All Episodes

May 16, 2024 36 mins
The Mariners close the series against the Kansas City Royals and are victorius, they have a tough road trip ahead where they'll take on the Baltimore Orioles, New York Yankees and the Washington Nationals. Radio host at Altitude Sports, Tyler Polumbus joins to talk Denver Broncos as they'll be taking on the Seahawks in week 1. The fellas wrap the hour discussing the Seahawks schedule, as the Seahawks are on the road to close their 2024 season, plus much more. 
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Episode Transcript

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I saw one hitter who's not likethe others, and he happens to be
the hitter with the highest batting averageand best chance of getting on base and
hitting the ball the other opposite way. I was sitting on the third baseline
to give my son and a collegesoccer teammate of his, and I didn't
see as many whites in the eyesChris as I did. Oh, they're

actually just trying to get good contact, not trying to kill it. Yes,
some are, some are, manyaren't, but some are. Yeah,
we'll talk about that. We haveour the PGA Championship. At the
beginning, we had the Golf Championof the what do you call that contest

to win gable sands and a progolf discount would pick your lowess golfer for
nine groupings. Well, those groupingsteed off this morning in Valhalla outside Louisville,
Kentucky for one of golf's four majors. And that's going on right now.
But the NFL, as it happensto do, made this into a

national mini holiday yesterday, the schedulerelease, a national broadcast and all kinds
of hooha about it. So we'llbe talking a lot about that and what
it means to the Seahawks and MikeMcDonald's new coaching career at age thirty six,
the youngest coach in the NFL,and who he's going to be facing
when your chance to win one thousanddollars comes every hour every weekday, including

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Cash giveaway. This hour, theword is cash, simple enough c a
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chance to win one thousand dollars.I'll have another keyword next hour for another
chance to win money. We'll cutto your text four nine four five one,

as we do every day, andI'll tell them we'll do text line.
We'll do that at eleven thirty.Talk to Ian Furness leading into his
twelve to three show headlines first broughtto you by Venue Kings dot Com.
The Seahawks schedule, as I mentioned, is out six home games in the
first nine weeks. The first thingthat jumps out there's an optimally placed by

that we'll talk more about in November. No division games until week six and
a Thursday night home game against SanFrancisco is that first division game. That's
one of four primetime games, alot of road games and division games later
in the season. We'll get moreinto that in a minute. First place
Mariners, they won four to twoyesterday ver Kansas City down at the Yard
and Soto ty Franz hit a homerun. What else is new? They

hit a home run almost every gamethey win. You're right about that.
But starter Brian wu really impressive.Through five innings, he'd only allowed one
hit and that hit was a sneakybun up the third baseline when the Mariners
were playing back. Otherwise, theworlds didn't touch him. Of his fifty
seven pitches, the first forty sevenwere strikes yesterday really encouraging after it's only

the second start of the season,and the first start, of course,
was cut short by stiffness in hispitching arm, and that had people worried
because he'd missed so much time atthe beginning of the season with the spring
training arm injury. But he lookeddominant as a fifth starter yesterday. I
mean I was sitting in the fourthanything, Wow, this is their fifth
starter against a team that's seven gamesover five hundred. Then he got into

trouble in the sixth after he alloweda run though first and third one out
after reliever Gave Spier came in,got a foul out and a strikeout to
get out of that inning. Thenthe Mayor's actually added insurance runs without a
home run, actually manufactured some runs, got him to four, and then
in the eighth and ninth in AndreySmuniuz came in with runners on base and

got the five out saved. He'snever had a five out save until in
the last couple of weeks. Hedid it against Atlanta on the previous homestand
and he did it again yesterday.It's indicative that manager Scott's service may not
be trusting his set up relievers andTaylor so I said it was out injured
and he was such a key partof that set up to get to Munyos.

