All Episodes

April 15, 2024 60 mins
Desperation breeds crazy. Was this all for show? What comes after the kitchen sink? Kari Lake sets the record straight.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome to today's edition of the Clay Travis and buck
Sexton Show podcast.

Speaker 2 (00:05):
Welcome back in Clay Travis buck Sexton Show. Appreciate all
of you hang out with us. I want to let
you know in advance, I'm not going to be on
the third hour. I've got to travel, but it's not
going to be because I have been arrested, at least
not yet for saying that any American patriot should vote
to nullify charges against Donald Trump that are one hundred

percent politically motivated. In my mind, in the case that
is beginning today in New York, and I believe if
you care about the future of this country, the idea
that we should be bringing political charges again, make no mistake,
these are one hundred percent politically motivated charges against people

who are running for president of the United States is
the antithesis of everything that this country represents. And so
jurors have the opportunity need to say no, this is wrong.
And so I think that's the case in New York.
I think that's the case in South Florida. I think
that's the case in DC, and I think that's the

case in Atlanta. Now it appears maybe only this New
York City case is going to go to trial, but
for saying that, many left wingers now are up in
arms demanding that I be arrested for jury tampering. So
I just think this is so important, And first of all,
I welcome it, all right, Alvin Bragg.

Speaker 3 (01:31):
I welcome being arrested.

Speaker 2 (01:32):
For saying that you are bringing a one hundred percent
political case, and that patriotic Americans who have the opportunity
to reject your one hundred percent political charges should, in
my opinion, do so. But think about what we've got now, Buck,
this is where Trump is right.

Speaker 3 (01:55):
They're not going to stop with him.

Speaker 2 (01:57):
Think about what these left wingers are now arguing about
with me, Buck. They're not only saying Trump should go
to prison over these bookkeeping errors that are being elevated
from a misdemeanor to a felony that are outside, by
the way, the scope of the Statute of limitations. There's
all sorts of major legal issues here. But they are

now arguing that not only should Trump be arrested for this,
people who criticize their political process should be arrested for
what they believe is improper commentary on their political charges.

Speaker 3 (02:35):
I mean, that's how expansive this is.

Speaker 4 (02:37):
The Democrats want, or at least this Democrat who's a
member of Congress, Eric Swalwell, the ability to put in place,
effectively a universal gag order so that you're not allowed
to share your opinions. I'm not allowed to share mine,
and no one listening is allowed to share their opinions either.
None of you are allowed to have a public opinion
on the most absurd trial that even some Democrats who

just can't stomach how preposterous this is. Using an unnamed,
unproven federal charge to take what is usually a misdemeanor
campaign finance issue for New York State and elevated to
a felony, and then charged the same felony thirty three times.
These people are psychopathic. There is something wrong with them.

There's something wrong well. Swalwell is truly an imbecile. And obviously,
you know, let's just say, a guy who can be
morally compromised, I think pretty easily, you know we all.
And by the way, I remember when Tucker used to
just lay into him all the time and say that
he slept with a Chinese by and Tucker took a
particular glee and pointing that out. But then you see

someone like Swawell. I mean, he deserves it. He's a
bad guy, right, He's a bad guy for the country.
He's a bad guy in terms of what he stands
for and what he thinks the First Amendment means.

Speaker 5 (03:55):
That's for sure.

Speaker 4 (03:57):
But I think it also goes to there's going to
be an increasing desperation here. They're not going to back off.
They're gonna get nastier. Biden is a joke. We can
all see it. Biden is an absurdity. He is far
too old. Even in his best days, he was never
up for the job of being president, and his best
days are about twenty or thirty years behind him. Okay,

so we all know what's happening here. The polls are
going against Biden massively, and all of the swing states,
the legal stratagems they have unveiled against Donald Trump are
all looking shaky at best. This is the one case
that they've been able to bring forward. They are going
to get crazier because they're going to get more desperate.

And this is why I don't think there's been enough
attention given to Peter Navarro facing prison for.

Speaker 5 (04:48):
He has.

Speaker 4 (04:49):
He had to show up already yet I have to check.
But he's supposed to get months in prison for not
testifying to Congress Alan Weiselberg, Trump's accountant. They sent him
to Rikers Island.

Speaker 3 (05:01):

Speaker 4 (05:01):
They sent him a real prison prison for not counting
use of a company car and his taxes. I mean,
this is Soviet stuff they are doing to people. It
is an outrage. Weiselberg and an elderly man goes to
prison for something that most people don't even honestly know.
You have to, you know, because as a tax thing

in the first place, Hunter Biden walked free for years,
illegal gun never filed, had millions died at all. That
is to me that like money launder it's tax day, everybody.
Let's talk about this for a second. Hunter Biden should
have been hit with money laundering charges. He was actively
hiding millions of dollars of income, and they thought that

they would just make the whole thing go away for him.
And we're supposed to take what they're doing against Trump
with any uh, you know, as anything other than the
most bad faith political hit job possible.

Speaker 5 (05:54):
I mean, honestly, the more you think.

Speaker 4 (05:56):
About it, I mean, we just have to keep going here,
and you know, keep our heads about us, but it
really is enraging. It's anger inducing what they're doing to Trump,
and I think more and more people are seeing that.

Speaker 2 (06:06):
Yeah, and again this is it's gonna be funny. We'll
see how long this demand that I'd be arrested for
saying that no one should vote to convict Trump will
go on. But it is really kind of crazy because
really what it's about is restricting your ability to speak right.

Speaker 3 (06:27):
They want to go.

Speaker 2 (06:28):
After big targets and try to say, oh, you can't
say that, and come after you in that respect. And
I just any American who truly cares about democracy, which
is what Joe Biden claims to care about the idea
that you can put Trump on trial for sham charges

in an election year and keep.

Speaker 3 (06:54):
Him in trial.

