All Episodes

April 25, 2024 39 mins

Thursday (pt 2 of 2): On today’s Late Riser’s Podcast, we talk with NHRA Legend Ron Capps about the upcoming NHRA 4-Wide Nationals event this weekend at the zMax Dragway at CMS..  - Randy digs into how the “Judge Judy” TV courtroom works (spoiler alert!).. - Marvin Webster is fascinated with the Mugshot Magazines.. - We salute Elvis on a trifecta date in history.. - We look into the low-ball salary agreement the WNBA scored with the number one draft pick, Caitlyn Clark.. - and we’ll wrap things up with a Zoom-School lesson on face masks from Mr. Rhubarb - yes, really..

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Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

Available transcripts are automatically generated. Complete accuracy is not guaranteed.
Speaker 1 (00:02):
It's a big show on your radio. Thanks for joining
us this morning.

Speaker 2 (00:06):
Oh I love all those fine big drown radio man
Walter Winch Cousin, Brusie walk Man, Jack, John Boy and
Belly A job boy. Belly had only two white men

never made me more.

Speaker 1 (00:29):
Whoa I feel no farnam.

Speaker 3 (00:35):
Your lift back?

Speaker 1 (00:37):
We walk over for your lift back.

Speaker 3 (00:40):
Wow, good morning.

Speaker 4 (01:14):
It's a big shaw on the radio about beautiful weather.

Speaker 5 (01:17):
We got about nine.

Speaker 4 (01:19):
Great state of North Carolina may gonna be part this weekend.
About you're gonna be in the Queens City, go to
losol Tavern Old Pineville Road. Yeah, tell them John Boyn
bellisent you a favorite resident there?

Speaker 1 (01:33):
Low sold Tavern, Charlotte, North.

Speaker 6 (01:35):
Carolina's patio weather.

Speaker 4 (01:38):
Hey right quick, let me tell you about this price pack.
We're gonna play because we got Doug Rice. We gonna
get up with him from the studios at Charlotte Motor
Speedway Review, Talladega Preview Dover and then we're gonna play
for an LS Tractor price pick. It includes a one
year subscription the Massy Oaks Gamekeepers magazine as a LUs
Tractor swag. If you go to lstractor USA dot com,

you can find your local dealer, learn why customers start
blue and stay blue. Playing minutes, Big.

Speaker 1 (02:07):
Show rolls on Good Morning. Big Show's on the radio.
Coming up.

Speaker 4 (02:13):
You can try to beat the Blonde for an LS
Tractor Prize pack. It includes a one year subscription of
Massey Oaks Gamekeepers Magazine, LS Tractor cap as well. We
go to lstractor USA dot Com find your local dealer,
learn why customers start blue.

Speaker 1 (02:28):
And stay blue. Hang on and play for it.

Speaker 4 (02:31):
Ten minutes A man Doug Rice usually joins us this time,
but he is in the air traveling, so we're missing
Doug today. Congratulations that Tyler Reddick got his first victory
Countain's Duels at Daytona, So way to go, Tyler. Michael
Jordan's team was there down Alabama. I'm gonna be racing

in Dover this weekend, so we're gonna pivot to Elvis.
We always can pivot to Elvis. We with a very
special date in Elvis's life though this April the twenty fifth.
It says Mama's birthday, Gladys Presley. She would be one
hundred and twelve. He had his first hit on this date,

nineteen fifty six.

Speaker 6 (03:15):
On mama's birthday.

Speaker 1 (03:17):
And you know what the song was on mama's birthday.

Speaker 4 (03:20):
That's all right, mama about that?

Speaker 1 (03:23):
It would loved his mama.

Speaker 6 (03:24):
Dad rinded up for him, So there you go.

Speaker 4 (03:26):
And then his last recording was on this date in
nineteen seventy seven. It was during the concert in Saginaw, Michigan.
So his first hit, Mama's birthday, last recording all the day.

Speaker 6 (03:39):
Couldn't do it. If he planned it couldn't have happen.

Speaker 4 (03:41):
And then we look back in there and of course
we've been covering Elvis ever since we've been on the radio.
And somebody said, man, Elvis.

Speaker 1 (03:50):
Is he's not dead? Have y'all heard? Well, we looked
at that.

Speaker 4 (03:54):
Twelve years after his death. Here was the proof.

Speaker 7 (04:04):
God, arrest my soul. What's wrong with you? I'm in
dead's twelve years?

Speaker 5 (04:09):
And what do you do?

Speaker 7 (04:11):
You're riding books? The full of shot gun gives. They
got proof I'm still alive? Who who yay?

