All Episodes

April 16, 2024 62 mins

Tonight on Battleground LIVE: 

In the arena tonight: Steve Hartov

In 1977 Steve  volunteered for the Israel Defense Forces, serving first as a paratrooper and later in a Special Operations branch of Israeli Military Intelligence. He subsequently served 13 more years as an IDF reservist and 17 years as an officer and task force commander in the New York Guard. .

  • Also SCOTUS takes up 1512c 

  • Implications for J6ers

  • Trump back in court in NYC

  • FISA reauthorized again…

  • Congress funds foreign wars but not our border

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:03):

Speaker 2 (00:04):
You're rope about to enter the arena.

Speaker 3 (00:07):
And join the battle to save America with your host
Sean Parnell.

Speaker 2 (00:14):
What is a battle, grew, what is up America? It
is a great day to be an American, and from
sea to shining sea in everyone in between, welcome patriots.
Let's jump right into the arena. We got so much
to talk about. I'm gonna get into the show rundown

here in a second, but I want to do a
very very quick family update. Many of you all have
written to me and asked about my youngest son, Evans
Ben Carson project. Now, remember he received a list from
the school, which is a public school of nothing but
liberal figures. And so Commander Mellie and I said, you

know what, we got to take things up a notch
around here in Fort Parnell. We're not gonna have our
son writ some glowing report on the great divider that
is Barack Obama or something like that. We're going to
take things to the next level and we're going to
have him write a report and do a presentation on

a conservative And we settled on a great American patriot
and his name is Ben Carson. Now, remember, Commander Melanie
and I took him to Barnes and Noble, which that's
the closest bookstore to us, and we go in there
and in the kid's nonfiction section there were two types

of books, all this LGBTQ elemento p insanity and all
books that basically say that all white people are racist.
The only bio in the middle of those two things
was a book, a kid's bio about Barack Obama, which
was appropriate and I'll just leave it at that, wink.

So I also got into it last night with a
CNN journalist, and I just got to say before I
get into the show Rundown, because yes, I know we've
got a lot to talk about. But Chris Solizza, he's
CNN's polster. He put something out yesterday that just blew
my mind. And sometimes I just can't resist the mouth

breathing is just too much. And so let me read
to you what he said. He said a number that
stunned me. In the New York Times Siena poll, forty
two percent of people said that the years Donald Trump
was president were mostly good for America. Just thirty three
percent said they were mostly bad. It speaks to the

power of nostalgia and how we as humans tend to
remember the good stuff and block out the bad. And
then he says objectively, the Trump years were very, very
tough on Americans. Three hundred and fifty thousand Americans died
of COVID in nineteen and COVID nineteen twenty. Donald Trump
tried to use the power of the presidency to overturn

an election. The economy tanked, and yet people feel mistatic.
I mean, and I just weighed in. I'm like, oh
my god. Or maybe just maybe people realize that Trump
was an extraordinary president that Joe Biden, by contrast, is
the worst president in American history. Maybe that's what people remember,

never mind the fact that his points are absurd. More
people died of COVID Chris under Biden than did Trump.
And Trump uses powers as president to overturn an election, well,
some would say he's constitutionally obligated to ensure that elections
are free and fair. One would also say, if we're

looking at the situation honestly, that all President Trump was
trying to do was send the electors back to the
states so that the states in question could conduct an investigation.
Because the states are best suited to investigate elections that
they themselves conducted. Nobody tried to overturn an election. And oh,
by the way, this is just exactly what the Democrats

did in twenty sixteen. And so back to Evan, there
is no way, shape or form am I going to
have my son do a report on all of these
whack job liberals and Democrats who are destroying our country.
So he did one on Ben Carson, and I've got
the sheet right here in front of me, and his
teacher said he did amazing. His speaking volume is great.

He's very comfortable up front and speaking to the class,
and he did phenomenal on his report on Ben Carson.
And to my young son, Evan, my youngest, our youngest kid,
we love you man. Great job, keep working hard at school. Okay,
let's transition to the show, shall we. Sorry? I had

a lot there off the top, But tonight we've got
a very very good friend of mine named Steve Hartov
in the arena. Steve is an IDF combat veteran, Israeli
Defense Force combat veteran is a he's a combat veteran
in the United States military as well. I'll do another
introduction to him when we get him on deck, we're

probably gonna get him in the arena maybe twenty five
minutes past the hour, maybe thirty minutes into the show.
But we are also going to talk right off the
top about the Supreme Court of the United States taking
up the fifteen to twelve see Obstruction of an Official proceeding.
This case has unbelievable it's unbelievably important with regards to

President Trump. It's the core of what Jack Smith is
charging him with, obstruction of an official proceeding. It has
implications for January six ers. We're gonna get into that.
We're going to talk about Trump back in court today
in New York City with Pudge Alvin Bragg. Faiza was reauthorized,
much to the chagrin of me, Commander Melanie, and every

conservative voter in this country concerned about freedom and liberty.
And of course, Congress managed today under Speaker Mike Johnson,
to fund a bunch of foreign wars, or put forth
a spending bill, or put forth a funding bill that
would fund foreign wars but not secure our southern border.
It's all a huge disaster. So let's just get right
into it, folks. Let's waste no more time and let's

talk about this. Fifteen twelve C Obstruction of an official
proceeding is at the Supreme Court of the United States.
This is another phase of the Democrat law fair against Trump.
It's a case that has that's this critically critically important.
The Supreme Court absolutely has to get this right. The

