All Episodes

May 20, 2024 39 mins
Cliff Avril joins the show in studio to talk about the 3rd annual Champions of Change event, his thoughts on the Seahawks coaching changes, and much more.   Checking the Tullamore Dew Textline.   Cross Talk with Ian Furness.
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Ninety three point three KJFM, SeattleSports Leader live from Ellia Bay, where
we talk about all the hype.This is the hype. What Chris and
Mike saw us do it once,Now we're doing it twice. This is
the this is the this is theheight. This is the this is the

this is the height. Wow.There it is, Yes, the hype.
Shout out to Big Jones, producedwrote all of it. That was
the intro of what two years ago? Mike has it been two years?
Yeah? Yeah, been two years. So that was the open to the
hype every Saturday ten to noon.That's what we did the hype with Christim

Micha lap on nineteen point three KJRFM. But it's not the hype, it
is the Greg Beshol Christopher Kidd,I'm feeling in hosting. I got my
boy Mike Dugar with me in thebuilding as well. Our special guest has
just walked in the building. Andbefore we get to all of that,
gotta give you guys some cash,all right. Sports Radio ninety three point
three FM brings you Grand Slam Cashin each weekday, every hour between six
am and seven pm for the nationwidekeyword to entro on our website at ninety

three three KJR dot com for yourchance at the Grand That word is check
yep, check that chec k enteringnow at nine three three kjr dot com.
Some quick headlines. Mariners lose toBaltimore Oil six or three Manners are
now taking on the Yankees, Andersongave out some trades. We gotta get
done. Let's get a trade inand bring in a big bat to the

Mariners can have a World Series championshiprun and I can go get that beautiful
neck tat that I said I willget if they do win at all.
NBA wise, Dallas MAVs close outOKAC one seventeen one sixteen and are headed
to the Western Conference Finals. Nickslose at home in Game seven versus the
Pacers, and then the Minnesota Timberwolvestwenty point comeback defeating the Denver Nuggets.

I think that shocked everybody. Andthen the conference final matchups are set Pacers
and Celtics. Game one is gonnabe Tuesday, May twenty one, and
MAVs and t Wolves starts Wednesday Maytwenty second. Let's not waste no more
time. The homie the Seahawk legend, I don't even know if he likes
being called up. We're going tothrow out anywhere, Cliff, April,
Cliff, what's going on? Myman? Man, I can't call it
Matt. First and foremost, beingback in the studio, which y'all studio

looks night and day from when Iwas here and now y'all running stuff.
So it's cool, it's cool.It's good to be back. How are
things for you, man? I'vebeen seeing you in like four months,
ever since you told me to readthat book. And by the way,
how was it. I'm we're gonnatalk about this off break. I'm during
the break. But it's really great. I'm financial literate, how about that?
So thank you. It doesn't startwith just one book, but it's
a good start. You wasn't playing. It's a great start. But the

reason why you're here is Champions havechanged, man. And this third year,
Man, it's crazy that's gone byand we're already on our third year
of putting this event together. DougBowing and Michael Bennett, myself, we
all came together to create Champions ofChange, and the biggest thing is we
want to, you know, supportdifferent organizations, grassroots organizations that are here

in our community that deserve to getyou know, some some Like all the
other organizations, they're doing some greatthings, but we want to shine light
on some of these smaller grassroots organizationsthat play a big role in the community
as well. What are some ofthose small grassroot organizations that are in the
city that you are actually helping andlooking to promote. Yes, so we
got Odessa Brown Clinic that I've beenover there in the CD right. Yes,

Yes, I've been supporting them forI don't know, four or five
years now. Champions have changes supportingthem. We've supported Dads, We've supported
Dignity for Divas. I mean,there's a wide range of different organizations that
we supported that we've also seen theimpact that the support has done for them
over the last few years too.So it's been pretty cool. It's been
pretty cool, man. That's awesome. So what is the big thing that's

going on now? Because we talkedabout a little bit, but what is
actually happening? How can people attendand what can they do to show support?
Well, we got first and foremostgo check out all the different things
that we're doing in the city,which is at Champions of Changefoundation, dot
Org. But June twenty eighth,we got our third annual championship. Change
bat a celebrity and I hate sayingcelebrity because most of the as of my

guys a celebrity basketball game. Youknow, I'm trying to go three and
O. I've been beating up onDoug the last couple of years, you
know what I'm saying it just tothrow that out there. If Doug,
if you're listening, Yeah, yeah, I'm still bragging on that. But
you know, that's our third yearof doing it, and more so than
anything, man, it's all aboutbringing the community together. Right. We
ain't got a hoop team right now, we don't have the Super Songics.
Hopefully you'll be here in the nextfew years, but until then, you

know, we want to kind ofbridge that for for a lot of fans
to be able to come out andsee some of their favorite athletes, celebrities,
local athletes and celebrities to get outon that basketball court and you know,
have some fun. Again, ifyou're hearing that voice you run it
is that clip. Yes, heis in the building and we have him
right now for good twenty minutes.So it's gonna be a good conversation on

ninety po point three KJRFM. Iknow that Doug hates that he hasn't beat
you yet. Oh yeah, it'syeah, you know he's angry, Doug
even more angry. Do you mentionthat you've heard the impact you felt the
impact that some of the people youhelp. Do you have a story or
an anecdote of just any organization thatyou help, something that really you know,
touched you, have you learned theways you assisted them? As an
example of Dignity's for Diva, youknow, they they've been doing some some

