All Episodes

April 25, 2024 42 mins

Thursday (pt 1 of 2): On today’s Late Riser’s Podcast, we talk with NHRA Legend Ron Capps about the upcoming NHRA 4-Wide Nationals event this weekend at the zMax Dragway at CMS..  - Randy digs into how the “Judge Judy” TV courtroom works (spoiler alert!).. - Marvin Webster is fascinated with the Mugshot Magazines.. - We salute Elvis on a trifecta date in history.. - We look into the low-ball salary agreement the WNBA scored with the number one draft pick, Caitlyn Clark.. - and we’ll wrap things up with a Zoom-School lesson on face masks from Mr. Rhubarb - yes, really..

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Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Good morning every boy.

Speaker 2 (00:01):
That you got a big show on the radio, right,
big showing radio.

Speaker 1 (00:05):
Right. Ah, let's like any newsletter sports.

Speaker 3 (00:09):
This is Spanky from the Yellow Rose, and you're listening
to the greatest morning show and recorded history of broadcast radio,
John Boy and Billy Big Show.

Speaker 1 (00:19):
How big is it? Bigger than my head? And that's big.

Speaker 4 (00:25):

Speaker 5 (00:26):
Yeah, so b I read it?

Speaker 1 (00:27):
Not pay that tabby a seat, dead beat. I can

do the dow up and out on them. And this Thursday,
April the twenty fifth, Yates, Master, you're not mad? Oh,
Michael Yates, or used to Let's do some racing fun
with Doc Brewer, John Boyn, the Legend Car Series, Arta,
Motor Speed waiting other times of fun. So microL Yates. No,

it's no, So get up and do some fishing. Now, Yates,
what's the matter with you? Listens to the Big Show
that John Boyn Billy iPod. No it's not the John
Boy Billy What is it podcast? Yeah, that's our podcast.
We don't have an eye. I got one at home. Yeah, yeah,
I don't know how Yates listened. But anyway, Hey, you

used to say, hey, old Yanks Master, So I did that.
Let's see what national days? We got National Hug a
Plumber Day. Wait till he stands up, I don't know.
I'll be facing you pipe down there. You got a
little shot the plumber's crack. I'm gonn hug him on
the back. Plumbers are fun people. National Teach Children to

Save Day, All right? Good the money? National Take our
daughters and sons to work Day? Oh no, good luck
with that. We can barely get into work now. All
in them around. We got the hall stuff in hauling
out these new age workplaces worn. National Telephone Day, well,

well good, we need to celebrate that. Let people know
about there's these things called phones.

Speaker 6 (02:46):
They used to be in the house on the wall
with a cord.

Speaker 1 (02:50):
That was crazy. National DNA Day, Let's find out why.
James Watson and Francis Crick on April twenty fifth announced
their discovery of the structure of des or rubin and
nuluk acid. Yeah that's a DNA. Yeah, yeah, good. They
shortened the three letters. Very good work, y'all.

Speaker 6 (03:12):
It's quicker.

Speaker 1 (03:13):
National Zucchini Bread Day.

Speaker 7 (03:16):
Like, yeah, I take zucchini and do a spiral cut
and make spaghetti out of it. And I'm telling you
as much as you think now, thank you, but you
can use it for like Alfredo sauce and all this.

Speaker 1 (03:30):
It's really good.

Speaker 6 (03:31):
I thought you put it in your bread like that.

Speaker 1 (03:34):
You don't be mixing up your zucchinis. A zucchini bread day.
Let's just say one zucchini, one thing out, Okay, let's
do that. Okay, and we got three days in history
saved up. We'll get those out and get you ready
to play out birds with our first prize. Fact. It's
what we do. We give. We're on the radio, good morning,

big shows on a righty do your first prize pack
to play for today, A Law Tigers prize pack. Cool
Law Tigers swag. They have some great logos. Make you
look good on that motorcycle, by the way, will include
a twenty five dollars gas card. Fill that bad boy up.
Law Tigers are motorcycle lawyers who ride representing injured riders

for over two decades. With Law Tigers, you'd never ride alone.
They're gonna have three dates in history where aget our categories.
It was April twenty fifth, nineteen twenty eight the first
seeing eye dog, a German shepherd named Buddy, was presented
to Mars Frank at Tennessee. The C and I Institute
open a year later in Nashville, now headquartered in Morristown,

New Jersey. Move up to four cosmetics, Queen s State
Lauder pass Away in New York at age in ninety seven,
and finally, on this date in twenty two, twenty twenty two,
that is, Twitter announced a deal to sell call itself
to Elon Musk for forty four billion. Twitter it has

a deal to sell itself. I'm gonna sell myself Musk
here for I don't see why everybody was getting on
Elon so bad? What makes him such a bad guy?
He was just wanting to do Twitter. So where both
sides could, you know, get on. It wouldn't be for
one side to cut out and speech about another. I

don't know. Is he change it X?

