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May 21, 2024 40 mins
Jamal Adams is visiting the Ravens, is there a chance for a revenge game against the Seahawks?  Checking the Tullamore Dew Textline.   Ian Furness joins for cross talk.
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Ninety three point three KJRFM, Seattlesports leader Lie from Elia May where we
talk about all the height. Thisis the height, whatchris Some Mike sas
do it once, now we're doingit twice. This is the this is
the this is the height. Thisis the this is the this is the

height. Yeah. We that's okay. Yes, the hype feeling in for
Greg Bell Christopher Kid ninety three pointthree KJR FM. I got Mike Dagar
covered the Seahawks via the Athletic withme as well. But I gotta give
you guys. Gotta give you guyssome cash. Grand Slam Cash, Yes,
ninety three point ninety three point threeKJR ever brings you a Grand Slam

Cash. Listen each weekday, everyhour between six am and seven pm for
the nationwide keyword to enter on ourwebsite nine three three KJR dot com.
The keyword for this hour is grand. That's Grand. Enter it now at
nine three threekjr dot com. Yougot another opportunity with Ian Furnest coming up

at noon. Headlines brought to youby Vinue Kings. That's Venue Kings dot
com. The Oilers beat the VancouverCanucks three to two in advance to the
Western Conference Finals and take on theDallas Stars. Game one will start Thursday,
May twenty three, May twenty thirdat five thirty pm. On the
Eastern Conference, we have Florida Panthersand New York Rangers. Game one will

be Wednesday at twenty second at fiveo'clock. And then in the NBA Eastern
Conference Finals kicks off this evening atfive pm as the Indiana Pacers look to
top the Boston Celtics and get theirstill a game. I don't think it's
gonna happen. I think we allagreed it's gonna be five games. Mike
is optimistic, saying potentially, becausethese gouts shoot three so much, it
could go seven. And then withthe Western Conference you have this is gonna

be a fun matchup. The DallasMavericks taking on the Minnesota Timberwolves. Tip
Off is set for Wednesday at fivethirty. That should be a really fun
series. There's just a lot thatcould happen. So many talented players on
both sides of the ball, onboth sides, on both teams that is.
And then the Mariners huge comeback winyesterday against the Yankees five to four,
as Anderson pumps his fists as everyoneis called the great. When we

just had Daniel Kramer on at tenthirty to talk about that game, it
was. It was great. Solet's hope that today they can make it
too in a row. Clark Schmidwill be on the mound for the Yankees,
and then the managers will bring outBrian Woo, are you not gonna
do it? Anderson who it's alittle lakes. Okay, it's all right.
So let's see if the managers canget two in a row. Now.

I did tease some interesting news fromAdam schafter about three hours ago that
former Seahawks. They released them obviously, along with Konder Diggs. Jamal Adams
is visiting today with the Baltimore Ravens. Huh, a team that defensively destroyed
the Seahawks when the Seattle Seahawks wentout there and faced the Ravens. Mike

was there for that blow out.I mean point. I think I text
Mike and maybe the second quarter likeit might be over Bud, and Mike
was, yeah, I think it'sover. Yeah, he could see that
early. It just early couldn't doanything. I think Jamal would fit fine
there. It's ironic because jamalould actuallybe great. In a Mike McDonald's defense,
he would be great, but itjust can't stay healthy. Man.

Well, there's a it's more thanstaying healthy. At this point, people
would probably argue, no, Ithink it's really just healthy. I think
that his personality can withstand some ofthe other stuff, like dealing with being
it's a lightning rod fans on Twitterand stuff like that, you know,
media whatever. He acts like hedoesn't see it, and he sees it
and it clearly bothers him. Buthe can play well through it. Seen

him do it. But when he'shurt, then it's like, oh yeah,
he's he's done. He likes toplay through injury quite a bit,
which is like that's fine, youknow, you want to be there for
your guys. But then you're gettingjudged as if you're healthy. And then
so when the ball hits you inthe face or you know, hits you
in the hands and you drop itor you miss secks because your knee is
mush, well, then yeah,people are tweeting you things that you don't

lie and you start talking about theirfamilies, and then it can get it
just goes downhill. But you getpeople on Twitter like players in this age
particularly, they're firing back at fansand media quite a bit, you know,
getting in fuds with talking heads andgetting in fus with fans, and
really, if you just play well, it doesn't matter. It really doesn't.
Like you can boil over in somecases. You know, AJ Brown

and Philly like, he has hisbeefs quite a bit. I mean he
went old school with it. Doyou see he called up to a radio
station in Philly like a few monthsago. Yeah, that's old school stuff
doing that. I love it.But even then Aj is like an all
pro guy, so you know,you get over it, and if not,
they just trades you and you getpaid by someone else. So ultimately
it doesn't really matter that much.But you gotta play well. You can't

be the guy talking about other dudeswives and talking about going at it with
the fans and stuff like that andthen not play well. That's the only
thing he plays. Just fun.He would be fun in Baltimore too,
that would be that would be justan ironic switch. I wish the Seahawks
played the Ravens season so you canget your what's the phrase you use?
Oh, the revenge game. Revengegame. Yeah, it's like not everyone

broadcasted the same. But like BobbyWagner was a big revenge game oh man,
he was huge. He had whathe just had a great game.
He had great games. The teamsat that time the stiff for winning that
series. I think they won.I think they split that year. When
Bobby was there, they swept him. They swept that year. Unfortunately it
was bad, but Bobby played reallywell. Bobby played well both times.

