looks

like Kelly's dialing your back up.It is one of won one more question
here, let's go, Lauren.Thanks for your time your patients. Just
have one more question for you alongthose lines, and that is in the
race for the fourth congressional the primarythat you're involved in, what is left
for you the rest of the waybefore that Tuesday, June twenty fifth vote
takes place. And where would youcharacterize your relationship right now with Speaker Mike

Johnson because you voted against the effortfor Marjorie Taylor Green, your colleague,
to have him removed. Yeah,so there is a lot of work to
do in Colorado's fourth district, andI am just getting started. I have
been all over the district and hadmultiple forums and debates, and attended many
meetings throughout the district, and havemade well over six hundred phone calls in

the district to people individually, andyou know, just having that time to
have the one on one conversations andconnections and to really earn trust and support
and vote. So there's a lotof work to be done, happy to
do it. Every time I comeback home, I hit the ground running,
whether you know I'm just getting outof surgery or even you know,

if votes get canceled the day earlyand I come in early, well I
pick up those events that I wouldn'thave otherwise been able to attend. But
getting out there and connecting with somany people in eastern Colorado has been wonderful
to just expand our territory and growthis movement. So I'm looking forward to

January twenty fifth and winning the nominationfor the Republican Party to take on a
Democrat in the November election. Andit's been a wonderful fight in doing that.
Now. In regards to the Speaker, I have been very very open
about the way I feel we havehad a lot of failure theater in the

past few few months, especially inthe past few weeks, and we have
given up a lot of our leverageand authority and power as representative and capitulating
to the Senate and to Joe Biden. I did not vote to move forward
with the motion to vacate because Icannot risk having a Keen Jeffries as speaker.

Now. I was asked on theradio once or by a reporter once,
you know how I was felt aboutthe floor votes that we were taking
one particular week, and I said, well, it makes no difference if
we have a Keen Jeffries or MikeJohnson as speaker, because that's what was
reflective on the floor that week.But into reality, I have been saying
for months now that if it KeenJeffries become speaker, we lose our committee

chairman. Suddenly we have Jim Jordanwho has to step aside, and we
have Chairman Jerry Nadler. You haveDemocrats who have said that they will pass
legislation to make sure President Trump isnot on the ballot in November, and
so we cannot risk having Hakeem Jeffriesas speaker and him taking over those committees

and passing more of their radical legislation. So I did not vote to move
forward with the motion of ak.I figure we could just limp through the
rest of this Congress with Mike Johnson, but I will not be supporting him
as speaker in the next Congress.Fair enough. And one other detail,
there's a very real chance mathematically theelectoral college could be tied two sixty nine

two sixty nine depending on Obamaha atOmaha District in Nebraska. And if that
were the case and there were aspeaker Jeffries, it's a whole different result
than if Mike Johnson remains in place. So kudos to you, Lauren for
stay and buy him for that,but I understand your criticisms of him as
well. And thank you so muchfor taking the time today after your trip
to Manhattan to support President Trump.We appreciate your time. Thank you so

much, Brian, and I'll talkto you again when I'm back in Colorado.
All right, looking forward to thatRepresentative Lauren Bobert, of course,
from the third congressional district now runningin the fourth in the primary there that
is June twenty fifth, the specialelection, we will have a debate right
here six thirty k HOW. NextWednesday evening five pm Greg Lopez the Republican
against Tricia Calvaresey, the Democrat,with Dan Kaplis moderating. You won't want

to miss that. A time outwhere back President Trump has comments outside the
courthouse. We are standing by realtime. We're going to present those to
you when we come back after thistime out. Ryan Schuling on six thirty
k HOW Weekly conversation with Frank duranthe real estate man, and help is
on the way. He has arrived. He's right here and you can start

your journey to buying or selling yourhome maybe oh at Frank Durant Holmes dot
com. Frank, thank you somuch for joining us once again. Ryan,
Happy Sunday, Thursday. Great greatweather today, great weather. You
know what, it's great house huntingweather. And I know people might be
intimidated by the market, but youknow I've seen as a renter, my

price is skyrocket and I've been wanting, you know, I want to invest
in something. I want something whereI can earn equity, and not in
the dei sense, but in thereal estate sense. You know, at
taking that first step can be intimidating. It's sometimes the hardest step to take.
But what is the update as yousee it on the horizon on the
landscape for the current real estate market. Well, you know, Ryan,

inflation numbers have been stuck above theFEDS two percent target, but policymakers are
looking for greater confidence that inflation isgoing to drop before cutting rates. But
overall, here's the deal. We'veseen more inventory in the market. We're
up nineteen point five one percent monthover months, so buyers are seeing some
more choices out there. Now.With that being said, we still have
a supply and demand issue. Ultimately, the sweet spot is between five hundred

to seven hundred and fifty thousand,so really that's for single family homes that
makes up about forty percent of themarket. And I can tell you this,
these homes are moving. The market'sstrong. In fact, Denver Metro
was ranked the top real estate marketnow two years in a row in terms
of strength, so it's been astrong market out here. We're seeing homes
move now. The only difference I'mseeing is maybe condominians that's been a little

