All Episodes

April 11, 2024 47 mins

Thursday (pt 2 of 2): On today’s Late Riser’s Podcast, Big Show Brat, We talk with Kyle Petty about his upcoming cross country Charity Ride benefitting the Victory Junction Camp.. - Doug Rice fills us in on the latest from the NASCAR home front.. - and we close things out with Hoyt..


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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:24):
Good morning. It's to make Shore on the radio for
your Thursday April eleven. Man, I gotta say happy birthday
my little grandson, a little high little age Ie is
two years old today.

Speaker 2 (00:42):
Gosh, hey, that's wait, popeye.

Speaker 1 (00:49):
Not like a spandach eating pipe pie, like.

Speaker 3 (00:51):
A pop with an eye and not like your Hispanics.

Speaker 1 (00:54):
And see now this is the age you start buying
annoying toys to get back at the kids. You knows
noise yes like a drum set half birthday load Joe. Okay,

hey right quick, let me tell you about the prize
pack so we don't take up our time with Doug Rice.
It was coming up in minutes. Boys are racing in
Texas this weekend and we'll cover with William Byron twenty
four car remains hot. Uh first, a prize pact that
we will be playing when we go to beat the
Blonde as a bull Snot prize pack. You know, truck

drivers keep America moving the bullsnot make sure they look
good doing it. Look for Bullsnot and truck stops across
America brown oox dot com or click on that link
when you go to the Big Show dot com and
I hang on you can play and win it in minutes.
Big Show rolls on. Where are my Presents? Good morning,
Big Shows on the radio. Coming up, we'll play beat

the Block for that aforementioned Bullsnod prize bag. Right now
on track with Doug Rice. I'm in from the Performance
Racing Network making his victory lap to be hitting Texas
this weekend. Good morning, Doug.

Speaker 4 (02:13):
Good morning. Thanks a lot for having me on old
Thank you about the NASCAR.

Speaker 1 (02:16):
World, Absolutely, buddy, So I don't even want to think
about we're gonna be missing you next year. So let's
just we got you now, just stay there, let me
appreciate you. You can keep me on retainer.

Speaker 2 (02:29):
Al right.

Speaker 1 (02:29):
Here we're that. Let's go with that story. Well, you
gave me the winner of the race of my fantasy team.
I had William Byron to win it. There is number
three for the twenty four car. Here's here's the deal.

Speaker 4 (02:44):
He's he's at the top of his game right now
and only poised to get better. Three wins this year
on three completely different racetracks. He's won on a road course,
he won the Daytona five hundred, and now he's backed
it up with a win at Martinsville. So he's touching
them all. They had the best car, his pit crew

got him out in time. That was the big difference
maker at Martinsville. And this guy's in the groove. Hendrick
Motorsports and Gibbs Racing are in the groove.

Speaker 1 (03:14):

Speaker 4 (03:14):
They've won all but one race this year that Daniel
Suarez woned Atlanta. Everything else is either a Joe Gibbs
Racing car or Hendrick Motorsports. So right now, there's two
teams that are easily a cut above everybody else.

Speaker 1 (03:29):
And though it's just coming off two short tracks with
Richmond and then of course with Martinsville and the state
of short tracks, you're you're my inside man, what's going on?

Speaker 4 (03:41):
It's it's not the best it's been. And NASCAR knows this.
The two races that we just ran, Richmond Raceway and Martinsville.
And I'm not dumping on Richmond and Martinsville. This this car,
this this next gen car that we're racing now, just
does not put on a good show at these race tracks.
I don't know what the issue is. I don't know

if it's the tires, if it's lack of horsepower. It's
probably like everything else in life a combination of both
of those things. It depends who you talk to. I
know that they are shifting the gears now on these tracks.
They used to never do that, and it's hurt the show.
The last two races, by any stretch, have not been entertaining.

Jeff Glock, who's a well known person works for the
Athletic runs a poll every week and it's unscientific, but
it's a pretty good indicator when a race scores down
in the low thirties or the high twenties of was
this a good race? So it didn't score well, All
you've got to do is watch it on television. You go,
there's not much happening. There's no passing for the lead.

NASCAR the vice president of Competition, Elton Sawyer, came out
and said, we know it's not where we want it
to be. We have got to make some changes, and
in my mind, I'd like to see drastic changes.

Speaker 1 (04:56):
I don't know what that is.

Speaker 4 (04:57):
A softer tire maybe like we had at Bristol that
wears out that. Let us have fifty some lead changes
on a half mile racetrack, that would be a start.
I don't know if the cars need more horsepower. That's
beyond my purview and above my pay grade. But I
do know this that to keep these tracks viable, and
I'm talking primarily about Richmond, Martinsville, and probably North Wilkesboro

where they're going to hold the All Star Race, NASCAR
has to commit to making changes on these race cars
and allow something different or else this situation will never
improve it.

Speaker 1 (05:31):
And they got a little time, Like you mentioned North
wilkes World, that'll be the next short track and that's
the All Star Race. And you can experiment at the
All Star Race.

Speaker 4 (05:39):
Yeah, because that's what they've done for years with different
packages and different schemes, and the All Star Race is
a great place to bring that out and say let's
at least try this. And I don't think there is
a person that would fault them for saying, Okay, yeah,
let's give that a shot and see if it improves
the product.

