All Episodes

May 17, 2024 39 mins
Jake Rill who covers the Baltimore Oriorles via joins the program to preview Mariners versus the Baltimore Orioles. We read messages from listeners, and we wrap the show w/ Ian Furness on Cross Talk, as he previews what he has planned. 
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Hi, Welcome back, Greig BelladewsTribune, Christopher Kidd, Happy Friday,
Happy so far, Sunny Friday too. Throughout Western Washington and wherever you're listening
on the iHeartRadio app ninety three pointthree KGr dot com. We're at broadcasting
live at the R and our foundationspecialists broadcast studios. Your chance to win

one thousand dollars this hour. Enterthis keyword at our website nine three three
KJR dot com and our Grand SlamCash giveaway for your chance at one thousand
dollars. Enter Grand g R AN D that's Grand. Enter it now
at nine three three KJR dot comfor your chance to win. We'll talk
to Jake Railoraz beat writer for MLBdot com. Coming up after headlines brought

to you by Venue Kings dot com, the first place Mariners are in ball
to more. That's why we're talkingto the Orioles beat writer from MLB dot
com In a minute. First pitchlate this afternoon, four oh five start
on Root Sports. Bryce Miller isstarting for the Mariners. Leis Castillo starts
tomorrow. It's a one oh fivestart on Root Sports. In FS one
TV. George Kirby starts the seasonseries finale Sunday ten thirty five am on

Root Sports, and then the Marinersgo to New York to play the other
top team in the American League,the Yankees. The Seahawks schedule is out
six home games in the first nineweeks, optimally plays by in week ten.
No division games until week six,a Thursday night home game against the
forty nine Ers. That's one offour primetime games for Seattle. The Seahawks
begin organized team activities next week,practicing on the field Monday. Next week's

practice open to the media is onWednesday. I'll be out there reporting for
the News Tribune in KJR on Wednesday. The Sounders are in eleventh place in
the Western Conference. They're hosting Vancouvertomorrow night at Lumenfield seven to thirty pm.
You can hit that game live hereon ninety three point three KJR FM.
The PGA Championship continues through Sunday atthe Valhalla Golf Club in Louisville,

Kentucky. As we talked about itat length so far, world number one
golfer Scotty Scheffler was arrested and chargedwith a felony and other counts Friday,
morning outside Valhalla Golf Club after reportedlytrying to drive around a scene of a
fatal crash that did not involve himon the golf side of it. There
is all kinds of leaders now thatXander Schoffley is not yet teed off in

round two. Colin Moore Kawa hasa five under through fifteen holes today.
He's now the leader at ten under. Mark Hubbard is at nine under for
the tournament, three under today.Scheffler just birdied another hole. He's four
under for the day. He's atminus a two shots back of the lead

again eleven am tomorrow at eleven am. On Sunday, Rounds three and four
of the PJA Championship, one ofgolf's majors, live here on KJR and
ninety three point three f the NHLStanley Cup Playoffs another great show. Last
night. Vancouver and Edmonton had playedanother tense, brilliant game. In Game
five in Vancouver, JT. Millerscored with thirty two seconds remaining to send

the Canucks to a three to twowin and a three to two series lead
over the Oilers. Game six istomorrow five pm in Edmonton. Carolina had
a three to one lead in thethird period last night at home, thinking
it was going to play a Gameseven in New York against the Rangers.
Then Chris Krider natural hat trick inthe third period for New York. Rangers
won five to three. They wonthe Eastern Conference semifinal series. New York

will be in the Conference final againsteither Florida or Boston. Game six to
that series is tonight in Boston.The Panthers lead three games to two.
In the Western Conference, Tonight,Dallas is a Colorado for a Game six.
The Stars have a three to twoseries lead there. In the NBA
playoffs, Denver had won three ina row and we're on the brink of
clinching its series against Minnesota and theylost by forty five last night to the

Timberwolves, So that means there'll bea Game seven Denver Minnesota in Denver on
Sunday. Tonight, New York's atIndiana for a Game six in the East
with the Knicks leading three games two, and tomorrow the Dust Bowl team is
at Dallas for Game six, withthe Mavericks leading three games to two in
that one. The Baltimore Oriols aregood again. Last year made the playoffs

this year, they're twenty seven andfourteen, thirteen games over five hundred.
Already, they and the Yankees arerolling in the American League East, and
that's the two teams the Mariners areplaying on this road trip in order,
starting tonight in Baltimore. As Isaid, four or five start tonight in
Baltimore. Jake Rail, the Oriolsbeat writer for MLB dot Com, joined

