All Episodes

May 17, 2024 31 mins
The Mariners have a tough road ahead, and it starts w/ the Mariners taking on the Baltimore Orioles, it's a great opportunity to test their offense and defense. OTA's start next week, and Gregg Bell explains what happens in these practices, plus Gregg and Christopher react to the news of Scottie Scheffler being arrested Friday morning. 
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Ceing an Another Brothers reported that Schefferwas charged with a felony second degree assault
on a police officer, along withlesser charges of third degree criminal mischief,
reckless driving, and disregarding signals fromofficers directing traffic, according to Jefferson County
court records in CNN. He wasthen released from jail and returned to the
Bahala Golf Course with the second roundof the tournament shortly after ten am,

about about forty five minutes after hegot to the course, about an hour
and a half after he'd been releasedfrom jail, he struck his first tee
shot of the day, earning around of applause from the crowd, and
he burdied the first hole. Wecan discuss a precedent here and whether he
should be golfing and what other sportswould do, but suffice to say,

not exactly the typical morning at amajor golf event. Xandersloftley still leading.
He tied a major's record yesterday witha sixty two in round one. He's
the leader as beginning the second roundnow, but the Scottie Scheffler story has
overtaken that a major. Rounds threeand four are gonna be live Saturday and

Sunday here on ninety three point threeKJR each day at eleven am. The
NHL the Stanley Cup Playoffs. Anotherbrilliant night in the Stanley Cup Playoffs.
Last night started with the Rangers downthree to one going into the third period
of Carolina and the Hurricanes thought theywere headed to a Game seven in Madison
Square guard going to tie the seriesthree to three, and a natural hat

trick, I mean, Chris Kryderhad a natural hat trick for the Rangers
in the third period to bring himback from three to one down to four
to three. You talk about atime to have a natural hat trick third
period of a clinching game. That'swhy the Rangers sent out the Oilers or
the Hurricane last night end up beingfive to three. They win the Eastern
Conference semifinals. They're gonna wait onthe Boston Florida series winner. Now Panthers

lead at three games to two inGame six of that one's in Boston tonight.
In the Western Conference, Vancouver andEdmonton, another great game, another
one goal, tot, intense hitting, great goaltending play, both back both
teams have backup goaltenders and both ofthem are shining, and Skinner benched and
Pickard has been great for Edmonton,Silics has been great for Vancouver and with

thirty seconds left last night, JT. Miller he grew up about thirty minutes
away from I did, in EastPalestine, Ohio, right up the road
from where I grew up. No, there are no soccer players for my
hockey players from my or no soccerplayers that matter. You did, but
I mean JT. Miller is froma place they don't play hockey, East
Palestine, Ohio. He had tocommute two hours one way to Pittsburgh to

play youth hockey. He scored withthirty seconds left, thirty two seconds to
be exact, to break a twoto two tie. Canucks win three to
two, take a three to twoseries. League Game six is tomorrow five
pm in Edmonton in the Western ConferenceSemifinal. Just if you haven't been watching,
turn on see if you're lucky enoughto get it, or on cable

if you have cable here in Seattle, and watch CBC's coverage of Edmonton and
Vancouver. The games have been justoff the hook. NBA Chris, how
in the hell do you beat ateam three state playoff games and lose by
forty five the next night, Seventeenturnovers, shooting nineteen percent from the field,

and not showing up to play thegame of basketball nineteen percent. Yeah,
that they have their eyes closed mightas well at that point. That's
how you get beat by forty five. The effort wasn't there. Minnesota wanted
it more. And I'm hoping thatGame seven is not a blowout and it's
actually a competitive game where it goesdown in the final minute. That's what