Speaker 1 (05:57):
And we know, like we were talking about television up
for NASCAR and then these two races, so they notice
like that, now we've got Texas this weekend in Talladega.
Then we get the ratings back up and have a
little time before they maybe do something before.

Speaker 4 (06:12):
By the way, the ratings for Martinsville were almost identical
to last year, which is remarkable because almost twenty million
people were watching Iowa and Yukon played women's basketball that
after just about every basketball game ever. The ratings were
huge for that, and NASCAR was up against that. So

the core demo for NASCAR stayed with them and watched
this race. And imagine if they had been up against
lighter competition, it'd probably been better. So I still think,
and I only bring that up is it's a great
barometer for the health of any sport, is the television ratings.

Speaker 5 (06:50):
That's it?

Speaker 1 (06:51):
All right, Doug boy, you hit Texas, We'll let you go.
Who are we looking at down to Texas?

Speaker 4 (06:56):
You know, I think this might be a weekend that
the Fords actually show up.

Speaker 1 (07:00):
They have not won a race this year. They are
over so I could.

Speaker 4 (07:03):
See maybe a Ryan Blaney or possibly Joey Logano, Chris Busher,
one of the Fords might have a shot this weekend.

Speaker 1 (07:11):
Why, I don't know.

Speaker 4 (07:13):
I just feel like this might be a race where
they could get out in front and make it a
little bit of noise because they have not. They barely
whimpered this year.

Speaker 1 (07:20):
All right, Well, you my horse. I'm riding again this weekend.
That's not saddle up, John boy, No, thank you man.
All right, guys, be good, love you, oh I love you, buddy.
You travel safe and follow Doug on Twitter. Rice Man
sixty one. All right, well let's beat the blonde. Come on one.
Ain't a hundred big show you told freelinacross America. We'll
play next. Good morning, it's a big show on the radio.

Going to your Thursday, April e eleventh, My grandson Age's birthday.
That birthday, Hella two years old. God luck, okay, pature
track wan to make sure bet fox bron you want
show him on her speedway and the co Cola six
hundred Sunday, May twenty six, hoy a pool party of

the hog Farmer's house. Could that be my old budded
Dale Merphy Wallace, my fee seorch for keywords pool party?
When hit the big show dot com? Looking on that
contest but as well, can't get new We'll call you okay,
let's play that's made not contestant. William from Anderson, South Carolina,

Good morning, William, Good morning, heybody, welcome Hi William. What
we're gonna do is ask our girl, tator some questions
will lands here? You agree or disagree, you're too right,
and you win? All right, all right, we said, there's
so tayer.

Speaker 6 (09:10):
According to his memoirs, what time did the late Hugh
Hefner go.

Speaker 1 (09:16):
To bed go to bed?

Speaker 7 (09:19):
He went to bed at six pm, at six pm,
eight pm, and again at eleven pm.

Speaker 1 (09:29):
Oh, you have the he was a player, he was
had a playboy. I was thinking another rich guy that
we were talking about didn't leave a wheell you know.

Speaker 3 (09:44):
And the stuff.

Speaker 1 (09:47):
Yeah, okay, Hugh Hefner sounds like you boy, right, yeah, Hugh.
Hen's what we're talking about. Hughes Howard. Howard. Hughes Howard,
thank you. That's why gives them that way. Tell you
just see how it was going to be around the rest.
I'm about to get my breath down, all right, all right,

So anyway, yes, sorry, sorry, William.

Speaker 8 (10:13):
Two a m.

Speaker 1 (10:14):
Is when Hugh Hefner went to bed, William, do you
agree or disagree?

Speaker 8 (10:20):
I disagree?

Speaker 1 (10:22):
And that was the thing to do. Oh Hugh didn't
go to bed till nine a m. Because he stayed
up all night. That's what I do. I thought I
was giving him that Okay, a night's dollars around. Imagine
a vapire. All right, well, William, you got one right,

Get one more right and you win.

Speaker 3 (10:46):
You know, no one reads his memoirs looking at the pictures.

Speaker 1 (10:50):
All right? According to the experts, what is the number
one threat to a man's vanity and confidence?

Speaker 3 (11:00):
Like his dad jeans, his dad jeans, he wears.

Speaker 1 (11:09):
His hair. Man's vanity and confidence. Number one threat is
losing his hair?

Speaker 9 (11:14):
All right?

Speaker 1 (11:15):
All right, William? Do you agree or disagree?

Speaker 8 (11:18):
Someone disagree with that you do?

Speaker 1 (11:21):
And boldness gotta have that her? I don't know. Let
that divide you be well, here we go, gonna win
it or lose it on this question, William. All right, Marcy.

A recent study has shown that you will always get
much faster service in a department store if you do
one thing to attract the clerk's attention. What should you do?
Try on clothing house?

Speaker 3 (11:58):
Weares that would.

Speaker 9 (12:05):
Close up?

Speaker 3 (12:05):
No, all right, I would say you flirt with the clerk.

Speaker 1 (12:11):
Flirt with the clerk if you won't to get much
faster service in that department store. William agree or disagree?

Speaker 8 (12:20):
I'm gonna have to agree with that.

Speaker 1 (12:22):
You agree with that, and I don't I don't think
that's because the answer says here is smile. Yeah, because
clerks don't like to wait on. Oh yeah, I mean
that fall into the flirting category or not, not the
way you were doing it everybody that worked with everybody. Yeah,

I don't go, well, yeah a little bit, will you.
But you do get a nice consolation prize and we'll
turn you over to Jackie to hook you up with
that buddy. Thank you, brother.

