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May 12, 2024 30 mins
This week, Major Caleb Senn joins the show to discuss National Salvation Army week. Autumn Pippenburg chats about how the Art of Giving Foundation equips Chicago public schools and community centers with art and educational resources. Christy Turlington Burns checks in for Mother’s Day Weekend to explain how her organization is working to make pregnancy and childbirth safe, respectful and equitable for mothers across the country and around the world.
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Episode Transcript

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Welcome to the weekly show on iHeartRadio, heard every weekend on ninety three point
nine Light FM, Rock ninety fiveto five and one oh three five Kiss
FM. I'm Mick Lee. Thisshow is to keep you informed on what's
happening in our community here in Chicago, land, in the city and suburbs.
We discuss every topic from healthcare tofinances, education, and of course

we love spotlighting local charities and nonprofits. Today on the show, Whitney Reynolds
is back with another edition of Whitney'sWomen. They'll be chatting with Autumn Pippenberg,
founder of Art of Giving Foundation,and what they're doing this spring.
We also have Christy Turlington Burns,founder and president of Every Mother Counts.

We'll check in with her for Mother'sDay weekend to explain how her organization is
working to make pregnancy and childbirth safefor mothers across the world. First up,
though, we have Chicago area commanderof the Salvation Army, Major Calebsen
to discuss National Salvation Army week.Melissa Foreman is here. Hi, Melissa,
So we have Major Caleb Sen onfrom the Salvation Army. How are

you doing. I am doing great, It's great. To be here with
you. Every time I talk toyou, I want to ring a bell.
I forgot my bell. I waslike, I need to have it.
I'm getting ready. We're getting close. We like to say those for
Christmas as much as possible. Iknow, but I got a practice all
year round. Right, we appreciateit. We're getting close on six months.
You never know, so all right, Well, first of all,
I just want to say congratulate,well not congratulations, but yes, congratulations

for all of your accomplishments, everythingthat you guys do. I didn't know
this, but Salvation Army Week iskicking off on Monday, May thirteenth,
right, Yeah, this is theseventieth Salvation Army Week in our country,
and we are so excited just tocelebrate the lives that have been transformed in
some of the great work that's happeningin Chicago Land through the Salvation Army.

Yeah, I mean constantly, you'realways there. You've been there for seventy
years, everywhere, locally, national. Now tell me to a mayor.
Brandon Johnson also made is it ChicagoNational Salvation Week as well. Yeah,
we're so so proud to have aproclamation from the mayor just realizing that he
supports us, he sees us,the city sees us, the city is

one of our best partners in reachingneeds in this city. So we were
so happy to hear that he hadmade this Salvation Army Week in Chicago as
well. For those that you know, know you maybe only because of your
amazing work at Bell Ringing. Justtell me real quickly, what are some
of the other services that you offerpeople, both in Chicago and nationally.
Yeah, we are engaged in holistictransformation, So we started at a young

age with summer camp programs, youthactivities. You know, in the summertime
when kids stop going to school,a lot of them stop eating lunch.
So we are involved in feeding ministrythroughout the year, mobile feeding programs where
we take food two individuals. Eighthundred thousand meals served by the Salvation Army
in Chicago just last year, eightyfour thousand heights of shelter for those who

are seeking shelter. We are ableto come alongside people with music programs to
help people in our Pathway of Hopeinitiative to just get out of a cycle
of poverty and work towards sustainability.So we're really about holistic transformation for both
individuals and the community. And Iknow that it's been incredibly successful, not

only for the donations out, butthere are many people who receive donations through
Salvation Army that wound up working foryour organization turning their lives around, right,
I know you have a lot ofthose stories. Yeah, we love
those stories. We have an individualnamed David who works with us every single
day. He came through one ofour rehabilitation programs, got his life turned
around when he was at rock bottom. And we are so happy to have

those stories that are more often thannot those people that have gotten their life
back on track and are giving backthrough the Salvation Army. Now we're talking
to Major Calebson of course from theChicago Salvation Army, and we're going to
get to a big event that youhave coming up with one of my favorite
actors of all time. But hey, if people are listening right now,
they're driving in their car and like, you know what, I want to
help out. The Salvation Army hasalways been there. It's an organization seventy

years now with a proclamation, howcan we help out? What do you
need from us? You know,sell Army Chicago dot org will give you
every opportunity to come alongside of uswith volunteerism. First of all, we
need your time, we need yourtalent as well. If you can come
alongside and help us through volunteerism inany of our efforts, our food pantries,

whatever it may be, we'd loveto have you just come alongside and
partner with us and sell Army.Chicago dot org will also give you an
opportunity to share your resources, soways of giving online, monthly, weekly,
a one time gift, whatever itis you can give to give back
to your community. No, Iknow you're having an amazing event that's coming
up. That Terry Cruz, theone and only Terry. We're so excited,

