All Episodes

April 15, 2024 36 mins
Trump says trial is "assault on America" and political persecution. C&B call for jury nullification. Trump cites Jonathan Turley and Andrew McCarthy calling the trial election interference. Iran attacks Israel. NYT poll finds voters have "Trump nostalgia." Fetterman stands up for Israel. Rep. Eric Swalwell accuses Clay of jury tampering.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome to today's edition of the Clay Travis and Buck
Sexton Show podcast.

Speaker 2 (00:05):
Monday edition of Clay and Buck kicks off right now.
A huge weekend for news as we know, and a
big Monday as well, so much to discuss here.

Speaker 3 (00:17):
We had a.

Speaker 2 (00:18):
Direct Iranian military assault on Israel. Three hundred missiles drones
fired from Iran at Israel and essentially all of them intercepted,
shot down, taken out in transit. So a highly provocative

but also from a military standpoint, highly unsuccessful move by Iran.
Over the weekend, will spend some more time diving into that.

Speaker 3 (00:51):
A lot going on in the legal realm as well.

Speaker 2 (00:56):
We have one Hunter Biden moved to dismiss his case
and Judge norri Aka slap that down pretty aggressively. So
Hunter Biden still facing trial. But Donald Trump's trial in
New York City starts today, so we're gonna spend a

good amount of time talking about this and also the
situation in the Middle East.

Speaker 3 (01:22):
I think there are.

Speaker 2 (01:24):
Changing they're changing dynamics clearly in the Middle East after
the attack this weekend, but it's going to take time
for it all to play out. Despite the headlines, Clay
over the weekend. I don't think World War three is
about to happen. I think everyone needs to take a
breath and think this through a bit, and the Israelis
are certainly doing that as they consider their response. But

I wanted to dive in. Let's dive into this Trump
situation just for a moment, shall we. He is facing
this is the Republican de facto nominee for the presidency.

Speaker 3 (02:00):
Soul who anyway, here we go. We can listen to them.
I go ahead and play it. I was about to
have him play go for a clip one. This is
the sault. But no matter, nothing like this has never
happened before. There's never been anything like it.

Speaker 4 (02:13):
Every legal style says this case is nonsense that.

Speaker 3 (02:17):
Should never been rout. This is political persecution.

Speaker 2 (02:21):
This is a persecution like never before.

Speaker 3 (02:23):
Nobody's ever seated anything like it.

Speaker 2 (02:26):
And again, it's a case that you.

Speaker 3 (02:27):
Should have never been brought.

Speaker 4 (02:30):
It's in the soul of America, and that's why I'm
very proud to be here.

Speaker 3 (02:34):
This isn't assault of our country, and it's a country
that's a failing.

Speaker 4 (02:39):
It's a country that's run by an incompetent man who's
very much involved in this case. It's this case is
really it's a skin that's not a trail, but that's
not a transform, that's a scam.

Speaker 3 (02:50):
So play.

Speaker 2 (02:53):
The Trump well, the Trump position on this is clear,
and I think we all understand and this is outrageous,
but it's also happening. You know, this is the part
of it. Now we have to settle in and recognize
that as absurd as these charges are, as much as
this is an abuse of the law, as much as
this is election interference, and it is it clearly is meant.

It was held until the election year, it is meant
to hurt Donald Trump's chances of being president again. With
all of that, trial number one has started as of today,
Trump's criminal, first criminal trial in his life.

Speaker 5 (03:31):
I might add, yes, so to the extent that we
have anybody, I believe there's a jury pool of five
hundred people that have been initially called. I've said this
on the show before, but I want to reiterate it now.
We have a large listenership in the New York City area.
WR we love you guys. If you are fortunate enough

to be in this jury pool, I want you and
you listen to this show. I want you to go
and do everything you can to get on this jury.
Usually people buck try to avoid jury duty, like with
every fiber of their being. Right, Oh, I've got a conflict,
Oh I've got Generally, getting out of.

