All Episodes

April 15, 2024 65 mins

Tonight on Battleground LIVE: 

  • IN THE ARENA: Bryan Dean Wright

Bryan grew up in Oregon, served in the CIA abroad, and now proudly calls Arizona home. Originally a Democrat, Bryan watched with alarm as his lifelong party increasingly embraced bigotry, violence, and un-American attacks against his fellow citizens. He’s now focused on combating those destructive forces, giving life to the America First movement within the Republican Party.

  • ALSO, the Trump Show trial, Cops being killed, and much more

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:03):
Warning Europe about to enter the arena and join the
Battle to save America with your host Sean Carnell. What
is a battle crew? It is a great day to
be an American. It is a Monday from sea to

shining Sea and everyone in between. Welcome patriots. Let's get
into the arena. We have so much to talk about. Actually,
before I get into the show rundown, I've got to
tell you a little bit about this weekend. So Commander
Melanie and I are talking about start. First of all,
we live on on a farm. It's a small farm,

but a farm nonetheless, but we were thinking of starting
a farming business because we've got corn. We've got soy
that we grow. Commander Melanie has got this thing where
she wants to get oats when we talk about preparing
for the unknown, this part of it. And so Commander Melody, listen,

you gotta understand something about this woman when she gets
something in her head when we talk about protecting the family, right,
Because normally I'm the one that's like, we gotta have
blowout bags, we gotta have food, we gotta have six
months of water. If we don't have wells, we should
get wells. I don't want to have to depend on
the government for anything. Takes a little while to get

her to the threshold, but once she goes over the threshold,
she gets laser focused. And she's laser focused right now.
She's like, I swear after this show is over, she's
gonna have five pictures of kids, baby goats for us
to look at. She's laser focused on getting out. She's

she wants to get chickens and chicken coops so much
so that now every time she goes on Facebook or
some sort of social media, chicken coops are being advertised
in her social media feed. And she even came up
with a business name, and the business name for this

farming for the farming enterprise that she wants to launch,
is called Shawn's Goats and Stuff. I mean, is just
this is just this is just a temporary thing, a placeholder,
and so maybe we can find something a little bit
more compelling, but we might stick with Shawn's Goats and Stuff.

I don't know. Okay, let me just get right into
the show run down. Here lots to talk about. We've
got Brian Dean Wright, my friend in the arena today.
Brian is an extraordinary guy. He's super smart. We're gonna
talk about this Iran Israel Hamas stuff. Nobody is more

qualified to talk about this stuff than Brian. We're going
to talk about Ukraine. We're going to talk about illegals
coming across the border and if the conflict between Iran
and Israel escalates, what the unchecked illegal invasion at our
southern border could mean for we the people. We're also
going to talk about the Trump Show trial, cops being

killed at a tragic and unprecedented rate, and I've got
to touch on a family court story that just broke
in the post millennial and what it means for all
of you. Okay, Look, we've got to talk about tax
Day and Mark Cuban came out today. We talk about

Mark Cuban. Look, I don't know why I'm on a
Mark Cuban kick lately. It just seems like he's the
perfect symbol of, you know, corporate modern day fortune and
five hundred leaders being insanely woke. And when Elon Musk
coined the phrase the woke mind virus, it really is

a thing. Mark Cuban put out today. He's talking about
his taxes in honor of Tax Day. He says I
was wrong with my number. Yesterday got the final number
and the wire is complete. Wanted to be accurate. Do
I expect all of it to be used wisely? Of
course not. But I'm still proud to be able to
give back to our country. I've set it for years

after military service. Paying your taxes is the most patriotic
thing we can do. Mark Cuban paid two hundred and
seventy five million plus dollars in taxes. Like I've said
this to you many many times, but paying taxes this
is this is government propaganda. There is nothing patriotic about

paying your taxes. You wake up, you are taxed on
the water that you used to take a shower. You
were tax on your utilities. Your taxed when you go
to the grocery store. Your tax when you start up
your car, or if you buy a used car, you're
taxed on that car. The person who bought that car new.
Your taxed income taxes absolutely ridiculous. This country was never

intended to have income tax it. There's I could go
on for hours about how we are taxed every waking
moment of the day, from sun up to sun and down.
So when I see people say that paying taxes is
simply one's patriotic duty. I have to say I throw
up in my mouth a little bit, because nothing could

be further from the truth. Do you want to know
why it's very, very likely that the government is going
to spend Mark Cuban's tax money on researching manatee sex
in the Indian Ocean. For all I know, manate is
aren't even in the Indian Ocean. I have no idea,
but the government would spend money on it. And Brock

says that it's likely going to study whether Tito's or
Tito's vodka or tequila causes non very non binary mice
to be violent. I mean, seriously, this is the day
that should make us sick to our stomachs. This is

something that should cross the political wile, Democrat, Republican, everything
in between. We should revile tax Day. We should mean
think about it. This is the day that we give
the government complete transparency on everything that we earn. Okay, well,
I understand that taxes are are necessary infrastructure, collective defense.

I get that, but we've clearly crossed into dangerous territory
that everyone in this country is over taxed, if anything,
Instead of us giving the government full transparency on what
we make. The government should be giving us full transparency
on how they spend. I mean, any government that was
accountable to the people would do that. But listen to

how Mark Cuban's perspective on taxes in the role of
government has changed since twenty seventeen. I'm telling you, listen,
somebody got to this guy. Listen.

Speaker 2 (07:05):
As a libertarian, I think we can reduce employment in
government by at least the third reduce the overhead and
administration by as that much or more so that we
can offer more two services for our citizens. And so
when it comes down to it, where I tend to
disagree with everybody, and this is the libertarian I mean,

I'm happy to push down the size of government, and
I'm happy to make work on making government more efficient
because then more money can pass through and help the
people who need it. And that's what needs to change,
not because we can't manage government. Let's not deal with
the healthcare of our citizens.

Speaker 1 (07:43):
Yeah, I won more for the Trump tax returns. Huh
what was your reaction when you solve?

Speaker 2 (07:49):
Good for him? Yeah, good for him. Like I said
up there, if you made one hundred and fifty million
dollars in a year. That's good, no matter what you know.
Now how much of it is cash, we don't know.
But the interesting thing to me was, and I looked
at him this morning, he had twenty two million dollars
that he paid in as you have to anticipate what
your next year's taxes are going to be, so you
have to pay in. And he paid twenty two million

dollars in in two thousand and four against his potential
two thousand and five, which means he made some decent
money in two thousand and four too.

