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May 17, 2024 13 mins
Jake Rill, who covers the Baltimore Orioles for joins the show. Jake explains expectations for the Orioles, how the Orioles have rebuilt and found success, who has more of the advantage, Mariners pitching or Orioles offense, plus much more. 
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Episode Transcript

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The Baltimore Ore's are good again.Last year made the playoffs. This year
they're twenty seven and fourteen, thirteengames over five hundred already. They and
the Yankees are rolling in the AmericanLeague East. And that's the two teams
the Mariners are playing on this roadtrip in order, starting tonight in Baltimore.
As I said, four or fivestart tonight in Baltimore. Jake Rail,

the Oriols beat writer for MLB dotCom, joined us on the Bleak
Beacon Plumbing hotline. Jake, thanksa lot for joining us. Tell us
first, is weather going to bean issue at all? We're gonna have
any delays or rainouts in Baltimore thisweekend? Well, it's been rain on
and offense, it feels like thelast ten days here in Baltimore. But
tonight's looking pretty clear. Tomorrow looksa little bit dicey. Looks like there's

a lot of rain in the forecastfor the afternoon, but it doesn'tppear.
There's gonna be a window that shouldbe fine, and then Sunday is pretty
clear. So hoping we can getthree games in this weekend. Jake,
what's the strength of this Orioles team? Here the last two seasons that have
him surging in what what do yousee as the thing that can get them
back to the playoffs this year?Yeah. I think the biggest strength this

year has been the starting rotation.Obviously, adding a guy like Corden Burns
in the offseason, they knew whatthey were going to get fro him.
They knew they were going to havean ace who every fifth day is going
to go out there and put togethera really good outing. You know,
he showed his potential an opening daywhen he had eleven strikeout gym against the
Angels. Since then, he hasn'treally hit that level, but he's just
been so consistent, and the restof the rotation has really followed suit.

Even though the guys have been bangedup. Kyle Bradish and John Means,
who's starting tonight, they both startedon the injured list, but somehow they've
just the rotations picked these guys up. Cole Irvins pitched really well. Grayson
Rodriguez was pitching well before he wenton the il, so it's really impressive
the kind of the starting pitching depththey've assembled all of a sudden, and
then offensively has just been a tonof home runs, just a ton of
firepower. Gunnar Henderson obviously is becomingone of the best players in the American

League, and he does incredible thingsalmost every day. Adleie Rutchman's really good.
Jordan West and Colton Kaalser two otheryoung guys, they're kind of reaching
their potential. So I think thebiggest strength is just the accumulation of all
the young talent. This is youknow, when they were going through that
rebuild, this is what they werepictured in the long term. They hoped
that one day this was going tobe the outcome, and now they they're

kind of getting to that point wherethese young guys who they drafted in the
early rounds, they've been developed welland now they're all getting up here together
at the same time and all havingsuccess. You mentioned the aspect of the
young talent that is there and rebuilding. How are the Orioles getting this done
and have an opportunity to make maybea deep run in the playoffs this season.

Yeah, I think the way theywere able to get this talent is
just you know, being smart inthe draft, identifying guys who they really
thought was going to fit into theirsystem. Adlei Ruschman obviously number one overall
pick. In twenty nineteen, theyhad the pick of whoever they wanted in
that draft class. But then theygot Gunner Henderson in the second round that
year, they got Colton Kalser inthe first round in twenty twenty one.
They've just made the right draft picks. And then the player development system is

so strong that as these guys arecoming up through the miners, they just
come along very well, and youknow, by the time they get to
the majors, they are really preparedto handle, you know, everything that
comes along with being in the bigleagues. So it's just really been impressive
to watch this core kind of assemble. And you know, I think the
clubhouse environment's a big deal too,just you know, everybody, all these
young guys are having fun. They'rekeeping it loose. They never feel like

there's a ton of pressure, whichis why they haven't been swept in so
long in the regular season, whichis why you know, they haven't had
any long losing streaks. They neverlost more than four games in a row
last year. They haven't lost morethan two games in a row so far
this year. They really just youknow, turn the page quickly on losses,
come back to the ballpark the nextday, continue to have fun and
you know, focus on the gamethat night. Jake Real Oriols beat right

for MLB dot Com, joining uson ninety three point three. Kids,
you are from Baltimore where the Marinersare playing the Orioles this afternoon. Jake,
you wrote a story, you headlinedyour story Games Last Game story about
the Oriols avoiding a sweep. Andit's been one hundred and five consecutive series
now, I think it is sinceBaltimore was swept up. And is this
is this on schedule for the Oriolesthat you mentioned all the high draft picks

and it was a complete tear downand rebuild. This is the time,
it appears from Afar that this isthe time for Baltimore to win now while
the players are still under club controlpre arbitration deals. Rushman was a pre
arbitration deal. Is this their windowbecause they're about to get really expensive?
Is that how it's viewed in Baltimore? Yeah, one hundred percent, definitely.

