All Episodes

May 13, 2024 41 mins
Farhan Lalji,TSN Broadcaster joins the show to talk some hockey and a little NFL. We also take to the text line, as the Seahawks have an competive home schedule and react to other messages from listeners. We wrap the show w/ Ian Furness as we find out what he has planned for his show. 

Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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And welcome back Greg Bell, theNews Tribune. Christopher Kidd with you for
a second hour here on ninety threepoint three kJ r FM. The in
for Nest coming up from noon tothree. Feign Lawsey TSN Vancouver joining us
from Edmonton in a couple of minutesto talk about the Oilers and Canucks and
what has come become a very contentiousand wild series that Vancouver releads two games

to one. Our headline is broughtto you by Venue Kings dot Com.
The Mariners won another series yesterday,taking two of three games this weekend from
Oakland with an eight to fourth seriesending win Yesterday, that seven series wins
in eight sets for Seattle. TheMs hit three home runs to back starter
Las Castillo took an eight to twolead one to eighty four. Manaers are
back in first place in the AmericanLeague West. A half game of Texas

tonight. The Kansas City Royals arein for the first of three games.
George Kirby's trying to bounce back fromconsecutive losses. The NFL announced their season
game is going to be the Ravensat the Chiefs Thursday night, September fifth.
That's an rematch of the AFC titlegame last season. The entire league
schedule is going to be announced Thursdayfive pm a special Seahawks schedule release show

on ninety three point three KJRFM withDave Softy Maller and Dick Fame. The
Sounders won at Cascadia Cup rivalry matchtwo to one at Portland yesterday roll Ruy
Diaz one touch strike top of thepenalty area. If you haven't seen it,
check it out online. Really exquisiteshot at the top left corner of
the net fiftieth minute one at forSeattle. So Portland's in last place in
the MLS Western Conference instead of Seattle. The Sounders are next playing on Wednesday

at Salt Lake on our sister stationnine to fifty k AM. The Washington
men's basketball team is adding what outletsare calling the top remaining playable play are
available in the transfer portal with atwo million dollars nil deal two million dollars
for Utah State transfer great o supporta six' eight power forward frontcore player.

Yes he's from Utah State, whichis the same place that Danny Sprinkle,
the new Husky's coach, is fromMountain West Conference player of the Year
led Utah State to a first roundwin past TCU in the NCAA Tournament.
He reportedly had opportunities from Louisville andTexas Tech. He's getting two million dollars

in NIL, according to a documentreviewed by ESPN. He said that's the
highest known valuation in college basketball thisseason. His NIL agreements include marketing assurances.
That's a lot of money and twomillion dollars for a men's basketball player.

Now, Danny Sprinkle's got Zoom Deallo, a five star recruit from Tacoma
and the Mountain West Conference Player ofthe Year out of the transfer portal for
his first Husky season. And thatis where college sports is going. NIL
deals and players following the money andwhere you get the money, you go.
We mentioned the Stanley Cup playoffs,with Vancouver winning last night at Edmonton

four to three to take a twoto one series lead. Kaducks got out
shot forty five eighteen, yet stillwon. Rookie third string goaltender Arthur seeloffs
again brilliant forty two saves. Afterthe final horn oiler star Connor McDavid,
Vancouver's Carson Seussie, a former Krack, and were shoving pushing around, McDavid
swung a two handed slash of hisstick into the side of Susie's legs,

and of course the Kuducks didn't likethat defense from of the Keita Zadarov,
who's been mouthed the entire series,then came in behind McDavid cross checked them
down low across his legs. Thatbrought McDavid down. He was as he
was falling Susie's crosscheck, which Ithink we talked too far on Lawley here
in a minute about I think Susie'scrosscheck was supposed to be McDavid's chest,
but but by the time Zadarov gotdone with him, Susie's cross check was

into his chin with his stick.The NHL may be interested in that incident.
We'll talk to far A Hunting thesecond about that Boston lost at home
because Brad Maschawan got punched in theface by a Florida panther in the game
before in miss Game four Florida onethree to two to take a three to
one lead in that best of seven. Tonight, the Rangers trying to close

out Carolina at Madison Square Garden,leading the series three to one. The
Stars are in Denver to play theAvalanche. Denver, excuse me, Dallas
is up two to one in thatseries. The NBA Playoffs, Indiana blew
out New York. The Knicks suddenlyappeared to deplete it in the series is
two to two. Denver beat Minnesotain Minneapolis in Game four, so that
series is tied to to with theNuggets and the Timberwolves each winning road game.