Speaker 3 (04:23):

Speaker 7 (04:24):
The facts are shaking him. The story is wild. Her
daughter's putting you out a hellless child. Just how stupid
can people will get?

Speaker 8 (04:33):
But they swear him dead? Get who who yay?

Speaker 7 (04:43):
Bernie s and Jackie and fare opheel you, the sad
and the elder is.

Speaker 8 (04:48):
A memorable bile. You got the bright idea in their
head and that they might sell more in your morning.
Give them all you've.

Speaker 7 (04:59):
Got them by avel of Elves in the pocketing lot.
It's a full scale rip off of the common folks.

Speaker 8 (05:06):
I ain't dead. It's all a hoax.

Speaker 5 (05:12):

Speaker 3 (05:15):
I got around.

Speaker 7 (05:16):
Your record comment out every week and every line in
the country's got some oldie heard a black jump suit
with big side burns, and you would not.

Speaker 8 (05:26):
Believe the kind of money he hurts.

Speaker 7 (05:29):
It's a Elvers jeeves. It's baseball caps. They got all
kinds of the Elves, craft, hells, toys, and the Elves gifts.

Speaker 8 (05:38):
You there to know that Elvis lives. Yay?

Speaker 1 (05:48):
Who all rather that one? So comfortable?

Speaker 4 (05:52):
Yeah, we get it. And their member said, boy, I
had Elvis's baby, not me. It was another big show.
Listen sen this in for for proof baby Elvis.

Speaker 8 (06:04):
Oh when.

Speaker 5 (06:07):

Speaker 8 (06:08):
Oh baby mama? Oh are you ma mama on a
bowl of corn flakes?

Speaker 3 (06:12):

Speaker 8 (06:13):
I'm mehm right now, I'm about to poop all on myself.

Speaker 4 (06:20):
Oh that's about covers. Elvis in a special day. Alright, then, well,
let's play Beating up Blonde. Our Blonde's ready. Let's do
it one eight hundred Bike show you told free line,
Get out contested, play next Good Thursday morning. That's a

big show on the radio. Today's feature track from the
Big Show mid Box. It's brought to you by Sharlie
Motors Speedway. And I heard that Coca Cola six hundred.
This is happening Sunday, May twenty six. Mister Rubarb Zoom
School University, face mask, it's for keywords, face masks.

Speaker 1 (07:22):
The Big Show not coming to mid Boxing right now.
Let's play beat the blog.

Speaker 4 (07:30):
We got our blonde ready to get meat boy for
both w How about our contestant at de Grados, Virginia,
Sheena Shena Shina. Jackie told me how to say it,
but I can't remember.

Speaker 1 (07:45):
Sheenan Sheenan.

Speaker 6 (07:47):
Why don't you ask you?

Speaker 1 (07:48):
I know I will. Hey, Sheenan, is that you, buddy?

Speaker 4 (07:55):

Speaker 1 (07:55):
What about Sinon? Shenni Shinnon?

Speaker 6 (07:59):

Speaker 1 (08:00):
Is that you? Is somebody on the phone from Grotto's Virginia.

Speaker 9 (08:06):
Yep, it's shinning.

Speaker 8 (08:09):
All right?

Speaker 1 (08:09):
Well, just feel free to leave us slapping in the wind.
There after about five minutes.

Speaker 4 (08:14):
There, buddy, goodnight, all right, so good, alright, I like it.

Speaker 1 (08:19):
So Shinnon, what were your parents thinking?

Speaker 4 (08:24):
I mean, oh, my.

Speaker 9 (08:25):
Dad, Well, my dad named me after something to do
with the Civil War, and my brother's name Jail, and
then I got another brother named Cord, which was one
of the Lee's generals.

Speaker 1 (08:37):
I don't even know who he was. Shinning alright, yeah, okay,
as long as I got it right.

Speaker 4 (08:47):
All right, Well, buddy, well you know what we're gonna do.
We're gonna ask Tatter some questions. She'll give the answer.
You agree or disagree whether you think she's right or wrong.
Get two bells for two buzzers, and you're gonna win
the big old prize back rights them on an All right,
here we go. The ancient Greeks had a name for

a special place or room meant for specific activities. The
word meant to exercise naked. Do these places exist today?

Speaker 6 (09:21):
Yes, and it's called the judgment free bedroom.

Speaker 1 (09:26):
Judgment free. Oh you know about it?

Speaker 6 (09:30):
No, don't try to figure me out.

Speaker 10 (09:32):
That's my answer.

Speaker 4 (09:33):
Okay, yes, the judgment free bedroom. I have no idea
what that means, but saying yes, what.