Speaker 7 (05:31):

Speaker 1 (05:31):
Yes, Okay, it's same deal. All right? So y'all think
about social media platforms for that category. Yeah, I'm sorry,
I'm moving on. You loved him all right? One ain't
hundred big show? You told free line. Come on, we
play out birds next. Good morning, It's a big show

on the radio World Into your Thursday, April twenty fifth.
Today's feature track from the Big Show. Bit Box brought
to you by shot him on the Speedway to Coca
Cola six hundred Sunday, May twenty six. Mister Rubarb Zoom
School University is subject face mask sirs for key words

face mask and you hit bit box at the Bigshow
dot Com Outburst.

Speaker 8 (06:44):
Let's play Outburst. It's the game that anyone can win.
Jon Boy, Billy give the prizes from the Big Prize
speed Let's go contested number one. This shit be a
lot of fun when you're playing outs have a money

up and guest time. You have the best time.

Speaker 1 (07:08):
You have a big shots. Let's say, Hey Thomas from
Louisa for Gina, we shoots Thomas good more than Thomas.

Speaker 9 (07:28):
Good morning, John boy, Hey.

Speaker 1 (07:31):
We are real good. Welcome in here and we can
get through these three categories. Thomas, prove you're awake to us.
We'll get this prize back to you.

Speaker 9 (07:39):
Are you ready Yes, I'm ready.

Speaker 1 (07:42):
In five seconds. We need three dog breeds. Ready, go.

Speaker 9 (07:49):
A German Shepherd, Labrador Retriever and toodle.

Speaker 1 (07:52):
By now we need an honor whole estay. Three cosmetic ready.

Speaker 9 (08:01):
Go, Mascara, lipstick and blush.

Speaker 1 (08:05):
Oh yeah, you can't blush naturally change never mind, Thomas
for the win. Three social media platforms ready go.

Speaker 9 (08:19):
Uh heck, Facebook and Instagram.

Speaker 1 (08:22):
Look at you along talking's prize time, Thomas. You ain't nobody.
We'll get it to your house.

Speaker 9 (08:33):
Thank you, John Boy. Can I uh real quick? Just
remember you talking about a time when you were up
on Jockey's Red and you went tumbling down to the bottom, right, Yes, sir,
I want. I'm pretty sure I was there when that happened.
So I just thought that was funny. I heard you
talking about it. I was probably was a birth late

uh late eighties, I guess.

Speaker 1 (09:01):
So you gotta refresh my memory. I fell down many hills.
You know what's talk about? Kitty Hawk?

Speaker 9 (09:10):
And yes, Yester, yeah, kitty Hawk, Kitty Hawk.

Speaker 1 (09:14):
Okay, all right, No, So Jocky's Ridge was the name
of that big dune.

Speaker 9 (09:19):
I think it was the dude, Yes, sir, I think.

Speaker 1 (09:22):
So what were you doing?

Speaker 7 (09:24):
Were laughing?

Speaker 1 (09:26):
What were you one that was sliding down?

Speaker 9 (09:30):
It was my family. We were walking up and saw
you just comeling head over hills all the way down
to the bottom, and we just started dying laughing. And
I just remember you talking about it, and I had
a flashback, and I'm pretty sure that was when that happened.
When uh, when I remember seeing that.

Speaker 1 (09:46):
Yeah, that's the only time that I fell down the
big dune at Kitty Hall. I was trying to relive
the Right Brothers first flight wh.

Speaker 2 (10:00):
Head feet head feet head feet domas sr fun times.

Speaker 1 (10:05):

Speaker 7 (10:06):
See, I told you there were other people on the
planet who I like to live in your mystery.

Speaker 6 (10:12):
We would have had the cell phone cameras.

Speaker 10 (10:14):

Speaker 1 (10:14):
Oh oh, Thomas wallw someome buddies. Look at this all
these years later we meet again on the Big Show.
That's awesome, boy, yes sir, keeping me laughing. Awesome. Buy
glad you shed that story with it. You hang on, Jackie,
hook you up with the prize pie.

Speaker 9 (10:32):
Thank you, John Boy?

Speaker 1 (10:40):
Why them when I were top of your news right
on the other side our time capsule for this April
twenty fifth. We'll get out early morning.

