All Episodes

April 23, 2024 41 mins

Tuesday (pt 2 of 2): On today’s Late Riser’s Podcast, We stroll into dangerous territory- Men vs Women vs Dogs.. - Marci puts out another edition of What to Watch.. - John Boy brings in a list of 10 Things Women Never Say - But Men Wish They Would.. - Sherman Pratt (Big Show Brat) makes some wardrobe changes.. - Mark Packer updates the College Sports scene and throws some shade on the R&R Hall of Fame.. - and we’ll close things out today with John Boy singing with some actual professional bluegrass musicians..

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Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:23):
Good morning. That's a big showing. The radio were running
through your Tuesday morning. Today's feature track from The Big
Show Bent Box brought to you by the Coke Cola
six hundred and a half and Sunday May twenty sixth
shot the Motor Speedway. John Boyce things a man of
constant irritation. Oh John Boy's home with your John Woyman like,
Oh we gotta habit. Search for keyword constant at the

Bigshow dot comy Right now, let's please eat the blood
with our contestant on the line. Jordan from Lincolnton, North Carolina.
Good morning, Jordan's good morning, Dawn mood, morning money, welcome.
All right, man, We're gonna ask Day some questions. She's

gonna answer you agree or disagree? Good? Too right? For
too wrong? Ain't you win?

Speaker 2 (01:18):
All right?

Speaker 1 (01:19):
A lot of people thinking Tater is very smart and
knows everything. That's why we've had a couple of losers
in the road.

Speaker 3 (01:27):
I hadn't heard that.

Speaker 1 (01:29):
I wait for the SmackDown jump on in here.

Speaker 4 (01:35):
Okay, Marcy, if you have thin stem hubs, broken jewels
and a stripped crown head, where would you go to
get them fixed?

Speaker 5 (01:49):

Speaker 3 (01:49):
I know a guy in Georgia, but you gotta pay
him in cash. So that's where.

Speaker 1 (01:54):
Georgia, stem hubs.

Speaker 3 (01:56):
Broken jewels and crownhead.

Speaker 6 (01:57):
You go to a body shop, a body shop, auto
body shots.

Speaker 1 (02:01):
Jordan, do you agree or disagree?

Speaker 7 (02:04):
I gotta agree with that, John.

Speaker 1 (02:06):
Boy, you agree with that? Exactly what I was talking about. No,
that's a watch repair man, a watch repairmanh Well no,
so h Randy. You have a bunch of old exotic
cars you fixed up, broken jewels on them. Let's string
a roundhead I've never seen or heard of. What about
stem hubs? Now hubs sounds like it could be hubs

and hubcaps. That's probably what threw you off there.

Speaker 3 (02:31):
That's exactly I stopped listening after stem hub.

Speaker 1 (02:38):
All right, Jordan, that's one wrong. You need to get
this one right. So let's say what Tate's gotten for you.
There are three different well let me see. Let me
start over here, Tate. There we go. Okay, three different
types are the lean, to the wedge and the crawl
in what are they.

Speaker 3 (03:00):
Blind dates?

Speaker 1 (03:04):
It's rough out there.

Speaker 3 (03:05):
I don't know if how long it's been since you've
been out there.

Speaker 1 (03:09):
I'll find my car keys, we'll drive. They're military bunkers,
military bunkers. Jordan, agree or disagree?

Speaker 7 (03:24):
I disagree at camping shelter.

Speaker 1 (03:27):
Disagree, and it was the thing to do. They are tents, yeah,
tents right, okay, all right, well here we go. We're
gonna win it or lose it on this question, Marsa.
We got a true or false.

Speaker 3 (03:41):
Good good good odds.

Speaker 1 (03:43):
One out of every three plastic surgery patients today is
a man.

Speaker 3 (03:49):
What do you mean before or after?

Speaker 1 (03:53):
Do you even need to be.

Speaker 3 (03:54):
More specific before I try.

Speaker 1 (03:55):
To answer this?

Speaker 8 (03:58):

Speaker 1 (03:59):
True true? One out of every three classic surgery patience
today is a man. Jordan, agree or disagrees.

Speaker 7 (04:08):
I agree with that, Jon boy, And that.

Speaker 9 (04:11):
Wasn't taking a Yeah, I ain't gonna all right, Jordan,
you got the big old red Max prize.

