All Episodes

April 18, 2024 36 mins
Clay and Buck listener does Clay's family genealogy. Google fires 28 employees who staged anti-Israel protests at offices. Columbia University calls in NYPD to clear quad of anti-Israel protesters. Emails from conservatives who have to worry about losing their jobs over politics. Clay offers to fly gay protesters to Palestinian territory to march for rights. Crockett Coffee is part of parallel economy.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome to today's edition of the Clay Travis and buck
Sexton Show podcast. Welcome back in Clay Travis buck Sexton Show.
Helen's fired up. She just emailed me a hole. You
had no right to complain about the South Carolina man
calling in. Keep it up, Scooter, You're going to lose
your job. What a total jerk you are. Thank you

for the email, Helen. It's always great to hear from fans.
Helen has emailed me now, I think eight times, telling
me that she's never going to listen to the show.
She's never going to listen to the show again. And
then every time I say something that upsets her, she
immediately emails and lets me know that I'm going to
lose my job soon. But I do love Helen. Let

me say this too, by the way, I mean out
in Seattle right now, and we got news. We're going
to get to you in a moment. But I just
want to say, notwithstanding Helen's angry email, every time I
meet listeners, you guys face to fake are the nicest
people on the planet. I got an email. So I

spoke at Hillsdale last night. I got an email from
one of you saying that he does genealogy for fun,
and he say loves the show. I'm not going to
give his full name, but Thomas Thomas emailed me and said, Hey,
I know you're a history guy. I love the show.

I do ancestry research and genealogy research for fun. So
oh that's super cool. I emailed them back and I said,
and he said, I would be interested in your last name.
He asked me, are you related to a guy who
fought in the Battle of Hastings in ten sixty six

in England? I said, Thomas, you know what, I have
no idea. He said, would you like me to do
your family history? That Travis family history? I said, yeah, sure.
Twenty four hours later, late last night when I got back,
I'm not kidding. This is amazing. This is I think

representative of you guys as a whole. Helen's angry and
I think it's funny when people get angry, and so
I shared that. But Thomas is actually representative of most
listeners out there. Last night, when I got back from
the Hillsdale speech that I gave Hillsdale College out here
in Seattle, he had emailed me and he had researched

my family history. Twenty seven generations all the way back
to ten thirty in England. And he shared with me
that the anomology of my name, my last name is Travis,
derives from Traverse and in the sixteen hundreds my family

immigrated the Travis family did to Virginia and changed the
spelling of the name to Travis. He doesn't know me
at all. That was, by the way, nine generations ago
in sixteen forty two, when my family arrived in Virginia.

How crazy is that. He's just a listener, And he said, hey,
would you like to know your family's whole history. Twenty
four hours later, he's got twenty seven generations of travisman
going all the way back to ten thirty, and he's
got me a location for the ancestral homeland in England
that I now need to go visit. And I know

on a day to day basis, there's all sorts of
craziness going on, and we're talking about the two jurors
who have been dismissed. If you first got into your
car today. Buck is out with his lovely wife Carrie.
There out Thursday Friday. He'll be back with me Monday.
Just a quick little vacation for the two of them.
So if you're wondering where Buck is, but I know
he would sign off on this too. The amount of

kindness in this audience is truly off the charts. And
while every now and then I like to share an
email from Helen because I think, frankly, the hate is
sometimes funnier than the love. The love is far more common.
And so if the caller and then calls in here
and I give him a hard time because I think

he's got a really bad argument, like our guy in
South Carolina who's fired up because everybody should say exactly
what they think all the time. That doesn't mean I
don't like him too, But I think it's important to
try to contemplate how wide the audience is for a
show like this, and how whatever your experience might be

in your particular jurisdiction, the average South Carolinian has a
very different life than the average member of a New
York City woke company or where I am in Seattle.
And I'm particularly thinking about it because so many people
came up to me in what is a great city, Seattle,

furious about the direction that this community has gone. And
I always think it's important. This is a stat that
blows everybody's mind. In twenty twenty, more people in California
voted for Donald Trump than voted for Donald Trump in Texas.
Now that's a function of population, but we talk very
often about red state, blue state. It's important to remember

