All Episodes

May 14, 2024 36 mins
The Seattle Mariners won 6-2 against the Kansas City Royals on Monday night, and M's manager Scott Servais was happy about the overall performance from the team, calling it a complete game... Was it a complete game despite the strikeouts, and yet again relying on home runs? The Buffalo Bills  are hiring former NFL referee John Parry away from ESPN to join their staff as a consultant. When it comes to when to throw the challenge flag, Bills head coach, Sean McDermott will now have an advanatge. This goes back to how Pete Carroll handled challenges as he was a players coach, and rocked w/ his players no matter what. It will definitely be different w/ Seahawks head coach Mike Macdonald...
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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They'd already announced Ravens that Chiefs willkick off the league season Thursday night,
September fifth, and Tom Brady's firstgame as Fox's primary game analyst on TV
is going to be Dallas at Clevelandin the late window Sunday afternoon, September
eighth. The entire league schedule isto be announced Wednesday, that's tomorrow,
five pm. Dave Softy Maler isgoing to have a special kickoff schedule kickoff

show at ninety three three kjrfin tomorrowat five pm. The Seahawks are continuing
their offseason workouts with veterans at theVirginia Mason Athletics Center in Rentin. That's
phase two of the NFL's offseason schedule. The organized team activity practices on the
field begin Monday, will be out. Their media availability is going to be
Wednesday next week. The Detroit Lionscontinue their big spending offseason continue by recommitting

to their quarterback Jared Goff and recommittingin a big way four year contract one
hundred and sixty million guaranteed two hundredtwelve million total possible value on his deal.
Gonf led Detroit to its first playoffgame win in thirty two years.
Last season a and all the wayto the NFC Title Game when they lost
the forty nine ers down in SantaClara. Tampa Bay Buccaneers made All Pro

safety Antoine Winfield Junior the NFL's highestpaid defensive back. Four years eighty four
million for Antoine Winfield. That's firsttime a safety has been the highest paid
defensive back. When the Seahawks madeJamal Adams the richest safety in NFL history
the seventy million dollar contract, hewasn't the highest paid dB. Corners were
still paid higher. Now Winfield hasbroken that mark, and now a safety

is the highest paid defensive back theNHL Stanley Cup Playoffs. Last night,
Carolina avoided elimination, beat the Rangersin New York. Hurricanes trailout series three
games to two. Dallas won atColorado. Now the three to one lead
in that Western Conference best to sevenheaded back to Texas. Tonight. Boston
plays Game five at Florida, downthree games to one. Brad Marshawn is

on the trip, the captain,maybe backup to getting punched in the face
and missing Game four. Vancouver playsGame four in Edmonton tonight. That's a
six thirty local start Cannuckt lead thatseries two games to one. Vancouver's Carson
Sussie we talked about yesterday with FarignLogy of TSN Vancouver. We both agreed
and thought that Carson Susi would geta game suspension for his cross check to

the mug of Conor McDavid at theend of game three. He did,
and NHL suspended Sussie the former crackingfor one game. Nobody else got suspended
a couple of fines, of nominalfines going to be again in wild physical
game tonight and let a McDavid gettingjumped at the end of game four.
It looks like Calvin Pickard is goingto be the starting goaltender for Edmonton and

they finally pulled Stuart Skinner after veryshaky first three games in that series.
NBA Playoffs Boston won at Cleveland.The Cavaliers, I mean seriously, they
looked like a G League team.How think lose only by nine or seven
or whatever it was. There isa I forget what my friend told me
would be basically, when your superstaris out, always bet that that team

that's losing their superstar for whatever reason, they will cover. Yeah, Donovan
Mitchell. Is this cav superstar thatI could get that on most teams,
But with the Calves, I know. But even then, they're gonna play
hard. They and they did.They just couldn't. The last few minutes
you saw that they needed they neededDonovan and they didn't have it. Not
that I know what a G Leaguegame looks like. I don't watch one,
but it looked like a G Leaguegame for Cleveland last night. They're

down three games to one in thatseries heading back to Boston. Dallas and
the Mavericks people at a fourteen pointlead last night against that team we're not
going to name for the middle ofthe country, could have had a three
to one series lead at home,up fourteen in the second half. I
will say this SGA, that boyis special. Yeah, he the MVP