Department of Justice used fifteen to twelve C again obstruction
of an official proceeding to enhance January sixth. Mostly peaceful
protesters use it to enhance their sentences take what would
normally be misdemeanors. So January sixth, Grandma goes into the Capitol,
takes out a phone, snaps a selfie in front of

a monument or something like that. On January sixth, the
Department of Justice Merrick Garden, the Biden administration is using
fifteen twelve C to turn what would be a misdemeanor
unlawful parading or something, and turn it into a felony.
And that's how the Department of Justice is able to

get all of these federal offense twenty plus year sentences
for people who did next to nothing wrong and just
took part in a mostly peaceful protest. This case highlights
just the utter corruption and rot at the Department of Justice.
Keep in mind they put three hundred over three hundred

and fifty American citizens in jail, some of which they
had in pre trial confinement. They unnecessary, unnecessarily delayed their
trial to make sure that they stayed in jail as
long as humanly possible by simply defining words in the
most ridiculous ways possible. In other words, a protest outside

the capital is being defined as obstruction of an official proceeding.
And never mind the fact that this was intended. Fifteen
twelve C was intended for a criminal case against Enron,
where executives were like burning documents. It had nothing to
do with protesting. And so if the Supreme Court finds

that the Department of Justice and the DC Trial Court
and the Appeals Court, the Circuit Court, and DC misapplied
or or wrongly applied fifteen twelve C, well it could
reverse the sentences of up to three hundred plus January
six ers, who I believe were wrongfully imprisoned. This, to me, Folks,

is one of the most important issues of our time.
In January six ers, many of these people who were
rightfully protesting what was a rigged and stolen election because
it was I don't care what you say, it's a fact.
They were down there, they were making their voices heard.
It was their right to protest. Our tax dollars pay

for the US capital. They had every right in the
world to be there. Is rioting and violence ever, okay,
absolutely not. But the vast majority of people that were
there that day, and the vast majority of people who
are being thrown in prison, they're being thrown in prison
on completely bogused, enhanced felony charges made possible by the
Biden Justice Apartment and the Department of Justice. Well, I'll

tell you this, Having paid attention to this trial today,
it looked like things went pretty bad for the government.
They didn't go well. It looked like many of the
Supreme Court, the conservative Supreme Court justices did not get
down at all with the government's arguments. And Gorsic specifically,

I pulled a piece of sound for you to listen
to this because he gets right to the heart of
the issue. So, if a fifteen twelve C felony conviction
can be used to enhance a protest, would it apply
to perhaps Black Lives Matter or Antifa when they rampaged
across the country. How about Antifa in Seattle when they

closed down police departments or locked down a federal courthouse
for months. What about when Antifa created chaz in the
middle of Seattle and no charges were brought on anybody.
Or how about the pro Hamas sympathizers who were blocking
traffic yesterday. If a lawyer was in that traffic and
didn't get to a trial on time, is that obstruction

of an official proceeding? Or what about people that pro
Hamas sympathizers who stormed into the Senate just a couple
of weeks ago, Or what about Heckler's in the crowd
at a United States Supreme Court hearing? Are all of
those people subject to obstruction of an official proceeding? And
what was interesting is that the Supreme Court justices even

you know, it was mostly the conservative ones. Of course,
the liberals on the court were sympathetic with the government's arguments,
but most of the conservatives on the court got the
government to admit that this statute had only ever been
applied to January six ers. And that's compelling for a
lot of reasons, not the least of which was what

I just told you. Are we going to now apply
obstruction of an official proceeding to anybody who wants to
protest anything at any time. I sure as hell hope not,
but listen to gorsis getting right to the heart of
the issue. This is real interesting sound bite. Check this out.
Listen if I might.

Speaker 1 (11:50):
So, what does that mean for the breadth of this statue?
Would a sit in that disrupts a trial for access
to a federal courthouse qualify? Would a heckler in today's
audience qualify? Or at the State of the Union address,
would pulling a fire alarm before a vote qualify? For

twenty years in federal prison.

Speaker 4 (12:17):
There are multiple elements of the statute that I think
might not be satisfied by those hypotheticals, and it relates
to the point I was going to make to the
Chief Justice about the breadth of this statute, the kind
of built in limitations or the things that I think
would potentially suggest that many of those things wouldn't be
something the government could charge or prove as fifteen twelve C.
Two beyond a reasonable doubt. Would include the fact that

the actus rays does require obstruction, which we understand to
be a meaningful interference, so that means that if you
have some minor disruption or delay, or some minimal outbursts,
I think it falls within thee.

Speaker 1 (12:49):
Begin require the court to reconvene after the proceeding has
been brought back into line, or the pulling of the
fire alarm the vote has to be rescheduled, or the
protest outside of a courthouse makes it inaccessible for a

period of time. Are those all federal felonies subjects twenty
years in.

Speaker 4 (13:15):
Prison, So with some of them it would be necessary
to show nexus. So with respect to the protest house,
to show that, yes, they were.

Speaker 1 (13:23):
Thinking that showing sea, Yeah, they were trying to stop
the proceeding.

Speaker 4 (13:26):
Yes, And then we'd also have to be able to
prove that they acted corruptly. And this sets a stringent
men's raya. It's not even just the mere intent to obstruct.
We have to show that also, but we have to
show that they had corrupt intent in acting in that way.

Speaker 1 (13:38):
We went around that tree yesterday.

Speaker 4 (13:40):
I know I heard the argument yesterday, but I guess
what I would say is that to the extent that
your hypotheticals are pressing on the idea of a peaceful protest,
even one that's quite disruptive. It's not clear to me
that the government would be able to show that each
of the most sters have scrupted.

Speaker 1 (13:55):
Protests that actually obstructs and impedes and an official proceeding
for an indefinite period would not be covered.

Speaker 4 (14:02):
Not necessarily, we would.

Speaker 2 (14:04):
Just have to have been Do you see what's happening here?
I mean, look, you can hear the skepticism in Gorsic's voice,
if you have any level of emotional intelligence, you can
hear it. Thankfully, many of the conservative justices were on
board with this, and I'm talking about you know again,
I said, the three liberal justices, they're kind of on

board with the government. I don't think there's gonna be
any question as to how they rule on this, although
we'll see, We'll hold out hope. You had Chief Justice Roberts,
you had Alito, you had Thomas, you had Gorsics, you
had Cavanaugh, all vehemently it sounded like, vehemently opposed and
asking skating questions of the government. Even had Roberts doing

that as well, which is interesting. So this is gonna
come down or it might come down to Amy Cony Barrett,
which again is a Trump appointee. Well, she seemed on
the fence. But we will see how this goes. Okay,
So let's put a pin in that. We'll keep our
ear to the grind round on this and let's shift
gears to Pudge Alvin Bragg in New York City. This

trial is a sham. It's always been a sham. The
title of the episode is the sham of the century,
because it is even the liberal media, the legacy media.
When Pudge Alvin brought this case in the first place,
they made fun of it. They thought it was a joke.