I'm hoping for. But we willfind out, that's for sure. But
they didn't show up one fifteen toseventy last night in Minnisoda beat that.
That's like an AU game when you'rein the wrong classification. Yeah, you're
an eighth grade team playing up againsthigh schoolers. That's what it looked like
in the NBA playoffs. So thatmeans it's gonna be a game seven in
Denver. On Sunday, Anthony Edwere just talking it, you know,

he told these mother love us,he'd be back. Yeah, I heard
for game seven. So this isgreat, but we need you to show
up now. I don't want tosee a thirty point victory for the Nuggets.
Which they're capable of feeling. Thejoker is gonna, oh, absolutely
ballistic on Sunday. He's going toplay well. But I need the Timberwolves
to match that energy that they hadin Game six and bring it to Game
seven so we can have a greatGame seven. Yeah, Minnesota could use

Denver shooting nineteen percent again, thatwould help. I probably won't do that
in Game seven on its own floor. Tonight, New York's at Indiana in
Game six in the East Next Leaguethree games to two. Tomorrow, that
team from the dust Bowl is atDallas for Game six. The Mavericks up
three to two, going home witha chance to close out the dust Bowlers.
We talked about this week in lastweek about the WNBA's pledged by Commissioner

Kathy Engelbert to have all teams havecharter flights to games this season for the
first time. Well the Storm Theywere on commercial to get the Minnesota for
their game tonight, just as theleague has been doing for twenty eight years.
This week the league began its season. If most teams have played two
games now we're about to and onlytwo teams have flown charter. The Indiana

Fever flew to Connecticut Caitlin Clark's IndianaFever for its season opener on a charter
very hard to get to in theeastern woods of Connecticut and Minnesota got a
charter to go from Minneapolis to Seattlefor the opener, yet it went commercial
going back home from to Minnesota fromSeattle. After that win for the Links,

Mitchell North from the US to todaytotas last week on this show,
the league wasn't ready for what itscommissioner had proclaimed two weeks ago, and
he was right. The league didnot allow teams to arrange and pay for
their own charters this week, assome players wanted them to. The league
now says charters are going to beginfor all teams next week. As for
Clark, Indiana had a sub outcrowd and more than seventeen thousand in Indianapolis

last night for its home opener againstNew York. That's about five times the
average crowd of an Indiana Fever gamelast season. And there's a Kate and
Clark effect right there. Clark goeshe had foul tremper early, finished with
nine points, seven rebounds, sixassists in three turnovers. New York beat
Indiana one o two sixty six inmen's college basketball. Gonzaga is going to

play Kentucky December seventh at Climate PledgeArena. CBS Sports reported Gonzaga is bringing
back six of the seven players whoplayed in the Zags win at Kentucky last
season, so Mega College Basketball isalmost a precursor now to the NBA coming
back, and of course a WNBAthe Storm player at Climate Pledge. Gonzaga

has signed an agreement to play inLos Angeles this summer against Ucla at the
Clippers new Arena in Inglewood near SofiStadium, and then the return match Ucla
and Gonzaga is going to be aClimate Pledge arena next, not this coming
basketball season, but college basketball seasonwith the one after that, so they

are ramping up for sure their basketballoperations at Climate Pledge Arena. We talked
about how the media rights deals inthe NBA will be the trigger to get
the NBA would expand, and thateveryone around the league thinks that it's going
to be Las Vegas in Seattle's thoseexpansion team. That media rights deal is
kind of stalled here. There weresome people last week that thought the NBA

was going to sign it pretty soon. NBC was going to take over the
broadcast and then from TNT and Turnerand ESPN, and that Amazon would have
the streaming services. But that dealhas been hung up, and we were
told last week. But the WallStreet Journal reporter who's been all over this
that he thought it wasn't going tois going to be a couple more weeks,

and it looks like it's going tobe, and then after that we
should begin to see the X answeringprocess. From what it looks like,
I returned to the Sonics to Seattlewould probably be twenty twenty seven. The
fall of twenty twenty seven October iswhen NBA seasons start, right yep,
So look for the fall of twentytwenty seven is the possible first season for

the return of the Sonics. Courseagain, we got to get through the
name, right, folks, theSeattle Seattle Sonics. That's the agreement,
Seattle SuperSonics. Yes, the Seattlesquat. I wasn't going to bring it
up. I'm just gonna let youdon't text Dan yelling at me. I
was a joke. Okay, sheeesh. That was the provocative Chris Kid last
week, suggesting perhaps they don't keepthe name Sonics and change and start a

