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July 18, 2023 24 mins
This week, Ronald McDonald House Charities of Chicagoland joins us. Whitney Reynolds is also on the show for another edition of Whitney's Women!
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Episode Transcript

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Hello, and welcome to the weeklyshow here on iHeartRadio one nine KIM and
Rock ninety five five. I'm Paulina, and every single week we're here to
discuss a variety of topics that matterto Chicago Land, from health, educations,
to finances and so much more.Today on the show, Brady is
chatting with the Robal McDonald House Charity. That's right, we'll be chatting with

them on the show, and ofcourse another episode with Brady and Whitney Reynolds
for another show of Whitney's Women andmclee chats with doctor pendle Fino, chief
of Guest Street Analogy and Hepatology andNorthwestern Medicine talking all about jured. Here
to kick off the show is Brady. Thank you so much, man.

I am so excited about this event. We got so much to talk about
today. Would like to welcome tothe program Megan Keel, director of Corporate
and Foundation Relations from Ronald McDonald HouseCharities of Chicago, Land and Northwest Indiana.
Megan, thank you so much fortaking some time today. Brady,
thank you so much for having me. Appreciate it. We have a lot

to talk about. I mean,first of all, the Ronald McDonald House.
They've been providing care for families forover forty five years. Now,
tell me more about your mission,your programs and the families that you take
care of. Oh. Absolutely,so, as you said, you know,
we've been around for about forty sixyears. We've taken care of over
one hundred and forty thousand families whotravel from all over the world to access

you know, high quality healthcare fortheir kiddo who's facing you know, a
diagnosis. So great question, whatdo we actually do right? So we
believe when a child is sick,family is sick, and we exist so
families can get better together. Sowe do that through three programs, Ronald
McDonald houses, family Rooms, whichare located inside of hospitals, and then

throw Ronald McDonald's catermobiles. So reallyit's about making sure family is going to
act sus the best possible healthcare andaccess each other, you know, during
a time of crisis and and honestly, you know, be able to stay
next to their kids in the hospital, you know, stay bedside without worrying

about you know, hotel costs orfood costs. Such a little thing,
but it goes a really long waybecause when you are sick and you're you
know, you're around strangers. There'snothing there's nothing more comforting than having that
family member next to you. Ohexactly. And so you know, you
can really think of us really takingcare of the caregiver so that they can

focus, you know, what's themost important, which is their their child's
health. Exactly. Um, well, I understand, I know, I'm
ready for it. And we gotto let people know that are listening right
now. There's a big event happening. July fifteenth is the day, Megan
tell us all about it. Yes, the pickle Smash, So get ready
for some pickleball, y'all. Comeon. Um, we are so thrilled.

It's spun starred by our great partnersat Wilson Sporting Goods. Um.
It's gonna be at one sixty sevenNorth Green Street in the full Market neighborhood.
So grandy, picture this. It'san office building. We're gonna be
about sixteen stories up, so greatview, you know, and you're like
so close to the lay so youcan see like the entire skyline. Basically,

think of playing pickleball sixteen stories inthe sky. Um with some you
know, tallboy tackles and great cocktails. It's gonna be a great event.
Okay, first of all, lovethe description you just you painted that picture
perfectly. However, pickle ball it'shuge right now. This is like the

biggest thing on in the entire country. Yeah, yeah, it's I think
I read somewhere it was like thefastest growing sport in the US. Unreal.
So I will be there helping hostingthe event. So I want everybody
that's listening right now to get involved, and I want to see you there
and especially you know, if you'rea new pickleball for us you want to
learn it, or if you're lookingfor a place to play, because like

you said, it's growing so fast, so people can't even figure out a
place to play. This you canget your fix in and you're doing it
for an amazing cause, right exactlyexactly, so it is. It is
a fundraiser. It's going to helpsupport those families and kids, um who
are you know, who are facingpediatric illness and you get to do it.
You know you can this This event'sopen for ages ten and up,

so you can have you know,your grandmother playing with you, you can
have your ten year old playing withyou. You can have your roommate.
You know, it's really open toany and everyone you know, above the
age of ten um and we uhit's it's for beginners too. So if
if you've never played pickleball, youknow, we're giving you Wilson paddles when

you register, um, so youcan you can just show up. We'll
get you, you know, paddledup, I guess. And uh,
Wilson's gonna have a pop up shopthere too, so we can get a
nice fit on everybody. M andyou can learn how to play. There's
going to be a clinic and thenan exhibition Brady, which I think you're
in, which will be awesome,and then you know, a tournament and

some and some great PRIs. Ohthat's awesome. Yeah. I was gonna
say, you know, there's nothingbetter than just having that title of being
the first ever pickle Smash winner,I mean, the inaugural champion. I
sure there's people listening that are verycompetitive and they want to win this thing,
you know. Oh yeah, it'dbe great Unevental pet all right,
so now people know what it is, and you had me at Tacos.

