All Episodes

April 18, 2024 36 mins
Two Trump jurors removed, judge admonishes media not to discuss jury. CNN analyst says judge, prosecutor mishandling jury selection. There's nobody without an opinion on Trump. The election should be the verdict on Trump. The Trump trial is already spiraling out of control. If Trump loses in 2024, Democrats will use lawfare on every Republican. Should red state prosecutors fight back? Dems attack Jesse Watters for discussing rigged jurors.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome to today's edition of the Clay Travis and buck
Sexton Show podcast. Welcome in Thursday edition Clay Travis buck
Sexton Show. I am hanging with you guys out in Seattle.
Had an awesome event last night with Hillsdale College. I
will talk about that some as the show progresses today.

Larry Arn, Doctor Larry Arn, who is in charge of
Hillsdale College, amazing guy, phenomenal event. Joined meeting so many
of you out there who are listening in the Pacific,
Northwest and all over the country. We got a lot
to dive into today. And let's go ahead and let
me give you a little bit of a runway of

where we are headed. We've got a juror already dismissed
from the Trump trial. We will give you the latest.
Potentially two jurors in danger of being replaced. It appears
that one of the jurors may have lied about his
interest in politics. Go figure. We will discuss that where

we headed as the day three of the Trump trial
is underway. Right now in New York City, Google fired
twenty eight employees. This is interesting. The NPR head is
even crazier than you thought. Biden goes to a gas
station in Pennsylvania and nobody cares. The majorcas impeachment kind

of a disaster. All of that and more coming your way.
We'll take some of your calls as well. Buck is
out with his wife, Carrie. They are out today and tomorrow.
He'll be back with me on Monday. So I am
solo here in Seattle today, hoping that my flight will
be smooth, and I'll be back in Nashville tomorrow to
finish out the week with all of you. But let's

go ahead and start here with the latest drama in
the New York City case against Donald Trump. Yesterday we
walked through the seven jurors that had been seated so
far and the information that was publicly available on those jurors.
The second of those jurors, so called jur Number two,

publicly identified in many different media outlets as a let
me read what yesterday we told you about her. Jur
Number two. We did not think this was likely to
be a juror that was beneficial to Trump. A woman
who was a native New Yorker had been an oncology
nurse for fifteen years, spends her free time with family

and friends and taking her dog to the Park. She
showed up in court today said after sleeping on it,
she did not think she could serve on the jury.
We have audio of MSNBC reporting on that juror being
removed from the trial.

Speaker 2 (02:42):
Here it is one of the jurors called up the
court to inform them that she did not know whether
she could actually be fair and impartial. She was asked
to come to court this morning and went before the
defense and went before the District Attorney's office and answered
questions about how she got to that conclusion. And she
said in part that she got calls just yesterday alone

from quote, friends, colleagues, and family quote questioning my identity
as a jur She continued, I don't believe I can
be fair and unbiased and let the outside influences not
affect me in the courtroom. This hits at the heart
of the difficulty for these jurors over the course of
the next six to eight weeks. These are individuals who

they are anonymous. Yet we and the sides have some
details about who these individuals are, the neighborhoods, their occupation.

Speaker 1 (03:34):
Okay, so we told you the seven jurors public information
that had been out there. Jur number two is out.
There's also a report that jur Number four, who we
actually thought might have been favorable to Trump, born in
Puerto Rico, said he had no hobbies because he worked
too much, married with one daughter. There are reports now

that he lied about not being politically active and may
have been arrested at some point in time. I flagged this.
This has still not been decided. They want him to
come down and explain himself. Let me read what I read.
Prosecutor said. A person with the same name as jur
Number four, Puerto Rican man who said he found Trump

quote fascinating and mysterious, had been arrested in the nineteen
nineties in Westchester. That's an area outside of New York
City High End. I would say in general for quote
tearing down political advertisements. They said that they had found
this because one of the district attorneys said the DA's

team did research that possibly calls into question the veracity
of the answers that jur number four gave. This is
already turning into a bit of a cluster, and Judge
Marchand is now mad at the media because the jurors
are supposed to be anonymous.

