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May 15, 2024 38 mins
Ahhhh, another tough loss for the Mariners, as they come up short against the Kansas City Royals. 11 Strikeouts, and two homeruns, the good news is the M's are still leading the AL West, but how long can they maintain it? The full 2024 NFL Schedule will be released at 5pm, and the leaks are rolling in, Gregg Bell and Christopher discuss some of the matchups, plus somehow the Seahawks could have four primetime games...
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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So the Mariners lost last night.They only scored by home run. They
got great pitching until they didn't inone inning, one pitch. At this
point, I'm going to grab thefirst minute of what you just said,
thirty seconds, and we're going toreplay that every loss. I think that
will be the easiest way to dothings from here on out. It's really
a Groundhog Day team at this point. It really is Aaron Goldsmith the manners

play by play. A guy isgoing to join us at eleven o'clock.
We're excited to talk to him.And there's a lot to talk about with
the Mariners, and good and bad, mostly good. I mean, they're
in first place after all, butthere are some nagging issues with the team
that just can't be overlooked. Idon't think they haven't gone away. They

can't be overlooked. Make a trade. Damn it just that easy. Much,
It was that easy. But youguys get what I'm going with this.
What else in baseball? We havea friend of the show. One
of the only reason I like anyoneon the Astros. The only player I
like on the Astros got in troublelast night. Potentially the trash Cans are
cheating again. Talk about that.Ron Washington, another friend of mine from

way back when third base coach,when I coached the when I excuse me,
when I covered the Oakland A's.I know Ron Washington, and Wash
goes off with guys publicly privately.He went off on one of his Angels
players last night. We can talkabout that as well, because because I

know him, just made me laugh. Everybody in Southern coache everybody in baseball
taking how terrible this was. Ithink it's quitt essential Ron Washington and then
Rangels got what they got when theyhired a That was funny. Anyway,
we may get to that. We'rebrought to you. We're coming to you

from the R and R Foundation specialistsbroadcast studios here on Elliott Bay and on
the day like today, it's greatto be on Elliott Bay. You can
see all the way over to Bremertonin the sun. I'm giving away money.
I'm gonna give you an opportunity towin a golf challenge. Got all
kinds of stuff to give away.Sounders play tonight in real Salt Lake on
the AM side on nine fifty,our sister station. Every day we bring

you this grand Slam Cash giveaway.We're gonna do it again right now.
Nine three three kjr dot com isour website your chance to win a thousand
dollars by entering the word money mO n e y as in what you'll
win if you win and of thatmoney and m O n e y at
nine three three kjr dot com.I'll have another word for you next hour.

I talked to you yesterday about theMajor Golf Challenge PGA edition that we're
having on the PGA Championship this weekendof Valhalla Thursday through Sunday through tonight.
Go to nine three three kjr dotcom and you select a golfer. So
how's this work? So think Chrishad to explain this to me. There

are nine groupings on the web siteof players. You picked a low score
guy in each of those nine groupings. Whoever has the most low score guys
among those groupings that we put upon the site, then you win what
you win. You win a roundfor four golfers at Gamble Sands and a
pro Golf discount one dollar gift card. Go to nine through three kjr dot

com for more on our Major GolfChallenge PGA edition busy week of games here
on nine through three k KJR FMand on the am side on nine to
fifty. Today, you may haveheard the schedule release show. It's going
to be a national television and localradio event as well, Dave Softy,

Maller and Dick Fane. At fivepm today, we'll announce with the league
the schedule. We'll talk about someleaks and I heard the Chuck and Buck
guys and Ashley talking about leaks byour disappointed in the one fire Beware on
those, we'll talk about it.I'd say about forty percent of them are
wrong. Thirty or forty percent arewrong, but we'll talk about them.