us on the Bleak Beacon Plumbing hotline. Jake, thanks a lot for joining
us. Tell Us, first,is weather going to be an issue at
all? We're gonna have any delaysor rainouts in Baltimore this weekend? Well,
it's been rain on and offense,it feels like the last ten days
here in Baltimore. But tonight's lookingpretty clear. Tomorrow looks a little bit
dicey. Looks like there's a lotof rain in the forecast for the afternoon,

but it doesn't apear. There's gonnabe a window that should be fine,
and then Sunday is pretty clear.So hoping we can get three games
in this weekend. Jake, what'sthe strength of this Orioles team here the
last two seasons that have him surgingin What do you see as the thing
that can get them back to theplayoffs this year. Yeah, I think

the biggest strength this year has beenthe starting rotation. Obviously, adding a
guy like Corden Burns in the offseason, they knew what they were gonna get
from him. They knew they weregonna have an ace who every fifth day
is going to go out there andput together a really good outing. You
know, he showed his potential anopening day when he had eleven strikeout gym
against the Angels. Since then,he hasn't really hit that level, but
he's just been so consistent, andthe rest of the rotation has really followed

suit. Even though the guys havebeen banged up. Kyle Bradis from John
Means who starting tonight, they bothstarted on the injured list, but somehow
they've just the rotations picked these guysup. Cole Irvin's pished really well.
Grason Rodriguez was pitching well before hewent on the il. So it's really
impressive the kind of the starting pitchingdepths they've assembled all of a sudden,
and then offensively, it has justbeen a ton of home run It's just

a ton of firepower. Gunnar Hendersonobviously is becoming one of the best players
in the American League, and hedoes incredible things almost every day. Adlelie
Rushman's really good. Jordan Westberg andColton kaws Aer two other young guys,
they're kind of reaching their potential.So I think the biggest strength is just
the accumulation of all the young talent. This is you know, when they
were going through that rebuild, thisis what they were pictured in the long

term. They hoped that one daythis was going to be the outcome,
and now they've they're kind of gettingto that point where these young guys who
they drafted in the early rounds,they've been developed well and now they're all
getting up here together at the sametime and all having success. You mentioned
the aspect of the young talent thatis there and rebuilding. How are the
Orioles getting this done and have anopportunity to make maybe a deep run in

the playoffs this season. Yeah,I think the way they were able to
get this talent is just you know, being s martin the draft, identifying
guys so they really thought was goingto fit into their system. Adlei Ruschman
obviously number one overall pick in twentynineteen, they had the pick of whoever
they wanted in that draft class,but then they got Gunner Henderson in the

second round that year, they gotColton Calder in the first round in twenty
twenty one. They've just made theright draft picks. And then the player
development system is so strong that asthese guys are coming up through the miners,
they just come along very well,and you know, by the time
they get to the majors, theyare really prepared to handle, you know,
everything that comes along with being inthe big leagues. So it's just
really been impressive to watch this corekind of assemble. And you know,

I think the clubhouse environment's a bigdeal too, just you know, everybody,
all these young guys are having fun. They're keeping it loose. They
never feel like there's a ton ofpressure, which is why they haven't been
swept in so long in the regularseason, which is why you know,
they haven't had any long losing streaks. They never lost more than four games
in a row last year. Theyhaven't lost more than two games in a
row so far this year. Theyreally just you know, turn the page

quickly on losses, come back tothe ballpark the next day, continue to
have fun and you know, focuson the game that night. Jake Reil
Oriols beat right for MLB dot Com, joining us on ninety three point three.
Kids, you are from Baltimore wherethe Mariners are playing the Orioles this
afternoon. Jake, you wrote astory, you headlined your story Games the
Last Game story about the Oriols avoidinga sweep. And it's been one hundred
and five consecutive series now, Ithink it is since Baltimore was swept.

And is this is this on schedulefor the Orioles that you mentioned all the
high draft picks and it was acomplete tear down and rebuild. This is
the time, it appears from afarthat this is the time for Baltimore to
win now while the players are stillunder club control pre arbitration deals. Rushman
was a pre arbitration deal. Isthis their window because they're about to get

really expensive? Is that how it'sviewed in Baltimore? Yeah, one hundred
definitely. I think last year theyexceeded expectations. Obviously, nobody thought they
were gonna win one hundred and onegames. Nobody thought, really they were
gonna win the American League East,even GM. Michaelias had said like at
times last year that this was happeningfaster than even maybe he in the front
office expected. But yeah, thatwindow opened a little bit earlier. But