type season. I know he gotit saying that he should have wanted to
get over Yokic, But my goodness, when he gets to that elbow,
it's automatic too. Still, ifthe Mavericks can hit a free throw,
that's a NBA player should be ableto hit a free throw. Speaking of
free throws, Luka Doncik, there'sthe line he misses one and that wouldn't

even close. And then you havechet Holmgren. He goes down and nails
both of them, no problem.And then who's the cat at Dallas at
the end of the game after donPJ PJ Washington, he barely hit the
rim with the game on the line. An NBA player in the playoffs barely
hit the front of the rim.That almost that almost airballed, Greg.
It's hard shooting free throws. Youhad eighty six out of one hundred.

I didn't have any fans booing methough, or just silently staring at the
best in the world in the NBA. I hear you. Every single player
in the NBA should have a ninetyplus percent free throws. It's hard.
They should. No, theyd knowif they're the best in the world at
what they do, the fundamentally besound enough to they are elite at a
bunch of at other intendables defending,dribbling, passing, management, dreaming they

should be in the NFL, butnot free throw shoot. We debunked that
a few days ago. They werenot debunked. But if you get it
fifty as an NBA team, that'sembarrassing. Well, they got what they
deserve. They could have got threeto one. Instead it's two to two.
Heading back to the dust Bowl.Tonight. Indian is at New York,
so that series is tied too.To the Garden will be hopping.

Minnesota is at Denver. That seriesof tied two too, and as we've
said, only the road team haswon the first four games, and that
series only I think eighth time inleague history that's happened in the best of
seven. The first four games roadteams are one all four college football news
this morning Fox and the CW TelevisionNetworks announced Washington State and Oregon State football

games are going to be broadcasting nationallyand what's essentially going to be the PAC
two next year. Washington State Augustthirty first, their first season opener at
home against Portland State, is goingto be on the CW. What's the
CW it's on. I think it'sChannel sixteen on cable or whatever it is
here, but it is on thelocal cable and over the air networking Seattle.
You can get on basic cable andyou can get it on I think
in antenna if you don't have cable. September seventh, the home game against

Texas Tech, the Marquee. Homegame of Washington State's season this year is
going to be on Fox or FSone September seventh, Saturday, a Friday
night September thirtieth home game against SanJose State on the CW. In the
Hawaii, Utah State, Oregon State, and Wyoming games, those are going
to be on the CW two.Not yet announced the TV outlet for the

Washington State Washington some so called AppleCup, although not in it's used to
be formed. That's September fourteenth atlumen Field here in Seattle. It's going
to be Lumenfield Husky Stadium. Thenfinally back to Pullman in three years,
back to the Mariners. They gothitting again last night. When they hit,
they win, and specifically when theyhit home runs they win. And

this is what happened last night.The payoff a high play ball out to
the field insurance delivered by time.That was after what Luke Raley did.

Raley had three RBIs last night,he hit a home run and he broke
the trident in the dugout. Whatwas funny about that is last week Greg
Green, the marketing guru for theMariners, was here in the studios on
the shores of Elliott Bay, andhe's a friend of mine. We both
teach at the University of Washington inthe College of Education in the Athletic Leadership
Program Master's program. And I wasjoking with him. My son was asking

because he was home, as Isaid, my son's home from college,
and he hasn't watched many Mariner gamesso far this season. He was watching
one and he saw somebody carrying thetrident after a home run, and he
said, how did they travel withthat? It was a road game,
he said, I wonder that theybreak that down and does it go in
a case? As long as itis standing right now as greg that and

it does break down, it hasa screw about midway point that it screws
together. Well, last night,after Luke Raley gave the home run,
he carries the trident and as ifthe planet into the dugout floor, it
fell apart right where it screws in. It was like a calamity happened.
Knowing baseball players as I do,haven't covered him as a beat writer for

a while. I'm sure that wasa prank. Somebody unscrewed the trident to
the point where we might have apoint to the where it was easily broken,
because it looked like Raley broke it, and he if you look closely,
it's where the screw in part was. And so somebody just unscrewed it.
No, I hear you screwed him, right, Yeah, but that

