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April 14, 2024 27 mins
This week on the show, we have Whitney Reynolds presenting Bobbi Panter, President of Service Club of Chicago to discuss their organization and upcoming Spring Luncheon. Jody Hoyos, CEO of the Prevent Cancer Foundation chats about Cancer Prevention & Early Detection Month and the importance of cancer screenings and prevention strategies and the foundation’s work as the only US-based nonprofit organization solely dedicated to cancer prevention and early detection. 
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Episode Transcript

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Welcome to the weekly show here oniHeartRadio Herd every weekend on ninety three point
nine Light FM, Rock ninety fiveto five and one oh three five Kiss
FM. This show is for thecommunity of Chicago Land, where we spotlight
local charities and nonprofits doing great thingsfor our city and suburbs, as well
as just keeping you up to dateon various topics from finances to education,

politics, healthcare, and more.Another great show lined up for you this
week we have Judy Hoyos, CEOof the Prevent Cancer Foundation. We'll talk
about what they're doing and the importanceof cancer screenings and prevention strategies when it
comes to early detection. Up first, though, Whitney Reynolds is here with

Brady for another edition of Whitney's Women. We have Bobby Painter, President of
Service Club of Chicago, talking abouttheir spring luncheon and what else they're up
to. Hey, Brady, I'velearned what it is. There needs to
be a movie called Six Degrees ofSeparation to Whitney Reynolds, because it's always
you know her, she knows you. You know that everybody knows everybody.
It is a community, and thatis what Whitney's Women is all about and

that's why we're here today. Well, and that's what I love about Chicago,
especially when you're involved with the nonprofitscene. That's where Whitney's Women really
comes in. And you're right,we all like to help each other.
That's what I love about the city. It's a city of millions, but
when we all put our minds toit, it's amazing what we can do.
And today I get to actually havea dear friend sitting to my right
and Bobby, I mean you,I'm just gonna say it. Bobby does

so many different things for our citybeyond what she's here for today. It's
Bobby Panter, Welcome to Whitney's Women. You are here for the service clubs,
bring luncheon today. They impact ourhats hold. But you really do
so much for our cities. Sowelcome. I'm so glad you're here.
Thank you. It's so fun tobe here, and I'm so excited you
do a ton for our city aswell. So it's a great city and

I'm happy that I can be partof it. Well, you know,
before we go into why you're here, I just want to say, like
one thing I love about your socialmedia personally, is you are such an
encourager of our city. You showthe beauty, you show all the great
things we have to offer. Andnow you're really digging deep with what you're
giving back to the city. Soit's just really amazing. Well, it's
all part of it. I mean, if you can't give back and you

can't be part of it and livelife and give back gratitude, then what's
the point. So I love itand that is great. Well, and
that's why you're on Whitney's Women.Okay, so let's talk about the Service
Club and the big event we havecoming up. The big event. I'm
so excited to be one of Whitney'sWomen. So there you have it.
The big event is our annual SpringLuncheon. And everybody waits for this event

because you're coming out of winter.Everything has been dull and well like today,
it's raining and cloudy and dreary,and then you have this beautiful event
where women wear hats and dress beautifully. But it's all for the great cause
of the Service Club of Chicago andthis raises funds for our philanthropic endeavors.

And correct me if I'm wrong,because I could be tooting a horn.
I do want to know. Iam a member of the Service Club,
but yes you are, Yes,I am, and a co chair of
the event, Yes, yes Iam. And so it's a near and
dear to my heart. But theService Club is it the oldest women's organization
in Chicago. It is? Okay, it was started by thirteen women.

And think about this, and eighteenninety women could not vote, so they
needed a place where they felt theycould make a difference be heard. And
we have just grown. Now we'reyou know, two hundred members. Their
women, their lawyers, their doctors, their mothers, they're everything under the

sun, pet shampoo, pet shampoo, you name it. TV personality so
well, and what I love you, yeah, personality as well. You
know what I love about the ServiceClub And I'm going to let you go
to the mission is it's a nonprofit. That is the ultimate funding we have
other nonprofits. That's what everything goesback to. So tell us about the
mission. Yes, well, ourmission is really to impact and help organizations

throughout Chicagoland. So it's a twentyfive mile radius. And what we do
is every year, after we collectall our funds from our events, We
give grants to probably forty to eightynonprofits throughout the city and the surrounding area.
And it's it's across the board.It's education, it's the arts,