Speaker 1 (09:46):
I disagree, okay, okay, and.

Speaker 4 (09:50):
Not anything about the bedroom in there, but yes, they
do exist, and they are called gymnasiums. Oh now Planet
Planet Fitness has like a judgment free zone.

Speaker 1 (10:05):
Is that what you were thinking about?

Speaker 10 (10:07):
Because and then I started thinking, oh, naked, And then
I was like, oh bedroom.

Speaker 11 (10:13):
See I've told you I don't think just shoot.

Speaker 4 (10:18):
All right, okay, so there is one wrong off the
bad let's get this one.

Speaker 1 (10:25):
No, no, that was that was true? Yes, yes, all right,
but he disagreed. Yeah, oh so it was wrong?

Speaker 4 (10:32):
Wow, all right, if you got to exercise naked, you
would like to be excited in a place where it
is judgment free.

Speaker 1 (10:45):
I would guess for some people. Sure, all right, sat Tater,
I knew kind of what you were thinking. Okay, but
let's forget all that. Good. There is a brand new question.
If you were me, he'd hit you by now.

Speaker 4 (10:59):
The Trial Old Channel recently profiled the seven man made Wonders.

Speaker 1 (11:05):
In the US. Can you name one of them?

Speaker 6 (11:09):
Do the girls on Baywatch?

Speaker 1 (11:14):
You're trying to think like me?

Speaker 5 (11:15):

Speaker 6 (11:17):
The Gateway arch there in Saint Louis.

Speaker 4 (11:20):
The Gateway Arch in Saint Louis is one Tata says Sinan.
Do you agree or disagree?

Speaker 9 (11:30):
I disagree and that.

Speaker 1 (11:34):
Was the thing to do.

Speaker 4 (11:35):
Yeah, no, man, The seven are Seattle, Space, Needle, brooklyn Bridge,
Washington Monument, Empire State Building, Golden Gate Bridge, the Hoover Dam,
and Mount Rushmore.

Speaker 12 (11:47):

Speaker 1 (11:47):
No, Saint Louis Arch. All right, it's tied up. Now,
sit alive. I'm gonna win it or lose it with
this question.

Speaker 4 (11:56):
According to the US Border Patrol, are there more female
smugglers than male?

Speaker 10 (12:05):
I mean, we do have more places to hide things.

Speaker 6 (12:08):
Yes, so yes, there are more female smugglers than male.

Speaker 1 (12:13):
Smugglers, right, Shena, agree or disagree?

Speaker 9 (12:18):
I would agree, and.

Speaker 1 (12:19):
That is.

Speaker 4 (12:27):
I'm not sure because the whole hiding thing, but yes,
there are female smugglers. And Sena, you get the big
old well last tractor game keepers.

Speaker 1 (12:37):
Most of your prize back heading up the grottos.

Speaker 4 (12:39):
For you, all right, I appreciate it, all right.

Speaker 1 (12:43):
But of course you can.

Speaker 9 (12:47):
I'd like to shout out to my three boys, Hunter,
Jackson and Mason, and Hunter was in the Air Force.
Mason and Jackson are both in there currently in the army.

Speaker 4 (12:58):
Well, that's awesome, man, got you your family to be
proud of she'd appreciate you all.

Speaker 1 (13:02):
Listen, glad you want buddy? All right?

Speaker 9 (13:05):
Thank you?

Speaker 4 (13:09):
All right, y'all to jump out, catch you up on
your news. Kaitlin Clark number one is elected w n
B a earder mile.

Speaker 1 (13:17):
That's that all kinds of record. How much money is
she gonna make? We're gonna tell you that's.

Speaker 5 (13:21):
On the other side.

Speaker 4 (14:00):
Good morning, it's a big show on the radio for you. Thursday,
April the twenty fifth. We've been talking about through the
playoffs and college basketball. Caitlyn Clark Iowa was a all
kind of scoring records and you scoring records for D
one Division I basketball in college.

Speaker 1 (14:18):
And you know, I was.

Speaker 4 (14:19):
Getting on her because it's all the greatest basketball player
ever lived, like dow And I'll say, well, Pistol Peyton
Merriviage actually you know did his deal in like three years,
no three point line, no shot clock, and you working
up games. Could be a lot less scoring average, like
forty four points a game in his career. But that's
all right, because now I think possible. But I'm feeling

she's kind of getting on my nerves. But now I
feel sorry for her. Wait, but give us some music.
So yes, if we got a basketball Jones, you hope
it's gonna end up in a big payday. Of course,
we talk about the portal and college basketball. Now college
out elite can get paid in college and wait and

go throw and really make it. Like the number one
drive pick for the NBA last year, a big old
seven foot rookie Victor one of Banana Yama. He made
more than twelve million for his first season. Caitlin Clark
will earn roughly three hundred and thirty eight thousand dollars

over the four year contract. One year her starting salary
compared to that twelve million for Victor seventy six thousand,
five hundred and thirty five dollars.