Speaker 1 (04:23):
Back head over to lincolning for.

Speaker 7 (04:25):
You, all right, worried, way to go, man, give a
shout out?

Speaker 1 (04:31):
No one is please do all right.

Speaker 7 (04:34):
I want to shout out my girlfriend. I want to
shout out old.

Speaker 1 (04:37):
Dan the man. And I want to shout out my
gay cousin, Austin. You might be gay, brother, but we
still love you. Well, all right, there you go to
shout out of the day, he goes to Jordan. There,
I'll allow it. Why are we're gonna jump out? Hitch

you up on your news? Right on the other side,
we got our time capsule. You are jump in and
playhouse act now full time. This is the award winning

John Boy and Billy Big Show, the South's number one export.

Speaker 10 (05:51):
As owners more than that John Blair, Billy Jack, Robert E. Rayfold,
who Randy, you get well soon somewhere praying for you
over here, Reverend Ernest Lee since said hell, wanna send
a shout out to old friend of mine named Calvin Tucker.
Actually he ain't that old. I've just known him a
real long time. I first met Calvin back when he

was about eight years old, back when I first started preaching.
He had the Blessed Hoop Baptist Church. Calvin was a
real sweet young and his mama was real nice too.
But for some reason, I got the idea his daddy
didn't care for me too much. And if I be preaching,
every time I look over at the Tucker's, Calvin's daddy
be sitting there with this whole sour look on his face,
And now what was up with that? So it kind

of surprised me. One Wednesday night, had proud met Miss
Tucker comes up and says, preacher, we want to have
you over for Sunday dinner. So on Sunday came, I
showed up. Calvin come to the door and said, hey, preacher,
come on in, and mama's always got dinner ready. I said, well,
smell mighty good in here was she cooking? Kelvin says, well,
it's a jackass. I said, dude, what he said?

Speaker 1 (06:56):
Yeah, it's a jackass?

Speaker 10 (06:58):
I said, Calvin, I believe you must be confused and
on a mistaken son, because ain't no way, yo, mama
is in the kitchen cooking up a jackass. He said, yes,
she is.

Speaker 1 (07:09):
Just to day.

Speaker 10 (07:09):
Her daddy said, well, might as well have that old
jackass for.

Speaker 1 (07:13):
Dinner and get it.

Speaker 6 (07:16):
And now.

Speaker 10 (07:18):
I won't say that ladies and gentlemen, Yeah, he's good.

Speaker 1 (07:22):
A t herb her high loss. I got stores for
you here. I will tell you what about this old
Baffia guy. They've told he now he's flying Las Vegas
almost every week. In the gabble and left, his wife
said it whole below. Well, she got about half tired
of that, started messing around with the deck store. Neighbor fred, Oh, yeah,

And one week he had told he's flat in Vegas,
got castle cause the weather. And when he came back home,
he found his wife and Fred baking out over the
couch and the living room. Now she will find you out,
He said, Hi, what's going on here? Neighbor says with Tody.
Your wife's a beautiful wo but she needs intention and
she ain't getting none from you. I know you a

dangerous man, Tony, but I love her. Do what you
gotta do. Gabbler says, all right, Fred, come here, sitting
down with me at the kitchen table. Let's work this
out well. When friend sits down, Tony pulls a pack
of playing cards out of his powkin, says, all right,
here's what we're gonna do. We gonna play five heads
of poker. If you win the most hands, my wife

is yours. And if I win the most hands, you
gotta move out of the neighborhood. Never speak to either
one of us again. Is that fair enough? Friend says, ahright,
let's do it. Tony says, oh, one more thing, why
don't we make it five bucks a hend? Just to
keep it interesting. I had one day back to late fifties,
heard of you like this, this old preacher store, this

old country preacher. He's shaking hands at the door at
church on Sunday and he sees this shaggy looking Beatick
get the receiving lie. Well, preacher gives them old skunk
on thinks, what's this whole unsave bugger doing here? Want
a beat? Dick shakes his head and says, hey, er daddy, Oh,
that was one wigged out serving. You just laid down.

