All Episodes

October 13, 2023 54 mins
You are invited, and so join us for a CUP of TEA, Hot and Spicy, to Listen to and/or Talk on The Founders' Show, a Politically Incorrect Christian Talk Show, with your host, the Spingiree Baba of New Orleans, Chaplain Hy McEnery and Christopher Tidmore.
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Episode Transcript

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Battles, the politicians, the dressed, the digitators and magicians. Who's to
see the money? Then you don't, there's nothing to fill the holes while
then are feeling their pockets bid holes, the politicians bouncing down the road,

every body'sition for no moment, corruptionand dysfunction's gone on table divide is of
vention. Orleans draws tantalizingly close tohaving its own congressman, a Speaker of
the House, only to find afew people on the right making it impossible.
Steve scalices out and Israel is backin the fight, Ladies and gentlemen

fighting against a terrorist source. Butwhat is going to happen next on the
ground in the Holy Land? Allthis and more in this edition of The
Founder Show, and God bless allout there. You are now listening to
the founders. So the voice ofthe founding Fathers, You're Founding Fathers coming
to you deep within the bowels ofthose mystic and cryptic alligator swamps of the

Big Easy, that old Crescent City, New Orleans, Louisiana, and high
up on top of that old LibertyCypress tree way out on the Eagles Branch.
This is none other. Then youhave Spngary Baba of the Republic,
Chaplain High mcnry, who with ChristopherTidmore, you roving reporter, resident radical
moderate and associate editor of the LouisianaWeekly newspaper at Louisiana Weekly dot net.

Three times the people of New Orleansstood on the precipice of having their congressman
as Speaker of the United States Houseof Representatives. Three times they have been
denied, first by tragedy, secondby scandal, and now by farce,
Ladies and gentlemen. Steve Scalise WithdrewThursday night from the racist speaker as an
intransionent group of people on the rightdecided that he wasn't conservative enough despite a

one hundred percent American Conservative Union record. Steve Scale bowed before this and for
his party, gave some food forthought. These were his words. I
know we've been following this. It'sbeen quite a journey, and there's still
a long way to go. Ijust share with my colleagues that I'm withdrawing
my name as a candidate for thespeaker. Designed If you look at over

the last few weeks, if youlook at where our conference is, there's
still work to be done. Ourconference still has to come together and is
not there. There are still somepeople that have their own agendas, and
that was very clear. We haveto have everybody put their agendas on the
side and focus on what this countryneeds. This country is counting on us

to come back together. This Houseof Representatives needs a speaker, and we
need to open up the house again. But clearly not everybody is there,
and there's still schisms that have toget resolved. I never came here for
a title. I've had some greattitles. I'm the majority of Leader of

the House, and I love thejob I have. I've had big challenges
in my life. I've been testedin ways that really put perspective on life.
Really, the twenty seventeen shooting,when I didn't know if I was
going to make it out alive,taught me what's important in life, and
that's my family, my faith,and I am blessed beyond belief. I

have absolutely all the right perspective andI still have a deep depassion for making
sure we get our country back ontrack and get our conference fixed again.
But there's some folks that really needto look in the mirror. Over the
next couple of days, and decideare we going to get it back on
track? Are they going to tryto pursue their own agenda. You can't

do both, and I think we'regoing to get there. I was very
clear in that room, and ultimatelywe have to come together for the country.
But I never came here for atitle, and it's much bigger than
me, and it's much bigger thananybody else, and nobody's going to use
me as an excuse to hold backour ability to get the house opened again.

We still need to get a speaker, and I'm going to continue to
push as hard as we can tomake that happen is quickly because it has
to happen. But it wasn't goingto happen. It wasn't gonna happen to
day, it wasn't gonna happen tomorrow. It needs to happen soon. But
I withdrawn my name and I appreciatethe interest y'all had along the way.
We still have work to do.We have to get this done. If

you intend doing never have no dealswith anybody. I'm sure there will be
a lot of people that look atit, but it's got to be people
that aren't doing it for themselves andtheir own personal interests, and Ard Louisianian,
who was on days away from beingSpeaker of the House. The first,
of course, is Hail Bogs losttragic circumstances over Alaska in a plane

crash, or he would have succeededSam Raver in the second, of course,
bears a resemblance to Scalise. Thatwas Bob Livingston, who was the
Speaker elect elected by his caucus,only to resign on the Florida the United
States House Representatives in the middle ofthe Clinton impeachment at calls from Democrats,
you resigned because of an extramatteral affair, he did, and called on President

Clinton to do the same. Thistime, of course, it was the
Republican caucus who came forth with abelief that Scalise was not conservative enough despite
one hundred percent ACU rating. Oneof Steve Scalice's close friends and a close
friend to the program is Brian Trasher. He appeared with us right before Scales's
announcement to give his perspective on theelection of Steve Scalisee to the speakership,

how important it was and how closeit was, And he had actually been
making calls on Scalice's behalf, andthis is what he had to say.
Nancy Mays is got a target onback by some Louisiana Republicans having said something
that most of us who've known SteveScalie for years knows to be untrue.
One of Steve's Relice's best friends,but is also a keen political advisor.