great work uh in the city.But just seeing her growth over the last
two to three years of you know, just getting that spotlight. Now we're
connecting the dots with other organizations toto know that she's doing what she's doing,
but also they they're they're partnering upnow, right, So just seeing
the growth and seeing I'm seeing herI think she just did something with T

mobile or something like that. Likethose types of stories go a long way
because, uh, the work thatthey're doing Nikki uh in particular, who
is who's the founder of that organization. Just seeing how she's moving and the
things that they're doing and we wego back to her facility and or uh
and and just seeing how much thathas changed and all the women that she's
supporting and is helping. It's it'sjust it's just gratifying just knowing that,

you know, you play a smallrole in helping her take her business and
her organization to another level to beable to support and help more people.
Oh yeah, that's beautiful to seeyou guys. You know, not just
the Seahawks in general, but ussomeone from Jacksonville, Doug somewhere from Pensacola,
might be a somewheer from Houston takingcare of the city that I grew
up in as well. I loveit, man, I couldn't axp think

more for you guys. Do y'alllike Seattle Natives like us? Now?
Man, Man, let's see that. But it's also I mean, I'm
big on just supporting whatever community I'min in general, right Like, I
feel like whatever communities we're in,we should we should be pouring back into
that. But also, man,Seattle's giving us a lot too. Now
we can't. Like, we don'ttake y'all for granted, we don't take
the twelves, we don't take thecity for granted at all. I mean,
you know, a lot of usgrew up here kind of transition from

just being single men to husbands andkids and everything else. So you know,
it's extremely important for us to giveback to the city that has given
us so much. And that's awesome. Yep. So you guys can go
get tickets right now, it's available. It can go to Champions of Change
Foundation dot org. Go into tickets, get them, they're hot. It'll
be a great opportunity to get backto the community. And he mentioned some

of those places that he's looking tohelp out, So this is an opportunity
do that if you want to gosee some celebrities, put some shots up
because Cliff, he says, hegot a nice little hoop game and he's
three and o versu Doug, sothat say it's about to be three,
about to be three and oh soin this scenario, go support, go
see if Cliff can back up whathe's talking. I'm sure Doug might come
on later on and we can't allof that and say no, no,
no, he's gonna have a bunchof excuses. But for him to do,

for him to be the professional,great athlete that he was he knows
excuses do not fly for us,all right, so so we trying to
hear none of that. Last year'sgame is lit too, that's my first
time I think it went the overtime? It did it? Did we let
we we we let him have ayou know, a slight chance of possibly
winning, but we we end uppulling that away. Tidy game, sir,
t game. People, do youmake a layup? It wasn't like

super pretty, but he made it. He made it. Listen, listen
at about how you get it done. As long as you get it done.
Now, my question is why notflag football for you guys? Someone
as for actually maybe I kind ofknow the yeah you go to answer to
that, Okay, well never mind, he's in that back and everything else.
That's why we being out there onthe grid iron. We don't want
no parts of that now. Youknow, we just thought basketball would be

fun one because again we don't havethe SuperSonics, right, it's easy to
go try to do football and youknow which which could be something in the
future, who knows, but wejust figured basketball. We got Jamal Crawford,
I all those guys have been apart of it as well, right,
and everyone wants to see those guysplay, so we just feel like
the who And to be honest withyou, most football players feel like if

we were taller, we'd be inthe NBA. Anyways, that great discussion.
Yeah, so it gives us.Yeah, so it gives us that
opportunity to be able to go outthere. It's kind of showcased a little
bit since you brought it up whenyou saw Austin Rivers make that ridiculous ridiculous
man, Like, No, I'mwith you. Thirty NBA players in the
league. Man, he's lucky.There's two or three. He's lucky.

If he's even then those two andthree I don't think would last a quarter
at all at all. And mywhole thing, my whole thing. Now,
don't get me wrong. In theNBA, guys are our athlete.
No, we get that, yes, but like football is not just about
being an ass. That's what I'mtrying to tell my little knucklehead brother.
I hope you're listening. You know, you have a former professional athlete that

plays basketball on the side, butit also played NFL football for ten years.
Okay, he knows, he knowsa little bit of a thing or
two but I'm not just saying offof just the strength of me being a
football player that wants to be ahooper too. It's more about because I've
had conversations with other NBA guys.Matter of fact, I have. I
was texting with Nate Nick rob actually, and I was like, Hey,

what's your thoughts on that? Helike, Bro, he's tripping, he's
tripped, Like basketball players aren't toughenough to play football Like that by itself,
There's been a lot of football drillsthat have turned football players into basketball
players. It doesn't work the otherway around. You know, Oh,
I don't want to do this sport. And that's funny hearing that from Nate,
because Nate's probably one of a fewguys who probably could have done both.
Yes, he's one of few exactly. And his whole thing was like,

guys just aren't tough enough to beable to do it, Like the
mentality that you have to have tobe a football player, not even just
the NFL player, Like the mentality, the mental tough that you got to
have. Like it's not too manysports that can actually do that. No,
I hear you, And I don'tknow if anyone's talked to you about
since what the Seahawks have done it'sa new regime. Is your tweet still
pinned from years ago? It's stillpin Yeah, still up there. I

