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May 16, 2024 37 mins
Gregg Bell and Christopher Kidd continue their discussion regarding the Seahawks schedule for 2024, and they get to the news of Netflix adding two live games for Christmas. Could streaming truly take over cable for good, would you be willing to make the switch for live sports if it meant cutting the cord? We read your texts from listeners, and we catch up w/ Ian Furness as he shares what he has planned for his show. 
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Welcome back ninety three point three KJRFM, Greg Bell, The News Tribune
and Christopher Kidd with either a secondhour. We're here every weekday from ten
am to noon. This hour anotherchance to win Grand Slam cash chance at
one thousand dollars at our national contest. Enter this word at nine three to
three KJR dot com for your chanceto win bank ba NK. Enter that

at nine three three KJR dot comfor your chance to win. Ian Ferness
will have another word in the twelveo'clock hour, and in the one o'clock
hour, and in the two o'clockhour before Dave Softy Maller and Dick Vane
start from three to seven headlines broughtto you by Venue Kings dot Com.
Before we get back to the Seahawksschedule and Mariners and more. I mentioned

the Mariners they won yesterday four totwo, end of the homestand and end
of the series. That's now eightseries in the last nine that the Mariners
have won. That's how you getinto first place and stay in first place.
Manager of Scott Service talks all thetime about winning series, winning series,
and they are doing that. Theonly series loss and then nas last
nine was in Minnesota last week whenthey lost three up four to the Twins.

Brian wu a relieving start yesterday inmany ways. He had left the
game his first start of the seasonafter the injured list last weekend with tightness
in his arm. Yesterday, hewas stellar through five innings, fifty seven
pitches forty seven strikes. Through thosefive innings, the only hit he had
allowed through five was a bunch singles, surprising the Mariners. That was it.

Then he ran into some trouble inthe sixth, allowed to run,
came out with first and third,one out. Believer Gabe Spier comes in
retires the roles on a foul outin a strikeout to keep it a two
to one game. Then Josh Rojas, which we mentioned last segment has been
really good at hitting the ball theother way and not trying to kill everything
and pull his head out and shouldersout. Well, he hit it the
opposite field, drove it around tomake a three to one. They added

on another run, and then AndreSmunoz got a second five out save of
his career, both coming here inthe last couple of weeks, last two
homestands, and that's how the Marinerswon four to two yesterday. Today they're
traveling to Baltimore. They have athree game series with the Orioles, then
three in the Bronx against the Yankees. Those are the two best teams in
the American League right now. TheSounders lost two nothing at Real Salt Lake

yesterday. First place Real Salt LakeSounders got outshot twenty one to nine,
including nine to two on shots ongoals. Seattle's an eleventh place in the
Western Conference. The Sounders next hostVancouver seven to thirty pm Saturday on Lumenfield.
You'll hear that right here on ninetythree point three KJRFM. The PGA
Championship has started in Valhalla outside Louisville, Kentucky, the one of the four

golf majors going on all weekend elevenam on Saturday, eleven am on Sunday.
You can hear the PGA Championship livehere on ninety three point three KJRFM.
The NHL Stanley Cuff Playoffs. Lastnight, Colorado won a MUSS game
at Dallas to send that best toseven Western Conference semi final back to Denver
for a game six. Dallas leadsthat series three games to two. Tonight,

the Canucks are home to play Gamefive against Edmonton in Vancouver. That
semifinal is tied at two games each. It'll be really loud in Vancouver to
night see if the Canucks can takea three to two series lead and that
best of seven. The Rangers areat Carolina for a Game six tonight.
New York is a three two edgein that series. In the NBA,
Dallas rolled past the dust Bowls takea three to two lead in that Western

Conference semifinal best of seven. Historysays in the NBA win a best of
seven playoff series is tied to tothe winner of game fives wins the series
eighty two percent of the time.Boston beat Way depleted Cleveland. I mean
way way de Cleveland, Donovan Mitchelland a bunch of others were out.
Boston beat the Cabs four games toone in the series, advanced to the

Eastern Conference semifinals yet again. Tonight, Denver at Minnesota for Game six with
a chance to close out the Timberwolves, which a week ago seemed like that
was going to be the other wayaround. Denver's won three in a row
since having an O two hole inthat series. Another winter night in the
NBA Champs. Defending champs will bein the Western Conference Finals. The Seahawks

schedule, you've seen it. What'sit all mean? Six of the first
nine at home. Then the byeweek is, as I said, at
an optimal time for players and coaches. Week ten, November tenth is the
bye and players love that. Theyopened with Denver. We talked with Tyler
Columbus last half hour from Altitude Sportsin Denver. He says it's going to

be Bo Nicks as the starting quarterbackthat he quote doesn't want Bo Nicks to
learn from back up Zach Wilson.Can't blame them at all. That's a
very fair point, which Son Peytontraded with the Jets that gid Zach Wilson.
But people in Denver don't want ZachWilson getting anywhere near the field.
See I can go at New Englandfor one of only three ten am starts.