Speaker 3 (04:15):
Jury duty is almost an art form.

Speaker 5 (04:18):
I want a Trump voting patriot to get on this jury.
Recognize this for what it is, a sham political prosecution
targeted against Donald Trump because he is running for president,
and I want you to refuse to convict. I want

jury nullification. If I were in New York City and
I were on this jury group, I would do everything
that I could to get seated on this jury, and
I would refuse to convict. Only takes one person. We're
not going to get an acquittal. There's going there's too
many anti Trump people. Of course, there's no way you're
gonna get twelve jurors. To recognize this for what it is,

a political sham. Alvin Bragg is lowering every felony to
a misdemeanor. Here, he's trying to elevate a misdemeanor to
a felony based on what I think is illegitimate use
of the law. The only way to fight back against
law fair is by refusing to comply with it. And
so if you can vote not guilty, if you can
get on this jury, you can become a hero.

Speaker 2 (05:25):
I really mean that. And I don't know. The numbers
are very slim. They're eight point five million people in
New York City. So unfortunately, I don't think we're able
to necessarily turn this wheel ourselves, but it would be great.

Speaker 3 (05:34):
If it happened.

Speaker 5 (05:34):
I wouldn't be surprised if there's five hundred people that
get called if one or two of them listened to
Clay and Buck every now and then, as a percentage
of the overall audience, that wouldn't be crazy.

Speaker 3 (05:44):
What you would know better than me?

Speaker 5 (05:46):
Manhattan twenty twenty election went for Joe Biden.

Speaker 3 (05:50):
What percentage the eighty twenty higher.

Speaker 2 (05:53):
Than eighty twenty five to ninety? I think I'd say
eighty five. It's between eighty and ninety.

Speaker 5 (05:59):
So if you did the basic math there, that would
mean there's maybe fifty people in the five hundred jury
pool that would have voted for Trump, maybe fifty to
seventy five. Like that's not crazy right now. Obviously some
people wouldn't have voted at all, which which obviously happens.
But you're talking about ten or fifteen percent of whatever
jury pool likely to be Trump supporters.

Speaker 3 (06:19):
Right, Look, at all it takes is one.

Speaker 2 (06:22):
But to the principle at work here, Clay, I think
you mentioned a nullification, and I think if you look
at for example, UCMJ in the military, you do not
have to obey an unlawful order.

Speaker 3 (06:35):
Right, Yeah, it doesn't.

Speaker 2 (06:36):
It doesn't matter who tells you, go and you know,
kill this, kill this defenseless person in this house because
you've been ordered to do so. You know, if you
know that this is not a lawful target of war,
you don't do it. It doesn't matter what the order is.
I think this is an unlawful prosecution. I think that
nullification is. And I know that's a very it's really

somewhat the nuclear option right to say, I don't care
what the jury instructions are, I don't care what the
evidence may be.

Speaker 5 (07:04):
This is a.

Speaker 2 (07:06):
Preposterous and politicized and unjust prosecution. I think that's absolutely true.
There's also no you know, we're just talking a lot
about the OJ situation. People say, oh, well, you know
what about the system there. Yeah, well, this isn't a
double murder. This isn't even a crime. Well, what is
the crime that there's no There has to be some harm,
There has to be some damage done to someone. The

underlying notion here, Clay, is that there was some effort
to conceal from the public view something that they should
have known about for the purposes of politics. I mean,
this is it is outrageous that anybody even calls this
a crime. It is a non crime charge that has
been brought against him. It's not meant for this kind

of a situation anyway. It is the clearest prosecutorial abuse
I've ever seen. So, yeah, you're right, anyone gets on there,
they should just dig in. But you know the pressure
is going to be very heavy. I'm sure people on
that jury who are crazy lives are Gonnavote Biden will say,
you know your life's over if you don't go along
with this, buddy. You know the people are gonna be
camping outside your house.