Speaker 7 (12:59):
I love y'all.

Speaker 8 (12:59):
Man, all right, I love.

Speaker 1 (13:01):
You more right, you hang on, jump out, catch you
up on your news and all right, Mayor Merwyn cut
Voodle Sloop is gonna show up. Good morning. It's a

big show on the radio for your Thursday morning. Head
into the middle weekend of April. Where's here he is,
Ladies and gentlemen, live from beautiful downtown Dismal Seepage, the
honorable Merwin co Fiddle Swoop, Good morning, mister Mayor.

Speaker 10 (14:13):
Good morning, John Boy and Billy and others. I'm not
great with names. As you know, there's always something exciting
happening in Dismal Seepage, South Carolina. On this weekend is
no exception. It's our annual Dismal Seepage mini bike Week.

Speaker 1 (14:30):
A mini bike week that sounds cool.

Speaker 10 (14:33):
Well, see, we saw the success that Myrtle Beach had
with Bike Week and we wanted to get on board
with that. But as you know, Dismal Seepage isn't exactly
a bustling metropolis. Why the nearest Burger Biggie's almost fifteen
miles away, and our entire city limits is less than
one half mile in any direction. So we figured a
bike week on a much smaller scale would be just

a ticket. So Many Bike Week was born, a festival
designed specifically for all those little people who want to
get their biker on.

Speaker 1 (15:04):
So wait, a second bike Week is just for little people,
So you mean a real Many Bike Week.

Speaker 10 (15:10):

Speaker 1 (15:10):
First, I can't believe I'm saying this, but that is genius.

Speaker 10 (15:15):
Well you see, tod boy, it all started, thank you,
by the way, It all started ten years ago when
world famous mini bike stunt man Bold Weavil Knevil chose
Dismal Seepage for his legendary leaf over the grand opening
of Mother Goose's Putta Rama miniature Golf.

Speaker 1 (15:35):
Sounds like a big time did he make it?

Speaker 10 (15:38):
Well? The takeoff was picture perfect, but he overshot the
ramp and wound up on the eighteenth Green.

Speaker 2 (15:44):
Was he hurt?

Speaker 10 (15:45):
He was headed for a hole in one, but he
ran into the windmill and and knocked him through the
window over to the old lady who lives in the shoe.
He retired after that.

Speaker 1 (15:55):
I hug him up.

Speaker 10 (15:56):
Huh No, he fell in love with the old woman
in the shoe. They still live there. Got a lot
of kids.

Speaker 6 (16:05):
What's on deck for this weekend? Are you expecting a
big crowd?

Speaker 10 (16:09):
So to speak? It all starts Friday night with the
parade down Main Street chopped out many bikes ridden by
mini bikers, and that goes on for almost a whole
city block, sponsored by the preferred motor oil for many bikes.
Stpee wee. And when the sun goes down, it's time

to crown the mini biker queen.

Speaker 1 (16:32):
You know.

Speaker 10 (16:32):
We used to do that at the Purple Nurple Gentlemen's Club.
Some of the gals got hammered and kept falling off
the stage and got hurt. So now we're doing it
in the relative safety of the sawdust pit at Manny
Moe and Jackal's Exotic Petting Zoo. Yeah, we tried doing
it at the Venus fly Trap Botanical Gardens. But a
lot of the competitors went missing.

Speaker 1 (16:54):
In one of those wet t shirt deals.

Speaker 11 (16:57):
Is it?

Speaker 7 (16:57):

Speaker 10 (16:57):
It used to be not anymore. We tried that, they
kept getting washed away.

Speaker 1 (17:01):
As what about food anything special?

Speaker 10 (17:04):
I'm glad you asked, John Boy. Saturday is the Mini
Bite cookout. There's gonna be Vienna sausage on the grill
for the popular Wee Wee Weiener eating contest. Returning champion
Joey Smallberry's will be defending his title and returning for
his tenth year. Is Colonel Cobb's Roasted corn.

Speaker 1 (17:25):
Roasted corn on the cob. Now you're talking.

Speaker 10 (17:28):
Oh, these are a little different, and those little corns
getting Chinese food. That Saturday night is the annual outdoor
showing of Easy Rider.

Speaker 1 (17:37):
Ah, do you have a drive in theater.

Speaker 10 (17:39):
No, we just put up an iPad on an onion crate.
That works pretty good.

Speaker 1 (17:43):
That all sounds like a pretty great time.

Speaker 10 (17:46):
It's sort of the comb before the storm. Really, the
following weekend thanks get even wilder. Really, that's when we
have the Mini Black Bike week. Those folks know how
to party. Plus there's a big rap concert featuring Littler
John and the we Tang clan. It's gonna be I

hope I get this right. It's gonna be popping yo.

Speaker 1 (18:15):
So something for everyone, nothing.

Speaker 10 (18:18):
For everyone, John Boy. So come on down to Dismal
Seepage the next two weekends for the annual Mini Bike Weeks.

Speaker 1 (18:27):
Will you be there?

Speaker 10 (18:28):
Oh? Hell no, I'm running my house out to bull Weaver,
Golong everybody.