They have five games that could havebeen at ten am Seattle times start
two of them, Detroit and Chicagoare in primetime night games. So one
of the three ten A games comesin Week two at New England. Shouldn't
be any weather issue in New Englandin mid September. Then they come home
and play Miami, the team thatChristopher Kidd wanted to see open the season.

I think everyone agrees with that.Well, I'll saw some other other
ones too, But come on,man, who won't want to see the
fastest team with a brilliant mind andMike McDaniel come to Seattle against Mike McDonald,
his new regime, his new defense. It's a great test three weeks
into the season. I think ifI was a Seahawk fan, I would
want exactly what they got. Theworst team on their home schedule the Broncos

and even Tyler Plumbers said that isa pretty good It's a great start.
Guys. The way to break MikeMcDonald into his new coaching career give him
the worst team on the schedule tostart in week one. Miami is one
of the best on the home schedule. They went in Week three that I
mentioned the Monday night game in Detroit. Week four, Week five, it's
the Giants here. Daniel Jones presumablystill the starting quarterback with the money they've

paid him, but they say theywow. I remember, I wonder if
that Texter is still out there thatsaid that Drew Locke is better than Daniel
Jones. Can't wait to see this. They're giving Drew Locke five million dollars
for one year. He will beon the bench, maybe maybe not,

maybe not. Imagine putting twenty plusm's on the bench, just chilling unless
for and he's not hurt, bythe way, you know what I'm saying,
he's actually you know, you're justnot good. Yeah, we're gonna
put Drew Locke. Probably not bythat point in the season, right,
because that's only week five. Yeah, you would think Daniel Jones. I
could be wrong. I could bewrong. I'm just saying, Yeah,

you would think Daniel Jones can lastuntil at least Week five if he doesn't
get injured, and then the quickturnaround four days the first Division game against
San Francisco brutal. It's of course, Thursday night games are an Amazon Prime,
but as been in the past,local so the two teams involved get
the cover over the air. Soone of the local Seattle stations will bid

to with the NFL to carry thatgame over the air live in this market
October twenty ten days later at Atlanta. You would think Kirk Cousins, barring
injury, will still be the startingquarterback by then Michael Pennicks probably wouldn't have
supplanted him by that point, onlysix seven weeks into the season. Buffalo
and the Los Angeles Rams are thetwo home games back to back October twenty

seven and November three, before thebye on November tenth. Buffalo has really
changed defensively. They still have JoshAllen, but no more Poyer, and
they have saved a lot of moneyand shedding payroll on the defensive side of
the ball with a defense first headcoach. So they're in something of a
reorganization at least on the defensive sideof the ball. And the Rams,

we keep talking about San Francisco Leeand so focused on the forty nine ers.
The Rams made the playoffs last yearand what was supposed to be a
rebuilding season, and they actually hada first round draft pick this year.
They had a draft actually red thatthat's then the conversation to win rookie Defensive
Player of the Year, right,So yeah, that task is not going
to be easy at all. Afterthe bye, they're at San Francisco and

that has not been a good placefor them to play, even when the
forty nine ers haven't been very good. It's been a place they haven't The
Seahawks haven't always fared well back toback division games coming out of the bye.
We mentioned that there's only there's nothe first five weeks, no division
games where they go back to backin the division coming out of buy at
San Francisco then home to Arizona theother The second ten AM game starts at

December first game at the New YorkJets and Aaron Rodgers. The Jets,
by the way, are the firstNFL team to have six primetime games in
the first eleven weeks of a season. Or once again, the NFL going
all in on Aaron Rodgers. Stayhealthy, my friend, if he just
doesn't get hurt carrying the flag outon opening day. This that was someone's
who's his highlights and he's ran outwith the flag and that was it.

