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December 8, 2023 • 27 mins
This week on the show, Brady and Whitney are back for another episode of "Whitney's Women". We also chat with Jahmal Cole from My Block My Hood My City to be a part of their light celebration. We also chat with Governer State University about their new programs. Lastly, we also chat with United Voices Chicago and their upcoming events.
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Episode Transcript

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Hello, and welcome to the WeeklyShow here on iHeartRadio on ninety three nine
Light FM and one on three fiveKids a f M and Rock ninety five
to five. Every week, we'rehere to discuss a variety of topics that
matter to Chicago Land, from health, education, to finances and so much
more. Today on the show,we have a new episode of Whitney's Women
featuring Brady and Whitney Reynolds, andwe also are chatting with our friend Jamal

Cole. We are talking all thingsmy Block, my Hood, my City,
and be a part of the Lighttwenty twenty three. We're also chatting
with our friends at Governor's State University. We'll be learning more about their new
programs than what they have to offer. And we're also chatting with our friends
at Uniting Voices Chicago and we'll betalking all about one of their really special

upcoming events. So let's get intothe show. Hi, It's Paulina here
with iHeartMedia Chicago for the Weekly Show, and I am speaking with our friend
Jamal Cole, My Block, myHood, my City. How are you
today? Hey, I'm doing betterto some worse, Mister Holliday, I'm
playing I'm a lot well, askinghow you doing. I am doing so
good and I love that we getto catch up with you. Obviously a

friend of the show, a friendof the station, and a friend of
the city. Of course, youknow my block, Mahood, my City.
Can you give us a little bitof a brief description for those who
may not be as familiar or thosewho maybe are tuning in for the first
time, a little bit about myBlockmhood, my City. Yeah, we
are like the Red Cross for thehood. Our mission is to take care
of people no matter what. Soif it's a snowstorm, you'll see us

showing up shoveling snow for seniors.If it's a heat wave, we're gonna
show up, pass out waters andbox stand as seniors. If it's a
media that his Chicago tomorrow, you'regonna see my block, myhood, my
city hoodies out there doing something aboutit. We take care of people no
matter what. We're my block,Behood, my city absolutely, and we've
you know, followed you and yourpath for so many years, so I

think it's amazing to see just thegrowth behind you as a leader, and
then obviously the growth of my Blockmhood, my City all over Chicago. I
see like the sweatshirts whatever, I'llbe in like kilfin Or. I live
by Midway Airport and I'm just like, I see you like you're everywhere.
So I love it. So Jamo, today we are talking about one of

your annual initiatives, right, it'sto be a part of the Lights.
So can you talk about that andkind of what that is, of course,
how we can get involved all thatgood stuff. Yeah, So what
we do with be a part ofthe Light is we hang holiday lights on
King Drive. Right now, ifyou go on King Drive, you see
helicopter lights and police car lights.That's traumatic. We interrupt all that trauma

by hanging holiday lights. We decoratefive hundred homes for free. That's the
goal. Every home is gonna shineas magnificent as the Magnificent Mile. We're
gonna put ribbons, bows, reefs, trees, lights, everything and make
it magnificent on the South Side.And we depend on our volunteers to come
help us do it. On Decembersecond, we call it be a part
of the Light, but really,when you come out on King Drive,

you are the light. You're thelight coming to the community and shine and
bright and we need your help onDecember second to hang lights on King Drive.
Absolutely, So can you talk aboutthe experiences that you've had before,
you know, with be a partof the light. I mean, what
is the most fulfilling part of thatfor you? What makes you like the
most happiest? Well, yeah,what makes me happy is you know a

lot of kids have never seen Christmastrees their whole life. You know,
they we go trip and treating inthe suburbs, they got the big houses
there, right, But suddenly onDecember second, we light up King Drive.
We put garland on the poles,We put lights on the poles,
and we look. It looks likeEdgewater, it looks like Greek Town when
you come through the south side ofChicago on King Drive. So right now
on King Drive, you know,there's a gas station in Washington Park.