Speaker 1 (18:58):
Yeah, morning, it is a big showing the radio. We're
about twenty minutes away from tator or Tama News. Well
you hadn't stopped buying a good long while, and it's
nice to see him back in the big show studio.
He's over one hundred years old and ain't slowed down
the lick. Welcome back, normal tea Wheeler. What do you
say there, John Boy? Where you been keeping yourself? Nerve?

Speaker 8 (19:20):

Speaker 1 (19:21):
You know women whoa you ain't nothing but a hound dog?

Speaker 9 (19:24):
Oh well, it didn't last long. She's one of them
what you call scarlet women. You know, the world's holding
profession and was not.

Speaker 1 (19:33):
I didn't know.

Speaker 9 (19:34):
I was leaving the grocery store there and she's standing
out there in the corner there, and we got talking
about this and that and the weather and so forth.
She says, why don't you come with me, we'll have
some fun. And I said, well, ma'am, I won't be
able to. And she cut me off, and she says,
come on, honey, I at least give it a try.
You know, I'm a little uncomfortable telling this story in

front of the gals.

Speaker 1 (19:58):
That's all right, look at him get around. Yeah that's
what I figured. I just won't be sure. Anyway.

Speaker 9 (20:07):
We going back to her place there, and well, golly,
I did my best, but I could only go an hour.

Speaker 1 (20:13):
An hour, Well, I just had dinner.

Speaker 9 (20:16):
I was still a my LOGI well, since she finally
got her wits about her, and she goes, good, lord, honey,
I thought you said you wouldn't be able to.

Speaker 1 (20:24):
I says, yeah, pay, I wouldn't be able to pay.
I said, oh you got a freebie. Oh hell no.

Speaker 9 (20:31):
I felt bad, so I give her a bag of
oranges and a bottle of jarrato. I reckon she needed
it more than me. Oh hell, it weren't meant to last.
She's too young in her thirties. Yeah, she probably was
about twenty year ago. See, I never had any luck
with the younger women there when I When I was seventy,

I married a woman who was twenty five, and a
year after we got hit, she had a baby boy.
We named him Buck after Buck Owens. A nurse asked me,
is it yours? And I said, well, hell, yes, in mine,
and she said congratulations. I said yes, the old engine
still runs. Bout two years later I was right back

in the delivery room, and this time as a little
girl named her Dolly after Dolly Parton. That same old
nurse was there.

Speaker 1 (21:20):
Is it yours? She asked.

Speaker 9 (21:21):
I said yes, ma'am. She said congratulations. I said yes,
the old engine still runs well if I got it.
Two year later we are right back here again. Nurse
come out. She says he is some boy, and I'm
so proud. She says, is he yours? I said Yes'm
engine is still a running and she says, well, you

might need to change the oil.

Speaker 1 (21:43):
This one's blind. Oh what is your name? Him? Kareem
after his daddy. Well, I'm gonna grab a color fake
coffee and get the mosey in on out of here.
Not by any time? Will do you keep your sad
lord and your gun graces? Holler if you need man

don't forget to change home. Good morning, a lot more
big show coming.

Speaker 11 (22:12):
Up, John Boy, Big Big Show feels picky. I'm Matthew,
Oh Marcel, you picked an awful time to call. Well,
listen to the radio. We're right in the middle of
a new centrol you boob. No, no not, you're racing,
fat boy, pull up a couple of chairs to get down.

Speaker 1 (22:30):

Speaker 11 (22:30):
I gotta go make coffee for the boys so they
can go on making that audio magic known as.

Speaker 2 (22:34):
The John Boy By Big Show.

Speaker 1 (22:36):
Carry on straight.

Speaker 5 (22:37):
People, Good morning, and it's a big show on the radio.

Speaker 1 (23:15):
And here's your twenty four hour alert. In twenty four hours,
I will give away John Boys a wonderful thing number
ninety nine. So if you have not put your name
in the hat for this wonderful thing, go to the
Big Show dot com. Pop right up there. And it
took a picture of it right here in the studio.
Who's that good looking rascal in the background. It's the

number fourteen Tony Stewart bass car fishing lure, still in
its original box. And why wouldn't it be that lad
cold number fourteen Hascor made it to a real fishing lure.
I had many of them, but this one has never
been fished. With twenty four hours, you could be the

proud owner. John Boys wonderful thing. Hit it at the
Big Show dot com. Wooo, good morning, got a big
show on the radio coming up. We play worthy word
winner gets a Southern East Pets pack. Give your furry
friends some relaxation with Southerneast bacon flavored pets CBD gummies,

maybe with the same care as their human gummies, because
every pet deserves a moment of tranquility. At the Southerneast
Pets dot Com look for their link at the Big
Show dot com. If you use coche JBB, get an
exclusive offer. Hang on, we'll play for and in minutes.
Right now, it's time with Tater Taman News and here's

our girl, Marcid Tater Morans.

Speaker 3 (24:45):
So, if you're a Wheel of Fortune fan hat Sayjack
taped his final shoe last Friday, you know no, I'm serious, No,
he need to get out later. The show that he
taped less is scheduled to air June seventh. They weren't
way ahead ahead.

Speaker 1 (25:04):
Did we know about this? I remember he was talking
about Vana getting millions and stuff. But yes, it's over
it is it is here.

Speaker 2 (25:11):
It's here.