Everybody in the every winning that serieshas been by the road team.
Tonight, Boston's at Cleveland with atwo to one series lead on the Cavaliers.
The team we're not going to mentionis that Dallas. With the Mavericks
up two games to one in theseries. We all hope Dallas wins.
I mentioned UDB softball team made itsthirtieth consecutive NCAA tournament. Regional coach Heather
tars huskis are going to play inthe Missouri regional Friday through Sunday. Their

first game is against Indian on Fridaymorning. Now let's get the Canucks and
Oilers. Barhan Loldy TSN Vancouver coveringthe series is in Edmonton. He joined
us on the Beacon Plumbing hotline.Sir, it's good to talk to you
again after spending a late evening atEarl's Test Kitchen and downtown Vancouver after game
one. You've got quite a seriesto cover, sir. What is what's

transpired here since I last saw you? Yeah, I know, it's been
interesting. You know, Vancouver's founda ways to adjust, Edmonton's got goaltending
problems like they always have, andhere we are the connects with the two
on lead, you know. AndI think the Game two for Vancouver was
a lot worse than Game three,not just because they lost, but just
in terms of form, right.I mean, you could tell that when

the Oilers put their big guns togetherMcDavid and dry Siddle, Vancouver played scared
and this time around the didn't.And even though they gave up a lot
of shots in the third period,it wasn't necessarily a lot of big time
scoring chances. And now you've gotthis goaltender fresh out of the American Hockey
League, right R two shee lobsand played great, and Edmonton's got issues
with their botender who they give voteto after the second period. So Vancouver's

got to leave. And lots ofpeople in the market I'm in right now
are dealing with plenty of anngs.That's even before we get to what happened
after the game. I was justgoing to ask you, do you think,
because it's Connor McDavid Rahan, doyou think that the NHL is going
to step in and Susie's going toget suspended? What do you think is
going to happen because of that?Yeah, I think Susi will get suspended.

I'm not suggesting he should, butI'm just saying that, given the
fact that it's McDavid, the opticsof the play, the fact that he's
already got a hearing, you know, not in person, but the fact
that he's got a hearing, Iwould be surprised if he didn't get suspended
for at least the game. Youknow, zador gets a fine and if
David gets gets nothing, which youknow, for me, as I look

at that play, you know,the game ends, Susie shoves McDavid.
McDavid two hand slashes, and thenit looks to me like Susi is trying
to cross checks in the chest,but behind him, Zadora comes in and
cross Checkshi in the back, atwhich point he falls. And now all
of a sudden he's lower and shestrives on and that cross check hits him

in the mouth, right like Ithink if Zadora doesn't cross check him,
and two she cross checks him inthe chest, and we might be talking
about a fine. And now becausehe get him in the phase them,
it's mc david, we're talking abouta suspension. And again I'm not suggesting
he should or shouldn't be suspended.I'm not opining on it. I just
feel that the way it's gonna go, one guy's gonna get nothing and two
guys are gonna get something, right, And I don't know that it should

have been that way. I thinkthat you know, if McDavid and you
get shoved, you need to livewith that as opposed to slash, because
that then escalates the situation. Right. So to me, if it's me,
I probably suspend SCYE for a game, and I find the other two
and now you know one's got finedand no one desert so you're certainly going
to get connect Nation all in anuproar. And you know, at the
end of the day, it's notlike five thousand dollars matters to economy,

David. It's just more of aa you know, the principle of it
if nothing else right, right farharand lawsy tsn Vancouver joining us from Edmonton
on ninety three point three KJR,and the Beacon plumbing high. It seemed
to me for Hanada it was obviousfrom the I mean the very first shift
last night when Dakota Joshua was justleveling players that the Canucks wanted to be
more physical from the get go.Was is that true? And how do

you think that worked out for themand where it might go to the rest
of the series in that regard,Yeah, you know, I think both
teams wanted to up the physicality,right. I mean, you've now got
some real dislike in this series,right, And there have been some moments
earlier where you know, the McDavidhigh stick and you know, those Hogland
are getting you know, the stickin the junk, and there's been you

know, miss calls both ways.Certain Vancouver's committed some things as well that
the owners would be upset about.So I think both teams wanted to go
there. But I think it wasimportant for Vancouver to show that they weren't
going to play scared early in thatgame, given how the last game went
right, And the fact is thatwe spent the entire final forty minutes of
that game playing in the end andeven though they weren't physically getting beaten,

you know, in terms of hits, they were they played intimidated, they
played scared. So I think theywant to set the tone that they could
they that they were here to playand that they were going to force them
the David line to play in theall number a little bit more and they
got physical and you know, notcertainly carried over. But you know,
none of us is a surprise,right. This is where we get this
kind of dislike in a series,right, So I'm sure it's probably going

to get march because it's funny,you know, these teams haven't played in
the playoffs in thirty years, andyou'd think that there'd be a little more
of a rivalry. But every timethe Canucks are good, the owners are
bad, and the owners are badthe Caducs are good. Right, Like,
it just been like that, Sothey haven't ever really established any kind
of arrivalry, even though they beasonI'm going in for so long, so
just you know, now it's it'sfinally coming to Lang. I'm sure we're

making carryover beyond this series and inthe next team. I'm curious for Hahn.
Are the Canucks ahead of schedule meaningthey are blowing out of blowing out
expectations of what they should have beenor are they right? Were you expecting
to be this season going being upto one over the Edmonton Oilers? Well,
look, I think they're had aschedule in terms of the big picture,

right. I mean, everyone hadthem as a bubbles playoff team and
they should have just based on theirprevious form and what they've done, they
were viewed as a bubble team.So the fact that they wind up winning
the division and then you know,getting to this point where they are now,
I think that survives a lot ofpeople, and you know, I
think it should right. And youknow, if you talk to a Nuck