He's been on a radio program countlesstimes. He and as my former co
host and wonderful friend, Brian Trasher, was up in the district of Columbia
when everything was coming together on thisand Brian, when McCarthy went down,
it seemed like a little bit ofa surprise he would be taken off on
the floor, But after that itseemed a fair trek for Steve Scalise and

then frankly, some of the eventhough Matt Getz comes out and says,
you know, I'm for Scalise,a lot of the same people that have
called McCarthy problems have the same problemswith Scalise, and I began to wonder
would they have the problems with JimJordan. It didn't matter. It seems
like I say this as a conservative, it seems like these guys don't really
want to actually have a Republican leadership. What the heck you've been talking to

these guys on the hill? Whatis going on up there? So ironically,
you know, when I was upin DC a couple of weeks ago,
it was like it was like theThursday before Matt Gates of the motion
of a Kate and I had heardsome rumbling that this was coming and that
he was going to he was goingto wait a little bit. But then,
as you might have seen, himand Carthy got into like a little

bit of a Twitter battle and itsdecided to drop the hammer that following Monday,
while we were already talking to someyou know, some members about who
they would be looking to. Andobviously, you know, I was out
there pushing Scalise from the dump evenbefore I was asked to. And and
then of course everything unfolded as yousaw, McCarthy was ousted as speaker and

Steve put his his you know,ducks in a row and announced that he
would be running. And then ityou know, went through some machinations to
the point where they got to aconference vote and Steve was selected by his
conference to be the nominee there's stillsome people who weren't happy about that,
and so now they're just throwing tempertangents like little children and holding it up.

And let me ask you about that, because there was a point.
I suppose I'm a romantic about thesethings, but there was a point where
if you win in conference and youropponent in the conference certainly supports you openly,
as Jim Jordan is, that's it, that's all she wrote. That's
when that's what's going to happen.You're going to become the leader of your
party in the speaker of the House. And yet it seems like that a

lot of the members of the caucuswere saying, we want to support Jim
Jordan even if Jim Jordan doesn't wantto be in office, which is what
happened with McCarthy. And keep tryingto figure out what exactly do they have
against Steve's scalice because he checks allof the ideological boxes. What level of
purity do they want on this itlives and let me throw this in.

Is it possible that some of thesepeople are a Jacques provocaturs. They're covert
rhinos. They make a good talk, but secretly they're trying to destroy you
know, the Conservatives and they youknow, Republican Party. Is that possible?
Well, so a couple uh sortof questions in that. And they're
not provocateurs like secret Democrats or anything. They do consider themselves to be like

conservative purists, which I just sentout. I just sent out a tweet
basically saying, isn't it ironic thatthese people, these members in the House
GOP Caucus, that consider themselves tobe so pure? Isn't it ironic that
they are now pushing the speakers raceinto a position where they may have to
negotiate with the Kem Jeffreys and theDemocrats in order to pick a winner.

How do you think that's gonna go? You know what I mean? Now,
I can tell you that some ofthese purists, even though again like
even though Jim Jordan had come outand said he was gonna endorse Steve and
even offer to make the floor nominationspeech for Steve to try to show magnanimity
after the vote, you know,there's still some holdouts and it's it's because
they think that Steve is too closeto Kevin. Now I've seen all.
I mean, social media is alwaysa toilet right. But I've seen some

of the funniest things I've ever seentoday, people questioning Steve's conservative credentialsm we
all know the guy Chris going backwhatever, like however many decades he'd been
he's more conservative than all three ofus. Yeah, ask me he really.
I was at a press relief forsomething I was doing, and he
showed up and he was just runningand we gave him this, you know,

the floor for a little while.That's when I first met him,
Nick Guy, I met him.I met him when when he was twenty
nine years old before he was runningfor the legislature and he was gonna run
for Quentin Dacus seat. And he'she's pretty much the same guy then as
he was then. And look,I have every reason if I really wanted
to take on Steve Scalise and believeconspiracy theories. I ran against his assistant.

He supported somebody against me. Andyet I can honestly say he's one
of the nicest guys I've ever metin politics who has believed the same thing
now as he believed then, andit did not include David pro David Duke
positions. I've known the guy forthirty years, and yet I find these
Brian Trasher, who's joining Hi mcchennyand Christopher Tidmore here and the founder show.

I find it interesting that that rhetoricis coming out of some of the
members of the Freedom Caucus, notthe entire ones, but the holdouts trying
to find justifications to go against Scalise, saying he's two establishment, but none
of them can find a reason whyto vote against him accept quote establishment.

And frankly, I think the mostfrightening news, Brian was what Donald Trump
came out with, which was franklyunfair, where he said, well,
Steve Scalice may not be well enoughto be able to be speaker. He's
got blood disease and he still hasn'trecovered from being shot. I gotta tell
you, I was horrified by thatstatement that the nominee presumptive is coming out
and saying about the speaker Cannon becauseit wasn't the guy he chose. Yeah,

and not only that, Chris,but you know, when we were
I'm going to tell you, whenI was calling on a whip some votes,
I did get a few people that, you know, not not not
in a sort of malicious way,like you just described. But they said,
hey, man, like seriously,like Kyle's his health because I mean,
I know he says he's okay,but like, I mean, this
is a stressful job. Blah blahblah. And I'm like, listen,

I'm like, he they caught itearly. He's going going through treatment.
He was cleared by his doctors togo back to work as the majority leader,
which is also a stressful job.Said but but let's just play devils
Devil's advocate here for a minute.If you have reservations about Steve, then
wouldn't you wouldn't you pick somebody thatyou think maybe has an expiration date on

him versus somebody who's who's healthy,a guy that's you know, known for
going to the gym all the timeor whatever. I mean, come on,
I mean, we all know thathe's going to be fine. He's
a fighter. But uh, butyeah, there's just an asinine thing to
say. Think of this in onesense. He's a combat war hero.
And I'm talking about when the Democratswent militant and tried to kill those Republics

at the baseball game and almost killedhim. He survived that and had the
courage and the guts to come backand continue his career in what it was
now a dangerous position. Well,let let's not play it off. We
had a left wing lunatic that shothim. It's not the Democratic Caucus eye
come on, well, Democrats,that's exactly what they say about us.