might need an unpinning now. He'sjust reminded me. Well, I don't
have it pulled up, but Iknow it's summarized. It's not time for
change. Basically what you were saying, keep Pete Carroll after a rough season
that they had and now they hada I guess you can call it a
rough season nine and eight. Theydon't make the playoffs and they cut the
plug. Initial reaction for you,Cliff, as someone that basically traded for

you, got you in here,won a Super Bowl, everything was great.
So what was your in this reactionto that? I was surprised.
I'm not gonna lie surprised. Ithought I didn't think it was this.
I knew it was coming because CoachCarroll is just getting older, you know
what I'm saying. But I didn'tthink it was gonna happen this year,
not after going nine and eight.Like I also understand and have been on
the other side of it. Oh, we talked about that before you came

in, right like I think,and I'm excited about what the future looks
like, but I also understand that, you know, the grass sometimes it's
not necessarily greener on the other side, sometimes there's a lot of mud over
there, you know what I'm saying. So so, but I am excited
about the direction that they're going in. I think, you know the route
that John is trying to get theteam to go, and I think the
potentials is up there. I wasjust shocked that it happened so soon with

coach Carroll. Literally like no oneon that team was a part of any
of the stuff that we were ableto accomplish and that so it's it's old
new regime, but you know,they're gonna write their own story and I'm
looking forward to it. What wouldyou like to see from the new the
new staff on offense? Defense?Just would you like to see? I
mean, we all know defense winschampionships, right so, and this is
a defensive minded coach too, rightSo I'm looking forward to just seeing what

that system looks like, the playersthat they put in it, to see
if they can have success with it. But based on some of the different
guys that I've talked to that havehe's coached. They all love him,
they love the system, they lovewho he is as a coach. So
so it gives me hope that that, you know, our defense is gonna
be solid, and I like whatGino can bring to the table as well.
So it makes for some good football. Now, another thing he did

that ruffled some feathers of former teammatesof yours is leads to the boom wall.
For the most part, it's gonenow. A lot of people felt
it's a new regime, he's anew head coach. I understand it your
reaction to that cliff and seeing,okay, what's going on here? Initially
I was like, what's that about? You know, because it was just
because it's more about because that wasjust what the building like. We've gotten

accustomed what that building looks like,you know what I'm saying with all the
different you know, pictures and differentthings like that. But I also understand
it, like you want to writeyour own story too, right, Like
I don't want to. I don'twant to have the constant reminder of what
y'all did in the past, Likethis is a what have you done for
me lately? League? Right?This is what have you done for me
today league, So I understand thatthat that that concept of Okay, we're

gonna take away some of these picturesdown here, but to be clear,
there's still a bunch of pictures ofthe run around the entire facility. It
was just the big bannister in bigpitch, Like, I understand that.
I understand not want to see thatevery day. I want to go write
my own story. I want toput my own pictures up. So it's
all good. It's all good again. You're listening to Christopher Kid with Mike
Dugard. We are joined by CliffApril in studio, a guy that used

to work with us. Can youbelieve that? How long has it been?
Four years now? Five years?Right before the pandemic. I'm just
flying. Yeah, I walked inhere. I was like, man,
I think I want to come back. That's nice. Head bones his own
point, like, this is reallynice. Did you have a picture up
on that side of the wall outsidethe meeting room? I did? I

did you sacking Drew Brees? Itwas me sacking Drew Brees, and I
feel like there was another one,but yeah, they took that down.
But it's all good. It's allif you go upstairs. If you go
upstairs, there's a couple more picturesof me up there. So I ain't
tripping. They ain't forget about me. I've been I was up there for
the draft. They still got thepictures stick up. The pictures up there
seeing the Blake wall that trip meout for a second. I was like,
Yo, it's just because we gotused to seeing it all the time,

right, and again, you wantto write your own story, so
and you also don't want the pressureof having to live up to something as
well, right, So write yourown story. Be great, and however
you're gonna be great. And youknow, then at the end of all
of this was like, man,the last twenty years of the Seahawks,
they had Carol and then they hadMcDonald and then they made some things happen.

Do you hate the forty nine ers? Uh? Act that in the
context of your former teammate not workingfor them. Oh, when we were
playing, when I played for theSeahawks, we hated playing them. But
as far as for like the businessside of things and like we understand what
it is, you know what I'msaying, Like at some point that one
of the best corners ever played forthe Seahawks end up playing for the forty

nine ers. Like it's business.It is what it is, you know
what I'm saying. But when wewere in the thick of it, though,
yeah, we hated them boys,we had we had they fans,
we had everything about them. Butthen the off season rolls around, you
see the guys, you wrap themup. Hey, we're gonna weigh all
out again next year, Like that'sjust what it was. You're not gonna
be tripped out seeing kJ writ inhis forty nine Ers gears. It's gonna
be weird at first. It's gonnabe weird at first, but you know,

uh, kJ is my guy though, like literally was my locker mate
for five years. Like I'm hegot the opportunity, he took, he
took advantage of it. And youknow, and I know some guys over
there as well. Their D linecoach actually was my D line coach when
I was with the line. Soso I want him to have success,
just not against the Seahawks. That'sfair. Now. I know you're busy.
I know the past few seasons you'vealso been helping out with the Seahawks

defensive coaching and doing that is haveyou talked to new coach. Oh no,
no, So if he doesn't reachout, are you just okay,
no worries or I'm not tripping man, Like I'm not tripping at all,
you know. I I'm all aboutserving. If they feel like I can
bring something to the table, cool, we'll do it. If not cool,
I'm still gonna be at practices,I'm still gonna be at games.