was just kind of funny. SoGreg Green was telling me, Yeah,
they have a case for it thatthey travel on the planes and the charter
planes for, but it does screwunscrew it the halfway point, so they
don't have to have a yay longcover case. It's just half the size
of what it normally is. Yeah, runs are great, but here's the
thing that Mariners are almost reliant onas relying on home runs as they are

in great starting pitching. Hear meout here on the pretty much the only
way they win is when they hithome runs. Unfortunately, last night makes
it nineteen that when they hit ahome run this season in the game they
are nineteen and nine nineteen wins ninelosses when they hit a home run.
That's nineteen of their twenty three wins. Well, here, let me play

you some don yet, I'm notdone yet. And when we only talk
about it when they lose about howmany times they strike out? Right?
Unfortunately, but they strike out tenmore times last night. I know they
won because of home runs. Theyonly win because of home runs. Do
you know what their record is rightnow? When they don't hit a home
run? I don't want to hearfour wins, fourteen losses. That's not

great US totally relying on the longball. Oh yeah, and you're going
to run into starting pitching that doesn'tserve up mistakes with two strikes make it
doesn't Yeah, that doesn't throw theball over the plate with two strikes.
It doesn't throw a sweeper that doesn'tsweep or fastball over the heart of the
plate that's supposed to be off theedge. They're going to run into those
pitchers and they're probably gonna be thepictures they have to beat to win the

division from Texas. When Houston finallywarms up, they are still flawed offensively,
no matter what this cat's about tosay on this clip right here.
Okay, so this is Scott Service. After the game, we talked about
the mayor as an offense, andI kind of agree with him and Greg
Bell, as you just heard,does not really a complete ball game,

I guess it's the best way tosum that one up. I'm really excited
about our offense start there. Normallydon't. I don't want to ever take
starting pitching for granted, but Ithought our offense was on it right from
the get go tonight and great tosee. You know, we've seen Singer
a little bit in the past.He's having a good season. We were
all over early in the game.Obviously a huge game by Rayley and Cal

all over it. I think Calseeing Singer lots for the years, their
college days and everything else. Buton a huge pickup home run by type
francer late. So Greg would saydamn all that. No, I mean
he's right. The starting pitching lastnight for Kansas City. That guy hadn't
given up more than two her ownruns in a game. To get six

on it's huge, and he gaveup four in the first three innings.
So yeah, Okay, I'm notarguing with that. I'm just saying this
isn't sustainable. Correct that there isan underlying issue that has been an issue
for this team since the season started, and I guess there's no excuse for
that. There's I don't have thewords to describe. Okay, Scott,

you said this was pretty much anall around good game for your team,
but the underlying issue is the factthat home runs are saving. You take
away the two home runs and whatis that game. It's a little harder
and more difficult than that, butit's two two and it goes to a
bullpen that's now started to show someflaws and some cracks in the seventh and

eighth inning before they get to Munno, who got the four outsaved because they
had to bring him in yesterday.I want to ask you this, Greg,
did you could you could you hearthe music in the background during Scott's
service presser? Did you I didn'tnotice it, but oh you didn't notice
it? I heard it? Okay, So if I play it again,
do you think you would know whatsong it is? Sure? Okay,
let's let's give it a try,because I was cracking up when I heard
it. Really a complete ball game, I guess it's the best way to

sum that one up. I'm reallyexcited about our offense start there. Normally
don't. I don't want to evertake starting pitching for granted, but I
thought our offense was on it rightfrom the get go. Tonight and great
to see, you know, focushaving a good season. We were all
over early in the game. Obviouslya huge game by by Rayley and and

cal nothing. Greg, is it? Well, that's as like a grade
school hearing test. You're trying toget me to raise my hand when I
hear the beat? What you can't? That's muffled? Man, I couldn't
hear that? Really? What wasthat? Well, I don't want to
give it away. I'm gonna waita minute or two. Maybe in the
next break and the next break,I will give you the answer. I'm
sure people on the text line knowexactly the song, and they are so

you can't check the So if peoplein the text line know the song,
do text line a time a lotand they must listen to music underwater?
Because I can't hear that. Youcan't, I'm old, I'm getting fifty.
I can't hear. I think you'rehearing fine, I think I seriously
thought that was a hearing person whereI put my hand up when I hear
the sound. Well, now I'mwondering. Maybe I'm wrong. No,

I, well, how about this, we'll find out. I'm not gonna
check the text line into the nextbreak. Four nine four or five one.
If you could hear that sound,if you hear the background music over
Scott Servis, I guess it wouldbe over. If you can hear that
sound, you can probably hear Martiansthat are in the in the atmosphere spying
on us or whatever. I meanthat was. I'm kind of play it
again because I feel like Greg,You're I'm not going to talk at all.

