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May 17, 2024 36 mins
Chaos breaks out at a House Oversight Comitee meeting as insults are hurled. 

Cook Political Reporter Erin Covey with more on what took place at the House Oversight Comitee meeting.
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Episode Transcript

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Friday addition, welcome to it,Ryan Schuling with you on six point thirty
k how DJ Jazzy Jeff on theother side of the glass. We have
guests galore and we have your participationas well. Five seven, seven thirty
nine. Please keep that in mindas we have our Friday Fool of the
Week, and that'll be coming upa little bit later on as well.

We'll have Aaron Covey joining us fromthe Cook Political Report. She reports on
the House and there were some shenanigans, hijinks and tom foolery all in one,
the trifecta going on in the oversightcommittee. You may have heard about
this last night. Now I wantto play this in its entirety, just

right off the top, because thiswill be one of the nominees for your
Friday Fool of the Week. Theproblem is there's no way to truncate this,
there's no way to abbreviate it.It's about three minutes long, little
more than that, and it playsout exactly like a classic Saturday Night Live
sketch. I'm talking back in theday when they had the great writers and

Jan Hooks and Phil Hartman and BobOdenkirk was a writer, and Robert Smigel
and Conan O'Brien, you know whatI'm talking about. This was the stuff
of pure theater. At one timeit would have been considered fan fiction,
but this actually happened on the Housefloor. So, in an unprecedented fashion,

your first nominee for the Friday Foolof the Week is a plural bipartisan
effort. Representative Marjorie Taylor Green RepublicanGeorgia, Representative Jasmine Crockett Democrat, Texas,
and the star of the show asalways making herself front and center,

Representative Alexandria Ocasio Cortes, Democrat,New York. Just give this a listen.
It is unedited for three straight minutes. I didn't mess with it at
all because it didn't need to bemessed with. To the House Oversight Committee
floor from last night, and mygoodness, I'd like to know if any

of the Democrats on this committee areemploying Judge Mershawn's daughter, Please tell me
what it has to do with MaryGarland? Is she a porn stuff?
Oh Goldman, that's right, he'sadvising. Okay, he's advising. Who
what do you do? You knowwhat we're here for? You know,

we're here. You know what you'rehere for. Well, you don't want
to talking about I think your fakeeyelashes are messing up nothing. Order.
I do have a point of order, and I would like to move to
to take down Miss Green's words.That is absolutely unacceptable. How dare you

another person? Are your feelings herwords down? Girl? Baby girl?
Oh really, don't even play babygirl, and don't. We are gonna
move and we're gonna take your wordsdown. The second motion, so,
so who will have Miss Greene agreesto strock her words? I believe hold

on. Then after mister Perry syou will be recognized in mister I'm not
apologized. I am not apologizing.Well let's come come on, guys,
why don't you debate me. MisterChairman, the minority RECOGNI you're not You're
not aboard, you don't have enoughintelligence. Chair recognizes mister Perry. Okay,

lady's words again. That's two requeststo strike. That's two requests to
try. They cannot take the words. Another motion to strike your words again?
Okay, members, And here's thecorrect, the correct parlogy. Miss
Green, do you ask do youagree to you unanimous consent to strike?
Your words. I repeat again forthe second time. Yes, but I'm

not apologized that objection, mister chairpoint order, Who's it's me? I'm
just curious just to better understand yourruling. If someone on this committee then
starts talking about somebody's bleach blonde,bad built, butch body, that would

not be engaging in personalities. Correct, what now, Chairman, I make
I make a motion to strike thosedon't I don't think that's one. Trying
to find clarification on what qualm yousaid, We're not gonna we're not going
to do this. Look you guysearlier, literally you just order. I'm

trying to get clarification. Get calmdown, calm now, no, no,
no, crocket, you're not recognizeddown Wow, goodness gracious. It

almost made it to the end,and then DJ Jazzy Jeff had to dump
it there. So if you geta little bit of a gap in the
programming, it was right at theend. There was an S word that
was from Representative Jasmine Crockett, Democrat, Texas, trying to be as proper
and formal as I can because whatyou just heard was a complete clown show.

