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April 14, 2024 20 mins
Clay Travis, wingman? Tyson in the ring again and a NJ HS basketball team gets robbed.

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Bold reference and occasionally random the Sunday Hang with Playing
Buck podcast. It starts now, Mike Tyson is going to
be fighting, Yes, Jake Paul in the ring.

Speaker 2 (00:14):
Isn't Mike Tyson in his sixties now, Mike, Mike Tyson,
I believe, is fifty eight. And by the way, Michael
Jordan is sixty one, so Mike Tyson is fifty eight.
I will watch that fight against Jake Paul because I think,
I don't know what you would say to this. I
think Mike Tyson is other than Michael Jordan, probably the
most captivating and thrilling athlete of my you know, sports fandom.

And in two decades, two generations, three or four decades
of being a sports fan, it's impossible to look away
from Mike Tyson. And I'll still watch him box at
fifty eight, even though he was obviously at his peak athletically.
I don't know at twenty six or twenty eight.

Speaker 1 (00:54):
I just wonder there must be a huge payday attached
to this because to be at that age and to
be taking hits. Look, I mean, Mike Tyson could still
kick my ass. I get it right like this, you
know there's there's something there are people who are in
there who are almost sixty, and then there's the former
heavyweight champ of the world.

Speaker 2 (01:12):
There's almost sixty, but the.

Speaker 1 (01:14):
Guy he's fighting as a young guy who's in good shape. Like, why,
why is this a good idea? I don't understand what
I think. Jake Nowell is just a marketing expert and genius.
And the brand value of Mike Tyson is so much
higher than the brand value of almost any other boxer
even now. And there's videos out there. By the way,
Tyson is fifty seven right now, he'll be fifty eight

for the fight. There's videos out there of Mike Tyson
where you'll watch it. I don't know if you've seen
these videos. They went viral a little bit a while ago.
He's been training pretty aggressively for a while. And I mean,
I don't know what percentage of twenty eight year olds.
I think Jake Paul's around twenty eight. Mike Tyson would
knock out ninety nine point nine.

Speaker 2 (01:57):
Percent of them probably. He's still looks like a bad man.
And I will watch this. It's gonna be on Netflix
July twentieth. Maybe maybe Joe Biden stay up for that
one too.

Speaker 1 (02:08):
You know, since we're talking sports as well, something else
that has come to my attention. See look at me
dropping all the sports today. You know this happens once
you start doing some prize picks, you're focused in on
the sports. I saw this game, this basketball game where
was the two high school teams New Jersey and in
New Jersey and two high school teams and it's what

was it? The semi finals of the state Championshipinal four.

Speaker 2 (02:33):
Of the state championship in New Jersey a Camden high
school area team and then another like a Native American
named school like Manti Lapin or not Mano Lappin. But
it's not it's not that one, but it's like it
kind of sounds somewhat similar. We'll dig into those details.

Speaker 1 (02:51):
All I can tell you is and we should probably
put this up the video up at Clayanduck dot.

Speaker 2 (02:54):
Com because team got robbed.

Speaker 1 (02:58):
Yes, team got robbed clearly on video one with a
last second shot. There is no question. The evidence is
as as clear as day. And now it turns into
what should be done about this?

Speaker 2 (03:12):
What would you do? I'll ask you when we come back.
I'll have so for people who don't know that was
the last play of the game, the team made a
layup to win the game clock expires. Initially, the basket
was counted by the referee with the best view. They
then gathered to have a discussion. They waved off the

final basket. Zero doubt that the final basket was good.
It's the final game of the year for one of
these teams. It's tournament time. They're eliminated. One hundred percent.
The shot was good. The team that lost should have
been the winner. What is the appropriate outcome there? When
you have video people take in the crowd. It's not

like they have incidant replay. This isn't the NFL. It's
not the NBA or even major college basket ball or
football where they have all the instant replay. They don't
have instant replay typically in high school. What's the right result?
New Jersey Athletic Association saying we can't do anything. They
now have the school that was rendered the loser has
now hired a lawyer. The state championship game is on Saturday.

What should happen? What would you do? Because it appears
that the New Jersey Athletic Association is not going to
change the outcome. They now have retained an attorney. The
title game is Saturday. You were a high school soccer coach.
That's not really perfect analogy because the clock doesn't work

in the same way in soccer where you could have,
let's say, a clear goal that happens on the very
final play of the game. If you can have the
ball out.

Speaker 1 (04:47):
Lost the goal line on video and have it waved
off when it actually clearly crossed.

Speaker 2 (04:51):
That's happened in games before. So but the challenge is
you would still have more time to play. Right. This
is a unique scenario to me because the game literally
in and it's on video and you can see that
the wrong team and this is not a judgment call
where you should have made a foul call or something.
You can freeze frame the video.