I'm gonna let it play because there'syou have the bass. There's you
gotta be able to hear. It'sall I hear is bass. Okay,
try to from the bass. Tryto figure if you can figure what song
it is. Let's start there.Really a complete ball game. I guess
that's the best way to sum thatone up. I'm really excited about our
offense start there. Normally don't Idon't want to ever take starting pitching for
granted, but I thought our offensewas on it right from the get go

tonight and great to see. Youknow, we've seen Singer a little bit
in the past. He's having agood season. Uh. We were all
over early in the game. Obviouslya huge game by by Rayley and and
Cal all over it. I thinkCal seen Singer lots for the years in
their college days and everything. I'mgonna ask it's not Return of the Mac.
No, it's not. It's it'ship hop though I will say that.

Okay, well, Greg is notgonna get it. So I'm gonna
go back at my wheelhouse. You'renot gonna get it. It was I'll
say this, it was early digital, digital, underground, early two thousands.
Now when you I'll put it this, sure, you're not gonna guess
it. Greg. Unfortunately, Ithought by hearing the baseline, and because
you can kind of hear the wordstoo, I know, I guess now

you're making me feel ninety five yearsold right now. Well, when I
think, for one, I knowyou heard the song back in the day
for sure, and they're two thousandsand two. It's by a popular artist
that is now not as popular,but in those two thousand and a two
thousand era he was dominant. There'sa couple of guys that he was in
that same field with. So yeah, when we come back from break,
I will let Greg know the songon more nine four one, tell them

we're due tex. A bunch ofpeople know, which those with better hearing
than I or maybe I'm wrong.Maybe I have great hearing and I'm young.
The upshot is Scott Servis is happyoffensively all around great game check.
I'm here to tell you that theywere again reliant on the home run.
That game is a two two lateinning nail bier without the home runs.

Yes, it's snur. They arenineteen and nine when they hit a home
run, four and fourteen when theydon't. They struck out a ten more
times again last night. This teamis a home runner bust team offensively,
so I think in this scenario,we talk about the Mariners needing a big
bat. Not a big bat thatcan hit home runs. How about a

big bat that can get on base. Yeah, that's going to be a
guy that they really should cut.A three hundred hitter with a four fifty
on base percentage. It strikes outten percent of the time. That's gonna
cost you half your farm and toget it done, and the hay and
the tractors and everything else, getit done. That's what this regime has
yet to want to do. Mysilly behind almost said super Bowl or bus,

World Series or bust. We talkedabout they have World Series pitching.
Yes, they have a flawed offensethat when they win, when they head
home runs looks, okay, thatwas good, it's exciting. But man,
when they don't, they don't.No one's say anything about Marine Layer
anymore. When the sun comes outand it gets to be seventy degrees,

all the Marine Layer. I haven'tseen that since we started this show.
It's been real quiet. It's beenquieting down little by little each week.
I don't think this week we've seenit once. I'll tell you what,
if you strike out ten times agame, you're gonna do it when it's
thirty degrees, when it's ninety degrees, when it's fifty degrees and we just
can't hit. That has nothing todo with Marine Lay, nothing at all.
Up next, there's something interesting thatcame out of the NFL news yesterday

beyond scheduling, which it's absurd bythe way. The NFL absolutely we already
know who teams are playing. Wejust don't know the times exactly. That's
the biggest thing, Greg, becausenow you get to plan. Yeah,
it's great for me. Now Igo get my flights and plan my seat
like a holidays. There you go, it works out for you all.
My wife cares about is where areyou on Thanksgiving, Christmas, even New

