All Episodes

May 15, 2024 40 mins
Root Sports broadcaster, Aaron Goldsmith joins the program to talk about all things Mariners ahead of the Mariners day game against the Kansas City Royals. Gregg Bell and Christopher hit the textline and read messages from listeners, and we close shop w/ Ian Furness as he shares what he has planned for his show. 
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Hi, Welcome Matt greg Bell,the News Tribune. Christopher Kidd with you.
Happy Wednesday. We'll get to headlinesright away, brought to you by
ben U Kings dot com. Becausewe have Aaron Goldsmith, we don't want
to make him wait. He's gota job to do today. He's covering
broadcasting the Mariners Royals this afternoon.He'll join us from the yard right after.
Headlines brought to you by Brennu Kingsdot Com. Those Mariners lost last

night four to two to Kansas City. Logan Gilbert had given him six shutout
innings, then walked the lead offbatter in the seventh second base when Jose
Ross blew a double playgrounder got onlyone out out of it, an intentional
walk backfired, and then a threerun homer by Kansas City's Nelson Blascas,
and that was pretty much that forthe game. Only runs for the Mariners
were on two solo home run shots, as has become their norm. Rubber

game of the three game series Homestampfinales this afternoon. Brian Wu makes the
second start of the season after leavinghis debut last weekend with tightness in his
throwing arm. The storm there wasthe core four that Dick Fane was telling
us about yesterday on the show failedin the WNBA Open last night. Only
seventy points thirty seven percent shooting onefor nine from three point range added up
to a thirteen point home loss forthe Storm to Minnesota at Climate Pledge Arena

to begin the WNBA season. Inthe opening night at WNBA, k and
Clark twenty points, but also setin a WNBA record for a debut with
ten turnovers as her Indiana fever lostat Connecticut before a packed house in a
national television audience. Clark said quotethe physicality unquote of the pro game contributed
to all her turnovers. Last night, Stanley Cup Playoffs, the Canucks came

from two to down late, tiedit in the third period with a minut
and a half left on an emptynet goal, then gave it up on
a shot from the point with thirtynine seconds left in Edmonton. The Oilers
win three to two to tie thatseries at two games apiece. Game five
is tomorrow night in Vancouver. Bostonwent at Florida to send that series to
a game six in Boston, Floridaleading three games to two. Tonight,

it was at Dallas, with theStars leading that series three games to one.
In the NBA Playoffs, Denver gotforty points, thirteen rebounds, seven
assists, zero turnovers, and afifteen for twenty two shooting night from the
Joker the MVP again for the thirdstraight season, leading the Denver Nuggets to

their third straight winning that series onetwelve ninety seven over Minnesota. So now
Denver goes back to Minnesota up threeto two after being down two just a
few days ago. Tonight Cleveland upBoston with the Celtics trying to close out
that series, owning a three toone lead. Game five of Dallas and
that team we're not going to mentionin the dust Bowl. Tonight series is
tied at two games a piece,the Mariners playing an afternoon Mattine game today

and then they head out on anot so easy road trip the two best
teams in the American League on theEast Coast at Baltimore at the New York
Yankee, and then the Washington Nationals, who are around a five hundred team
to close out a three city tripthat Aaron Goldsmith will be joining after the
end of the homestand today this afternoonagainst the Royals and Aaron Goldsmith, may

Earners play by play announcer kind enoughto take time out of his preparations for
today's game to join us here onthe Beacon Plumbing Hotline on ninety three point
three KGr Sir, thank you forcoming on. I know you're a busy
man. How is the early partof the season. Hey, good morning,
Greg. Yeah, no, it'sbeen. It's gone well for the
Mariners. I think they've started toturn the corner a little bit offensively.

You know, it's kind of easy, and I think we're all guilty of
it, even those of us whowatch the games every day. You kind
of have all those memories of Apriland the offense it sputtered more frequently than
the Mariners from me would have liked, and that kind of hangs with a
lot of us, I think,but in our mind's eye. But the
reality is that this month, Imean, I know, the last night
was not a great nine offensively forthe Ms, but this month, the