more people voted for Donald Trump in California than in
any state in the country. And if you are fortunate
enough to live in a red state, as I am,
and in a red county of that red state, as
I do, it's important not to forget that there are
a lot of people who have the same opinions as

you behind enemy lines, who are supremely frustrated at what
their hometowns or their home states are doing. And he
can't overlook him. And I bet a lot of you
out there you just have a jaw drop moment when
you realized, wait a minute, yea, have more people voted
for Trump and California than any state in America. More

people voted for Trump and California than in Texas. We
have to be careful in understanding how many different people
have different realities. So you can be cocky and brash
if you're fortunate enough to live in a red County,
Red State. You frankly don't have anything what it's like

to live in Manhattan where eighty seven percent of people
might disagree with you on a day to day basis
Buck has experienced this because he lives in New York City.
He truly had no idea that we could go to
a college football game and everyone there would love us.
That there are whole stadiums just about filled up with
people who agree with everything he says, because he's surrounded

as a kid and throughout his growth growing up period
as an adult in New York City. And it is
hard to make a living if you're a Trump person
and super outspoken about it in many different professions right
now in New York City. And so I understand why
many of you out there listen to this show for

a breath of sanity in an otherwise insane place. And
I think that's why as a group, this show is
so incredibly kind. It really kind of blows my mind
how great you guys are. So I wanted to say
that because I met a lot of you yesterday in Seattle,

and if you're interested, Hillsdale is going to post my
full talk. I spoke for an hour as the keynote
speaker at their banquet last night Hillsdale College, and I
think a lot of you would probably enjoy that, and
I will share it Hillsdale let me know. They'll put
it up at Clayanbuckford Hillsdale dot com linked, so you
guys can all go see what that speech was like.

It was a fabulous time. I've had a great experience
out here and it was fantastic to meet so many
of you. Like I said, Buck'll be back on Monday.
We talked about two jurors being excused, one of whom
I think may well face perjury charges or should face
perjury charges because there is a report that he did
not disclose that he had been arrested in a political
related case in the nineteen nineties in Westchester County, just

outside of New York City. We'll keep an update on
that and how the trial is progressing there. But I
did want to share a story that I think potentially
is emblematic of good news in the country. And I
believe we have a cut of audio of this. But
Google fired twenty eight employees who protested the work that

Google is doing for the Israeli government, and I want
to play that audio for you. And then the CEO
of Google sent out a message and I read it
and I thought to myself, you know what, this sounds
like a good sign. You have the right to have
whatever opinion you want. You shouldn't be able to terrorize

people at your job with your political opinions. Here's a
cut of that protest that led to twenty eight different
Google employees being fired. Boom, Google, We taught you with
Jenna side, Ena side, Google, Google, you can't hide Google.
You can do a funding Jenna side. You are funding side,

all right? Those employees all fired. Google just said, nah,
We're not doing this. Here is what Sunder Pashai, the
head of Google, said in an email. I'm reading from
part of it. You may have seen reports of protests
that some of our offices yesterday. Unfortunately, a number of
employees brought the event into our buildings in New York

and Sunnyville. They took over office space to face Star
property and physically impeded the work of other Googlers. Their
behavior was unacceptable, extremely disruptive, and made coworkers feel threatened.
We placed employees involved under investigation and cut their access
to our systems. Those who refused to leave, were arrested

by law enforcement and removed from our offices following investigation.
This is all in Bold. Today we terminated the employment
of twenty eight employees found to be involved. We will
continue to investigate and take action as needed. Behavior like
this has no place in our workplace, and we will

not tolerate it. It clearly violates multiple policies all employees
must adhere to. We're a place of business, and every
Googler is expected to read our policies and apply them
to how they conduct themselves and communicate in our workplace.
The overwhelming and majority of our employees do the right thing.
If you're one of the few who are toimp to

think we're going to overlook conduct that violates our policies,
think again. The company takes this extremely seriously and will
continue to imply our apply our long standing policies to
take action against disruptive behavior, up to and including termination.