Speaker 1 (08:18):
So here's a guy that is now talking about being
his being his patriotic duty to spend two hundred and
seventy five million dollars to the government. I'm telling you, folks,
the woke mind virus destroys everything, and Mark Cuban is
clearly infected with the woke mind virus. Okay, let's segue
very quickly to the Trump Show trial. Trump has been

in the courtroom pretty much all day today in New
York City with pud J Albin Bragg overseeing this Stormy
Daniels hush money case, which look, obviously this case is
a huge joke. The Biden Department of Justice declined to
prosecute it. Everybody, almost every legal scholar out there is

said that this case, Alvin Bragg's case, is somehow a
criminal case against Trump. Almost I was getting calls from
Democrat lawyers, folks that thought that this case was a
complete joke. People that are not fans of Trump in
any way, that maybe even thought that he should be
charged on some other things that he did while in

off with some like some stuff with the fake insurrection
on January sixth, whatever. But these people thought that this
was a terrible idea, should not be charged. But yet
Donald Trump is in the courtroom today and Judge Jan
Mershan is overseeing all of this despite the fact that
his family is enriching themselves based off of the political

persecution of Donald Trump. I mean, think about that for
just a second. This judge and his family, his daughter
is feasibly making seven plus figures on the political persecution
of Trump. And this judge went out of his way
to say in court today directly to President Trump, this

is a criminal trial. If you're absent, I'm going to
issue an arrest warrant and detain you, even if you
attend your own Son's graduation, Baron Trump's graduation, and once
in a lifetime thing. Nope, not okay, this judge said
he would put Trump in jail. Look, I I'm the

kind of I liked. I have to believe that this system,
I mean, the American system all my life has been
the best in the world. Over the last five or
six years, my trust in faith in that system has
been greatly compromised. I don't trust any of these people anymore, Democrat,
Republican or anything in between. But if I'm Trump that

I think you test this judge. I think you dare
him to put you in jail. I don't say that lightly.
And I'm not trying to be insane here. But the
American people see this for what it is. I mean,
they're believe me, there are a hardcore leftists out there
that think that this is insane the thing that that
love this, they're they're they're loving every second of this.
But the vast majority of the American people see this

for what it is. And you had to put in
Donald Trump in jail and Rikers Island or something because
he went to go see Baron Trump's graduation, uh, for
interrupting a trial that most people believe shouldn't even be
charged anyway. I mean, it's absolutely insane. Folks. Listen, We've

got Brian Dean Wright here in in the way in
the virtual studio. I'm gonna bring him on. I want
to get his thoughts on this. Brian, welcome, my friend. So,
just so everybody's tracking your background, you are a former
CIA operations officer, right, this is this is I. I

brought you. Sorry, I brought you on a little bit
earlier than I than I that you and I discussed.
But I saw you waiting there, and I saw a tweet,
a post that you put out there on ex Brian,
and it said this and for our friends that are listening,
it's a headline from Fox News. It said, ABC, NBC,
CBS newscasts failed to identify Trump prosecutors as Democrats at

least ninety percent of the time, study fines. And then
you said, not an accident. What do you think about
all this?

Speaker 3 (12:25):
Well, I think you were laying it out very succinctly incorrectly,
and that is this case does not have a legal
leg to stand on. It certainly has a lot of
political legs or doing a lot of things with the
Democrat Party for Joe Biden. That is very clearly the case.
We get the zombie accusations that been brought up again, discarded,
brought back up again. If Trump weren't running for the presidency,

if he were ten twenty years ago, hang out in
New York, this would have gone away. So I think
you have made the case very very clearly. This is
all about politics, and it's really dangerous for the country,
you know, for us to walk down this road that
you and I know, I mean, you know, serve this country.

Speaker 4 (13:02):
We know what Banana Republic to look like.

Speaker 3 (13:04):
We know what happens when you don't stick the law
and order, which is at the foundation of what makes
us excellent and great. When you start tossing that stuff
into the wind, it's real hard to get back. So
we are playing a nasty little game up there in
New York today, and that's why that matters.

Speaker 1 (13:18):
Brian. What blows me away about all this is that
the Democrats have compromised faith and trust in just about
every once venerable institution in this country, whether it's the
CDC at the height of COVID, people don't trust the
CDC anymore, and God forbid that there's a real, a
real pandemic that could cause real harm. People aren't going

to listen to the CDC. Even the military buy and
large people think is woke and not ready, as evidenced
by a lot of these helicopter accidents that are happening
now and this LGBTQ stuff that's kind of being pushed,
and like, look, I don't care if you're grown, I
don't care if you're gay, straight, or anything. I don't
care about that stuff. But the focus on the focused

on the individual was what worries me from a national
security standpoint. And now you have the Justice Department, the
American people. I truly think that this is going to
destroy faith in the justice system for generations to come.

Speaker 4 (14:19):
Amen, Look, you know we can.

Speaker 3 (14:21):
I would love to get into this because one of
the most horrible things that I think has happened. You
mentioned over the past five, six or seven years, how
you've really lost faith, and I think there's really good
reason to feel that way, you know.

Speaker 4 (14:32):
Twenty seventeen Senator.

Speaker 3 (14:34):
Chuck Schumer, Democrat of New York, of course, was on
Rachel Matt Allen says the intelligence community has six ways
to Sunday to get back at you. And this was,
of course, you know, aimed at President Donald Trump, saying
he's crazy for taking on the CIA or NSA or
Department of Justice and FBI.

Speaker 4 (14:48):
Holy smokes, does that tell you? It tells you that
your elected representatives aren't actually the ones who running the.

Speaker 3 (14:54):
Country, Chuck Schumer, this is this is not some conspiracy theory, right,
This is over six seven years go where you had
the top Democrat in the country, Sam Well.

Speaker 4 (15:02):
The deep state's real. It definitely is real.

Speaker 3 (15:05):
We haven't had this great reckoning yet in this country.
Because of that, it's crazy to me. So your your
thoughts are not without foundation, friend, Well.

Speaker 1 (15:14):
Brian, I mean we've played that video all the time
where where Schumer's like a intelligence community has six ways
from Sunday getting and I thought, see, he's basically saying
that the intelligence community is going to go after Trump
and they are. Yeah, they were, they did, and they
are now. And I mean this is a perfect segue

to this Fizas seven oh two stuff, which again I
didn't intend to get into this with you today, but
nobody understands or is better qualified to talk about the CIA,
and I mean obviously don't can't talk about anything that's secret,
But what's your take on the fisas seven oh two stuff?
And I'm grateful that Anna Pauline a Luna at least

pushed back on a purceed l mechanism to ensure another
vote on that what's happening at six point thirty today,
to give people a chance to contact their representatives and say, hey,
you know, we're not cool with this. The vast majority
of I mean, I think pragmatic Democrats because I come
from a family of Union Democrats that are just They
don't believe in warrantless spying on American citizens. The Republican

base doesn't believe in this, Even traditional Republicans, the America
first base does not believe in this at all. Even
pragmatic Democrats. Independents buy and large don't. So what the
heck is going on here? Brian.

Speaker 3 (16:35):
Look you're talking to a guy right now. I was
for twenty years a Democrat and I worked at the CIA.
I'm no longer a Democrat. I don't recognize the party.
My family was a mixed of both Republicans and Democrats,
rural Oregon, you know, we came from that sort of
tom fully Jack Kennedy era of Democrats. So if we
want to talk about partisan politics, that's fine, But I
think there are people like me to come from that

tradition who are like party politics society that is irrelevant.
It matters that our court systems and our spies and
our g men.

Speaker 4 (17:06):
They have to follow the rules, and they should.

Speaker 3 (17:08):
They should be able to be forced to get a
warrant to spy on their fellow Americans, because we know
there are just too many cases of abuse.