Mariners offense has taken a lot ofsteps in the direction. They've been one
of the better lineups in baseball inthe month of May, and the pitching
has still been really, really good. Of course, so there's a reason
why the Mariners have a chance foranother series of wins today. Aaron Goldsman's
joining us in ninety three point threeKGr from the yard and Soto. Aaron,
you mentioned the hitting, and itjust if you go just by career

averages and what guys have done overtheir careers, it's pretty easy to surmise
that they're going to come up andhit better. But when you watch them
day to day, what are someof the signs of say Julio Rodriguez or
Ty France or players that their numberssuggest they're going to get there, But
what is the tangible evidence of themgetting improving from April to now? Yeah,

some of it, You're right,tell them it is a little more
nuanced, you know. For Julio, for example, I know this might
not seem like much to some people, but for me, it was a
no worthy step in the right direction. Just seeing Julio fly out to left
field multiple times in a game andthey're outs and obviously you're trying to get
ahead. But Julio hits the ballon the ground so much this year and

has struggled to get the ball inthe air, especially to the poll side.
And the fact of the matter isthis lineup won't be able to reach
its full potential if Julio is notpulling the ball in the air with great
authority. So we saw just acouple of days ago a home run at
the center field in the same gamehe pulled the ball to the gap and

less center that hit up the verytop of the wall. It was nearly
a multi homer games inches shy ofthat. And then to see some flyball
out to left. They weren't justlazy pop flies. There was something behind
them, at least a little bitto me that was, Okay, he's
getting on time. He's catching theball to front of the plate. That
is, when Julio's going right.And a guy who's got let's face,
if he has forty homer potential,when that will happen. Maybe this year,

maybe it's further down the road,but he's the guy who could easily
get to that mark, but hecan't do it if he's not pulling the
ball in the air. So tosee that kind of thing happened, I
think the last few days in particularhad been huge strikes for Julio, and
on the flip side, the strikeouts. I mean, it's like beating a
dead horse talking about how often they'vestruck out per game this season. Eleven
more strikeouts last night, even tenthe other night when they won. Is

it too simplistic to say this ismodern baseball, that guys are so enamored
with velocity, exit velocity and launchangle and the home runs are how guys
come up and how they play sincethey were in club ball and as teenagers.
Is it some of that? What? Of course the Mariners had the
approach was to cut down on strikeoutsfrom last year and the roster changes they

made from Suarez and Taeoscar Hernandez.But is there a common reason do you
see that the strikeouts are It's notjust the Mariners across baseball are so high,
but then the Mariners in particular,I think something for everybody to kind
of keep their eye on, andit's an easy thing to do when you're
watching at home. In particular,keep track of how many foul balls the

Mariners have on pitches, not justover the plate, because you can still
throw a strike over the plate,but have it be more towards the edge,
right, But keep an eye onhow many foul balls the Mariners sit
on what you could call heart ofthe plate pitches, damnag zone pitches,
so those that are maybe not middlemiddle, but in that vicinity right.

I think, as Scott Servis hassaid numerous times, not just this year
but over time, it isn't somuch strike three, but how you got
to strike three right? And forthe Mariners, one thing that I have
noticed in particular this year is theMariners are just simply fouling away a lot
of pitches that they probably wish theyhad back, that they wish they would

have moved forward. Because when youlook at the Mariners this year, they
do rank near the very top andat times at the top, and as
a number one as on pitches seenper plate appearance, which is kind of
a good thing and kind of adeceiving staff at the same time. I
mean, if somebody grooves you aninety four mile an hour eater right over
the heart of the play, youdon't care that you only saw one pitch

yet bat that's one you want toput in play and do something with.
So the point being the Mariners,and I've looked this up, is recently
at the start of the series,the Mariners rank in the top five in
baseball in terms of damage pitches foulaway. They're not taking advantage of that.
And I think if you start movingthose forward in play, all of
a sudden, you don't find yourselfwith a two strike count and now let's

safe it when you're the pitcher,and now you can start to toy with
the hitter a little bit once youget the two strikes. So to me,
that is something. It's again,it's an incredibly nuanced thing. But
over the next couple of weeks,over the next month, if you want
to see the tide turning in theright direction in terms of the punch outs,
I think I would like to seethe Mariners start putting those pitches in

play more as opposed to sitting theminto the stands in pal territory. That's
a great tell from Aaron Goldsmith,who would know he's out there every day.
He's joining us on ninety three pointthree KJERFM. Aaron, do you
think Mariners should look to trade foranother bet and bring someone in or are
you confident that the guys that theyhave on this roster will heat up and
be consistent, get on base andhave success later on the season. Well,

if the Mariners are in it atthe deadline or thereabouts, it is
hard to imagine the Mariners and JerryDepoto and Justin Holland are not doing something.
I think so much of that dependson how people are playing at that
time in the calendar and what thehealth of this ball club is. It's
a long way from now. DominicCamzone is back today. He's been activated

from the injured list, which certainlyhelps the Mariners and makes them deeper and
allows you to have a little bitmore of a platoon situation between between him
and Mitch Hannager, who's been havingto play basically every single day. We
are aways from that, but Ithink if there's one thing the Mariners are
known for, it is not necessarilynot sitting down their hands at those times

