All Episodes

April 19, 2024 54 mins

Tonight on Battleground LIVE:

  • Republicans & Democrats in DC….two sides of the same coin 

  • Even Biden’s own Party hates him

  • FBI is warning about a cyber attack from China

  • Throwing Trump in jail for nothing has been the commie liberal plan all along

  • Democrats hate women…AND men


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Speaker 1 (00:03):

Speaker 2 (00:04):
You're about to enter the arena and join the battle
to save America with your host, Sean Parnell.

Speaker 3 (00:14):
What is a battle, Grew? It is a great day
to be an American. Welcome patriots, and from sea to
Shining Sea and everybody in between, Welcome patriots. It's great
to have you here. It is Friday. I have a
ton of stuff to get to today. I mean, I'm

gonna be hopping and popping through this stuff, multiple topics
pretty fast, because I like to try to keep it
to an hour. You all have lives, and I respect
your time because time is your most valuable asset. It's
also a hockey night in Fort Parnell and my youngest son,
who can be seen here, for our friends who are

listening on Clay Travis and Buck Sexton's RSS feed on iHeart,
which was Rush Limbaugh's old RSS feed, which, by the way,
it's pretty damn awesome to be a part of that.
This is my locals page which you should go over.
Is that little red button beneath the video. You should
go over and subscribe to it and follow it. I mean,

there's a paid option you can support the page. Awesome
if you do that, we love to have that. It
helps us build this studio that we work on every day.
But also you're going to get access to behind the
scenes stuff here in Fort Parnell that we are just
building out now. Obviously, Commander Melanie posted something about our
date night last week. This is hockey night in Fort

Parnell last week. And of course the latest photo see
what we have here from Dory. She posts on there often,
Grandpa posts on here often. We've got a live chat
function in a community building fun over there as well.
And this is the latest post. And that's Pubs McGee
doing her best Dumbo impression and of course you can
see her ears flying up in the air in a

very strong vertical leap. And that right there is my
daughter Natalie, and you can see that she's got her
leg and a brace and she had another knee procedure today,
but she's hanging in there. She's doing well. Okay. Also,
don't forget that if we have any sort of issues

with the Internet, any connectivity issues, we've been suffering from
cyber attacks on this end, doing everything we can to
stop and defeat them. If I go out, I will
do everything I can to reset everything and get back
in the arena because we will not be silenced here
in Fort Parnell. Okay, let me tell you quickly about

what we got coming down the pike today for the show.
We got Republicans and Democrats in DC, and really, under
Speaker Mike Johnson, they're two sides of the same coin.
We're going to talk about why that matters for you,
and how we're spending ourselves into oblivion. Even Biden's own
party has come to hate him. And I'm gonna show
you why the FBI is warning about a cyber attack

from China. We're gonna pivot quickly and talk about the
Israeli strike in Iran last night. The Democrats have been talking,
I mean, they talk a lot about this whole Trump
stuff being an organic. Oh, it's an organic thing in
this trial. Oh, we should respect the justice system, that's
all bs. The Democrats have been talking about throwing Trump

in prison for a long time. This was all part
of their plan. And I'm gonna show you in their
own words, and the Democrats hate women and hate men
and just people who happen to love this country. But
the Biden administration completely wrote rewrote title nine today and
it's devastating for not just young girls and women, but

it also is super dangerous for boys. Okay, let's jump
off the top rope and let's get into the arena.
Like I said, going to rock and roll through this
stuff lots to get to. But the uniparty is real.
We talked yesterday about Mike Johnson and a couple of
different things that might be happening with him. He has

drastically changed positions, drastically on where he stands as it
pertains to foreign policy, as it pertains to a to Ukraine,
as it pertains to what's going on in our border.
Something is going on. We don't know what it is,
but it's fairly clear to me that somebody has gotten
to Mike Johnson. But today the House voted overwhelmingly to

advance foreign aid bills for Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan, and Gaza.
So the vote was three hundred and sixteen to ninety four,
with one hundred and sixty five Democrats and one hundred
and fifty one Republicans voting yes. Which what does that
tell you in today's highly divided and divisive environment. That

just tells you that Republicans on this critical bill are
working hand in hand with Democrats and it's a shame.
And so here's how this is all going to work.
Just so you understand the procedural mechanisms that are going
to take place over the next couple of days, because
we're talking about Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan, and Gaza. So there's

going to be a separate vote on all of these
foreign aid packages to each individual nation and all of
those things. Then the next step in the House. Look,
nobody talks about this on shows, but you all need
to know how this works, and you need to know
it ahead of time. So all of these individual foreign
aid packages will be fused or braided together into one

big package that will be sent to the Senate in
what in a procedural move called MERVMRV, and that's an acronym.
The process of merging separate bills into one package after
each measure has passed the House separately, is known as
in procedural parlance as MERV. That's an acronym for multiple

independently targetable re entry vehicle or ballistic missiles that carry
multiple warheads. And what the House of Representatives is doing
effectively by putting all of these individual aid packages together
that effect is similar in the Senate, where you have
multiple things being voted on in one bill. I hate that,

and my sense is you hate that as well, because
all too often we see standalone bills that make a
hell of a lot of sense that never really get
proposed or aren't successful. And typically the game that's played
in Washington is they cobble thing. They cobble these bills
together so everybody gets a slice of the pie. So