Speaker 1 (05:10):
Yes, with the ball out of his hands, with time
on the clock, and it goes in.

Speaker 2 (05:15):
All right, So you're the coach, what would you do
of the camp? If you're the coach of the team
whose team got screwed, you clearly appeal you try to
do whatever you can to get your team able to advance.
That's not difficult. You're the coach of this Camden, New
Jersey team, Buck, what would you do if you knew
your team hadn't actually won, but you were scheduled to

play in the state championship game at noon on Saturday.

Speaker 1 (05:39):
I mean, I know this is easier to say from
the outside, but I would I would say I would
call the opposing coach or you know, the coach that
we had beaten quote unquote and try to arrange it
so that I would concede. I would say that, you know,
we lost the game. I don't think I don't think
you feel good about playing in a championship game when

you know you didn't earn the right to be there.
And because there's no question they didn't earn the right
to be there. It's not like, oh, they should have
called a foul. Ball was in the air, time on
the clock, ball goes in, that's and it was called
good initially. So yeah, there's no question about the outcome
if it were like a bad call or no. I mean,
you know that's the that's one thing. But this is

obvious evidence that they lost. So yeah, I would say
that you should try to arrange to have the team
that actually beats you go forward. And because it's high
school basketball, right, you know, if there were millions and.

Speaker 2 (06:32):
Millions of dollars riding on this whatever.

Speaker 1 (06:34):
You know, that's a that's a whole other thing if
you're talking about a college or a professional level. But
it's high school. I think doing the right thing is
the most important thing. So coach Sexton would say, we
are not going to play in the finals.

Speaker 2 (06:46):
The team that beat us earn the right to be there.
I agree with you. By the way, I'm going to
retweet this, so all of you can go vote. Ten
thousand people voted so far. I asked that exact question.
Fifty six percent of you said that you would forfeit
and withdraw, basically let the other team go wow. Forty
four percent would just want to take the double vand

advance and play. Was forty four of the Bovarians out there?
This is high school? Well, I think a lot of people.
The argument would be refs get things wrong all the time.
It's a part of the game. And now to your
point on hes On College and Pro, they would have replay.
This would never happen there. Yeah, so that this would
have been rectified in any league that has any kind

of audience at all.

Speaker 1 (07:32):
Raphael and Nadal is one of my favorite he's one
of the greatest tennis players I think certainly the in
the top five, maybe the top three greatest tennis players
of all time.

Speaker 2 (07:40):
And he is known for.

Speaker 1 (07:43):
Calling balls that they called in his favor, going up
to the umpire and saying no, that was actually out,
so he'll so he doesn't want points that he didn't earn.
I've seen him do it before in matches, and I
think that's what sportsmanship is. And I think at the
high school level, again, to your point, if it were
college or professional, this would never happen. You know, this

is something that I think. I think the lesson is
more important that you get it right here. But I
understand that people say, you know, the game is the game,
and it is what it is. But if you found
out that a ref was paid off, like you wouldn't
allow somebody to then go forward with the team.

Speaker 2 (08:21):
The game isn't just the game. Also, that way, more
people would know this coach and this team and consider
them to be great exemplars of sportsmanship for making that choice.
Then wouldever know who normally wins the New Jersey State
high school championship? Right? I mean the message to the
kids of doing the right thing at lower level sports.

I think is really why most of us play sports,
because most of us are not going to have college
or professional careers at an elite level. That's why I
certainly have my kids playing.

Speaker 1 (08:55):
Why is it that this other referee if you watch
the video, and we'll put the video up at clayanbuck
dot com so you can all easily find it so
you can go there.

Speaker 2 (09:04):
We'll have it up shortly if it's not already up, Why.

Speaker 1 (09:08):
Is it that this other referee waves off?

Speaker 2 (09:12):
I mean he was, he was further away. I know.

Speaker 1 (09:16):
There's something funky there that that's not that's it was
not his call. And if you're relying on line of
sight and non instant replay, the guy with the closer
line of sight has got to be the one, you know,
who's who's closer to the play. It's got to be
the one making that call to override that call. I
don't know, maybe he's the head ref or something. I'm
sure he's the head ref who gets the opportunity to
make that call. But yes, they initially called it good.

So then the the refs, I think there were three
of them, they all gets a real that's a real
face punch. When you know you think you've won. It's
a big moment for those kids. I remember when in
high school this stuff really matters to you. You think
you've won at the buzzer and then you're waved off
after you've been waved on by the ref. I mean,
that's a tough one to.

Speaker 2 (09:58):
Not that it's always positive, but the team that gets
scored on knows it's good. Like they all immediately slump.
If you're on the court, you're aware of to a
large extent, whether the shot goes up before the buzzer
is going off. Right, by the way, Jeff in North Carolina,
you got to take on this what you got.