You know, we were once aproper country. Maybe we weren't,
but at least it was more properthan this. These are the people that
are making life and death decisions aboutpolicy in Washington, d C. Do
you understand now why I am alibertarian when it comes to less government is
more. The less influence and impactthese people have over our lives, the

better the do nothing Congress going backin the middle of last century. Good
good. If they do nothing thatmeans they can do no harm to any
of us with their wretched policies andout of control spending. This was supposed
to be a House Oversight Committee hearingabout Merrick Garland being cited for contempt of

Congress for withholding audio recordings of theRobert Herr investigation interview with President Biden.
But now they are checkmated the DOJon the chessboard, and they're flailing around
looking for excuses as to why thepresident can invoke executive privilege over the recordings.

Karine Jean Pierre was asked about thisthat does the White House feel that
the recording the audio would be politicallyharmful since that point was also raisonable,
So I can't. I don't wantto get in to dive into the specific
point that you're making about the politics, and I would have to refer you
to our Council's office on that.But there were determination that the President took

very seriously on behalf of the ObviouslyI had the request of the Attorney General,
and that's how this decision was made. What did she just say?
What was the reason that you don'tuse or invoke executive privilege because certain information
getting out about an investigation into yourconduct would be politically damaging or embarrassing to

a person running for office, inthis case the president of the United States.
You can't just do it for politicalreasons. And as we heard yesterday
in my conversation with Representative Lauren Bobert, who rewined for a moment he was
at that House Oversight Committee hearing,and all the criticism that Lauren takes,
she did not get into the frayof any of that. In fact,

at one point I think I sawher making the sign of the cross with
all this flat going back and forth. She was literally right in the middle
of it. But in my conversationwith her yesterday, it was Merrick Garland,
the supposed Attorney General, who said, this is not a legitimate request
for the House Republicans, they're justusing it for political fodder, and that

is not a reasonable concern for theDepartment of Justice to withhold audio recordings that
do have a functional purpose. Theydemonstrate, in addition to the printed out
text of the interviewing conversation, whichthey should be one and the same,
what you read on the sheet ofpaper should match up perfectly with the audio

recordings or the video that is shown. But what it adds to the picture
is the state of mind of thepresident at the time. Was he coherent?
Was he cognizant of what questions werebeing asked? Were the dramatic pauses
that seemed a little longer than theyshould have been? It goes to his
fitness for office. This is absolutelya concern that is in the interest of

every American, and yet they're goingto try to withhold it simply because it's
embarrassing to Joe Biden and politically damagingto the President. Sean Hannity asked Jim
Jordan about this, and he's right. So we have motive, an eight
million dollar motive. We have theelements of the crime met but Robert Hurst

says, we're not going to bringa charge we're not going to recommend charges
because he's a forgetful, elderly gentleman. Okay, So give us all the
evidence. And by the way,Joe Biden's already waived executive privilege when he
released everything, including the transcript.We just want the best evidence so we
can evaluate if in fact the DepartmentJustice is truly being independent and impartial,

which is our job under the Constitution. That's why we held him in contempt
and it passed out a committee earliertoday. So despite all the histrionics and
theatrics that you heard in the HouseOversight Committee, that's a nominee for our
Friday Fools of the Week plural inthis case, for this group of nominees,

they did pass out a committee therecommendation to hold Merrick Garland in contempt
of Congress. Now, this willgo to the House floor for a procedural
vote. At that point will anythingcome of it? Likely not, but
I don't know. There should besome kind of judicial intervention here, but
how long will that take? Ifnothing else, It's a stalling tactic by

Merrick Garland and the Biden administration totry to kick the can down the road
and prevent this damaging audio from comingout for as long as possible, and
they might be able to get tothe finish line on it. That remains
to be seen, but we'll seewhere it goes from here. By the
way, Representative Lauren Bobert, we'llbe joining Dan Kaplis later on this evening

at five point thirty six, sohopefully she'll be able to fill in some
details on that. Dan is backtoday. By the way. The other
big piece of news yesterday, aswe were covering it in real time,
and Representative Bobert was in attendance atthe Manhattan courtroom. There what we didn't
know, because you know, I'mdoing the show, so I'm trying to
kind of follow everything that's going on, was exactly how damaging the cross examination

of Michael Cohen was to the ManhattanDistrict Attorney's office, namely Alvian Bragg,
but everybody involved in the prosecution here. So Michael Cohen is our second nominee.
As we're rolling these out kind ofslowly today, but we don't have
any video or audio from the courtroom, I'm having to turn to some transcribed

exchanges in The Independent. This isa British publication. Todd Blanche was the
man of the hour, or shallwe say several hours, as he consistently
pummeled Michael Cohen over and over,but there was a method to his madness,
finally bringing this cross examination full circleand exclaiming at one point, that's