Oh my god, so excited he'sgonna be here. Oh my gosh,
he's so incredibly funny and talented.But anyway, what is going on
with the Civic Luncheon and can weall come? Yeah, this is our
annual event to really celebrate what hastaken place this last year. We share
stories of transformation at this event.Terry Crews is going to be there and

just offer some words of encouragement someof his story as well. The pack
drumline from America's Got Talent is goingto be there. We've got just a
ton of excitement and energy in theroom. You are definitely invited. Sell
Army Chicago dot org backslash Civic isthe best way to get there and just
come celebrate with us in Navy Peernow that's coming up Thursday, May sixteenth,

a Navy Peer right at the GrandBallroom. That's what the civic luncheon
for the Salvation Army is going tobe. And again, the website is
Salarmy Chicago dot org. Salarmy Chicagodot org for all of that Terry Crews
and Blendon it might be my Ithink I may have watched him ten million
times, so I'm really eager it'sgoing to be an uplifting any set of

that too like it. That isthe perfect person I think to host your
event. That's amazing. Well,before we let you go, Major Calebson
again from the Salvation Army Chicago,what else, what one last thing would
you like to say to everyone aboutyou know, this proclamation and Salvation Army
Week and what you'd love to seefrom all of us. Yeah, the
Salvation Army has been here for solong, We are committed to doing the

most good in our community today tomorrow, but we can't do it without Chicago.
We can't do a great residence ofthis city and this metro area.
We are so grateful to our supporters. We are so grateful to those who
stand beside us each and every dayin our fight against poverty. And we're
so happy to have those who aresurrounding us this special week as well and

celebrating with us all that's been donein holistic transformation through the work of the
Salvation Army. Well, congratulations onthe proclamation, and you know here in
Chicagoland keep up the great work.We know you firsthand and personally because during
the holiday season we do so manygreat things with each of you, and
so keep up the great work.Keep it up. Thank you so much.
We will, all right, AndI'm going to start ringing. I'm

I'm lifting weights. I'm gonna workout. I might even jog just to
help sort of get my fie onthe forearms. I can get your forearms
and shape your set, all right, Thank you so much, Major Caleb
said, thank you, And don'tforget to go to Sell Army Chicago dot
org. Thank you Melissa. Thisis the weekly show on iHeartRadio one oh

three five, Kiss FM, ninetythree point nine Light FM, and Rock
ninety five to five. Up next, Christy Turlington Burns, founder and president
of Every Mother Counts, is herewith Ryan Gorman. I'm joined by Christy
Turlington Burns, founder and president ofEvery Mother Counts, which you can learn
more about at Everymothercounts dot org.Christy, thank you so much for taking

a few minutes to join us,and let's start with an overview of the
work your organization. Doesn't how thisorganization first came about. Sure, thank
you. It's great to be here. I founded the organization back in twenty
ten. I like to say thatI became a global maternal health advocate the
day that I became a mother,and that was actually in two thousand and
three. I had a pretty normalpregnancy and was really ready and excited about

this new role I was going tobe taking on and had a great care
and great options here in New YorkCity. And then at the other side
of delivering my daughter, the unexpectedhappened, which is that I experienced a
postpartum hemorrhage, which is one ofthe leading causes of maternal mortality in the
world, and that experience, coupledwith my awareness in that moment of what

was needed when things turn on adime, is what sort of led me
to finding this organization. We reallywork hard to not only invest in community
based programs and solutions right the peoplewho are meeting the most marginalized or historically
marginalized communities and trying to meet themwhere they are and provide really high quality

and respectfully respectful maternity care, andalso to amplify those models of care and
the individuals providing it in our storytellingand our filmmaking, as well as using
those stories and those models of careto help to shape and influence policy and
our advocacy work. When we talkabout maternal health, what all does that

encompass? Gosh, I mean,we're very much focused on a specific time
in a woman's reproductive lives, youknow, pregnancy, delivery, and a
full year postpartum, which has beenthe time period that many policy makers and
advocates alike have worked really hard toextend Medicaid coverage for a full year.