Speaker 7 (25:11):
He was going to work through you know, twenty four
and so June seventh will be his last show. She
is staying and she's gonna still be a co host.

Speaker 3 (25:20):
And Letter Turner and Ryan Seacrest join in the fall.

Speaker 1 (25:25):
Oh boy, we hardly ever see him. The new host says,
all you have to do is just be vanilla. You
get to do a lot of stuff. Yeah, well, we'll say.

Speaker 7 (25:37):
Jack earned three Daytime Emmy Awards for Best Game Show
Hosts during his career. Inness World Records also recognized him
as the longest serving host for the.

Speaker 3 (25:45):
Same game show.

Speaker 1 (25:46):
How about that man, some awards and happy retirements.

Speaker 7 (25:49):

Speaker 3 (25:50):
Are you familiar with country start Morgan Wallen.

Speaker 8 (25:53):

Speaker 3 (25:54):
Some people know him for his music, some people known
for his rap sheets.

Speaker 1 (25:57):
Yeah, or Morgan he's kind of an idiot.

Speaker 7 (26:00):
Well, he's a young man, he's thirty, uh and in
his career, in his short adult life, he is just
has an issue with getting really angry when he's been
drinking bad drink. You see, we've got buddies, you know,

they're just not you know, being followed by paparazzi. So well,
what happened was he was in Nashville on Sunday night
and apparently was at this rooftop bar and pitched a chair.

Speaker 1 (26:38):
Idiot move and guess where it landed?

Speaker 7 (26:40):
Yes, six stories down, uh bad, three feet from some cops.

Speaker 3 (26:49):
So he's been charged with three felonies.

Speaker 2 (26:52):

Speaker 7 (26:55):
Witnesses said that there's been a couple of different accounts.
One said that he pitched the chair and was laughing.
Another witness said, no, he was upset because his ex
fiance just eloped and what's set and so just in
an outburst.

Speaker 1 (27:11):
Wow, he pitched the chair, So good news, girls.

Speaker 7 (27:16):
So he spent time in Nashville's jail to about four
am when he posted a fifteen thousand dollars bond, and
later in May he goes to his rate.

Speaker 1 (27:25):
Well now, well, hopefully he will grow out of some
idiot moves well, you know, or he'll be forced to ye.

Speaker 3 (27:30):
Yeah, so there we are there, Prince William.

Speaker 7 (27:34):
Reports are across the pond that he is not ready
to be king and is getting really nervous because the
doctors gave King Charles about a year and a half
to two years cancer. A lot of people have lived longer.
But that's just this, you know, speculation. And they're like, oh, yeah,
he is not ready. I thought everybody was saying he
was ready.

Speaker 1 (27:55):
Is that one of Princess Diana's Yes, we're the oldest. Yeah,
so not the one is married to the actress.

Speaker 7 (28:00):
No, he's the spare Okay, because William went on to
have like two other sons, so they're ahead of their
head of yeah.

Speaker 3 (28:08):
Yeah, so there's have to watch that across the fond.
Let's see what else.

Speaker 7 (28:11):
Oh I told you about Travis Kelsey and the Smarter
than a fifth grader? He's actually done some test episodes,
Yes he has. And the version that he'll be hosting
is are you smarter than a celebrity?

Speaker 1 (28:25):
So it turned out he was not smarter than And
the premise of this is.

Speaker 7 (28:31):
Uh, this will challenge people's knowledge compared to entertainers that
never completed an education. O.

Speaker 3 (28:37):
Gay, it's in print there in People magazine right into entertainment.

Speaker 1 (28:44):
Some dumb celebrities or I want to get on that show. Well,
thank you very much. All right, Well let's get us
a winner. Let's play worthy where they will go one
eight hundred big show, you don't free line. We'll get
a gouple contested, letting tighter catch your breath, well play next,

good morning. Let me shut up swallowing cash you. There's
a big show on the radio show. I need my
protein for this warning word game.

Speaker 8 (29:40):
Right quick?

Speaker 1 (29:40):
Tell you about today's feature track from the Big Show,
Big Box, brought you by Charlotte Motor Speedway and Co
Coda six owners. Sunday, May twenty six, It's a hot
pool party at the home Farmer's House. Serve for a
keyword pool party and a here the Bigshow dot com
there right down that.

Speaker 2 (29:57):
Bla went everybody's head about.

Speaker 1 (30:00):
They don't worry anywhere. They don't worry anywhere. Let's meet
a contestants, a sister and a brother from a well,
let's say where they are. We got Maryland from Fort Pierce, Florida.
Good morning, Maryland. Welcome man. Kenneth is in Bismark, Arkansas.

Good morning Kenneth. Right, all right, brother and sister welcome y'all.
All right, do y'all y'all getting to see much of
each other since you're in different states, so I can
see the problem. Walk Taylor, I don't know why your

microphone's not coming on about you. You won't no no, no,
the o't but ain't working that buddy. Oh, I'm I'm sorry, Marylyn, Kenneth.
Good to see y'all trying to work out some stuff
I got. Yes, you come on back over here to you.
All right, I'll turn my hand, all right. So me
and Maryland gonna be on the team, Tater and Kenneth.
We'll do two rounds. You don't know how to play,

all right, So Kenneth, you relax. Me and Maryland will
go for the first thirty seconds. All right, are you
ready to Maryland?

Speaker 2 (31:18):
Seared up? Let's get her dad, ol Gay.