now they're firmly in that window ofcontention, which is why they went out
and got a guy like Corbyn Burnswho only has this year left on his
contract. It would not surprise meif it's the trade deadline. They're aggressive
buyers trying to you know, continueto upgrade this roster to try to win.
Now it's just everything seems to becoming together where this does seem like
a really good window. Like yousaid, just with contract situations and everything

that, you know, they gotto be aggressive this year. They got
to try and put the best possibleteam out there this year, and they
could make a really deep run throughOctober. The Mariners have really, really
good pitching, and the Orioles they'rehitting the ball pretty well. I think
this will be a really fun matchup. How do you see it playing out?
I guess I'll put you on thespot and ask who do you think

wins this series? Because Grade Apitching versus Grade A hitting, who wins
out? Yeah, it's tough.I mean, it could really go either
way. Like you said, theMariners obviously have the good pitchers going this
weekend. Oo's big strength has justbeen tons of home runs. They lead
the major leagues in homers. They'dlike to walk a little bit more,
play a little bit more small ball, but so far that just hasn't really

been their style so far this year. It's obviously gonna be a tough test
going up against these Marrier starters.I think the Mariners might have a slight
edge right now, just because theOils were very close to losing that game
on Wednesday. They went eight andthey went over ten with runners in scoring
position, left eleven guys on base. They kind of got bailed out by
that Rutchman walk off homer at theend. They have some guys who are

scuffling right now. Cedric Mullins,who's been such a key piece for them.
He's in a five for fifty nineslump. Colton Kowzer, who is
Ale Rookie of the Month in April, he's been slumping a little bit in
May. They kind of need theseguys to get going and get the lineup
kind of clicking on all cylinders orelse. A matchup like this against the
Mariner's top arms is going to bereally tough. One thing the Oriols don't
do that the Mariners do is strikeout. I hate to bring that up

again, but Seattle has one hundredand seven more strikeouts offensively than Baltimore does.
Jake Gyl joining us from Baltimore,where the Oriols and the Mariners begin
a three game series tonight. Jake, I'm gonna ask you a journalism question
for I used to be a ballwriter and it was right when MLB dot
com was starting. Do you feelpretty much the autonomy of writing and reporting

what you want? Does the teamhave a lot of say and what you
put out editorially? And do youdo you find it kind of feel handcuffed
a little bit in that regard.It used to be that way, and
I wondered if it's still that way. No, it's not. We have
We have pretty free rom you know, we're independent from the teams in the
sense and you know it's we kindof dictate on our own side what's being

reported and stuff with the the contentteam at MLB. You mentioned the young
team. How is that it soundslike someone comfortable in your age and and
guys that are all young and andlearning the game and just being around a
clubhouse like that is how enjoyable isthat? And what what? What do
you see that maybe most fans wouldn'tbe able to see about an Oriel team.
That's that's that that young. Ohyeah, it's a ton of fun.

I mean this guys obviously bring aton of energy. There's always you
know, playing games in the clubhouseand you know, chatting with anybody who's
around. Just a really good groupof guys, a lot of high character
guys. You know, there's neverany issues with anybody in there from you
know, a reporter sense, justbecause you know, these are all such
good, you know, good guys. Yeah, it's a it's a blast

to be around them. It's it'sfun to be around them from spring training
to the end and kind of see, you know, how the team develops
over the year. It was reallyfun last year to see, you know,
how well things went for them andhow much fun they were having.
And it's kind of been the samefeel early again this year. Is Atlie
Rushman was born in Portland. Outhere in northwest Guy and sim at the
All Star Game last year. Ishe the centerpiece of the team going forward,

or is he the guy that willget the big money extension you would
expect, or or how are theyviewing him long term? Yeah, I
definitely think he is. We wanthim to be one of those centerpiece players.
Obviously Gunnar Henderson's right there too,and play such a premier position at
shortstop, but I mean Rushman too. Catcher. I mean, there's few
catchers in the game who's doing whoare doing what he's doing. You know,

he's leading the team in average rightnow three fourteen. He's so impressive
offensively. He started pretty much everygame this year because when he's not catching,
they still start up at DH andhave James mechanic catcher, and there's
just you know, not a tonof guys playing as much as he is,
especially as demanding position as catcher.So I think, you know,
his future is obviously incredibly bright.They want him to be around for as

long as possible. You know,it'll be interesting to see how they operate.
You know, they haven't been bigmoney spenders in recent years, but
you know, obviously the new ownershipteam and nobody's really seen an off season
with this new ownership of how thingsmight change or how things might operate.
So I think it's gonna be reallyinteresting, you know, this upcoming off
season, going in the next year, to seeing, you know, what
happens as they get closer with withthese guys, With these guys getting closer

to free agency, it'll be interestingto see, you know, who they
decide to keep, what they tryto do, how much they're willing to
spend. So it'll just be interestingto see. The Mariners are looking for
a deep playoff run and perhaps maybea World Series. What is I would
say, what are expectations? Notexpectation, but what is the end goal
you would think for the Baltimore Oriolesin regards to their run for this season.