new part of the agreement when theysettled, of course with the NBA and
allowing with Clay Bennett and the ownerof the Sonics, allowing him to move
to Oklahoma, was it the Seahawks, the Seahawks, the Sonics would retain
the naming, the colors, thehistory, the NBA trophies, all of
that will we made in Seattle,and it's here right now. And the
agreement is if there's ever another NBAteam, it'll be green and gold in

the Sonics. I'm trying to thinkChris of in this PGA championship issue.
I'm trying to think of a comparableif say, an NFL player was arrested.
Now we don't, and well,the time will the details of what
actually happened with Scotti Scheffler will comeout. But dragging an officer and injuring

him, being detained and arrested andcharged with felonies and then released pending the
investigation, of course, I wouldthink an NFL. If an NFL player
did that, which it's it's notan actual comp because NFL players are with
their teams and travel by team busto games, even home games. The
Seahawks stay the night before at ateam hotel in Bellevue, then they travel

by team bust together. It's notlike a guy who's driving his car to
the only thing you could probably comeup with is the night before the game.
That's probably the Clobe right. Wecould after but but he even in
the NFL's case, it would haveto be the morning before the game,
because the team then meets at thefacility and exact makes a bus to the
to the hotel and the Major LeagueBaseball player, perhaps because they take their

own ways to games, I thinka phone call might have happened. Hey,
who know, this guy does somethingstupid? He needs can can we
make this work and we'll figure itout later? Okay? And I think
in the NFL or MLB that samething can happen where Roger Goodell is on
the line, like, Yo,I know the dude made a stupid mistake,
but it's a game tonight, Mondaynight football. Can we get him

back out there and we'll make itwork. We'll figure it out later.
I'm not saying that's exactly what happenedin the golf situation, but based on
just rid On reading, he didsomething stupid by trying to go around a
situation because I have never thought,huh, let me ignore this cop waving
me go to left, and I'mgonna just speed right and try to get

away with it for whatever reason.So that's what he tried to do,
and it didn't work out, unfortunately, And to say the least, yes,
it didn't work out. Of course, there's a presumption of innocence here.
In NBA or an NFL or MajorLeague Baseball player, the teams would
probably play them pending an investigation untilthey find out if something went really wrong,
So the question of whether Scotti scheffWi should be playing or not.

We'll let you know about the golfof the PGA Championship right now, an
update from Westwood One, and thenwhen we come back, we'll talk more
about the Mariners. We get eleveno'clock, we'll talk to the oros beat
writer for MLB dot Com at talkabout the Mariners series in Baltimore. Right
after the break, we're going totalk about the Seahawks getting veterans getting on
the field with Mike McDonald for thefirst time in OTA's Monday. We'll talk

about what to expect in and outof those next after this PGA Tournament Golf
update on ninety three point three KJRLive from the R and R Foundation Specialists
Broadcast Studio. Now back to theGreat Bell Show with Christopher Kidd on your
Home for the Husky Send the Kruckin Sports Radio ninety three point three KJR

FM. Welcome back ninety three pointthree KJR FM. Greg Bell with the
News Tribune and Christopher Kidd with you. Happy Friday. Your chance to win
one thousand dollars at our Grand SlamCash Giveaway continues now every day between six
am and seven pm every weekday.That is, is your chance to win

one thousand dollars in our nationwide contest. This hour's word is happy, Happy
Happy. Enter that now at ninethree three KJR dot com for your chance
to win one thousand dollars. OnMonday, the Seahawks go into Phase three
of the NFL's off season program.It's very scripted by the league and what

you can and can't. You can'tdo nothing. I go out there and
watch dudes run around and can't defendpasses. It's I don't know why they
even do it, but I getit. They're trying to install playbooks.
And so stupid. So far inPhase two, which is ending today,
they've had drills on the field wherecoaches are out on the field, and
individual drills, position drills. Nooffense versus defense though, no contesting the