Speaker 1 (31:20):
Here we go, starting the clock. Now, you go to
work and you put your sandwiches in one of these
and carry it lunch lunch wat another one. Yes, that's it.
That's it, all right. A black and white animal that stinks. Yeah,
uh huh, you steal you are a yeah uh huh,

a blue blank comedy tour around your neck the blue
what yeah uh huh? All right, this is a physician.

Speaker 10 (31:54):
He is your.

Speaker 2 (31:57):

Speaker 1 (31:59):
That sounds like you said position. Yeah, well that that
would work there. Well we got four on the board.

Speaker 8 (32:06):

Speaker 1 (32:06):
Good job on your way in Maryland, all right. Deal, Well,
let's see what Kenneth and Taylor can do. For their
round one.

Speaker 7 (32:13):
All right, big bro, real, all right and go you
go see them. The two apples a day keeps our
two assmen a day keeps the what away? Yes, uh,
the opposite a fool. There's nothing in it. There's nothing
in it. It is completely there's nothing in the glass.

Speaker 3 (32:35):
The glass is oh, beg you. Hey, you have four
of these on your car. You get a flat? One
of these.

Speaker 1 (32:46):
A flat. We have the problems that Kenneth. Are you
on a speaker phone? Yes? I am. Well, yeah, that's
no good. We should should a call down earlier. Maryland,
are you on a speakerphone? Okay, well, well you pick
up too, and let's let's have a round two where

we're we're right there at each other. Yeah, that way
it'll be fun. The sister is leading the brother four
to two after round one. Okay, here we go.

Speaker 3 (33:18):
Four since we were, can you give us four?

Speaker 2 (33:21):

Speaker 8 (33:26):

Speaker 2 (33:26):
Four man?

Speaker 1 (33:27):
Okay, go ahead. We'll give you two mores tied up
going in a round two? How about that?

Speaker 5 (33:33):

Speaker 1 (33:33):
Wait, reset the score.

Speaker 3 (33:35):
You are the oldest. You're older, aren't you, Maryland?

Speaker 1 (33:38):
No, she's the female. That's why I went on. Yes, right, well,
here we go, all right, We're gonna settle it a
round two, all right, Maryland, me and you? Are you
ready sure enough?

Speaker 7 (33:52):
And go?

Speaker 1 (33:53):
Four of these on your car. They're made of rubber tire. Yes,
uh huh. Come here and give me a blank like
with your arms around me. No oh yeah, I said,
all right. You go to this after Randy, You go
to this after high school.

Speaker 5 (34:09):
You go to it.

Speaker 1 (34:12):
Yes, uh huh. I smell a blank a little animal.
When you blank somebody out the little do you get
a not a mask?

Speaker 8 (34:22):

Speaker 11 (34:23):

Speaker 1 (34:29):
You can tell Maryland has a brother. We're playing only
your sister.

Speaker 3 (34:35):
I would say a fart.

Speaker 1 (34:37):
Eight a score for Maryland. So Kenneth and Taylor like it?
Four will time, five will win? Are you ready Kenneth and.

Speaker 2 (34:50):

Speaker 3 (34:52):
All right? Dracula turns into this bird?

Speaker 1 (34:56):
Rhymes with it?

Speaker 3 (34:56):
You wipe your feet on the what matt rhymes with it?
Your tire? It doesn't have any air. It's rhymes with it.

Speaker 1 (35:05):
You you you uh uh.

Speaker 7 (35:08):
Uh. I know the abbreviate you when you you sit
on a chair, and the past tense of that chance
on a chair, when you blake down the opposite of you.

Speaker 1 (35:25):
The word was sad s A t never got that
Maryland wins. He has only one. Come on, come on,
Oh good news, Kenneth. You can try again anytime, Buddy,

bad news. Your sister who's gonna get the prize back
into her plays down in Fort Pierce. We appreciate y'all
playing weathers this morning and listening. It's heartwarming.

Speaker 3 (35:55):
Hey you guys, you do know my brother's in love
with Tater right well we do?

Speaker 1 (36:00):
Now, Oh boy, a little.

Speaker 8 (36:06):
I have a little point.

Speaker 10 (36:07):
I was just gonnae if I get.

Speaker 8 (36:08):
Quick, go ahead, okay, Cater Tater, I love you.

Speaker 10 (36:15):
Please let me be your back up boo just in
case your old boo falls through.

Speaker 1 (36:23):
Cater Tater, I loved you, And that was hard to read.
That came from the heart.

Speaker 8 (36:29):
The one last thing, if.

Speaker 10 (36:35):
If you want to go on an expensive dinner with me,
you can if you'll pay, Oh.

Speaker 3 (36:41):
Thank you, I'll think about it.

Speaker 1 (36:43):
That's better than the offer you have on the table.

Speaker 10 (36:45):

Speaker 1 (36:48):
I appreciate this, y'all will enjoyed. You guys Enjoygia. All right,
but I love you.

Speaker 2 (36:54):
Hang on, Thank you.

Speaker 1 (36:57):
Thanks morning. Big Show's on the radio. Requested bit for
the day from Edward Monk out of more Head City,
North Carolina. I'd like to hear morons are the mint Atlantic?
All right? Yeah, I like to go fishing at your
spot down there, Edwin, So you got it coming up next?