Oh I love it, I love it. All of you
should be able to have any political opinion you want
on the planet outside of work. The analogy that I've
always used is if you want to drive a truck
for UPS or FedEx and you want to pull in
at work with a Trump bumper sticker, or frankly, if

you're one of the four people in America who actually
has a Joe Biden bumper sticker, I think you should
be able to do it. But if you showed up
with your UPS package in political paraphernalia, I would not
want you employed by UPS or FedEx, because I just
want you to deliver a package. If I go into
McDonald's and I want a hamburger, I don't want you

to tell me meets murder. I just want you to
give me a burger. If I go into Walmart, I
don't want you to ask my opinion on abortion when
I'm trying to check out with my Mountain dew. That's America,
that's most Americans. For a long time, left wingers have
been able to say whatever they want at work and
there are no consequences, And if you chirp a little

bit something on the right side, boom, you're gone. This
Google action immediately firing twenty eight people who are accusing
Google of genocide for doing work with Israel. I love
it should be the president everywhere I tie it in.
I'm seeing this start to occur. We talked about Vanderbilt University.
They showed up protesting students, got a charge of the

crime boom. They got booted Colombia. When we come back,
I'm going to give you the latest at Columbia University,
one of the Ivy League institutions that so many people
have aspired to. The NYPD just showed up on campus.
They've had Palestinian protesters take over the quad with tents.
They said, we're done with this. They're now grabbing and

arresting anyone who won't leave the quad. This is live
right now on Fox News. We'll get a report from
our undercover operatives in New York City when we come back.
In the meantime, sounds like people are starting to show
like they got some testosterone. I don't even know Sundar
Pashai had it in him at Google to actually enforce

the rules and show that he's the boss. Maybe he's
taking chalk. Maybe his testosterone level got so low he
was so tired. He said, you know what, I'm a
secret clay and buck listener, and I got to try
out this new chalk product that they've been talking about.
Maybe he thought to himself, I'm over forty now. My
testosteronees not at what it once was. I used to

be able to stride across the entire world and dominate,
and now I don't have that energy anymore. I'm gonna
have to fire a bunch of left wing loons. I
need to have some testosterone in my life. I like
to give the credit to Chalk Choq go check it
out right now. If you don't have the energy that
you used to have, you can get hooked up in
a big way. All you have to do is go
to choq dot com, use my name Clay, and you

can get twenty percent off of subscription for life. Makes
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so you don't let people walk all over you every
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hooked up now. It is a fantastic offer and they
do tremendous work. And our buddy Seatan, who is a

lifelong Texan multi generation down there, he has put out
a product that all of you can be proud on
and that maybe we'll give a little bit more spine
to everybody. Mal Vitality Stack. Get your testosterone level up
twenty percent just three months by taking it supercharged spring
sell on any subscription for life. If you go to

cchoq dot com right now and use my name Clay
as the promo code, you'll get hooked up today. I
just referenced some bit of sanity at Google where they
fired twenty eight employees who took over office buildings and

chanted Google, Google, you can't hide, we charge you with genocide,
which is the ridiculous chant of the anti Israel protesters
out there. The same groups also been doing a sit
in basically on the quad at Columbia University. They have
taken it over with all of their tents they're living there.

They're demanding that Columbia divest any relationship with Israel. Well,
University finally got fed up with this and they have
sent in the New York Police Department to arrest all
of the students, faculty, anyone there that has been camping
out in the center of their quad. This is taking
place as we speak. Listen cut twenty nine NYPD n

riot gear called in by Columbia to arrest and evict
these students from their protests. Again, this is a sign
that things might finally be changing and I want to
all of you to be under understand this clearly. I
want everybody to be able to say whatever they think
politically as loud as they possibly can. But you don't

have the ability to take over public places on university campuses.
You don't have the right to show up at your
work and stage a protest and disrupt the ability of
people to work there. You also don't have the right
to block the interstate and keep people from being able
to get to the airport or anywhere else in your city.