Yeah, he's a revenge game guy. I know. Richard Sherman obviously was
a huge revenge games guy. Whenhe went to the Runners, he tried.
Yeah, I don't think Rust wasas big on it. You know,
Russ just wants to win every gameexactly. His named his child win,
Yeah, which is like, that'sreally crazy. It's crazier than people
like think. I might be inthe minority thinking that that's a crazy.
No. When I heard that,I said, only someone with that much
money and stature could name their childwin and get away with it. Well

as as a parent, now,I mean I didn't need to be a
parent to think that was weird,But now I just I know as a
parent, you don't want to projectlike what your desires onto your kids.
Insane and it's just like, man, there's just a lot of pressure on
this cat. And yeah, youcan't be bad at anything. No,
everyone's taking a test. You haveto be the kid that gets an A.

Your name is Win. You haveno choice. And also kids are
just mean. I don't know howyour middle school was, but my so
you can imagine how that went.He too, We had a short yet
you guys can believe this. Mikeis a lot tall to me now,
but back when I met him inseventh eighth grade, Mike was shorter than
me. I was like five twoin middle school. But my middle school
was like really brutal. And ifyou had just one thing, you know,

like your teeth weren't the shiniest.Yeah, your shoes weren't the cleanest,
you weren't the tallest, you wereoverweight, whatever, like it was,
if you were awkward, had braces, you know, like your hair
was a certain way, kids werejust gonna make fun of you. So,
Chris, what do you think kidsare gonna make do when they find
a kid named Win and they wantto make fun of about to be jokes
every day you're gonna flip it andthen call that kid a loser quite a

bit. And so he is oldenough to fight them, like physically.
Rest better get him in some boxclasses asap. Yes, Rest is a
train boxer, I believe so,uh he should be on that. But
anyway, he wasn't a big revengegame guy you know who Quietly I think
it will be. I don't knowif he's like made this public. I
just know that he's that type ofGuy's DJ Dallas signed with there No,
he was talking, he said it, he was I gotta find the video

now because he's Yes, it wasa I believe it was on Twitter and
they were just coming in for Otamaybe in the practice it ended, and
he was just mouthing off and thecomments that comment section was like, yo,
chill bro, like you was athird backup running back in Seattle,
like people were coming after him becausehe just yes, he is one hundred

percent revew I you know what,I'm gonna find that video and have Anderson
play it. Hopefully there's no swearingin it. I haven't looked, but
what's it called? Go on Instagram. I'm gonna look it up. I'll
try to find it and I'll sendit to you. That's what I'm gonna
do. But yeah, I thinkI think you're right for sure? Is
I remember when he when he Iwas talking about free agency, like the
last day of the season. Iwas like, Yo, where you think

you gonna end up. He's like, I don't know. If it ain't
here, I'm signing with Sea Westteam. I need to play these guys
twice wanted to smoke. This isin like January. He's like he wanted
to be here, but he's like, if they don't resign me, I'm
signing with someone in the MC West. So when I saw that's just petty,
I got a little alert that waslike, oh DJ Dallas sounds with
the Cardinals. I'll say, yep, that's just very petty. He was
committed to that bit. Good forhim, he's petty on that regard.

I like that though, because here'sthe thing. I have nothing wrong with
it, because you're getting fired.That's what you know. Even if you
don't get actively cut or released orwaived or whatever, when someone doesn't resign
your basically you know we don't wantyou no more. Okay, getting fired.
I found it's a three second video, so you remember when they released
the schedule of who they want theiropponents the first game to be for all
teams, they released the schedule andthat some teams had really cool videos.

So with the Ari was on aCardinals who will our first opponent be?
And DJ Dallas watching the camera.I want the Seahawks. Oh yeah,
I didn't Seahawks. He wants tosmoke, as you alluded to. Yeah,
you get a lot of guys who, as much as people love the
Seahawks and the culture, when theycut a guy or release a guy they
sign, they cut back, theycome back one smoke man. They want

to stick it to the Seahawks quitea bit, their old team. They
want to go they want to gocrazy because they're getting fired. I remember
remember Mike Davis, you know,I think we had him on a podcast
ago. Yeah, like he hisscreensaver for a long time was the a
screenshot of the notification I think fromlike Adam Schefter that the forty nine ers
cut him, and he had thaton his screen saver for like three or
four years after that, just asa daily reminder that the forty nine ers

released you, they fired they didn'tbelieve in you, and he used that
all the time. I remember hewanted to play against the forty niners with
broken ribs once. He was like, I have to play against him.
I have to show them. Eventhough it was a different coaching staff by
then, it's like I have toshow them that they shouldn't have given up
on me. Yeah, it's prettySo it's kind of like psycho when you
think about it. But I loveit. I love it, but especially
when it works out. Yeah,I hope that works out for DJ.