of the year. So I'll beas interest is everyone else's and to see
kind of what the status of theball club is at that time of the
year. And at the end ofApril and going into May, they had
a gauntlet, a good opportunity anda good challenge going up against the Rangers,
Diamondbacks and the Braves, how andalso the Astros. What did you
learn about this Mariners team or wereyou impressed what stood out to you regarding

that range in those games that theyplayed, Yeah, it was that was
an incredible stretch for the Mariners,and in a lot of ways, the
Mariners are still kind of in thatstretch of just winning series. If they
win today, it would be theireighth series win in a ninth series stretch.
And the ones that you referenced arepart of that. I mean,
if you were just to draw upon paper, whether it's over the winter,

started spring training, once the seasonbegins, like just draw up a
gauntlet of a series stretch. Youhave the two teams that were in the
World Series last year, what hasturned out to be a perennial powerhouse in
the Atlanta Braves with maybe the bestlineup in baseball and then a really heated
rival on the road no less,and the Astros that obviously a team playing

poorly this year, but a teamthat we all know will certainly have the
likelihood of being in it at thevery end. And the Mariners took those
series. It was remarkable and whatit taught me, and not that we
needed to be taught this lesson isthat when the Mariners, when you have
the outlier best starting rotation in baseball, which is what the Mariners were rolling

out there. Then there was agreat rotation at its absolute peak. You
can play with anybody, and that'swhat we've seen from the Mariners this year.
Aaron Goldsmith joining us from the Yardand Soto on ninety three point three
kg FM on the Beacon Plumbing hotLine. Aaron, what are you seeing
from Mitch Hanneger? And he's sucha popular player and coming back after a
year away, there's some evidence sayhe's not the same player as he was

when he left. What do yousee him? Do you see him improving
and warming up here soon? You'reright, he is remarkably popular. He's
one of my favorite players that I'veever had a chance to cover and watch
with the Mariners. I just soadmire his discipline, his work ethic,
just the way that he approaches hisday to day And as a quick aside,

one thing I've noticed about Mitch thisyear that I had to notice in
the past is just there is nowasted emotion when things don't go well.
I mean, watch the next timehe gets hosed on a strike three call
that's three inches off the plate.I have not yet once this year's seen
Mitch cockets head to the side,chirped to an umpire. He just bouns
his head and walks off the field. It's really stood out to me this

here in particular. Even in thebest of times, Mitch has been a
remarkably streaky player. His highs arehigh, his lows are low. I
do think what we saw last nightfrom Mitch is signs of him coming out
of it. He was on baseballI think four times three times last night,
including an office opposite field home run. I know, Mike, I
had a nice talk with Edgar yesterday. Edgar, who remains a big part

of this organization, is here atthe ballpark on a regular basis working with
the guys early and Mitch had apretty extensive sessh yesterday and going over stuff.
And Mitch was out on the fieldtaking a lot of early hacks well
before the rest of the guys wereout there working with Edgar in particular,
and it does seem like they've unlockedsomething, you know, Mitch. I'm
not going to pretend to be hittingcoach, but one thing I do know,

Mitch has a lot of moving partsin his swing and there's a lot
going on there, and he'll bethe first to say that. And so
when those things don't exactly get syncedup properly, things can go wrong right
like they would for any hitter.And maybe there's a greater chance for that
with Mitch because there is so muchhappening motion wise in his swing. But
if last night was any indication he'sstarting to come out of it and having

can zone come back and maybe Hannegardoesn't have to face that really tough riting
and give him a chance to kindof give his body arrest here and there.
That should help as well. Andyou mentioned Edgar Martinez. There are
a lot of fans who wanted EdgarMartinez to have a larger role in this
offense. Can you define exactly whathe's doing right now? Is it still
just sporadic or is he there everyday or what is he doing? I

would I would call it here ona regular basis, maybe not every day,
but he is here regularly when theclub is in Seattle. And now
for the Mariners, I think it'sjust for the hitters in particular, it's
just another set of eyes, right, It's a it's another voice, it's
another perspective, and I would haveto imagine that sometimes, especially with a

guy that's faced that because without saying, with the credential that Edgar has that
is remarkably helpful, and so hecomes in, he's fresh, he hasn't
been on a ten day road trip, right right to take a look at
a guy's swing, whether it beon video. I know he spent a
lot of time working with miss specificallyon his hands, which I'm always amazed,
and I just it just speaks tohow hard this game is. I

mean, how many swings does michHaanniger take him? For example, how
many swings ha Ismchanniger taken in hislife? Right? How well does he
know his own swing? A swingthat had taken him to an All Star
game, a swing that's taken himto an enormous free agent contract with the
Giants, and yet it gets outof whack. I mean, it just
it shows you how hard this gameis, how hard hitting is, and

then sometimes you do need some typeof a reset, and I think that's
something that provides. It's just thatdifferent perspective, a different voice that can
help guys, and it certainly,based on last night, has clearly held
Mitch Haniger. JP Crawford has beenout for I want to say, about
three weeks now, and I knowa lot of fans are anxious for his
return, But how does that shakeup the lineup? More so for what