Speaker 4 (17:16):
And oh, by the way, Democrats used to be for
this stuff. They used to be for warrants.

Speaker 3 (17:20):
They used to be a bit nervous and anxious about
the FBI and the CIA. That was a tradition that
I came from, even though I weren't there. Right, So
we have seen this absolute bonker's approach to civil liberties
over the past ten years, which is really the Democrats
have gone from hey, we should be suspicious of big
government and too much power to actually, that's up as

great so long as the power in the abuse is
directed at our opposition. So that is the switch that
I and others on the left were like, Okay, this
is crazy town. We can't be a part of this anymore.
We are Americans first party. Second, we can't be a
part of this out fit here. So yeah, the seven
O two sept for me comes down to the FBI.

Speaker 4 (18:05):
They've got to have a warrant.

Speaker 3 (18:06):
They have shown themselves to be abusive with their power,
and until that changes with different leadership that acknowledges that earnestly,
I'm not willing to give them a tiny little bit
of initial authority that they really frankly shouldn't have without
some court oversay, which by the way, isn't all that
great anyway, the pies. The court system needs to be
reformed too, but at least it's one more check on

a group of people that very clearly have abused their authority.

Speaker 1 (18:30):
So I got so many questions after having just listened
to you talk about this stuff, Brian. But you mentioned
you were a Democrat, and I've got to ask, at
what point did you think, Okay, something isn't right. As
somebody who's spent time serving this country abroad, you know,
defending this country abroad, there's something that you said that

I thought was really powerful. It's that the Democrats are
fine with you know, government, the deep state, the blob,
call it whatever you want. Having this the authority with
which they abuse at the expense of the American people.
At what point did you notice that more like, Okay,
this can't happen.

Speaker 3 (19:11):
Yeah. So the twenty sixteen seventeen eighteen era for me
was like I went from a guy who I would
probably say was a bit naive about how the government
works and about how power worked in DC, even having
worked there, having worked on Capitol Hill.

Speaker 4 (19:26):
What became very.

Speaker 3 (19:26):
Clear was that there was this Marxist leftist revolution that
I thought had been dead and buried back in the sixties,
seventies and eighties.

Speaker 4 (19:33):
It just came back to life. You know. We saw Acasio.

Speaker 3 (19:36):
Cortes and other people of the squad on the far left,
this Marxist movement actually being embraced by Nancy Pelosi and
the Chuck Schumers. They were going on the cover of
Rolling Stone magazine like We're all one big, happy family.
No we're not. They've represented an ideology that his massacred
a hundred plus million people. What are we doing, Democrats?
And so I was writing a bunch about this. I

was going on TV saying the Holy Smokes, the parties
lost it. Then we started to see this embrace of
a lot of anti semitism on the left. This was
back in sixteen, seventeen eighteen, the elon Omar. Then, of
course we get into the Summer of Love in twenty
and twenty, we're actually looting is good. It's a form
of reparations. Where now we start seeing from the Smithsonian Museum.
You may recall this where they talked about how white

is bad. It's actually a lot of things that we
associate with whiteness is bad, like being on time, hard work, ethic,
having a mom and a dad.

Speaker 4 (20:28):
All that stuff. Was like, Okay, I.

Speaker 3 (20:30):
Can't do this. My country meets too much to me.
I have served it. The old debate back between wow, gosh,
the left and the right. We're arguing about tax policies
or foreign affairs and should we intervene or not. That
stuff was awesome. That is the set of debates that
we should be having. It is not, Hey, should we
tear down statues of Abraham Lincoln because he was kind

of a bad guy.

Speaker 4 (20:52):
I mean that's the Democrat position right now. What you
kidding me? Marxism is awesome?

Speaker 3 (20:58):
Yeah, apparently dancing blowsy loves these gals and puts their
arms around them on your Rolling Stone magazine. So that's
where I started realizing bigoted, un American is anti Semitic.
That sixteen seventeen eighteen, you know, twenty sixteen seventeen eighteen
just showed to me that the party was lost, and
there was no amount of agitating, of trying to ask

for the moderates, the blue dog Democrats to stand up,
have a spine and push back.

Speaker 4 (21:24):
Those guys.

Speaker 3 (21:24):
They did nothing that they were unus and the party's
now lost. So you can't be a part of it now.
You don't have to be a Republican, you can be whatever,
but you just can't be a Democrat right.

Speaker 1 (21:34):
Now, Brian, like it is. It is insane what the
Democrats have become. And frankly, I have to say, I'm
kind of shocked. Like I'm the kind of a kid
that grew up listening to punk rock in question the
government and you know, my liberal friends and I we

could always be friends, right, I mean, I was all
I I'm proud to say I've always been a conservaive really,
not less a Republican, more somebody who just loves and
appreciates the Constitution as it's written. It's always how I've
been and but I still could have liberal friends. But
listen to punk Rock question the government screw the man,
and now the Democrats are like not just the party

of big government, they're the party of big brother. It's crazy.

Speaker 3 (22:25):
We went from like the nineties era of like you know,
the Kirk Cobain and challenging the dam and now it's like, sir,
can I lick your boots?

Speaker 4 (22:31):
I mean, that's the Democratic position.

Speaker 3 (22:33):
And it's just for those of us who are little
bit older, we're like, what is happening, Like the Democrats
seems to be for this traditional acou approach to the
world back in the day of like look, let the
KKK march, let them say horrible, hateful things. Not because
we agree, but we understand what happens when the government
steps in and starts policing the speech. In the case

of Scotland as as I know, you know, they're actually policing.

Speaker 4 (22:59):
Speech right now out It's crazy.

Speaker 3 (23:01):
It is happening in this country as well with that
Defense or DHS's Disinformation Board.

Speaker 4 (23:07):
So that's not the Democrat position, it's it's just absolutely crazy.

Speaker 3 (23:12):
They want to actually control speech, which is really about
controlling truth and thus controlling power. That is not the
classic liberal position, That is not the Democrat position that
I was a part of for twenty years. Well that's
where we're at, and that's why guys like me, you're
like like you.

Speaker 1 (23:26):

Speaker 3 (23:26):
I love the Constitution, I love my flag, I love
this country. We got debates about stuff, but when you
start pushing that far, I'm out, can't do it.

Speaker 1 (23:34):
Okay, I got to ask you one more question before
we pivot to Ukraine and Israel, Iran, Ukraine, all that
and some foreign policy stuff, But how do you write
the ship, Brian like with all of this insanity, Like Republicans,
they are barely opposition to this freight train. That are

these radical Democrats the new I like to say new Democrats,
because I don't want to insult my the party of
my grandfather, you know, because that guy was a hard
He wasn't a hardcore Democrat like we understand a hard
core Democrat today. He was just a union guy. To
believe the Democrats were for the little guy. And so
new Democrats, like Republicans, aren't doing anything. They're useless, most

of them, many of them. Some of them are great, uh,
but most of them are useless. And Democrats are a
freight train. How do you what's the pathway out of this?

Speaker 3 (24:31):
Well, you start with a double shot or whatever, Sarah,
you start with that to settle your nerves.

Speaker 4 (24:39):
What do you do? Well, you start with what's in
your control.