Everybody call it the Unlucky gas stationis there's so many robberies, there's so
many shootings. We put holiday lightson that gas station to light it up,
right, and so it really interruptsthe trauma that's there, and it
inspires hope by just doing something assimple as hanging lights. Absolutely, I
yeah, I couldn't agree more.And I love. It's one of my
favorite parts of of what you doduring the holidays, and I think it's

so special for the community as well. So for those who want to be
involved, whether it's donating their timeresources, where can we do that?
Thank you, by the way,but you can do it at our website
fo rmblock dot org. That's formy block dot org is right on the
home page. You can sponsor ahome or light up a home. That
costs two hundred and fifty dollars.You can light up for homes or light

up the block. We're trying tolight up the whole south Side and we
cannot do it without your support.So go to our website form block dot
org and you can light up ahome or light up the whole block.
But it's gonna be magnificent. Itis downtown on the south Side, so
beautiful. Thank you so much forbeing here with us today and for sharing
this with our listeners. Hey,thank you Toning and you the truth.
I appreciate you guys for amplifying ourmessage and you'd be safe. So we

are back at is the holiday seasonedition of Whitneys Women, and we got
a full house today. I'm notsurprised. He always brings new friends to
our iHeart Studios. Here the oneand only from the Whitney Reynolds of Whitney
Reynolds is Heay, Oh my goodness, it is the holiday season. You
are right. I can't believe thisis probably our last Whitney's Woman and I
have a man next to me forthe year of twenty twenty three. I

wish we could do like a quickrecap, but it would be too much
greatness for this one segment because we'vehad so many great women and men joining
us this year and today is nodifferent. Whenever I talk about what's coming
up with this Breakthrough event, Ijust smile from ear to ear because it
is kids all across Chicago Land thatare featuring their talent. Let's welcome Austin

and Alisia. Hello, Hello,Hello, Hello. Yes, Now,
Austin is our man in this studioand we have Alisia and y'all are doing
an event together. Austin, I'mgonna have you kick it off first and
tell us about the Breakthrough Event.Yes, so Breakthrough It is a young
Emerging Star showcase that we're hosting atthe Metropolitan Club on Saturday, December ninth

from three to seven. I hasa great showcase to showcase some great talent
in the Chicago land. And we'realso supporting some great causes like Alicia's Dream
by the Hand Club for Kids andmore as well. Yeah. Well,
and speaking of great talent, Alicia'sDream, we just heard it mentioned,
Alicia. That's why you are herebecause the event is benefiting your nonprofit and
you are actually helping other young starsrise up when it comes to dance.

Tell us about your nonprofit. So, hi everyone, my name is Alicia
Duda. I'm an actress, dancer, model, and socch entrepreneur. I'm
also a author and I've been onshows like The Shin in Chicago Fire And
basically I created the organization Alicia's Dreamto help you on girls of color pursue
their dreams becoming a professional ballet dancerby providing dance scholarships and dance supplies.

And I came up with this ideabecause I too were going through the financial
struggles of paying for ballet and Iwanted to be there for other girls who
may be experiencing the same thing sothey could still pursue their passion. Well,
and I know it's not right toask a woman their age, But
I just want our listeners to knowhow old you are, because you are
the most pois young adult I know. Tell us how old you are.
Thank you. I am actually seventeenseventeen, folks, Now this is your

like, this is a PSA reminderfrom Aunt Whitney over here that like,
there is no age limit to livingyour dream and changing lives. So I
want to go a little bit moreinto what you said about forming this nonprofit.
When you say the expenses of whenit comes to that, I mean,
I'm a mom, I have akid in dance, I have a
kid in football. It's expensive.It adds up. So when did you

say I want to make my markand really help change this for other kids.
So at the age of nine,I really came up with the idea
because I saw a lot of myfriends were dropping out of dance because they
couldn't afford it. So I cameto my mom and was like, Mom,
what can we do to fix thisproblem? And we kind of brainstormed
together, and that's how I cameup with Alicia's dream. Oh I love
that, okay, And so sincenine, Brady, I mean, I