Well, I think they think theycan win the World Series. And
you know for good reason. Imean, they won one hundred plus games
last year. They're on pace towin just as many this year. The
real, real sour taste left intheir mouth after the playoffs last year because
they got swept out immediately by theRangers in the Alds obviously just you know,
ran into a really hot team inTexas that you know, went on
to win the World Series. Itwas just the way things went but you

know, the Oils kind of usedthat as fuel going to spring training.
They think they can make a deeperrun. They with all these young guys,
they just gained more experience and itwas so valuable, even though it
was only a three game series forthem to kind of feel what a playoff
atmosphere is like, so that thisyear when they get back to October,
they can handle it better. They'renot going to be, you know,
phased by the big stage, thelarge crowds, the loud noise, which

probably played a little bit of effectslast year, just because, like I
said, their whole roster pretty muchhad never been in the playoffs before.
So I think now that these guysknow a little bit better what to expect.
As long as they can keep thingsrolling through the regular season get to
October, I think they're going tofare better in the postseason when they get
there, and I think they believethat this could be there they go all
the way. Let's hope for aMariners and Orioles playoff run. That'd be

a fun one to see these twoteams matchup. We can get you back
on for sure on that regard.Yeah, definitely, Jake. You mentioned
new owner should David Rubinstein, privateequity billionaire, and his group approved this
spring for owning the team. Haveyou noticed anything yet of how the team
operates or what's different about it,or is it too soon to see what
the new regime is. Yeah,I still think it's a little bit too

soon, especially because he hasn't hadto really be a factor in the baseball
decisions yet. The team was alreadyin place. The sale was finalized the
day before opening day. Obviously,he's been really well received. He's been
visible at the ballpark. He's there, he's having fun, he's really embracing
the fan base. He's been around, throwing out hats to fans and just
really enjoying being the owner. Itseems like the fans have really been really

warmed up to them already. It'llbe interesting to see when they get to
the off season and when it's timeto make baseball decisions. Obviously, it's
still going to come down to Michaeloas in the front office and what they
want to do. But maybe thepotential is there for to be a little
bit more big spenders. Maybe maybeif Elias and these guys want to give
out big contracts, maybe Ruben seinedhis team will be more willing to,

you know, spend that kind ofmoney than the team shown in recent years.
So I think it's still a littlebit too soon, just because we
haven't gotten to that point yet wherethey need to make these decisions, and
right now it's still you know,kind of a feeling out process. Hasn't
been that long. It's been lessthan two months. But I think this
off season, when they finally getto November December, will be kind of
telling of how this ownership team mightmake an impact from different years. The

Ravens have been so good in Baltimore. Is this now an Orioles town?
Though? With as good as theyare, what's the excitement level around town
about and in Maryland about the Orioles. Yeah, I mean, fans are
very excited. Kind of saw thatlast year's attendance went up, especially late
in the year, and people werevery excited to get back to a playoff
game. Obviously, the Ravens arealways gonna be popular here too, especially

when the Ravens are playing as wellas they have been. You know,
I think this is the city thatsupports both its teams. It has been
impressive to see that the Ools didnot lose fans during the fan base.
You know, we're always a concernthat when you tear down and rebuild like
that, like are the fans goingto come back after going through so many
tough years. But they have seenrise in attendance this year and everybody's excited
and hoping to see a you know, deep run through October for the Oriols.

Jakereil, Oriols beat writer for MLBdot Com. Appreciate it. You
can follow his work at Jake Drillon Twitter x whatever you call it.
Now, appreciate your coverage, enjoythe weekend series, and have a great
season. Looks like you get agreat team to cover. Thanks for joining
us, Jake, Yeah, noproblem, Thanks guys. That's Jakeril of
MLB dot Com joining us from Baltimore, where the Mariners are playing the Orioles

tonight in the first of three gameseries. The team, he described Chris,
sounds a little bit like the onehere in Seattle, and then they
can pitch and have young hitting andyeah, that's why I hope maybe we
can see these two teams battle itout for an opportunity. So yeah,
that would be crazy if it doescome down to those two teams for an