Dylan Moore and perhaps Josh Rojas.How does that trickle down? And what's
the outcome of the lineup when JPdoes return? Yeah, certainly a good
problem to have if you're Scott's service, right. JP unfortunately has been out
longed enough to kind of feels likethis has been the norm, right,
and when he comes back, yourlineup gets substantially longer. The two things

I'm curious about when he comes back. One, where does Josh rohas hit?
Right? He's too good of ahitter? Who has been too hot
of a hitter? I mean,it's truly, guys, he's been one
of the most productive hitters in baseball, not just the mar Owners, but
in baseball over the first month anda half. I mean, he's not
gonna bat ninth I can tell youthat much, right. I mean,
he needs to be in the thickof things. So where is that?

I don't know that's the Scott,but it's in the top half of the
lineup, there's no question. Andthen the other thing that I think the
absence of Crawford has showed us isDylan Moore's ability in the very small situations
that he's been given too bad leadoff. Now, I don't think Phyla Moore

is your leadoff hitter, but wouldit shock me if Phyla Moore hit leadoff
sporadically against the really tough lefty,like if it's Chris Sail up there right
or someone of that ilk and yougive JP a breather. Remember a couple
of years ago, that was theidea, that was the plan for the
Mariners to give him a little bitof a break crop for that is,

and then Gilmore was injured in springtraining. They couldn't do that, and
JP went on to have a careerYere It was terrific. But those are
kind of things that I've played within my mind. Is will they do
something along these lines. We'll waitand see, but I think JP does
go back to the top of theorder for the Mariners. It's that formula
has worked out too well straight fromit. But I think Scott has options,

and if you're a manager, that'sall you want. You want to
have options. You want to beable to mix personnel, especially depending on
who you are patient on that particularday. That voice you here is very
familiar, of course. Aaron GoldsmithMariners played by play announcer joining us on
ninety three point three KJRF. Aaron, I'm curious their mariners are alternating you
and Dave Simms and play by playon television and radio per series. Tell

us how you approach each what's differentto you as a professional on television,
and then what do you do differentlyon radio? And do you do enjoy
the variety of it, in thevariety of how you do your job,
I do enjoy it. They're bothvery different. They're really kind of almost
completely different jobs. You know,on radio, nothing happens until you say

it happens, So you have tocall every pitch. It hasn't happened to
me this year, but I knowlast year there was a time. It
was late in the game, itwas the seventh inning, and I was
on radio, and I never calledthe pitch. You just turned the ball,
hit the catcher's love and oh mygosh, I have to say the
pitch is coming. Of course,on TV, you don't have to do

that, So every once in awhile I do catch myself, But it
is a big transition in terms ofhow you call the game the fundamentals kind
of the craft of radio versus thejuggling act that is TV working with an
analyst, having that conversation, incorporatingthe graphics. They're totally different pieces.
I'm really grateful to have a chanceto do both. I really enjoyed doing

both. I think they kind ofthink bring out. Both bring out different
aspects of the job that I reallylike. I love the teamwork of TV,
the whole truck worth of men andwomen who are trying to make this
thing look good and sound good.Plus the interaction that I have with Mike
on a nightly basis, Like Ireally like that. And then I also
just really love just the old schoolcall the pitches, say what you're seeing.

Nothing happens until you say it likethat. That is really fun as
well. So I'm really thankful Ia chance to do both. Last one
for me, Aaron, and Iknow you've seen some crazy funny moments in
your career as a broadcaster, Butfor Josh George to catch two foul balls,
not one, not too where doesthat rank if it does rank on
some of the things you've seen asa broadcast, that it might be funny

or just entertaining weird. How doyou want to phrase it? Man?
Because that was pretty crazy. Itwas crazy, you know, it's funny.
I'm really I'm really lucky because whenhe caught that first ball. You
know, normally, when a ballgoes into the crowd, I'm not following
the ball all the way to seewhat its final destination is, right,
But that ball, that first ballwas so close off the bat to maybe

being fair or being foul that Itracked it the whole way, and I
actually looked at the monitor at thevery end, because sometimes the left fielder
can go out of our line ofsight from the boot, so I was
looking at the monitor to specifically seewhere he was. And so I actually
saw Josh make that kind of basketcatch, which is really rare for me
to be able to see it happen. So I was. I actually called