tougher with inflated hoa's and insurance beingtougher. To get that one's have more
inventory set. Those have been tougherto sell a lot more inventory, but
the overall market has been very strong. Ran follow up question to all of
that, Frank, is I usuallyhave here. But for somebody that's seeking
a home right now and they're lookingto get into the market and their eyes
are glazing over from all the advicethey're getting, all the online searches they're

doing, what is the biggest advantagethey have in going to Frank Durant Holmes
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Thank you so much for taking thetime. Have a great week and
enjoy this weather. Thank your friendyou too. God bless all right,
Frank durand the real estate man.And when you get hold of him,
Frank Durant Holmes dot com, tellhim Ryan sent you DJ Jazzy Jeff on
the other side of the glass.Appreciate his time, his work, his
effort, and Kelly as well.Because the call dropped, Lauren texted me

Kelly was right on it, gotback in touch and got her back on
to close out that conversation. Wethank Representative Lauren Bobert for joining us to
start off today's program in real time. She was in Manhattan earlier today offering
her support to President Trump. Shewas in the courtroom, provided her analysis
of what she saw. I thinkthe key takeaway I had was her read

on the jurors. Now, that'sdangerous territory. You don't know exactly what
they're thinking. We know that thereare two lawyers themselves on the jury.
But that's what I've been hearing isconsistent with Lauren's account that the jurors just
don't seem that in tune or impressed, whether it was Stormy Daniels on the
stand or Michael Cohen that we justheard himself and the general read that again,

we're reading Tea Leaves here. Isthat a hung jury certainly possible,
but I'm not ruling out an outrightacquittal. When you're on a jury,
everything changes. And even if you'repredisposed, let's say, to hate the
Orange Man, if you're taking thatjob seriously and you know what beyond a
reasonable doubt means, and that theburden of proof is on the prosecution,
it's really easy at that point,in my opinion, serving on a jury,

you have to then say, look, the prosecution didn't meet its burden
of proof, therefore not guilty.It's not that you're finding Trump innocent.
And that's what a lot of peoplemake the mistake about. You know,
this is kind of basic legal easeone oh one. But a defendant is
not on trial for his or herinnocence. They might not be innocent,
but it's guilt. Is it guiltbeyond a reasonable doubt? And has the

prosecution proven it? And if not, then you must find the defendant not
guilty. That is the American justicesystem. Donald Trump was outside the courtroom.
He had comments a little bit earlierduring my conversation with Lauren, and
here's what those were. Well,thank you very much. I think it

was a very interesting day. Itwas a fascinating day, and it shows
what scammed this whole thing. Answer. I think that seems to be the
way almost everybody, even CNN andMSDNZ they have courts over here there drop
to the trial. Kelly Honigan,this is saving you just made. Would

not have even charged this case.This case should have been judgeing each other.
Edman started against me, Nicholas Chamberslawyer, News Banks. There's no
law in securing a non disludger agreement. There's none. Everybody has it.
Every company hasn't out of concern foryour marriage or protecting your family, or

any other reason. The common notjust slug of NDAs. The Manhattan Show
trial against President Trump is a grossiveabuse of power. It's a disgusting spectac
offices. And it's to terrify allof us. And that's true, Jonathan
Charley, Fox News. Judge hasfailed to protect rights are defended in requiring

clarity. Trump did not violate federalelection law at all. I didn't.
I didn't violate any law. There'sa scam. Brand cannot prosecute federal election
law. It's not under his jurisdiction. Dj declined to bring the action.
As you know, Neo j lookedat this a long time ago. In

this case, it was going tobe broken, but you should have never
been brought. Should have been broughtseven or eight years ago. They didn't
do that because they wanted to bringit right in the middle of the election,
especially since we're leading in every poll. It's a weird situation where Judge
has allowed prosecutors to refer to electionvi elations. And as you know,

the federal Elections looked at it andthey didn't bring anything, and it's under
their jurisdiction. That was from JonathanTurley Andrew McCarthy. NDAs are legally common,
yet Trump's was illegal. I havethe only illegal India. It seems
that Trump's crime by Blue state likeswas winning the election. That was my

crime. I wanted an election thatI wasn't supposed to win against Hillary Cleton.
And that's not a crime either Republicanin New York. It's not a
crime. Bregg wanted to prosecute Trumpfor a federal campaign finance crime, something
he has no juristiction to do.This is from Andrew McCarthy higher despective.