That was pretty much it. Threesnaps later, touring Achilles out for the
year, he's back now for maybeit will be his only year with the
Jets, So the NFL went allin on them. December eighth, the
Seahawks are at Arizona another the Houseof horrors on a road and bad things
always happened there to them, injuries, crazy games, six six overtime time,

you name it has happened, theinterception Malcolm Butler and the at the
goal line and the Super Bowl.Then another back to back home games.
Yeah, they have five to thelast eight on the road, but they
do have back to back home gamesin December, the Green Bay Sunday Night
game December twenty second Minnesota with quarterbackJJ McCarthy, who some wanted to have

in town earlier when he probably wouldn'tbe a season and then four days later
the Chicago trip, and then theseason ends at the Los Angeles Rams.
So two road games at Chicago theday after Christmas on a four day turnaround
in January four and five at theRams. The league will decide after week
seventeen which January four, five,Saturday or Sunday Seahawks Rams will be,

and it depends on playoff seedings andwhich national TV games they want and so
on. I mentioned that the fourprimetime games is a surprise at Detroit,
San Francisco, Green Bay, atChicago, it's the opponent's not the Seahawks,
Frankly, that's why they have fourprimetime games. But the two Thursday

night games they're the Seahawks are onlyone of six teams that have two Thursday
night games San Francisco. Again,of course super Bowl team. You can
understand the popularity. Cincinnati with JoeBurrow coming off injury is one of the
top teams in the AFC when Burrow'shealthy. The New York jetscas of Aaron
Rodgers, the Cleveland Browns who surgedlast year, and the Los Angeles Rams

who made the playoffs. So allof them except Seattle makes sense in that
group of six, and Seattle doesn'tthe two to four day turnarounds. But
I will argue the allure of everythingthey got going on. It's attractive.
Ryan Grubb new offensive coordinator, MikeMcDonald heay coach. But does that resonate
outside the Pacific Northwest? Maybe justbecause of what Washington did right and how

good they were and granted a lotof people, oh my goodness, Michael
Pennocks when you went to the Proday, a lot of people didn't know
who he was or how good hewas. That same thing could be brought
to the discussion of well, thisis a brand. This is without Pete
Carroll. We gotta see what thisteam is doing. And obviously a lot
of these games could be flexed out, and for all we know, they
could have two primetime games when it'sall said and done. But right now,
I think the allure is they gota brand new regime. Let's see

what this team is like, Let'ssee there's interest. I'm not saying they're
gonna be good or bad, butthere's interest in that development of the coaching
staff and just brand new team.I think it makes a little sense.
You could say that about the TennesseeTitans for that matter, prime time game
do they have one? Two?Caroline is the only one that has none.
And I would say the difference isthe Seahawks were decent team last year.

The Tidan's stump they were bad.They weren't good, and I didn't
watch a lot of games, somaybe this is some bias coming in,
but just remembering highlights and it justwasn't a good season for them. And
you look at the Seahawks they finishednine to eight. It wasn't great,
middling, yes, and they firedtheir head coach at the end of the

year. Who had a winning season. It's kind of going huh okay.
Mike McDonald was coaching one of thebest defenses in the NFL. Last season,
they make it pretty to make adeep run. They lose the Chiefs
now he's the Seahawks head coach.I get it. I think you're over
selling the national interest in South Alaska. You know what, We're gonna get
a national guy and we're gonna askhim that question. Hey man, he's

gonna say, who's the Seahawks coach? Now? That would be great,
be like, man, you shouldknow who this is. But nonetheless,
I think there's just a little intrigueon that. And I could be one
hundred percent wrong, but that's kindof me looking at it from a distance.
I think as a Seattle native,you know what? Fine? Yes,
because even the green Bay game.I remember I asked one of my

friends. I said, I feellike that green Bay game might be,
you know, a primetime game andgreen Bay's Jordan Love. But that was
my heads everywhere? Who doesn't wantthat? That's that's a fun game.
They had a really good run lastseason. We saw it, and now
new regime Seahawks, let's see whatthey got young versus young. The Christmas
Day doubleheader is not just that it'son Christmas. This this for the first

time the NFL is going on Netflix. Wow, and they have they crazy.
I don't even have a Netflix account. You don't know, jesus,
I don't worry. Does Greg needa NETFLIXX? Man? They already tell
me how old I am. Getoff the lawn. I get it.
They're going to say, yes,yes, Netflix, you know what,
Oh, you can't share passwords?Go ahead, Nope. I go to