Year's? Oh yeah, last yearwas a stinker. Yeah, Nashville and
Christmas Eve Man, I was happy, you know, I was very happy
that I got to stay at home, but the fact that I had to
a podcast at like midnight, I'msorry you were inconvenienced in your home to
do the podcast. Was not happy. I was not happy on the Nashville
airport, rushing from the stadium totry to get back that night. Grapes
to apples, I get it.Grapes apples. Anyway. The Buffalo Bills

yesterday became one of the first teamto hire a former NFL game official to
its coaching staff, not as anadvisor, but on the coaching staff.
The Bills are hiring former NFL officialJohn Perry to help coach Sean mcderertt make
his red flag decisions. That gotme thinking, how are the Seahawks going
to change their challenges this season comparedto Pete Carroll. Of all the things

Pete Carroll was great and for Seattle, red flag challenges were not one of
them. I'll explain what Carroll's systemwas and how might it be different under
Mike McDonald that's next on ninety threepoint three KJRFM, Live from the R
and R Foundation Specialists Broadcast Studio.Now back to the Greg Bell Show with

Christopher Kidd on Your Home for theHuskies and the Crooking Sports Radio ninety three
point three kjr FM. I'll seeI can hear that music, no lyrics,
but I can at least hear thatGreg Bell, The News Tribune,
Christopher kad with you Happy Tuesday two. As we roll on from ten to

noon on ninety three point three kjrFM, only one person got it.
Only one. That guy must havesupersonic hearing. That was from the two
six. He said, jah ruleliving it up. That is correct?
So did he hear that? I, you know what, I kind of
want to take off my head onesto do it again. But it's all
good. There were so many peopleon there that he couldn't hear it.

I'm not going to put you throughit again. Shout out to the two
six that did know. I feela little bit better, but one out
of I don't know how many textswe got fifty, it's not good for
me. So obviously that all Ifeel justified. Maybe I'm not as old
as everyone thinks to you, we'regonna talk at eleven o'clock with Dick Fane.
He's preparing for another season as aplay by play announcer for the Storm.

The WNBA season begins tonight. KaitlynClark is in Connecticut, where the
first time and I think twenty years, the Connecticut Sun have a sellout for
its home opener. Imagine that,right, Caitlyn Clark effect and Kaitln Cark's
coming here twice to Seattle. Bothgames are going to be in pac Climate
Pledge Arena. They're going to openup all the seats, going to be
over eighteen thousand people there. Ithink the game next week. I think

it's the next week. If I'mnot ying, correct, it's next week,
Yeah, next seventy second Wednesday?Correct? Yes, eighteen thousand,
one hundred listed capacity for Storm gamesat Climate Pledge Arena. The only time
the Storm have had eighteen one hundredplus packing Climate Pledge was for Sue Bird's
retirement game. It's going to bethat way next week when Caitlin Clark comes
here. Tonight, the Minnesota Lynkscome here seven pm. Dick Fane's going

to be on the play by playas he always is for the Storm.
He's going to join us at eleveno'clock to talk about how the Storm have
remade themselves and what this WNBA momentumof the Caitlin Clark effect could mean for
everybody. That was a video yesterdayof the Indiana Fever getting on their charter
plane and celebrating. We talked aboutthe charter WNBA finally going to charter jets.

Indiana got theirs to go to Connecticutyesterday and they were pretty happy about
it. We also, owing into break, talked about the Buffalo Bill's
hiring a former full time NFL officialgame official, not as an advisor,
but to their coaching staff. Oneof the first known times a team has
done that, and it made usstart thinking, what are the Seahawks going
to look like in that realm?Now that Mike McDonald is a first time

head coach thirty six years old,he's never done this before, He's never
had the red flag in his pocketand made the choices. How it works
in the NFL, you don't knowif there is any play is subject to
a coach's challenge outside of two minutesremaining in the game, and the decision
on whether to throw the flag.The coach must make that before the next

play begins, or else the chanceto challenge a play is gone. All
NFL coaches rely on their assistance thatare up in the press box level booth
coaching booth, that have monitors thatare showing the television feed, the network
TV feed that you and all seeat home, and they have the right

inability through a buzzer system to buzzdown to a direct line to the head
coach if they see a replay orangle that makes it look like a call
was wrong, and they have todo that quickly before the forty second play
clock where the next play starts.Pete Carroll in his fourteen years here relied
on one confident in particular, exceptfor a couple of years Carl Tater Smith
wasn't here on the staff and thencame back. Carl Smith was the challenge