I'm still I'm gonna support the team. I have nothing something you've not having
not done. I know that much. I see you at training, can
maybe time down there. So that'swhat's up exactly. Yeah, And I'll
still I'll still be involved man,as much as as much as they want
me to or not. It's it'sit's all love regardless for me. I
mean, I got I got enoughon my play as it is anyway.
So if they want me involved,cool. And you guys haven't met yet
then either. I actually met himon the day that he the first day

he got on the job press conference. Yeah yeah, yeah, I chopped
it up, chopped it up withhim for a little bit. It's weird
to me though that I'm older thanhim. Yes, that was gonna be
my next question because you played fora guy that was twice your age.
Yeah, if you were playing,he'd be younger. And then you looked
at me like, bro, thisdude is a head coach, and now
that honestly would be a weird relationship. Like if I'm older than the head

coach, it's not really too muchyou can tell me, Coach, I'm
not evenna lie to you, like, hey, I don't want some champions
out of it. Like, wein this together. This is a partnership,
all right, We in this together. How do you feels about that?
He is someone that has seen itand now his head coach is a
couple of years younger and he's tryingto teach. And it's to your point,
I've seen some things, man,I'm not saying you haven't, but

I've been out here, you knowso. But I think it's just more
of an understanding because even my dline coach, Clint Hurt, I think
he's like four or five years olderthan me, which is probably the closest
that I've been with any coach thatthat that was my coach. And that's
the first thing we told him whenhe walked into the lock. Hey,
coach, this is a partnership.Right, we're in this together. I

do well, that means you dowell? All right, then set,
Yeah, we're good and he's stillmy guy to this day, you know
what I mean. So it's allwhen the Ravens beat the Seahawks, like
thirty seven to three or whatever,So everybody on the offense, you listen
to Mike McDonald matter how old heis, at least on the defensive side
too, like, hey, westopped. We shut y'all down. Like
I know something about DF clearly,I know your age or not mustache or

no mustache here, I know exactlywhat. But I will say I'm excited
for him because of his mentality andhow like how he approaches the game.
You know what I'm saying. Beinga defensive mind the head coach, that
means he understands how important defense is. And then again it allows your offense
to kind of figure things out.But as long as your defense can stop
them from scoring, hey, youroffense is free game for them. Yeah.

I've been working on a project tohaving announce exactly what it is.
Cliff knows what it is and Chrisdoes as well, And I've been revisiting
like old legiond of Boom games.I'll be up to like three in the
morning watching like games from the twentytwelve twenty thirteen seas since oh, I
can't if Mike McDonald gets him backto that, it doesn't even he doesn't
have to dominate in the same way. But just like what a game felt
like back then, but those playoffgames in particular, I was watching the

Panthers game from twenty fifteen playoff runa couple weeks ago. Cam got the
interception and ran that back. Ohtho, that was twenty thirteen, I think,
but either way thirteen or fourteen hewas running that back. I felt
like I was floating because watching thaton my laptop at three, Man,
you know what's crazy about that islike I was actually with just Cam yesterday.
We'll all, you know, somehowfootball would come up with us,

you know, having conversation or whatever, and like we will remember, Like
I can't remember all my plays,but soon as we start talking ball,
like I can remember exactly what Iwas thinking. I can remember what I
did, like where I was atmentally. It's crazy. And then we
talk about, you know, someof the crazy plays that Cam has had,
Like I don't think he gets enoughrespect for how much of a leader

he was, an impact that hehad on that grade of a defense,
like Cam was that dude man.And then you just go back like people
like these are grown men and theywere scared of him, you know what
I mean, like on the footballfield, Like that's unheard of to to
like be scared of anybody on thefield, let alone. It was like,
Yeah, I'm glad he's on myteam. I feel that. Man.

I think he's gonna be up forthe Hall of Fame soon if he's
not already this year coming up?Should he should? Because this is the
year six for me, so thiswould be, yeah, this year he
should be able to. I don'thave a vote, but I'm gonna bang
the table virtually unfortunately. I hopehe gets in because I think he deserves
it as far as for what hewas able to do in his time frame,
like he changed that position, likewhen the rules were changing, he

was still able to be as dominantas he was, right, I think
he deserves it. I just don'tknow if. I mean, the whole
city's gonna have to get behind itfor him to be able to make it.
For national media, too. It'sgonna have to be a push.
He needs a push. He needsa push, for sure, but he
deserves every bit of it. Man, Like he's like a time capsule for
me. You just you're never gonnasee what he was not again, he
was the last one legitimately of thattype of style of player, and he

could have played in any error basedon how he play. You see what
I'm saying, Like he could haveplayed a decade before that, Like don't
I don't know if I could havebeen that guy, you know what I'm
saying, But like Cam could havebeen that guy to have played decades before
he actually played. So somebody likethat like transcending, like you have to
you have to consider him. Well, speaking of that guy, you are
that guy giving back to the cityand Champions of Change. It's again.