Scarecrow Video try to keep them alive, and I got to google that.
Hang on, Yeah, exactly.You actually go into a video store,
you pick up CDs and VHS tapes. VHS tape you know what those are,
Greg, I know a little bit. You pick them up, you
have a rental agreement. Then youcome back when the rental agreement's over and
you drop those off in a box. Imagine that. There used to be

this thing called Blockbuster Video. Theywere more ubiquitous than Starbucks. Yes,
they were. Well, they allwent away. One of the last remaining
places I know of that rents discand VHS is Scarecrow Video in the U
District on Roosevelt at fiftieth. Yeah, because Hollywood Video they're gone. That

was my thing back in the day. Yeah. Sure. In video games,
from there. I bet right,no game crazy there go even better?
Well, I got a Scarecrow videoinstead of Netflix. I'm trying to
keep them open. My wife andI she has T shirts and people in
the U District. It's been aninstitution there for decades. We're trying to
keep it open. So, no, we don't have net FL fix,

but the NFL does, and theyare now in partnering not only this year
but in the next couple of yearstwenty five, twenty six. Today,
the NFL Vice President and Chief OperatingOfficer for NFL Media, Hans Schroeders.
He said today in a conference callwith media that the media to cover the
league that in twenty twenty five,Netflix and Amazon will both get Christmas games

and the holiday is gonna be onThursday next year, and that Amazon Prime
is going to get a Friday BlackFriday game again like they are this coming
year. So the NFL is goingin on streaming. What's interesting about it
is so is the NBA. Wetalked about the NBA last week with the
new media rights deal on how itrelates to the Sonics returned to Seattle.

Amazon Prime is in line to getpart of that package along with a broadcast
network, probably NBC. This isthe trend that's going to Now we're not
there yet, we're all League gamesor forbid a Super Bowl gets on Netflix
or Amazon Prime numbers though, well, it's going to do subscription numbers,
and it's going to drive rights feesbecause Amazon has a print money and they

won't be afraid to overpay for therights of that. What's interesting about all
this is about a year ago thePAC twelve wanted to do this. They
wanted to put all their games onApple you may remember, and have it
on Apple Streaming like MLS does,although MLS does still have games on over
the air Fox, and the PACtwelve said the President's chiefly On Casse at

the University of Washington said no,no, no, no, we're not
ready to do that. We're notready to get twenty or thirty million a
year in revenue by a streaming servicethat we're not sure everybody's going to subscribe
to. And that was part ofhow the PAC twelve disintegrated at the end
and Washington opting out and there wasno TV deal, and because the presidents
rejected the streaming offer, the PACtwelve came up with that's when Washington and

Oregon joined USC and UCLA and leavingthe conference because they didn't have a broadcast
rights agreement over the air or cable. But a lot of industry people in
sports media will tell you this iswhere it's headed. The consumer may not
be ready for streaming all the timeyet because there are still cable subscribers and
people who want to watch over theair, but they're getting there. And

the PAC twelve is just too early, frankly, and the presidents weren't ready
for it, and a lot ofdonors and money people in college athletics are
older fifty sixty seventy year olds whodon't have streaming, don't know what Fubu
is. But pretty soon the thirtyyear olds and twenty year olds are going
to be forty and fifty year oldswith the money that give to boosters and
athletic departments in college sports that dohave Fubu and know what streaming is.

So we're not there yet, butwe're transitioning there. And the Netflix deal
with on top of the Amazon PrimeThursday Night deal with NFL is a step
in that direction. Now. Eventhe NFL is still hedging on this,
of course, because, as Imentioned on Thursday Nights, they still offer
over the air broadcast that you don'thave to be an Amazon Prime member.
For instance, to see Seahawks fortynine ers on October twelfth, San Francisco

will have a local over the airstation carry that game on Amazon's feed,
and so will Seattle. They stilleven do it for ESPN games. They
still have an over the air optionfor people who don't have cable, or
at least they have done that upuntil this point. So the NFL is
trying to play both sides here,but the rights money and the lucrative untapped

market going forward is in streaming.We'll see where this goes. But Christmas
Day games, there are gonna bepeople that are gonna wake up Christmas Day
expecting to watch the NFL, andthen they're gonna have to sign up for
Netflix or if they don't already,or they're gonna have to find their password
they haven't used in months. They'realso not going to be able to do
this, Chris. They're gonna beable to jump from Chief Steelers to the