Speaker 5 (08:10):
It's a hung jury and it's different, I would say,
than the OJ trial because the OJ trial they had
whatever it was, twelve members of that jury all agree
that he was not guilty. I think the odds of
there being twelve jurors who agree Trump's not guilty are zero,
but just based on simple math that the odds of
you getting twelve people who will not convict you need a.

Speaker 2 (08:30):
Unonymous verdict here, right, or else you get a hung jury.
And that's where this is having.

Speaker 3 (08:34):
And so the hung jury.

Speaker 5 (08:35):
The hung jury would just force it to go try
another trial, but it would classify I don't think they'd
ever be able to finish it. It would classify as
a Trump win. And You're right, there'd be a lot
of pressure. I think that Juror would be a hero.
I think that Jurro Juror would be a hero to
half the country. You might have to leave New York City.
I mean, Drew be told. But I'm telling you if

I were on this jury, I would not vote to
vict because as a matter of principle, I do not
agree with the idea of trying to put the of
the current sitting president, trying to put his chief political
rival in prison for the rest of his life. That's
what they're trying to do with all this lawfair Now,
this is the least significant of all of the charges.
But everybody else looked at this, who was more esteemed

legal scholars than Alvin Bragg, and they refused to bring
these charges. They waited until an election year, until after
he's now already got the nomination locked up, to decide
to come after him.

Speaker 3 (09:34):
And by the way I've asked this question, I'm not.

Speaker 5 (09:38):
Convinced that they won't try to put him in jail
over this, because as you look at DC, as you
look at South Florida, and as you look at Atlanta,
I think this is gonna be the only case they finish.
I think they're then going to overreact to whatever verdict
they got. Well, the only other option is that this
whole thing, this whole farce in New York City, is

just meant to tar Trump with He's a convicted felon, right,
that's the and and there's some polling, and it goes
back and forth. But there are some basis to suggest
that if they could just get a conviction of him,
that that stigma alone would be enough to throw some
of the swing states.

Speaker 2 (10:19):
We've thought I'd agreed with you, We've thought the same
thing all along. That seems unlikely to me, especially in
the hush money case, in the DCJ six case, I
think it's a little bit more of a we'll see
what person is outraged by what happened here with Trump.
Trump had a lawyer payoff a nuisance NDA basically and

listed it as you know, something so that it wouldn't
come up as a campaign finance issue. But if it's
a campaign finance issue, Trump's left, so you're let to
pay off Stormy Daniels with campaign money, that's a better option.
I don't understand how they think this law is even
supposed to work, because it's not supposed.

Speaker 3 (10:59):
To work this way.

Speaker 5 (11:00):
Well, the victim here, and nobody ever talks about this
is actually Trump, And people say, what do you mean
by that? He paid a woman one hundred and thirty
thousand dollars or whatever it was because he believed that
her story he would it was worth one hundred and
thirty thousand dollars to him for her story not to
go public. She took the money, signed the NBA, and

then told the story. Anyway, if anybody was actually a
victim here story.

Speaker 3 (11:27):
Daniels got her money and she.

Speaker 5 (11:29):
Still told her story, which was the reason she got
her money in the first place.

Speaker 2 (11:33):
And then I think Michael Lavanati got her money. And
then Michael Lavanati got sent to prison. Look at the
full thread here, everyone, look at the figures the individuals
that are involved in these get Trump operations.

Speaker 5 (11:45):
So now Avanati tweeted today Buck that this is an
illegitimate prosecution and Trump's being treated unfairly.

Speaker 3 (11:52):
I didn't even see that.

Speaker 2 (11:53):
That's why, yes, avanad he's taking the Trumps side.

Speaker 3 (11:55):
On this prosecution side, that this is a sham.