It's happening June twenty eighth, rightseven pm. You guys can go tickets.
Go to Champions of Change Foundation dotorg. When you get to the
screen, you'll see events about clickevents. Okay, you're gonna go to
Champions of Change All Star Basketball Gamethe twenty eighth a's seven o'clock. Click
it get your tickets, Yes,sir, but also also also we also
have an opportunity for two lucky fansto play in the game as well.

All they gotta do, how areyou gonna say this for last man?
Go ahead? Yayyy, you gota chance. You've got two lucky fans
get a chance to play in thegame. All you gotta do is show
us your basketball skills by posting iton Instagram and tagging us at COC Seattle
for a chance to be able tobe a part of the action and just
post your skills. Just come onthere, do show us what you got

and we'll see if you're able tocome out there and play with some of
your some of your favorite celibs.Give them that link one more time,
Cliffs so they can do this.It's Champions of Change Foundation dot org and
or to post your your Instagram it'sat COOC Seattle, COOC Seattle, and
you know, let's see what you'vegotten. Hopefully we can get two guys
out there that can actually hoop.We'll make sure to tweet that out on

our KR account because I know peopleare listening and probably like, well,
yes, put it out and thismight turn into a bunch of fans sending
stuff in and Cliffs like, wegot our money. Okay, the one
guy's going to repost them. Iwant to see the audition tapes. We
might, but we also don't wantto embarras some of the guys. It's
too bad. Don't do it.But people got some skills. Yeah,

man, But but now, onething I do know about seattleper that's some
hoopers out here. I say this, if you're dunk, you're in.
Nah, that's too easy. Iknow a lot of trash players that can
dunk. Well, see, butyou can buy the type of dunk he
does a wind mill. You mighthave to yeah. Yeah, But nonetheless,
Cliff just called it out. Sendit in. You guys have a
chance. Fans, if you're like, you know what, I can get

on the court and take on Cliff. Here's your chance, because I know
Mike and I want to be onmy team. Though you can't. Yeah,
you might want to be on myteam. I don't know how Mike
still feels about taking on former Seahawksand or current Seahawks, and I still
feel good about it. I stillfeel good about it. I know we
can score. I know that much. Mike's waiting because all of us are
getting older now, so thirty twoin July right there with y'all. I'm

thirty eight now. Yeah, Cliff, he's about to be forty. Yeah.
Yeah, these needs ain't four yearsago. Yeah, I'll to give
you the business right now. I'veseen Cliff can hoop. Bobby's really good,
Bobby. It pays me to saythis, Bobby, Bobby's hooper.
Bobby. We could take Doug,we could take sure take them, Bobby.
Bobby just said we couldn't score,disrespectful because we'll definitely score. Yeah.

Yeah, but is that saying muchIf y'are going to twelve and you
score one point at one point,Bobby even say y'all won't score, It's
like, well, I will makesure the first bucket is on you,
you know, just that off principle, you know, like that's yeah,
I don't know, guys, Idon't know. Yeah, I feel that
might be. I might be goingup a mountain that y'all. I feel.
I feel very good. I'm confident. I'm confident in us. You
see DK Dribble in the All StarGame, like picking DK Susie Dribbles.

I know that. But there's actuallysome hoopers hoopers, Yes, yes,
we know, we know, Iknow, I know, but there wasn't
At the time, me and Bobbywas arguing with this though. I think
the lineup had like it was him, John r Sua Russ, Bradley McDougall,
like, wasn't nobody I was worriedabout. They did even pick George
fit he played college ball. Iwas like, y'all, don't want George
cool. I wouldn't getting the boardwith him on the floor anyway, So

I don't want George. That'd befun, That'd be fun. Tyler's all
size. We've been talking about Idon't know forever now. Maybe one day
we'll get out. I'm not goingto ever get this game going, and
I don't know how many times clipslike pull up to the wire, Bro,
and I still haven't. But oneof these days I will, Yeah,
pull up, pull up, Oneof the days will again. Champions
Have Changed, have a great opportunityfor you to give back, and if
you're actually wanted to go on thecourt, you have an opportunity to do

so. So Champions Change Foundation dotorg events, check it out, get
your tickets. It'll be a greatopportunity to get back to the community that
Cliff is doing so as well asMike be and Doug Baldwin. So you
want to thank you guys for comingin. We appreciate it. Coming up
next, we're gonna read some ofyour texts on the tollomore do text line
four nine four five one. Whenit's game time, it's toy time.

