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May 21, 2024 39 mins
Chris and Mike are back for Gregg Bell today, Mariners with a big comeback win, what are your worst bad beats in sports betting?   Daniel Kramer joins the show to talk about the big Mariners comeback in the first game of the Yankees series, and much more.   Mike and Chris share the story of some of their best and worst sports bets.
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Episode Transcript

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Headlines brought to you by Venue Kings. That's Venue Kings dot Com. The
NHL Playoffs are well underway. TheEdmonton Oilers defeated the Vancouver Conducks three two.
Did you go to any games?I know Greg went to a game,
I think two weeks ago. Ididn't make it, but I just
hate the Oilers, so I reallywanted them to lose. Well there there,

there it is. Yeah, Ihate Okay, they're my thunder for
the hockey playoffs. Did they dosomething? What happened now? I just
don't like it. They're big,No, I get crack and rival a
couple couple of really good players thatkind of I don't know. They act
like their God's gift to hockey.Sometimes. That's how I feel the Warriors
are sometimes. Yeah, that's true. I got vibe, kind of same
vibe I hear. I understand.I see what you're going with, and

that is Anderson. If you guysdon't know who that is talking in the
producers booth. We got Anderson runningthings back there on the ones and two,
So thank you Anderson. So again. The Edmonton Oilers beat the Vancouver
Conducks three to two and advance tothe Western Conference Finals to take on the
Dallas Stars. Game one is setfor Thursday, May twenty three at five
thirty, and then Florida Panthers NewYork Rangers. Game one will be tomorrow

Wednesday at twenty second, and that'sat five o'clock. NBA the Eastern Conference
Finals begins today with the Pacers takingon the Boston Celtics. That game will
tip off at five o'clock. Ithink everyone assumes these Celtics will handle that
in five games. Anderson, whereyou at? Yeah, I think I
think five or six for the Seaswill do it. D Gar uh yeah,
something like that. I think Ithink honestly could go seven though.

Really yeah, it is just thisis gonna be target practice. Both teams
just howking a bunch of threes.Like everyone who doesn't like the NBA,
I know they don't watch anyway,So whatever for the people who don't lie,
they don't play any defense, justshoot a bunch of threes. This
is gonna be that series. Thiswill they'll be right if they watch it,
I hear you. I just don'tknow if they have the defense for
the Pacers, you'll need it.Both teams just run up and down and

shoot threes. I think the Ithink Boston will clamp down more than Indiana
in that series. Should you know, You're right, they should do a
lot of things they will do.They should win some championship with the Man.
They should have beat the Warrior.We don't have to get into that,
but whatever. So yeah, forone, I don't know if they
should have beat the Lawyers. No, they they had a really good team.

Yeah, I should have beat that. Steph Curry's great, but you
have Jason Tatum and Jaylen Brown.These two have been quote unquote so great
for so long and you can't beatSteph, who's like thirty three at the
time one game series. That's Ithink they just had a really bad Oh.
Jason Tatum also never really admitted tobeing hurt. That was an issue
that he just decided. You know, I played bat in all bro,

you were playing with one arm.It's okay to say you were hurt.
Yeah, And he didn't want todo that, and I respect that.
Yeah, kudos to him to that. But yeah, losing four to one
to a team that they should havebeat, it was Yeah, I'm not
giving him a pass, but comeon, man. So Western Conference Finals
starts Tomorrow Wednesday, and the MAVswill face up against the t Wolves,

tip off at five thirty. Now, if you're looking for a game that's
gonna involve a lot of defense,try a hard guy, it's this series
because Anthony Edwards is gonna do allof that by himself. Kat Rudy Gobert
Defensive Player of the Year who wonit again. So if you're looking for
a series for defense, I knowlucas great, but they're really gonna make

it tough on him, and Lucacomplains about every freaking call. So I
am sure. I am almost positivehe will get at least three and a
half three tech three and a halftechnicals. Right now, there's a betting
line for it. I take theover three and a half technicals through this
series, I'm taking the over.I like the local flow man, Jade
McDaniels. Federal Away right, Yeah, yep, he's he's the only guy

I know with a Federal away tattoo. He's got one on his uh in
the league. Yeah, he gota Federal away tach. I grew up
in Federal Away. Okay, Igot them to high school in Seattle,
but I grew up in Federal Away, long story. I got love for
guys who you know, came outof Federal Away and made something he did.
I was really hoping he made thatdunk. Oh at the end of
the last games, they weren't defendinghim. There's just a rule. Yeah,

getting you heard of it. That'sthat's what anyone complains about. Oh,
at the end of the game,you're supposed to, you know,
bounce the ball, give it tothe red defense. Yeah. I'm with
you, man, if you wantto go up and dunk it, go
ahead, you just beat the defendingchamps. Have a little celebration. But
I understand both sides of it.And then how about those Mariners man,
Yes, sir, ninth inning magic? That was fun. Yeah. Do