feel like I was watching SpongeBob.Yeah, I know I was gonna say,
my kids got to get their acttogether. That is incredible. And
so this event is benefiting not onlyAlicia's dream, but you said Buy the
Hand Club too. I've actually hadthem on the Whitney Reynolds Show before.
They're a great nonprofit. Tell usabout them Austin. Yes, so By
the Hand Club. They are christcentered after school program that takes kids Buy

the Hand essentially from Kerden Garden allthe way up to college. So they
help children and undersource neighborhoods around theChicago Land area, including like Austin area,
Kaarnie Green, and some other greatlocations in the Chicagoland area as well.
That's amazing. Yeah, they arereally doing their thing here in the
city as well. And like yousaid, they were taking kids by the
Hand. So this is a kidcentered event, but anybody can get tickets.

What are we going to see thatnight? The performance is I feel
like, I mean, I don'tknow if you know this, but I
used to be a yodler really andI feel like I should bring out the
yodeling. Of course, Whitney Reynoldswas a Yodlery okay, so what are
we going to see that night?So it'll be a great mix of different
talents. So we have some singers, we have young actress, and we

have a youngster that actually plays Obo. So a good mix of talents,
all sorts of things that you canexperience and breakthrough. This event is it
one that's been every year? Isit's a new event? Tell us about
that. Yes, So at theclub we host a charity classic once a
year. This year Breakthrough is thefirst time trying out this theme. We're
hoping that you know, this takeson and is something that we can host

every year. I love that.And when you say the club, because
it sounds so fancy over there inthe club, the Metropolitan Club. Not
only are you hosting this event forthese kids, but you're giving them a
view of our city in the bestway. The Metropolitan Club is gorgeous.
What floor is it on? Yes, so we're actually on the sixty sixth
and sixty seventh floor of Willis Tower. I love that. And you know,

it's really cool because you hear ofthese businesses sometimes you think they're so
far out of reach, but youare saying, hey, we're actually going
to bring you up with us anddo a fundraiser for our kids in the
city. Exactly. Yeah, We'resuper excited and anything that we can do
to get connected to the community assomething we're very big on. Alicia.
Are you going to be performing thatnight? Yes, actually I am,
hopefully. I'm pretty sure. Iam. Yeah, I can't wait to

perform. I'm gonna do Wait,actually no, I'm not gonna say what
I'm gonna do because my little surpriseI like that. Okay, so the
event is December ninth. Where dopeople go to get tickets? Yes,
to purchase tickets, so you cango to go dot club Corp, Charity
Auctions dot com, backslash breakthrough andbreakthrough is spelled b R E A K

T h R you and you canalso get it on the Metropolitan Clubs Instagram.
I'll have it online as well.Whitney Reynolds. Yes, thank you
guys so much for coming on,Alicia. Anything else you want to leave
it with, because I mean,it's not every day that we have a
rockstar like you in the studio.Is there anything else that you want our
listeners to know? Yes? Okay, So I don't even know where to
start. First off, I wouldlike to thank Cherie and Mistery and mister

Keenan for just giving me the opportunityto be here. I love corresponding for
Young Star Sweet sixty is providing meso many opportunities, and I've been able
to experience so many things and havelearned so many things. They're just a
great team and I just have somuch fun. Also, this is just
a great opportunity, So make sureyou guys are out on December nine,
because that's something you guys don't wantto miss. So make sure that you

guys are there to experience that.Also, I have a dream Big initiative
that I want to put in theretoo that I basically go to different schools
and stuff and talk to you guysand just make sure you guys know that
you can dream big too, andI teach you guys about what you need
to do in order to accomplish yourdream and to just make those dreams happen.