fan the way this he finished theseason, which wasn't as good as the
way they started the team, Ithink they would have told you that.
You know, second round is kindof the baseline, right, We don't
want him to go meekly into thenight after the first round if they get
to the second round and news theywould probably do that as a successful season.
However, it's Edmonton, right,and you know there's there's gonna be
some rivalry there, even if it'snot been there on the ice, it

certainly hasn't been in the fan basis, and not expectations have gotten heightened.
But old Edmonton, right, andyou know there's going to be some rivalry
there even if it's not been thereon the ice, it certainly hasn't been
there in the fan basis, andthat expectations have gotten heightened. But overall,
I think the Caducks being at thispoint is ahead of schedule. I
think this is a win. Ithink what Rick Tockett has done to change

the culture of this organization has beenabsolutely amazing. Right. The players have
bought into a system. Quinn Hughestalked a couple of days ago about our
procket and taking the stink out ofthe lock of a mean stink of losing,
right, And he's convinced these playersthat you are good enough to do
these things, and you're good enoughto play this win, You're good enough
to begin now what it looks likegoing forward, we'll see, right,

Because the Canucks have a lot ofdecisions to make at the end of all
of this, because you've got nineguys that are depending on restricted tree agents
or restricted tree agents. So you'vegot to make some decisions, right,
I mean, Philip Ronick defenseman,you started out really well playing alongside and
us has fallen off well. Hethinks he's a seven or seven and a
half million dollars player. For me, the Canducks should run kicking and screaming
from that, right. Peters Adoro, who's been one of the best players

in the playoffs, the price tagis only going up, right, he's
an RFA. And Elias Lindholm whothey acquired in the trade from Calgary as
well, another player that all ofa sudden has proven to be good in
the playoffs. What's his number at? So there's a lot of these guys
that they've got to make decisions on. And you know, from that,
what does the team look like nextyear? Because it could look significantly different.

You know, the core pieces likej Teller and Peterson and Hughes and
Denko aren't going anywhere. But afterthat, they've got to take a look
at how they want to supplement theroster and support those players. Lazzi joining
us from Edmonton. He's with TSNVancouver. He covers the NHL in the
playoffs. Also the CFL and theNFL been a friend of mine for a

long time, crossing paths all overthe country, and I covered the National
Championship game in Houston of the Huskiesin Michigan together far on. It's hard
for me, Greg, that washard for me in many ways, right,
And I'm not gonna lie like it'sthe one place where I carry fandom
is Husky football. The only placeit's not the Canucks, it's not the

stuxt. The only place I carrythe level of fandom is college football.
And that's because the hosteys haven't beenin that conversation for a while, so
I've been able to now all ofa sudden, they're in it. I
naval games, trying to be objective. And you have a son who's entering
college football recruiting land he's what atenth grader at Lynden High School and playing

college football. Yeah, let metalk to you briefly about that. I
went through it. I had twentyyear old twins and they're college athletes.
Now. The recruiting it was duringCOVID, so that had that all mess
to deal with. But with NILand with transfer portals, and with college
recruiting affected by both so much,and player and college coaches relying on college

transfers even more so than high schoolrecruits anymore. What's it like to be
a high school athlete that has collegefootball aspirations a parent college football as you
drive him to the Tracy Ford PerformanceCenter in Bellevue, all the way from
Lyndon a couple of times a week. What is life like now for a
high school college wants to be collegefootball player? Yeah, I think it's

really difficult, and much more difficultthan it ever has been. I'm als
from the athletes getting paid. Youknow, I wish there was a little
bit more of an above board wayto do it as opposed to you know,
nil those which I guess theoretically areabove board now because they're legal.
But you know, the way itall kind of gets executed is a you
know, it's wild west. Mostcoaches will tell you the portal is awful

for me, right, and it'snot just as it's subtle. I understand
that I coached high school football forthirty plus years, right, and I
want to build high school players tothe point where they can get those opportunities
and those opportunities are are decreasing bythe day, and for quarterbacks, which
my son plays, it's cut inhalf. Right. So it's a really
difficult thing because you know, youtalk to players now and we'll say,

you know, guys are getting paidto leave, like even if you haven't
done anything. Like the Husky's justsigned an offensive lineman from Ohio State who
you know hasn't been a full timestarter at any point in his career in
college, but he's going to getpaid to leave, you know. So
it takes away a lot of opportunities, It takes away the development process.
Coaches are in such a win nowmode now and so so I don't like

what it's doing to high school football. I don't like what it's doing to
high school prospects, not just myson. But you know, I think
for me, I speak more asa coach than anything else. I want
high school kids getting these opportunities.They work their tails up for them.
And as opposed to now, weget all these kids that are just bouncing
from place to place to place,and it's almost become fashionable to throw your
name in the portal. Right,So I think the landscape is really difficult