Speaker 3 (24:42):
Right, So you you first start with your own body,
your own self and your own family. You know, obesity
in this country is horrifically bad. So we got to
fix ourselves, our own bodies and our own relationships with
our own kids. That's got to be rock solids. Then
you move on to your city. You start looking at
your mayorships and your city councils, your your sheriffs, your da.
Those local races control a massive amount of how we

live each and every day. You know this, right, So
we all have to get our bodies healthy, our families
healthy and strong. Then we start taking on those local races,
taking over those the school boards and the rest of it.
Then we move up to chain. Right, we go to
those churches every Sunday, or we go to the social groups.
What now we organize ourselves and we start taking on
the state houses, those state legislative positions, or those governorships.

Those people are in many cases your neighbors, right, if
not immediately, certainly in your city or county. So that's
where you start moving up to chain to take back
a little bit more power for your communities. So between
your cities and your counties and then eventually your states,
that's where you focus on fixing the country. You do
your port locally, and then the rest of that. It
starts to trickle down in terms of fixing the national stuff,

the federal stuff, but it's got to start at home.

Speaker 4 (25:53):
Then it's got to start those communities. That's how we
fix it.

Speaker 1 (25:56):
Okay, can we talk a little foreign policy, Brian.

Speaker 4 (26:00):
Let's do it. That's what we do on the right,
report a lot.

Speaker 1 (26:03):
There's nobody better at it, Man, there really isn't. The
Afghanistan withdrawal total disaster. Russia invades Ukraine on Biden's watch,
not on Trump. On Biden's watch, you have now Hamas
you know, committing an atrocity, a horrific atrocity against Israel.

Iran attacked Israel this weekend, and word is, you know,
getting reports and reading on some of the legacy media
outlets that the Biden administration knew the attack well beforehand
and essentially approved it within reason. And we know that
Iran talked to Turkey about it, so it stands the reason.

If they talked to Turkey about it, they also talked
to the US, especially considering that Bob Malley was appointed
as a special envoy to Iran by Joe Biden and
now he's being in better instigated by the FBI. His
security clearance is on the chopping block. He hired a
bunch of pro Iranian sympathizers in the White House to

write the ghost write pieces and places like CNN dot Com,
The New York Times to soften US policy to Iran. Brian, Okay,
what the hell is going on here?

Speaker 4 (27:21):
The world need to get to vodka back. I feel
like this is another PODCA. This is a disaster.

Speaker 1 (27:27):
Yeah, take my camouflage up here. It's camouflage so you
can't see it.

Speaker 3 (27:31):
I go here, you go, Oh, what's going Okay? So
where do we start? So which crisis do we want
to start with? Look, the bottom line is that the
world will be absolute anarchy and chaos unless you have
a global power or two. That's the heavy that as
a massive hammer that keeps people online and part of

the last you know, fifteen twenty years we'd like to argue.
I think there are people in DC, especially within the
Foreign Policy Blog, We're like, hey, we can just hug
out our problems. We just talk and let's get to
the root cause of say, this stuff going on in
Central America, and then we can pixu are our illegal
migration crisis. It's that group of people that are now
dominant in Washington, DC and within our halls of power

in terms of foreign policy. That means that as we
lose deterrence, every two bit dictator to every other reasonable
power is like, you know what, it's a new world.

Speaker 4 (28:27):
I'm gonna test.

Speaker 3 (28:28):
I'm gonna test to see how much I can get
away with. And that is the moment in which we live.
And we are seeing this happen all around the world.
In the South China Sea and with Taiwan. We're seeing
it in the Sahel of North Central Africa, countries like Sudan,
the Central African Republic, Mali, Burkina Fosso. We're seeing this
in places like Nicaragua in Central America. We are seeing

this throughout Northern Africa, the Middle East, obviously with Iran,
and that's really what this was all about. The Ranian
regime said over the weekend that they're attacked on Israel.
We're not so much design mind to blow up the country,
but rather to reset or recreate a new equation.

Speaker 4 (29:06):
They called it a new equation. So what it's a
new equation.

Speaker 3 (29:09):
It means that Tehran can launch whatever assaults they want,
whenever they want, without fear of repercussion. Right, they can
directly assault from the Iranian soil, blowing something up in Israel,
and that is now acceptable because they're not afraid of consequences.
So that is the era in which we live. De
terrence has been removed. America is no longer the heavy

China is trying to make friends with everybody because they
don't want to get involved in anybody's internal business. They
want all the mining rights and all the political power.
Russia has been, you know, pretty beat up with this
war in Ukraine, although they you know, responded to that
pretty well in terms of rebuilding their military. But the
point is the US is no longer this this scary gorilla.

You know, we're kind of a little chihuahua. Now you
know who's is. He's like, not all that's scary. So
that's the moment in which we live.

Speaker 1 (30:00):
So what do you make of Biden knowing about the
Iranian attack on Israel ahead of time and essentially approving it.
I mean, very very grateful that that it really didn't
do much damage to Israel. It looked like Israel was

able to shoot down over ninety percent of these drones
and even some of the ballistic missiles. But to me,
I don't see how Israel doesn't respond to something like this.
I mean, do you see an escalation on the horizon.

Speaker 4 (30:39):
Look, they have to do something.

Speaker 3 (30:41):
The Prime Minister of Nnyaku and his war cabinet across
the Aisles, they all understand that they have to do
something that Tehran has to feel some pain.

Speaker 4 (30:49):
This is the question of how much.

Speaker 3 (30:51):
So that's a really tough thing that I think reasonable
people can agree or disagree with whatever the Israelis.

Speaker 4 (30:56):
Choose to do. Right, they clearly took out this.

Speaker 3 (30:58):
Guy in Syria. There was the Iranian embassy compound. Because
the dude was involved in facilitating October seventh attacks. He
was a legitimate target, all right, So they bombed the
embassy compound. That's technically Iranian territory based on most understanding
of international law. So the Tehran says, all right, well,
now we're going to strike back directly on your soil
since you attacked ours.

Speaker 4 (31:20):
But again, they believe that they could do.

Speaker 3 (31:22):
That and get away with it because a, yes, they
coordinated with the Biden Whitehouse, but the White and White
House didn't say, I don't care. You don't get to
strike back in Israel, and if you do, I'm going
to put a boot so far up your backside, it's
going to come out your nose, little pieces of leather.
That should have been the message to Tehran. And if
they did it, then we reigned Holy hell fire. That

is called the consequence that not only Tehran would have
to taste, but everybody there else around the world.

Speaker 4 (31:46):
We're like, oh, that dude in the White House is crazy.
I'm not going to do that.

Speaker 3 (31:49):
That's actually part of Trump's genius, by the way, not
just Trump, but there are others who are basically like
perceived as a little bit like ooh, unpredictable or crazy.
That actually that's a little bit benefit show on the
international scene because a lot of these tubic dictators like.

Speaker 4 (32:04):
Man, I don't know, he's a little crazy.

Speaker 3 (32:05):
I'm not gonna mess with it. That's what Trump brings
to the table, like it or not. So that is
what the message should have been Tehran.