But it appears now that the committeeclosers sometimes might be Stantics, sometimes
might be Munyos. No, it'sMunyos, and that some they times they
don't trust someone else in the eighthinning and they're giving Munhos opportunities for four
and five outs. Save Stannic didpitch yesterday before Munos came in to get
the final five outs. So today, the off day before the Manners head

ended a pretty tough road trip.They're going to Baltimore in New York,
the two best teams in the AmericanLeague who were one to two in the
American League East, pitching the lorein Baltimore and a young team that could
play offense and not just rely onthe home run ball. And then New
York who just bangs everything out oftheir small park in Yankee Stadium. The
New Yankee Stadium built for the Yankeesto hit home runs, especially the right

field, so that's where the Marinershad next. Then they played three at
Washington. The Nationals have hung aroundfive hundred three city nine game road trip
here coming up for the first placeMariners beginning tomorrow. The Sounds yesterday to
nothing at first place we all saltLake. They got out shot twenty one
to nine, nine to two ongoal. They got out shot. Bring
back to free beer, maybe bringback Montreal or that. So after winning

at Portland to get out of lastplace, Sounders don't score in Verreal salt
Lake. They're an eleventh place fromthe Western Conference. They next host Vancouver
seven thirty Saturday at Lumenfield. That'sgoing to be here. On ninety three
point three KJRFM. I mentioned thePGA Championships getting started in Valhalla. Ninety
three point three KJRFM will have livecoverage of that eleven AM, Saturday and

Sunday. This weekend, the NHLStanley Cup Playoffs, Colorado won a must
game at Dallas to send that bestto seven Western Semifinals back to Denver for
a Game six. Dallas leads thatseries three games to two. Tonight,
the Canucks come home to play Gamefive against Edmonton in Vancouver. That barn
is going to be really rocking inVancouver. That semifinal series is at two

games apiece. We mentioned yesterday it'snot so much in hockey, but in
the NBA, win series are tied. We'll get to the NBA in a
minute actually about series that are tiedto two and what happens in teams that
win a fifth game. The Rangersaren't Carolina to night for a Game six.
New York has a three two leadin that Eastern semifinal series. Now
of the NBA, Dallas rolled pastthat team. We're not gonna mention to

take a three to two series leadin the Western Conference Semifinals, best of
seven. Here's what I found interestingabout that. History says that when at
best of seven NBA playoff series istied to to the winner of game five
wins that series eighty two percent ofthe time. That seems high, doesn't
that, Chris, No, it'spretty It seems high, But it happens

so often. When you win gamethat game, that pivotal game, it
changes everything because you likely get togo home and close out, or if
you are the lesser seed that theDallas MAVs are, yeah, go on
the road and close out. Soit potentially could be a game seven.
But usually those teams get a Andwe talked about it, I think maybe
a month ago, about how youngthis OKC team is and this challenge ahead

of them. Yeah, they wantto win, obviously, but they just
don't have that experience. And I'mnot saying you have to learn how to
lose, but you have to getthat feeling of Okay, this is what
it's like to get so close.Now we have that understanding, let's be
better next year and be prepared.I know a lot of people talk about
chet Homegren he struggled a little bitin that game. He's gonna learn from
this. Maybe he dominates in Gamesix, but all signs point that Dallas

is going to not waste time andtry to close it out. And I
expect Luca and Kyrie to carry mostof that load and show that yeah,
we're ready for a chance to representthe Western Conference in the NBA Finals.
Again, I don't follow the NBAmuch, but I've watched some of that
series and the dust Bowl team justdoesn't play basketball. They played one on
one goal. Yeah, they arenot Dallas and can I mentioned this before.

Dallas actually runs sets, tries toget to the basket. A good
example of what OKC does is inGame four, they just went to Shay.
They cleared out and if it works, it works. But the final
shot that he took that went inand out. I would have loved for
that team to run a set.And I know they have sets, and

I get yes, they watched likesix five games this series. I see
they have some sets for their oneof their shooters, and they have They
definitely have sets. It doesn't looklike much, but they do have sets.
I would have wanted them to runa set. Obviously, they won
the game regardless, but with setwith the time running down, I was
hoping that they would run a setplay because I knew what was coming.