NBA game because you have to signout of streaming. There are some issues
with it, but I understand thefuture of where they are trying to do
things, and two three years,I think we're just gonna be streaming games.
Do you think do you think that'ssoon? Oh yeah, I mean
you just mentioned what they're doing withthe NFL and they have a Netflix Games.
Well yeah, but the media rightscontracts that are currently in place are

going to carry them past two orthree years from now. That's true,
But I think I think the opportunityis going to present itself where they they
have to get in because everything's gonnabe subscription based. I think it'll be
the battle of the two powerful companiesthat are ruling it. It might be
Disney and Netflix and everything is underthat umbrella. Plus there's a new consortium

of ESPN, Fox, Turnars Yep, they're all going into the same product,
streaming product. There you go.It's it's called Venue, the name
that they branded it today, veand you, and they are already starting.
They're going to pull all of theirproduction and inventor of sporting games at
live sports events into one streaming servicethat a sports fan could subscribe. Your

point is exactly right, and thisis where it's going. We'll see how
soon it's going, but it isgoing that way, and Christmas Day is
going to be a slap in theface to those of us who don't do
the streaming thing and think they canjust turn on their TV and watch games.
Not this Christmas anyway, not thatwe do. We have PGA update.

We have your text at four ninefour five one. Are you gonna
you're going to sign up for Netflixif you already don't have it to watch
Christmas Day games? Do you likethis streaming thing? Are you already a
cord cutter and no inconvenience at all? Or you like me and saying this
would be a big shift and you'rewatching habits PGA from Valhalla coming up?
Then your text at four nine fouron ninety three point three KJRFM, Welcome

back three KJRFM, Greg Bell ofthe News Tribune and Christopher Kidd with you
all this schedule release stuff from theNFL. If you haven't gone online,
go to the Chargers website Los AngelesChargers, or go to add Chargers on
X or Twitter or whatever you callit and see what their schedule release was.

The Titans had another good one ofgoing back on Broadway Man on the
Street type stuff with people who don'tknow what the logos of NFL team stand
for. It was a repeat ofwhat they did last year, which was
so well received. The Chargers,who a couple of years ago spoofed Urban
Meyer and a Jaguar, a personifiedJaguar in Urban Meyer pink pullover. You're

reenacting the video that went viral ofhim scoping out co Ed's at a bar
after a game in a while ago. That was a classic part of the
m I didn't see. The Ramsis actually pretty cool. They have someone
in a vehicle driving and they're drivingall across the country for each game,

and they get to Seattle and it'sfunny. There's a picture of Aaron Donald
and it says welcome to Aaron DonaldStadium. So I thought that the Rams
had a really cool one. Interestingfor sure. Yesterday the Chargers did a
takeoff on the SIMS, the lifesimulation video game. Oh you gotta talk
about a video? What the heckis going on? WHOA only to describe

what the Chargers did. It's notlike I played the SIMS or no I
know of the SIMS. It's beenaround for decades. I never played it.
But the Chargers took a SIMS themedschedule release and at the end the
Harrison Butker. We haven't talked aboutthat this week because I don't even want
to give that guy oxygen for thestuff he said at a commencement at college

commencement about women in particular needing tostay home and be homemakers and their vocation.
Well, the Chargers at the endof the SIMS video has Harrison Buckner
in a kitchen bacon pies dishes.It's pretty funny anyway, go have chargers.
The easiest way I saw it wasat Chargers on Twitter, and XOB

wanted to tell them We're do textline when we get today. Three to
six oh. I cut the coretwelve years ago and streamed ever since,
stream Direct TV along with Netflix,Amazon, et cetera. On Roku.
If I wanted to switch between twoservices, I would set up another Roku
or PlayStation in different TV inputs,set up one for an NFL game and
the other for NBA, then switchbetween them with input selection. That's from