guy for Pete Carroll. He wasup at the press box level and he
would tell Pete dead, this ischallenge, we need to challenge this now.
The other thing that Carol did,which is I think more the reason
why he had a propensity to challengeplays, it shouldn't have been challenged in
losing timeouts left and right is becausehe was very reactive and supportive of his
players. What I mean by that, when the players on the field were

very demonstrative in saying they needed tochallenge it, Carol just threw the flag.
Yeah, you can't be that way. It was like it was kind
of like a baseball manager who comeout and gets thrown out to keep his
guy from getting thrown out of abaseball game by an umpire. That's what
it reminded me of that he wastrying to show he was supportive of his
guys. So if DK Metcalf isthrowing his hands up and down going crazy

that he caught a pass that thereferee, the official dean was incomplete,
then Carol would just reflectively throw theflag to support Metcalf and he didn't care
about losing the timeout. And oftentimeshe didn't care about losing the timeout.
And sometimes it was in the firsthalf. A lot of times it was
in games they trailed in the secondhalf when they needed those timeouts at the
end. So what do you drawthe conclusion? Where do you say,

I can't just always believe you becausewe have a game to win. Son,
Well, here's where I think it'sgoing to be different this year from
what I have already learned about MikeMcDonald and talking to him and talking to
players coached by him already and watchinghim in the few practices of the rookie
mini camp. He is not goingto be sentimental, emotional reflexive to his
players as he shouldn't. He won't. He's going to. He seems very

calculated, and he seems very measuredand systematic on how he does everything.
And the other thing is he doesn'tknow these players and have a personal relationship
that Carroll had with him for yearsand years, So he's not going to
give a hoot if Metcalf's jumping upand down, how many Ravens joined him
in Seattle. Yeah, he hasno He could have gotten Patrick Queen.

He decided, no, I'm notdoing it. You're right, he's starting
completely over with a new cast.He doesn't from Adam. So I think
when the chips are down in themiddle of a heated battle and a player
is coming to him pleading for himto challenge it, if he's not getting
the word from the press box,and I'm not sure yet who and his
staff is going to be This guycould be Jay Harbaugh special teams coach,

but usually the special teams coaches onthe field because he's got to arrange all
the players field goal team, puntteam, get ready and have everybody,
all eleven players ready to go runonto the field. So you don't usually
put your special teams coach in thebox. But he's gonna McDonald will It'll
emerge. They will have a guythat will be in charge of telling him
when or when not to challenge.And where I am already seeing it's going

to be different, is that McDonaldis not going to He probably have his
eyes closed and ears closed to theplayers on the field about what they think
are call should be challenged or not. I think that's probably the smart way
because an NBA is a really goodexample. Players will foul said offensive player
going to the basket, clearly afoul, but to them, they didn't

touch them. They didn't do anyof that. Coach, I didn't do
it, And on the replay,I'm obviously seeing it. I'm thinking,
well, this is going to bean easy l You're not winning this challenge.
And that happens so often because thecoaches go with their players and sometimes
you can see a coach trying tolook at his assistance like, hey,
is my player right? Well,does the NBA coach have a guy who's
seen a replay already on like someYes they do. They have multiple assistant

coaches behind the bench. I don'tknow how many they have. It might
be one or two, but they'reall looking have the same play and they're
telling the coach yes or no.But sometimes you have a player that is
demonstrative. I did not do it. See if Pete Carroll is an NBA
coach, he'd be challenging, he'dbe hum a challenges for career. Yes,
it would not. And my pointis, I think McDonald's way of
doing things will be beneficial because ina late game scenario, how many times

are the Seahawk fans or even peoplein general just talked about, well,
Pete doesn't have any timeouts now becausehe blewed in the third quarter with throwing
a challenge flag because he thought itwould switch momentum. I think it's gonna
be different this year. No,not think. I think it will be
different and it needs to be.And that was a hole in Pete Carroll's

coaching. It was it was aproblem, and at times it bit them
and cost them games at the endof games, cost the ability to get
the ball back when they didn't havea timeout. At the end of an
NFL game, if you need tostop and you need to clock the stop
as well, and you only havetwo timeouts versus three, that's a huge
difference because if you have three timeouts, for instance, you will kick the

