All Episodes

May 7, 2024 36 mins
Philly Ocean from Yachtley Crew joins the show to talk about their tour that will take them through Denver in June.

Donald Trump speaks from the New York courthouse after a day of tesitomny against him once again.
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Gloomy Tuesday out there. Who orderedup this weather? I'm not going to
take responsibility for that, and I'mnot going to blame it on DJ Jazzy
Jeff either. If you're a listenerin the audience, if you want to
point the finger at Kelly, that'sup to you. That's up to you.
I'm not gonna, you know,kind of confirm or deny that whether
or not she is responsible for thesebloomy skies. But in just a few

moments, we hope to be joinedby Philly Ocean, the lead singer of
Yachtlee Crewe, and they are comingthat number one yacht rock band in America
to Denver and we'll have more detailson that, more sunny skies we hope
coming up in just a few moments. You can always text the program at
five seven seven three nine, startat Ryan if you would please. We

have some very salacious testimony in thefraudulent Manhattan trial against Donald Trump that is
just proving to be even more ofa circus than it originally started as.
And that's saying something because this wasall a hoax from the very beginning.
And I'm not just channeling Donald Trumpand his characterization of that. We're talking
about people like Andy McCarthy and JonathanTurley and legal scholars, even Michael Moore,

who hates Donald Trump, you know, Roger and Me director Fahrenheit nine
to eleven. All that he issaying that the prosecution has not proven its
case of Trump falsifying records. Thisis the specific allegation here, and all
we get today is Stormy Daniels takingthe stand and giving these kind of tabloid

like headline pull quotes that I'll beuseful on the nightly newscasts to disparage Trump,
to humiliate and embarrassed Trump. Butthere's no crime there. If Donald
Trump were on trial for being abad person, for being an unfaithful husband,
for being kind of a sleazy billionairethat we always knew he was,

then yeah, he'd be guilty.But the thing about America is what I
just described. Those things, they'renot crimes. And further to that point,
they've already been adjudicated in the courtof public opinion and in two election
cycles. And you could say morethan that, but Donald Trump was on
the ballot in twenty sixteen, justabout a month or less after the Access

Hollywood tape dropped and the contents ofit, and Ryan's prebus sitting down with
Donald Trump hemming and hawing and discussingwhether or not he should drop out of
the race. That was October oftwenty sixteen. He still ran, He
stayed in the race, and hewon. And anything else, anything along
these lines. Details of Donald Trump'spersonal romantic love sex life. Again,

they've been headlines for years. Youcan go back to Ivana and the whole
Marla Maples episode that was in theearly nineties. That was thirty years ago.
Then you had Milania Trump that's here, his third wife, and following
the birth of Baron, the allegationis once again that Donald Trump had a

rendezvous with Stormy Daniels, and thatwould have been about sixteen to eighteen years
ago. And we're just putting thison trial now. It just seems relatively
thin and Stormy Daniels on the stand. I guess she was trying to crack
some jokes. She's got some jokes. She's a comedian. Here's Ellie Honig
commenting on this on CNN. Andjust one thing that I've been sort of

noticing as this has gone on isthat there have been a couple times where
she seems to be cracking a joketrying to get a reaction from the jury,
and our reporters in the room havenoted that the jury hasn't seemed to
respond. I mean, what doyou make of that. Humor is risky
in the courtroom, especially if yougo in with lines like it looks like
Stormy. If something happens spontaneously,if an easel falls over, people will

laugh. They're human. But it'snever gonna work if you go in there
like I'm going to amuse the jury. I'm going to sort of say this
clever thing again. This is allkind of a kangaroo court, a show
trial. Has nothing to do withthe facts of the law or anything remotely
resembling a case against Donald Trump forwhich he should be found guilty or liable.