Speaker 2 (06:55):
Judge Marshand just said if you don't show up for
your trial on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, every day of
this as this is going on, that he will arrest Trump.
So he only gets to campaign on Wednesday. Right, This
is for months now. He's going to be in a
courtroom in Manhattan sitting there and on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday,

he is going to be restricted to having to be
there basically from whatever it is, nine to thirty in
the morning till four thirty in the afternoon. And I mean,
this is crazy, right, This is clear election interference, and
they're claiming that Trump is the one who's trying to
interfere with elections. And so I just I don't see
this as a tough call at all if you are

out there and you care about the future of America.

Speaker 3 (07:43):
This has never happened before.

Speaker 6 (07:44):

Speaker 2 (07:45):
We talk about unprecedented things a lot in the two
hundred and forty plus year history of the United States
as an independent republic, we have never seen the chief
political opposition try to put their opponent in prison for
the rest of his life. Everyone to your point, surrounding him,
including a radio guy who's just telling you, Hey, I

think this is all wrong and that jury nullification to
me makes sense here, I think you should. They're no
way they're going to get twelve in New York City
a rig system already, They're not gonna get twelve jurors
to agree with Trump.

Speaker 3 (08:17):
But this is a no brainer to me.

Speaker 4 (08:18):
Well, someone would also have to explain how it's not
jury tampering. Then for an MSNBC host to say Trump
should be convicted. Of course, I mean so in the
other direction, they'll have no problem with it. Right, it's
jury tampering. According to Swallwell, the idiot if you say
Trump shouldn't be convicted, but I'm sure he doesn't think
it's jury tampering. If somebody with a platform on the

left says Trump absolutely should, I mean.

Speaker 5 (08:42):
They say that Trump is they said that he was
a trader.

Speaker 4 (08:46):
I mean, they've said everything about the guy, and they've
they've completely lost all credibility to anybody who's trying to
approach this with an open and honest mind. But I
do think that there's a sensitivity. Right now, you're gonna
see more of it. What they're doing in New York
is worse than It's worse than a mistake.

Speaker 5 (09:05):
It's a blunder.

Speaker 4 (09:05):
That's tally Rand, right, And I'm just gonna get that
one wrong to make sure I got to get my
quotes right today.

Speaker 5 (09:11):
Worse than a mistake. It's a blunder because it looks awful.

Speaker 4 (09:16):
They're charging a presidential care The first trial they roll
out is is this And as I've said all along,
if it was reportable as campaign as a campaign expense.

Speaker 5 (09:29):
They tried this actually.

Speaker 4 (09:30):
Against John Edwards, something similar ish, right, getting money to
reel hunter. Right, wasn't that her name? Make sure we
get her name right? I think it's real hunter. They
tried to get that. They got money to her via
a campaign donor for John Edwards. They almost they wanted
that got to be president, by the way. They just
the scummy ambulance chaser John Edwards, and scummy for a

whole range of reasons. Remember Clay, he only cheated on
his wife when she was dying of cancer while she
was temporarily in remission. So he made sure to point
that out to everybody.

Speaker 3 (10:03):
He said that on TV. I didn't know that.

Speaker 4 (10:05):
Oh yeah, oh yeah, he's a He's a real class act,
that John Edwards. But hold on one second. They brought this,
They got this money to his the woman you know,
who had an affair with who's kind of like a
new age you know, wind chime healing crystals kind of
a person. And then they tried to charge him with this,
and they they found him not guilty in one and

they deadlocked all the others. And the whole thing was
kind of a rebuke of the federal government going after
somebody in this way. It was overreach, and now they're
trying this on the local level, leveraging a federal crime
that hasn't even been alleged or proved, or I should
say hasn't even been stated or proven. We don't even
know what the federal the federal violation is, and I

mean we can guess, but they haven't even made it clear.
This is this is Leverenzi ber. Sorry, I'm really going
heavy with the quotes today. This is Lovenzi Barrier. You
show me the man, I'll show you the crime, and
we can all see it. Everyone can see it. What's
going on in New York City right now, and I
don't know where it ends.

Speaker 3 (11:04):
That. That's the thing that is so interesting about all
of this.

Speaker 2 (11:08):
I think there's panic setting in because they're recognizing that
the likelihood.

Speaker 3 (11:14):
Of there being a.

Speaker 2 (11:18):
Of their being an ability to get a conviction in DC,
Atlanta or South Florida every single day is becoming less likely.

Speaker 3 (11:26):
And as a.

Speaker 4 (11:26):
Result, if they bring all these and they don't get
any convictions, that's saying for the election, That's what I'm saying.
I think it's you know, it's like you come at
the King and you miss the line from the wire.
If you come at the King, you best not miss.
I'm paraphrasing, that's the line. Yeah, they came at Trump.

Speaker 2 (11:43):
And if all they're going to get is a bookkeeping felony,
which they may not even get a conviction on. But
if that's all they're able to manage, then I think
they're going to drastically overreach as it pertains to that right.
And I think that they may try to put Trump
in in prison associated with this.

Speaker 3 (12:04):
Because they know there's no follow up.

Speaker 2 (12:07):
And to me, it's a desperate ployt that they're obsessed
with what I'm saying about this case. They're trying to
expand the definition of who's allowed to speak and who's not.

Speaker 3 (12:18):
But it's also a form of panic, right.

Speaker 2 (12:21):
I mean, if the Manhattan DA decides to charge me
for saying, hey, I think if you get on this jury,
you should vote not guilty because it's an awful principle
that we are setting of being able to bring charges
such as these.

Speaker 6 (12:36):

Speaker 2 (12:36):
I wish I would I lived in New York City
and was a part of this jury pool.

Speaker 3 (12:40):
I'm not. I haven't been on a jury in a
long time.

Speaker 2 (12:43):
I guess about a decade ago, but I can't imagine
something more powerful than being able to say this is wrong.
I'm not going to support it in this case. I
don't even think by the way that it's going to
stand in the years ahead when this goes on appeal.
I don't think the fact that he's elevating a misdemeanor

to a felony. I don't think that the hook that
he's using. We'll talk about this with Andy McCarthy later
in the week. I don't think the hook that he
is using is going to be effective in a post
appeal process. I think this whole case is going to
get tossed. But the fact that they're trying to get
a conviction in some way to influence the election is
I think particularly distasteful, nasty, and an awful precedent to

be setting.