But the fact of the matter isSteve Scalice survived a shooting. And what
I found was interesting about this wholebattle was the only criticism that the right
could make besides his health situation andthe so called he's part of the swamp,
which whatever the heck that means.I'm not really even sure anymore what
the swamp is referring to because theyuse it so highly, is the fact

that he actually has Democrats who likehim on the other side of the aisle.
And it's really interesting to note,I think Brian, was the fact
that Troy Carter, his fellow congressmanthe adjoining district, a Democrat, came
out and not only defended him againstthese Duke allegations, saying they were nonsense,
but basically wishing him well. I'mcurious now Scalice is out of it,
but if this had come down toone or two votes, would Troy

Carter have cast a vote for SteveScalise. It's academic now that Scalie is
no longer running for the speakership,But would Troy Carter have been the difference?
Well, in that situation, Ibelieve you would, and I can
tell you this, and I justwant to make it clear that I don't
speak for Congressman Carter or his staffor anything, but my understanding was that

Keem Jefferies knows that Troy Carter hasCongressman Carter has a personal relationship with Steve
Scalie going back decades, and thatif there was a multiple round vote where
Democrats could make a difference, thatcongress from Carter would be released in order.
In addition, maybe some of hisother colleagues on that side of the
aisle to vote for Scalise. Andso yeah, I think he would,

and I read the statement that heis very much like when this whole like
David Duke think, came out yearsago and Steve first got into the leadership
that they tried to pin on thatfell flat because it turned out not to
be true at all, and itwas Cedria Richmond Congressman at the time.
They became a White House senior advisorand now is in the private sector.
But he came out and said,you know, steve'scalice, I've known him

a long time, doesn't a racistbone in his body. Congressman Carter's statement
today was more along the lines ofI've known Steve for you know, between
twenty and twenty five years, andI've never experienced a situation where he's expressed
any kind of racial insensitivity whatsoever.So, you know, a little more
of an eloquent way of putting it, but sort of the same sentiment as
Cedric Richmond had. These are AfricanAmerican politicians that served with Steve in various

capacities in both Louisiana State House,Louisiana Senate, and the United States Congress,
and artisan Democrats for sure, makeno mistake about it, you know
what I mean. But these guysare you know, have the integrity to
say, look, you know,politics is one thing, you know,
we all got to swing for ourteam here, but I am not going
to allow how people to lie aboutsomebody that I know personally and have a

friendship with outside of politics, andand he should be commended for that.
And let me say, let mesay the incident. It's going to try
to get anything done, you haveto be diplomatic. You have to get
along with the other side, asmuch as you may not agree with him.
And of course he would be closeto McCarthy. He was the majority
with having to deal with the Speakerof the House on for me his party.
He can't just ignore McCarthy. Hasto have a close connection to be

able to get some work done.That's one of the things that I've been
telling people is that, look,you know, he always too close to
McCarthy. You know, Steve wasloyal to Kevin McCarthy. You know,
they they I don't think they wereever really super close like personal friends.
I'm not saying they didn't get alongand didn't hang out all that. I'm
just saying that, like, youknow, Kevin McCarthy had his ways.
He was a California Republican. Hewas very much a DC insider. Look,

every dealing I ever had with KevinMcCarthy was very straight up and always
liked him personally. You know,I did question some of the you know,
some of his strategies and from timeto time, but that was his
choice to make. He was theguy in the chair, not me.
And now you know, Steve remaineda loyal soldier even when people were begging
him to run for speaker back inJanuary. He said no, He said,

I want to be the majority leader. I'm supporting Kevin, and he's
stuck with Kevin. Throw all fifteenvotes. He voted against Austin Kevin a
speaker this time, and when ithappened anyway, he said, okay,
well, I'm going to now,you know, take the necessary or I
should say, the next step inthe leadership progression and month for speaker,
and the conference chose him. Andnow you just have some petulant children who

just want to be Twitter famous andor like stupid George Santos who started Who's
one of the ones that started it? All that through emissaries, I know
he's never talked to Steve personally,but through emissary sent to Steve's palice,
basically saying I'll vote for you ifyou guarantee not to allow a vote to
expel me and if I am.And again I don't think there was ever

an answer given, which is aboutlike the same as getting an answer from
Steve even never pro quote something likethat. No, well, and and
let's face it, George Santo's isabout as radio active as a urino caake
and Chernobyl, why would Steve everwant to make a deal with him?
Pretty Much every about everybody in Yonkersis running lining up to run against him
at this point. But the questionBrian Trasher, of course, not only

a good friend of Steve's Scalice,but our sort of DC correspondent here on
the Founder Show, was around andtitle on the show, You've been promoted,
trash Man. I got to tellyou he's he's been given us sort
of the insight of what's going on. And I've met Kevin McCarthy many times
myself, and not quite as muchin dealings as you, but I remember

him going back to the Young Republicansand Kevin McCarthy as their personalities. This
was the difference I always saw.Both were movement conservatives, both walked the
walk. Kevin McCarthy was always sortof a national y R guy who moved
up in sort of the global pictureof it. He was good and loyal
to his California Republicans. He votedhis district, but he was that Steve's

fundamentally has always been a guy whogrew up in Old Jefferson and he's a
guy from a guy from the NewOrleans sort of working class suburbs, who
has looked at his district first.And somebody in DC called me and said,
give us the skinny on Scalise.What is really like? How is
he like McCarthy? I said,comparing Kevin McCarthy to Steve Scalise, And