Speaker 11 (10:49):

Speaker 3 (11:19):
This is the award winning John Boy and Billy Big Show,
the South's number one export.

Speaker 6 (11:34):

Speaker 10 (11:35):
Hello, Hood, Oh my life. I want to fight about it.

Speaker 1 (11:39):
Not right now, Hood, I'm not feeling too well.

Speaker 12 (11:41):
John Billy here, oh ty for Johnny?

Speaker 10 (11:47):
Don't there he goes again?

Speaker 1 (11:52):
Boy, don't make him.

Speaker 10 (11:53):
Laugh laugh by alright, alright, I'll do my band, Okay,
not a good thing to say that. We're getting ready
to do if god.

Speaker 1 (12:00):
Yeah, Well, we just want to check in with did
you see how you doing?

Speaker 10 (12:03):

Speaker 1 (12:03):
I I'm sorry?

Speaker 5 (12:08):

Speaker 1 (12:08):
What? Why?

Speaker 5 (12:09):
What's wrong?

Speaker 10 (12:09):
Bern just stuck in this trailer out in the sticks
with Debrett and his daddy.

Speaker 13 (12:14):

Speaker 1 (12:14):
Man, Reid's still living with you guys.

Speaker 10 (12:16):
Yeah, him and wife number six going through that messy
DeVore sleeping on the couch till he gets back on
his feet.

Speaker 1 (12:23):
Never did patch it up with her.

Speaker 10 (12:25):
She had a lot of girl up to do. And
when I say a lot, I mean low. You know
he likes him young. Yeah, yesterday he's on the phone
arguing with her about it. Who gets the easy bake?

Speaker 8 (12:38):

Speaker 1 (12:38):
Well, tell him you hope everything turns out all right?
What what else is happening?

Speaker 3 (12:42):

Speaker 10 (12:42):
I care my that would have the weird experience. Yesterday
morning we pulled us a couple of long chairs up
in the front yard. Were sitting there and having a
cup of coffee before work. He just kind of watching
the traffic go by here on the highway. Yeah, and
this big old truck with a state emblem. Pulls up
across the road and fella gets out with a shovel

and he digs in a hole. It's about two feet
across and about three feet deep, and he gets back
in the truck while the truck just sits there for
I don't know, four or five minutes, and finally this
fella gets out of the passenger side of the truck
with another shovel. He walks over to the hole and
fills it back up with dirt, and then he gets

back in the truck. And here's where it gets real weird.
They pull up about twenty feet and stop, and the
first fella gets out again, digs another hole like the
first one, and gets back in the truck. Five minutes
go by, second dog gets out. I've done a lot
if he don't fill that second hole back up, and
then they he gets back in the truck. They pull
up another twenty feet same thing again. Why should they

did this four or five times while we sat there
watching him, And finally curiosity got the best of me.
I walked over across the road, knocked on the wind
of the truck, and he rolls it down. I said,
excuse me there, buddy, me and my friend I've ever
been watching you for the past fifteen minutes. It's got
us stump. Just what in the hell are you? He says? Wow,

where is the governor's highway beautification project? And the fella
that plants the trees? Called in sick today? Nobody didn't
kill you that I tried to rain it in a
little bit. Say you actually, man, it's not gonna yeah, probably, Well,

well you telling him? I said, you know what you mean?
Y'all came.

Speaker 11 (14:45):
John Boy and Billy, you want to say some time
the next time you were in a dv D. Don't
bother winding it the way I said, it's the next
guys problem.

Speaker 1 (14:57):
This morning radio dumb right, good morning, got a big

shone a radio listening on our part time receptionists.

Speaker 3 (15:33):
I'm a toad again, eating too much Rocky Road again.
The foods I love are playing hell with my rerand
I just can't help it.

Speaker 5 (15:44):
I'm a toad again. I'm a toad again.

Speaker 3 (15:48):
All these crispy creams are filling out my behind.

Speaker 5 (15:52):
Carbs are not my friend.

Speaker 3 (15:54):
I wish I could put those bathroom scales on rewind.

Speaker 5 (15:58):
They're so unkind. I'm a toad again, a bloated, puffy,
pudgy load.

Speaker 1 (16:05):

Speaker 3 (16:06):
My geords are tighter now than they have ever been.
I can't believe it. I'm a toad again. Just one
more scoop since I'm a toad again and scene oh
I haven't even done the twoth step yet and I'm
sweating like Rosie O'Donnell reading the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue.

Oh lord, oh oh hello, bab blah blah, how are
you angel?