Obviously, maternal health starts way beforeone is in a position to decide whether
they will become a mother, it'sreally important that women and girls' health is
in its optimum when starting to thinkabout those kinds of things and changes in
our lives. It's obviously a hugeresponsibility, but obviously also a big economic

commitment, and so the better wecan prepare and go into that phase of
our lives, the more likely thatwe'll have a safe and healthy outcome.
When you have a relationship with aprovider and are in the healthcare system already,
you are more likely to sort ofaddress any complications earlier on in the
process and hopefully have the you know, the access and ability to be able

to seek other kinds of care shouldyou need it. And so then postpartum
it continues. Right One of ourgrantee partners says that postpartum is forever,
and I would agree now that mykids are both adults. It doesn't end.
You know, when you become amother or a parent, it's very
hard to kind of shut that switchoff. So our health is determined based

on that experience. Oftentimes it's ourfirst interaction with a healthcare provider or a
hospitalization, and so there's just alot at stake when we're thinking about bringing
life into the world on this Mother'sDay weekend. I'm Ryan Gorman, joined
by the founder and president of EveryMother Counts, Christy Turlington Burns. You
can learn more about this organization andevery Mother Counts dot org. I think

a lot of people listening would justassume that the United States is towards the
top when it comes to how countriesdeal with maternal health. But there is
a maternal health crisis here in theUS. Can you tell us a little
bit about that? Yes? Yeah, the US is one of very few

countries, developed countries, high resourcecountries with a rising maternal mortality rate.
It is more dangerous to give birthtoday than it was a generation ago for
moms, particularly black and brown moms. There are you know, the risk
is two to three times higher fora black and brown mother to become a
mother in this country. And there'sonly one real thing at the root of

that problem, which is institutional racismand bias in our medical systems, which
is keeping people from seeking care ina more timely way. We've been advocating
on this issue, trying to raiseawareness of the black maternal health crisis in
this country for some time, butthere has been a significant amount of progress
in the last few years, particularlywith the leadership and the establishment of the

Black Maternal Health Caucus, and todaythere are a package, very comprehensive package
of about thirteen bills which are calledcollectively the Mamnibus Act, that seek to
address many of the disparities and alsodata collection and the things that we need
in order to be able to reallyaddress these disparities. Well, and that's

one thing that I think is importantto note. You're not just talking about
the problem with your organization Every MotherCounts. You're working on solutions. So
what are some of the solutions thatare in that bill or just that you're
advocating for in general. Yeah,I mean, I think a really important
thing is the way that we theway we care for women right. When

women feel seen and heard and listento, that builds confidence in the mother
or the birthing person at hand.That's such an important part when you are
interfacing with the medical system, right, being able to know your body well
enough to be able to ask theright questions and to have the guidance about
what questions to ask at what timethroughout a pregnancy and postpartum. This is

like a really important thing in termsof just building relationship between patient provider that
I think again enhances the ultimate experienceof bringing life into the world. Another
really important thing is just really investingin community based providers, knowing that not
every birth requires surgery or hospitalization,and so really thinking about how we canvest

meet women and families where they are, which which is likely in the communities
that they live in. This isthe way that you know, doulas,
which are basically patient advocates or youknow, psychosocial support systems that really help
guide a mom through the process ifshe doesn't have other support systems in in

her in her world. And sowe really do a lot on you know,
making sure that doulas are more available, that they are affordable, but
also that there is coverage for thekinds of benefits that they bring to the
outcome of the pregnancy itself. Andthen midwives. Midwives are an incredibly effective

and low cost solution of women's healthcare. So, for example, I
had midwives deliver both my children ina New York City hospital birthing center.
And you know, midwives, doulasand obi guyindes work together as a team
so that depending on how high arisk your pregnancy. Your situation might be,

you know, they're working and handingoff the patient or having that continuity
of care, so we advocate forcontinuity of care as well. And then
data collection has been so important.You know, for many, many decades,
there was not consistent reporting on maternalmortality in any state, you know,
let alone across the country, andnow there is, you know,
there is a maternal mortality review boardin almost every city and state in the

country. With that review process whichlooks at each and every death and complication
that comes through a hospital system,there is more understanding and learning that we
can take into this conversation to addressthe needs at large. This has been
a huge thing. There's been recentreports to sort of questioning the data and
how how reliable the data is,but I think it's been a huge,