The MAVs knew what was coming.Catch them off guard, run a play,
get somebody else a good look.But when Shay is hot, I
understand, Hey, you know whatour guy's hot. Why take the ball
out of his hands. Let himkeep doing that. But there are teams
the MAVs that run sets, butevery now and then, sometimes as the
symbol as a pick and roll andif you got if your big man helps,

Luca's going to throw the lob tolikely and it's an easy dunk.
Which' that's not it. That's nota complicated play. But they do have
sets where they draw to you kickit out, they move without the ball.
No, but I get what you'resaying. You want to see You
watch the Warriors, right, Theyhave a bunch of set plays outside of
what Steph can do. They runa bunch of crazy plays where Steph is
running around like a mad man,getting wide open looks. And not every

team has that capability. And that'ssomething that Okay, so he doesn't have.
They don't have a knockdown shooter.That degree team is like It's like
going to Green Lake and watching apickup game. It seriously is. They
run a lot of ISO, butsome of that hey you, but if
you're not hitting shots, as youcan see, it puts you in a

really tough position to win games.Boston we way depleted Cleveland. I mean
they were missing everybody last night.Give credit to them. If you put
money on the Cavaliers to cover,I think you're probably okay in pretty much
every game. Yet they lost fourgames to one. Everyone's ripping Boston for
not playing well in the postseason.Here they are in the Eastern Conference Finals
with just two losses in the playoffsso far. Cavs need to sign back

Lebron James. That's something they hadto do. Bring him back, the
acron guy. Finish his career whereit started. I hope he wins.
That's all I want to say.Get a fifth ring, man. I'm
not trying to see you drop twentysix and seven and seven and you're out
in the second or first round.That's not fun anymore. Tonight, Denver's
at Minnesota for Game six in theother Western semifinal series. The Nuggets are

rolling. They've won three straight sincebeing down zero two against the Timberwolves.
Another win tonight and defending champs willbe in the Western Conference Finals. Back
to the Mariners really quickly before weget to the Seahawks. Sitting down the
third base line yesterday, it reallywas noticeable that one Mariner's hitting approach did
not look like any of the others, and that was Josh Rojas. He

hits the opposite field, he doesn'ttry to actually annihilate the boys, not
pulling his head out out, andhis shoulders and hands aren't flying out.
His hands stayed back. They're inthe seventh inning, I think it was
when it was a two to onegame. He took a ninety five mile
hour fastball from a left to atough left to a left, young lefty
matchup, and he swung it tothe opposite field, a slicing line drive

away from the left fielder for anRBI single that proved to be the game
winning hit. You know the fanthat caught the same foul ball twice in
a row the other night. TheMariners actually brought him out for media availability
and turned that into an event.As the pitch he threw a first pitch,
I wasn't in my seat for it. But yeah, I mean they
made a big deal out of it. Well, that was Josh Rojas that

hit it. Josh Ross is aleft handed batter. That fan was sitting
on the left field file line.Josh Rojas sprayed the ball to the left
side. Something the Mariners they don'thit to the opposite field habitually, and
that's why part of the reason thirtypercent strikeout raid is they're trying to pull
everything. You know what, Joshrohass struck. Our rate is eighteen percent.

It's five percent below the major leagueaverage. And there are five Mariners
who are either at or above thirtypercent and strikeout rate. And your guy
that's leading the team and hitting atthree point thirty batting average getting on base
a four to twenty clip also hasan eighteen percent strikeout wright, one of
the lowest in the team, maybethe lowest. That they get organizations to

put two and two together there,And the guy who'sitting the opposite field is
right now your best hitter as faras getting on base anyway, Now,
I'm not talking about power and runproducing, that's not his job. But
you get on base and get athreat and not strike out and put the
ball in play and at productive outswhen runners are on base. Well,
Josh Rojas is doing that, andwhen JP Crawford comes back. I saw

JP Crawford driving out of the player'sparking lot when I was driving in yesterday,
and I thought to myself, whyis he leaving right at the game's
right around first pitch. Well,he was on his way to Tacoma for
the start his yeah assignment. Bythe way, JP Crawford got hit by
a pitch in his hand last night. Chris Egan of King five Sports was
down there and he sent a videoof it and everyone freaked out online because

I mean, Crawford was mad.He slammed his back down and walked over
to the trainer behind the on deckcircle. Well, it turns out apparently
he's okay. Daniel Kramer of MLBdot com to see the Mariner's writer for
them, saying that the Mariners don'tfeel any injury and that Crawford's on track
to return and when he does,where's that put Dylan Ward. Josh Rojass

was supposed to platoon with Ureus atthird. Eurias played third yesterday. Polanco,
of course, a hamstring issue andthat was the reason why Rojas was
playing second and Urea's third yesterday.But Eurius needs to keep playing yeah,
and not platooning the way his hittingapproach is. Anyway, this is what