We got to know how we canget involved where we can go to sign
up for this amazing pickle Smash event. Great, go to Ronald House Chicago
dot org slash pickle Smash, RonaldHow's Chicago dot org. Love it,
And of course it's all about thefundraising. Do you have a specific goal
in mind? We do. We'relooking to raise fifty grand, which will

provide about five hundred nights for families. Wow. I just got chills.
I love that and I believe itcosts. How much money does it cost
per night to take care of themfor a fan for one family? Great
question? Ninety five dollars a night. Wow. Okay, so fifty thousand
will go a very long way.I love it. I love how you're
tying in pickleball in the city ona nice Saturday summer day in Chicago.

Once again, can you remind peoplehow we can get involved with pickle Smash?
Great? Yep, So you canactually show up to play, or
you can show up as a fan, so you can you know, depending
on what you want to do.And then go to Ronald House Chicago dot
org slash pickle smash, Come joinus for pickle Smash. I cannot wait

to support the Ronald McDonald House CharitiesMegan. I appreciate you taking the time
today and spreading the message and wecan't wait to see you on July fifteen.
Thanks Brandy, looking forward to it. Hi. We're the Google Dolls.
If we're fortunate that our daughters havewhat they need to grow and learn,
but that isn't the case for nearlythirteen million kids in the US that
struggle with hunger. FILD and hungeris a heartbreaking reality that Feeding America is

working to change. Each year,the Feeding American network of food banks to
rest us billions of pounds of goodfood that would have gone waste and provides
it to families and children in need. You can help kids in need in
your community by visiting Feeding America dotorg. Brought to you by Feeding America
and the ad Council. This isVoices of Better Medicine as we talk to

the experts at Northwestern Medicine about healthissues and questions that matter to you.
Today we have doctor Pandolfino, chiefof Gastroentology and Hepatology at Northwestern Medicine,
and doctor something that I know quitea few people, family and friends that
even myself that have experienced over theyears, gird it can be painful,
it's a nuisance, it can beserious. So, doctor, can you

tell us what is gurd Derek girt, which is gastrosoptera reflex disease. It's
actually when stomach contents move up intothe esophagus and maybe even the mouth and
throat. Then the symptoms are typicallyrelated to a lot of it nasty stuff
that sits in reflux, so thatjews has acid, digestive enzymes, and
bile and those are all very irritatingto the esoptgus, the throat, and

then of course to the lungs andbasically that's what we know as heartburn.
Right. Yeah, when you actuallyreflux, a few different things can happen.
One of the things is you canget discomfort, which is heartburn,
and it really is a burning sensationthat can feel like your chest is on
fire. And why that happens,we're not really sure. But the symptoms
can also be related to the refluxcausing chest pain, and sometimes that chest

pain can be just like what youwould feel if you had a heart attack.
So that's why it's very important tolisten to those cues and to talk
to your doctor if you're getting thesekind of symptoms, especially if they're occurring
pretty often. Okay, so we'vegot the symptoms. Are there certain things
that a person can do to causeit or make it worse? It's really
all about plumbing. You know,you have a very high pressure system in

your abdomen, so you bend over, you're getting pressure on your belly,
you're working out or exercising in thatabdo compresses. It's almost like a balloon,
and that pushes the gastric juice upinto the esophagus. So obviously things
that increase your pressure and your abdomen. Sometimes it's just some weight gain as
I mentioned specific positions. And thenof course there are foods, and foods

can delay stomach emptying, and whenyour stomach is delayed in terms of emptying,
that pressure in your stomach rises andthat could also push the liquid up
into your esophagus, in your mouthand throat, and then occasionally that can
also go into the lungs and causelung damage. We're talking with doctor Pandophino,
chief of gastroenterology and hypatology at NorthwesternMedicine. This is voices of better

medicine. Are there certain risk factorsinvolved with this? I mean if you
let it go. If you ignoreit, can it be serious. If
you just ignore the heartburn and thatregurgitation over and over in the chest pain,
there can be some injury that occursto your esophagus which can eventually lead
to some scarring, something we calla stricture, and that can actually block
food from going down into your stand that could be a medical emergency.