I don't know if you were tossingme now I was trying to. I
did a good job of it.Don't worry, I'm going We're here on
ninety three point three KJR FM.The Great Bad Show with Christopher Keilly Live

on ninety three point three KJR FM. I got Mike Dugar of the Athletic
in the building with me. Wejust had Cliff April on talking a little
bit about Champions of Change and acool opportunity for you as a fan.
If you think you got the chopsor the skills to step on the court
show us. That is what hesaid pretty much shows what you got.
If it's good enough, we canget you a roster spot. So we'll

have all the information out on theKJR website. Or if you already are
working on your game and sending avideo, that's great too. But now
is the time for us to takethe text line and read some of the
texts you have sent in throughout theshow. Anderson, what do we have
so far? Yeah? I gota lot of good ones starting from the
fourty to five. I'm gonna gofrom most recent to the beginning of the
show, so a little bit backgood looks. Yeah, if the marriage

win the world series, Chris Kiddrinks champagne in the studio, you agree
to that. Oh that's alcohol,I know they do. They know you
haven't drink before. Yeah, that'swhy I don't know you you you didn't
miss it. But earlier on,I want to say, maybe in March,
right before March madness. Yeah,the Morning Show did a one through

twelve ranking system on who you wouldlove to be in Vegas with. That's
where I felt Mike on a fewpeople's list. Oh, they was like
among coworkers a month so the highargument. Yeah, one through twelve,
they ranked us. It would bemost fun to go with the Vegas whose
day that listeners ranked? No,Yeah, oh yeah, guess guess actually

put me last. I couldn't believeit. And you know why that's not
fair? You know why, becauseI don't drink I said, do you
know how much fun we would havewithout me drinking? We also don't gamble
either. I do gamble, Ijust don't know how out there. I
don't play the big gambles. Like, but you'll go gamble, Yeah,
okay, go to like the crapstable or probably I'll probably go on watch
about roulette probably when I do that. Why would you do roulette? You

don't have to know any rules.I just don't want to lose my Oh
well, then you don't gamble,then I go, I go and put
money down on the RAMS winning sportsbook. I'll do that. Oh, that's
that's fine too. But the biggestthing was Mike. Because I don't drink,
Ashley poop pooed me and put mein the See wouldn't you want someone
who doesn't drink like to kind ofnot take care of the group, but
like kind of make sure. Theonly reason I could see an advantage of

traveling to somewhere with someone who doesn'tdrink is if like that person's going to
drive driving, but in Vegas thatyou don't have you can just stay on
the strip and walk everywhere. Sothen like having a designated d D doesn't
surf. You really have the samepurposes, like maybe if you go to
like La or something you want toget around. I don't know, so,
yeah, that sucks. I don'tknow if i'd have you last,
but thanks Mike, glad you wouldn'thave me. I've been on a trip
with you before, and it's fineif you know you don't drink. It

was great. Are you going tothe bachelor party with him? You know
he didn't invite me? Woh,Chris is going. We on the same
flight, in the same flight toHouston. I don't know if Andrews really
bought that or not, but yes, I will be there. Yeah,
it'll be fine. We went toMiami. You don't drink and drink there.
It's quite a great time. Screwyou, Ami. Miami is awesome.
Yeah, we were there in twentynineteen. Yes, I think in
August. Yep, great, greattime. Oh yes, yeah, it's

from the two US six. Iwonder if Vernon Davis thinks camp Chancellor should
be in the Hall of Fame.Oh, great question, Mike, reach
out and see if you can comeon all we can talk about that.
Oh my goodness. Now he's VernonDavis did a talk at a school I
want to say in twenty seventeen,Yeah, where he recant, not recanted,
just like recalled the hit. Someoneone of the kids asked him,
what's the hardest hit you ever taken? He was, yeah, it was

easy one, not even a question. Yeah. He brought up the Cam
Chancellor hit, which is brutal,brutal. I was watching that a couple
of weeks ago. What do youthink about it? By the way,
I think, what did he thinkabout it? When he was talking about
it? Oh, he was justhow much how painful it was, and
he said one of his teammates wantedhim to like get up, like yo,
get up, man, shake itoff. Come on, let's camp.
He was like, man, youshake it all. I think it
was Patrick Willis he said, waslike yo, mak up. Another hard

hitting linebacker and he's like yo,man, like get up, you know,
or maybe it was Anquan Bolded Ican't remember, but he was telling
the kids like, yo it was. This is how bad it was and
everything and how shook up. Hewas, Yeah, it was as bad
as it looked. He wasn't oneof those He's like, yeah, man,
that tough dad. That's all thehardest sets I've ever seen then,
Oh yeah, kind of tangentially related. I saw a podcast where Gronk admitted
that Earl Thomas ruptured his spleen.Yeah, I saw that in the twenty

sixteen game against New England on SundayNight Football said he ruptured his spleen.
Yeah on that hit, Earl itwas at missile. Oh my found his
target. I missed the legion theboom. Yeah. It was a good
days man, all right. Alsofrom the four two five, I remember
my little brother's football team just notjust going winless, but being held scoreless
until the final game of this seasonwhen they got a safety. They were
so happy that there was a twoon the scoreboard instead of zero. Wow.