balls in the air. We're gonnathrow a deep bass. But by the
way, Greg, do not turnyour head and swat the ball down.
I don't care what you've learned.No helmets. No, every time we
go out there this time of year, there are people out there watching with
us, some reporters, some others. And why didn't that guy, why
didn't week one intercept? It wasright at him? You have to be
a are not allowed. And theleague audits these practices by having teams send

in their practice film and ask themto just hey, let us take a
look at what you've been up to. The Seahawks in the past. The
Pete Carroll regime was actually they weredocked and got picks and money from having
too physical of offseason practices. Soyeah, I don't Mike McDonald doesn't seem
like a a guy who's going tostand for much of that stuff. Phase

three starts Monday. That's four weeks, three weeks with ten What are OTAs
that organized team activities that are justshort of full mini camp you're allowed doing.
There's no pads. Still no pads, which is fair, I get
that, Yeah, I shouldn't bein pads anyway. You are allowed to
have helmets for the first time thisoffseason. No live contact. You're allowed

to have seven on seven, nineon seven, and even offenses versus defense
eleven on eleven drills. Of course, no live contact, and the only
real contact going on are offensive linemenand defensive live and hands on each other.
They're not doing full on pass whenthey snap, it's fits. Yeah,
it's it's thuds and fits. Andagain you can't contest balls in the

air if you're a defensive back.But at least now quarterbacks are throwing the
receivers who are covered. Up tothis point, they've been just going against
air. All of that starts onMonday, and it goes on for four
weeks until the Veteran Mini Camp inthe middle of June. Well, the
first one of these OTA practices,the first one of the ten the teams
are allowed, is Monday. Oneper week is open to the media,

per the Seahawks, and next weekit's going to be Wednesday, So all
of us, myself for the NewsTribune and a bunch of others will be
out there Wednesday reporting on what willbe the first true, well, well
true is the wrong word, thefirst semi practices of Mike McDonald's zero with
the veterans. He had a rookiemini camp a couple of weeks ago,

but this will be the first timeRyan Grebb, for instance, has got
his quarterbacks and receivers and offensive linethat he's going to have this season on
the field. First time Mike McDonald'sgot his defense on the field. So
there is some significance to the factthat they're finally now starting Monday, going
to put their classroom work and theplaybook work and all the things they've been

doing to install these new systems forthe last month and a half and about
a month actually in phase one andtwo of the off season program will finally
get to be put on the fieldand twitch to work. So it is
new and different this year for Seattlethan in previous years because of how new
all the coaching staff and the systemsare. What am I going to be
looking for when I'm writing for theNews Tribute and reporting all this well,

I want to see what Sam Howlooks like. Right. I think that's
I think that's the biggest thing oneverybody's agendas. What is Sam going to
be looking like? Because we knowGeno's going to be the starter unless something
seriously happens, which I'm sure thatSeattles don't want to happen. He's gonna
play every single game this season.I expect Geno to be, if not

a little better than he was lastseason, just because the contract here,
he has an opportunity to really goout there and show that he's still talented.
And if a team wants to payhim xmount dollars, that would likely
happen. But the biggest question isis Sam How the future? And you
asked that question after draft and heJohn Snyder mocked you and teased you about
it, and it was a greatquestion, but he didn't have an answer
because I think it's still kind ofweighing their options of what are we going

to do at quarterback because Gino.I don't know how many people think Gino
will be the starting quarterback in twoseasons, let alone next season. So
that question is fair, and youknow is going to be the future.
Let's say they say, you know, we're gonna keep Geno for two three
more years? Does that make sense? Could you go out and get a
younger talented guy or is Gino reallyproving that he can be someone that,

you know what, we can makethe super Bowl with Gino? And I
think that's the biggest question. Canthey make the Super Bowl with Gino Smith
and him being effective in that game? Not making it in you you know,
just couldn't do anything with it.Can g know be effective? Can
he be better than Rock Party inthe Super Bowl? Per se? That's