Democrats and Republicans both will put something that's popular to
Republicans and popular to Democrats in one bill to make
it more enticing to vote for, you know. So that's
why we don't see standalone bills. That's also why it's
really bad for this country's bottom line. But that's what's
happening right now with all of these aid package bills.
And so here's the thing that really bothers me. And

I don't want to spend too much time on it
because we talked about this yesterday, but there's no border
security amendment here. In fact, Mike Johnson, as it stands
right now today, has voted by and large more with
Democrats than he has with Republicans, and in fact, the
vast majority of Democrats. I'm sorry, the vast majority of

Republicans are working with Democrats to fund wars all over
the world, in some cases both sides of these fights.
I don't know about you. I mean and listen, I
recap these thoughts in my positions on certain things for
all of our new listeners on iHeart. I know the

OG members of the battle crew know where I stand
on this stuff, But I despise funding wars in the
first place. Some things are worth fighting for. You know
how I feel about that. I get it. Every conflict,
every foreign policy situation, must be approached independently of others.

In other words, this whole blanket approach of we need
to fight the terrorists here to protect ourselves, fight to
terrorists there in order to protect ourselves here, that needs
to be thrown away and discarded upon the ash heap
of history. That is propaganda meant to entice as many
Americans as possible as in order to fight foreign wars.

A good example of propaganda that we're hearing today is
this catchphrase that if we don't stop Putin now, if
we don't defend freedom in Ukraine, Putin is going to
march across Europe. March across Europe is today's version of
we need to fight the terrorists there to protect ourselves here.

It's just the truth and not that there's not a
kernel of truth to that. Asymmetric threat of terrorism is real.
America has been subject to terrorist attacks before, but by
and large there's zero nuance. And this is my point,
there's zero nuance to that approach to foreign policy. But
I just take real issue with funding the borders of

other countries while not protecting our own border. And so
let me run down very quickly what is happening in
the US House of Representatives. So with Gallagher gone, Republicans
will be down to and this is Mike Gallagher from Wisconsin,
the d bag that retired early and basically, instead of
having a special election and giving Republicans in the House

of Representatives the opportunity to fill the seat prior to November,
he retired exactly on April nineteenth, which is what which
basically ensures that no special election can take place in Wisconsin,
thereby deferring an election to November, so Republicans won't be
able to even have an opportunity to fill his seat,
creating a very an even slimmer majority for Republicans in

the House. They won't have an opportunity to win that
seat back until November, and realistically there's not going to
be a Republican in that seat until January of twenty five.
So my point is Gallagher of Wisconsin is gone. So
Republicans are down to a two hundred and seventeen seat
to two hundred and thirteen seat majority. The election for

Brian Higgins's seat, this is a Republican that's that's retiring
and stepping down, is April thirtieth. Now that adds another Democrat,
so that moves the Democrats minority to two hundred and fourteen.
So now it becomes two seventeen to fourteen Republicans with
a three seat majority. The election for Kevin McCarthy's seat,

which is in a safe Republican district, is May twenty first.
That adds a Republican seat. The election for Bill Johnson's seat,
who also retired as June eleventh, that is in a
safe Republican district. That should add another Republican seat to
our majority. So after that it becomes after all these
elections take place, it should be a two nineteen to

two fourteen majority. Republicans should have a five seat majority. Again,
it's not a lot. I mean, five seat majority is
not a lot. But I want to show you because often,
like we talk about, we talk about the Democrats' plans
and trying to get a sense of what they're up to.

And that's what I really like to talk about on
the show a lot to give you a sense of
what's coming. You can often tell what the Democrats are
up to by how they're reacting and how they talk
about Republicans and how they're talking about the issues of
the day, by analyzing their propaganda and trying to read
between the lines. Listen to how Nancy Pelos, one of
the most corrupt individuals ever to grace the speakership in Washington, DC,

is talking about Speaker Johnson right now. Now, as you
listen to this, you tell me, you tell me if
whether or not Mike Johnson as a Republican Speaker of
the House is representing you or representing we the people. Listen, Speaker,
he's the Speaker.

Speaker 4 (12:22):
Johnson on CNN Today with Jake Tapper, he did an
interview and he said that the United States should stand
with Ukraine for freedom to make sure that Vladimir Putin
doesn't seam roll across a European country. Do you give
him credit for that? I mean, you hear the anger
in his conference over this issue. Do you give him
any credit for coming forward now and saying this is

a matter of historical importance?

Speaker 5 (12:48):
Well, it is.

Speaker 6 (12:49):
I think it's courageous of him to say, because you
have to understand that in his own caucus, the chairman
of the Intelligence Committee and the Chairman of the Foreign
Affairs Committee, two leaders respect on both sides of the Aisle,
has said that Russian propaganda has infiltrated the Republican side
of the Aisle. So he has to deal with that.

And for him to say that the democracy in Ukraine
is an issue that we must support is a bold statement.

Speaker 3 (13:20):
Is a bold statement. So Nancy Pelosi is praising Mike Johnson.
That should send off alarm bells for you. Something isn't right.
And listen, I told you that it was likely that
the intelligence community, after three meetings with Mike Johnson, either
scared the hell out of him, have something on him,
blackmailing him. I don't know. I've got no proof of

any of that, but I can also tell you that
the FBI and our intelligence communities have been watching members
of Congress and building portfolios on all of them, and
they use those portfolios as leverage over them when they
need a vote, when they need Republicans and Democrats to
tow the line the deep state. Believe me when I

tell you there's a full court press from the intelligence
community on those members devote the way that the intelligence
community wants, otherwise risk politics of personal destruction. This isn't
just me saying it. Tucker Carlson went on Joe Rogan
just yesterday, I think it was yesterday, and said the
same thing.