huge accomplishment to be able to collectthe amount of data that we have,
and there's still so much to bedone in terms of really understanding what we
have access to. Now. Asyou worked to raise awareness on this issue
through your organization and as a publicfigure yourself, what has the response been
like, how many mothers have comeforward and have told you that, you

know, this is an issue obviouslythat impacted them, and having you and
your organization behind them has made asignificant impact. It's really incredible. Actually,
every time that I speak to anew audience or show one of the
films that we've made that we doa lot of storytelling and filmmaking to share
some of these challenges and solutions,audience members come up with either similar kinds

of complications or experiences or a lotof our audiences are also people that are
stakeholders. They're in the ecosystem ofinternal health and they come and they say,
oh gosh, you know, I'vemyself treated a patient in a way
that I didn't realize was disrespectful.I didn't realize that that was judgmental.
I didn't realize that that would pushher out of the health system or make

her less trusting of my care countless. I mean, it's a conversation.
I think this is one of thoseissues that we all can relate to,
whether or not we've been through itourselves, had a positive or negative experience,
we know someone who has. Andalso we all came into the world
one way or the other, right, and we all had a mother at
some time, So it's really oneof those those issues that people when they

know, they say, what canI do and how can I help?
And really Every Mother Counts exists forthat very reason. We we have a
lot of information on our website,Everymothercounts dot org. Again, we create
films and campaigns and social messaging whichhelps to you know, unpack the various
challenges and can you know, mixedmessages that might be out there. We

do a good job trying to likelook at the data, you know,
digest the data, break it downfor people so that more of us can
be a part of the conversation anda part of those solutions that are needed.
And finally, what are some waysthat everyone can support the work every
Mother Counts is doing, especially onthis month, stay weekend, well Mother's
Days of course our biggest campaign seasonof the year. We actually have a

matching campaign each year and that's agreat opportunity for people who are feeling like
they want to support, want topay forward their own experiences. A lot
of mothers don't necessarily want flowers andbreakfast and bed They would want to,
you know, make sure that anothermother goes to this process and enters motherhood
in the right way as a healthystrong woman who can thrive in motherhood,

and so it's a great way forpeople to donate and also double your impact
while doing it during a match periodof time. Also, we have a
number of product partnerships and there's aMother's Day collection that's available on our website
that has some really lovely Mother's Daygifts. So there are gifts that give
back. We really believe that thegift of motherhood itself, you know,

is the thing that we're celebrating thisyear, and it truly is if again,
you have the support systems in placeand and are feeling your best.
Christy Turlington Burns, founder and presidentof Every Mother Counts Again. You can
learn more and support their work ateverymother Counts dot org. Christy, thank
you so much for taking a fewminutes to come on the show. We
really appreciate it. Thank you mypleasure. Thank you for your help.

Thank you so much. Ryan.This is the weekly show on iHeartRadio,
happy to bring you another edition ofWhitney's Women. Brady and Whitney Reynolds are
back with our next weekly show segment. Hey Brady, we are here.
This is the first time I thickI've seen Whitney since her big birthday bash,
oh you know, which was avery awesome and emotional night because everybody
went around the room and just werewe were all giving you your flowers,

which you so deserve. Oh MIAs, you know, I'm laughing because when
someone that talks for a living throwsa party, you have to talk and
you have to make other people talk. So you know, we all went
around. What did I do?I had y'all all say your favorite thing
about me? No, I thinkit was I think it was just how
do you mean me? Like?How did you meet? But that's what
it ended up being, right itWhitney. We're just going to talk about
how amazing you are. But that'swhat and here we are again talking about

something amazing you're doing for Whitney's Women. So wellness back, well, and
it is weird because we met inthis station, Brady, but we are
really true blue friends now. Soyou've been a huge movement with Whitney's Women
and bringing these stories of these nonprofitsthat are really doing great things in Chicago
to lives. So thank you forthat. Of course. Yeah we're going

on like fifteen years together. Fortwelve years, I don't know. Yeah,
So Whitney's Women's been here a longtime. But in case you are
new in hearing this, you know, I'm excited to be bringing a woman
that and I said this in theelevator to you Autumn. She's a woman
that had this idea to really changeour city through art. And sometimes when
you're starting a nonprofit, you havelike a backing or you're you've had a

nonprofit experience, and Autumn you reallywent all in. You doubled down on
this vision and you're making impact.Audam Pippenberg the part of Giving Foundation,
the Crow Gus Wild, Welcome toWhitney's Women. Thank you for having me.
Yeah, you know, I amso glad you are here because you
have several events during the year,but the one next week is really cool
because you're shining light on other nonprofitleaders. That's right. Yeah, I