You're blowing that chin music like Biles Davis Man. I
dug it, In fact, I dug it so much with
that cat. Come around here with a collection plate. I
laid down one hundred skins. Preacher looked at him, says,
crazy man, crazy one more turn storm about rayfer Resa
walks in the barber shop and says, how much for haircut?

Barbara says ten dollars, raypadh says ten dollars? Well, how
much for shave? Barbara says five dollars. So Rayful sets
it down in the chair and says, shave my head.
We go, Shawn Boy and Billy. I'm gonna get in shape,

but not today. I'm gonna go get a sandwich. It
skin Good morning radio, dumb right, Good morning, Big shows

on the radio.

Speaker 11 (10:29):
Action Welcome to John Boy and Billy Playhouse. Today's episode
the Anniversary Gift. As our story opens, Sister Mary of
Grace is exiting Costco when good morning day.

Speaker 1 (10:47):
Good morning to you, Sister Mary. Well, I wasn't expected
to see you here.

Speaker 3 (10:52):
Oh well, I was just picking up some snacks for
the truth.

Speaker 1 (10:56):
Well, I see that from the looks your car, it
looks like a pretty good spread. Cookies, cake, pretzels, chips, dip. Wow,
looks like the facings for kids' birthday party.

Speaker 3 (11:06):
Okay, I stopped hungry. You see your close.

Speaker 12 (11:10):
Actually, the church is hosting a support group tonight for
newlywaed Horseman.

Speaker 1 (11:14):
Oh, that can be a tough time for some young people.
But we'll get me for asking your sister. Isn't that
a little out of your wheelhouse?

Speaker 3 (11:23):
Yes, it would be awkward, wouldn't it.

Speaker 12 (11:27):
No, No, we were having some of the longtime married
men from the congregation come.

Speaker 3 (11:33):
Then give them some advice.

Speaker 12 (11:35):
Say brother Feasley, aren't you and your wife coming up
on your fiftieth wedding anniversary.

Speaker 1 (11:42):
Look at the memorial, sister married.

Speaker 3 (11:44):
It's the Oreoles.

Speaker 1 (11:46):
Twenty second of next month will mark our fiftieth year.

Speaker 3 (11:51):
Oh that is marvelous.

Speaker 12 (11:52):
Marvelous, dear, marvelous and congratulations. You simply must come tonight
and share some insight into how you have made And
it's just him married all these years.

Speaker 1 (12:02):
Well, I do love cake. That is wonderful. Well, I
don't know how insightful i'd be. You know, it ain't
all that complicated. I've just tried to treat her nice,
pay compliment when she's having a bad day, maybe even
buy her nice things now and then. But we bought
our share of ups and downs.

Speaker 3 (12:22):
Oh, of course, of course, dear, every couple of doors.

Speaker 1 (12:25):
Ye, but truth is, sister. There was a time when
we talked about splitting up. No, yes, it was right
before our twentieth anniversary. Have you got a minute?

Speaker 3 (12:37):
I do, I do.

Speaker 1 (12:38):
Money was tight back then when he was fighting. We
were looksly her fault, cats and dogs, the way where
were going at It seemed like nothing I did was good.

Speaker 12 (12:49):
Enough for my will. That was a long time ago,
and you're obviously mad, Yes, obviously managed.

Speaker 3 (12:57):
To work things out.

Speaker 1 (12:58):
I like the way you talk.

Speaker 3 (13:00):
The sugar's get into me.

Speaker 1 (13:02):
It wasn't easy, Sister. I took on a second job,
nearly working myself to death, but it was worth it.
By the time our twenty fifth anniversary came along, I
had come up with enough money to take her someplace
she had always dreamed of going, Italy.

Speaker 3 (13:18):
How wonderful, I'm sure she was true.

Speaker 1 (13:21):
You got that right. In fact, Sister, taking her there
was the best thing I could have done for our marriage.
Ever since then, it's been smooth, Sailor. We have not
had a single crossword to say to one another, and
I've never been happier.

Speaker 12 (13:37):
Oh dear, what a beautiful story, Brother Feasily. You simply
must come and share that with the other horsbands. You
would be such an inspiration to them.

Speaker 1 (13:48):
A world, you really think so, Sue.

Speaker 12 (13:53):
And Brothers, would you mind me asking what are you
planning for your wife for your fiftieth anniversary?

Speaker 1 (14:00):
I was thinking I'd go pick her up. Faith and Flora.