Speaker 2 (14:19):
Listen, punished, they're worried about someone putting kitty porn on
their computer. Members of Congress are terrified of the Intel agencies. Yep,
I'm not guessing at that. They've told me that, including
people on the Intel Committee, including people who run the
Intel Committee, the people whose job it is to oversee
and keep in line these enormous secretive agencies, whose budgets

we can't even know. They're black budgets. They're the parents,
The agencies are the children. They're afraid of the agencies.
That's not compatible with democracy. Democracy is a really simple
system even representative democracy like ours. The people rule, they
do so through a lit actions. They express their preference

through voting, They send their people to the capital city
to run the government on their behalf. Whenever you have
unelected people who are not accountable to anyone making the
biggest decisions, you don't have a democracy. You have something else,
another system. I would call it a tyranny or whatever
you want to call it. It's not a democracy. So
that's like super obvious. It's playing out in front of everyone,
and no one cares that, no one does anything about it.

And I think the reason is because they're threatened. And
if you look at the committee chairman who allow this
shit to happen year after year, they're all and I
don't know, people say, oh, they're compromised.

Speaker 1 (15:34):
Or being blackmailed.

Speaker 2 (15:35):
I don't have evidence of that, but I know them
and they all have things to hide. I know that
for a fact. And so it's not a stretch of
imagination to imagine that you know, some committee chairman who's
allowing warrantless spying on Americans to continue, or whatever abuse
they're allowing, knowing fully or hiding the truth about UAP's
ignoring the UAP disclosure active to twenty twenty three, Like,

why are they doing that? It's not possible to imagine
that some guy with a drinking problem or a weird
sex life, and that's very common, very common up there.
That's why they're doing it because they don't want to
be expected. I don't I don't have evidence of that.
I don't approof of that. But that's not a crazy
thing to assume that that could be happening. And I
said to somebody, a very powerful person, listen to this

the other day in a conversation in my kitchen, an
elected official holds a really senior position, a very famous person.
I was going crazy.

Speaker 1 (16:26):
I was so mad about all this stuff.

Speaker 2 (16:28):
And about the warrantless spying, and about the funding for
these insane wars. And I said to the guy who
serves in one of the legislative bodies, like I got
so mad. My dogs were afraid. They're like, well, why
you're yelling, because I don't yell at home.

Speaker 1 (16:41):
But I was like, all these people are controlled, they're
all you know, we got weird sex lives and all
these things are hiding, and they're being blackmailed by the
intel agencies and he said, and I'm quoting, I know,
it was like, are we okay?

Speaker 2 (16:55):
So at this point we're just sort of we're just
sort of admitting.

Speaker 3 (16:58):
That's yeah, we are, folks. Listen, I do the best
that I can on this show to give you the truth.
I can't guarantee that I'll always be right, but I
use what I know of Washington. I don't give a
damn about Republican Democrats. I go after both of them,
but I do my best to tell you exactly how

the game is played, exactly how the parties are thinking
and why they do what they do, because I want
you to have the truth and be armed with the facts.
I mean, does this mean that all of you know
my thoughts and feelings will be right on certain issues?
Of course not. But on this show we think critically,

and on this show I listen to you and I
read your comments. I mean listen. As the show grows,
it gets harder and harder to do, but I still try.
And I had somebody write to me last night. I'm
not going to say is a full name because I
don't have his permission, but it's tie. He wrote to
me on X and he had a really interesting thought

about what was happening with Mike Johnson, and I got
to tell you, I think that there's something to this, Okay,
he said, I listened to you in the three hours
of Clay and Buck via Clay and Bucks podcast each night.
The reason why Mike Johnson has changed because I believe
they are forcing or threatening him with more neo cons

or fake Republicans resigning and flipping the House to Democrats.
I think the tie could be really onto something here,
and just go with me here. So say you've got
six Republicans or seven Republicans who are moderates, who are
in swing swing districts, who are in Biden plus districts,

yet somehow they win. They vote with us sixty percent
of the time. But to you and to me, we
consider them squishes, not nearly conservative enough. But it's better
to have a Republican than the US House of Representatives
than a Democrat who's voting with Biden in these radical
COMMI mouths for there's one hundred percent of the time, right.
I believe that if you have six or seven of

these people saying, listen, my constituents sent me here to
vote for Ukraine. They want this, they want to vote for.
Keep in mind, it's their job to represent their constituents,
and their constituents are telling them sent literally sending them
to Washington to support the ideas that they put forth. Hey,

we want you to support Ukraine. We want all of
these aid packages. No, we're happy with the border situation
as it is. I disagree with that. That's crazy. Of course,
it's a five alarm fire at the southern border. But
my point is if these Republicans tell Mike Johnson, if
you don't start working in a bipartisan way, we're retiring,
thereby effectively giving the speakership to a Keem Jeffries prior

to November. If you're Mike Johnson, what do you do?
The answer is the answer is no. I mean Commander
Melanie and I talked about this at length today. The Democrats,
if with six seven, eight months prior to November, could
do untold damage to this country. So Mike Johnson says, hey,