Speaker 3 (04:54):
Listen to this cut to basically told the court that
aspects of my identity have already been out there in
the public. Yes yesterday alone, I had friends, colleagues, and
family push things to my phone questioning my identity as
a juror that coming from our colleagues inside the courtroom
watching this happen in real time. And essentially because of that,
the judge sort of reminded everyone that this needs to

be an anonymous jury that members of the media and
elsewhere really cannot get into very detailed things about descriptions
of these people.

Speaker 1 (05:25):
Because of this reason, can't even describe who the jurors
are now and here is now, let's see this is
on CNN. Former federal prosecutor and cushcr Dory said, Judge
mar Chan has been doing a poor job of jury
selection so far. This is what they're talking about on CNN.
Listen to cut three.

Speaker 4 (05:44):
I think that this was frankly inevitable given the amount
of information that was coming out. This is not the
fault of the media. It's the fault of the judge
and the District attorney's office for not managing this process
more intelligently, and evidently you know they're working through it today.
And they're gonna, you know, impose some constraints around the process.

But this is highly unfortunate and I'm a little worried
that it's not gonna stop, and we're just gonna have
to take it one day at a time.

Speaker 1 (06:13):
Look, you have got it here. Let's just be honest. Remember,
our people wanted to put me in prison. I'm not
arrested yet, Eric Swalwell, CNN, MSNBC. They have not come
for me yet. They now are coming after Jesse Waters
because he shared details about the seven jurors that were

all public on his show last night, and now they're
saying that he's jury tampering and they want him arrested too.
Here's the reality. Everybody's already made up their mind in
the entire country about this case. You would have to
be Rip van Winkle and gone to sleep for the

last decade in order to be completely unbiased on this case.
Everything that Stormy Daniels has alleged has been in the
public domain for nearly a decade now. All of the
Michael Coin allegations, all of the Trump paid off the
porn star Stormy Daniels, it's all been dissected, analyzed. Everybody

has made up their mind about whether they care about
this situation in the same way that they've made up
their mind about Donald Trump in general. And in Manhattan,
you've got an eighty seven percent this area of Manhattan,
eighty seven percent of all of these people voted against
Donald Trump. So if you wanted to have this trial,

first of all, trial is total joke, shouldn't be happening.
It's political propaganda. But if you wanted to have this trial,
you should have it in a place that is actually
representative of the American public. This is why I haven't
really complained about South Florida. If you wanted to take

this case to Miami to Dade County, which is basically
a fifty to fifty jurisdiction, probably a little bit more
favoring Trump. Trump won in twenty twenty, I think Miami
Dade County crew can correct me if I'm wrong on that.
I know Ron DeSantis won it, but it's close to
fifty to fifty. Then I would at least say, Okay,

this jury is representative of the larger American public. And
you know what would happen. They would have a hung
jury because several members of that jury would say yeah,
I don't believe this case should be brought. I don't
think Trump committed a crime, and the case would never
lead to a conviction. Instead, Alvin Bragg, who is a
Democrat who dreams of one day being the governor or

the Senator, is doing what the people of Manhattan want
him to do. He's trying to convict Donald Trump of
a felony and trying to make Donald Trump go to prison,
all for political reasons. I have said, as a lawyer
looking at this case, I don't think there is enough

time spent on how garbage it truly is. You're talking
about a misdemeanor that is outside the statute of limitations,
that has been elevated to a felony based on another
crime that is also outside the statute of limitations. I
believe that purely from a legal perspective. Remember, the general

rule is jury's decide questions of fact, Judges decide questions
of law. I believe purely from a legal perspective, this
case is going to be tossed. Might not happen for
a year, probably will take a decent amount of time
for this to work its way through the appellate process.
It is total and complete garbage, and frankly, anyone involved