Speaker 5 (13:28):
But it is showing.

Speaker 4 (13:29):
It's showing us who we're dealing with, and I think
that's I don't think there's going to keep in mind
how how grotesque and dishonorable some of these anti Trump
forces are and are willing to be. I would just say, Clay,
I don't want you to worry.

Speaker 6 (13:42):

Speaker 3 (13:43):
If the Rikers.

Speaker 4 (13:44):
I'm gonna make sure your commissary has plenty of funds.
You're not gonna run toothpaste. I'm gonna have you covered.
You're good.

Speaker 2 (13:51):
Laura Travis is not going to be pleased with the
idea of me being arrested over the over New York.
Although maybe she would maybe I should the house to
be quieter. Maybe she would say would run a little
more efficiently if if I were serving time in the
in the Big House, Who's Cow?

Speaker 3 (14:04):
Up in New York? It goes, can you imagine?

Speaker 6 (14:07):

Speaker 2 (14:07):
If they the Big House? Can you imagine the Who's Cow?
Can you imagine if We're sitting live on air and
I'm like, like, literally, they come in and arrest me,
and you just have to take the show because you're like, well,
Clay just got arrested by New York City prosecutors, so I'm.

Speaker 3 (14:22):
Gonna have to finish the show today.

Speaker 2 (14:25):
I think it'd probably be the greatest most watched segment,
listened to segment.

Speaker 3 (14:28):
In the history of the show. They had to drag
me out.

Speaker 2 (14:32):
Who should I get as my lawyer? That's the other question.
Andy McCarthy would be elite. I think criminal defense attorney
in New York. I'd have to do the research. I'm
already starting to think who I would pick. I want
to tell you to begin to do in research.

Speaker 3 (14:46):

Speaker 2 (14:47):
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Speaker 1 (16:20):
The supply chain of Smarts, Sanity and Truth Uninterrupted Clay
Travis and Buck Sexton.

Speaker 2 (16:27):
Welcome back in Clay Travis Buck Sexton Show. Okay, let's
talk this Iran Israel situation that I'm sure many of
you were watching and paying a great deal of attention
to over the weekend, and we're still waiting to see what,
if anything, Israel's response to an unprecedented, first time ever
direct attack from Iran on Israel brings about Okay, so

Buck I tweeted about this some over the weekend because
and I want you to put your CIA analyst hat
on here and break this down for me.

Speaker 3 (16:57):
I'm gonna lay out some things that stood out to
me that seem very strange.

Speaker 2 (17:01):
So I can't remember any attack, and I'm putting attack
in quotation marks. That was this widely discussed in the media,
to the point where Joe Biden actually left Camp David
I believe, or maybe it was Rehoba Beach wherever he was,
and flew back to the White House so that he
could be present for the Iran attack on Israel.

Speaker 3 (17:25):
I've never seen this happen before.

Speaker 2 (17:27):
It's one thing if we have a super secret attack
that we are engaging in and the president goes down
into the situation room, Think Obama when we're taking out
Osama bin Laden, which, by the way, Joe Biden opposed
that raid that took out Osama bin Laden.

Speaker 3 (17:41):
Remember he's wrong on everything.

Speaker 2 (17:42):
But if the American president is doing something and it's
a secret, and he goes into the situation room and
he watches it, we don't know about it in advance.
Later we find out about it. I can't remember an
adversary which Iran clearly is attacking an ally which Israel
clearly is that we knew was happening to such an
extent that the President took cut short his vacation, flew

back to the White House, went in and waited for it.
This felt to me, and still feels to me, buck
like it is basically like shadow boxing. And what I
mean by that is neither side really trying to knock
the other out, and it's all for show that Israel was,
with the assistance of the United States. I think England,

Saudi Arabia, maybe Jordan as well, going to be able
to shoot down all of these or most of these
Iranian attacks drones and missiles, and that as a result,
it was unlikely to be very successful. But Iran gets
to puff its chest out and say, see, we're not
going to stand up for this Israeli aggression. And meanwhile
Israel knows that that attack from Iran is not going

to be successful, and now the question is what's the
next step. But it all felt very staged to me.
It did not feel real. Am I reading this in
your mind in correct? How would you assess this? Can
you remember a situation like this in the past, because
I really can't.

Speaker 4 (19:07):
Well, what makes this new is the direct strike from
Iran on Israel. Usually they work through proxies, third parties,
intermediate terrorist groups. I mean it's terrorists that they did that.
This is why Iran funds funds trains, works with coordinates
with Hesbala Hamas of the Huthi's in Yemen, whole range

of Shia militias in Iraq. They work, you know, they're
active for the Asad regime in Syria. They back up
the worst of the worst throughout the Middle East. But
they will use those entities to strike at Israel. Israeli
citizens is really interest whenever they can. The difference now

is that Iran is just decided, but we're going to
send this stuff.

Speaker 5 (19:55):

Speaker 4 (19:55):
There's a case to be made that militarily, if let's
say Hesbola were to open up a front in the
north of Israel simultaneously to an Iranian strike like this,
they may be able to overwhelm the defense capabilities of
the IDF, including the you know, Jordanian Air Force helped
out here. There were there were a number of of

you know, allies that also stepped in to prevent this
strike from from happening or from you know, hitting any casualties.
But now you get to all, why do this, right?
I mean the DoD the Iranians really think that they
were going to get through and they were going to
be able to hit them or was this all just essentially.

Speaker 5 (20:41):
For show?

Speaker 6 (20:42):

Speaker 5 (20:43):
You know?

Speaker 4 (20:43):
The the Iranians had something similar to this if you
remember when Trump ordered the strike on Custom Solomani in
in Iraq, and Custom Solomani was the head of the
Iranian Revolutionary Guards kud's force and was very well known
throughout the Middle East for being kind of like the
prince of evil in a sense. I mean, he was

behind a lot of the terrorist factions and the murder
of US troops in Iraq.