Speaker 4 (32:12):
It wasn't.

Speaker 3 (32:12):
And so now we've got this new equation where Era
powers Persian powers, you know, they can all strike be
any or the Israeli people whenever they want. That is
now the new equation.

Speaker 4 (32:23):
It's terrific.

Speaker 1 (32:24):
Why didn't the Biden administration respond like that? I mean honestly, like,
is it just that? Is it just weakness? It just
is it just ignorance? I Mean what I found on
with a lot of well meaning liberals is that they
think that, you know, the world is just like sunshines
and rainbows and everything will work out in the end.

Like what is going on that that? How do we
live in a world where that's not the response from
an American leader, Democrat or Republican. Because it's in leading
up to the October seventh attack, you have Biden freeing
up all all of these billions of dollars through a run.
Now Ron's saying that or the Biden administration is saying, wow,

they're not going to use that for terrorist attacks. Well,
of course cash is fungible, you know, so like, yeah,
what does it seems to me, I guess that the
Biden administration is going out of their way to empower Iran,
thinking that there they can buy them off. Am I

wrong about this? I mean, so you're talking about.

Speaker 4 (33:28):
Kind of two different groups of Democrats.

Speaker 3 (33:30):
On one side, you talk about the if I can
call them, the John the Lenin Democrats, right, you know,
imagine that all the people living in perfect harmony like that.
That's this vision of the Democrat party is the Lenin
Beetle Democrat. But you have to step back for a
second and think about this. We've seen Joe Biden and
Kamala Harris say to the illegal aliens in Central America,

don't come. We've heard the same thing with you know,
China stop or don't cyber attack us, the same thing,
but the the same thing around the world. We have
seen this foreign policy of don't Well, of course it's absurd.
We all know it's absurd. So then when you put
it together, it bakes the question, well, you are by
default and destroying America's reputation.

Speaker 1 (34:16):
And Ryan, let me play. Let me play the sound
of don't wait. Listen. I'm gonna play Zoe. Everyone knows
what you're talking about. Listen, to this and then we'll
come back and talk about it. Listen to this, folks,
And I wonder, mister President, what you would say to
him if he is considering using chemical or tactical nuclear weapons.
Don't don't don't.

Speaker 2 (34:36):
And I wonder what is your.

Speaker 1 (34:38):
Message to Hesbola and its backer Iran don't don't, don't don't.

Speaker 5 (34:47):
I'm maybe, how is it that we live in a
world where you have a barely alive president and animated
corpse just grizzling into don't don't.

Speaker 1 (35:00):
I mean, clearly it's not working. Maybe we need something
more than the senile old man whispering don't to anchors
that he probably doesn't I mean, clearly doesn't even know
where he is. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (35:12):
Look, so either you've got the beatle Democrat or you've
got the senile part of the party who just has
no idea what it's doing.

Speaker 4 (35:18):
It's checked out, the medicines aren't kicking in.

Speaker 3 (35:20):
But there's also this real concern I think a lot
of us have, and I put myself in his categories.
It's now intentional. So we have somebody in the White
House and his team who are saying this is a
foreign policy knowing that it's not going to be effective.

Speaker 4 (35:33):
They're not stupid, So they.

Speaker 3 (35:35):
Are, by then extension, destroying the country, not only our deterrence,
but just our standing in the world, our ability to
do things. So why would someone do that? Why would
someone purposefully destroy the country? I think that is now
a very important and valid question. I think especially when
you have a Biden family who's taken over thirty million
dollars from foreign adversaries, to include the Chinese, with Hunter

Biden meeting Chinese spies, it's.

Speaker 4 (36:00):
Starts to raise the question of, like, man, how much
of this is intentional?

Speaker 3 (36:04):
And that's that's no longer conspiracy theory, that's not crazy.
We have documented evidence as Joe Biden says he's never
met with under Biden's business partners or has never spoken
to them about business. We know that's false, caarabytes of
data saying that's false. So why does he continue to
lie about that knowing that we all now we have
these crazy form policies.

Speaker 4 (36:21):
Look, it just it begs the question of at what point.

Speaker 3 (36:24):
Do you go from being you know, a John Lennon
Democrat to just you know, factless and silly. Tell Actually,
these people are destroying the country. I will offer you
this former CIA guide. When we would recruit a prime
minister or a president of a company, we knew that
that person could not necessarily be pro America each and
every time. Rather, we would ask that prime minister or
a president to do certain things that were very important

for us from a kind of global systemic perspective. Like
you know, give us certain areas of the world we
can set up and a potentially attack you down the
road or open up your southern border, and we can
feed in sabotage teams, or do.

Speaker 4 (36:58):
Certain things or not do so things.

Speaker 3 (37:00):
But otherwise you can bash America, you can back, but
just do this for us, and that sets us up
in three, five, ten years to do terrible things in
your country. We'll give you twenty fifty million foxfialty here
of your family will give you dsas.

Speaker 4 (37:12):
Don't worry, just do this.

Speaker 3 (37:14):
Important stuff for us up front. To me, when I
see Biden, that is what I see. I see the
guy that men like me used to recruit at the
CIA foreign leaders to do this stuff. Otherwise otherwise be
anti American, but do this critical stuff for us. On
the background, I think Joe Biden's compromised. I think he's
compromised by one of these various international relationships. And I
don't think he gives a damn about the country because

he sold us out, that is earnestly, But I believe
because the evidence suggests that.

Speaker 1 (37:40):
Wow, I mean honestly, how could he not be compromised.
You see the Hunter Biden laptop and some of the
horrific stuff that's on there. No one and I mean
no one, I had a top secret government security clearance.
I imagine you probably did as well. I can't imagine either
of us getting a security clearance with any of that

stuff on our background, any of it. And clearly, I
mean the Biden family is in deep with the communist Chinese.
You have Hunter Biden getting paid with diamonds. I mean
only bond villains get paid with diamonds. And I'm joking
about that.

Speaker 3 (38:18):
But to your point, some CIA guys, by the way,
everyone el sweet it Eastern Congo, we got diamonds, but
anyway you did.

Speaker 1 (38:27):
Yeah. But I think underscortch your point, that just makes
your point right, because this is very concerning to me
because I used to used to say, you know, Biden, Yes,
people joke around about him like he's like some stumbling,
bumbling fool. But the people behind the curtain who are
pulling the strings, they clearly know he's a stumbling, bumbling

full and most of the media, especially the conservative media,
are going to write about that the lion's share of
the time while they're dismantling this country with surgical precision.
You talked about, you know, talk about this stuff with
Iran in Israel. One wonders, you know, how many HASBLA
sleeper cells are in this country with a wide open border,

with eight to ten million illegal aliens coming into this country,
does that play into this? I saw you put a
an ex post out about this as well. I mean,
that's here and it's real, is it not?

Speaker 3 (39:25):
Well, look, I will tell you that I know for
certain without getting into details. We're talking dozens of cells,
So this isn't just a onesier twosie and we're talking
about places from Michigan to California, Pennsylvania.

Speaker 4 (39:35):
They're everywhere. The FBI knows of probably most of them,
not all of them.