opportunity to go to the World Series. Adlie Rushman he went to Oregon State
or Oregon excuse me, and wasis from Portland. Talked to him somewhat
at the All Star Game last summer. He's a fun player to watch as
a catcher. Reminds me a lotof Buster Posey when Posey was coming up
and becoming the stalwart he became forthe Giants. And that's a really fun
young team to why they play aggressively. They usually run the bases, they

they put pressure on defenses. Marinshave to work cut out for him on
this road trip, as as mentioned, not only they go in to Baltimore
for three then they go to theYankees, who are great. Tests thirty
and fifteen right now, how manygames they got, love, Greg,
Yeah, it's still it's still early. But what are the forty three some
games in? So they they gotabout one hundred and fifteen hundred and twenty
games to play, but three day, three city trip. The Mariners are

in Baltimore, then they're in theBronx to play the Yankees. Then they
have three the following weekend at theWashington Nationals before they finally come home at
the end of May. But theygot it. They're work cut out for
him the next two series, includingthis one against Baltimore, who's thirteen games
over five hundred already. I reallylike the way the Mariners are trending right

now. Though the offense it iswarming up as everyone said they would.
The pitching has stayed the same.But Josh Rojas, we talked about that
and how well he has been hitting. This will be a fun series.
Another test. You like to say, there's measuring sticks. This is another
measuring stick type series at Baltimore thisweekend, three games starting at four or

five today. Our text line hasbeen warm all week. Got plenty to
talk about again today. What doyou think about Gino Smith being the starter
over Sam Howe? Where do yousee Sam Howe fitting in? Get text
that at four nine, four tofive one on to tell him. We'll
do text line. We'll read yourtext back after this On ninety three point
three KJR FM Live from the Rand R Foundation Specialist Broadcast Studio. Now

back to the Great Bell Show withChristopher Kidd on Your Home for the Huskies
and the Kruken Sports Radio ninety threepoint three kjr FM, Welcome back,
Greg Bell, the News Tribune andChristopher Kidd with you Happy Friday. On
ninety three point three kjr FM.The PGA Championship in Balhalla, Louisville,

Kentucky. Colin Marikawa eleven under isthe leader six under today through sixteen holes.
Mark Hubbard is second and nine under. Sosonder Scheffley he hasn't teed off
yet, he will about ten minutes. Scottie Scheffler is at four hunder today,
eight under for the tournament. Threeshots back. Police say this morning

about six am, he dragged anofficer after refusing to comply with the officer's
orders around the scene of a fatalaccident that did not involve Scheffler. Four
on to tell him, we're dotext line when it's game time, it's
tally time, and right now it'stime to read what you've had to say
today. Now I'm seeing a lotof texts regarding this chefter or not schefter,

you know who I'm talking about thissituation, and a lot of people
stating, oh, the cop shouldhave handled it a lot better. Put
yourself in some shoes where there's aserious accident, someone has passed away and
you're giving instructions as dark you can'treally see because I believe it was early
in the morning, so it waspretty dark before sunrise, and a car

just makes a mistake. Obviously,in Scheffler's point, he stated that he
thought he was going one was supposedto go one way, and obviously he
did the opposite. So as apolice officer, what are you supposed to
do? Do you let the persongo? No? I think the cop
was just stuck in a place wherehe had to make an instinct decision,
and his instinct was to grab ahold of the car because usually when someone

gets on your car, you're gonnastop. You're not gonna continue going.
And once you realize it, andI think in that scenario, the cop
said, yeah, let me getin front of this guy and hold the
door. Whatever the case may be, is the whole stop. And that's
what he did. And I thinkScheffler, to his credit, he really
screwed up. He thought he wastold to go one way and was wrong.
And make that makes sense, you'rebeing charitable as it was described by

police anyway, yes, by policethem. And what's going to go anyway?
Where he wanted to go? Andunless there's footage of this interaction between
the two, I think we allneed to halt the brakes a little bit
and just realize that sure, maybeboth parties made a mistake, but the
biggest thing is someone lost their life. And usually in the scenario is like

this, when a cop is wavyto go in certain directions, I don't
think anyone thinks, let me tryto get by and do something because I
have somewhere to be in a scenariowhere it was dark and I couldn't see
what was going on, I madea wrong decision in that regard. But
I would say that there's a possibilitythat that happened and the cop reacted in
a way that maybe he put himselfin harm's way and that should be looked

at, but he shouldn't be vilified. Well, police put themselves in harms
way just by putting on their uniformevery day and wearing to their job.
So I just want to get thatout real quick before we continue on with
other techs. This is from thethree six. So I think Geno Smith
needs to have competition, not justbe given the job, not just he'd
be giving a job. He hadan average year with a bad offensive line,
which Greg Bill has alluded to,but that shouldn't be an excuse not