Speaker 1 (15:40):
Ain't right, though, My best.

Speaker 4 (15:46):
Seventy six grand and the second, third, and fourth picks
in the WNBA draft.

Speaker 1 (15:53):
They get a back of chips.

Speaker 4 (15:55):
They earned the same thing that Kitlin earned seventy six
fun Yeah.

Speaker 6 (16:02):
Something, yeah, something is definitely wrong. But I do I
understand that.

Speaker 10 (16:05):
You know, the revenue for the NBA is a lot
different than the WNBA, But she's coming into it bring
in a really big fan base.

Speaker 4 (16:14):
And that's the way maybe you want to look at
if she can bring people in. She can like lift
the whole salaries for the whole double.

Speaker 1 (16:22):
They need to incentivize her, you know, right.

Speaker 10 (16:25):
Well, I mean the women's uh March madness, the women's
NC DOUBLEA was viewed more viewers than the mayor was.

Speaker 6 (16:34):
I mean it's sleep.

Speaker 1 (16:35):
Yeah, it was hot.

Speaker 4 (16:36):
Crazy, first time that's ever happened. So, all right, girl
and plays ball.

Speaker 8 (16:41):
She can ball.

Speaker 11 (16:42):
So according to Bloomberg News, the w NBA for the
year of twenty twenty three will make one hundred and
eighty million to two hundred million dollars for the season.

Speaker 1 (16:54):
Okay, so that's the whole getting boodle for the whole season.

Speaker 10 (16:57):
Yeah, So it needs to take the basketball fans to
want to go to the games to up the revenue
to pay for the salary to go up.

Speaker 1 (17:07):
Yeah, that's right, man, that's right.

Speaker 6 (17:10):
Or you let him play with the men.

Speaker 1 (17:11):
He's listening to that.

Speaker 3 (17:17):

Speaker 1 (17:18):
He don't want the ball. Good morning, it's a big

Shaw on our radio.

Speaker 4 (17:48):
Tenertainment News and Minutes for right now and now. The
top ten things women never say but men wish they would.

Speaker 1 (18:00):
Number ten, are you sure you've had enough to drink?
Number nine?

Speaker 4 (18:07):
That was a great part to another one.

Speaker 3 (18:10):
Number eight.

Speaker 1 (18:12):
I've decided to stop wearing clothes around the house.

Speaker 4 (18:16):
Number seven, let's subscribe to hustler.

Speaker 1 (18:20):
Number six. I'll be out painting the house.

Speaker 3 (18:23):
Number five.

Speaker 13 (18:24):
Honey, are you neighbor's daughter's sun bathing again? Come see
number four? No, no, I'll take the car to have
the oil change.

Speaker 1 (18:35):
Number three.

Speaker 8 (18:36):
Your mother is way better than mine.

Speaker 1 (18:40):
Number two.

Speaker 8 (18:41):
Do me a favor.

Speaker 4 (18:41):
Forget the stupid.

Speaker 13 (18:42):
Valentine's Day thing and buy yourself a new rifle.

Speaker 1 (18:47):
And the number one thing women never save a man
wish they did.

Speaker 8 (18:51):
Listen, I'm making enough money for the both of us.

Speaker 1 (18:53):
Why don't you.

Speaker 13 (18:54):
Retire and get that nanging handicap down to seven or eight?

Speaker 14 (19:08):
A wait, new k my live, don't hunt ve herd hot,
it's home, I hand Honda. God, Hey, everyone know that's lad.
Listen is lud listen? Is let listen?

Speaker 15 (19:19):
My god?

Speaker 1 (19:19):
Horadio fast, it's loud.

Speaker 8 (19:21):
Listen it's left lest.

Speaker 1 (19:22):
Honey is no, Noah, God, I'm coming up every you
No I know? Oh what? Good morning. It's a big

show on the.

Speaker 4 (20:10):
Radio this Thursday morning, beautiful spring time where.

Speaker 10 (20:15):
We are.

Speaker 1 (20:17):

Speaker 4 (20:18):
We gave you to hit low soad Tavern our favorite
restaurants in South side of Charlta called Loso Tavern from
their old Pinma Premium Puff. Take them out old Palma
Road and make the Queen City trip here.