a lie to Michael Cohen. Cohenand I'm reading from this article appeared unmoved,
answering simply that the prank phone callswhich came into the record were part
of a conversation that he had withmister Trump's bodyguard Keith Schiller in October twenty
sixteen, that it was in partto complain about the harassing phone calls he

was getting get this from a fourteenyear old? A fourteen year old was
prank calling Michael Cohen. He wasgetting severely agitated. He was trying to
intimidate the fourteen year old during thesephone calls. He was threatening the fourteen
year old kind of with the doyou know who I am type thing and

do you know who I work for? And what can be done here?
And then apparently the fourteen year oldwas begging for mercy at one point,
apologizing, and Cohen was trying todetermine whether or not to let this kid
off the hook. This is allhappening, and it's documented in the phone
records. At the very same timethat Michael Cohen claimed he was calling said

bodyguard to confirm that the payment toStorey Daniels had been taken care of.
You wanted to give an update,so when pressed on this phone call in
particular, Todd Blanche went ham onhim. If you know what I mean,
Blanche now retorted to Cohen, tryingto kind of opuskate what the phone

call was about. Quote, now, your memory is that you were testifying
truthfully on Tuesday, and you hadenough time to update mister Schiller about all
the problems you were having with theseharassing calls. Cohen responded, Quote,
I always run everything by the bossimmediately. It could have just been me
saying everything's been taking care of it'sbeen resolved. But in his testimony earlier

this week, phone records confirming it. Cohen said he called mister Schiller October
twenty fourth, twenty sixteen, Thatsame day after he had transferred one hundred
and thirty grand to Stormy Daniel's attorneyas part of the deal non disclosure agreement
to block her from telling her allegedstory about her rendezvous with Donald Trump back

in six A few days later,on October twenty eighth, the phone call
that lasted more than five minutes,Cohen told Trump to tell him that quote,
the matter was completely locked down andunder control. That was Cohen's prior
testimony on Tuesday, But on Thursday, Blanche, the attorney for Trump,
argued that the call on October twentyfourth, was about this alleged fourteen year

old prankster. Then, according totext messages shown in court, the prank
caller eventually failed to block their number, and Cohen sent this person a message
telling them that they were being reportedto Secret Service. This sol hollibaloo is
going on when Cohen is alleging thathe's trying to seal the deal on the
Stormy Daniels payment. Mister Blanche asked, you eventually asked them to have your

parent contact you when they expressed theywere fourteen. I thought it was proper,
Cohen replied, and then roughly twentyminutes later Cohen called mister Schiller.
Now Blanche pushed Cohen to admit thathe was lying about the true purpose of
the call. Cohen replied, no, sir, I can't. So this
went on and on, and Cohenbasically got caught in a lie. The

reactions on the faces of those inthe courtroom told the story that if you
think Michael Cohen lied about one thingin any of his testimony, and he
was a known liar coming in sohe really had no margin for error on
that, then you can disregard therest of his testimony. And this was

all made very clear by I believeit was Randy zelln He's a Cornell law
professor and he was having this interviewwith John Berman. This is from yesterday,
recoverable for the prosecution. No,can I stop there? Or do
you want me to keep going?You can elaborate, elaborate, Michael Cone,

thank you. Michael Cone had onejob to do, and that was
to put Donald Trump in the roomand to have Donald Trump part of the
conversation concerning the making of false entriesand the books and records of the Trump
organization in order to influence the election. False entries of the misdemeanor elevated to

a felony because it's in furtherance ofanother crime, which is election election in
deference election for it had one jobto do, and he couldn't do it
on something so simple. Tell usabout a conversation, and the worst part
of it is on direct he soundedso convincing, he sounded so smooth,
so good. It was such agood day for the prosecution. Describes a

conversation and then completely shoots a poochwhere it looks like that conversation absolutely actually
never happy, done done, saysr Andy Zellen. Here. Now,
Berman, I don't know if he'sjust playing devil's advocate here, but I
would not go so far as togive him benefit of the doubt status.
He's trying desperately, I think,to stretch and cover for Cohen with this

characterization. I will say this assomeone who spends a lot of time with
these transcripts as night as part ofmy side hustle. Here. That conversation,
right there, was actually only oneof several conversations that Michael Cohen testify
to. It was the shortest one, and it was the least perhaps important
in telling the story about how,according to Michael Cohen, Donald Trump approved