Speaker 5 (21:11):
For example.

Speaker 4 (21:12):
Remember we weren't at war with Iran, but the Iranian
government was assisting in the creation of these explosively formed
penetrators e FPS, which is a specific munition and explosive
meant to breach the wholes of US vehicles and to
kill American servicemen, just to kill people, just to kill
our people, just because the Iranians wanted to so Trump

did that, and then there was those There were those
strikes on the American you know airfield in Iraq, and
I don't believe anybody was killed in those. I have
to go back and check and see. But this is
a we are showing you that we can do something
to moment by Iran. The bigger issue is over the
long run, does it escalate, does it become something at

the Iranians acide. Well, now we know that we can
hit them directly, and since we can hit them directly,
maybe we'll do more the next time around. Maybe we'll coordinate.
As I said with hesblow would be the one that's
particularly just because of the proximity and the amount of
munitions they have. But they can just fire so many
rockets in the air that it's just impossible for the

Israelis to be able to shoot them all down. But
this is all just posturing by the Iranians around the
issue of Gaza and the Palestinians and Hamas. I think
that it will likely calm down a bit. And I
thought all along that Iran will make noises and saber rattle,
if you will, that's the term they was using international relations.

I don't see this spiraling out though, on becoming a
bigger thing. People are saying, well, what if Israel hits
them back? Well, if Israel hits them back, christ All,
ISRAELI very quiet about it. But they've been doing stuff
against Iran for quite some time. Unless they had some
massive aerial campaign, it would have to be a campaign
against Iran hitting let's say, nuclear facilities or something like that.
I don't see this becoming a more all out war situation.

I think that this is probably just a new phase
we're in.

Speaker 2 (23:08):
So the big question I think going forward is the
one you said, like, Okay, where does this go from here?
But this is why Iran wants nuclear weapons, because their
idea is once they have them, then the likelihood of
them being attacked becomes very low.

Speaker 3 (23:26):
For instance, Ukraine gave up.

Speaker 2 (23:28):
Its nuclear weapons, and as a part of giving up
its nuclear weapons, if you remember Buck, basically the United
States said hey, hey, we'll protect you. Do you think
Russia would have invaded Ukraine if Ukraine had maintained its
nuclear arsenal?

Speaker 4 (23:42):
No, of course, I mean that's why the Buddhapest Memorandum.
Man A, that's a tough lesson to learn. Ukraine had
the third most nukes in the world at the fall
of the Soviet Union and Russia, the UK and America
were like, don't worry, Ukraine, hand over your nukes, got
your back. Fast forward many decades or several decades, and

Russia's like, well, actually, we're gonna invade, take and take
over your country.

Speaker 2 (24:09):
Yes, And so I think Iran has taken the lesson
that eventually, if they are able, and by the same
goal that North Korea has, that the number one way
to secure your borders and avoid anyone ever trying to
overthrow your government is to have nuclear power. I am
somewhat encouraged that Saudi Arabia and Jordan, among others, were

involved in helping to shoot down these Iranian missiles, but
it definitely feels it definitely feels as if to me.

Speaker 3 (24:42):
This was all one big show.

Speaker 2 (24:44):
And there's a report out there that Biden knew everything
about this and basically said, you can attack, but you
can't attack that much, which feels very political to me
because Biden is underwater in Michigan and he's in a
really tough spot between how how Jewish voters are going
to go and make decisions when they go to the
polls and how all of this is going to play out,

and so to me, like it's really kind of intriguing
to think about in terms of how this is all
going to shake down.

Speaker 4 (25:14):
Yeah, I also think that unfortunately, in the media environment
in which we all exist, the incentive is always to overstate,
you know, well, this could turn into you know, people
have been calling for China's imminent invasion of Tyrene, know,
saying that it's about to invade Taiwan for like twenty
years now, I mean, and somehow it hasn't happened. Right,

World War three as a headline gets clicks. Anybody who
has I was actually reading about World War One up
the weekends, is what I do. Anybody with any familiarity
about either those conflicts knows we want to do everything
possible to avoid anything even remotely resembling what the country
went through in the first half of the twentieth century.
So we're a long way away from that right now.

I know it's unsettling what's going on in the Middle East,
but unfortunately in the Middle.

Speaker 3 (26:01):
East, this is this is how it goes.

Speaker 2 (26:03):
It's also interesting that there was a great deal of
faith in Israel's iron Dome to be able to protect
itself from this direct attack. Now again, I know the
United States, maybe England, also Jordan in Saudi Arabia I've
seen reportedly were involved in this as well. But if
Israel couldn't defend itself, then there would have been thousands

of deaths based on the sheer volume of missiles and
drones that Iran sent into Israel.

Speaker 4 (26:33):
Well, this had been true for a long time of
Hamas as well. When they would fire these rockets they
could shot out of the sky, and people started to
almost accept this as a new status quo. But it
can't be the status quo that you have to keep
stopping somebody from killing your people, right, that's an unacceptable
status quo. And we'll see if Iran tries to. You know,
Iranian technology is basically, you know, in terms of its missiles,

a lot of it's like Soviet era stuff in North
Korea and borrowed or bought stuff. So you know, they're
not they're not that sophisticated Iran as a conventional military power.
And look, there's a reason they use these proxies because
ultimately a lot of these proxy forces that are backed
by Iran, you know, they're only good at, you know,
murdering old ladies with AK forty seven who have no

ability to defend themselves.

Speaker 3 (27:19):
I mean, that's really.

Speaker 4 (27:21):
That's where Iranian you know, the Iranian Mullahs and the
evil regime that runs that country, they excel at terrorism,
they excel at hitting soft targets. They against the conventional
military force, they would get absolutely annihilated.

Speaker 5 (27:35):
And you know, turn it.

Speaker 4 (27:36):
Turns out the the Iranian or the Islamic Republic of
Iran and the Iranian Revolution in terms of creating a
powerful state, is a massive failure.