They thought it was weak, they thought it was about
as strong as a wet paper bag. And Trump outside
the courtroom wasted no time lamb basting what a sham
this trial really is. Listen, thank you very much.

Speaker 5 (15:45):
This is a trial it should have never been brought.
I'd say trial that.

Speaker 6 (15:50):
Is being looking up on, looked at all over the
world calling they're looking at it and analyze every legal pundon,
every legal god said.

Speaker 5 (16:01):
This trial is a disgrace.

Speaker 6 (16:04):
We have a Trump hating judge, we have a judge
who shouldn't be on this case.

Speaker 5 (16:09):
He's totally conflicted.

Speaker 6 (16:11):
But this is a trial that should never happened or
should have been thrown out a long time ago.

Speaker 2 (16:15):
It I say this, I feel like I say this often,
but Trump is one hundred percent right now. Pudge wanted
Trump detained, actually thrown in a jail cell for violating
the gag order, by the way, the unconstitutional gag order,

because what's happening now is that the media and all
of these left wing lawyers are going out on a
twenty four hour a day media news cycle trying to
shape public sentiment. They're going all in on attacking Trump,
attacking Trump, attacking Trump leading up to the trial, so
that when the I mean, the jury pool is being

selected from an already heavily Democrat area, but the media
is just carpet bombing them with propaganda and they're not
allowing Trump or his lawyers to even respond to any
of this. Of course it's unconstitutional, but Pudge Alvin Bragg
upgraded what should be a misdemeanor, and a joke of
a misdemeanor at that. By the way, I don't even
think it is a misdemeanor, so I don't even want

to overstate it there. But this guy is a guy
that brought felonies down to misdemeanors about sixty two percent
of the time, and when Pudge Alvin Bragg was elected,
he said he was no enforcement for resisting arrest, sex work,
or trespassing. No one is placed in jail whatsoever unless

it's murder or a felony associated with somebody else's death.
Diminished sentences for things like armed robbery, stealing from houses,
dealing with drugs. And he also wants the race to
be considered the race of the perpetrator to be considered.
This prosecutor Pudgalvin Ran on taking down Trump. I mean,

this is absolutely insane. Let me just run down how
absurd this is. Pudge Bragg, Pudgalvin Ran made a campaign
just like fatist James on going after Trump. Listen, listen
to this. Listen for yourself. Whoever has this job, are
they going to convict Donald Trump.

Speaker 7 (18:31):
I'm the candidate in the race who has the experience
with Donald Trump. I was the chief deputy in the
Attorney General's office. We sued the Trump administration over one
hundred times for the Muslim travel band, for family separation
at the border, for shenanigans with the census, so I
know how to litigate with him. I also led the

team that did the Trump Foundation case. So I'm ready
to go wherever the facts take me and to inherit
that case. And I think, you know, I'd be hard
to argue with the fact that that's that'd be the
most important, most high profile case. And I've seen him
up front and seen the lawlessness.

Speaker 2 (19:07):
That he can do, and you believe it should happen.

Speaker 7 (19:11):
I believe we have to hold him accountable. So yeah, there,
you are right. We've got a two standards of justice.
Harvey Weinstein, Jeffrey Epstein. Being a rich old white man
has allowed you to fade accountability in Manhattan that includes
Trump and his children. So I've seen a pattern of
lawlessness over twenty years, and so I'm inclined to believe
all I see in the public domain and know that

there's and believe that there's a path forward there to
make a case.

Speaker 2 (19:37):
So this is complete, completely ridiculous. The previous Manhattan DA,
who by the way, is a state prosecutor. This is
a federal case. So how PUDJ. Aalvin as a state
prosecutor is actually able to prosecute a federal case, I
don't know. It's beyond me. I'm not a lawyer, but
that raises a lot of questions to me. But even
Pudge Alvin said he wasn't going to charge this case.

The previous Manhattan District attorney said he wasn't going to
charge the case. They said that the core of the
case is that this is an election of Federal Election
Commission find it campaign finance violation. Well, the FEC, the
Federal Election Commission investigated it and said nah. The Biden
Justice Apartment investigated it and said nah. Again. Pad Jalvin

looked at it and said, now, I'm not going to
prosecute it. It wasn't until the Biden administration sent a
Biden administration lawyer from the White House who officially resigned
his position from the White House to New York City
to be a partner with Bragg in this case before
Bragg would agree to take it up in the first place.
You see what a sham this really is, right, And

of course the judge get to merchand judge merchand and
his daughter. This guy has said anti Trump things in
the past. This guy has given money, donated money to
Joe Biden. That's a conflict of interest right there, and
he should recuse. His daughter has raised over ninety million
dollars for left wing causes that support putting Trump in prison.

His daughter personally has made over two million dollars, which
therefore enriches the merchand family. How did she raise this
money by helping radical Democrats like Adam Schiff who pushed
the Russia collusion hoax for years in putting Trump and
jail and his son's in jail and raising all sorts
of money off of that. She enriched herself off of
putting Trump in jail. And now the man that has

the power to put Trump in jail is overseeing the
trial itself. In the entire trial, the whole thing is
built around Michael Cohen and a porn star. I mean,
take a second, pinch yourself here for just a second. Okay,
The trial that could send a former president of the

United States to prison revolves around a porn star and
Michael Cohen, who is a serial perjurer. That was written
by a judge in New York. The guy that was
a convicted liar lied on the record more than anybody else.
The whole trial hinges on his testimony. Yet that's where

we are for in President of the United States could
go to jail. Literally, they could put him in jail
over this because of a guy named Michael Cohen, a
convicted liar in Stormy Daniels, a porn star. And oh,
by the way, here's the thing. Stormy Daniels signed a
letter saying that it was all made up and it

never ever happened. So that brings me to jury selection
in DC. I've already told you the reason why the
gag order exists, unconstitutional gag order is so that the
media can do a twenty four hours a day, seven
day news cycle and lead up to the jury selection
saturated with an already Democrat jury poll saturated propaganda and

talking points prevent Donald Trump from even responding. And isn't
it interesting that if you look at Judge Merchand's criteria
for jurors, if you're a Trump supporter, if you worked
for President Trump, you campaign for President Trump, you even
went to a Trump rally, if you have a family
member that voted for President Trump, you could be kicked

off of the jury pool. But Judge Merchand and his
daughter and Alvin Bragg campaign, they said negative things about Trump.
Alvin Bragg campaigned on getting Trump. But the prosecutor can
stay on the case with a Trump bias, the judge
can stay on the case with a Trump bias. But
if you're a juror that believed that even just has

some ancillary connection to Trump, you can't be on the case.
I mean, this is the world that we live in.
So that brings me to this point. Why does why
are we living in a world? Why is anyone treating
this case as anything else but a complete sham brag
Merchand the entire New York City justice system is operating

outside the purview of the United States Constitution. I mean,
for real, these are all sham charges. They're violating the
law left and right. There is a record of people
not wanting to charge this case like that goes back
ten people. And so you have all these legal experts
on CNN and h oh Man, this case is this Oh,