I hope he goes for like onehundred yards or something like that against the
I guess the Seahawks. I'm gonnabe honest. Did you ever break a
hundred yards with the Seahawks? Idon't think so. No matter, he
can win another team. All yougive us catch fair catches all the time.
Hey, I hope he takes oneto the house. You get to
see this. That would be It'sjust good theater. That'd be great.
That would be great. It tellus that the house run somebody over.
You know what, do you rememberwhen we had Quandary on our podcast and

we asked him who was the mostphysical running back he played, and he
brought up Chris Carson. And hetalked about him getting run over. I
remember that vividly, that exact playwhere he's like, yeah, man,
Chris Carson, I'm so glad I'mon his team now because Chris Carson ran
right though this one they played Detroit. Yeah, that was ran him over
on the goal line. Yeah,you can't miss that play. I still

got like the clip of it onmy phone somewhere on or my old laptop.
Yeah, guys don't forget stuff likethat, and they definitely don't forget
the team that fired them with ateam that didn't drag gave up on him.
How do you want to look atit? So the DJ's point,
I understand where he's coming from.Hopefully he does well. But the writing
on the wall or not the writingon the wall, his past, what
he's done with Seattle would leave meto believe that he won't have that breakout
game. But maybe he will.Hey, you never know. You wouldn't

have thought that when the Seahawks signedDJ Reid in twenty twenty. He didn't
do much with the forty nine ers. And then he gets in his first
game with the Seahawks against the fortynine ers and he picks off Jimmy g
and yeah you're starting. Yeah hestarted. He started that game because everyone
was banged up. They were onelike Nie Sprang away from startin Anderson,
you know, in the in thesecondary of that year. They were pretty
banged up. But yeah, revengegame, man, I love I love

those. I don't think that'll happenfor Jamal. Obviously I don't play the
Sea Ravens. But or yeah,the Ravens, don't play the Seahawks.
A battle the Birds, he wouldbe fired up. Man, well let
them you know what, Seahawks theSuper Bowl Ravens of the Super Bowl.
Did you have it revenge game onthe biggest stage? Oh, that would
be outstaates. Jamal breaks all typesof records in the game, four interceptions,
four force fumbles, look like aMadden player out there. We could

use the Ravens defense to get worse. So I'm fine with that. Damn.
It is crazy how how hated Jamalis inside. It's pretty It's pretty
wild. Is that crazy? Thewould put it all to rest was going
out the reporter's wife. Once hedid that, like fans already didn't like
him, and then to do that, it was like, oh, we

hate you. Yeah, no,I know that that they hate him and
why they hate him. It's justlike to look back at all of this
stuff. When I wrote my Idid like a I want to call him,
oh bit because he's alive. ButI had to do the timeline.
I had to do some end ofyear stuff right on Jamal. I did
like a pre written one because Iwas going on opportunity leave. So I
was like going through all the stuffhe had done. I was like,
this file is like two thousand words. I got some stuff. I was

like, oh my goodness, yeahforgot. I forgot a lot of that
stuff. And then he doubled downon talking about the dude's wife. After
Pete said, oh yeah, he'llapologize. Well, I was used,
I'm used to that. After Doyou remember when that happened with Bobby Wagner
and Earl Yeah, that was thecraziest thing that you told me. I
said what Yeah, yeah, bro, I'll never forget that. Yeah.
Earl Thomas was like, Yo,Bobby shouldn't have been out there. He
wasn't himself. They got blown outby the Rams by like thirty five.

Bobby went on Twitter and was like, YO, keep my name out of
your mouth. And then on Wednesday, Bobby got up there on the podium
was like, yeah, nah,I handled that poorly, you know me,
and he talked about it and squashedit. I was like, oh
cool, Yeah, that's great.Walked to the locker room. Yo E.
Bobby says, you guys squashed thatthing you guys had. Earl was
like, we ain't talk. Whatyou mean? He was like no,
but Bobby just said that you gotsquashed it. He was like, man,

we had no conversation, is whatit is. And it was just
this awkward pause all of a sudden, Earl's locker like, what do we
do? We don't follow up withBobby. Is he lying? Is Bobby?
Because there was no room for agreat area. Earl was very like,
clear, we did not talk andwe're not going to. And how
I took it was these two havea relationship, their friends on and off
the field. Obviously That's how Iviewed it, and Bobby just probably assumed,

oh, I'm just gonna tell thereporters we talked about it. Obviously
Bobby would assume that any reporter isgoing to go, oh, by the
way, Earl, they just saidyou wrapped up. So when Bobby's head.
He was thinking, Oh, he'llhave my back, and Earl was
like, no, I'm not havingyour back because we haven't talked about it.
Must not be that close to friendsand that you gotta be real tight
with somebody. Think they just gonnalie for you if you guys, yeah,
especially if you haven't eve spoken tome. Yeah, you guys.

They ain't disgusted because I know becauseI'm close with some friends like that,
Like I got some homies that theycalled me, and it's like and I
can feel out that they need meto lie. I know. We ain't
even got to like no discussion.Yeah, oh yeah, no, I
good lie for you right now.I can wake up from a nap.
You call. Oh yeah, heyman, Mike, were we here yesterday?
Yeah of course, yeah. Weplayed darts at that bar till about
this time. Yeah. I leftit this time with no instructions. It

doesn't sound like Bobby a e.Is that clearly, because that's what I
was going into thinking, Oh,there, maybe had a rift. Must
have been a big rift because boylike you said, oh friend calls me
in need. Oh I got you, not a problem. We were doing
this. You had a flat tireI came and fixed it. Not a
problem. I can get real creativeon the fly time had some time really
think about it, I can getreal creative. And to this day,