you guys remember eighth inning magic?Ninth No eighth ing magic. Oh,
back in the day? Oh,oh you Anderson? Are you gonna live?
I'm trying to think. I don'teven know if Anderson was here at
the time. Twenty six, Ohyou were alive. It seemed like he's
some young whipper snappers twenty one.But it reminded me of that eighth inning

magic with Brett Boone. Who elseon that roster? Is that the two
thousand and one team. I don'tbelieve. Yeah, Mike Cameron was there.
Yes, I want to say.There was just so many games when
the eighth inning they were able tojust make runs. It was similar to
in basketball when oh, a team'sgonna make a run, how are you
gonna respond? Warriors sort of thing. Yeah, it was I was gonna

use that, but then I waslike, but yes, third quarter warriors.
That's what the Mariners would do inthe eighth inning. For whatever reason,
it became something eighth inning magic andthey would just pile on runs,
scores, come back. They couldbe down and it's eighth inning. You
know what's gonna happen. And wesaw a little bit of that with the
ninth inning magic, and boy wasthat impressive. So the Mariners come back
five to four victory, snapping theYankees seven game win streak yesterday, and

hopefully the ms can make it twoin a row. Clark Schmidt will be
on the mound for the Yankees andBrian wu will swing things. Oh not
swing, but I see what youdid there. We'll kick things off for
the Mariners, and the hope isthat they start off this series two zero
against the Yankees Man, that's areally good team over there. And to
come back the way they did thatsays a lot right for a couple of

things. One, no quit.They knew that, they knew what score.
They knew what the score was.It wasn't a surprise to them.
It's five to one or four toone, excuse me, and it's the
ninth inning. It's put up orshut up at this point. And they
found a way. Start off withBarbriuguez, so shout out to him getting
it going, and then it justtrickled on down. It looked rough for

a while too, man, whatyou mean, Man? We hits through
like eight innings and how about this. We've seen it for the last since
the season started. It looked rough, but it didn't quit, and that
was that was really cool. Soat ten thirty, we're gonna check in
with Daniel Kramer of MLB dot comand we'll talk some more MS with him

and get his thoughts on that amazingcomeback. Maybe here remembers ah any magic
as well? Four nine, fourfive one. I know a lot of
you guys out there remember eight anymagic. Don't don't let me sit on
this island alone, I hope I'mnot making this up, but I'm pretty
confident you could be have no idea. That's the crazy part, Like what
if I'm imagining eighth any magic itdidn't exist, But I'm pretty sure it
did in that regard. We'll catchup with Daniel Kramer talk more MS and
just get his overall thoughts on thisteam so far. I know we have

a lot of games now, theManners have a lot of games left and
there's still time. But maybe hehas some ideas for a trade. We'll
get all of that and more withDaniel Kramer at ten thirty. But for
the most part, that win yesterday, as Mike, I don't know if
you said it on there, butit might have been off wax how fun
it was. And I know fora lot of people's probably stress related,
maybe had a beer in the hand, maybe he just turned it off.

I understand all those things because Ifeel in this scenario, if you're a
Seahawks fans, for whatever reason,in the fourth quarter, people just it
gets tight because they do it everysingle year. Fourth quarter Seahawks are down,
Oh my gosh, what can wedo? The Mariners had that yesterday
the ninth inning, down to thelast inning and oh my gosh, can

they are they going to really dothis? And before you know it,
boom they did it and that wasreally impressive. I enjoyed that game a
lot. I don't know, Anderson, how did you feel about the game?
Mike? How did you guys feelabout the game? I know,
Mike you said it was exciting,but Anderson, was it? Were you
pissed? Thinking? Are going tolose yet again to a good baseball team?

Here we are? It was theMariner's version of you know, and
Pete Carroll would always say, canyou win a game in the first quarter?
Can you win a game in thesecond quarter? Long? Yeah,
and like so long. The Seahawkswould look bad for like three and a
half quarters, and then all ofa sudden they'd pull out the victory.
Like how did that happen? That? That's kind of what the Marriner's game
felt yesterday. It's kind of whatthis season has felt like this. This
hitting is not great, their pitchingkeeps a minute, so they always have

a chance. So yeah, Imean, it's a recipe for success,
but I still think you need togo do something. But yeah, we
can enjoy this one for sure.Anderson. Are you Are you a momentum
guy? Yes, yeah, thereyou go. Are you a big momentum
big especially in baseball, Like youneed to capitalize on big moments in the
season and go and runs. Andthe Mariners are too, by the way,