Speaker 5 (16:35):
Broke? What do you mean broke? Well, well, I know
it means I'm buying lunch. What's new? But how did
you lose the money? Uh huh? Oh you lost the bat?

Speaker 10 (16:45):

Speaker 5 (16:46):
Well, what happened? Uh huh uh.

Speaker 3 (16:49):
You're sitting at the bar last night, watching the ten
o'clock news and having a cocktail with Johnny Bravo. Okay, right, right, Oh,
there was a news crew covering a story about a
man on a ledge.

Speaker 5 (16:58):
Threatening to jump. Uh huh uh oh, I see.

Speaker 3 (17:02):
And you asked Johnny Bravo if he thought the guy
would jump, but Johnny Bravo said he definitely would jump. Oh,
but you bet he wouldn't. When you both put a
twenty dollars bill on the bar, all right, and then
the guy jumped.

Speaker 5 (17:13):
Oh how awful.

Speaker 3 (17:15):
Okay, so you gave Johnny Bravo the money? I mean oh,
oh he wouldn't take it?

Speaker 5 (17:20):
Well why not? I mean fair, it's fair.

Speaker 3 (17:23):
Oh he saw the story on the five o'clock news
and he knew the guy was gonna jump.

Speaker 5 (17:30):
Well what did you say?

Speaker 9 (17:33):

Speaker 3 (17:33):
Huh you you said you saw the same thing, but
you didn't think he'd jump a second time.

Speaker 5 (17:40):
Yeah, some people are hard to figure. So why why
are you broke?

Speaker 9 (17:47):

Speaker 5 (17:47):
He decided to take the money after all? Yeah, man,
what are you gonna do?

Speaker 1 (17:53):
All right?

Speaker 5 (17:53):
Angel, scurry off, go on, bye bye, tippy toe ski
that'll chug along, go to the go to the boom
boom room. And she's gone, Wow, I don't know why.
I'm surprised.

Speaker 3 (18:09):
The other day, we're walking down the street and I said, oh,
look at the dog with one eye. She covered one
of her eyes and said, where John boy baby, big
show fil speaking.

Speaker 5 (18:21):
I mean to help you. Oh hi, astro.

Speaker 3 (18:25):
Nerd What No, no, no, no, I don't know the
ABC's of comedy. Well no, wait a minute, yes, oddly
I do see. Yeah, it stands for Saya. Oh here
comes my dirty little angel. Hey listen, I was gonna
ask you about that friend of yours with the blonde,

curly hair, you know, the competitive swimmer.

Speaker 5 (18:47):
How's she doing? Really?

Speaker 3 (18:50):
You went to one of her meats last weekend? Well,
how she do bronze medal? Well, that doesn't sound so good.

Speaker 5 (18:58):
What happened? Uh huh uh huh. They were doing the
breaststroke and the other girl cheated. Ooh, well, how they
used their arms?

Speaker 3 (19:12):
Those hot sees. Come on, sweet cheeks, Mommy need some
fresh air. Tell them in he Cooper. Carry on straight people.

Speaker 1 (19:24):
Good morning, you got the big show on the radio,
more chance for.

Speaker 5 (19:27):
You to win coming up after your news, weather and sports.

Speaker 14 (19:31):
You're come on me today. Because you know, no Sicilian
can refuse a request on the day of his daughter's wedding.
I shall grant your requests. Someday I may ask a
favor of you, maybe a haircut. Maybe I'll ask you
to lay down your life for me. Maybe I'll just
ask you to listen to John Boy and Billy on
the Big Show. Would you rather wake up with a

horse's head or these two horses eyes?

Speaker 15 (20:31):
Good morning, and it's a big show on the radio.

Speaker 1 (20:34):
Have you were with us the very first thing when
we kicking the Big Show this morning and talking about
the podcast, I'm all buddy the Yates Master, He's help
us when we was racing. He gets to hear the
Big Show on the podcast. If you ain't got a
terrestrial radio station around you carries a big show, perhaps

you just can't hear it all at one time. That
John Boy and Billy Late Risers podcast. He subscribed to
us for the free iHeartRadio app at the Big Show
dot com. Get it as well. Good morning, Big Shows
on the radio. Coming up. We played John boyd Jeopardy

Winner gets a Redmax prize pack. Redmax makes the best
trimmers and floorers and commercial zero turn moors with a
two year unlimited hour warranty. Kawasaki engines heavy duty fabricated
deck mold like a pro with redmags and Right now,
Ron Caps is thirtieth year of racing in the NAHR

A Man. He is the second winning his funny car
pilot in nhr A history and he is coming to
z Max Dragway this weekend for the Big Old four
Wide Nationals.