James B and Lacy three to sixOh, Okay, how to do that?
I know, I know, andI could see Greg. I'm just
Greg. A lot of the peoplewe want to do that here we go.
A lot of people used to plickit on their TV. I'll watch
it again. I got you fiveto OHO three. No, I am
not describing to any streaming channels forNFL games. I lost the ability to

watch the Mariners because I don't haveroot sports, and I have learned I
can do other activities and I willdo the same with the NFL, So
you know what, I get it. Then you have another one, three
six. So there are a lotof US gen X old people with money
who don't want to stream. Andthat's fair too. I get it.
I understand, but I am tellingI am stating that in the future that's

all that's going to be. Andif you're if you're okay with not watching
games, that's fine. No,there's no I don't have an issue with
it. That's totally fine. Youcan go on YouTube and watch highlights.
I go on YouTube every year andwatch Game seven NBA Finals, Calves and
Warriors. We're not Kavin Warrior.Yeah it was Kavin. Word my has
been that long. Yeah, Igo and watch that Game seven and is

available to full two hours and whatever. You can watch it. So I
know there are ways to watch gamesif you really want to see something and
you don't have all these streaming advicebut sports. But even then you can
go watch highlights, right, butlive sports, Yes, if you're going
to miss out on that, Iunderstand that too. And that's and that's
where the money is, and that'sthat's where the rights are. Stuff of

all the things people pay for mediawized live sports remains Lucor King. It's
for the for the companies, forthe leagues, for everybody. And the
thing is, I think there's somany people that have the streaming device,
is that in three let's say itis the next TV deal five six years,
and that's when they really kick itin. I think then in this
scenario, it won't matter for thetwenty percent that are like screw it,

that's sure. Eighty percent of everyoneelse has it and they're bringing in numbers.
Netflix is gonna skyrocket, Apple,Amazon, all of these streaming services
are just going to be dominating andthere's gonna be no point to even have
cable television. I just think,which is scary because I've known it my
whole life. Well, it hasn'thelped. The Comcast is two hundred plus
dollars a month. That's another thing, and who wants to do that?

Did you see the cost of thepackage for NFL games this season? So
if you want it to watch everyNFL game this season and you got all
the packages, I think it's aroundfive hundred dollars, just over five hundred
bucks expensive or cheap? What doyou think? Well, on a per
month basis, it's actually not becauseyou're paying two hundred plus for Comcast and
that's for the entire year. Yeah, So that was just a little insight.

Let's continue reading texts. I wonderif people in the NBA offices are
doing cartwolves that those two games arestreaming only on Christmas Day. Little competition
there, Yeah, is it orisn't it? Because again, you can't
flip back and forth very easily easily, you can't. You just heard it
read a text from someone, right, So it's either you're watching the NBA

or the NFL. It sounds likeit in either word proposition, pick and
choose, pick and choose. Greg, are you up on baseball right now?
Because Michael from the two five tothree, he's letting us know that
yelm is up eighteen to nine topof the fourth inning. Actually, I
think that's softball. I saw him. Excuse me softball? My apologies.
Yeah, let's see, No,I'm not softball. Well that makes two

of us. But now we're caughtup four towo five drops in. There
was a lot of other things todo in this world other been watching sports.
They're making me choose. I hopethey choose wisely. Is that a
threat? Let's see what else dowe have here? Oh, here's a
good thing. Well, depending onhow you look at it, go Mavericks.
You could have spent two segments onhow that team should not be game

should not be named gets eliminated inDallas this Saturday. You could be right,
you could be wrong. We'll seefrom the four to two five.
The Seahawks game i'm most looking forwardto is the last game of the season
at the Rams for a couple ofreasons. Could be for a playoff berth
whether will not be a factor,could be a nice getaway for fans in
the dead of the Seattle winter.Okay, and didn't think of it that

way, but oddly weather was afactor in the Seahawks game at the Chargers
last year. The was the wincame through the side and was it I
talked to Michael Dixon about this andJason Myers. It affected their kicks.
Wow. Pregame, they told thecoaching staff this end the field, it
was to the left if you werewatching it, that they were losing distance
on their kicks. And people don'trealize about Sofi Stadium. It is open

on the side and when the Idon't even want to say marine layer,
but when the fog is coming inoff the Pacific Ocean and there's wind,
and yeah, there wasn't weather factorthis fam Speaking of Christmas four two five,
most people aren't expecting NFL on Christmas. This is completely new. They
did have a Christmas game last year. It was on a Tuesday, if