Speaker 2 (11:59):
And this is one of the moments as well where
any legal analyst that you see, anyone you see who
goes on television and says, this is anything other than
an outrage against not just the justice system, the basic
notion of fairness and justice that we all have to
drag somebody into court to try to destroy their reputational

for what the crime is not a crime. That's ultimately
what makes this I think so outrageous. You know the
other things that Florida case. You know, obstruction under certain
circumstances can be a crime. It's a violation of the
States will and you know whatever this is, this is crazy.
I mean, this is like trying to throw Trump in
prison because there I think he faces. I don't even

know what the full they're thirty two counts, but they
wouldn't run them, I think concurrently, or they would run
You know who knows how they clay? This is legal, nobody,
it's crazy garbage. It's garbage. So you're trying to have
people analyze garbage.

Speaker 3 (12:56):

Speaker 2 (12:57):
This is just what I've meant to say. Anyone who's like,
I'm a lawyer and I'm smart. Who says anything other
than the prosecution in New York is garbage is someone
that nobody should listen to, nobody should trust ever again.
And it is both shameful and sad. I still love
New York City. I love New York City with all
my heart. It is so sad to me that this

is the district attorney of my great hometown, that this
is who is in charge of prosecuting people.

Speaker 3 (13:25):
Alvin Bragg.

Speaker 2 (13:27):
You know, it's degrading to the Five boroughs that this guy,
well to Manhattan, that this guy is given the power
that he.

Speaker 3 (13:36):
Has no doubt.

Speaker 5 (13:38):
We'll take some of your calls, by the way, but
if you're fortunate enough to be in that five hundred group,
they now I think begun. I need to check and
get the latest, but I believe they have officially begun
jury selection. We'll give you the latest from inside that
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Speaker 6 (14:47):
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Speaker 5 (14:59):
Welcome Back, Clay, Travis buck Sexton Show. Courtroom Sketch Artists
are going to have a maybe the greatest time to
ever be a courtroom sketch artist is right now. There
are no cameras allowed in the courtroom and all of
this is kind of crazy that you're now seeing all

the sketches come out. And I was just talking about
you about this off air. Do you think it would
be beneficial for Trump if there were cameras in the
courtroom or not? Buck, Like, if we had an OJ
style constant ability to watch the trans the whatever's going
on in that courtroom right minute by minute like we did.

Speaker 3 (15:43):
I think I messed up his name last week.

Speaker 5 (15:45):
Judge Lance Edo was the judge who said at the
head of the table there during the OJ trial, good
or bad for Trump if there was live cameras in
the courtroom.

Speaker 2 (15:56):
Well, it all depends on how it would go with
those camera is there on Friday? This is cut to
Trump said, he declared that he planned to testify in
this trial.

Speaker 3 (16:08):
Play two.

Speaker 4 (16:08):
That's not a trend, that's a scam. If you read
Jonathan Turley, if you read Andy McCarthy, if you read
the Illegal they.

Speaker 3 (16:16):
Said, there's not even a case there.

Speaker 4 (16:17):
That's election interference by the Biden administration. They actually took
their top guy, one of their top guys, put him
into the DA's office to run it. And it's a shame.
What they have done is incredible. It's election interference and
it's got to stop. It's a third world country. This
country's never done it. But you read Jonathan Turreley, you
read Andrew McCarthy, you read, you read the legal scholars,

every single one of them said that whole thing is
a scam.

Speaker 3 (16:41):
It's not even a crime.

Speaker 5 (16:45):
Andy McCarthy is going to be with us on Wednesday
on this show. He's one of my favorite guests just
because he cuts through the noise and he's so fantastic.
As you heard Trump give him a shout out there.
And Jonathan Turley piece in a New York Post.

Speaker 2 (16:59):
He's arts off with a quote by Seneca, the ancient Roman,
and he says, the more laws, the less Justice. You know,
that's the quote that Turley goes with from Seneca, And
I think this is what you see is that when
a state wants to be tyrannical, it's not very strict

enforcement of laws. It's what you have against Trump, which
is endless laws that are completely unequally enforced. Because then
it's just a function of when the state wants to
get you. If the state can do this to Donald Trump,
they can do this to any Republican, and they've tried
to do this to other Republicans, as I've stated many
times here on the show. They've gone after Republicans using
law in ways that even the Supreme Court has had

to step in and say, what are you doing?