to try and an upgrade. AndI don't think that the Seahawks are looking
at it from a standpoord of SamHowe will be the guy. I think
they know Gina will be the guy, and in the competition, Gino will
probably prove it. But I alsounderstand what Greg's point was, It don't
matter at this job. They've saidso far, GM and the coach have
said both there is no competition,so they have it, and they've been

clear about that. They've said GinoSmith is our starter. They told Smith
that when they traded for how knowwhether we agree with him or not,
that knows this. Yeah, Howllknows it when he gets acquired, not
like he had a choice. He'sstill in his rookie deal. It's not
a free agency situation. He wastraded to Seattle. Yeah, you don't
get to say anything in this regard. So No, they've been clear,

both publicly and to the players sofar that it is Gino Smith's job and
Sam Howell here is make the quarterbackroom better and potentially to be a future
option from the four two five.Don't want to see Sam Howell play this
year because Gino is better at thismoment. But I am glad to have
a young quarterback with potential on theroster. The only reason how Well should
play this year is if Gino getsinjured and nobody wants that one hundred correct,

I think it could be for thefuture. Let's see, Oh,
this is all cops stuff. Ohman, we're just railing on these police
officers in that regard. Scheffler isan entitled imbecile. Maybe he is,
maybe he isn't. I don't know. I'm waiting for all the facts to

come out. Unless there's a videothat someone can send me showing everything that
went down for that three minutes thatthis happened. I'm just going to hold
off on all someone's an idiot,this guy did that. That police officers
this, there's just we don't knowexcept for a few highly publicized rogue cops.
And there are those, by andlarge, police officers don't arrest people,

detain him and stuff them in theback of a car without proper cause.
Yeah, it's all cockp cop talk. I can't get the word out
cop talk. Let's see, chefferScheffler went straight NWA on the police.
Now, that's one way of lookingat it. Do anything for the Mariners.

Let's see, they're going against theOrioles More cops. Good job of
promoting this on the text line todaytext in four nine four five one when
it's game time, Greg Tully time, didn't I remember it explicitly promoting it
while we're talking about the Scheffler's arrest. But okay, all right, maybe
I did. Are you freaking kiddingthe kid? Most likely scenario is that

he wanted to get to his teatime and thought he was above the law,
privileged at their finance. And I'mnot saying you are wrong. I'm
not saying that. All I amsaying is what is the police office supposed
to do? That's my only question. If this guy's being privileged and wants
to make it to his tea time, you can't just let him go because
there's something that there's a serious accidentthat happened. I'm aware of that,

So that's kind of how I'm lookingat it. Let's face it, the
police don't care who you are.If you're driving place you're not supposed to
drive it the scene of a fatalaccident. You're gonna be detained, You're
gonna be stopped. You're gonna beand if you don't listen to that stop
and refuse the order, you're gonnabe detained. And if you becomes physical
and you injured an office, you'regonna be arrested. They don't care.
You're the number one, the Master'schampion. No law enforcement officer gives a

rip about that. Their job isto protect and serve, period of the
story. So I hope I'm notcoming off as someone that is giving an
excuse. I'm just stating he didsomething stupid. The cop tried to stop
him, Whether he reached in thewindow and snatched him out of his car,

is that okay? I would sayin this scenario, if you're driving
a car through a incident and theycan't stop you, and he tells you
the road on your window, youdo so when you snatch it out,
I'm not Hey, I'm not madat that. I get it. You
put everybody in harm's way because youdecided to break traffic laws that are clear.
But it was early in the morning. So we're gonna We're gonna wait

and see what else comes out ofthis, because obviously that he's still playing
golf in the PGA Championship. Sowe'll see what happens. Uh, will
the Mariners win this division? Wehave to assume Houston's going to be better
than they've been so far. Ithink I'm kind of over Houston bouncing back.
I think, really, yeah,twenty games left, Yeah, I

really it takes two good weeks toget back into the American League West right
now, not even maybe a week. The leader is only four games up,
the four games over five hundred.It's not the AL East where the
Yankees are thirty and fifteen and theOrioles are thirteen games over. If you're
five games under five hundred, whatare the Astros right now? A lot
of games under five hundred, andthat's actually not that many, right they're

six games under, they're five gamesback, six games under. A week
and a half, you can beback to five hundred. I guess I'm
just hoping that you can't even asix game winning streak to get back to
five hundred. You can go eightand two over a week and a half
and you're back to five hundred.And if you're in five hundred in this
division, you're within two games ofthe league. That's the issue of the
American League West. The Mariners,even though they're in first place division,