Speaker 12 (21:49):
Good morning, Ron, hey boys, thirty years Yeah, I was
just thinking how long has the big show been on.

Speaker 1 (21:57):
Man, we got you beat by by a little over
a deck.

Speaker 12 (22:03):
All right, well I'll let that go.

Speaker 11 (22:05):
Then, well I.

Speaker 1 (22:06):
See, you know, my reflexes don't have to stay as
sharp as yours all the years like that.

Speaker 12 (22:13):
Yeah, yeah, we uh, we gotta be on it. And
what's funny you mentioned that we got John Forrest. It's
still the living legend that we battle with. And the
guy's almost seventy five years old and he's still out
there kicking our butts.

Speaker 1 (22:25):
Is wild of John Force. I remember him dancing with
some upper Toyota. Okay, I don't think yeah, no, never mind,
I don't know what my mind goes right to that
different John Force stories. We all got them, right, Yes, Well, Ron,
if you could man as a four time winner at

Ze Max, you know what is like peeling off that
line with four wide? How would you say it's different
from from the two besides obviously adding two more cars
hitting over three undred boles an hour.

Speaker 12 (23:02):
Well, that's crazy because you know it's almost twelve thousand
horsepower that we make with each car. And like I
was telling my teammate, my NAPA teammate, Chase Elliott, it
would be the first time we did the four wide,
it was like telling the Bristol Cup guys that they're
going to run a figure eight at the Bristol Track
instead of just the oval. Like it was mind blowing.
So we've gotten used to a little bit. We do

it twice a year and z Max is one of
the premier facilities. Plus, you know, it's NASCAR Land, so
we get a lot of the NASCAR fans that come
out to get their taste of drag racing. Forty thousand
horsepower man, all at once. It's it's pretty crazy.

Speaker 1 (23:36):
And I'll tell you what, boy, you have won some
fans I know, with NASCAR for the first time when
they go say this is awesome. I know some say, man,
they just left NASCAR behind. Now the favorite sport at
HRF gorse. When it comes to Zmax and and Ron,
I was looking at like your record here, let me
see how fast you went the record for speed funny

car track record to four wide Nationals. You hit three
hundred thirty five point five to seven miles per hour. Now,
I have an old piston that Don Perdom the Snake,
gave me when he first broke three hundred miles an hour.
That's that's that top fuel stuff. Yeah, and now the
funny going man three thirty five? What is the limit

for you guys?

Speaker 12 (24:24):
Well, we actually went three hundred and thirty eight a
couple of years ago in Pennsylvania. So z Max is
one of the premier facilities, and should we start qualifying
tomorrow night? And the conditions are looking like mid seventies,
so I think the track records are probably gonna end
up falling. So we could very well see close to
three hundred and forty miles an hour.

Speaker 11 (24:42):

Speaker 1 (24:43):
Now what about NASCAR Hall of Famer I board Tony
Stewart talking about getting up in age. He's gonna make
his first ever top fuel start at ze Max Dragway
this week end.

Speaker 5 (24:55):

Speaker 12 (24:57):
Yeah, Tony's having a blast.

Speaker 13 (24:58):
You know.

Speaker 12 (24:59):
I raced the Yeah, the Prelude to the Dream with him.
I was the first drag racer and then I ran
the SRX with him last year. Known him for a
long time and I've never seen him more happy. You
guys know when he's when he's at the track, man,
he's a different Tony Stewart. He's there to win and
kick butt, but he's having a blast with us in
Ny Tray and just enjoy it.

Speaker 1 (25:19):
Man, That is awesome and it's all down Talladegon Sunday
when Tyler Redick won, I was actually thinking about Tony
Stewart because he climbed the fence, remember when Tony's When Tony.

Speaker 12 (25:29):
Didn't, I'm sure he could do that.

Speaker 1 (25:32):
Right now, I want to lose a few bows man
trying to talk him into that.

Speaker 2 (25:38):

Speaker 1 (25:38):
That'll be good. Well, y'all have gotten to get your
tickets for the four Wide Nationals Zimax Dragway April the
twenty sixth. It starts tomorrow, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. You
ain't ever gonna see anything like it in your whole life. Rod,
will you pulling for you? Buddy? You get that Napple

car and in a winter circle their body.

Speaker 12 (26:02):
Thanks, boys, appreciate you having me.