Speaker 3 (10:19):
Yeah, I just wanted to say, actually two things as
a player and a coach, knowing that you didn't win,
I mean, you you got to live with that. And
you know for sure, hey, these guys beat us. You
know you got to live with that. But how cool
would it be for the players and the coach of
Camden and the administration to get together and say, look,
we're not gonna take this. We're gonna get you guys

beat us far and square. You deserve to play in
the championship and and give that win to them that
would be awesome to see in sports with as much
stuff as we have going on, How cool would that
be to see that?

Speaker 2 (10:56):
I meant the move. Totally agree, totally agree, it'd be
amazing and and and and by the way, we'll take
some more of your calls on the state of the Union,
Biden than more when we come back to the top
of the next hour. But it also sends the right message.
And again I just circle back to nobody knows. Look,
you care if you're in that district? Do you care
if you're in that universe? Most people have no idea
who wins the state championship. Everyone in America would know

this coach and that team for doing the right thing.
Regardless of who winds up winning the state championship. It
is an opportunity to do the right thing and get
credit for it. Sunday drap with Clay and Buck. Phil
wrote into the Clay and Buck vip just to follow
up to Clay the Love Doctor's advice to me last
week about my obsessive NCAA tournament. Lady friend he called

in talking about all the different teams that she rooted for,
and I suggedly said I took your advice and overnighted
a plush a LINEI monogrammed robe for cozy and endurance
viewing of NCAA games. It arrived Wednesday, in time for
Illinois's Thursday game against and I can't even remember who
they played against on Thursday, but yukont No. That was

over the weekend. They won their Sweet sixteen game. They
beat Iowa State. Sorry Iowa State fans. She was thrilled.
Like an insider stock tip Clay's advice, will play will
pay great dividends. I do think I'm an incredible love doctor.
I think I can solve all relationship issues pretty one
in our audience.

Speaker 1 (12:21):
Were you, I mean, I would have to think so,
because you know, we do a show together every day,
so you know how to how to you know, help
help your your bros out. Were you an excellent wingman
in your day?

Speaker 2 (12:33):
I think so, I humbly, humbly, I've been married for
twenty years. I believe that I would have been one
of the greatest online daters in American history. And I
think this is I'll explain. I feel like, you know,

if Michael Jordan had been born before basketball existed, his
talents and his skills that would never have been fully realized,
I think because most men can't. Most men are generally speaking.
You and I are exceptions. Most men are awful communicators.
There are tons of women out I mean, you know this.

You dated for a long time. I'm sure this was
a huge advantage for you. You knew how to spell
words correctly, you could text message. A lot of men
are borderline still cavemen, like they can't even make a
joke on a text message very well. They don't really
understand how to communicate. They may not be great at reading.
I mean again, I'm just throwing a lot of men

under the bus here, But there's a lot of women
out there listening right now, especially in a dating texting era.
I think I would have been amazing in communication digitally
without and I think I'm okay face to face, but
I think I would have been really funny and witty
and great at it. And I feel like that was
a skill set that I never got to deploy because

I was married before like any of the real like
online dating universe took off. One of my buddies got
married right before Tender and Bumble and all these different
things came out, and I swear to god. I was
out with him and one of our buddies was going
through to meet girls, and he turned to me and
he was like, if I had known these apps were coming,
I would have never gotten married. I'd have never gotten married.

He's like, because you get into your forties or your
upper thirties, and without online dating, it gets hard to
meet girls. Right, Like, when you're in your twenties, it's
relatively easy to go out to a bar, but the
older you get, the more difficult it is to have
a natural, organic, person to person meeting. And so anyway,
I feel like I would have been good at that,

but I'm not. But I was good. I am a
good wing man, I think.

Speaker 1 (14:43):
Yeah, in my day, I actually preferred the era before
online dating as a single man because one of my
superpowers was I would go up and talk to anyone.

Speaker 2 (14:52):
You know.

Speaker 1 (14:53):
That was for a lot of guys, which like ninety
percent of guys won't do. It's a superpower and it
still is. It's some in some way if you're if
you're a guy and you want to meet a lady
and you're single, just go up and talk to her.
Don't be weird, don't don't put a line out there.

Speaker 2 (15:07):
Don't you know?

Speaker 1 (15:08):
Hey, you know, are you an angel because you're like
you fell out of heaven?

Speaker 2 (15:11):
Or are you from Tennessee because you're the only ten
I see? Yeah, good one in Tennessee, by the way,
because a lot of people are from Tennessee. But whenever
I was I was very good for my friends back
in the day.

Speaker 1 (15:24):
Whether I had a girlfriend or was single, they could
just sort of say I was like a heat seeking missile.
They could be like, yo, I want to go talk
to that one that lady uh, And I would go over,
chat her up and bring her over. I actually did
this for a very dear friend of mine who's now
married with three children. We're at a night club and
I was like, and I had had a couple I
might have had a couple of drinks, and I was like,

pick any girl you want in this place. I'll find
a way to bring her over to this table so
you can throw some game at her as the as
we say.