by the way, I still haveno idea who was lying in that scenario.
I've never asked Bobby about it,never asked Earl about it. I'm
assuming it was Bobby. Should wejust asked Bobby, like, hey,
Bobby really went down, man,Maybe next time I bump into him somewhere.
Maybe I just always forget. ButI'm assuming he was the one lie
because Earl just said it was somuch conviction. He was just like,
what do you mean Carvo talk?Never talk to him. I think I

think Larry Stone times like you guysplan on target. Nah is what it
is. We gotta go play theCowboys this week. I'm gonna go ball
out. And that's the game wherehe flipped off pe No no no,
that's the game where he no no, no. That's the game where he
went into the Cowboys locker room afterit was like, Hey, Jason Garrett,
can I play for y'all? Iknow he just beat you and I'm

still wearing my uniform, but hey, I really like to play for you
guys at some point. Yeah,that was a wild week for Earl.
That was my first year covering theteam, which is why that's all.
That was a lot. Yeah,Sharon got hurt that year, Cliff basically
his his career ended that year.Camp's career ended that year. That was
the Earl come get Me game.Yeah, that was a lot going on.

They missed the playoffs that year.Yeah, Ruscott concussed real bad against
Arizona. Yeah, it was alot. It was a fun year though
for me. Twenty seventeen. Twentyseventeen season, they traded for Dwayne Brown.
Malik McDowell hit his face on somepavement and never played for them ever.
ATV's Boy, I tell you,oh Man. Yeah, they traded
for Sheldon Richardson that year. Nowthat word no one liked him. Yeah
he was. He was like aquietly disliked guy. I don't know why

I do. I don't need toget into it now, but he just
didn't fit. Some guys just don'tfit. The Seahawks culture was real weird.
It's like it's not like a boysclub in sense, but it is
like the guys who went to warwith each other. You really got to
like prove your your war ready tofit in with them in those glory days.
I think one of the highest complimentsi've I've heard of someone from the

newer era is some of the Legionof Boom guys. It might have been
cam Chancellor said that Quandrey could haveplayed with them. That's a compliment because
there's not that many guys in thelast like five years I think could have
like played on the Legion of Boomin defense. It's a very short list.
And for them to say, Ithink it was sharm who might have
said it, actually like he couldhave played with us. That's big time

because it was hard to make theteam that year. Yeah, you come
in as a rookie, it's like, well, I'm playing behind these guys,
so can I just make the rostereven as a big free agent.
The sorry Kerry Williams gave him abag from the Eagles, right, Uh
forget where Kry was. Maybe theRavens. I think either way that didn't
work out. Yeah, he couldn'tcut it. Yeah, they brought it,
brought in Percy Harvin. He didn'tfit. You know, it's not
because of talent, but yeah,he off the field stuff. Yea,

His off the field stuff was prettypretty wild. His fans still don't hate
him a much as they hate Jamal. He's up there with like the most
hated I'd probably say, uh yeah, I think if we did a poll,
who's the most hated players Seahawks ofthe Pete Carroll era, I would
just say Seattle Jamal Russ. Iwould just you think, so you think
that's more than Jamal? No,No, not more than Jamal, but
he's like second to Jamal. Iwould Jamal first. Do you think she's

at I don't think's up there either. No. He's done some stuff to
get fans to dislike him, yeah, but not as I think. He's
riding with the Niners hard lately.And that's the reper over there. You
know, he's been doing that likehe's heavy, like the rock. They
gave him a shot when he thoughtthat, see how gave up on which
they kind of did. He hada kind of They fired him, caught
him up and said you're no longerworking. Give us your key card,

your playbook, your cleats, whatever, appreciate it. Yeah, that's called
getting fired. He did not likethat, and the Niners said, we'll
take you, so, kid,who do you think besides Jamal is a
great question, most hated. Ithink it's just Jamal, Jamal, Jamal,
Jamal Jamal. Now it's a lotof guys, I know, but
off the top it's he really justsour tastes. Yeah, sure, I

think Sharm's up there. Him beinglike such a Niner guy is rubbing people
the wrong way quite a bit.Remember he got into it with Marshawn on
TV about rooting for the Niners.I'm never doing it, and that was
great. Marshall was like, dog, what's up with you? Yeah?
Yeah, but even Sharon with afair retort. He said, Marshall,
they cut me, you know,like they didn't believe. They didn't believe
in me. You can't. Younever forget people who don't believe in you.

You know, guys get to befifty years old, they win some
lifetime achievement award and they get onthe accepted speech. I'm like, yeah,
my sixth grade teacher didn't never saidI'd make it. It's like,
yo, no one cares about that, but you man, sixth grade,
Like, no one cares about thathigh school coach that said you couldn't tackle
my guy, you're getting in theHall of Fame. Clearly you can tackle,
you know, but they just neverforget. Yeah, Jamal, I've

never gonna forget the Seahaw's cut him. So there you have that. Yeah,
Jets fans, Seahawks fans. He'sgetting quite the list of fan bases.
Wherever he goes next, I hopeit works out for him. Yeah,
because if he goes somewhere next,I think a team will pick him
up. So he's also not thatold twenty seven. Yeah, you mentioned
his injury history. Man, hehasn't been healthy. He's twenty eight years
old. Someone's gonna give him achance. There's no way he's gonna go

unsigned. I would put if therewas a bedding line, I ain't bet
on that. I would put moneyon it. I don't know. Yeah,
his injury history is not only isit long, it's just super fluky.
Like he he cut his finger openlike slicing some fruit. That was
something like that to start a trainingcamp. I remember he didn't practice or
had like a band on his finger. He posted a picture on Instagram.