In addition, if you have chronicinflammation over many years, there is a
small percentage of people that can actuallyget cancer from the reflex. Now,
I don't want to alarm everybody tothink that if you have reflux, you're
going to get cancer. I thinkthe most important thing is if you are
getting these symptoms a lot, talkto your doctor. Most likely they'll send
you for an endoscopy. And thenonce we do that endoscopy, we can

stratify your risk for cancer. Andeven if you are someone who may be
predisposed, if we get you inthere early, the likelihood that you'll get
cancer and have a bad outcome fromcancer is extremely low. And if you
discovered that there is damage, whatare the treatment options? It could be
anything as simple as an acid.So if you're an occasional heartburn. I
have to have a bad night,you go out, you have a late

meal, maybe a little bit toomany drinks. You know, you can
take an an acid to deal withthat if that happens occasionally, But if
your symptoms are occurring around two orthree days per week, then you probably
need to take something chronically, likea proton pump inhibitor, which is a
medicine that suppresses acid, where youcan control most of the symptoms and heal
a lot of that injury, thoseerosions and ulcers in the esophagus. Now,

there are some patients who that's notenough. The medication may affect and
reduce the acid levels, but they'restill getting symptoms despite the medicine, and
those patients would require an anatomical fix, something like a surgery or even an
endoscopic procedure. Well, it's goodto know there's so many different options to
help with GERD, Doctor Pantophino,As we wrap with this conversation, is

there one takeaway you want our audienceto walk away with after listening to this.
I think recognizing that there are symptomsthat are related to reflex as ease
and that those could eventually lead toserious complications and if you do have those,
you should see experts like we haveat Northwestern Medicine and then really tailor
your therapy based on testing so thatyou get the right treatment. And you

shouldn't be fearful, because once you'verecognized this and talk to your doctor,
you're gonna be okay. Good information, don't suffer, seek the proper help,
and thank you for filling us ina little bit more on this,
Doctor Panofino Keith of Gastroentrology and Hepatologyat Northwestern Medicine, Thank you for joining
us on voices of better medicine andwe look forward to talking with you in
a future episode. Thank you verymuch. As we wonder why school shootings

keep happening, someone is lashing outat loved ones, as we argue about
legislation, someone is posting threats onsocial media. As we continue to mourn
the loss of innocent lives, someoneis planning the death of more. Knowing
the signs is the best way toprevent gun violence. Learn the signs at

Sandy Hook Promise dot org. Thankyou so much. Back again. The
sun is shining at his summer inChicago, but no better brighter person to
have during this time than the oneat only Whitney Reynolds is here. Hello,
Hello, bye. So I'm sopomp to be back because Whitney's women.
You know, we bring all theladies, well we love our men

too, but as Chicago Land thatare doing good things in the nonprofit world
together and talk about what they're doingto elevate their nonprofits. And today's guest,
Kathleen Sarpy, is joining us andshe is growing an event that is
bringing together all these people. ThenI just love it. Pretty Powerful Kathleen,
Welcome to the show. Thank you, thank you for having me.

It's so good to be here.Yes, we're hosting Pretty Powerful again,
which is one of my favorite eventsof the year because it brings together amazing
women that are doing good in ourcommunities throughout Chicago Land and it's such a
blast to celebrate the incredible work andimpact that they make. You know,
one thing I went last year andI was just in awe of like when

you're walking around the room and you'reseeing who does what. There are so
many amazing charities, some that sDockingly I didn't know about, and then
some that I've had on this showin the past. So let's talk about
some of the people that are comingtogether for this day. Yes, well
it's our fifty year two, whichis really exciting because I mean five years

of getting to celebrate incredible women.You're right. We packed the house with
some remarkable organizations, for instance likeUnited Uniting Voice as Chicago. You probably
remember them as the Chicago Children's Choir, which has been around since nineteen fifty
six. Great organization that inspires andunites us from a lot of different backgrounds