Rojas did well. It sounded likeon Root Sports yesterday with their Aaron Goldsmith
and Mike Blowers, pretty filthy leftyall about facing Rojas, who fights this
off, pushes it into left field, it drops it for a base hit.
Kid zone is around and he slidesacross safe. Josh Rojas first pitch
swinging gives the Mariners a little separation, some insurance in the seventh and Josh,

he loved paying aggressive on the firstpitch basketball in the strike zone.
That's exactly what he gets ninety fivemiles an hour and hits it the other
way on the line with a bigrun for the marrorth to run lead now,
not trying to hit it off theright field foul pole, just trying
to put it in play, geton bass, be a threat, let
somebody else burn and scoring position.Just hit the other way. God,
we make it sound very easy,don't we. Greg I wish my university

prep guys were not in class rightnow. Well, they've heard it so
many times. They're sticking here fromit. But there tied of coach Bill
huh hotel, Yeah, the coach, we get it. Oh yeah,
we understand, coach. You don'twant to see the whites of our eyes.
You don't want us hooking and swingingis hard. We get, but
we're still going to try to Comingup next, how did a team that
missed the NFL playoffs last year getfour primetime games including two on Thursday Night?

That and more on the Seahawks scheduleNext on ninety three point Oh,
whoa, you're wrong. We gotTyler coming up. You're jumping ahead of
the gun. We got ten thirtyTyler Palumbis, I said at the top,
didn't I? Yeah? Thank you. Tyler Palumbus from Denver is joining
us at ten thirty. He's gonnatalk about the Broncos, whether it is
going to be Bonnicks in the opener, and what they've done post Russell Wilson.
That's next on ninety three point threeKJRFM. Welcome back Greg Bell,

the News to being Christopher Kidd withyou. Thanks for listening. We're here
every day ten to noon on ninetythree point three kjr FM. If you
haven't heard perhaps live under a rockor we're on a rocket somewhere. The
NFL schedule came out yesterday and init, for the second time in three
years, the Seahawks are hosting theDenver Broncos to begin a season. Tyler

Columbus is that Altitude Sports radio inDenver. He used to be a Seahawks
He was Pete Carroll's first left tacklein twenty ten. Into the twenty eleven
season, I covered him. Wasa Seahawks beat writer back then, and
now he's a media man knowing allthings Broncos and Denver sports. He joined
us on the Beacon Plumbing hotline.Sir, thanks for joining us. Happy

Tuesday to you, Thursday to you, okay, happy to be with you.
I always get jump on talk littleSeattle sports, Denver sports. You
know, two places that are closeto my heart before we even get into
the schedule. Thing. What wasPete Carroll like in his first season and
it's coming right out of college andplaying for him? Was he as raw

ra as he was at USC?What was it for you in an NFL
environment with him? Well, inorder to get picked up by Seattle,
I had to give him a twentypack of public goubs that was part of
the deal. Maybe give him thebubble gum. But yeah, yeah,
man, I mean he was hewas all the wrong. I tell you
what. It was a different experiencefor me, uh, I mean coming

from I was coming from Josh McDanielsout in Denver, which was the worst
experience of my life. And youknow it just everybody hates everything. Your
whole day is miserable. Football sucks. And then you got Seattle and uh,
you know, Pete was mister funguy. It was a crazy year,
though, man, because everybody wasliving on edge in every single moment

because we were turning over that roster. I mean every Tuesday. I'm not
kidding you. We must have hadfour or five new bodies in there every
single Tuesday. I don't know whatthe total turnover count was, but I
bet we went there one hundred playersthat year. Transaction Yeah it was remember,
yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I guess I survived

that. So Tyler Columbus from DenverAltitude Sports joining us on ninety three,
went through kg RFM. Okay,started the current situation here with the Broncos.
We know the Broncos from Russell Wilsonand it not working out of course,
and the money they put toward him. What is so far the look
of the post Russell Wilson Denver Broncoswith Sean Payton, And is it pretty