with this in the Manhattan District Attorney's office should be ashamed.
And if we actually wanted to punish someone for being
involved in this, that wouldn't bother me. That is, the
warriors that are involved in this junk garbage case are
actually the individuals who are in affront to lawyers everywhere. Instead,

they get mad at people like me for saying, what
is clearly happening here, and you should never do this,
you should never commit a crime. Let me be clear.
I don't want any of you to ever jaywalk. I
don't want any of you to ever go over to
the speed limit. I don't want any of you to

ever round down the taxes that you owe to the
United States government. I want all of you to be
the greatest, most law abiding people on the face of
the planet. But you know who ain't doing that? Left wingers.
I think there are going to be a lot of
people in this jury pool who lie because they want
to get on the And already there's an allegation that

jur number four might be a zealous political advocate who
was arrested for ripping down political posters in the nineteen nineties,
and somehow didn't disclose that to the jury, to the DA,
to the defense attorneys, to everybody in the courtroom. Now
credit they may have caught him. Will see what happens

with Juror number four. But jur number two went to bed,
woke up and said, you know what, Yeah, this is
I can't be impartial. I actually give her credit for
acknowledging it. No one can be impartial on this case.
Everyone already knows all the details. You know how they
tell you, hey, don't consume any media, don't pay attention

to what anybody else is saying. Yeah, they didn't tell
them that a decade ago, when this whole story started.
All of this has been out publicly. Stormy Daniels did
an interview with sixty Minutes. It's been on the front
page of the New York Times. I bet forty times.
It's impossible not to have made your mind up on
this case already. Biden won Miami Dade fifty three to

forty six. Thanks for the crew. Look at me looking
that up. I think Trump will probably win Miami Dad
in twenty twenty four against Biden. But if you told me, hey,
that's the jury pool it's basically representative of America. I
would say, okay, and you know what would happen. This
case would never lead to a conviction. It would get tossed.
It would be a mistrial. About half the people on
the jury would say this is garbage. There's no way

we're going to vote to convict. You've got a rigged jury,
you got jurors lying to try to get on to
the trial. This thing is already a kangaroo court and
we're three days in. We'll take some of your calls.
By the way, all of you, I want to be
the greatest, most law abiding people in the history of mankind.
Make sure that we clip this crew. So when Alvin

Bragg arrest me for trying to interfere with the jury
by pointing out that it's already incredibly tainted, and there
are already allegations that jurors who have been seated are
lying to get seated, So now you're not allowed to talk.
It's jerry tampering. The jury's already been tampered with. It's
called the last eight years eight hundred two two eight
a two. Will continue to break this down because there's
going to be more data. We may lose two of

the seven jurors that were already seated. This thing is
already falling into a complete and total cluster. We'll dive
into that and more, but I want to tell you
as we roll on, maybe you're trying to save money,
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that I think just further elucidates the ridiculousness of this
trial and the idea of quote impartial jurors, particularly when
it appears left wingers are trying to sneak on the
jury because they hate Trump. Go figure. Here is cut
four talking about the difficulty of finding impartial jurors anywhere

in Manhattan.

Speaker 5 (15:00):
Do you feel like the people that you were speaking
with in that jury room, that you sat with all
day on Tuesday, that they can put together a fair
and impartial jury because of that sense of duty. Do
you think that's possible.

Speaker 4 (15:13):
I'm not sure about that really.

Speaker 3 (15:15):
Why, you know, everybody has biases and you know, stereotypes
in their mind, so you have to be a really
you know, deep and.

Speaker 1 (15:26):
You know, fair person, and it.

Speaker 5 (15:29):
Is very hard to do.

Speaker 1 (15:30):
Right, then, they didn't get the answer that they were
liking from a recent immigrant there who had been in
the jury room. She's being honest. This is why we
should continue to hammer this home. We already have a
jury system in the United States, it's called a presidential election.