This is simply a campaign to smearDonald Trump for actions and allegations in
his past, and they're being madeby individuals like Stormy Daniels and then the
star witness who has still yet totestify, Michael Cohen, a fixer who
has been convicted of perjury himself.So I don't know how you trust anything
he has to say in a court, and then you know, you have

people coming in from the top rope. This is like pro wrestling. And
let me just kind of encompass allthis by saying, you know, Donald
Trump is responsible for his own actions. He had an encounter with Stormy Daniels.
What happened there. It's two consentingadults, it's he said, she
said. There was no forcible contactor conductory even testified to that today,

But that's between them. And again, none of this is like breaking news,
bombshell information that we didn't know before. But again, coming in from
the top rope, you've got MichaelAvenatti and he has released a statement talking
about his conversation with a producer,Sarah Gibson, who requested that he assist

in a documentary about Stormy Daniels.Now he's doing this from a prison cell.
He is currently serving a sentence forso this comedy of errors continues.
We'll get into more details and justa little bit. I will read from
that statement in just a little bit. But right now we're going to enjoy
as we're looking out these gloomy graceguys thinking of greener pastures and bluer oceans.

Here are the sounds of Yachtley Crewsix. Oh yes, that's Sex
on the Beach. That's from YachtleeCruz new EP six songs including Seize the

Day and that is Scas the Dayand joining us now to talk a little
bit more about that. And they'reongoing tour full steam ahead. It's coming
to Denver in the next month.Philly Ocean. He's the lead vocalist for
the group you just heard, YachtleeCrue Philly. Welcome to it. Hey,
how's it going. Thanks for havingme on the show. Yeah,
absolutely, And I want to youknow, kind of start at the beginning,

I guess, as it were,and how this group all came together,
Philly, with each individual role theidea of it and then making it
happen. Okay, Well, likemany great ideas, it was born in
a hot tub over a couple ofcocktails. Our bass player had been really

you know, getting back into thisback in twenty fifteen or twenty sixteen,
had been really getting back in toa lot of these a lot of these
soft rock hits from the seventies andeighties, and you know, just kind
of remember going down memory lane.I'm like, man, these songs are
so good. And he and ourdrummer have been friends for a long time.
They've been in a number of bands, and he kind of pitched it

to him and he was like,you know what if we did something with
this. So a couple years laterthey actually kind of got it going and
they started to assemble the band.They found our guitar player through Craigslist.
I'm friends with our guitar players sister, who I know actually from doing karaoke.
You know. Then we met thesax player somewhere. Slowly but surely,

the band kind of assembled, andyou know, but one thing that
we all share in common is wejust this is the soundtrack of our lives.
We love this music so much,and so when we did come together,
there was immediately like an obvious magicand passion for what we do.

And man, it's just been sucha fun ride. Twenty seventeen when we
got started, twenty seventeen, sevenyears later, here they are. Yachtleikru
dot com is where you can findout more information about the newly released EP
that I describe and their tour,which again is coming to town here in
Denver in just a little bit.But more about the music itself. Filly
Ocean, the lead singer joining ushere, and how it all comes together.

I heard your cover of steal Away. It is solid, It is
right on point, Philly. Yeah, I really enjoyed that. But you
also come to the table with anoriginal in this and that Sex on the
Beach take us through the difference oftrying to put your own spin on a
lot of this yacht rock and thencreating a song of your own, and
how different that is. Yeah,well, you know we kind of formulated

the idea. We have the ideaof like wanting to do a song of
our own early on, and youknow, we love this music so much.
We thought, man, you know, it'd be so cool to like
write something that really fits right alongsidethese songs. Sounds like it came out
of the seventies, and you know, maybe just maybe we could write a
song that people would want to singalong to. And so Tommy, our

guitar player, tell me Bouie.He called me up. He's like,
hey, I have this idea,and like he's like, I'm kind of
thinking, like the chorus is likeall these different drink names, and I
was like, I love it.If you've ever been to a yachtli cruise
show. You know, our crowdloves to drink, so I thought it
was I thought it was a reallygood fit. And I said, you
know, why don't we Why don'twe make it like a love story.

Why don't we make it like aguy and a girl meet in a bar
and they're kind of flirting, andthen the chorus is like her asking him
what drink he wants and naming allthese different drinks, and then she culminates
with I'll have a sex on thebeach in Nuendo's Galore. So you know,
the song came together and it justlike in theme and in structure and

chords and all stuff. It justfelt like a seventies song, you know.
And so we wrote it and thenwe to work with Chris ord Algie,
our producer, and he just broughtit to life in the most magical
way that we never could have anticipated. Philly Ocean joining us. He's the
lead vocalist for the nation's number oneyacht rock band. They are Yachtlee Crue
and they're coming to Denver to theOriental Theater on Wednesday, June twenty six.