Speaker 3 (20:30):
Boy, well they got it.

Speaker 1 (20:32):
Oh tay Entertainment news.

Speaker 4 (20:34):
In minutes, wordy Word will be played Classic bed in
the morning. It's a big show. Rose home, Good morning.
I got the Big Show on the radio.

Speaker 1 (20:46):
Coming up. We play wordy word. Win.

Speaker 4 (20:48):
There gets one hundred and twenty dollars worth of bulls
Not cleaning products made in the USA. Truck drivers keep
America moving and bulls not make sure they look good
doing it. They're for Bullstown, the truck stops across America.
Or download the bull Snot app and to go to
the Big Show dot com click on that bull Snot
banner more infoe hang on winning ten minutes.

Speaker 1 (21:09):
Right now, it's time for tatter Taman news. Here's that girl,
Marcy tater Morean.

Speaker 6 (21:15):
Yeah, so some sad news. Dickie Betts passed away last week.

Speaker 10 (21:19):
He was eighty years old. Did you know that Dicky
left home at sixteen to join the circus?

Speaker 1 (21:26):
No, I haven't heard now.

Speaker 10 (21:28):
Associated Press was reporting that he also became the renowned
guitarist for the Alman Brothers.

Speaker 6 (21:33):
Did you hear that you?

Speaker 5 (21:35):

Speaker 6 (21:35):
Yeah? He wrote the group's biggest hit, Rambling Man. I
didn't know if you knew that. And he remained on
the road until he reached the Rock and Roll Hall
of Fame, and he did that in nineteen ninety five.

Speaker 1 (21:44):
How about that?

Speaker 6 (21:45):
So he died at his home in Florida.

Speaker 10 (21:48):
His manager of twenty years said that he had been
battling cancer for more than a year and had chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease.

Speaker 6 (21:56):
So eighty years old.

Speaker 3 (21:57):
How about that?

Speaker 1 (21:58):
Man, great guy, Dicky.

Speaker 6 (22:00):
So Travis Kelsey's in the news and Travis, what's he doing?

Speaker 4 (22:04):

Speaker 10 (22:05):
So Travis has this music fest called the Kelsey Jam
and it's gonna be happening on May eighteenth, and musical
acts include Lil Wayne, two Chains, and more.

Speaker 6 (22:17):
And plans are underway to expand.

Speaker 10 (22:19):
I knew not to really go into the rest of
the list the list, but it's very hip and now
it's very popular. So this is the second Kelsey Jam
and he would like to expand a nationwide and he's
going to uh. Luckily for him, has a girlfriend that
can help him out with logistics as far as planning

such event. Taylor Swift's team will reportedly help Travis launch
the nationwide tour of his Kelsey Jam Music.

Speaker 1 (22:47):
Fest wide tour.

Speaker 6 (22:52):
So he wants to bring the jam next year.

Speaker 10 (22:53):
To the NFL cities of Vegas, Los Angeles, Miami, Chicago,
New Orleans, Indianapolis, and of course his hometown Lin.

Speaker 1 (23:01):
Anyway, his famous girlfriend Mine sing a song.

Speaker 10 (23:04):
They are reports that it's possible that she will open
the show. She'll appear at some of them, not all
of them, because you know, she's got a life.

Speaker 4 (23:12):
I tell you, I gotta I got a bitness of
When I was traveling to the cost last weekend, I heard.

Speaker 1 (23:19):
A Taylor Swift song. I said, I'm gonna listen to this, okay,
And I was put through the ringer.

Speaker 4 (23:24):
By the time that song was over, I knew more
about that boyfriend or I guess it broke up.

Speaker 1 (23:30):
Oh man, she goes it's long.

Speaker 6 (23:34):
She has several albums with with that theme.

Speaker 11 (23:37):
Yeah, that's why we say, you know, when she puts
out a new album, well that's it for this romance.

Speaker 10 (23:44):
And she has a new album out, and there are
reports that there's a song referencing Travis So's it's.

Speaker 6 (23:50):
A good song.

Speaker 1 (23:51):
Well that's my mess, her whole deal up.

Speaker 10 (23:55):
Retired football star Tom Brady will be the target of
a new comedy roast. Roasts start like when Dean Martin
and those guys did it. But they're they're a little harder,
I think.

Speaker 1 (24:07):
But yeah, they're much harder.

Speaker 6 (24:09):
They're much harder.

Speaker 10 (24:10):
But but United Press International reports that Netflix Netflix released
the trailer on Monday for the special titled The Greatest
Roast of All Time Tom Brady.

