Episode Transcript
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Hey, right now, I wantto defer to Dave Schenker from the Cedar
County Fair. See this is reallyexciting stuff. Dave. Please tell us
what is in store for our bigsummer events. We have the Cedar County
Fair of course, coming up Julytwelfth through the sixteenth. Our big deal
is, of course, the concerton July fifteenth. Gates opening at six
o'clock. Concert starts at seven.We're opening up with Drew Green, and
then after Drew Green, Eddie Montgomeryof Montgomery and Gentry will perform. And
then as soon as Eddie is done, we'll bring on the stage Loan start
of finish outing. Oh nice job. That is fantastic, Dave. What
people are really going to want toknow is when and how they can get
their tickets. Well, they'll beable to get their tickets through our Facebook
page. The Cedar County Fair willhave a link on there for them to
get their tickets through. Etis alsoour website, the Cedar Countyfair dot com.
You got to throw the word inthere, otherwise you end up in
Cedar County Fair, Nebraska, andwe don't want you there. We want
you on our website. We don'twant to give Nebraska any more help than
they need they have already. Okay, got it available. We'll be track
tickets which are up and close personalto the stage, and we also are
offering VIP tickets that is an elevatedposition off to the side of stage and
they'll be up in close personal tothe stage as well. And that's food
and open bar in that area forour VIP tickets. I hate to do
this day, I hate to dothis to you, Dave, but my
whole family's going to be in thereon that part food and drink, so
really it already sold out. I'msorry, I didn't mean to do that
is fantastic, So just once again, Dave, give us the dates for
the Cedar County Fair July twelfth throughthe sixteenth,