So if you guys want me totalk to your school, let me
know. Yeah on Instagram at AliciaUnderscore Ballerina and yeah, you guys can
contact me there. Also, anyfurther information is on my website, Alicia
Duda dot com, A L YS S I A d U d A
dot com. So there we go. Wow, Brady, I mean I

think she could be a future isit called radio jockey? Yeah, I'm
volunteering. I'm throwing my name inthe I have but become your agent.
I'm seventeen years old and this isa reminder that you're never too young to
dream and to make change in theworld. That's positive. Austin, thank
you so much for introducing us toAlicia, because you're the one that told

us about Alicia's Dream and the eventgoing on again, tell people where they
can get those tickets. Yes,so you can get your tickets at go
dot club Corp, Charity Auctions dotcom, Backslash, Breakthrough, b R
E A K t R T hR U, or again on our instagram
at the Metropolitan Chicago. That's perfect. Thank you both so much for coming

on. I also have one morething that I forgot to mention. My
organization, Alicia's Dream, has alsoexpanded recently. So it's for all actors,
actresses and anyone who wants to justget involved in the arts, because
unfortunately, underserved communities are not exposedto that. So I want to be
there to make sure that you guysare able to see these things and know
that you can accomplish it. SoElisia's dream is not limited. So if

you guys want to check it outor donate once again, you can go
to my website Lisiaduda dot com,ssi Aduda dot com. I love it,
I know, not limited. Ilove that expanding the boundaries. I'm
inspired. Yeah, well you knowwhat I was. Actually, I love
being a bridge for different people.And I have like five people I got
to connect you with after this seconddone, Yes, exacsolutely. It's all

about that network. There's a there'sa lot of arts happening. In fact,
I just had Harry Lennox on TheWhitney Renolds Show, and he's all
about building up Bronzeville when it comesto the arts. So I know,
well, today's Whitney's Women was,like I said, inspiring. In the
best way to put it, Ithink is the future is in great hands.
Yes, I know. And agreat year ender to Witneys Women.
I know. Speaking of I gotto know as the year's ending, Yeah,

twenty twenty four is coming up inoh my god, less than a
month. What's coming up next yearfor you, the Whitney Reynolds Show,
the Whitney Reynolds brand. Other thanchanging the world, oh my goodness,
it has been a phenomenal year.For one, I'm super grateful and there
have been things that have doors thatI wouldn't have seen open, but for
years I was like pushing them down. So I'm grateful that they are opening.

But what that means is that we'regoing to be taking other people along
with us through those doors next year. So twenty twenty four is one of
those I would say moments that thedoors that we have pushed open are going
to be open for all. Andso twenty twenty four Whitney Reynolds Show,
Get Ready, Buckle Up. Ourstudio at Sinn City is just is changing
the way we tape and the waywe can welcome people in and the stories

we tell. We do have Whitney'swish List that's airing this weekend on WGN.
I want to make sure people checkit out. It's my holiday gift
guide and Brady, it's full ofdo good businesses. So that's coming up
this weekend. You can go toWhitney Reynolds dot com to find out more.
And of course to all of ourlisteners, we love you. Thank
you for tuning in and knowing thatthere's good in our city and there's amazing

young women, older women, middleaged women, but women are really doing
it. So thank you so muchfor a great year of Whitney's Women.
Before we leave, maybe a littlelay bye. Hi. It's Paulina here
with iHeartMedia Chicago and our Community Affairsshow, and today I am chatting with
Will Davis, VP of External Affairsand CEO of Governor State Foundation. How

are you today? I'm doing great. How are you? I'm doing well.
I'm super excited to have you onthe show today. First things first,
can we get a little bit ofa background on you and your current
role? Oh? Yes, again, Will Davis. I'm the vice president
of External Affairs, which means almosteverything externally except for government relations one of
my colleague family's dad. I handledonors, alumni, corporate engagement, community

engagement, as well as the marketingand communication of the institution for the branding
with the logos, the messaging,the mass communications. And then my other
hot is the Governor State University Foundation, which I'm the CEO of that I've
been with governorent State twenty twelve.Thank you so much, and do you