the play by play of that catchjust by pure luck, and like sank
goodness that I did, because thenit enabled me to enjoy that second foul
ball that much more, right,And I love I love the quirky.
I love that. Did I justsee that right part of baseball and you

never know what it's going to happen. You can have long droughts of it,
of course, and it could beanything. So I got as excited
for that as I did for acal Rawly home run, and that I
was super pumped to be able tobe a part of that in some small
way. Aaron, We're gonna letyou go because you have a real job
to do instead of talking to usschmucks on the radio. I appreciate joining

us. I also want to saypublicly, you must love Seattle, and
it's pretty obvious that you do.You turn down and walked away from the
opportunity to your childhood home in SaintLouis to cover the Cardinals, and that
speaks to what you think of theNorthwest. You do an outstanding job on
a daily basis. Really appreciated it. We're really blessed to have you described

the Mariners. Appreciate it, ohman, break it. That means the
world. Thank you so much forsaying that, and we're incredibly grateful and
lucky to be here, So thankyou so much. Yes, sir,
enjoy your season. We'll be watchingand listening. Thanks erin all right,
do you get pick care Aaron Goldsmith? And that's true. He was.
The Cardinals made a big run athim to fill their television announcer opening in

last year, twenty twenty three.It was more money, he's about this,
yes, and it was more moneyto return home for him to go
where he grew up in Saint Louis, and he stayed in Seattle. And
he loves covering the Marinings, lovesthe Pacific Northwest. He's still forty years
old. He does Fox FS onegames college basketball and football as well in

the Mariners offseason. Really descriptive andhow he calls a game and grew up
in radio and so that's what he'sgood at. I almost ask him what
his favorite is, but I didn'twant to put him on the spot and
he would have not answer that anyway. But it's good to talk to Aaron
Goldsmith because I really respect what hedoes, we all do, and how
he covers the Mariners. It's interestingwhat he said about Edgar Martinez. I

thought a lot of fans want Edgarto be the hitting coach again, and
they think that would solve a lotof the Mariners' problems. Aaron Goldsmith telling
us that Edward is there quote regularly, not quite every day, but on
the home stands, he's there quitea bit as another set of eyes and
perspective, and with the credentials,as Aaron Goldsmith described the credentials at Edger
Martinez has Hall of Fame credentials.They listen, the batters listen when he

talked and Edgar Martinez, Aaron Goldsmithsays, has been working with Mitch Hanneger
on his hands, and he saidlast night he believes Aaron Goldsmith last night,
the home run by Hanneger on basea couple of times is some evidence
of the work that Edgar Martinez hasbeen doing with Mitch Hanneger and other manners.
The other thing he said it wasinteresting, I thought, is that
he doesn't expect Jerry Depotl and Justinhollod Are to not do anything by the

July thirty first train trade Dunn.That's telling if they're in contention, which
they're going to be. I mean, even if they're swinging near five hundred,
they're what three games over five hundredright now and they're leading the division.
So what they're in striking distance offive hundred, they're going to be
in contention. Aaron Goldsmith, who'swith the team every day, says,
yeah, everyone knows that they're goingto make a move. They're not going
to stand pack, which means thatthe clubhouse thinks that and the players are

going to be expecting that. Sosome interesting perspective from a guy who travels
with them, is with the teamevery day, and he wasn't just a
home or just given the party linethere. I thought he was pretty insightful
about and he was upfront about howthe Mariners have struggled offensively and talked about
Hanneger, and talked about Julia Rodriguezand how they need to hit pitches in
play that are hitable pitches over thestrike zone instead of filing him off and

the high file off rates for hitablepitches. But anyway, it's great to
have Aaron goes without. Hopefully wedo that again and appreciate him doing it
on a getaway day for the Marinerswho are going to be traveling to the
East Coast. They played Baltimore andNew York, the two best teams in
the American League, back to backin six straight games, starting this weekend
and then they play three at theWashington Nationals before they come home at the
end of the month. Four ninefour five one to tell am more new

text line. We invite you everyday to use that. Give us your
feedback, your questions, your comments. We'll read back what you had today.
Next on ninety three point three KJRFM, Welcome back, Craig build a
News Tribune. Christopher Kidd with you, k ninety three point three KJRFM.