Good morning, it's a big show on the radio. Good
request for this morning coming out of more Head City,
North Carolina. Oh, ed one monk the requests what is
if we go?

Speaker 12 (37:58):
Good morning, hygiens junkies. It's time for the big show
Morning movie special mini series event and now joined Captain
John Boy and First Made Spanky as they climb aboard
the Good Ship for a thrilling on the adventure.

Speaker 2 (38:10):
On the high Seas.

Speaker 1 (38:12):
It's time for part one of it.

Speaker 2 (38:19):
I can't believe it. I just can't believe it. How
could any one man be so stupid?

Speaker 1 (38:25):
I manage, and you were.

Speaker 2 (38:27):
Shouldn't have come out here without Captain Kit.

Speaker 1 (38:29):
For your information, I'm just as smart as Captain Kit.

Speaker 2 (38:32):
Then why didn't you bring us all the way out
in the middle of the ocean without the one thing
we need?

Speaker 1 (38:38):
I brought the pickled pig's lips.

Speaker 2 (38:40):
Brought them. You're talking through them. I'm talking about a compass,
you moron.

Speaker 1 (38:45):
I brought a compass.

Speaker 6 (38:46):
It's right there on the refrigerator on a magnet, so
no matter how the boat rocks, the magnet stays put.

Speaker 1 (38:54):
Who ain't a thinker?

Speaker 2 (38:55):
Do you know what magnets do to a compass? Keep
it stuck to the fred No, you'll burn brain. It
makes the compass go all caddywalpus. It's worthless now and
we're out in the middle of the ocean and we
don't know which way is home.

Speaker 1 (39:09):
Is that what you're so upset about?

Speaker 6 (39:11):
Oh, brother spiky, let me teach you an old sailor's trick.

Speaker 2 (39:16):
You're not gonna start crying again?

Speaker 6 (39:18):
Are you very funny? You don't need a compass. Your
map is right over your head.

Speaker 1 (39:23):
You steer by the.

Speaker 2 (39:24):
Stars at eleven in the morning.

Speaker 6 (39:27):
You're not very patient?

Speaker 2 (39:28):
Are you any more?

Speaker 10 (39:30):

Speaker 2 (39:30):

Speaker 1 (39:31):
We could go that way?

Speaker 2 (39:33):
That way? That's all you got is to point to
the back of the boat and say that way.

Speaker 1 (39:38):
Well, I figure since the boat is pointed this way
and no one has touched the wheel, then home must
be that way.

Speaker 2 (39:45):
Say have you seen that fish bat that was laying
around here? This one? Yeah, that's the one.

Speaker 1 (39:51):
What are you gonna do with that?

Speaker 2 (39:53):
Give you some stars to steer by?

Speaker 1 (39:57):
I can't see the stars. The birds keep getting in
the way.

Speaker 2 (40:00):
I'll maybe another crack on the skull will scare them off.
Come back here, you see, fair and simpleton. Look at
it this way. If I kill you, you won't starve
to death. Mag you Wait a second, Wait a second,
make it snappy. I'm trying to cave your skull in.

Speaker 1 (40:21):
Is that what you're worried about starving?

Speaker 2 (40:24):
Among other things?

Speaker 1 (40:25):
Well, if it comes down to it and all is lost,
I want you to eat me.

Speaker 2 (40:31):
Wow, John boy, that's a pretty big sacrifice. Do you
mean it?

Speaker 1 (40:35):
Of course you're my friend. I do anything for you.

Speaker 2 (40:39):
Well that holds still, and let me kill you so
I can make a sandwich.

Speaker 1 (40:44):
Famam, he's massing my skull.

Speaker 2 (40:46):
You know this is kind of fun? All right, all.

Speaker 1 (40:49):
Right, stop it. That's enough.

Speaker 2 (40:51):
You're hitting me so hard.

Speaker 1 (40:52):
I'm starting to hallucinate.

Speaker 2 (40:54):
Let me know, if you start seeing a compass.

Speaker 1 (40:56):
Remember that movie where the big wave tips the boat
over and Jeene Hackman has to save everybody Besideon Adventure.

Speaker 2 (41:03):
What's your point?

Speaker 1 (41:04):
My hallucination looks just like that big wave.

Speaker 2 (41:09):
You jackass. That's the hallucination. It's a rogue wave.

Speaker 1 (41:12):
Holy crap.

Speaker 13 (41:13):
What do we do?

Speaker 2 (41:14):
I can only think of one thing. What's that.

Speaker 3 (41:22):
Serves up?

Speaker 12 (41:23):
Will our hero survive the barreling, barbaric barrier of bridy
blue bearing down on them?

Speaker 2 (41:28):
What to do?

Speaker 7 (41:29):
What to do?

Speaker 2 (41:30):
To find out?

Speaker 12 (41:31):
Tune in next tight for part two of The Big
Show Morning Movie starring John Boy as John Boy, Spanky
is Spanky, and a special appearance.

Speaker 2 (41:37):
By Jackielum junr has Wally the wal eyed wall of Water.
In a.

Speaker 1 (41:45):
Minute, there's a hallucination feels so good morning, Big Show

us on the radio, suggestions for you to build your
John Boy and Billy album for the next Big Day
on a friend of Family's loved Ones covers all your
loved one friendly John Boy Billy album. That's a big
that's a big payoff. You gotta have a hoyt on.
Now here's a going pull party at the hog Farmer's house.