and I hope at some point inthe next couple of seasons there's there's some
guardrails, because I haven't heard alot of stories Greg, and you've been
around this for a long time ofpeople that stayed at a school and felt
hard done by. Like, certainly, on the financial side, players should
be getting paid. I think weboth agree and everyone agrees to that,
But in terms of the transferring tomake that happen, we don't hear a
lot of these stories. Guys getthings out of their experience by staying,

and there's still enough movement in theold system. So I just hope they
can find a way to put someguardrails on it where everyone can get paid
and schools can be treated similarly onthat end, And in terms of the
portal, it's got to get scaledback, even if it just gets back
to one single transfer as opposed tounlimited every time you go, like,
how does a guy like Kaden Proctorat Alabama? You transfer and you're there

for two months and you get toleave it right like you haven't even played
it season, couldn't even a springball, and you get to believe again,
like, at some point, shouldn'tyou have to commit right, What
is it going to take Farhan?Is it going to take Congress? The
US Congress step in? Is itgood? Who's going to regulate it?
If the NCAA won't and they mayjust split off into two superpower conferences and
everybody else deals with their own rules. How do you see when you say

it needs to have guardrails, whodo you see putting those in? Well?
I think the only people to putit in are the players, right
Like right now, when you talkabout guardrails of confresces all to get involved,
especially, you know, on oneside of it, they don't want
anything the remotely limitsary enterprise and theguys can just go wherever whenever. They're
all for it, right, AndI just don't think that's what college football

or college sport was meant to be. But at some point you've got to
be able to collectively bargain it right. And there are some groups that are
that are trying to formulate that typeof scenario where the players get that kind
of voice. The only challenge withthat is going to be I don't know
how you can do that and stillmake it work for all the non revenue
sports, right. And this ideathat just a bunch of executives are getting

rich, I'll call the backs andcollege athletes. Isn't necessarily real because when
you look at the what's being givento the non revenue sports, you know
from the revenue sports like football mattersand now that's going to go away in
a lot of cases. And youknow, how is Title nine going to
be affected by all of that?Right, who's going to be the regulatory
or the negotiating body on behalf ofthe players? But the only way a
system is going to be put intoplace that can work within the court system

is I don't see congresgating the volts, so it's got to be collectively bargained.
So hopefully there's a solution there that'snot going to make it worse for
female athletics and non revenue sports andforce University used to drop all of that
because the way it's going out isn'tsustainable. That is donor fatigue and it
just can't continue. Absolutely. Igot one more for you, var Han,

And I'm sure you might have sawthe news about Austin Rivers commenting on
he could take thirty players right nowin the NBA and throw them in the
NFL. And you cannot take NFLplayers and put them in the NBA.
Where did you lie on that wholeTwitter beef if you want to call it
that, Sorry I missed it.Can you explain this to me again and
all the way in? Oh,not a problem. So basically, Austin
Rivers, former NBA player, hebasically I think he was on Greg not

Greg McAfee, but McAfee's show,and he alluded to the point that he
could take thirty players right now inthe National Basketball Association and put them in
the NFL and they can play.Meanwhile, you can't have thirty NFL players
and put them in the NBA.And as someone that has a background in
foot I want to hear your thoughtson that. No chance, you know,

you might get some Lebron James typesthat are physically equipped to do that,
but no, these guys aren't steppingin and doing that and dealing with
that level of physicality that's required ona football field. Forget about it.
Might there be some dvs and receiversthat can play basketball and run the fast
break and pull up and hit ajump shot. I think that's a lot
more likely than the other way around. I think some of these basketball players.

Yeah, they wouldn't like that.They don't want that smoke. I
don't agree with that at all.That's why you're a friend of mine,
bro, and I do you'd saythat. I got to ask you real
quick about Nathan Rourke. He's climbedoff waivers by the Giants. You've seen
him a lot of BC, theBC Lions, and CFL. Do you
see him sticking with the Giants?And if not, the Seahawks are in

the market needing a third quarterback.How might he fit in Seattle? Or
you think do you think he's goingto stay in New York? Well,
I think he took great in Seattle. You know, I'd love to see
him there. But at the endof the day, for and I don't
want to see him as a thirdstring quarterback. I want to see him
in a place where he can getthe best opportunity to potentially get on the
field. I mean, I've coveredboth these leagues for a long time.

I don't view myself as a dumbCanadian that doesn't know what the NFL looks
like. This kid is really reallygood and he needs to get into the
right spot. And I think interms of what's happening in New York?
Number one, Like, they clearlyhave a lack of belief in dang of
Jones, right, I mean,we're talking about the draft this year,
they're only guaranteed. We were talkingabout taking a quarterback in the draft this

year. They've only got one moreyear guaranteed for him at thirty five million,
to bring in Drew Locke for onemillion, and sorry, one year
at five million. And then youknow, Tommy DeVito is the other guy
who's kind of a cult hero inNew York. But ultimately, they wouldn't
have brought in Drew lock if theybelieved in Devitos. I think there's enough
questions at the quarterback position that maybehe can work his way into into some

game action. But the hard partin New York is they're gonna probably set
themselves up the draft the quarterback nextyear, and you never know, the
Seahawks could be in the same situationright with where they're at, Like I
don't know that Gino is a longterm guy here and I don't and I
don't know the Sam Howel is either. And you know, I've said with
Gino you can win with them,You're just never going to win because of
them, and so they at somepoint are going to have to make a