I remember so Christmas should have beenon a Tuesday last year. Well that
makes sense if it's going to beon a Wednesday this year. So yeah,
you're good. Although this is aleaper, Oh gosh, it was
a leaper. It still is.I guess I want to answer this one
two five three. Why is GregBell so negative to the Seahawks. They
would have been way better with bettercoaching staff last season. With the additions

this year, they should be decent. Hang on, what are they talking
about you were a negative. Iwant to state this though in general,
because I get this a lot.I am not a Seahawks I'm not and
that's unlike other posts on this show. That's unlike other people in this building.
That's unlike you that are listening.My professional job is to cover the
team, what they do, whatthey say, how they play, the

moves they make, the signings theymake. I don't root for them.
I don't. Now there's no lie. Ian and I have talked about this.
We are more read and more watchedand more listened to when the Seahawks
win. So in that indirect way, we hope that they do well because
the interest rises. And if theinterest ris, there's more people reading,
and people think. My bosses thinkI'm doing an okay job, and people

read my stories. Yes, Imake no bones about the fact I'm from
Pittsburgh, just west of Pittsford,Stupid, Ohio, forty five minutes west
three River Stadium, growing up onefor the thumb and eighty one when they
had already won four Super Bowl rings. I don't have. I didn't grow
up here, and you can dingme for that if you want. But
I like to think that I don'thave a fandom perspective of the team,

but rather to try to be moreobjective on both the good things and the
bad things. But my question is, when were you being negative when we
were talking. Oh that's one man'sopinion or a woman's opinion, I don't
know, but I just mean ingeneral. The only thing I could think
of is when we were talking aboutwhy they have primetime games. But that's
not a negative, that's just thefact. It is a fact that nationally
the Seahawks that don't have as higha profile as now. I was just

making the argument that there's some intriguearound it. But continue and teasingly,
I said to you, you soundlike a Seattle native because you are different
from me in that regard is thatyou grew up here. And that's all
I'm trying. I'm not a fan. I want to state that off the
top. And whether you think that'smy role in this job or is or
role I can tell you as arole as a sports writer, that is

my job. But that is myjob, and that's that's the perspective I
bring. So I want to state, if you don't know it already,
that that is a fact that Iam not a Seahawks fan, nor do
I want to be one of theteam I cover every day. That would
be odd and I wouldn't like that. Well, have you seen the marry
It is he around somewhere out there. Who we got coming up next?

Greg In Forness, the Mayor ofMaple Valley joined us on ninety three point
three KJRFM. HII welcome back,ninety three point three kJ r f M.

The friends see music means it's timefor the great I Forness, the
Mayor of Maple Valley has joined us. Gentlemen, how he's about to go
on the air. Well, getout that the hubbub of the schedule release
is OVERDN. We did an ourTV show last night. We blew out
the news. We let me emphasizethat again. We blew out an hour
of five o'clock news yesterday to doan hour on the schedule release and and

it rated well from five to six, head to head with the NFL network
in the ESPN and see the Mayor, and it rated well. People watched
it. Yeah, well, thankyou appreciate your good demo for us.
Actually thirty two come on now,I look at my man, mayor,
what are you thirty two years old. Yes, sir, a good demo
for us, thank you. Ifew months like you. But yeah,

I mean it's it's crazy, whatthis what this world comes to with that
schedule? Man, it's nuts.You know, I'm part of it for
us, self serving because I thinkeight games end up being on Fox or
something like that. Right, Butyeah, here we are. We know,
we know what it's going to looklike and where we're going and what's
happening and who can go where.I'm gonna throw a different thing at you
because I know I'm hit on someof the things you talked about earlier,

like the two Thursday games. Andif anybody out there is celebrating four primetime
games, understand that two of thoseprimetime games, there isn't a person in
the building that wants those. Soyou don't sound stupid and celebrate four primetime
games. Just don't be a dummy. Okay. As a fan, I
get why you fann, but Iwonder how many fans really like Thursday games
at five o'clock on the West Coast, it is different. I don't I

think it's I think it's I driveat five o'clock all the time. There's
this weird world that we live inin sports that people think people don't work.
They do. Yes, they actuallydo. I mean our company doesn't
understand that. But yeah, anyway, this is an awful schedule because I

had to do this this morning.An awful schedule for one thing, for
fans to travel to away games,Like there's nothing on this schedule that kind
of goes that's kind of I needto do that, right, Like if
they play at Lambeau, that's adestination as a fan you'd want to go
to if they play I think Dallasis a must go for any NFL fan.