That's painful, man, Yeah,that's stings. I'm not gonna lie.
I would have quit. I thinkI would have quit. Like I'm
a parent now, I probably wouldhave pulled my kid out. Yeah,
I probably would pull my kid.That's probably the best. You know what
lose though, you do well.They got a great education in it the
first few weeks. Like after awhile, I'm like, yeah, we're
learning too much here. We gota EHD and getting our butts whipped I
also either that or I would havestepped in and tried to help coach.
Yeah, like I don't. Idon't like overstep in. I feel like

the coach is the coach for areason. But in that case, brother,
you're not doing nothing, Like wenot even score. Maybe it's a
talent issue. Yeah, I've coached. I've coached in flag football. At
least, you know I can.I can get out there. I coach
eight and nine year olds in Pullmanand nine and ten year olds. We
was all right, there we go. You know that reminds me of is
my grandpa went to like he passednow, but my uh he went to
Roosevelt and his graduating year was nineteenfifty four and they have a sing no

score in fifty four. The footballteam did not score a point in the
entire nineteen fifty four. So wow, I might have disbanded the Yeah,
we're not gonna have football forever,guys. Yeah, that's bad. Yeah,
it's pretty bad. Okay, twofive to three? How do you
not go all in? We haveto go all in? How much longer
do we have as fans to waitfor this organization to show us they want
to win? That's regard of yourquestion, yeah, how much or if

they should go on? Yeah,we I don't know how many times we
could talk about it, but Ithink every year we have had a discussion
of this is our time, thisis the time, now is the time.
No, for real, this isthe window. You don't do it,
You're done. Yeah. I meanthere's a couple of ways you can
look at it. Like, probablythe least patient of fan bases at this

point in time is the Seattle Marriage, at least in the Seattle market for
sure, just because like, likehow long have we gone without having a
really winning, like dynasty sort ofsituation. But the other thing is,
it's like usually the teams that arekind of showing that they deserve to be
going all in, like are oneof the best teams the league, and
the Marrigers aren't bad this year,but they're not like they're definitely not one

of those like top tier teams towhere like, okay, that's what you
kind of sell the future to goall in this year, so that the
situation doesn't really lend itself to afull all in. But I still think
like you kind of have to gofor it because of how good your pitching
staff is and how that how muchthat wins in the playoffs. And I
don't think you're gonna lose the fanbase too if you go all in and
it doesn't work. Yeah, ifyou if you push all the chips in

and it's like, all right,well we tried. Yeah, you know,
we tried something new. The Ramsdidn't like everybody away. But then
I'm saying even because the part ofthe downside is there's like, you don't
want to push all your chips inand then you know, to use a
gambling analogy, you know, youlose The Eagles did when they traded for
all these corners and everything and thatdid not work out. Yeah, you
don't want to do that. Butthe thing is in Seattle you can do
that. And if you lose,like there's gonna be a large person of

the fan base. He's like,thank you. At least you tried something
new. You know what I'm saying. Clearly the old way it wasn't working,
right, Let's do something new.One more Anderson before we get out
of here. Yeah. Uh,back to the Russ or the Russ slash
Shuram roast, which one would yourather see? Uh? From the Super
five three. A Russell Wilson roastwould be epic, and this would be
way more entertaining. And Sharam afew golden tape jokes, held stone cracking

jokes under us. That'd be hilarious. So yeah, I don't know that
that's there'd be some pretty good stuff. I still think Sharan because he would
be able to or at least tryto clap back. Well, I don't
think you can, though. Ithink you have to just take it.
No Brady, he roasted everyone thatwas there. We're doing something new.
You don't get to have jokes,but you can just take be able to
get back, dish it back alittle bit. Yeah, I feel I

would love a russ roast. Ithink it would break records on Netflix or
Hulu or whoever, as long ashe keeps changing teams and more markets hate
him. Kevin Hart, we justgave you the greatest idea and it well,
his life is so public. That'sthe thing like when you when so
many people know so much about yourlife, it's much easier to have those
jokes, you know, so becausenow everyone's in on the joke. You

know what I'm saying. If youif you put a private person up there.
It's all these inside jokes that thecasual fan mate doesn't. Everyone knows
everything about Russell, so they canformulated all these jokes that everyone would get.
Oh it would be great. Pleaserust do this. Well, I've
seen the mayor, he is here, so coming up next? Well,
I I for nest do a littlecross talk on ninety three point three kJ
r FM. Do you know whatthat means? You hear the music?

Yes, it's Christopher Kid with Mikedugar fieling in for Greg Bell on ninety
three point through kjr FM. Almostsaid Greg again. But the mayor,
the great, the legend as hesmiles at me, Ian for Nez in
the building. None of those arenone, that's true. When are you
gonna have a kid like this?Dude, I might be just a cool
uncle. No, I'm kidding.Probably and probably two three years. Like

see what I did doing right there? That I hear it from him too.
Deson's getting bored, man, what'sup? Yeah, let's gonna have
to keep being bored. You're inthe flag football at one month or ten
months. So sad to see thatthey didn't pass that through. I would
love my place, I think everybodywas upset with that. It's messed up.
Is there a reason for I didn'tread much. It was school district's
cutting back. You know, theycouldn't quite justify like some of the athletic

directors vote. They if they fellsix votes short, they needed thirty two.
They got twenty six, okay,and so it had to be a
super majority, and they couldn't.They couldn't get those finals. They thought
they had them going in. ButI think the timing was bad because there
were like I just this story todayYealm school districts cut one hundred and twenty
teachers, you know, like theirschool districts cutting backs. Yeah, I
was like getting rid of some elementaryschool. Yeah yeah. And so it

sounds a little different beasts, becausethere's a lot of kids from Seattle that
don't go to Seattle schools. Theygo to private school so it's a little
bit different. But the point wasI think they had a hard time with
some school districts justifying adding another sport. My thought is, first of all,
the cost is low, like equipmentzero, you're going to use fields
in they were going to play thewinter because that's the one time he could
get fields because there's no like Fallhas football and girl soccer. Spring has