Speaker 11 (14:11):
We hope you've enjoyed John Boy and Billy Playhouse.

Speaker 3 (14:14):
You know it's.

Speaker 11 (14:18):
Tune in again next time when we'll hear the crusty
old receipt checker at Costco say.

Speaker 1 (14:23):
Hey, big man, let me hold a dollar. Good morning.
You got the big show on the radio. More chances
for you to win coming up after your news, weather
and sports. Mama.

Speaker 13 (14:38):
All I wanted to do was have a let us
sandwich on gluten bread, a tall glass of buttermilk, and
crawl under a bearskin rug.

Speaker 1 (14:48):
Why do I have to listen.

Speaker 13 (14:49):
To that John Boy person and Billy whoever on that
noisy big show, But Mama.

Speaker 1 (15:30):
Good morning us Wick show on the radio. I want
to win John Boys Wonderful Thing give away number one
hundred and one, a hardback copy of the book The
Whole Truth about Spring Turkey Hunting, according to Cuz Ronnie
cuz Strickland from al Seo Dead brand new book. My

boy couz right here. We've got turkey season going on.
Check it out. If we will announce the winner, I
want to three days from about this time. Wish I
knew the hours twenty four, forty eight, seventy two. No,
nobody cares. I did, no, But how many hours you

have listeners counting down? Only seventy two hours to register
for John Boys Wonderful Thing. I hear from them, all right.

Speaker 3 (16:18):
You're both pretty Coverdy's got a clock.

Speaker 1 (16:20):
We're good and he got seventy two hours. Okay, got it?
Big show rolls, Oh pack Man, standing by, hurry up,
We'll get in big show rolls on Good Morning, Big
shows on the radio. Coming up. We play worthy word.
Winner gets an LS Tractor Prize. Pack includes one year
subscription to marlsy Oaks Gamekeepers Magazine. Got a LS Tractor cap.

You go to LS Tractor USA dot com. Find your
local dealer. Learn why customers start blue and stay blue.
Right now, we go to Mark Packer, learn why we
love his TV showing ACCPM from the Big ESPN. Good Morning, pack.

Speaker 7 (16:59):
Good morning, john boy. It's that time of the year,
late April. Most of the spring games, for the most part,
are done in the world of college football. So I
started eyeballing other stuff that's going on, and we got
a little bit of everything going on, Johnny. We had
in the world of golf, Scottie Scheffler, who just won
the Masters the week before. You know, everybody kind of

rolls into Hilton, head down there and has a great time.
He goes back to back. He has now won four
of the last five PGA Tour event sixteen million bucks
in the last forty five days. That's not bad. The
tournament that he didn't win, he finished second. I mean
that's pretty good. And then you got on the LPGA Tour.

This woman by the name of Nellie Corter, who's a
great player.

Speaker 1 (17:43):
She's won the last.

Speaker 7 (17:44):
Five tournaments that she's playing. Yeah, but she can't. Let
me tell you something now she can. She hits it
right down the heart and makes everything.

Speaker 14 (17:53):
She looks at.

Speaker 7 (17:54):
But it's kind of crazy in the world of professional golf.
And I know the Men's Tour with all the live
and the PGA Tour that had all their issues with
all that stuff. But man, Scottie Scheffler and Nellie Corda
are just putting on a unbelievable display golf. Now with
all that said, I'm channel surfing on Sunday, and of
course the good old boys are down in Talladega and

I see that Michael Jordan is the winning owner. How
about that in Talladega.

Speaker 1 (18:22):
Oh yeah, crazy, here's having a big time. I was
telling my wife he showed up for more races even
when he was owning the Charlotte Hornets, to race board
and go to ball game.

Speaker 7 (18:32):
Well, I told somebody, I said, you know, this might
be the first time MJ's won this late in April,
since he played.

Speaker 1 (18:41):
For the Bulls.

Speaker 7 (18:43):
I mean, you start thinking about, you know, we got
the NBA Playoffs going honorable loved Hornets are never in
it much less win anything, especially when he was oning it.
But a pretty cool storyline though, I mean that was
of course Talladaga always gives you great races and all
that stuff, but to see MJ and the Winter Circle
is really cool. And then this week Johnny get ready

for the NFL Draft. It is go time for everybody
keeps up with such craziness and they got and there's
people that watch every single minute of it.