We just talked to Aaron Goldsmith.Aaron is played by play announcer. He
said, Edgar Martinez is with theteam quote regularly on homestands, working in
particular a lot with Mitch Hanneger onhis hands. Aaron Goldsmith saying, last
night he thought evidence that Edgar's workwith Mitch Haniger's starting to pay off a
little bit. Haneger hit a homerun, got on Basic a couple of
times. That would sure help theMariners off, and anybody getting hot would

help the Mariners off. Calling GregBaill, he's ready to go. Don't
do that. Designated hitter Greg Bellout of Tacoma four nine four five one
Talbermore do text line where it's gametime, it's totally time, and now
it's time to read what you puton today? Two five, three.
Michael drops in immediately. Who caresabout the Seahawks schedule? Who they get
week one? We are not celebrating. Why are we not celebrating Kate Jacobson,

Bucky's wife and the magic she conductedon Bucky's iHeart T shirt? Did
you see it this morning? Idid? What are your thoughts on that?
It was colorful? We'll leave itat that. It was colorful.
She did a great job. SoI'll send out some of my T shirts
for her to do as well.Yeah, that'd be cool. This is
from the four two five. It'spretty simple. Better hitters would fix the
manners offensive struggles. That's our point. That's true. That's exactly why I

think Greg and I are on thetrain of get a trade done, bringing
a bigger bat, bringing a hitterthat is consistently on base, that can
give you the home runs and geton base we need. That problem is,
of course, you can't bring intwenty five new hitters during a season.
Unfortunately, No, that's not howthis works. Can't even bring nine
in? Really? Can you bringin one? Can you? Can you

bring in one? They needed oneor three, but yeah, one of
them maybe coming back JP Crawford,although before he got hurt he was a
sub two hundred hitter. Yeah,we need you to. We needed to
find the swing there, Bud,marine Layer, no more when you come
back here. I thought we're gonnaget through a whole show without talking about
the marine Layer. We got toeleven thirty four the marine Layer. I'm

sorry, my apologies. So thisis from looks like we're going to some
football. This is from Marcus thetwo to six we beat the Lions last
year. The Bears have some Huskies. Green Bay is a quote unquote rival,
and the Niners are actually our rival. I can for sure see all
those being primetime games, not becausewe are good, because we are plus

three thousand just to win the NFC, but because of who we are playing.
And that's a response to Greg theSeahawks have for primetime games. I
understand it. It's not the Seahawksand this. Yeah, but usually there
are enough teams on those Lions Packersschedule that somebody else would be the primetime
matchup. But no, I getit. It's it's the opponent more than
the Seahawks. That's true ted inthe five six two from Huntington Beach where

my brother lives, which nobody elsecares about me, I guess in Orange
County. This is true. Needa strong bat to protect Julio from being
pitched around, And that is truea lot of times. Didn you talk
about it or we had someone ontalking about it. No one's afraid of
the Mariners. Oh yeah, itwas also give me the name. He

had him on last week last Lukearkins, No no, no, no,
no, no wow. Former GMHello, I'm drawing a blank here.
Oh my gosh, I'm going Yes, we had Jim One. He
was like, no one fears theman. He's exactly right, that's what
he said. And there are pitchingstaffs who won't throw a strike to Julio
Rodriguez or he throws one at bat, and Julio so far the season largely
has missed those, and then theydon't throw him at the rest of the

at bat. And they do thatbecause they don't care if they walk them,
because the guy behind them is notgoing to drive him in that That
is an excellent point and that's somethingthat's going to continue as long as there's
no consistent production behind hiliar re Reguez. My suggestion yesterday was to move Rodriguez
to the three or four hole andsee what happens there and maybe make him

the run producer rather than the guywho gets on base to score. He's
got to get a little hotter atthe plate consistently to do that from the
two oh six. Hey, Greg, what practice has happened going on at
the v mech all week? Goodquestion. I brought it up a few
times during headlines. The second phaseof the NFL's offseat and schedule has been
going on in the last two weekssince the rookie Mini Camp veterans have been

there. They've been on the field. They just work out offense only drills,
defense only drills, not against eachother, no, none of challenging
balls in flight or any of thatstuff. And it's in shorts and T
shirts, and they're basically working outsome of the things they've been doing for
the last month in the classroom.What's different about this time is before everyone

knew the playbook and it was justgoing through the motions. Now they're actually
putting to use plays for the firsttime, and terminology and protection calls and
audibles. They're all brand new,to Gino Smith, to Sam Howe,
to everybody on the team, TylerLockett, DK Metcalf. So this is
actually very productive. Every day theygo on the field and put the chalk

talk on the in the classroom towork is a step better than they were
the day before because of how brandnew this is. Remember, all three
systems are new, a new offensivecoordinator, a new defensive coordinator, a
new special teams cordinator, and anew head coach. Even how they practice
is different. Now the question thefall on is why haven't I been reporting
it or being out there. Wearen't allowed out there. The media only

is allowed out for one of everythree OTA days. The OTAs begin next
week on Monday, May twenty.If the OTAs begin, they have three
days a week for the next fewweeks, and we go out one of
those three days, So the mediathe next media availability. The next time
you'll see Seahawks reports from renting fromme and others on the beat will be
Wednesday, May twenty. Second,the NFL is nothing if not controlling of