Speaker 5 (24:20):

Speaker 10 (24:21):
It will be hosted by Kevin Hart and comedian Jeff Ross,
who is like the always at all the roasts will
be there, along with a lot of other surprise roaster.

Speaker 6 (24:31):
Yes, it's always there. And Netflix will be doing this live,
so it's the first time they do a live roast.
It will be. It will air unedited and uncensored before
That's why it's on Netflix.

Speaker 5 (24:47):

Speaker 6 (24:47):
They also have reported that the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders will have.

Speaker 10 (24:52):
A show on Netflix, kind of a docu series following
the life and time of a cheerleader and you can
look forward to that in as well.

Speaker 4 (25:00):
They already had some of those like a while back,
like saying them trying to make it. I wonder if
the same day what.

Speaker 1 (25:07):
Is singing up an old idea?

Speaker 6 (25:11):
And for you, I don't. I've told you to watch this.

Speaker 10 (25:14):
So Jeremy Clarkson is coming back Season three Clarkson Farm
May third.

Speaker 6 (25:19):
On Prime hilarious.

Speaker 11 (25:23):
I love him.

Speaker 6 (25:24):
Have you ever have you watched the clock Clarkson Farms?

Speaker 1 (25:26):
I'm only aware of it because of your what's.

Speaker 6 (25:29):
Wrong with you? It is hilarious.

Speaker 10 (25:32):
So May tenth, there'll be uh, there'll be four episodes
on May third, and then they'll have the rest of
them my mind.

Speaker 1 (25:39):
All right, So we've got two seasons out there. We
watch and catch up, yes.

Speaker 6 (25:41):
And get caught up. All right, I did a thing.
It's hilarious.

Speaker 1 (25:45):
All right, thank you very much. Dan. Well, let's say
we can get us a winner. Let's play worthy word.

Speaker 4 (25:51):
Here we go one eight hundred Big Show you told
free line, get a couple of contestants and play next.

Good morning, it's a big show on the radio for
you Thursday morning. Got today's feature track from the Big
Show bid Box brought you by Charlotte Ons Mainway Cold
Coda six hundred Even Sunday, May twenty six, mister Roubarb
with Zoom School University.

Speaker 1 (26:37):
I had a little class during the COVID led about
face masks.

Speaker 4 (26:42):
It's r key words face masks to the bid box
at the Big Show dot Com clicking on their contest
one gang get the We'll call you.

Speaker 1 (26:49):
Had everybody's head about the bed, look the bird, any
word and the word the word. Let's meet the contestants.

Speaker 4 (26:56):
We got Dal from Gaffney to South Carolina in the
morning day.

Speaker 12 (27:00):
Oh Man Mand morning boy.

Speaker 1 (27:02):
Buddy, Welcome.

Speaker 4 (27:03):
Then we got Kurt and Cochran Georgia. Good morning, Kurt
man Man, good morning, Hey, welcome. All right boys, how
Carolina versus Georgia? Could sec showdown on wordy word?

Speaker 1 (27:15):
Kurt, you got team Taylor Dale on the John Boys side.

Speaker 4 (27:21):
To thirty seconds East know what we do, So Kurt,
you relax, me and Dale to go for the first
round of thirty seconds.

Speaker 1 (27:28):
All right, Dale, are you ready?

Speaker 4 (27:32):
Okay, let's do it. Then starting to clock. Now you
got to put one of these on the horse for
the cowboys riding. Yeah, uh huh, okay, light a blank
light out, give me a give me a light yes, good,
uh huh. Blank Limball famed radio host Blank yeah, uh huh.
All these jeans they're not colorful. They blanked on me. Fate, yeah, fait, okay,

this is not the present. Let's go to the past.
Blank the past card.

Speaker 5 (28:05):
No, you are nervous, you are all right?

Speaker 1 (28:10):
Well, were we putting four on the board? Good jobb on.

Speaker 4 (28:12):
You'll side that, Dale, And now let's let Curt and
Tato go at it for thirty See what they can do.

Speaker 1 (28:18):
Kurt, are you ready?

Speaker 4 (28:20):
I am all right?

Speaker 1 (28:21):
All right and go.

Speaker 6 (28:23):
You need a massage? You're so blank.

Speaker 8 (28:26):

Speaker 6 (28:27):
Yes, you look out this in your house. It's made
of glass. You look outside.

Speaker 1 (28:31):

Speaker 6 (28:32):
You go to the you go to the county. Blank,
they've got rides and animals. Yep. You might blank for
a credit card. You have to submit.

Speaker 10 (28:42):
You have to blank for yes, hey, you might stop
and ask for these if you don't know where you're going.