So you can still get tickets.The best way is to go through
that central hub. Their website yachtleecruedot com that spelled like a yacht like
the boat yaccht You think I'll makethat clear, l e y Crewe crew
dot com. Wanta focus, Phillyon the video itself and the production value
that went into it and the specialcameo guest star that you got. How

did that happen? Oh my gosh. Well, So in twenty nineteen,
right before the pandemic, we playeda residency at this world famous venue in
Los Angeles. It's called the ViperRoom, and it's a music venue here.
We did a monthly yacht rock nightthere and during that time we had
all kinds of celebrities start showing upto that. We had Craig Robinson,

we had Baba Booi from the HowardStern Show. So many, honestly,
like so many. We had peoplefrom Van der Prump Rules come out and
just like all these people. Andthen one night I'm singing and I look
out in the audience and I'm like, is that Mario Lopez wearing a captain's
hat and singing along to Africa?Are you kidding me? Right now?

And so we became friends with Mario. We've done a number of fundraisers with
him to raise money for a children'shospital out here in Los Angeles. We've
played his you know, his Christmasparties, his holiday parties, and we've
just we've become really good friends andhe's he's helped us so much. So
when he heard that we were goingto make a music video to our original

song Sex on the Beach, hesaid, you know what, you guys,
let me know and I will bethere. I'll be in that music
video, and so lo and beholdhe does a little cameo there and it's
just a lot of fun. It'sa great video. He plays a bartender
in it and it goes from thereonto an actual yacht and yachtly crewe.
The name of the band Philly Ocean. I know that's a performing name,
but did each of you kind ofadopt names like that inspired by yacht rock

or is it just you? Ohno, we all did. Everybody in
the band has their own moniker,so I'm Philly Ocean. We have Sailor
Hawkins on drums, tribute to thegreat late drummer Taylor Hawkins. We have
Tommy Boy on guitar and Bobba Bouoion bass. We have Pauli Shores on
the saxophone, Tony Shores on keyboards, and Matthew McDonald on keys, synthesizer

and guitar. And one of thethings I want to talk about is the
experience of going to a concert.You kind of touched on it Philly with
you know, your crowd likes tohave a good time. They're having drinks,
maybe a sex on the beach,maybe something else. But it really
drew comparisons for me in my mindto the experiential concert kind of going to
it and being there in person,like Jimmy Buffett, And it just so

happens that EP is released on hislabel, and of course he passed away
just over these last several months.Did you have a relationship with Jimmy or
what inspired that and what do youtry to take from him his appearances and
maybe important to your show. Yeah, I mean I got to meet Jimmy
once, very briefly. He wasexactly what you would imagine. He's such

a time soul. Obviously, hecreated an incredible legacy of music and really
a culture, you know, aculture that's just reminding us all that we
need to enjoy life. And youknow, we come together around fun,
joyful music, and that's a reallyreally great thing. So that we got

signed and endorsed by Jimmy was likeone of the biggest compliments of our collective
careers, and we kind of seean opportunity to carry on his legacy in
a similar way because we do somethingsimilar, which is, you know,
we bring people together. There's abit of a culture around yacht rock.

We have a very devout fan base, and you know, we want to
keep that going as much as wecan, and we want to reach as
many people as we can. YotteCruz appearing in Denver, coming right here
to the Oriental Theater. That'll bea Wednesday, June twenty six, So
you still got about a month anda half to get your tickets and you
can connect through those at yachtleecrue dotcom. The decision going into what would

appear Philly on the six track EP, how did you kind of land on
the songs that you did? Youhad the original Sex on the Beach I
mentioned steal Away, But what wasthat process creatively like to pick out those
songs? Correct? We knew thatwe wanted our first DP to be really,
really strong, and you know,we worked in concert with our manager

and our producer and we went throughWe have over one hundred and fifteen songs
in our repertoire, so it wasn'teasy to narrow it down to you know,
here's the sixth that we're going toput on our first EP. We
knew that we wanted to do anoriginal Sex on the Beach and and you
know, we wanted to do somehigh energy ones, and we wanted to
do some songs that were you know, challenging to kind of show off our

musical ability. So that it wasit was impressive, it was energetic,
and it kind of encapsulated what wedo. And so we came up with
these six There's a ride like toWin, Lido, Shuffle steal Away like
you said, which, by theway, that's one of my personal favorite
songs. It's such a great arrangement. It's got so much energy, harmonies
are fantastic. So it all reallycame together and we're incredibly proud of it.