That way, around one hundred and fifty million of you
get to sit as a jury on Donald Trump and
Joe Biden, and you get to analyze everything that they've said,
everything that they've done, everything that has been alleged, everything
that has occurred relating to either man, and you get

to walk in that voting booth and make your decision
on November fifth, or sometime in advance. If you want
to vote early, I want all of you to vote early.
I don't want you to vote often because you're not Democrats,
but I want you to vote early. I want you
to make sure that you are there and your voice
is heard. What is more representative of a verdict on

Donald Trump than one hundred and fifty million of you
getting to sit as a jury. It's certainly more representative
than twelve random people in Manhattan, a place that hates Trump,
where many people are still walking around in face masks,
convinced that he is hitler. Is that a fair a

group of people at all who should be able to
make a decision in this case. I've got a big
theory here, and I was talking with a few different
individuals about this. There is no comparable rig job in
the judiciary, in the court system for Republicans compared to

what Democrats do. Think about this for a minute. Is
there any red jurisdiction that has put somebody on trial
for their left wing politics? I can't think of it
at all. I mean, that's effectively what's going on here
right If Trump had never gone into politics, if he'd

never come down that staircase at mar A Lago, he
would have never faced all these felony charges. I've said
it before. I don't think there's anyone in the history
of the United States who never had criminal charges brought
against him and suddenly faces criminal charges the age of
seventy five and four different jurisdictions. I met, it's never
happened before. I'm gonna expound more on this idea that

I have when we come back surrounding the Trump jury.
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and Buck. Do it today live updates the Trump trial
spiraling out of control today. Another juror has now been dismissed,

according to the AP, leaving five seated right now. Let
me I'm reading from this A chill of sort. This
was posted eleven minutes ago by the AP. A chill
of sorts has come over the proceedings. Trump lawyer Todd
Blanche asked the judge whether the temperature, Oh well, they're

complaining about how what temperature is in the courtroom. They
have not yet updated exactly. I'm going to rely on
the crew here to get me the data. But I'm
presuming that this is Juror four, who they believed may
have lied in order to get on the jury. So
this is in and of itself already spiraling completely out

of control. In the space of this morning alone, two
of the seven seated jurors have now been removed. That
means we are down to five. And again I'm scrolling
right now because this is legitimately just happened. Have they
identified the juror that was dismissed yet, Guys, I'm presuming
that it's going to be the juror number four, who

they believe they have caught in a crime. Theoretically, you
want to talk about jury tampering. This guy may have
lied about his political past and actually have been arrested.
If he had stayed on the jury. By the way,
that would have been a guaranteed mistrial. So I don't
know whether they will prosecute this juror or not, but

this is just evidence of how much everything is spiraling
out of control as we sit here, only on the
third day of theoretically this criminal trial. They were hoping
to seat the jury by Monday. They now have gone
back in reverse and they have only five of the
twelve jurors. They also want five or six alternates as well.

I thought that the jury selection would take far longer
than it had looked as if it might through Tuesday,
but now they are going in reverse. As we approach
lunchtime in the East Coast, only a few hours left
in court on Thursday, it seems highly unlikely to me
that this trial is going to start on Monday, given

where we are right now. But the lesson here is
that things are spiraling rapidly out of control to already
have two jurors removed, and to be in a position
where you now are discovering that the jury has at
least one member of the jury has lied as a

part of the jury voir deer, where you can ask
questions of the jurors, and this was a guy that
lied that both bucking myself yesterday thought, based on the
limited biographical data he had given, might be somewhat decent
as a Trump jur that is, someone who is not

a far left wing activist. And it turns out the
guy might have a record for being arrested in Westchester
for an election related crime. This is just so insanely stupid.
And I think the more you are hearing this come out,

the more you see what a kangaroo court this truly is,
the more ridiculous this process becomes. And remember we haven't
even started the trial. We're just trying to seek the jury.
And the challenge here that we are going to run
into is there are a lot of details on many