maybe what we do is we just mark time. Hey, yeah,
I passed these bills. Yes, they're not popular with the base,
they're not popular with my constituents who put me here. Yes,
I take one for the team, but at least I
keep the Democrats out of power, because the Democrats, believe me,
if they controlled the House of Representatives, the Senate, in
the White House, they would federalize all elections. You'd have

mass mail in ballots sent with no excuse to every door,
people be harvest in ballots. They'd pass the pro Act,
which effect effectively gives Union protection to illegal aliens who
come into this country. It would destroy the American middle class.
We'd be a communist, a full blown communist country in
nine months. And so listen. This might be an overly

charitable view of what's happening here, but I thought TI
was onto something that could be a very real possibility
that Mike Johnson's being threatened with retirements and rather than
give the House of Representatives to a Keem Jefferies, he's
allowing he's taking one for the team. I don't know

if that's the case. I have no proof that that's
the case. I do know for a fact that other
Republicans in the US House of Representatives are talking about retiring,
and chances are there will be more before November. So
maybe this is the deal that Mike Johnson struck with
them in order to keep them in the fight. I
don't know, but on this show we wore game, and
I thought Tye. First of all, thank you ty for

listening to the show and watching the show. We're lucky
to have folks like you, and everyone that's watching on
RUMBLED right now, we're lucky to have you. But I'm
telling you, folks, Tye was onto something. All right. I'm
sure you've surmised by now that Biden is, of course

a disaster, because he is. We're conservatives, were Republicans. Of
course he is. But even the Democrats are starting to
despise this man now. And Commander Melanie, she's from Delaware.
She knows Democrats in Delaware who know Biden and the
Biden family very very very well. And I will tell

you this that Biden and Commander Melanie would tell you
that Biden has been an a hole his entire life.
Democrats in Delaware despise this man and despise his family. No,
this is an old lunchbucket joe, happy, affable campaigner. No,
behind the scenes, Biden is a gigantic douche canoe. In fact,

you see his teeth, that big Biden's smile, fake smile,
Democrat dentist in Delaware. I believe his name was Lyons
l yo Ns gave him these porcelain veneers. Biden never
paid the bill. Isn't that interesting that Biden's own smile
is so fake and he didn't even pay for it.

That the most Biden thing you've ever heard in your life.
And apparently the dentist that did this had passed away,
but his wife might still be alive and still talks
about this and can verify this to this day. But
this is a fairly well known story in Delaware. Biden's
a douche canoe. And now that the vast majority of

the country and the Democrat Party have had the opportunity
to live under three years of Biden and watch him
conduct himself, how he conduct him conducts himself in the
Oval Office, I think they're starting to hate him too.
And Biden is in the middle of me doing this
show of doing a disaster tour all across the state

of Pennsylvania. And yes, it is a disaster for him.
Listen to how he was agreeeded in Philadelphia when he
arrived arrived there by pro hamas sympathized terrorist sympathizers there
in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Listen to this.

Speaker 2 (24:05):
Hey, do not.

Speaker 3 (24:06):
Do not.

Speaker 7 (24:09):

Speaker 3 (24:11):
Coudo Joe Man.

Speaker 7 (24:14):
In North Philadelphia. This listen our community and our president
cannot nagant it that building for the whole care jend
Joe his hare for vote.

Speaker 8 (24:29):

Speaker 3 (24:32):
I hate to laugh, but I don't care. I don't care.
Biden is the worst. I'm glad that his party hates him.
Uh and listen to this Philadelphia voter on Biden. I mean, seriously,
this this just happened. Listen, listen to this.

Speaker 8 (24:45):
My thing is, you know, you got all these people
here for this guy named Biden. Right, we got a
lot of people, veterans in the street suffering. You got
low income families where he actually came to visit, struggling.
But you got migrants, immigrants coming over here legal and
they're helping people when you're gonna help the American people.
That's what I would like to know, you know, and

then you pull our troops from Afghanistan, make us look
weak as a country. Now people don't take a serious
They laugh at us, they look at us like a joke.
And then now on top of that, you're not like
mentally capable of running a country. Bro, Get you know
who is Trump. Trump is listen, he's quick to push buttons.

But that's what we need. We need an iron fist
for this country because Biden, I mean Biden, he's a
he's a he's.

Speaker 3 (25:32):
Going through al Teimers. He's a joke.

Speaker 8 (25:34):
Trump. He don't play around man. He gets things done
and he gets you see action, You see action, man,
He gets things done.

Speaker 3 (25:39):
We don't need this piece of ship in office.

Speaker 8 (25:42):
We need I'm sorry, my dad.

Speaker 3 (25:43):
We need Biden, bro I mean not Biden. We need Trump.

Speaker 8 (25:46):
Bring Trump back because he got things done and we've
seen results, actually stimulus checks.

Speaker 3 (25:51):
But we're handed out to people. What is Biden doing?
I mean it's crazy. And it's not just people off
the street. I mean Stevens Smith, who's voting a hardcore
Democrats whole life. I mean, he's even weighing in and
hating on Biden. Listen to this. It just doesn't stop.
I mean, there's so much sound on this that I
had to cut some of it from the show because

so many Democrats now, just within the last two weeks,
have been hating on Biden an insane amount. Listen to
Stephen Smith.