In Week one included I'm not diggingthe Seahawks Broncos Week one. You just
gave it away, Chris, Sorry, that was the one. I think
it's two weeks two years ago.They think it's it's a repeat of two
apparently per softeed of two years ago, Dave Softy mal Or and others reporting
that anyway, five o'clock today iswhen the league's going to put that out

Officially. The PGA Championship this weekendis going to be on at eleven am
on KJR. That's on Saturday.Sounders in Vancouver ninety three point three KJR
on the FM side Saturday night atseven thirty won the Cascadia Cup matches.
Sounders just won a Casscadia Cup rivalrymatch down in Portland last weekend to put

the Timbers in last place in theWestern Conference. And then on Sunday,
the PGA Championship is again going tobe on ninety three point three KJR FM
starting at eleven o'clock through Westwood Oneon nine fifty KJR. The Sounders that
we all saw Lake I mentioned tonight, that's six thirty. Jackson Feltz will
have that for you. Sounders versusPhoenix rising seven point thirty next week,

next Wednesday, and then next Fridaythat the coming Maneers against Las Vegas will
be on nine to fifty KJR.Triple at for the Seattle Mariners. All
that coming up on nine fifty KJRFM and AM nine fifty ninety three point
three M nine to fifty with abunch of games here coming up in the
next ten days or so. We'llget the headlines about you by venue kings

dot com. I mentioned Aaron Goldsmitheleven o'clock text in four nine, four
to five one A tell the moredo text line your reaction to what you
know about the Seahawks, schedule yourreaction to the Mariners reaction to Ron Washington
if you saw that clip, andwe'll play that in a little bit.
The headlines about you by Venue kingsdot com I mentioned the Mariners. They

lost four to two to Kansas Cityafter Logan Gilbert had given him six shutout
innings. Then Gilbert walked the leadoffbatter in the seventh, second baseman Jose
Rojas. He blew a double playball, only got one out on it.
Then an intentional walk backfired because thenext hitter, Nelson of Delascos, had
hit three run home or game over. The Mariners only scored two runs on

two solo home runs, one byLuke Rayley to make it one nothing into
the seventh, the other by MitchHanneger to make it four too when it
didn't matter in the ninth. Withoutbase runners, you gotta have perfect pitching
to win if you don't have baserunners when you hit home runs, and
that's what happened last night. Todaythe rubber game of the three game series
against the Royals, and we gotto say how many strikeouts they had yesterday?

How many strikeouts did they have?I wasn't going to bring it up
for you. Another double digit dayof strikeouts. It was ten when they
won the night before, eleven whenthey lost. Yeah, it's just a
par for the course. I thinkthey're averaging about eleven. It was ten
and a half going into the weekmix per game. Mitch Haniger was the
only person that didn't strike out.Everyone else had one or two strikeouts.

We need to get the cameras workingso you guys can see Greg's face.
Yes, Chris, thank you forthat amazing analysis. I could have told
you that without reading the stats.Shoot, if you just guess ten or
eleven, or twelve or fifteen,you're gonna be close on how many times
the Mariner strike out. Brian wuzgoing today. He's making a second start
since coming off the injured list.A little alarming last weekend. At his

first start, he had to comeout because the tightness in his throwing arm.
Hopefully he can go more than fourinnings and hopefully there's no lasting effects
from that for the Mariner's sake.Brian wo homestand finale today in the afternoon
game down at the Yard and Soto. The Storm last night. Dick Vane
told us yesterday the core four,this team is built to win an NBA
championship or at least compete for one. Well, they splatted in the home

opener WNBA season opener. It's gonnatake time at Climbing Pledgerina last night.
Only seventy points, thirty seven percentfield goal shooting, one for nine from
three point range, and they lostby thirteen to Minnesota, the team that
they thought they were going to beatlast night. So now the Storm going
the road. We mentioned yesterday thevery condensed schedule and how busy they're going

to be with the Olympic break,but not exactly what the core for of
the Storm and the rebuilt the SkylarDiggins and the whole roster. They have
expected more than thirty seven percent shooting. They lost last night in the wnb
A opening night. Caitlin Clark twentypoints. Last night we were going over

under. I think you said twentyand a half. Chris was your over
under for yeah, Caitlyn Clark,Well, she got the under. She
also had ten turnovers, which isa record for a WNBA player debuting in
her rookie year and after the gamethey lost to Connecticut, full house,
national TV audience, Indiana Fever lostto Connecticut. After the game, I

thought it was interesting that Clark saidthe quote physicality of the pro game bothered
her last night and contributed to allher turnovers. She was dribbling off her
foot, throwing it out of boundsto no one, and she said the
physicality bumping them around got to her. And you can bet every WIBA team's
going to do that to Caitlin Clarkwasn't quite used to doing that at IOWA.