You should be, in my opinion, arrested and prosecuted to
the fullest extent of the law if you are engaged
in any of these behaviors. Whether you're a Democrat, Republican,
or independent, the standard applied for political speech should be
content neutral but consistent. And I'm cautiously optimistic that it
took these crazy pro Palestine protesters to finally lead to

sanity starting to prevail in American places of business. Now
you should say, hay and can say this should have
happened a long time ago, that we should have been
doing this for a huge variety of American public but
finally we're getting to it. Speaking of all the craziness
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I'm in Seattle. One of our big supporters of the
show in Seattle just came in. I was just asking
they can remain hidden. I said, can you share your
politics in Seattle? And they said and I'm saying they
not because their preferred pronoun is neither male nor female,
but because it's harder to figure out who it might be.

They said they had an American flag in the window,
just an American flag broken in the American flag. The
window was broken, the American flag was ripped out. I
got a lot of emails from many of you all
over the country. I want to read this one, and

it's amazing how many people even emailing me are saying,
please don't actually use my name head email. I just
got working in a very liberal field. Hi, I just
wanted to respond to the gentleman from South Carolina about
keeping your side to yourself. I'm a professor in a
large university. If I ever shared I support Trump, I

would be skewered, pure and simple. Instead, I make certain
I keep my classes neutral unlike many others. With that
in mind, please don't share my name. Love your show,
anonymous listener. We are deluged right now with VIPs out
there saying that they know exactly what it's like to

have to stay quiet. Mary says, hopefully I'm not get
anybody controlled by using just this name. If you worked
for the federal government during Obama. You could not let
anyone know your politics. Thirty year career. No one ever
talked politics there until Obama. I had to listen to
Obama followers stand in the halls and disparage Republicans, knowing

that if I spoke up, I would have lost my job.
I retired because I couldn't work around the horrible and
illegal actions. I can only imagine the pain of current
Republican federal employees, if any still remain. Joe Ann, thanks
so much for taking up for people in the workplace
who would be fired for speaking out. I have two

sons in high positions here in blank. They are staunch
conservatives for Trump that would be fired for speaking out.
I'm seventy five years old and living an area where
I can't we where I can't even wear my Trump shirt,
or I would have attacks. Thanks Clay at Leasa, writes Clay.
I work at my alma mater in the Boston area.

My job is unique part of a specific project I love.
If I were to speak against the group think and
wokeness here, I would be fired. As you said, no
paying the mortgage or caring for my elderly widowed mom.
There isn't another job like this one in town or
anywhere else. When we have anonymous surveys, I do push back.

But my twenty five year career was nearly ended over
the vax mandates. No appeals, no reason. Do I feel isolated?
You bet? I left many a meeting in tears during
the twenty sixteen twenty twenty elections. Imagine trying to socialize
with other employees, or god forbid, trying to date up here.
Thanks for keeping people like me in mind a lot

of these. I'm a small business owner trying to survive
after COVID. I live in southeast Wisconsin, probably one of
the most polarized areas in the country. We're staunch conservatives,
passionately Catholic, proud Americans. I cannot wait all caps to
vote for Trump. I'm also an old millennial thirty eight

years old. And when I tell you we cannot be
outwardly political, it's not because I'm scared. I'm not. The vitriol,
the hate, and the backlash to my business isn't worth it.
They would ruin this business. I wish I had the
privilege of living in South Carolina. These are all reactions

that are immediately rolling in from our caller in South
Carolina who was calling out the cowardice of people who
live in blue cities or blue states and aren't outwardly
outspoken about their political beliefs, and I just asked him
to consider what it might be like to not live
in a red part of a red state. And huge

numbers of people across the country are in that position
every single day. Now, you still have the opportunity to
support businesses that respect you nationwide and to listen to
media that respects you, but a lot of them have
to do it under cover, and I just think it's important.