Finally, Philly, again appreciate yourtime on this Tuesday as we look
forward to your appearance here in Denverand again that'll be Wednesday, June twenty
sixth at the Oriental Theater. Heresomebody gets tickets to your show. They're
here in this interview right now,and I'm going to check these guys out.
It sounds like a good time whenthey go to the Oriental Theatre and
Wednesday, June twenty six, whatcan they expect start to finish? They

can expect a high energy show.Right around two hours. You're gonna see
hundreds of our fans coming dressed ascaptains or wearing captain's hats. They're gonna
be probably pretty well liquored up andsinging all of the soft rock hits of
the seventies and eighties along with us. We're really devout performers, so we

put on a really high energy show. We've been called the Kiss of Soft
Rock, and it will be oneof the most fun nights of your life.
I promise. Well. They're goingto rock and roll all night and
party every day. Did you anyKiss songs? We don't know, anything
possible, right, I exactly Iwould. I think I would like a
yacht rock twist on some of Kiss'ssongs. And you mentioned it's over the

top. It's fun. You guysdon't take yourselves too seriously, but you
take the music seriously, and Iguess just one last thing for our listeners,
they can get a better feel,Philly about what you are all about,
maybe not just the band and tire, but yourself personally. From that
yacht rock era, did you clickoff maybe a couple of artists or bands
that really stand out that really influenceyour sound. Oh yeah, I mean

Kenny Loggins vocally is one of myall time favorite singers, you know,
Michael McDonald, Christopher Cross, HollandOates. You know, that's probably the
Mount Rushmore of yacht rock for me. And then of course, you know,
you can't leave out Steely Dan.They were so innovative with their with
their musicality, they're playing their structure, you know, and I mean they're
they're just some of the best musiciansin the whole world. So there's there's

just too many to pick from thoughin the yacht rock genre. Honestly,
that's why they're pulling it all together. Like you said, over one hundred
songs that they do in two hoursof a solid show. You can expect
you can find out more information,you buy merch you can go to the
tour and see where they're going next, and they're coming to Denver Oriental Theater.
That's Wednesday, June twenty sixth.Get your tickets through Yachtlee Crue dot
com. Philly Ocean the lead singerjoining us here from America's number one yacht

rock band, Philly Great Stuff.Really appreciate your time, best of luck
on the tour, and we'll seeyou when you come to Denver. Awesome.
Can't wait, guys, We'll seeyou at the orient Theater. It's
gonna be an awesome night there itis, and they are on tour nationwide.
You can check out their video that'son YouTube, and I just clicked
up their songs from this EP extendedon Spotify if you're a subscriber to that,

or you can order the EP itself. Seize the Day Seas get it.
It's like they're on the yacht inthe any Ocean. Right Sees the
Day, a six song EP withthat original Sex on the Beats that you
heard, and the others as well, like steal Away by Ronnie Dupree.
That was my favorite, and I'mgoing to request that Jeff come back with
that when we come back after thisbreak. Yachtlee Cruz dot com check them

out Wednesday, June twenty sixth OrientalTheater right here in Denver. Ryan schuling
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sent you all got Robbie did preright there. There are some one hit

wonders that just really break through andthat one did steal away yacht Rock that
is top of the charts for yachtleeCrue. What a fun interview that was,
and again inviting you to join them. That's coming up in late June.
Find out more at Yachtlecrue dot com. That'll be at the Oriental Theater.