Like if they weren't it wasn't fortheir August last year where they won
twenty games, a record in Mariner'shistory, they would have been basically a
five hundred baseball team. So yougot to capitalize on those moments where you're
feeling good. So you're you're notonly momentum in game, you're game to
game. Yes, Oh absolutely?What about I don't know if we talked
about this before, Chris, areyou game to game momentium person? I
believe in it one hundred percent.Yeah, yeah, just because I look

at the Yankees as a good example. If you can I know, I
said, can you, which isI know a lot of people probably would
think that's not smart. No,that be a huge win for me.
And considering where this team is andhow the struggles they have offensively, they
can get a split. I'm okaywith it. Right now. They're doing
a pretty good job for the mostpart. It's just their pitching staff has

been so elite that it covers upsome of the other areas that stink,
which is offensively, so momentum wouldbe huge for them today. They're confident.
They came back and beat the Yankees. It wasn't as if they had
the lead and they just won,okay, cool. They actually were down
and were able to come back,didn't give up. So that says a
lot. So even if they're downtoday in the sixth or seventh inning,

down a few runs, they thinkwe can beat these guys. We did
it once. It's obviously gonna beharder. It's not like the Yanks are
saying, oh yeah, we wantto give you a chance to win here.
But that's kind of how I lookat So I'm all in for the
game by game momentum, and Ithink going into the game tonight or this
afternoon, for the most part onthis side of town, they have a
chance to really send a message andgo two zero against this team that at

one seven straight and they snapped it. Can the Ms really bounce back?
Can Brian? We will have agreat outing. That's what we're looking for,
and I believe they can. Butit's I mean we're fans. We're
yeah, of course we believe theycan. We're being biased. Will they
do it? We'll find out.Are you a momentum guy, Mike,
uh, I don't. I goback here for find it. I'm really
leaning towards no on gamed game okay, but in game for sure, okay,

particularly when there's a crowd, becauseI do think like that's where the
human element of momentum, I thinkis the strongest. When you you can
feel the tension, you can feelthe anxiety, particularly in like high stakes
games like for sure, I justI just can't believe. You see like
turning points, you know, likethose like an NFL films, You know,
you feel it on TV, andthen later they drop the the all

the micd up stuff and you canfeel the guys in the sideline, Oh
yeah, we got them, like, oh dang, we're kind of screwed.
NBA playoffs it's a huge thing,right where they hit like five or
six shots on our own and thenthey do the big zoom out of the
crowd going absolutely crazy. Yeah youI mean in an NBA too. I
mean maybe this happens in other sports. Actually I know it doesn't happen in
football, but like with the announcertoo, it kind of feels like it

like if Mike Breen says bang andyou're and you're rooting for the other team,
you feel like your sole legal bodyin a negative way. And on
the flip side, if you're rootingfor the team he's like bang bang,
You're like, oh, we justwon. Yeah it's over, like we
got it, you know. Soyeah, game the game or in game,
no doubt. I think it's it'sreal, particularly in high stakes moments

game of game. I waffle backand forth. I think it kind of
it depends maybe on the sport.Yeah, I'm football would be really tough.
It's a week. We'll see that. Basically, how are you going
to get momentum from a week?I mean maybe so if they played Monday
night, potentially Thursday, I wouldmake the argument, you see that that
doesn't happen those you know, soyour team if anything, it's Sunday then

Thursday. But yeah, it's sothe marriage felt like every day basically,
No, yeah, kind of keepingexactly. I'm more in baseball, less
inclined in like football, you know, So it kind of depends on the
sport for me because yeah, youplay every day. But then the problem
with baseball is like the starting pitcheris such a big variable and that guy
changes every day. So that's whereI kind of waffle on baseball. That's

why it's so rare to go onthese huge winning streaks. Right, Yeah,
you know, just so many thing. My dad has discovered sports betting.
I was like, like, muckleshoot, like every other day every
time he comes over to see mydaughter, he's got a handful of betting
slips. Like he's got crazy withthe parlay. It's fun, you know.
I discovered again with like probably tenyears ago, and I was all
on it right, like offshore accountsand everything. So like seeing my dad

do it, it's like it's it'sit's kind of cool. But anyway,
I bring that up because he lovesbetting on baseball now, yeah, and
he's really the day it was like, yeah, no, betting on baseball
my favorite thing is the easiest.And I'm just like, yeah, he's
in rude away you can get wrecked. Yeah, starts hot and then do
you remember what I was doing lastyear? Yeah, it was two years
ago. We talked about it.Yeah, So I don't know if you

want to share it, no rehashit here because it was kind of fun.
So I was Anderson had of likea good month, like literally a
month straight where I just faded theA's every day, faded ask and that's
remember how bad the A's were.I think this was last year, last
year, and I was just cleaningup, you know, just run line
money line because they were just gotawful. And then you know, when
I got burned for some reason,they did like a reverse protest against the

owner and just packed the arena forlike a week straight, played like two
of the best teams in the aleand then I forget who they were at
the time, and they just wonlike eight in a row. I got
burned, and I was like,you know, this is my this is
it this phone call. You're like, Chris, I'm telling you right now,
the Athletics stink. I'm putting moneyevery day. I was literally doing

it every day out here. CalledI am so pissed right now because they
the athletics bro even paying attention.What kind of protests do you have for
you guys show up. That's theworst type of protest. They were like,
yeah, let's just pack the stadiumevery day. I was like,
what what kind of nonsense is this? Do this historic stuff with my money
on the linel? So yeah,all my baseball betters here, No,