Speaker 9 (26:22):
When I think about Donald Trump, I think about this
case in New York. I mean, I'm looking at the
Democrats right now, and again primarily I have voted Democrat
throughout my life, but I'm utterly disgusted with what I'm
seeing because it seems to me that they're trying to
use the law in the courts. They've clearly politicized this
thing with Donald Trump because they can't come up with
a strategy to offset the momentum he's clearly gained in

at least five polls, He's up. He's up in the
polls over Biden at least five polls that I counted.
That's the reality of the situation. Despite the counts against them,
the indictments against them, being impeached twice, and all of
this other stuff. He is the presumptive GOP nominee and
you don't seem to have the issues in your favor.
You believe so because of that, you're going to manipulate

the system as best as you possibly can to avoid
him possibly running for reelection again. That appears to be
their strategy, but I'm here to tell you it's not working.

Speaker 3 (27:22):
I'm just telling you Biden is very very easy to hate,
and Democrats are not excited about this guy, and it's
not hard to see why he poops his pants in
front of world leaders. This whole cannibal story was crazy.
Not only was it crazy, it was all an insane lie,

something that he dreamed up in a fever dream. I
don't know he lied about the cannibals. His uncle didn't
fly a single engine plane. His uncle was a mechanic
on a cargo plane that crashed out of a mechanical issue.
He wasn't shot down, he wasn't eaten by cannibals. Just
simply never happened. And Democrats, I'm telling you, are just

embarrassed by the fact that this guy is just an
intergalactic level animated corpse moron. I mean, listen to Joe
Biden talking today about getting flipped off by children. Yep,
you heard that correctly. Just listen for yourself.

Speaker 10 (28:24):
I've never ever thought i'd see a sign when I'm
going through a neighborhood or a rural town in the West,
to see big science that have a Trump sign in
the middle, says Biden, and having a little kid standing
with his middle finger seven years old, eight years old. Well,

I promise it happens all the time.

Speaker 3 (28:48):
Oh I promise little kids flick Biden off all the
time seven eight years old. Oh, I promise. I just
I'm having a hard time keeping it together because this
guy is such an imbecile. And I mean, there's no
way he got eighty one million votes. Do I believe
he got lots of votes, mostly people who probably didn't

like Trump in twenty twenty? Yeah? Do I believe Donald Trump? No?
Do I believe he got eighty one million votes? No?
I believe he's far less popular today than he was
in twenty twenty because the shine is completely off. Here's
Joe Biden talking about Russia. Yesterday, he told Israel not
to attack a city in Israel. Listen to Biden talk

about Russia.

Speaker 10 (29:35):
How do we get to the place where, you know,
Putin decides he's gonna just invade Russia. Nothing like this
has happened as World War Two?

Speaker 3 (29:45):
Putin invades Russia. Nothing like this has happened since World
War Two? What the hell is this guy talking about?
When I say this is like weekend Bernie's three, My god,
I mean it when I say that that zombies from

the Walking Dead or zombies couldn't determine whether Biden himself
was a zombie. I mean it, it's unbelievable that this
guy is the commander in chief. And so yesterday there
was this video of Biden shuffling around a wah Wah,
And first of all, the actual original video itself was

unbelievably embarrassing. He goes, he goes up to the counter,
whispers something to the kid behind the counter. The order
is already taken for him. He tries to order a milkshake.
He wanders around for a little bit, tries to shake
the hand of a pillar, can't figure out how to
close a box, stands out, stares off into the middle

of a space, and then then he just the camera
follows him. He just like walks around and can't even
find out where he's supposed to order this milkshake. It's
absolutely unbelievable. And then I come to find out that
the entire visit to wah Wah was completely staged, as
if it's some sort of high school musical. Not even exaggerating, folks.

So this could be hard for people to hear if
you're listening on iHeart or on Spotify or Apple podcasts,
wherever you listen to your podcast. So I'm going to
sort of narrate this for you, but for the folks
who are watching, you'll be able to see clear as day.
Listen very carefully to one of Biden's handlers. Tell the
kid behind the registers, Hey, Biden's going to tip you,

and this is what you should do and say. Nothing
that you see is real. Listen, look, watch, listen. That's
his handler. He's talking to everybody behind the counter giving instructions. Right,
he's already got the hog. He's made up, pre made,

pre boxed. You're gonna do, you're gonna do. This's and
what you've got her. He's gonna give you a tip
to just take it all right, So look, they're all

prepping everything, see all the handlers.

Speaker 6 (32:28):
Of course, whatever I bring me a yoga.