big picture, long term decision atthe quarterback spots. If you made them,
you don't want to drop into thatwhere you know, you look at
you know what was happening to himin New England. You knew they were
going to draft the guy. Youdon't want to live in that world,
right, So it's so tough whenyou're a guy like him coming in as
an undrafted pre agent, whether youcan play or not, You're really trying
to throw in a needle to findthe right opportunity. And you know,

like, I don't think every quarterbackin the CFL can go play in the
NFL, but I think this kid'sdifferent special if he gets if he gets
in the right spot, it mightbe tough to get him out. Nathan
Rourke be on the lookout for him. We'll see what ends up with him.
Ron. I know you're busy man. Thank you for taking time out
in Edmonton. Enjoy the Great WhiteNorth up there, and the rest of
the series will be watching. Appreciateyou joining me, buddy. Good to

see you. I'll see in Seattlesoon. Take care, yes, sir,
Thank you for hun lawsy TSN Vancouver. My son and I had dinner
with him after game one in Vancouverand I said, hey, you got
to be on a show. Ohyeah, you never called me. Okay,
well I just did Dune deal anddone deal. He said, he's
a big Nathan Work guy. He'sbeen telling me about Nathan work for a
while. It was the BC Lionsstarting quarterback out of Ohio University, and

now he's trying to get a jobin the NFL off waivers from New England
to the New York Giants. Lastweek, he outlined the New York Giants
quarterback situation now includes Drew Locke fournine four or five one on the telemore
dude text line. When it's gametime, it's Tully time, perfect time.
I got a question for the fans. For the listeners, I'm assuming
a lot of them are Seahawks fans, so you guys are probably safe assumption.

Safe assumption, I'm seeing. I'msure you guys have all seen the
home the Seahawk home game schedules.Which team are you most excited to see
the Seahawks play? I know myteam is, but I want to know
what yours is. I want toknow four nine, four to five one,
what game are you most excited tosee the Seahawks play. I've been
going with the Dolphins. I wasgoing to get I was going to give
him a teak. Yeah, that'sI'm gonna just put it out there.

I'm excited to see that high flyingoffense against this new regime defense. Obviously
lot there's gonna be a lot goingon in that game with motions and Tyreek
Hill, Jaylon Waddell, that fastteam. But I'm really that's one game
that I have penciled and I'm wantingto see. Is that going to be
the Week one game? So I'mcurious four one, four to five to
one, which game are you mostexcited to see? Maybe you'll be attending

it, but you go ahead andtext in great, did you have another
question that you want to ask?Oh, you just covered it for us.
Well, there you have it.So four one, four to five
to one, the one game you'dwant to see the Seahawks play home opener,
whatever it may be, the homeopener, just refresh your memory.
Then FC West opponents of their homesyou know, Cardinals, Rams forty nine
ers as always, but then alsohome on this year on the home schedule
will be Packers, Vikings, Bills, Dolphins, Giants, Broncos. Your

Tech's next on ninety three point threeKJRFM Live from the R and R Foundation
Specialists Broadcast Studio. Now back tothe Great Bell Show with Christopher Kidd on
Your Home for the Huskies and theCruken Sports Radio ninety three point three kJ
r FM. Hi, welcome back, Greg Bella the News Tribune, Christopher

Kidd with you. Happy Monday.It's the time of our show every day
from ten to noon, every weekdayfrom ten to noon that we do text
on the top them We're due textline four nine four five one. Chris
ended the last segment with the questionwhich team do you want to see the
Seahawks play to begin the season.I'm assuming you'd want the Seahawks to not
even the beginning of the season.This can be just home opener, Ris,

any game that you can attend oryou wanna watch on TV. I'm
sorry, I thought you home opener. Any game you want to attend.
Okay, any game? What doyou want to see? Who do you
want to see it? Who doyou want to see? I got the
Bills, I see that's a potone. So I would just chere with
what the fans we want to see, because there are some pretty cool teams
coming to Seattle this season. Ithink four nine, four five one.
Tell them we'll due text line forthat coming up being for ness joining us

after the text and we're going totalk about what the WIA has the girls
like football among other things. We'regoing to talk about coming up first of
the deck sign with Chris all right, So this is an interesting one.
Any game without Gino? Why doyou not like Gino? What has he
done that says he can't? Well, he better go follow another team if

he wants to watch a Seahawks gamewithout Gina Smith. That's even better at
this because he's starting. He istheir quarterback. I guess there's nothing nothing
needs to be said on that regard. He's going to be the starter.
I'm sorry. Four two five Billstwo five three Buffalo Bills. Now that's
going to be interesting. They don'thave the fon Diggs, but they got
a new young rookie that he is. He lights up the room and he's

supposed to be pretty good. I'veseen his highlights. Maybe him and Josh
Allen could find that connection and theseaho is going up against Josh Allen.
That should just be fun. TheBill's defense is completely remodeled. That's a
defense first head coach, and hehas completely got rid of Ployer. He
got rid of a lot of veteranmoney on that side of the ball.
The Bills are a project on thatside of the ball. They've been so

close to making the super Bowl andthey haven't made it, so they finally
junk their defense and quit spending moneyon it. This is a good one
is from the two five to threeNiners because I want to see how close
the Seahawks are to them obviously lastyear. What you wish for? You
know what, Greg, I'm notgoing to even add anything else to that.
I hear what you're saying, weget it, but I like this.