He's got no jurisdiction to do withthat. Defends who do have jurisdictions decided
not to do it, not tocharge. They decided not to do it.
They looked at this, they decidednot to do it. This is
Bragg, who, by the way, didn't want to do it himself.
And then when I started running whatI announced, I was running over a

sudden that became out at him.Again, this is a political persecution.
Give an events editorial board whose caseis a joke. Ashton Kutchard's going to
pop and left to tell us thatwe've been published. You know what that
means. The series glorified and legalpranks and seriously all died to question the

impartiality of the American justice system.Justice is blind, Yet unlike this case,
justice is not dumb. We'd appreciatedif they do the right thing.
We were very much appreciated they dothe right thing. Shown how Tony Fox

is how did they come to thislegal theorier shows there is a problem with
our legal system. We're supposed tobelieve in equal justice under the law,
and this is not happening in America. Michael Goodwin of The New York If
most highly respected media session about thePartisans show trial of defendant Donald Trump is

obscuring a far more significant truth abouthim. Candidate Trump has opened up his
biggest lead at the presidential campaign polls, a battle ground states alone. With
such evidence and such other evidence asthe enormous turnout of over one hundred thousand
people in New Jersey rally this weekendthis last weekend and dispirited concessions by Joe

Biden supporters signal that we've reached aturning point in the battle for the White
House. It's all a big disipace, it's all political. Jason called the
Daily Call of respected voters told MSNBCthe cases have increased their support for Trump.

They went out to the voters andthey said, we like Trump a
lot better now because they see what'shappening with this horrible which I had said.
I've talked to many people who formerlyidentified as a Democrat, a certain
daughter of what used the name,but said they have changed their political persuasion

independent and are now looking forward tovoting, very forward to voting for Donald
Trump. These are people that wereDemocrats and they're looking to vote for Donald
Trump. Crump supporter with the blackmen as serge in all seven battle ground
states by large large numbers. Seeingin Chief, National Affairs corresponded. Jeff

Zelleny said Monday that swing state voterstell them they're disgusted and tired of what's
going on here with the Trump trial. Charles Compton, New York Post.
Had this case gone to an electedNew York State Supreme Court judge, elected,
as the word chances are here,she would have dismissed such a baseless

political persecution or prosecution against Trump.However, acting in Supreme Court justices like
one version, our political appointee subjectto political manipulation. That's true. While
Trump is charged with fraud, it'sbrand as political hand as you are.
The ones that are committee all right, President Trump, they're outside the courthouse.

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you. Catch it on the podcast. The jazz Man's gonna upload that after
we sign off the air today.Ryan Shuoling back with you on six thirty
K how taking you inside the courtroomwith Representative Lauren Bobert, who was there

in Manhattan today. She joined usto start the show. You heard from
Donald Trump. Now let's turn toyour texts. In reaction to it,
Alexis says, go Trump, It'sstunning how corrupt these das and judges are.
So many reasons this case should neverhave been brought to trial, and
so many illegal and questionable actions bythe DA and judge since the trial start.

At aimen to that. Gina inSpringfield says Biden invoked executive privilege over
the audio of the her report.The main thing. They were holding Garland
in contempt for him. I'm thinkingyou mean Trump snakes, she says,
But yes, Garland is being heldin contempt of Congress based on the fact

that he is just simply not goingto release the audio. They've already released
the transcripts, so in theory itshould just be the accompanying audio, there
would be no disconnect something that wasleft out of the transcripts that's included in
the audio. What is included inthe audio are the examples of Biden's cognitive
decline, where he's stumbling, mumbling, pausing, failing to remember things damaging

to him in his campaign. Soit's purely for political purposes that Merrick Garland
is running cover for Biden. Idon't think we've had a more political attorney
general now coming close in the Obamaadministration, Eric Holder. I think you
know, he had the whole fastand furious controversy with him, the gun

running, et cetera. He wasvery corrupt, but I think Garland's worst.
Garland has this meek, mild kindof delivery, but he's very passive,
aggressive, he's very politically motivated.There is no reason to withhold the
audio recordings of those interviews Robert hurhad with Joe Biden except to prevent political

damage. That's it. This onesays, I don't think Dan will be
a fair moderator. That's just myopinion. Well, Texter, I'll say
we got rave reviews in the debatethat he moderated between Greg Lopez and Heidi
Ganall for governor, and that wasa highly contested race. I can tell
you behind the scenes of that,and I am very confident that Dan will

conduct himself in a very fair mannerwith Greg and with Tricia Calvareci, Pez's
opponent. Trisha's been on this showa couple of times. She should be
appearing with Dan soon, I thinkbetween now and the debate next Wednesday.
And I give her credit for comingon conservative talk radio. This is definitely
a road game for her. Butthink about it, just like the table's

turning, Donald Trump has to participatein debates moderated by Jake Tapper and Dana
Bash, who have publicly bashed Trumprepeatedly. You know who those two are
going to be voting for, andyet Trump is going through with it anyway,
going headlong into the fire. AndI think Tricia Calvareesi deserves credit for
doing the same, and I believethat Dan will be much fairer to her,

Let's put it that way, thanJake Tapper or Dana Bash will be
to Donald Trump. Coming up inJune on the twenty seventh and Finally,
Kelly needs to be fired, saysthis texter. I had her back when
she didn't like Seinfeld. She hasto go because this morning she pushed for
Princess Diaries to the point Michael Brownstarted that horrendous movie on the air.

So Kelly this text, I'm sorrysaying you're fired. Okay, you're totally
fired. It's over. Thank youfor your service. Was there the Princess
Bride or Princess Diary? That's hisbride? Oh that changes everything. Okay,
we'll take a time out. We'llcome back and discuss after this
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