in our city to become global leadersthrough music. So how cool is that
to use music to connect and buildleaders. I love that, I know.
You know, how did you pickwho comes to this and how do
people get involved behind this event?Well, you know, there's a lot
of great people in Chicago that arejust constantly doing good and not wanting to

be recognized. You know those womenthat is stay under the radar. They're
modest and humble and my good friendcan't distraordinite. When we started this event
many many years ago, we wantedto really take a moment to highlight what
they're up to, and so wejust started inviting you know, women that
our CEOs or leaders of galas orjust involved on boards to like get involved

through this organization and tell each otherwhat they're doing, because I do believe
when women and men for that matteras well share, you know, their
learnings and their their blessings and theirtheir needs. Right if we all help
each other out, it's amazing howmuch stronger each of our organizations can be
and so inviting, you know,organizations like Girls Scouts, they've been there

every year. The Nora React iswonderful, teaching empathy and kindness to you
know, children into educators and schoolsto bring you know, equity and inclusion
for people with disabilities. Amazing organization. The YWCA of Metropolitan Chicago obviously a
great charity that eliminates racism. Ithelps empower women and also promotes peace and

justice and freedom and dignity for all. So great organizations that all have been
supportive. Ronald McDonald House Charities.They have five houses all through the area
that keep families together when their childrenare sick, and they do that with
such a generous, loving hearts andhave helped seventy four hundred seriously ill children
each year here in the Chicagoland area. So to see, you know,

every year these leaders come back andhelp one another, tell the stories of
what they've done in their own organizations, but also really just encourage each other.
Has been just so fun to seethe bonds that have been built over
the last five years, and theyhonestly the event growing and growing full of
more and more charities and organizations doinggood in this city. Well, you

nailed it on the head of likewhat we can learn when we all get
together and pretty powerful. The namesays it all because I mean they're doing
these women that you're bringing together aredoing so much. But it's amazing because
you do have that opportunity to saylike, hey, you know what I
learned this or I'm doing this andit's working really well. And that's one
thing of I think getting older,even for myself is back in the day

it was like this, you know, competitiveness, and what you realize is
no, there's enough room for usall and for us all do really well
and grow from each other. There'senough pie there and that's what you're doing
with this event. How do peoplemaybe a nonprofit that isn't involved this year,
how do they like find out moreto get behind it for the sixth
year, Well, they certainly canreach out you know, to me through

you and ask to be included becausewe certainly want as many women and as
many organizations were presented as we growthis every year. Obviously, going to
your website, we've given you somegreat links some of the stations to support
that we think are fantastic and thathave been participating for many, many years.
And I also think too, justask you know, any time of

your your day, think about anonprofit you support and how you can annect
that to somebody else. I thinka lot of times we're involved in our
own you know, charitable initiatives,and we forget to like include others in
our journey. Right, So bringyour kids to volunteer, right, teach
colleagues, Teach your kids about youknow, or your colleagues about an organization

that maybe you care about that youkeep personal and don't really bring to the
office. I think it's through liftingup others and giving back to others.
Our world is a much less dividedplace, and I think it's one of
the most special things about this event, right, is all this sort of
celebration not around breathing money for saye, but around doing good with the lives

that we have and a lot ofthese professional women other work for a nonprofit
work that they actually are using theirtime and talents and treasure to make the
world a better place. And Ireally really appreciate and respect that that.
It's so good Brady. Any surprisewhy Kathleen is not just like Whitney Women
every day because she is bringing allthese women together and doing it. Kathleen,

the epitome of women's Whitneys Women isright here. Kathleen. This is
exactly what it is. He reallyis. I know you are. You
are too happy. Well. Iwant to give a huge shot out and
thanks to to the Tribute Tower Residencesfor hosting us this year. They've been
so kind to welcome more than ahundred women to come to our event.
Um, so I'm really grateful tothem as well. Um, it's fun
to change it up. And uh, we'll see who joins us this year,

and I hope to see you therewith because we can't do it without
you. You're one of the biggestchampions of women I know. And it's
such a joy when women help otherwomen, it truly is. And I'll
have to help. Did I loseyou guys? You're there, I'm here.
I think we might have lowed WaitKathleen, well, I was like,
just place you'll have to come,Okay, okay, yeah we might

get that part well, Kathleen,thank you so much for coming on and
leading the way and showing us howyou know how to include others and lift
each other up. Brady, Itell you this is every year, every
week on Whitney's Women. I'm alwayssurprised by what these ladies are doing in
our city, and so often wedon't feature the good. And that's what