That'll be a fun experience Wednesday,June twenty sixth, and get your
tickets online and check out that videotoo. It's fun sex on the beach
Mario Lopez, isn't it for allyou ladies out there? So very appreciative
of Filiation joining us in that previoussegment, and we hope you enjoyed that.
Now, speaking of enjoying. Getyour popcorn ready. The Orange Man's

ready to speak. Right after StormyDaniels testified and was cross examined by the
defense, let's get a taste ofthose comments. Here is Donald Trump just
outside the courtroom in that big garage. So this was a very big day,
day, murder revealing day. Asyou've seen, their case is totally
falling apart. They have nothing onbooks and records, and even something they

have mishould bear a very little relationshipfor the case. Just the disaster for
the DA javisors back DA. It'sa disaster. This whole case is just
the disaster. If you read thelegal scholars, you'll see because they're writing
about it, they've never seen it, didn't quite like it, and neither

of I. I should be outof campaigning right now. We're leading in
all the poles I'd like to becampaigning, would be leading my lot more.
But I just wanted to appreciate that, Appreciate the job you're doing.
It's not easy standing their role daywaiting, but you are the same things
that were on another matter. Asyou know, it's fightings backers that seem

to be funding what's going on withthe Palacitians, probably not Palacitians and agitators.
The agitators really bad, and Ithink our government order to find out
who they are, where they're from, and treating them in the same way
as they do the JA six hostages. You got to treat them the same

way. These are agitators that reallyfrend of our country. It's happening all
over the country and cities. Sowhat happened last night at the Metropolitan Museum.
These are agitators and in some ofthe colony, I think it's about
twenty percent stood and eighty percent others. So this is a big problem.
And they've had a nippet on thebutt. And it's a problem from the
left, not from the right.This is a problem from the left.

And I hope you're going to stressthat the economy is not doing well and
to see inflation is through the roof. They're not going to be able to
lower interest rates if they do itfairly political, but it'll be very bad
if they do. From the standpointof getting rid of inflation, you have
to get rid of the inflation.Inflation is you probably have heard me saying

it's a country buster. It bustscountries, and it has for a thousand
years. You go back and youlook at old time Germany, you look
at a lot of countries and wentthrough the kind of inflation we're going through,
and they're busted. They are justbroken up, broke it up in
many cases into little pieces. Andthat's what could actually happen to us.

So we have to get inflation undercontrol. We have to get prices down
so that people can breathe and peoplecan live, so they can live.
But again, this was a veryrevealing day in court. Any honest reporter
would say that I would recommend tomeet John Jonathan Fairley, and Andrew McCarthy
and Alan Nursulitz, Greg jar MarkLevin are very talented people and others.

I know there's some incredible people outthere that are writing about this child.
They're calling it a disgrace. It'sa disgrace. In the meantime, I'm
stuck. I'm here instead of beingin Georgia, instead of being in New
Hampshire, instead of being in Wisconsinand all the different states that we wanted
to be, and we're not ableto be there because we're stuck in this

trial, which everyone knows is ourhoax. Thank you very much, thanks
again. Okay, that was PresidentTrump just outside the courtroom where Stormy Daniels
testified today. Her testimony is setto resume on Thursday because in this odd
court for Judge Merchand they have decidedthat Wednesdays they will have off. Now

there is talk and there's some substanceto this that by going to court Monday,
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday instead ofwhat would typically be arranged Monday,
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, thatwas done so that Orthodox Jews, who
tend to be more conservative, wouldnot be able to serve on the jury
on a Friday. So they putthis day off oddly right in the middle

of the week on Wednesday. Drawyour own conclusions from that. But I'm
trying to find out, really sincerelywrapping my head around this, stepping outside
of it, and I hope youdo too, and I welcome your texts
on this topic. Five seven,seven, three nine, Start them,
Ryan, How does this help JoeBiden? How does this help the Democrats?
It appears that this not only isunraveling, but it's blowing up in

their faces and it's giving Trump allkinds of free earned media. I'm looking
at sea. This is what they'retalking about. Stormy Daniels is cracking jokes
on the stand. She's not aserious witness. She's not a credible witness.
And even if she's testifying what shewas today, they're getting into lurid
details. Judge Mershon is a joke. He's not telling him to move off

that topic, which has nothing todo with the criminal element of this case.
That Donald Trump cheated on his wifeis not a crime. It might
be a crime in the court ofpublic opinion, but it's not a criminal
matter. It's not a matter ofcampaign finances. That he happened to have
an encounter with Stormy Daniels, andwhat the contents of that encounter included,