much guaranteed that Bonix is going tostart that opener in Seattle or not?
Not so fast? Oh? Iwould imagine he's gonna be starting. I
mean, you know, the realityis who's who's gonna be gonna sit behind?
We got Jared Sentham Zach Wilson onthe team. Uh, And I'm
all, I'm all four young quarterbacksbeing able to sit and learn a little

bit. Uh. But you know, you got to have somebody to learn
learn from, and they just don'thave that in that quarterback room. I
certainly would prefer not learning bad habitsfrom Zack Wilson. So uh, I
do think he'll be starting week one. You know. The other thing is
the the Broncos have the latest byeweek you could possibly get, which is
week fourteen, so there's no likenatural transition time in week five or week

six. Boe Knicks in all likelihoodwill be the starting quarterback. And quite
frankly, if he doesn't look better, then Zach Wilson and Jared said him
in trading camp, we got bigproblems on our hands. True. I'm
curious, Tyler, with Russell Wilsonleaving, is it split meaning some fans
are like, damn, he wasactually pretty good last season. I know

his first year he wasn't good atall, but the second year he picked
things up and was pretty decent.Obviously, he just didn't get along with
his head coach and Sean Payton.So when he left, was there a
divide in the fan base or iseveryone's like, thank goodness he's gone.
You know. It was definitely adivisive subject there when it all first went
down in terms of letting him go. But the more time that went on,

man, everybody's on the Broncos side, well across Moore out as welcome
real quick. And I hate tosay it because I'm sure he's a good
dude underneath it all. I thinkhe's confused about who he is, to
be honest, I think the greathuman being. You know, he comes
in, he asks for six parkingspots, He's got his trainers and everybody
on the plane. I mean,you guys build a deal, you went

through it. He's got his ownstrengths coaches out there on the field,
and he just wore out as welcomeman. And by the time a few
weeks went by and they start kindof both camps were going through the PR
battle trying to win it. Russis going out there saying the team trying
to take his money away. Halfwaythrough the season. Honestly, I really
do think at this point in time, probably about eighty percent of the fans

are saved good ridden of Russ.And you know, I guess he played
okay football. If you're looking atthe box score. The statlines look great,
the touchdown interception ratios, all thosesorts of things. But you know,
if you're watching the game and you'rewatching situational football, he just didn't
have it, man. And it'sunfortunate because the Broncos gave up the biggest

haul in the history of the NFLat the time to go get Russ.
And you know, they're living withthe con quince is of eating the largest
dead cap hit in the history ofthe NFL. So it's gonna take some
time for this Broncos team to getback to competitive. And I would say,
you guys dropped pretty good team forfor Week one, quite thank ye,
man, I know you've got tocoach, your staff change and all

that going on to your yourself andyour quarterback problems are are are there as
well. But yeah, I meanI think to expect the Broncos to win
more than you know. On theoptimistic side, the six six games or
so this year is probably unrealistic.Writing it down now, Tyler says,
Seahawks smoke the Broncos week one.Got it. I'll probably be out there

for the game though, I probablywill because my son's a diehard Seahawks fan.
He was born when I was playingout there, and I always break
him out for the Dottle for onegame a year. So I guess what
better game to go to than theBroncos. Seahawks Go. Tyler, joining
us the bronc and from Denver AltitudeSports on ninety three point three KGr Broncos
at Seahawks opening game, Week one, September eighth, Sunday afternoon here at

Luomenfield in Seattle. Tyler, itis Revision's history to ask, but the
way it went with Nafano Hackett,first time head coach for Russell Wilson his
first year, do you think ifhe had Wilson had Sean Payton coaching him
for two seasons, he'd still bethe Broncos quarterback in year three. No,

no, no, no, SeanPayton and Russell Wilson do not co
exist. Well, those two guyswere never gonna be able to say Payton,
what I meant Tyler, Excuse me. What I meant Tyler was though,
would the wins have followed? Imean, if they win, don't
coexist and he wouldn't. Yeah,well, that's that's absolutely true. And