a great example, I Phil,I don't know how you weigh the two
quarterbacks, but well, the differencebeing that Rock Party has an unbelievable supporting
cast, including a rock solid offensethough outside the offensive line which out which
is huge, which is huge.I know, I know you're gonna tell

me good weapons, yes, yes, DK Metcalf, Tyler Rockett, Jackson
Smith and Jay mc kenny. Yes, But offensive line, if you can't
block anybody, it doesn't matter whatthe skill guys are doing. Christian Haynes,
come on down, we need youthe Seawks. Who else are we
missing? Abe Lucas? How's thatneed? Buddy? You're gonna be ready
for week one. We can goon and on. Charles Cross, let's

improve some war here. Who's goingto be the other right guard, Bradford.
We'll see they're trying all the rookiesthat they just drafted the right guard
they are that they're going to haveto actually at this point unless unless Anthony
Braffer really comes out and says thisis mine, it's up for grabs.
That's what part of some of thisoffseason is. That's what Scott huts job

is the new line coach from youduve and Seahawks line coach now. But
in the meantime, your question aboutthe quarterback of the future, what was
actually your question, Greg, Ijust kind of paraphrased it. N I
guess you're right. But John Schneiderdid say, hey, we are impressed
with Sam Howe and we didn't tradehim for nothing. They gave up two

draft picks this year's yeah, fourthand a sixth to Washington to get him.
The implication was we think we haveour quarterback of the future. We
don't know that because, as yousaid, as we've talked about, he's
not playing this year if it goesaccording to plan and unless Gino Smith gets
hurt or is just bad like bottomof the league bad through halfway through the

season. Sam Howe's not playing meaningfulsnaps. So the evaluation of Sam Howe
begins Monday, and they are goingto go from Monday until the end of
the preseason, and I'm sure howwe'll play the bulk of the preseason games
that will be Sam Howe's testing ground. What would Sam need to do to
win a starting job. You thinkif it's even you know, Smith to

get hurt. I don't see SamHowe beating out Geno Smith in performance to
start the season or anything. Iknow you don't see it. But if
it were to happen, he lightsup in preseason and now it's he has
a competition. I know they justpaid Geno he ain't making too much money,
but there will be no competition.The won't enough to be fair to
Geno Smith into in the contract theygave him. He's only a year two

of a seventy five million dollar deal. You have to be clear to Smith
into how when you make that tradefor how that Hey, here's what we're
doing. Go, this is yourteam. We gave you thirteen million base
salary guaranteed. We gave you thesigning bonus money. You restructured some of
your money for us so we couldgo out and sign some guys. Got
it. You're our guy and yougot to stick with that. Because the

players in the locker room know thattoo, and they know what Smith did,
and they know that Smith restructured hisdeal, and they know they brought
in Sam Howe, and they knowthat they pledged to Gino Smith was still
the starter. They even set uppublicly and to set up for a new
coaching staff to come in and makeit clear that Geno Smith's the guy,
and then to give Sam how thejob before the season would be beginning.

He would lose his locker room beforethe season even started. The veteran players
who don't know Mike McDonald and ScottHuff and Ryan Grubb from anybody would say,
what is this? This is amateurhour? You just I'm gonna start
thirty three year old Pro Bowl quarterback. It's his job and now you're taking
it from him before he even tellsa chance to No, that won't happen.
It would take an injury from GenoSmith or as I said, him

leading the league in interceptions by theend of October for them to actually consider
Sam Howe getting meaningful snaps, whichall of which means the evaluation of Sam
Howe will begin in OTAs starting onMonday. I'll be interested to see how
Ryan Grubb runs an offense, runsa practice and the rookie mini camp.

I told you that when we wereout there was a complete waste of time
because the three quarterbacks were useless,and all three of them are not on
the team anymore. So nobody RyanGrubb was calling plays with or directing is
going to be on the team.In effect, are on the team anymore.
So now we go to finally seeRyan Grubb working with the guy who's
going to have this coming season.That to me makes these OTAs in the

mini camp in the middle of Junemeaningful and interesting. And I've not seen
Sam Howe other than in person,other than the game he played out here
last winter for Washington when he litup the Seahawks defense almost four hundred yards.
We talked about how Washington had himthrowing more than any quarterback in the
league last year six hundred and twelvepasses to lead the NFL twenty one touchdowns.