of these jurors that are probably going to come out
during the course of the trial because almost everybody has
a social media footprint these days, and so the idea
that you can claim that you haven't had an opinion
about Donald Trump over the last seven or eight years
is patently absurd. Let me ask you this, how many

of you know someone who doesn't have an opinion of
Donald Trump. Can you name a single person in your
life who is like, yeah, I just I don't really
pay a lot of attention to him. I don't really
have an opinion one way or the other. Donald Trump
is probably, in any of our lives, the person that

provokes the most opinion from the most people. Ever, so
the idea that they're trying to sell that they are
going to somehow find and an impartial, impartial jury pool
on this issue is a lie on its face, and
we already know how many people have Trump derangement syndrome.

They got mad at me for saying that if I
would love to be on this jury, I would love
to be on this jury. I would not lie in
the jury selection. I don't want any of you to
lie in the jury selection. But I would love to
sit on this jury. And I would look at all
the evidence, and I would analyze it, and you know what,

I would come to the conclusion of, yeah, all the
evidences unless there's some earth shattering revelation that we don't
know about in the Stormy to Annieals case, I would
look at it and say, this is a garbage political prosecution.
I'm not going to vote to convict. But if I'm
thinking that, and I'm a Trump voter far more easy

going than the people who have Trunk derangement syndrome, how
many of them would love to get on this trial
and lead Trump into a conviction. Rachel Maddow would crawl
across broken glass ten miles to be on this jury.

Stephen Colbert might chop off one of his arms to
be able to be on this jury. Joy Reid might
trade her one remaining IQ point to be on this jury.
These people are insane. They have already caught one of

them lying it appears to be seated on the jury.
They're mad at me for saying, I hope there's somebody
out there who's a patriot that will look at all
the evidence and come to the conclusion that I would,
based on everything that's out there publicly available right now,

that this is a rig job designed to help Alvin
Bragg try to get into the juror into the governor's office.
They're already rigging the game by bringing this case, and
now they've got far left wing political activists trying to
rig the game to get on the jury. This thing
is already completely and totally corrupted. And we're just sitting

at the third day. Are you telling me that this
is not going to get far worse from here? What
I was going to tell you before they dismissed this juror,
and we'll get more details on this. This is all
breaking news. Two jurors out already in the Trump trial.

What I was going to tell you before is I've
talked with a lot of people about this. I believe
that given how much much left wingers are rigging the
criminal justice system, They've got a rig jury process in
New York City, they've got it in Washington, d C.

Can you even name a red jurisdiction that is doing
anything similar to Democrat politicians. I can't. It's because generally speaking,
Republicans to tend to stand on principle much more than
left wingers do. But what I've been suggesting is, if

you get one of these rigged juries, if they bring
charges against you in New York City or DC, and
they know what your politics are, they know they're going
to get a conviction, why shouldn't you be able to remove,
particularly in the federal cases, your charges to your home jurisdiction.

That would mean, for instance, for me, now, state courts
are different, although I think that the same kind of
principle should apply. Frankly, given how rigged of a process
we're seeing, I'd be very comfortable being judged by a
jury of my peers in Tennessee for anything. That's where
I live. That's my home. I don't live in New

York City. I barely spend any time there. I don't
live in Washington, d C. I barely spend any time there.
The people in those communities are not a jury of
my peers. But if they wanted to bring charges against
me in those jurisdictions, I think we should put in
place in the federal system an opportunity for defendants to

remove cases to their federal jurisdiction that is actually where
they live. If you can convict me of a crime
in my home jurisdiction, that is truly a jury of
my peers. I have nothing in common with the average
person who lives in manhatt That isn't a jury of
my peers. Washington, DC people are not juries in my peers.