I think Russ did play good enoughfootball that he made it complicated in the
last last season to move on fromhim. But I just don't think those
guys could have ever co existed.I mean, Sean wants a guy to
play the exact way he wants itto play. He wants to play schedule,
throw across the middle of the field. We all know that's not what
Russ is in. Irony of itall is that Russ tried to have a

coup out there in Seattle and getSean Payton out there so he got the
coach he wanted, but he didn'tknow that that was not the coach for
him. That is true. Iwas told by both sides of the issue
in Seattle at the end that SeanPayton was the apple of Russell Wilson's eye
for years, dating back to workwith Drew Brees, with the same Tyler
Plumbus joining us from Denver on ninetythree point three kJ RFM, you mentioned

six wins, maybe a ceiling,an optimistic ceiling for Denver. How are
they defensively? They've changed there too, Sartan and others. I would think
with a rookie quarterback, you needto keep the games low scoring. Your
defense needs to keep a minute.How do they look on that side of
the ball. Well, I thinkdefensively, it's certainly their strong side of

the ball. Are they going tobe excellying? Are they going to be
a top five, top ten defense? I'd be shocked if that happened.
I mean, you know, theylet Justin Simmons go, who is a
cap casualty hit, probably because ofus. Quite frankly, you just couldn't
afford There's a handful guys you justcan't afford their salaries anymore. So you
lose one of the best safeties inthe NFL, though he still hasn't figned

it anywhere, which is fascinating tome. Yeah, and your pass rushing
group is rock solid, but youwouldn't know any of their names. I
mean, none of them are goingto be household names. They're young,
solid pass rushers. There's no premierpath rusher in the group. Pasture Tans
obviously one of, if not thebest corners in the NFL. I would

expect the defense to be, youknow, top fifteen. Maybe if things
go perfect, they could be topten somewhere in that ballpark. Zach,
I'm looking at your roster. SeeZach Well Tyler promumbus in Denver. I
know you got a job to doand do your own show here in a
few minutes. Thanks for joining us. Appreciate it and enjoy the trip out
here with your son to see aSeahawks game. At least the weather will

be good in September. Yes,I appreciate it. Hey, before I
go and I do radio, soI'm sure you guys are got to get
the break. But I gotta knowwhat what was the big schedule release video?
Did you guys pull out Rob Wriggleor tell I'll tell you that the
Broncos had Lewis Hamilton eating food thatwas our video watching Lewis Hamilton eat food.

Uh and and I'd rather watch PaintDrive and see that Rease video they
just did a it was comic book, a comic book character of the Yeah,
their players, though it had nothingto do with the opponents. It
was weird, I mean video.I mean, I think everybody's out of

ideas at this point. We justlet this go and just put piece of
paper out there when the Chargers arestill fantastic though, I mean the Harrison
but in the kitchen was fantasic.We're trying to get the Chargers social media
person on the radio, but theChargers will let us talk to her.
But yeah, yeah, the Chargeslet you guys get Yes, Sir,
appreciate it, Sir, take careof Tyler Palumbus from Denver Altitude Sports,

joining us at ninety three point threeKJR when we come back. Lots more
about the schedule. What's your favoritegame on the schedule, what's the one
you think is the worst? Andyou know what the answer in trouble when
it is game time, it's Tullytime. Text in four nine, four
to five one. We'll read themback at eleven thirty. Lots more in
the Seahawks schedule coming up on ninetythree point three KJRFM. My from the

R and R Foundation Specialist Broadcast Studio. Now back to the Greg Bell Show
with Christopher Kidd on your Home forthe Huskies and the Kruken Sports Radio ninety
three point three kjr FM. Welcomeback ninety three point three KJR FM,
Greg Bell, the News Tribune,Christopher Gid Joining you. On a Thursday,

we talked to Tyler Columbus from AltitudeSports in Denver, force former Seahawks
left tackle Pete Carroll's first left tacklein twenty ten with the team, played
five games in twenty eleven as wellstarted twenty games in two seasons for the
Seahawks. I covered him when hewas here in the early twenty tens.
He's now at an afternoon or middayradio host in Denver, and he says

it's bow Knicks gonna be the startingquarterback as everyone presumed. But it was
funny when he said he didn't wantbo Nicks to be learning bad habits from
Zach Wilson. Yeah, that's crazywho the Broncos traded for from the Jets.
They hated Russ that much, butthey were like yeah, we can't
do this. We'll just bring inZach Wilson and draft the quarterback and we'll
pray that bow Knicks is the nextJohn Elway and go from there. He