One of the advantages that we have is we travel
all over the country. And I'm thinking about it far
more because of last night in Seattle and the number
of people who came up to me and said, we're
behind enemy lines here. We can't even put a Hillsdale
College bumper sticker on our car for fear what someone
might do in reacting to that, to say nothing of

a Trump flag or a Trump sticker in many of
these different locations. And so we've got to win, and
we got to win in twenty twenty four and help
to return sanity to this country. I do think that
what I just talked about, with Google firing twenty eight employees,
with Vanderbilt University firing students, suspending students, kicking them out

of school, with Columbia, of all places, calling in the
NYPD to clear all of the protesters off of their
central campus and arrest people who refuse to leave. Remember
it was only four years ago that on Columbia's campus
they were saying police are awful, we want them nowhere
near any one of our students. And now the university's

calling in police and saying, hey, oh, by the way,
can you please get all these knucklehead protesters out of
their tents off this campus. We need them arrested, and
we need them arrested now. I think for many people
out there, the Israel Pales nine conflict has been a
time for choosing you're either on the side of Israel

having the right to defend itself after the most brazen
attack upon Israelis since the Holocaust. People on social media
love to talk about how Trump is Hitler. Pretty confident
that Hitler didn't have grandchildren who were Jewish, Pretty confident
that Hitler wasn't and wouldn't be today, beloved all throughout Israel.

But a lot of people want to talk about others
who have different political opinions as if they are Nazis. Meanwhile,
they're supporting the people who are willing to kill Jews
because they're Jewish to the largest extent since World War Two,
since the Holocaust happened, I said last night, and the
people at Hillsdale love this. I probably should say it

more often on the show. I would like to raise
money for all the LGBTQI activists out there. Whatever the
total number of letters is, I will fly them personally
to Israel. I will escort them to Palestine so that

they can have a march in favor of gay rights
all throughout Palestine. Right now, I want them to actually
see what happens when Gays for Palestine actually goes to
Palestine and adcate advocates for gay people. Most of them
would never return. They would be murdered in cold blood immediately.

They have the luxury of protesting in America because of
Western civilization, which embraces free speech and basic human rights,
two things that do not exist anywhere in Palestine. We
have the largest generation of highly educated idiots in the
history of the world. Any of them are finally coming

face to face with the reality of their broken worldview,
such that everyone has to decide, are you on the
side of Israel or are you on the side of Palestine?
Do you support terrorists or do you support freedom? And
I would just venture I would offer what was the
headline the other day that I had to share with

you that I was an anti gay protester, anti gay bigott.
I think they called me for saying that I think
that men shouldn't be able to play in women's sports
in an effort to repair my relationship with the LGBTQPIGQ population.
Whatever the letters are, I'm going to charter a plane
and I will fly you to Palestine to protest in

favor of gay rights. If you have people that would
like to get on that plane, let me know. I
will charter it, I will personally fund it. I will
help take you to the border of Palestine. I'll even
allow you to bring your poster boards. I'll even allow
you to bring all of your vagina hats. I think
it'll be very well received inside of Palestine. Maybe you

can wear a burka and put the vagina hat on
top of it. I'm sure they would love that in Palestine.
They won't go probably, although I'll pay for it, because
deep down they understand how full of crap they really are.
They are using all of the values of Western civilization

that they now deride, all those awful old white men
who created the greatest legacy of freedom in the history
of the world through the rise of Western civilization. They're
using all of the benefits of capitalism, all of the
benefits of free speech and Western civilization, to deride capitalism,

free speech in Western civilization. And they're all so freaking dumb.
They don't even understand where their freedoms to protests come from.
They're trying to destroy the foundation and the fabric of
this country that has provided them the legacy and the
opportunity and the freedom to even make their ignorant, absurd arguments.

We come back, I'll close up shop here on the
Thursday edition of the program. Take some more of your calls,
appreciate all the feedback, love all of you. And I'll
also tell you a little bit more about the speech
that I gave last night at Hillsdale College with doctor
Larry arn there in attendance, and why his talk so
impressed me. All that and more will continue to give
the latest update on the Trump trial as well, and

on the eviction of all of those pro Palestine protesters
from Colombia. This is certainly a crazy time, and in
crazy times, you might think to yourself, you know what,
I want to protect the things that I care about
the most inside of my house, and that's probably your family.
What about the possessions inside of your house that you
want to make sure are not able to be stolen?