Speaker 3 (17:43):
Like you can't do that. Oh, And people are fired
up at me for saying that I think the jury
should nullify. They're like, I'm gonna file a complaint with you.
It's like bring it, Like what do I care?

Speaker 5 (17:54):
The reality is everybody I think that has a functional
brain recognizes this is garbage.

Speaker 3 (18:00):
Jurors should stand up to these charges. That's crazy because
people are idiots. Crazy.

Speaker 2 (18:05):
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Speaker 3 (19:02):
It's pretty amazing.

Speaker 2 (19:03):
That you have Donald Trump showing up for his first
aid court today and of the weekend there are headlines
I think a little ahead of their skis, so to speak,
a little exaggerated, but headlines about World War three breaking out.
World War three is not breaking out right now, thank god,
but it certainly is concerning about the future of the

Middle East. When you have three hundred munitions, missiles, drones,
all kinds of stuff fired at Israel. If Israel and
its allies in the region didn't have the ability to
shoot them down, it would have been a high casualty strike.

Speaker 3 (19:41):
Most likely it was stopped.

Speaker 2 (19:44):
This is something similar, I think to what we've seen
in the past with a lot of the rocket attacks
that Hamas had been doing out of Gaza. The iron
Dome system would shoot them down and Israel tries to
do the minimum necessary in the after to limit the
continued firing of missiles. The difference here is that Iran

is now just instead of working through proxies third parties,
Iran is saying, well, we're just going to fire stuff
at you now, meaning they're firing at Israel. And that
is very concerning for a whole bunch of reasons that
I think we can all understand right up front. As
that's happening, and as there is I think clay more

people waking up to the reality that Ukraine winning the
war against Russia is not going to happen unless winning
the war just means a stalemate that drags on for
another ten years. And you see the New York Times,
I think even had a piece over the weekend about
Ukrainian men who are trying to avoid the draft in

their country because they think they're just being treated like
cannon fodder and they don't want to die over who
is in charge of the Dunbas region and you know, Crimea.
So there are concerns obviously about or all that's going
I bring it up because at the same time, there
is nostalgia for the Trump presidency. People are looking at

a time seen the College poll New York Times poll
finds voters think highly of Donald Trump's record on the economy,
and they look back on this and they say.

Speaker 3 (21:19):
Yeah, you know, it's actually pretty good. I think we're
gonna see more of that, Clay.

Speaker 2 (21:23):
I think there's gonna be a greater recognition as the
rest of this year goes on that, you know, that
whole Trump era is pretty good stuff. Actually for the
people that don't already recognize that. I think more people
are going to recognize that Joe Biden is a disaster,
but of course he's a disaster, no doubt.

Speaker 5 (21:43):
And I think people are looking back and this may
be one of those situations where COVID is in the
rearview mirror. And I don't think people ever blamed Trump
for COVID. They tried to hang it on him to
beat him in Nova Member of twenty twenty. But it's
not like Trump had anything to do with COVID suddenly

emerging in late February early March of twenty twenty.

Speaker 3 (22:08):
And if you leave.

Speaker 5 (22:10):
Aside COVID, what can you even point to that Trump
did that was bad. I think this is what is
kind of registering with a lot of people. Income was
up for white, Black, Asian, Hispanic, I mean real income,
not fake manipulated. You were making more money and goods

cost less. Inflation was almost non existent, Mortgage rates were
two and a half percent. The stock market in February
of twenty twenty was as strong as it has ever been.
I mean this, if you look at all of the
objective data, the United States has never been stronger from
a purely economic perspective than in February of twenty twenty.

Speaker 3 (22:53):
There were no wars.