brought up also that they have theBroncos have the latest by week fourteen.
That is the worst. Boy,you don't want that. So fantasy people
do not take anyone, I repeat, do not take anyone from the Broncos
because of that reason right there.They're gonna play fourteen games in a row.
Yeah, your body, Yeah,there's no thirteen games and then the

fourteenth o rest. That's brutal.That's brutal. Yeah, that is.
The Seahawks have an optimal buye.They do week ten. Yeah, November
tenth. The midpoint of a seventeengame schedule obviously is between eight and week's
eight and nine. But if youhad to side on which side of the
midpoint you want to be, it'son the later side so that you can

be rested for a stretch run.They have often had very early or very
late byes. This one does.Mike McDonald favors the bye week coming when
it does. The flip side ofit is six of the first nine at
home five or the last eight areon the road. They have the as
I mentioned, the first the seahawksfirst division game is not until Week six,

San Francisco on a Thursday night athome. That means that six four
of their six division games are comingafter the bye. So a lot of
road games and a lot of divisiongames after the bye late in the season.
Now you could say, well,that's when the Seahaw should be better.
They should be better. Gino Smithshould know Ryan Grubb's system on offense

far better. The defense should knowthe new defensive system of Mike McDonald,
the calls of the audibles, allof that should be better by then than
it is early in the season.So in some sense, maybe good on
thee for the Seahawks that their mostimportant games, the division games, are
coming later in the season. Tome, the favorite game on the schedule

me personally, actually is going toDetroit in Week four. That building in
Detroit is loud. Even when theLions weren't very good, it was loud,
and then last year when they weregood, that plays as loud as
Arrowhead, louder than Seattle's been inrecent years. It also helps us it's
an open air press box at thetop of the stadium so we can absorb

all the air and noise inside thebuilding antidome. But on Monday night in
Detroit, it's not unlike a Mondaynight on the West Coast when they start
at five point fifteen and people arefrom work and getting It's eight thirty in
the East Coast. Yeah, solate. They'll have lots of time to
have pops and beverages before the gamekicks off. That place will be rocking.

On September thirtieth, Seahawks at Lionson a Monday night, It'll be
a great atmosphere. They've had greatgames there. They've played wild shootouts,
both teams scoring forty points they've scored, have games that go down to the
wire and overtimes, and there havebeen some wild games. Seahawks at Lions.
To me, that's my favorite gameon the schedule, and I get

to visit my family, my twinsister and parents that live in suburban Detroit.
Detroit itself has just come back.Downtown is different than it was even
ten years ago. There's still problemsthere, of course, like a lot
of urban centers, but it's gottena lot better. And that's the one
I think is my favorite. Lookforward to going to Michigan in september's a

lot better than going in December.I can tell you that the least favorite,
not just for me. I cantell you know this without even talking
to them since yesterday, that theplayers hate this game most of all.
And that's December twenty sixth, Bearat Bears. When you see that Christmas
is in on a Wednesday, ifyou're a Seahawks player or coach, you're

thinking, well, we're not goingto play Christmas Day. We're not a
marquee team. We didn't make theplayoffs last year, so we don't have
to worry about a Wednesday game andplan on Christmas. They didn't expect to
play the day after Christmas. Well, not to mention, they played December
twenty second against the Vikings. Sothat's the point. Yeah, is you
already have earlier in the season afour day turnaround October six against at home

against the Giants and then October tenthat home against the forty nine ers.
The league then gave him another fourday turnaround in December from Seattle to Chicago.
They're going to have to travel ifthey do it like Pete Carroll,
they'll travel on Christmas Eve. Idon't think they're going to I think Mike
McDonald would probably travel them on ChristmasDay. Would they even come back or
they're actually at home? So youabsolutely come back, even if you were

on the road, you'd come backbecause you have all your film treatment centers.
Teams only the forty nine Ers arethe only team I know of,
and well, the Dolphins have doneit on the West Coast back to back
road games, but the forty nineErs at times have stayed in Youngstown.
The Bartelow family have owned and Youngstown. They've stayed in West Virginia Greenbrier Resort