it eventually comes back down, butyeah, when discover baseball, Yeah,
it's definitely fun to get. Haveyou warn pops about it? I'm sure
you have, or maybe you're justkind of letting him do his thing,
because how are you gonna tell yourdad? Hey man, you might want
to chill on the baseball and figuredit out, so I know how to
do that. Also, I canhear his dad saying, Mike, why
don't you tell me this? AndMike's like, well, I know you,

well you have listened. See asa parent. Now I'm getting the
ropes of this, Like I cantell you the stove is hot all I
want, Like you might just haveto go touch it and they'll burn your
finger and then then you'll listen tome and maybe trust my words. So
you know, and you can winmoney on base wall. I'd say you
can't, but it does feel easierwhen you're winning. Jump you was hot.
I think it was a month straightwhere you were just bringing in money.
Well then I was just cheating thesystem. There the a's were so

bad. This year's a's the WhiteSox. So oh the White Sox are
that bad this year? Seek yeahbad. I'm not going to fade them.
Don't do it. Last year probablymissed the boat to get on.
Don't do it now, It's okaylast year. Last year was tough.
If anything, the Pistons of thisseason in Detroit would have been the team
to just fade every day in morningor something like that. Yeah, it

was like twenty six, twenty seven, something like that. But yeah,
that's where I was believing in momentum, boy La. Based on the Marriagers,
you could probably make a bet thatthey would go under every game.
Hate over unders in baseball? Whatabout in the NFL? H NFL?
Perhaps the problem in baseball is thepitching variables are crazy, So yeah,

you're wrong. If anything, I'lldo like a through five innings, because
then you're more so betting on thestarter, whereas you get to betting on
the full games. And I gottahave faith in the bullpen and the closer,
and like, I don't have timefor that. You got brown Rue
tonight. You would probably go underfive innings at a let's say a total
of I haven't looked it up,so I'll my guests four and a half.

If you guys get a betting sponsorafter this, then you're welcome.
This is this show sponsored by itnot yet? Okay, Yeah, let's
go call someone. I don't wantto name anyone because then that's just free
promotion. But yeah, I like, I like, I like unders on
through five runs for you on thatone. I trust the starter because,
yeah, you don't know who's comingin out of the bullpen. It could

get real dicey. Yeah, andsometimes bullpen guys just be so streaky.
Man, He'll be on a goodlittle run and then he'll just get wrecked
out of nowhere. Give ten runs, you only give it up four game,
And what happened when at for agood a game but to your point,
just getting wrecked randomly and the dayyou bet on them bet on him.
Oh, I've had some pretty historicthings happen on the wrong end of
my bets, like some remember StephCurry, I think he's only not made

a three pointer in the game,like three two, should just stop having
money on two of them. Iwas like, are you kidding me,
Steph? I want to call thata bad Yeah, I can't call it
bad. It's not a bad beat. It's just Steph Curry hating me.
There's no slick way. Do youfour one? Do you have a moment?
Where As Mike explained, Steph Curryhas never really gone a game without
making the three and then the threetimes he bets on Curry he does not
make it three. What's your worstbad beat? What's your worst bad beat?

Do you call it a bad beat? Well, yeah, you can
just call it that for the sakeof the text line. I would love
to hear people's bad beats. Itmight get real dicey. Oh yeah,
man, I would Yeah. Sorry. I met Scott van Pelt this was
couple of years ago, two yearsago, and I was just telling I
was like fan grilled out man.I was just like, yo, I
love bad beats. I think everyonedoes. My favorite segment of all sports

TV like bad beats. I willsit there late at night watching like what
team from the Mac on a Tuesdaynight blew a seventeen point lead in the
final ten minutes of a game tolike hit the under or cover? Oh?
I love that stuff. So I'dlove to hear people's bad beats because
it feels like like therapy. Hereit is bad beat texted in four nine
four five one. When it's gametime, it's totally time. Text it

and we will read all your textback at eleven thirty. I'm gonna read
this one now because I'm right andthey're wrong. Four two five says it's
Anders. It's actually not Anders,it's actually Anderson. You want to explain
that Anderson. Yeah, people thatdon't know your real name, I guess
my full name is Anderson. Ialways introduced myself as Anders. But you
know my Twitter handle has Anderson Hurston it. Interesting, it's like the

official like, oh hey, AndersonHurst gould to meet you from KED exactly.
You know, you know, ifI'm just talking between buddes, I
call it self Anders. Yeah.So four two five buddy, and his
name is Anderson. It's Anders.Lol, it's Anderson lo ol. Take
that, but it's all love.I call him by his first name.
He likes it because the matrix misterAnderson. Yeah that's also another I didn't

even put that together. Yeah,so when I'm out, before we get
on the show or before he startproducing, mister Anderson, you're a big
matrix guy. Come on, man, how are you not a big ye?
Come on, Not everyone's a bigmatrix person. Some people I'd be
stunned if someone Some people don't I'vemet people with like some people just don't
get into sci fi. Really,I have like a cap on. What