mind giving us a little bit ofbackground as well and telling us about Governor
State. Absolutely, Governors State isa wonderful institution. It is an Illinois
public high educational institution, four yearregional college. We have four different colleges,
the College of Health and Human Services, College of Arts and Science,
College of Education and Human Development,and the College of I said, Health

and Human Servigonia, but the Collegeof Arts and Science and so it's a
long way up to graduate programs.Doctoral programs were located about three miles south
of Chicago. Oh, very cool. Yeah, that's not far at all.
So what makes Governor States a firstchoice university? Oh? First of
all, our faculty do an excellentjob and preparing students for their career as

after graduation. Our faculty not onlydo research, but there also a lot
of them practice in their subject matterexpertise, so they're practicing and doing that
career as well as their research andeducating the students. Also, we have
career services that allowed to help buildup some of that pre graduation opportunities such

as internships, prop comes, aswell as opportunities to engage with alumni.
The majority of the Demastate University's alumnilive within a fifty mile radius of Governor
State, as we're located throughout theChicago land in northwest Indiana. But that
we provide excellent and accessible education.That is such great information to know.

So for those familiar with Governor State, right, what's new? What is
currently happening that is new for students? It seems like there's so much.
But one of the things we're veryexcited about is that we just launched the
Honors College. For over a decadewe've had an honors program. Now we
have an honors college, so highschool students and those students who transfer from

other institutions have opportunity to participate inthe honors college format as well. We
are continuing to expand our graduate programsand we also started a graduates Studies college
as well, So those are goingto allow those individuals to focus on those

areas of expertise to help move theremove the Karis law. We have Greek
life now, so that's added tothe extracurricular activities, and our athletic programs
continue to be expanded. Another thingthat we have launched is a Latinox Center.
One of our most going populations comingfrom the LATINX community, so we

have a Latinx Center and for resourcesthere, we open up a social justice
in this stiff that is available tothe commun a large, so we could
continue surveying to see in our maidbasewe might have their leeds and we're excited
about again as our applight programs areexpanding, we're going to bring on future

afflic programs such as baseball, softballand other initiatives. So what about in
addition to excellent academic programming, whatelse does the university have for students as
well? So we have opportunities forstudents to study abroad, serve abroad,
and travel brigades. We've had travelerbrigades go to South America, to Europe

Africa and students actually able to go, some for actual credit and others are
going for service credit and service awards. And also one of the things that
we do for prospective students that wealso could take their career experiences and equate

them to colleg credits. So ifsomeone's out there, if they took some
college or they've been working, anda sniff their role and a location and
a job that think actually bringing theirresumes and come and see if any of
those qualify for college credits which willhelp speed up of their completion. That's
incredible. So how do prospective studentsand their parents get more information about Governor

State University. Well, we invitethem to come to our website at www
dot goov st dot edu as wellas I always welcome to come to one
of our open houses, and westill find that information on website as well.
Wonderful. Thank you so much forbeing here with us today. Will
Davis one more time for those listeningthose tuning in, what is a good

website to check out at www dotg ov st dot e du beautiful.
Thank you so much for your timetoday. Thank you. Hi. It's
Paulina here with iHeart Media Chicago andtoday I am chatting with Josephine Lee,
president of Uniting Voice of Chicago.How are you today? I'm wonderful.

Thank you so much for having me. Of course, thank you for being
here with us today. We appreciateit. Josephine, do you mind giving
us a little bit of a backgroundabout yourself and your current just you know,
your current role with Uniting with UnitingVoice of Chicago. Yes, well,
my name is Josephine Lee, andI am honored to serve as president

of this extraordinary organization that has beenaround since nineteen fifty six. It was
formerly Chicago Children's Choir, and itwas inspired by the burgeoning civil rights movement
in nineteen fifty six, and itis rooted in the belief that music is
the most powerful vehicle for fostering mutualunderstanding and respect between young people of all