I like in your division, howclose are you to the Niners with
this new regime. You got yoursixteenth overall picking Byron Murphy and he's a
stud. So if you can reallyhelp the D line, maybe things can
turn to a positive for this team. I would think you're not going to
get a showcase National TV primetime holidaygame for the Niners, Seahawks and Loomenfield

like you did Thanksgiving night last fall. That's what happens when you don't make
the playoffs exactly. Ooh five six' two? Hey Greg, where's that
at? Man? I don't know. I honestly don't know, the top
of my head. I don't know. Okay, you don't remember said it
before. That's the funny thing.Oh West side of Chicago. I believe
that's correct, five six two,So Packers, they want to see love

against this defense. Now, ifyou guys remember Love destroyed the Cowboys in
the playoffs. He looked very comfortable. Now the Cowboys defense, they didn't
have any linebackers. Their linebackers wereformer DB's Northern Orange County by the way,
oh county more like maybe wittiersh myson went to college for a while.
Got you sorry, No, you'refine. So I'm also interested in

that game seeing love against this defenseas well. Another guy that's coming up
in the game looks talented. Again. He lit up the Cowboys, but
they didn't have linebackers, so Idon't know how much I can still be
there. Yes, in the playoffs, understood that as well. I believe.
Fair enough. Let's see we haveOh this is from Marcus two six

jets and hopefully it's Rogers. Ohit's Rutgers week as well, Rukers weekend,
so he can double dip. Okay, I see what you're saying there,
New Jersey yep. So yeah,that's a fun one. Aaron Rodgers
coming to town. Well that's inNew York or the Meadowlands is or not?
Hang on, I'm going off ofwhat he's he's sent in. So
home games only away games? Homegames? Okay? Uh? Did they

play the Bucks here? No?Okay, another way game? All right,
screw it. This is from Joel. They don't play the Buccaneers at
all this year. Okay, Well, someone's just pulling my leg. So
four two five Joel. He wantsto know who starts more games, Gino
or Russ. I think it's gonnabe a tie, because really, because

if it goes the way both teamswant and they're not injured, they're gonna
both start seventeen games. Uh okay, I would I would go Gino.
I would I would go if Ihave to think they're gonna bench Russell Wilson.
Do you think it's gonna go thatway? I don't see. I
guess You're right, they're not gonnabench him. You wouldn't say, well,
they got justin fields if they wantto. I don't think it's I

don't think it'd be that bad.At how bad would Russ b Well,
the Steelers need to get their offensiveline fixed. Picking try Fatano in the
first three start is a great starttoward doing that. But their offensive line
will determine Russell Wilson's success. Iwas on the radio or on the Steelers
Depot podcast on Friday talking about thatvery thing, and I told them,
and I believe this. If theSteelers fix their offensive line, if Fatano

can be what impacting, and theyget a center and they get a past
protection fixed, Russell Wilson could havea bounce back here, a really strong
season. I don't think we've seenthe last of Russell Wilson in the NFL
excelling. And that's what I kindof believe. So there's that. Where's
the one I just saw? Ohit's gonna bug me? Oh here it
is. Yeah, it's about NateWarp with the Seahawks. This person,

Jeff Bearden, watched a handful ofgames when he played with the BC Lions
a few years back. That kidcan fling it all over the field,
so you know what people are buyingit. People have seen it and they
believe. So if the Giants endup waving them, maybe the Seahawks do
take a stab at it. He'ssix to one. He's a Canadian native.
He was born in Victoria, buthe played at Ohio University. Like

I said, he was the secondround picking the CFL and played for British
Columbia. And then now I wastrying to get a job in the NFL.
As I said, he's with theNew York Giants, who have a
crowded quarterback field. As far onLolgy pointed out to us, Let's see
there's one about I believe Greg bellin his son. Let me find that

one. That was a good one. Oh been on vacation. How many
free throws did you make, kid? Out of one hundred and ten?
Yeah, so again, thank youGreg Baill for donating. Thank you everyone
out there that I reached out tothat donator I appreciated. I went eighty
six out of one hundred. Iwas disappointed I did reach my goal.
I wanted to get between eighty fiveand ninety. But I had one round

where I went six out of tenand that ruined my ninety shots. So
if you don't know what he's talkingabout, it's Donald Watts fundraiser for children
in Western Washington, disadvantaged children,Russell Washington, and not this past weekend,
but that's weekend before that was theevent Athletic Club, the Wack Washington
Watch Club, the same thing.I get what you're saying. You're good,
he's eighty six out one hundred.Good job man, Yeah, but