I don't know, I like talking and debating the case
like it's an episode of Judge Judy or something. This
is a complete sham. I reject the entire premise. And
when Trump was asked about this, I mean, he was
asked about it, and his response was perfect. He said,
I was paying a lawyer and marked it down as
a legal expense. An accountant I didn't know marked it

down as a legal expense, and that's exactly what it was.
And you get indicted over that. Cohen, a convicted felon,
claims that he paid Stormy Daniels and Trump paid him back.
But don't forget that. Stormy Daniels also signed a statement
saying that none of it happened. But this is the
world that we live in, folks. We also live in

a world where FISA was just reauthorized today. Many of
the people who voted for FISA are people on Capitol
Hill that I consider my friends. I'm disappointed in them.
The Republicans who voted for PISA, I'm disappointed in you.
You cannot be the party of freedom. You cannot be

pro freedom and also pro warrantless spying on American citizens.
I own my part in all of this. Back when
I was a young twenty something idiot, after nine to
eleven joining the military and getting in the fight, the
Democrats and Republicans roll out this bill called the Patriot Act,
and I heard it. I'm like, well, Patriot Act, I'm
a patriot, of course I support this bill. I was

stupid back then. I've wised up. Now, freedom and liberty
of Americans in this country has to be preserved at
all costs, and any time we give it up, it's
becomes very, very difficult to get back from a big,
bloated government, especially one that has abused it to go

after political opponents. I mean, keep in mind, I really
want you to focus on this, that almost every hoax
that was foisted on the American people over the last
ten years since Trump came down the escalator, and for
all we know, going back a lot further, we just
don't know. But almost every hoax that was pushed on

the American people, they used FIZA to do it. The
Russia collusion hoax, all of that. So the FBI has
lost the trust of the American people. They've got to
earn the trust back before they can go spying on
people without a warrant. And oh, by the way, the
fies of courts are completely broken. They're basically a rubber stamp.
So you mean to tell me that the FBI doesn't
even want the dedidril hurdle. That is a rubber stamp.

Why why is that so difficult? This should concern the
hell out of all of us. And of course border
funding was removed. So again because there's all falls at
the feet of Speaker Johnson, I'm kind of ticking off
things pretty fast here because there's a lot to talk
about on the show today. But all border funding was

removed from negotiations as it pertains to funding Ukraine and
funding Israel, which, hey, we should be helping Israel, right,
I'm fine with that. Ukraine, you know where I stand
on that our aid there will not make a meaningful difference.
It will still end in a stalemate. Israel can take

the fight to the enemy and win, and we should
help them. The world's a better place without Hamas and so.
But my point is every bit of leverage that we
had on securing the border. Mike Johnson, Speaker of the House,
just gave it a way by saying that no aid
do your and aid to Israel is not going to
be tethered to any border security funding, not to mention

that on the floor of the House of Representatives the
REPO Act is being debated. Do you know what the
REPO Act is? And I've told you that lawfair is
only one front in the war against Trump. The Democrats
see the writing on the wall. The Democrats know that
they have an historically unpopular president in Biden. Somehow cackling
Kamala is less popular than him. The Democrats know that

their backs are up against the wall. The Democrats know
that this law fair is failing, and the more they
indict Trump, the more popular he gets. They know that
Trump is surging everywhere, and so they're trying to do
things the deep state, the blob behind the scenes to
stifle a next Trump presidency. In this debate over the

Repo Act r EPO, Google it, don't trust me, just
look it up yourself. What this legislation does that's being
currently debated on the House floor is freeze the current
sanctions against the regime in Russia, and it would require
an Act of Congress to change it. So, if your
President Trump, one of your primary responsibilities, and this is

just as it pertains to Russia, is diplomacy. So why
would you want an Act of Congress to just allow
the president to negotiate diplomacy at all? It's a recipe
for a disaster. What if Trump wants to make the
sanctions harder tougher. What if he strikes a deal with
Russia where they pull back to the border of Ukraine

and he wants to lift sanctions. I mean, either way,
I don't care how you feel about, you know, Russia,
the war in Ukraine. The President of the United States,
who we the people select and send there to do
the work of the United States on behalf of we
the people should have the ability to negotiate with foreign
countries to make the world a safer, more peaceful place.

But again, the deep state, the blob, Democrats, and even
some Republicans in the House of Representatives are doing everything
they can to stifle and undermine a next Trump administration.
So my question for Speaker Johnson is why the hell
are you allowing a debate on this bill that would
crush another four years of Donald Trump? Why the Democrats
would never allow this to happen. Can you imagine Pelosi

doing anything to deliberately weaken her position as Speaker of
the House with Democrat control of the House of Representatives. No, so,
why the hell are you doing this? Just stop, take
a deep breath, take a knee, drink water. Mike Johnson,
just stop. Hit the pause button. Nobody our base does

not want you to do this stuff. So let's get
my buddy Steve Hartov here on the show. Steve, Welcome
to the show. It's great to have you here. You're
a Israeli defense sporce veteran, You're an American. You're an
American combat veteran, Israeli defense sports combat New York Times
bestselling author. What the hell happens? You done? I think

you were the oldest major in the United States Army history,
which is saying something.

Speaker 5 (31:09):
I slipped past some sean so I forged a waiver.

Speaker 2 (31:19):
So how you doing, man? Thank you for doing that.

Speaker 5 (31:21):
I'm doing good. But I'm losing my mind, just like you.
I don't want to say that to your audience. You're
not losing your mind. I'm just, uh, you know, the
stuff is coming so hard and fast and heavy. I
can't believe it.