That stadium is worth going to.Would you agree with that? I
do? Yeah, you know.The only one on this year's schedule is
in the preseason Nashville. Yeah,I know. It's the only interesting to
Chicago. I love Chicago. No, see, I would have brought up
Chicago. Chicago would have been mynumber one trip for a fan. Because
people ask you probably the same thingthey ask me all the time. I
hey, where where do you liketo go? If I'm going to go
to like one road game as afan, where should I go? And

I always say, well, numberone would be Lambeau. Go there,
I mean, we've been there adozen times. We'll probably take it for
granted. But I think if you'rea fan, you should always you should
try to find a way to goto lambeau Field. That is a it
must do for a fan. Ithink you should go to Dallas and check
out Jerry's World and the Cowboy everythingthat is the Cowboys, and the Victoria's
Secret that's inside the stadium, andso everything that is Dallas. You need

to do that. Nashville just becauseit's Nashville. Well, last year they
got screwed because they played on Christmas. Even no one's going to make that
trip, right, you know.I mean the other ones that I think
are good now, I think Arizonais a fun one to go to.
I think this that's the one thatkind of jumps out because they're playing in
December, so by the time thatgame comes around, you're living in Seattle.
Like, yeah, thank you,I'm I'm in Arizona. Like perfect

good, And that's a good stadium. I think it's a good staying for
fans. I have good tailgating andstuff like that. But this, like
I'm looking to schedule, Like NewEngland's awful. It's from is awful,
bad place, and it's it's withoutout traffic. It's forty five minutes from
Boston without traffic. The Raiders,when I covered the Raiders, they stayed

in Providence because it was so hardto get from Boston to that. A
long time ago, back in theday, I stayed in when I was
working at Como, and we wentout there twice to the old stadium,
which is the same location, yep. But both times we stayed in North
Denham. Yeah. And but thelast time we were there for that Sunday
night game, we stayed in Bostonbecause we had to fly out at like
four am the next day, barelymade the flight coming back because you left

the stadium at three. I didn'tsleep there. Maybe, I would say
with New England to be like,think if you had a stadium that was
in Yeah, maybe even like Auburn, Like maybe we're where the outlet mall
is in Auburn. It's gonna takeyou with traffic three hours to get there,
right and it's a two lane road. Yeah, that's what's crazy.

It's just name was there in December. I say, Detroit number is you
know what for me? This year? Detroit's number one. I think if
you're fan the same day and goto Detroit that that's a great That atmosphere
is unreal, great stadium. Youcan stay downtown and walk everywhere. Greek
Town's awesome. I know it's indivision. I think is worth going to.
It's great. I enjoyed when Iwent last year. So far as

a stadium, you should check out. It's in a dump of an area
and there's zero there is and thereis zero tailgating there, so you know,
just plan on going into the stadiumand leaving the steam. But the
stadium is pretty cool. Yeah,It's like it's like Climate Pledge. You
walk in and you think you're walkingin like on the main concourse and there's
more No you look down like youlike, you know, like if you

walk in at Climate Pledge you lookdown. It's the same thing at Solfar,
but magnified by ten. So that'sthat's a good stadium to go to.
Okay, yeah, I enjoyed it. Yeah, So I and our
our stadium has turned into like oneof the older ones in the league,
and I don't want to say dated, but just kind of old school.
I like it. I do too. I think Luman's awesome, but yeah,
that's what it is. So anyway, today schedule, let buddy,

I got the record right here,We'll do some schedule. There's a lot
to talk about. Honestly, Ithink there's a lot to discuss with it.
There's a lot of things to discuss. Schedule is now we finally have
in front of us a lot toget to with that. I think Sales
a better football team right now thanthey were a year ago. And there's
a couple of things I'm going tobring up that will I think, hopefully
not just rookies and stuff, butmake me believe they'll have a decent record

this year. We'll talk about that. Recap Mariners yesterday obviously got PGA Championship
updates. We're going to resume ourThe dumbest thing I've heard today today in
the crosshairs would be one Mina Kimesand one other person from ESPN. We'll
get to that coming up at twoo'clock, taking on the popular Mina Kimes.
I wasn't the one that took heron. It was actually somebody else

from her network. So we'll playthat for you coming up at two o'clock.
We look forward to that twelve tothree I in for nas Greg bel
The Newstribune because I never say anythingdumb. Nobody does. I never ever
right right. Greg bl The NewsTribune and Christopher Kidd, thank you for
joining us. We'll be here againtomorrow ten am to noon on ninety three
point three KJR FM
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