I said, Steve Scalice would rejectthis definition, but I mean this is
a compliment. It's conveying an attitudeof politics between say a Newt Gingrich looking
at a global picture, and I'msaying McCarthy was New Gingrich and a Tip
O'Neill, who is going to belooking at all politics is local. His
district is local. Doesn't mean hedoesn't care about the country, doesn't mean
he doesn't vote his party, butthat it's going to be tremendously important for

Louisiana that Steve Scalie is speaker,and Steve will not forget New Orleans.
And I think that's kind of thepoint I wanted to ask you about,
how important was it that Steve Scalisewould be speaker for the people of New
Orleans because Frankly, my terrors cametrue. These lunatics chased him out of
the race. How important would ithave been for him to be speaker?

Brian Trasher? I remember how closeBob Livingstein had he was elected by the
caucus. How close it came SteveScalie. Of course, you know,
I wouldn't want to cheat it onJennifer no matter what, and he never
has. But he this situation whereRepublicans were backing off seems vaguely familiar.
Steve Scalise may now be out,But Brian Trasher, how critical was it
for not only Louisiana but for theparty that he had been in this position?

What did we lose? Well,it's definitely critical for the party.
And again you know talking about youknow, people asking like what Steve Scalise
like, you know in real life? And I get asked that question all
the time, and I'm like,he's the exact same guy that you see
on TV, that you see inthe news and all that. Steve still
gets his hair cut with little Harryhas left at the barber, he still
buys his suit at the mall.He's not fancy, He's not you know

what I mean, Like he hasn'tlet DC get a They put out a
story today talking about how he spenthalf a million dollars in steaks at the
Capitol Girl from his campaign account.Well, first of all, he raises
about forty million dollars a year,and he hosts a hell of a lot
of fundraisers that he, by theway, gives away to other members of
his conference. So I know itsounds kind of lavish, but like it
would not be hard over the yearsas his time in the leadership to add

up to a half a million bucksof dinners at Capital Grill, which,
by the way, they said itwas all on stakes. They got a
lot more eye. Every time Igo there, I always get the fish
because I like it better than thesteak. But anyway, Yeah, Steve,
I've always think I've always to behonest with you. I've always thought,
you know, you can do betterCrescent City Steakhouse ors than Capital Girl.
But yeah, exactly exactly so.But you know, the thing is

is that we've been kind of snakebitting because you know, back in the
day, it looked like hail Bogsmight have been the heir apparent to Sam
Rayburn to be speaker one day,and of course he went down in a
plane crash, also known as knowingtoo much about what happened in the Kennedy
assassination. And then and then wehad you know, Bob Livingston, who
who got taken out by by LarryFlint but bringing up a you know,

an extra marital affair that that waskind of old news but became new news.
And and uh, you know,Bob bailed out of not just the
race, but out of Congress,and uh and and you know went into
uh, you know, private business. And so this is sort of like
our third bite at the apple.And uh, you know, now you
got all these you know, Margagorie, Taylor Green types you know out there

who really wanted Trump to be thespeaker, just just to have the show,
like just not for any other reason, just because it would be disruptive.
And uh so they're making up allkinds of crazy stuff about Steve Collingham,
Rhino, this, that and theother, and uh, it's just
you know, it's just sad.But I just saw, you know,
before we went on the air,I saw reporters doing to gaggle with uh

with Minority leader King Jeffries saying,hey, you know any Republicans, the
traditional Republicans that want to come acrossthe island and have a conversation with us
and figure out how we get throughthis and and get a speaker. Uh,
we're open the years. Well,of course he is, of course
you to be in on those negotiations, you know. And I think it'd
be Greavan. I'd be happy forTroy Carter becas I'm sure he'd end up

you know, pop dog in thatin that in that room. But still,
this is these folks that consider themselvesto be so purely conservative are driving
the speaker's race to the middle andto the left, you know. And
it's just not that's just not good. That's just our good baseball iron iron
Brian Trasher, it's always a privilegeto have you on. We want to
have you talking about the elections afterwe get all the results in and find

out how they voted as well.Thank you for joining us so much here
in the Founder. We'll also knowif the LSU defense did any good against
Auburn. We got to have youback to talk about sports. Brian Scott
hasn't actually come on the air verymuch lately as well, so true on
that new busy folks, we couldtake quick commercial break. When we come
back, We're turn our attention inthe midst of this speaker fight. One
of the subtexts is Israel, andwe're going to be talking to someone who
is on the ground right before thebombs fell, our own Jim Brown,

right after these important messages stay tuned, Rescue, recovery, re engagement.
These are not just words. Theseare the action steps we at the New
Orleans Mission take to make a positiveimpact on the homeless problem facing the greater
New Orleans areas. Partner with ustoday go to www dot New Orleansmission dot

org or make a difference by textingto seven seven nine four eight and welcome
back to the Founder Show. Rememberyou can always hear this program every Sunday
from eight to nine AM and Wrnoninety nine to five FM and every Friday,
Monday and Wednesday, Monday, Wednesdayand Friday and ninety three point nine