But ten turnovers last night. Idon't think she left ten turnovers a
game in her rookie season. Buta little bumpy start for Caitlin Clark last
night. Elsewhere last night in sports, the Stanley Cup playoffs rolled on.
The Canucks came back from two tozero down late in the game. They
scored on an empty net goal theman advantage, the goalie pulled to tie

the game with about a minute anda half left. Looked like it was
going to overtime in Edmonton, andthen the Oilers scored thirty nine seconds left
on a shot from the point.Nobody went down to block it. You
see guys in the NHL the StanleyCup playoffs dive in face first to block
shots. Yet with the game onthe line, no Canuck blocked that shot.

And I saw JT. Miller commentafter the game, the center who
normally doesn't block shots, saying thathe should have blocked that one. And
it got past Silas and the Canuckslose a game they almost stole. They
were outplayed for two and a halfperiods, but they almost stole one.
They lost. So now it's atwo to two series going back to Vancouver
tomorrow night for Game five. It'sgonna be wild in the r Barn in

Vancouver tomorrow. Boston went to Floridato send that series to a game six
in Boston. Florida is leading atthree games of two. Tonight Colorado is
at Dallas Stars lead that series threegames to one. The Denver Nuggets,
they're off the mat three in arow now. They won in the series
against Minnesota forty points, thirteen rebounds, seven assists, no turnovers, fifteen

to twenty two shooting for the league'sMVP. I guess the joker's pretty good.
There's a reason why he has wonhis third MVP. So won that
yesterday. Charles Barklay, I hopeyou hear this show or someone sends you
the audio. Every time you picka team and you guarantee a victory,
a series sweep, or whatever youwant to call it, it always backfires.

Every single time Nuggets won one twelveninety seven, first time a home
team's won in that Western Conference semifinalseries. So now Denver, which was
down two to zero heading to Minnesota, is now up three to two heading
back to Minnesota for Game six tomorrownight. Tonight. Cleveland's at Boston with
the Celtics trying to close out thatseries, leading three to one. Game
five tonight of Dallas, and thatteam we don't want to talk about is

in the dust Bowl series is tiedto to there Go Maps. We talked
about the Astros. There's only oneguy in the Astros that I like,
one guy that would even think aboutrooting for, and that's Ronel Blanco,
the starting pitcher that we talked aboutway back and start of April about how
he made the team, how hemade an opening roster Dave roster for the

first time, how he found out, how he pitched on the day that
his daughter was born, rushed fromthe hospital to a spring training start and
shoved, and his manager told himon the mountains he was taking him out
that he had made the team,and he was elated. It was one
of the best weeks of his life. Through a no hitter in his first
start of the season. Well,last night, Renald Blanco pitching against the

A's. You know how umpires nowchecking gloves and hats and everything else before
and after innings. The Major LeagueBaseball umpires have done that for three years,
were running now. Well last nightthe Empires found with the one umpire
that checked had said was the stickiestglove he's ever come across in these checks,
and they ejected him because you're notallowed to any substance on your glove.

They ejected him from the game.His manager, A Blanco, said
it was rosin and then mixing withrosin that got on his glove. What
Major League Baseball says about that isyou're not allowed to have rosin on your
non throwing arm. And the reasonis so that you can't do what happened
last night, and he had stickysubstances on his glove. Anyway, the

trash cans may be cheating again,and the one guy that I was hoping
wouldn't be cheating, Blanco, apparentlycat doing it. Houston ended up winning
that game two innings, but theAsters are seventeen and twenty five. They're
still spit in their wheels, fiveand a half games behind the Mariners in
the American League West. Of course, the Mariners just won in Houston.