their information and their access. Theytell us when they go I just can't
show up and rent and start watchinga practice or sit in a team meeting,
So Wednesday, May twenty seconds.The next time we go. We
go once a week for the nextthree weeks, roughly until the June Mini
Camp, the one Veteran Mini Camp, which is open to all media all
three days, and that'll be thetime that I see them practice consistently for

the first time. Thanks for thequestion in the context last one before we
turn things over to the mayor.It's from the four two five. They
wouldn't mind the Seahawks versus the BuffaloBills, And you know what, I
back that up. That would bereally cool, Josh Allen in Seattle sign
yep, Yeah, that would I'msure the Bills would appreciate that because it
probably not. It means it wouldn'tbe raining out here and it wouldn't be

forty degrees. That is also truein early September. If you're a visiting
team, that's when you want tocome out to play in Seattle. Yes,
when the weather is not a factorand get the Seahawks win. They're
just starting with a new regime anda new system and a new head coach.
Yeah. If I was a teamcoming into Seattle, I would although

we know a home field advantage forthe Seahawks has mostly disappeared in recent years.
And now I don't think that's anyfactor of the fans or the weather
or the roof for the noise.It's the players on the field and their
success. Obviously, when the team'swinning, it's louder, and it's harder
for teams to win in here becausebecause the team they're playing, the home
team is better and the home teamhasn't been as good two nine and eight

seasons, first non playoff season intwelve third non playoff season in twelve years
last year. That's why the homefield advantage has gone away. I wouldn't
blame the fans who were paying throughtheir nose for season tickets and twenty two
dollars beers not their fault, right. The Mayor of Maple Valley is lurking.
We always talked to him at elevenforty five, which means we'll do
the same thing again next on ninetythree point three KJRFM. Welcome back ninety

three point three KJRFM, Greg Bell, the News Tribute and Christopher Kidd joining
you. Before we get to thegreat Mayor of Maple Valley, let's talk
about your keyword for this hour thatI didn't get to you because Aaron Goldsmith
was so good on talking to us. Grand Slam Cast giveaway this hour,
Enter the word green g R EE N. Green at nine three three

k gr dot com and of thatfor your chance to win one thousand dollars.
The infants joins us the great therewe go. Don't wipe your nose
like you're disappointed. No, Iforgot to almost did. I almost forgot
to turn my mic on. Ihad a microphone turning on issue here.
So we played Ron Washington earlier yearipping his guy from missing a. I

guess I'm not supposed to say suicidesqueeze, butun anymore, I'm supposed to
say what am I supposed to say? You know, it's a suicide safety
it's not a safety squeaze. No, listen, A suicide squeeze is what
it is like. If if wecan't if we can't differentiate that, that
that that's a U problem. That'snot a baseball problem. No, it's
a PC term. It's non PCto say suicide squeeze, of course.

I mean is that the bat therunner breaks with the pitch, and is
you have to make contact. Sawone of those in the game. I
watched the high school playoff game lastweekend. I don't know how you would
describe it anything else. He wasoff as a guy, scored around,
he missed the bunt and we chaosensued. That's usually what happened, right,
So, I mean, that's that'swhat happens along the way. But
yeah, we're here at Angels managerRon Roshington just call his guts and he

failed. He didn't do his job. It's not my fault. And then
Rick Talckett last night the Canucks game. You're gonna talk about it. Yeah,
Yeah, he had a great one. He's just my favorite line from
a lot of hockey guys used.The passengers. Guys are passengers here out
here, which means they're just alongfor the ride. They're not really doing
and contributing anything. Have passengers rightnow? Well, who do you want
to talk about? Talk about theMariners? They're passengers and horns, the

passengers on the Seahawks last year,you and I saw a few passengers.
I mean, and where do youwant to start? What side of the
ball do you want to start?Get? No? I mean no,
I mean, let's Diggs was apassenger. How many tackles did he turned
down last year? I'd say Diggswas a passenger. Jamal is always a
passenger. Uh, Treek at timeswas a passenger. I'm sorry. Reek

was a passenger at times. Theysee has mama named him Trek. I'm
gonna call him to week. Yeah, but he was a passenger pretty much
anybody on the defensive line not namedNuosu or Jared. I got Jared.
Jerry was fine. Yeah, let'ssee offensive line. Damian Lewis was a
passenger. It was take your pick. Maybe because he was used ineffectively.