FM, fifteen sixty AM, WSLAtwenty four seven three sixty five on the
iHeartMedia app. Are always at theFounder's Show dot com and with our friends
over at Ralesteak Radio out in Arizona. As always hear in the program.
I'm Christopher Tidmore and Chapaheim mcownery.As always, we're working so very hard
bringing the truth, the whole truth, and another by the truth. So
help us God. And we've gota great guest today. We've had him

on before, a man who isreally in the know and who's just arrived
from Israel. So Jim take itaway, and Jim, because we need
to talk about the Israeli situation.You were on the ground liberally hours before
the bomb started falling last week.We were talking about the new Garno kauerback
and what was going on there,and I had our guest Ken Harrell.
We were talking about Israel, andI said, and even I said,

Hamas will lend more thence but theycan't be crazy enough to try to do
a breakout. It was only acouple days later that that's exactly what happened,
and it seems to change the entirepolitical landscape, not only in the
short term in Israel, but inthe long term. Headline of the Spectator
magazine on Thursday, two state solutionis dead. The entire political world opinion

is given. The israelis a littlebit of opening, But I don't think
we in the United States really understandhow catastrophic this was to the Israeli average
Israeli citizens mindset. It's there nineto eleven on steroids. Because as bad
as it was at the Twin Towers, we didn't have members of al Qaeda
going into the Joshua between music festivalabducting children and beheading them. I mean

on video. This is something evena level beyond what we've experienced. Yeah,
this is usually all these skirmishes havebeen military against military, and citizens
by and large, there's always somegoing to have some collateral damage of citizens
being injured and killed. But whatwas just stunning about this event was that

this film hamas terrorist group that upratesout of Gaza, a small strip of
land next to Israel, that itwas they targeted citizens. They didn't look
at military members. They were targetingcitizens, young babies, women, children,
and that's something that is coming arounda lot more. Actually, you

could point to the Ukraine Russian situationto wear there are rockets being sent into
residential areas into Ukraine by Russia.So it's a whole new focus in terms
of what happens with terrorism, whereyou go after the average citizen on the
Street. That's something that is outof the norm. Second of all,

you guys, is the fact thatIsrael and the United States got called their
pants down. They should have anticipatedthis. I mean, we have drones
and fly constantly over Gaza, wehave spies that infiltrate there. We've got
all this technical information to tap phones. Why on earth could we have not

picked this up. I think wegot lazy, we got complacence, and
so we have to kind of lookinward at both the Israel as well as
their number one supporter of the UnitedStates. You know, our CIA gives
tons of help to Israel and theyjust didn't work out at all. So
it's been a real failure of intelligencefailure on the part of both parties.

And then all the dastly damage thatwas done is just becoming just almost unprecedented.
Well, go ahead. I havea background in US military intelligence.
I spent most of my career withthe US on many special forces there,
it's a kind of intelligence age.In my last year of Dudy, I

was attached Marine Corps Concertancy advisor,some subject matter expert on Islam when we
deployed in three to Afghanistan, andso I know a lot about the whole
situation, so to speak. Andif you study the Koran, if you
just genuinely study the Karan, you'llcome up with the same conclusion that Thomas
Jefferson did when he studied the Koranover two hundred years ago to try to
figure out how to deal with theMuslim Barbary pirates. They were the militant,

maritime Muslim terrorists of the day,and they were all or one million
European slaves in North Africa, andquite a background this if you started to
take the Qoran literally, and I'msaying literally now, and a good Muslim
is supposed to take the Quran literally, just like a Christian is supposed to
take the Bible literally. A goodChristian, if you take the Karan literally,

you have no choice. You haveto kill Christians, Joes, infidels,
and heretics. That means other Muslimsthat aren't like you. And they've
actually killed more Muslims than they haveeverybody else. They're that's fanatical and the
idea of killing women and children andbringing terra that way is completely acceptable.

And so that's why we're seeing we'reseeing Islam the way it really is not
Fatah the ruling party in the WestBank. It is Hamas the ruling party
in case. My point in allof this is the strategic operational justification for
this. Jim, you were onthe ground in Israel. Literally, what
was it eighteen hours before the attackshappened. It wasn't even not hardly that

and it was sort of the calmbefore the storm. I know, I
have friends in who live in Israel. I have a couple who, you
know, connections in the Kindessette.And the assumption had been, as your
assumption, your son in law,Dan, who wrote one of the definitive
books on Israel, was that Hamaswould create terror. Otherwise they'd throw They

lobbed some missiles in Israel, butthey wanted to control their one hundred and
thirty eight square mile area and kindof keep it calm instead of rapting this
when the breakout happened, They're attackingall these civilian settlements. They're creating this
terror. But it doesn't seem thereisn't there doesn't seem to be an achievable
military object to all of this.And I'm sort of asking you to look

at this from a geopolitical standpoint andseeing what was Hamas trying to achieve except
to get it the all of theGaza strip completely smashed down. Well,
I think you guys what I is. First of all, they knew they
couldn't you know, Israel's got amassive army and they had the backing of
the United States. They knew theycouldn't just take over Israel or beat down

the boundary lines. They just wantedto kill Jews. That's their state of
purpose, just to kill Jews.And so if they could come in and
kill Jews, and I think nowmost observers tell me they have a continuing
plan to where they've got these prisonerswho are hit underbunkers underneath the city.