boy soccer, so they're going toplay in the winter. The other pushback
that we heard, and just checkingwith people because I was pissed, I'm
like, this is I don't evenhave a skits going skinning the game.
My daughter's long gone from high school, but and she loved playing fight football.
They did power Puff every year andit was awesome, and those we
coached it, it was a blast. Those girls had a ton of fun
doing it. But there were somepushback apparently from some some basketball coaches not

wanting to lose kids off their JVand see teams like younger kids. They
were worried about that. So,I mean everyone's got an agenda, right,
it's but it's too bad, Yeah, because I think it'll pass.
At some point. It'll it'll getthrough. That's interactly the time your daughter's
ready to play, it'll be through. My daughter is ten months old,
so yeah, you might be okay, Yeah she got you know, fourteen
years, you should be fine.Oh yeah, I'm coaching by then for

sure. Oh yeah, oh yeah. Absolutely. When you mentioned the the
girls basketball coach is not wanting theirgirls to obviously go play that. I
remember my cousin who plays on EmoRidge, Yeah, and they were all,
you know, they're the ones withTyler right exactly. And she didn't
want to do flag because she wouldplay basketball. And it's unfortunate that you
can't do two sports at once.And I get that, I understand why,

but that stinks. It really does. The thing that would have been
fun with it is it would havebeen a no cut sport. And in
today's and in today's world, everyone, I mean, if you're there's only
like especially bigger schools, you're abasketball player, like, your chances of
making to the top unless you're playingyear round a ton of hoops. It's
hard, bat baseball, softball,boys and girls soccer. Those are all

sports that are hard. If you'rea bigger school, hard to make some
teams, man, it's so youknow, find something where everyone That's why
that's a beautia football in high school, Like everyone dresses like you're on the
sideline. You're part of a team, you know. And so I mean,
I think that there's something about there'ssomething to that. So I don't
know, I'm sure it'll happen atsome point. What are you guys trying
to get Cliff to do a flagfootball game. I brought it up to
him and he was like, comeon, man, we guys. Are

you guys still pushing the buttons onthe basketball and beating those guys and all
that. Absolutely, he is pushing. There's nothing I've seen to get like,
no intel I've gathered to think thatwe could not win. You've seen
some of these guys shoot the factthat they're professional athletes and bigger and stronger
fastball. That's fine. You couldbe a professional athlete. Don't mean you're
good at basketball. Okay, youknow playing those guys in the pre probably
can't hoop professional athletes circles them aroundthem on the soccer field. Yeah,

it doesn't trans Everything doesn't translate.I want to see it happen because yeah,
it's always been in motion, particularlythe guys who are height Like,
remember we had Quandary on our Seahawkspodcasting, So you are our height,
Like you don't have the advantages likeDK has against this, and then DK
can't drive. You're you're taller thanQuandary. You're not, but you are
like what's up, little man?Like Quandary? You got two inches on

me. Bro Caandre would throw youinto a wall, especially right now.
He's angry, so lockett in theeye. He's he's our size. You
know. I think they wanted likeChris Carson to play back in the day.
You Russes are height. You knowwhat I'm saying that these guys can't
dribble all that only five ten andthree eight, So I was scared of
that. And then the big guyscan't. I'm sorry. Yeah, you

know you see DK dribble in theCelebrity All Star Game. He was in
Joe Look, always dribbling with thepalm of his hand. Yeah, come
on man. Yeah, did DKnever play hoops? I don't know if
they he just ran track and didfootball. If I'm not I'm not sure
if he was a hooper. Justbread like here exactly football, that's it.
Don't do anything else, I thinkso technical skill required of that.
Particularly, you just can't dribble.Not being able to dribble, you're just

such a liability on the court,whether you're seven ft tall or five two,
like, you just can't dribble.You're you're a little bit of it.
And he just turned into try hardguy. Yeah, you know,
try hard guy. Nobody likes tryhard. It's kind of how sm is
Shirman is try hard guy. OhI bet he is. Oh I bet
he's total try hard, try hardguy. Doesn't really have a lot of
moves, not a shooter, buthe's out and he can guard. Yeah.

Yeah, you're not going to turnthe corner on him. No,
and if you donno, and you'regetting your shot, just sent to a
row three. So he's a problem. I'm not not too worried about.
Bobby can hoop? Yeah, mayorwhat do you have coming up today?
We're mally Wap Monday, and Iknow a team that actually got molly Wop
this weekend two A three by Baltimore. So well, second, see how

the boys are with that coming upat one o'clock. And yeah, Nicky
Scarlett, I remember him. Yes, the man is he's gonna get We
can go and check in with,you know, some beat writer from New
York, or we could find aguy that can really give us a lowdown
on what to expect. It'll beNicky, old school Nicky. And then
uh, let's see what time twelvetwenty nice there right at the top.

Okay, yeah, right when you'rein the car there, Well, I'm
gonna be here, but nonetheless,tune in. We work a little harder
than a lot of these producers.Why are you still here? At whoa,
whoa. We don't have to getinto that voices in my head.
You guys know what's coming up next. It's Ian forness the Mayor. Don't
touch that down. Micha and Iwill be back tomorrow ten to noon.
Thank you guys for listening on ninetythree point three KJR FM.
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