Speaker 3 (39:40):
And that's the problem, right because whether it's isis K,
whether it's a has bulah, whether it's just a lone wolf,
you know, actor it's metastasizing, it's it's here, it's too
late to fix this problem. Now, we just got to
ride it out. Look, there was a survey past gosh
October that showed that sixty percent, zero percent of American

Muslims believed and supported commas of terror attacks in Israel.
So if you've got sixty percent of the country's a
Muslim population the beliefs that actually terror is a pretty
darn good thing to accomplish their foreign policy goals, well
that that should cause a degree of alarm. I think,
I think a reasonable person would say that. So you've
got millions of people in this country who have a
predisposition to using terror to accomplish a goal. So, yeah,

we got a major problem, not just with the terror
cells and the eight or million or so folks who
have come over not only islam A terrorists, but we've got,
of course Chinese individuals twenty plus I think twenty four
thousand just in the past three or four months.

Speaker 4 (40:37):
That is up from three hundred in your twenty twenty one.

Speaker 3 (40:40):
So we've got this exponential growth of problems, and that
is why the FBI and others are saying all the
alarm bells are ringing on this one. All the lights
are blinking red. Yep, that is true. So what are
you gonna do to stop it?

Speaker 4 (40:53):
You can't.

Speaker 3 (40:53):
The FBI doesn't have enough capabilities to do it all.
So we're gonna give hit. And I think anybody, you know,
the folks that I know who are still on the inside,
they know of that.

Speaker 4 (41:00):
It's just a matter of you know, when not yet.

Speaker 1 (41:05):
That is concerning, man, That is that is so concerning.
You know. I think that we live at one of
the most dangerous times in American history. It's precarious on
so many fronts. I mean, so many of the issues
that we just talked about just over the last five
ten minutes, whether it's Israel, Aron Hamas, now we're talking

about immigration and paracels here in America, Biden being compromised.
I mean this, this is a spider web that goes
on for a long time. I mean, this is crazy,
you know.

Speaker 3 (41:39):
On so on my podcast, my listeners have started to
refer to me as the Angel of Death because I'm like, well,
it's Monday and we're all gonna die.

Speaker 4 (41:48):
Let me tell you what it is today.

Speaker 3 (41:51):
So yeah, it's it's an exceptionally awful time.

Speaker 4 (41:55):
And you hear this from guys who do counterintelligence.

Speaker 3 (41:58):
The chief of the of the countertell since the Center
back in DC, you've got guys like a diamond with
the gotcha Chase Bank, You've got our CEO saying yow,
this is an exceptionally bad time. This isn't just some
right wing conspiracy theory. No, no, Actually, it's awful everywhere.
And that's the sad reality for this country right now.

And it's because we've had twenty years or so of
really crappy leadership. So we can fix it, but we're
gonna get punched in the face quite a few times
before we can.

Speaker 4 (42:28):

Speaker 1 (42:29):
Oh wow, I mean okay, So can we segue to
Ukraine Russia. I saw some of the news today, I
think from the Washington Post that Kamala Harris had passed
on Zelenski, hey stop attacking Russian oil refineries, because you

know that. I think the point is she was concerned
about the rising cost of oil around the world. And
I see this as them just trying to protect their
their chances in November. It's like almost everything that this
administration does is about preserving their power and winning re election,
and they don't care about you, they don't care about me,

they don't care about Ukraine. And my thought about this, Brian,
was that Ukraine, at least, I've said to my viewers
and listeners for some time now that this was never
winnable for them, you know. And the longer that a
stalemate goes on in Ukraine, funded with American taxpayer dollars
in this proxy war. Longer this proxy war goes on,

the more likely it becomes that American sons and daughters
find themselves on the battleground keeping the peace. And that
is not something that I want. And so where do
you stand?

Speaker 4 (43:44):

Speaker 1 (43:44):
Not where do you stand, but where do you see
that Ukraine Russia conflict right now?

Speaker 3 (43:51):
So I got to have a big piece coming out
on Wednesday on Fox News that's going to talk about
this and frame it up. Bottom line is this war's
low for the Ukrainians. And I don't say that as
some sort of like you know, Russia.

Speaker 4 (44:04):
Guy or the lever neither.

Speaker 3 (44:08):
I'm a man who's listening to the Ukraine leaderships, specifically
they're military. Their top two guys are saying in fact
last week, last Monday, and then again last Thursday, they said, Look,
the issue isn't American war material or European war material
coming to us. In fact, the Europeans can't even give
it to us because they've got none of it to give.

And the Americans could even keep up if there were
such a thing. But the point is it's a man
power issue. They don't have the soldiers right now in
Ukraine and they're not going to They are outmanned ten
to one. That was the number given last week by
a set of Ukrainian generals. And that's why the parliament
in Ukraine just passed a law to try to conscript
more men, more fighters. The problem is that they've already

grabbed all the fighters that they can. In the rural areas.
There are villages, even the Washington Post is reported on this,
absolutely decimated, and a lot of these guys are becoming
so desperate. I don't know if you've read about this,
but they now have a gambling addiction, a series of
different addictions because they're on the front lines. Either they're
bored or they're trying to escape because they are up,

they are dying and they want out. And so the
guys that they're going to try to conscript. Those were
all in cities right now and they're hiding or they're
in Europe because they fled. They managed to pay the
ten thousand and fifteen thousand euro or so.

Speaker 4 (45:22):
To get out. So where are they going to get
the people?

Speaker 3 (45:25):
I'm not sure, but both of these generals said last
week that we need manpower and there's no wisbang gadget
that is going to defeat the Russians. We might be
able to hold on for a period of time. Last
week one of the generals said that it was going
to be luck. The Russians have to make a series
of mistakes as they did a couple of years ago
up in the north the east part of Ukraine. So

that's the only way they survive. So that's why I
think most reasonable people, just looking at the manpower issue,
put aside the sixty billion in War eight Ukrainians are
saying they ain't gonna help, They're not gonna win. So
a reasonable person would say, why are you going to
put hundreds of thousands of men into their graves, men
that are twenty two twenty three twenty five pointy saidn
you and I know this. We have lived this in

places like a rock in Afghanistan with our friends getting
blown up, all right, or if they do come back,
their minds are scrambled, they're missing limbs and they would.

Speaker 4 (46:16):
Rather be dead, and some of them do that, they
do kill themselves. This is the same fate that we
are signing these men up for.

Speaker 3 (46:22):
So the question is there any other way to fight
this fight?

Speaker 4 (46:25):
And if there is, let's see what is it?

Speaker 3 (46:28):
And I think you're hearing from the President of France
and otherwise, hey, we're gonna have to send to NATO
troops because there aren't enough Ukrainians to fight this fight. Well,
then we need to step back and say is World
War three worth it? Or can we do something else?
Can we wrap this up in another way? And a
poll that came out in November showed that forty six
percent of Ukrainian people so they are ready to sue
for peace. They are ready for a peace team, and

there is one on the table. It started out in
April twenty twenty two.

Speaker 4 (46:51):
It is there now.