Speaker 14 (19:12):
For three days.

Speaker 7 (19:13):
But there's a local boy right down the road here
for me and you and Drake May that played at
Myers Park of course, put at University of North Carolina.
In all likelihood if you believe all the mock drafts,
and they're gonna be pretty close. I think it looks
like he could go third to New England Patriots. So
he got a good guy, great family, and again wish
him nothing but the best. But for all of us here,

at least in the Charlotte area, we had a chance
to watch his kid literally grow up and and gonna
turn into a big time pro. I think he's got
a chance to be a great pro. And if he
goes to New England, more power to him. We'll see
what happens on that front. We'll see. And one more thing,
john Boy, And this has nothing to do with anything
other than it bothered me when I saw it, and

I don't know why, but the Rock and Roll Hall
of Fame came out with their Class of twenty four,
all right, And again I've never been to the Rock
and Roll Hall of Fame. I heard it is great.
I always watch the induction ceremony every year when I
find it on TV. But again, I envisioned rock and
Roll Hall of Fame and Ozzy Osbourne's going in it.

And again I know he's probably already been in it
with Black Sabbath and everything else. But two other names, Johnny,
that are going into the Class of twenty four that
are obviously synonymous with rock and roll, Dion Warwick and
Mary J.

Speaker 1 (20:34):

Speaker 7 (20:35):
Now listen, they are incredible performers and they are great.
But that is about the equivalent of saying, hey, we're
going for the Pro Football Hall of Fame. Let's inductile.
I don't know, friend, because he knows what the uniforms.

Speaker 1 (20:52):
Back up with. I mean, what are we doing?

Speaker 7 (20:54):
I mean, I don't even understand. Did we run out
of people that we could put in the Hall of Fame?
And again the Rock and Roll of Fame? Somebody crank up,
Dion Warwick, what are we doing?

Speaker 15 (21:05):
You know?

Speaker 1 (21:05):
The last of I saw her during March Madness when
the Capitol One they were all singing the we are
the World kind of take all right, and that was
Dion Warwick singing. She had one verse on TV manon Warwick,
let's get her in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

Speaker 7 (21:21):
I mean, I don't even get it. I mean there's
got to be a group of people. And again we've
all been associate with big time companies that you wonder
what are the executives doing? But there's gotta be somebody
together going, man, what are they smoking? Hey, hey guys,
I got an idea. Let's put this up for a vote.
Dion Warwick rock and Roll Hall of Fame?

Speaker 1 (21:40):
I mean, well back, And I got to mention this
because our girl, Dolly, Dolly Parton, she was nominated for
it was either last year or the year before and
she said, no, I haven't done anything to get in
the rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Then she put
out a rock and roll album, so that's the way
to do it. That's that's the girl right there. No,

it's kind of it's to me.

Speaker 7 (22:09):
It's kind of like like I said, not to mention
Brandy there with the uniforms, but she like saying, uh,
the Pro Football Hall of Fame. Well, you know, listen,
I eat food, and who's the best cook. Hey, Bobby
Play is a great chef, So therefore, you know, it's
kind of an indirect relationship with pro football because we're
sitting there watching games and eating every weekend. Let's put
a chef in there. I mean, it really makes no

When I saw it, I was.

Speaker 6 (22:35):
Gonna say Dion was played when I was in kindergarten
as naptime music to settle you down.

Speaker 7 (22:41):
Listen, she is ain't listen, I'm not not.

Speaker 1 (22:44):
She has a beautiful voice.

Speaker 7 (22:46):
Yeah, I can't carry a tune. I can't play an instrument,
So therefore me making fun of anybody going to the
rock and Roll Hall of absolutely blasphemy. But I mean,
none of this makes any sense whatsoever. I mean, I'm
starting to feel kind of pissed off that they haven't
called me. Yeah, I mean, I mean, can you imagine

Izzy Osbourne. He doesn't have any idea where he is.
He's gonna be sitting there in Cleveland to go to
the induction and he's gonna look up and rub his
eyes and go. So I don't know that's where That's
where I am in the world of sports. Gunny, I

got it somehow to Cleveland the Rock and Roll Hall
of Fame to talk Eon Warwick, and I guarantee you
if there's somebody at home listened to this radio show
that said, all right, pac Man's on. I got one
hundred dollars. He brings up Deon Warwick. You would be
in the winner.