they're not pulling away from anybody.Yeah, well, the A's are six
games back, eight games under.You had only six games back. Now,
if you're in the American League East, start counting out teams. But
even Toronto is four games under fivehundred, last place in the American League
East. But they're only nine anda half back. Only only in the

sense it's it's may Yes, we'renot even to Memorial Day yet. Maybe
I'm just tired of the Astroles beatingthe Maynor maybe not a year, the
trash cans and the cheating. Yeah, yeah, I don't know how they
can get more of a punishment,But we don't have to get into that.
Yeah, totally, I'm for theAstros sink in the last place.
But the fact is that that's sixgames under five hundred. They're only five
games back, and you know they'regoing to be better than they've been,

especially pitching wise. So more,what if we get to a world where
the Astrols are not and they reallystink. There's times, Yeah, they've
had a good run. Here,there's six games under their five games back
and they've won five in a row. All right, too well, Greg,
I've never really asked you this regardingpredictions. I know you will write

an article or a story stating thisis how many game that the Sea Ours
could potentially win this season. SoIsrae do final two? We got one
from Joel four to two five?Who gets mentioned more opening game? Mike
McDonald or Pete Carroll. Joe lovesthese comparisons. I like to think it's
great, so listening, Thanks forright now McDonald or Pete? Who do

you think I'm gonna go on alimb and say McDonald win just because he
Now, yeah, they're gonna haveto talk about McDonald this We found that
McDonald through the challenge flag. Allright, but yeah they will. They
will bring up Pete Carroll. Andour last one comes from the two five
to three Seahawks record. What yougot, Greg? I think ten wins
would be a massive I was hopingwe disagreed. God dang it, Greg.

I think ten wins would be theirceiling. I think that would be
a massively successful season. I thinkthey can win ten games. I have
him getting swept by the Niners andI have him splitting with the Rams if
that makes any difference in the inthe world, right, because they can
lose a bunch of other games thatdon't really matter aka not in the division.
That means that they would lose onlyfour of their remaining is it six

thirteen games? Right? If theylost three, well it was one to
the Rams and two to the Niners, that means that they would have lost
only four of their remaining thirteen games. So they go nine to four against
everybody else. And that's a schedulethat has bills at Bears. I went
through and did it. It's early, I know. I went through and
kind as everyone else did, andI counted ten wins. Ian for Nest

even did the same exercise. Idon't know if we have the same exact
I think he had well either way, I got ten wins total. It's
early, no injuries for either team. Think about it, though. If
you've just changed regimes, got anew offensive coordinator, new defense, new
special team, huge and you getten wins, that's a that's a huge
success. That was huge. Yeah, that would they said we fire Pete

Carroll? Why? This is why? Right? Okay, the problem is
in the in the NFC West tenwins is gonna get your wild card,
unfortunately, which means you're on theroad, fortunate and you may be in
Santa Clara. They started the playoffsand you're one and done and you're the
where you've been for the last nineyears one thousand. Yes, that's the
problem with the NFC West of theNiners being in it. Well, let's

just throw it out there. Haveyou seen the mayor yet? No?
Actually I haven't. Of course I'vebeen. Let's assume he's here, the
mayor of Maple Valley Ian Ferness.His show is on twelve to three and
every day he joins us at elevenforty five, which means it's time for
him to do that next. Onninety three point three KJRFM, Welcome Back

ninety three point three KJRFM. GregBell of the News Tribune and Christopher Kidd
with you on a Happy, HappyFriday. Somewhat sunny Friday, apparently might
rain to most of the day TomorrowSaturday. You have plans outside. They're
playing through the rain at Balhalla GolfClub outside Louisville. Second round of the
PGA Championship. Colin More Kyle doesn'tcare about the rain, seven under today,

twelve under for the tournament. He'sgot one hole left today. He's
at twelve under, two shots aheadof Mark Hubbard. Hubbard's four under today
through thirteen holes, Sender Shoffley's justnow, maybe five minutes ago, t
and off Scotti Scheffler four under forthe day, eight under for the tournament.
He's played fifteen holes today. Afterbeing detained by Louisville police, put

in jail, charged with a felony, We've talked about it all morning,
but he has been released from jailand he's now golfing. The world's number
one golfer and Masters champion is inthe hunt four back early in the second
round of the Player of the PGAChampionship, the Great Infinatce, the Mayor