Speaker 1 (26:04):
Thank you so much. Man as Ron and he will
one and boys be one of One's beef is they might?
I got it one off the line here, boys, All right, y'all, Well,
let's play John Boy Jeopardy Review. Yesterday's question. We found out,
according to researchers, gas pump handles are the number one
jeremiest thing you'll encounter in public escalator handrails her. Second,

we were looking for third, the tatter's microphone.

Speaker 10 (26:33):
What they are? Oh?

Speaker 1 (26:35):
What are atm ATMs? All right, Today's John Boy Jeopardy.
So what. In the nineteen fifties, seventy five percent of
American homes had one of these machines in them. Today
only about five percent.

Speaker 6 (26:50):
Dude, what are vending machines?

Speaker 1 (26:55):
We wish? Joe god one eight hundred, Big Show you
told Free Life, We played John boyd Jepardary.

Speaker 15 (27:01):
Next, Good Morning, it's a Big Shaw on the radio.

Speaker 1 (27:32):
Way, rolling till you Thursday morning. We got today's feature
track from the Big Show, Big Box. That's brought to
you by Sharla on the Speedway, Cold Cold six hundred Sunday,
May twenty six, Mister Rubarb, Zoo School, University, and face
mask searchs for keywords face mask over ten thousand tracks,
choose from nine to nine. Sen seeds get fifteen tracks

nine ninety nine A glass of It's not hurts when
you're zoom in the Corolla.

Speaker 7 (28:02):
And right now, let's play Yes live across America.

Speaker 1 (28:07):
It's John Boy Jeopardy.

Speaker 7 (28:10):
And now a man who says he's deleted his zoom
account after his password was hacked.

Speaker 1 (28:17):
It was the third.

Speaker 7 (28:17):
Time this month he's had to rename his dog.

Speaker 1 (28:21):
He's John boyle Have I yet, elizabe Borough, Say hey
to Mark out of Goldsboro, North Carolina. Homer Carlan Shell Steakhouse,
carl Lewis My Grilling Sauce Officionado named best steakhouse in
the state of North Carolina one of myer state magazines.

Stuck on that out back. Hey Mark, how you doing, buddy?

Speaker 13 (28:48):
What's the big show game? So I'm doing fine?

Speaker 1 (28:50):
Well that you go, man, we're doing awesome too. Just
mention my name, you et it Carlin Shell Steakhouse, Mark,
and they will well, I'm not sure what they'll do.
Let's just ride.

Speaker 13 (29:04):
Well a good man, man.

Speaker 9 (29:05):
They call it.

Speaker 1 (29:07):
Okay good so you'll know about that. Yeah. I do
the same thing with Henry O.

Speaker 10 (29:11):

Speaker 1 (29:12):
I bore down at Boardwalk Billy's and Myrtle Beach. Caroline.
Tell everybody, just that's what the John Boy special.

Speaker 5 (29:20):
You want to past down?

Speaker 1 (29:24):
Hey body, you got the first shot at John Boy
Jeopardy this morning, so let's see what you got. This
right here next to my heart heart. So yeah. In
the nineteen fifties, seventy five percent of American homes had
one of these machines in them. Today only about five percent.
Due what you think.

Speaker 13 (29:47):
I I'm just thinking maybe an answer.

Speaker 1 (29:49):
Machine, an answering machine on the old landline sounds like
it might be right. Let's see, say I think we
had like the landline question about that little little while
ago and they've gone down of course two week sure

had that discussion. You know, all right, Well, Mark, we
appreciate you playing buddy. You have a great day. Maybe
running to you.

Speaker 13 (30:19):
I want to give a shout out to a fellow man,
a musician, songwriter friend out of Indiana by his name
of Hardy Day, Hardy Day Music. Y'all guys need to
check him out. I mean he I know you've got
a lot of military people that listen to show and
he's got sung out a letter from a soldier that

is just awesome. And actually I want to sing y'all
some of the CDs he just come out of a
CD and I know the big the power of the
big show man. Y'all, guys, man, your listeners are awesome.
Let's burn him up. Let's make car that's make him famous.
Hardy Day Music.

Speaker 1 (30:56):
Harley Dave music. All right, all right, buddy, thanks a lot, Dad.
What we appreciate you thinking, boss Mark, We do that man.
All right, all right, Bud, you have a great rest
of your day. Let's go to Jason. He's in Bull Gap, Tennessee.

Come on a Jason Bunney. We're still looking for that
correct answer, and it's your shot at it. What's you think?
Seventy five percent of American homes had one of these
in them in the fifties. Today about five percent.

Speaker 9 (31:35):
What about a sewing machine?

Speaker 1 (31:37):
Let's see. Is it a sewing machine?

Speaker 10 (31:41):
Yes, it is.