Speaker 2 (31:33):
So you're you're a dual citizen, right, Israeli American citizen.

Speaker 5 (31:38):
Dual veteran, dual citizen.

Speaker 2 (31:40):
So your story is remarkable in so many ways, Steve.
But but this talk to me about where you're at
right now. Because Israel is such an integral and being
being Jewish and of the Jewish face and and and
Israel is such an integral part to your life and
your family's life. I had to ask after that attack

on October seventh, the massacre really to call it attack?
It is to I mean, it's just a massive understatement,
because really it was. It was not a military style attack.
It was it was a massacre. It was horrific. H
What was your what was your state of mind in
the aftermath of all that, Steve.

Speaker 5 (32:24):
I'll tell you, John, I've been through a lot of
stuff over there in the Middle East. I've seen a
lot of crazy stuff. I was there, you know, I'm
an older guy. I was there years ago when I
was nineteen. I was there for the Young Kippur War,
and I was there. I fought in Lebanon, And you know,
we've both seen stuff in the Middle East. I've never
seen anything like that, never even heard of anything like that.

I mean, maybe you know, I wrote a book with
Mike Durant about Somalia, so I heard a lot from
the from the from the Delta guys and the night
Stalker guys about some horrific stuff that happened in Somalia.
But I had never seen that to the degree that
we saw it on October seventh. I still don't It's

just hard to comprehend because, you know, at first, when
the news was coming in, we thought, okay, terror attach,
But then the way they executed it, and the way
they bragged about it, and the way they they posted
it on Telegram and live on Facebook, and you know,

even I had trouble believing it until a German intelligence
officer who's a good friend of mine and speaks multiple
languages Hebrew, he worked in Israel for a while and
he's obviously fluent in German. He sent me a video
of some of these Hamask guys slaughtering a pregnant Israeli

girl live, and once I saw that, I realized, this
is We're in a different world now, This is not
you know, we're we're back in medieval times where you'd
hear about these things happening with maybe the hordes of
Huns and whatever.

Speaker 3 (34:08):

Speaker 5 (34:10):
I'm still not it's still hard to wrap my brain around.

Speaker 2 (34:13):
You and I. You and I talk a lot about
what's going on in the world, and just in general.
We've been friends for a long time. Things have been
driving you crazy lately with the Biden administration and their
policy towards the Middle East. Of course, Iran just attacking Israel.
We'll get into that. But you were recently not to
take a more lighthearted turn after what you just said.

But you were recently banned on Twitter permanently because you
almost got into it with another Jew over his support
of the Please walk us through what happened and tell
us what you said that got you banned.

Speaker 5 (34:47):
They didn't even let me get into it with him.
I mean, you know, you're an author. I'm an author.
We know that we have to be careful sometimes we're
operating in media where you know, you have to be
a little cautious about what you say because you have overlords,
whether or not you chose them, you have them, And
whether or not Elon Musk has taken over Twitter and

allegedly liberated it, He's not, you know, sitting on top
of every tweet right or every act. So I had
a very good following as a writer, tried to stay
out of politics. Then I saw not long ago, about
a month ago, a rabbi at a demonstration against Israel,

wearing a Palestinian flag and calling for the destruction of
the state of Israel. And I said, Rabbi, I would
like to beat you black and blue with your own
tourist scrolls and within four hours banned for life.

Speaker 2 (35:52):
It's ridiculous because why I said to you, I'm like, well,
you're a Jew, He's a Jew. What's wrong with that?
And clearly, I mean, wow, it's obviously you were pretty
angry at him, and I don't doubt for a second
that you would actually do that.

Speaker 5 (36:05):
No, I don't say that.

Speaker 2 (36:07):
Isn't jest, right, I mean you were, you was kind
of joking around. Kind of ridiculous that you get banned
for that. It was, by the way, he's the one
calling for the destruction of Israel, which essentially means genocide.

Speaker 5 (36:20):
You know what it was like, Sean. It was like
a Catholic going after a pedophile priest and getting banned
for for standing up for morality. That's what it was like.
It was like he and I are in the same
you know, the same co religionist world.

Speaker 2 (36:43):
And yet I'm gone, So, okay, so you're banned from
Twitter for you're starting to get frustrated to talk to
me about how you think the Biden administration has handled
what's going on in Israel.

Speaker 5 (36:57):
Wow, how long do you have?

Speaker 1 (36:58):

Speaker 2 (37:00):
What we got? As long as you need?

Speaker 5 (37:03):
Well, there's a lot of stuff going on here. I mean,
I think we have to rotate back to the Obama
administration when their major concern about the Middle East was
making friends with the Iranians, and that was based on ideology.
And I think it's a dual ideology in that the
Obamas and all of their minions not only want to

appease the Muslim Brotherhood followers and so forth in the
Middle East, but they also want to depress America because
they view this country. These are people who have been
in power here and still are. They view this country
as privileged colonialists, undeserving of its riches. You know, all
that nonsense. So you start on that basis where you

have power players in this country who are trying to
appease the Iranians and allow them to do things that
God forbid they should ever get their homes on their
hands on they should never do. And now the Iranians
have fomented this horrific series of events in the Middle East.
It's not just Hamas and the massacre, it's Hezbollah, it's

the p i j Islamic Jihad, the Hohu Thies. I mean,
it's obvious to everyone who can watch this that these
proxies are being supported and funded by and trained by
the Iranians. So the Israelis take it upon themselves to
eliminate Zaheti, who was one of the architects of October seventh.

Speaker 2 (38:37):
Yeah, they drop what a cruise Missiwan has had in
an embassy? Right?

Speaker 5 (38:41):
It was not an embassy, actually, And that's what everybody's saying.
How could the Israelis attack a diplomatic conclave.

Speaker 2 (38:47):
It was not an embassy, That's what that's how it's
being reported. That's crazy. I did not know.

Speaker 5 (38:52):
That, of course it is.

Speaker 2 (38:53):
If you look at that was the whole justification Steve
for Iran. Iran's like, well, hey, an embassy, it's Iranian soil,
we got to strike you on your soil. And that's
how the international community, that's how it was reported, and
that's how it's globally, that's how.