Speaker 2 (27:45):
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Speaker 3 (28:48):
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Speaker 1 (28:53):
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Speaker 5 (29:03):
Third hour Play in Buck kicks off now just Buck
for this hour. Want to take some of your calls.

Speaker 4 (29:09):
Eight hundred two two two eight two at the back half,
so please a lot of those lines you know, play
pop in the flight right now.

Speaker 5 (29:18):
He is not a fugitive from justice.

Speaker 4 (29:20):
Don't worry. Despite the call by a sitting US Democrat
congressman to say that play is breaking the law or
I don't know. Maybe both of us were by talking
about the Trump trial in New York. Not allowed to
have opinions anymore in the Democrat parties America. I'll allowed
to share your thoughts. The First Amendment is a dead letter.

It does not matter to them. We saw this with COVID,
We've seen this with so many things. Oh, I'm not
going to make this a big discussion of COVID now,
but I do think it's worth noting they have Finally,
as of April twelfth, the Bide administration has ended the
mask mandate on for federal facilities and airplanes mass transit.

So here we are in twenty twenty four April. They're like,
all right, fine. Also, it is tax Day today. We
haven't talked about much. This is where I think people
should be far more outraged than they tend to be.
I think we're all numbed to this at some level.
The government has this incredibly complicated tax code and all

these rules and regulations around it, and it is incumbent
upon you to spend your time, your resources, your money
to figure out how much of your money you give
to the government, and if you get it wrong, even
though it's very easy to get it wrong in good faith,
you can suffer some pretty severe consequences, as we all know.
So you know, I'm not saying it's tyranny for there

to be taxes, but I'm not saying it's not. It's
definitely a bad system we have in place. I think
it's something that should have far more attention. Also, we're
taking in more revenue than ever before, and still a
trillion dollars short depending on the year under Biden, still
a trillion dollar a short ear in year out, and
thirty three trillion gonna be thirty four trillion soon in debt.

So you know, eventually the whole system collapses, But don't worry.
We got some time before that happens. And in the meantime,
hopefully we're not going to have some national security crisis
that is even more of a strategic risk to us
than the massive debt that is piling up currently, and

that numerically will choke our economy, our prosperity, and future generations.
But you know, people want to hear too much about that.
Let's talk about the situation in the Middle East here,
for a moment because Biden is floundering. We know that
the numbers are showing Biden losing to Trump in every

swing state. We often talk about this. I will admit
I'm a little surprise that he's as far ahead as
he is, just given that he had never been out
ahead of Biden the way that he is currently in
these swing states. And I've certainly been very cautious and
warning all along of the possibility the Democrats will pull

some kind of dirty trick Shenanigan. But they're pulling so
many already. I know they got the four trials, and
what comes after throwing the kitchen sink, right, if you
throw everything in the kitchen sink, what comes after that,
I don't know, but Democrats will certainly be in a
position to try it. I think it's worth noting that

Biden during the Obama years was brought in initially vice
president for eight years. Biden during the Obama years was
brought in to be the foreign policy wisdom of that
administration because Obama had never dealt with any foreign policy
issue before, so they brought good old man Joe Biden

to handle that portfolio. And I will say that one
part of the Obama legacy that doesn't get nearly the
attention that I think it should is that Barack Obama
made every national security challenge area worse over his time
in office.

Speaker 3 (33:20):
You just go, you can do it.

Speaker 4 (33:21):
Iraq got worse, Pakistan got worse, Libya got worse, Syria
got much worse. Go down the list. Every hot spot,
every foreign policy hotspot under Obama had a major deterioration,
not just instability, but real surges in violence. In the
case of Syria and all that civil war that claimed

to half a million lives, Where are all the protests
about that? All these pro Hamas protesters walking around, Where
were they so upset about? Why weren't they making more
noise about what was happening in Syria? Oh, you know,
because they can blame the Jews for Syria, or.

Speaker 3 (33:57):
At least it's hard.

Speaker 5 (33:58):
It was harder for them to.

Speaker 4 (33:59):
Blame the Jews for Siria. I guess so they can't
find that in themselves to shut down traffic and bridges
and things like that. But it's it's worth noting that
the two major areas of crisis right now Russia Ukraine.
National security crisis Russia Ukraine and the I guess you

might say the levant right the near East Israel and
its environs, but now it stretches all the way to Iran.
Those two areas under Biden have had a marked deterioration.
And I just wanted to note that in both cases
Biden has a history of telling the leadership in those

countries you better not mess with me. For example, this
was Biden back in twenty twenty oh No, when when
was this one? Guys on the Russia anyway, Here he
is warning Russia twenty twenty two. Yeah, here he is
warning Putin in Russia on Ukraine.

Speaker 3 (35:02):
Play it.

Speaker 7 (35:02):
And I wonder, mister president, what you would say to
him if he is considering using chemical or tactical nuclear weapons.

Speaker 5 (35:10):
Don't, don't, don't.

Speaker 3 (35:16):
So he says, don't.

Speaker 4 (35:18):
Now, Fortunately Putin hasn't used chemical or tactical nuclear weapons,
but he did invade. So he did invade Ukraine, which
he did not do under Trump. But that formulation of
don't repeated three times, which I won't do because it'll
waste your time. Here he is Biden on Friday telling
Iran you better not do this or else play five.

Speaker 3 (35:42):
Iran in this moment, don't.

Speaker 5 (35:46):
Well, I think then repeated three times or is that
just the other one.

Speaker 4 (35:49):
Anyway, he has a habit of just he thinks, you know,
he's he's oh, here, here we go, here we go.
Here's the three times when he's warning Iran this is
cut six play it.

Speaker 7 (35:58):
And I wonder, what is your message to Hesbola and
its backer Iran.

Speaker 5 (36:04):
Don't don't don't don't.

Speaker 3 (36:08):
There we go.

Speaker 5 (36:09):
Yeah, you know, they don't listen to him. That's the point.

Speaker 4 (36:13):
His message is you better not and they go, yeah,
we think we will. I mean not yet with Russia
with the nukes, fortunately, but clearly I'm sure in whatever
back channels they're operating on the diplomatic side with Russia,
they weren't concerned about invading Ukraine and the Biden response
to it. But this is what happens when you have
somebody who is not only senile or in the early

stages or some stage of senility, and just also decrepitude,
I mean physically mentally.