Speaker 3 (46:53):
Some of the components or that Ukraine cannot join NATO,
that they have to limit the size of their military,
They have to limit the size of or the reach
of their missiles. Or other projectiles. So there are some
things on the table that Zelenski and Putin would have
to wrestle out, no doubt about it. But it is
the cost to Ukraine and these hundreds of thousands of
young men, which by the way, they were already facing

a demographic crisis before this war. That is why they
have the conscription ages to below twenty five or twenty seven.
Now they're pushing it down because they got to grab
more young men.

Speaker 4 (47:24):
They didn't have a lot to begin with.

Speaker 3 (47:25):
So that's why a peace deal is so existential and
so important for Ukraine because if they don't get the men,
forget the Wisbane gadgets, NATO was going to have to
send in forces to try to hold that ground because
Ukraine doesn't have enough of them. And that's just the
bottom line. This isn't about being pro Putin or pro Russia.
This is about simple map. So you can be cranky

about that, or you can be a realist and say,
all right, we got a suit for piece, it's an
ugly deal and let's move on.

Speaker 1 (47:54):
I what upsets me about all of this is politicians' willingness,
Democrats and Republicans to just send young men and women
into the meat grinder in Ukraine with no hope of victory.
And I happened to think that they always knew that
Ukraine was not going to be victorious. I mean, Brian

best case scenario is they were fighting for a stalemate.
Maybe they hoped to kill ten thousand plus troops because
they believe Russian troops, because they believe that it would
weaken Russia and that would therefore help us. I cannot
understand that logic. I don't understand that line of thinking,

and that also completely it just does it fails to
mention the fact that we were the catalyst to all
this with the regime change in twenty fourteen in Ukraine.
And so it's just like, when is this ever? When
does this ever work for us? When you look back
at twenty years of American foreign policy in Iraq and Afghanistan,

you look at what happened in Egypt, to Libya, to
removing autocrats all across the Middle East, none of this
has done good things or made us a stronger country.
I mean that's just my perspective on it. And I
don't think that the world is a safer place because
of it.

Speaker 3 (49:15):
No, look, so Let's start with the first piece you said,
which is that you have this sense that this is
really if I made a ball of price, it's really
about regime change, right, So it's weakening Putin, weakening the
Russian military so we can go in and affect a
color revolution in Moscow. So that's not actually a that's
not a guess or that's not a conspiracy theory. We
know from Biden's speech and polland back in March of

twenty twenty two, because he said that Putin can no
longer remain in power. The next month Secretary of Austin
he said the precise thing, that the goal is to
weaken Russia's military. So we give some bookends to this
conversation going back to the early days of twenty twenty two,
just after the invasion, that said that that is the
goal of the West. Okay, So if that isn't fact
the goal of the West, your point is, well, how

good are we at that?

Speaker 4 (49:58):
How good are we at regime change right or constituting
the country?

Speaker 3 (50:02):
Well, we really haven't been very good at that since
I don't know, like Japan and Germany back in Second
World War. So since that's true, maybe we should rethink
our strategy here. So I think that that's the first piece.
The second with Ukraine. You know, one of the things
that we don't do very well either is understand history.
I mean, ginghis Khan and his hordes were in Kiev

a couple of what six hundred, eight hundred years ago,
no longer than that. But the point is this has
been contested territory by lots of people for hundreds and
hundreds of years. So that's why I think President Washington,
in his farewell address to the nation said to us,
be very wary of foreign entanglements.

Speaker 4 (50:38):
And especially in Europe. So just be very cautious when
you go around the world.

Speaker 3 (50:42):
It's not to say they have to be isolationist, but
really understand history, understand what you're getting into, and understand
your interests. Otherwise, don't get into it. Let them sort
it out. And I think that that wisdom and that
Council of our most eminent founding father is coming through
today in and so many places around the world. But
that council was not about being isolationist. It was just

understanding the nature of man, and understanding the nature and
the horror rule, and understanding that the Treasury cannot be
exhausted for these foreign adventures. That was his wisdom, and
I think we are forgetting that council.

Speaker 1 (51:17):
Wow, Brian, you have been so gracious with your time.
I'm so grateful. Thank you. I'd love to have you
back at some point to talk more about this stuff.
But in the meantime, tell us where we can find you,
how we can support you.

Speaker 4 (51:32):
Thank you. Brother.

Speaker 3 (51:33):
Yeah, so my last name is right, like the Right Brothers,
So it's the Right Report. It's on people like oh
your right Winger.

Speaker 4 (51:39):
No, come on, man, there is another version of that name.

Speaker 3 (51:42):
So yeah, So Those Right Reports podcast is on all
major podcast platforms. We've been launched out for a little
for a year now, so once you hit that year mark,
that's always a good feeling. But I take people around
America and we talk about domestic problems, but I also
take us to places around the world. I'll be doing
that tomorrow, a little global trip. Grab the maps. It's
not a lot of fun, but I'm grateful for the chance.

Speaker 4 (52:03):
To come on.

Speaker 3 (52:03):
And I offer you a tip. Hat you're a hat
tip rather brother. You have done incredible work. You've been
hit by the blob and you were pushing forward and
your audience is so lucky to have your voice, and
I'm lucky to be here with you today.

Speaker 4 (52:14):
Thank you.

Speaker 1 (52:15):
Oh I don't even know what to say to that,
but thank you, Brian. I'm i've, i've I thank you
for saying that, my friend, and you know you were.
You've got an open invitation anytime you know you want
to come on this show. We love having you on,
love learning from you. So thank you, brother. We'll talk
to you soon. You got it, you will, all right,
see you, Brian. That was Brian Dean Wright and you

should definitely go subscribe, follow wherever you listen to podcasts,
to the to the Right Report. He's he's super intelligent,
he's super smart about this stuff. Nobody better in the
business talking about foreign policy than than Brian. So uh
go check him out, go follow him. Okay, last night

a couple of cops were shot in New York. One
was a Syracuse Police officer. One was on Adaga Sheriff
up in Northern New York. I was stationed up at
Fort Drum. They were ambushed and talking to my very
very good friend that I served in combat with. He'd
actually did two tours to Afghanistan. His name is Chris

Cowen was on the Syracuse. He's first of all, he's
a hero. I'm so lucky to have this guy, Michaeltoon.
He was my point man. And if you're on point
in any sort of infantry or military type formation, it
means you're the guy that's on the tip of the spear.
Right every division operation, and during my time in Afghanistan,

every brigade operation, every battalion level operation. Division is big,
brigade is middle, battalion is smaller. But on every one
of those missions, my battalion was the main effort, which
means I'm sorry, Mike Peltoon was the main effort, which
meant we were the tip of the spear. Chris Cowan
was the point man in my platoon, which means he
was the tip of the tip and means if you're

making contact with the enemy, he was getting shot up first.
And he did it every single mission, and he was incredible.
Somehow make it back from Afghanistan. The guy goes to
be a police officer. He ends up doing all sorts
of stuff. Was a was a beat cop and does
all sorts of other those on the SWAT team and
worked his way up to be a detective and now

he's doing and now he's doing in wellness. But uh,
Syracuse police officer was ambushed and killed Onodaga Sheriff's Department
deputy was killed last night as well. These officers were
ambushed and the truth is they don't know why they were.
They had tracked this guy who was a speeding ticket.
He fled the scene. They found they called off the chase.