I go to sci fi? Thematrix might be if we spend no I
like the matrix, but if wespend too much time outer space, for
example, in a movie I checkout, I check out, Yeah no,
yeah, see stuff like that.I'm not spending too much time outer
space. Like I hear you onthat I can deal with. Like when
you use science fiction to like introducesome new concept of something or just like
other world or something like that,perhaps that the guys are trying to get

to the interstellar Yeah, I thinkI fell asleep on that, you know,
But damn, I have a greatmovie I have. I have a
cap I have a cap on likemy sci fi stuff. But I do
like the matrix. You have alot of homework, ladies and gentlemen.
Four nine, four five one?Where are you at with the matrix?
Good? Bad? Don't care?So we have that And then Mike brought
it up bad beats. I lovehearing people's bed. I have a ton
of them. I want to hear. We might have to give you a

segment. Go through your own listof bad beats. Where do you want
to start. Well, the StephCurry one's a great one because that's Steph's
just like a bad But I've hadsome ones. I had one. I
don't want to take up too muchtime, but I did have one where
you know how at the end ofthe game, guys is usually dribble it
out, yeah something Jada mc daniel'sget what the exact line was. But
Chris Paul took the ball from theother team's point guard and went and laid

it up and it either cooked overor cooked the under I ended up losing
whatever. I feel like Chris Paulto this day still those be money.
I was like, are you kiddingme, Chris, Like, that's a
bad beat. When guys do thator hit some hit a full court shot
that they just randomly throw. Yeah, we see that on bad beats a
lot. I just got hit witha bad beat in person in Indiana.
Oh that's fun. Yeah, yeah, I think it was Tyrese Halliburton.

He dribbled the clock out and thenafter the buzzer sounded. He shot the
three and native And now if hehad done that before, I would have
hit I would have hit the over. Did you want to text him?
Person like texting? I was inthe building, I was in Indiana for
the combine. I wanted to walkdown to the cord and yell at him.
Why didn't you? Well, Idon't know if you saw later,
like a couple of weeks, Halliburtonwas like, yeah, man, gambling
is made my job dehumanizing, Likefans are yelling at me talking about their

parlays. And I was like,oh, yeah, dehumanizing. That's a
tough raising my hand. That wasme. That was probably me, Tyrese.
I'm sorry, sorry, not sorry. I hear you, man,
real money, I lost man,Yeah, this isn't monopoly. Yeah,
kid to raise. Well, you'relistening to Christopher Kid Mike Duguar of the
Athletic. We are filling in forGreg Bell. Coming up next we will
have Daniel Kramer talking more about theninth Anie Magic And according to the text

line, I'm just making stuff upbecause Anthony Magic. Not one person has
said, yeah, Chris, I'veheard of that, So I don't know
where I got it from baby.It's good to me. So it did
eighthn he mattered it. Maybe it'smaybe it'll turn into a trend and then
someone's like, oh yeah, Iremember that. But nonetheless, Daniel Kramer
MLB dot com is going to joinus next talking all things Mariners live from

the R and R Foundation Specialist Broadcaststudio. Now back to the Greg Bell
Show with Christopher Kidd on your Homefor the Huskies and the Kraken Sports Radio
ninety three point three kJ R FM. No Greg Bell. He is enjoying
family time. I believe both kidsare back home, so he is spending
time with the fam. Mike Dugaris in filling in of the athletic appreciate

all of the support in that regard. But right now we're going to continue
talking Mariners, and to do sowe have Daniel Cramer. You can follow
him on Twitter at d Kramer UnderscoreMariners covered for m LB dot com.
He is on the Beacon Plumbing Hotline. Daniel, how you doing, man,
I'm doing great. I mean NewYork City it's hard to beat.

So just enjoying a little day overhere before we head back to the ballpark
and see if these guys have anotherthrilling victory or game of sorts in their
belt. Last night was pretty wild. I agree, very wild. Quick
question for you, though, haveyou done any sight seeing? I know
you got a job to do,but I'm sure you probably had a few
hours to go have a little fun. Did you get a chance to do

any of that at all? Notquite yet, but I'm hoping to get
out on the Circle Line Tour,the boat ride that goes around Manhattan tomorrow,
Big Dave Simms recommendation. He knowsa lot of spots around here,
so that's one spot that's he shared. And you know, obviously you got
to make it through Central Park andme and your way there and just kind

of get lost throughout Manhattan. Lovejust coming here walking and seeing what kind
of adventure is unfold. Well,there was an adventure last night. Mariners
down for one and ninth inning,they decide we're not done yet. How
impressive was that, because maybe inyour back of your mind you're thinking,
yep, this is a wrap,Marins are going to go start oh on

one, but they rally back.What were your thoughts on that huge comeback?
That's kind of exactly what I wasthinking. I was at the point
where I was finishing up the finaltouches of my story about just where the
offense goes from here, because theyhave so many question marks and they're gonna
start mixing and matching playing time andyou know, just thinking more bigger picture.