ball into the end zone and takethe touch back and give the ball away.
If you have three timeouts, becauseyou can stop on three running plays,
you can stop the clock each timeand have only twenty fifteen maybe ten
seconds of lapse, and if youcan get that stop, you'll get the
ball up. But if you onlyhave two timeouts, say there's a minute
left in the game, one firstdown, well not even a first down,
Chris. If you call timeouts inthe first two downs, on the

third down they run out, youhave none left. Forty seconds of the
play clock, plus however long ittook that running play to take is going
to run off the clock because youdon't have the third timeout crucial. Therefore,
you're gonna end up on side kickingthere, and the on side kick
percentage now in pro football is almostzero. So you lose the game because
you don't have the third timeout,is my point. You lose the chance

to get the ball back because youlost that timeout. And Carol did a
time and time and time again overfourteen years. Mike McDonald's not going to
do that. At least it appearshe's not going to do that for the
reason I just mentioned about not havinga personal stake with his players and wanting
to support him and back them up. It'll be interesting and we'll ask him
as we get closer to the seasonin late in training camp, I'm going

to ask him, who's your redflag guy, who's going to be the
person that you are relying on togive you a yay or nay final word
on whether do that or not.He may have run out tell us,
but anyway, that's how it works. And Sean McDermott of the Bill is
hiring a full time NFL official.I think that's brilliant. Yeah, someone
who knows going to get it right, someone who knows in real time not

only knows what the call should be, but knows how the NFL is going
to view something and how a replayofficial is going to rule it and the
nuances of wow, this is He'llknow that, and he'll know that,
hey, this isn't even worth challengingbecause he knows that the replay officials how
he's going to rule. This isgoing to be the start of something new.
I think. I think a lotof teams are gonna try to copy
that. It will be interesting tosee. That's one of That's a that's
a very subtle but could be attimes game saving difference between Pete Carroll and

Mike McDonald. One thing I wantedto clean up in the last segment.
I said four and fourteen. It'sfour and ten. I miswrote it in
my notes, didn't write correctly.I should say more accurately in my notes.
The Mariners are four and ten whenthey don't hit home runs. No,
that doesn't sound as bad, butthat still means sixty percent of the
time if they don't hit a homerun, they lose. They have a
forty four and ten when they don'thit a home run this season nineteen and

nine, when they do, againa pretty reliant on their home runs.
It's home runs and strikeouts right nowfor the offense, no matter what the
numbers shake out. That's exactly thefact. I mean you watch the games
and that's obvious. We'll talk moreabout the Mariners next. They made a
trade last night. It looked likeat the time, like is a minor

trade, ho hum, And thenthey got a new injury. We'll talk
about both and what it means goingforward. On ninety three point three KJRFM.
You back Greg belll the newster beingChristopher Kidd with you Happy Tuesday on

ninety three point three KJRFM. TheMariners. Last night, in the middle
of the game, Jorge Polanco cameup to Scott Servis and said that his
hamstring felt tight and that he wontedto leave the game just so he didn't
make it worse and missed more time. He's going to be reevaluated today.
The starting second baseman for the Marinerslast season, Polanco missed weeks of the

season with the Twins. He wenton the injured list about this time last
year. He won on the injurylist May twentieth of last year with Minnesota
with a hamstring issue, but thatwas his left hamstring. This one's is
right. Almost at the same timePolanco left the game, the Mariners completed
a trade last night with the Cubs. They got a minor league infitter named
Jake Slaughter. He's twenty seven yearsold. He's primary position second base.

He also plays third base, placesfirst base, utility infielder at the Triple
A levels, had an entire careerat the minor leagues. Gave Chicago relief
pitcher Tyson Miller, whom they haddesignated for assignment on Friday, so he
wasn't on the roster anymore and theywere going to do something with him.
If nothing happened, he would havebeen perhaps outrighted to Triple A to come
or released. So now they geta minor league infielder for him. Now,

Slaughter was going to go to TripleA to come, and he still
might, but depending on what thisevaluation today of Polanco is, Slaughter could
be an option to come up andback up in the infield. Dylan Moore,
of course, is a utility guyat a starting level for the Mariners
at the major league level already,and he was filling in at shortstop with