it's welfare, it's we've given bedsto the Ronald McDonald House. We've given
a heart monitor to Lincoln Park Zoo. We've given little boots to miniature horses
that go to hospitals. I actuallythose little miniature shoes really do a lot.
I got to walk cut. Itis not Brady, I'm gonna bring
you into this one because you lotanimals one of my favorites. We gave

shoes to little ponies. But theponies, miniature horses, sorry, Maningur
horses, they go into hospitals.And I got to see the work firsthand
through the TV show of them inthe hospital. They yeah, and who
doesn't love a horse? Yes,Maine in Heaven. And the ironic thing
is, my mother in law isin a facility in a surrounding area and

they came to visit her, andthere's a picture and they're wearing our shoes.
But it's so they don't slip andslide when they're walking down the hospital
corridors. And I've watched them inaction, like walking alongside people that are
in wheelchairs, and and they getto take the people out of the moment
of I'm in a hospital. Actually, yeah, it's really cool. Those

are just some of the examples ofwhat they go back to. But I
mean, hundreds of thousands of dollarsgiven away, hundreds and thousands of dollars,
but we don't actually give the dollars. This is what I really love
is we actually pay the vendors directlyfor what our grant recipients are asking for,
so that our donors know exactly wherethe money goes. So if you're

asking for a bed, then we'regoing to pay wherever you've gotten quotes,
wherever we can get the best deal, We're going to pay them directly.
I love that too, so youknow exactly what it's going back exactly.
And we have a vetting process thatI don't think people know about. But
we see each grant presentation and thisyear we're seeing eighty eight and they come

to our office, they make apresentation, they show us what they're asking
for. If we haven't seen thembefore, we actually get on a bus
and go visit the site. Ourselvesand see their presentation. Then we all
get together, we review everything.We add up what money we have,
what money people are asking for,and then we make our decision and we

give these grants away and it's amazing. People are so grateful and we really
change lives truly, and I wantour listeners to know that if they are
a nonprofit or no nonprofit, everybody'swelcome. And we have all that info
on the website we do. Youcan go to our website at Service clubof
Chicago dot org and it will giveyou the outline. There's applications for grants

on there. But the way thisall happens is actually through the event,
and that's what we're talking about.That's how we raise our mind, I
know. And this is the firstbig event of the year for the Service
Club, the Spring Luncheon. Likeyou said, Okay, bye bye Rain,
let's see flowers, let's go.So tell us about the Spring Luncheon.
Well, the Spring Luncheon this yearis called the Impact Our Hats Hold,

and you can talk more about thatbecause you were one of the ones
that came up with that great theme. It's May seventeenth and it starts at
ten forty five am and it's atthe beautiful Ritz Carlton in Chicago, and
there's going to be about an hourand a half reception and then we'll roll
into our lunch and the program thatyou guys have planned. And after lunch.

This was just an hour last nightat our board meeting. There's going
to be a post party in theatrium and outside. If weather it permits
to keep the party going, keepthe fundraising going. And so it's on
a Friday, which is great.It is it's the first Friday that we've
ever had the Spring Luncheon. AndI want to go back to the title

that impact our hats hold. Ifyou know the Service Club and you know
this luncheon, we're known for thehats, but our mission is really so
much more. And I want peopleto know what the hats that you're going
to wear actually go to. Sothat's the focus on this year's luncheon is,
yes, come wear the hat,get your ticket, but actually understand

what we're doing with the funds thatare raised that day. And then Brady,
traditionally this is just I don't wantto say just women. We have
men too, but there's a lotof women in the room, but this
after party and the party is onthe beautiful terrace area, which is so
great. It's outdoors, the atriumand outdoors, so it's going to be

great. And it's Friday this year, so private you have to buy the
ticket. Of the tickets for thatare one hundred dollars. The tickets for
the luncheon itself are to seventy five. Yeah, yeah, that's right.
Yeah, And you can always getmore info tell us. The website where
people can get it is service Cluboff Chicago dot org. And if you

go to events up at the topevent list, it's the second event on
our on the list there. Justclick on that. There's all the information.
You can buy tickets, tables,donate, it's so great, raffle
tickets. And I'll also have itup on our social so people can find
it there as well. Give usthe date again, May seventeenth, Friday,
May seventeenth, at the Ritzk Carleton, Chicago, Illinois. It starts