Wasn't enough rosin on gloves down therein that series when Seattle won two out
of three apparently, and no trashcans anymore. So what are they going
to do in Houston? They're gonnahave to just start winning games, and
they're gonna two to one. Lastnight, their pitching was was great,
but overall they're pitching has doomed themfor most of the season so far.
Let's go to Ron Washington, shallwe? All right, so I'll just

give a fair warning. The reporter'squestion is very lowly. It's kind of
hard to hear. Okay, letme set the seam bases loaded, they're
down. It was basically loaded atie game, correct, late in the
game, one out they the Angels. It's unusual, right, Are you're

looking for a fly ball? Right? Yes? Ron Washington was afraid of
a groundball double play against the groundball sinker ball pitcher, so he runs
a squeeze play with the bases loadedto one out. Very unusual situation to
do it in, but he's tryingto stay out of a double play.
It's a risky move. It,needless to say, didn't work, of
course not. The pitch was likethree feet outside, which would have been

very hard for him, But hetried to bun it. It was in
the other batter's box just about andhe missed the bunt runner coming home on
a suicide squeeze. Of course,the runner is stealing with the pitch.
He's dead standing right now in frontof home plate, out tagged out easily,
and the inning ends without the Angelscoring. They end up losing seven
to six. So after the game, this is what Ron Washington said in

a press conference with cameras running onlive on the air R But why did
you want to call he left theown lefty. I didn't sink a ball
left hander. I didn't want himto hit into a double play. He
can handle the bat. He didn'tdo the job. It wasn't anything I
did wrong. He didn't do thejob. I would have rather went to

the ninth inning with a six tosixth lead, then went to the ninth
inning the way we did. Itdidn't work out. What you think of
some of the at bats tonight fromShana Well and Paris good ones, no
very good ones. We fell behindfive nothing, we fought back, we
tied the ball game. We hada good matchup, left the goddess and

did a game the home run andleft the hit with the game. We
tried to do something to get backin the game. It didn't work in
our favor. But other than that, I thought we did a good job
of battling and staying in the game, not giving in. And we got
beat. And the picture is thatwhile taking a little puffer to Wow,

he's drawing the ball in the strikezone. Why you make any excuses.
He was throwing the ball in thestrike zone. He did not get the
bunt down. Period. That wasRon Washington pounding the table he was sitting
behind. That was Jeff Fletcher,who I used to work with. I
mentioned Jeff in my Billy Bean storylast week. Jeff Fletcher used to work

at the cover the Giants and adsfor the Center as a Press Democrat when
I covered the ads for the Sacramentobe he as a beat writer and now
he's the beat writer, traveling beatwriter for the Orange County Register with the
Angels. That was Jeff Fletcher,and Fletcher's point was very valid. He's
a great baseball writer. He's doneit for a long time, good friend
of mine. He was right thepictures out of the strike zone. That's

I kind of want to say.That's almost to what Pete Carroll would be
right if Greg Bill asked a toughquestion, hey on that play was weren't
you guys in cover three? Whywas he in the flat? No?
No, no, I think thatwas what we saw with the manager there,
he's covering for his guy. He'snot gonna air him out. Well,
he's not covering for the guy thereby saying correct, but he didn't

do his job. He would havebeen covering for his guy if he said,
yeah, that pitch is way outof the strike zone. It was
a wrong time for a squeeze playbecause he'd have to go into the other
batter's box. That's that's the accurateassessment of the portal. And so Fletcher
was trying to actually give Ron Washingtonout by saying, bad luck, we
got the one pitch I called asqueeze play happened to be in the other

batter's box. Yes, that waswhat Fletcher was trying to do there.
He was trying to give some explanatHe said, isn't it kind of tough
when a pitcher's wild to pull offa squeeze play. Washington wasn't having any
of it. Like I said,I know, Ron washingtond Wash was the
third base coach for Art Howe whenI covered the Mariners, Mariners, the
A's in the early two thousands,the Billy Bean pre moneyball A's. He

doesn't give a rip. He's hemanaged the Texas Rangers before this, and
the Angels knew what they were gettingwith him. I know there's a lot
of criticism of Ron Washington for callingout his players, saying he didn't do
the job. Here's Ron Washington,though he's He did the same thing to
that player, probably after the enning, definitely after the game, went right

after him and said you failed.Now, that was a tough task to
bun a pitch that far outside,but failed. Whatever he said to the
media, he has said in more, far more colorful language and Ron Washington
gets strengths some obscenities together. Ican tell you that glad I listed that
before we just playing. I wantedto have said it to you without that,

but needless to say, that isquintessential Ron Washington. So those people
that are just a gas don't knowwho he is. The Mariners or the
Angels knew that when they hired him. Now, Ron Washington's frustration is the
Angels are terrible. That's one issue, right, and they're posts sho Heo
Tani and Mike Trout is injured andthey are at the bottom of the American