Speaker 5 (22:55):
Everybody, like I said, was doing better, and I do
think they're is in retrospect a recognition that all of
this is a function of how broken the Biden administration is,
that the nostalgia is working in Trump's favor.

Speaker 3 (23:17):
People would rather have mean tweets than war.

Speaker 2 (23:19):
Yes, And you know, with this issue of Israel and
Hamas the Palestinians, the Democrats clearly are are concerned about
what is going to happen here in their coalition. You know,
Biden has already said this was I think leaked over
the weekend that he is warning net Yahoo that the
US will not back Israel up on a counter attack

on Iran. President Biden called Prime Minister net Yahoo late
night and said, you gotta win.

Speaker 3 (23:50):
Take the win. That's the uh.

Speaker 2 (23:52):
And it's kind of a strange way to think about it.
The win is you stop somebody else from killing a
lot of your people. I mean, yeah, that's a good thing.
But is that you know you're on You're playing defense
and Israel would rather stop the next threat from happening.
But in the midst of all this, I've got to
start saying I got to start looking deeper.

Speaker 3 (24:10):
Clay I think we should dive deeper as we go.

Speaker 2 (24:13):
Forward here into is John Fetterman just keeping Biden's hopes
in Pennsylvania live single handedly?

Speaker 3 (24:18):
Is that? Is that what's going on right now?

Speaker 2 (24:21):
Because Fetterman and I gotta say, we gave him a
very We gave him a very hard time. I'll speak
for myself, like him a very hard time when he
was running for Senate because it seemed reckless for a
guy that was having the cognitive impairment he did on
the Israel stuff, given that he's still a Democrat, some
of the Democrat Democrat.

Speaker 3 (24:39):
Party here he is.

Speaker 2 (24:41):
He was he was approached by a bunch of people
that were, you know, haranguing him over Israel. This has
cut seventeen This is I saw this over the week
and listen to how John Fetterman deals with people shouting
at him about the genocide in Gaza.

Speaker 4 (24:53):
Senate. I always thought you were an anti racist, but
it seems like you.

Speaker 3 (24:57):
Valot you ISRAELI lives more than and you value Heal
Sinni and laves. Is that true? I don't know if
you kind of call that.

Speaker 2 (25:06):
He goes still still Israel, that's what he's still still
still gonna be with Israel? Did do you think that
this is a Is this just because Fetterman feels this way,
or is this he recognizes that Pennsylvania is a place
that if Biden doesn't win, it's all over, and so
he's doing his part for the party.

Speaker 3 (25:24):
Is a combination of both.

Speaker 5 (25:25):
I I mean, I assume that Fetterman will still endorse
Biden because I'm saying I don't think it's like for
the Chess I I I actually think that Fetterman. I.
So you're asking to get into his head, right, which
is is really kind of difficult. A part of me
thinks that Fetterman, and this is again me trying to

psychoanalyze Fetterman, like why is he he got elected and
immediately had to check himself into Walter reed for depression
and everything else. I think a part of the way
that he has healed is to say I'm gonna do
what I think is right and I'm not gonna worry
about all the noise outstanding. And I've heard him talk

about how toxic social media is in general. A part
of me thinks that he got dragged down into the
darkness of that depression because he allowed people on social
media to convince him that that that they basically he
allowed people on social media to find himself. And now

I think that he has just said I'm gonna do
what I think is right and I'm not gonna worry
about anything else. And I think it speaks to how
broken the Democrat Party is that they aren't willing to
say Israel has the right.

Speaker 3 (26:44):
To defend itself and it is the victim here. I
just buck.