of Maple Valley with his Washington StateYes, what shirt is with us?
Oh? Yeah? Good? Eventfulmorning news wise in the sports world.
I was I'm looking at that.I'm like, that's real. Same tragedy
with a gentleman named John Mills,who is one of the vendors work in

the tournament, who was killed.But that was two hours before the Chefer
incident. Then two hours later whenCheffer was trying to get in. I
don't want to diminish the death,none of us do. But two hours
later, when the golfers are tryingto get into the golf course for a
major championship, is why everyone isthere, which is why all that was

going on. The most important thingwould be the golfers and you and I
go through this all the time,the over zealous security slash police officer at
an event. It's media passed,it says right here, or it's a
player, but whatever it is,this credential says, I go there,
Oh, I don't know, well, no, like that guy was like,

nothing drives me crazier than that.The difference, of course, being
this scene of a fatal crash,and investigations of a fatal accident take a
while. But it was a waysaway, but it was away. Was
there was really you're driving a carthat says player on it. It was
Sometimes we get a little over zealous, sometimes we get a little Everyone else
was fine getting in and probably Scottyprobably just said screw it and I'm gonna

drive around. That's probably what happened. You just think about all the other
personnel, players, tournament officials whogot in during that time and did they
got in with no issue. He'sthe only guy that had the issue,
and just probably he's probably the onlyone who just said I'm going this way
or he ran into the wrong guy, which happens. No training camp is
fine, that doesn't because yeah,they know us, they know who we

are, and there's I'll tell you, I'll be the last guy I ever
criticized Seawks. Those guys are awesomerecord show. We love them, one
of those. There's some cool peoplethere. Yeah, and and but it's
it feels like every every stadium wego to on the road is like all
my all the travels kind of comingin now and I started getting, you

know, like the stress of like, oh god, how we can get
there? How are we going todo that? You know, just the
little things, And a lot oftimes it's just those little things like no,
this says we can go here,that says we can park here,
No you can't go around here,Well, like how can we get there?
That just I know it's first worldproblems and stuff like that. But
I always go back the worst securityand the most over zealous, crazy just

like power hungry group ever. Andthat's why I don't think I'm ever going
to go back there again. IsSeafair Unlimited hydroplane yellow jacket guy with the
cowboy hat. What are you doing, Bud? I remember when we were
the partner Brian after getting almost throwninto the water from the pier. Oh,

it's like he has like eighteen credentials, the official broadcast partner. You
can't go here? Why not?Well the hot picture closed. Well that's
fine that to fans. Yes,we're uh Seafair security guy. He is
the worst human being in the planet. If you're listening, be better.
Wow, Just that doesn't matter.We're never going back there again. I

don't worry about a kid. Let'sgo down to Brian after in the pit.
So I'm on the other we can'tgo to Brian right now. Well,
I'm sitting up here on the otherside. I'm looking down there,
and Brian's having an issue. Heand Chris Egan are getting thrown into the
water by the security guys because no, it's more threatening and Seattle, I
know exactly right, exactly exactly.That is just still a wild story.

Then the guy goes out there andBirdie's the first hole. Yes, good,
good point. You don't have towarm up for two hours beforehand.
Uh, play golf. I'm takingthat into my tournament tomorrow to show up.
Have a bloody Mary tow. Waityou go, thank Scotty did that?
I want to have a bloody Mary. Screw this. I'm done.

I'll go on Birdie the first one. Just throw darts all day. So
anyway, what do you got today? On a Friday, We're gonna we
got a lot going on. Actuallyon a Friday. It's not typical mail
in Friday, which kind of bums. Gary Hill's going to join us.
Gary Hill Junior coming up at twelvetwenty preview the huge road trip for the
Murders, right Baltimore, New York. We'll check in with Gary, then
we'll check in with my buddy CurtisCrabtree. Got a couple things I want

to hit on both seahawk wise andalso cracking wise with Curtis, and then
Bobby Casper Real Golf Radio. Willyou get by the time we get Bobby,
I will probably that afternoon wave willbe halfway through the third round for
the second wave of guys today,So talk to PGA Championship and I got
something good for you and if you'rea beer lover, you got to listen
to that. We'll do that.I think we're on twelve forty five today.
That's an early beer tip. Twelveforty five on a Friday, breaking

early. Good job, go Kook'sgot Curtis off a golf course. Good
job, well it is not great. That's the inf nets from twelve to
three every weekday, including this one. We're Christopher Kid and Greg Bell are
with you ten am to noon everyweekday. I will be away on Monday
and Tuesday. Christopher Kidd will bein charge of Michael Sean Dugar. Good

luck with that. Thanks joining usthis week, all week on ninety three
point three k j R FM
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