I think last year they exceeded expectations. Obviously, nobody thought they were
gonna win one hundred and one games. Nobody thought really they were gonna win
the American League East. Even GMMichaeliaths had said like at times last year
that this was happening faster than evenmaybe he in the front of aust had
expected. But yeah, that windowopened a little bit earlier. But now
they're firmly in that window of contention, which is why they went out and
got a guy like Corbyn Burns whoonly has this year left on his contract.

It would not surprise me if it'sthe trade deadline. They're aggressive buyers
trying to you know, continue toupgrade this roster to try to win.
Now it's just everything seems to becoming together where this does seem like a
really good window. Like you said, just with contract situations and everything that,
you know, they got to beaggressive this year. They got to
try and put the best possible teamout there this year, and they could

make a really deep run through October. The Mariners have really really good pitching,
and the Orioles they're hitting the ballpretty well. I think this will
be a really fun matchup. Howdo you see it playing out? I
guess I'll put you on the spotand ask who do you think wins this
series? Because Grade A pitching versusGrade A hitting who wins out. Yeah,

it's tough. I mean it couldreally go either way. Like you
said, the Mariners obviously have thegood pitchers going this weekend. The Oil's
big strength has just been tons ofhome runs. They lead the major leagues
in homers. They'd like to walka little bit more, play a little
bit more small ball, but sofar that just hasn't really been their style
so far this year. It's obviouslygonna be a tough test going up against
these Marrier starters. I think theMariners might have a slight edge right now,

just because were very close to losingthat game on Wednesday. They went
eight and they went over ten withrunners in scoring position, left eleven guys
on base. They kind of gotbailed out by that Rutchman walk off home
or at the end. They havesome guys who are scuffling right now.
Cedric Mullins, who's been such akey piece for them. He's in a
five for fifty nine slump. ColtonKowzer, who is Ale Rookie of the
Month in April, he's been slumpinga little bit in May. They kind

of need these guys to get goingand get the lineup kind of clicking on
all cylinders or else. A matchuplike this against the Mariner's top arms is
going to be really tough. Onething the Oriols don't do that the Mariners
do is strike out. I hateto bring that up again, but Seattle
has one hundred and seven more strikeoutsoffensively than Baltimore does. Jake rel joining

us from Baltimore, where the Oriolsand the Mariners begin a three game series
tonight. Jake, I'm gonna askyou a journalism question for I used to
be a ball writer and it wasright when MLB dot com was starting.
Do you feel pretty much the autonomyof writing and reporting what you want?
Does the team have a lot ofsay and what you it out editorially?
And do you do you find itkind of feel handcuffed a little bit in

that regard. It used to bethat way, and I wondered if it's
still that way. No, it'snot. We have we have pretty free
room. You know, we're independentfrom the teams in the sense and you
know it's we kind of dictate onour own side, so it's being reported
and stuff with the the content teamat MLB. You mentioned the young team

how is that It sounds like someonecomparable in your age and and guys that
are all young and and learning thegame and just being around a clubhouse like
that is How enjoyable is that?And what? What? What do you
see that maybe most fans wouldn't beable to see about an Oriel team.
That's that's that that young? Ohyeah, it's a ton of fun.
I mean, these guys obviously bringa ton of energy. There's always you

know, playing games in the clubhouseand you know, chatting with anybody who's
around. Just a really good groupof guys, a lot of high character
guys. You know, there's neverany issues with anybody in there from you
know, a reporter sense, justbecause you know, these are all such
good, you know, good guys. It's a blast to be around them.
It's fun to be around them fromspring training to the end and kind
of see, you know, howthe team develops over the year. It

was really fun last year to see, you know, how well things went
for them and how much fun theywere having. And it's kind of been
the same feel early again this year. Is Atlie Rushman was born in Portland
out here in northwest Guy and simat the All Star Game last year.
Is he the centerpiece of the teamgoing forward, or is he the guy
that will get the big money extensionyou would expect, or how are they

viewing him long term? Yeah,I definitely think he is. We want
him to be one of those centerpieceplayers. Obviously, Gunnar Henderson's right there
too, and play such a premierposition at shortstop. But I mean Rushman
too. A catcher. I mean, there's few catchers in the game who's
doing or doing what he's doing.You know, he's leading the team in
average right now three fourteen. He'sso impressive offensively. He started pretty much