Speaker 5 (26:47):
I don't see this as a remotely difficult question. Israel
was attacked, and the analogy that I think is very compelling,
and we've used it on this show for some time.
Leave Israel, put Israel off on the side. If a
group of Mexican let's say it's a cartel, let's say

it's some sort of religious organization, whatever it is, if
they crossed our border and killed twelve hundred Americans, we
would rain down holy hell on that group until they
were all eliminated in Mexico. And every single one of
you listening right now understands that, accepts it, and would

endorse that. Just think about it. Twelve hundred Americans are killed.
Let's say somebody comes across the border from Mexico into
El Paso and kills twelve hundred Americans because they're Americans,
specifically targets them because of their unique location. Obviously that
not religion, but just the fact that they're Americans as

opposed to the fact that they are Jewish. We would
rain down Holy hell on them, and anyone that told us, oh,
there's collateral damage here, or oh, unfortunately, you're killing some
innocent people, we would say, yeah, that stinks, but we
have to eliminate this threat once and for all.

Speaker 2 (28:07):
So I don't see how this is challenging at all. No,
and we've been very consistent here on that point. I
would just add that what they did was really a meaning.
What Hamas did on October seventh was a mass act
of violent hate. It wasn't about a military strike. There

was no military component really that they were hitting. They
wanted to kill as many defenseless men, women and children
as possible in the most gruesome and vicious way possible.

Speaker 3 (28:44):
This was a directive from the top down.

Speaker 2 (28:47):
This was something that Hamas as an entity ordered and
is entirely as an entity responsible for. And I just
think that this does become a very straightforward moral proposition
Israel has the god given right to hunt down and
capture or kill every Hamas militant that exists.

Speaker 3 (29:08):
That's it.

Speaker 2 (29:09):
Now will they be able to do that? No, probably not.
But do they have the right to try? Yeah, they do,
they do, and so Fetterman is correct. By the way,
he also said this Fetterman is not done. Look, I'm
sitting here talking about a democrat pretty in a lot
of ways on some issues, far left wing democrat.

Speaker 3 (29:27):
But he's good, Like we always say we call balls
and strikes.

Speaker 2 (29:30):
He is good on this issue, has been consistently good
and not just you know, breaking with his party, but
dunking on his own side a little bit. Here he
is saying that all the pro Palestinian protesters, they should
be angry at Hamas, not Israel. Play eighteen or not.
So anyway, we'll come back and maybe play eighteen on

the flip side of this one. But you know, I
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Speaker 3 (30:27):
It's a BCA fifteen Bear Creek Arsenal fifteen.

Speaker 2 (30:31):
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Speaker 1 (31:18):
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your fun.

Speaker 5 (31:31):
Hell, welcome back in Clay Travis Buck Sexton Show.

Speaker 3 (31:34):
You should know everyone that as the show has.

Speaker 5 (31:38):
Been progressing, I have been made aware that Eric Swalwell
has tweeted that I need to be charged with jury
tampering for saying that anyone out there, in my opinion,
that is on the jury, or any American that is
potentially on a jury, let me expand it so I
can be charged in every jurisdiction in America.

Speaker 3 (32:01):
If you are out there and you are seated.

Speaker 5 (32:03):
On a Trump jury, I believe you should vote not
guilty as a matter of principle, because for the first
time in over two hundred and forty years, the person
in political power that is Joe Biden in his Department
of Justice is trying to put his chief political opponent
in prison for the rest of his life. I think
that is wrong. I think it's so wrong that as
a matter of my personal principle, and I would encourage

you as well, you should vote not guilty and let
the election determine who is actually president of the United States,
not let them interfere. But this is from Eric Swalwell.
Eric Swalwell tweeted, jury tampering. That's what they do. It's
a felony. So they now are demanding.

Speaker 2 (32:49):
A moron beyond even my wildest my wildest imaginings. He
thinks that for a person who talks about the news
for a living to follow. I mean, I we're saying
the same thing here. Just to be clear that your
your jury tampering if you say you think someone's not guilty,
and if you were on that jury, you would vote
not guilty.

Speaker 3 (33:09):
And I would encourage you to get seed OJ's death.
Last week, like we just talked about.

Speaker 2 (33:13):
I'm pretty sure people were voicing opinions on whether OJ
did it when the trial was happening.