Speaker 5 (36:41):
He is too old for this.

Speaker 4 (36:43):
He is too beaten down for the role that he has.
But this is not a guy who was smart on
foreign policy or smart on anything really is in his
entire career. And there are real consequences from this stuff on.
Un Fortunately, having a president whom nobody takes particularly seriously

at all on the world stage. I mean, I know
the Europeans like them. There are some countries that like
a weak American president. You have to remember that there
are some countries that would just they would prefer so
when they say, oh, we like Biden, yeah, because the
approach of Democrats in the left is always to have
the most multipolar, multilateral world possible.

Speaker 5 (37:25):
Like everyone.

Speaker 4 (37:26):
Ever, it's always the un We're all at the same table,
everybody's equal. You know, our human rights, Libya human rights,
Zimbabwe human rights, you know, it's all the same. That's
the approach the Democrat left likes to take, is that
we all sit at the same table, we all have
the same goals, and our nations are morally equivalent on

the issues that really matter. And unfortunately that's lunacy, right,
that's a really bad formulation for how to approach any
foreign policy issue. And Biden falls into that because this
is not a man who has any real vision. He
isn't going to come up with some complicated solution to anything.

Speaker 5 (38:06):
Because he's Joe Biden.

Speaker 4 (38:09):
He's a deeply inact and incompetent figure. And I have
to tell you it does sometimes still amaze me that
the same people who are now going through all of
these contortions and all this dishonesty to come up with

some way to explain to the American people that what
they're doing to Trump right now, with these trials and
these efforts to interfere in the election, is anything other
than the most aggressive election interference campaign in our certainly
in our lifetime. I mean, I think you'd have to
go back quite a ways.

Speaker 5 (38:49):
I mean, you have to go back to.

Speaker 4 (38:52):
I don't know, has there ever been anything that was
this egregious that was done by the Justice Department. No,
I don't think the Justice Department has ever weighed in
and tried to throw an election in this manner. At
least they tried Faiza in the Spine before against Trump.
But Joe Biden is who they offer up. Right, on
the one hand, they'll do anything to destroy Donald Trump.

On the other they want us to take them seriously,
and this is who they put forward. And clearly our
enemies think that Joe Biden is clownish and to be
taken advantage up. And they're right, And that's the part
of it that I think is so just concerting as
an American. That's the part of it that is so
troubling is that anyone who sees Joe Biden as easy

to maneuver around, to steamroll, to gain at the expense
of the American people whom Joe Biden represents, they're correct.
And the fact that the Democrats even pretend that four
more years of this would in any way be a
good thing that I think is discrediting in and of itself. Yes,

there's all the other stuff that we talk about with
the elections. Yes there's the reality of poor criminal trials
against Trump in the election year, but ultimately, the fact
that he's the best that they've got tells you everything
about what their team's really all about. This is incompetence

and ineptitude and recklessness, and they are going to increasingly
get desperate as it moves along, because anybody who is
not completely bought in to whatever the machinery tells them to,
whatever the propaganda is trying to convince them of, is

going to see this for what it is. And that's
why the numbers are turning so much against Biden. And
I would sit and I would just say, whether you're
talking about global stability, Look, the pandemic is a you know,
it was a once in a century. I was going
to say, you know, natural phenomenal. Though you know China,
it's a natural phenomenon in as far as the virus,

you know, Chinese lab unfortunately pushed it along. But to
say that that is in some way a reflection or
rather that that is the defining memory of the entire
Trump presidency. I mean, he was president for three years,
and it was better than what Biden has offered up
in the three years he's been president, and the first

year of Biden's presidency when he was dealing with COVID issues,
he was horrible and far worse than anything. Any any
decision that Trump made that I wouldn't have agreed with
or in retrospect I would have done differently. Everything that
Biden done was far worse than that. So you just
can't make it. You know, this is the the easy
political question that always comes up during election time. Are

you better off now than you were four years ago?
And I think broadly the American people, including Democrats, including
some of the Democrats who have voted minority Democrats who
have voted their whole life for the Democrat Party. I
think many of them are starting to see that they
have been misled by what kind of a president Joe

Biden would be or what kind of wins he would
be able to rack up. I don't know if they're
going to change and vote Republican, but they're certainly disappointed
in Joe Biden, and.

Speaker 5 (42:17):
He can't afford to handle that right now.

Speaker 4 (42:20):
But then there's this other thought that I had that
was just to top all this off. Do you imagine
if we found ourselves in a real wartime scenario. People
were writing about World War three over the weekend, and
I was, you know, it's not World War three. It's
a complicated and difficult situation. It's a dangerous situation in
Attle least, but it's not World War three. But can

you imagine if we did go up against something on
the scale of a true even just a near peer conflict,
let's say with Russia or China or anything like that,
and Joe Biden and the people around him were in charge.
I mean, Jake Sullivan is going to be the National
Security Advisor, Joe Biden is going to be the commander
in chief, Kamala Harris is his number two. That's who's

going to be in the room making the key calls
about how we respond to a major strike on the
homeland or you know, the sinking of a US carrier
or whatever it may be. It is true with Obama said,
elections have consequences, and the consequences of this next election,
if it were to go for giving bide in four

more years, I think would be severe and deeply detrimental
for the country. And I think that's why it's so
important for all of us to stay in this stay
in this fight, and do everything that we can to
make sure that we don't have four more years of
this because the last four years has stunk, has not
been good for the country. We all see it, we
all recognize it, and I'm sorry that there's still some

people out there who are still diluted into thinking it
would be fascism if Trump was president. I mean if
by more prosperous economy, freer, more support for law enforcement,
more secure border, you know, if that's fascism, then there
is no what is fascism. They're just making up some
new definition of a word. Has nothing to do with
what they say. Eight two eight A two. You know,

I've really enjoyed the discovery of this new firearms company,
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Speaker 5 (44:34):
I mean the price on these.