Whitney's Women is all about. Andthat's what you do, Whitney. You
bring these women, these amazing womento the forefront and they give them a
voice. And we're so happy thatyou're doing that. And I know you
do that daily when you do allyour other projects as well. So what
else is coming up for you?Yeah? So I am actually doing my
first ever head X talk and it'sat Wrigleyville. Yeah, it's actually in
the Cup Stadium. And it's funnybecause I put it on social and people

are like, wait, wait,why do you call it the Cup Stadium
just not Brigley And I'm like,because you know, we are a national
show, and sometimes I have tobe very direct about where we're doing it.
So it's actually coming up on Julytwenty fourth. It's something that I've
really put my heart and soul towhere we were really exciting more about where
the Whitney Reynolds Shows mission came fromand how it developed over the year.
So I'm really excited to open thatchapter in my story. And so that's

coming up later this month, andwe're planning for the fall. I know
it some time, and I don't. I love everything about the summer,
but we are scouting shows for ourfalse Uthan of the Whitney Reynolds Show.
So an exciting time. But peoplecan always get caught up on what we're
doing every Monday on Lakes where PBShere locally, or you can watch us
nationwide on the World Channel. Soexciting time. Wow, Whitney Reynolds never

slows down. I'm still convinced there'snine of you. But thank you for
joining us again once again Whitney's andwe'll talk very soon. Okay, Okay,
thanks everybody. Adopt us Kids Presents. What do you expect when you're
expecting a teenager learning the linga voteg Oat acronym stands for greatest of all
time, as in spaghetti sandwiches fordinner. They're my faith, Dad,

You're the goat. You don't haveto speak teen to be a perfect parent.
Thousands of teens in foster care willlove you just the same. Visit
adopt us Kids dot org, broughtto you by the US Department of Health
and Human Services adopt Us Kids inthe ad Council. As we wonder why
school shootings keep happening, someone islashing out at loved ones. As we

argue about legislation, someone is postingthreats on social media. As we continue
to mourn the loss of innocent lives, someone is planning the death of more.
Knowing the signs is the best wayto prevent gun violets. Learn the
signs at Sandy Hook Promise dot org. Hi, We're the Google Dolls.

We're fortunate that our daughters have whatthey need to grow and learn, but
that isn't the case for nearly thirteenmillion kids in the US that struggle with
hunger. Childhood hunger is a heartbreakingreality that Feeding America is working to change.
Each year, the Feeding American networkof food banks rescues billions of pounds
of good food that would have goneto waste and provides it to families and
children in need. You can helpkids in need in your community by visiting

Feeding America dot org, brought toyou by Feeding America and the AD Council.
Thank you so much, too,Brady and Whitney, and thank you
so much, Mick Lee, andthank you to all of our guests for
being on this show today, andof course, very importantly, thank you
for listening today and every single week. Thank you for listening and tuning into

the weekly show here on iHeartRadio atninety three nine, LIGHTFM, one out
three five, Kiss FM, andRock ninety five five. We do this
every single week. And if youor someone you know would like to be
on the show or would love tobe interviewed and share all the amazing things
that they're doing for our community righthere in our city and our suburbs,
you can email me right now atPaulina at iHeartMedia dot com. That's Paulina

at iHeartMedia dot com, and Iwill try to get an interview set up
with you so you can tell ushow you're helping to make our city and
suburbs a much better place to live. And of course do not forget.
We place this episode and any episodeyou could have missed on our free iHeartRadio
app. Just search for podcasts,search for the Weekly Show. Thank you
again to Mick Lee, Thank youagain, Brady, Thank you again Whitney

Reynolds, and thank you Chicago formaking this happen every single weekend, every
single Saturday and Sunday. We arehere and we are here to make a
difference as well. So once againyou can find us on our free iHeartRadio
app. You can just search forthe Weekly Show. We are up there.
That is w E E k lY the Weekly Show. Thank you

so much for tuning in today,have an amazing week. Thank you so
much, and of course we'll talkto you again next week
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