League and there's no hope in sightas long as Trout is out, which
may be the entire season. Soyeah, Ron Washington's upset and he's frustrated,
and the Angels aren't used to beingthis down this early in a season
without Mike Trout, and Mike withoutsho Heyo Tani was now a Dodger.
So that's the backdrop to all this. But there's all this outcry about Ron

Washington through his player in the bus. That's Ron Washington, that's who he
is. You don't like it,you shouldn't have hired him. Hey,
that's what it is. That's thetype of coach manager he is. Get
used to it. If you don'tdo your job, he's not gonna hold
your hand. It did not outrageme. It made me laugh because I
know and if I, if II'm on the air right now, he

would say the same thing. Hesay, Gee, that's me. They
knew that when they hired me.That's what he would say. You can't
argue that. You cannot argue thatthey know who I am. That's what
they hired me for and I'm notgoing to change. So there you have
it. Take it how you want. You didn't do your job. He
is authentic. Man, that guy'sa baseball great. He is so authentic.

Coming up the NFL schedule, theleak, the leaks, the leaks,
the leaks, the leaks are onfire. Greg's rolling his eyes,
ladies and jo wow, I meanthis is anyway I can talk about leaks
and sports reporting today. But anyway, we'll talk about what we may know
about the Seahawks schedule. We'll talkabout when it comes out today. In
those two games trash, they're alreadyon the schedule. Okay, that's next.

On ninety three point three Jr.Live from the R and R Foundation
Specialist Broadcast studio. Now back tothe Great Bell Show with Christopher Kidd on
your Home for the Huskies and theCrucking Sports Radio ninety three point three kJ
r FM. Welcome back, Thanksfor listening, Greg Bell, the News

Tribute and Christopher Kidd. Happy Wednesdayto you, Happy Mariners Day game,
Home game to you on ninety threepoint three KJRFM. We talked a lot
of baseball last Secon. We talkedabout Kaitlyn Clark twenty points but an NWNBA
record ten turnovers in a pro debut. Last night, the Storm losing in

its debut for the season with abrand new revamp lineup. Eleven o'clock Aaron
Goldsmith, play by play man forthe Mariners, going to talk to us
from the yard. I assume sinceit's only about two hours before first pitch
of Royals at Mariners in the daygame today. Aaron Goldsmith at eleven talking
to us about the first place Mariners. The NFL's schedule release is today.

They've turned it into some sort ofmini national holiday. Somehow. Only the
NFL can do that. Games thatopponents have already been known for six weeks
months. Again, the schedule isset by regular season records, finish regular
season standings at the end of theregular season, and then by a rotation

of divisions playing other divisions intra divisiongames. There's a new unbalanced extra game
of playing a team and a likethe vision of the AFC in the Seahawks
case, that finished in the sameslot in their division that the Seahawks finished
in its third in the NFC Westlast week. So all those permutations go

into doing the schedule, but theopponents have been known since the end of
last regular season in early January.This whole huha is just about when they're
going to play. Of course,it's some interest of fans who A lot
of Seahawks fans travel, so theywant to get flights booked and whatnot.
It's of interest to those of uswho go with the team or travel with

the team, not literally with theteam the team charter, but go where
they go on commercial flights, especiallyat Thanksgiving and Christmas and New Year's Tell
them we do text line. Tellus what's your most intriguing Seahawks opener?
Where would you want them to behome, away and against whom to begin

the season? To begin the MikeMcDonald era coaching era, the first time
in fifteen years the Seahawks have hada different head coach, the youngest head
coach in the NFL. What wouldyour optimal debut from Mike McDonald's Seahawks be
Week one in September four nine,four five one, and tell them we'll
do text line. I'm waiting tosee how many Broncos we get. So

the leagues that again, let's talkabout the leagues. Every year there's there's
a website or some account NFL schedulethe lea leagues yep, the accuracy of
which varies from year to year.And then other teams get leaked from podcast
partners or if you're a flagship radiostation of a team, or advertisers or

friend of a friend you know inthe front office. There's various avenues to
get leaks, some of which arevalid in some art I'd say thirty to
forty percent are not valid. CoachMike Holmgren just walked into the studio and
poked his head in. Oh,tell him to have a seat. Man,
do you walk out already? Wecould definitely have coach hog on.