Speaker 5 (39:07):
It was reported. It was actually an annex next to
the embassy that was used for tactical and military planning
against the West.

Speaker 2 (39:18):

Speaker 5 (39:20):
And so if you look at the photographs of where
the Israelis hit the annex and killed the two Iranian
generals and about sixteen other of their you know, cohorts.
Not only is the embassy next to it untouched, but
the Iranian ambassador and his family were asleep in the
embassy at the time and were totally unharmed and untouched.

Speaker 2 (39:40):
That is crazy. How is this the first I've heard
of this? This is crazy to me.

Speaker 5 (39:49):
I don't know. You got you gotta read the papers
and Hebrew in Arabic, and then you picked up that
stump up.

Speaker 2 (39:55):
Well, damn, I could barely speak English.

Speaker 5 (39:59):
Sometimes I have the problems.

Speaker 2 (40:02):
Okay, anyway, you know, so the.

Speaker 5 (40:03):
Ranians needed an excuse, and that was their excuse, and
then then our administration here thankfully joined in to repress
the attack of the three hundred projectiles and so forth.
But I think that they did that more to protect
the Iranians than the Israelis.

Speaker 2 (40:21):
Yeah, okay, so tell me because you said something to me.
I'll set this up, Steve. You and I were texting
back and forth and you said something to me, like,
you know, Biden sends the military UH aircraft carriers and
strike groups in and around the area, and by god,
I just dawned on me the other day that he

did not do that because he wanted to support Israel.
But it was because he wanted to protect Iran. I
don't want to put words in your mouth, is that basically?

Speaker 5 (40:52):
I you know, I do believe that. I believe what
he wants to protect is the daytonte that emanates from
the previous Obama administration. And you and I both know
that Biden is not He's president in name only. I mean,
it's the same Valerie Jarrett and all these pro Iranian

people who are running the White House.

Speaker 8 (41:17):

Speaker 5 (41:17):
Jake saw all those people, the same players, and their
dream was to have Dayton with the Iranians. And as
you know, none of the Europeans who are working with
the Iranians really want any sort of sanctions against them
because they're making billions off the Iranians.

Speaker 2 (41:34):
They're making billions off the Iranians for oil.

Speaker 5 (41:38):
Off off of business, oil technology. They are not restricted.
American corporations are restricted from engaging in certain activities with
the Uranians, but the Europeans are not.

Speaker 2 (41:47):
Wait, so this is okay, So I this is crazy
to me. This is also never reported.

Speaker 5 (41:56):
Now of course it's never reported. I mean, who's you know?
The Europeans are so busy with NATO and the Russians,
you don't hear anything about their relationship with the Iranians,
but they make a fortune off of the Iranians. So
the other thing is that that this administration knew that
if the Iranians launched a major attack against Israel and

it wasn't stopped, that the Israelis would nuke them. And
so to protect the Iranians from a massive Israeli attack
against Tehran, well not necessarily Tehran, but against Isbahan, where
the nuclear reactors are, they had to help the Israelis
keep these missiles from impacting Tel Aviv in Jerusalem. Otherwise

it was just going to go to hell.

Speaker 2 (42:42):
Wow. So where does Israel go from here? Steve? What
are your sources on the ground telling you. I mean,
obviously you can't disclose secret information, but I don't see
a world in which Israel does not respond to Iran
worried about escalation. Of course I am, but I also

believe that Israel is justified to hit back this idea, Steve,
I that that let's flip it up a little, flip
it around a little bit. You know, terrorists come across
our southern border, God forbid. I hope this never happens.
An attack on American soil like what attack happened in Israel.

No country on Earth would stop us from hunting those
bastards down and finding them all. So why other nations
and in the United Nations in America can try to
stop Israel from defending their own people. I just think
I don't like that. I don't like that they have
they have a right to defend themselves. And I see

this is this Iranian attack, while thankfully didn't didn't hurt
at least I don't believe it didn't hurt any Israelis.
It was a huge attack. It was no small attack,
is my point. So what what what are the next step?
What's Israel to do here?

Speaker 5 (44:02):
You know, I don't know that the Israelis are going
to counterattack in a conventional way.

Speaker 2 (44:08):
Wow. And I think that if you're a nuclear scientist,
an Iranian nuclear scientist, you better have your head on
a swivel. Is that what you're saying?

Speaker 5 (44:16):
Well, that the Israelis have killed a number of them already,
and so I think I think a lot of the
Iranian nuclear program, I know for a fact, has not
been able to advance because of covert operations that the
Israelis undertake. They killed a nuclear scientists outside of Tehran
a couple of years ago, and they've done it many

times before, and they've sabotaged nuclear facilities and intelligence facilities
and so forth. I think the israelis because people don't
understand the way the Middle East works. A lot of it.
Sean is well, you know this because of all your
time in Afghanistan and so you're well experienced in the
mentalities of the Middle East and I for an eye

and tribal mentalities. So a lot of what the Iranians
did with their attack and the reason they they basically
announced it was because it was symbolic in terms of
face saving. They had to strike at Israel for killing
off one of the heads of their IRGC. But they

knew if they actually did a lot of damage in Israel,
they were going to get creamed. So they basically announced
it a forehand, and they rolled their missiles and their
drones out in open areas because they know the United
States has such great overhead, right, I mean, you don't
think they got anything out onto a launcher without you know,

the National the NRO knowing about it in two minutes.
I mean, and they knew that they know there's coverage
all over Iran, so it was sort of face saving measure,
and they even said, we consider this issue settled now

once they fired all their rockets, we consider this issue
settled now.

Speaker 2 (46:16):
Interesting that. So okay, So tell us, Steve, your family
has been involved in all of this. I mean you
said you had cousins that that that saw action and Gaza.
Your own son has been is mobilized, right like, Yeah.

Speaker 5 (46:33):
He served in the same battalion over there, paratry battalion
that I did, but forty years later. So he went
within a couple of days, he gone on a plane
and went over there, and he was up. He was
actually I can't say exactly where he was, but he
was there for a while until you know, he was
rotated out and relieved and he was probably going back again.