of the payments, a stormy Danielsknew about how they were organized and whatnot.
That call was on October twenty fourth. On October twenty six, Michael
Cohen testified in great detail about alonger conversation he had with Trump where he
talked about actually setting up the bankaccount. So does that no longer matter
that testimony? Randy, Well,my first response is no, because if

he had such a strong case ortestimony to present, why would he lie
about this one thing? Weals inunham. I think that's the fancy Latin
phrase, which for the rest ofus means if you lied about one thing,
I don't have to believe another thingthat you say. And that is
exactly what the judge will instruct thejury. If you find anything that a

witness said to be untrue, tobe incredible, to be a lie,
feel free to disregard the entirety ofthat witness's testimony. Once you brought up
Latin, there's nowhere else to go, Nowhere else to go for Michael Cohen
or the prosecution. An acquittal onthe table. I mean, back with
more Ryan Shuling after this on sixpoint thirty k how the Democrats on this

committee are employing Judge Mershawn's daughter,Please tell me what it has to do
with Mary Garland is she a pornstuff. Oh Goldman, that's right,
he's advising. Okay's advising. Whatdo you do? You know what we're

here for? You know we're here. You know what you're here for.
Well, you don't want to talkingabout I think your fake eyelashes are messing
up. Order, mister committee order. I do have a point of order,
and I would like to move totake down miss Green's words. Okay,

that was just a taste. Andlittle did she know prior to not
only joining us, but to hercoverage of the House Cook Political Report that
our next guest, Aaron Covey,would actually be serving in the role of
a WWE report her. She joinsus. Now, Ryan shuling with you
on six point thirty Ko Aaron,what do you make of what you heard
there on the House Subcommittee floor?Hey? Ryan, Yeah, well thanks

for having me on. I amnot used to serving in this role.
You're correct, But yeah, Ithink it's fair to say that it was
a bit of a dumpster fire lastnight. And you know, it's been
a chaotic year and a half thispast one hundred and eighteenth Congress, but
this has definitely been I think abit of a new low in the minds
of a lot of members. Wesaw a lot of members on both sides

of the aisle come out and criticizewhat happened at the at the dere in
the Oversight Committee hearing last night,and I think this really only hurts the
Republicans argument that they that they shouldretain control of the House next year.
That's where I'm going next here.Aaron Covey, our guest cook Political Report,
they do greg work there and shecovers the House. So you're dealing

with these representatives on a day in, day out basis, and I'm just
trying to get your objective analysis forwhat's the endgame here. For Representative Marjorie
Taylor Green. Let's start with herbecause she just had a failed effort to
oust the Speaker Mike Johnson, thata majority of Republicans were against that effort,
and then these antics on the committeefloor last night. What do you

make of her objectives her motives here? Has she articulated those two at any
time? Yeah? Well, Imean I will say I mostly focus on
covering the competitive races, and shedoes not represent a competitive district, which
is partially the reason why she,I think is politic has some political motivation
to go as far to the rightas possible on these issues and go after

the Justice Department and go after Biden. You know, this is not this
is a district that is like anR plus twenty two. She's in no
danger of losing reelection. A Democratran against her last cycle and rant and
raised over sixteen million dollars, butbecause of the makeup of a district that
did not do anything for him.So she, you know, she is

not motivated to moderate in any way, obviously, and she also obviously has
has a large platform and is motivatedto use these moments to further increase that
national platform. And that's what itappears to be absolutely Now, Aaron,
I want to get to kind ofthe tug of war that's going on here
over the Robert Her interview recordings withPresident Joe Biden. We've gotten the transcripts,

but the administration, the DOJ isreally fighting tooth and nail from releasing
these recordings to the House upon theirrequest. Here's what Merrick Garland, the
Attorney General said yesterday as to thereasons why the Justice Department is a fundamental
institution of our democracy. Pepill dependon us to ensure that our investigations and

our prosecutions are conducted according to thefacts and the law and without political insurance.
We have gone to extraordinary lengths toensure that the committees get responses to
their legitimate requests. But this isnot one. To the contrary, this

is one that would harm our abilityin the future to successfully pursue sensitive investigations.
I don't really understand that last part, but he says the release of
the transcripts that's a reasonable request.The recordings apparently are an unreasonable request.
And I'm trying to square those twothings as to it being anything other than

political, because he accused the HouseRepublicans this will just benefit you politically as
a cudgel. He may be righton that, but the withholding of these
also serves only, in my estimation, Aaron, as a political function for
the president. What did you makeof this? Yeah, so I think
you're right. I think you know, releasing these audio the audio files would

only hurt the president politically, Soyou know, I can't comment on how
much of that is affecting the AttorneyGeneral's response there, but you know I
will say that, yes, thisis only further escalating tensions between House Republicans
and the Biden administration. You know, from the beginning of the session,
Republicans have made it a top prioritythat they intend to go after the Justice