Speaker 6 (28:49):
Uh huh?

Speaker 8 (28:50):
You this is you sing this?

Speaker 6 (28:52):
It's a sing of what? Yeah?

Speaker 4 (28:56):
All right, go work y'all. Putting a six on the
board to take the lead by Tom. All right, Dale,
here we go for a round two, buddy, Let's get
us some points.

Speaker 1 (29:06):
Are you ready?

Speaker 5 (29:08):
Go dumbley and go.

Speaker 4 (29:10):
The opposite of short is tall. No, another one a line.
It's a blank line. It's not as small as it is.
What No, Okay, well look my legs are real.

Speaker 1 (29:27):
I'm tall. I have blank legs, long legs long all right,
rhymes with it.

Speaker 4 (29:33):
This is a Chinese thing that you get ice with.
I mean no, baby, it's not Chinese. You get ice
out of a bucket with these man's danko man one
on a four or five dog gone. The curtains already
won this game.

Speaker 1 (29:52):
Man some bad yeah, long hung us up. And by
the way, the the one was well I'm not going well.

Speaker 4 (30:02):
Yeah, I'm on, sir, because that'll come first tomorrow, tom
tom what's the word.

Speaker 1 (30:10):
The thing through that way?

Speaker 4 (30:12):
All I know is I ain't saying nothing. A damn
Well you practice and try again later. All right there,
buddy said ah Man, enjoyed playing with you. Well not really,
but that's all. Appreciate you listening, Kurt, Yeah, buddy, look
at you winning and on just round one their congratulations, man,

you earned your one hundred twenty dollars worth of bulls
not cleaning products.

Speaker 5 (30:40):
Good deal.

Speaker 1 (30:40):
We did it, Tater, we did it.

Speaker 9 (30:42):
Thank you all the thank you, all the big show games.

Speaker 1 (30:46):
All right, buddy, Yeah, that was good y'all.

Speaker 4 (30:51):
Good morning, make shows on the radio time our bit
requests for this Thursday morning, and we got John Miller
out of Dallas saying, hey, guys, you know what would
be good to hear Tim Wilson singing no racing song, John,
you ain't gonna believe us. Man. When I was watching
Talladega last weekend, I was singing about Tim song got
born in the stands of Talladega. First line, good John,

good request, buddy, We'll get it for you. Next Good morning.

Speaker 1 (31:42):
It is super Fla and the Big Show Gang. I've
been request time somebody like here.

Speaker 8 (31:50):
I got it.

Speaker 4 (31:52):
It is up of the John Boynbell and Facebook page
on the Big Show dot com, John Miller from Dallas,
your request and Wilson's old time raisins.

Speaker 12 (32:03):
She named me Dale dear Hood, Waltrip, Richard Petty, Rusty, Awesome,
Bill Irving, Gordon, Burned Heart Smith, Johnson Junior. I guess
you could say Mama was a nice car fan. I
was born in Tyler, Dega. Up in the stands, the
fans hall cheered the second eye right. This song's gonna

take the rest of the morning to finish. We didn't
have money for a pass of fire, so I sucked
on a valve off a good years tyler, a seven
pound eight ounce son of the South, born with a
taste for racing in my own mouth. She named me Dale,
Michael Waltrip, Richard Petty, Rusty, Awesome, Bill Irving, Gordon, earnhart Smith,

Johnson Junior. I got my first reals Dot car when
I was in I know when Mama bought off of
Jip Foldns. The Weston Coup people said the boys too young, telequalified,
sucker that Darlington how and no world cut. A nine
year old child had one hundred and ninety seven mina
time trowl. The man said Mama ought to be ashamed.

But by the way, Son, tell us, what's your name?
I told him, tell Darrel Walter, Richard Petty, Rusty, Awesome,
Bill Irving, Gordon, Earnhartsmith, Johnson Junior.

Speaker 1 (33:25):
I got a Toys r Us sponsor around a new
crew a daytone.

Speaker 12 (33:28):
I love Little fifty two. The junior high school girls
are all cheering from me. I'm out there Intamma dating
number three, but I ain't got room on my carge.
Armor caps are the helmet I'm driving.

Speaker 8 (33:40):
Where to right down?

Speaker 12 (33:43):
Who Michael Walter, Richard Petty, Rusty Awesome, Bill Irving, Gordon, Earn,
hard Smith, John Boy and Billy Well out here. If
I'm going in or let you that cay sound that
we had suck up the old little Let's.

Speaker 3 (34:00):
Be tuning down.