With the league leading twenty one interceptionsfor a four and thirteen team.
Of course, this Seahawks team isbetter than the four and thirteen team with
the shell of what they have,especially as you mentioned, Chris, the
skill position players. Can the offensiveline make Ryan Grubbs offense work and Washington
that's what they had, the bestoffensive line in college football that allowed Michael

Pennix the time and Dylan Johnson torun for one thousand yards and play action
passes, the work in Roma Dounzaand Jalen McMillan and all the guys to
run fifty yard routes down the field. Well, the Seahawks problems in recent
years, they have time to runfifty yard routes down the field. I
can remember many times in the lasttwo years watching the press box where Gino
Smith is looking at the backs ofhis receivers DK Metcalf and Tyler Lockett.

Before there the pass rushes on him. Walkin and Metcalf haven't even turned their
backs to the quarterback and already Smithhas to get rid of the ball.
That has to change for Ryan Grubbsoffense to work with the Seahawks. That's
where the offensive line and them draftingthree offensive linemen among their eight come in
and they're all going to get achance. It appears at right guard,

starting with Christian Hayes, the firstround pick to compete potential at right guard,
Lake and Tomlinson. They signed asa veteran for just a one year
deal for the left guard spot,and the offensive line is the key to
their offense and in many ways theirseason. I know the defense has got
a ways to go to improve fromthirtieth in the league last year, but

Gino Smith DK Metcalf Tyler Lockett's fatehinge on how Scott huff can get that
offensive line going in Seattle. It'llbe interesting. You can't find line play,
of course, in May and June, and there's nothing that they're going
to do physically that'll give it indicationof what the line might look like when
we come back. Details more onwhat Louisville Police are saying Scottie Scheffler allegedly

did outside the gates to the PGAChampionship this morning. As you heard in
the update from Western One and thelast break, Scheffler's out there to under
par through nine of his second round, six under for the tournament. Three
shots behind the lead. All thatcoming up next to ninety three point three
KJRFM. Welcome back ninety three pointthree KJRFM. Greg Bell of the News

Tribune and Christopher Kidd joining you ona Sunday Friday in Seattle. So far,
the PGA Championship is going on allweekend of Balhalla, ending on Sunday
Louisville, Kentucky. It'll be oneleven am Saturday morning and Sunday morning,
both here on ninety three point threeKJR Live coverage of one of the golf's
four Majors. Mark Hubbard is atnine under through ten holes today. Colin

Marcorra Marikawa is also at nine underthrough fourteen holes today. Dander Schoffley the
leader after a minus nine yesterday major, tying sixty two. He's yet to
tee off. He'll do that withinthe hour. Scotti Scheffler is at seven
under three under today through twelve holesgolfing after being in handcuffs in jail and

have his mugshot taken a few hoursago in Louisville. If you haven't heard
by now, it's the story ofthe sports world. Louisville police say that
a police officer who had attempted tostop the world's number one golfer from entering
the Valhalla Golf Club on Friday morningbecause of a fatal accident that didn't involve

the golfer. It was an accidentof a shuttle bus and a pedestrian in
the dark, in the rain outsideof the golf club. Police are alleging,
according to an ESPN report, thatScheffler had with his vehicle or dragged
to the ground and a police officer, a Louisville police officer who then suffered

quote pain, swelling and abrasions tohis left wrist and knee after Schefler's car
accelerated. That's according to an incidentreport least by the Louisville Metro Police Department.
The report, which ESPN obtained,said the officer was directing traffic near
a gate at the Hall of GolfClub side of the PGA Championship. Traffic

outside the golf course had been stoppedafter a man was struck and killed by
a shuttle bus around five am Kentuckytime. The police report said the officer
was standing in the middle of thelanes outside the golf club when Scheffler's SUV
pulled into those lanes to avoid thebacked up traffic from the fatal accident.
The report said the officer was wearinga full police uniform end quote high visibility

yellow reflective ring jacket. The officerstopped Scheffler's SUV and attempted to give instructions,
according to the police report Louisville PoliceReport quote, the subject refused to
comply and accelerated forward, dragging thedetective. Gillis the officer to the ground.
The detective was transported to a hospitalby emergency medical personnel for evaluation.