Speaker 1 (23:47):
Figure figure.

Speaker 14 (23:49):
But that's what we got.

Speaker 1 (23:50):
All right, man, Let's see what appazon n NFL Draft
this weekend. We'll get next week. I said, what's what's
got you? All right?

Speaker 14 (23:57):
Buddy, you got it, you got We'll talk to you.

Speaker 1 (23:59):
Thank you so much. Watch Mark Packard ACZ Network acc
pm weekdays four pm on the television. Al y'all, let's
play our wordy word game one eight hundred big show,
he told free Line. We'll get a couple of contestants
play next Good Tuesday Morning, Big Show's on the radio,

and today's feature track for the Big Show ben Box
brought you by Charlotte Motor Speedway. In the Coke Coda
six hundred Sunday, May twenty six, John Boesing's a man
of constant irritation Live Pam. It's kind of help search
for keyword cons hit the bit Bog's at the Big Show,
not coming right now, and everybody's head about the bed,

the big word anywhere, down the word anywhere. Lets meet
the contestants. We got Less from Bitsburg, South Carolina. Good morning, Less, Hey,
John boy, what the world's going on? You are right now,
my boy, welcome, I'm here. You got another boy down
there in San Lapper Territory. Frank is from Duncan, South Carolina.

Morning Frank. Anybody know the bed is aware? Oh Frank?
You Noboddy? Oh all right? Got man scream My bigger
one hand was covering the light. All right, y'all, they
know what's going on? All right? Me and Less gonna
be on the team. Frank, you and Tayter are gonna

be on the same side. That about that? Oh no,
that's the reaction was looking forward. All right, so Frank,
you relax me unless we'll go for the first thirty seconds. Alright,
let's down, all right, we're.

Speaker 16 (26:06):
Gonna do it then, buddy, all right, start the cock
now you want to turn the sound off, press this button?

Speaker 1 (26:24):
No, I mean yes, all right? Oh I got a scratch.
I hope it doesn't get blank like germs in it
and it gets what irrit h yes, all right, Oh
my shoe blank is thirteen. That is my yeah, uh huh,

I got five of these on my hand. Yeah, uh huh.

Speaker 2 (26:50):
All right, body, good job. I mean the spitting. You
gotta give it this guy props. He's got like the
biggest Southern in the room. And that's saying something. But
he did not say fingers. He said fingers, God blessure.

Speaker 1 (27:06):
Sir, unless very impressed with you fang thing. All right, Well,
Frank and Tainter are gonna go for there round one.
See if y'all can match or exceed a four on
the board. Frank, are you ready? I am ready and go.

Speaker 6 (27:26):
You might turn this off on your phone so it
doesn't make noise. You just do it in the old phones. Yeah,
But it's the thing that what's the sound it makes
the blank or like, I don't know another way to
say this. H bell, Yeah, a bell, it makes this noise.
It's a you know or blank the doorbell? Hmm right right,

So what is that on a phone that you turned
down the.

Speaker 1 (27:56):

Speaker 6 (27:57):
Yeah, yeah he said it, he said ringcon.

Speaker 1 (28:04):
He missed it my syllable. So uh, not a score
there on that round. So well, let's see what me
and les can do. We're picking up on that last one.
You ready less, I'm ready go? Do you have a no? No? No,
it's not it okay, So like, all right, what about

you get a guy to play ball with you. He
doesn't work here, he's uh, he's real good, so you
bring him in. Hey, they brought in a oh, a horseshoe.
Throw a horseshoe, and you get a ringer? Yes, ringer,
all right, rhymes with it? You blank a song? You
are a yes? Rhymes with it? Leave do not two

on the four six for left? That's all right? Seriously,
so what did he get? Hold it up? I can't
remember what we're doing, so I didn't get that, so
I gotta do it now. Yeah, all right, so you're
picking up on that last one, all right, all right,

Frank you ready, body already, all right and go.

Speaker 6 (29:25):
When someone wears a lot of cologne and then they
leave the room, the smell does this.

Speaker 3 (29:29):
It blanks. It's a like it rhymes. It rhymes with singer.
It rhymes with singer. Absolutely, I will.