Speaker 4 (34:27):
It's a big show on the radio few moments here
this Thursday morning.

Speaker 1 (34:31):
Mike Roop of the.

Speaker 4 (34:32):
John Won'remilly Lady Risers podcast. Get it at the Big
Show dot com, Megadesey subscribe to us in a free
iHeartRadio app as well.

Speaker 1 (34:42):
I tell you all about that. Where's major track? Search
for keywords? How do you spell that?

Speaker 4 (34:51):
No face mask will be the keywords. Don't listen to
this bump or music? Okay like me, I can't quit, Okay,
but I'm going to.

Speaker 1 (35:01):
Rack that is correct? Okay, all right, here we go
major trap the fox. Mister Rubarb, thank you.

Speaker 8 (35:11):
Give it a beat.

Speaker 4 (35:13):
Hello, boys and girls, this is your vaguely unsettling old pal,
mister Rubarb, founder of Carpool University. Everything you need to
know about an important subject in less time than it
takes for mom or Dad to drop you off in
the carpool lane at school. Nowadays carpool is pretty much
a thing of the past. That's why we created Zoom

School University everything you need to know on an important
subject in less time than it takes for mom or
Dad to set up your Zoom call for remote learning.
Today's topic is the face mask. Most people have been
wearing a mask when they go out in public to
help stop the spread of coronavirus. But some people say

mask or hot are uncomfortable, Are a trick to take
away your rights? Are something that sounds kind of like this,
Why why why?

Speaker 8 (36:07):
And why WHOA.

Speaker 4 (36:09):
If you have an Uncle Joe who's on Facebook a lot,
you might hear him say if a mask works, how
come when you fart you can still smell it. If
pants can't stop a fart, how can a mask stop
the virus? Okay, I can hardly believe I'm saying this,
but let's take Uncle Joe's question seriously for a minute.

The virus and a peot are both made of tiny
particles that are measured in nanometers. The molecules in a
poot that make it stinky are point four nanometers across.
That's less than half of a nanometer, really small. The
virus that causes COVID nineteen is somewhere between sixty and

one hundred and forty nanometers across. That's still pretty small,
but it's between one hundred and one one thousand times
bigger than a fart particle or farticle, as scientists call
bad news. Farts are harder to stop good news, even
though they're sometimes called silent but deadly. The overwhelming majority

of farts won't kill them. So can a mask help
stop the virus? Well, it depends on what it's made
of the experts, and by that I mean people smarter
than your party. Uncle Joe on Facebook say masks aren't perfect,
but they're better than not wearing one at all.

Speaker 1 (37:34):
The full answer gets pretty complicated, But.

Speaker 4 (37:37):
Since Uncle Joe likes talking about poots so much, let's
use an analogy. He's probably familiar with a guy who
walks into a room and starts peepeeing all over the place. Oh,
if this guy's not wearing any pants, the mess is
gonna go everywhere and get all over everybody. If you're
wearing pants and he's not, you might get some on you,

but not as much. If both of you are wearing pants,
you'll get even less on you because most of it
will stay in his pants and not get on yours.
Plus he'll be easier to avoid because he'll be the
guy with a big pea spot on his pick.

Speaker 1 (38:17):
Long story short.

Speaker 4 (38:18):
Until the scientists come up with a vaccine that works,
the best plan when you go out in public is
avoid people without a mask that have a pea spot
on their pants. Actually, that's not a bad plan even
before we get it, I think, And yes, I know,
a lot of that is kind of done.

Speaker 1 (38:36):
But if you ask a stupid question, you get a
stupid answer.

Speaker 4 (38:40):
And that's it for this edition of Zoom University until
next time.

Speaker 1 (38:44):
This is mister Rhubarb.

Speaker 4 (38:45):
Saying stay safe, wash your hands, and if you're going out,
wear a mask and pants.

Speaker 1 (38:52):
Peace out. That boxes.

Speaker 15 (38:56):
Here all your favorites from four decades and which show
niney nine says Team for nine ninety nine by him
once play you anywhere. Shop the blitbox online at the
Big Show dot Com. Quorder Big Show Stuff I follow.
The number is eight hundred and four seven to one
stuff online services by Animin dot Com.

Speaker 1 (39:11):
This any Big Show today, don't let that happen.

Speaker 8 (39:14):
Tens it up.

Speaker 4 (39:15):
John o'bill The Late Rossers Podcast man. Wherever you get
your podcasting, make it easy. Subscribe to us with a
free iHeartRadio l Hill.

Speaker 1 (39:25):
They rest your days, You own tomorrow.

Speaker 8 (39:27):
Love you made it.
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