Just given how overwhelmed they were forthe first six, seven, eight
innings of the night, I hadto like remind myself to look up and
you know, watch Julio leg outa swinging bunch and then cow draws the
walk, and then all of asudden they got two long, but they're
still down by three. And itwas at that moment where I'm just like,
okay, we got zero back inhere. You know, you never

know with this team that has atendency to kind of create chaos in the
late innings, at least they haveover the past two or three years at
moments where you don't necessarily expect it. And I think that kind of ties
back into, you know, atleast a little bit of a character and

identity building, as cliches that cankind of sound, especially over you know,
such a marathon season that Major LeagueBaseball is. You know, one
takeaway I had in the clubhouse lastnight was just like guys speaking about the
trust for the next guy behind himto get the job done. And you

have seen it with this type ofnucleus that they've had over the past few
years, but you don't it's notnormal to see that in every clubhouse.
I mean, especially when things aren'tgoing well. I mean it's hard to
say within the totality of the factthat they are in first place, but
they make it no secret that there'sbeen a lot of offensive shortcomings at this
point of the year. So tosee them not only break through last night,

but just the way they were talkingabout each other and and just kind
of the trust that they have forthe next guy, and you know,
not quitting despite being down three runson the road in a tough environment.
You know, just trusting the factthat this ballpark h plays pretty small and
things can change on a dime veryquickly, so you know, staying true

to that mentality and process. Andyou know that was the final result.
You saw that they just kind ofdanked and dented the meet the Yankees to
death last night. Hey, Daniel, is Mike Dugar here of the Athletic
If no one else tells you todayI will have great empathy for my fellow
beat writers who have to do alate, a late rewrite. You know,
I don't have to. I don'thave to do as much in football

these days. What I have,Man, how close? How close were
you to hit and the sin beforeit got crazy last night? Yeah for
sure. I mean, I've gotthe story that I was going to write,
I've got coming out as like asidebar today and in our newsletter that
kind of ties into, you know, the offensive adjustments that they're gonna make

and potentially have multiple platoons, soyou guys can keep an eyepield out onto
that one. It's not word forwords the same. So I was at
least able to repurpose some of itand kind of take some solids and the
fact that, okay, at leastsome of these words will see the light
of day. But yeah, forsure, it's hard. It's hard to
make like a big pivot. Butalso like you have to kind of wake

up when the moment calls in thatregard, because you know, it was
easily their most improbable win of theyear. I don't know if i'd call
it their biggest, but it's definitelyright up there, and you know,
there's just more eyes and attention whenyou when you're playing the Yankees or when
you're playing in New York, andso, you know, just kind of

being cognizant of that and being preparedto go down and you know, making
sure that you get all the questionsasked, that you know, eat every
stone unturned and you know, reallytry to do the story justice because it
was a wild night and you know, I hope our coverage reflected that.
Again, you're listening to the GregBell Show with Christopher Kidd. I got
Mike Dugar filling in for Greg Bell, and we have Daniel Kramer of MLB

dot Com covers the Mariners on theBeacon Plumbing Hotline. Then what are we
going to see JP Crawford. Ithink we'll see him tonight. Just the
fact that, first of all,he's here and yesterday the kind of hesitation
was that they wanted to see himgo through a full pregame workout, you

know, not just the fielding drills, but also like gripping a bat,
taking swings, things of that nature. And the fact that he felt confident
enough to not have to go backto Tacoma to continue his rehab with what
is a completely separate issue than theoblique. I think that's an encouraging sign.
And speaking with him yesterday, hesays he feels good to go.
I mean players always say that,but you know, the fact that he

did complete the workout, he cameoff the bench late in the game indicates
that all systems are go for himto rejoin the starting lineup. And I
envisioned him being back in there todayjust because we did see him come off
the bench late last night and theydid activate him off the IL forty five
minutes before first pitch, so he'lllikely return to the top of the lineup.

I think had Josh Rohats continued thescorching hot start that he had been
on, that might have made thingsa little bit more interesting in terms of
how Scott Servis align those guys,you know, just because JP has been
their leadoff guy for you know,well over a year at this point,
but Rojas was swinging the hottest bat. I think now that it's kind of

balanced out a little bit more,I would imagine that JP's going to move
back into that one spot and slideback into short stuff, which you know,
creates another discussion about Dylan Moore andand where he lines with everything,
because he's looked every bit the partof an everyday player so far, you
know, just consistently hitting lefties,consistently doing what they're asking of him,

not just in the field. Butyou know what, he probably in my
estimation, had the biggest at batin Matt rally last night. You know,
he falls behind two, he fallsbehind oh two, and then he
spits on some really close pitches,which takes a lot of discipline to do
against an elite closer like Clay Holmes. And on the road where all the
fans are just chanting at you andeverything. So again, like I was

just saying, he is completely warrantedat least every day playing time against left
handed starters, if if not evenmore than that at this point. So
there's gonna be a lot of movingparts with the Mariners getting you know,
pretty much fully healthy now that JP'sback and looks like Jorge Polonko is nearing
a return as well, So alot of decisions for Scott Service and how

he deploys his roster. Good decisionhopefully in that regard. But Daniel,
we went thank you for spending alittle time with this man. We appreciate
it. Go out and get somesights team when you get the chance and
enjoy the game today. Yeah,no problem. So thanks for having me
appreciate it. No problem. Therehe is Daniel Kramer covers the Mariners for
MLB dot Com. Great insight andhopefully he does get do some sight things.