at ten forty five am. Ourpost party starts at two pm to four
pm. So I hope everybody willcalm, bring your hats or not or
yeah. Well, and it's it'snice because the Spring books up. But
that's why I'm excited that we're gettingthese dates out. We had Wellness House
on last week, and so wewant people to know that things are coming

up and there's a big way thatyou can get back in Chicago Land.
Plus, because you did mention,I'm a co chair. There are some
exciting details about this lunch that havenot hit yet, So if you stay
with the Service Club social media,you'll be able to check out more info
on that. So give us thatwebsite one more time. Service Club of
Chicago dot org. Okay, thankyou so much, Bobby for coming on,
Thank you for having me. Ihope everybody comes to the Spring Lunch

and on May seventeenth. I loveit. I feel like what we need
to do is we need to findsomebody a cartoonist hear me out, and
we need the Whitney Reynolds superhero comic. Oh my gosh, jobs, Whitney
woman. There's all these reels thatmy girlfriend send me of like you need

that friend. I feel like Igot to make a reel for you,
Brady, because everybody needs that friend. You're my pump up guy. Thank
you for always supporting my heart,my mission. My wild is coming to
the post party. Yeah, yes, and I hope we hope our listeners
to too. Yeah. I justgot to do this since we're since we're
hyping you up, here we go, Whitney Reynolds. As always, keep

up the amazing working before we letyou go. You got some stuff coming
up on your end two. Yes, we do. We are in the
second week of our new season ofThe Whitney Reynolds Show. And this season,
if you don't know about our mission, it doesn't waiver, folks.
We truly believe that your story matters, and there's hope in the hard chapters,
there's hope in the amazing chapters,and we are digging deep with that
hope this season. So for moreinfo, go to Whitney Reynolds dot com

or watch us on your local PBSstation. Thank you so much, Brady
and Whitney. It's the weekly showhere on iHeartRadio on ninety three point nine
Late FM, one oh three five, Kiss FM, and Rock ninety five
to five. Up next, JudyHoyos and Ryan Gorman will chat with her
about their prevent Cancer found Hey Ryan. April is also cancer Prevention and Early

Detection Month, and for more onthat we're joined now by the CEO of
the Prevent Cancer Foundation, Jody Hoyos. This is the only US based nonprofit
organization solely dedicated to cancer prevention andearly detection. Jody, thank you so
much for taking a few minutes tocome on the show. And let's start
with the backstory for your organization.How did the Prevent Cancer Foundation first get

started? Yeah, great question,Ryan. The Prevent Cancer Foundation was started
thirty eight years ago. Actually,so it began. The founder of the
organization is Beau al Daje and herfather passed away from a preventable cancer and
a death she felt didn't need tooccur. And what she noticed when she

looked around at the cancer landscape isthat no one was talking about prevention so
and no one was talking about earlydetection, Like, what can we do
to bring power back to people tohave some control over our health? And
so she set about and created thePrevent Cancer Foundation and really worked to make

sure that prevention and early detection willbe included in part of the conversation.
You know, there was so muchenergy and resources being dedicated to treatment,
which is important, but we don'twant to leave out that there's quite a
lot we can do much farther upstreamin order to prevent these cancers from happening

to begin with. So we've beenon a journey to make sure that we
are advancing prevention and early detection andmaking it accessible to everyone since then.
And you have it right on thehome page of your website and everyone can
find out more about the Prevent CancerFoundation at preventcancer dot org. Early detection

equals better outcomes. That is exactlyright, and it's really important for people
to know that piece, so thatearly detection does equal better outcomes. When
we looked across the landscape and wedid our annual early detection survey this year,
we found that almost seven out often adults in the US are behind

on at least one routine cancer screening, So they're missing the opportunity to prevent
a cancer altogether or to detect itearly when you have more treatment options,
when you can have less intense treatmentoptions. And there are a few things
that people cited as to what wouldencourage them or what helps get people in

to get their screenings. One ofthose things is that once people know the
benefits of early detection, they aremore likely to schedule their screening. So
I you know, sometimes we thinkabout cancer as very very binary, so
yes, you have it or no, don't have it, But there are

degrees in there when we think aboutcancer stages, and we want people to
know that the earlier you know aproblem is there, the better, the
better the chances are at a long, healthy life, and or preventing it
to begin with would be the bestcase scenario. Despite the fact that we've
come a long way in terms ofdifferent treatments, the fact of the matter