Speaker 2 (15:51):
And and he did. And they end up getting married
and now they have three kids. Three kids. They should
have to name one of the kids after you. One
of my good friends got married back in the day.

Speaker 4 (16:01):

Speaker 2 (16:01):
In the bar if it were a crowded bar. You
know how you sometimes have the accidental bump in which
gives you an opportunity to talk. Oh yeah, one of
my friends got married because I gave him a hip
check and he bumped into a girl at the bar
and he was like, you know, man, it's crowded in here.
That was his that was his open was me bumping
him into a woman who is now his wife, and

I believe they have three kids. And one thing I'll
say I've also learned too, is that if you if
you just want to speak to somebody in a social setting,
you know, or you know, just even in a way
that's that you know, shows some basic tact Like if
we're going to talk somebody at the grocery store, uh,
you know you're gonna speak.

Speaker 1 (16:38):
I will say this. I have no the gym because
I'm always like, you know, the gym is very hard
to talk to a lady if you're single and you're
a guy in the gym, I thought, I find that
to be one.

Speaker 2 (16:48):
Of the hardest places.

Speaker 1 (16:50):
Some of you guys are like, oh, look at my
six pack, Like that's where I meet all the babes.

Speaker 2 (16:53):
Like you can you don't have to send me those emails.
I know, it's fine. I agree the gym is kind
of a tough spot because also girls wore out in
no clothes now, so it's kind of like you notice this,
like it's the gem atigher in my laities it's lingerie basically, yes,
I mean women work out in lingerie here. Yeah, no,
it's really And then they are like have you noticed this?

Like they'll be like, guys are giving like, oh, I
don't know why all these guys are looking at me.
It's like you're working out in a push up bra
and panties, Like, I like, how do you expect guys
not to notice it?

Speaker 1 (17:23):
So but I one thing I'll say, though, is if
you are, for any of the single guys listening whatever,
you know, if you're in your twenties or your sixties,
if you try to speak to somebody in a nice
way and they're they.

Speaker 2 (17:36):
Rebuff you or they're rude in response.

Speaker 1 (17:38):
They may not be very receptive, they may have a boyfriend,
or they may not want to give you their phone umber.
That's fine, but people get worried to think about being
shot down anyone who is rude to you. If you
approach them in a nice way, you're actually saving yourself
a lot of irritation because that's not somebody that in
the long run you'd want to spend any time with anyway.
So it's actually immediate self selection. Like if you, in
a polite way, just want to talk, don't hit on,

but talk to a woman you want to have a
conversation with.

Speaker 2 (18:02):
If she's rude to you, you don't want to. You know,
you wouldn't have wanted.

Speaker 1 (18:06):
This to go better where you got her phone number.
I tell people that I think that they find that
very helpful.

Speaker 2 (18:10):
So yeah, I don't think that's bad advice at all either.
But yeah, so we can solve now based on that
email and also lead to more kids. And this is
my big thing here. Everybody wants to talk about the
global warming and climate change and how we're all the
population of the world is collapsing, and no one will

talk about it. I mean on a serious level. You
look at countries like Italy, Japan, great histories in those countries,
their entire culture is being wiped out because people don't
want to have kids, and the same thing is true
for large segments of the American population. So I want
more people getting together, and I want there to be

more babies, So anything we can do to help that happen.
And that's what I tell my kids all the time too.
Now get married, it's important, and have as many kids
as you can. They roll their eyes. I've got three boys.
They roll their eyes at me. But I'm going to
keep hammering it. Get married and have as many kids
as you can. Raise them up well, because that is
how you save the planet. Population is going to collapse

if you look at the data right now over the
next seventy five or eighty years. That's a negative story.
I hate to be a doubt. Hey, the world's going
to end because not enough people are going to have babies.
But that's where we're headed. Bo in Nashville, You've got
a wide range of opinions. Here what you got for us?

Speaker 4 (19:30):
Sure, I do agree with you about the whole being
able to speak well and being able to type well.
My wife and I actually met on Tinder. We've got
two daughters now, and it's funny because you really don't
communicate the same way through text message that you do
at a bar, right, so you kind of have to
adjust that. But it also I think to your point earlier.

It does help to stay connected. Because my wife and
I work full time and we text each other, snapchat
each other throughout the day. We probably only get twenty
minutes of FaceTime on an average day. I know you
guys both work a lot. You probably have the same issue.

Speaker 2 (20:03):
How old are your kids.

Speaker 4 (20:03):
I think it's great to be able to do that.
Our oldest is the youngest will be two next week.

Speaker 2 (20:08):
Yeah, so you're in the weeds with the kids as
parents as well, So good luck with that.

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