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Speaker 3 (45:39):
Truth after Truth. You can handle the truth. Clay Travis
and Buck Sexton.

Speaker 4 (45:45):
She is running for a critical Senate seat in the
state of Arizona, one of the most hotly contested races
we're gonna see other than the presidential in this cycle.
Carrie Lake of Arizona is with us now. Carrie, good
to talk to you again.

Speaker 6 (46:01):
Oh it's good to be on Buck. I hope everything
is going great in your world.

Speaker 5 (46:05):
So far, so good. Thanks so much. Clay had to
run to a flight, but he sends his regards.

Speaker 6 (46:11):
Oh, considering Joe Biden is you know in the White House,
things aren't going so well in the world.

Speaker 3 (46:16):
Unfortunately, we got some problems, that's for sure.

Speaker 4 (46:19):
But before I get dive into your state what's going
on there, I just want to know what are your
thoughts in reaction to not only what we saw over
the weekend with Iran and Israel, but the Biden administrations
positioning and public statements on it so far.

Speaker 6 (46:35):
Well, you know, my thoughts are that this wouldn't even
be happening if we if we have President Trump and
the White House. I mean, let's face it, Joe Biden
has empowered Iran to be a globalist bully, to be
a globalist you know, sponsor of terror around the globe,
and this is what's causing these problems. So my thoughts
so that anything Joe Biden touches has just been disastrous.

We had in the world under President Trump, like him
or hate him, we had peace in the world, and
these countries that were sponsoring terrorism were not in control.
And now Joe Biden is not feared, he's not respected,
he's feeble and weak, and none of these countries even
care to deal with him. He's the one who enabled

them to have the money to pull all of this
off ran And so I've got a real problem with
the way he's handling it. And I can't wait for
November fifth to roll around so we can turn this
nightmare around and finally bring some peace back to the world.

Speaker 4 (47:35):
Let's speak a bit, Perry about what's going on in
your stay where you're running for that critical Senate seat.
There was a moment it seemed of, I think, almost
unreserved glee from much of the Democrat media last week
when they started to report on this the state Supreme
Court decision for an eighteen sixty four law that doesn't

go into effect but could go into effect. And then
they start attacking you and say that you're on both
sides of the issue and now Gego can win, and
can you just untangle that mess for us a little bit,
tell us where you are on this issue and how
you're going to beat Guego in Arizona for this seat.

Speaker 6 (48:19):
Well, isn't it sick how the Democrats take such lee
in this issue and they're pushing for the extreme abortion
measures of abortion right up until the moment of birth
and after. We know that's what they're pushing for, because
that's what these laws that they're pushing are all about. Look,
you know, this pre territorial law from eighteen sixty four
is not in effect in Arizona. And no matter what

the media says, no matter what all these outlets say,
no matter what some people on our side say, this
is not the law right now. It doesn't matter what
the Arizona Supreme Court says, because our age will not
enforce this law. The only people who could enforce it
would be the sheriffs. And I haven't heard one sheriff
stand up and say that he will enforce this law.
So this law is really not in effect. To take

that law off the books and now realize what we're
marching into. We're marching into November where the ballot measure
on the ballot in Arizona that will pass. At this
point it looks like it's going to pass, is abortion
up until nine months? Planned Parenthood help write this measure.
They say it's twenty two weeks, but there are so
many loopholes for abortion right up until nine months. And

we have a bunch of legislators in our legislature right
now who could do something about it, but they don't
want it because they want to get their five star
rating from the pro life groups. They're so worried about
their rating from the pro life groups that they're willing
to allow Arizona to end up being a state where
we have abortion up until nine months. Buck. I'm on

a campaign trail. I talk to more Arizona than anybody
in the country. They are not for abortion up until
nine months. They are not for a fourteen year old
girl going into an abortion clinic without her mom and
dad by her side knowing what's going on. That is
not where Arizona is. But the Democrats have nothing else
to run on, and so they're going to run on

this issue because they have made sure that our border
is wide open. They've created an invasion on like we've
ever seen before in our country. They've created a crime
wave in our cities, making it impossible for us to
go enjoy quality of life in our cities and enjoy
a walk through the park or a bike ride, or
even driving through the cities without worrying about being carjacked.

And they've collapsed our economy to the point that Americans
cannot afford every day living their everyday expenses. They can't
afford groceries and gas. They have nothing to run on
except this, And I will tell you In talking to
Arizona's this is not their top priority. They want to
save as many babies as possible. That's my goal. I

am pro life. My goal is not to get a
five star rating from any organization. My goal is to
get more babies saved.

Speaker 4 (51:00):
What would you like to that end? What would you
like the state of Arizona to do between now and
the election?

Speaker 6 (51:06):
Well, I think the legislators could you know, by the way,
there are the ones just the same group in this
legislature past that fifteen week law that we used to have,
and they all voted for it, and now they're saying
it's horrible, But push that aside. I think we need
to work to get some sort of a common sense
initiative on the ballot so that we can go against
this nine month abortion in Arizona, no matter what they

say about it. That's what the current initiative on the
ballot is. It'll have abortion right up until nine months,
So they need to work together. I don't have a
say in that, but I wish I was sitting in
the Governor's office, I really do, and I would be
helping them, But I don't have a say in it.
I only have one vote come November fifth. But I
will tell you when I am in the US Senate,
I will not vote for a I will not vote

for one federal dollar to be spent spent on abortion,
and I won't vote for a federal abortion band. We
worked hard to bring down the unconstitutional roadby Wade, and
now it's in the state's hands. Regardless of what happens,
we're going to have fifty different abortion laws. So we're
going to have to deal with the fact that somewhere
in America abortions are happening, and how do we go

into the hearts and minds and start changing the culture.
That's what they did in Hungary. This is why I've
shifted a bit, because I had opportunity to go to
Hungary and I learned that they cut the number of
abortions in half without changing a single law. And it
made me realize we are so focused on weeks and
months and laws, and we're not focused on the real issue,
which is saving babies and helping women. And that's what

I want to do. That's what I want, That's what
I want a Republican Party to be about. I want
the Republican Party to be the party of women, babies,
and family and put our money where our mouth is.
Planned parents has ballot measure that they have plans for
Arizona is the same as New York and California. And
I can tell you right now, the people of Arizona

are not in the same mindset as those people who
voted for that in New York and California.