When you went to New York,Mic, I know you had an
opportunity to do a little bit ofthat, right, Uh. Yeah,
I walked around. That was myfirst time in New York last year when
they played the Giants on Monday nightfootball. Yeah, hung out at like
a local bar in like Midtown orsomething. Watched the Sunday night game.
That was the first game I thinkTylor Swift attended. It was Jets and
Chiefs. It makes sense. Yeah, that was really good. They were
showing her a bunch Sunday night football. Walked around Times Square and stuff like

that. Yeah, that was.That was a good time. All right,
Well do you have it? Ihate walking though, so that was
it didn't have a scooter out therefor you didn't like that. My hotel
need to walk a lot when yougo to New York. My hotel did
give me a disposable camera. Sothat was cool. So I took a
batch of those picks with the jointsthat like print out right there for you.
Yeah, that was cool. SoI took a moment of those in
Times Square, got some souvenirs.Yeah that was That was fun. But

man, it's an expensive trip.Yeah. New York is up there.
When it comes to expensive, Ithink I only took four ubers yea to
my hotel four hundred dollars I think. Yeah, airport to a hotel,
hotel to game. Game to hotelhotel to airport was like, yeah,
two hundred and fifty bucks or somethinglike that. I mean that's a lot.
Yeah, no, man, it'sit's it's crazy. I better know
a friend out there. Hey,can you pick me up? I'll tell

you twenty dollars. And I gotto go to the New York Times building
for the first time. I technicallythere. Yeah, yeah, I got
my badge and everything. I'm likea facial now yeah, my green car
come on in guard and the securitythere's real too, But I bet it
is make like two calls to getupstairs. Oh yeah, no, they
don't mess around to New York Times. What do you say you do?
Oh yeah, I'm a journalist coverSeahawks for the Athletic It was like,

yo, who you here to meet? What time? Like? Yo?
Man, go back into the slackchannel real fast, you know pink someone.
Well, thanks again, Dann.We appreciate him for coming on talking
little manners. We'll come back withmore here on ninety three point three KJR
FM Live from the R and RFoundation Specialist Broadcast Studio. Now back to

the Great Bell Show with Christopher Kiddon Your Home for the Huskies and the
Kruken Sports Radio ninety three point threekJ r FM, No Greg No today.
Christopher Kidd here joined by Mike Dugarwas filling in for Greg. Earlier
in the show, Mike was talkingabout some bad, bad bets, bad

beats. Mike has had a fairshare of them, and we also have
a few people that I've texted insharing their own breakdown of something that should
have They just got unlucky. Howabout that just unlucky? You bet on
something you should hit and for whateverreason, something crazy happened and it doesn't
hit. Mike, I guess youhave another one. Yeah, this one
is hit mine. But talking aboutbeing in New York, it may me

remember it. So I was watchingChiefs Jets. This was Senday night football
Week four. I was in abar in Midtown. I don't remember what
the of it was, but Iwas there with a bunch of There was
Chiefs fans and Jets fans in there, at the Swifties too. I don't
think the Swifty thing had really caughton yet. It was on its way
though, because actually another like behindthe scenes thing. My homie was there.

He works at the New York Times. He was profiling the woman who
runs the New York Swifties account onTwitter, doing a feature on her.
It was crazy to see her uselike she would screenshot the projector that was
there in the bar of like Tayloron the screen in the booth, and
then tweet it and then like Ithink the NFL account like retweeted her,

and she, like the New YorkSwifties account is huge, and I make
a fan account of Anderson and thatyou can. I just don't know if
the NFL will retweet you or literally, I don't know if anyone will retweet
you if you do it, butyou can, They're lost, yeah,
you said, I with certainly canSoccer King Anderson Hurst. I think this.
He must have been a Chiefs fan, right, so he had it
was like the Chiefs minus like sixand a half or minus five and a

half or something. They needed towin by a touchdown. And if you
remember, at the end of thatgame, Patrick Mahomes has a chance to
run into the end zone, buthe slides in bounds right at like the
one keep that Clark ticket though hehad to keep it ice the game basically,
but if he runs into the endzone, the bet cashes. I
forget how much the guy had.But that's an example of it. That's
a I think matter of fact,what was it, Nick Chubb, I

think he scored. No, yeah, Nick Chubb did it a few years
ago. I want to say,you know what I'm referencing, Yeah,
yeah, yeah. Running backs havescrewed a lot of people doing that.
They slide or whatever, they stayin bounds instead of just like scoring.
I think Chubb and that instance hadto walk in touchdown and decide, I
want to say, against Houston andthen just slid and didn't go in.