My younger cousins have been in combat and Gaza for
four months now and it's pretty horrific. But one more
thing I want to say about that, because I know
we don't have forever and your audience is pretty attuned
to this stuff. The casualty figures that are being repeated

over and over again by the mainstream media, including right
up to the White House, are all false. The Goz
of casualty figures are all false. They're not even close
to the truth. And they will say after an announcement,
thirty one thousand Godsen civilians have been killed in this conflict,

according to the Gosen Ministry of Health.

Speaker 2 (47:40):
Well that's us, Hi, Steve, I Uh. What sickens me
about all of this is that I've said many times
in this show is that the Biden administration and this
lackeys only care about staying in power. And they have
all of these uncommitted oates in Dearborn, in Michigan, you

have people in Minnesota, you even have people down in
Kansas who are like, hell, no, I'm not voting for
Joe Biden because of this. You know this, this what's
happening in Gaza. I won't do it, And so Biden
Biden right now. I never thought i'd see the day.
I mean, honestly, I thought Obama was bad, but but
I've never thought I'd see the day where Biden is

actually softening US policy towards a terrorist organization just so
he can win an election or or to help him.
I mean, because right now he had something like in Wisconsin,
the number of uncommitted votes people who just checked any
other block, but but for Biden more than doubled his
margin in twenty twenty. I mean, this is like these

the Democrat basis fractured on this and so it sickens me.
It's one, it sickens me that Biden is so brazenly
political and almost all of his decisions. But two, having
come from a family of Union Democrats, this is not
their Democrat party anymore.

Speaker 5 (49:05):
Well, I came from a family of JFK Democrats and
it's not our party anymore and hasn't been for decades.
And I mean, we can go on about the border,
and you know how all everything is about votes, power
and money, and it is what scares me about the border.

And besides the fact that this administration is encouraging hundreds
of thousands of new voters across the border because they're
losing people like we used to be, the jihad is
here as well. I mean, you know, man, you just

have to when you see the Brooklyn Bridge and the
Golden Gate Bridge, and you know, highways being shut down
and Chicago O'Hare and they're all in support of Hamas,
what do you think that is? It's the same thing
that's been going on in Europe for years. It's here,
And how are you going to turn that around?

Speaker 2 (50:05):
I don't know how. You tell me?

Speaker 6 (50:07):
What do?

Speaker 2 (50:07):
What do we do?

Speaker 5 (50:11):
Well, the first thing you do is, I mean there's
First Amendment and then there's you know, public.

Speaker 2 (50:20):
Disturbance and crime, shutting down highways and yeah, like maybe
maybe we should charge them like they like we did
January sixth ers that, you know, and it's the whole
thing is ridiculous.

Speaker 5 (50:35):
But but the only way to stop a spoiled child
from misbehaving sometimes is to punish the child, and punish
the child seriously. And and these are these are spoiled children.
A lot of these demonstrators who are out there wearing
cafeas and screaming from the river to the sea. They
have no idea why they're out there, no idea, but

they are, you know, shutting down highways where people with
heart attacks can't get through in their ambulances. That that
to me, that to me, is a criminal offense. Has
nothing to do with the First Amendment.

Speaker 2 (51:09):
Yeah, I mean absolutely so, just enforce the law on
these pro hamas sympathizers start with that. Yeah, that's a
good place to start. Steve, I would uh, I would
love to have you back on the show if you're willing.
Number one, but number two, like, we have an amazing
an active audience. We call ourselves the Battle Crew. Uh.

And so tell us one, where can people find you?
And how can people support you? Tell us about your books?
What what can we do to to help you?

Speaker 5 (51:39):
Well, first of all, it's Sean, thank you. I'd love
to come on again, but I'll give you a break
because because it's mutual therapy, but it's also infuriating.

Speaker 2 (51:50):
Well, your your insight is invaluable man, and the fact
that the fact that you, I mean, my prayers are
with you, Steve, because your family's caught up in this
and now you understand the horrors of war better than
most anybody, and now your children and family are wrapped
up in it. So it can't be easy, my friend.

Speaker 5 (52:08):
It's not easy for any of us. My friend. You're
on the front lines of a battleground and you know
you're not in Afghanistan anymore, but this is. But this
is still a battle and it is for our country.
So you can't find me on Twitter anymore obviously.

Speaker 2 (52:23):
Yeah, you threatened to kick the ass of a rabbi.

Speaker 5 (52:26):
Yeah, yeah, definitely, yeah, not kosher, not kosher.

Speaker 2 (52:31):
Well, I'm fine with it. Actually I'm fine with it.

Speaker 5 (52:34):
But all my friends are fine with it. But you
can find me on that website.

Speaker 2 (52:39):
What about books? Okay, so tell us your website, tell
us about your books.

Speaker 5 (52:43):
My website is just my name, Stephen Hartov h A
R t o v dot com. And the books that
I'm writing currently are World War two historical fiction books.
This is the latest one. The last of the seven
folks who like stuff like the guns and ever own,
they'll like this book. And thank you for letting me plug.

Speaker 2 (53:04):
Hey man, we on this show. We support people who
love this country. We've got to. We only have each other.
You know, we're getting canceled left and right, so we
make it a point to support great conservatives or you
know what at this point, just people who want to
save this country. And you're one of those people, Steve,

So thank you for being so generous with your time.
And until next time, brother, I'll see you soon.

Speaker 5 (53:31):
Thank you, captain.

Speaker 2 (53:32):
See Steve, take care of brother. That was Steve Hartoff,
my friend who is an extraordinary American patriot, and again
I want to thank him for his time, and his
family is wrapped up in this stuff. You know, as
a man that served America valiantly served in Israel to
protect freedom there and now as children are serving. So

we're grateful to Steve and get out there and check
out his website, get his books. He's an extraordinary writer.
I mean seriously, New York Times bestselling author wrote with
Mike Durant from Blackhawk Down and stuff like that. He's
an amazing guy. Go check out his books and let's
support him. Okay, this is really important. Got a couple
more things to talk about and then we'll pop smoke

for the day. But this is this is critically important.
Between seven and ten illegal alien invaders have entered into
the United States. The House of Representatives only today submitted
articles of impeachment for communist mouth breather Homeland Security Secretary
Alejandro Majorcas. This should have happened a long time ago,

but the Senate is prepping for a trial. Keep your
eye on Chuck Schumer. I would not be surprised if
he just dismissed it out of hand and didn't let
the thing go to trial at all, because that's how
the Democrats are. But Speaker Johnson and the US House
of Representatives, by the way, so disappointed in him. I

could not be more disappointed in Speaker Johnson. It's like
he's more effective as a Democrat speaker than a Republican speaker.
And I say that with sadness as somebody who had
high hopes for Speaker Johnson. But he's very effective for
the Democrat agenda. He said today, and I quote this
is Speaker Mike Johnson. I regard myself as a wartime speaker.