Speaker 4 (53:02):
Now, outside of your own race, how do you think
it's looking for the matchup with President Trump and Joe Biden?
And are they basically planning to just run the same
playbook that they're going to run against you, which is
just misrepresent the abortion issue and hope that that alone
can deliver Arizona into Democrat hands.

Speaker 6 (53:22):
Well, let me tell you, the media here is just disgusting.
I mean, I think it's the worst media in the
whole country. To be honest, they will misrepresent anything. I mean,
I'm going around this state. I'm here up in Mohave
County right now, which is very Republican. We drew a
crowd of a thousand people last night. I've been to
seven stops. Every single stop I've been to has been

maximum plus capacity, standing room only, and the people are
ready to vote for me. For sent it. They do
not want Reuben Geigo. He is a far left Chicago Democrat. Actually,
he's a socialist. I'm going to take that back. He's
a socialist who voted for open borders, sanctuary cities. He's
with Joe Biden one hundred percent of the time. He
wants to raise gas prices by a dollar to punish

people who drive gas powered vehicles. He's up for abortion
up until nine months. And listen, I'm not going to
be lectured by a guy like Reuben Diego who walked
out on his wife days before she gave birth to
his first born. He served her divorce papers, walked out
on her, and ran off with a DC lobbyist. So
pardon me, but I'm not going to be lectured about

life and family by a guy who does that. And
with President Trump, the people here love him. We miss
so much the low unemployment levels, we missed, the low
mortgage rates, we missed the low inflation. We missed the
affordability that we used to have in Arizona. I'm here
in Mohave County. I was down in Tucson, which is
much more liberal. But I'll tell you, even in Tucson,

everyone was coming up and saying we are supporting you.
I had people say I'm a Democrat, I support you,
I will vote for you again. It's so interesting that
the retire that I've spoken to, some who are recently retired,
Buck and some who are just about to retire, they're
the most concerned about this economy because they've done everything right,
they worked hard, they paid taxes. They're now retiring or

have been retired for just a bit of time, and
they're looking at the cost of living and saying, Wow,
everything I did and saved for is not going to
get me through the rest of my life because I
didn't expect us to have the cost of living go
up so much under Joe Biden. People are awake and
they're ready to vote, and they're ready to make a big,
big change, and they're ready to vote for President Trump

and carry Lake for us.

Speaker 4 (55:35):
Bennett and Carrie, you know, I know it's an understatement
to say you know this issue backwards and forwards and
have dealt with it in a very personal way. Election
integrity going into this cycle for your state, for Arizona,
have things improve? Because we get people that write in
all the time and say have they done anything? Have
they fixed anything. Will it be better this time in Arizona?

What do you say to that?

Speaker 6 (55:58):
We're working on it. Several lawsuits that are in effect
right now, probably a dozen of them. Some of them
are on little procedural things. And you know, asy GOP
with new leadership genus of Vote, has been really wonderful
on letting us know where those lawsuits stand. I mean
we sued, not I didn't, but the acy GOP I believe,
sued to stop illegals from voting here and the other

side suit is back. I mean, it's insane what they're
pushing for. They know that these dead and Democrat destructive,
deadly policies are not what the people want, and the
only way to get those policies and keep them in
power is to cheat or to have illegals vote. I'm
really encouraged that President Trump and the Speaker of the

House have gotten together on I think it's called the
Save Act, which would prevent illegals from voting. It would
require Blue states to require proof of citizenship before somebody votes.
It would punish anybody who is illegal and registers to
vote with immediate deportation, and any group or outlet or
individual who tries to sign up people knowingly who are

illegal to vote would face five year prison sentence. We
have to start taking our elections and our election integrity seriously.
Some people might say, wow, that's a very long you know,
that's a lot of punishment for just signing somebody up
to vote. But when our elections are run fraudulently and
when they feel elections, we end up getting things like

the disastrous you know pull out from Afghanistan that sent
eighty billion dollars of our high quality military, you know,
the tanks and missiles and guns and weaponry into the
hands of terrorists. We end up with an economy that
is in the toilet. When elections are not run properly,
we end up with a wide open border. We end

up with an invasion, We end up with indoctrination and
sexual you know, grooming of our children. That's what stolen
elections create. So I take it very seriously when somebody
is signing up someone who is illegal and shouldn't be voting.
When they sign up someone to vote, I think the
punishment should be severe.

Speaker 4 (58:02):
Carry what's your website for anyone who wants to help out,
donate and involved.

Speaker 6 (58:07):
Thank you. It's Kerriylake dot com k A r I
l A k E dot com. I'm working really hard
here in Arizona. This is the most important state in
the country. It is the pathway to the White House
for President Trump, and it is the way to the
majority in the US Senate. We must get the majority
in the US Senate. This is where President Trump will
have his cabinet members confirmed, his Supreme Court picks confirmed.

We need full voter participation. We can't have anybody sit home.
We can't have people say, well, I'll just skip this one.
Everyone's got to vote this election. We have to outvote
the cheat. And I know that the people of Arizona.
I'm working closely to make sure that they do that.
No one can sit home. Everyone needs to get registered
to vote, and everyone needs to vote to save our country.

Speaker 4 (58:55):
Garry Lake, he's gonna win it for us in Arizona
and help bring it home for President Trump. Kerry, thanks
for being with us.

Speaker 6 (59:02):
Thank you, Buck, God bless you appreciate it.

Speaker 3 (59:04):
You too.

Speaker 4 (59:05):
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Speaker 1 (01:00:07):
Twenty four Clay and Bucks Weekly Campaign Cliff Notes episodes
dropped Sundays at noon Eastern on the free iHeartRadio app
or wherever you get your podcasts,

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