is, especially for certain types ofcancer, early detection can be key.
That's exactly right, That's exactly right. I mean, it really does offer
you more options. And many timespeople are afraid, you know, they
don't want to know, or they'reconcerned about there's something called financial toxicity,

so they start doing the worst casescenario planning, which is, you know,
if if I find out I havecancer, I how am I going
to afford this? How am Igoing to manage this? What is my
family going to do? But againwe want to remember that the earlier something
is detected, the better your chancesare having less invasive treatment options or more

treatment options. So it doesn't haveto be quite so overwhelming, but I
know, I know it can bescary for people. April is Cancer Prevention
and Early Detection Month. I'm RyanGorman and for more on all of this,
we're joined right now by the CEOof the Prevent Cancer Foundation, Jody
Hoyos. You can learn more aboutthe work this organization does and support that

work at Prevent Cancer dot org.I want to ask you about early detection
in particular because that includes and correctme if I'm wrong, doing these screenings
even if you don't have any kindof symptoms that you're concerned about, right,
because sometimes you know cancer can bedetected and you will have had no

idea it was there. That's agreat point, Ryan, and that is
a common source of confusion. Soyou're right. You want to get in
for screening before signs or symptoms appear. So oftentimes signs are symptoms show themselves
in later stages, so you don'twant to ignore those. You want to

talk about that and get to seea doctor if that if you're having signs
or symptoms But routine screening or earlydetection is what we do when before signs
are symptoms appear, and when wetalk about barriers to why people are not
being screened, but there's some interestinginformation. So the top reason people reported

for being behind on their cancer screeningswas simply that they did not know they
needed to be screened, and thatwas true across nearly all survey participants groups.
So this awareness is a really importantcomponent. However, there are additional
barriers that were shared by different racialand ethnic groups in the United States,
and you mentioned one already, whichso white adults cited that they didn't have

lack of fines or symptoms, whichis why they're not getting screened. Hispanic
adults had the inability to afford thecost was the top reason for not being
up to date with screenings. Blackadults said skepticism of the healthcare system was
a reason for not being up todate. An Asian adult cited fear of
the screening itself as a reason fornot being up to date. So there

are all kinds of reasons that arepreventing people from getting the routine care that
they need. But we want tomake sure that we are sharing information that
helps address these concerns. For thosewho have a family history tied to cancer,
how important is it for them tomake sure they go and get these

cancer screening it's important for everyone.But when you have a family history like
that, that adds importance to thosescreenings, right, it does, it
does, and this is this isan interesting issue. So everyone who has
a family history of cancer, andyou have access to that information, or

you can get access to that information, it's important to have. So you
want to talk to your provider ifthere's a family history of cancer to find
out when you should begin different screenings, and that will depend on your family
history and which cancers may have impactedyour family and then how often you need
to be screened. However, itis a big misconception that only people with

a family history of cancer need tobe screened for cancer. It was a
second most common reason sighted in oursurvey for why people weren't being screened.
They thought, Okay, well Idon't have a family history, so I
don't need to worry about it.And the truth is that most people with
cancer don't have a family history.So about five to ten percent of cancers

are hereditary. So we want tomake sure you know if you have a
family history, I can find outdo and talk to your provider. But
everyone, as you said, everyonewho regardless of family history needs to be
getting their routine screenings. I'm RyanGorman. April is Cancer Prevention and Early
Detection Month, and we're joined nowby the CEO of the Prevent Cancer Foundation,

Jody Hoyos. This is the onlyUS based nonprofit organization solely dedicated to
cancer prevention and early detection, andyou can learn more about the work they
do and find some really great resourcesat preventcancer dot org. How much did
the pandemic set us back in termsof Americans going and getting screenings, because

I know, you know, fora variety of different reasons, that obviously
slowed down quite a bit. Havewe seen it ramp back up or are
we still lagging in part because ofthat. It's a great question that the
pandemic flowed us down. There wasa significant decrease in cancer screenings and routine
health in general, as you mentioned, and that was for a variety of

reasons, and we have not seenthe rebound or the bouts back that we
would expect. The reasons cited aredifferent. So when we were looking at
the pandemic and during that time,there was a combination of barriers people's face
that were just really the providers officeswere closed. I mean people couldn't get

into a dentist's office at the scheduleroutine appointments, which is where you'd get
your oral cancer screening is through yourdentists actually, or people were really afraid
of getting exposed to COVID at ahealthcare provider's office, and so that was
a barrier. Then now we've movedinto a time and potentially it's just overloaded