You can go out and run outand get let me go see if I
can get right back. So here'swhat we know about the Seahawks schedule leaks
rumored to be it'll be confirmed atfive pm. Dave Softy Muller and Dick
Fane have a special schedule release showhere on ninety three point three KJRFM.
The Broncos reportedly supposedly rumored to beopening the season in Seattle, just like

they did two years ago with RussellWilson in the big Monday night showcase game.
This one, I'm on a Sunday, the first weekend of the NFL
season. In Week one Bronco's atSeahawks allegedly, and then in Week two
Seahawks at Patriots, Seahawks at NewEngland, so one of the East Coast

games. Oh yeah. Coach Homgernpolitely declined, he's here for some other
work. Yeah, I figured,And I'm like, come on, coaches,
like, I don't want to ruinyour segment if you don't come on
in here and talk with us forfive minutes. But he's a busy man,
So shout out coach Homger. We'llget you some other time. No
worries, all right, I've talkedto Mike congrim many many times covering him.
I can never get enough coach Homer, right, but I hear you

fabulous. So the Seahawks have whatlooked to be maybe three if some of
these leaks are right, maybe onlythree ten am Eastern starts. Oh and
you're looking at Oop, Sorry,I'm looking at Patriots. Week two.
Patriots is probably their first ten am. Yeah. Well what about the Jets
now rumored to be Seahawks at Detroiton Monday Night football in week four,

So that would take away another tenam start potentially, I'm sorry, by
playing on Monday Night five fifteen Seattletime. Seahawks at Detroit in week four.
Other leaks Giants at Seahawks allegedly inweek five, and then four days
later Seahawks stay home and play theforty nine Ers on Thursday Night football in
week six. You know, weeksix. All the way through, I

would say they're bye week. Ohman. If they get the Rams,
they get the Niners, Rams,Bills and Rams in a bye that's a
fun schedule. Four fun weeks there. If it all pans out, obviously,
well, what's unusual and makes mesomewhat skeptical about these leaks is waiting
until Week six for the first divisiongame is odd. Oh, I see

a team that didn't make the playoffsgetting four prime time games is odd?
I mean, yeah, I knowthe Seahawks are something of a draw,
but they're still in South Alaska toa lot of people on the East coast.
But the new flex though, right, the flex role that goes into
effected so weak whatever it is.Ten potentially they could have what three,

because let's say the Bears aren't allthat great, that could be flexed out
Packers that Dame's probably stuck at weekfifteen. I don't see that being moved.
But you're getting ahead of us here. Packers at Seahawks is rumored to
be a Sunday night game in weekfifteen, absolutely eligible for flexing out in
week fifteen, that late in theseason. If the Packers and or the

Seahawks are bad, that could bea flex game for sure. And Sunday
night now flexing is yeah, andthat's the number one marquee primetime slot of
the NFL schedule every week. Ifone of those two teams are not good,
they won't play that game on SundayNight. That I'm with you though,
on your original point of they didn'tmake the playoffs, why they have
so many Pine time games? Yeah, and so it's the draw, right,

it's got to be the Mike McDonaldera. The Seahawks are always nobody
in the country cares about the MikeMcDonald or let's face it, Pete Carroll,
who everyone in the country though,right, intriguing to a degree,
but intriguing to put on a primetimeline. Here comes Mike McDonald. Okay,
there's a coach on the sideline.And then what formerly with the Baltimore Ravens

that are really good defense defense.I'm trying to make the case that it
makes some sense. I don't thinkit does. That's my point is that
I don't see why a team thatdidn't make the playoffs we get four primetime
playoffs allegedly ellegedly the Seahawks at DetroitMonday Night Football Week four, forty nine,
Ers at Seahawks Thursday Night Football Weeksix, Packers at Seahawks Sunday Night
Football Week fifteen, and then Seahawksat Chicago Thursday Night Football Week seventeen.

December twenty sixth Dave Softy Maler postedthat this morning that that's what he's heard.
I don't know, man, that'dbe two Thursday night games for a
four win team or a non playoffteam. Excuse me, I guess we'll
find out at five o'clock. Thatwould be four days between games twice.