JP Crawford being out to the strangeObleague. Crawford's going to start taking rehab
games now and get back probably beena week or so after being out most
of the last month, and whenCrawford comes back, Dylan Moore could be
an outfitter again, could be backat the infield again, could be perhaps

the second baseman again. Who knowswith what Polanco's status is, but here's
an option potentially in Slaughter playing firstbase, second base, third base.
He was supposed to do it toTacoma. We may get the word before
the end of our show, morelikely early this afternoon about what the Mariners
have found with Polanco. It wouldn'tsurprise me if he's not playing tonight,

at a minimum, in Game twoof the series against Kansas City. This
is the one thing about teams arein first place and seems going well,
and then you get injuries. Andwhen you get injuries to a starter changes
everything. It does because the wayrosters are constructed in every sport because of
salaries and salary limitations and what yourownership decides it'll spend on that certain amount

of players and at a certain level, and they won't go above. When
you get an injury to a starter, then it changes. Your depth is
completely tested, and the minor leaguecall ups that end up having to come
in have to hit for you tomaintaining what you were defensively and offensively at
the position you get injured at theMariners so far, like I said,

and fortunate to have Dylan Moore tobe able to play multiple positions, have
multiple gloves in the clubhouse to callupon when they need him. So when
JP Crawford went down, boom,Dylan mork becomes a shortstop. It would
be very interesting to see how theMariners would handle Crawford and Polonco being out,
both their starting middle infielders being outat the same time. Even with

Crawford coming back soon, we'll seeagain. I'm perhaps getting headed myself depending
on what Polonko's injury evaluation is fora tight right hamstring last night. We'll
see where that goes. Four nine, four five on the telemore do text
line. When it's game time,it's Tully time weigh in on the Mariners
and where you think this is sustainablehitting home runs and striking out and getting

excellent starting pitching most nights, andif it is sustainable or if you would
like to see an actual hitter thathits and gets on base and doesn't strike
out a lot. We'll see twomore home runs last night. Also on
the text line four nine four orfive to one the Seahawks schedule. Chris

had this yesterday. I'm going totake a different version of his question from
yesterday. Who do you want tomarry? The Seahawks' first game to be
against? Do you do you wantit to be on the road. There's
some people who say that a teamcould learn a lot by the first game
being on the road with a newcoach. Do you want to be at

home? May the Seahawks have Atthe top of my head, it seems
like they're about fifty to fifty inthe last decade of home and away openers
to begin a season. I canremember being in Detroit, or at least
early in the season to Detroit.They're supposed to play. They are scheduled
to play the Lions on the roadagain. That's supposed to They will play
Lions yet again on the road thisyear. But four nine four five one

tell them we do text line toyou, what would be the most exciting,
intriguing, interesting opener for the Seahawksin September. It's not gonna be
on Monday Night. That's Jets fortynine ers. It's not gonna be on
Thursday night because the Chiefs winning theSuper Bowl get the home and the playoffs.
So a damn sure won't be Sundaynight. It's not. They are
not gonna be on Sunday night tobegin the season. No, they're gonna

give NBC a very attractive first game. It's not gonna be Cowboys and Browns
in the Sunday night first game,because the Fox announced that they are gonna
have that in the Sunday afternoon latewindow, the first Sunday of the regular
season. And it's not gonna bethe Eagles playing the Packers in South Paulo,

Brazil, because that's gonna be onFriday night. They've already announced that.
Those are the games that we knowof so far. But if four
nine, four to five one totell them were do text line. When
it's game time, it's Tully time, and it would be time for you
to answer, what's what do youwant to see the Seahawks' first game?
What's the most attractive, most interesting, most challenging, most whatever For a

new coach Mike McDonald and his coachingstaff. What would intrigue you the most
as a first game for the Seahawks. We'll read that back at eleven thirty
and the Tullamore Do text line upNext, Dick Fane. You know him
from the Afternoon show. Well,he's also the play by play announcer for
the WNBA Seattle Storm. The Stormhave retooled with a roster full of really

good players and they begin their seasontonight at home. We'll talked about the
new retooled Storm. We'll talk aboutthe Caitlin Clark effect on the WNBA and
women's basketball, and more with DickFane next on ninety three point three KJRFM.
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