Search for keywords pool party. Let's go back when we
took a call from what.

Speaker 9 (42:49):

Speaker 1 (42:51):
Hell yeah, this hart, I'm alive on the part of
that John Boy belly here all right.

Speaker 8 (42:57):
Here you beg hey, no driving was picking mouth freezing
knuckle dragons, it squeezing little scab farmer hall looking.

Speaker 1 (43:09):
Call h man, a Z squeezer and scab farmer.

Speaker 10 (43:12):
Will you?

Speaker 8 (43:12):
Oh, no offense? But have you looked at you?

Speaker 1 (43:16):
That hurts cuffing from you? Ah, Hoyd, what's new over
the trader man?

Speaker 6 (43:23):
How's delvit search for white collar respectability going?

Speaker 8 (43:27):
That's a choker had an interest in in in last
night though, you ours invited us to a big old
party at this hog farmer's house frs loaded like you
wouldn't believe.

Speaker 1 (43:38):
Hey, man, I know hog farmer. I wonder if it's
the same guy. Where's the farm this fall?

Speaker 8 (43:42):
I ain't got no farm.

Speaker 1 (43:43):
I thought you said he was a rich hog farmer.

Speaker 8 (43:45):
No, his name is Farmer, David Farmer. They call him
holl because he weighs in by three hundred pounds. He's
sure enough for rich.

Speaker 1 (43:53):
I say, well, where'd he get his money?

Speaker 8 (43:55):
He got run over by a shuttle bus in the
parking lot flag. They give him this whattload of money
in the out of court settlement.

Speaker 6 (44:04):
So this is a guy named hog Farmer, the rich.

Speaker 8 (44:07):
Yeah, he's about halfway crazy.

Speaker 1 (44:09):
Too from the accident.

Speaker 8 (44:11):
No, he wouldn't even hurt all that bad, and ain't
the money neither? Oh, hog was a nut back. We
didn't have two Nicholas rupt together. Ben Rich just means
he can act it out more. Got him a big
old house with Olympic sun of swimming pool in the backyard. Oh,
and get this, men Deverett got up to the party. Oh,
Hog had stuck a bunch of alligators out in the pool.

Speaker 1 (44:32):
Alligators, what Ford, I tell you, he's a rich nut.

Speaker 8 (44:35):
Oh, everybody's stand running on PETTYO and I kind of
lost track of Debora there for a few minutes. I
had run into this little girly. She had two of
my favorite personality trade.

Speaker 1 (44:45):
Oh what's that?

Speaker 8 (44:47):
She was real cute and she was real drunk. Anybody
we're standing there talk and next thing you know, Old
Hog has then climbed up to the lifeguard chairs there
on the far side of the pool. And by this
time he's got him a snoop pool as you might imagine,
waving his arms and he's hollering, may I have your
attention please? So everybody gets real quiet, Hogg says, I'd

like to issue a challenge the first person here to
swim across this pool and climb up here on the
stand with me. I'll give him the deed to this
here house. Well, everybody you know takes a pack down
in that pool, sees all them gaiters going around down there.
Nobody moves, you know. Dogg says all right, first persons
all across the pool, gets the deed to the house

and the keys to that rolls. Roy says, park out
in the garage. Still nobody moves, and Hogg says, all right,
I'll throw in my complete stock portfolio and all the
money in my bank account.

Speaker 1 (45:46):
Well, just then, as a big old spy, somebody jumped
in the pool, Yes, sir.

Speaker 8 (45:51):
And I look down Lordie, it's.

Speaker 1 (45:53):
Delbri then what happened?

Speaker 8 (45:56):
Well, of them gators is all over him like white
on rice, as you can imagine. But he's keeps right
on the coming. He whacks one on them across the
bridge of the nose, pulls out his pocket knife, staves
another one in the gulf. Is another by his big
old gainer head, pulls back on it till his neck snap.
It looked like a red neck tars there. Oh no,

so away. Devert swims up to other side of the pool.
He climbs out. Old Hall comes stumbling down out of
the lifeguard stand. Rother says, boy, that's the most amazing
thing I've ever seen in my life. And I want
you to though, I'm a man of my word. Come
on in here, let me get you the deed to
the house. O. Dever says, I don't want your hoss,

and Hawks says, well, I about the keep to that
rolls Royce. Dever says, I don't know rolls Royce, and
Hawks says, oh what about the money? Never says you
can keep your money, and Hawks says, well, what do
you want? Dever says, act no good bastard that pushed
me in the pool. Hey, let's heard it. Run here man,

George of the Jungle? Is you don't think?

Speaker 13 (47:05):

Speaker 8 (47:05):
You telling him?

Speaker 10 (47:06):
I said?

Speaker 8 (47:07):
He you don't give them straight up.

Speaker 13 (47:14):
Bid Box is here all your favorites from four decades
and Big Show ninety nine says he's fifteen for nine
ninety nine by him once play him anywhere shopping Bitbox
online at the Bigshow dot Com order Big Show Stuff
I followed. The number is eight hundred and four seven
to one stuff online services by anime dot Com.

Speaker 1 (47:29):
This any Big Show Today? Hont let that happen? Tens
it up? John Obill and late Rossers podcast.

Speaker 10 (47:36):

Speaker 1 (47:36):
Wherever you get your podcasting, make it easy. Subscribe to
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