Speaker 1 (31:46):
I ain't got one. I got about nine. Yeah from
my mom.

Speaker 13 (31:52):
You know.

Speaker 1 (31:52):
All right here you need one. Call Randy he's dealing. Yeah,
all right there. Oh yeah, define had a sow machine
the nighthouse. Oh I'm sure you. Yeah. That little I
don't think goes up and down real fast. That'll hurt
you if you don't get your fingers that way. Okay,
there's a tip for you. Five percent, So good work

on you, Jason, big on red Maax Brise back heading
over the bull Gap for you.

Speaker 13 (32:19):

Speaker 1 (32:19):
I appreciate it, a buddy. Why y'all, here's your news.
If you like Judge Judy. I don't know, Jackie does
they watch it all the time? Randon says he's gonna
spoil in force. All right, says a Judge Judy coming up.

Good morning. It's a big show on the radio. Probably
about we would turn all on the screens in here
in the studio, I was promo and Judge you Jackson.
I loved Judge us that game.

Speaker 7 (33:25):
I loved Judy too, And in fact it's on our
house in a lot and I walked by one and
my wife had paused the TV and there was a disclaimer.
It was like right at the end of the show.
And I read the disclaimer and I said, well, that
can't be right. Let me look into that. So I
dug into the Judge Judy show. And here's how it's done.

Speaker 9 (33:42):
All right.

Speaker 7 (33:42):
First of all, you need to know Judge Judy actually
was a real judge for twenty twenty five years in Manhattan,
New York. She oversaw Family Court.

Speaker 1 (33:51):
All right.

Speaker 7 (33:51):
So a TV producer came upon her after Judge Wapner
retired and asked if they'd like if she'd like to
do a show similar to the People's Court. And so
of course she was like, all over it. So production
started and one of the producers came up and said,
you know, we've got researchers. Are you going to be
referencing New York law? And she said, oh no, no,

oh well then California law where the show's being. She said, no, no,
I'm going with Judy's law. First of all, I'm like,
you can't be a judge and be okay. So she
says that it's just common sense is what she judges from.

Speaker 1 (34:29):
So you say, it's not based on any law, no
legal system, just her opinion.

Speaker 5 (34:35):
Okay, her last sentence.

Speaker 1 (34:36):
Every show is my opinions the only one that matters.

Speaker 7 (34:40):
Well, okay, all right, Well, the show has like sixty
five researchers all across the country and they kind of
call through small claims courts across the country looking for
cases that the producers would like, and they submit them.
So that's how the show, how the shows come up
with these cases, and then they go to the people
and try to convince them to be on the show.

So if both sides agree, plaintiff and defend it. And
I know that's a term that's going to mix people up.
So plaintiff, that's you. If you were suing me as
a defendant. You're saying I owe you money, so I
almost say you from now on. Okay, So if both
sides agree, then you sign it, I sign it. Then
we both have to agree to an arbitration that Judge

Judy's words are find her decision is the goal standard.
So the maximum payout or you know, judgment that can
come from Judge Judy is five thousand dollars because that's
the same as small claims court. So here's the good news.
The good news. After everybody agrees to the terms, everybody,
plaintiff's defendants, you, me, we all get to go, and

our witnesses, we all get an all expense paid trip
to California where we're going to stay in a luxury
hotel and the show's going to pay us between one
hundred and two hundred and fifty dollars for our appearance.
Plus they're going to cover our airfare, our travel, our meals.
It's like a mini vacation for us all to go.

They're not so good news. Your case is going to
be boiled down to a single half page overview both sides,
you and the other guy. So when Judge Judy gets
a hold of your thing. It's just going to be
moments before you walk into the court room. Okay, So
she's not going to spend a lot of time thinking
about it. So then when you come in. Now the
bad news, in my opinion, is unlike real court, in

Judge Judy's court, the only person that stands a chance
of losing is the plaintiff, the guy who's suing the
other guy. All right, the guy who says you owe
me money. He's the guy who has the biggest chance
of losing.

Speaker 1 (36:40):

Speaker 7 (36:41):
Well, in real court, if you win your case, you
have to get a judgment and then you have to
go collect from the guy who you sued, right, so
the court's out at that point. But if you win
your case on Judge Judy, the defendant loses nothing. It's
not out of his pocket. The show pays you.

Speaker 1 (36:59):
For your winnings the judgment.

Speaker 7 (37:01):
So that like blows my mind, but it does explain
why so many of the cases come in where the
defendant is completely unprepared for the case.

Speaker 1 (37:09):
Do you have any evidence for that he was any time?