really believe in networking together. Wecan share. We have a lot of
synergies and we can share our networkstogether and grow a lot faster that way.
So, okay, I want toget to that event, but first
of all, tell our listeners aboutthe mission of art of Giving. Sure.
Yeah, we want to make artaccessible to every Chicago public school student
and teacher. So we do acouple things. We focus on beautification projects

in the schools by installing murals.We do renovation projects and some of the
schools that well, a lot ofthe schools that need fixing up or buildings
are pretty old. Now. Wealso do a big teacher supply drive every
year. Yeah, and actually teacherscan still apply till June first, so
that's still going on. And wealso offer art classes and art therapy services.

Oh, art therapy is what's up? Yeah, tell us a little
bit about that. Yes, Sowe can do group or individual sessions in
school. After school, we docamps. We also work with DCFS to
provide group home services in the home. Wow. And really it's based off
of a curriculum and it typically goesfor six to eight weeks and we dive

in by doing different projects that allowedthe children to or the clients we have
to call them, the clients toopen up and communicate through art. I
love that, you know. I'ma proud Chicago Public schools mom. I'm
like one of those. But youforget until you understand that there are needs
that these classrooms actually need. Sometimesyou think they're all supplied up and then

you realize, oh, my goodness, like some of these schools don't have
everything they need for art. Yeah, right now, there's just an art
teacher deficit going on. So there'sabout eighty schools in Chicago right now that
don't have art and it's purely becausethey don't have an art teacher. The
other schools that do have art programsare relying on the over four hundred arts

partners like Art of Giving Foundation tocome in and provide art services. And
you know, a lot of theteachers are faced with having to purchase the
supplies on their own. If theschool is out of budget and doesn't have
money to supply the classroom with supplies, then it comes out of their pocket,
which is why we don't necessarily doa supply drive for the kids.

We do it for the teachers tostock the classrooms. Wow. Okay,
So it's interesting because you said acouple things, and I want people to
know the real deal is in thehouse today because I've seen you, like
you even said today what should Iwear? And it wasn't And then you're
like, wait, it's radio.But normally you have paint all over you
because you're the hands and feet.You are doing a lot of these murals.
Tell us about what you've done.Yeah, everybody on our board gets

their hands dirty. We have aton of volunteers to come out and help
as well, but we essentially designthe mural digitally first with the school's art
director or principal. We go inwith a big group of board and volunteers
and paint this mural. So we'vedone everything from sunshines to minecraft murals.
Oh my goodness, the minecraft's that'sa big deal. Yeah, we will

have kids, absolutely. I lovedit. Really changed the look of a
cafeteria with that. Oh yeah,that's exactly what we did, cafeteria.
Oh that's awesome. Yeah. I'vebeen following your journey, you know,
as a friend and as a cheerleader, but also online, and it's been
so cool to see the beauty thatyou have brought to this city and just
raising awareness how important art and howimpactful it can be in our lives.

Okay, so let's get to theevent. Yeah, that is next week.
I'm so excited to m see it. I know. I have to
say it's going to be great,especially because you are bringing other nonprofit people
together. So tell us about it. So this event I actually started ten
years ago. This will be thetenth year that we've done this. I
started this way before Art of Giving. This was when I was just getting

involved in philanthropic work and wanted tomeet other nonprofit leaders or people in the
community that were doing a lot forother people in service work. So I
started this event. It's called theWho's Who in Chicago and it's since now
become the Who's Who in Chicago Philanthropy. This year, Art of Giving is
hosting it on May sixteenth at Barcosinain Westtown, which is where I live.

So it's in the Stomping Grounds,and we have ten nonprofit either founders
or executive directors that are being recognizedthat evening, and really all it is
is a networking event. They're recognized, they're awarded, they get a chance
to talk about their mission and theirorganization and network with our network and the

other ten nominees network as well.You know. It's interesting. I don't
know if it's getting closer to fortymyself, like getting closer to that age
where you kind of have this epiphanyis like not competition, it's the more
you can make another seat for somebodyat the table, the more joy and
love there is. And that iswhat you're doing. I don't for me
personally, I think it's such acool thing to bring people together and not

have to protect Oh this is mynetwork of people, or this is you
know, just saying hey, let'sdo this together. So are we allowed
to know who's on the list?You want to give us a little sneak
peak? Or should we wait tillthursday? I can give you a couple
if you have been on our show, which is cool. So I'm really
excited to have Dan Katowski. He'sactually the president and CEO of Kids Above