They've got these apartment high rise buildingswhere the military is going to have to
go in apartment by apartments, andif they do, they're going to go
ahead and booby traps up a lotof the apartments to kill a number of
Israelis. So they just felt likethey could get away with it. And
I think they were urged on byIran. It looks like Iran was there

solidly behind the whole efforts, applyingammunition money plan. So I think uh
I didn't the sales, maybe theywouldn't be so bold and aggressive with the
random saying we got you back.That made it all the more enticing for
AMAS to go in and do thedirty work that they did right well.

Again, as with my background andno t intel with a top secret clintse
sc I. Uh. There's anothertheory here that I haven't upload. Others
have it also, and that isthat their intelligence was undermined some kind of
way by certain interest groups in Israelthat wanted this to happen, believe it

or not, maybe because they wantedto have an aggressive response by the Israeli
you know, the ID of Israelimilitary. I don't know, but it's
just awfully bizarre that we didn't pickthis up. We have great human That's
what I did in the military.That mean guts on ground, eyes on
you know, collecting information. Buthere's the here's the here's the flaw of

that theory, and it comes intothis police. The era of security and
confidence was what net and Value hadas his big calling card with the Israeli
public. And this is a surpriseto Israel as severe as the nineteen seventy
three war, which was a verysimilar surprise attack nobody detected it. It

was overwhelmed it and it caused theLabor Party effectively to fall apart as the
ruling government for the next two generations. So anybody, anybody in Israeli politics
would know that example. So that'sthat's why the theory doesn't really hold up
very much. No way. ChristSo the Young kipp of war was conventional,
and they knew that each of wasmobilizing on the border, and they

just thought maybe it's gonna be wargames or something, and so it did
surprise them, but at least theywere aware of that. In this case,
they're claiming they knew nothing about it, and that means if they were
compromised by their own intelligence assets,that that collectible information didn't make it worth
supposed to go, then that's whythey were surprised. And I don't know

that, but it's just awfu Bazarthat they have such good intelligence and yet
didn't see this that quote. Whetherwhether that's true or not, that's all
in the past, and that'll belooked at by their intelligence officials review all
that. The blind for your listenersat the bottom line of your listeners is

number one, we're pouring billions ofdollars into Ukraine. This is going to
cost us a lot more money anduh uh. And so the President says
he's standing with Israel. We're goingto give him full support. So that
it just goes to show that Iwrote this in a column that I'll have

out next week. I wrote ithere today where I said that, you
know, just a few years ago, it looked like from America's perspective,
lease things were kind of controllable.They were kind of calm. There wasn't
that much uh uh you not thatmuch upheaval that's gone by the wayside.

Now the American public is going toget hit with a huge debt because of
the price tag out of Congress.We may see our taxes go up.
It's going to be very cantankerous interms of the House of Representatives, and
so all of a sudden, ourcountry is in topsy turvy overall this.

Or again, just a few yearsago, things were pretty calm. So
that's the message I think I'd liketo bring to your listeners out there about
what the future is going to holdin terms of all that's happened, and
what we need to bury in thepoint, what we need to give these
rallies. Is something fundamentally different thanwhat we need to give the Ukrainians.
The Ukrainians need essentially surplus military technology, tanks. We don't use any more

shells. We for the most part, have just been storing a lot of
it. Is was our surplus stuffthat may have been destroyed in another ten
years anyway, just put out torot. The stuff we have to give
Israel, as we're having to forthe Iron Dome defenses, is our most
sophisticated missiles. It's a different it'sit's a it's a level of different military
support of a totally different parameter.But what I find we're interested, Yeah,

well it's mainly protecting the central waris we need to get it down
on the south. Well, thequestion the question though, that gets interesting
here, Jim, and the politicaldynamic is you've got constituency on the right
that are opposing Ukraine. You haveconstituencies on the left that are opposing Israel.
I mean, it's it's I sawa poll that shouldn't have surprised me,
but it was basically, you know, something along the lines of forty

eight percent of Democrats don't support supporting, don't support giving military equipment to Israel.
And I'm watching this it's sort ofmirror images of these two wars.
But the funny thing that I findabout it is you find Iran as sort
of the subtle backer of a lotof this stuff. The President just froze

the six billion dollars he agreed tofor the passages out of q Tar for
Iran. Iran looks like it's it'sthe ones who armed Hamas. And definitely
the Iranians have been armoring Hasblah,and the Israelis are facing not a war,
just a Warren Gaza. They're facinga Warren Lebanon in southern Syria potentially
at the very same time, rightand iron it's threatened to invade Isram.

Well, that would be this kindof you know, Jordan and Iraq in
the middle. But they can theycan, believe me, they can carry
on an attack. Well, Jim, you were on the ground. Let's
let's get back to the point whereyou were here. You were on the
ground in Israel right before all thishappened. It's sort of it was only
a week ago, but it mightas well have been in a year ago.