Department specifically, and you know,this has created a kind of difficult situation
for Republican leaders. And Mike Johnsonis in a difficult position. He's facing
a lot of pressure on his rightflank to go hard against the DJ But
attacking the DJ coulb backfire for theRepublicans who represent swing seats. And Republicans

have such an incredibly narrow majority rightnow of just four seats, and if
they want to maintain control of Congress, we're going to need to win several
seats that voted for Biden in twentytwenty, and so going after Biden's Apartment
of Justice may not help them there. Aaron Covey as our guest, She
of the Cook Political Report, andshe covers the House of Representatives kind of

a unique battlefield, as it were, Aaron, not just because of the
narrow majority that you cite for theRepublicans, but that it has been shrinking.
And here in Colorado, our ownrepresentative Ken Buck he's just given up
altogether. He's retiring and heading forthe hills literally here in Colorado. And
there's going to be a special electionin a debate right here in our radio

studios next Wednesday, between Democrat TriciaCalvarese and Republican Greg Lopez. And what
I'm seeing is that, again,more than just a tempest in a teapot
here for our fourth congressional district,this is a race that, depending on
which way it goes, could determinethe balance of power in the House of
Representatives, and that could bridge thegap between election day and Inauguration day.

And if it's a two sixty ninetwo sixty nine electoral college tie, that
could determine the president of the UnitedStates. Am I overstating it? Yeah,
that is that there is a remotepossibility of that happening. Certainly,
I think probably unlikely that it actuallydoes come down to a tie, But
you know that is something that folksare taking into calculation right now. And

yeah, you're right. There area couple of districts in Colorado that could
be competitive. The eighth district,kind of north of the of Denver in
the suburbs there is by far themost competitive. This is one that dear
Caraveo, the Democrat who represents it, won by less than a point last
cycle, and so this is thetop target for Republicans the cycle. And

you know, if they want tomaintain their majority, they need to be
able to go on offense and districtslike this. But then you have the
district that Lauren Bobert currently represents,the third district. This could also potentially
be competitive. Trump wanted by Ibelieve seven points in twenty twenty. And
now obviously Bobert is not running thereanymore, partially because I think a lot

of Republicans, including herself, wereconcerned that she might lose, and so
she decided to run instead in thefourth district, which is currently held by
Ken Buck who is retiring, sothat seats open now. It's pretty far
away from the third district, soshe's faced some criticism for switching seats like
that, but she has a nationalprofile. I believe the state Republican Party

just endorsed her for the fourth seat, and so I think she's probably still
favored there and that seat, eventhough it is a district that is not
like bright Red, it's still adistrict that Republicans are strongly favored to win.
So if Bobert wins the primary forthe regular election in the fourth district,
I think she'll be certainly the favoritein the general as well. You're

in final question and just how yougo about doing the analysis for your job.
Now we see these snapshot polls,whether it's on the president, and
then we see some Senate polls thatseem to be running counter to that at
least a little bit, you know, Trump overperforming let's say the Republican candidates
for Senate in these various swing stateslike Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania. But

how you do your on the groundanalysis, like you just kind of outlined
there for House cease because there area lot more local in terms of races
and issues that are important. Butare they're broad strokes right now that are
giving you any indication of where theseraces might go in terms of overall control
of the House. Yeah, that'sa good question, and you're right,
these are obviously often do sometimes revolvearound more local issues, but actually usually

the most important aspect of House raceand determining which way it's going to go
is how the presidential race plays out. Because a lot of folks don't know
who their members of Congress are,to be honest, and they're just voting
down the party line, and sohow well Biden does is going to determine
if Democrats are able to take backthe majority. And right now we see

control of the House overall as apure toss up. Neither party is favored
enough seats to take back a majority, and it's going to come down to
the twenty two races we have rightnow in the toss up category, and
so it really is going to bea game of inches. She's done work
for NPR c SPAN in the past. Currently the US House analyst at Cook