I was like, that's nasty,and that's like didn't catch any interceptions out
there. Well, he broke multiplefingers that year, he hyper extended his
elbow. I think he dislocated hisshoulder, came back from the knee thing
and like got concussed like eight playsin. Like, he's also had some
bad luck. You know, somevery weird things happened to him. Yeah,
he cut he broke his fingers.Now when his fingers goes the other
way, got that, Brian Baldinger. Yeah, he had some bad luck.

It's weird what happens to guys likethat, because he was pretty healthy
in New York. Maybe you guysare right, Maybe he's he's done twenty
eight years old, which was crazy. We're shot. Penny was similarly unlucky,
played like four years of San DiegoState, never got hurt, and
then game got to Seattle and likebroke his finger on a pass protection drill
like three weeks in the camp andthey would just screwed from the jump.
They hurt his ankle hurt. Youknow what, he did get a second

chance. The Eagles picked him upand never played him. I think Jamal
will probably play played like eight snapsin Philly. It was such this,
it was this weird thing. Ididn't say, will he play. I
said, will he get signed.I think the team will sign him.
Well he played, that's a wholedifferent discussion. That's so I think he'll
get signed somewhere. Will he playagain and get injured in training camp?
You know, based on the injurylook he had in Seattle. It's what

the injury thing is. Just soI feel bad for guys. Christian McCaffrey
too, was like, well finein Carolina for like the first three years,
got the bag and then broke downand then got to San Frand and
he's fine. Yeah, that becauseI remember a couple of fantasy drafts.
You have taken him and your teamto throw apart because he tore you know,
slightly towards hamstring, was out forthe year. It's like, well,
there goes my roster. I'm theback to back champ in the league
that Chris and I are in there, you go right at the back.

Technically the other year didn't count itwith COVID but whatever, no, no,
no, no, it was itwas a time. No, it
wasn't COVID, no, no,me and the guy who were in the
finals. I had someone on theBills. He had someone on the Bengals
that mar Hamlin game happened, sowe decided to sput the trophy that year.
Okay, it wasn't It wasn't Covid. I trying to discredit my It
was not Covid. Don't make yourmouse. His champion wasn't the Bubbles.

He has one and a half champions. Hey, my name is on the
trophy twice. At least it's notthe astros. You know, asterisk,
that's an asterisk. I was achampion. I am a legit champion,
two time champ, going for threeyears in a row. Not happening,
not under my watch. I'm tryingto get my second championship. But AnyWho,
we have to get to your text. I'm seeing a lot of texts
come in, and of course withjam Adams. So that was great.

Discuss is a great topic. Greattopic. Uh I will I will we
run before we go, and it'sfrom the four two five. Russ has
got to be the most dislike.Interesting. That is an interesting one.
It is he could make Sean casesfor Russ Orgimal I would put them all
a light. You're ahead, Russell, because my goodness, I just said
his name. I don't hate eitherguy, but yeah, it's no,
I hear you. I understand that, but I know fans you want to

talk about Rufflein, Feathers Ravens mightget a taste of that. You've been
listening to Christopher Kidd, Mike Dugarfilling in with for Greg Bell. We'll
come back with text. Anderson's gonnaread them all for you here on ninety
three point three kjr FM. Allright, hear the music ninety three point

through kjr FM. Christopher Kidd herewith Mike Dugar filling in for Greg Bell
on this rainy Tuesday. It's timeto read your text, and they're rolling
in, so I will let Andersontake take the rains. Go ahead,
Anderson, what we got all right? Most recent to beginning of the show.
If we got three six off,the Mariners split their next two games,
the record will be twenty seven andtwenty three or fifty winning percentage.

Exactly how much fun are we goingto have with that? I really enjoyed
that from Afar, that winning percentage. Dude, Well, could you imagine
Pete Carrold said that, Oh,it's it's totally just it's totally insane,
It's totally They wouldn't have a joblike I'm not on board with it at
at all because I think I thinkthat when you win a championship, like
if you go all in on them, talk a little bit about this yesterday,

even if you don't do it,you get such good will. But
it also buys you time obviously ifyou do. Yeah, like if it's
particularly in this town, right likeyou if you go in and you say,
hey man, we're going to sacrificethe future to win. Right now,
you win a World Series for theSeattle Mariners. Hands want that so
bad, which was twenty twenty four, Like, you got good good will
till about twenty forty four, probablyin this town, you know, if

not just eternity, your grandkids mighthave good will in this town, because
that's how much it means. You'llget a legend. You'll be a forever
legend in Seattle Lore if you dothat. Sustainability is important. I do
get that, but it's like youhave to also read the room. Win
a championship here, you're getting astatue outside of whatever the name of the
ballpark. At that point, I'mwith it named the ballpark after you.
Yeah, seriously, you ain't whatelse we got Andrews four two five.

Back to our most Hated Seahawks conversation. Hold up, Russ has got to
be the most dislike Seahawk and hereis why. He threw an interception that
prevented the Seahawks from winning back toback Super Bowls. The throw is too
high and he has to be downin a way only the possible results can
happen interception or touchdown. Uh demandan unrealistic contract to maintain winning and when
promoted, and when promoted, winningis all that matters and team first.