Yeah, Well, I went over. I was in Israel for the
first time in my life. Alot of your listeners may have been to
Israel. I just went over onkind of a spiritual journey by myself.
I didn't go as a tourist.I had specific places I wanted to visit,
and I want to just to exploremy own personal Christianity, if you
will, got over there, andI did it. I saw all the

places I set out to see there. I went to where Jesus was baptized
on the Jordan River. I wentto the Old City and went to so
many Christian sites throughout the Old City, where Jesus was crucified, where he
was raised again from the dead.I went to the Red Sea and the

Dead Sea, and I traveled throughall these locations. I was in the
West Bank and I was along theGoza Strip, and there was no indication
that something like this was coming up. I talked to several Palestindians who kind
of kind of shrugged their shoulders andsaid, well that you know, we're
just going to have to live,and we're not happy about it. We've

liked our own country, but wejust got to have this two state solution.
And they just kind of left itat that, And so then I
started to stay an extra couple ofdays when my friends asked me to stay.
And you know, when you walk, the old city is oh,
maybe a mile by a mile ifthat, and there's every conceivable religious group

located there in that old city.There's no cars. You walk everywhere.
Well, I walked to well,my legs were just knotted and I could
hardly walk anymore. I said,well, maybe I'd better go on home,
as I'd planned, even though myfriends wantn't me to stay. And
it was just a premonition, Ithought, maybe there's another reason I couldn't
put my hands on what it was. Wow, I had a premonition to

go on home, and I did. And then, like I say,
within eighteen hours later, missiles landedwithin a block of where I was staying
in Jerusalem. So it was agood premonition. I don't know if the
Good Lord was looking out for meor not. So any event, I

picked up and left and glad tobe back in the Louisi Enna after what
could have been a really trying,disastrous event in my life. Well,
Jim, and we're glad you madeit home safe. And obviously at least
twenty seven Americans did not. Theywere victims of this horrific terrorist event.

I wanted to ask you you gothome. It turns out your son in
law is one of the area expertson Israel. Wrote a definitive book just
recently on the Israeli situation, andyou discussed a lot of what you saw,
but also what happened subsequently with him. And I'm curious what has taken
is all of this and explain whoDan is if you would. Well,
son in law's got Naim Dan sceneor he's written several books on Israel,

and he's been all over the nationalnews, commentating on every one of the
national networks. And his view isthat similar to argue that Israel has a
lot to fight for, and courseit's very personal to him. His mother
lives in Jerusalem, his sister livesin Jerusalem. He's got a lot of

family there, so it's very personal. And he feels like that that there
is the whole future of the Jewishstate is at state, and there's so
much on the line, and thatAmerica has got to release step up dramatically,
and that this is going to escalatea heck, come a lot more

because the terrible tragedies have just beenunprecedented. I mean, the babies that
were killed, and all of theterrible, terrible things we've heard just hasn't
happened in most instances in modern inour modern history. And so he's deeply
concerned about it and feels like that, and he knows Nate Yahoo the Prime

minister there, and says they putthis war cabinet together. He admits there's
some huge problems because you just can'tpinpoint where Hamas is. They're hiding in
tunnels underneath the city of Gaza,and they just don't know how to find
them. It's going to be abuilding by building review and it's going to

go on for a long time.I think you feel it could be a
very it could be a meat grinder. It could also be a war in
the north. And my personal fearis not that the Iranians will attack Israel
beyond a few missiles, but thatthey'll be aiming further southward. Part of
the reason there was a approachman goingwith Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia is worried
about the Iranians crossing the Iraqi frontierand trying to seize eastern Saudi Arabia with

a Sunni popular with a shoe Shiapopulation and a lot of oil. So
you've got that, You've got thenew girnal Krabak in the Zarabac region.
You've got everything going on. Ukraine, we're in a very dangerous situation and
it seems to be spiraling. Whatwere the more confidence we have, the
more we got, So maybe worldWar three is right on. The America
is now is stepping up and workingwith Egypt, working with Saudi Arabia.

They need to kind of bring yousome peace here and and and get a
little better handle on what's happened inthe past. I'd be surprised if it
got that bad off. I justthink we're going to be in the stalemate
for months and years to come withthe president situation. Jim Brown, I
don't have to be the last wordin the subject. I do want to

give it. Jim, you mayno longer be doing a radio show,
but you're doing two fantastic podcasts ontop of your weekly column that's runs the
newspapers Oliver to State and as availableat your website Jim BROWNUSA dot com.
Tell us about your new podcasts thatyou've been working on. I've got two
podcasts. What I do with myfriend Ronald Gray. We deal with Louisiana
issues, which is Datelinelouisiana dot com. I do a second podcast that's on

my website at Jim BROWNLA dot com. Or you mentioned Jim BROWNUSA dot com,
Christopher, and you go to thatsite and you can see all the
podcasts, my columns, all myinformation right there at Jim BROWNLA dot com.
Well, thank you on that note, Jim, thank you for joining
us. We'll be back with thepatriotic and spiritual moment right after these important
messages here on the Founder's show onwrns L A state give the gift of

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you so very very much God.Those folks back and you are listening to

the founders show the voice of thefunding fathers. And again this is Chaplinhei
McHenry. And it's not time forus to go into our chaplain by by
patriotic moment, we just take abrief moment to remind you of the biblical
foundations of our country, our JudeoChristian jurisprudence. Today I want to talk
about Columbus, as we just hadColumbus Day. And he was an amazing

guy, an Italian Jew who sailedthe ocean blue back in fourteen ninety two,
and he's the one who discovered theWestern hemisphere, at least made it
a big discovery. He did amazingthings. His whole primary reason for coming
was to preach a gospel. Hewas actually a believer, a Christian converted