Political and you can find her onTwitter slash x at r Covey c O
V e Y joining us today withthat perspective on things here in Colorado and
nationwide and the kind of Donnybrook thattook place last night in the House Subcommittee
floor. Aerin, Thank you somuch for your time. Have a great
weekend. I look forward to talkingto you again soon. Yeah, thanks

for having me on all right,the Cook Political Report. You can find
that online at Cookpolitical dot com.And that is Aaroncvey, analyst for the
US House of Representatives, we'll getto our Friday full of the week complete
nominations. You've already heard two ofthem. The third on the way after
this time out to round our numberone, Ryan shuling with you on six
thirty k. How okay, herewe are. It's the weekend between Mother's

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tell them Ryan sent you. Seemslike every week they get a little bit

more difficult to sort through. Ofcourse we've already covered two of these are
getting a lot of response and reactionto the melee on the House Oversight Committee
floor from last night, but Igot to get the tail of the tape
here for my two contributing producers onthe other side of the glass. If
a brawl were to break out,let's say this goes full wwelec Trish Stratus

back in the day, it's femalewrestling. It's all no holds barred,
all systems go. Who wins ina fight? Marjorie Taylor Green, Alexandria
Casio Cortes or Jasmine Crockett, Kellygo MTG now way too, she's got
that Georgia girl in her. Doesthose Southern bells. You gotta watch out.

Yep, she can throw a punch. I okay, that's your vote,
Jazzy, who you got in that? I'm actually gonna go AOC only
because I think she's the type whereif you had your back turned, Yeah,
she'd get a little sneak attack,a little sucker punch on you.
You know, even better theater forthe WWE. So we got a couple
of votes there. We'll take yearsas well. Five seven, seven,
three nine. And let me seehere, Ryan, come on, Brian,

there you go. Thank you forthat. You act like back in
the day the guys didn't reach fisticuffson the house floor. But yeah,
for real, Like that's even moreannoying than you being on the radio,
Like, please don't ever play thatagain? Play what again? What are
you talking about? Are you talkingabout this? I'd like to know if
any of the Democrats on this committeeare employing Judge Mershawn's daughter, Please tell

me what it has to do withMary Garland? Is she a pornsball?
Oh Goldman, that's right, he'sadvising. Okay, he's advising. Wh
do you do? You know whatwe're here for? You know we're here.
I don't know what you're for.Well you don't want to talking about

I think your fake eyelashes are messingup. Order, mister chairman, Order.
I do have a point of order, and I would like to move
to to take down Miss Green's words. Yes, and AOC got a little
more feisty after that, they alldid. MTG was real passive, aggressive,

and Jasmine Crockett she even dropped anS bomb in this entire exchange.
My favorite part is you can hearboth Jennie Raskin and James Comer they sent
something's coming. They know that thisis Bruin the storms on the horizon,
and they were right. So thatthose are our first nominees. It's in
triplicate form MTG, AOC, JasmineCrockett. I guess she needs an abriev

two. Then we had Michael Cohen, who this one's so bizarre. He
gets caught in a lie, sayingthat a ninety second phone call to Trump's
bodyguard was designed to inform the Presidentthat the hush money payment had been made
to Stormy Daniels, But phone recordsreveal that there was a prank phone call
from a fourteen year old. Wasthis a young person in Florida too,

and was given Cohen the business alittle bit of a hard time. Cohen
got pissed off. You know,I wanted to talk to this kid's parents.
This was all going down. SoCohen may have had the entire case
against Donald Trump crumble because of aprank phone call from a fourteen year old
that he lied about. My goodness, we do have a third nominee,

the mayor of New York City.He is making a blatantly racist statement here
about migrants coming into this country.Let me just take your imagination for a
moment. If we had at amigrant and asylum seeker plan that states those

jobs that we are in high demand, we could expedite. How do we
have a large body of people thatare in our city and country that are
excellent swimmers and at the same timewe need lifeguards and the only obstacle is
that we won't give them the rightto rope to become a lifeguard. That

just doesn't make sense. Was hejoking? Was he serious here? I
can't make up my mind on that. But just to assume that migrants are
good swimmers and should be lifeguards,the insinuation is because they came over on
a fifty seven Chevy Door turned intoa raft from Cuba to Southeast Florida.
Or they crossed the Rio Grands,so they must be a good swimmer.

That's terrible. And Eric Adams didhe offer an apology? I think he
did in the days sense, butwow, one a nominee. Those are
our Friday Fools of the Week.Vote five, seven, seven, three
nine, Send your choices to Ryan
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