Speaker 1 (29:43):

Speaker 3 (29:44):
The smell is still in the air. It won't go away.
It's it's yes, sir, all right, all right, birds, they
sit in this and lay their eggs in a.

Speaker 1 (29:55):
Yes, yes, linger, and come on the hardest one less
win six to two. Winn the dustle here, yeah, Linger
was a bog running all right. Well, Frank, down, Doug
and you can try again anytime. Buddy. Is your appreciate
you playing with us?

Speaker 3 (30:15):
Sorry, buddy?

Speaker 4 (30:16):
All right, all.

Speaker 1 (30:18):
Right, man, you have a great day less down with Bitsburg.
You're getting your LS tractor prize back for you, Victory Roger.
That's how cool, John boy. Can I give a shout out?
You go ahead. I want to give a shout out.
FasTIS to the big so y'all make my day. But
then I won't give everybody a shout out. Who works
Fordical Medical Center here in West Columbia, South Carolina. Well,

all right, y'all, keep it going that boy. We appreciate you. Yeah,
welcome tom Boy, Good morning, got big show on the radio.
Got our bet? Request from Leon Strauss, King's Mountain, North Carolina.
Leon says, what up, guys, Let's hear something from the
old Crockstalker. Got it Leon? Coming up? Good morning? It's

big show on the radio or something you'd like to
hear about this time it Monday through Friday. Hit us
up at the Big Show dot com at the john
Won't Bill a Facebook page like Leon Strauss from Kings Mountain,
North Carolina. You request right here. Leon.

Speaker 8 (31:48):
Animal Channel presents the Crocodile Stalker traveling around the world
in search of exotic wildlife, then annoying the crap out
of them.

Speaker 1 (31:59):
Now here Steve, thank you, love and gooday Steve.

Speaker 5 (32:03):
There and today we're in beautiful Mexico and where here
to prove a point. Environmentalists all over the world have
always contended that progress destroys natural areas and results in
the disruption of indigenous wildlife and sometimes even the extinction
of certain species. But like old Steve always says, just
when you think you've got Mother Nature figured out, she

throws a curveball your way. And there's no better example
than right here in gorgeous Mexico City and the Auto
Dromo Hermonas Rodriguez road Course race tracks. It's vacant now,
but a couple of weeks ago it was walda wall
sports fans. You know, a lot of our mates out
there are concerned with the environment, and that's a good thing.
But sometimes they take things too far, like standing in

the way of progress. But this is one of those
cases that resulted in the exact opposite. You see, when
they built this speedway, they were hoping that someday the
nestcar crowd would show up, but they got more than
they bargained for the creation of a new species, skankers
Mexicali reptilicus, or the Mexican pit liss. It's amazing. The

moment the track was finished, they appeared by the hordes
as if by magic, right on cue. And she's a beauty.
In fact, the whole species are shailers. Rare indeed. But
like I said, mother Nature's got a wicked curveball. Let's
get a closer look. I'm looking for any others, but

she appears to be all by herself. That's strange because
They usually travel in pecks ares. Let's try to get
closer the Mexican pit lis. It is known for the
enormous ornate crest on top of its head, which comes
in a variety of colors and usually lack it into
any number of shapes. It's brilliant. Facial colors are broad

thick bands around the eyes and across the cheeks. The
thick bright red lips her back across two rows. I
raise my sharp teeth and look at those nails. Crikey,
about four inches long, and each won a different color.

Speaker 3 (34:08):
It's the car bark.

Speaker 5 (34:10):
Yes, wolcome, I don't think she's seen us yet. She's
wandering around the now vacant pit area, apparently in search
of something. There was a big race here not long ago,
so it's not unusual for the Mexican pit lizard to
return to the scene of past conquests. A most amazing beastie.

The Mexican pit lizard is inexplicably drawn to all things American,
especially good old NASCAR. That's why I'm wearing this spanking
leather Jeff Gordon jacket. She gets againder at this, and
who knows what she'll.

Speaker 1 (34:43):
Do woo carry him there.

Speaker 5 (34:50):
It's working. She's making her way over here. She's a
little cautious. Let's see if we can get her attention.
They see if I have anything else American on me? Oh,
here we are a twenty dollar bill.