You know, now you're supposed to just let people show
up at your house and steal your things because you're
too fortunate if you have possessions inside of your home.
You know, as as they say in San Francisco, would
be racist to call the police if somebody shows up
and starts selling your things, because well, the people who
are trying to steal your things, they don't have as
much as you, so you should just let them take it. Well,
I didn't think that. Most of you probably disagree, and

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dot com slash radio ten percent off using that promo
code radio. For those of you out there that have
been running around, maybe have missed the news. Two jurors
have been excused, one potentially for lying another this is

the Trump trial. Another one because she has said that
she does not believe that she can now be impartial.
That is big news. It is significant to think about
where we are headed there. We're back down to five jurors.
I think the ideas that we're going to be able
to start on Monday is low, but That is the

big news, I would say, also the removal of the
protesters at Columbia University, Google firing twenty eight people. Tomorrow,
I'll have some fun talking about the crazy woman that
they have hired to run in PR. She was previously
involved in Wikipedia. We've got a clip that I'll play
for you tomorrow where I think many of you are
going to hear it and you're going to say, my goodness,
I can't believe this is real. But I wanted to

mention again that I am out in Seattle and it
is one of the most beautiful cities in America. Portland
also incredibly beautiful. San Francisco incredibly beautiful. All of them
are struggling because they don't really have a two party
system anymore. They just have different variations of left wing politics,

and as a result, the communities are all floundering. And
I think it's so important to remember the stat that
I shared with you earlier. More people voted for Trump
in California than any state in America. There are a
lot of people out there that are, as I would
say it, behind enemy lines, who don't feel like their

voices are being heard, and it's easy to forget about
those people if you are fortunate enough to live in
a red state. There's a woman in here with me
right now who needs to stay anonymous. But there was
another guy who has the same politics as her, mentioned
just by his first name, and she knew exactly who
it was because there's so few of them. She has

been here for much of her life and has seen
Seattle descend into chaos, and so many of you I
talked to last night about this as well, and I
am cautiously optimistic. You guys know, if you listen to
this show regularly, I am very optimistic about the way

the trajectory of the country is going. But it's important
to remember that not everybody can fight on an even
playing field. And I appreciate all of you. I mean,
I'm inundated right now with emails and comments from people
who say I've got to do everything I can to

keep this job so i can pay my mortgage, or
I've got to do everything I can to keep our
business up and running, and the last thing I need
to do is put my head above where they'll come
after me. I just think it's so important to keep
all of these individuals in mind. And I also think
This leads to what I believe is really important. There's

also opportunity here. That's why we started Crockett Coffee. That's
why I started OutKick. That's what I talked about a
lot with Hillsdale. The majorities are not being represented by
a lot of the elites out there. I use the
Dawn Staley example when she said women should have to

compete against men and that if you're a man who
identifies as a woman, you should be able to play
on her basketball team. I played that clip for the
Hillsdale College crew that I talked to last night, and
what I see is ninety percent of sports fans agree
that that's wrong. There's a knife fight for the ten
percent who thinks that that's heroic. Everybody wants to serve

that ten percent. What I would impart on all of
you out there, and I'll talk a little bit more
about this tomorrow, and Buck and I certainly have been
talking about it a lot. Take advantage from a business
perspective of ridiculousness on the left. It's one thing to
get angry. It's one thing to say, Oh, I'm not

going to drink bud light anymore. Oh I'm not going
to use this product. Why don't you start your own
companies and start to create a parallel economy, a parallel
economy of companies that absolutely love America and American values,
because I believe that audience is being hugely underserved right now.

And while you might not be able to scream your
political opinions, depending on what city you live in, you
can make decisions about which products you spend money on.
And I think there are tons of people in California
and New York and Illinois, Chicago, La, San Francisco, Seattle
where I am now Portland that agree with everything that

we say on this program. Don't have the ability to
yell their political opinions, but can quietly express them. That's
why we need a parallel economy. That's one way that
I think we helped take back this country and returns
insanity to an insane world. Be back with you guys tomorrow.
Appreciate all you hang in, spend claim Buck flat Travis

and Buck Sexton on the front lines of truth.

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