Speaker 3 (32:33):
Bring me a yogurt, bring me a yogurt, It doesn't
matter what's one, because Biden and the mayor want a yogurt.
I mean, the original video is horrible because Biden looked
like he was completely lost in the sauce. Then come
to find out it's a million times worse than because

the entire thing was staged. The guy can't even go
through and do a campaign stop at a gas station
first of all, nobody's even there, nobody's even nobody even
shows up for it's completely empty gas station. Nobody gives
a damn about him. He can't even figure out how
to make it through what was a very staged campaign. Stop, folks,
this man is the leader of the free world. This

man is supposed to be the leader of the most
powerful country on Earth, and he can't even manage to
figure out how to put in an order for a
milkshake at a wah wah gas station in a pre
staged event. Wrap your mind around that. Also flagged for

me by the great and powerful Aunt Cindy, who from
time to time will make herself known in the live chat.
She's a lurker, but she watches. She's always watching. Sent
me is flagged for me Hammerhead throwing a tip in
a rumble rant or a tip in the super chats
in our live chat. Thank you, Hammerhead. I really appreciate

that one hundred percent of the proceeds that go in
the live chat go to the studio fund and making
this show better. Your tips, your support keep the show
independent and allows us to essentially talk about the things
that we want to talk about. And so another quick
reminder for folks who are just joining us, make sure

you smash that little green thumb beneath the video. Smash
that like button. It helps the show a lot. Okay,
let's pivot directly to we are moving and we are shaking.
You see how this works. We're moving from topic to topic,
cramming a lot into what is forty minutes, and we're
on the home stretch of the show right now. The
FBI warns of an eminent cyber attack. The FBI says

the Chinese hackers are preparing to launch an attack on
US infrastructure. FBI Director Christopher Ray said the Chinese will
have the ability to physically wreak havoc on our critical
infrastructure at a time of its choosing. Ray said that
the Chinese have successfully gained access to companies throughout the
US and energy, telecommunications, water, and have targeted twenty three

pipeline operations. The People's Republic of China has made it
clear that it considers every sector that make our society
run as spare game and it's bid to dominate on
the world stage, and that its plan is to now
land blows against civilian infrastructure to try to reduce or
try to induce panic and break America's will to resist.

So a couple things about this, Well, here's here's This
is Christopher Ray in his own words, So you don't
have to hear me talking about it, but just listen.
Listen here to Christopher Ray.

Speaker 5 (35:43):
Our most immediate concern has been that individuals or small
groups will draw some kind of twisted inspiration from the
events in the Middle East to carry out attacks here
at home. But now increasingly concerning is the potential for
a coordinated attack here in the homeland, akin to the

isis K attack we saw at the Russia concert hall
just a couple of weeks ago.

Speaker 3 (36:11):
Okay, I wish we lived in a country where I
could trust our institutions. I wish we lived in a
country where the FBI didn't destroy trust and faith that
we have as Americans in that institution. I also find it,

first of all, if it's true, it's concerning, but me
questioning that institution isn't my fault. It's not because I'm
a conspiracy theorist. It's not because you're a conspiracy theorist.
It's because the FBI destroyed our trust and faith in them.
I find it curious that all of these threats are

just only now being voiced, while simultaneously the House of
Representatives is passing aid packages to Ukraine, Israel, Hamas aid
for Gaza, whatever Taiwan. At the same time all of
these threats are announced, the House of Representatives is also
voting on FAIZA seven oh two, which would allow the FBI,

you know, which would allow warrantless spying from the FBI
on the American people. I mean, come on, right, folks,
you see through this stuff, right? I hope that I'm wrong.
And by the way, China is a threat. They are
a geopolitical threat. They do have that. Their number one
geopolitical goal is to depose the United States of America
as the world's loan superpower. But again, it's sad that

we live in a world where I can't trust my
intelligence community. I didn't do that. They did. And what
makes it all the more egregious, folks, is that the
FBI has been going after January sixth, grandmothers in pro
lifers and parents who dared to protest and speak out

at school board meetings. You know, moms that wear yoga
pants and drive mini vans, that complained about porn and
their schools are now on FBI watch lists. I mean
the FBI just released or one of our intelligence communities
today just released a report saying that they're afraid of
white supremacists partnering with Jihattis to wreak chaos in America.

I'm sorry, I just don't believe that. Again, I didn't
cause this. You did. And so why does this matter?
Because it makes it all the more dangerous here in
America because, as is typically the case with our intelligence communities,
some of what they're saying is true. Is China a threat? Absolutely?

Has critical infrastructure in the US been attacked with cyber
attacks very recent in our very recent past. Yes, a
water facility here in western Pennsylvania was hacked. We had
a pipeline that was hacked. Our banking systems have been hacked. Yes,
that's a risk that happens. But it's just a shame
that our intelligence communities have caused us to not trust them.

That makes the world and our country a more dangerous place. Also,
talk quickly about Israel and what's going on there. Yesterday
Israel struck in the heart of Iran in a place
called Isfahan. Now, if you had been watching this show
like the og members of the battle Crew or listening
to the show every day, like I hope you are.

Then you heard my buddy combat veteran of the Israeli
Defense Force and the American military tell you that Israel
was very very likely going to going to strike Isfahan.
And what he told me today is that the IDF
and this is rock solid intelligence, folks, Like what I'm

telling you is what I'm telling you is the truth.
You're not going to hear this anywhere else. But three
IAF missiles targeted the anti aircraft missile sites at Natans,
which is a nuclear reactor enrichment plant in Isfahan. Basically,
what Israel was trying to do there was send a
message to the IRGC and Iran saying that we can

take out your air defenses and we can take out
your nuclear reactors whenever the hell we want. So do
I think that this is the end? Do I think
that Israel is going to push the attack anymore? No?
I don't unless the Iranians are really really stupid. It
seems like Israel is at least done for now. And

here's the other interesting tidbit that again you're not going
to hear anywhere else, but Blincoln was told ahead of time.
He was told that Israel was going to strike Iran,
yet nobody and our media reported that, and the Biden
administration sure is held didn't tell anybody. Let's talk about
Trump here for a second, and the fact that throwing