Speaker 3 (33:18):

Speaker 5 (33:19):
And they're saying that the Manhattan DA should arrest me.
So I will just say right here, Alvin Bragg, I
would welcome you arresting me for saying that I believe
that you are one engaged in political prosecution and that
anyone with a functional brain out there who happens to
get seated on this jury should vote not guilty.

Speaker 3 (33:41):
I just tagged it myself on Twitter. Did you make
you make jokes about him sleeping with Feng Fang, the
Chinese spy? I did? I did? You? Probably? You probably did?
You probably pointed out, and he got yep.

Speaker 5 (33:53):
I responded, this isn't jury tampering, You imbecile. This is
my response to Eric Swaalwell. I would nullify if if
I were seated on this jury. As a matter of principle,
I think all Americans with a comprehension of basic justice
justice should do the same. Also, you slept with a
Chinese spy and use campaign funds for Super Bowl tickets.

That is my response to California Congressman.

Speaker 3 (34:17):
I feel like you.

Speaker 2 (34:18):
Guys aren't about to have a beer summoned and hug
it out after that one. I think I think you're
probably on You're not on Swallwoall's Christmas list.

Speaker 3 (34:24):
Is this.

Speaker 5 (34:25):
Can you think of something better for the show than
Alvin Bragg charging me with jury tampering? I just, I
mean that this whole thing is such a ridiculous absurdity.

Speaker 2 (34:40):
If you could be charged with Jerry timp first of all,
I mean I could every conservative TV and radio host
I know could be charged with jury tam We're all
saying the same thing, which we think this is garbage
and the jury and you give them, you know, an
envelope with money and say this with that's jury tampering,
or you threaten them, that's jury tampering, saying if I

were on the jury, I would not convict. The First
Amendment means nothing to morons like Swallwell means nothing. Freedom
of speech, basic freedom means nothing to these people anything
to get Trump. They are totalitarian cycles. Wait wait, we're
gonna We're gonna come back to this. Yes, I got
a couple of just I'm very embarrassed by this. I said, Seneca,
I meant, Cicero, what kind of JV mode? I was

thinking Seneca was a Native American? Right, No, no, no, no,
no no no, Seneca?

Speaker 3 (35:29):
Is it Seneca also a Native American? Well, there's Seneca Falls.

Speaker 2 (35:32):
But uh, Seneca, We're gonna have to do research, is it?
I mean, I'm I'm I'm trying to make sure that
I get this. No sene Rome, Seneca Younger, Clay, No, no, no, no, Yeah,
they're made. I think, yeah, you're I think there's a
we're stepping on something we didn't do, which is there's
a different Native American situation.

Speaker 3 (35:54):
I think you're referring to. Hold on. Let me see,
Seneca is a nation of Indians. Yeah, I got confused.

Speaker 2 (36:01):
Like there's Seneca Falls, which is not named for the
ancient Roman guy, but there's Seneca the Younger, which is Okay,
we're messing it all up. The point is it was Cicero.
The more law is the less justice. You know what happened, Clay,
I didn't get enough. I didn't get enough Crocket coffee
in my system before the show today. So I missed one.
I missed, I missed a shot. I got to refill
my Kentucky long rifle here so to speak, and uh

and actually get ready to go here with some Krocket coffee.
Go to Crocketcoffee dot com. Gotta stay filled up, gotta
stay ready to go. Freedom America, Free speech, unlike people
like Eric Swall.

Speaker 3 (36:32):
We like free speech and we want people to drink
Crocket coffee.

Speaker 5 (36:34):
Would I be able to get Crockett coffee if I
got arrested for jury tampery help me?

Speaker 2 (36:39):
I would go to Crocketcoffee dot com and get you
your own little gift basket, and I would sneak it
into the prison if I had to, although that's probably
a crime too.

Speaker 3 (36:48):
That's very nice of you. Thank you.

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