They found this guy's car in front of his in
front of his house. Officers were walking, you know, up
to the house. One of them gets shot and killed
in the backyard. The other one shot and killed in
the front yard. Absolutely census senseless assassination of some of
our country's finest. If you're in the military, you're the sword.

If you wear a badge and protect this country here
at home, and you're a police officer, you're the shield.
And today a Montclair police officer shot this afternoon. So
I just want to put this out there because you
don't hear this reported on the news all that much,
and it should be news. It should be. That's eleven

officers shot in the last five days. Three of them
are dead. So that means potentially wives, children never see
their loved one again. Mothers, fathers, never see their loved
one again, these families Thanksgiving Christmas, empty chair at the table,

empty seat around the It just sends me into a
rage that Democrats have created this, and they have this
defund the police, war on the police nonsense. Their policies
created this. And you see Governor Hokel, Democrat governor in

New York where this assassination of these cops happened. I'm
horrified by the senseless killing of a Syracuse police officer
and an Onondaga Sheriff's deputy last night. My prayers are
with the families, loved ones, and their colleagues. New York's
will never forget their heroism and service. I'm sorry your policies,
Governor Hokeel, caused this. If you gain a damn about

this nation's or New York State's law enforcement officers, you
would not be defunding the police. You would not be
releasing criminals back on to the streets. I mean, there
was a guy in New York City who punched a
nine year old girl in the face in Grand Central
Station and was released without bail. While Trump is on

trial criminal trial on some trumped up no pun intended
federal charges that even the Federal Election Commission the Biden
DOJ declined to prosecute because it's bullshit. You created this war,
You created these policies which led to these attacks on
our police officers, and it makes me sick. Not a

single word from the Biden Whitehouse condemning this historic violence
against police officers. You don't see it as headlines in
the mainstream media or the legacy media anywhere. Not a
single damn Republican in the House of Representatives to prioritize
passing to protect and servak nothing, no one. Our cops
are left out there flapping. I'm telling you. It makes

me so angry because you cannot evangelize criminals and demonize
law enforcement officers, people who risk their lives to protect
this country. That's an altruistic motive. People who are willing
to do that should be celebrated. They should not be

demonized by our policymakers. Yet here we are. It's the
country that we live in now, and it seems like
so much of the country that we live in I
don't even recognize anymore. And I gotta talk to you
real quickly about this post millennial headline this this mother
is family court issue. There's a court case out in

California about a mom she's gonna learn very soon if
she's legally allowed to chemically castrate her eleven year old
son in California against the father's wishes. It's insane, Okay.
So this headline from our friends at the Post Millennial
mom to soon learn if she's legally allowed to chemically
castrate eleven year old son in California against father's wishes.

And the father said, and I quote, my children are
now subject to being chemically castrated in California. Let me
first tell you that California is what they call a
trans sanctuary state. So if you know, God forbid, you're
part of a family who's been through a divorce and

you have small children, automatically you have a custody. You've
got custody in front of the state to determine, you know,
where the kids spend the majority of their time or
if there's going to be some sort of shared parenting component.
What I mean by that is fifty to fifty California
is a trans sanctuary state. So what that does is

give an incentive to parents who are at their worst
embroiled in a divorce and in a custody fight and
incentive to run off to California, and in California will
not send them back if they say that their child
is trans That's the situation that we're in here. A
mother may be permitted by California court a chemically castrator's

son with puberty blockers without the father's permission, in the
belief that the child is transgender, after moving with the
son to California. According to the Dallas Express, Anna Georgiallis
is petitioning the courts to let her use puberty blockers
under eleven year old son, despite opposition from Jeff Younger,
the boy's father. The couple is divorced, and the mother

claims the boy identifies as a girl. In twenty twenty two,
the Texas Supreme Court ruled against the father, who was
seeking to prevent the castration potentially life altering medications. The
moment this stuff is administered, there's no role in it back.
This is what I say. The family court in this

country is irredeemably broken. When you look like no one
plans to get a divorce, No one not in the cards.
For it wasn't in the cards for me until it was.
But I'm telling you, the family court in this country
is irretrievably broken. It needs to be torn down, reformed,

and rebuilt from the ground up. This gladiator styles stuff
between parents needs to get removed from the mix. Children
have constitutional rights as well. They have a right to
be with a mother and a father who both love
them and equal access to both. That of course, if
the parents are there and involved and there's no abuse

or anything like that, right that goes without saying. But
my point is this kind of stuff, The fact that
we're even having this conversation where a father has to
watch from afar because he's had his parential rights terminated
by some bastard and a black robe who maybe met
his child once for one hour. The state strips rights

from this father, and then his mom flees to California
where she would chemically castrate him over the This is
absolutely insane. It should never, and I mean never happened
in America. I mean, fathers are up against it in
the family court as it is, but this is crazy
to me, and a pro form of hearing. A schedule

for this up and coming trial on April twenty fifth,
where transgender experts are slated to appear, but the father
will reportedly not be allowed to testify against the procedure.
This Banana Republic kangaroo court stuff is happening all over America.
And Jeff Younger said, the Supreme Court of Texas denied

my mandamus, effectively terminating my parental rights. My children are
now subject to being chemically castrated in California. Texas is
an empire of child abuse led by Texas judges. I'm
telling you, family Court, the mission is the best interest
of the child, but it's rarely, if ever served. That's
why I'm telling you. If the vast majority of Americans

knew how broke broken family Court was and the horrors
that happened there, they would never ever tolerated. It's absolutely sickening.
It's sickening to me that we live in a country
that would allow this to happen. It comes to us, folks.
The task falls to us to change it and fix it.

And so I really appreciate you all sticking with me
a little over an hour. But Brian Dean Wright is
just so interesting. A couple housekeeping items before we pop
smoke for the night, please take a couple of minutes
and like, smash that little green thumb. Please. It helps
the show a lot beneath the little videos. Smash that

little green thumb. Tell your family and your friends to
subscribe to Battleground Live. I need all of you to
be an ambassador for this show. By the way, you're
helping us grow. I mean, the growth of Battleground Live
is it can be attributed to you, So thank you
for that this show. We have an amazing show planned
for you tomorrow. I got one of my good friends

lined up. His name is Steve Hartov. Steve was a
former member of the Israeli Defense Force. His children, he
lives here in America. He's a dual American Israeli citizen.
His son was just mobilized. He's got cousins fighting in Gaza.
He's going to give an insider perspective of what this
war is like. I got him on deck for you tomorrow.

Of course, Savage Rich for Wednesday. More guests than we
typically have here on Battleground Live. But there's just so
much happening in the world right now that I want
to make sure that you're getting the best possible insight
from the best possible people. So Steve Hartov on deck
for tomorrow, Rich Barris on deck for Wednesday, that this
show is going to be fire this week, so don't

miss it. And as always, folks, thank you all for watching.
I so appreciate it. Keep the faith. The best is
yet to come. Take action to fight and save this country.
God bless you all. May God bless the United States
of America. This the most exceptional nation ever. Take care
of folks. Good night, I'll see you tomorrow

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