that round where I went six outof ten, really that pissed me off.
I was really upset because I knewthat was my chance of getting ninety
capout. All right, a fewmore? Why would Pittsburgh not bench Russell
Wilson play bad enough? Toma willsit his ass, I hear you,
But I honestly don't think Russell isgoing to be that bad. That's my
that's my point. I think russhad his worst year, and that was

his first year with the Broncos.I don't see Nathaniel Hackett did him no
favors at all. Yes, yes, and Aaron Rodgers will jump to his
defense. Cool. I just thinkRussell was better than that, and he
had a really rough year. AndI think he proved that he was pretty
He still had it last season.They didn't win a bunch of games,
but I thought for the most part, Russ played better than he did his
first year with Denver, and Ithink he'll be even better. As you

mentioned, Greg, with the Steelerstaking a taking Troy Fatanu in the first
UND they're trying to figure that offensiveline. Their defense is still formidable,
so a good defense and Russell Wilson. Here's the other thing the Steelers will
do that will help Russell Wilson.They run the ball. Oh yes,
Nagie Harris and well the Seahawks knowabout that, don't they. Yeah,
Jalen Warren. Jaleen Warren might bethe best number two back in the league.

They are going to run the ballthirty plus times. If they can
sustain get an offensive line that cando that, that's what they want to
do. That's when the Steelers havebeen at their best for decades. That's
what Tomlin wants to do. Andif they if Russell Wilson has a run
game, I guess said. Itold when I was in Pittsburgh Friday that
I think Russell Wilson's gonna have abig bounce back year. This year,

we'll see that the offensive line isthe key to Pittsburgh and Russell Wilson's success.
They know it too, they're investedin it. Last one here from
the two oh six greg my Son. Taylor Goucher is a WP fifth West
Point twenty fifteen graduate. Yes,sir, Army baseball player from Normandy Park.
He listens from Hawaii out there.We appreciate that, Taylor. Thank

you so much. Man, Thankyou, sir. He's twenty fifteen grad
If he's in Hawaii, I'm notsure if he's stationed in Schofield barracks are
still in but he might be acaptain by now, a major perhaps nine
years ago. Thank you, sirfor listening. Long Gray Line lives on.
Appreciate that Military Appreciation Month is thismonth. I may be doing a

couple events for kJ R. Yeah, don't play something that is not on
my schedule. That's at least notwhat I'm thinking of off the top of
my head. Anyway, there's acouple in here by the way to say
Penix want they want to see theFalcons and Seahawks. That game is going
to be in Atlanta. That's ourroad game this coming year. It's still
a fun one, and I'm notsure Penix would be the starting quarterback with

one hundred million guaranteed to Kirk Cousins. Kirk Cousins Achilles falls off again.
I think that's that's not entirely impossible. No, it's not. But I
hear you. I appreciate it.Appreciate the text every day we do it
at eleven thirty four nine four fiveone, and tell them we do text
Lin when's game time. It's Tullytime in right now, it's going to

be time for Ian Finness, themayor of Maple Valley, to join us.
He's up next on ninety three pointthree kJ R f M. Welcome
back, ninety three point three kJR f M. A chance to win

a one thousand dollars and set amillion. Well, this hour you might
actually get some traveling on the websiteat that point eh million dollars billion American
dollars. Let's go go to ninethree three KJR dot com and enter win
w I N that's win, wI N Enter it now nine two three
KJR dot com for this hour's chanceto win win. All you do is
w i AA in the news Ihear too, the Infinness, the mayor,

Mate Valve of the Grady Internet joiningus. Yes, we were just
talking about this. The John Manleyof the News Tribune and others reporting that
the w i a A, thesanctioning body for high school interscholastic athletics in
our state, has voted down theproposal to make girls flag football a sanctioned
interscholastic sport. That doesn't seem veryprogressive. First of all, I'm surprised.

I'm gonna I need to choose mywords wisely here. First of all,
shout out to Mick Hoffman, whoruns the executive director. I know
he wanted this to go through.I know he pushed for it. The
Seahawks pushed for it. They did, They helped there, they were going
to help finance it. Tyler Lockettbrought Yeah, Emerald, the Seahawks had
a financial to financially help this.There's no reason to vote this. Who

voted it down? Then who's theit's they had to have? I think
it's eighty athletic directors across the statehad the votes like whatever it was.
Is it a cross section of yeahfour down to B eight or whatever the
hell it is. And you know, I had mick on last week.
I fully I think everyone fully expectedthis thing to pass. They thought they

had the votes going in. I'mgoing to say something here, and I'm
just sick of this bloody state nottaking care of its kids. We didn't
do that pandemic. The pandemic wasan absolute embarrassment and a joke what they
did to the kids in our state, and we're seeing the effects of it
today. Chris, you know thisbecause you're a basketball guy. You know

this misnomer out there that our statehas great basketball at the high school level
is garbage. It's done, it'srun its course. Good players have all
left. They leave for the lastyear of the school. One was the
last time a really good, done kid came through the state and stayed
through four years. It doesn't happen. And you know why because all the
kids right now that are juniors andseniors got blanked upon when they were eighth