That role changed last year where youcan now play two Thursday games. The
Seahawks would play Sunday to Thursday twicebecause they're not going to have a bye
week in Week sixteen. You can't. The league doesn't have bye weeks that
late. That means if they areplaying on Thursday night Week seventeen, they're
playing on Week sixteen on Sunday orperhaps Saturday, because there are Saturday games
in the league that week, sofive days max. Which you think maybe

they would play Saturday week sixteen ifthey have to go on the road at
Chicago Week seventeen on a Thursday,so perhaps the league plays them on Saturday
in Week sixteen. But the pointis they're going to play two games on
four five days max rest. That'ssuboptimal for anybody, whether you're a playoff
team, non playoff team, newcoach, old coach, doesn't matter,
you don't. I can tell youthe players actually hate that. Yeah,

we talked about that. Yeah,yeah, I know exactly what you mean.
The players are not fans of players, the veteran players. We've talked
about this. The veteran players thinkthat the owners hoodwinked the union by jacking
up the minimum salaries for rookies andfirst and entry players, jacking them from

around four hundred thousand to seven hundredand twenty five thousand dollars, and in
doing so, more than half theunion are those players that make minimum salary.
And when they saw that huge bumpand minimum salary, they voted for
the CBA. Well in that CBAwas an extra regular season week and Thursday
night games and teams multiple having theopportunity or chance to have multiple Thursday night

games, and the veteran players said, hell no, we're not voting for
this CBA. I don't care whatthe money involved for lower end players are.
We're not doing and not to mentiondrug testing, the Commissioner's wide latitude
and player conduct Punishment personal conduct policyand his wide swath that Roger Goodell yields

to punished players, and the veteransdid not want to ratify that CBA.
But because the owners basically split theunion and knew that the union is the
rank and file is the majority ofthe union. They got it approved because
of that big, huge bump andminimum salaries. Well, the flip side
of that are these things that we'retalking about right now, the Seahawks potentially

having two Thursday games, two short, short weeks, going on the road,
traveling on Christmas. Players hate allof that. Yeah, I know
it's their jobs. They get paidhandsomely for it. But you try playing
a high school football game two timesin four days, let alone an NFL
game. Those guys can't walk tillThursday in a normal week. Yet they're

going to be asked to play twiceon Thursday after Sunday or potentially, best
case of Saturday game in the weeksixteen seventeen. Anyway, there's some reason
for skepticism for some of the leagues. One, as I said, the
fact that they wouldn't play a divisiongame until Week six, which means all
the division games are going to getbackloaded. Great competitiveness, I think great
for the Seahawks. If you havea brand new coaching staff, three new

coordinators, three new playbooks, youare probably gonna be better at the end
of the season. Than you wereat the beginning. With all of that,
the downside of that, of course, is better win injuries. That
too, the wear and tear ofseason, you are gonna be a less
healthy team. Odds are later inthe season for your most important games,
your division games. Earlier in theseason, you're probably healthier and you're gonna

have a full complement of players forthe most important games. If you have
all your division games at the endof the season, chances are you're gonna
have some injuries that are gonna affectthose and make you less than you would
have been earlier in the season.And then the second thing, as we
said, four primetime games for ateam that didn't make the playoffs last year,
seams high. We'll see at fiveo'clock what actually comes out. To
me, the point is there's stillsome intrigue. No matter how many leaks

are out there, there's still intrigueas to what actually gets announced at five
PM. I'll have my coverage atthe neewstribute dot com, on Twitter and
x at Gblseattle. At five o'clockanalysis of the schedule. As we mentioned,
Dave Softy Maller and Dick Fane willhave a schedule release show five o'clock
here on ninety three point three KJERFM. To me, the most intriguing possibility

that i'd want to see Week oneif I as a fan the Vikings in
Seattle. JJ McCarthy. We talkedabout it. The rookie quarterback. Mike
McDonald was the defensive coordinator at Michigan. When JJ McCarthy made his college debut
for the Wolverines in twenty twenty one, Mike McCarthy only threw thirty JJ McCarthy
only threw thirty nine passes that yearthat Mike McDonald was on the Michigan staff.

