Episode Transcript
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Hello. This is Eric Passway.Hello Eric, thank you so much for
calling today. Hey, and thankyou so much for helping us kick off
the Quad City Storm hockey team theirseason with an awesome concert this weekend.
We really love that you're coming intotown. Thank you. I'm glad to
be there. It'll be fun andyou get to play some music and watch
some hockey. It's like we hada hockey game and a concert broke out.
I like his way of thinking.Yeah, yeah, hopefully know fights
before the hockey game, you know. Oh absolutely, we'll have a fun.
We'll have a really good time andglad to come play some music for
you all them, And yeah,I kick it off. Actually, I
just like to kick off sports.Sports kickoff year for me. I kicked
off the Titan season, but don'thold that against me. But hopefully we'll
kick off a good hockey season fory'all. Oh absolutely, you know what
they're doing. What they're doing.They've been a hot and cold team.
That's okay. We love our football, we love our hockey. I don't
know what was hockey like your thingwhen you were growing up, or were
there other sports you preferred? Youknow what? I grew up in Central
Texas. I this was not acommon thing to be seen anywhere. Well,
yeah, that's true. We dohave some up but we have some
places around here in the Quad Citieswhere you can actually play hockey on skates.
So that's incredible. Yeah, Imean, yeah, I did some
of that. But it's fun.I mean, I will say, until
I finally got to see a youknow, watch hockey players in person,
you don't realize how fast it's going. I mean, I grew up in
Texas. It was just football orbaseball or all that stuff. That's way
too hot. But it really isan incredible sport. We get to go
see the preps play here in Nashvillea little bit, but I'm really pumped
to come see y'all's team playing andget to play some music with y'all and
cheer the team on hopefully all geta big win. Well, we super
know you for Friday Night song abouta girl. But you've got some new
music now that is available for people, and I want you to talk a
little bit about that. Yeah,I mean, I'm about to put out
a new song or put it outon the twentieth, so it'll be cool
to have that come out. Prettymuch every six weeks, I'm putting out
a new song. I've just writtenthousands of them songs through my career in
life, and have the ability toput it out whenever I want to right
now. So I love that andget to give fans new music and see
what they like and see what Ilike. And it's just a lot of
fun just getting to create music soquickly and put it out. You know,
I might write a song today andgo record it tomorrow and put it
out in a few weeks. Soit's a lot of fun getting to do
that. And yeah, it's fun, you know. Yeah, it's like
a dream. It's pretty cool.And then we're so so so lucky to
get you here in the Quad Citiesbecause then you're like you're everywhere, You're
at all the exotic locations, youknow, Hawaii and then headed overseas.
Yeah, we're gonna I'll be inHawaii in November, and then headed over
to Well, we've got six showsin the UK, a couple in Island,
and then four in Germany in December, so that we were trying to
hit Portugal before Christmas. I thinkwe might do that next year, so
it'll be fun to go over sharesome music and who knows, we were
talking about Japan. Maybe there's abunch of country music going on over there,
So I don't know. I justlike going everywhere and playing for people
that want to hear it and havefun doing it and realize we're all from
somewhere and if you're a good person, you're a good person. Yeah,
they're always good and bad things totraveling. Oh so far, But what
is your favorite thing? I mean, have you been over in Europe before,
and what's one of your favorite thingsabout that? Yeah? I think
this will be my eighth tour overthere. I always my job. I
like old things just because you know, you think about you know, if
you're lucky to be one hundred yearsso you think about how many footsteps,
hearts and souls walk here before you. And if you get to see old
buildings that they might have walked in, it might remind you to do good
with what you got. And Ialways say people don't go to Europe to
see condoms because we've got a badtendency in the States to tear down all
of cool stuff and put up anew blast building. Yeah, which I
understand money, I do real estate, but it's I've just never been able
to tear down an old building.It's like, let's just restore that and
take care of it. Oh,the architecture sometimes is just it's mind blowing
how beautiful it is. Yeah,So I love going over there, seeing
that the cobblestone streets and getting toplay all the old theaters and see the
old buildings. And same here inthe States is if I get to go,
you know, there's beautiful downtowns andold theaters. We get to play
them a lot, and I justalways love playing those those rooms quite a
bit. Oh some of those arebuilt specifically for sound, and like even
before things were electrified, so there'ssuch a pleasure. I mean, I've
always if I'm in one of thoserooms, typically I'll just unplug and sing
to the room, because, yeah, exactly what you said, before electricity,
you think only you know, ahundred years ago, It's like we
didn't have ways of electricity. Evenright now, what we're doing on the
radio, it's like radio wasn't aroundto where you know, music was made
for people enjoy and and and connect. And you know, your great aunt
can't sing, but she's playing pianoand your brother's playing the bass, and
you know, and mom's things,yeah, Daddy things based mom thingson.
But it's it's it's cool just toI love that I get to play music
from people. I'm sure. I'mglad we got electricity so we can be
on the radio and all kinds ofthings and flying airplanes to go play for
people that I've never met but they'veheard me online, you know. So
it's just really a cool adventure inlife right now. And getting to play
hits for everybody, all the fournumber ones I've written for other people and
the number one I've had myself andother hits and all that, and so
it'll be a whole lot of funcome Saturday night. Ericpasslay dot com.
If you want to find out moreabout Eric and his music, and if
you're just like, oh, gotto have it, that's where you got
to be, and you got tobe Saturday night over in Vibrant Arena parking
lot before the storm game. Itstarts this The game starts at seven ten,
but come early for all the funand with Eric, So thank you
so much for being here for that. It's just it's always fun to have
people and the weather's going to cooperateperfectly. I love it. Sign me
up. If it wasn't, I'dstill be there in the rain jacket or
whatever. Thank you again, Eric, thank you for the call, and
anything else you want to say beforewe wrap up and see you on Saturday.
No, everybody, have great weekand have fun. Come hang out
with us and have a good time. Go love each other.