every game this year because when he'snot catching, they still started at DH
and have James mechanic catcher, andthere's just, you know, not a
ton of guys playing as much ashe is, especially as demanding position as
catcher. So I think, youknow, his future is obviously incredibly bright.
They want him to be around foras long as possible. You know,
it'll be interesting to see how theyoperate. You know, they haven't
been big money spenders in recent years, but you know, obviously the new

ownership team and nobody's really seen anoff season with this new ownership of how
things might change or how things mightoperate. So I think it's gonna be
really interesting, you know, thisupcoming offseason, going in the next year,
to seeing, you know, whathappens as they get closer with with
these guys, With these guys gettingcloser to free agency, it'll be interesting
to see, you know, whothey decide to keep, what they try
to do, how much they're willingto spend. So it'll just be interesting

to see. The Mariners are lookingfor a deep playoff run and perhaps maybe
a World Series. What is Iwould say, what are expectations? Not
expectation, but what is the endgoal you would think for the Baltimore Orioles
in regards to their run for thisseason, Well, I think they think
they can win the World Series,and you know for good reason. I

mean, they want one hundred plusgames last year. They're on pace to
win just as many this year.The real sour taste left in their mouth
after the playoffs last year because theygot swept out immediately by the Rangers in
the Alds obviously, just you know, ran into a really hot team in
Texas that you know, went onthe win the World Series just the way
things went, but you know,the Oil kind of used that as fuel
going to spring training. They thinkthey can make a deeper run. They

and with all these young guys,they just gained more experience and it was
so valuable even though it was onlya three game series for them to kind
of feel what a playoff atmosphere islike, so that this year when they
get back to October, they canhandle it better. They're not going to
be, you know, phased bythe big stage, the large crowds,
the loud noise, which probably playeda little bit of effects last year,
just because, like I said,their whole roster pretty much it had never

been in the playoffs before. SoI think now that these guys know a
little bit better what to expect.As long as they can keep things rolling
through the regular season get to October, I think they're going to fare better
in the postseason when they get there, and I think they believe that this
could be there they go all theway. Let Mariners and Orioles playoff run.
That'd be a fun one to seethese two teams matchup. We can

get you back on for sure onthat regard. Yeah, definitely, Jake.
You mentioned new ownership David Rubinstein,private equity billionaire, and his group
approved this spring for owning the team. Have you noticed anything yet of how
the team operates or what's different aboutit, or is it too soon to
see what the new regime is.Yeah, I still think it's a little

bit too soon, especially because hehasn't had to really be a factor in
the baseball decisions yet. The teamwas already in place. The sale was
finalized the day before opening day.Obviously, he's been really well received.
He's been visible at the ballpark.He's there, he's having fun, he's
really embracing the fan base. He'sbeen around throwing out hats to fans and
just really enjoying being the owner.It seems like the fans have really been

really warmed up to him already.It'll be interesting to see when they get
to the off season and when it'stime to make baseball decisions. Obviously,
it's still going to come down toMichael Eaves in the front office and what
they want to do. But maybethe potential is there for to be a
little bit more big spenders. Maybemaybe if Elias and these guys want to
give out big contracts, maybe Rubenseined his team will be more willing to,
you know, spend that kind ofmoney than the team shown in recent

years. So I think it's stilla little bit too soon, just because
we haven't gotten to that point yetwhere they need to make these decisions,
and right now it's still you know, kind of a feeling out process.
Hasn't been that long. It's beenless than two months. But I think
this offseason, when they finally getto November December, will be kind of
telling of how this ownership team mightmake an impact from different years. The
Ravens have been so good in Baltimore. Is this now an Orioles town?

Though? With as good as theyare, what's the excitement level around town
about and in Maryland about the Orioles. Yeah, I mean, fans are
very excited. We kind of sawthat last year's attendance went up, especially
late in the year, and peoplewere very excited to get back to a
playoff game. Obviously, the Ravensare always gonna be popular here too,
especially when the Ravens are playing aswell as they have been. You know,

I think this is the city thatsupports both its teams. It has
been impressive to see that the didnot lose fans during the fan base.
You know, we're always a concernthat when you tear down and rebuild like
that, like are the fans goingto come back after going through so many
tough years. But they have seenrise in attendance this year and everybody's excited
and hoping to see a you know, deep run through October for the Oriols.

Jakerel Oriols, beatwriter for MLB dotCom. Appreciate it. You can
follow his work at Jake Drill onTwitter x whatever you call it. Now,
appreciate your coverage, enjoy the weekendseries, and have a great season.
Looks like you get a great teamto cover. Thanks for joining us,
Jake, Yeah, no problem.Thanks guys,
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