Draymond would be a passenger, rightyeah, cracking head a lot. I
mean ninety five, number one,twenty four. So Burakowsky, alexiak Beniers
trying to think the other. Oh, tan of he's a pretend passenger,

like he try hard, pretend guy. You know, Chris, you see
try hard guy every week. Rightwhen you were playing pick up basketball,
Try hard guy. You accomplishes nothing, but try is hard, pakes you
up full court. Oh yeah,yeah, I'm just trying to get a
nice little sweat in. But Ihear you. I've my kid used to
talk about that guy when they wereback when they allowed kids to go to
school and play basketball at you know, at lunch and stuff, and you

know they'd go out there and kindof watch guys playing hoops. I go,
do you ever go out because no, first of all, play like
I can't risk trying to so thesecond of all, like too many try
hard guys out there. Just toomany try hard guys. But better to
be try hard guy than passenger guy. Right, you know, yeah,
if you had to pick between,yeah, you're right for next Yah,
I don't I think about the Corefour would be passengers after one game?

Hey, hey, you know theCore four is a passenger. It's gonna
be it's gonna be a rough stage. You know, they're a brand new
team really time, so no otherteam has new players in a short season.
Rough stage came earlier game one.Do you listen, man, You
want to be part of you wantto be part of the main conversation.
You gotta be open for criticism inthe four. Right, that's true?

Clark a passenger twenty points with tenrebounds, turn over, ten turnal,
That's what I mean. Yeah,yeah, yeah, did you watch that?
I did? Did I watch thevery beginning? What she looked like
in that she looked how physical shelooks slight? Yeah, two more older
professional players and after the game shesaid physicality is what bothered her. I

think the hard thing has to beand I think the Ka Mule is going
to be all this I think tomorrowfrom Yukon, and I want to ask,
I'm curious, how hard is thiswhat they're doing? Like Caleb Clark
just played a full season and afinal four. She was under unbelievable pressure

and everything every night she you know, has like a month off if that,
and now she's playing w NBA seasonright, And the same with Cambrink
and Angel Rees. What what's thegirls? The woman's name from Utah?
No from Utah, the big thePolynesian girl, a post player, she's
really good. She played last nightfrom Minnesota. I know you're talking about

now Yeah Peelee is it peee somethinglike that? Right, Like they just
played the tournament man and then nowwe're going to play eight games in ten
days or right whatever. Yeah,because the Olympic break and stuff. I
think that I can change that becauseI know what's going to happen is that
there will be a thing with withCaitlin going off. See, well none,

none of the rest of you guysjust played forty five basketball games over
the last three months, right,so, I mean, I know some
of the Europeans did, but notthe best players. The best players don't
do that anymore as much, right, so not as much. No,
No, Brittney Grinder kind of ruinedthat for everybody. It's a big term.
You know what. I got anidea, don't bring marijuana through the
customs in Russia. It's weird theydon't. I wouldn't do that here through

I wouldn't do that at ARTSA sureas well. I'm not going to do
it there Midnight Express What the hellanyway? You today said comments about marijuana
trafficking in Russia. We break itall down forty today. Uh. Gloria
Navarez is going to join US MountainWest Conference Commissioner at twelve twenty twelve administrator.

Yeah, WI, longtime WCC commitsas well. She's going to join
us at twelve twenty Today. We'lljust I mean landscape at College sports Man
and her conference is at the inthe center of the storm and so to
speak. So we'll have a goodconversation with her coming up of twelve twenty
Today. Bobby Casper from Real GolfRadio will preview the PGA Championship as well
this afternoon, where has talked alot to Rushing State and Oregon State about

settling their scheduling and figuring that allout. Yeah, talking to the presidents,
and I'm trying to figure out Gregand Chris. I there's some interesting
back and forth. You know,the Wilner Canzano contingent. They think the
CW deal and all this is greatfor the two schools. And then Bob
Orum I think is the guy's name. He's a writer for the Oregonian covers

the Beavers, and he just lambased it and I kind of send tend
aside with him a little bit moreRight, it doesn't matter if you're in
ninety nine percent of the homes perse, because the thing's there, right
because everyone gets c W R.If ain't nobody watching, it doesn't matter.
But hey, they live golf ison CW and nobody's watching it.
But hey, they got your parentsgame week on Friday night. White people

are side ways. You're a parent, you should be passed off. I
would I would go to that parent'sweekend game. Yeah, you can actually
go now because it's a Friday exactly. Yeah, most for me, most
people can't know. I would haveto blow up and sea Friday. But
yeah, yeah, well you're not. What are you missing? You know?
Pete was five minutes. I'm sureMike mcgon's gonna be a two minute
conversation on Friday. It's different.It'll be, will be, it will

be. That's what we got comingup today. That's the inf Neest from
twelve to three, Greg Bell andnews should being Christopher Kid. Thank you
for joining us and talking and hangingout from noon or tend to noon every
day. We'll do it again tomorrow. Coming up next to inf Neests for
next three hours on ninety three pointthree kJ RFM
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