They aren't Trump's peers any longer. Paul Beach, where Trump
lives now at Mar A Lago, they wouldn't bring these
charges there. He would beat them. There would never be
a conviction. Part of the problem that we see is
everybody responds to the latest crisis and they don't think

about how to prevent future issues. I think the precedent
that we are setting on Trump is awful. Charging the
leading presidential contender with a crime that is entirely political
in nature designed to take him off the campaign trail.
It's direct election interference. They want him in a courtroom

instead of out walking among the public all over the
swing states in this country. This is wrecked and intentional
election interference by Democrats. If Trump were to lose this
election in twenty twenty four, Democrats would run this playbook
time after time. They would come after all sorts of

people that they believe are enemies of their politics. Why
should we not solve this in the future by Republicans
voting and putting into law and opportunity to move charges
outside of left wing courtrooms in a federal context, although

I would support it in a state context too, to
a place where you actually live, where a jury would
actually be of your peers. Lacking that, I think a
lot of red state and read city prosecutors need to

start asking the question, do we have to fight fire
with fire? If they're going to try to put our
political leaders in prison for the rest of their life
on trumped up political charges, is it time to start
doing the same to them retributive justice. I'm committed to

principle right now. They're not. They're committed to the idea
that if you are their enemy, they want you in
prison for the rest of your life. That's what they're
trying to do to Trump. He's really correct when he
says he may be the first, but he won't be
the last. We have to address this, and we have
to solve it. And I hear nobody talking about solutions,

nobody talking about how to prevent this from happening in
the future. My idea there, allow you to remove it
to your home jurisdiction. Don't allow them to rig charges
in Washington, d C. Don't allow them to rig charges
in New York. Give the defendant an opportunity to remove
charges to his home jurisdiction. Would apply to everybody. You

wouldn't have to do it. Maybe you like the jury
pool that you're going to get in DC or New
York more than your home jurisdiction. But I think that
would change a lot of the power that these frankly
politically minded, totally political focused prosecutors right now are putting
into place. I think it would make a tremendous difference

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surprise you that they're also coming after my friend Jesse
Waters for sharing information about the jurors that was publicly
available to everyone here right now. There is a massive
campaign that I am seeing online to charge Jesse Waters
with jury tampering. Jesse's opened yesterday, which I thought was great,

and it was similar to what Buck and I talked
about on this show, going through the biographical details of
the seven jurors that had already been seated again, two
of them removed already. Today we're down to five jurors.
One of the jurors lied, it appears, about his political activism.
The other one just woke up this morning and said
I can't do it. Here's a snippet of Jesse yesterday

talking about the fact that people wanted me charged with
a felony for jury tampering as well. Listen.

Speaker 6 (35:01):
One juror couldn't recall any anti Trump feeling, but when
the defense showed him the receipts, he admitted he'd posted
on social media quote Donald Trump should be locked up.
Another juror said he didn't remember posting anything bad about Trump,
and then, when showing the evidence, conceded the posting a

picture that says, quote Trump invites tie boys to the
White House tie Boy's request to return to cage. Those
two radical liberals got caught lying to the court and
were almost seated on the jury. This is what Trump
has to deal with.

Speaker 1 (35:38):
Yesterday, Klay Travis was.

Speaker 6 (35:39):
Criticized for suggesting Trump supporters get on the jury.

Speaker 1 (35:42):
So far seven jurors have been seated, all right, so
now they what Jesse? What are they what? Jesse for
pointing out how rigged and unfair and impossible for a
jury of his peers it is to bring these charges
against in Manhattan. So when Trump says they're going to

start coming after him, they're now coming after anyone who
criticizes the impaneling of a rigged jury in a rigged
city by a rigged prosecutor. You aren't even allowed to
criticize the kangaroo court that is currently hopping around in
New York City trying to put Trump in prison for

the rest of his life. That is jury tampering. How
dare you criticize the attempt to put the leading Republican
candidate for president in prison, right in the middle of
his political campaign. More on all this insanity when we
come back. Thanks for hanging. Thursday Edition, Clay and Buck

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