So like he wanted money but thengetting oh, I like yeah, uh
then prevented the Seahawks from getting bestdeal by picking the Broncos as the only
team he would accept a deal to. Uh, Broncos Country, Let's let's
ride. I mean, they stillgot a prettydang good deal for him.
It sounds like he really really hatesRussell Wilson. Yeah that, Yeah,
he gave details details. It camewith the receipts. Literally the only thing

that's kind of been interesting. AndI have like talked to a lot of
people and read a lot of feedbackover the years to back this up.
Like when you talk about Super Bowlforty nine and you start like listing off
the people that get blamed, whetherlocally or nationally. Russ is not usually
number one now, which is he'sgetting up there, I think, well
now, But in the aftermath,it was like, oh, who made
that call? Like the call wasmore important, even crediting Malcolm Butler,

you know, for making the playwas more like, and Russ got a
lot of benefit of the doubt,where as opposed to give me court.
Let's say, if Tony Romo didthat, yeah, like that would he
would be number one? No onecare who made the play, call or
whatever, because he's just like guy, you know, he's polarizing our cowbines.
Fans still pissed a Tonyoma for droppingthe kick, probably absolutely so,
the same kind of thing, right, your dad wasn't too happy. Some
quarterbacks just don't get the benefit ofthe doubt, right, you know,

in that way if they make thatpass, you know Russ got it right
then, but yeah, you're rightnow. People are backpedal. It's like,
huh, he did cost us adynasty d I mean, while Richard
Sherman somewhere like I've been trying totell you, and a lot of people
are like they feel like they wouldhave won the third one after that,
uh russ or sorry a DJ Jallasrevenge game quote unquote. It's the equivalent
to Diddy's son dropping a record.No one cares. Wow, all right,

I don't know about that man.The fans seem to care. The
Feds had a rebuttal for King Combs. Yeah they a swift one, a
swift and loud one. Yeah wegot talk about him. Yeah we're good.
But yeah, no, no people, people cared for sure. Revenge
game is a reference to Jamal adamsrevenge game. Question mark revenge for the

Seahawks may be what does Adams haveagainst the Hawks? They literally forced him
sacks and got him paid. Idon't know if they forced him sacks.
I think put him in good position. That's what you do. It's a
good coach. You put your playersin the position to make place. He
went out there and made the place. I know. You can go through
and look at each sack and say, well, this guy did this thing
and it made He still got them, and there's a reason why no one

else has done it. I thinkit's just as simple as getting fired.
Really, I've talked to a lotof guys who have been cut or traded
some it really is just that simple, even in my Mike Davis example,
it doesn't have to be a bunchof things behind the scenes sometimes just like
or even if you just pass onthem in the draft, right and playing
a team just hate teams that justdidn't draft them. Yeah, I guess
you had to that love. Yougotta play with some sword ship on your
shoulder, right. But it's weirdhow some sports like view it so differently,

Like in baseball and and somewhat hockey, a lot of the players are
just like, yeah, it's partof the business. I get it.
I'm gonna look for my next venture, YadA, YadA, YadA. But
in football, it's like they takeit personally. Yeah, Michael do in
intertional way. Yeah, I know. It's it's it's pretty crazy in football
when guys get cut or traded orsomething like that. Yeah, now you're
on the list of like, yeah, you did not believe in me,
so from a backup on me.So that really would be all it is

for Jamal, right, team thatdidn't believe him anymore, bingo, lots
of Jamal Adams. Jamal is terribleeven when healthy. It's a complete bum
can't tackle. He tackles with hisface mask pointing towards the ground, can't
wrap up, soas so does Witherspoon. Now that Jamal hate is real.
Man did the same exact tackle headdown. It was against the Lions.

He just blew the I think itwas Jami or Gibbs. He blew up
somebody same way Jamal trying to makea tackle. Unfortunate, Jamal got hurt.
It is what it is, Solet's not I mean, it doesn't
matter, man, It just peoplejust hate the guy. I get it.
My whole point is just kind offun sports. It's awesome. What
are you talking. Yeah, I'ma big fan of hate. Like I
think when I see how like bigthe w n b A is getting like

I'm seeing people like trash talk theplayers for the performance because before the NBA,
the league is more like, Hey, come watch all this greatness.
And now like I saw Leah Bostonlike smoke a lab, people are just
trashing her, you know, onsocial media. But that's part of the
game. That's part of ruining yoursports. People coming in with bad takes
and talking crazy. It's not alllove. W when your game gets grown.

I love that the sixth grade.I don't get orange slices after your
game. I mean you can evenget orange slices. People will still hate
you though, you know. Yeah, not the WNBA or the No one's
gonna say a great game. Butsports need some hate. We need some
hate. What did Chris Rock say? We need bullies? I agree with
you in the regard of you needyou need hate. Yeah, we need
some hate makes for good, justto a certain extent. Yeah, sometimes

it gets a little too far incollege football because there's some entitlement on a
part of boosters and fans, particularlyin the NIL era. You get death
threats since sent the Kickers. ButI think the udb Oregon to hate is
like classic sports hate. They hateeach other like and that's fine. Yeah,
and it's good. It's great,it's entertaining. Yeah. You go
on the timeline and there's been someperfect, fantastic games of football between those
two last couple of years. Allof you double Yeah, I'm for all