information time constraints that people just don'teven know what they should be doing.
They don't know what screenings they need. So we have not bounced back and
we still have quite a ways togo in getting people where they need to
be. We generally think of middleaged and older adults in terms of going
and getting cancer screenings, but wehave seen what seems to be a rise

and there are a lot of differentreasons that can potentially be the cause of
that, but we have seen anincrease in younger people being diagnosed with cancer.
Are there things that younger people shouldkeep in mind when it comes to
cancer prevention and screenings? Yeah,so your risk of cancer increases as you
get older. But as you mentioned, we're seeing more and more cases presenting

in younger adults. I mean,there's a couple of things that people can
be thinking about. One is informyourselves on what you need to be doing
and when, so you know,if you look at our resources, you
can see that you really need tobe thinking about this when in your young

twenties, about the screenings you needor the or vaccines you need that can
prevent cancer. So we have thehuman papalomavirus vaccine, which the HPV vaccination,
which can prevent up the fixed typesof cancer, and that doubt that
the age of initiation for that isbetween nine years old and twelve years old.

And I'm certainly not suggesting nine totwelve year olds to need to know
what they need to be doing toprevent cancer. But it is younger than
people might think. This is notjust something that impacts older people. And
we need to be thinking about ourlifestyle. So there's a lot of information
out there about diet, exercise,but it's real. So those are things

it is never too late to start, but it's a great thing to be
thinking about when you're younger. We'rejoined right now for Cancer Prevention and Early
Detection month by the CEO the PreventCancer Foundation, Jody Hoyos, I'm Ryan
Gorman. You can learn more andsupport this organization at Prevent cancer dot org.
Are there some tips general pieces ofadvice, Jody that everyone should be

aware of when it comes to cancerprevention and early detection that we haven't touched
on yet. I think the mostimportant part that I want to make sure
people know is to advocate for yourselves, so you would it's not uncommon for
people not to hear from their healthcareprovider about what they need to be doing,

and that doesn't mean you shouldn't bedoing it. So people are expecting
to have information sent to them orgiven to them about the screenings they need
about prevention and how to optimize theirhealth, and very often that's not happening.
And that's for many reasons. Imean, our healthcare providers are really
trying to achieve quite a lot inshort visit times, and so advocate for

yourself. Know what you need andwhat your family needs so that you can
make sure that you have a longand healthy life. And finally, tell
us about some of the resources andinformation that everyone can find at Prevent cancer
dot org and some of the wayseveryone can get involved and help support the
work you're doing. Oh, it'sgreat. So we have some great resources

on prevent cancer dot org that includesa chart that gives you the types of
prevention and cancer screenings you need atevery age, So it's a one stop
shop as opposed to trying to goten different places to figure out what you
need when we have a list oflow and no cost screening location for you.

And we do have a tool whereyou can create a personalized health plan
that you can print out and takewith you to your provider's office. And
you don't have to provide personal informationso age, gender, and you can
get that resource for yourself. Youcan support the organization by sharing the information
that we have, so we dohave great social media channels. You know,

anything that you're hearing today that wouldbe helpful for your organization, friends
or family, please share it.Reach out to us if you want to
talk more about how or what couldbe beneficial for you and your group of
people that you care about. Andkeep an eye on the work we're doing
at the local community level as wellas the work we're funding and research to

advance prevention in early detection. There'sa lot of very cool things happening in
this field, and we want tomake sure everyone has access to it.
For cancer prevention and early detection month, we're joined by the CEO of the
Prevent Cancer Foundation, Jody Hoyos.Again. You can learn more and support
their work at Prevent Cancer dot org. Jody, I want to thank you
so much for taking the time tocome on the show and for doing all

the tremendous work you're doing in thisarea. We really appreciate it. Thank
you so much. Bryan, Yes, thank you so much, and thank
you for listening to this week's weeklyshow on iHeartRadio. It's Heart every weekend
on ninety three point nine Light FM, Rock ninety five to five and one
oh three five Kiss FM, givingyou information about what's happening in our city
and suburbs from various topics to education, healthcare, and more. We're also

spotlighting charities and nonprofits every week.If you are part of one of those
nonprofits and you think you deserve aspotlight here on the radio, we'd love
to hear from you. You canemail me directly Mick Lee at iHeartMedia dot
com and maybe we'll have you onvery soon. Thank you so much for
listening. To the weekly show.We'll be back again with you next weekend here
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