Trump in prison has been something that the Democrats have
been having we dreams about since twenty sixteen. It's not
even an exaggeration. But today outside the Trump trial in
New York, a anarcho communist, a communist, anarco, or whatever
the hell these people are called. He's a leftist Bernie
Sanders supporter that has a picture on Facebook or I

think his profile picture is avatar picture on Facebook is
of him with Bill Clinton. He's a radical leftist self
immolated in front of the of the Trump trial. That
don't watch the video unless you have a strong heart,
because it was horrifying. But it's absolutely ridiculous that the
left has taken to self immolating any time that they

don't like something that's going on. But again, the Democrats
have been talking about throwing Trump in prison for a
very long time and indicting him for a very long time.
So I found very interesting video from our friends at
Grabian on x or Twitter of Democrats using the same
language that they're using today to try to throw Trump

in jail. Only this is they've been saying this for
over like the last seven years now. It's crazy. The
full videos three minutes and thirty two seconds. I'm not
going to play the full video. I'm just going to
give you all a taste because these Democrats are insane
and they play for keeps, and they have a long
term strategy and they don't hesitate the wheeled power when

they have it. And Republicans better wake up soon because
it's about to be too late. Listen. The eight House
Democrats have recently voted to advance articles of impeachment.

Speaker 7 (42:35):
Yes, the president, a sitting president can be indicted even.

Speaker 3 (42:38):
If the president were to somehow find some way to terminate.
Muller that the indictments would continue to grind.

Speaker 4 (42:43):
You could appeach anybody on anything, you can try and indict.

Speaker 3 (42:48):
We'll peach them first, and an indicte.

Speaker 7 (42:49):
Them is not functioning as the president of the United States. Frankly,
if he ever gets indicted, he'll have insanity is a
defense I suppose from a criminal of charge.

Speaker 3 (42:57):
They're starting to hear people talk about the possibility that
Donald Trump leaves office in two years and then finds
himself in the crosshairs of these New York prosecutors. This
sitting president can and should be indicted.

Speaker 1 (43:09):
President there for sure is more than likely going to
start some jail time.

Speaker 3 (43:12):
It's clear that Trump is the target and he'll be
indicted eventually. On the day Donald Trump leaves office, the
Justice Department may indict him. Now there is talk of
jail time for the President.

Speaker 4 (43:23):
That Muller could indict the president for obstruction of justice.

Speaker 7 (43:26):
Donald Trump should be indicted for calling a cooperating witness, ared.

Speaker 2 (43:30):
He should have been indicted. If a sitting president can
be indicted by the Justice Department.

Speaker 4 (43:35):
Why aren't we.

Speaker 10 (43:36):
At the target?

Speaker 6 (43:37):
Trump having committed crimes to get the presidency, So why
aren't we at an indictment yet?

Speaker 2 (43:43):
I think there's generally consensus the president has probably committed
indictable crimes, very strongly in.

Speaker 3 (43:48):
Favor of indicting the president when he is out of office,
that there may be enough evidence to indict Trump. Is
Donald Trump going to be indicted?

Speaker 1 (43:56):
Maybe it'll happen, Maybe he'll go to prison. You know,
we see the inside of a prison zone.

Speaker 3 (44:01):
DA could get a ham sandwich and dieted. Hey, listen,
Trump's the Big Mac. Even if Donald it goes on
for another minute and a half. And the sound bites
that you heard, compiled together were from all the way
from twenty sixteen, twenty seventeen, twenty eighteen, twenty nineteen, and
take you all the way through to present today. What's

happening that's unfolding before us is not our justice system
working as it should. This has been a careful, well
planned calculation of the Democrats for a year, for years,
for years, they've been saying this. Again, much of the

sound that you just heard twenty sixteen, twenty seventeen, twenty eighteen,
twenty nineteen, we didn't even get into the most recent stuff.
They've been saying this stuff for damn near eight years now.
And so you talk about a Rigg trial. Fox News
reported today that some of the jurors that were dismissed.

One of them worked for the Hillary Clinton campaign in sixteen.
One works for Michael Cohen's podcast production company, The Serial
and Convicted Liar. The other one is close family friends
with Chris Christy and listen folks, these are the ones
that just told the truth. How many communist thug mouth

breathing liars are doing exactly that to get on the
to get on the jury, just to have a shot
at convicting Trump. This is the most anti American farce
that we have ever witnessed in any of our lives.
And it's not even particularly close. The reason why I'm

covering all of this and showing you, I mean, look,
we can forget pretty quickly because the news cycle moves
very fast about all the things that the Democrats have
been saying for eight years. They have been talking about
throwing the guy in prison for a long time. And
so not only should Republicans wake up, but my message
to the Trump people, and I think they know this,

that when you win, there has got to be no
holds bar accountability otherwise that I mean, like otherwise the
Democrats will not stop with Trump. They're coming for the
rest of us. I'm telling you you can bank on that.
And so the media is because the trial itself isn't
allowed to be televised, the media is like reporting on

every little thing, and it's dangerous because the media is
telling everything through their lens. But What's interesting about all
of it is that Trump is a master of using
the media to get his message out there. So even
though the fake news is trying to put their spin
on it, they can't compete with Trump, who is five
steps ahead of them every single time he talks. But

the media is reporting every time Trump blinks his eyes,
and they're saying, oh, Trump fell asleep. Oh he he
dipped his head and he closed his eyes and he
fell asleep, trying to make it seem like, oh, look,
how old Trump is. He's just as old as Biden,
and they're both too old for the office, thereby neutralizing
the fact that Biden's old. Here's what I think I
think Trump should lean into this. I think Trump should

sleep through as much of the trial as he possibly can.
I mean, like, this entire thing is a farce. It
should be treated as such, and it's just that simple.
Trump should catch up on some much needed sleep right
in the heart of the trial, because that would be amazing.
In fact, I had a very wise platoon sergeant when