races, ethnicities, socio economic background, religions, gender identities, et cetera.
Since our founding, we have grownfrom one choir into an internationally renowned
network of in school and after schoolprograms that serve thousands of students across the
city of Chicago every year. Sopeople think of, you know, a

choir as being oh, this isjust one cute ensemble, We in fact
have partnerships with eighty eight Chicago publicschools. We have a presence in twelve
neighborhoods throughout Chicago, as well astwo citywide ensembles that meet at our headquarters
at the Chicago Cultural Center, andthey serve as ambassadors not only of their

community, but of our city,our nation, and the world. And
of peace, and you know youshould. We should be so proud of
them. We have one hundred andforty ensembles. Amazing, that is incredible.
So for you know, the thosewho may not be as familiar with
the formerly known Chicoicago's Children's Choir,and obviously you know today it is uniting

voices Chicago. Can you talk alittle bit about some of the past events
that you've had, sort of likewhat you do specifically in terms of music,
who you serve all that good stuff. Yes, we serve young people
ages six to eighteen. So thereis a continuum of opportunity. You don't

have to have musical training to join. If you have a love for music,
a desire to sing, this isyour place. You sing in thirty
seven languages, You learn history,you learn, you know diverse cultures.
We celebrate Black History Month the ChicagoSymphony Center, the world renowned Symphony Center.

We host our events there for ourin school thousands of our in school
kids, and they sing at MillenniumPark at that Pritzcrip pavilion you all may
know the bean. We gather allour kids there. In May, we
travel not only nationally but internationally.We hosted a condo, Latino Festival an
outdoor festival in the Pilsen community inSeptember, So there's a lot of world

class musical opportunities. We also collaborateregularly with the Lyric Opera of Chicago.
Last year we were involved in fourproductions, and we've been there for twenty
years plus years, and even inthe early eighties and nineties we perform at
the Ravinia Festival. They've performed withLadysmith, Black Mambazo, to Bobby McFerrin,
Al Green, Eddie Vetter, WhiteCliff, Sean Chancellor, Rapper,

just to name a few, QueenLatifa, and so it's just it's a
really extraordinary place where kids can alsomeet lifelong friends. So kids who joined
sometimes at eight years old have beenwith me for ten years and it's really
beautiful to see how they go outinto the world and serve as leaders of

our world. It's quite inspiring tosee what happens when young people come together
on common ground and celebrate their sharedhumanity, and it really breaks down barriers
because they learn so much about eachother and their history and they're able to

then collaborate and work together to createa better world. Wonderful. So this
is happening on a December second.It is the Uniting Voices Festive Winter Blow
Concert on a December second here inChicago. Can you tell us about that
event as well? Yes, weare excited to return to Symphony Center this

Saturday, December second for our Glow. Let me just say that we're so
excited to return to Symphony Center thisSaturday, December second for our Winter Glow
concert series. We'll be featuring singersfrom all around the city and they will
be singing a mix of enchanting originalsongs, classical works, winter hits,

and music from around the world.There will be an eleven am show as
well as a two thirty pm Mattine. It's wonderful. Thank you so much
for letting us know. And wherecan we go for more information? And
then also you know, just tosupport you as well during this time but
pretty much throughout the year for UnitingVoices Chicago. Where can we go to

do that? Yes, please visitus on our website Uniting Voices Chicago dot
org. You can purchase tickets there, you can sign your singer or your
child up to join us in Januaryand as well as support this brilliant organization.
Amazing. Thank you so much forbeing here with us today. Joseph

fin Lee, President of Uniting Voices, Chicago. We really appreciate it.
Thank you for having me appreciate it. Thank you so much, and thank
you for listening to the weekly showhere on iHeartRadio. We post this show
and all our previous episodes up onour iHeartRadio page. You can just search
and download our free iHeartRadio app andsearch for the weekly show. Thank you

so much for tuning in, andof course, thank you so much for
being a part of our community affairsexperience. We'll talk to you again next
weekend. Take care,
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