But McDonald knows him, and JJMcCarthy stands the reason, and he's
not going to be the best quarterbackhe's ever going to be in the NFL
in Week one of his rookie season. Go get him in Seattle when the
weather's great. The fans will beyapping on Week one. To me,
that'd be the most intriguing force ofthe Seahawks is to get JJ McCarthy and
the Vikings in here in Week one. Leak's saying it's going to be the

Russell Wilson less Denver Broncos in here. On week one and Chris Kidd is
turning up his nose at that.We'll go onto more after this break more
on the schedule release, we'll talkabout the Mariners four nine four five one
on the tell of Him, we'lldo text line text and what would you
want to ask Aaron Goldsmith, theMariners play by play guy at eleven o'clock

about the team? What do youwant to know that you you watch this
team all the time? What doyou want to know about a guy who
travels with him, stays on theroad with him, in the hotels,
is a round the batting cage withhim every days? In fact employed by
the team to cover the team andbroadcast the games. What would you ask
Aaron Goldsmith four nine four five oneon the tell him we'll do text line
that more next on ninety three pointthree kjr FM. Welcome back ninety three

point three kJ r f M.Thanks for listening. Greg Bell of the
News Tribune and Christopher Kidd with youas we are every weekday from ten am
to noon. Aaron Goldsmith, Marinersplay by play broadcaster, joining us at
eleven o'clock talk about the first placeMariners. I'm gonna ask him about is
this sustainable to win the way they'rewinning? Four nine four five one on

the tunnel, we'll do text line. You have a couple of interesting questions
on there that I could ask.One wants to know if he thinks that
the Mariners think they're good enough towin a playoff series. This is from
the eight oh one. Ask Aaronif they really think they're good enough to
win a playoff series with France,Raley, Hanneger and Garvin in the middle

of the batting order. Yeah,that's it's a great question. Defensively,
yeah, I think Aaron will probablysay, sure, Garvin is pretty much
I'm pretty sure it's not Garvin,right Garvern, But yes, but I
get it. Mitch Garver's not playingdefense. Of course, he doesnign even

hit her. But the eight ofone thinks that Aaron Goldsmith may not answer
that question or will take the companyline. Jeff from the three six says,
I have a ton of questions forGoldie, but he couldn't answer any
of them if he wants to keephis job. You know, there's certain
ways to ask some questions and that. So, yeah, you guys understand,

we all get it. There's certainthings we found that out with mister
Greg's friend. I'll say that much. That's my job every day. That's
what a journalist does, is Iask questions that those and with teams may
or may not want to answer.But yeah, it is true that Aaron
Goldsmith and Dave Smims and Rick grizzand Mike Blowers hurt the team, their

team employees, and uh, weknow that when we have them on the
air. You know, I washoping he would answer some of mine,
but you know, I get it, I understand he will. No.
I was all we had Sims becauseeveryone was upset. Well, Dave Simms
is born out so far to besomewhat true. Everyone was crushing him for
saying it's early. I can't believehow fans are. So this is when

they were six and ten. Ithink we had him on the day with
they were in Toronto. Yes,it was very early on. I'm not
sure if they were six and tenat the time we were going to Toronto.
Correct, he was in Toronto whenwe talked to him. Correct,
And and I don't remember if theywere at six and ten or just coming
out of the CUB series and wassix and ten and he said then why

are people freaking out? It's soearly, man, it's so really people
don't know baseball. I mean,and now they're in first place. Now
the division hasn't taken off yet andthe Mariners are in first place only a
couple games over five hundred. Ithink they're winning percentages. Don't say it.
If we do the math, Iguess we won't be surprised that it

exactly at we're doing. The fanbase too was accurate too. Gotta hand
it to fifty. The NFL schedulerelease is at five pm, four nine,
four to five. One on whoyou like to see is the opening
game? It's rumored to be theBroncos at the Seahawks in week one.

Dave Softy Maler and Dick Fane willhave a schedule release show a special edition
of their show at five pm today. I'll have the stories as they break
at the Newstribune dot com and onTwitter. An ex at GBO Seattle.
Up next Aaron Goldsmith, Mariners broadcaster. He's talking us from the yard where
the Mariners play the Royals in aseries finale today on ninety three point three KJRFM
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