I was in combat in Afghanistan. His name is Greg Grease,
and the guy's an American hero. He slept a lot
when we weren't on missions so which really wasn't often.
We weren't back on the base often because we were
outside the wire all the time. But when we were resting,
he would sleep like twelve thirteen hours a day. And
I said to him once on patrol, I said, why
do you sleep so much? Man? He kind of talked

like this like Sam Elliott in the movie We were Soldiers.
He said, Sir, He's like, if I sleep twelve hours
a day, then I only got to be here six
months and we were supposed to be in Afghanistan for
a year. And I thought to myself, that's pretty smart.
That's actually pretty good logic. Sleep for twelve hours a day.
Your deployment's only half the time. And so that's what

Trump should do in the midst of the trial. Just
sleep control these garbage lives, and hey, cut it all
in half. Get maybe catch up on some sleep and
some rest as well. Okay, Biden gutted Title nine protections
for girls. Okay, he basically made gender identity a protected status.

And what he also did is roll back do process
protections for boys who are accused of some sort of
sexual assault or something like that in college shunts. These kids.
These boys mostly into these kangaroo courts where colleges, these
DEI employees oversee their trial. They're the judge, they're their jury,

they're the executioner. One allegation can destroy a life. But
basically what happened is he abolished Title nine. And for
those of you all that don't know, Title nine is
basically something that protects women's sports. It sets aside a
set number of college scholarships for women athletes. Only women
can get these scholarships. Every college has them. But now

Biden just did away with that by allowing, if this
goes through, men to compete in women's sports. So basically
what this did was sex is now gender identity. What
was a clear biological fact, a binary biological fact, men
and women are two distinct entities. Now it's just gender identity.

And in a nutshell, the review means men can take
academic and athletic scholarships from women. Here here's the next part. Ready,
men will have full access to women's bathrooms and locker rooms.
Men could be housed in dorm rooms with women, and

students and faculty must compel their speech by requiring the
use of preferred pronouns. If the guidelines above, or ignored
or even questioned, you can be charged with harassment and
so what this also does the rewriting of this this

statute to protect women. The regulation also seeks to u
turn the bad old days where sexual misconduct was sent
to campus kangaroo courts not resolved in a way that
actually sought justice. This is from Betsy de Vas. It
restores the so called single investigator model, where the same
campus DEI bureaucrats the detective prosecutor, judge, jury, and executioner.

It functionally eliminates live hearings designed to seek the truth,
and it returns adjudications the preponderance of the evidence standards,
where essentially a coin flip about guilt or innocence can
remove a student from campus and tarnish their reputation for life.
I don't have to tell you all that one accusation

for a young man on campus that's false can destroy
a life forever, lose college scholarships, use lose academic scholarships,
lose everything because of this, and the Biden administration just
rolled it all back. It's just absolutely horrifying, but people
are sick of it. The silver lining is people are

standing up and there's this news broke today of five
middle school This is from Riley Gaines. Actually she put
this out there. The five middle school female athletes in
West Virginia refused to throw shot put against male Becky
Pepper Jackson. So that's the pathway forward. Women, teenagers, just

refuse to compete. Should you have to go through this alone. No,
is this a difficult stance for a teenager or a
young woman to take, Absolutely, because it's gonna try. It's
gonna draw the ire of the trans mafia, insane people.
But the stance is worthwhile. All all stances that must

be taken are often tough, so don't even put that
in your calculator. Just refuse to compete against men. And parents,
both moms and dads. Stand with your daughters. Men, especially
even if you don't have daughters. They should not have
to go through this alone. Stand with them and say

hell no to this. We've got five kids. We got
three daughters, two sons. If this goes through, potentially make
their future a healthscape worse than what Biden's even doing today.
We have to stop this. And so that, folks, that's
it for today. I mean, hey, I made it through

a bunch of topics in an hour, didn't I. I
hope you all have a great weekend, and I really
want to remind you all to smash that like button.
That little green thumb beneath the video helps the show
immensely propels us closer to the leader board with every
little green thumb out there. I hope you have an
awesome weekend, folks. We have an amazing week plan for

you next week, trying to take this show to the
next level every single day. Can't do that without you all,
so thank you. I am popping smoke from here. It's
a hockey night in Fort Parnell again. My son's game
is in four minutes now, so I'm gonna be a
little bit late, but I need to make sure that
he sees me in the stands so I can cheer
for him. So we're rushing there right now. But thank

you all so so much for watching the show and
sticking with us, even on a Friday, which I know
is tough for a lot of people. But as always, folks,
God bless you all, and may God bless the most
amazing nation on the face of the planet, the United
States of America. Keep the faith, folks, take action, and

I will see you on Monday. Take care, good night,

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