between East Coast road games. Buteven when the Seahawks have had back to
back road game this was under peekCarell, of course, but even when
they had back to back road gamesin the Eastern time zone, they've come
home between games. But the pointis is the Seahawks players thought they were
off for Christmas. They thought they'regoing to be with their families. They
were going to have a proper sevenday rest between the game on Sunday and

now. And I've mentioned this manymany times. Players are really not able
to walk comfortably after a Sunday gameuntil Thursday. Now they're going to be
getting on a plane at the latestWednesday, if perhaps the coach let them
stay with their families and open presencewith the kids. And I get it.
There are fans listening right now goingwhat the hell are you talking about.

They're paid, well paid millionaire players. They have a job to do
to entertain us so we can watchon Christmas Day them play and bash their
heads in. Yeah, I getthat, But from a real world human
perspective, no matter how much moneyyou make, you want to be with
your family on holidays and Christmas.And to go on the plane to Chicago
is unexpected. And if all thethings that all the scheduled combinations, road

trips, time of game, andopponents, the thing that those players noticed
most yesterday when the schedule came outwas that game at Chicago December twenty sixth.
They hope they're still in playoff contention, and the Bears are probably going
to be greatly improved. They're rosterand now they have the number one overall
pick in Caleb Williams, a quarterback. But if one of those two teams
were both or not in contention,that will get flexed out the Thursday night

games they can. The league hasnow pretty much allowed flexing all over the
place Monday, Sunday, Thursday.But other than a getting flexed out,
they're going to have two Thursday nightgames with four day turnarounds. There's only
six teams in the league that havetwo Thursday games. It used to be
the NFL wanted every team to playon Thursday night, so to be fair,

every team had a short week,and then they got tired of seeing
Carolina against Tampa Bay and Jacksonville againstTennessee get ratings that were in the floor.
And to part of all the moneythat Amazon Prime is paying to play
these Thursday night games, part ofthat deal is that we're not going to
give you Carolina Tampa Bay. We'regoing to give you some other team.

But of the six teams that havetwo Thursday games, Okay, San Francisco
is a super Bowl team last year, Green Bay always super popular with its
fan base across the country. Thereare teams that make sense to have two
Thursday games. Cincinnati Joe Burrow's returnfrom injury. But the Seahawks, yeah,
I mean yeah, Okay, it'sthe opponents. They're playing and it's

not the Seahawks. But that wastotally unexpected and the players aren't looking forward
to that. I can tell youthat one, and coming back from the
break, I'll share I think youguys know what my favorite game is.
I've been talking about it before theschedule release and my least favorite game.
But nonetheless, it does stink forthose guys that you were expecting to be
home with family and now it's,oh, we got a game after Christmas,

so that's great, and we justplayed the Vikings at home. That'll
be a fun em. We're travelingdamn near across the country. Cool,
but players hate Thursday games anyway,We've talked about that, and to have
a Thursday game when they're going tobe on Christmas. It's the first time
this twenty ten the Seahawks will beon a road trip during Christmas. They
never played a Christmas Day game,but in twenty ten they did have a

game right after Christmas at Tampa Bay, so they were in Tampa. That
was again under Pete Carroll. Thefirst year under Pete Carroll, and he
had him going two days early forEastern time zone Central time zone games.
It'd be interesting to see if that'show Mike McDonald wants to do it,
but needless to say, that's theleast popular game on the Seahawks schedule from
inside the building and the Seahawks playersfor sure. Well we come back,

we're gonna talk about what the ChristmasDay doubleheader means, the NFL is,
how it's doing it, what itmeans to the future of how you're gonna
watch sports because it's changing. ThePAC twelve is trying to get ahead of
it, and nobody in the PACtwelve, least especially the University of Washington
and it's president, didn't want todeal with that idea, but that idea
is now coming more true in eachsuccessive year of professional sports. We'll tell

you what the NFL is doing onChristmas Day and what it signals to future
of sports. On TV, we'llbreak down the Seahawks schedule week by week.
We'll run through headlines. We'll getto your text at four, nine,
four or five one on the toughnewe'll do text line when it's game
time. It's tullly time. Allthat up next on ninety three point three KJRFM
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