Speaker 3 (35:03):
Look you cook boys? What he's a monkey guero?

Speaker 1 (35:09):
And yes she comes. Just awesome.

Speaker 5 (35:12):
The most notable feature of the Mexican pit lizard is
the enormous chest, which they proudly displayed to attract a suitor.

Speaker 1 (35:21):
Just look at how full and ample they are at
come on gg oh, looks like I struck in numb.
She's going the focus and she took my twenty mayonnaise.
Come ons, Wow, what a noise.

Speaker 5 (35:36):
I wonder what she's on about. Does anyone on the
crew know what honies mean?

Speaker 1 (35:44):
I wasn't talken to you, sweetheart.

Speaker 5 (35:47):
Well, I think this would be the time to back
off and call it a day before she decides to
use those razors sharp nails.

Speaker 1 (36:03):
Well, it could be worse.

Speaker 17 (36:05):
It could have been a whole pack of them.

Speaker 5 (36:17):
Don't worry, folks, homoch doki, just bondsers. I'm sure the
bleeding will stop soon. I hope nothing a few hundred
stitches won't fix. Ooh, and a big bag of ice
to take that swelling down. Well, at least my leather

Jeff good jacket is in one pace.

Speaker 3 (36:40):
You say, if Gordon, he is so sicky, and so
are you your big hot or Miley you're well?

Speaker 1 (36:47):
Good news and bad news.

Speaker 5 (36:49):
The good news is we finally found the male of
the Mexican Pittlers, and spiecis the bad news.

Speaker 1 (36:55):
I hear and give me a harm. I think he
likes me. Oh why stop kissing me?

Speaker 6 (37:03):

Speaker 8 (37:05):
Tune in again next week for another episode of The
Crocodile Stalker.

Speaker 10 (37:10):
I know what good Dad's wailing down.

Speaker 1 (37:51):
Good morning. That's a big show on the radio. Today's
feature track from the Big Show, Big Box. Perfect for
that John Boy Milly album you're gonna make for that
loved one. Tom Moore sayings a man of constant irritation,
and I'm saying up, there's for key word constant if
you'd like to have it. That's playing for us. Make

up your mind, a boy, okay, alright, uh okay, all right,
oh doll, please don't okay, all right, I hope I
know when to come in. Okay, y'all, y'all do the
first know when to shut up.

Speaker 15 (38:29):
Okay, all right, I'm ready now, I say good already.

Speaker 1 (38:45):
Then I just miss it. Okay, wait, bitte, I gottaigure
o word to jump back in? Are y'all just waiting
on me? Okay?

Speaker 8 (38:55):
All right?

Speaker 14 (38:56):
Here we go, hand the maid.

Speaker 1 (39:02):
Hand up, constant irritation away. I sing hainworth a fall
about near her and a bluegrass classic. It's worse than hay,
keep breaky, it's worth keep baby hall, the baby dive

halls from down the hallway. They come to watch, come
down to gay if they like me?

Speaker 14 (39:54):
Now, how when I am singing?

Speaker 1 (39:59):
Just wait until I get my case?

Speaker 17 (40:04):
Just waiting.

Speaker 14 (40:06):
Against his cane, I get no respect.

Speaker 1 (40:26):
Heck that's a from pillar abandoned.

Speaker 14 (40:30):
By the other guy.

Speaker 1 (40:36):
No pillars really only likes me. Cost twice a week
we get free pie. Two times of meeting Lord. I

beg you guys help me an apology. One of y'all.
Don't shut up. I'm gonna go out of my mouth.
Don't worry about it.

Speaker 10 (41:17):

Speaker 1 (41:17):
With the land thing, I think I can get it
completely out of bit box. Is here all your favorites
from four decades and Big Show ninety nine says he's
fifteenth for nine ninety nine by him once play many
where shop the bitbox online at the Big Show dot
Com order Big Show Stuff I follow.

Speaker 10 (41:32):
The number is eight hundred and four seven to one
Stuff online services by animeing dot com.

Speaker 1 (41:37):
This any Big Show Today, Don't let that happen. Tens
it up. John Obill and Late Rosers podcast Man. Wherever
you get your podcasting, make it easy. Subscribe to us
with a free iHeartRadio out wi you hey Res, your days,
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