Speaker 7 (37:14):
Plus, you know, he and his buddies, you know, just
had a free trip to come over. Yeah, so all right, so,
and there have even been cases where people have gamed
the system where they made up buddies, made up a
fake case, got their case picked, went took the free trip,
then got the judgment and split all the money between

the two of them.

Speaker 1 (37:34):
Awesome man, wells.

Speaker 7 (37:38):
In quick summary, Judge Judy has run for twenty five seasons,
ended in twenty twenty one. She immediately picked up another show.
All total, the eighty one year old Judge Judy has
filmed over seven thousand Courtroom episodes and has ruled over
twenty two thousand TV cases. So you probably heard a

while back that she was the highest paid woman on
American television. Well that was when she was only working
fifty two days a year. I'm getting paid forty nine
million dollars a year now today, Forbes magazine says her
current net worth is half a billion dollars. She is
no longer the highest paid woman on television. She is

now the highest paid person in the history of television
in the world.

Speaker 1 (38:28):
Wow, that's not bad.

Speaker 10 (38:29):
There you go.

Speaker 1 (38:30):
All right, well, now you know what we gotta do.
You make up a fake case.

Speaker 2 (38:34):
Let's go to California. Good morning, it's a big show

on the Radio.

Speaker 1 (39:04):
Beautiful weather this week in the Great Star Hill state
of North Carolina. Be good weekend for rodeo. How about
the Crowders Mountain Shrine Club Rodeo Saturday night prices Arena,
Bessemer City, North Carolina. It's opened five pm. All pro
thea's benefit of the Shriners Hospitals for Children. That's by Shriners.

They were all right, y'all, Now, let's spend a few
minutes with Marvin Webster. Yo, what's up? How y'all doing? Hey?

Speaker 4 (39:32):
Man, I was filling up my car at the gas
station the other day. I was in a kind of
a rough part of town, because you know, that's why
I lived. And I went into pay They had a
starting newspapers sitting on the counter. Now, at first I
thought it was one of them apartment finder deals, but
instead of apartments, it had pictures of all these rough
looking dudes on the front of it. I said, that

looks like a bunch of mugshots. You know what, That's
exactly what it was. It's a newspaper car called the Slammer.
They print all the mugshots from the past week. I
like this idea is across between the America's most Wanted
and the car Trader. You know how the car Trader
would have like a cover shot of a ninety eight

Corvette for sale. The Slammer got a picture of a
guy who stole a ninety eight Corvette. And the car
Trader they always had their little blurbs on the front,
say like Ford, Chevy Pontiac trucks. The Slammer is the
same deal, except it says sex offenders, most wanted, dead,
deep parents and more. You know, you throw them through

this thing. They got them broke down by county. Actually
some of them looked like they broke down by drugs
to me. And anyway, they also got special pages. Let
the collection called fight Club. It's a bunch of people
that got locked up for assault. You know, a lot
of black eyes and band aids on that thing. Then
they got mature menaces, mug shots of old people that

got this. Here's one kitty corner all juvenile offenders for
the week. And my favorite is the Slammer salon page.
It's a collection of suspects with jacked up looking hairstyles.
My uncle Cedric saw that part, said Marvin, go get
your cousin to these out the newspapers. Now you may

wonder who advertises in a paper like this, Well, you
know it's gonna be a whole bunch of dui lawyers
and tripa a bail bond type places. They had a big,
full page ad on the back for us bonding. Their
slogan is they nail you, we bail you. And there's
a couple of furniture store ads in here. I recognize

if the dude on page twelve stole all the stuff
at your house. Oh and check this one out. That's
my favorite. Soababs custom clothier for men, women and plus sizes.
Got a picture of wardrobe consultant Theophilus Austin. He all
slicked back and turned out with his Steve Harvey meets

Lando cal Richie and looking. All they need is a lot.
At the bottom of this ad it says, got locked
up for cracking heads. Don't go to court without all three.
So you know, overall the ads about what you might
expect in the people like this. It might not be
a good idea to be pushing a pawn shop right
next to a picture of a guy that's up on
twelve council breaking and entering.

Speaker 1 (42:19):
But you know, business is business. So if you live in.

Speaker 4 (42:21):
Charlotte and you want to keep tabs on your no
count friends, look for it.

Speaker 1 (42:26):
Find it at a raggedy ass shale station near U.

Speaker 4 (42:29):
One dollar a copy for my money, is the best
entertainment value in America.

Speaker 1 (42:34):
Y'all think about it.

Speaker 4 (42:34):
I'm off us
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