Scheffler is facing charges of second degreeassault of a police officer, third degree
criminal mischief, reckless driving, anddisregarding traffic signals from an officer directing traffic.
The assault charges of felony. Theother charges are misdemeanors. His arraignment,
as Western One reported in our updateLast Hour, is scheduled for Tuesday
morning nine am. Can mean itfor him. That's after the tournament ends

on Sunday. Major Jason locks Intothe Louisville Metro Department of Corrections told ESPN
that Scheffler was released at eight fortyam Friday without bail. He arrived at
Valhalla less than an hour before hewas scheduled to tee off at ten oh
eight, and as we mentioned,he got an applause at the first hole,
birdied the first hole, and it'sthree under for the day. Here's

what Scheffler said in a statement hereleased before his second round began. Quote,
this morning, I was proceeding asdirected by police officers. It was
a very chaotic situation, understandably so, considering the tragic accident that had occurred
earlier, and there was a bigmisunderstanding of what I thought I was being
asked to do. I never intendedto disregard any of the instructions. I'm

hopeful to put this to the sideand focus on golf today. Quote all
of us, of course, allof us involved in the tournament, express
our deepest sympathies to the family ofthe man who passed away in the earlier
accident this morning. It truly putseverything in perspective now. An ESPN reporter
Jeff Darlington, witnessed the incident.He actually shot a video of it,

and he's been on ESPN's aras thismorning talking about it. According to Darlington,
Scheffler's trying to drive around the crashscene. At one point, according
to Darlington, the officer attached himselfto the side of Scheffler's car. Hard
to envision how that was played out, not smart brother cop Man. Scheffler

stopped his car as he turned intothe entrance of the Valhalla Golf Club.
After about twenty to thirty seconds,Scheffler rolled down his window to talk to
the officer. The officer grabbed Scheffer'sarm to pull it out of the vehicle.
According to Darlington, the officer reachedinside the vehicle to open the door,
and once Scheffer was pulled out,he was pushed against the car and
placed in handcuffs. Darlington was standingat the ESPN reporter was standing at the

entrance when Scheffler was detained. Darlingtonsaid Scheffler turned to him and asked,
can you help. According to Darlington, an officer instructed him the back a
way. Scheffler's attorney told ESPN thatthe golfer attempted to enter Valhalla Golf Club
as he was instructed and had beeninstructed to earlier. I know where they've
been a fatal wreck just up theroad. Obviously there's more to it than

we currently know, and what actuallyhappened, and the police are alleging he's
golfing because the PGA Tour doesn't knowfully what happened, and there is of
course a presumption of overall innocence untilproven guilty, and the legal system and
all of that. It takes itsplace and the process will play out,

including the arrangement on Tuesday. Butsuffice to say that it is dominating the
PGA Tournament, the PGA Championship rightnow, even though they are still golfing
and through the rain in Louisville.There will be more on this upcoming,
we are sure. But he isin contention. He's a number one rank

golfer in the world, he wonthe Masters, and he's two shots out
of the league. Here midway throughthe second round in Kentucky again, ninety
three point three KJRFM will have thirdround and fourth round coverage eleven am Saturday
eleven a m Sunday live courtesy ofWestwood One. Just a wild story,

man, that's really is. Andthen unfortunate for all involved, obviously,
when we come back, the Marinersare in the Baltimore to play the Oriols
this weekend. The Oriols beat writerfor MLB dot com Jake Rill joins us
to talk about why Baltimore is whatseventeen fourteen games over five hundred right now,
yet not even in first place gamebehind the Yankees in the American League

East. Marios, Mariners, andOrioles next talk on ninety three point three KJRFM.
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