Jew if you will, who hadgreat missionary aspirations. Here's some of his
words. O, Lord, Almightyand Everlasting God, by thy holy word,
thou hast created the heaven and theearth and the sea. Blessed and
glorified be thy name, and praisedbe thy majesty, which had dained us,
thy humble servants, that thy holyname may be proclaimed in the second

part of the Earth, meaning thewestern hemisphere. As he went from island
island, he made statements like this, as a token of Jesus Christ,
our Lord, and in honor ofthe Christian faith. He put on the
erected crosses that he placed where whateverland he found, he would erect a
cross and write that on it asa token of Jesus Christ, our Lord,

and in honor of the Christian Faith. And then, finally, folks,
a couple other thoughts from Christopher Columbus. He said, bring there was
here to bring the Gospel of JesusChrist to the unreached, and to bring
the Word of God to unknown coastlands. Folks, I think he had
noble aspirations. Yeah, he hadsome problems. Who doesn't. History is

littered with it from the finest ofpeople, and we should certainly remember him
as a great man. You know, they're all over the Western hemisphere,
and probably places in Europe are namedafter him. I mean hundreds of places,
rivers, cities, towns, mountains, you name it, states,
whatever countries. Uh So, certainlyall these different people from all around all

over the Western hemisphere, the PanAmerican peoples, if you will, And
then like I said, many placesin Europe, they surely remember him as
a great man and a great person. And look at what motivated folks,
So you can see the kind ofbiblical inspiration and motivation the founding fathers had
going way back. This is waybefore the American Revolution. Well, folks,

you know, you could be thegreatest patrio that ever lived. You
could be have the faith of ChristopherColumbus. But folks, if you died
and went to hell, what goodwould it do you? You see,
you had everything right except the mostimportant thing. You missed your ticket to
heaven, your free ticket to heaven. And it goes like this as we
now go in our chopping about gospelmoment. You know, the Bible says

God loves you with an everlasting love. In fact, he loved you so
much he made you to be justlike him. He made you in his
image, but we are a tarnishedimage. We have fallen from grace,
We have sinned against our creator,and it has cut us off from God.
And so he had to put usin a place where he does not
go, where he is not.It's called hell. He didn't plan hell

for us. He planned hell originallyfor sin, for death, and for
devils. But there's a very tragicpassage to the scripture that says Hell is
being enlarged because wicked men and womenhear about God's love and they rejected.
What's the story in God's love?It goes like this. The Bible says,

for God's to love the world,that's you, that's everybody, that
he gave his only begotten son.That's the Lord Jesus Christ, perfect God
and perfect man, all the wayGod and all the way man. He
gave his only begotten son. Thatwhosoever that's you again, believeth in him.
What do you believe in? Believe? First of all, you can
save yourself, So you're completely freewith all your heart to believe in him

and believe this about him and inhim, that he did die for all
your sins on the cross where hisblood washed away are your sins some day
you're born, to the day youdie. Your tiniess to your greatest sins
were paid for by Jesus. Hedied for you. He took your great
judgment against sin all upon himself,for the entire human race, millions of

people, folks. That's overwhelming toeven try to figure that one out.
But he did it. He diedfor all your sins, and he was
buried, and then he rose fromthe dead to win for you his precious
free gift of resurrection, everlasting life, and that whosoever believed in him shall
not perish, not go to hell, but have everlasting life. That was
down three point sixteen, one ofthe most often quoted passages in evangelism.

Folks. This passage is for you, and it's for you right now.
If you've never never made this decisionbefore, do it right now. It
is a disc It's a two pointdecision if you will. The first point
is believe you can't save yourself,and that is called repentance. When you
realize your hopeless and helps without Goddestined of burning hell, there's absolutely nothing
you can do to you completely withouthope on your own. You just repent

it. You just said I can'tdo it. I'm a loser. I'm
beyond hope. When you get tothat point in your life, now you're
ready to really hope in Jesus,to put faith alone, in Christ alone,
believing, and He really did diefor our sins and rose in the
dead. Folks, do it now, Like the old country preacher said,
don't wait till it's too late,and like the Bible says, now today

is a day of salvation. Well, folks says one more thing for us
to cover. And it has todo with Jesus coming back, because he's
coming back really soon. And Iwant to talk about Psaw maenty three today
saw Many three gives us a scenarioof what's happening right now in Israel.
I mean, it's like it waswritten yesterday. It's uncanny, and it
describes the nations, very nations thatare attacking is a right now and preparing

to do it. And if thisis this great Psalm eighty three war,
then it is believed by many theologiansthat will precipitate the Ezekiel thirty eight thirty
nine war. And when all thatkicks in, we're talking World War three.
We're talking about basically one war piggybackingon top of another one. It's
gonna be bad, folks. We'retalking about the apocalypse. We're talking about

the end of this world as weknow it. So, folks, if
you're not ready, if you don'thave your safe place, Jesus said,
go to the mountains, go tothe caves, hide, getting the bunkers.
You need a bunker, and I'mgonna recommend a bunker to you.
It's the greatest bunker ever built,designed by the Heavenly Bunker Company. And
I'm talking about the bunker name theLord Jesus Christ. Get in him,

folks, He'll keep you safe.He is going to be the safest place
to be as these end times unfoldand we begin to see it all coming
together right before Jesus comes back forthe Battle of arm again, where his
wrath will be known for the firsttime on this earth. Jesus is gonna
unleash his wrath. It's all beenabout love, but now it's at the

end, and the human race hasbecome so wicked, worse than the days
of Noah. God's going to takea bunch of them out. About two
thirds of the entire world will die. So folks, if you're not ready,
get ready. Jesus loves you.Put your faith in hope in him.
Thank you so much for being withus today as we're not close with
a mont Saint Martin singing a creolegoodbye and God bless you all out there.

You call you wel goodbye. Theythink we're just wasted time, all
three civil of me. There's timefor a c O goodbye.
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