what the accounts of that encounter were, by either Stormy or Donald himself.
So all of this has done justto undermine the campaign of Donald Trump,
to roadblock him, to embarrass him, to humiliate him, to bring all
of this back up, to drudgeit up, and to have the public
kind of made aware of it again. That's all this is. It's strategic

political calculation. So what is itdoing in a court of law because the
crime still has not been identified.Hush money in and of itself, a
non disclosure agreement is not a crime. He cited this as a legal expense,
That's what it was. He didn'tclaim it was some kind of construction
expense. He paid money to MichaelCohen to give to Stormy Daniels. This

has done all the time. I'msad to report it's not just Donald Trump.
In fact, David Packer, whowas the director whatever its title was
with The National Inquirer, said thatthey had run similar kind of catch and
kill stories, or lack thereof,not run them for the likes of Tiger
Woods and Arnold Schwarzenegger. This wasnot one unique to Donald Trump. And

two it wasn't necessarily for political matters, but for his public image, for
Trump's brand. That had nothing todo necessarily with politics or the campaign of
twenty sixteen. And that's another point. Here we are, it's eight years
later, and now we're litigating thisin May of twenty twenty four. The

incident itself happened back in the twothousands, half of Stormy Daniels's life ago.
Even Michael Avenatti, the disgraced attorneyof Stormy Daniels, who is currently
serving hard time in prison took thetime today. Somehow he found a computer
and maybe able to type this out, and his tweet reads as follows.

Here is my statement regarding the testimonyof Stormy Daniels. Will da Bragg pursue
charges against her for falsification of businessrecords, fraud, et cetera. Oh
shots fired statement of Michael Avenatti quote. Last June, I was contacted by
producer Sarah Gibson, who requested thatI assist with the documentary about my former
client, Stormy Daniels. I hadfired Daniels as a client in February twenty

nineteen. On June twenty fifth,twenty twenty three, at twelve oh nine
pm in the p Pacific time zone, I spoke with Miss Gibson by phone
on a recorded line and asked hera number of questions so I could determine
whether I would agree to participate andthis is a documentary about Stormy Daniels,
continuing the quote, I was particularlyinterested in knowing whether the project was going

to be legitimate and fair or insteada puff piece designed to put Daniels in
a favorable light while ignoring facts andtrashing me and Donald Trump. I wanted
nothing to do with the project.If it was the latter, how about
this Avannadi coming to defend Trump.He's not a fan of Trump, not
at all. Quote. My firstquestion of miss Gibson when we spoke was
whether Daniels was being paid for thedocumentary. I asked this question because if

she was being paid for the docwould be a clear indication to me that
the project lacked integrity, would beone sided and controlled by Daniels. Miss
Gibson told me that Daniels was beingpaid for the documentary, but that because
she owed Trump hundreds of thousands ofdollars from a judgment Trump was trying to
collect from Daniels, they Daniels,Gibson and others had come up with a

plan that would allow Daniels to besecretly paid while at the same time keeping
the payments from Trump and his attorneys. Oh among other things, She told
me that they had fictionally optioned therights to Daniel's book and then routed the
money Daniels demanded through a fabricated trustthat had been set up in the name

of Daniel's daughter, all to hidethe money from Trump and avoid paying the
judgment. That judgment was backlash ina defamation case that Stormy had filed against
Trump. The judge ruled against herand ordered her to pay all back expenses,
legal fees, etc. Continuing Thisis Avinatti's statement once again. Michael

Avenatti, former attorney for Stormy Daniels, Stephanie Clifford was her original given name,
quote to say, I was shockedwhen I was told this would be
an understatement. A woman I hadnever met or spoken to before was admitting
to me on a recorded line thatDaniel, she and others had engaged in
multiple overt criminal acts state and federal, including falsification of business records, wire

fraud, and fraudulent transfers, allin an effort to defraud Trump and avoid
paying him what he was legally duedue to the fraud. I declined to
participate in the documentary. If whatMiss Gibson told me on the recorded line
is true, and there is everyreason to believe it is, how can
DA Bragg possibly rely on the testimonyof Daniels, who is herself guilty of

fraud and recently falsifying business records tocover up a crime ie fraudulent transfer in
wire fraud. Further will DA Braggor others be promptly filing criminal charges against
Daniels or others involved in this scheme. That's from Michael Avenatti. Now the
least that there's a lot of sortcharacters, sordid characters in this whole mess,

Michael Cohen, Stormy Daniels, MichaelAvenatti. Avenati's been convicted. Okay,
he's serving time. He's a criminal. His test DEMONI you can read
it for yourself here at what Ijust read. Judge it for yourself.
But to me, if I'm onthe jury, you know there's leftists on
the jury that they want to getTrump, they want to bury Trump.