and ninth graders and told they couldn'tparticipate and sit in your room for the
next eighteen months. Now you havean opportunity to get kids out of the
room, girls and play sports atlittle to no cost. It's flag football,
there's no equipment, right the fieldswere going to be used during the
winter months when there's no socer andno boys football. They're gonna play in
crap weather. That's how they're gonnamake it work. And for some reason

our state are athletic directors who chargeis to get me going great. Your
your job as an educator and administratorstraighter is to do what's best for the
kids, and we have lost thatin this state. Why why would they
not do it right? At know? I just I just saw it,
and I'm gonna I'm gonna check aroundlater today because I don't have time right
now because for example, not enoughkids, not enough schools want to offer

it. Maybe lacrosse because they're asport that no. Lacrosse didn't even wasn't
even up for a vote to year. I know, but could you imagine
if flag football now gets in andlacrosse like, well wait a minute,
flight football is far more inclusive thanlacrosse. I hear you. I understand.
The other two sports that were voteddown, well, one's in activity
EA sports was voted down. That'san activity which good you stayed in your
room play VA sports. That's thegreg is on that with you no video

games stupid. But the other onewas badminton, which I don't have an
answer, but hey, if itgets kids outside, right, yeah,
but batman's probably an indoor sport,right, it's probably because that's an Olympic
sport. Now, yeah, andso is flag football, yes, girls,
flight football is Olympic sports and it'snot it was gonna be a non

cut sport, greg, Like it'slike a cross country everyone can play,
right, What are we doing?Like? What the hell are we doing
in this state? Why? I'mstill trying to search for why you would
not vote for that? You meanto tell me even a B school couldn't
find twelve twenty two and you Idon't think that's the issue. Though,
you don't have to field every singlesport. We have bowling sanctioned in this

sanction doesn't mean you require swimming anddiving in this state? Like how many
kids really participate in that? Right? So? I don't know. I
just can they do it again?When can they put it back up?
Next year? Oh? Next year? I think so? Yeah. I'm
gonna check with Mick here in thebreak and see I just again looked man
John John Manley the News Tribune andothers reporting an amendment has failed to make

girls flight football and officially sanctioned WIa sport in high school flet in our
state. That's what we're talking about. So that was a club sport,
which means it remains a club sportlike lacrosse. Like Chris mentioned lacrosse.
Just like in high school we hadclub basketball. Like if you weren't good
enough to play, yeah, buthere's the thing to go do club You
had to pay for that, yes, and see, this is the key
if you're going to like I thinkLincoln and Tacoma had the biggest girls flight

football program in the stage. Getsa school that wanted to have it,
and like you know, unlike otherclub sports, in club sports are key.
You pay for that. You wouldn'there. I just, I just
it pisses me off this state.Sometimes, what do we Let's just go
and let's fund some more homeless encampmentsand stuff. I guess, I don't
know. Whatever, let's just keepdoing that. There's a brand new one

down here, and drive by itevery day. It's awesome. Welcome to
Seattle, man, I grew uphere, so I can criticize it.
Man. I just hate it.I hate what I hate what we're doing.
Ill is this is a small thing. I get it, but I
just want to see I want tosee kids participate. This is a huge
representative thing for girls. Girls especially, you get a chance to do something.

Now. I know my daughter wouldhave played it. We powder puff
every year. She absolutely loved it. It's fun, it's yeah, it's
challenging. Yeah, it's competitive,it's everything besides tackling. No, I
mean, it's not football. It'sit's it's tag but it's it's good,
it's a blast, and it's andit's it's there's a place for it,
especially for girls. And they someonedropped the ball and I think it failed

by a couple of votes. Soa couple of aubes one is it one?
So a handful of athletic directors whosejob is to have kids participate and
do sports decided not to. Itreminds me of what happened in the Kent
School District a few years ago.They don't care about their kids out there.
They didn't care about activities during youknow, even when things were opening
back up and there's much there's toomany Kent School District people in this in

this world that want to say noas opposed to yes, instead of saying,
instead of saying, how they sayno? And that's just that's just
wrong. That's just absolutely wrong.Good, Sorry about that. Got a
little filibuster. There's your floor.What else you got today? Besides stream
more out? We'll get in theMariners. Obviously it's a Molly Wap Monday.

Let's go molly Wap Monday. Gotthe boys here. I gotta ask
you, because I'm asked all thetime, what's the origin of the name
molly Wapping. Isn't it kind oftakeing negativity? No, molly WAPs like
you mollywop that ball. It's likea long home shit crushed it, absolute
smoked it. We started. I'lltell you this story on the excited ge.
Okay, i'll tell you. Listento your car. I'll tell you
this. It's actually a really goodstory. I'll just give you this.
It started with Kevin Mather. Oh, I'll tell you that in the first

second. Make a note for myselfright now. Anything else you want to
bring up, We're gonna get tothat. Jeffsman had a hard time in
the postgame news conference yesterday with ScottService so we'll play that for you.
You'll enjoy that audio always nice.Yeah, that's seeing for Nest from twelve
to three. Coming up next,Christopher Kaid, Greg Bell, The News
Tribune. We appreciate listening. Wedo it every day ten to no.
We'll do it again tomorrow on ninetythree point three kJ r FM
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