the hate. Yeah, A bigshout out for our guy, Michael Yo,
Mike d. There's nothing better thanin life and being a girl dad.
Congratulates in my brother I toom agirl dad as much as I wish
I had a son to carry thehis name. Uh his his daughter's carrying
the legacy always never dreamed of.So just a little little shout out for
you and a girl dad is great. And I also do feel that like
sentiment of wanting a boy. Yeah, in my family in particular, none

of my cousins had boys. Sothat's it. There's no one left to
you know, assuming all our daughtersgetting married and get their names changed.
This is it. There's no moredou guards after this be okay? Well,
no, my cousin, my oldercousin, who has three daughters,
he texted me after I have mykid. He was no, actually text
me after he had his final kidand was like, yo, because I'm
done. You know, like it'son you, brother, He said,

it's on it. He said,it's on you because like you got it.
I'm not having no more kids.You know, if you good luck
who want to keep the name around, it's on you want to adopt?
Uh No, I'm gonna keep goinguntil I get a boy. What was
that one dude that is like KingHenry or something like that, just kept
going until he had a bunch ofdr Dominique. He did the same thing.
Kidding. I don't know. I'mjust he has like eleven kids,

yeah, and like four of themafter he got the snip snip. Oh
seriously. Yeah, I don't knowwhat Dominique Commarti has in his jeans.
But you don't want to have someswimmers, Michael Pops literally shall not be
denied. Wow, yeah, Iknow that you might have like fourteen kids,
but yeah, it's up there.He got Rogers Camarti or Antonio Comarti

has a bunch of kids. Ithink RC Dominicque Rogers Cammarti. Maybe I'm
a double check one of the ofthe I thought it was Antonio Cammarti has
like fourteen kids. I think hemight be. He's on the Philip Rivers
plan. Yes, just every offseason and just baby baby baby. Russ
is quietly on that too. Russis like having a kid every other off
season. Brother getting to it good. Yeah, it's Antonioti. Yeah,

boeen known children. Yeah, Iremember someone. That's the crazy part.
And they're just be like, heyman, you know he might be out
there. He got some swimmers atthat point, you just you don't know
what extra ones he got out there, you know, but yeah, I
remember a video of someone asking himto name them all and he did.
It took him a while, butyou know, to that man, that
is a lot of kids. That'sa lot of kids. Him and Philip

Rivers, man, they get intoit over there. I think Philip Rivers
in double digits. Baby, Ithink it's nine or I think he's up
to ten. Now. Yeah,he ain't doing nothing now so I know
he had the crib. That's alot of kids. Yeah, just taking
care of one right now, Likethis sounds like a sleep I'm getting currently.
I couldn't imagine four or five ofthe He's running around the house or
you're gonna need so much coffee.My man kid would have like you want

to talk about, uh, what'sthat place where they keep all the money?
At Fort Knoxide? Where the money'sat? But yeah, oh my
man came will be Fort Knox atsome point, like y'all ain't getting in
here, Go bother your mama,Yeah, kes whatever, go to uncle
Kid's house. You're gonna you willdefinitely do the village to raise those kids,
that's for sure. Yeah, themain't doing ain't doing all that fourteen
is nuts. Well, that's gonnado it for text me I get to

the mayor. I see him walkingaround over there. So coming up next
we'll chat with the mayor see whathe has planned for his show. Here
on ninety three point three kJ rf M. Here we are. We

have the great Mayor Ian Forness inthe building. He just is a busy
man running around setting things up.Ian. How are you doing this afternoon?
Or I'm good? How are youguys? What's going on? You
guys? Date me? When walkingin with the Kingdom sweat your big thanks
shouts to simply Seattle, simply Seattledot com. Yeah we were. I
asked Chris if he had been tothe Kingdome. Man, I feel old.
I think I have once maybe killingme right now. Sorry. We're

born in ninety two, man,I know I had some opportunities you would
have had, yes, I meanthat just my dad would have had to
take me. Yeah, grandpa,young guy. Yeah yeah, Kingdome was
something special because when did they whendid it? When did it come down?
Nine? Yeah? I bet moneyI've been out to ask my dad
because yeah, I'm mak my dadtoday. He's seven, so you're seven
when the thing got blown up?I remember it being blown up? Old?

Were you too and you set yourselfup there? I know we aged,
but man, yeah I remember wasKeifer. Keifer wasn't born yet,
Okay, there it is. Yeah, yeah, my kid wasn't born.
That's all. It was the finalfour there, right, there was a
final four. There was two finalfours, I believe, a couple of
West regionals, a ton of stuff. I saw UNLV Duke there that the

championship, right, I saw themon a Saturday, so I think it
was. So that was just afinal four. Ye. Yeah. Did
they have state high school sports thereat all? They did the called the
King Bowl, which was all likethe state high school FOOTBA championships. Okay,
started like eight in the morning andwent till like eleven at night.
BA game was first and then youplayed all the way through and it was
that when they got rid of that, then moved to uh to Comodome.