Yeah, this with Mahomes with thesame thing right at the goal line,
slid and then the game was over. If he runs in a dude who
was drinking next to me. Well, we kept drinking after that, but
he gives some money. Yeah,dude who was drinking next to me.
It wasn't my homie from the NewYork Times either, by the way,
just some random guy you know,at a bar. You know, watching
sports is very communal in that way. And it's crazy how far it's come.

Gambling fantasy. It's tender Swift.Yeah, Swift is crazy. I
was. I was sitting next toher like in commercial breaks. I was
like, get because I don't listento it. I could name you maybe
one song, uh the pretty tallNo, the woman that runs the account
Swift. You said you're sitting nextcase when you said I remember you said
you saw her, but you weresitting next to the young woman that was

doing Taylor was at the game,yes, but you weren't. When you
said you were saying next, Iwas like, oh, you sat next
the table. How tall she?No? No, No, I would
have told you that before today.I really wouldn't. I wouldn't blame me
for like, oh yeah, bythe way, I know I would have
told you that like that night,like yo, next, Swift, that's
some random bar. No, Iwas getting an update on the on the
Swifty fandom because that was like thefirst time I've actually sat with a Taylor

Swift fan. It got to graspfor how like crazy it is. I
think Taylor had just recently done someshows I think at MetLife maybe, and
this girl went to like all threedates. Was nuts, like how they
track like everything she does, allher likes, all her dislikes, articles
about all her boyfriends. It's it'spretty insane. And here I am just
have never listened to like maybe onesong. I know we're gonna get to

text later on, but this insanetext just came in. And it's pretty
funny because we do a green jacketdraft. I was gonna bring that up.
Come on, I'm sorry, No, you're good. But what they
do with Chuck Bucke and Ashley,they have the green Jacket draft and we
basically for the golfers. I know, golf to you, Mike is probably
how I feel about soccer. Ohwatch it, but any who watch it?

Sometimes for each group and we takea golfer and I picked Xander Chaflet,
who won it? Who won itall? So the text are just
texted in from the four two five. He said, well, kid,
the other day I was listening intothe Green Jacket Draft I heard you take
Xander, and I went ahead andput five hundred bucks on him to win
what off of your golf? Notnecessarily just mine specifically, But I think

it was just a coincidence. Imean, he might have just had screw
it and I just happened to pickhim, That's what I'm saying. So
how funny is the guy that Ipicked? He also put five hundred dollars
and he's heading down to go collectright now? Wow? What were the
odds on him? Can we get? The text is probably listening. I'm
curious what the album do you remember? If you could take it in the
odds from the four two five?Let us know the odds there, because

you're putting out a pretty penny Afavorite. He was a favorite, though
I will say that he wasn't thefavorite, but he was like no,
no, no, no. Ithought he was Scotty. I think was
for sure you know what the choffletand yeah, yeah, the chofflet is
kill you take the wrong one.Did you think you're picking Scotty Scheffler?
No? I knew, I knewwho I want because I wont the green
jacket, so it worked out.But I just found it very funny that

Xander was up there though he wasn'tlike a came out of nowhere guy.
Right, No, I swear,well, maybe I'm mixing him up now,
but yes, he was definitely upthere. I want to say he
was in the top for sure,but top five I think, I think
yes. But nonetheless, that's prettycool that he won five. He put
five hundred on him and he gotsome money off, and that's pretty cool.
That's a hefty five hundred dollars betyou put on there because you could

easily lose that. So shout outto him or her from four to two
five going into the final round,Xandra was plus two fifty, so there's
he would have bet then. Okay, yeah, but that means the odds
were much longer. Yeah before Yeah, because he was the leader. Yeah.
Oh, Mike, what Winde.I haven't had something like that in

a while. I want to coopbet like that. We were plus seven
hundred against the Huskies. Oh,I knew exactly what you were doing.
Oh. I was in Vegas too. Oh it was great. This a
couple of years ago, this wastwenty one. This was the Malachi flint
Is basketball. This was the MalachiFlynt team that beat the Mark Hill Folts
team here in Yeah. So likeon New Year's Day or New Year's Eve.
That's why I was in Vegas intwenty whatever year that was. Yeah.

I was like, I didn't knowgambling that well. Then I called
my homie. I was like,hey, man, is this right?
So I think that might be twentysixteen or fifteen. Yeah, it was
twenty sixteen going into twenty seventeen whenthe ball drive. That makes sense if
he was drafted in seventeen. Iput a lot of money on on the
kugs. I was like plus sevenhundred. Wow. In my homemie he
explained the math to me. Isaid, oh boy. He was like,
yeah, I might send you somemoney. Oh it's a great day.

Shout out to Malachi Flynn. Wellthis is going to ruffle some feathers.
We got some news a few hoursago from Adam Schefter. We will
share that coming up next. Hereit's Chris Kidd Mike Dugar feeling in for
Greg Ball on ninety two point threekJ R FM
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