All. He is Kids, aball of all, is our partner in
a lot of the art therapy servicesthat we provide with DCFS and in the
group home. So I'm so excitedthat he's going to be there. In
fact, a lot of the charitiesthat will be there will be centered around
youth youth services. Oh that's great. Yeah, yeah, And so the
event is next Thursday. I'm soglad you mentioned Westtown though, because there's

two barcasinas. Yeah there are.I know I would have been over at
the Lincoln Park. Yeah sorry.So yeah, So next Thursday. How
people get tickets. They can goon our website, which is Art of
Giving Foundation dot org and click onevents and all of our events will pop
up. Should be the first oneon the page. So you can get
tickets there, or you can buytickets at the door. They're forty dollars,

so super inexpense. They come witha drink ticket and appetizers, so
and you get to mingle with that. It's going to be really cool.
I also want to highlight one otherthing before we let you out of here,
speaking of the whole notion, there'smore room for people at the table.
You're creating a show of some sortthat's going to help people with nonprofit
like if they're thinking about getting intothe nonprofit world. Yeah, I am

so. Can TV reached out andasked if we would do a show on
there, you know, I'll PublicAccess Channel and that's how they Renolds shows
started FYI and Avaston back in theday. Yes, I love it,
Oh my god. Yeah. Andthey you know, they asked, you
know, what would you want thetopic of your show to be? I'm
like, well, art of giving? There is an art to giving.
It's not as simple as everyone thinks. You can't just donate money. You

can't just put together an organization.You can't just do that. There's a
lot of steps and a lot oflegalities, and it's a full time job.
So for people that are interested ingetting involved in in the nonprofit world,
I have a lot of advice foryou, and we're gonna have a
lot of great speakers on there otherpeople that run nonprofits too that can give

a lot of advice as well.So I just love watching you shine and
change the world while while you're doingit. You do just that. Autumn,
Thank you so much for coming onbefore you go, give us the
website one more time. Sure it'sArt of Giving Foundation dot org. Yay,
thanks girl, thank you. Wow. I mean this is this.
If I were to make a listof like strengths weaknesses of Whitney Reynolds,

there would be no weaknesses. Ohcome on now, the shrinks list would
be bringing people together. I loveit. This is what this organization is.
You're bringing people together. You doall the time. I know.
This is what I love about whatI get to do here is I get
to literally bring people that are doinggood in our city. Because we all
know these headlines when we see Chicago. This is something I'm really passionate about.

In twenty twenty four. We haveso much good in our city and
it's time to elevate that, uniteeach other, cheer for each other too.
So Whitney's Women is going to bethat. This year, We're going
to be doing that even more.But I have to tell you, Brady,
we are in full swing of thenew season of The Whitney Reynolds Show.
And here's the thing with where weare with this nationally syndicated show.
We still tape here in Chicago,we tape in Londell. We're all about

provoking positive change through our stories thatwe tell. But now we air around
the nation at the same time,which is huge. This is new this
year, guys. So World Channel. You can find it on PBS.
They play us every Saturday at eleventhirty EST and Mondays at one EEST.
So if you're in Chicago, that'snoon. You can also find us six

thirty pm here on Lake Shore PBS. But it's such a cool move.
So no matter where you have friendsor family located, you could say,
hey, you need a little doseof hope. Check out the Whitney Reynolds
Show and they can find it aroundthe same time. So it's been a
huge move. I just say Chicagobeing our home base is part of the
forward movement. So we're super gratefulpower positivity. That's no way you cannot
miss her, you can't. Youcan't unsee her or hear her in I

follow. We do it all withWhitney Renland. Thank you are spreading your
positivity. We love it and we'lltalk to you next time right here.
Thank you so much. All right, thank you Brady and Whitney. That
wraps up this week's edition of theweekly show here on iHeartRadio. We'll be
back again next weekend. In themeantime, Happy Mother's Day.
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In The Village will take you into the most exclusive areas of the 2024 Paris Olympic Games to explore the daily life of athletes, complete with all the funny, mundane and unexpected things you learn off the field of play. Join Elizabeth Beisel as she sits down with Olympians each day in Paris.

3. iHeartOlympics: The Latest

3. iHeartOlympics: The Latest

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