But this at least goes to reasonabledoubt. And you've got all these clowns
making accusations, and in a criminalcase like this, the tie goes to
the defendant. The default judgment isthat prosecution didn't prove its case. Burden
of proof is on the prosecutor.Not guilty, not innocent, but not
guilty. We'll take time. I'llget to your texts on this and more.
Five seven, seven, three nine. Please start those Ryan rounding out

our number one after this Ryan schulingon six point thirty K. Out of
course, we're available on all majorpodcasts platforms. We thank you for tuning
in and for those that may havemissed the over the air portion because of
some technical difficulties we've been having.This is why the podcast is so important,
because you want to hear that fullinterview with Filly Ocean of Yachtlee crew.

It was just so fun, areally good time with that, and
hopefully we're going to get those issuesstraightened out straight away, steal away if
you will, Ryan chruling back withyou and so rounding out this hour,
I'll get some tax get caught upon those aluxusa's. Ryan, it is
snowing. Well maybe it was,but I'm telling you this, right after
interviewing Philly Ocean from yachtley Crue,the skies have cleared here in Denver.

I don't think that's a coincidence.I see blue skies and clouds before it
was gray, and I'm going togive him full credit for that. Patty
a great scouting report right here,says Ryan. When you asked about good
Mexican food yesterday, I can't believeno one brought up Los dos Portrios,
seven locations around town, Great GreenChili, Great Chili Rianos. They have

chili Reano's nachos, which are killer. After many recommendations, I finally had
their mokayette, a stew of steak, pork, chicken, shrimp, vegetables
including cactus. Yeah. I hadthat at a place called Los Trace of
Egos the three friends back home inMichigan, and it sounds very similar to
what I had. Molchiete is delicious. It's an avalanche of flavor. And

Patty continues, this is serve bubblinghot yep in a volcanic rock ball.
It's exactly how I had it.Tortillas, rice beans, guacamolean sour cream
along the side. Thank me later, your trusted scout, Patty. Thanks
Patty, this roey yesterday. Iwant to touch on real quick, what
is your problem with Prager you?Ryan, Well, I just am a
little leery. I don't trust what'scoming out of there. And it's not

about Dennis Prager himself. I ratherlike him. But Prager you is fine.
But when you advertise yourself as thiskind of factory where a woke lib
can come in, take some coursesand then emerge as this enlightened conservative,
I'm not sure I'm buying that.And one particular example is Xavier de Russol.

You see him featured on a lotof Fox News programs. I think
he's been on with Laura Ingram.Now, this is a young man who
was formerly a Black Lives Matter activist. He marched in the George Floyd protests,
preaching the importance of being a wokeally and then he encountered prager you
and was redpilled. And I don'tknow, save from destruction, however you

want to quantify that, But Ihave doubts that a person can go along
that spectrum that quickly in self discovery, go from being an absolute moron who
was part of BLM, which isa complete fabricated scam, by the way,
skimming millions of dollars for the benefitof those organizers who started the entire

movement. And if you're that easilyduped, I'm not so sure you just
suddenly get cat quick reflexes intellectually andyou're able to kind of read and react
on the spot. Just call meskeptical, and I think rightly skeptical.
So I've mentioned many times why Iwant to afford grace to people like Elon

Musk and Michael Rapaport and Joe Roganand the Rock and people that maybe if
they're not red pilled, they're atleast black pilled, or they've opened their
eyes to what the Democratic Party is, what the far left is. Yeah,
you want to be patient with themand bring them along, maybe even
my sister Angie, But expecting afull conversion on that quick of a timeline,
it just doesn't happen very often.Imagine if I became woke in like

seven days, I mean I wouldhave to have a severe head injury,
and God willing, I won't sufferfrom that. Our number two straight ahead
Alicia Garcia boomstick Babe. She's joiningus on the defeat of the assault weapons
ban in our number two
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