I didn't think this would be an easy path speaking
of criticism of him untethering border funding from funding American
taxpayer funding of foreign wars. And of course he's not
even referring to foreign He actually when he says he's
a wartime speaker, he's of course referring to foreign wars
and not the invasion at our southern border. That should

tell you everything that you need to know about Republican
priorities in the House of Representatives today. And this drives
me crazy because how many more innocent Americans need to
be hurt, murdered, raped by illegal alien invaders before or somebody,
some Republican, anyone in leadership at all, steps up and

does something about it well. Today an invader in Boston
was arrested, finally detained, thankfully, for child rape. I wish
like hel that he was arrested prior to that, so
this child wouldn't have to deal with lifelong trauma. Thank you,
Majorkis Biden. In every communist mouth breathing dem who was
turning this country into a hellhole, listen to this.

Speaker 3 (56:28):
A short time later, I took down their final target,
a Brazilian gang member also charged with child rape, just
this morning today, four accused child rapists and one MS
thirteen gang member. Those are the kind of people you're
going after. That's every day up here in Boston.

Speaker 9 (56:45):
If those are the public safety threats that we really
want to get off the street, it was a great
day for the teams.

Speaker 2 (56:48):
That's five public safety threats that are on in the community.
Gonna go ahead and victimize anyone else.

Speaker 9 (56:56):
And I says, all of those arrests you just saw
happen because local authorities ignored their detainer request to keep
these guys in custody due to sanctuary policies, I says,
all of those suspects will remain in federal custody until
their local charges are resolved, then Ice.

Speaker 3 (57:12):
Will seek to deport every single one of them.

Speaker 5 (57:15):
Say back to you, and make it a point of
doing it in a city like Boston with the sanctuary
policies in place.

Speaker 2 (57:20):
Really intriguing stuff. Bill, We'll see what comes of it next.
Thank you, Bill Malusian in Boston. I mean, the entire
thing is infuriating. That child is going to have to
deal with lifelong trauma because of sanctuary city policies made
possible by radical communist Democrats. And Mike Johnson today in

the House of Representatives again a Republican speaker who I
had high hopes for. Completely is it he is? He
is forcing one bill down the throats of Republicans after
the next over the last two weeks. Not one of
them has border security in it. And now in New
York City, if you look at what's happening in New
York City, I mean, of course, crimes out of control.

Are they prosecuting any of that trime? No, They're going
after President Trump. But that's not the point of this segment.
The point of this segment is to say that now
New York City is spending billions of dollars funding and
dealing with the issue of this invasion, and they dared
move the invaders out of five star luxury hotels. And

so all of the invaders took to the streets and
took the city hall to protest the fact that they're
being moved to shelters instead of luxury hotels. That is
the situation that we live in in America right now.
And add to that this for our friends who are listening.
This is from the Oversight Project, which is an extension

of the Heritage Foundation. What you're looking at on the screen,
and I'll read it for folks who are listening, is
these are flyers distributed at an NGO in Mexico encouraging
legals to vote for President Biden. The flyer reads reminder
to vote for President Biden when you were in the

United States. We need another four years of his term
to stay open. Don't trust me. If you're listening, come
over to my rumble page, subscribe, follow, watch the show
live with us. We love the conversation. But look, you're
looking at it right here on the screen. This is
a fact. And if you've been listening or watching the

show for the seven months that I've been doing, and
I told you months ago that Their plan was to
get illegal alien invaders to vote. That's their hope. They're
flying illegal aliens from the southern border to heavily Democrat areas.
They're going to count them in the census. They're going
to make those Democrat states more populous. They're going to

plus up the population of Democrat voters, thereby giving them
more electoral votes. Right. And then they're also flying these
illegal invaders to swing states where only a few thousand
votes can sway an election. You see what's happening here.
I don't know how you can justify defending democracy abroad
while not defending it here. Illegals can vote in all

fifty states by checking a box that says they are
a citizen. That is it. That's all that's required. So
Biden is in Scranton today, and of course he draws
like one hundred people. And this is in his home
town of Scranton, Pennsylvania. So, by the way, if he

can only draw a hundred people in Scranton, where he's from,
in the Lynchpinn state of Pennsylvania, let me just tell
you Biden is in big trouble. But I'm going to
end the show with this today because The only thing
that this animated corpse has, the only thing that he
has are hoaxes. Listen to this.

Speaker 8 (01:01:00):
One that offends me the most is when he refused
as president to visit then American cemetery outside of Paris
when he was president. Why he said that those soldiers
who gave their lives were quote because his quote suckers
and losers, suckers and losers, he said it. Who the

hell does he think he is? Who does he think
he needs?

Speaker 2 (01:01:25):
Were a hero? He's solved, You're a hero. Well, listen,
I know people who personally were with Trump that day
and they would tell you that that did not happen.
It's completely made up. But all the Democrats have, all
they have are hoaxes. Again, Biden in Scranton, his hometown,

even though he's been a senator from Delaware's entire career,
one hundred people there, barely that pushing nothing but hoaxes.
So my point to you all is keep the faith.
The best is to come take action in your community
in the fight to save this country. And so listen,
thank you, thank you for being with us for the

full hour today. Steve Hartoff is amazing. Thank you make
sure that you like and rumble that little green thumb
beneath this video, please go ahead and smash it. Smash
it because it helps us show immensely. It propels us
towards the leader board. I feel like every week we're
getting closer and closer to it. Tell your family and
your friends to subscribe to Battleground Live. And as always, folks,

thank you all for watching. Thank you so so much.
I love seeing this show grow with you. God bless
you all. I'll see you tomorrow night. Have an amazing show.
Working on getting Savage rich Barris, working on getting Savage
rich Barris on the show tomorrow. God bless you all,
and God bless this amazing, amazing country that we call home.
Take care, good night, and I will see you tomorrow

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