Yeah, but the King Bowl wasawesome like it was it was there and
then uh they did a little bitof baseball there, but not much kind
of kind of what tea mobile doesyou know, like you'll have some games
there, like teams like I thinklike a couple of Seattle teams play there
every year, like Metro League teamsand stuff. But but yeah, no,
it was I mean it was itwas wild because we had nothing and

then they built this this big,old concrete structure and and then pretty soon
it's like, yeah, this thingneeds to go. But you know what,
I think what it was is thattwo things. One, we got
in the world of luxury suites,and they tried to put luxury suites in
there. They jerry raiked some thingsand just you know, tried to retro
some some suites that didn't work.Well. The press box wasn't bad,

Mike, you would have liked that. So luxury sweets are like a new
thing they were then. Yeah,it was like because it was like basically
first one hundred level, two hundredlevel, three hunder level. They tried
to make some suites in the twohundred level that were, you know,
that as big as a studio here, you know, and that wasn't luxury,
right, and but it was Ithink I think after a while,
people finally started to realize, damn, it's it's eighty five degrees in July

here and we're watching a baseball gameunder a concrete room. Yeah, oh
yeah, that sounds on AstroTurf.It just wasn't. Yeah. And then
you know, they built the buildingin Toronto, they originally called the SkyDome
with the retractable roof, and thenthat became a thing. It's like dahn,
we had to get one of thosethings. And so then yeah,
and then and then you know,football baseball weren't sharing stadiums anymore. So

all those things happened, and youknow, here we have we got two
great we have three great buildings.I saw the Who there on their first
of fifteen farewell tours, so they'relike never say like fourteen of them.
Since, Yeah, that seem likethat would be a good concert vibe.
It was. It was well,it was okay depending on where you were,

because that's cement roof was like stuffreverberating off it. Yeah, fast
acoustics. Yeah yeah, no,that could be bad. Yeah, I
can see why they tore this thingdown. Why it's no understanding. It
was. It was it was ourit was our big albatross is what it
was. But it was good,man, I mean that it's the Kingdom
was a lot of I had alot of good memories there, going to

games as a kid and covering gameswhen I first got into biz, and
yeah, I saw Griffy. Iwas pulling cables at Como, literally pulling
cables around, you know, settingup gear of those Yeah, production assistant
they called it. I like thatturned better anyway. Sorry, But I
was down there when Griffy got draftedand they brought him to town like they
always do, they bring their firstround. Now it's not as big a

deal anymore, but you used tobe to bring your first round pick Baseball
wise of town. A Rod,you know, came to town all the
stuff. Arod was more of apaining the ass because I didn't know if
he's gonna sign. But Griffy cameto town and they put him the batting
cage at the Kingdome. Dick Williamswas the manager, old curmudgeon definition of
curmudgeon. But I remember there.I was pulling cables a young guys like
you know, in college still,and this dude sits in there and he
was kind of skinny and athletic lookingand just started launching bombs into the third

deck like like he like he belongedthat day. It was crazy watching that,
like so like he should be hereand right now and that mares were
awful, right, that's why thefirst overall pick, like this dude should
be playing right now batting third andaway you go, and Dick Williams like,
oh, I've never seen it likethis, you know. Yeah,
yeah, I saw Pele play there. That's so cool that that was the

first. That was the first sportingevent, the Sounders exhibition game against the
Cosmos, and it was Pele cameto town and friends. Beckenbauer, I
hate to ask for what year ninetyseven, nineteen seventy six, wow open
because the Shok's first season was thatfall in the Kingdom. Yeah, and
Jim zorn Efri and Herrera, allthem dudes, and and Jack Paterra and

then and then yeah. I meanit's also the reason that Kurt Warner blew
his knee out, probably on thatturn. Right. So I got a
podcast I do for you in theDome with the in for nests. You're
giving me more work. I wantno more work. But you know what,
I apologize. You're right, youare a man of media, your
Kingdome stories. It's that's exactly whatI want to hear. Go ahead,
but for next thirty minutes, giveme a story, a terrific idea not

going to get executed understood until Iget put on waivers, and then I'm
gonna take it for myself and goput it somewhere else. So, you
know, the older you get,you're gonna get people who don't even know
what the Kingdome is. Stop it. You're gonna get people that King.
They're gonna see that sweater that you'rewearing, like, what's that? Now,
they're gonna stay in there. It'sgonna stay in the lower I think
for a while. It's just gonnastill win something. I was just gonna
I was just gonna say, Ienjoyed to listen to Mike the last couple

of days. But now can Ithappened to me at very early age.
I had one of my little cousinscome was at my house. It's like
years ago. I had a pictureof Michael Jordan on my wall. He's
got all the rings. That's theone he's touching his face and have all
of them. He said, hesaid, Mikey, who's that closed the
door? Get out? Yeah,this was years ago, just fifty years
ago. That's the definition of agoat right there. He would have known

what that is back then? Yeah, that's the definition. Ian. What
do you have coming up on thisshow today? Joe Shean's gonna talk a
little baseball and uh, the athletics, Mike Sando history today. It is
good, like about the quarterbacks quarterbackhere, great, that was great,
something we talked about a lot beforethe drafts Yes, six shocks. Shockingly,

not every quarterback draft in the firstround has success. Weird. I
know this is kind of weird.He typical Sandal fashion, total deep dive
into it. We'll kind of talkabout that with him coming up at two
o'clock and maybe why this kind ofmaybe paints the picture why Seattle didn't draft
the quarterback. We'll get to thatcoming up at two. Well, there
he is the mayor coming up next. Thank you guys for tuning in ten

to noon with Mike. I appreciateyou stopping by and help him brother out.
Anderson, thank you so much.Don't turn that down. Ian forness
coming up next on ninety peo pointthrough kJ R FM. We just tuned
into the hype with Chris and Mikeand then the words of Kendrick we gonna be a
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